#but UGH this arc hits you in the hurt
bwabys-scenarios · 1 month
Fixer Upper
Part 33
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
pt 32
pt 34
warnings: spoilers for the chimera ant arc, violence
A/N: I was going to stop posting Fixer Upper here, but I wanted to just experiment and see if it will do well. If not it’s going to stay on AO3, so COMMENT AND REBLOG IF YOU LOVE THIS SERIES!
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(Name) collapsed from exhaustion as the timer hit zero. She had finally managed to maintain ren for three hours, her body at its limit.
“Alright, you can go rest now. Once you’ve slept for a few hours, come back and do it again.”
She nodded, barely able to pick herself up and shuffle to her room. It was dark out, the boys had already left to challenge knuckle, and she was glad Bisky understood her limits.
If (Name) was forced to go fight knuckle after maintaining ren for that long, she would pass out before reaching the park.
Lifting a spoonful of soup to her lips, (Name) ate, wincing at the temperature. It wasn’t hot enough to burn her mouth, but warm enough to be uncomfortable.
Bisky might be a bit less hard on her, but the training was still excruciating, and sometimes she just wanted to give up. When (Name) thought about quitting, the image of Kite’s severed arm flying through the air appeared in her mind, strengthening her resolve.
‘We have to save him… if… he’s still alive, that is.’
Taking another bite, she peered outside the window, staring at the full moon. Part of her wondered just exactly how she wandered up here, training until she nearly passed out and only getting a few hours of sleep between sessions.
Maybe if her parents had been better, if she hadn’t taken the Hunter exam, or maybe if Kurapika had chosen her instead of his revenge, she wouldn’t have to suffer like this.
She paused, shaking her head. ‘That’s selfish… why would I think something like that? Kurapika’s revenge is important to him… I just… wasn’t enough to try and balance friendship and his responsibilities to his clan…’
Her heart hurt, especially when she thought about him abandoning her so easily, as if the time they spent together meant nothing to him. All this time she had been making excuses, trying to tell herself that it was just how life was, but while she was exhausted and frustrated, she couldn’t help but feel a bit of hatred in her heart for him leaving her.
(Name) loved him dearly, saw him as her dearest friend and someone she wanted to be with one day… it made her upset to imagine him seeing her as nothing but someone to pass time with. Maybe that was all she had been, someone that would comfort him and be a shoudler to cry on until he didn’t need it anymore.
Until his heart hardened enough to where comfort wasn’t necessary.
(Name) played with her hair, plopping down on her bed after quickly washing her face and doing her night time routine.
‘I better sleep, Bisky won’t let me rest anymore than a few hours…’
She didn’t want to go to sleep feeling hateful, so (Name) closed her eyes and imagined him holding her close, kissing her head when she thought she was asleep.
It made her feel warm and fuzzy, her cheeks growing hot. One day, she wanted to get that Kurapika back.
Her Pika, not the Kurapika he had become.
(Name) woke up when the sun barely began to peek through the window, shielding her eyes from the light. She then raised both of her arms to shield herself when she was hit again with a pillow, the real reason she had woken up.
“Get up, (Name). Gon and I are going to sleep, but Bisky wants you to go train.”
She whined softly, opening her eyes to see Killua hovering over her, holding a pillow and ready to strike again.
“Killua..? What time is-“
He brought down the pillow again, making her yelp. “H-hey, stop that, I’m up, I’m up!”
As she sat up, Killua huffed. “Finally, I’ve been trying to get you to wake up for 10 minutes.”
(Name) stood, rubbing her eyes before peering out the window. “What time is it? The sun’s barely out…”
“I don’t know… like 6 am? I wasn’t paying attention. Bisky kept throwing things at us.”
She shuffled across the room, opening her closet. “Alright, tell her I’ll be out in a second. Gotta change…”
Killua shrugged and left, leaving her alone to get dressed.
After putting on a simple, airy summer dress, (Name) made her way downstairs. Bisky was perched on a stool, looking at a… suspicious magazine. The front cover had a half naked man on the front, making (Name) raise an eyebrow, but she stayed silent.
“I see you’re up. Start ren.”
“Ren? But I haven’t had breakfast-“
“I’m not repeating myself.”
She tried not to groan, getting into position before starting ren.
Not only did she want to save Kite… but she was getting pretty freaked out by Palm’s ominous warnings.
‘I have to try harder…’
(Name) walked on wobbly legs down the street. Her body was exhausted and she felt like she would pass out at any moment.
Between training with Bisky then eating and sleeping, she had little time for herself. So when she was given an hour of free time, she nearly ran to the park.
Well… (Name) couldn’t really run right now persay, but she moved as fast as possible for her exhausted body.
She nearly collapsed on the bench, taking out her phone to scroll mindlessly through social media while snacking.
A smile stretched across her face when she saw a picture of Leorio in his new scrubs, her eyes lighting up when she noticed he was holding a picture of their group.
She liked it before scrolling, nearly jumping out of her skin when someone cleared their throat in front of her.
It was that guy with the pompadour again!
“Uh… hello. You’re Knuckle, right?”
He nodded, narrowing his eyes at her. “And you’re friends with the two boys I’m fighting against,”
She blinked in confusion, tilting her head. “I- how did you-“
“Yesterday I fought against them and came back the their hotel room. You were asleep on the couch.”
(Name)’s cheeks heated up, and she scratched the back of her head sheepishly. “Ah, yeah… I was tired from training.”
Knuckle looked her up and down, frowning. “From what they said, you’re the one that’s going with the winners, right?”
She set aside her snack, turning off her phone. “Apparently, yeah. I’m not quite sure why Chairman Netero chose me, but I’m going anyways so I’m here to support Gon and Killua as much as I can.”
The man nodded, crossing his arms. “And how has that been going so far?”
A frown appeared on her face. In her mind, she hadn’t really done much of use. Despite being several years older than Gon and Killua, she was nowhere near their strength and amount of determination. All (Name) wanted to do was help her friends… and keep Kurapika out of her mind.
“Honestly? Not great. I feel so weak and helpless, and I think I’ll be more of a burden to the team if I’m the one that goes to NGL again. I don’t know why the chairman said I’m going for sure instead of Gon and Killua. They both have so much more skill and experience than I do in battle.”
“But are they as experienced in life as you?”
This made her pause, her eyes flicking up to look at him. “What do you mean?”
He shifted his weight, letting out a grunt. “Those boys may be strong, but they’ve had strength their whole lives. Neither of them truly knows what it means to be utterly weak and defenseless… but you do. You can better understand the battlefield from a different point of view.”
This was something she hadn’t considered. Knuckle offered her a hand, a smile on his face. “If strength is something you want, I can help.”
(Name) hesitantly took his hand, and the two wandered off to begin training.
Kurapika scrolled through his old messages with (Name), laughing to himself at some silly pictures. It had been a rough day with missions going wrong and lots of whining from Neon, so he allowed himself a few minutes of rest.
And he couldn’t help but take out his phone and scroll to her blocked number.
His soft brown eyes took in her sweet smile and read through her jokes and kind words. He got so lost in thought that he hadn’t noticed Melody calling for him until she was looking over his shoulder.
“Oh, is that (Name)?”
Kurapika jumped, his phone slipping from his hand and landing on the floor. He scrambled to pick it up, but Melody got there before he did. On the screen was a picture of (Name) in a bathing suit eating ice cream.
Melody cleared her throat and handed the phone back to him, clearly a bit flustered and uncomfortable. “Apologies, I should have knocked. You’re a teenager, I didn’t even think that you’d be uh… looking at things like this.”
Kurapika nearly died on the spot, his face going red. “N-no, it’s not what it looks like! I was… just looking at old pictures we sent to each other.”
Melody paused, hearing a sorrowful song being sung by his heart. She let out a sigh, turning back towards him.
Although she wanted him and (Name) to reconcile, she could tell that him lingering on her memory while keeping distant was only hurting him.
“Don’t you think it’s… best to leave it alone? I’m not sure it’s fair to either of you if you’re going to act like this.”
His eyes turned scarlet, and he shoved his phone into his pocket before standing. “I don’t think it’s any of your business, Melody.”
“I think it is when you’ve been getting sloppy during missions, Kurapika! You get drunk at night then wake up so hungover you can barely work. How is that fair to the other body guards? Either work this out or…”
She stopped, placing a hand to her temple. “Either go back to her or don’t. If you’re going to break off the friendship, then you can’t be wishy-washy like this. It’s not healthy.”
Kurapika settled back into his chair as she left, staring down at his phone screen. Tears pooled in the corner of his eyes before he swiped them away.
His finger hovered over the delete button… and he clicked it over and over, getting rid of most of their messages and memories.
“Concentrate, (Name). If you can’t hit me, you won’t get any stronger.”
Sweat pooled down her forehead, her shirt soaked. It had been nearly two hours since (Name) began training with Knuckle, and he had only landed a single hit on him the whole time. His ability was annoying, but it was good practice sparring with him.
“Come on, just one more punch and you’ll get a break. Try again.”
She bit her lip, trying to focus and keep calm as he stood before her. Knuckle hadn’t been going easy on (Name), she had specifically asked him to fight her seriously… but god was she exhausted and ready for a break.
All of her nen focused into her fists, surprising him. She wasn’t one to be so reckless… Perhaps this could be a good development.
She sped up the very air around her fists, causing it to get hot enough to have him wincing when she thrust her fist forward.
Indirectly, she had hit him with an attack.
“That was… smart.”
He sat down, passing her a bottle of water, which she downed almost immediately. After collapsing on the grass, she caught her breath before speaking.
“Do you… think I’m getting any stronger? There’s only one more day until I leave for NGL…”
Knuckle waited until she had calmed down before he spoke. “I think you are stronger than you were a week ago.”
She blinked, then smiled, a big genuine smile. Before he could even react, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
“Thanks for this, Knuckle. I really appreciate it.”
The man was left a stuttering mess as (Name) stood up and brushed off her skirt. “I’ve got to get back home and start training with Bisky… that woman won’t tolerate any lateness.”
With a wave, (Name) ran off.
That night, she sat up in bed when she heard the alarm for the boys 3 hour ren training going off.
Opening the door, she peeked out to see Gon and Killua looking quite serious… though they were both grinning ear to ear.
“Are you boys going out again?”
Gon turned, giving her a smile. “Yep, today we’re going to fight him for real!”
(Name) rubbed her eyes as she walked in, still in her pajamas. “I see… I think you’ll do well, and I wish you the best.”
The two were pulled into her arms, a kiss placed on both of their heads. “Just… know that you’re both very strong and smart boys, sometimes… Even though you try your hardest, you can still fail. That’s life.”
Killua frowned, his head rested on her chest as Gon looked up at her. “We’re going to do it, (Name)! We’ll give it our all!”
She giggled, ruffling his hair. “I know you will. Now-“
The sound of paper tearing made them all jump. Palm was scribbling something terrifying onto paper, muttering something barely legible under her breath.
‘Yikes, I’m just glad I won’t be here tomorrow.’
(Name) woke up in the morning, whining softly as she turned. It was Killua again… except this time, he looked devoid of hope.
She was instantly wide awake, throwing back her blanket so she could pull him into her arms. “Killua, sweetheart, what’s the matter? Are you okay?”
