#but I've been bracing myself for him to disappoint me so :
menlove · 11 months
I'm not into celebrity worship but I am genuinely soooo disappointed about mark hamill. like not only supporting israel (which is bad enough) but making multiple tweets about it and comparing the iof to the rebels and palestine to the empire? come on. like how brainwashed and selfish do you have to be. I can't fathom it.
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gregorovitch-adler · 4 months
A Chemical Defect
The mild sunshine in the afternoon hit softly on Sherlock's face, lifting his mood quite a bit. He took in the fresh breeze as he kept walking along the pavement, with John by his side, towards 221, Baker Street.
"How would you define love?" John asked, carrying a grocery bag in his hand to their way home.
Sherlock was carrying the other bag.
The two of them had been out shopping, because it was time they went to the supermarket this week. And because it was a Sunday. Sherlock had oddly felt like accompanying John today, so he did.
They had been talking about what romantic attraction was like, how it felt, etc., when they were shopping. Though what had triggered that topic exactly, Sherlock had no idea.
Sherlock parted his lips and blinked, feeling thrown off by this sudden question. How should he respond?
"How would I know? I'm just a sociopath." He couldn't think of anything else to say.
John shook his head immediately at that. "No, that's not true at all. 'Sociopath' isn't even the correct term. And I know that you feel things." John let out a bitter laugh. "God knows I've personally witnessed you feel it."
They had arrived at their apartment building.
Sherlock turned to look at him with his eyebrows knitted and nose scrunched. "When?"
John turned around to face him too with disbelief in his expressive, blue eyes. "When? Seriously?" He shook his head again and opened the door to get in.
Sherlock followed him, and now they were both climbing the stairs leading to their flat.
Sherlock's hands were trembling, and his heart raced as his stomach churned in horror.
Did John know how Sherlock felt for him? Shit. Now what? How was Sherlock supposed to explain himself? Why did John bring this up today? Was this supposed to be a call-out? Oh no.
They both walked into their flat, closed the door, and John went straight to the kitchen with the bag in his hand.
Sherlock went to the kitchen too. It was dimly-lit with natural sunlight coming from the outside.
The table was a mess from Sherlock's latest experiment. Now John had also spread everything out that they had just bought, adding to the mess even more.
John was arranging everything properly in the fridge.
What was Sherlock to do now? Might as well out with the truth, he thought. It was time.
"Turns out I was in love. With you." Sherlock paused. "I still am," he added, as he set the bag of groceries on the kitchen table. He kept staring at John - whose back was facing him - holding his breath.
You were right, John. You always are.
John stopped in his tracks with a pack of yoghurt in his hand. "Come again?" John placed the pack in the fridge, closed it, and finally looked around at Sherlock.
They were both facing each other now.
"I won't repeat myself, John," he said briskly, bracing himself on the kitchen table, waiting for John's reaction.
"What about The Woman?"
Sherlock's initial reaction was to flinch in self defense. Disappointment followed through shortly.
Here he thought John was talking about the two of them.
The Woman. Why now?
Sherlock closed his eyes as a faint memory of a beautiful face with soft, feminine features showed up.
The violin tune that he had composed was playing in the background in his mind.
Sherlock shook his head and opened his eyes. He took a deep breath and swallowed. "Ancient history," he blurted out.
Truth meant a complete and accurate information about something. He was not going to hide anything from John.
"So, there was a history." John folded his arms across his chest.
Sherlock sighed deeply. "Doesn't matter now."
John slammed one of his hands on the kitchen table. "It matters to me, Sherlock! I've spent ages wondering why you looked so abnormally interested in her when she was practically a stranger - especially when you'd specified that you weren't interested in relationships - and more importantly, where I went wrong if you were interested in romantic entanglements, after all. So, yes. It does matter even now. Very much." His chest was heaving with his face flushed.
Sherlock felt his jaw drop. "John? I never thought you -"
"Yes, you idiot. I feel the same. Have been for ages. So tell me: did you or did you not feel for Irene Adler?"
"I did."
John's face fell and his eyes looked considerably sadder than before, so Sherlock continued hastily, "Doesn't mean I didn't care about you, then. Because I did. A lot.
"And now you're so important to me that if you were to leave this place, right now, I'd feel lost. In the middle of a barren desert." Sherlock swallowed. "I've felt this way about you for ridiculously long. I am in love with you. Is that clear enough, now?" His voice broke with desperation at the last sentence.
John quickly walked up close to Sherlock and grabbed his waist. Sherlock wrapped his arms around his shoulders and sighed. John rested his head against Sherlock's chest and they both fell silent for a few seconds.
John looked up at him with a soft gaze. The amount of sentiments in those eyes was unbelievable. Sherlock was looking at him in wonder.
"Yes, it is," said John, in a voice just above a whisper.
Sherlock placed a hand on John's cheek as he ducked to kiss him. John moved one of his hands from Sherlock's waist to his nape as he kissed him back with abandon.
Sherlock hoped that any feelings of jealousy, disappointment, etc., between him and John would fade away now.
They had each other by their sides. They knew they would handle their future lives better from now on.
Prompt: Jealousy by @calaisreno
Tags: @jamielovesjam , @peanitbear , @helloliriels , @topsyturvy-turtely , @gaylilsherlock , @totallysilvergirl , @lisbeth-kk , @keirgreeneyes , @nowiamcoveredinyou , etc.
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tags. :)
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Adam Ruzek- Shirts
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Prompts11&30 Are you wearing ____ shirt? Are you wearing last nights clothes?
Adam and I have been dating in secret now for a few months. The reason we have kept it secret is because of my dad Hank Voight, plus Adam and I are partners in intelligence. Last night I slept over at Adams place, but unfortunately I didn't have any clean clothes there so I'm having to wear what I had on yesterday and hope no one notices. Adam arrived to work 10 minutes before me
"Morning Trudy" I smile at the woman behind the desk. Trudy frowns looking at me then goes back to whatever she's doing
"Morning" she mutters. I scan myself in and walk up to intelligence. Straight away I head to the break room so I can make myself a coffee
"Are you wearing yesterdays clothes? Who's the lucky guy?" Erin, the girl that practically my sister, wiggles her eyebrows as she walks in to the break room
"What a girl can't own two of the same black jeans and black shirt?" I cross my eyebrow "and anyway maybe I'm saving on my washing" I go back to making my coffee and Erin shuts the door behind her
"I know that look, you got some last night. So spill"
"No way. I know you. I'll tell you who will tell Jay who will tell Antonio who will tell his wife who will probably say something to Trudy so by that time not only will all of 21 know but the whole of 51 and Med will know"
"Ok ok" Erin holds up her hands and leaves the break room as I pour my hot water into the coffee cup.
Once again I stay over at Adams place. We hadn't long ordered Chinese food when I hear a knock on the door
"I'll get the door" I call out as Adam is in the shower. Opening up the door I'm shocked to see Jay holding up beer cans
"What are you doing here? Are you wearing Adams shirt?" It then seems to click in his mind "it's you!"
"Shhh" I pull Jay in
"Your the one Adam is sleeping with"
"Damn it Jay. Do not tell anyone do you understand?"
"Or what?" Jay smirks making me give him daggers "0k my lips are sealed" Jay holds up his hands in the air "but it won't be long until everyone else figures it out"
"Well we've done alright for the last 3 months" I lead Jay over to the couch and sit down
"So where is lover boy?"
"He's in the shower he'll be out in a couple of minutes"
Like I said Adam walks out with his towel wrapped around his waist and rubbing his now damp hair with another towel. Looking fine as hell might I add. He stops in his tracks when we sees Jay and I having a beer in my hand
"Ah here he is"
"I thought..." he looks at me a little confused
"I was the Chinese food? Yeah sorry to disappoint. Came over to have a beer with you but was a little shocked when I say YN open the door"
"She came over to watch the game" Adam says trying to give us a cover
"That's the worst lie I've ever heard. We both know YN hates football"
"He figured it out anyway. Said he wasn't going to tell anyone"
"Hmmm. I'll get changed and join you both" I watch as Adam walks back into his bedroom. Jay gives me a nudge and wiggles his eyes. I roll mines and take a sip of my beer. Once Adam is changed he settles on the couch next to me with an arm around me and me leaning into him. Before I know it I'm asleep.
Just like before Adam arrives before me, luckily I have clean clothes because I decided to go home first to get changed. When I arrive I greet Trudy who gives me a smirk
"Have fun last night?" I frown at her
"Erm yeah?" Then it dawns on me. Jay!
I run up to intelligence
"JAY HALSTEAD!" I yell making my way up to him "you told everyone about me and Adam?"
"No, but you just did"
"Adams the guy you've been seeing!" Erin shouts
"Why are you all shouting?" dad comes out of his office clearly irritated
"YN and Adam..." Jay starts saying but Erin puts her hand over his mouth to stop him any further
"YN, Adam my office. Now!" As I walk past Jay I make eye contact
"Your dead" I whisper and walk into my dads office bracing myself for what's about to come.
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wantmangojuice · 6 months
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Peach Blossom Debt - finished - 26ch + 1 extra
Premise: Soft-hearted, romantic, destined-to-be-perpetually-single accidental-immortal MC is tasked by Heaven to play the villain in the love tribulations of two other immortals. He...does his gosh-darned best. But, also, what about MC's hopes for romance, huh, heaven? What if he wants to fall in love happily, too???
I didn't expect to enjoy this as much as I did (I only bought it on a whim because I wanted to finish a relatively-shorter danmei novel) but I really did!
MC Song Yao is such an endearing character. He's immortal but definitely still has the heart and sentiments of a mortal, he cares so so much, his narration is quite funny, and every other chapter I just wanna give him a hug.
I was really really rooting for Hengwen to be the ML almost from the beginning -- and I was right! Ha!
Related to the above bullet point, yes, the ML is not immediately apparent from the get-go (the sheer number of "Oh please be the ML" comments I had in my ebook copy whenever Hengwen shows up is hilarious) which I think adds to the fun/suspense. (I admit I caved halfway through and looked it up, though, 'cause I knew if it wasn't him I needed to brace myself for the disappointment hahaha.)
