#but Sunny too like......aaaaaa
universal-kitty · 2 years
hi hello I am casually sliding into ur ask box to seek rambles of your Sun n Moon self-ship 👀 how was your s/i’s first meeting with them? Do they have any habits or methods for comforting your s/i? - @limey-self-inserts
LIMEYYYY, thank you sm for this ask!! I actually haven't gotten into detail w/ these dorks yet... 😳 Guess the day is today to talk about them!
For reference, there's two versions of this ship now, so I'll go over both of them! Starting with Night Guard SI.
Lowkey inspired by the wonderful fic, Solar Lunacy ( @bamsara ), River is a struggling, would-be artist who needed some cash. Turns out, local Pizzaplex is looking for a nightguard, they pay stupid-well, and the wacky hours... Well, suppose they've done worse than a funky sleep schedule, right?
Turns out, that high price was for a reason. Chaos abound, Sun's odd attitude, Moon's..............himself, and the rest of the crew. It's a lot, but also... Whatever. Local fan/nerd of AI is delighted to be surrounded by such smart machines and treats them as people unthinkingly. (But also a little thinking-ly, because they believe in that kinda thing. Don't think too hard about the times they've talked to themself or inanimate objects, though...)
On a sidenote, they're closest to Freddy. (Perhaps, predictably, given his oddly fatherly nature.) Chica wormed her way in there by force, Roxanne is cool (and she pretends so hard that she isn't touched by that), and Monty... Is Monty; respectable distance given.
To give better details, tho-!!
.: First Meeting :.
River started working in the daytime to first meet Sun. Essentially settling them in with the "better" half to the duo...with the hope of avoiding the other entirely, given how much of a menace [and beyond] he could be.
For better or worse, River and Sun get mutually attached. And it sort of rubs off on Moon, with a pinch of them refusing to simply give up on him or stay afraid. (For their own good, far as he's concerned.) Buuut it helps that they're horribly oblivious- in every way that matters- and stubborn to boot.
Perhaps the only downside to the relationship is Moon pushing them to sleep is...a not unfounded ask; River is terrible at having a consistent bedtime, even with the busywork the Pizzaplex passes down. Even with the drama of the animatronics around them. If anything, the exhaustion goes up, the fussing of the Daycare Attendant rockets up ever skyward. Perhaps, ironically, all things considered.
.: Methods / Habits of Comforting :.
☀️ Sun being the energetic one, his methods of comfort mean rarely slowing down unless the situation truly calls for it. (And even then, bouncing in place enough to count it as stimming behavior.) He likes to tease, play games, and generally try to get River to relax via... I guess you could say "childish" methods, but definitely aren't unfounded ideas, either.
They've started bringing their mobile console (totally not the Switch) to work sometimes- when active service hours are out and the lights will be on for a portion of the night- and Sun LOVES seeing their video game progress! Their village in one game delights him, and the pocket monster game... They both have too much fun with that one. Sun pets the lil guys sometimes, while River watches. (He doesn't wanna play battles, though. The idea of them fainting concerns him. Too much pressure!)
Is also the main 'bot to ensure River eats, and does so in a somewhat healthy way, for what little the Pizzaplex can offer.
🌙 Moon, on the other hand, is a lot more quiet with his comforts. A lot of comforts from his side involve relaxation, sleeping/naps, quiet time, and parallel play (typically with him lurking over River's shoulder in some way).
In the beginning, "parallel play" is a BIG thing for Moon. Kinda like a feral cat, he's content at keeping his distance and assisting where need be. Making sure they don't get hurt on the job. Maybe scurrying off and dropping treats into River's path/on their head. They're vending machine snacks. They can't really complain; food is food. Water or other drinks (commonly Fizzy Faz) are left on any table or flat surface Moon can find.
Later on, after he's able to relax some and become the naptime 'bot again, River starts trusting him more to be asleep around. They take a long time to fall asleep, so Moon immediately started finding ways to aid their naps or sleepovers; finding preferred plushies in the Plex, needling River into bringing/buying blankets to bring over, setting up a hammock, etc.
It's actually this kind of motivation that actually makes their private room get decorated quite a bit before the Pizzaplex goes up in flames... (And yet, he ensures the fires don't get to that stuff. Almost gains extra damage because of it; Sun and Moon are dedicated to protecting it.)
