#but I'm not discussing it just letting it build up cause I'm scared
hoshinasblade · 1 month
hoshina found you in the rooftop of the training building.
the lights from the skyscrapers miles away from the base looked like beacons from this distance, hoshina thought to himself. you were however looking at the moon, crescent-shaped in the sky, dark clouds swallowing some of its luminescence.
hoshina knew he would find you here. he would have dropped by sooner, but the close-door meeting of high-ranking officials in the force took longer than he expected. even now, his top uniform unzipped and both his hands in his pockets, hoshina can still feel the tension and fatigue from the discussion earlier.
"i'm thinking of quitting." your face is indecipherable, but your voice betrayed the emotion swirling inside you. "i'm no good here."
the commanders of the anti-kaiju divisions met a few hours ago - an emergency session to discuss possible strategies on how they're going to handle kaiju threats going forward. it has not been a week since the attack in the tachikawa base where several officers in your platoon had died protecting each other. the image of people you'd trained with, worked with, even shared a meal with, dying under your command is forever etched on your memories, unable to be erased.
the truth is you cannot even stomach looking at yourself in front of the mirror without feeling like a complete, utter failure.
hoshina stood beside you, the cold breeze blowing the stray strands of his hair away his face. he wanted to offer his jacket to you but settled on putting his arm around you instead. "it wasn't your fault", he said, because it really wasn't. he faced the strongest entity in the horde of monsters that attacked the third division base that night and survived by the skin of his teeth. his only consolation is he didn't lost you in the whole ordeal.
you sniffled. "i'm not like you, soshiro. i'm not... strong." hoshina wanted to assert that what you said is a lie but decided against it. "tell me what i need to do," you pleaded, "cause i don't know anymore."
hoshina wished he could take away your pain even if it means he'll have to be the one to bear its burden.
"as your vice-captain, i am going to ask you to stay," hoshina said before turning to look straight at you. "we've lost a lot of people already, we cannot afford to lose any more." i cannot afford to lose you, he wanted to say.
your scoff surprised him. "and as my boyfriend?" you presented your follow-up question.
"as your boyfriend, i need you here," hoshina answered too quickly. he reminded himself to slow down; the last thing both of you need is an argument. he let the silence enveloped you for a few seconds, just enough to calm his own erratic heartbeat. hoshina, watching you from the corner of his eye, started to speak again. "you remember when you said you wanted to be a defense officer? we weren't even dating back then," hoshina pointed out. "i wanted to be one since i was little, but you, god, i have never met anyone else who wanted to protect people so bad like you do. honestly that's part of why i love you," he told you.
hoshina understands all too well how you feel - the horror of knowing you could have saved people who laid their trust on you but didn't. there are a thousand reasons why he wakes up each day as the vice-captain of an anti-kaiju division, and one of it is because he has to make it up for the people he's lost along the way - he's decided to continue on his mission of eradicating kaijus because if he stops he's scared everything and everyone he's lost will be in vain.
"look, if you really want an out, we know i can't stop you anyway", hoshina said matter-of-factly. "but if you stay, i'll be here for you." his hand lightly touched yours. "i'll protect you. i'll take care of you so you can take care of other people too. i'll protect you."
you did not reply. you did not have to.
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sanguineterrain · 7 months
Hi, I love your fics. Feel free to say no to this request but I was wondering if maybe you could write something about asexual Jason Todd? I've always felt like he'd be aspec and identified with him because of that. You write intimacy and love without sex so well, and it'd be wonderful to see it with ace Jason. Maybe one where he tells the reader and he's really scared but they accept him? But if you don't want to, completely fine. Thank you for sharing your writing. 🧡
Hey there nonnie. This one is very personal to me; I'm also ace and have often had the thought that Jason is aspec too. I think sometimes I write him that way without realizing it. I hope you and others enjoy this one! 💓
asexual!jason todd x gn!reader. tw sexuality discussion, some internalized acephobia, love confession. please be kind in the comments.
Rain patters on the kitchen window. You'd come over with the excuse of the two egg and cheese sandwiches from the bodega Jason likes so much.
"I think I could eat egg and cheese sandwiches for every meal," he says, mustard on his nose.
You want to say something stupid. Something about bringing him egg and cheese sandwiches in the rain forever. Something about a grave and hunger and what it means to be fed, to feed.
"From anywhere or specifically from the bodega?" you ask.
"Bodega, obviously. Alfred's, too. And yours. Food made with love." He shakes the foil. "I can taste the love."
"I..." You touch your nose. "Mustard."
He wipes it off. The thin takeout napkin is tiny in his hand.
"Don't even know how it got up there," he mumbles.
Oh, God. You're about to say something stupid.
"I love you," you blurt. "I—I'm falling in love with you, Jason."
Silence. Jason freezes mid-bite.
"Fuck," he whispers.
You watch as he springs from the couch and starts to pace. He chews on a cuticle, eyes wild. The sandwich is abandoned on the coffee table. You frown.
"Jason. Jay. Hey. Jaybird."
Nothing. You catch his free hand and rub his knuckles. Jason's eyes dart to you. He stops.
"I didn't say that to scare you," you say, even though it hurts, the idea that your love scares him. "It's okay if you don't feel the same."
"I do," Jason says miserably. "Fuck, I do. I love you so much. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
You squeeze his hand, suddenly, incandescently happy.
"You do?" you ask.
"But I—" He shakes his head. "I can't love you the way you want me to."
"Jay, whatever you think coming back did, I promise that—"
"No." Jason swallows hard and shuts his eyes. "God, that's the thing. 'S not from the Pit. I thought—y'know, I waited for everything to slide into place. The Lazarus Pit is s'posed to resurrect a person. Build them anew. But I felt the same."
"Felt the same?"
Jason looks at you then, and you know that expression. It's a plea. Don't use this information to hurt me.
You tug him back to the couch, coax him into sitting. He very carefully doesn't let any part of him touch you.
"I didn't, uh, have a name for it when I was younger. I didn't, like, think about sex or anything like that very much before B took me in 'cause I was in survival mode, y'know?"
"That makes sense, Jay," you offer gently.
"Right. Well, but it just... stayed that way. And before you ask, yeah, I've tried. I've tried to force the feelings." He takes a shaky breath. "I remember Dick telling me about how he'd started dating Kori—I mean, Kori, she's beautiful, y'know? And I was like, what's wrong with me that I can't feel that? I knew that she was beautiful, logically, but I didn't... feel it. I picked it apart for months, trying to figure out why I couldn't be like him or B or Selina."
"Oh, Jay..."
"No, I know. I tried. I crushed on a few people, but I never acted on it 'cause I knew there was something... different. Something to hide. And then I thought the Pit would give that to me, that feeling I've never had, and it didn't. And I guess I should be happy that it's not something that needs to be fixed or restored or whatever, but all I feel is shame. I feel sick when someone looks at me like I'm a piece of meat. I attract more attention with how I look now, and it's worse than before, having no control over how people desire me."
You frown. "Jason, if I've ever made you feel that way, I hope you'd tell me. I'm sorry if I have."
"No, you—you're perfect. God, you make me feel so safe. Cared for in a way I haven't known in a long time. And that's why this is so shit. 'Cause this won't work. You want something I can't give you."
"Who says I don't want what you can give me?"
Jason laughs. It comes out choked. "Oh, no, no. You don't know what you're saying. Maybe it'll take six months or a year or two years but you'll get fed up with not having sex. I'm not worth celibacy. I know I'm not."
"Jason." You lightly touch his cheek. He looks at you, eyes wet. "Oh, Jay. Why do you think that? Why do you think you're only good for your body?"
"Hah. I've only been good for my body for years now. 'S nothing new, and it doesn't matter whether I'm a boyfriend or a soldier."
"Jason. It does matter. It does. You're not a body to me, you're a person. A brain. A heart. A good soul."
He blinks fast. "Don't... y'don't have to say that stuff. Let me down easy. It's okay if you leave. I don't have what you want."
"But you do. There's no reason you don't. Sex? I can do without."
He scoffs. "That easy, huh?"
"With you? Yes," you say. "Easiest choice I've ever made, actually. Like deciding to bring you a breakfast sandwich. I woke up and I did that. Because I love you."
His fingers creep to yours. You hold them as soon as he's within reach.
"I'm not gonna change," he says.
Jason thinks it's a warning. You see it for what it is: hope.
"That's alright," you say, squeezing his hand. "I'm not trying to change you."
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brooooswriting · 6 months
Please I need a part two for oh I know!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🩷
Oh I know pt. 2
Part 1
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It had been some weeks since your discussion with Leighton and she kept being supportive and encouraging about every decision you made. It got to the point where you felt bad about not being out, especially since you’d love to show her off. You felt the worst when it was her birthday coming up.
“So, my parents and my brother are coming down for my birthday and we are going out to eat. Do you want to join?” She questioned as she typed on her phone. You were chilling in the spare apartment your parents had near campus, and you often went there when your roommates were too much.
“Are the others also going to be there?” You didn’t wanna make it too obvious but you already knew that the blonde figured out why you asked.
“No, but that doesn’t have to mean anything” she tried to convince you.
“Cause you’re someone who brings here friends to her family?” She sighed, knowing that you were right and she dropped the topic after inviting you to go to the theta party after she’s done with her parents. You said you’d try to come and dropped the topic too.
At least you tried, but the whole night, you could only think about how sad she looked even though she tried to hide it. She's been the best girlfriend one could be, and the fact that you couldn't celebrate her birthday with her because you were scared actually made you mad at yourself.
Coming out to your parents/family still scares the living shit out of you but if Leighton's family accepted her, they'd surely accept you too. Plus, coming out to your friends and her family didn't mean that you had to come out to yours too. After a lot of contemplating you finally made up your plan.
“So, where are you guys going for your birthday tomorrow?” you asked as the blonde laid in your arms, a movie playing on the small TV you had in your apartment.
“Oh, the fancy place down the street. It's my dad's favorite lunch place and I'm fine with whatever” Her hesitation was obvious but you decided to ignore it as you were too scared to reveal anything of your plan.
“That's nice. What are you going to wear?” a happy squeal left her mouth and she picked up her phone to show you pictures of her outfit, explaining each detail while your hand rubbed over her waist.
Later that night you walked Leighton home. “Good night baby” You checked your surroundings before you pressed a couple of soft kisses to her lips, trying not to let her notice your nerves building up. “Good night” she pressed a last kiss to your check before disappearing.
At midnight, you texted her happy birthday, how much she meant to you, how much you appreciated her, and that you couldn't wait to see her. She obviously didn't answer until the following day. You shot her a quick answer before getting ready, needing much more time as your nerves went wild. You wore a nice suit with nothing really underneath, styling your hair neatly and doing some natural make-up. Leighton's present was wrapped up and sat on the kitchen counter, your keys and everything else you needed next to it. Nervously shaking you sat on the counter before the clock stroke 2:45 meaning that you had to leave now.
You parked your car at the edge of the campus and walked to the blonde's dorm. Leighton was known for being quite punctual so you didn't knock, instead just standing in front of the door, her present and some roses in hand. You didn't have to wait long as the door opened and revealed your beautiful girlfriend in the doorway, her back turned to you as she still talked to her roommates. “Alright, I'll see you guys later,” she said before turning around, nearly running into your arms. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” she questioned as she looked you up and down.
“I wanted to be your date to your birthday dinner,” you said and shot her a smile. “Happy birthday my love” you added, holding the flowers toward her.
She grabbed the flowers with a confused look before looking back at you. “But I thought you said no?” she played with the leaves of the flowers and leaned against the doorway, unsure of what to think.