And on that note, regardless of whether they're the endgame pairing or not, I really enjoyed the twist and turns and reveals and feels that the Song Yao-Hengwen relationship had. I think one of the reasons they endeared themselves to me was that according to the book, they've been friends for over a thousand years, and their interactions certainly sold me on that. Everytime they're in a scene together there's an air of familiarity and comfort between them that I appreciated so much. Like, sure, there are complications, like how Song Yao has been pining for Hengwen for so long, and how Hengwen's nature as a never-been-mortal immortal makes it sometimes difficult for him to understand certain things about Song Yao-- but the bedrock of their relationship is that they're friends who can rely on each other first and foremost, and I enjoyed that.
The main couple getting their HE by the skin of their teeth arrrgh I love them.
Loved the interesting interplay of debt and "being fated" and how much of that really matters in the end (especially since it's revealed in the end that Song Yao's "destined to be perpetually alone" thing was actually all just hogwash).
What does it even mean when your fate is tied to someone else's, anyway? Question: If various karmic debts mean that you're soulmates with someone you don't love, and the person you love is not your soulmate, what do you do? Answer: You love the person you love anyway, even if you have to go to extreme impossible lengths shuffling those debts and those karmic ties around.
Honestly, the more I think about how things were resolved at the end of the book, the more I like it. Song Yao & Hengwen really found a way to make each other their soulmates: Song Yao by breaking all their other soulmate bonds, and Hengwen by everything he did afterwards that resulted in the two of them forming a karmic bond. They essentially became soulmates by choice, which is such a neat way to wrap things up.
(Interestingly, this is the second book I've read which plays with the "the person you fall in love with is not your soulmate and your soulmate is not the person you love" thing, the first one being Qi Ye, and even then Qi Ye was kind of a borderline case because there's some hints that WuXi was, in fact, Jing Beiyuan's soulmate after all. Just... something about the whole concept of "No matter what the bonds of destiny says, you are the one my heart has chosen" kind of gets me right in the kokoro.)
Probably gonna be jumping into the sequel of this book soon out of desperate hope to read more of these characters hahahahaha.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Now I've finished reading Mansfield Park, which I expected to slog through, but instead it held my interest nearly the entire time. The one exception was the long exchange of letters after Fanny goes to Portsmouth. Then I was taking longer to get through each chapter, and the ending, of course, is as Austenian as I could expect.
Mansfield Park doesn't have the charm or wit of other Austen novels. I had put it off because I read that "no one is likable," and I don't usually have a taste for stories where everyone is just bad and miserable. But having read it, I don't think those critics were justified. Mansfield Park isn't about an unlikable group of characters. It's just that they are very flawed. And a lot of real life is hard to like, but you don't have many friends if you will only approve of paragons of virtue.
Is Fanny meant to be the paragon of virtue? was the question running through my mind. Most Austen heroines are not as perfect as they're accused of being - the only one who really fits that description, in my opinion, is Anne Elliot. (And I could go on about why that doesn't bother me at all and that the world of literature deserves an Anne Elliot or two, but back to Fanny.) Fanny confused me for the longest time. I couldn't tell if she was virtuous and pure, or naive and pathetic. I think for most of the novel she's something of both, and what really kept me gripped was feeling desperate to know whether she'd turn out as awful as the rest. It's an Austen novel, I figured there was no way she wouldn't turn out okay, but honestly I was in suspense sometimes lol, as much suspense as you can be when instead of the threat of an ax murderer hiding under the stairs, the threat is winding up rich and bitter.
My final opinion of Fanny is that I like her in a similar way that I like Anne Elliot. There are a couple lines, about the importance of "knowing your mind," and "being guided by what's in your own self," that made me see more strength in Fanny. She is essentially friendless. And she's much younger than Anne, and she's so criticized and taken advantage of, and so without warmth. So many times I thought "if only she had a backbone," and my fear was that Austen would validate her timidity and loneliness as the virtue of "female abnegation" :P But although there are the usual Austen morals, she doesn't do that - instead she gives us Susan, who does have pluck and backbone, and makes Fanny admire her for it and wish she'd had some too when she was first sent to Mansfield. And contrasting Mary Crawford with Fanny is what made me like Mary, and worry that Fanny might be the first Austen heroine to really be disappointed in love. If Fanny had some of Mary's liveliness and confidence, maybe Edmund would have noticed her. And if Mary had Fanny's good judgment, maybe she would have had Edmund in the end. I think the contrasting traits in Fanny and Mary Crawford are some of my favorites in Austen novels, because they're so real and developed that I couldn't tell for a while who was going to come out ahead.
Fanny is everything "good" in an Austen heroine, but her flaws are still real. And Mansfield Park doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to how easily she could have wound up a villain instead of a heroine. If Edmund had married Mary, Fanny would probably have married Henry and been miserable, because despite all the blabber about "she would have fixed him," I think he would have gone right on cheating and breaking her heart. Austen had more faith in Henry Crawford than I do, lol.
As for the rest of the cast, apart from Mrs Norris, I don't think anyone is hateful. But they don't have warmth, they don't have real affection. That is palpable in the novel and reminded me over and over how much I wished Fanny had a friend. When William appeared, I braced myself for his betrayal - but although he's not around much, he ended up being her true friend. I could almost wish he wasn't her brother because he treated her much better than Edmund did. William knew how to show love. If he had been brought to Mansfield Park when Fanny was, maybe Fanny would not have fallen in love with Edmund, because she would have already had a best friend who could definitely never become a romantic option.
But although the lack of warmth is so terrible, that's what I mean when I say the novel is real. I think the lack of concern for their so-called loved ones the characters show, as well as the biases and prejudices that are inconvenient for them to shed, are exactly how many families really are. Taking each other for granted, seeing each other how you wish to, and being mostly concerned about whether or not someone is useful to you personally. It sounds cynical, and there are many loving, caring families who are nowhere near as selfish as the Bertrams or the Crawfords or even the Prices. But there are many which are. And I like the way the novel made it felt. Rather than make the abuse obvious through violence and threats, the coldness is covered up by decorum, which makes it even more insidious and long-lasting. I was really sad, just deeply sad for Fanny in many places, every time I wished she had someone who would listen to her and side with her the way everyone else expected her to do for them. I'm nowhere near as virtuous as Fanny, but I know how much it sucks to bite your tongue over and over, and when you finally tell the truth, to be told that you don't know your own feelings, or you're just too ignorant to understand what you should feel, or that your judgments are wrong because it's currently convenient to the other person that they should be wrong. Sometimes I was identifying so much with Fanny that I had to stop reading. It's not gaslighting - that term is too strong. But it is inconsiderate. I was lucky because I always had a listener in my mom. She may not always understand me, but she listens and respects me. I never have to worry that what I say may set her off the way I did with my dad and brother. Lately my dad's been much better with me, which I truly appreciate - but I also can't forget him telling me that I shouldn't be insulted that he thinks opinions like mine are "stupid, because "I know you're smart enough to one day agree with me!"
Which, weirdly, brings me to Edmund... I was on the fence about him the whole time. At first he seemed like he WAS Fanny's friend, the kind older brother figure who cared about her happiness. After a while I started to suspect that he was more about the appearance of charity than about really being kind. I suspected him of betraying me and becoming exactly the kind of clergyman Mary denigrated. But other times he would do or say something that made me change my mind, and decide that he's not fake, he's just flawed. Being flawed is much better than being fake. My number one issue with him was when Fanny turned down Henry's proposal, and Edmund, despite saying he wouldn't try to sway Fanny's feelings, winds up doing just that - because it's convenient for him to think of the Crawfords as good people, because the theater debacle was embarrassing to think back on, and because he admires Fanny's judgment, so if she judges Henry Crawford good enough to marry, he'd no longer need to have scruples about marrying Mary. It was the most selfish he ever was with regard to Fanny. It really made me feel he could never love her, and even opened me up to the idea that Henry might, actually, be Fanny's endgame match, lol. Because Henry seemed to notice all the things no one else did about how lonely and uncared for Fanny was, and even to encourage her to find her voice. It was literally Fanny pointed out that how could she trust a man who had taken advantage of the feelings of not one but two of her cousins before immediately redirecting his flirting on her to make me realize "no way, it's definitely going to be Edmund, lol."
Henry's better than Wickham, but not by a lot. Edmund, however, is a far cry from Mr Darcy. I wish very much that Mansfield Park ended in some way to make me like Edmund better, because right now the best I can say about him is that he's not as silly as his siblings, and he is at least capable of real love. It's hard to hear the wedding bells because as far as I can see, the Edmund Fanny loves is his childhood self, and the grown up version hasn't really done much to deserve her. He's more commendable for not doing things to not deserve her, lol. Their relationship is probably the least romantic of any in Austen's novels, imo. Fanny really loved him, and there was a lot of romantic pain in watching him fall for someone else. But by the time he finally sees Fanny, the novel is over... xD This is not a criticism though... I was really intrigued to find out how each character would turn out in the end. And the only thing I'll say which is sort of disappointing is that everything turned out how I predicted it in the beginning, aka like an Austen novel. But even though the Crawfords and Edmund didn't develop more as characters, I still appreciate how much complexity they add. Like, they made me guess about an Austen novel, haha. And in retrospect I shouldn't have, because I knew the finale from the curtain rise. But still. They made me guess. They almost, almost made me believe Mary would be rehabilitated and Fanny would give in to poor judgment. Hehe.
If anything, I appreciate this novel for food for thought, ie imagining all the different stories it could have been. I like that one way of life, the rich, performative lifestyles of Mansfield Park, is shown warts and all - and then we're taken down to Portsmouth only to find it's warty in similar ways, just with less polish. It makes you a little more sympathetic to mercenary marriage vows. Like, if I'm going to be miserable, I might as well be miserable in comfort, haha. But of course the novel doesn't posit that either. If Fanny had gone to Portsmouth and found her family humble but full of love and wisdom, there'd be a completely different outcome. Or if she went to Portsmouth, realized how much better things were at Mansfield, went back and informed readers that she had been overly sensitive thus far and actually everyone in Mansfield was so kind, and Mrs Norris just misunderstood - then again we'd have a totally different outcome. We get neither. It's just the world the way it is. Being poor comes with challenges and being rich comes with advantages. But happiness isn't a guarantee either way.
Well, I liked Mansfield Park much more than I was expecting to. I'm really shocked by how invested I got when at first I really thought Fanny might be the Austen heroine to finally make me say "enough is enough!" But Austen is too good, I can't hate her characters at all. She's able to give so much depth, or at least familiarity, to every one of them that they're just too human for something as base as hate. I even gave up wishing Fanny would find her voice and just wished she'd find a friend. And in the end, I'd say that IS what she got, even more than a husband - the friendship of her brother and sister and even Sir Thomas, as well as the loss of the anti-friend Mrs Norris. If any Austen heroine ever suffered so much for being alone, it's Fanny Price. That to me is the real source of her final happiness. And since Austen nearly always gives her heroines a sister or a best friend or some trusted confidante, the lack of one in Mansfield Park has to be intentional, and so I don't think Austen would disagree with me.