Post-Pizzaplex burning, Moon rebuilds the "cozy nest" in River's apartment. They get put in "time out" there whenever they get overworked, are overly stressed, and so on. Along with the addition of Moon nabbing their candles and comfort items to put in there...if he can get away with it.
...They do have a small, moon phases blanket that's a major comfort item, and that typically stays in the main bedroom. (Secondary room was more of an office/workspace, but Sun/Moon command it later on.) Moon lowkey preens over that information.
Sun, on the other hand, is just glad to be here. However, he does take every opportunity to mother hen all he wants now that he gets to personally see into the life River leads. (Which is about what he expected, if a little worse. Honestly! Why wait so long to throw away trash?! "When I get up next," do it sooner!! Messy, messy!)
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And then... There's my animatronic SI! Currently nicknamed "Dancer" for lack of a name idea.
Made for Sun/Moon, it was management's hope that they would be able to keep the two in line. For Sun, less stress and ability to give kids more even attention with a companion. For Moon, to keep him in check and prevent (harm) any danger to the restless kids during naptime.
Their base comes from Ballora; essentially the ballerina has been remade into a playful, breezy assistant! A flowing gown, gentle elf ears, and peaceful, closed eyes. Even their body is padded, to aid in comfort when holding or carrying kids.
Much like Moon, they have a music box in their chest, and often dance while it goes off.
Although they are overall a pleasant addition and Sun adores them (Moon has complicated feelings), Dancer has, occasionally, been a problem for management. Hair sometimes catching on their joints and causing chaos. Paint getting on their hair. The occasional malfunction, as well. (Much to Sun's panic.)
On that note, though, Dancer and Sun/Moon rather balance each other out! Where Sun gets stressed, Dancer is able to soothe him into peace. Even Moon, who has complicated feelings for the assistant (to this assistant), appreciates their company. He's hesitant to ever admit it, but he likes their singing voice. (Sun, however, would admit that in an instant.)
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earl-grey-love · 8 months
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dearsnow · 3 months
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- you lost contact with the boy next door, and you believe your life is better for it. (bradley “rooster” bradshaw x fem!reader, ⚠️ adult topics mentioned, part of the series “out of touch”)
OUT OF TOUCH: It’s been twenty years since you last saw Bradley Bradshaw, and, suddenly, you realize he’s finally grown up.
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word count: 1,003
a/n - aaaaaa my top gun obsession as of late is currently taking up everything in my brain 🥹 now that i’m out for the summer, i really am going to try to finish what i started. come along for the journey, if you dare <3
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You were never “together” together with him. You used to wish you were, praying desperately to every fallen eyelash and coin in a fountain and 11:11, but nothing could make Bradley Bradshaw, the only thing your teenage self wanted, settle down.
Instead, you followed him like a lost puppy, and he reveled in your affection. He was fifteen years old, just barely starting to grow his hair out, and you were fourteen. He was also your neighbor, something you could not get out of your giddy head every time you caught a glimpse of him riding his bike outside your window. You supposed it was a thing of proximity; you fell for the only boy you had ever really talked to, and he wanted a warm body.
It was an innocent crush. You liked the way he moved his (frankly horribly styled, which you only realized later) hair out of his brown eyes, and he liked that you liked him. So you went out on “dates”, and you had a fun time, and he inevitably left you to fend for yourself when his friends came around. It took two months of this for you to finally realize that it just wasn’t going to happen.
As soon as you pulled yourself off of your metaphorical knees, he was attached to another girl. A blonde named Rebecca with curves that were certainly not age-appropriate, even at seventeen. You hated her, for a time, but looking back on it, she had the same lovesick look in her eyes that you did. He had that effect on everyone.
When Bradley left, you didn’t even miss him.
You’re thirty-four now, with a brand-new sparkle in your eye. Things are perfect. You just accepted a new job in sunny San Diego to be closer to your long-term boyfriend, and really, life couldn’t be better.
After high school, you moved halfway across the country to attend your dream college, where you met Derick. He’s a nice guy. He brings you flowers, knows your drink order by heart, and, most importantly, he isn’t afraid of commitment. He has a big, shiny ring tucked in the back of his sock drawer, and you won’t ever tell him you know where it is.