“I did…but you're way too awesome to hide and I want to be able to go out with you and give you the life you deserve. I'm not scared of coming out if it means being able to be with you in public. I am in love with you and I want people to know” you explained with a sheepish smile.
Leighton smiled at you and hugged you, “I'm in love with you too.” She pulled back to kiss you passionately. Your hands immediately went to her waist as you reciprocated the kiss. The two of you only pulled back when you heard some awws coming from behind the blonde. Her roommates were standing in the common room of their dorm, staring at you with big smiles. Leighton grumbled and pulled the door shut before pulling you along as you had to get going. “Are you sure about this? I don't want you to regret this”
You chuckled and pulled her into you as you two walked to your car. “I am 100% sure about this. There is nobody I'd rather be out with than you.” The youngest Murray smiled up at you and left the topic alone. You opened the car door for her, acting as if you didn't see everybody on campus staring at you, then closed it before getting in yourself. Your hand placed itself on her thigh while she answered some of her happy birthday texts, a comfortable silence taking over the car. Your nerves got worse with each mile you drove but every time you looked at the girl next to you, you calmed down again. She was definitely worth it.
When you pulled up you already saw the Murrays standing in front of their Range Rover. You parked behind it and gave Leighton a nod before getting out and opening the door for her, holding your hand out to help her get out. “You gonna be fine” she whispered to you as you closed the door and walked up to her family after giving your keys to the valet parking.
“Hello, my name is y/n y/l/n. I am Leighton’s… girlfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you” you said to her parents, shaking each of their hands before settling back to your spot between the siblings. Some anxiety lifted off of you when they smiled at you.
“Well, it's great to meet you y/n. I'm Henry and this is my wife Mimi. Should we go in?” they were extremely nice to you and started to walk in when you two gave them a nod. You were walking behind the rest, your hands intertwined and a big smile on your faces.
The dinner went amazing, her parents were so nice and accepting that your heart ached at the thought of your family never being like this. But when Leighton giggled at some comment Nico made and her parents countered, you couldn't think about anything else but the beauty of this moment.
When dinner was done, and your discussion with Henry over who would pay was over, you walked outside to retrieve your cars. The sun was nearly setting by now and the family still had to drive some hours to get home. “It was really great meeting you y/n. And remember you're invited to the family meeting next month” Mimi said as she hugged you goodbye.
“It was really nice to have you here” Henry said and went to shake your hand, “but don't you dare hurt her” he whispered, still too loud as Leighton groaned behind you.
“I won't sir, I can promise you that” you answered and moved on to say goodbye to her brother when he nodded at you.
Not long after you sat in your car again, your hand placed in hers as you drove back to the campus. “They love you” she happily grinned at you as you drove. “Thank you, for doing this. I know how scared you were” she added.
“This was the greatest thing that I could have done. Thank you for your patience and support baby” you countered as you parked the car and pressed a kiss to her lips. “So, changing and then to the theta party?” she gave you a happy nod and jumped out of the car.
That night you danced together on the dance floor, made out right next to it and went home together with everybody knowing that you were each others. You were happier than every, even though you knee that it was only a small amount of time until your parents would figure it out. But that was a problem for another night.
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a-complex-joke · 5 months
The Farmer, The writer, and the Parrot
Farmer x Elliott (x Leo!platonic)
Farmer is nervous to ask Elliott if he would be up to adopting Leo, or any kids in the future. Farmer is also worried about how Leo might react to the offer.
The farmer had been frantic all morning, they had done all their chores for the day.
Yet they had been avoiding even looking at their partner, Elliott the whole time.
For the past week since Leo had moved to town, The Farmer seemed deep in thought and even a bit skittish. 
Elliott had indeed taken notice of their behavior, noting the fact that they hadn’t even come home that night, opting to stick by the mines.
Was he worried? Sure. but the farmer often lost track of time and would return later than reasonable, while still waking before himself.
Elliot found it admirable, but Ignoring him was a step too far.
“So where are you going?” Elliott said standing between them and the door.
“I was going to the mines, Clint requested way more Iron than I already had” they smiled not meeting the redhead’s eyes.
“Farmer tell me the truth, have I done something to cause you to grow so distant… is there someone else?”
It broke his heart to admit the insecurities he had been feeling, and on the flip side, it saddened The farmer that they had made him feel so.
“No! There is no one else who could ever compare to you” They put a hand to his cheek.
“Then why have you been ignoring me”
The farmer looked to their feet, mumbling something.
“Darling, you know I can’t hear you when you do that” He lifted their chin.
The farmer took a deep breath before letting it out.
“I know he never really discussed the whole if we wanted kids or not and I know it all of a sudden, but seeing Leo living all alone with no one to take care of him, it just feels like a pin is stabbing my heart. So I've been bringing him meals every day, and last night he was already asleep when I got there but I could tell he was having a nightmare so I just stayed there to comfort him. And what I'm trying to say is I want to adopt Leo, but I was scared of how you’d react” 
There was a loud silence in the room as The farmer caught their breath.
“Oh thank Yoba, I thought you were going crazy and acutely doing an order for Clint there for a second, Harvey was on speed dial,” Elliott said releasing a breath himself.
“That’s what you're focusing on, I just spilled that I want us to raise a child together.”
“Hun, I'd love to raise a little army of children if you wanted, honestly the fact that you want to bring Leo into our lives just makes me love you more,” He said embracing his partner.
“But what if that is not what he wants, Linus is perfectly content with being somewhat homeless, and they are close as can be. What if he takes it as an insult” The farmer vented, tears threatening to fall.
“The worst that could happen is that he chooses not to come live with us. Even if we don’t adopt him, he’ll still be in our lives as will we in his. And we’ll care for him no matter what” Elliott said kissing their forehead.
“How did I get so lucky to marry such a caring man”
“It came with the job I guess” He joked.
The two decided to wait till they could commission Robin to build another room, even If Leo rejected the offer they weren’t gonna give up on the prospect of being parents.
To say Robin was ecstatic at the news would have been the biggest understatement since the town ‘learned’ of Mayor Lewis and Manires Affair.
A month had passed before the pair decided they were finally ready to ask Leo. A room decorated with a large window looking out towards the farm, what more could he want?
“Hi Leo, how are you today” Farmer asked sitting down next to him.
“Oh hi, Farmer, I'm good, are you and Mr. Elliott all right, miss Robin said you guys were doing something life-changing, that's why your house was under construction right?”
Oh, Robin and her loud mouth.
“Well, yes we are planning on doing something very different, and it actually why where here. We needed to ask you something really important” Elliot said now getting down to his level.
“Now before we do we want you to know that you can say no, and we won’t hold it against you” 
The child nodded.
“We wanted to know if you’d like to come live with us, we want to adopt you. You’d be our child and we’d be your new parents” The farmer was starting to struggle a bit.
“You’d still have the tree house of course but, maybe this could be more of a clubhouse for Jas, Vincnt, and you.”
Leo stayed silent before speaking in a hushed voice
“What if I lose you like I lost my real parents” tears poked out of his eyes.
“Oh hun come here” The farmer pulled Leo onto their lap, ushering Elliott to come closer.
“We don’t plan on going anywhere, and even if we did that won’t be for a long while”
“Will I still be able to visit with the parrots?” Leo questioned.
“As long as they don’t eat all the crop” Elliott tried lightening the mood.
The three sat cuddled in the tree house till Leo had become tired, falling asleep in the arms of the farmer.
“You know I can carry him” Elliott offered as they walked back home.
“no I've got him, he’s really light, we’ve got to fatten him up,” the farmer said a little concerned.
“I'm sure Gus would love to have a taste tester with an exotic pallet”
“Don’t you think we spend enough money there?” “Crab cakes are good, not my fault
They had finally made it home and placed Leo down in his new bed.
“Good night, my little Parrot,” The farmer said kissing him on the forehead
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crestwood-survivor · 29 days
Mythal in the Deep Roads Pt. 2: Trespasser DLC
Everyone who has played through the Trespasser DLC already knows that the ancient elves were in the deep roads, but I noticed some things in my most recent playthrough that I haven’t seen discussed. Mainly, the coffin room:
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But let’s go through the area first. We exit the Eluvian and find ourselves in this weird combination of elven-dwarven ruins beneath Thedas. One of the things that stood out to me about this area is how Evanuris symbols we find (or at least I could find) are Mythal’s and Fen’Harel’s. There are two giant Mythal statues in this section, one is near the Eluvian we enter:
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And the other is deeper into the area:
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There's this one:
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And finally two handing over the "coffin room" at the very back of this area:
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There's also lots of wolf statues, some framing the eluvian:
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Or caved in hallways:
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On the path leading through the area:
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And framing the "balcony" overlooking the coffin room:
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Notice what there isn’t? Any statues for the other gods.
All the other elven ruins we’ve seen have had multiple gods portrayed in them, even in temples dedicated to one specific god. For example, the Temple of Mythal had a whole separate area depicting the other gods as well as hart and owl statues. The Temple of Dirthamen also had hart statues and statues of Mythal and Fen’harel. But in the deep roads? It’s only Mythal and Fen’harel. This to me implies that whatever operation was going on the deep roads, it was Mythal’s project.
Let’s go over some of the comments companions make in the area.
Cole has a few things to say. The first thing he’ll say is: “Songs screaming far away. It wants to wake up but can’t remember how.  No one should be here.”
This immediately made me think that Cole was referring to a Titan. Lyrium, the blood of the titans, is frequently described as singing. Cole makes similar comments if you take him through the deep roads in The Deep Descent DLC. Valta also describes what she hears from the Titan as a song, but she also tells us something else that’s important: Titans do not stir lightly. The Titan from the Deep Descent was asleep for a thousand years, and only woke up and started causing trouble because the breach disturbed it. Cole says that the songs are screaming far away, so it’s possible that this is a dormant titan that is near the area we are in.
Dorian will say: “It shouldn’t be this dark. Dwarven buildings are lit by molten rock. That doesn’t just go out.”
I’m not sure what to make of this comment, but it seemed odd to me. Maybe someone else has thoughts on this?
Further in, Cole will make a comment about the Qunari and Lyrium: “The stone sings. The song scares them. It’s the wrong song, the wrong blood. They don’t know how we stand it.”
Is this suggesting that Qunari have a greater sensitivity to Lyrium? What does the “wrong blood” mean? Is it referring to the Lyrium, the titan’s blood, or the Qunari’s blood? If Cole is referring to the Qunari’s blood, this wouldn’t be the first time someone has commented on their blood in the game. Kieran can comment on the Qunari Inquisitors blood at Skyhold if he has the Old God soul:
Kieran: You're the Inquisitor. You're very tall. Mother didn't say you were a Qunari.
Inquisitor: Oh? I'm told it's the first thing one notices about me.
Kieran: I noticed your blood. It doesn't belong to your people.
Here’s where things might get a little tin-foily.
When we get to the end of this area, the part looking over the coffin room, Cole will say:
“They’re all singing. Coffers, coffins, corpses that aren’t dead. A song crying out in the dark.”
The type of coffins/tombs we see in this area can be found in other parts of the main game. Here is an up-close screenshot of the tombs in this area:
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And here is an example of the same type of tomb from the Solasan Temple, which is also associated with elves:
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Based of Cole’s comment, I think the tombs we see in this room may contain ancient elves that are in uthenera. The “corpses that aren’t dead” part is what really makes me think this is the case. Uthenera is described as an alternative to dying for the ancient elves. When they didn’t want to be a part of the world anymore, they went into uthenera. It sounds similar to a coma. Abelas calls it the blissful sleep that never ends. The Mythal statues poised above the tombs, looking down on them/watching over them, makes me think that these are some of her people that have been put into Uthenera.
I’m not done with this topic yet; I still want to discuss the notes left behind by a dalish Qunari, but this post is already stupid long so it will have to wait.
