#I would totally cuddle them in my nap hammock yes yes
universal-kitty · 2 years
hi hello I am casually sliding into ur ask box to seek rambles of your Sun n Moon self-ship 👀 how was your s/i’s first meeting with them? Do they have any habits or methods for comforting your s/i? - @limey-self-inserts
LIMEYYYY, thank you sm for this ask!! I actually haven't gotten into detail w/ these dorks yet... 😳 Guess the day is today to talk about them!
For reference, there's two versions of this ship now, so I'll go over both of them! Starting with Night Guard SI.
Lowkey inspired by the wonderful fic, Solar Lunacy ( @bamsara ), River is a struggling, would-be artist who needed some cash. Turns out, local Pizzaplex is looking for a nightguard, they pay stupid-well, and the wacky hours... Well, suppose they've done worse than a funky sleep schedule, right?
Turns out, that high price was for a reason. Chaos abound, Sun's odd attitude, Moon's..............himself, and the rest of the crew. It's a lot, but also... Whatever. Local fan/nerd of AI is delighted to be surrounded by such smart machines and treats them as people unthinkingly. (But also a little thinking-ly, because they believe in that kinda thing. Don't think too hard about the times they've talked to themself or inanimate objects, though...)
On a sidenote, they're closest to Freddy. (Perhaps, predictably, given his oddly fatherly nature.) Chica wormed her way in there by force, Roxanne is cool (and she pretends so hard that she isn't touched by that), and Monty... Is Monty; respectable distance given.
To give better details, tho-!!
.: First Meeting :.
River started working in the daytime to first meet Sun. Essentially settling them in with the "better" half to the duo...with the hope of avoiding the other entirely, given how much of a menace [and beyond] he could be.
For better or worse, River and Sun get mutually attached. And it sort of rubs off on Moon, with a pinch of them refusing to simply give up on him or stay afraid. (For their own good, far as he's concerned.) Buuut it helps that they're horribly oblivious- in every way that matters- and stubborn to boot.
Perhaps the only downside to the relationship is Moon pushing them to sleep is...a not unfounded ask; River is terrible at having a consistent bedtime, even with the busywork the Pizzaplex passes down. Even with the drama of the animatronics around them. If anything, the exhaustion goes up, the fussing of the Daycare Attendant rockets up ever skyward. Perhaps, ironically, all things considered.
.: Methods / Habits of Comforting :.
☀️ Sun being the energetic one, his methods of comfort mean rarely slowing down unless the situation truly calls for it. (And even then, bouncing in place enough to count it as stimming behavior.) He likes to tease, play games, and generally try to get River to relax via... I guess you could say "childish" methods, but definitely aren't unfounded ideas, either.
They've started bringing their mobile console (totally not the Switch) to work sometimes- when active service hours are out and the lights will be on for a portion of the night- and Sun LOVES seeing their video game progress! Their village in one game delights him, and the pocket monster game... They both have too much fun with that one. Sun pets the lil guys sometimes, while River watches. (He doesn't wanna play battles, though. The idea of them fainting concerns him. Too much pressure!)
Is also the main 'bot to ensure River eats, and does so in a somewhat healthy way, for what little the Pizzaplex can offer.
🌙 Moon, on the other hand, is a lot more quiet with his comforts. A lot of comforts from his side involve relaxation, sleeping/naps, quiet time, and parallel play (typically with him lurking over River's shoulder in some way).
In the beginning, "parallel play" is a BIG thing for Moon. Kinda like a feral cat, he's content at keeping his distance and assisting where need be. Making sure they don't get hurt on the job. Maybe scurrying off and dropping treats into River's path/on their head. They're vending machine snacks. They can't really complain; food is food. Water or other drinks (commonly Fizzy Faz) are left on any table or flat surface Moon can find.
Later on, after he's able to relax some and become the naptime 'bot again, River starts trusting him more to be asleep around. They take a long time to fall asleep, so Moon immediately started finding ways to aid their naps or sleepovers; finding preferred plushies in the Plex, needling River into bringing/buying blankets to bring over, setting up a hammock, etc.