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mrsjavierp · 8 months
Where you belong?
Chapter 5 - Die For You
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Javier Peña x latin!f!reader
Summary: Running away from life as you always knew to start a new position as Head Chief on a DEA Office, far away, on Colombia. There, you'll face violence, as you never thought you could. There, you'll meet Javier Peña, your stubborn agent...
Warnings (to the whole fic): +18!, angst, smut, cheating, last relationships, drug dealing - Narcos Universe (not so accurate), bad spanish, english is my second language, use of Y/N and Y/LN. No physical description of the reader, only your clothes (sometimes). The POVs are shifting between reader (first person and Narrator - 3rd person)
(If I forgot anything, tell me, pls!)
Word Count: 2.4k
So, I'm using narcos universe, but screwing up the timeline because we need plots and things for our couple. Nevertheless, just a warning for the accuracy of the series. Btw, I'd love to know about you're thinking about it so far! Your opinion is really important! Tks <3
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
After an investigation we did together with the CIA and the Mili Group, we finally had proof about La Catedral. 
Steve, Javier and I were discussing the possibilities and what Noonan would authorize. At the end, I knew what to do first: talk to Gaviria.
We were running against time and Escobar again...
"Yes, ambassador. I know it's risky... But I know we can screw that MF and try to bring Escobar to the US. I'll talk to Gaviria, let me handle it." 
Noonan sighed, I finally won.
"Don't disappoint me, Y/LN. You've done a hell of a job in NYC and have been doing it in Colombia. We trust you. You've got a backup plan?"
"Yes. Already on it, even with plan A working. We're not stopping until we get the motherfucker."
"Good luck, keep me posted."
I called Steve and Peña to my office. 
"I'm heading to Bogota. I need to talk to Gaviria in person about it all."
"I'm going with you, jefe." - Javier said.
"No need to. As a matter of fact, I need you both here... We need to be ready to all that'll happen to La Catedral. My gut is feeling really bad."
They both knew what it meant: bad things for sure. My gut were never wrong, unfortunately. Sometimes early, but never wrong.
When I tried to reach, none of them were available.
Something is off... I reached even for Connie and she lied to my face. I'm gonna chop someone's head off.
When I arrived back at the office, my head was spinning: 
An informant confirmed Moncada’s and Galeano's deaths a few days ago, meaning that Escobar was losing his senses.  Was that the La Catedral effect? What will be his next move? The Colombian media were, by the way, publicizing it badly. Noonan would fuck me and the rest of the DEA, probably, if she didn't got fired before that. I knew how the US thought about it. And, the cherry on top: Javier and Steve missing.
I was really fucking overwhelmed. 
A couple of hours later, while I was tracing possible steps for Escobar, trying to think like him, Steve showed up at my office. 
"Murphy, what the fuck? Where the fuck were you?"
At the same time, Javier barged in: "Y/LN, I've gotta talk to you, it's urgent! I think Steve..."
"Hey, man."
"Peña, close this fucking door now!" - I yelled, furious.
I turned on the TV.
"Watch it: it's a fucking disaster. The Colombian army is outside La Catedral, Sandoval just entered... Brace yourselves."
They looked at each other, in silence.
"Here's what I think and what I'm doing: I'm suspending both of you, for a week. Stay low. I know you both tipped the media. Major Wysession told me about what you asked him, Peña... Don't you ever do that again. When I arrived here, I told all of the DEA to be straight with me and I'd be straight with you... Don't go to Wysession or Noonan or anyone. Come to me. I'll handle it. And Murphy, let me guess, Cali? Co-operation proposal?"
Steve swallowed hard.
Javier turned his face away from me.
I poured a glass of whiskey for myself.
"You better hope that Noonan doesn't get me fired."
"Y/LN, yes. Cartel de Cali kidnapped me. They didn't like that we helped kill a few of them, but apparently there was someone innocent among them..."
His words faded away as the TV announced about Escobar's escape.
Narrator's POV
Escobar ran off again. 
Noonan got... A nice retirement.
You maintained your position, since Crosby knew and liked how you worked, but didn't stop you from hearing a bunch of shit.
You send Peña and Murphy to check La Catedral, but nothing worked.
"Here's the deal, niños. We're moving to CNP headquarters. Pinzón is such an ass, but I'm working on it. He hates our kind, but who doesn't in Colombia? He threw the tip line on my lap and I'm giving it to you."
"Telephone Operator? Really? Fuck me..." - Murphy complained.
Javier was... Distant. Weird in your eyes. You pretend not to care.
Something is off... - you thought.
Weeks passed since he last touched you, in that pool. A few casual happy hours, catching glimpses. Smirks. 
When you touched yourself, even without your vibrator, his image was right there: crystal clear in your mind.
You were almost giving up drinking your beloved whiskey and dear cigars... To be healthy? 
Fuck, no.
The whiskey's flavor and the cigar's scent remind you of his breath. You wanted to keep him far, but it was becoming unbearable.
"Be patient, you two. I'm not allowed to say much for now. At least pretend to do something. I'm working on our budget and relations with both governments."
After a few screw ups from the agents, as they captured Bush and became a joke, the days were appearing longer and harder. You were practically going insane to prove Crosby, the soon to be new ambassador, that your new, big and, overall, expensive plan was going to work.
You only needed a little luck...
Until it happened: the tip line handed to you three La Quica, one of Escobar's sicarios.
"Pinzón, I'll be a car and two men. Don't make me push further. We're just checking, we're not going to alarm'em." - you told him.
He sighed, made a joke about the fake calls... But said yes. 
As you all prepared to go, Murphy received a call from Connie and she told she was leaving Colombia.
"No, Con, please... Just listen!" - Steve was desperate.
"Murphy, go to the airport. You're not going with us. Go talk to your family, now!" - you spoked at him and he ran off.
"Let's go, boys. We all want La Quica." - I said.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"I swear, I don't know this one!" - Javier defended himself.
"I already told you, we don't care, Peña. But is this new? It's gotta be, as you don't know it..." - I joked, my heart was a little broken. 
The other cops laughed, as Peña rolled his eyes.
I didn't want to admit that his fame towards prostitutes and brothels made me jealous and a little resentful. 
He'd never know about how I felt nor my... Preference for a certain sextoy baptized after him.
"Stop by the payphone, back here." - I hid my gun and put on a cap, to match my jeans, sneakers and plain shirt. I could pass without no one noticing. - "Vamonos." (Let's go)
Me, Javier and one of the cops got out of the car, one by one.
But someone spotted us and told La Quica.
Out of the sudden, we're running around and, at the market, behaving as a predator hunting a prey. 
That place was so hot, so crowded... I couldn't see anything... Until he glanced before my eyes.
"Gotcha, pendejo." - I ran as fast as my legs could and a bit more. 
A fucking cross-fire started out of the blue and I had to hold a little.
Fuck! - I cursed alone.
I needed to think fast: we're just four and didn't know who to shoot.
Fuck it! I'm going after him! - I decided.
"Someone cover for me!" - I yelled and ran off again. I didn't have an answer before going.
Narrator's POV:
"Fuck! Where is she?" - Peña yelled.
When the shots stopped, they saw how the Colombians were frightened. They just wanted peace, not gringos and narcos shooting around.
"Where the fuck is my jefe?" - Javier asked again, screaming, to the other cops, seeing red, looking for you. The veins on his neck were bulging.
The backup arrived shortly with Pinzón.
"My men are looking for her, she went after one of the big fish. Some nerve the girl got, gotta say." - Pinzón mocked.
The other cops held Javier, asking for him to calm down.
Javier'd burn all the fuck down, until he finds you.
"Let me go. Not in the mood." - he said to the poor guy.
"Peña, look! It's her!" - He pointed out to you, a little bit hurt, your pink shirt torn and dirty.
Smiling like a kid on Christmas morning, you came out of nowhere, a little hurt, a few bruises starting to appear, your blouse dirty and torn up... But still looking pleased: a victorious agent.
Coming closer to Peña and Pinzón, you start:
"¡Mis amigos, mira que cosita más bonita tengo acá! I'd like to formally introduce you to this pendejo... Not La Quica this time, but we've got Luiz Rodriguez." (My friends, look what a beautiful thing I've got!)
"In my car I have a bag with 50 grand. If you give me one hour, I can make it ten times bigger." - he offered.
You burst out laughing at him.
"Oh, mi regalito..." (my little gift) - You had started, as one of Pinzón's men put on some handcuffs and you fondled his cheek. - "You're going to Disneyland. Don't worry, we're gonna take so much care of you, mi tesoro." (My treasure)
Javier knew you're mocking that sicario, but he still felt something awful on his chest, 'cause you're supposed to call him those sweet names, not that thug.
Arriving at the building, you and Javier went to the locker room, to change before going home. 
"Y/N, you scared the shit out of me. Luiz did all of these injuries? Or has anyone helped him? I swear, if there's someone else, I'll..." - he started, looking worried at you.
Y/N's POV - 1st Person
"No, Peña." - I interrupted him, as I searched for clothes in my locker. - "You're not doing anything. I can take care of myself."
Javier punched his locker hard as fuck.
"I thought I lost you! Don't ever do that again!" - he yelled.
I laughed, in a sarcastic tone, observing him. He seemed actually worried. 
"You know what, Peña? I don't care!" - I lifted my blouse, showing my huge scar on my ribs. - "Can you see it?" - his face shifted from pissed to desolated, as my eyes watered. He looked at another place. - "No! Don't turn! Take a nice long look at it! - My tone was so harsh. His eyes were so sad. - I always take care of myself! I've been alone in this world for as long as I remember, Peña. It's not my first fight on the field, it's not gonna be the last!"
His face was devastated... He felt sorry for me?
"Are you sorry for me, Peña? Oh, grow up! Why do you even care if I die or live? I know you hate me! And you know what? I fucking hate your guts as well!" - I screamed.
He remained silent. Why?
I started to change to a black shirt. I needed to leave.
I walked to the door, but when I noticed, he was behind me, holding it, not letting me leave.