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simplysedusa · 10 days
Do you have any silly head-canons for the rrb. And I mean downright ridiculous.
I'm so sorry this took a while to answer. The original one that I was gonna talk about turned out to be a bit..angstier than I realized and I figured it'd be best to save it for a ficlet idea I came up with. 😉😈
So, here's some other silly headcanons:
I stated in another post talking about the Rowdyruffs that Brick's guilty pleasures are boy groups. This also applies to K-Pop groups. He's into K-Pop (but he listens to other genres of music as well) and only Boomer and Butch know because they hear his tone-deaf ass mispronouncing every other Korean word in the shower. Both Boomer and Butch decide to keep this info to themselves because 1.) they want to live and 2.) who'd believe them? Brick's got private, secondary stan accounts with VPNs locating him in the Bermuda Triangle, pretending to be some 15 year old girl named "Becca". He's mostly a boy group stan (NCT, Ateez, Stray Kids) but a few girl groups managed to catch his interest (Dreamcatcher, G-Idle, Twice). And no, he's not above arguing with twelve year olds about record sales or popularity.
I'd imagine Bubbles stops by the Ruff household and catches Brick humming a very familiar tune to himself, and she's the one who casually tells others whenever the situation calls for it. Much to Boomer and Butch's chagrin, no one bats an eye.
After the events of "Bubble Boy", Boomer suggested getting revenge by having them dress up as the Powerpuffs and causing chaos across town. Originally, Brick and Butch were against it, but then considered the "evil acts" they could get away with and were suddenly on board. Unfortunately, they couldn't find the right dresses (plus Boomer and Butch's hair would NOT cooperate) and they gave up.
Halloween is their favorite holiday. Scaring people and free candy were great, but the boys really loved wearing costumes that they stole from the Halloween Party stores downtown. Their favorite group costume was of the Ministry of Pain (and the looks of Townsville citizens' faces as they arrived at their doors made it all the better for them).
Boomer's a dog person, Butch is a cat person, and Brick's neutral. The three had discussed wanting a pet to play with while under Mojo and HIM's care. They both reluctantly agreed so long as the vote was unanimous. Boomer and Butch damn near fought to the death to try to convince the other or Brick to change their minds. Boomer decides to let the matter slide. He finds a Beebo and keeps it a secret until after they move in with Ms. Keane.
Since receiving their new hairstyles in "The Boys Are Back In Town", the boys are very particular about their hair. They started to wear color-coded silk bonnets to bed after getting the idea from Sedusa when they broke into her place by sheer coincidence one night and spotted her wearing one.
RANDOM BITS OF KNOWLEDGE IN REGARDS TO SCIENCE AND ROBOTICS. The boys may struggle with finding the atomic weight of a certain element, but they know chemical reactivity (what elements will react to one another without exploding) like the back of their hands. Blueprints for death rays are like memorizing phone numbers for them. They were kicked out of the robotics club on their first day (and almost expelled entirely) after demonstrating how to build an actual laser and for rebuilding functioning, miniature Mojo robots from scratch. Blossom nearly considers going back to homeschool when she learns that she shares all of her A.P science classes with all three of the Ruffs.
It takes everything in Butch to not make another Rowdyruff once he learns of Bunny and Bullet. Brick likes the idea but thinks it's too much work, while Boomer is completely repulsed at the idea of having another brother. (He might just help make a Rowdyruff pet however, but his Beebo and Valentino are enough of a handful. 😉)
That's all I got at the moment, but if I have more, I'll be sure to share lmao.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hi, my lovely Jelly ❤️
What about arrange marriage theme with Levi x reader? Reader is from a noble family and must marry Levi whom she has never seen. Reader, of course, does not like this idea, but the wedding still took place.
She is embarrassed and does not know how to behave with her husband. I like the idea of ​​how they will gradually get to know each other more and more after the wedding. It will be awkward at first, but they end up falling madly in love with each other.
I understand that arranged marriages are inherently terrible, but I'm just wondering how the characters will interact and build relationships in such a situation.
P.S. it can be Royal AU orJapanese AU or Modern time just choose which one you like more ❤️❤️❤️
xxx Olya
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@ladycheesington <3
Arranged love
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Royal AU, east Asian inspired, romance, falling in love, awkward love, fluff, arranged marriage, shy Levi and reader.
Concept: Levi is smitten as soon as he sees you on the wedding day. Once you're married, he whisks you away to his palace where he spoils you rotten and tries his best to get to know you. You like Levi right away, but you are a bit scared of what might happen. You slowly open up to Levi, and you give in to your love.
Taglist: @ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi released a long sigh as he waited for you to be brought to him. He was a little nervous about everything, but his mother had assured him that you were a living goddess as sweet as honey. Kuchel had seen your painting, met you in person, and adored you. She wanted you as her daughter-in-law, which is why Levi was marrying you today.
He turned and gazed at the doorway to hear the announcement of your arrival. He perked up a little in anticipation of meeting his wife. He let out a shaky breath and felt his heart skip a beat when you entered the hall in your long white robes and a hood to hide your face.
He gulped hard as you moved closer to him and stopped at his side. He inhaled deeply and felt overwhelmed by the floral scent that was you. He felt his cheeks burn when you gazed at him causing his heart to skip a beat. Levi couldn't believe how beautiful you were with your delicate and very little makeup with coloured lips.
You felt your heart flutter and your cheeks burn as you gazed at the man who was going to be your husband. You couldn't believe how handsome he was and he had such a charming smile. You weren't that important, you were just a daughter of a politician but Levi was the Prince. You were shocked when you heard the Prince wanted to marry you. You had no clue that Kuchel was the Empress when you met her.
The ceremony was sweet and perfect as the two of you felt nervous with each other. He walked with you to a special carriage and helped you into your spot. He sat with you as the two of you were paraded around for all to see. You felt a bit flustered when Levi held your hand the whole time.
Once the parading was done, you were taken to the palace gardens where food and drink were served for you, your family and your friends. You enjoyed your food and felt comforted. You had been dreading this moment, but everything seems okay. You were a bit worried about the end of the night because it meant consummating the marriage.
Levi poured you a drink and smiled softly at you. "We have some time to talk."
You gazed at him. "Thank you, and I suppose we do, your highness."
Levi cleared his throat. "It is Levi to you."
"Yes." You bowed your head. "Well, what do you wish to discuss?"
You felt your cheeks heat up. "There isn't much to know. I'm not very interesting."
He reached over and played with some of your hair. "But I'm very interested."
You smiled at Levi's sweet smile. You turned a little to face him and began talking about yourself. You shared what you loved and your cute hobbies. You lit up in delight when Levi talked about himself and the things he enjoyed. You both found yourselves slowly falling for each other and discovering you had a lot in common with each other.
Levi talked with you until the end of the feast. He rose from his spot and helped you to stand. He guided you inside his home and released you so the attendants could change you into your night robes. He felt a little nervous about tonight because he knew it was about consummating the marriage, but he wasn't sure he was ready and he was certain you weren't.
He changed into his night robe and blushed at how much skin he was showing, he was practically naked but his privates were covered. He shifted a little and moved into the wedding chambers to see you sitting on the bed with your legs to the side and the shoulder part of your robe slipping down.
Levi turned to the attendants and bowed his head. "Thank you, now leave us. I don't want anyone near this room." He slammed the slide doors closed and listened to them talking before walking away. He released a sigh and turned to you. "You may pull your robe on more."
You tugged it on a bit. "Am I not pleasing?"
He moved closer to you. "You are like a delectable fruit I am dying to take a bite out of, but we have just met and I would like to explore these feelings between us first."
You let out a long sigh. "You know, I'm very thankful. I was very nervous about tonight."
"So was I."
You smiled a little. "I'm glad you feel the same way."
He offered his hand to you. "Come."
You took his hand and rose to your feet. "Where are we going?"
"To our special garden. I don't let anyone into this garden unless I give them special permission."
You walked out of the room and onto the deck through the slide doors. You admired his little sitting area of cushions on the floor. You followed Levi down to the grass and moved across the garden to a small pond with a little waterfall bit in place to keep the water flowing.
Levi sat and pulled you to sit on his lap. "We'll enjoy the peace. I think we should talk more as we enjoy the stars and maybe we could try to cuddle and kiss."
You looked up at the stars and gasped at seeing part of the galaxy. "Incredible."
Levi looked up before slowly looking at you and enjoying the view that were you a lot more. "You're right, incredible."
You looked down at Levi and felt your cheeks beginning to burn. "Levi."
"Yes?" He softly said your name and played with your hair. "What is it you desire?"
You felt your heart flutter when you watched him kiss your hair. "I would like to try that kiss."
"I would too." He pushed his fingers into your hair as his eyes searched your beautiful ones. He smiled softly and brought your head down. "You are a vision." He pressed his lips against yours.
Your heart soared when Levi's warm lips pressed against yours. You felt like you were in ecstasy. You had been so nervous to meet Levi, but you never imagined he'd be this perfect and his lips so addictive. You parted your lips and welcomed a playful lick of his tongue on your lip. You moaned a little in response as a tingle began in your body.
Levi slipped his hand over your back and felt a pleasure burn within him. Your lips were so soft and sweet. He felt so happy kissing you. His heart fluttered in his chest and he wanted to kiss you more. He flicked his tongue against your lip to test if you wanted him. He smiled when you moaned and opened your lips. He sighed through his nose as his tongue pushed into your mouth.
You wrapped your arms around Levi's neck and you hummed in delight. You pressed your body against his allowing you both to feel each other's bodies. You moaned with Levi as he gripped you tightly and slowly lay back on the floor. He rolled slowly onto you and dragged his body against yours making you purr at Levi.
Levi pulled from your lips and blushed as he looked down at you. "You are so wonderful." He played with your hair as he sighed. "I was thinking that tomorrow we could do some tea tasting. We'll try different teas together, make them too and we'll have little biscuits too."
You giggled. "I would love that."
"I'm glad. Oh and perhaps on another day we could possibly go horseback riding?"
You smiled softly. "That sounds wonderful."
Levi lay on his back and pulled you against him. "I want to cherish you."
You rubbed his chest. "Me too."
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streaminn · 1 year
Enid bounces in place, waiting on Yoko and Wednesday to get to the park. Divina sits next her with much less animation, but Enid knows she's just as excited.
"I'm going on a date with three girls!" She holds up her index, middle and ring finger to Divina. "Three!"
Divina laughs softly, taking her hand and kissing it.
"You seem excited. And not because you're on a date with your girlfriends, but because you have three." She tugs Enid in close, kissing the top of her head. "Nice to know we're just trophies to you."
"Wha— no!" Enid pulls away and kisses the bridge of the siren's nose. "That's not true. I love you all for other reasons!"
"Hm. I definitely know one of us sees the other three as a trophy."
Enid nods, puffing her cheeks out.
"Wednesday." They say in unison.
"Yeah, she's absolutely proud of dating three unique outcasts. I'm pretty sure she rolled dice to choose between me and Bianca."
"Nah, you shoulda see when we first got together. I knew she loved me so much it hurt her —'cause she told me constantly— but, y'know, sometimes I'd see her gazing at you and Yoko for a 'lil too long to be considered a passing glance, you know?"
The siren kisses Enid's cheek, wrapping her arms around the werewolf.
"Good to know I'm so hot Wednesday couldn't keep her eyes focused on just you."
"Mm." Enid crosses her legs and rocks side to side, "I know she's loyal, and we did discuss maybe adding a person or two."
"Did you?" Divina sips her water bottle, "I can't imagine how awkward that must've been."
Enid bobs her head, smirking.