Even your job is amazing, which is something people rarely get to say. You got the opportunity to own and manage a cafe quietly nestled into the cozier part of the California coast, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. Its proximity to a naval base is also a great thing, as uniformed men line up in droves for an early morning coffee or the odd pastry on their cheat days.
You’re hardworking, and finally, finally, it’s starting to pay off. You smile to yourself as you pull the morning’s cash profit out of the cash register and divide it into folded envelopes. Nothing, you think, could ever go wrong.
Bradley’s life is great, too. That’s what he’d like to think, at least. He has friends. He loves his job. He loves the freedom of hooking up where he wants when he wants, without anyone trying to tie him down. He likes condoms and birth control, too, which are very important to his lifestyle. But when he looks at couples, rings around fingers and hands tucked into back pockets, something inside of him gives a little.
He’s never been one to stay in one place. He moved around a lot as a kid, and some essential part of that stuck with him. His job doesn’t make it easier, either–he’s constantly on the move. Now, though, he’s living in San Diego semi-permanently, and his roots are beginning to dig into the sand. And the whole time, he’s stayed depressingly single.
Women want him. There’s no doubt about it. He’s young enough, at thirty-five, for the twenty-something’s to chat him up, but old enough for the forty-somethings to not feel creepy talking to him. He’s fit, smooth, confident, and if he wants to take it that far, very good in bed. Despite all of that, he’s never found anyone that could truly tie him down. He’s getting a little tired of it at this point.
“Lord, she’s the hottest thing I’ve seen all week.” Fanboy moans into his palms. There’s a croissant on a napkin in front of him that he hasn’t even touched.
Hangman grins from behind him. “You gotta get us there so we can take a shot. As a humble man, I can firmly say that she won’t even think about her boyfriend when I walk through the door.”
The daggers are going on about their new crush of the week. Apparently, Fanboy had spotted what he describes as a “cuteness off the charts” cafe owner on his quest for a new dessert spot. There’s only one thing that deterred him from sweeping her off of her feet: she has a boyfriend, one that she’s evidently quite serious about.
Rooster isn’t into taken women. It’s too much hassle, and he doesn’t like getting in the way of a relationship. He’s made that mistake in the past, and gotten a black eye to show for it. A bit of him is curious, but he won’t take that bait.
“I want to go back. Maybe… maybe I can say the croissant was so good that I had to get another. Guys, you need to go with me. It’s serious serious.” Rooster can firmly say that he’s never seen Fanboy so worked up about a girl before. Who in the world could make his friend geek out like this?
Phoenix chimes in from her spot behind Rooster. “I don’t condone messing around with girls with boyfriends, but I’ve gotta see her for myself.”
Fanboy stands, determination written on his face, as he takes a bite of the croissant. “Let’s go. And you guys better not steal my thunder.”
Rooster rolls his eyes, but follows behind his very smitten friend. He’s in for an interesting (if not somewhat funny) afternoon.
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Taglist: @m1dnightsnackz @itsarabellebabes
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merakiui · 6 months
OMG going off on having sex in the fields with god!Floyd, what if he softly non-cons you >w< he’s been so disrespectful towards the god you’ve been worshipping your whole life (himself) and you don’t really like him because he isn’t being a good cult member!!
Maybe Floyd hears your inner thoughts about not liking him and hoping he ‘finds a way towards the righteous light’ when you’re praying to god!him after human/cultist!him loudly refuses to attend worship because it’s boring, so he decides to change your mind by forcing you to make love with him in the very field the cult worships him in!! AAAAAA
OMG OMG YES. OTL teasingly telling you he's sure your god won't mind if you're just a little messy on the holy grounds. <3 it's such a nice day as well. There's a soft breeze, a bright, blue sky filled with fluffy clouds, the sun is beaming, the wildflowers are all in bloom....... the statue the cult has created and raised in honor of Floyd casts such an ominous shadow over the two of you, a reminder that his eyes are always watching.
You beg him through tearful pleas to stop, that you can't defile these grounds or yourself. You're supposed to keep yourself pure for the day of your sacrifice. Your god won't want you if you've already been tainted. >_< Floyd laughs at that. If only his little Shrimpy knew.