It's actually this kind of motivation that actually makes their private room get decorated quite a bit before the Pizzaplex goes up in flames... (And yet, he ensures the fires don't get to that stuff. Almost gains extra damage because of it; Sun and Moon are dedicated to protecting it.)
Post-Pizzaplex burning, Moon rebuilds the "cozy nest" in River's apartment. They get put in "time out" there whenever they get overworked, are overly stressed, and so on. Along with the addition of Moon nabbing their candles and comfort items to put in there...if he can get away with it.
...They do have a small, moon phases blanket that's a major comfort item, and that typically stays in the main bedroom. (Secondary room was more of an office/workspace, but Sun/Moon command it later on.) Moon lowkey preens over that information.
Sun, on the other hand, is just glad to be here. However, he does take every opportunity to mother hen all he wants now that he gets to personally see into the life River leads. (Which is about what he expected, if a little worse. Honestly! Why wait so long to throw away trash?! "When I get up next," do it sooner!! Messy, messy!)
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And then... There's my animatronic SI! Currently nicknamed "Dancer" for lack of a name idea.
Made for Sun/Moon, it was management's hope that they would be able to keep the two in line. For Sun, less stress and ability to give kids more even attention with a companion. For Moon, to keep him in check and prevent (harm) any danger to the restless kids during naptime.
Their base comes from Ballora; essentially the ballerina has been remade into a playful, breezy assistant! A flowing gown, gentle elf ears, and peaceful, closed eyes. Even their body is padded, to aid in comfort when holding or carrying kids.
Much like Moon, they have a music box in their chest, and often dance while it goes off.
Although they are overall a pleasant addition and Sun adores them (Moon has complicated feelings), Dancer has, occasionally, been a problem for management. Hair sometimes catching on their joints and causing chaos. Paint getting on their hair. The occasional malfunction, as well. (Much to Sun's panic.)
On that note, though, Dancer and Sun/Moon rather balance each other out! Where Sun gets stressed, Dancer is able to soothe him into peace. Even Moon, who has complicated feelings for the assistant (to this assistant), appreciates their company. He's hesitant to ever admit it, but he likes their singing voice. (Sun, however, would admit that in an instant.)
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rozemieke · 5 years
Here's another short story I'm sorry if there are any mistakes but these are just short stories I write for fun!!
Here we go:
Richie was sitting in the clubhouse by the Barrens. He felt like shit. His mom had just gotten angry at him because he tried to do something right again.
Even when he tried to do something nice, it always turned out as bad or not good enough so he got blamed.
So now he was sitting in the hammock, music blasting trough the little radio that he had taken down there.
He tried to sing along but tears were blinding his vision and he tried not to cry so his troat hurted.
Suddenly the hatch of the clubhouse openend. Someone carefully climbed down the ladder.
"Richie?" Richie knew it was Eddie. He would recognise his voice out of a thousand.
"Yes?" He answered, quickly wiping his tears away and trying to hide the hurt in his voice.
"Hey. I didn't know that anyone would be here but yeah uhm,..."
He didn't finish his sentence. Richie grinned at him. "You alright Eds?" Richie asked, trying to hide his own hurt in jokes. Like he ways did.
Eddie didn't answer. He looked very tired, bags under his eyes. His normally neatly combed hair was now ruffled and standing in different directions.
"Can I uh,.."
Richie raised an eyebrow. "Tell me what you want Eds."
He didn't answer.
He walked towards the hammock. "Can I lay down with you?"
The smaller boy was on the verge of breaking down. Richie knew that. He had known Eddie for so long that he knew when he wasn't alright.
"Alright. C'm here."
Eddie sighed and climbed in the hammock. It was not that big so he needed to lay his head on Richie chest. Their legs tangled and the rising of Richies chest calmed the smaller boy down a little.
"You want to tell me what happened?" Richie asked, trying not to freak out because Eddie was so close.
He shook is head. "You know, mum stuff."
Richie nodded.
"What about you? Eddie asked.
"Mm? What about me?"