"It got extra awkward when I told her she could have you, and I only wanted Yoko." She points her hand at herself, smug and unaware.
"Just for that, I'm not warning you." She sips her water.
Enid scoffs, "warning me of wh—"
"RAH!" Enid jumps out of her skin, screaming.
She turns around, and Yoko is wheezing from her laughter, pointing at Enid with one hand and wiping her tears with the other.
"THANK YOU, DIVINA! I OWE YOU A DRINK!" Yoko cheers over her laughter, falling into a coughing fit.
"Oh," Enid starts, still catching her breath and cooling her face down from the embarrassment of having four different families turn to her. "You asshole!"
She runs at Yoko and tackles her, careful to not hit her head on the large rock next to her. They both go down giggling.
"You asshole! Scaring me —your beloved girlfriend, whomst is your favorite— in public?! Who gave you the right?!" She takes the front of Yoko's shirt in her hands and shakes her, unsteady in her actions because of her laughter.
"God gave me the right!" Yoko yells back, grinning. "Also: stop riding me, we're in public!"
Enid goes silent in shock, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"Uh!" Divina taps Enid's shoulder frantically, looking behind them. "Calm down!"
"We are in public!" Enid looks up, following Divina's eyes, "she needs to be roughened u—" she stops talking as she sees a park attendant walking towards them with a heated glare.
Enid gulps, letting go of Yoko's shirt with one hand to wave at them.
The attendant's glare harden. Enid can see Wednesday sliding a knife out of her sleeve in the corner of her eye.
"How did you three get us banned from a public park?!" Divina throws her hands up as Yoko ashamedly leads them to a karaoke place she found.
"I didn't even know you could get banned from a public park!" She walks behind Wednesday, glaring a hole into her.
"Why did you take out a knife?"
"When have you known me to not choose violence?"
Divina purses her lips into a thin, disappointed line.
"And what have we all said about doing that?"
Wednesday dips her head down, shamefully. Somewhat.
She turns to Yoko.
"Why did you say that?"
"Uh..." Yoko kicks a rock, refusing to look the siren in the eye. "I thought it was funny?" She grins uncertainly.
"So, you made a mockery of us?"
Yoko looks down again.
The vampire turns to a little building, pushing open the door. Wednesday immediately almost teleports to a table, sitting down and ignoring the loud people.
Yoko goes to the counter, talking to the short person there and handing them her card.
Divina leans down to Enid's ear, a halting hand on the werewolf's hip.
"You're not off the hook either, Puppy. What you're you thinking, cursing and yelling in public while playing into the energy of our girlfriend who we all know is prone to saying dumb shit?"
Enid blushes, both embarrassment, and from the feeling of a bruise forming on her hip.
"I... thought it was funny?" She smiles nervously. Divina squeezes her hips tighter.
"Brat." She lets go after kissing her cheek, and walks over to Wednesday, leaving Enid to awkwardly shuffle over to Yoko.
Divina sits in the booth next to the smallest of her girlfriends, pulling the short woman into her side, laying her head over hers.
She kisses the top of her head.
"My girlfriends are absolutely insane. Especially you."
"You complain, and yet you've still not reported me to the police."
"You'd break out."
"You complain, and yet you've still not broken up with me."
Divina smacks the side of her head like she's a cat, then kisses the spot and wraps an arm around her shoulder.
"I could never break up with you. Almost entirely because I love you; partly because I've met your parents, and I think they'd start sending me dead fish in the mail if I broke your heart."
Wednesday places her hand over Divina's, leaning into her side.
"They wouldn't do that. If anyone understands love, it's them. Also, even if they tried, I'd kill them. You deserve to make your own choices."
"Huh, I think that's the first time I've ever heard you not advocate for violence."
Wednesday just hums in reply as Yoko and Enid chat animatedly with the person behind the counter.
"Those two are enjoying this outing, at least."
"Aw," Divina boops her nose and grins at the glare she gets, "you know you're enjoying yourself." She kisses the smaller woman's lips.
Wednesday's ears turn red; she looks to the side.
"Silence, Siren."
Divina dips her head down, nosing at the author's jaw.
"But you look so cute blushing red, Wednesday."
She shivers and pushes the siren's arm off her shoulder, scooting across the booth until she's on the other side. Divina sticks her tongue out, mumbling a "you know you love me, Shorty." As their girlfriends walk back.
"I think me 'n Yoks are gonna use the karaoke machine! Here," Enid places their drinks down, Divina and Wednesday's in front of them, hers and Yoko's next to those.
"Don't spill 'em!"
The two watch their girlfriends jump on stage, silently fearing for their song of choice.
Enid tosses Yoko a microphone, accidentally bonking her on the head.
"Sorry!" Is Enid's stage-whisper.
Yoko rubs the spot and gives a thumbs up, grimacing.
As the bass fills the air, they both knew they were right to worry.
Enid starts yelling:
"How did you two get us banned from a karaoke place?" Wednesday asks, walking in front of Divina, the siren's hands resting on her shoulders.
Instead of their reactions of last time, their girlfriends are barely able to walk, they're laughing so hard.
"So— sorry! But it was—" Enid actually collapses to the ground, falling to her hands and knees. She makes a wheezy laugh, tears darkening the concrete.
"Ho-holy fuck!"
Yoko drops to her knees, grabbing Enid's shoulder to steady herself.
She laughs too, so hard she starts snorting.
"I— damn!"
Divina starts laughing, giggles at first, then slowly building to loud, echoing laughter.
Wednesday stares at her girlfriends, all on the ground,, on two on their knees, one of them with her hands, and her other, other girlfriend has her hands on her knees to stabilize herself.
She smiles, watching the moment with a heat in her chest.
Their little moment is ruined when the sky darkens, and rail starts falling.
"Shit!" Enid yelps, crawling under a tree to avoid it. Yoko leaps after her.
"Why are you here too? Vampires can't get sick from the rain!"
"Girl, my foundation was 89 dollars! I'll eat garlic before I let it run!"
Enid nods, muttering a "good point."
Divina just stands there, closing her eyes like a dog in the sun. Wednesday stands with her, crossing her arms and looking at the siren.
"Are you liking the rain, Darling?" She asks as Divina does a little spin, wiggling in place like she's vibrating.
"Yes! We never get rain around here!"
"You look like a 7/11 hotdog with how you're spinnin'!" Yoko calls out, taking refuge with Enid under a dense tree.
"Don't call her a 7/11 hotdog, Tanaka." Wednesday takes a spray bottle from nowhere, and spritzes the vampire, nearly getting her in the face.
"AH! NO!" Yoko grabs Enid's shoulders, hiding behind her, using her like a shield. "You wouldn't shoot your favorite girlfriend!"
Wednesday pauses, finger still on the trigger, unable to shoot, trapped in a crossroads.
If she doesn't shoot, she admits to having a favorite.
If she does shoot, she shoots Enid, who is innocent.
Her hand shakes. Enid whimpers.
"Damn it." She lowers the bottle begrudgingly, glaring at the vampire. "Damn you, Tanaka."
"Ooo, last name. You're in troubleeeeee." Divina drawls lazily, doing a little dance in the rain. She likes it, at least.
Yoko sniffles at her words, "so rude."
Divina takes out her phone and takes a picture of the two, cowering under the branches and leaves like lost bear cubs.
Wednesday rolls her eyes and takes off her blazer, handing it to Yoko.
"Take my blazer, and stop being dramatic. You will be fine." She rubs the other woman's hands as she passes the blazer, internally beaming at the contact.
Yoko whines as she takes the clothing and lifts it over her head, pulling Enid in with her. She presses a rain-wet kiss to the werewolf's forehead.
The werewolf isn't taller than the other woman, so she sort of just waddles under the coat.
Wednesday takes Divina's hand; she begins leading the siren down the dirt path to their house, leaving their girlfriends to skedaddle like cartoon characters to get back to them.
"Hey!" Enid whines, dragging Yoko by the sleeve to catch up with their partners, getting soaked in the process. "You forgot something!"
"No, we didn't." Wednesday keeps walking. Divina laughs. Yoko and Enid start running into the forest after their girlfriends.
Enid towels off her head, bumping into the wall next to her.
"Yoko!" She calls out, still unable to see from the shaggy hair in her face. "Snookums, did you see my hairdryer?"
"Yours or mine?" Yoko yells back.
"Mine!" She can hear a bang. Most likely the vampire hitting a wall.
The door opens, and something taps Enid on the shoulder. She reaches blindly and takes the dryer, placing a hand on her hair and pushing it aside so she can safely plug it in, and not put it in the wall and kill herself.
"Thank you, Yoko!" She gets little 'mhm' in reply, turning on the hairdryer and moving her hair around.
She smiles because she can finally see again, the first time since Yoko lost Wednesday's blazer in a bush and Divina had to fish it out.
Enid cackled at her pun, much to Wednesday's disgust. Yoko laughed with her, even when her makeup ran.
"Move," Enid feels the other woman nudge her with a socked foot, shoving her deeper into the bathroom. "I gotta dry my hair too! I can't keep up my sexy vampire aesthetic if I look like a wet rat!"
Enid grumbles lowly, stepping aside so her girlfriend can enter the room with her.
"Coulda just asked, Yoks." She begins lowering the hairdryer down to the ends.
"But then I would've been able to poke you." Yoko grins. "And where's the fun in that?"
"Where's my fun?!" Enid points a finger at her love, heated glare aimed. "All I get is bruised rib!"
""A bruised rib"?" Yoko laughs, hair half dried. "I'm sure you'll get a bruised rib. And I'm sure the rib fairy will give you the turbo-suck as an apology."
"YOKO!" Enid screams, the sound ringing out on the walls. She stops her dryer.
"Shh!" The other woman presses a finger to her lips, trying to keep Enid quiet. "If those two hear us, Wednesday won't give us kisses! And Divina will say—"
"I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed." They say together.
"She's really good at putting her mother energy to use. And by 'use', I mean shaming us."
Yoko nods, turning her dryer off.
"I keep saying she'd make a great milf, but no one believes me!"
The werewolf sighs, turning the bathroom light off and leaving.
"It's not that we don't believe you, it's that, that is a really weird thing to say."
"So you admit I'm right!"
Enid pointedly ignores her, walking to the living room. She walks over to the couch, plopping herself down on the soft blankets and pillows.
"I'm tired," she whines, "I wanna sleep."
Yoko walks over and drops on her back, pushing the air from her lungs.
"Baby, I love you to death and back, but could you not?" Yoko giggles into her shoulder blades, kissing the spot there.
"But I wanna!" She snuggles deeper into Enid's sensitive muscles.
"Love you too." Enid wheezes.
The two lie there to a few moments— the werewolf being used as a pillow. The rain hits the windows outside.
"Where are our girlfriends?"
Enid hums, burying her face deeper in the couch. She's so close to falling asleep, even with Yoko's weight on her back. It's like a really comforting boulder.
"We should watch them. Make sure they don't hurt themselves." Yoko mumbles. Enid agrees, wrapping a blanket around her tired frame. She slips on her flip-flops, stepping onto the porch with her girlfriend.
The vampire sits on one of the chairs, Enid curls up in her lap.
"You tired, Pup?" Yoko asks against the top of her head, kissing the crown.
"Yes. I got all nice and tuckered out during our day out, then I got comfy on our soft-ass couch, with you acting like a weighted blanket, and now I'm out in the cold, rainy air." Enid whines. "I'm 'eepy as fuck."
"You 'eepy, Puppy?" She baby-talks, pressing rapid kisses to her cheek. "You wanna go 'eep?"
"Yes." She curls up tighter, seemingly trying to fuse into Yoko. "I am so fucking 'eepy. It's unfair how how goddamn 'eepy I am."