Aaaaaa Floyd picking one of the flowers and tucking it behind your ear while he fucks you into the grass, slow and soft and sweet. You've always known your god to have dramatically shifting moods. Some days it storms fiercely; other days it's beautiful and sunny. You're not sure if he'll be very merciful when he learns you've given yourself (unwillingly and unknowingly) to one of your fellow cultists (the god you worship).
Trying and failing to mumble all manner of apologetic prayers to your god in hopes that he'll forgive you. You're just too cute. Floyd chuckles and presses a kiss to your mouth, mumbling, "I forgive ya."
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
Listen, listen, I know there are a lot of people who are very interested in Michael and who he is and what his design is gonna be like, but I've honestly not thought about it too deeply myself. I like reading other people's ideas because they're always very interesting, I just haven't formulated any ideas on it myself. (Nothing that's really stuck anyway.)
Buuuut I know that it's been said that Michael is supposedly the exact opposite of Lucifer appearance wise.
Does that mean Whitecifer is in fact a glimpse of a future Michael design??
Probably not, but I personally find that idea to be absolutely hilarious asdlkfdjkflkdfj
Do you think Michael glows in the dark, too??? Nobody knows because it's always sunny in the CR lol. The first time he shows up in the Devildom everybody is like what is that?!
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dangermousie · 7 months
W ep 9
You know, I am 9 eps into my rewatch and it's insane how there's still been not one weak moment for me in the story - narrative wise, acting wise, relationships wise, pace wise.
I love that YJ is given time to grieve; and the way she still keeps being dragged in for a few moments now and then because on a subconscious level KC thinks of her somehow. The scene where he has no idea who she is but picks up her ring and is so genuinely decent (but he always is) - aaaaa!
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My heart!!!!
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Honestly, I love that they show her grieving and grieving...she never can see him as not real or a pattern.
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Dad's idea to finish the comic with KC catching the culprit to save everything so it ends and KC doesn't have time to develop sufficient awareness and the story to derail - and the fact that it's KC who sent him that idea and to protect YJ aaaaaa back before he had her reset everything - and telling him to do it with someone he believes and so Dad giving the culprit his own face - it's not a bad idea. But between plot holes even with that (the ending he came up with is much too pat) and the fact that the narrative by now developed its own drive and can be diverted only temporarily, and that KC's nemesis takes a life of its own - yeah. I did love this scene though because I love that the drama is so very consistent that under his sunny demeanor, KC is vvvvv fucked up.
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But of course, the story derails. This is such a moment of pure horror!
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I like @myechoecho theory that the dad lost his face because he tried to have the same face in RL and give it to the murderer in comic and you can't be in two places at once. But also that "murderer" entity was honestly going to possess whoever Dad made because it's so strong and driven now by its purpose - it's just since Dad was real, he took his face (and as @myechoecho said, dad lost in the "only one can have this face at a time, who will win" contest.) Like KC earlier, it acquired sentience and awareness but unlike KC who spent all that will and knowledge trying to escape the constraints of the narrative, the murderer is using all that will and knowledge to fulfill his narrative goal.
God, this scene, still shiver-inducing!
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I love YJ being dragged in; and I genuinely don't think it was KC this time, he doesn't remember their relationship at all, it's the narrative drive. By now the story has taken over the driver's seat and it will tell what it will want to tell - it wants a psychotic murderer face off with KC (and the one dad created was too pathetic, so it made one who is a worthy foe) - it wants KC to have a star-crossed love story with a woman who it's impossible to be with and who he will want to protect no matter what and YJ fits that more since KC clearly never felt love for So Hui - so YJ gets dragged in. Narrative is the boss now and it's not human in any way, not even like dad who wants control and feels resentment. You can negotiate with a human. You cannot negotiate with narrative.
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He wants her help treating the victims of the shooting but honestly, once again, I am struck by how decent a person he is.
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He remembers her from the ring drop but the little beat before she realizes this is what he means by saying he remembers her and not their past - her face kills me. But then!!!
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Oh girl, this is gonna get BAD!
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artsybug0 · 1 year
(AAAAAA thank you for answering my question again!)