He sighed, letting her coddle him for a moment. It felt nice, after how awful his night had been.
“We… didn’t win.”
(Name) had expected as much. Killua and Gon waste my weak by any standard, but at the moment Knuckle was leagues ahead of them. From pure battleground experience alone, he had the advantage.
“I couldn’t fight… I kept…”
Killua choked up, clutching her sleeve. “I kept hearing my older brother’s warning… he always told me to never fight someone if I wasn’t sure I could win… how can I be friends with Gon if I can’t fight by his side!?”
She held him as he cried tears of frustration. He was so angry with himself for being weak, for being afraid.
“Killua, baby…”
There wasn’t much she could say or do, so she quietly pushed back his hair and kissed his forehead. “Maybe you should think about it for a while, sweetheart. Do you think Gon thinks the same way you do?”
Killua was silent, and she wasn’t even sure he heard her. The two stayed like that for a few minutes before he wiped his tears. “… Knuckle and Shoot said you need to be packed up by 3 pm. You’re leaving with them then.”
There was a look of hesitance on his face, and he gripped her sleeve tighter. “Are… you sure you want to go? It’s going to be dangerous, (Name).”
“I know, and I’m sure.”
She stood up, walking over to her dresser. “I’m going to pack, you can stay in here if you want.”
And he did.
(Name) stretched after stepping out of the van, leaning her head against Knuckle. It was strange, he seemed so fidgety after their training the day before.
Gon stood before him, Knuckle’s nen technique still clinging to his shoulder from their fight. “Promise me… you have to save Kite!”
“Got it. I promise I’ll bring him back. I swear on this token.”
(Name) gave them both a hopeful, nervous smile, waving as she left. The two watched her go, both trying their best to stay strong.
(Name) walked into NGL, wearing the clothes she had during her previous trip. Almost immediately she was pulled into a hole, yelping and falling onto her butt.
Knuckle and Shoot landed across from her on their feet, getting into a fighting stance immediately. Knov and Morel stood before them, both of their gazes on (Name).
“We were told you have healing abilities, yes?”
(Name) was escorted to the chimera ant colony, where she was brought into the queen’s room. The ground was crunchy underneath her shoes, and the air was thick with tension.
There were doctors already working on her, and (Name) could tell that the creature was far past any saving.
She knelt beside the queen, looking over her wounds. The doctor to her left spoke.
“Several organs have been damaged beyond repair, and she’s lost a lot of blood.”
(Name) frowned, looking over her body. “I’m… not sure I can do anything. If she had a missing limb or large cut, I could accelerate her atoms to heal faster. My ability speeds up time, if her organs are damaged or gone, all my ability will do is kill her faster, not heal her.”
The heart monitor started to slow, and the ant queen reached out her hand. She was trying to speak.
“Please! Please, you have to do something!”
A chimera ant named Colt grabbed her shoulders. “Anything, please!”
(Name) bit her lip, reaching out her hand. She tried to remember how it felt when Kurapika snapped at her… how time seemed to slow down and stretch forever.
Knov and Morel stared on in awe and disbelief, watching as the ant queen’s heart monitor slowed.
“I’ve stalled her organs failing… please, let her speak.”
‘She… slowed down time? Even for just a localized area, that’s an incredible feat!’ Morel thought, peeking over (Name)’s shoulder.
(Name) didn’t hear a single thing the queen said, all of her energy was spent on stalling just a little longer, keeping time still.
“She’s gone…”
With those words, (Name) collapsed covered in sweat. Shoot was closest, catching her before she hit her head.
(Name) woke up in a feverish haze, her body feeling heavy and way too hot. As her eyes struggled to open, she heard something faint and distant.
Someone was speaking to her, trying to get her attention.
As the fuzziness in her eyes began to fade a bit, she was finally able to focus on the figure sitting next to her bed.
“Ch… chairman… Netero..?”
The man before her had a calm look on his face, leaning back in his chair before speaking. “You’re awake. It’s been four days since you temporarily stopped time.”
“Four days!?”
She jolted up, nearly vomiting after the sudden movement jostled her.
“Easy there. Lay back down, there’s no need to rush. We need you to recover as quickly as possible, and that can’t happen if you’re trying to rush things.”
(Name) blinked her bleary eyes, settling back down and putting her head over her forehead. “You need me..? Why? I did one thing and now I’ve been out of commission for days.”
“You stopped time, (Name). That can be very useful to us.”
She huffed, looking around the room before her eyes settled on a glass of water. “I only slowed down time temporarily for a localized area. It's not enough to help anyone, much less-“
He handed her the cup of water.
“You kept the ant queen alive long enough for her to tell the others the King’s name. That’s crucial information tha can be used as a bargaining chip. It seems you don’t understand the potential you have and the impact your powers can have on the future.”
Netero watched her drink, sighing. “Slowing down time is something impossible, I’m not even sure how you were able to do it. When creating something with nen or performing an ability, it has to have some basis in reality.”
(Name) set the glass beside her, wiping the leftover water from her mouth. “All I did was imagine a moment where time seemed to slow down for me, and-“
“And you transferred that ability into nen! My girl, you’re quite clever, aren’t you?”
For the first time, Netero seemed genuinely impressed. He stood, walking over to a table and picking something up.
“Here, it’s your bag. I’m sure Gon and Killua will want to know what’s happening.”
He turned and walked towards the door.
“An enhancer will be coming by in an hour or so to help with the healing process. You should be good as new within a day or so.”
He paused, turning to look at her. “And make sure you don’t tell anyone about your ability. There are many people that would kill to be able to stop time… even for just a moment.”
With that, he left, closing the door behind him.
(Name) winced as Gon jumped into her arms, nearly knocking the wind out of her.
“Hey, hey, I’m alright…”
She frowned, petting his hair. Gon was completely quiet, his face hidden in her shoulder as he clutched her tightly.
‘He’s already nervous about Kite, I’m sure knowing I was in the hospital scared him…’
Killua stood by her bedside, reaching out to hold onto her shirt. The way Killua showed how he worried for her was pretty cute.
“Chairman Netero said I’ll be fine. An enhancer came by and checked on me a minute ago.”
The two seemed to relax a bit, smiling as they not got comfortable in her hospital bed.
“Ahh, now it’s cramped.”
They watched tv for a bit, eating hospital food and laughing. “You both seem like you’re in a better mood!”
“Yeah, that’s because Knuckle said he found Kite!”
(Name)’s face lit up at Gon’s words, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “Wait, seriously? That’s amazing!”
Killua looked out the window, his eyebrows furrowed.
‘Knuckle seemed troubled when he told us… something is up.’
But he stayed quiet, not wanting to ruin the good vibes. Gon had been training so hard to save Kite… and Killua really wanted to believe everything would be okay.
The three spent the next few days together, sharing their experiences. They were both shocked to learn about her new ability.
(Name) quickly covered his mouth, shushing him. “Shh, I'm not supposed to tell anyone! It’s dangerous information….”
“Then why the hell did you tell us!?”
She sighed, giving him a smile. “Because you two are my friends.”
Killua quieted at that, hugging to try and hide his embarrassment and happiness. “Yeah, yeah…”
Gon leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling. “You’re both my friends, and… I care a lot about you both!”
Killua threw a pillow at him, his cheeks pink. “Oh will you both stop it with the sappy stuff!?”
Gon and (Name) giggled at him, making Killua even more flustered.
(Name) wishes times like these could last forever… but that could never be. Something felt wrong, there was going to be more pain and heartbreak sooner than she wanted…
But there was nothing she could do for now, so she held onto them both, trying her best to be their rock as the days passed by.
Walking down the dark stairway to meet Kite for the first time in months should have been exciting… but all the three felt as they were guided into uncertainty was a nervous, anxious feeling.
Not a single one of them thought everything was okay. Even Gon had a strange expression on his face, half way hopeful, half way dreading what was going to be behind the door.
She put her hand on his back, smiling softly before giving him his space.
If she could stop time right then, she would have done everything in her power to keep Gon from seeing Kite in his current state.
Covered in stitches, staggering and twitching like a zombie. He had been shrunken down by Shoot’s ability, but grew to his full size when let out of his cage.
(Name) tried to stay strong for the boys, but tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she gazed at the man she had admired.
She could tell just from a glance that he had no more life inside of him. He was just a walking corpse with no nen or voice. There was no more communicating with him, he couldn’t be fixed…
Yet Gon walked towards him, allowing himself to be punched as he said it was okay.
(Name) winced, covering her mouth as Gon attempted to speak with him. It was heartbreaking…
Killua couldn’t move, couldn’t say a single word. His eyes were transfixed, moving to follow every strike Kite landed on Gon.
He was finally able to speak, broken from his trance when (Name) reached out to hold his hand and squeeze it gently to comfort him.
The others spoke, but (Name) didn’t hear a thing. The only thing she was focused on was how she would try to heal Gon with her nen after this.
If he would even let her.
Killua helped her up the stairs as they left, letting her lean against him. She was still weak from her overexerting her nen output…
While they walked, Knuckle came up from behind, taking her other arm. “Here, let me help.”
Though Killua really disliked the fact Knuckle had gotten so friendly with (Name), he allowed him to help. He seemed to put (Name) at ease…
“Is… Gon going to be okay?”
The group was sitting in a cafe now, watching as (Name) joined them at the table. She smiled, but it was obvious she was forcing it. “Physically, he’s fine. I healed him up… but…”
Everyone knew what was going unsaid. Gon was in emotional turmoil, struggling to cope with the current situation.
“… there’s still a few weeks before his Nen will be restored.” Knuckle stated, sipping on his coffee. “I guess we’ll just have to watch over him until then.”
On the surface, Gon seemed okay, but both Killua and (Name) knew him well enough to understand it was just a facade. He was storing up all of his anger and strength so he could face off against Pitou.
After a few weeks, the ant extermination group met up in a relatively crowded restaurant, (Name) sitting between Killua and Knuckle as they watched the TV over head.
“What is the agenda behind the sudden flurry of activity recently observed in East Gorteau? Supreme leader Diego has personally invited all citizens in the capital city Peijing to celebrate the nation’s birth in ten days.”
As the news anchors continued to speak, Morel scoffed. “Colt believes the celebration will be used as a screening.”
“We don’t know what they’ll do with those found to have nen, but 99% of the humans there will die. We must stop it before that happens. Our time limit is ten days.” Knov finished, addressing Gon and Killua.
“What’s the old man up to?”
“He sent an email saying that he’s already inside East Gorteau, but I haven’t heard from him since.” Knov replied to Killua.
“Do you think he’s already been taken out?”
“If he fails to contact us today, we’ve been told to assume as much.”
At that, Knov’s phone began to ring. (Name) but her lip, of course Chairman Netero would call right at that exact moment!
“Speak of the devil, it’s the chairman.”
“That old man’s got some sharp ears.”
“He already knows everything, including the fact that you boys and (Name) are here. And that Morel is badmouthing him.”
The text read as follows:
“Divide into pairs and draw the Royal guard away from the king. The night before the celebration, the operation will begin at midnight. (Name), do not use your nen again until then. From the sharp-eared old man.”
“That guy really scares me…”
(Name) laughed at Morel’s words, but in the back of her mind she wondered why she wouldn’t be able to use her nen until then… what did Netero have planned?