"Look." The taller woman whispers, nudging Enid. She cracks open her eyes, looking out at their land.
Divina and Wednesday are dancing, holding hands and moving together.
She watches them as Divina spins the shorter woman, three times in a row.
"Hey!" She calls out. "Divina! Do the thing!"
The siren's eyes widen, and she shakes her head quickly, waving her hands around.
"No, thank you!"
Wednesday turns slowly, like a possessed doll. "What 'thing', Darling?"
"Damn it, Enid!" She scolds, biting her lip. "She can't know about the thing!"
"The fish-based love of my life, tell what the 'thing' is right this second, or I will grill you to perfection."
Divina's face scrunches up in fear.
She lifts her hands into claws and starts moving them side to side, whipping her neck back, getting rain in her face.
"No." Is all Wednesday says, walking back to their home.
"Wait!" Divina runs to her, intent on grabbing her girlfriend's arm.
"No." The smallest of the four keeps walking, ignoring the siren and all her worth. "You have hurt me most deeply, Fisher."
"Ooo," Yoko mocks, "last name. You're in troubleeeeee."
"Shuddup, Yoko! Wednesday, Shorty, I'm sorry!" She walks after her, right past Enid and Yoko. "I didn't mean it badly!"
The two still on the porch stand up, Enid wraps the blanket tighter around herself, and they step inside after the drenched two.
"I'm sorry!" Divina slips off her shoes as Wednesday does the same with her boots. "I just thought it was cute!"
"Enid, tell Fisher I am no longer speaking with her until my wounds heal. I am hurt so deeply, I may just pass on."
She walks over to her and Yoko, pressing quick kisses to their lips.
"'Vina, Wendy has decided she loves you more than life itself, and she'd gouge her eyes out before she let herself see you cry."
"Yoko, tell the other two that my heart belongs to you wholly."
Yoko laughs, tugging Enid down onto the couch with a soft grunt of effort.
"Sorry; busy!" She drapes a blanket over the werewolf, grinning as Enid falls asleep almost instantly.
She snuggles deeper into the quilt, melting into a puddle.
"Wednesday, I'm sorry, I swear I am! Please!" Divina walks after the author, both soaked and dripping water onto the hardwood floor. "I'll never do it again!"
"I left this house a taken woman, and reenter a single one. How tragic."
"Hey! I never did wrong by you!" Yoko stage-whispers, rubbing Enid's head where it lies in her lap.
"I left a taken-by-four-women woman, and reenter dating only one. How tragic." She corrects, stepping down the hall, Divina right behind her.
"Please! I promise, I'll never do it again!" The siren swears, hand over her heart. Wednesday steps into the bathroom, grabbing Yoko's hairdryer.
"I'll consider accepting your pleas, but for now, no kisses."
Divina's eyes get big, scared.
"What?" She whimpers.
Enid wakes up late. Very late. 'It's dark outside' late. She nudges the blanket off, half sitting up.
She looks around and sees Yoko and Wednesday on one of the couches, Wednesday sleeping on top of the taller woman.
She bleary-eyed looks to her side, seeing Divina writing on the coffee table.
"'Vina? What're you doin' up so late, Sweetheart?" She rasps, voice heavy with sleep.
The other woman's head snaps up so fast Enid hears a 'pop' in her neck. She twists her head side to side, popping the joints.
"I'm just writing down our grocery list."
Enid sleepily pats herself for her phone, taking it out of her pocket and opening it.
She's never been so thankful for automatic light sensing as the phone's brightness is dimmed, letting her read the time.
"W're you writin' our grocery list at two in the mornin'?" She slurs.
"I slept for a few hours, then couldn't fall back asleep. I didn't wanna wake any of you, so—" she gestures to the paper. "—list."
Enid nods, half asleep and ready to go back to sleep. She holds her hand out.
"Cuddle me?"
Divina huffs shortly then, scratching her pencil down a couple more times. She sets it down, pulling the paper close to herself before picking it up and setting it on the end table next to her.
"Better idea." She stands up and grabs the end of Enid's couch, pulling it in so it lines up with Yoko and Wednesday's couch.
The space is big enough that the three can sleep together, albeit cramped somewhat.
She walks over and scoops Enid into her arms, bridal carrying her to the conjoined sofas.
"This is how I'll carry you when we get married." She places her down gingerly.
"So confident I'll say yes." Enid presses into the corner, allowing Divina to slot in next to her, Yoko to her side.
"Would you say no?"
Enid goes quiet, pouting and closing her eyes, crossing her arms.
"What about Wednesday and Yoks, then? Do they just walk?"
The siren grabs hold of Enid's arm, pulling her down. She places the smaller woman down between herself and Yoko, pressing into her side.
"Yoko would carry Wednesday. Purely to spite her."
Enid yawns and nods, stretching like a cat.
"Tha's fair." She noses at the other woman's jaw, kissing the skin there. "I la' you, 'Vina."
"I love you too, Enid." She presses herself closer still, melting against her,
"So..." Divina starts as she boils water for their morning drinks. "Am I forgiven for my transgressions?"
Wednesday scoffs against her back, arms around her waist. "No."
The siren runs a hand over the two on her stomach, patting them in signal to let go. Wednesday does.
She takes the hot water and pours some into Wednesday's mug, letting her do her own thing.
"I'm sure the dozen-or-so kisses you gave all three of us this morning weren't real, then?"
"You dreamed it. They never happened."
Divina giggles, and presses a kiss to the crown of the other woman's head.
She walks into the living room where Enid and Yoko are still waking up, holding each other and whining about it being too early.
She takes Enid by the hand, kissing it. "Morning, Pup." She grabs Yoko's face and kisses her, smiling against the sleepy vampire's lips.
"Morning, Yoko."
She can hear Enid pad into the kitchen, mumbling under her breath about energy levels and the sun being a bitch-ass motherfucker.
She wraps her arms around Yoko, who immediately wraps both her arms and legs around the taller woman.
"Spider-monkey." She teases, kissing her head.
"It's bright." She whines, pressing her head into Divina's chest.
"Uh-huh. And it's morning, Doll." She stands up and supports Yoko, carrying her back to the kitchen.
She sits down on a chair and holds the other woman still, admiring her other girlfriends.
Enid has her arms wrapped around Wednesday, much like the goth had done to Divina herself. The werewolf rests her chin on her shoulder, sniffing her. Enid's tail wags behind her.
Divina feels herself get misty-eyed, squeezing here eyes closed and breathing out deeply.
She opens her eyes again, and the scene is so domestic it hurts.
She should needs to get up, but Yoko's got her pinned to the chair.
She can handle being trapped for a few more minutes. Or, for however long Yoko decides she's going to be trapped.
-Writer Anon.
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They're just... So cute
I love the feels mate, they shouldn't be working so well but they do
Good for them :-:::
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wildissylupus · 1 year
So, I don't exactly know if you've discussed this, but I think it's clear about what this current season is going to lead up to, and why I think it's so important to be adamant and weary about Null Sector's plans.
The evidence is there, and the claim?
Null Sector is trying to start another Omnic Crisis.
However, this one is less 'a glitch in the system'
And more, 'hitting the factory reset button and installing a virus intentionally right after.'
As we know from story missions, Omnics are being subjugated and indoctrinated across the globe, all at once, in almost every part of the world by Null Sector and those helmets that quite literally place them under a catatonic state and wipe the Omnic's memories.
Torbjörn's analysis on the helmet is very clear when he brings up a very important piece of information:
"I don't know...this device is a nasty piece of work. I think I can get it off, but the bigger problem is, I'm not reading anything in the Omnic's memory banks."
"He's still alive, but it's like the essence of who he is,...is gone."
Now, when we say essence, I'm pretty sure we're saying the Iris, or Aurora's essence that was implemented during the awakening. Now I get what you're thinking. 'Ok Anon #324, but if the Iris gets removed, then why is Ramattra talking about Iris? During the Toronto mission?'
And to you- I say- oh ho ho, my dear, that's exactly what we should be fearing. Let it tie into the fact that there's also one of these Voicelines from Ram when talking about his favorite animal:
"Ants. They build marvelous structures and cooperate when threatened. I find them... Inspirational."
Toronto mission, hell, even the humans are terrified. Everyone is swarming in groups. It's not just gameplay either, when Sojourn is directing the groups of scared Omnics onto the ferry boat, it only proves Ram's point more. People are scared, people are grouping together to fight back, hide, run, and that's exactly what NS wants.
Not only is Null Sector wiping the Iris and awakening out of the Omnics altogether, they're creating a brand new version of the 'Iris'...let's call it 'Pink Eye' cause from what I've seen it's highly contagious. Not only from wiping memories, but also using the memories of strong fighters as well. Human's memories. (*Cough Cough* Ana.)
Have you heard Ram talking during the Toronto mission? He specifically states:
"Together, our one minded purpose. We will make this world, our paradise."
"We welcome you into the Iris."
You let me know what you think about this. I wanna hear some raw thoughts. Big brain mode, no idea is a bad idea. I'm hungry for knowledge.
All I know is that, a couple of things could happen.
If those helmets are taken off, someone is going to have to sacrifice their memories either to bring back the original Aurora awakening and reinstall essence to the Omnics. Wonder who.
If NS ends up indoctrinating a major part of the Omnic population, many will die when and if those helmets do something else. If they can send out a location signal, who knows what else they'll do.
If sentience is reestablished into Omnics and possibly other software coding, this'll be one hell of a trip for all those Null Sector bots.
Man you had a brain blast and I. AM. LOVING IT!
Honestly I love your theory and I don't think there is much to add! It also is a good way to bring in the Junkers cause apparently he found the secret to Omnic life in the Australian omnium-
That could be a way to bring all the omnics back, the Australian Omnium was the place where Aroura was built after all. They could end up brining a second awakening, some residual of Aroura left in the Omnium. It could also lead to the sentience of the Null Sector drones, specifically the bots that are based off of actual people.
Like the C-455 Sharpshooter, P-900 Warhead, S-900 Sentry, A-7000 Wargod and K-2000 Blademaster. If they all have the same glitch that A-7000 has them that is one hell of an identity crisis they're going to have.
All that aside, I want to present my own theory. A counter theory if you will.
And that is Ramattra doesn't know that those helmets are erasing Omnics, he just thinks they are in a catatonic state. There is no indication that Ramattra knows what the subjection helmets are actully doing to Omnics.
If you look back at Ramattra's short story there is no implication of Ramattra wanting to create a new Omnic society through hitting a reset button;
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There is an indication of imprisonment, of taking away other Omnics choices in order to make them listen, but that is very different from hitting a reset button. Essentially killing the soul of Omnics. It's something I don't see Ramattra doing knowingly. However, there is a group of people who would not only do this, but has tried to do this before.
Something I remember from the Story Missions is Torbjourn saying that the helmets put an Omnics mind in a loop. It's something I didn't think much about. Until I read "The Hero of Numbani".
In that book Sombra hack and installs a virus several Omnics around Numbani. A virus that locks Omnics in a constant loop, and gradually corrupts the Omnics memories.
Sound familiar? There is also the fact that a part of Doomfist's beliefs that are presented in that novel are anti-omnic.
Not only that but I always found it strange that Dommfist, someone who wants conflict, would help someone who has the motivation of "Peace at any cost". Ramattra goal has and still is, for freedom and peace. Something that if he were to gain, would go against Doomfist's want for conflict.
Unless Doomfist is just using Ramattra and Null Sector as a tool to create conflict, adding either an updated version of Sombra's virus (or what he thinks is an updated version), to remove Omnics souls and create a true Second Omnic Crisis.
Not only that but that could also lead into an explanation on what "The Conspiracy" is, maybe it's another God AI who wants to do what Anubis did but has learned from the mistakes of the first Crisis and is trying to make it so they are guaranteed to win.
