#but Xander have fun
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regaliasonata ¡ 1 month ago
I had an epiphany…this is what Daggeron looks like without his shirt🧡👌🏾✨
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lisavetbathory ¡ 10 months ago
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reading is good
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disastardly ¡ 5 months ago
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For the five of us on this site that care this specifically about Mystic Force, here are some hi-res pics of their wizard uniforms, courtesy of the Power Rangers prop auction currently going on.
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accirax ¡ 14 days ago
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Thus concludes Blind Date or Die. Thank you for watching, and Happy Valentine's Day! 💕
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uss-genderprise ¡ 9 days ago
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yeah i turned all the main(ish) btvs characters into cats now too. what of it
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tiny-xander-adventures ¡ 3 months ago
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slowly but surely cleaning out the inbox!
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clarissaweasley-10 ¡ 6 months ago
Fun fact: Rohan's last name is the equivalent of your love life.
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emotional-mess-in-distress ¡ 9 months ago
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Xanvid week day 2 : Morning glory the flower :)
I saw there are both red and blue variants so I did both yippee
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amberinn ¡ 4 months ago
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Did this though still
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queen-scribbles ¡ 2 months ago
Taking advantage of a bonus day off to meta about my spy son and his relationship with his Sith gf. :D
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It was really interesting with Arkady's run through SoR and RotE, watching his opinion on Lana change. When I started the prelude stuff, I wasn't sure they were going to work, considering he's... not the biggest fan of the Sith. (refresher: he grew up on Ziost and watched a Sith kill his best friend as a teen for "mouthing off". [read: not groveling enough] There was no punishment or anything bc that's The Sith's Right as Superior Beings and he's always been quietly furious about that.) And he was suspicious of Lana at first. But much as I hate the "you're not like other [X]" trope, it does sort of apply here.
Lana is far more practical, level headed, and open minded than any other Sith he's met. And, more importantly, she doesn't act like she's superior simply for being Sith. She listens to his insight, acknowledges and even compliments his skill(and others'). And not in the flattering, hope-to-distract-you way Darth Arkous does; her praise is genuine. That she trusts him with her concerns says volumes to Arkday and goes a long way towards softening his opinion, as does her willingness to work with Theron from Depths of Manaan onward. She's cunning, subtle, and patient, and all those are things he admires.
There is, admittedly, a bit of a setback in his opinion after her "let Theron get captured" stunt on Rishi; the events of the Agent story have made him really sensitive to anything that resembles betrayal from within or not being able to trust your own team. He does insist she apologize, even if he can see her logic. Trust is paramount in something like this. Still, he can appreciate her ability to assess the situation, weigh risk/cost against benefits and make a call quickly in the field, even if he emphatically disagrees with that call.
She's invaluable, and picks up spycraft so quickly he's pretty sure she would have made an amazing operative if she didn't have the Force and get claimed by the Sith. In turn, he's not shy about telling her that. He thinks she's doing an impressive job with the limitations of not knowing who to trust, the lack of resources that includes, and the immensity of what they're facing. By the time they get to the end of Yavin 4 and the aftermath of fighting Revan/the Emperor's escape, he's a a big fan of This One Sith in particular, and has no problem with Marr putting her in charge of Sith Intelligence(even if he rankles at the general concept; he's gone free agent, this doesn't affect him xD). He is, in fact, effusive in his support of this, encouraging to her before they part, and quite saddened by the thought of how long it might be before their paths cross again(if ever). He likes her quite a bit.
In RotE, I was worried I was setting him up for no smooch bc he only took the flirts that seemed in character, and I know pub-side you have to take them all to get a Theron smooch. Lana is not so picky. xD Even if it wasn't Lana asking, he would have jumped to help seeing as Ziost is his home planet. (WHOOPS 😬) He didn't take the first flirt, no matter how glad he was to see her, bc it didn't feel right, under the circumstances. He gets the rundown on what's happening and her plan for dealing with it and backs her immediately. "If that's what you think we should do, we'll do it." He does think she's in over her head, but only bc the chaos unfolding on Ziost would be over anyone's head, even if they were standing on someone else's shoulders. Fortunately, since both he and Theron are here to help, that's three of them and maybe they can get one of their heads above water, so to speak.