But I will say those two have a VERY INTERESTING dynamic, they are kinda of similar in a way? Correct me if I’m wrong! But I feel like they both work really hard for the people they care about, since that’s the only way to show their gratitude and they both are REALLY  traumatized!(im gonna make it easier for both of us and say this mysterious person is named sunny , because..I will get confused if I keep on using “person” hope you don’t mind! Also I realize I apologize so much and I WANNA SAY SORRY FOR IT BUT THATS AAAA, also I’m gonna add a little “✨” every time so you knew it’s me that’s asking a question, why? BECAUSE y e s)
But I honestly a feeling maybe, just maybe?? RF Millie would eventually warm up to sunny? Because let’s say sunny is stubborn af, they won’t really give up so easily until they KNOW RF Millie doesn’t hate her
It’s basically just
“..wha-“ -RF Millie
Yeah eventually Millie will warm up but don’t expect that to happen until like two years- 😭
She’s far too hesitant and nervous to immediately let herself warm up
when she’s really warmed up to Sunny and have accepted their friendship she will eventually just let them take care of her
Maybe sometimes she’ll randomly rest her head on their should to take a nap 🤭💕
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takami-takami · 8 months
VVVVVV (i shouldn't be saying that but still)
i'm back on my hawks brainrot for the year and it is hitting HARD this time so. here's something.
idk if you're into harry styles' music but he has a lot of underrated ones but,,, there's one that's so painfully keigo coded it makes me wanna eat dirt. it's called golden (the title itself screams him would you look at that)
one of the lyrics goes "i know you were way too bright for me, i'm hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky, brown my skin just right, you're so golden" tell me that doesn't SCREAM him. there's also a song called only angel by harry that makes me chew my pillow when i listen to it. i literally ascend when i daydream with that song in the background so yeah!! how wonderful is that!!
yeah anyways hope you're doing okay and keeping yourself hydrated and safe and i hope this year brings you so much joy and many more fics and drabbles of our favourite boy <3
- ☀️ anon
AAAAAA SUNNY HI!!!! Ofc you can say that!!
It's okay omg how did your semester go?? YES YES YES MORE KEI BRAINROT that better be your new years resolution 😌.
I haven't listened to Harry Styles, but I just listened to the two sent just now. I really like them, especially the slight twinge of edginess to Only Angel (I love it). Your music recs are always on point.
"I'm just happy getting you stuck inbetween my teeth" ohhhhh that's a good line. I like this a lot...
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moonliched · 3 months
Hi neighbour!
I also had a hard time deciding which team to pick, and I ended up having to flip a coin 😅. I’m on stardust but idk if I’m gonna stick with it yet
I’ll be sure to update you on the pride thing! It’s the 50th anniversary here so it’s a huge week-long event! I am worried about the weather tho because there’s a lot of outdoor activities
aaaaaa then celebrations should be even more colourful than usual! that sounds so cool, i'm hoping it's sunny weather for you☀️💛
omg i'm on team stardust now too!! i pick based on which theme i can make the best sona from xD i know you like talking on anon, but if you toss me an attack i tend to defend even on the same team, so you can keep anonymity :3c but no pressure!