Either way I am excited for both of these theories, with the first one it's going to be interesting to just explore that aspect of Null Sector, if they get Omnics back are they going to still have their memories, their souls? Are they going to resort back to their basic programming, are they going to go back to being under Anubis's control?
In the case of the second theory, how will Ramattra react if he truly doesn't know what the helmets are doing? Will he stop the invasion? Will he double down? Will he go after Talon?
It's all so interesting!
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
Yay new prompts!! ❤️❤️
30. “Sure, go ahead and run. I’ll catch up to you anyway.”
For Nick and Charlie with Lee!Nick? Charlie is a fabulous runner and Nick knows he stands no chance in a chase against Charlie, but yet he still provokes Charlie anyways…
Run Boy Run
~A/N  ~ It has once again been a WHILE since I posted something but wassup here's another heartstopper fic for yous :D
Also there isn't really any tickles in this one just the build up cause I figured it worked better with the ending. So hope you don't mind!
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link 
"CHAR!" Nick pounced, arms wrapping around Charlie's body from behind and scaring the hell out of the poor kid.
Charlie had been waiting at their usual after school meetup point for almost half an hour - something that was practically a routine by now. His last class of the day was far closer to the exit than Nick's, not to mention the absolute cluster fuck that was the school corridors once the bell rang. So, more often than not, Charlie would hang around at the gates to walk home with his boyfriend.
After a sharp yelp at the jump-scare, Charlie laughed softly.
"A little warning would be nice next time." He leaned back into his boyfriend's violent hug, letting his hands fold over Nick's. "How was Biology?"
Nick let out a breath. "My brain hurts - too many things to remember."
Charlie gave a sympathetic noise and, after waiting a moment, he pulled away from the backwards hug. Placing his hand in Nick's, he gave it a gentle tug to begin the journey home.
After a few minutes worth of walking and discussing the less boring details of what happened during their classes, the two were just about to pass the halfway point between school and home.
And at this halfway point there is a particular house. With a particular resident. One with four legs and a very loud-
Charlie let out a screech, pulling Nick's arm across him in some sort of seatbelt-protection-shield.
Nick chuckled softly. "You are such a scaredy cat Char!"
Charlie glared playfully. "I am not!"
Nick laughed, wrapping his free arm around his boyfriend and giving him a squeeze. "Says the one who jumped when I hugged you earlier."
Charlie gave a huffy laugh, hands gently holding Nick's forearms. "I still don't know why you do that."
"Because..." Nick squished his face into his boyfriend's cheek. "You get all cute when you're spooked."
Charlie gave an indignant gasp.
"And when you're on edge I can make you blush ten times easier!"
"Bold of you to assume I'm on edge." Charlie muttered, testing the waters of how far he could play the suave confident card.
Nick pressed a kiss to Charlie's neck. "Oh we're in a brave mood today huh?"
Charlie gave a cocky shrug, "I suppose I am."
There was a pause, one that lingered slightly longer than a moment.
"This really isn't getting to you?" Nick asked, a hint of disappointment in his voice.
Now Charlie had two options here. He could come clean, return to his comfortable usual flustered self and let Nick tease him in the way that made his whole body feel warm. Or he could continue messing with his boyfriend and maintain dominance over the conversation - leaving Nick chasing his desired response.
And for today, Charlie decided to be bold.
"What's the matter Rugby King?" Charlie teased. "Losing your charm?"
Nick released Charlie from his grasp and let out a noise halfway between a gasp and a scoff. Partially in surprise at the boy's attitude, but also readily meeting the challenge of Charlie's playful banter.
"Oh please! I'm the pinnacle of physical fitness." Nick announced. "My charm is in full effect."
Charlie rolled his eyes. "Riiiiight..."
"You know my charm better than anyone." Nick winked, continuing to walk once more. "You've been head over heels since the day we met."
Charlie had to use every ounce of willpower in his body to suppress the blush rising eagerly to his cheeks. Damn Nick knowing exactly what buttons to push.
But somehow, he saved it.
With a roll of his eyes, Charlie laughed out, "Like you weren't the same!"
"Hey, at least I've got a reason for it." Nick smiled, bumping his shoulder into Charlie's.
"And what would that be?"
Nick stopped in his tracks, slowly panning around to look at his boyfriend. "You really don't know?"
Charlie shook his head, playfully keeping his eyes away from Nick's with a grin on his face.
Charlie rolled his eyes for what felt like the tenth time that day.
"Well..." Nick grabbed Charlie's hand. "For one, you're adorable."
"And you're my favourite huggable dork." Nick smiled, demonstrating his point with a cuddly sideways bear hug.
"You're walking a fine line Nick." Charlie couldn't help but laugh.
"Plus how ticklish you are." Nick smirked, scratching his hands over Charlie's stomach for emphasis.
Charlie squeaked, catching Nick's hands with his own.
"Oh you are really asking for it now." Charlie warned.
Nick, pushing his luck even further, nuzzled his neck into Charlie's and sighed. "Like you could do anything about it, short stack."
Something needed to be done, and it didn't take very long for Charlie to come up with a plan for retaliation.
"I have hands!" Nick wiggled them for emphasis.
"Oh trust me I can." Charlie grinned. "Plus you can't even defend yourself!"
Surely enough Charlie's arms had wrapped around Nick's, practically locking them in place. Of course, with a big enough tug from Nick's strength they could be freed rather easily. But Charlie wasn't planning to rely on strength...
"I have hands too," Charlie smirked. "Wanna see what they can do?"
“Sure, go ahead and run." Charlie smirked, raising his eyebrow. "I’ll catch up to you anyway.”
Not even considering sticking around to find out (though he was pretty certain he knew what Charlie was implying), Nick took off with a laugh.
"You'll have to catch me first!"
And the chase was on.
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crustose · 11 months
The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds, reordered to fit Steddyhands timeline
Pet Sounds is about Stede, Ed, and Izzy. and here's the proof. Listen on Spotify
Wouldn't It Be Nice
Ed/Izzy, Hornigold era. Encapsulates the joy of finding each other, while yearning for better times. Hoping that one day they’ll have it, if they just hold on for a little while longer.  
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up In the morning when the day is new? After having spent the day together Hold each other close the whole night through But happy times together we've been spending I wish that every kiss was never-ending Oh, wouldn't it be nice?
You know it seems the more we talk about it It only makes it worse to live without it
Discussing mutiny, building Blackbeard, together. Longing for the kind of life that isn’t ruled by Hornigold any longer.
I Just Wasn't Made for These Times
Ed “It’s all so fuckin’ boring’ Teach
Every time I get the inspiration To go change things around No one wants to help me look for places Where new things might be found Where can I turn when my fair weather friends cop out? What's it all about?
I Know There's an Answer
Co-Captains? Co-Captains. 
I know so many people who think they can do it alone They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zones
Now how can I come on And tell them the way that they live could be better? [Traditionally, piracy is a culture of abuse, floggings, keelhaulings. And my thought is, "Why?” And also, what if it wasn't like that?]
Here Today 
Izzy, warning Ed against Stede. 
It starts with just a little glance now Right away you're thinkin' 'bout romance now You know you ought to take it slower But you just can't wait to get to know her A brand new love affair is such a beautiful thing But if you're not careful think about the pain it can bring
It makes you feel so bad It makes your heart feel sad It makes your days go wrong It makes your nights so long
Izzy, warning Stede against Ed
Right now you think that she's perfection This time is really an exception Well, you know I hate to be a downer But I'm the guy she left before you found her Well, I'm not saying you won't have a good love with her But I keep on remembering things like they were
That's Not Me
Stede leaves, thinking he’s doing the right thing for everyone. Once he reckons with that, he can return with the confidence that he loves Ed, and that the Revenge is home. 
I had to prove that I could make it alone now But that's not me I wanted to show how independent I'd grown now But that's not me I could try to be big in the eyes of the world What matters to me is what I could be to just one girl [Ed Teach btw]
I'm a little bit scared 'cause I haven't been home in a long time [Stede talking to Ed’s wanted poster] You needed my love and I know that I left at the wrong time
I'm Waiting for the Day 
Stede/Ed/Izzy, at various points. They were there for each other, bridging those times when various iterations of the three of them were broken up. 
I kissed your lips and when your face looked sad It made me think about him and that you still loved him so [S2 Stede to Ed and Izzy, separately] You didn't think, no, that I could sit around and watch him take yo You didn't think that I could sit back and let you go
Izzy, S1, hoping that the duel would get Ed back.
Don't Talk (Put Your Head on My Shoulder) 
Ed/Izzy. Those first moments of reconciliation, when it’s just the two of them. They can’t really talk about it, not yet, but they can sit together, shoulder to shoulder [well, shoulder to upper arm more like], hands gently clasped, and just be. 
I can hear so much in your sighs And I can see so much in your eyes There are words we both could say Come close, close your eyes and be still Don't talk, take my hand and let me hear your heart beat
Sloop John B
Stede/Izzy, that night that Ed left. Stede’s excitement at being respected as a real pirate, giving way to his anxiety over Ed. Izzy helps him through it. 
Around Nassau town we did roam Drinkin' all night Got into a fight Well, I feel so broke up I wanna go home Call for the captain ashore, let me go home
You Still Believe in Me 
Ed/Izzy. Ed’s wonder and gratitude that Izzy, against all odds, stays. 
Every time we break up, you bring back your love to me And after all I've done to you, how can it be You still believe in me
God Only Knows 
Steddyhands. No explanation needed. 
If you should ever leave me Well, life would still go on, believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me?
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blnk338 · 2 years
I read Ghost's backstory just now. I knew it was f-ed up but damn... He should really have a lot more problems than just being emotionally unavailable. I'm kind of surprised he's opening up to Reaper or anyone at all (it's great he is though). What's your view on his mentality in general, based on his past trauma? What are his habits caused by it? And is his original backstory even a part of your fanfic? Sorry if you already answered this previously.
anon i am so glad you brought this up bc i could talk about this for eons <33333 mwah mwah -- yes, simon's backstory is canon is RWYS!
i am so sorry i wrote this much on this LMAO
cw for heavy trauma, sa mentions, abuse mentions, eating disorders, discussion of mental illness
I think more people need to put more effort into their fics or stories when writing trauma because I often see characters be one of two things:
They're tiny, sweet, pitiful babies who don't know anything and they're so little and small and they're not even adults or people anymore
They end up being their abuser.
Both are terrible options and unfortunately, as I said, they're shown way too often and really do not illustrate a lot of trauma reactions (of course there are examples of them, but I have not seen them as commonly). I take the writing of traumatized characters from my own experiences and from my own research (and literal human empathy, which appears to be void in half of the Ghost fics I read).
I think the idea of making Ghost quieter, closed off, a wall of a man is an accurate reaction to the shit that he has been through. He has a mountain of baggage and I think it's nearly impossible to write him without considering that. There's a clear idea that he limits who he trusts, and allows even fewer people to look under the layers that he's built up; but it makes complete sense that he has a conscious amount that he "lets people see" (even those he holds dear), until he breaks down.
A few of the responses that I think he has are avoidance and isolation, and the development of depression and anxiety disorders.
Simon blocks out a lot of the memories that he has and largely tries to avoid any conversations or thoughts on the subject of his sexual assault. Obviously, as an SAS soldier, it's hard to avoid certain topics, but I feel like he separates Ghost and Simon as two different people. It's common to find that people will put up different "faces" when it comes to responses to certain traumatic experiences, and I think it makes sense that Ghost would be willing to handle anything; he could be beaten, screamed at, watch and do terrifying things, handle himself well in the battlefield, but Simon can't.