Eddie sighed. "I know you Richie. You cried before I came in. I can see it in your eyes and your body language."
Richie gulped.
"I feel like shit. Home and all that, you know."
Eddie nodded. Yes, he did know.
"Can you put of the radio?" Eddie asked, his voice sounding tired. Richie nodded and reach out his arm from the hammock to set it off.
"Thanks. Do you mind if I try to take a nap?"
Eddie asked. Richie didn't answer. If Eddie taking a nap meant him laying on his chest for a long time so Richie could comb his fingers trough his curls and humm a song Eddie loved then yes. Richie blushed thinking of it.
"I I don't mind." Richie stuttered a little. Eddie smiled. "Thanks you Richie." He said before closing his eyes.
"No problem Eds." Richie whispered, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
Eddie smiled against Richies warm chest, slowly drifting of to sleep.
Richie didn't know what to do. He would like to sleep too but he just couldn't. His thoughts kept wandering of.
Richie was playing with Eddie's loose curls, his thin fingers tangled in the smaller boy hair.
He was humming a song from the Beatles and he didn't knew how much time had passed but when Eddie woke up his arms and back were sore from laying in the same position for to long.
Eddie didn't say anything when he woke up. He just enjoyed the other boys company. "Are you hunry Eds?" Richie suddenly asked. Eddie hadn't noticed but when Richie mentioned it he was indeed hungry.
"Yes. Do you know what time it is?" He asked. Richie shook his head and wiggled his arm under his butt to take a Snickers bar out of his back pocket that he bought on his way here.
"It's kind of ruined and melted because it has been in my pocket for so long but I don't have anything else."
Eddie shrugged. "I don't care." Richie opened the Snickers bar and bit it in a half before Eddie coud start complaining about germs and shit.
Not that he seemed to care. He just took the half of it and ate it without giving his usual rant about germs.
"Do you think I should go back home and apologise to my mum?" Eddie asked sofly. Richie shrugged. "I don't know. If you want to spend the night in here it's fine be me ' caus I'm not gonna go home soon."
Eddie got up from the hammock, giving Richie space to finaly strechts his back and get up too. They were standing next to each other on the ground, both tired and hungry.
"We should probably go out and get some real food." Eddie suggested.
Richie nodded. They both climbed up the ladder and went outside.
"I don't have any money though." Eddie said while they made their way out of the barrens.
"We can steal some?" Richie suggested. He had stolen cigarettes before sometimes. He had never been cought though. But most of time Bev was there with him to distract the cashier.
"We dan try. We also stole some bandages a while back, do you remember that?"
Richie laughed at the memory.
He and Eddie laughed and talked all the way to the store.
When they arrived Eddies job was to distract the cashier so Richie could steal some candy bars and sandwiches.
Eddie had just enough money with him to buy a singular lolly pop, so he did that when Richie came to stand next to him.
"You ready to go? I'm tired of waiting." Richie said. The cashier didn't suspect anything. Eddie took his lolly pop and they walked out of the store.
"Nice one Eds!" Richie yelled as soon as they walked behind the corner, revealing the stuff from underneath is hoodie. Eddie laughed and took a sandwich.
"You wanna go the quarry? 'Caus I would like to take a swim right now. It's fucking hot." Eddie said.
"That's because of me Eddie Spaghetti. A swim ain't gonna help."
Eddie rolled his eyes and took a bite from his sandwich.
"Shut up asshole."
Richie grinned and slung his arm over the smaller boys shoulder. "Let's go."
"You wanna go first Eds?" Richie asked, his arms crossed in front of his naked chest.
"We can jump together." He said, looking questionable at Richie. Richie nodded.
"Alright. On three?"
Eddie nodded. Something about jumping of the cliff into the water was thrilling but amazing. It made him feel like he could rule the words. So when Richie counted he grinned.
"Three!" Richie yelled. Eddie grabbed Richie hand as they ran towards the edge, ready to feel the smack from the water and the thrill of the fall.
When Eddie broke trough the water to be able to breath again he was greated by a smiling Richie.