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rambleprism · 1 year
Choosing a song for every letter of my URL 🎵
Hey I got tagged by @raptorbricksart/@raptorbricks (who is based for choosing an Efteling song, let's go)! I love music and I'm glad I get to ramble about songs I like :D
(original post) -------------- R - Ruler of the Mountains (Rayman 1) - Love the vibes of this world so much. Rest in peace, Remi Gazel. A - Album You've Been Waiting For (Brentalfloss) - This guy's music is super nostalgic for me, for some reason I keep coming back to this one original he did. It's just hecking fun and upbeat ✨ M - Mmmmmmanta, the darkness one (Mario+Rabbids Sparks of Hope) - HOW IS THIS ABSOLUTE BANGER JUST FOR A TUTORIAL STAGE. Good game, gosh DANG B - Bob's Burgers Movie Sunny Side of Summer (no I'm not cheating, shut up) - feels like warm memories of driving and singing along loudly. Watch the movie dang it, it's lovely L - Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow (Freddy Mercury) - Yeah I feel like crying today crank the jams man uuuaaaghhhghgh ; v ; E - Ehhhh lots of songs by David Wise! Like Klomp's Romp (Donkey Kong Country 2) - Love the calming water sounds and gentle buildup P - Pac-Steps (Pac-Man CE DX) - Something so majestic about it that gets you into the zone, Pac-Man has a lot of bangers but this is beautiful R - Reala's theme (NiGHTS into Dreams) - Jammin' 🎸 I - I'm sorry (I'm not) (this is in my favorite music playlist) (I wish I was joking) (I should probably be on a watchlist but it's so fricking funny though) S - Sonic Runners' entire soundtrack - gets me so pumped, seriously one of the best and most overlooked Sonic soundtracks M - Mimi's Delivery Service (Good Kid) - favorite band aaaaaa (M Alternatively - suffer 😊) ------------- Thanks for the tag, that was a lot of fun! My taste in music is weird and all over the place, but listening to music is a huge part of my creative process and feeling like a person. Thanks, music. Gonna tag some cool people, feel free to do this too! @ajthebumblebee @heayn @ryemanni @acarrcreations @ikkeforeal @jakiwashere @raygirlramblings @duckduckington @nebulaaurora @discozombiess 🎵💙
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fluffiwrites · 2 years
If you’re taking requests, you should totally write an Omori fic 😭 There’s literally NO tk fics anywhere for the game and it hurts 😤
Request: Literally any character you want. It would be sun to see something with Kel, though (favorite character 💀)
omigosh ilysm for requesting this 😭 i daydream ALOT & I get most fic ideas from daydreaming, & I thought of a lee!kel idea because my boy doesn't get enough tiggles HE NEEDS THEM 💔 so this request is a true serendepity ^^ (btw he's also my fave hehehe)
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"Admit it!"
Lee!Kel Ler!Basil, Ler!Aubrey. Warnings: Tickling
This is RW Pre-Death ^^
"Um- Hero? Do you know where Kel is? I need to ask him if he broke my camera..." Basil inquired.
"Oh your cameras broken? Don't worry! I'm sure Mari could fix it for you, right?" She nodded.
"Anyway, I think he's under the tree with the others!" Hero had a warm smile, as he turned back to Mari to finish baking their cookies.
Basil walked over to the tree Hero mentioned, & there he was with Aubrey & Sunny.
"Kel? Did you break my camera?" He asked.
"No.." (Lies)
"But why did i find a photo of you swinging around with it?" Basil interrogated.
"What...there's no photo.." The brunette had a very guilty look on his face.
"Then, what's this?" Basil pulled out the photo!
"That's-uh! Fabricated! Yeah! AUBREY DID IT!!!" He pointed to the young girl.
"WHAT?! I DID NOT, JERK!" she shouted, "Come on Basil let's get him!"
"Yeah!" The blonde laughed.
"AAAAAA SUNNY HELP ME!!!" Kel started to run as fast as he could as the others chased him.
Sunny ignored, claiming it was too "immature for him & carried on silently reading his book.
Being who he is, it was guaranteed Kel would fall at some point, & so he did, right in the middle of the field.
"….. need a minute..." Kel gasped, "God, you run fast..."
"Well we wouldn't have to chase you if you just gave up!"
"NEVER! UAHAHAHA!!!" He leaped up, "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME-ACK!" Aubrey caught him just before he got away.
"Time for your punishment!!!" She said with determination.
"What do you- Wait...nonoNONONO-"The boy burst out laughing before he could even finish his sentence.
He folded up like a chair as 20 fingers wiggled & squeezed all over his sides, "Nahahat fahahahir!!!
Thahat's cheheating!" He giggled.
"You lied to us!!!" Basil said.
"Maybe we'll stop if you tell the truth!" Aubrey added.
"IHI DIDNT BREHEAK IT I SWEHEAR!!!" He cackled & flinched at every poke the two sent to his stomach, the tingly feelings shooting across his body.
"WRONG!!!" They said in unison, "Gosh if only I knew you were this ticklish then, I would've definitely have won that play fight." Aubrey teased.
