#but I’ve done so many drawings for free for that person I’ve drawn so many fanart for her fics
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remxedmoon · 2 months ago
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your friends don’t know what to do.
so!! i redrew every single enemy in the game. in the span of like 9 days (excluding the king i made him right after the last update). that’s abbbout 79* drawings total, with only 3 custom ones for once!! i’m so normal. as always, these are free to use with credit!! go nuts!! spritesheets are included <3
got some notes under the cut, along with As Many Enemies As I Could Fit without making this post obnoxiously long. and i failed. i had to swap between the app and browser several times and i still couldn’t fit every drawing. open this post at your own risk (silly).
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okay so first of all. what’s with the asterisk. well. I Drew A Lot More Than 79 Assets Actually. they’re getting posted separately, because this post is ABSURDLY long. you can find most of them in the miscellaneous folder, but for a bit of clarity, i added the teleport map and a bunch of ui elements that reference sprites from the icon sheet. and also the game over and loop back animations but i haven’t finished the spritesheets for those because they’re a pain in the ass so they’re not in the drive yet
if you missed my complaining a few days ago, a few enemies might look a bit crunchy in the actual game? specifically, calamité and désespoir were drawn at the wrong size, because their images in the files do not match the spritesheets! i avoided the issue with most of the other enemies, those two just blindsided me. sorry about that!
^sadnesses having inconsistent designs was actually a running theme with these. détresse rock has an unused design in the files (which i managed to catch before having to redo it thankfully), anxiété has extra spikes that don’t appear on the spritesheet (sorry i was too lazy to fix that one), even the version of the friend rescue in the files doesn’t match any of the frames in the spritesheet. hfjfhfj. sorry about the quality issues.
tangentially related to that, massive thank you to @riggedbones for grabbing the individual frames for the animations for me!! they made my life so much easier. vs friends would’ve been so annoying…
speaking of the animations! hi can you tell i’m not an animator. these were my first time doing Anything animation related since, like, middle school. super sorry for the Jank in some of these! the friend rescue looked way better when i drew it 💔💔.
bourdon’s hands also might act a bit odd, my apologies. the sizing ingame is SUPER inconsistent (why is one of the hands SMALLER than the other????). once i’m able to actually test the mod, i’ll try to fix it wauaua.
the 3 custom sprites are for the triplets! i ended up making two versions for each, one that follows the ingame art, and one with my personal designs for them. i like my own designs for them, but they’re a lot easier to tell apart? so if you want to use the ones that fit the gimmick better, they’re also in the drive 👍
this update. was originally going to have way more custom art. i’ve actually got an act 6 siffrin enemy asset in my art program! but school started and i decided it’d be better to just get the normal stuff done. so the mod can actually come out in a reasonable timeframe. promise that’ll all come out Later! sorry about the wait 😓😓😓
also adding this because i almost forgot: no i don’t know if these are compatible with sasasaap. i don’t have the game still and it’s not my main priority atm, apologies!
okay! that was a lot! and there’s a ton of art down here! thank you for reading all this, i’ll be back with the game over animations and teleport map pretty soon! like. within the weekend. enjoy!!!
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starheavenly · 4 months ago
hiii!!! loving your locket comics!!!!!! just wanted to ask a few questions about your process, if you dont mind :D
whats your general process like?
do you do thumbnails, how do they look like?
roughly how long does it take you to complete a comic panel or page?
how detailed are your sketches? do you do multiple?
do you have any specific techniques for lineart?
do you typically use references for your comics?
generally, how much effort and focus do you put into your comics?
do you have any advice for drawing comics?
sorry for for the absolute bombardment of questions, lmao. just really enjoy your art and comics and very interested in the behind the scenes!! feel free to skip any questions (or this whole ask) well wishes and salutations!!! :D
Hello! I'm so glad you enjoy my comics, and I totally don't mind breaking down the process!
For a normal comic page, I would likely actually write a script since it's much easier to keep track of dialogue and actions. But since these are short, I just write it into my thumbnails.
Step 1: Thumbnails. Easily one of my favorite parts, since I get to throw all my ideas down. I do these comics on a 2-panel grid, so I don't have to worry about actual paneling, and it allows me to focus more on the setup of each shot. Think of it like storyboarding!
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Step 2: Add cleaner thumbs if needed. I actually made 3D models of Deadlock and Ratchet's chest in Blockbench, so I often trace them to save myself some time! (It might look insane, but I promise, for me, it's not.)