It does, of course, only reinforce his general dislike of Sith as power-hungry tyrants(Lana and Marr being literally the only exceptions to this in his experience). He very deliberately doesn't say anything about the fact Theron had to modify the "pacification" weapon to be non-lethal(meaning it was lethal to start. :) The Sith were willing to kill their own people :) for expressing discontent. :)) Lana, do you see where he might have a problem?). There are bigger fish to fry. Like Vitiate.
Master Surro proved another ~Arkady Disapproves~ moment wrt Lana. Having had his mind played with and prodded, he's not inclined to let that happen to anyone, even if she is a Jedi. Lana, of course, thinks he and Theron are soft-hearted and irresponsible for not following what they could learn from this. Arkady doesn't think it will be worth it(who's to say there's any evidence of what Vitiate did or how he took/maintained control? You could break or kill her and gain nothing and she's been through enough.) [PS. He didn't say anything in KotFE ch 4 about Valkorion being in his head. This moment right here is why]
Even with that leaving a sour taste in his mouth, and the fact their big, last-gasp plan does not seem to have worked for more than ten seconds, he still admires her. She kept the Sith Emperor from taking over her mind, thought and acted decisively under extreme pressure(hot), worked well with other even with personal friction, and did the best she could with an impossible situation. When they fail, and Ziost is devoured (and he sure feels Some Kind of Way about that, even if he didn't have a lot of fond memories of home, it was home), Lana acknowledges the failure, figuratively dusts herself off, and thinks about what to do going forward.
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It's very sexy, to him, the way she never seems daunted and presses on regardless. Of course he's not going to let her do it alone. Of course he's going to help. However she needs.
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This method of helping is 100% fine with him. :3
I may do a separate post about their KotFE/ET era relationship (making it official etc) once he's further along than KotFE ch 5, but I will say: after the nightmares Arkady went through in carbonite, Lana's face being the first one he saw coming out of it was an immeasurable relief.
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camellcat ¡ 1 month ago
it confuses me when people say they like willow or xander and then get all uncomfortable and condemning about, like... major parts about them. you don't like that they're wildly possessive of which often leads them to acting irrational and awful...... which is like one of their biggest traits? oh, and you hate that they're not fantastic friends to buffy............. which is also like. how they are. pretty much the entire time we know them. okay!
wow, you find xander to be annoying bc he's a dumb dude who seriously needs to unlearn some ideals and really outta treat his girlfriends nicer. I'm dismayed at his typical guy-ness. bummer, we don't enjoy that willow is like totally abusive when it comes to exerting whatever power can get over people. that sure is a bad thing she does.
I just. I like them BECAUSE of these things idk how the hell you could possibly separate these things from them and still enjoy these characters it boggles my mind
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honeydots ¡ 2 years ago
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✨Let it go, let me dance! And shake it 'til the pearls get lost!
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accirax ¡ 1 year ago
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Through the magic of an AU, Xander, Min, and Teruko make it through the night, avoid a Class Trial, and participate in the first motive alongside everyone else. Except, this time, the first motive is... a gift exhange?
(basically, if it wasn't clear, i'm drawing the drdt characters doing a secret santa exchange with each other, hopefully posting one interaction per day until christmas!)
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cepheusgalaxy ¡ 1 month ago
Day 4 of me trying to get better at writing
CW: Assholes and child abuse. Sorta.
If someone had asked it, Espa would have said it did not have favorites.
Bit if it were to actually make a tier, Ms. Ann would be somewhere in the middle of it. She wasn't very stern, but she was a little tough to deal with when stressed, which was an unfortunately common occurence. Mr. Juste would be near the top, with all his treats and headscratches, although his punishments were tougher when they slipped up near him.
Mr. X, however, would be at rock bottom of its list.
“Espada!” Espa tried to supress a flinch. She despised having him at the back of the room like that. “Have I told you to stop counting?” He spat.
“No, sir!” They yelled, catching their breath.
It started counting its repetitions out loud. From the fucking start, as he liked. Espa couldn’t see his face, of course, but they’d bed he was ripping a vein out of his ugly scowl. It fueled its animosity into its arms, gritting its teeth.