"Y/N, cariño, I know you can take care of yourself, you've been doing that for a while now..." - he whispered in my ear. - "I heard you, by the way... Yes, I heard while you took care of yourself almost every night."
I swallowed hard, thinking:
Oh fuck, he heard me... Oh no...
"However, you called out my name, didn’t  you?" - he continued.
I leaned on the door pressing my back against it, turning to face him as Javier got on his knees and looked at my with those puppy brown eyes and said:
"Let me make your fantasy come true, cariño... Let me be your good boy, your obedient soldier."
His hands started to take off my boots and socks, one by one.
After that, he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly, so slowly, put it down to my feet, throwing it somewhere...
There I was, only in underwear and a shirt, my skin felt hot. 
His eyes never left mine.
I took off my shirt and bra and, lastly, his hands took off my red panties, at a slow pace, as if he was trying not to scare me off.
There I was, naked in front of Javier. 
He seemed to be thinking on what to do first, until he said:
"Tell me what you want, cariño. Let me be your good boy."
I just nodded positively.
"Words, please. Use your big beautiful mouth, cariño."
"Y-y-yes, Javi... Put your lips on me, show me how good you are..." - my voice barely came out.
He smiled, picked up one of my legs over his shoulder exposing me. His lips met my folds, oh so soft, so delicate... My hand grabbed his hair, pulling closer. 
He explored me, without any rush, as if he wanted to last as long as possible... Teasing my hole, opening me up with the tip of his tongue, fucking me. My clit throbbed, as my pussy clenched around his tongue.
I bit my lips, trying to stay quiet, my eyes closed. I couldn't look down, I was almost ashamed.
"Mmm..." - I sobbed, pulling his hair harder.
He slipped two fingers in me, and taking his mouth off me, said:
"Look at me, cariño, open your beautiful eyes while I make you feel good. Am I doing, at least, a nice job?" - he smirks, knowing he was. I opened my eyes, looking down, probably blushing. No one ever made me look as I was being eaten out. - "A little reassurance won't kill you."
"Y-y-yeah, Peña..." - I managed to say.
Oh, fuck.
His thumb met my clit, putting a gentle pressure as his middle and index fingers touched my g-spot.
"You can do better than that, cariño..." - he grinned, asking for more. - "You wet half of my face, Hermosa, you can call me Javi again."
"¡Hijo de puta!" - I cursed. - "Make me come on your lips, for God's sake... Be my good boy, Peña." - I asked.
He smiled and got back to suck my clitoris, making me shake under his touch. 
I came so hard, dripping all over Javier, calling out his name.
He took off one finger, slowing his pace. A very satisfied "hum" came out of him.
"You taste like heaven... You were such a good girl for me, cariño... But I'm greedy, you know? I want more from you and your sweet little pussy." - he smiled. - "I wanna see you beggin'... I'm not stopping now."
I was still burning from my first orgasm. 
Javier Jesus Peña was trying to kill me, for sure.
My hand traveled from his hair to his cheek, caressing him. 
"Javi... I'm only gonna say this once: do what you want with me. Do what you want to my body. I'm yours for tonight."
His finger left me, leaving me empty. 
Oh, fuck.
He stood up, looking deep in my eyes.
"My place or yours?" - he questioned. 
"Yours." - I responded, barely breathing.
He picked up my clothes, helped me get dressed and we went to his place.
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mattoidmeerkat · 5 months
as the number #1 brain parasites truther on here, i'm curious on your feelings about the upcoming bobby plot. do u trust that they're gonna do right by our boy? or do u think it's possible the brain parasites might strike again? 😭
obviously i'm sooooooo excited to get more bobby lore, but there's just a tiny little part of me that's scared we might end up getting some bullshit ass story that's entirely ooc for bobby. ik he's been safe so far w/ the characterization, but idk man. i always get a little anxious when i hear a character's getting new lore drops
Not sure how I feel about that title. 😅️
I have been unhappy with a Bobby arc before. This was at the end of Season 5 after we had seen him struggle with being there for everyone, clearly heading to a breaking point, and then the resolution of his arc was basically a footnote in Eddie's storyline. (With Athena's visible concerns just being forgotten about completely.) This was the first time I was really disappointed in a storyline involving Athena and/or Bobby. (Sure, never dealing with any of his injuries considering his past has always been annoying, but this felt different.) I told myself it was the end of the season, and they just ran out of time to address Bobby's arc properly. The episode still annoys me, but I've made my peace with it because it left enough space for us to fill in the gabs. (There are some amazing writers out there who wrote their takes on how Bathena managed to go from 5x18 to 6x01, and I'm so grateful!)
Then Season 6 aired and that just felt very thought through. The setup for the Tanya storyline was great and 6x03 amazing. While focused on Athena, the story still showed and developed her relationship with Bobby as well. Hoover (my beloved) then also helped explore their new dynamic as empty nesters. We got episodes like What's Your Fantasy? showing us how comfortably they'd settled into their empty nest leading into the Wendall arc (that we all wished had been set up earlier for more emotional impact of his death) which really showed us how far those two have come together and individually. (Athena's approach to addiction and AA in Season 4 vs. attending a meeting with Bobby; Bobby trying to keep Athena out of his AA life vs. inviting her into his this part of his world)
The back half of Season 6 showed us even more of their development and growth. The blind faith in Recovery? Excellent. The adorableness and sexiness of Mixed Feeling? Perfect. The bitter-sweet anniversary in Love is in the Air? What an amazing way to show us how far they've come. Pay it Forward? *chef's kiss* We saw them really grow into a deep, stable relationship where they enjoyed spending time together not only around others but especially finally also just by themselves.
And then 7x01 happened. Abandon 'Ships. What a fitting title. This episode was no comparison to 5x18 because back then the end of the season productions stress and time constraints played a big role. None of that really applied here. They came off the longest hiatus ever. The actor's strike was still going on when the writers came back. It was the beginning of the season. There really was no other explanation for what they did with Athena, then they actively and purposely decided to put a plot they wanted to tell (Athena's increasingly erratic behavior confusing Bobby for what I assume was the laughs?) above who the characters were at that point in time. And that really struck me. This was the old showrunner coming in and just not caring about the previous episode(s) and season(s).
So now we are here, looking forward to (or bracing ourselves for?) this new Bobby arc at the end of an extremely condensed season, with them still filming much later than usual. With a showrunner who under much better circumstances just recently has shown that he will blatantly ignore established timelines and character development when it stands in the way of the particular story he wants to tell. (And I'm not saying he's not entitled to do that. It's his show.) So I'm setting my hopes and expectations very, very low. Because I'd rather be positively surprised by a brilliant continuation of Bobby's character arc than be deeply disappointed by another case of the brain parasites.
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jsprnt · 10 months
Healing Hearts PT. 12 | Virgil van Dijk
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Would a fresh start bring you more than just a new job?
A/N: I’ve been watching the national team games lately and man I miss the World Cup so much :(
WC: 3.199
Summary: Y/N L/N is a very skilled and praised physiotherapist. A certain event pushing her for a fresh start, as a physiotherapist for Liverpool FC. One question always being in the back of her mind: Will she be able to let go of her past and allow herself to experience new things?
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I check the time before I get up, walking out of my office to look for Cody. I knew he would be in the gym, that's were he'd been at this past week.
Not being able to train or play in matches definitely made him want to be still be at the training center. Just to not miss out. He had been in a brace since the game against Tottenham, causing him to miss out on yesterdays match against Union St. Gilloise.
Walking into the the gym and spotting him sitting on the exercising equipment, watching the other players exercise as he chats with them.
"Cody!" I call out, realizing it had probably attracted way more attention then if I had just gone up to him. I ignore the looks of some staff members and players, particularly Virgil's as I walk up to Cody.
I had pressed on to hide our relationship. The only thing everyone should know was that we were friendly as physiotherapist and player, nothing more or less. I was wondering if we were even good at it, so far we did not have any hiccups. Or so we thought.
"Hey, are you ready to come with me?" I ask.
"Oh yeah. Of course." He says, getting his crutches together to stand up.
"So, no greeting today Doctor." I hear a Scouser accent say.
Turning my head I make eye contact with a cheeky looking Trent.
"Hello Trent." I say, a smile on my lips.
My eyes dart at Virgil behind him who's talking to another staff member. Though, it seems like he can feel me staring at the side of his face as his eyes move to make eye contact with mine.
And of course he fucking winks
No, not even a fast wink and look away- no he had to keep staring after
I catch myself quickly trying to play it off swiftly and return my gaze to Trent.
This man was testing me.
"You've been very busy lately? Not having lunch with us either." He says pointing at me.
"Well my schedule has been packed you know that. I got to make sure you and your fellow national team players are in top shape."
He chuckles his hand coming up to my shoulder, slightly squeezing it. "Appreciate it Doc."
I nod at him, warm smile forming at my lips. I loved it when my work was respected or praised. It was definitely a huge motivation to keep helping and supporting my patients.
"Thank you. Speaking of, I have to see you in a about thirty minutes. Southgate's people have been emailing nonstop for your progress report. I've got to update it before sending it tonight."
His grin turns wider, his pearly teeth showing as the corners of his mouth crinkle.
"I'll leave before I boost your ego even more! See you in a bit." I say, laughing at his change of expression.
I look back at Cody who had already found another chatting partner and tap his shoulder to signal we had to go.
"You need any support?" I ask watching him walk with the crutches.
"Oh no it's fine." He say as we walk towards my office.
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"Alright so-" I begin, reading my notes again to a worried looking Cody.
"I did discuss your injury earlier with the other physio's. I was advised to check your injury again today. Just to confirm our final conclusion. Initially, we estimated the healing time would be around seven weeks. With the progress you have already made with the brace you have on- we think you'll be back on the pitch in about four weeks. We're guessing it won't take anymore time since you definitely have a record of healing pretty fast."
"So no EURO qualifications?" He say a disappointed look on his face.
"Yeah- I'm sorry Cody. You know you have both internal and external help ready for you. Just mention it if you think you need extra support to one of us and it will be handled. Besides, I think our country definitely has a huge chance of making it to the EURO's. Just focus on healing so you can be in Germany next year. I promise you you'll be back better than ever." I say, looking at him with sympathy.
"Thank you. I know I can definitely trust the team." He smiles, though he still has disappointment written all over his face.
"Speaking of the EURO's- are you taking the optional leave during it? It has probably been a while since you've seen your family and friends." He asks changing the focus of the conversation from him to me.