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hazelnut-u-out · 10 months
I’m not sure why it just hit me, but I officially broke down while rewatching Prime’s death.
I think the previous times I’ve watched it, it was just so shocking. I was so caught up in the hype that I think my brain glossed over what it must have felt like to be C-137 in that moment.
For the audience, the time between the Prime reveal and the conclusion of Rick’s revenge arc was a little more than a year.
For Rick, that was his whole life… Four decades. Lost. Wasted. Gone.
I noticed that you can see the exact moment Prime becomes unresponsive, and something hit me incredibly hard about how C-137 just… doesn’t stop.
He must’ve been so weak after being resuscitated, and to achieve the sheer amount of overkill he did with his bare hands… Jesus Christ.
I’ve seen others say it before, but this scene feels disturbingly and hauntingly real.
All of that buildup, and nothing could live up to the satisfaction of the sick fantasy that kept him going. In his own weird way, C-137 will mourn Prime, too.
I initially cried when Morty hugged him, and it only hurt more this go around. Rick is so fortunate to be loved in the face of such violence.
The contrast between his blood soaked frame and the tender embrace of his grandson.
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Where Rick destroys, Morty loves. Where Rick maims, Morty nurtures.
As Rick referenced in ‘Wet Kuat Amortican Summer’, Morty’s love for him is unconditional.
I think maybe that’s why he struggles so much with their relationship. Wong once said Rick’s aversion to therapy stems from the fact that there’s no way he could do it so wrong he might die. Similarly, there’s no way he could fail so much as a grandpa that Morty might not love him.
Just give in and hug the kid back, bro.
Ugh, I dunno. I’m just a little broken.
They say a good story will make you sympathize with the villain, and I haven’t quite figured out if that’s C-137 or Prime. I guess we’ll find out.
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ooosaiteruoooo · 4 months
saiki k killing game au??
so hear me out
what if saiko wanted to host a cool event for the third years in pk academy, so he hosted a "killing game" (nobody actually dies, there's like some kind of technology they use to simulate killing someone so there will still be evidence but nobody gets hurt) where each person has a randomly selected duo, and whichever duo wins both people get full ride scholarships..
this would take place on an island, sort of like the island arc from classroom of the elite
(in this au saiki doesn't have his powers anymore (post meteor) and then teruhashi and saiki get selected as a duo, and saiki realizes just how similar she is to him in terms of being smart and overly competitive, and they win easily-- imagine how many times he'd hit us with the "good job teruhashi" throughout
i feel like with saiki being a superhuman genius (i wish they used that more throughout the show) and with teruhashi being genuinely godlike in terms of manipulating social situations they really couldn't lose as a duo... but it'd be so fun to watch him and akechi have constant mind games kind like L and Light
to add an extra layer, if someone accurately guesses who your duo is, both of you will be removed from the game, but if they guess wrong, they get removed from the game.. that way, Teruhashi and Saiki have to guess each others thought processes, something they'd be good at because they both intuitively understand each other so well despite having such miniscule meaningful interaction throughout the series
this would just be such an interesting watch, because i love psychological battles, and i also love saiki and teruhashi's dynamic, so combining both of those would just be so, ugh
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chloeangelic · 9 months
😭Why am I crying in the club rn?😭
Listed by author in alphabetical order cause I'm an organized bitch, here are the fics that made me Sit And Think™️ (or cry) in 2023, or
✨ my top 5 gut wrenching authors selection ✨
featuring @atinylittlepain @cherubispunk @macfrog @netherfeildren and @5oh5 🤍🤍🤍
Everyone knows I love angst, I love terrible gut wrenching pain and suffering and then I love it when my tears are drying on my cheeks and they fuck nasty, hell yeah 😎
So if you're like me, here are some recommendations!!
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💙 @atinylittlepain
Deliver Me From Nowhere
Read the whole thing in one night and cried repeatedly during. I had it looming in the back of my mind for weeks but didn't feel like I was in the right headspace until I suddenly was, and it hit differently. I love Dolores, I love Joel, I love how he sees her, their dynamic, the exploration of her emotions and headspace, her body language. Fantastic. Want to cry just thinking about it so I'm gonna STOP.
Sat and stared at the wall for a long time after this one, then worked up the courage to post TMWH which I seriously don't think I would've had the guts to post had it not been for June. I love how it handles a sensitive, painful, and very real subject, I love that it doesn't paint Joel as a fixer or savior but rather a realistic, kind partner. Again, his understanding of her and how he makes space for her is something I appreciate so much in DMFN and June.
💗 @cherubispunk
This one is an excruciating Sit And Think - I didn't cry but I sat there paralyzed for 48 hrs with a thousand yard stare, just thinking intensely about it, after my second read through. Two chapters and I'm already messed tf up over it!! I read them in the middle of the night and then during the day and I have never been this messed up over something labeled PWP before. The passion, the ominous vibes, Cherub being so soft and Joel having this strange dark vibe... I literally just thought about it constantly for two days and I still can't fully put my finger on why. It just slithered into my brain and I still think about it often and go back to read bits and pieces like a little treat.
💚 @macfrog
All Three Dogs
Max posted this on my most depressed day of 2023 so like fuck you ??? I'm sorry like this is phenomenally written and stunning but like what the fuck is wrong with u i'm not even giving u any more compliments on this one bruv sorry you made me like a DBF series and that's a mortal sin so YOU'RE DONE !!! Fucking dead mackerel eyes speak into the mic bitch chicago sunroof 1 after magna carta i am not crazy squat cobbler jesus christ marie lookin ass
Sweet Child O' Mine - particularly pt ii
This one is so cute and yet it hurts so much. It's so real, the MC is so... I don't even know what to say, she's so on her own and she seems so kind and selfless and it just hurts to think about her cause you can feel her love for her child and for Joel and ugh. She tries so hard to be the best person she can be for everyone and it's one of those situations where nobody is doing anything wrong and yet everyone either is already hurt or gonna get hurt, and I think it's that oscillation between love and hurt that really gets me. I also read this in the middle of the night and all I had to say in my RB was like "thanks for making me cry asshole" (I'm known for my profound commentary).
💜 @netherfeildren
Fear of God - particularly the epilogue
Fear of God is my all-time fav Joel series, the best Joel characterization I've come across and it generally set the tone for my taste in fic. It was the second series I started reading on here when I came back to Tumblr, and it's the first piece of writing that has ever truly moved me. His character arc is absolutely INSANE !! I made the mistake of reading the epilogue while listening to Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, and for months I couldn't listen to it without crying. The day before my graduation, I kept listening to it on repeat in some strange form of self-torture and I had to explain to my bf why I was sobbing. Try to explain all of FoG in a coherent way through tears, I dare u ! I can't say much without spoiling but basically when I think back on getting into fanfic, FoG is what marks the beginning for me and I will never ever forget this piece of writing ever in my life. (Shoutout to when I got caught getting a nut off to one of the FoG extras - I can't really talk about the series without mentioning that)
The Cassandra Complex - particularly ch I, ch IV, and ch VIII
I didn't give much of a fuck about Din before TCC cause i saw him as like a taller hotter R2D2 and now here I am... Eating my words like a ration pack. I have to do a big girthy throbbing TCC reblog cause I have a lot to say about my fav series in the world but basically I can't read ch 4 without crying and even though this is a Star Wars fic and it makes no sense for me to relate to it the most out of anything on Vic's ML, sith girly is the most relatable MC thanks to her constantly feeling haunted by her past, feeling like she's hiding, feeling unworthy, torpedoing herself, and seeing so much beauty in others but struggling to see it in herself. I'll save the rest of my thoughts for the big RB but basically I've even cried at the fucking SMUT in this series like I'm on another planet when I read it (haha get it?? cause Star Wars??)
🧡 @5oh5
From Eden
Staring At The Wall Saturdays again - I hate how much I see my younger self in little sunflower girlie, I hate that I recognize how trapped she feels in her marriage. It's such an accurate portrayal of feeling chained to a man who doesn't deserve you, and of how guilty you feel for not even acting on feelings for someone else yet but just recognizing within yourself that you deserve better, like that pain of accepting that you're not treated right and that visceral feeling of unfairness that comes with being in the wrong relationship. The guilt you feel for even just thinking it, you know? And having to recognize how you've been treated. Ugh. Also this Joel is... His mannerisms are... I.... I'll be right back-
And now, for the most important award ever. The winner of
🏆Biggest Chloe Tear Jerker 2023🏆 is...
🎉 @netherfeildren 🎉 and this is her 24/7
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miivrs · 3 months
talking about my faves, my wording will not be scholarly or intelligent rather completely zany and incomprehensible
god i LOVE the entire junkyard killer arc + the relationship between malcolm and john and just how complex it is to me. there was SO much going on and every scene, line, etc. burns a hole in my retinas. watkins was our first non “villain of the week” and that’s probably why im so attached to him, but god i love that we really get to see and understand why he does what he does. and he’s smart , I LIKE THAT. i like that he makes malcolm really truly struggle. i love their little cat-and-mouse type thing. john makes malcolm go through hoops and plays him like a stupid little fiddle and i love it. he makes malcolm’s brain (and body) hurt.
and the dialogue they share on the phone/in the basement is AN ABSOLUTE FEAST FOR ME and i love reading way too much into it. seeing how the power dynamics flip LIKE FOUR TIMES is just. UGH. their first call where things are mostly neutral, their second call where things get CRAZY, then FIVE MINUTES LATER their first face-to-face and john traps malcolm, their THIRD call where john now realizes he can manipulate malcolm and finish his mission, and then we get an ENTIRE EPISODE of what im 1000% sure is watkins leaving a breadcrumb trail JUST so he can get malcolm alone(remember guys, john is actually smart), which leads me to ALONE TIME. THE WHOLE EPISODE. and now they’re both fighting for dominance, malcolm with his new knowledge and watkins with his. well, aggressions LMAO.
their meeting was totally by chance (watkins definitely says otherwise), and i wonder what things would be like if malcolm had maybe met watkins under different circumstances (like NOT breaking to a junkyard to look for an abandoned station wagon because, lets face it malcolm, you broke in) because during their first call watkins seems..fond? of the whole junkyard meeting..he even SAYS he doesn’t want to hurt malcolm, so maybe at this point he’s over it?? so i wonder, if malcolm wasn’t a killer catcher and let watkins do his thing, would that have been the end of it? would either of them seek out the other? but that would be BORING im glad they decide to chase eachother its fun.
jesus they make my brain hurt. alone time shows us how they both try to hit jabs at eachother and stay superior, and really no one’s winning lmao. malcolm’s eating john alive via psychoanalysis and john has malcolm STABBED and CHAINED TO THE FUCKING FLOOR. oh i love them…
now, i have many MANY personal thoughts about them, but specifically john and his side of the relationship. the things he says/does to malcolm feels obsessive, and characters like that are always my favorite to dissect. hes so goddamn manipulative and its great. probably once of my favorite things about this arc is when he just ABANDONS HIS MISSION???? (M: “Force me to atone to my sins?” J: “I’m finished with that work.”) and for what??? just one guy? because this one guy who stabbed you when he was 10? we already know that john actually does not have a deep grudge against malcolm for that (or maybe he does…) so why bother trying to LEGITIMATELY CONVERT SOMEONE when you could have just killed them???
because he needs malcolm. like how he needed martin. (sort of but now in a cool new fresh way)
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SIRENS ARE BLAAAARING IN MY HEAD. who wrote this dialogue you need to be shot dead (positive). malcolm not afraid to call him out and say “hey you’re a little bit of a codependent freak aren’t you??” also the “I don’t care what you think.” “Of course you do.” DONT. TALK. TO. ME..
why does he need malcolm?? because he’s the nearest target? because he’s the next best thing to martin? because they share such a complex connection spanning 20 years that he can’t left go of? WE MAY NEVER FUCKING KNOW..and mannnnnn dont even get me started on this shit..