"SHUHUT UHUP- NAHAT THEHERE" Kel's obnoxious laughter raised an octave when Basil's hand snuck under his arm, he quickly shot them down & squeezed tightly.
"Ooh, look Aubrey! I think I found it!" He said innocently as Kel practically died of laughter.
"Good job! Take. THIS!" Kel flailed his arms about in a weak attempt of escape, & once Aubrey started to dig into the ticklish hollows, it was over.
It wasn't long before the boy's giddy laughter had silenced, so the two mischievous kids let up, &
Kel lay there in a messy pool of giggles.
"I gihive uhup...I didn't mehean to break it I swear!" He blabbed out.
"Oh, we're not mad. We just wanted to mess with you." Aubrey admitted casually.
Kel's mouth gaped.
"MARIII AUBREY & BASIL ARE BULLIESSS!!!" He yelled as he, once again, ran away, all the way to the house.
Hehe I hope this was nice to read! ^^ But either way thanks for reading & have a lovely day, my loves! (@^v^@)/☆
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celestie0 · 5 months
you putting “message in a bottle” in the kickoff playlist is so spot on bc i was listening to that exact song after i finished chapter 1 LOL. and “gold rush”??? one of the most gojo-coded songs ever.
i just wanted to say how much fun it’s been binge-reading this series. you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
i love that you made their vulnerabilities feel real too. a lot of times characters like gojo who are heavily flawed tend to lack understanding from the audience because we can’t fathom why we should feel sympathy for a character like him, but the way you wrote his backstory made total sense as to why he is the way he is (like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”).
the digimon convo made me laugh LOL IT WAS SO CUTE. idk why but seeing guys be obsessed with a show or movie they loved since childhood is so precious to me 🥹
i cannot wait for the grovelling to continue. as much as i love gojo, he’s gonna have to do the most to show that he’s serious about the reader after everything thats happened 😤 and thE WAY I WAS SCREAMING AT THE RECENT CHAPTER OMG. i was begging the reader to leave and she did better by smacking tf out of that asshole, like YES thank you for having a backbone 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
i hope the reader becomes a super successful director and makes a movie that wins all the awards!!!(bc she does NOT need those gross men who kept belittling her) and thank you for writing, it’s been such a pleasure to read 🫶
my loooove thank you sososo much for this ask omg!! 😭💕 your comments on the series have me cryinnggg it means a lot to me :””) sm serotonin rn aaaaaa im so happy you’re enjoying the series!!!
YES message in a bottle is so glitter pen feel good happy song n i listened to it sm when i started writing kickoff (to me it fits the vibe of the sunny utoykyo practice field scenes where gojo walks her out to the field n stuff lol)
you put so much thought into the reader and gojo’s character, and i think it really makes them feel like real people. every few minutes i have to rant to myself about their actions bc i’m so passionate about them lol.
thank you SO much for saying this 😭 i do indeed think a lot about their characteristics LOL more than i do ab writing style or plot or anything else so to hear that it’s coming across to readers makes me so happy :”) BAHHA omg ranting about their actions is so real tbh i take breaks writing to do the same sometimes LOL
like no joke right after chapter 6 i was like “this man needs to be humbled i can’t stand him” and then 2 seconds later i read his backstory in the next chapter and go “oh,,, shit,,,,”
PLS i only realized after i published ch7 how weird it must be for readers who are binging to go from ch6 to ch7 😭 it goes from like horny & angry to just depressing JSKDJDHD but i’m glad it wasnt too much whiplash haha n that you enjoyed the characterization of his backstory :”) tbh that chap was almost gonna be in reader’s pov (w/out gojo backstory) n so when lovely readers like u mention that you appreciated the chap the way it is i really feel as though i made the right decision :””) ty for that
HAHAH i lovedd including the digimon scene it was so silly n cute n its also canon gojo likes digimon so it was just so much fun. AND YES READER SLAPPING TF OUTTA REN N THROWING ALCOHOL IN KAI’s FACE WAS 10/10 MOST SATISFYING THING TO WRITE I FELT THE CATHARTIC RELEASE OF A HUNDRED SUNS FROM THAT
yess 🙌🏼 reader is gonna slay in the film industry fosho, i’m manifesting for her n by manifesting i mean i will write it into existence LOL i’m excited to write some post-grad content for them once the series is over :”) tysm for this ask bb im sorry my response is kinda long LOL but i just had sm fun responding to your words 😭💕 have a wonderful day!!