I hadn't even thought of home in a while. After the infuriating phone call with Theo I had vowed to myself I'd stop letting it bother me as much. It wasn't healthy for me mentally. So I let everything be handled by my new attorney I had recently become acquainted with and of course the authorities.
I had moved back home, installed some fancy security system that costs me thousands and changed my key-code and lock. I was so done with being stomped on like a bug by a ratty looking man - I had to take control of my life somehow.
Me living alone again did take some convincing on Virgil's side. He was understandably very concerned for me- but obviously I was grown enough to handle that part on my own and he understood. He helped me move back in and everything was going very smooth so far. Of course Sophie made sure to check on me many times by knocking on my door. We had girls nights almost every other day at this point.
"I don't know- haven't thought of it yet." I answer, it did sound nice to go home to see my friends and parents. None of them knew what had happened. FaceTiming with the girls when I was living with Virgil was difficult. Especially, when his house looked so different compared to mine. To try to hide that I was living somewhere else was an actual pain in the ass. I was glad I did not have to do that anymore.
"It does sound nice but I'll have to think about it since we could have some more injuries coming up. Fingers crossed everyone will stay healthy though."
Cody ends up leaving shortly after, and I follow him out to find Trent. Hoping he's still in the gym. Thankfully, he is, and we walk into my office together and I go over the most important things that needed to be updated on his progress report.
It doesn't take much time and my appointment with Trent is done quicker than I had scheduled. Leaving me alone in my office, absentmindedly doodling in the corner of my planner, oblivious to the world outside of my office doors until the door handle is moving. The sound of the door being opened and locked after removing my attention from the flower I had drawn.
"Virgil? Did something happen?" I ask, worried about something going wrong at the gym.
He smiles walking up behind my desk and turning my office chair towards him so I face him.
"Just wanted to see my doctor." He says, and I try to not look flustered. He effect his words had on me needed to be studied by a renowned university.
I stand up, looking up at his tall frame, it slightly sweaty. The smell mixed with his musky cologne.
His hands travel to the small of my back pulling me closer.
"Virgil!" I hush, my eyes darting around even though I didn't have any glass panels or windows facing the hallway.
"What I can't see my beautiful girlfriend now?"
He smirks, his eyes roaming around my face.
Oh he was definitely enjoying this
My hands travel down to remove his hands from my back, stepping aside for a moment.
"What if there is like paparazzi hiding into those trees or houses? Can't they see us?" I whisper, my expression bewildered. My eyes travel to the window that faces the training pitch, darting around to look at the scenery behind the large pitch.
"Don't be absurd how would that be possible. No one will see us y/n." He says, his hands traveling to my jaw, gently making me face him.
"You're fine. We'll be fine. Just tell me- did you miss me?" He asks another cheeky smile on his face. I roll my eyes, though a smile pulls at the corners of my lips.
"Nope, not at all. You weren't even gone. Besides, you smell like sweat. Move!" I tease, stepping away again. He reaches out again and I step away again, a laugh leaving my lips at the desperate look in his eyes.
"Now you're being childish."
"I'm not. Go back to training. I have another appointment in a bit." He steps towards me again, this time managing to catch me in another hug.
I open my mouth to protest again, but we're interrupted as someone knocks on my door. My blood going cold for a moment as I pull away from Virgil. I look at him mortified, my heart thumping in my chest.
How would it look? If the physiotherapist and a player of the team were in her office. With the door locked?
Virgil notices the panic in my face, his face coming closer to my ear. His hand coming to run up and down my upper arm.
"Calm down. Go open the door. I'll sit on the table to pretend you just treated me and I wanted privacy."
"Okay." I whisper back, trying to release the tension in my body.
"Muscle tenseness." He adds.
I walk quickly, glancing back at Virgil before opening the door.
"Why is your door locked. Got someone in here?" The German accent booms, and I don't know if I should be relieved or embarrassed.
"Oh Jürgen?"
The name falls off my lips awkwardly, he'd insisted we'd be on first name bases. It would break down some hierarchy and our teamwork would be better he had said.
I step aside to let him in.
"Oh yeah- treated Virgil for something- tense muscle." I lie, forcing a smile on my face.
He raises an eyebrow as he catches Virgil on the treatment table, his shorts slightly hiked up to pretend I had just finished treating him.
He exclaims getting up and greeting Klopp with a hug. Leaving me practically third wheeling there for a moment.
"I am sorry y/n thought you were free but you had a patient here." He says and I can't help but notice he's definitely teasing us.
"It's okay- what was it that you wanted to see me for?" I ask, trying to dismiss the topic. Discreetly trying to make eyes at Virgil for him to leave. But he shakes his head, obviously this wasn't torturous enough for him.
"It was about you staying here or taking a leave during national break. Should he leave or is he allowed to hear about it?" He points a thumb at Virgil both of them obviously now trying to crack jokes about the entire situation.
I chuckle, sure I shouldn't be awkward around Klopp. He'd known about almost everything so far, our relationship, the break in. Most embarrassingly a bit about my relationship with my ex. He was required to know at least some of it, so there was no reason to feel weird around him.
"Shouldn't he be in the gym right now?" I ask raising a cocky brow at Virgil.
"You heard your missus get out of here already!" He jokes, using the British slang, lightly punching Virgil's shoulder. His perfect pearly white teeth showing.
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"I need you to leave."
"Excuse me?" I ask, the tone of my voice high as his words make my heart skip a beat.
"You need to leave for a bit during national break. I do not want you working then."
I quietly exhale at the rest of his sentence. He almost had me thinking I was getting fired.
"Why?" I ask, fidgeting with the pen in my hand.
"You've been through a lot and I think it's best that you go home for a bit. See your family and your friends."
I raise my brow at his words, my face morphing into a confused expression.
"Oh I'll be fine here there is no reason-"
"Listen and trust me y/n you've been through something that requires some more rest and healing. It's a little longer than a week and I need you to get out of here for a bit."
I stare up at him with wide eyes- a manager also taking care of the staff. That was new.
"I'll think about it Jürgen. Thank you."
"Fill in the leave application and I'll make sure it gets confirmed immediately."
I lean back in my chair after finally emailing some progress reports to my fellow physiotherapists of the national teams.
I let Klopp's words sink in, it was occupying my mind when I wasn't treating or assessing the players. Why was everyone so curious and insisting I'd take a leave?
My thoughts are cut short as I hear a notification pop up on my phone. My hands going to reach over as I'm still leaning in my chair.
The message being from Virgil. He's says training ended and to come over to his when I clock out. I shoot a quick message back agreeing before sitting up and working on the last progress report I had to send before getting out of the office.
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"Should I come with you? Back home?" I say, fidgeting with the blanket on my lap as I look at Virgil. He turns his head from the Netflix show he was occupied with, a slight surprise on his face.
"You want to?"
"Yeah- thought it would be good for me and everything-"
He suddenly throws his arms around me, his face coming closer to mine to plant kisses on my face and lips.
"Of course- you’ll come to my matches and everything- let me check the flights. There should be a lot of availability."
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I watch the plane land through the window. I had taken so many flights in my life due my work, that I could practically fall asleep through the turbulence. Though, first class made it ten times more comfortable.
I rub my tired eyes, the last few days had been hectic with me not knowing what to pack and in true me fashion I over packed. Virgil had already left a couple days earlier. The training camp in Zeist requiring him to be there earlier.
I had told everyone back home I was returning and everyone was very surprised to hear I was visiting so early. My dad was picking me up from the airport which did make a bit nervous. I hadn't seen him in a while. Which made me curious as to how he would react.
Thankfully, my luggage comes quickly and I immediately make my way outside of the airport. Dragging my heavy baggage behind me. Of course in typical Dutch fall fashion the weather was shitty as ever. The rain dripping on my face and body, making me shiver.
Spotting my dad in his car I nervously approach it. Taking deep breaths to try to calm my nerves.
He steps out after parking, his door opening immediately as he walks towards me.
"Hi dad."
I'm caught of off guard as he wraps his arms around me in a hug. My dad giving me this much affection? That was a new one.
"Let me have a look at you." He mumbles, pulling away and planting his hands on my shoulders.
"You've gotten skinny. Is the food there not good enough for my daughter?"
I chuckle, dismissing his concerned expression.
"I'm fine, but can we go home? It's cold out here."
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"Here we thought y/n was going to England for a new job, but she also snatched a man as well?" Monet exclaims, taking a sip of her drink.
I had told them of my relationship with Virgil. From beginning to end, leaving some- crazy details out, but they were happy for me.
We all came together to Monet's home for a nice movie night. We had a lot of catching up to do. The movie had long finished, leaving us lounging around her huge sofa with drinks and snacks on the table.
"Oh stop you know I didn't plan shit." I exclaim throwing her a piece of popcorn which she avoids quickly with the duck of her head. A laugh leaving her nicely painted lips.
"Hey, no reason to be embarrassed. You're a WAG now-" Juliette teases and I resist the urge to throw another piece popcorn her way this time.
"Stop making it sound so weird- it just happened."
I complain taking another sip of my drink. My eyes dancing over the marble tiles of the home. Monet had opened her own clinic a couple years after graduating, and looking at how beautiful her home was maybe I should've taken that route too.
"Right- let's talk about something else, or we're never passing the Bechdel test." Priya chimes in.
Oh yeah, that would be much appreciated.
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The night passes with many laughs and juicy gossip. Half of the friend group being flat out drunk when it's time to go home. Clumsily calling Uber's and getting home late. Making them remember their old university memories of partying it up on weekends.
y/n enters her childhood bedroom, stumbling across across the pink carpet before drunkenly throwing herself on her twin bed. She groans softly, the mattress being harder than she had recalled.
Her sleepy and drunken daze is interrupted by her phone ringing in her hand bag. She grumbles before sitting up, moving her hands to look for the bag. Only to find it on the floor, and sleepily pulling out her phone.
"Hello?" She mumbles holding the cool phone against her warm cheeks and throwing herself on to the bed again, her cheek squashed against her fluffy pillow.
"y/n?" The deep voice calls out, and she gasps softy at the recognition of the comforting voice.
"Virgil? Why haven't you called me all day? I've missed you." She giggles, her cheeks hot from the alcohol.
"I've been busy at the training center. You okay? You sound different." He asks, wondering why his girlfriend sounds so giggly and is slurring her words.