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this is about YOU and ME and that fucking scar. and them he gives him AN IDENTICAL ONE (probably much less painful but still) god WHAT was the POINT of that. and to that i say it is because watkins feels the need to deepen their connection (or he’s just fucking kooky but thats boring) and now they have matching scars wow so best friends core now they’re intertwined (even more than they already are..) fate (by the hand of god) brought them together and now he needs to make sure it stays that way.
and then we get this..
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“Face it, you’re just like me. You judge, you hunt.” oh my GOD im gonna be SICK……… “mick hes just misreading malcolm’s character because he’s narcissistic” im gonna stop you right there because this is my blog and john watkins is my character ever since the pson writers made him complex and then threw him in a damn box (which is another scene i will ramble about at another point) if you use your brain that is literally the bare bones of what malcolm does, what defines his job. john has found the median, the simile, the connection (the one that he NEEDS so he can excuse himself and his actions and also to cope)
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during this scene AND I SWEAR IM NOT TWEAKING as malcolm is trying his last ditch attempts and stopping watkins from actually murdering his family we SEE JOHN HESITATE..we see it i swear to god. i swear god for just a fleeting moment he actually considers what malcom is saying. but alas. he says “if i get help i’ll lose my sparkle” and goes anyway…
and then the fucking box scene, our very last look at watkins.
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i hadn’t noticed it the first time i watched it because i was so hyped but around my second or third rewatch i caught it and heard it and physically shriveled up and died. our very last scene of him and (to me) its GUT WRENCHING. malcolm kept to his word and locked him up in the dark. but i find it so peculiar that watkins is crying. because, if anything, wouldn’t he be pissed?? kicking and screaming and rolling around in that damn thing? makes me wonder…what might have happened in the time between when malcolm wallops him with a fucking crowbar and when jessica reunites with him. what did malcolm say or do??? malcolm bright youre an awful sly little manipulator and you’re damn good at it and yes you use it for “good” but the way you did a 180 on those power dynamics. malcolm you are dangerous..
and that’s my extremely unnecessary deep dive and extreme analysis of john watkins and his relationship with our beloved malcolm bright. watkins really is one of my favorite characters that i feel could have been so cool if they had just given him a little more time or something like that. they are so complex to me in ways i haven’t even mentioned in this text post/probably forgot while i was typing this but i really wish we could see more of them even though what would happen. lots could happen, that’s what. now here’s my pitch for season 3 that revolves around just them where-
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eternalera · 8 months
Some problems i had with the finale in hazbin hotel
now before i start i just wanna say that i absolutely love and adore this show with all of my heart but with that being said i can still recognize its flaws and god does it have some
lets get one of the most obvious things out of the way first. charlie did literally nothing. she hit adam once or twice and he beat the shti out of her which was just a dumb excuse to have lucifer show up nad beat the shit out of him.
but more on that later. charlie is the main character and she only gets the motivation to go full 'god mode' when sir pentious dies? even then she didnt do anything. dazzle ends up dying but oh well its fine (or razzle i cant remember). she stabs adam once and even then he beats her up more than anything. hes powerful yes but charlie couldve put up more of a fight
she even has a song in episode 7 about taking charge but honestly... she doesnt really do that. actually sir pentious had a better arc than her and we hardly see him throughout the entire show
sir pentious' death was fine we see him gearing up and it was kinda leading onto the big scene where he would take on adam but...
bro got obliterated in less than like a second and then adam made a joke off of it. tbh at this moment i started laughing so hard because goddamn was it hilarious but then you have charlie and the hotel mourning it like not even five seconds after- like half a second after the joke.
the tonal whiplash of that scene was just... ugh-
like i didnt care about it being serious because guess what? im already laughing at the joke like everything that i cared for about him just thrown into the gutter because guess what? haha funny :)
but for that to be what makes charlie go into her full form still makes me mad- ugh
adams death was fine. he was killed by nifty so like- okay i guess. honestly i didnt really care for it. it was funny but then ONCE AGAIN you have lute cry over him and actually i cared more for that than nifty-
but its just like- nifty?
dont get me wrong its funny asf but... nifty? they treated both of what was meant to be serious deaths in this show as a goddamn joke and expect me to not call them out on it? like okay nifty shes a funny character but her killing adam just made me go though 3 different stages in the span of like- five seconds
bro just got stabbed wait what-
omg its nifty thats kinda funny
actually i dont really care for nifty so wtf-
like huh?
the death just kinda felt like... nothing to me. like i get thats its funny misogynistic asshole gets stabbed by crazy straight small bug woman. but i didnt really care for it. nfitys fine but i dont care about her enough for me to laugh out loud at this moment
lucifer's entrance was horrible. bro can open portals, he knew what they were doing, he knew what was coming yet he comes in like- halfway through the fight only when charlie's getting hurt
all im sayin is that if he was in it at the start the final episode wouldve been like half the amount of time it actually was...
oh yeah and pentious would be alive, but no they needed him to die to show that the hotel works so why not just hold him off.
im sorry but lucifer stole all of charlies glamour in this scene like charlie was getting choked after hitting adam once and then boom. daddy to the rescue ig
like are you kidding me? at least make it fucking vaggie or smth. not lucifer and why was he late? we've pretty much established that man doesnt do shit so like-
its fucking pointless it a quick and pretty damn cheesy ending. if he wasnt there at the start we dont need him at the end. or at least have him arrive earlier not at a convenient ass time
going back to the fact that NOT A SINGLE DEATH WAS TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
i know that sir pentious was coming back so its fine to make it a joke but like adam? bro thats your main villain right there. a show is only as good as its villain and honestly his death just wasnt satisfying (as i mentioned before)
like seriously wtf?
this all being said though i really enjoyed this show with my whole heart and i do love it and some of the things that it did. the fact that this show even got out is a goddamn miracle <3
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oldmemoria · 11 months
i thought about this last night but um
SPOILERS for True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem
i love the kind of symbolism we see with mike milligram of all the older more "childish" items he holds onto, hear me out.
So we see Mike holding this cheesy little vampire ring during the gathering scene where we first meet the rest of the killjoys, particularly when we learn that he's in a relationship with Code Blue and want's to take it a step further with marriage. They're all teenagers in this scene, assumedly maybe at least 16 at most 19 (because thats when you arent a teen anymore lol- after 20 you arent a teen duh). He's hiding it behind his back and seems to be just about to pop the question.
then, Blue dies in a standoff, just because he didn't want to move on and comply to the brainwashing tv. Blue literally jumps in front of him and takes the bullet (laser? whatever) for him. When she dies, he lashes out.
later on in the timeskip we see that Mike is basically hooked to the TV. hes fallen asleep to it and is only waken up by a rat chewing on the chords. this isn't entirely important to my point but I still feel like mentioning it because it tells us one thing: Because of Mike's grieving, he basically had no choice but to run back and give everything up. His grief, in turn, is what led him to actually start going back to how he was before, going against an authoritarian government run by a monopoly.
This leads Mike to realize that everything around him isn't what it seems, not only is he withdrawing from The TV, but he's also withdrawing from the effects of the pills he (and the rest of society) is on. He's hallucinating, but not fully. We know as readers that things aren't right in his life -- in anyone's life -- because of this.
once we reach the scene where he learns about his Ramones records being sanitized and the technician here to fix his tv is actually some kind of plant (overall, everyone trying to uphold the brainwashing system is doing so maliciously). Mike kills this plant, and we get to the next sighting of the vampire ring that we saw in that first scene I mention before. He finds it, remembers Blue (also to note theres a paper that says "SO REAL IT HURTS" on it right next to the ring, like thats so obvious that I looked over it), and holds onto it.
lets skip to the climax, where we're revealed to see "Blue" (this time either her reanimated corpse or some kind of clone, it isn't really specified) again, Mike shuts down. almost instantly. He's so close to giving in and going back to being brainwashed, but he stops for a moment. this is the kind of breaking point where we see his arc hit its breaking point and reach its conclusion.
Mike's individual character arc is about letting go. Letting go of grief. Letting go of the past. Progressing forward, no matter how much it hurts.
When he gets his gun back and shoots the clone of Blue HIMSELF, that is him signifying that he has to move on. for the sake of not only himself but for his son, his friends, everyone.
And in this last moment.
He puts her body in the car. and prepares to light it on fire.
and that is the last time we see the ring. He slips it onto her finger right before the car is set ablaze.
a perfect illustration of how Mike had to get past his grief for the betterment of himself.
and even in the end, he isn't completely forgetting her. He isn't just tossing her aside, he's just saying "It's time I moved on. I won't let my anger and grief drag me down, but I will remember you."
and it's all made clear with that little ring. THE FUCKING RING DUDE.
It's a little plastic ring, usually associated with youth because it's usually found in gift bags or cereal boxes. something synthetic and cheap. Easy to break, usually thrown away right away. Mike is seen not only getting better from his grief but also maturing. Which is great for him. It's something in his past that he had to move on from, but could still hold the memory of.
also like a little side note but vampirism is sometimes depicted as being a kind of toxic, dependent force. A leech. the ring having a vampire on it is like... really good symbolism for that, MAYBE IM GOING TOO FAR IDK IDK-
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months
We have made it. To the end of the Mob Psycho 100 rewatch.
I don't have a lot of posts but you can check out #mp100 rewatch tag for all my other rambles about this rewatch.
Here we go it’s time to make my final post of this rewatch.
Granted I didn’t even get up my alien arc one cuz we watched them so fast.
So yeah.
In the Moving episode, my fiancé was getting so nervous because he was having, like, a visceral response to Shigeo confessing. He thought we were heading into second hand embarrassment land. He basically was this gif of reigen like squirming, hands over eyes, like be thought we were heading into “oh no shigeo totally embarrasses himself in front of a girl”
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Annnnnd then we hit the end of the episode…..
and he looked at me like this
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I don't think I have ever seen this man look at me with such confusion and “what the fuck” emotions. It looked like I sucked the soul out of him.
Do I feel a little bad for making him go in blind?
..........no hahaha
So uh the break between Moving and Rival was like. Him just sitting on the couch staring at the TV not sure what just happened.
BUT WE GOTTA MOVE ON SO HERE WE GOOOOOO and we get to Rival and I am just over here clutching a pillow because ugh the Teru and Shigeo fight still HURTS ME A FUCK LOT
My fiancé was so tense through the whole thing and when we got to this yank out my feels of the whole end of their fight.
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He was def feeling the feels train with me. Every time shigeo reacted to Teru I heard him take a sharp breath. This whole scene I could tell it was effecting him
(mehaps he will finally understand why TeruMob has grabbed me and not let go....mehaps)
Moving onto Trauma. Man, that was tough to watch but I also love it because seeing ritsu accept his brother for who he is makes me all sorts of happy.