Espa was in a wide gynasium, with a bunch other weapons and a handful of equipment. They were doing some bimonthly conditioning sessions while most handlers and leaders did their occasional meetings. Espa didn’t know what they were about. It wasn’t their business to know. Her business was to keep up with whatever was thrown at her by the person assigned to assist them in training on those days.
Which this time, to everybody’s dismay, had been Mr. X.
Espa finished her push-ups. She moved on. The next part of the disgustingly long course the handler had set up for all of them was—of course, she thought, with a hint of annoyance—running. As they resisted the urge to take a sip of water—which could very well earn them a few hits from the belt—and got up on the dreadmill, they took a glance at their siblings on the other stages.
Sabre was already at the leg press, on the back of the room. Lilo was panting hard, limbs trembling, and had just gotten on the wooden floor at the left, accompanied by other five, to do his push ups. There were seven on the treadmill with it. Espa looked foward before Mr. X could catch her distracted and started running.
“Lilo!” X’s voice startled her. “I want fifty more outta you! Stop being such a pussy!”
Espa didn’t dare look on his direction. But it wasn’t hard to guess Lilo wasn’t doing very well. He’d need some massage and maybe some drink later. Espa supressed a twitch of her eye. X, of course, wouldn’t care. He had something personal against Lilo. Once, they’d overheard him talking to another handler about how he wished the higher ups would greenlit for refurbishing him already. A chill had perked up Espa’s spine that day. It didn’t want for Lilo to be refurbished. It’d never see him again. The other handler had laughed and patted Mr. X on the back, talking something about everybody knowing why Lilo hasn’t been refurbished and probably wouldn’t soon.
She did a favor to her own mind and did not remember the rest.
Finally, Espa catched up with Sabre at the leg press. It felt really uneasy having Mr. X behind it, without being able to see what he was doing. Not that his sight was an exactly pleasurable one. He was sitting down on his chair now, on the other side of the wall, as if guarding the door, spiky hair tied back into a short ponytail, with a few controllers—nope, don’t think about it—on his left hand. They side-eyed Sabre, in a way of saying “Isn’t him the worst?”
“Right? Poor Lilo,” he half-gestured to him, agreeing. “He probably wants him to mess up so he can have an excuse for shocking him.”
“I wish they’d forbid him from training us. He’s gonna get the newer ones killed one of those days.” She sent in a glare
They catched a supressed laughter. “Oh, you think he’d care?” Espa gave him a defeated smile in answer.
If it were with Juste, or even Ann—anyone, really—they’d be allowed to chat normally. Mr. X, however, didn’t like them opening their mouths to let out anything that wasn’t whimpers of pain or a “Yes, sir!”, so they had to improvise. X said it was soo unproductive and distracted themselves, and their siblings, and himself, and wasted breath, or whatever.
Sabre finished his repetitions, and Espa went back to focusing on the task ahead it. There were only three stages left on the course, and from her spot, she could see that only one person was in the last two. She was panting very hard, movements wobbly, and Espa bit her lip. At that rate, she was probably gonna be the first one to pass out. X would end up shocking her awake. As if having the same thought as them, she slowed down a little bit. Espa glanced at X anxiously, wondering if he’d complain, but as always, he was too focused on Lilo, watching him like a hungry eagle, ready to punish him at any slip up. That didn’t help the knot curling into her stomach. She looked away.
As Espa finished her bit, tights burning and sore, she dared to catch a second to catch her breath, throwing her head back and inhaling deep. X was focused on Lilo. It was okay. When her vision stopped spuning, she went to grab the spot Sabre left when he moved on with the girl on the next stage.
There were fifteen of them behind her. They were going to stay in there for a while.
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just-about-nothing ¡ 4 months ago
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little-devil-art ¡ 1 year ago
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[Lunar New Year 2024]🐉
Happy Lunar New Year! I usually haven‘t done any Fanart for this celebration but I wanted to try it this year, since I was born a dragon in the chinese zodiac! 👀 Featuring my little Alicander Family! Haven‘t drawn them in a while, so I thought this would be a nice idea for this occasion!
I have also given my OC daughter Aiyra a little redesign, kinda wanna work on her more so I have another FE OC to take care of!! I‘d say my Fatesona Alice would be the person to introduce them to these celebrations heheheh-
Hope you like it though! Don‘t mind my self-indulgence all the time ah- Thanks for all who keeps suuporting me btw!!
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