Simon is scared. Simon is nervous, anxious, he overthinks things. He bites his nails and paces around his house, he has three locks on his door, he triple-checks the windows before he leaves for the day-- Simon isn't the stone-cold person that Ghost is, Simon is trying to relearn how to be a person who doesn't hide knives under every chair in his home. (Please also keep in mind that Simon's psychiatrist was also killed, I believe, in the midst of the murder of his family, so he would also limit the mental help he gets because of a fear that it might happen again)
Isolation makes complete sense because, as I mentioned before, he might see him and Ghost as different people. Simon doesn't go out of his way to ask for help, there's an incapability to do so. With that comes helplessness because he might not see the change he wants to see in himself. He's gotten back up from getting shot, he's taken hours of beating and torture, why can't he just get past this? All of these different sides of him build into depression and mass depressive episodes, paranoia and anxiety disorders, insomnia, etc.
Eating disorders may come with that; forgetting to eat or not going out enough to get groceries often. Restless, sleepless nights. Panic attacks that rise out of nowhere, he manages to push them down into staring off into space and clenching his fist, masking it on the job or in public. Hearing people's words but not listening, spending hours in his room on base, letting his anger out in the gym, sobbing into his pillow into the wee hours of the morning.
On top of that, he also refuses to let his anger out in any way that would hurt people like his father hurt them. Simon is careful about touching people, but is especially considerate of his anger. All he does is think, think, think, about how not to turn out like his dad. That's another thing I see people headcanon, that he would be physically abusive, and I don't see that at all. Ghost and Simon don't touch people because the last thing they want to do is end up like his father.
Tl;dr: Simon is very, very fucked up from his past and is still working through it.
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hells-favorites · 7 months
The Red Light (Episode 9)
Dante accompanies Ein as he tends to Cadm's injuries but is asked to stay behind. He then seeks solace in a conversation with Typhon on the terrace, where they discuss their troubled pasts. Typhon reveals his traumatic family history, and Dante empathizes with him. Later, Dante finds a letter from Typhon to Mercury, expressing concerns about Dante's trust and Ein's influence. Feeling conflicted and overwhelmed, Dante returns to the barracks, drunk and frustrated, venting to Nolan and Floyd about the complexities of his situation.
Dante followed Ein out the door. It felt too personal for Nolan and Floyd to tag along.
"I'm going home, Dante."
"I want to come too," Dante continued to follow Ein as he made it to his horse.
Ein sighed and slid onto his horse, still holding Cadm in his arms. Ein took bandages out of his saddle bag along with what Dante could tell were tranquilizers. But Dante thought tranquilizers didn't work on Cadm? Ein selected two pills and tilted Cadm's head back. Ein slowly removed the muzzle causing Cadm's jaw to fall open. The inside of his mouth was coated in rips and his teeth were stained with his own blood.
Cadm whimpered as his jaw fell open. A small cry of pain. Ein shushed him like a parent quieting a baby as dropped the pills in such a way, they'd fall directly down his throat.
"Tranquilizers don't work on him, Ein."
"And I wonder whose fault that is," bit Ein. "But, you're correct. They're just numbing for him. I don't want him to feel his pain. Dante, you're not coming with me. Let me care for him alone."
Dante sighed as Ein took off on horseback. Not wanting to push it, Dante wandered around outside the Capitol building. He still needed to ask Typhon about what *The Surface* meant since Ein hadn't told him, but facing disappointment from Ein only to turn around and talk to Typhon was all too complicated for Dante.
After Dante had walked more laps than his legs wanted to carry, he made his way upstairs to talk to Typhon.
Typhon stood on the terrace smoking a cigarette and looking at the stars with Aquamarined blue eyes. He was clearly drunk, but he didn't sway when he stood, he just remained, leaned up against the railing.
Dante pulled the door closed slowly. The air seemed somber. Typhon blew clouds of smoke with heavy sighs, clearly upset about something.
Dante stepped to his side.
Without turning his head to Dante, he spoke. "Are you scared of disappointing Ein? You only had a problem when he showed up."
Dante joined Typhon leaning against the railing and looked at his hands.
"I mean, he did raise me. I want to make him proud. And he's kind of right," Dante paused. "Sometimes. What about you? What were your parents like?"
Dante tried to shift the conversation to something he could give an answer to, or at least didn't have to speak but he seemed he made the wrong choice.
Typhon looked at the floor below him with somber, jittery eyes, staring off.
"I killed mine," it took a few seconds for Typhon to respond. "I shot my father, and my mother tried to rat me out so I shot her too. It was in self-defense but I still did. Would I do it again? Yes. Did I like it? No."
Dante went quiet with nothing to fill the sound. No birds, no one around, just them, both quiet.
Typhon tugged down the neckline of his shirt and in his collarbone was a bullet hole, long since healed, only a divot and a scar remaining there. "My father shot me and I shot back, family isn't something I have."
"I mean," muttered Dante quietly, "I'm right here."
Neither spoke up for a few minutes. Utter silence, only interrupted by puffs of Typhon's cigarette smoke but eventually Typhon put a hand on Dante's shoulder and stepped toward the door.
"Something wrong?" asked Dante, hesitantly, before Typhon could step inside. "Like, other than the obvious."
"I-" Typhon paused, collecting his words. "I don't like terraces. When I was a kid, my father tried to push me off one. It was supposed to look like an accident. But I caught myself. Terraces and family are the only things that can make me nervous, and they do a good job at that."
Dante didn't know if now was even a good time to ask about The Surface comment. But his contemplation was interrupted by the closing of a door. Typhon slipped inside, forgetting a letter on the railing of the balcony. Once he had fully made his way inside, Dante opened it. The letter was addressed to Mercury and detailed the following:
"Mercury. I regret that I had to send you off so quickly, I never even told you what and who you were leaving for. You are going to meet with people to keep us protected, with Cadm alive I believe we're going to be in trouble, Dante wanted him to stay alive. On the topic of Dante, I don't think he trusts me, which I hate to admit it, but I understand. Although it is most definitely reasonable for him to not trust me, I don't believe it is on his own. After I had talked to Ein he found Dante, and since those two spoke Dante seems to be against everything, even his own actions. I fear one of these days Ein is going to take him out of here, which is something I don't understand. Dante was just a tool to get myself back to life, but I think that's changed. I want to keep him around and I don't understand why. Good luck with negotiations. -Typhon"
Dante sat down, placing the letter back into its envelope and slinking against the railing, looking up to the sky like the gods would give him an answer. Who to follow? What was right? What was *wrong*? Was it even a good thing that he'd seen Ein again?
An hour later, Dante made his way back to the barracks, drunk. He'd left the terrace only to get alcohol, Typhon did leave Aquamarine out anyway, why not use it? He was stumbling as he stepped foot through the barracks where Floyd and Nolan were.
"Are you okay, Dante? You look like you're about to fall over," Nolan laughed and turned to face Dante entirely, pushing his pillow under his neck to support him.
"I'm done with the bullshit!" Dante was somewhere between a laugh and a yell as he flopped down face first onto his bed. "Why is everything complicated all of the time? Both of you," Dante pointed, still faced down. "Shut the fuck up until the morning or someone will die. If I have to make one more decision tonight, I'm going to make one of you sleep in a river."
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invisiblerhythmcat · 2 years
So, I've found myself a little bothered by the anger at neurodivergent folks of all varieties talking over physically disabled people. It seems justified and I don't want to invalidate the hurt and anger that comes from someone talking over lived experiences that absolutely heard, but there's still a little niggle. So, i've been sitting with it and here's what I've come up with.
To be clear, this is not an attempt to tell people not to be angry. People who aren't physically disabled should not be talking over the experiences of those who are or making it about them in any way. I want to completely honor that and the hurt it causes.
That said, I think there might be room for nuance, or maybe just perspective, in the moments when we are able to step away from the hurt.
The brain is part of the body. And this means the line between physical and mental disabilities is fuzzy. The brain and the rest of the body are not as separate as we might want to believe. A whole lot of disabilities that sit in the brain will also manifest physically in other parts of the body. A lot of physical disabilities will have profound mental effect. As a child, when I struggled to breathe, did I have asthma or anxiety? At this point, I honestly don't fucking know. Is it the depression or the pain that makes it hard to wash the dishes? If I feel physical pain in my stomach at the sound of cardboard, is the autism in my stomach or my brain? Yes, there are absolutely times to draw lines and build smaller communities. There are even times to exclude people. But I'd love to see more recognition of how fuzzy these lines are. We might be fucking it up at lot, but, at the end of the day, we have a lot of common.
It feels ironic that neurodivergence often (not always) impacts someone's ability to pick up on social cues and respond appropriately in situations, and this is the thing we're getting angry about. Quite often, when I see the anger, I feel frustrated because I don't see the examples. I don't understand what "talking over" looks like. I don't know what the social rules are and the more I try to parse them, the less and less I know. My solution is usually to completely shut up (which might seem fine, good even, but does have consequences I will discuss in point 3), but other folks with different brains might respond differently. This is not to say neurodivergent people should get a free pass to be assholes. But I'd love to see more acknowledgement that this is a social situation we're dealing with, which is not usually our strong suit. We're probably going to fuck up. We're probably not going to be handle it well all the time. We're going to relate poorly or inappropriately to something sometimes. That's literally part of our disability. It doesn't make the behavior, but I'd love to see it approached with a little more awareness that this is part of what's happening.
This is more personal, but these kind of posts and this kind of language is literally the reason why I went years without acknowledging that I was in pain and doing anything about it. I saw things I related to or wanted to relate to from other people with chronic pain and similar experiences, but I didn't want to be That Asshole, so I ignored them. Or I desperately poked at them in hopes of getting some kind of validation that said I could respond and relate to them. I was so aware that I was Neurodivergent that I didn't let myself recognize my pain. Of course it's not just posts. I'm in a career which has trained me to ignore my pain (dance), I've had lots of other reasons this happened, but these posts affirmed that. They told me that posts for physically disabled people were Not For Me. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't had this affirmation. I'm still scared to call myself physically disabled or talk about my related experiences. I am always in pain. I use a cane. I couldn't use my left wrist/hand for the two weeks because it does that sometimes. And yet, I am so used to this idea that there is difference and to talk about these things makes me a Bad Ableist Neurodivergent (we can also talk about how distorted thinking shows up in a lot of neurodivergences) What would it look like if I had seen more open conversations? What would it look like if I hadn't constantly seen this anger that caused me to self-censor or if there had simply been other options? What would it have looked like if I saw physically disabled people talking about how neurodivergence affected their understanding of disability? What would have happened if I had found out ten years ago that autistic people process pain differently but that didn't mean that experience constant pain was normal instead of deciding it was true in a fit of desperate frustration because I had no more answers for why I couldn't get out of bed?
Honestly, I don't know. And I feel weird about all of this. And I never want to censor anyone's hurt or anger.
But I'd love to be able to talk about how anything we say is never simple. There's always layers of context and nuance and other things to consider.
Or maybe I'm completely wrong and processing in a completely incorrect direction. Like I said, I don't know.
But this is what I'm sitting with for the moment. We'll see.
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aith-art · 1 year
Yeehawgust 2023 - Day 9
Masked Bandit
Word Count - 786
Izzy’s POV 
The Mojave was warm. I mean, it was a desert, but it was a heat unlike any of the deserts on Pandora. The building we were hiding in was cooler than outside. A small apartment building in ‘fiend’ territory. Not that I knew what a fiend was, or why they were so problematic. Bed roles were laid out, a fire was started, rations were shared. 
Jules and Leroy had gone on a supply run, something about them needing to talk. I didn’t trust him. I didn’t trust any of them. Arcade and Boone, the two men who had stayed at the camp, both shared in the distrust of Jules and I. The robot caught my interest, but I haven’t been given a chance to study it.