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This scene always hits me so hard. Ritsu thinking through all the parts he loves about his brother, their childhood, the effect the trauma has not only had on him but Shigeo as well. I am exploring this a lot in my ageswap fic, how the trauma between them set them back so much. How it took Ritsu breaking cycles to make a change. Damn.
And then ofc the end. I was waiting for the moment 99 kicked on, a song my fiancé sings a bunch around the apartment. Watching his face when that happened is probably going into the top moments in my brain, I was so delighted. I know some people didn't like that in the finale but honestly it gives me goosebumps I love it.
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Getting to the end was bittersweet. A show that means the world to me I was able to finally share with a person who means the world to me. And after, we talked about all sorts of things.
My fiancé shares a lot of similarities with Shigeo and Teru and Ritsu (and honestly a lot of the other espers in general) He was defined by his talent (music) from a very young age. He was seen as a musician first and a human second. Most people only ever saw His instrument. It became the first thing people knew about him. He was a “gifted child”, so his whole life he’s been told he is special, but the only special thing about him is his talent. His….powers you could say.
So if he ever lost that talent, which he did at one point in his life, what does that make him as a person? I didn't expect it but Teru's fight with Mob at the start of the show hit him super hard because he said he identified with Teru. His talent was all he had so he was proud of it, a bit arrogant, until an injury knocked him down to a very very low floor. Because that's what you do when the whole world tells you this is the only part of you that matters (fuck writing that makes me cry ya'll see why Teru hit me in the feels now???? fuuuck)
I love my fiancés music, how can I not? In the end, it is a part of who he is. But it does not define him. His instrument does not come before him. It is not the reason I love him nor the reason I am marrying him.
He is more than his talent, but his talent is also apart of him. He is just him. He is the protagonist of his own life.
And based on everything we talked about afterwards, I like to hope that message landed.
Thank you mob psycho. Maybe you’ll be just what he needs as well.
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puppie-b0y · 9 months
This is set after season 2, but we're just gonna pretend the Metatron DIDNT break up the husband's- uhhh I mean.... the Metatron didn't ask aziraphale to take Gabriel's place. He just dealt with everyone, said "good job" to azi and crow and then kinda just... ✨️disappeared✨️ ...Anyways, hope yall enjoy!!
After saving the town from the legion of demons, aziraphale and crowley decided to celebrate. It was crowley's idea, he said he knew "just the place to go to after all that". Aziraphale took that as "I have a calming, elegant place to make up for the foul demons and ignorant angels". And while it was a fairly calm, quiet place crowley took aziraphale to, it was also a bar.
Now, aziraphale had drunk alcohol before. I mean, he drinks wine with crowley all the time. But of course, he never drinks more than a glass at a time and has never actually gotten drunk. He didn't really have a problem with people who got drunk. He didn't do it himself, but he never badly judged anyone else when they did. Although he sometimes thought it was absolutely ridiculous how people would act sometimes.
All of that considered, a bar was just... not what he had in mind when crowley said he knew a place. It was dimly lit and not too busy, Azi will give him that. But it wasn't as fancy, nor as entertaining as he had thought the demon would have planned.
"Crowley?" Aziraphale talked as the bartender put a drink infront of the ginger man. Crowley gave a soft grunt in response. "Shouldn't we have gone somewhere more... treasuring?" Crowley looked at him, raising a brow "treasuring?" He asked. Aziraphale nodded "Yes, somewhere with more, er, ritz." Crowley slightly jerked his head back, offended. "Angel, I'm paying for your drinks and I'd buy you food if that's what you'd want! That's not 'ritzy' enough for you?" Aziraphale looked between his own glass and back a crowley "Well I- I didn't mean to offend you, I just meant, well, er..." He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, before opening them and sighing, looking back at his glass. "I don't know..." Once again, he looked at crowley. This demon hadn't looked or been so confused since Noah's arc. Whether he was still hurt or he had totally let go of what the blonde said, aziraphale felt bad for it. "Sorry." He said. Crowley turned back to the bar and picked up his drink "I was joking, Angel. I don't actually care."
He did. He did care. He wasn't mad or offended, he honestly just felt bad.
Maybe this was stupid He thought.
He just wanted to spend time with someone he loved enjoyed hanging out with. Did aziraphale not want the same? Did aziraphale not want this? Does he not want him?
By the way, this was crowley's third? Fourth drink? And it was very much not simple wine. He was drinking pure scotch. Either way, aziraphale's opinion would have mattered to him. He really cares what the other man has to say about him.
Aziraphale took a breath in and gave a small, simple smile "Oh... good." Crowley gave him a quick glance and then took another big gulp of his drink.
It's safe to say that by the end of the night, Crowley was VERY drunk. Aziraphale, on the other hand, was very much not. The bar was within walking distance to the bookshop, so luckily they didn't have to worry about driving. Although, crowley could barely walk without stumbling and/or falling every so often. They were now walking home, aziraphale's hand around crowley's waist, trying to make sure crowley doesn't get hit by a fucking car knows where to go. Crowley could care less about being hit by a car, he was too busy paying attention to the Queen song that was stuck in his head.
"Crow- ugh, crowley! You're being too loud!" Aziraphale yelled as he tried standing crowley up straighter. "She's a killer.... QUEEEEEEEN!" He shouted the last part into the air. Then he stopped and kept his eyes on the night sky. He sighed. "This is beautiful." He said. Aziraphale looked up, then back at Crowley. "Yes I... I suppose it is." He paused, then took a step towards Crowley "But we have to get home now, you are far too intoxicated." Crowley furrowed his eyebrows and took a deep breathe in.
This is what my creation looks like from earth?
He looked back at Aziraphale. "I made this. It was the biggest project I ever had." He looked back up at the stars. "What a waste." Aziraphale was taken aback, confused as to what the demon meant. "A waste? What makes you think it was a waste?" Crowley threw his arms up and let them fall at his sides harshly. "I made all that and I don't even get any credit. Thrown away like I didn't do anything good, look at that!" He points to all the stars in the sky and looks at the man infront of him, raising his voice. "I made a nebula!"
Aziraphale sighs, unsure of what to say or do in order to make Crowley feel better and let them go back to the shop. Crowley sighed and started walking past the angel. "Whatever I don't need him. I don't need God or the angels. I can do whatever I want now."
Aziraphale quickly caught up with him and talked whilst the crossed the street and walked into the shop. "Surely you don't mean that, I mean, there must have been something good about being an angel." Crowley plops down into the chair, and lays his head back, closing his eyes. "Nah."
They both paused until crowley shot up quickly and looking over his glasses at aziraphale, pointing to him. "Y'know I thought you had enjoyed the nebula more. I mean, you were there when I made it, you seemed to think it was nice. He took a few steps toward aziraphale and put his hands on his hips. Dont you think i deserve a little praise? Or at least some credit?"
Aziraphale looked at him, worried. Oh my, he's had way too much to drink.
He spoke calmly, trying to make the firey man feel better. "I do like it. I think you did an amazing job. I never meant to give the impression I don't think that."
Crowley sighed and waved his hand at him, turning back to the chair and sitting down once again. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now. I'm not with heaven or hell and I'm finally able to be with you, so it doesn't matter."
Those last few words made Aziraphale lose his mind. I'm finally able to be with you, so it doesn't matter. What could he possibly mean by that?
The question begged at the tip of aziraphale's tongue. "Wha- what... what do you mean?"
Crowley didn't even look at him, he just kept his head lied back and his eyes closed, talking like nothing he was saying mattered. "Oh come on, angel, you know I like you, don't be stupid now."
"Yeah, I... I know, we're... we're friends, I just-"
Crowley cut him off. "Oh shut up, you know what I mean. 'I have a crush on you', that's what the humans say, at least."
Tears pricked at aziraphales eyes. Crowley must be lying. He's drunk and stupid and he has no idea what he's saying. He would never like an angel, much less Aziraphale, right?
"I... I don't like when you're drunk, crowley. You say things you don't mean. I'm going to bed."
As Aziraphale walked past crowley's chair, the ginger stood up. The blonde didn't care to stop. That was until crowley took off his glasses, set them on the table, grabbed the other man's hand and turned him around. "Oh for God's sake." He said before pressing his lips to aziraphale's.
The angels lips were soft, gentle. Crowley felt like he were still standing with aziraphale in the middle of his Nebula. The beauty of the stars surrounding them, twinkling with passion. He'd waited to do this for so long. He didn't always know that this was what he wanted, all he knew was that he was lonely. And that Aziraphale made that better. He used to be so confused, but now, it had felt like everything had fallen into place.
Crowley's lips were rough and the kiss was messy and uncoordinated. But no matter how messy the kiss or surprised he felt, no matter how much he wanted to stop it because the smell of alcohol lingering on the demons lips was a bit overwhelming, he couldn't. He couldn't stop, he didn't want to. At this moment, all he wanted was Crowley. The man he has had so many fun, happy, amazing moments with was now kissing him. He loved this man. He knew that from the bottom to the top of his heart, all that was there was love for him. But that didn't stop his worries.
Aziraphale broke the kiss and stepped back. "You're... You're drunk. You don't mean this." He looks around, panicking, trying to sort out his millions of thoughts. "You'll wake up in the morning, have no memory of this, and act like nothing happened!" Aziraphale took a shaky breath in and tried pulling himself together before any tears fell. "I can't have you doing this if you don't mean it." Crowley furrowed his eyebrows with a sincere look in his eye. He stepped toward Aziraphale and spoke softly.
"Angel, I do mean it. I've felt this way since... I don't even remember, honestly. I thought if I told you, you'd run. Never talk to me again and act like I don't exist." He got closer to aziraphale, taking another step forward, until he was once again, right in front of the man. "But I'm so done with worrying. God couldn't stop me from doing what i want. The angels couldn't, and the demons didn't either. I can't keep acting like I don't want you, angel. Like I don't love you."
"Love." He pressed another kiss to Aziraphales lips. This time, it was gentle and short, but all the while, it was still enjoyable. He looked back at the angel.
"I love you, Aziraphale."
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robotlesbianjavert · 6 months
with how afo constructed "shigaraki tomura" as a person. how much influence do you think afo had on the league meeting shigaraki? for years we've all been wondering how spinner was recruited with no experience. it's really suspicious with this last chapter......