"Drinks with the girls. Half of us got drunk. Liz almost tripped when entering the cab." She laughs, trying to whisper so her parents don't wake up.
"Oh yeah?" He says, amused by her drunken story and speech.
"It was funny." She whispers, her drunken mind repeating the scenario, making her burst out in laughter again.
"Okay, but when can I see you? We're in the same country but I still miss you." She unconsciously pouts.
"We'll be in Amsterdam tomorrow, two days before the match. Come over to my place yeah? I'll see you tomorrow night. Go to sleep now sweetheart. You must be tired."
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thlayli-ra · 6 months
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Thanks for the tag @sinderellanightwolf and if @piledrivemytombstones @saintpunk @stripeydani @tache-noire or @bitchyunknownpanda fancy sharing a snippet from any of their WIPs I'd love to see them - no pressure though!
Here's my contribution from the next chapter of 'Out of the Ashes' (a post-apocalyptic au where our heroes have been captured and forced to fight in gladiatorial-style contests);
Finn was taken back to the training room where, locating Shinsuke and Kenta, he padded over to their cage. The pair immediately halted their bout when the Irishman walked in. 'Well?' Shinsuke asked. Finn replied with a stiff shake of his head. 'That bad, huh?'
'They won't promote me up to the main roster and won't even let me challenge for the NXT Championship,' he snapped as he ripped the straps of his brace loose. 'I've done everything they asked of me, what more do I have to do to prove myself?' Throwing the brace aside, he stretched his leg out, feeling the familiar stiffness in his lower limb.
Shinsuke eyed the bare leg warily. 'Is that wise?' he cautioned. 'Last time you took that off, you nearly-'
'It's fine,' the former Bullet Club leader rolled out his shoulders, his ice blue gaze finding Kenta. 'Don't hold back.'
The shorter man slowly blinked in return. 'I never do,' he replied flatly.
Kenta kept his word and beat the hell out of Finn. Soundly defeated, the Irishman now stood outside the cage, resting against the mesh and watched on as his friends faced each other again inside. He was drenched in sweat, his pale skin mottled red and purple where Kenta had struck him without mercy but the greatest pain he felt was inside. A cruel, bitter disappointment.
Seeing Punk again had lifted something inside the younger man's chest, something he could not quite put his finger on but it gave him a renewed strength and courage. And then, just now, after leaving Regal's office, he'd felt... angry! He had not felt angry in such a long time, not since his capture, and it wasn't the only thing. There had been a spark! He was certain of it. It had been small, weak, nothing more than a flicker but it had been something.
He'd clung to the sensation, held on to it desperately as if it were a match needed to light a fire in the wilderness. He'd shucked off the brace, wanting free of any restraint and faced down Kenta, knowing that he was going to get his assed kicked in the hope it would add fuel to the flames. He wasn't sure if it had yet, it was too early to tell but it had definitely not vanished.
That, he hoped, was progress!
His eye wandered, trailing off to the other side of the room and to the main cage to find the NXT Champion himself, Samoa Joe, fending off several attackers at once. He was fighting back viciously, throwing bodies left and right while barely breaking a sweat. The biggest mistake that people made about Joe was looking at his incredible size, a walking slab of muscle, and assuming he was slow. They were wrong; Joe was fast and athletic and he could smash you into the far corner before you even had time to breath.
But he wasn't as fast as Finn, he knew that to be true. The Irishman's main issue was the power battle which was alarmingly lop-sided. Finn would never be able to lift or out-bludgeon Joe so he would have to revert to his time-tested tactic of putting his opponent flat on his back and keeping him there. It would take everything he had and he would have to keep his wits razor sharp because one wrong move could spell disaster, but he could do it.
He knew he could.
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zaceouiswriting · 1 month
Fairy Prince - Hearts of Leviathans - Ch.29
Character: Sky x male reader, Riven x male reader, Brandon x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Winx Club/Saga
Warnings: None
"The father of a friend of mine, a tall, stocky man with a long beard and curious eyes, always told us that if we saw someone in need, we should do everything we could to help. He is an army veteran, but after his discharge, he struggled with numerous problems, including regular panic attacks, and was unable to leave his home for years. But even in his darkest times, he found ways to be happy and fulfilled. He started painting, learned instruments, and even homeschooled my friend for the first few years. Although he has very bad days and can get quite aggressive, none of this is his fault. And it doesn't make him weak, don't you agree?"
"Yes," I whisper, just then realizing that my breathing was back to normal and that my fear and paranoia seemed to have disappeared. I don't know what calms me so effectively; maybe it's her gentle smile. It could be her hand still gently stroking my hair, or her soft voice. It could also be all of the above. When it's finally sunken in after a few minutes, I am shocked because no one since him has accomplished the same thing.
But I feel completely exhausted. Two panic attacks in a matter of hours—how could I not be at the limit of my physical capabilities? While she still smiles at me, I press myself harder against the wall behind me, brace myself with one of my hands, and stand up to my full height, instantly dwarfing her.
“You’re quite tall,” she muses in her honey-sweet voice, yet it doesn't sound fake.
"You should see that one friend of mine, Brandon; he's a giant. Next to him, I look like a child!" I tell her, chuckling, still a little out of breath.
When I look at her again, I find a satisfied sparkle in her eyes, as if to say that her work is done. A comfortable silence spreads between us as she looks at me with concern but confidence.
“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be in class?” I break the silence, wanting to at least pretend that I’m interested in having a conversation.
But she smiles teasingly. "You mean the same class you should be in now?" she counters rather smugly. I couldn't help but smile at her speed and chuckle again at her comeback. But she quickly calms down again, and her lips fall into a soft smile. "Professor Palladium asked me to find you. But I didn't think you would be on the wrong side of the building."
I stop abruptly. Did I hear her correctly? The wrong side of the building? "What do you mean?" I finally ask her, gobsmacked.
She points to a door and smiles brightly. "None of these doors are numbered. You literally walked past the classroom doors; they're right next to the cafeteria."
I can only look at her, confused, not understanding what she could mean. So I look at the crumpled piece of paper in my hand and then at one of the doors she just pointed to. But I quickly realize my mistake. A moment later, blood rushes to my head. "I'm not really good with directions," I inform her sheepishly. "I get lost pretty easily."
Not even waiting a moment, she links our arms. "Well then, let me be your guide!"
There was nothing I could have done about it; it all happened too quickly. Additionally, she is also quite pushy because she starts talking straight away and doesn't even let me interrupt her. But it's nice not to have to waste energy on entertainment I don't have. Halfway back, however, she falls silent.
"Why are you so nice to me?" My question must have surprised her because she suddenly stopped. She hangs her head, and the cheerful mood has disappeared.
The silence lasts for a while until she turns slightly towards me. "You're just not what others describe you as. I've always been able to see a person's motives. Yours were never bad. All I could sense from you was sadness, disappointment, and pain."
Even though I don't believe her claim, she's still right. Since his death, I haven't felt truly happy for a single moment of my life. It's almost as if it was stolen from me. However, I accept her statement and say nothing else, hoping that the rest of our journey will be spent in silence.
We soon reach the cafeteria, where she shows me a hallway I must've simply missed as I've searched all the others. As I walk down this hallway, every room has either a door that I can at least partially see through or full-on windows in the wall.
Something is going on in all the rooms, from language learning to mathematics; in others, alchemy is practiced. But mostly magic is used. Even the woman responsible for me being thrown into a dungeon teaches in one. Just looking at her sends a shiver down my spine. Luckily, the girl next to me didn't notice anything.
Luckily, we come to a room where she finally knocks. When I hear the professor's voice, my tense shoulders relax a little, just enough for the girl to sense my movement and give me a reassuring smile. I can only thank her in my thoughts as she opens the door.
When I see Professor Palladium, he has a mischievous smile on his lips. "Ah, you found the wandering fairy," he comments, his voice dripping with playfulness. "Should I give you a compass that will always show you the way to your next lesson?"
Although I think he's just playfully joking about my tardiness, I smile shyly and nod. "That would be helpful, Professor."
His stern exterior turns into a small smile. He shakes his head and lowers it slightly. But even so, he reaches out his hand and slides a stone onto it with the other. As he concentrates on this, he suddenly speaks in a language I cannot decipher, surely ancient Elvish again. Unfortunately, I have never been good with languages; I'm content speaking the common tongue, Fairish, and a bit of modern Elvish.
But his voice is so soft and the words so melodic that it's hard not to listen. But to my amazement, he soon holds a compass in his hand, beautifully decorated with engravings, and the middle part, where the two needles are, even has a picture of a place. "Is this the blueprint of the building?"
Without answering my question, Professor Palladium turns away, but not without winking at me and putting his finger to his lips. Upon closer inspection, I can see every nook and cranny, and strangely enough, the entire inner building, not what is visible from the outside, as if this compass could form a picture by tracing the magic around it.
"Would you mind finding a place to sit?" The professor's stern voice rings in my ears again. A little embarrassed, I raise my head, apologize to him, and look around.
Discomfort is clearly visible on everyone's faces. Honestly? It hurts a lot. I always hoped that the day I would come here, they would treat me as an equal to everyone else, like all my ancestors. But instead, I only experience endless disrespect. Only now I don't feel any of the anger, just disappointment.
Not wanting to make anyone uncomfortable, I choose a seat at the back, but as I walk past the others, all I sense is the distrust of the fairies. Some will one day be guardian fairies, and others are just normal fairies, but no one looks at me with trust.
I slump down onto the seat, or at least I try to. Instead of sitting on the chair, I fall through the air and land on the floor with a loud thud. Immediately, giggles echo through the room, and with just one glance around me, I know who the culprit is. Her evil eyes are all I need to see. But it only becomes more obvious when she starts grinning at me, lifting her perfectly painted nails, and resting her head in the palm of her hand.
Muttering under my breath, I tell her this isn't kindergarten, but I don't honor her with another glance. Instead, I let my magic flow. I've never tried this magic before, but this is as good a time as any, right?
I imagine several stone pillars rising out of the ground just below my bottom so that I can sit on them with my legs stretched out. These are followed by more pillars growing up my sides and reaching the middle of my torso, and finally, tall pillars behind me that will straighten up my back. Not long after, these imaginary pillars appear, slowly rising from the ground.
In an instant, my stone throne is up. Sitting upon it, like the king I hope I will become someday, I cross my right leg over my left, put both arms on the armrests, but raise my right arm, clench my hand into a fist, and lean my head against it. With a broad smile, I glance sideways at Stella and wink at her, only to look back at Professor Palladium, whose face looks neutral, but I can still see a secret grin.