"Eds that was amazing!" He yelled, swimming towards Eddie. Eddie grinned. "Yeah it was."
They played for a while in the water until they got tired. When they were climbing to the top of the quarry to put on their clothes again the sun started to set. The sky was slowly turning pink, orange, dark and light blue and purple. It was beautiful.
"We should probably go back to the clubhouse befrie it gets dark. I don't want to walk to the barrens when I can't see anything." Richie said after they putted on their clothes. Eddie nodded but didn't move. He was sitting on a rock and was watching the sunset.
" Hey spaghetti man? You listening?" Richie said, sitting down next to Eddie. Eddie rolled his eyes." Let me just enjoy this moment Richie."
Richie gulped. Eddie looked so happy, his hair still wet, his cheeks a little red, his face so beautiful.
"Fucking hell Eds." He whispered. Eddie looked up. "Why? I didn't do anything!"
Richie sighed. Trying to ignore the pain in his chest and the aching of his heart.
"It's nothing."
Eddie stared at the taller boy. "Tell me. You're hiding something. And don't say you're not because you can't lie to me."
Richie gulped. This was not the plan. He wasn't gonna tell Eddie that he liked him. He would never do that.
Eddie looked at him, one eyebrow raised, his head turned a little sideways.
"Gonna tell me or what?" Eddie asked. He smiled. Richie looked so soft with the sun on his face and the surprised look in his eyes. Eddie tried to shake away the thoughts. You weren't supposed to like your best friend. It was dirty and wrong. Boys couldn't like boys. Period.
But then why did he feel like this? Why did, everytime Richie touched him or laughed at him, he felt like he was about to explode? Why did he lay awake at night thinking about him? Why did he wanted to know how Richiez lips tasted? Would they taste like cigarettes? Why did he think about holding his hand and touching his hair and,...
Eddie sighed.
Fuck man. This was so incredibly wrong, but then why did he wanted to feel Richie close? Cuddle up next to him? Let the other boy touch him? What was wrong with him?
And now when Richie was standing there with the beautiful sunset behind him Eddie couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Fuck Richie if you're not gonna say anything I will. I get it that it's maybe weird and that if after this you will hate me but I don't want to hide it any longer because I can't and if you don't want to be my friend anymore I totally get that. I just hope that you understand what I'm going to say and that you won't,... "
Eddie was rambling. He know he was but the words kept flowing out of his mouth. He couldn't stop. Until Richie said something.
"I'm in love with you Eddie."
Eddie looked at the taller boy with big eyes.
"I mean please don't hate me for this but I liked you since I was 12 and I never told you and I don't want this to be weird but,..."
Eddie smiled. He couldn't believe that his was happening.
"Shut up Richie."
They taller boy didn't shut up. He kept rambling on.
Eddie got up from his rock and stood in front of Richie.
"I like you to." He whispered, grabbing the collar of Richies shirt, standing on his tipy toes and kissing the taller boy.
Richie kissed back immediately. A happy shigh leaving his mouth.
When they broke the kiss Richie smiled. "You have no idea for how long I've wanted to kiss you Eds."
Eddie blushed.
"Then let's do it again."
Two boys standing on a cliff, the sunset behind them, tasting each others lips and finally feeling like everything was going to be okay.
#shortstory #IT #Reddie #Richie #Eddie #It(2017) #Idontknowhowtodothiswhat
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tatooedlaura-blog · 7 years
The Moon
the series read as follows:
Superman … Monday … Cheezy Pouffs … Bacon … Stumbling … Trail Mix …  Punch … Friday … Preparation … Uncle Mudler … Normal … Backseat … Mudler-sense … The FBI … Unthinkable … Patience … Elephant Jokes … Cooking … Rickety Tables … Mr. Skimmer … Bert and Ernie ... Midnight Confessions
There’s some stuff at the end .. fun stuff .. stuff the cat said was inappropriate for virgin eyes ... I told her to go take a nap ...
Frustration won.
Growling in the darkness, heart racing, mind flying, she banged the mattress with balled-up fists, “stop. I’m sorry. Can you stop?”