(sorry if there's some obvious plot hole with this tidbit. I don't really read bnha anymore lol.)
my genuine headcanon that horikoshi can't take away from me ever is that spinner didn't join the league through giran like dabi and toga, and presumably the rest of the gang, did. he just knocked on every shady looking door in the area until he got the right place. and all for one cannot hope to touch upon that kind of reckless dumbassery.
but overall it's like. so obviously he would have been around for the conception of lov 1.0 (usj shenanigans) and lov 2.0 (the vanguard action squad at forest training) and kind of lov 2.1 (kamino era) and one can put forward the argument that afo had influence over like, who giran brought forth to shigaraki to consider for the gang, and who shigaraki ultimately picked. there's a basis there in the league origins, if he's going to be THAT much of a helicopter mom. he can also have influence over the league in that era post-plf raid and pre-current final battle. most obviously over spinner, but even if he didn't give dabi and toga quirks and directly manipulate their fidelity to shigaraki, he's still would have rallied them and most others up for that final battle.
but at the same time - afo could only have so much influence over why they chose to join the league, and chose to keep following shigaraki, why they want to strike back against a society that rejected them. the only person in the league he was directly historically involved with was dabi, who out of the league is probably the least close to shigaraki. during his prison era, afo couldn't influence how things shook out during the overhaul arc and how toga and twice became more loyal to each other and to shigaraki (hell even with the overhaul quirk reveal these leaks, and knowing that afo previously told shigaraki about overhaul the gangster, he had no say in shigaraki and overhaul actually meeting - that was twice). he had no say in the league's altercation with the mla, over spinner choosing to following shigaraki above all else, over redestro deciding to entrust the mla/plf to him. he didn't have anything to do with compress deciding to go assless in order to help shigaraki, spinner, and the rest escape the hero's clutches.
and like, even with all the claims he's making in these leaks, realistically all afo can do is set up scenarios. can he really actually control how tenko, or anyone else, reacts to those scenarious? sure apparently (UGH) he can have tomo-chan and mikkun set up to get hit by a truck so that tenko can save them and start getting dreamy ideas about heroism. but also tenko straight up could have just not saved them. he could have just been like wow that was a scary thing to witness. kids my age getting run over. that sucks so much. and then just go on with his life. tenko wanted to save those kids and then hang out with them! and he wants to be a hero to the league and other villains! if horikoshi wants to argue that this is all solely a result of afo's manipulations, then it's a really cruel form of character assassination.
but i am steadfast in that spinner was not a direct afo-approved league member. he just saw him and was like well, it can't hurt to let tomura have some vapid arm candy around. surely this won't result in anything.
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darkdisrepair · 2 years
c3e37 meta - about laudna
there are so many things to talk about and so little time- but here is my customary post-episode thought dump:
so how about that episode, huh???
topics the mercy of matt mercer | matilda | the many parallels of the soul realm with imogen and laudna
the mercy of matt mercer
first of all, let's just give matt a round of applause for that dreamscape. just so haunting and twisty and terrifying- a visage of a city we know and love, enemies lurking around the corner- the whole thing was quite possibly one of the most alluring destinations and plot thread he has made this campaign.
you may be wondering- he wasn't merciful at all, really, with all he threw at the group- but he was.
by placing this battle with delilah, and the fight for laudna's soul, in this soul realm, he allows the group to throw everything they have toward getting laudna back, without holding back.
because after the otohan fight, it's evident that this group can do so much when they aren't afraid. and though being yanked back into reality, away from the fight, is horrible because it takes away that support, it's also not death.
which allows everyone to unleash. to let go, of that ever present fear of another tpk. because delilah could have easily become an otohan moment, but because of where it was placed it gave bell's hells the best possible shot they could have.
and, it also suggests that if they really had failed, and all been taken back before getting laudna, that even that would not have been the end.
we all know that marisha wants laudna to return, and matt has always said that he ultimately tries to honor his players' wishes- so this setting is a beautiful way of organically giving the party the chance to get laudna back, without handing it to them on a silver platter, but still with a sense of weight to their actions.
kudos, matthew.
matilda/laudna's backstory is just so sad. she is, in so many ways, the classic case of the outcast in school, ever weird, ever teased- a little girl with a bright purple soul that just wants to be free but can't because the world won't let her- and marisha is just such a genius for that.
there's something so striking about the art i've seen that is just so haunting. such a brilliant spark, in laudna, and yet so sad.
it portrays beautifully how laudna has grown up to have the perspective she has- desperate to be happy, all the time, to please others, to pull imogen into the brightness of the world that she so desperately longed for when she was a child, to find acceptance-
and it also paints how she can be so utterly manipulated by delilah.
just such a good arc. such a good portrayal of a hurting inner child.
(do i want her to go by matilda in the main campaign? not particularly, but damn do i love the matilda the musical parallels- i half expect her to put "quiet" on laudna's playlist next, or "when i grow up")
the many parallels of the soul realm ft. imogen and laudna
there were so. many. parallels.
mainly, let's look at this through the lens of imogen and laudna:
imogen and liliana
this one really hit me so hard, when they were following the many iterations around the soulscape. imogen, calling out to laudna.
don't trust him. we'll find you. don't go to dinner.
imogen, in laudna's head, warning her. trying to comfort her. just as her mother has done for her, over and over again, the only voice that rings out in a never ending nightmare.
who would have thought, that it would be imogen in laudna's nightmare before laudna ever got the chance to be in imogen's? how haunting, that it's the girl whose nightmares haunt her night after night who willingly throws herself into another, refusing to let go of laudna's mind, refusing to let go?
so gentle. so comforting. so kind. calling her "honey." just so ugh.
2. laudna and imogen
that short conversation was quite possibly one of the most heartwrenching moments of the campaign yet. marisha really knocked it out of the park with this one.
her desperate imogen. just as the last moments of her life, a few episodes ago, were calling out to imogen. reaching for her.
that's the first parallel.
but now:
laudna may not have kept her promise not to break the rock (let's not get into the details of it being delilah). but imogen promised that she would sunder delilah briarwood and she did.
these girls care about each other so much. and the steady escalation of the stakes of these promises to each other- from friendship to laudna's actual soul- is just beautiful to watch.
i said i wanted an imogen vs delilah 1v1 and while i didn't quiet get that WHAT WE GOT WAS AN IMOGEN HOW DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS ON DELILAH BRIARWOOD as it should be.
our queen, laura bailey.
3. delilah battle vs otohan battle
isn't it so haunting, that both of these fights ended with three people knocked out of the fight? laudna, orym, and fcg this time; laudna, orym, fearne last time?
and isn't it crazy, as well, that both of these fights were of powerful women trying desperately to hold control over the characters in the party? and each conflict is so deeply personal. delilah and laudna. otohan and imogen.
not to mention both fights ending in a wave of destructive, blinding whiteness, and imogen harnessing her powers in ruidus.
i'm so excited to see what comes next.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
‼️ok i heavily tagged this as a jjk manga spoiler post but just to be clear: MANGA SPOILERS AHEAD‼️ for the culling game arc ‼️
so i just started the culling game arc and i gotta say. a lot of deaths have hurt and sucked and surprised me.
(nanami’s was spoiled for me :/ but i was not expecting nobara’s!! :”( and yaga i lowkey forgot about so it didn’t hit as hard i suppose)
but mai. oh my god. that death gutted me today.
the way she knew. the way she went to the clan first bcuz despite us seeing that resentment she has towards her sister she knows how she thinks and she wanted to get to the cursed tools first to protect her :’( she knew she was going to die, she knew one of them was always bound to die.
that whole scene was just full of hate and disgust towards maki, yeah she was supposed to die on their hands but it’s just constant vile cruel coldness towards her. and then she finally sees her sister alone and that moment (vision? subconscious?) on the beach was her peace. being with mai was her peace. even though it was a goodbye and gate was cruel.
gege you monster. this is your favorite trope i see and idek why i BOTHER with this TRAGEDY of a manga. i love it.
i know i’m so behind on the manga i only have two more volumes and then i gotta find out how to read the chapters currently coming out bcuz idk how that works 😅 but i had to get this off my chest !!! i love angst!! 🙂🙃
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slytherinbangchan · 1 year
Inked Dreams (NCT Dream Tattoo Artist!Au) (M)
Chap 4 out of 6 -> Second arc: Tattoo apprentice Park Jisung x tattoo artist female reader.
>>Inked Dream's Chap 1 here
Summary: A NCT Dream Tattooist!Au where the Dreamies are college's heartthrobs and most likely will steal your heart whenever you less expect it. 
Cute, "shy" but very hot, flirty Jisung. A deadly combo, I promise.
This chap is steamy
Inked Dreams Masterlist~ Blog's Masterlist~
[2nd Arc: Seven Days. ("A Week" 없어.)🐹 Chap 3.]
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Your phone buzzes startling you out of your sleep, and you automatically hit the snooze button on the screen before checking the time and huffing about it. Ah really... Waking up shouldn't be this annoying, even your head hurts, but guess going out for drinks on a Monday night wasn't the brighest idea either.
It's okay though, you forget about your headache as soon as you see Jisung sleeping next to you. He's not facing you right now but your heart can't help but flutter anyway.
His phone suddenly starts buzzing too, but you just wait for him to wake up and turn it off cause, judging from how the bed is vibrating right now, you'd say he fell asleep over it. “Jisung-ah~” You call him then chuckle as you try to make him roll over. “Oh god, you're heavy.” You say and he finally opens his eyes slightly, looking at you for a second before reaching for his phone under the covers to turn the alarm off. “Morning.” You say as he stretches and he looks at you again. His eyes still half closed cause of the light. He looks so puffy and soft right now. You tilt your head at him since he's not saying anything and he just points at his mouth with his index finger, making you chuckle. You lean over him anyway, and he smiles before you meet his lips. “Morning.” He finally says in a very husky voice before pecking your lips again.
Seonhui is already awake too but trying very hard not to fall asleep over her breakfast when you get to the living room. Jisung laughs as soon as he sees her and sits by her side to poke her cheeks. She scoffs and tries to push him away but she just doesn't have the energy today. It all feels kinda like a dream. Guess you need more sleep. “Are you going to class?” Jisung asks and Seonhui sighs. “Yeah, Sarang is driving me when she comes out the shower. You can come with us.” She says and Jisung nods. “Well, I should go too. Can you tell Sarang I said thanks? I'll thank her properly next time I see her.” You tell them and they nod. “See you later then?” You ask. “Of course. Don't make us work a lot today though unnie.” Seonhui pouts and you chuckle. “I'll be nice.” You tell her then look at Jisung who is tilting his head and poking his cheek. You scoff as you smile but walk towards him to peck his cheek. “Ugh, unnie... You really chose this idiot over Renjun oppa?” Seonhui asks, making you laugh and Jisung playfully pushes her. “I'm just saying... She's too hot for you, honestly.” She continues. Jisung clicks his tongue and you scoff. “I don't know... I think Jisungie is pretty hot too.” You say, guiding his chin with your finger to peck his lips and Seonhui rolls her eyes, making you chuckle again. “Anyway, see you later, yeah?” You ask Jisung and he nods. “Mhm~” He says before you peck his lips one last time.
“Oh? What are you doing here so early?” You ask Renjun as you enter the shop. “Noona~ I'm leaving in a minute. I was just showing my friends around. Haechannie is going to use my station to tattoo his girlfriend.” He explains pointing at them. “Oh, nice. Can't wait to see how it comes out.” You tell them, then your eyes move to the third person standing next to the couple. “Hey, are you a tattoo artist too? I feel like I've seen you before.” You say and he nods as he smiles. “Yeah and yes, we've probably met before. I'm Chenle.” He says, shaking your hand lightly. “Oh! You're Chenle! I've heard a lot about you these days.” You chuckle and he does too. “Yeah, I've been hearing about sunbae too for a while.” He says and your heart flutters for a moment. Has Jisung been talking about you? It could have been Renjun too though, even Jaemin. “Yeah, Jisung really talks a lot about the apprenticeship.” Renjun says, answering your internal question and throwing a look at Chenle who just scoffs as he smiles. “Ah, yeah, sure... The apprenticeship... That's what he talks about.” He says and you scoff too. “Well, I'm gonna take a shower before my first appointment arrives, I'm not sure if you'll still be here when I'm done.” You tell Renjun. “Hmm, probably not. But I'll be back later, hopefully before Haechannie is done with the tattoo.”