"Now that that's cleared up, I'd like for you to introduce yourself to the class, as there is a lot of misinformation circulating about you."
All eyes are on me; most of them are worried, except for Bloom and a girl who looks familiar but who I can't place.
“(Y/N), there’s nothing more to say,” I spat out like poison. "I will have nothing to do with most of you after the disgusting, disgraceful, and downright unacceptable way in which you treated me and assumed things like ignorant laundresses."
“Who do you think you are?” I hear Stella’s voice from my left front.
When I finally turn to face her, I grin maliciously. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I look her up and down, but suddenly I twist my face into a pitying one. "Are you in love already? How sad."
Stella immediately blushes, maybe from embarrassment or anger. I don't know. But I feel her magic getting out of control. I raise an eyebrow questioningly but get no answer. Instead, feather-light footsteps echo through the room, followed by a hand slamming on Stella's desk.
"(Y/N), I can understand your anger about the situation; how you were treated was beneath your dignity, but please don't make it worse."
"Worse?" I shout, standing up from my stone throne. "None of these spoiled little princesses can ever understand what I have been through—the suffering every man has to endure because they are blind to the world around them! And yet they make assumptions and punish someone without any good reason." My words are heavy, and many girls around me look stunned as if nobody has ever talked to them like this.
“Please, (Y/N), calm down.“
"No!" I bellow again. "Should I just sweep this all under the rug? I have never received an apology, not from the teachers or the students, for their assumptions. Until that day comes, I will not treat any of them like people, only like the scum that they are!"
After that, the whole room is silent. The professor sighs heavily but nods his head. I can only hope he truly understands me and isn't just pretending. At least he has never treated me like the others; he probably knows my true identity from the beginning. After all, it is impossible to lie to a high elf.
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authorangelita · 1 year
I miss LiveJournal! Here's my request
Jack + staple
Me too! I haven't been able to bring myself to delete mine despite all the changes to that platform. I've just had it so damn long.
Thank you for the request! I was torn about which POV this would be in, but I think this was the best one.
Jack stood in the doorway of Mac's hospital room for a long time before venturing inside.  If he was on his partner's left side, Mac looked normal.  Well, as normal as he could look with a neck brace and ventilator tube.  His blond hair was disheveled and sticking up from the sponge bath he'd been given after surgery. 
It was the right side that was a mess of shaved hair, staples, and swelling.  Jack avoided the reminder of his failure by taking a seat in the visitor's chair on Mac's left side.  He squeezed Mac's wrist and used the contact to check Mac's pulse.  It was strong and steady.  Thank goodness.
He reluctantly pulled his hand away and sat back in the chair.  The doctors had told him not to touch or talk to Mac, that his brain needed rest and quiet.  Lack of stimulation was key to recovery. 
Jack found it almost impossible to keep quiet.  He was so used to talking to Mac about everything ranging from his favorite breakfast foods to his least favorite hobbies to his childhood in Texas.  Nothing had ever really been off-limits.  Not even back when they'd grudgingly been partnered together in the Sandbox. 
In fact, Jack had once told the story of how he'd lost his virginity just to see what Mac's reaction would be.  He wasn't disappointed since it was the most emotion Mac had shown up until that point.  And all the kid did was flip him the bird over his shoulder while he was in the midst of disarming an IED. 
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decidueyes · 4 months
I recently rewatched Death Note, its been one of my fave anime since I first watched it and it still is :) Some thoughts (hidden for spoilers):
-I know the common opinion is that the rest of the show after L dies isn't as good. I recently learned that the anime actually rushed it/skipped stuff from the manga, which is unfortunate :/. I noticed that there were much less inner monologues during the latter half; disappointing to me bcuz 1. it made it harder to follow the logic, and 2. it would've helped develop the Light vs Near dynamic and make us viewers feel more invested. It would have been nice if the anime had more episodes so it wouldn't feel so rushed. We also don't really get to know Mello and Near very well, which sucks cuz now everyone thinks they're not as good as L (which might still be true, but at least give them a fighting chance lmao). The worst victim has gotta be Mello's friend Matt who shows up in one scene just to get shot at by a group of people and die. Its funny to think about cuz why did they do him like that lol.
-L is still my fave <3. The OG autistic anime boy. When I first watched I was so surprised when he died that I felt like I was in shock for the rest of the day. I'm not usually that affected by character deaths but that one really got me. This time around I braced myself for it, but its not that bad when you know its coming. Still, Fs in the chat for him o7.
-On the other hand, I remember I hated Light lmao. I disagree with him but then also the whole "I'm a god" ego thing was off-putting to me. Now that I'm older I think maybe I can appreciate his character a little more. He's still dumb tho, killing criminals isn't gonna magically make the world better. I guess that's part of his character, the way he is so naive. There's also the question of whether the death note corrupted him or if he was always like that. Maybe a bit of both? That might be what's interesting about him. Tbh I feel like the death note would corrupt anyone :O
-I don't think I ever gave much thought to the relationship between Light and L, but now that I'm thinking about it, its kinda fascinating. Like, they don't really like each other, but they're also obsessed with each other. The most joy in life they have is this intellectual back-and-forth game they are playing. When Light says "its boring without Ryuzaki" and then multiple times he's like "Near u suck ur not as good as L" like why are u thinking about another man that much lmao. Anime rivalry/toxic yaoi go brrrr.
-Misa deserved better. She was basically written out near the end when she had to give up her death note again. 2 shinigami died for her and yet she barely gets to do anything damn lmao.
-I saw a youtube comment about Matsuda that was really cool. It said he was like a son to Soichiro, more than his actual son, which made it meaningful when Matsuda was the one to shoot Light at the end. Matsuda was also the only one who would sometimes say that Kira maybe had a point, so there's another meaning to him shooting LIght. Idk I just think that's a neat detail.
-Never 4get the memes. The potato chip scene. All according to keikaku. "I've even brought America to its knees". "DELETE DELETE DELETE". The other cop pocketing the strawberry that L gives him instead of just eating it. This show is so silly :)
This got kinda long whoops. TL;DR: Death Note good. Also, stan L :)
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I'm going to preface this by saying this is not meant entirely an admonishment but more a reminder. It's also not aimed entirely at you specifically but rather people I've seen in notes on your posts, as well as Neil's. Neil is not lying about Crowley not being Lucifer and isn't going to surprise us with that suddenly being canon in the series. He quite literally can't do that now. He knows people are or will be making fanfic of it now. He now cannot ever use it. Same with the Raphael theory. Same with any other popular fan theory someone has taken to his inbox for confirmation, only to be denied. All that accomplishes is confirming he in no way will ever use any element of it in any of his writing going forward. So keep speculating! Keep having fun making theories! But stop taking them to Neil. All you do is ensure they will never be canon. As Neil always says, just wait and see.
hi anon✨
im going to take you at your word re: it not being entirely an admonishment or aimed at me. and choose to simply see this ask as a way of getting a general PSA out into the tumblr ether. that, i will gladly help with.
i respect your view and agree with it... i would however argue that personally i think the people that have been in my post notes in particular have been pretty respectful from what i recall, or at least have been very clearly joking.
there is, as far as im aware, a relatively small group of blogs that went generally full-ham on the theory (and perhaps im in that number, idk) but from what ive seen, following neil's ask, the majority have actually found the whole situation very funny...
maybe gone a bit ironic/sarcastic with "lmao imagine if he's lying" out of disappointment (me too!), but obviously joking and otherwise pretty respectful. honestly, i found the whole thing hysterical, i hammed up the Lucifer Theory Grief for an evening, and have since largely gotten over it. i think a lot of others have been the same.
however. i managed to read about 20 replies through That Neil Ask before i was starting to get pretty pissed off, by people on both sides of the lucifer argument:
i get why people were getting irritated by the pro-theoriers; the theory was debunked - move on, or take it off of the ask. i agree with that sentiment - other than rb'ing the ask twice and adding my tags, i left it alone and kept the dialogue on my own blog, and imo others should have done the same - just simply left the neil ask, and taken the discourse to their own blogs.
that being said, some of the anti-theoriers were coming across as outright rude, to the point for me of even being quite upsetting (and it wasn't even directed at me lmao). i get they were probably getting annoyed on behalf of neil, and that's admirable - but neil is a whole ass grown man. if he wanted people to stop commenting on his ask, i imagine he would have locked the post, posted a PSA, or just simply turned off his askbox. people do not need to police for him.
one thing i will point out, however, is that the lucifer theory came up on an rb, not directly in his inbox.
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neil chose to respond to that rb (and the one after) entirely by his choice; it wasn't sprung on him in his inbox. noone should have to police their rbs or rb tags just in case he sees? direct inbox submission is a huge no-no (i agree with you, especially as he has actually asked for people to not do that), but this particular situation, ill be honest, does not fit that.
i also think the way both sides have reacted over the lucifer debunk has now unfortunately set a rather unsettling precedent for any other theory that might come out and people disagree with; ive been bracing myself for a potential shitstorm all day about my theory on the second coming for this very reason... and tbh i shouldn't have to feel like that.
everyone deserves to have fun in fandom-space, that's what makes it enjoyable and collaborative. if you (royal 'you') do not like a theory, or think it's a load of rubbish, either argue it back eloquently and with an open mind, instead of just being outright dismissive and making people feel stupid (as i felt after reading those replies, tbh), or leave that person/collective alone. it doesn't hurt you, it doesn't hurt anyone, and it's just people speculating and having fun with it.
now about the actual debunk of the theory itself - yes, i agree, it could be an IP nightmare potentially. i have further thoughts on this but i think im going to leave it there for now, my reply is already long enough✨
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a-pale-azure-moon · 1 year
Random TotK Thoughts #4
I've crossed the 100 hour mark and most of that was spent just wandering around looking for shrines, Koroks and caves, as well as doing various sidequests. I've still barely scratched the Depths and the sky and it's not from lack of wanting to but because I just keep getting sidetracked. I start each play session with some idea of what I want to accomplish and at least 50% of them end without having done that specific thing because I wound up doing something else. It's both awesome and infuriating. xD
But I finally finished a third regional phenomenon last night, so at least I've accomplished something in terms of progressing the game. And I got my 21st heart after finishing the Water Temple, so I'm finally on the second row!