Mulder, having felt her getting nowhere fast and the tension building up accordingly, slowed, then stopped his fingers, burying his lips above her ear, whispering through a kiss, “can’t stop thinking, can you?” Wiggling her hips slightly, she waited for him to remove his hand before she dropped her forearm across her eyes, not daring to look at her partner in that moment, choosing dark embarrassment over honest concern. Mulder, however, wasn’t having any of it, reaching up to gently pull her arm away, “hey, it’s okay.”
Groaning now, she hauled herself up, sitting on the edge of the bed, feet resting on bedframe, elbows on knees, head in hand, “really? Because it feels fairly annoying to me.”
1am had its good moments and 1am had its bad moments, “I’m just telling you what I think and I think that maybe you went looking to forget a little too fast.”
“Are you honestly going to psychoanalyze me in the middle of the night?”
“Nope.” He stood up, then took her hand, a little rougher than usual but feeling it necessary to get her to move, “come on.”
“What? Where are we going?”
“To find you some chocolate ice cream and me a can of root beer. I’m making floats and you can’t stop me.”
Resisting as well as she could, she lost when he practically pulled her from the bed, bare feet providing the traction she couldn’t get on soft sheets a moment earlier. Stumbling slightly, she gave in by the time they reached the top of the stairs, asking him quietly to slow down, “I don’t want to fall down the steps.”
He put the brakes on, “sorry,” as he carefully stepped down, “forgot it was dark.” Once in the kitchen, however, he sat her in a stool at the island and leaning across it, “sexual frustration is easier when both parties get to deal with it. I am going to make you a root beer float, then we are going to take a deep breath while I discuss something with you.”
At that moment, she was teetering on the edge. One direction was complete and total annoyance with her partner, ready to yell and chase him out of the house annoyance while the other side of the line held compliance, slight self-depricating humor and ice cream blended with ‘I adore you’ perfection.
She chose the ice cream side.
Propping her chin in her hands, she finally took a deep breath, “will you at least wash your hands first?”
He liked when she chose the ice cream side.
With a small smile, he nodded, “probably not a bad idea considering where these hands have been in the last hour.”
Spontaneous smiles were good, “just be quiet and make me dessert, would you?”
Soon, he had settled beside her, spooning ice cream concoction from glass to mouth, “so, are you ready for our discussion?”
He made the world better, in every sense, “I think so. Just … don’t be too honest with me. It’s too late or too early for that.”
“How about I do just the right amount of honesty?” Once she involuntarily crooked an eyebrow for a second, he continued, “you need to listen though, absorb, remember, understand?”
“Yes, for the love of God, now will you just tell me.”
Twisting her chin to meet her gaze, “I am happy. I am happy with you. I am happy that sometime in the next 20 years, we may get married. I am happy that sometime in the next 20 years, we may have a dog or a cat or even a set of hermit crabs. I am happy that it’s me and you. I am happy just the way we are. I would be happy if we spent a bunch of money on trying to have a baby. I am happy if we don’t spend a bunch of money on trying to have a baby. I am happy if we buy a house. I am happy if we only ever buy a mattress big enough for two. I am happy if we get fat from eating ice cream and collect pictures of Big Foot and things by Van Gogh.” Seeing her hanging on his words, he went in for the kill, “I am happy with you.” Enjoying her absorbing look, he continued, “I have only ever wanted you. Everything and anything else is proverbial icing on the cake. I never should have ventured into territory like that when I knew you were exhausted and I was an idiot as well for not realizing that when you asked for a way to forget, you were really asking for what I just told you.”
“You have me analyzed down to the atom, don’t you?”
“Nope. Would never even attempt. You’re too complicated and beautiful and confusing and catastrophically brilliant for that but I will hover around the edges and try to remember when you need a root beer float and a cuddle versus when you need reality-altering sex.”
She truly wanted to be annoyed by this whole snowball of events but when she stopped, she discovered he was so damn close to the truth, it hurt. Three spoonfuls of silence passed between them before she gave him a hint of smile, “this float needs red M&Ms.”