You take that shower and put on the change of clothes you keep at the shop, then you sit at your station and work on some designs as you wait for your client. Renjun has left as he said he would and Haechan has already started with the tattoo. You can't help but looking at them from time to time.
At first they're all joking around but after a bit they calm down and it's just Haechan working on his girl's tattoo while Chenle scrolls down on his phone, humming to some song. “Are you seriously falling asleep right now?” Haechan asks his girlfriend and she chuckles softly. “Maybe.” She says, making the guys chuckle too, but you get it. Getting tattoos can be relaxing too. Probably Haechan is very good at it so it's not hurting more than it should, also she must really trust him and that's why she feels comfy enough to fall asleep.
They're still at it after more than four hours. So you go take a look after your last client. “Hey, how are you hanging in there?” You ask her. Chenle is holding her hand now, soothingly caressing her fingers with his thumb. “Well, it's starting to really hurt.” She says and you chuckle. “Yeah, it was about time it did, girl.” You say, making the others chuckle too. “You're a tough cookie, huh?” You ask and she giggles too, then the shop's door opens and finally Renjun and Jisung appear. “Oh, nice. You're still working on it. I wanted to watch.” Renjun says as he walks over. Your eyes are on Jisung now though. He shyly smiles as he sees you and ruffles his hair before coming closer. “Hey.” You softly say. “Hi.” He answers before leaning over to peck your lips and hug you, and the guys start teasing him about the skinship immediately, making him blush.
“Your friends are nice, they sound fun too.” You tell him as you stroke his hair while you both sit waiting for Seonhui, and he smiles. “Would you come to one of our parties then? I've been meaning to ask you.” He says. “Oh? Sure. Wouldn't that ruin your heartbreaker image though?” You tease and he laughs. “You're still thinking about that?” He asks and you chuckle too. “Kinda, yeah. I'm really curious about it since Junnie mentioned it to me, and you didn't really denied it when I brought it up.” You answer and he scoffs as he smiles softly while holding your hand. “I'm not that much of a heartbreaker, noona. At least not intentionally.” He says, leaning over to get a kiss, and you smile. “Well, we'll see about that.” You tell him and he rolls his eyes and smiles before pecking your lips.
“Wow, Haechannie. You sure you hadn't tattooed anyone for almost a year before this?” His girlfriend asks as she checks herself in the mirror and he shyly giggles. “Mhm, I promise.” He answers. “He's always been naturally talented like that.” Renjun proudly says, and finally curiosity wins over you and you stop working on your client for a second to take a quick look without leaving your station. Damn, he really is talented. He won't have any problem finding clients whenever he decides to start working.
The guys finally leave the shop after six long hours but you still have a couple more clients for the day. Jisung sits by your side to watch you work on your next client while Seonhui works on a design and, ah... Honestly you're so tired... You can feel Jisung's warmth coming from his body and it's making you extra sleepy. “Sung-ah...” You call him and he immediately sits up. “Yes?” He answers. “I'm sorry but, could you get me a coffee?” You ask him and he nods. “Thank you.” You say, then watch him leave as your heart flutters for him before your eyes meet Renjun's and he raises his eyebrows at you, making you blush. Damn, why does he always have to catch you looking at Jisung like that?
“Here, noona... I'm sorry, there was a long line at the coffee shop.” Jisung softly says as he hands you the coffee, stroking your back with his free hand in a caring way. “It's okay, at least I'm done now with that client.” You say then take a sip. “There's only one more, right?” He asks as he sweetely caress your cheek and you nod. “I'll get everything ready so you just rest in the meantime.” He says and you chuckle softly at how cute he is. “Mhm, thank you Jisung-ah. You're the best.” You tell him and he blushes lightly before you peck his lips.
The next couple of hours go by a bit faster thankfully, and soon you're leaving the shop with Jisung. “Are you hungry?” You ask him and he nods. “Let's grab some street food then before taking the bus.”
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You eat on your way to the bus stop and while you wait for it, so there's not much talking going on but Jisung won't let your hand go. “So sleepy.” You tell him as you lean on him while standing in the bus and he hugs you with his free arm without saying anything, just resting his head over yours as you squeeze him softly in a hug. “Come home with me.” You say and he strokes your hair and pecks your nose. “Mhm.” He smiles as he looks at you lovingly and you tip-toe to peck his lips.
You show him around your house then tell him he can shower first while you look for something for him to wear. “These are Jaemin's but hopefully they'll fit you even though you're taller.” You tell him and his hand peeks behind the shower curtains to show you a thumbs up. You chuckle softly as you leave to the living room and wait for him.
Ah... He's too cute.
“Woah, you look nice in those.” You tell him as he walks out the bathroom and he shyly smiles as he ruffles his wet hair. “I didn't know you were close to Jaemin hyung though, noona.” He says as he sits next to you and you grab the towel on his shoulders to help him dry his hair. “Mhm, kinda. He stayed here for a bit back when I was still at college.” You explain. “Oh... I didn't know the guys back then.” He says as you distractedly move to straddle him so you can reach for his hair better. “Yeah, it was a while ago. I guess you could give the clothes back to him after this. It's about time but I always forget.” You chuckle and he does too. “Yeah, don't worry, I will.”
There's a bit of a silence as you keep drying his hair so you stop and cup his face. “What?” You ask and he blushes lightly. “Nothing... I... Did you sleep with him?” He asks, and you scoff as you smile. “No.” You answer, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “Would you care if I did though?” You ask and he shakes his head. “I was just curious.” He says, and you smile before pecking his lips. “Mhm.” You say then comb his hair with your fingers. “I think it's dry enough now.” You tell him before trying to get down his lap, but he stops you, grasping on your hips. “Jisung...” You chuckle, but he just kisses you, biting softly on your lower lip after, making your heart flutter. “Don't go.” He says, pecking your lips again down to your neck as he pulls you closer.
“Jisung...” You call him again and he moves, manhandling you to a new position where you're lying on your back but he remains between your legs. Your heart is racing as you slightly feel the weight of his body over yours. You meet his lips again as he pulls up your shirt, then he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck to your tits. You tug on his hair as he softly bites on them. His hand sneakily climbing up your back as good as he can to unclasp your bra. You gasp a bit surprised as he manages to do it, and he smiles against your skin at your reaction. “Hey, I can be good at some stuff.” He says before pecking your cheek and nibbling on your neck and you chuckle softly. “Yeah, I never doubted that.” You tell him, then cup his face to kiss him but he licks your cheek instead, making you giggle. “What are you doing?” You ask, but he just kisses his way down your boobs again as he smirks.
“J-Jisung... You can't use your tongue...” You tell him. “Mhm, understood.” He says, but he keeps licking and biting on your nips anyway. It's not like you have the will to stop him right now though. “Noona... Your heart is beating so fast.” He says while resting his head on your chest as you play with his hair. “Do you think I can make it beat faster?” He asks and you chuckle. “Yes, I'm pretty sure you can, you little devil.” You say, pushing him so he sits up again. “I'd rather you do it when we can actually kiss for real, though.” You tell him as you go back to straddle him, feeling his boner against your heat now. You bite your lower lip as you think about it for a moment and Jisung chuckles. “You were saying?” He teasingly asks and you blush. “I- Shut up... Let's watch a movie.” You say and he bites back a smile. “Sure.” He says. You purse your lips. “I mean it.” You tell him, making him chuckle. “I know... I just want to be with you, noona. Whatever you want to do is okay.” He says, managing to make you feel soft now. “Mhm.” You say before pecking his lips, and he squeezes you softly in a hug.
“I'll just play a random movie.” You inform him as he sits against the headboard in bed and you lie back between his legs. “Your hair smells like Renjun hyung's, noona.” He chuckles and you do too. “Yeah? I used the only shampoo bottle that was at the shop. It smells good though, right?” You ask. “Mhm~ Like flowers or something.” He says and you chuckle. “Yeah, I think it's jasmine.” You say. “Mhm.” He pecks the top of your head and then your cheek before breathing in your scent as he backhugs you. “I- Jisung...” You call him. He's blushing already even if you can't see him. “Did you just get hard again?” You ask as you chuckle, looking up to see his face. “It's cause I smell like Renjun?” You jokingly ask and he hides his face behind his hands. “Oh my god, of course not.” He shyly says, pulling another chuckle from you. You turn around to try and see his face behind his hands. “I'm just kidding, dummy.” You say, softly pulling from his hands and he just lets you do it. He's still blushing hard though. He fans his face with his hand as he looks up making you chuckle again. “So cute.” You say, sweetely caressing his cheek and he pouts. “I'm sorry for teasing you.” You apologize but he keeps pouting. “No, you're not.” He says and you giggle. “No, I'm not.” You admit. “You look so cute when you get all flustered, Jisung-ah. It makes my heart flutter.” You tell him before meeting his lips and he pulls you closer in a hug.
“Noona...” He calls while you nibble on his neck. “Mhm?” You distractedly answer. “I know what you said earlier but... I was wondering...” He stops so you leave his neck alone to look at him, but that only makes him blush again, so you smile softly and cup his face with your hands and peck his lips. “What is it?” You ask and he purses his lips before talking. “I... Could you... Ride me? Please?” He simply asks, making your heart skip a beat as you blush too.
He bites on his labret nervously as he awaits for your answer in the long second you take to react, but you just chuckle softly and peck his lips again. “Mhm, I'd love to do that.”
Chap 3🐹....Chap5🐹
Kindly reblog/like chapters's posts to show your support to my au please💕
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mbirnsings-71 · 3 months
it is 1000000000000% canon to me that bobby is buck's emergency contact and that buck never actually told him and bobby had to find out the hard way LIKE WHY ELSE WOULD HE HAVE SHOWN UP TO THE HOSPITAL EVERY TIME. BUCK WAS THERE. AND THAT TIME IN S3 WHERE BUCK CUTS HIMSELF ON THE WINDSHIELD??? AND SOMEONE HAD CALLED BOBBY NOT BUCK. LIKE. LIKE. HES DEIFNITELY HIS EMERGENCY CONTACT IM NOT OKAYFJKWAELFL
After season one though you can probably add Maddie to the list or emergency contacts though because well his older sister is here now she should be updated in case he gets hurt AND MADDIE WORRIES SO MUCH LIKE WHEN THE EARTHQUAKE HAPPENED SHE WAS SO WORRIED CAUSE SHE KNEW BUCK WAS OUT THERE. Only Reason she wasn't worrying about Buck during the Tsunami is because NO ONE knew Buck and Chris were out when the Tsunami hit like they thought they were just chilling in Buck's apartment BUT NOPE!! THEY WERE ON THE PIER!! AND JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- LIKE LITERALLY AT THE END OF THAT ARC BUCK'S LEGS STOP WORKING BECAUSE THE ADRENILINE PASSED BECAUSE CHRIS IS SAFE AND THE OTHERS LITERALLY ARE SO CONCERNED AND SITTING HIM DOWN LIKE "ARE YOU OKAY??" LIKE AAAAAAAAA- it's the IT'S THE Buck getting worried about because people care about him and god I'm so normal about this show.