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earl-grey-love · 11 months
Early on into their friendship, Sunny starts sleeping in Levi's room quite often. It originally happens as an accident like she falls asleep while watching anime/him game late at night, and Levi is too awkward to wake him up, but it soon becomes a normal habit between them.
Not in his bathtub (yes, Levi sleeps in a bathtub) because it's too small, and also, there's no reason for Sun to be in there at that point. But there will be a pile of like pillows and blankets in the area in front of his TV, and that's where he ends up sleeping fairly often.
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alelelesimz · 1 year
i got tagged by @maelfe tyyy <3
rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know/ catch up with
last song: ratchet by bloc party
last show: i think the last thing i watched fully was the bear. otherwise my roommate and i usually watch some parks and rec episodes while we have dinner
currently watching: it’s always sunny in philadelphia
currently reading: i don’t read :p
current obsession: not to be too obvious but aaaaaa no thoughts only tears of the kingdom!!!!
i tag anyone who’s currently experiencing tloz brain rot like me 🫶
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lilac-udon · 10 months
au note
So as if you actually read my notes, i already have a lot for mari, I’m start structuring hero currently , it’s so hard because he is probably the most ooc character. In og I really don’t have much opinion on hero, just “he is too good to be true ”. Thats why in my draft he is more shady and felt completely different. I try much to keep in character but turn into hero being someone hypocritical(?) fake towards people. with mari, he is completely alone, so he is probably showing his true honest self, blahblah
It so hard to write him I need to consider too much aaaaaa
Old drafts- he was trying his best, he prioritize the best outcome, ended up somehow selfish but he cover up really good. A person that’s always working.
I said this au have heavy topic but why they all look like having fun because I imagine ,they somehow very childish when together bc they all longer
Sunny- doesn’t social much, he wasted most his life sleeping , so when he is free to have fun, he will act like a kid, even though his brain probably sort a lot of knowledge, he action sometimes clumsy
kel- he young and innocent , having fun , living life
Basil- man is mentally ill , childish act might just be coping mechanisms
Mari- loss memory, and changing times, she missed out all the innovation stuff, curious about learning and stuff
auby hero-uh the only responsible ones
I need to write a new Mari personality to match new hero personality , he secretly interacts with mari
Oh! Also I want to draw hero mari but I really don’t know how to draw hero
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artikgato · 11 months
So... I've had a
But the important part is that I dragged myself out of the house today and went for a jogwalk. Yeah it took me until almost 10am. Yeah it sucked in almost every concievable way because of how many days I've skipped.
I almost feel like the past few days didn't even happen. I know I did things. But like. Last Friday I only got to do half of the jogwalk because it was raining. Last Saturday I skipped because I had a lot to do to prepare for the flea market, which was of course Sunday. Monday I had to skip because I was way too tired. Okay. Reasonable. Monday solo at work was exhausting so it's understandable that I also skipped on Tuesday. I should have gone out on Wednesday, though. And the main reason that I didn't is because I stayed up late playing Silent Hope. I did sort of do a half jogwalk on Wednesday after work! There was a one star raid in the gym so I rushed out there and battled it.
Yesterday I don't think I could have done the jogwalk in the morning since it was a) raining and b) I had to take a friend to the airport. And I went and got groceries and other stuff that I probably didn't need to yesterday. I went out on an ultimately successful quest to find a yellow turtleneck for a last minute cosplay for AWA (which is in less than two weeks AAAAAA). I also spent a liiiiittle more than I should have on a pair of nice green boots. Which means I have to wear them. Eventually. Once it gets cold. For the two and a half weeks it's cold here.
At least I went out today! And hopefully I'll be able to get back in the groove of things. My time was at least decent, and I did catch a whole lot of Smolivs while I was out.
Time to spend the day playing catch up on all the chores I elected to not do on Tuesday. And maybe see if I can figure out which streaming service has the Friday the 13th movies. Since, y'know.
Time: 21:57 Weather: 60, sunny Humidity: 66% Song of the Day: Little Tyrants, Anberlin
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