-I hadn't finished the Fire Temple when I made my last entry, so in summary: really liked the concept, but I think the execution could've been better. Manipulating minecart tracks was a fun and inspired idea; I remember there was a dungeon in one of the Oracle games that had minecarts too, and it was neat seeing it used in 3D. The atmosphere was great. However, it took awhile for me to figure out the map, and navigating the dungeon without the minecarts was confusing. And again with "activate things until boss door opens." They've really run this concept into the ground and I pray it doesn't come back in the next game.
-The leadup to the temple was less fun compared to the Wind and Water Temples. I really liked the giant boss that appeared on Death Mountain, but beating it was a joke. Armor Ghoma was also very easy, if a bit annoying, and Yunobo's ability is useful but nowhere near the level of Tulin's (or Daruk's for that matter). And while the crisis for the Gorons was rather humorous, it loses points for not having the same sense of urgency as the others I've seen. Overall I give this part a B-.
-It made me so happy to see Sidon, aka the world's most handsome shark-man, again. It's also nice that Mipha still has a presence in Zora's domain, since there's now a whole place named for her and several of the Zora mention her by name. It's kind of weird how the Rito and Goron tribes don't even mention their champions.
-I really enjoyed the Zora quest line. I did get briefly stuck when I had to find the cave where Dorephan was hiding, but that was the worst of it. The underground waterworks looked awesome, and then swimming up the massive waterfall to the sky islands was cool. So was the low gravity in that whole part. It was an interesting way to make the dungeon feel "floaty" while not actually having it underwater (and it avoids swimming mechanics as a bonus).
-Even thinking about some past water-themed Zelda dungeons gives me hives (*cough*Great Bay Temple*cough*), so I braced myself for this one. Thankfully, I found it very fun with some cool puzzles, even if it was again "activate these things to access the boss." The floating water orbs were particularly neat, if a bit unruly to utilize. I fused an Opal with a Magic Staff and that made for a very handy "water gun" for cleaning out sludge, kind of like F.L.U.D.D. Would definitely recommend it for anyone who has yet to tackle this area.
-Mucktorok was incredibly annoying, easily my least favorite boss so far. The one good thing is that he's very weak, so once you can actually corner him, he goes down fast. Doubly so if you have a powerful Zora weapon, since you're guaranteed to be wet for most of the fight.
-It's really disappointing that I've had to see nearly the exact same story of the Imprisoning War three times now (and I'm assuming a fourth when I finally get to the Gerudo).
-Getting to see Sidon take the throne afterwards was a nice extra touch. I like the theme of "the next generation taking charge" that permeates this game. Overall, I rank this scenario a B+, my favorite so far. It would've gotten an A if not for the boss fight.
-Remember the days when all of the Zora except the King and Ruto looked identical? That crowd shot at Sidon's coronation really emphasizes the work Nintendo's done over the years in making all of the members of the various (non-Hylian) races of Hyrule look distinct. I feel like this is especially true of the Zora and Rito tribes.
-I got the next two Dragon's Tears as well since my last update. I wish I could say I was shocked over Sonia's murder but it was really obvious she was destined to get "fridged" sooner or later. (And it was shown right there on the carvings in the prologue...) The cutscene itself was disappointing too, because she and Zelda just stood there after the fake Zelda disappeared. If they'd at least have looked around or started to talk about what they were going to do next, it would've made things seem a whole lot less contrived.
-Ganon's evil laugh was glorious though. And oh man...I just LOVE his Demon King design. It combines the coolest elements of Demise's design and it looks amazing. This guy definitely looks the part of an omnipotent evil force.
-I love the way they animated Rauru too as he went from barely contained anger to full-on rage mode. The way his ears vibrate and he bares his teeth before his third eye opens and he lunges...he was totally ready to rip Ganon apart bare-handed right there and then.
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-I would've loved to have seen Rauru actually fire a holy hand grenade for that matter. Can't help but be a little disappointed there. We already know he's going to sacrifice himself to seal Ganon away, so I only hope we get at least one more instance of seeing him do something badass before then.
-I'm probably going to wander around awhile longer before I tackle the desert. I still haven't killed my first Gleeok, so that's on the to-do list, and I want to map out more of the Depths and upgrade my batteries as well. Maybe I'll finish collecting the Dragon's Tears too. We'll see. There's still SO MUCH to do!
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anactualcartoondog · 2 years
tag game
i got tagged by @goodmode and @king-yeen . it's nice to be thought of, thanks c:
questions under the break
Last song?
Waiting Around to Die by The Be Good Tanyas which is on my playlist b/c i heard it in a breaking bad episode and it reminded me a LOT of another artist i liked but couldn't place and i'm still not sure who it reminded me of but i like the way the singer's voice sounds.
(Btw Goodmode i like the Glass Animals song you linked. Sounds like a personal connection! I'm glad it brings you comfort now. I really enjoy the synthy bass line in the song.)
Three Ships?
Chekov X Sulu from Star Trek: TOS My DnD character Compassion X my friend's character Isaac uhhhhh. idk i don't really do a lot of shipping these days ^-^' I guess i'll pull one from my Youth and say Kakashi X Gai
Currently Reading?
Ship of Theseus by Doug Durst (with "ideas" from J J Abrams, whatever that means). It caught my attention while I was walking out of the library on Saturday. It's an interesting book; a book by a fictional author with a lot of mystery behind him, with "notes" left in the (EXTREMELY WIDE) margins by two previous readers who passed it back and forth between them, and has inserts in it like newspaper articles and notes. Just like, loosely tucked between the pages. I've decided to read it twice; once on it's own and once actually reading the marginalia. So far I'm interested in the story but pretty over the actual prose of it. It thinks a lot of itself but little of the reader, and belabours the metaphor to the point of abuse. And when a metaphor isn't made to do a tap dance so you don't miss it, one of the previous "readers" will have left a helpful little note just to be sure it doesn't squeak by :)
So far it's a cool spooky ship mystery! An amnesiac kidnapped onto a creepy ghost ship with a ghastly crew and a brazen escape in a stormy night!! Looking forward to where it's going but bracing myself for disappointment.
Last Movie?
Fuck man I can't remember XD i don't watch a lot of movies. Probably uhhh Star Trek 4: Undiscovered Country bc I've been watching Star Trek in order of air date. It's the movie where we learn that Klingon blood is bubble gum pink!! How fun! It also has a really cute alien dog puppet.
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Nothing atm because I just finished some very dry cookies BUT lately I've been mixing peanut butter and strawberry jelly into vanila ice cream and you should try that.
ok that was fun! i'll tag @krazybomb , @hormse and @milquetoaast but only of u wanna~
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 6 months
The Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 32 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Aftermath - Kao
One look at hCyrus' face when I enter the office almost sends me running but I hold my ground, steeling my expression.
He's at the window, impressively jacked arms crossed as he takes in my state.
I'm still in my leathers, splattered in blood.
When his eyes reach my face, they harden when they take in the damage.
When he doesn't speak, I decide the break the silence.
"Look, I-I know you may be upset that I snuck out..."
"I am not upset, Koa," Cyrus walks to the desk, calculated and slow.
He braces his arms on it, still standing and I gulp at the prominent veins running down them, how the muscles flex and tense.
"I'm fucking pissed."
'Oh, shit.'
"Cyrus, I only wanted to help. I figured, you've been training me, so..."
"Training you to defend yourself, in the case that I'm not there to protect you," he grits his teeth, the words coming out low and dangerous.
'Oh, he's pissed? But now, I'm the pissed one, here.'
"Well, I don't need your protecting all the damn time. You... you don't get to control what I do or don't do."
His jaw flexes, shooting me an icy cold glare with those eyes.
"Except that I do, when it comes to your safety. I am your Alpha..."
'He did not just pull the Alpha card.'
"I don't want an Alpha that pulls this shit. I'm not your fucking pet you get to keep locked away when you decide," my voice raises in pitch, heat from anger flooding my cheeks.
"I saved someone that would be gone if not for me disobeying your oh-so-mighty orders. Hear that? I lessened the death count."
He turns away from me, fists clenched at his sides.
"Or you could have been on it, Koa. That man was on top of you, ready to kill or take you off and do unspeakable things to you."
"But he fucking wasn't going to because I had him. You barged in right before I could make the killing blow, asshole."
He whips around with a growl.
"And was that really something you were prepared for? To have another's blood on your hands? To take a life?"
"I had to fight. I had to. You're being so unreasonable..."
"ENOUGH," he shouts, the sheer volume and aggressiveness of it chilling me to the bone.
"You never fucking listen. Do you have no respect for me as your mate? I try to keep you from harms way and your first thought is to put yourself right back in it. I could have lost you, Oliver could have lost his mother. Instead of acting like an insolent brat, think of the consequences of your damn actions for once."
I'm frozen... stunned into a silent, motionless statue.
Cyrus just... completely let loose on me.
He's never yelled at me.... never shouted with that much anger.
I don't know this Cyrus and just like that, I start to cry.
Like a little bitch, I burst out in tears in front of the last person I'd ever want to.
The whole thing... a hot face, trembling lip, scrunched chin... it's atrocious.
It's his turn to be shocked.
Still reeling from his outburst, he looks at me, eyes wide as the fury on his face goes down a notch.
I've never cried in front of him before and definitely not the kind where big, fat, ugly tears stream down your face like waterfalls.
I'm so mortified, so ashamed of myself and what he said and suddenly it's all too much.
The attack, Beau, Morgan possibly being dead, now Cyrus, the one person I want to impress more than anyone in the world, being angry and disappointed in me instead.
I turn and bolt through the office doors.
"Koa, wait," Cyrus calls after me but I ignore him.
All I can hear now is the rapid beating of my heart and my broken sobs that shake my entire body.
If he's following after me, I wouldn't know.
I run out of the pack-house, my tears cooling on my face in the frigid night air.
It's busy outside, everyone still recovering from the attack.
I don't care if they see me.
I sprint to the hospital.
My brain doesn't even make the decision, my feet do.
They take me all the way to the entry.
A sobbing, pathetic mess, I beg the guards at the doors to let me in.
"Please. I need to... I need to see Morgan. Just let me see if he's alive, please," I choke out the words between trembling cries and the pity in their eyes tells me I've won.
They let me in after sharing a look and I'm told which room Morgan is in, to which I quickly make my way.
I can barely see, vision blurry from tears but I finally find the room number, about to go in when I hear soft, murmuring voices on the other side of the slightly cracked door.
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