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kenkaodoll · 7 months
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tale 74 (JUMP SQ 24/03)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (February 2024) there are a total 74 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
Previous Story: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/739415334563577856/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-73-jump-sq-2402
“Small failure led to great success. Isn't that what life is all about?” Suwa told Mikio.
“I see…”
Mikio agreed with Suwa, but he could not wholeheartedly agree with the idea of stealing into Usagawa's house.
“But,” he said, “Usagawa-san is very nice to me. He trusted me enough to hire me as the manager of the Rabbit Café. I can't betray someone like that.”
“You said you trusted me.”
Suwa sighed, he couldn’t understand Mikio.
“Usagawa-san is just using you to do his own business, isn't he? If he really trusted you, he wouldn't be using the Nagaoka family's son to do his bidding. In the Edo period, it would be unthinkable for a merchant to put a samurai family member to work. If they really trusted him, they would have given him money. But you...”
Suwa stared at Mikio's appearance from top to bottom with a sarcastic glare.
“You’re dressed in Western clothes that don't suit you at all. As a member of a samurai family, aren't you ashamed of yourself?”
“Ugh…” Mikio snarled. Suwa’s words hit right where it hurts. He also realized that western clothes won’t suit him.
Neither Shino, his wife, nor Kaoru and the temporary waitress at the café, had ever criticized Mikio's Western-style attire. Tsubame even praised him, but it was because their families had a master-servant relationship before. So he didn’t take her word seriously.
“Oh, it doesn't suit me after all…”
“Yeah,” Suwa nodded.
Mikio decided that from now on, when leaving the café, he would change into his own kimono so he could go outside without any hassle.
“Now, we’re not talking about whether the western clothes suit you or not,” Mikio’s feeling had them drifted from the main topic and Suwa brought them back.
”Usagawa-san had already been poisoned by the new era. As a merchant he doesn't have any sense of propriety. How can he put a samurai member to work like that? He is a lowborn who doesn’t respect the family's lineage and traditions.”
”I… see?”
Although Mikio agreed, he was not convinced by Suwa's assertion that Usagawa is a lowborn.
“But Mr. Usagawa is a good person…”
However, he also did not have the words to reverse Suwa's argument.
“It's not good to trust people blindly. Do you know the word ‘charisma’?”
“Karisuma? No, not at all…”
“‘Charisma’ is a German word used to describe a person who has the natural ability to attract and impress people. Usagawa-san is definitely a charismatic person. After all, how can you, the son of the Nagaoka family, so easily be coaxed into doing something such a lowly thing as labor?”
“No, that's... I just told him that Shino got pregnant and I needed the money, so Usagawa-san was very understanding. It's not like I was coaxed into it or anything…”
“Then you said you wanted to become the manager of the rabbit cafe? No, right?”
“Ah... Yes. That’s right. I didn't say that I wanted to be a manager by myself.”
“I know right! I don't think it's something you really want to do. Take care of the rabbits that you finally let go of, and then come back to see them again.”
“Indeed!” Mikio hit his knee. “I was so relieved I got free from rabbits, and now I have to deal with their shit again. I guess I got sucked into the whole thing.”
“Be careful of someone with charisma. They have a natural talent for attracting people, so you can't help but do what they say. Don't just take the words from a charismatic person like Usagawa-san. It would be very easy to listen to what they said and it seems like a good idea to leave the judgment to someone who seems to be amazing, like jumping onto a big boat. However, if you don't think for yourself and trust people too much, that's a very bad thing.”
“What happens if you don’t think for yourself?”
“For example, if the Rabbit Cafe continues to run into a large deficit, you will be held responsible for it.”
"No, that's..."
“Then, on the other hand, when the Rabbit Cafe becomes profitable, wouldn’t most of the profits go to Usagawa?”
“No, that's…”
 A large bead of sweat dripped from his forehead. Because Mikio had no idea what was going on about those contracts.
“You think Usagawa-san will treat you well, don’t you?'”
“No… It’s because Usagawa-san believe the blessing from the rabbit, so he probably won't do anything that...''
“I was talking about ‘charisma’ earlier. There are many ways to attract people. For example, in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei's charisma is based on his high status, Kongming's charisma is based on his military genius, and Guan Yu's charisma is based on his…”
“No, I don't know anything about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”
“Really? It’s an interesting story. So, back to the topic, Usagawa-san believes in rabbits, and his charisma is based on the supernatural thing, that he would not do anything bad for the rabbits.”
In the end, their conversation was too difficult for Mikio to think about.
“Can you believe in rabbits like Usagawa-san does?"
“No, not a bit!” Mikio immediately replied, “Rabbits are just depressing nowadays.”
“Even Usagawa-san doesn't know when he might start to think rabbits are depressing.”
To be honest, he didn't understand all the talk about the Three Kingdoms and charisma because it was so difficult, but he understood this one right away.
“So you mustn't put too much faith in Usagawa-san.”
“I see. I understand.”
Suwa manipulated Mikio's heart by mixing difficult stories with easy-to-understand ones, and he also skillfully used simple questions that could be answered immediately.
“So here it is.”
Suwa placed the clay back in front of him again.
“No… but…”
“Don’t you think you will need it when Usagawa-san betrays you?”
“In order to succeed in life, you must have a long-term target.”
“Long-term… target?”
“You could say it's about planning. A baby is going to be born to you. As parents, you and Shino-san will prepare underwear and diaper clothes even before the baby is born, right?”
“Before preparing underwear and diapers, I called the mid-wife first, and I even thought of names.”
“That's great. That's what I call planning. The baby hasn't been born yet, so you don't know if it's a boy or a girl. So you think of names for both sexes.”
“I guess so. Gods in heaven are right on this one. I'm looking forward to it.”
“When you don't know which way things will turn out, you prepare for whichever way things will go. This is also called planning.
“You have a plan. That's a good thing.”
“Heh, I see.”
Mikio was a little embarrassed by Suwa's praise, but was honestly pleased.
“Prevention is better than cure. Because you never know how Usagawa-san will treat you. There is nothing better than making a clay mold of the storehouse key.”
“Indeed, you're right,” 
Mikio accepted the clay with a smiling face.
“I know you are smart, Suwa-san.”
“No, no, you're smart enough to understand what I'm saying.”
Mikio was in a good mood after receiving more praise from Suwa.
“I hope the baby that's born will inherit some of your cleverness.”
“Yes, I hope so! After all, he is descended from the Nagaoka family. I hope he is a smart kid.”
“But cleverness alone is not enough. There are many people in the world who think too much and fail to act. In that respect, you are also outstanding in your ability to take action. I value action more than cleverness.”
“Heh heh heh.”
Mikio was elated.
Holding the package of clay under his arm, he headed home.
The next day.
The Rabbit Cafe was still in preparation. Mikio waited for the waitresses to say something clever. Tsubame is the first one who arrived.
“Hey, Tsubame! Do you know what charisma is?” Mikio asked, even though he just knew about that word yesterday.
“Kari? Is it hunting?… Suma…? Is it from The Tale of Genji?”
Of course there was no such passage in The Tale of Genji.
“That’s wrong…Charisma is…” when Mikio tried to explain, he realized that he couldn’t remember what Suwa said. Yesterday, he said “I see”, “Indeed”, and he thought he was convinced, but he didn’t understand. 
“Er…What is it?” He mumbled as he tried to remember. He regretted he did not tell his wife, Shino, last night after he returned when his memory was still clear.
“The Romance of Three Kingdoms! You know? Liu Bei is charismatic.”
“I’m sorry… I don’t know much about The Romance of Three Kingdom,” Tsubame apologized.
“Well, I guess I can’t help it then. Let’s not talk about this.” 
Mikio felt relieved inside, but he bluffed that it was because of Tsubame's ignorance that they couldn’t continue the conversation.
The next one who came to the store was Kaoru.
Mikio decided to say something clever to Kaoru as well, he remember his conversation with Suwa last night.
“It's not good to trust people too much, you know.”
“Is that so? I don't think so,” Kaoru straightly objected.
“You have to think for yourself.”
“That's true, that may be important.”
Inside, Mikio was pleased that he could replied Kaoru’s objection as well.
Then, he suddenly came back to himself. He really thought to himself, should he bring home the clay?
Notes: Romance of Three Kingdom: is a 14th-century historical novel attributed to Luo Guanzhong. It is set in the turbulent years towards the end of the Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history. Liu Bei: was a Chinese warlord in the late Eastern Han dynasty who later became the founding emperor of Shu Han. Kong Ming : Zhuge Liang, also commonly known by his courtesy name Kongming, was a Chinese statesman, strategist, and engineer who lived through the end of the Eastern Han dynasty and the early Three Kingdoms period of China. Guan Yu, courtesy name Yunchang, was a Chinese military general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. Kari: 狩りmeans hunting (that’s why Tsubame asked if it’s about hunting) The Tale of Genji: also known as Genji Monogatari is a classic work of Japanese literature written in the early 11th century by the noblewoman, poet, and lady-in-waiting Murasaki Shikibu. The work recounts the life of Hikaru Genji, or "Shining Genji", who is the son of an ancient Japanese emperor (known to readers as Emperor Kiritsubo) and a low-ranking concubine called Kiritsubo Consort. 
.…..to be continued in chapter 75……  https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/745210446270889984/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-75-jump-sq-2404?source=share
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with English. Also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that don't make sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want to give corrections. 
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of the Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file.
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters on his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the story here: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/686193523858538496/rurouni-kenshin-tales-of-kamiya-dojo?source=share
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goatpaste · 2 years
Im re reading jojolion for the second time now and it is a really funky part!! Who is your favorite!!!
like hONESTLY surpingly so both in just the generalness that arki kinda hits more in making fun characters and concepts but his story telling is lacking. but jojolion hits in both areas SO hard ?? and sbr really was ass so the boUNCE back from that was insane
you literally just have to set jojos in morioh and its such a winner
and ugh,, thats so hard like
i REALLY do loev josuke he's just great
i REALLY love hato, i wanna say she's my favirote but she did NOT get a chance in hell to be a full character. if you set me loose id go on about hato tho...
the whole family really is so good,,, Norisuke,.. kaatooOooo KAATO AND JOBIIINNN AHHHH
and yasuho is soo soo good i really love her and josukes dynamic, their so in love
rai also,, like he's up there as one of the most handsome men i think araki ever drew which is so crazy to admit...
uGH the whole part is so solid, beside (sadly) daiya's intro chapters and some of joshu and yasu's interactions being less than favorable, everything else hits so sO hard
jojo's has its emotional parts, but nothing ever got me past the JUST 'feelin a lil ow my fee fees about this'. nothing in jojo's made me cry until the end of stone ocean FR... jotaro's whole 'your only weakness is your daughter' hit me so hard i get soppy thinking about it literally rn
BUT JOJOLION, MULTIPLE times got my ass. like mAYBE its because anything with moms makes me cry cry FCRY CRY
but LIKE josuke crying over holly.. THE
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THE 'I am your son. no matter where i go or what era i live in.' THAT SHIT HURTED
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and this last lil clip, this last chapter snippet gets me... josukes journey of who he is.. just.. ugh.. he is josuke higashikata.. the man who came from the ground..
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