With an ‘ah-hah’ finger in the air, he turned, rummaged in a dish, then sent a red M&M sailing across the granite towards her, “will this do?”
Eyes widening in delight, “where did you get that and how did you get it so quick?”
Thumbing over his shoulder, “the kids and I made M&M brownies a few days back and we ate them all so you didn’t get any, not sorry by the way ‘cause they were phenomenal, but I had Betsy and Toby sort the red ones out for me, then they just went and did all the colors for fun.”
“Did you sort them out just for us?”
“Of course. We both need a red M&M every once in a while and might as well have them at the ready.”
Getting up, she beckoned him to her height with a crooked finger and a smile, “you are an odd duck, Agent Mulder.”
“Do you like odd ducks?”
“I happen to love odd ducks.” Finally meeting his mouth, she tasted ice cream and sugar, “and I think I would like to take a leisurely trip out to the hammocks, maybe remove some of these clothes in the process.”
“Trying to forget again?”
Honest blue meeting questioning green, “just trying to have some sex in a hammock.”
“That sounds like the title of a biography.”
Finishing her last spoonful of ice cream, “just get outside, would you or I’ll have to go do it myself.”
Grin spreading, “think it’ll work?”
“Never hurts to try.”
“Oh my God, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Scully whispered this as loud as she thought appropriate, given neighbor proximity and listening crickets. She had her hand over Mulder’s hand, which was holding his left jaw, at the exact spot where she’d just kicked him, hard, with her bare foot.
Conventional sex in a hammock was deemed impossible, Scully’s body folded at a weird angle, Mulder’s body not containing the proper, youth-enhanced muscles of years past to make a good, old-fashioned mission position work. Instead, Scully directed Mulder to lay down, v-ing his body and bringing the necessary parts close enough to the deck, sagging the material to the exact height of Scully’s necessary parts.
She carefully swung her leg over both hammock and waiting body, hands firmly on chest as she positioned, re-positioned and finally sank down on him, both more than ready for the sex to ensue.
Mid-rise, mid-move, mid-lean, all hell broke loose.
Mulder forgot to hold still, Scully forgot to move only up and down, both forgot they were on a narrow  piece of material that, when more than a quarter inch off-center, would flip and twist wildly, depositing whoever is doing whatever onto the ground.
Scully tried to save them, putting one foot down harder than the other, valiant effort all for naught … as the whole hammock kept going, Mulder’s weight a pendulum swing of naked motion. She thought enough to lift off him as not to break his parts but in doing so, brought her leg forward and smashed directly into Mulder’s jaw.
Neither ever would have assumed her legs were long enough to reach his face but reach they did and well, there was now a de-clothed Mulder lying on the deck, on his side, cross-pipe digging into his back while Scully crouched beside him, equally sans pajamas, doing her best not to giggle in mortification.
“Are you okay?”
Not real happy in that second, “what do you think?”
Her giggling was winning, her face turning red, her shoulders beginning to shake, “I think we should have stuck to the kitchen.”
Mulder scooted over to clear the pipe, “get over here, Scully.”
“Yes, really, get over here because from down here, there is this streak of moonlight going across your left nipple and it’s working for me and I can’t fall down any further than this so come here please and let’s finish what this fucking hammock isn’t letting us.”
Knees be damned, she grinned and climbed back on, bare ass facing the neighbor’s side door, “I like how moonlight does it for you.”
“Tell me something about the Moon.”
“It isn’t round. It’s shaped like an egg.”
Hands on thighs, he ignored the throbbing in his jaw, “another.”
Eyes closed, head drifting back, “the moon has no twilight because it has no atmosphere. Day to night happens instantly.”
Moving quickly towards the inevitable, he bit his lip, thumbs finding purchase on jutting hipbones as she sped her rise and fall substantially, “I love you in twilight.”
Tightening muscles brought her to the edge, “I love you anywhere, anytime.”
“I’d take you to the moon if I could.”
Coming around him, with him, she leaned over, finally able to reach his lips without falling, kissing him hard, “I’m perfect right here.”
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