Boone took watch through what was left of a window. His sniper rifle was simple. Though this was a world where the mega-corporations don’t exist. Where the fast fire of a Vladof gun of any kind didn’t exist. It looked closer to a Jakobs gun. Or I guess, Jakobs guns were based on his sniper rifle. His was old. Well used and loved. Held together with tape and wire. 
“We’ve got incoming.” His voice was measured and monotone. 
Arcade stood from his spot by the fire. His pistol in hand. “There goes the peace and quiet.” 
Both Boone and Arcade stood in the window. Guns ready. 
Izzy stood behind them, watching the people on the horizon. Hats, masks and guns. People coming on the offencive to take whatever we had. In this world my echo doesn’t work, I have no gun and I doubt any of my current company would willingly hand me a gun. The strangers got closer, with guns out and pointing in our general direction. Boone didn’t give the masked bandit leader a chance to speak before he lodged a .308 round into his head. Arcade took that as the signal to open fire and pulled the trigger. His gun was some form of energy weapon, green light in short blasts fired from the barrel. It was close to the energy blasters Atlas had been experimenting with. 
In the blink of an eye the bandits were gone. Bodies, ash and goop were all that were left of the groups of bandits. 
Jules and Leroy returned a few hours later, with a warmer atmosphere and a bag full of ammo. They’d also found some old food in an old building. I didn’t know what preservatives had been put into the food and I didn’t want to find out. 
As we all sat around the fire, Leroy took a perch at the window. He looked in enough to be part of the conversation. Discussions of the day's events came up and Arcade recounted the bandit attack. My mind thought back to the bandits of Pandora, crazed and broken by the corporations. The masks that they wear, stained with blood and branded with the vault symbol. The bandits of the Mojave were saner, though the people around me insisted on calling them raiders. Viper Gang members. Bandits seem more organised here. On Pandora they followed whoever hit hardest. Or whoever scared them the most. This led to many of the Vault Hunters becoming bandit leaders or cult gods (Long story). I thought back to all the bandits I’d killed with my Jakob’s Sniper and Dahl pistol. I considered how some would have defined me as a bandit, what had happened to me when I was considered a bandit by someone close to me. 
Staring into the fire, I let my thoughts of home consume me. Cause that’s what Pandora was to me, a home. A weird, deadly, mildly insane planet. I suppose it wasn’t too different to the desert I’d found myself in. 
Jules shuffled over to me. “You okay? You’ve been staring at the fire for a few minutes.” 
I smiled at them, pulling myself back into the moment, rubbing down my right arm to dispel the tingling sensation from the woulds I kept wrapped up and hidden. “I’m fine. Just thinking back to my home.” 
“I understand missing home. I… I don’t know what became of my home in this - world? Timeline? I don’t even know anymore.” 
“We’ll make it home. Somehow.” 
“I’m still trying to work out how. Big MT might have some answers. But if this world thinks I'm dead there’s a high chance they won't be willing to help.” Jules continued muttering under their breath about brains and a think tank. 
I observed the others as the sun set, knowing that I would find a way home, hoping that the men we were sharing a camp with didn’t betray us in the night.
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there-but-not · 3 months
De Philosophiā Jedium (1.6k)
I wrote a little something on Jedi faith and philosophy. The story features Anakin and Obi-Wan, mostly in dialogues as they discuss why Jedi meditate. It really sounds like such a small thing, but if you think about it, it might as well be as important to them as lightsabers. In the Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon literally stopped fighting for a while to meditate in the duel against Maul. Why is meditation such a big deal that he did that? Let's see my take on it here if you are interested.
This story also available on ao3 under my profile if it's more convenient for you that way.
"Why do you meditate?"
"To connect with the Force."
"But aren't we all made of the Force or something like that? Why do we have to connect to something that's already there?"
Obi-Wan barely manages to suppress a shudder. "You want the long answer then."
Anakin shrugs. "At this point, you're going to give me that anyway. What does it matter what I want?"
"Well, you are right in that a Jedi, like any beings in the galaxy, has the Force inside them. However, we have to learn to differentiate the sensation of our physical vessel from the will of the Force. So that when we listen to its guidance, we are actually listening to the Force instrad of our own selfish needs."
Anakin's eyebrows scrunch up. "What are we even doing, then? If such a thing as the will of the Force exists, then would it not accomplish whatever it wants without our interference? And maybe we can just chill instead of meditating all day and going to those boring missions."
"Have you considered, perhaps, that the will of the Force dictates that we are here. The formation and continued existence of our Order for millenia are more unlikely than not to have happened, given that all matters tend toward disorder. And yet here we are, serving the Force in way of our people. Is that not a proof?"
Anakin has found a pillar closest to him and hugs it very tightly. "My brain is scrambled. Please, no more."
"There is much to discuss, padawan, though it can wait until nightfall."
"Have mercy, please."
"What is the worst thing that can happen if a Jedi does not meditate?"
"It depends on the person," Obi-Wan muses. "One thing I can think of is death, although I'm unsure if that is, in fact the worst or not. Lunacy, perhaps."
Seeing the fear on Anakin's face, he's quick to soothe, "You don't have to worry about it, dear. It will not happen to you, yet, as you are still early in your training, although that will change. You need to regulate your emotions. If you can't meditate to calm yourself enough to release your emotions into the Force, then strong emotions can build up in you. Imagine yourself as a balloon. It can expand with pressure to a certain point, but over that and it will explode. Exploding, mind you, is not very polite and lethal to sentients in most cases.
"Oh, dear me, am I scaring you with all this?" Ow asks. "But there is no cause for fear here, as you'll meditate everyday after this right, Anakin?"
"I'm considering whether this is the right path forward for me?"
"Being a Jedi?" Obi-Wan asks, because he senses Anakin needs this clarification.
Anakin nods hesitantly.
"Why don't we find out?"
"Are you suggesting meditation?" Anakin asks with hysteria creeping into his voice.
"Do you have any other suggestion?" Obi-Wan asks with an amused quirk of his lip.
"Anything but meditation," Anakin says.
Obi-Wan nods proudly. "Very good, Anakin. You're very clear with your communication here. Alas, I have to use my position as your master to veto that. What do you say to that?"
"I hate you. I'm not going to be a Jedi anymore. This is all bullshit," Ak says with feelings.
Obi-Wan nods. "Very good. There will be no need for you to meditate then."
Anakin feels pleasantly surprised.
"I think it is helpful, still, to consider why it is so difficult for you to meditate. Is there any feeling you are trying to suppress? Something you are trying to run away from? From what I see, you very much want to be a Jedi. The fact that you are willing to throw away everything up to this point because of your resistance to meditation is very much worth thinking about, don't you think?"
"Can you speak in normal words?" Anakin grits out.
"Meditate," Obi-Wan says.
Anakin screams.
"I don't get it. Why are you so obsessed with meditation?" Anakin asks.
Obi-Wan quirks an eyebrow. "From how often you bring it up, one would think you are much a fan of meditation yourself."
Anakin bares his teeth. "Don't."
"Let's bargain, shall we? I know you enjoy podracing very much. If you meditate with me everyday for half an hour, I'll take you to the podracing museum this weekend."
Anakin's eyes widen comically, before narrowing in suspicion. "Will you? How do I know you'll not mind-trick me into forgetting this promise?"
Obi-Wan is squeezing the bridge of his nose very aggressively at this point. "After one year of knowing me, do you think I'll do that to you?"
"I don't want to believe that of you, but you make me meditate ."
Obi-Wan sighs patiently.
The weekend comes, and Obi-Wan brings Anakin to the podracing museum.
Despite all the complaining, Anakin has been patiently sitting a quarter of an hour and then more impatiently a few more minutes everyday.
Obi-Wan does not want to call what Anakin doing meditation, but progress is progress and should be rewarded accordingly.
"What now?" Anakin asks. He's still in quite a good mood from the trip away from the Temple.
"Why do you think we meditate?" Obi-Wan asks.
"To suffer needlessly?" Anakin answers.
"What else?" 
"To be boring?"
"What else?"
"You said it was to connect to the Force," Anakin recalls.
"And you said the Force was already within all of us. Why then do we meditate?"
"I don't know. I don't karking know. If you want me to know, tell me. Or better yet not. Let's go have some noodles." Anakin pleads.
"Language, padawan. See, Anakin, this air that we breathe, can we see it?"
"No, but I know the Force exists."
"Yes, and coming back to the air. You know that it exists because you're breathing it but you can't see that?"
"Whatever you say," Anakin says. 
Obi-Wan points toward the noodle stall ahead of them, and Anakin perks up considerably.
"So you can say from a certain point of view that your eyes are deceiving you. Your own senses are deceiving you. We sentients might be able to perceive the world around us, but what we perceive will not be as it truly is as our senses are contorting everything as they allow us to take it in."
"Hmm. This tastes really good." Anakin replies, his mouth full of noodles. He's ordered one for himself and two for Obi-Wan, probably in an attempt to shut Obi-Wan up.
Obi-Wan takes a bite before continuing. "Eat, Anakin. We'll continue our discussion after."
They eat a bowl each, the third, they share with each other. Once they are onto their shared bowl, Anakin is not so eager to eat anymore.
"You said it tasted good a few minutes before. What changed? Why are you no longer inclined to eat anymore?"
"I can't. I'm too full," Anakin says. 
Obi-Wan takes another bite. "If I order you another bowl, will you want it?"
"Hell, no, Master. You said we were going to continue after eating."
"You just told me you would not want any more noodles. Besides, we're having a conversation on noodles, not Jedi philosophy."
"Everything you talk about becomes Jedi philosophy," Anakin says with a scowl.
"You're not wrong. Where were we, anyway? The noodles, yes. A few minutes ago, you were inclined to eat noodles, I suppose, from the fact that you ordered three for us?"
Anakin nods resignedly.
"What changed from then to now? The noodles should taste the same. The time difference is quite small, but you mentioned being full. As other factors are rather negligible, let's say that you no longer want noodles because you're full instead of hungry. See how impermanent your own desires are? One moment, you think you want noodles. The other, you reject them." As Obi-Wan says the last part, he dangles noodles over Anakin's bowl. The apprentice hastens to push away the chopsticks in his Master's hand.
"You see what I mean now? And this is just a small thing. What if the feeling is stronger, and the situation more important, such as in an interplanetary negotiation. If one side's delegation includes your most hated enemy and the other those you consider allies, will you not be swayed by love and hatred to assist one side at the expense of the other? It would be likely, as is the natural inclination of sentient minds.
"See, that is why Jedi practice meditation--not simply for the sake of our spiritual practice, but as a means to achieve the equanimity of the mind--in addition to being able to hear the will of the Force for what it is."
Anakin looks like his head is exploding.
Obi-Wan feels a wave of sympathy for his charge. "It's a lot to take in, dear. You'll get it one day, hopefully."
"Do you know what is the worst thing that can happen to a Jedi who meditates?"
"Insanity at the very least," Anakin replies.
"Is this your way of asking for help?" Obi-Wan asks.
"Free me from this suffering. Don't make me meditate anymore," Anakin moans.
"You don't have to meditate if you don't wish to be a Jedi. But if you wish to continue on this path, then you'll have to bear with it.
"On a brighter side, meditation does not have to be as boring as it might appear to you. After all, it is more about the conscious state of the mind rather than the physical form.
"Come, padawan. On your feet," Obi-Wan says.
"Is it any better really?" Anakin asks after Obi-Wan teaches him walking meditation.
"It would depend on you. I personally enjoy sitting meditation better."
"I enjoy not meditating better," Anakin grumbles.
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