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Step 3: Lettering! I actually like to get the lettering out of the way right away since it can take a while. Ever since I started treating lettering as its own form of art, my skills have gotten better, but it also takes much longer.
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Step 4: Clean sketch! I'm just now finding out that people think I’m doing lineart for these? I am not… these are all just clean sketches. Maybe doing the blackwork gives the illusion of lineart?
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Step 5: Color! Most of these comics are in black and white to save time, but it also lets me focus on values and shot framing again. I add my glow overlay to the eyes, and boom, done!
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Roughly how long does it take you to complete a comic panel or page?
It really depends on how complicated the panels are. I like to step out of my comfort zone. I know the Grimlock and Misfire one took longer because of how many panels there were and the fact that I was drawing characters I’d never drawn before, but I’d say it usually takes around 5-8 hours for a whole page.
Do you typically use references for your comics?
I'm literally the reference GOD- we all know this. But yes, I love using references and doing character studies. I have yet to do a study on LL Drift, but I have a few references of him that I’ve made.
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Generally, how much effort and focus do you put into your comics?
I mean, I wouldn't say I don't put in a lot of effort? I put in enough. I don't know… there's a point in the clean sketch process where you can kind of just turn off your brain. I'm passionate about comics, but we can all agree there's a point in a drawing where you just zone out.
Do you have any advice for drawing comics?
I think being able to balance dialogue and visuals is super important. I don't know if you guys have picked up a graphic novel from Barnes & Noble recently, but if you open a page, you'll see a character sitting with the biggest bubble you've ever seen, filled with paragraphs of text. While I get it—being a novel as much as it's graphic—I personally like to visualize emotions more. If it means adding two more panels to make an interesting dialogue setup, I don't mind doing it. Another thing to remember is that not all panels need to have details or 100% effort. Sometimes you need to simplify and move on, and that's okay! Those two extra panels that are giving you a better stage setup might be the ones that need fewer details and less time. I would consider my comic page work and my 4-panel work very different. One is about paneling, setup, and visuals, while the other is very much like storyboarding. Both are skills you learn with practice and study.
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halfhoursonearth-writes · 1 year ago
Can you recommend fanfiction that you personally really like?
Yes! Love this ask. I’ve never made a Zutara fic rec list partially because I’ve read so many wonderful stories over time that I find the prospect daunting! 
But there are absolutely certain stories that I have a personal soft spot for, that I return to again and again. And that’s my criteria for what’s included below. This is a sampling of fics that I find myself coming back to, in no particular order. I may come back and add more, because this list is so far from exhaustive. A mix of ratings (marked), so keep that in mind.
Wish I Was the Moon by Like a Dove (T), post-canon: There’s so much that I love about the way this one-shot explores Katara’s character and what she faces post-canon, how she frees herself, strikes out in the world and finds her way home. Her feelings for Zuko, and her inner-conflict around them, are rendered tangibly, both through scene and subtext. A really good example of how an author can show a character’s lack of/journey to self-knowledge without breaking voice.
Refraction by caroes3725 (E), post-canon: When I started reading Zutara fanfic (for me this was in 2020), this was the fic I was looking for—a deep, realistic-to-canon, in-character exploration of how Zutara could unfold after the events of ATLA in a way that gives Katara in particular the arc she deserves. Really well-done development of the Fire Nation court world, well-developed characters, shining dialogue. An amazingly well-worth-it slow burn.
Wildfire by rainstormdragon (E), post-canon: To me this story is kind of a steamy Zutara thesis. The characters are so spot on and alive, their flaws are on full display in a way that feels realistic, and their chemistry is powered by their compatibility—matched in passion and stubbornness, and also in what they want from life. And I think it really gets Aang, too, which is something that can be hard to find in ZK fic. Also really hot, but that's only part of what makes it really shine.
Partners in Learning by evergreenonthehorizon (T), Modern AU: One of the things I love in modern AUs is watching an author weave that invisible string between these characters. Sometimes, it’s by writing narrative arcs that parallel the series, and sometimes it’s by drawing out the personality traits that make the characters both lovable to readers and such a compelling match and watching that spark bloom into flame. This beautifully written story does that so, so well in a really compelling Modern AU setting. Zuko and Katara here are so wonderfully lovable, and it’s a joy to watch them fall for one another, too.
Journeys by Smediterranea (E), Modern AU: In real life, I want to see my friends in relationships with people who can recognize why they’re so particularly amazing. That potential, I think, part of the appeal of ZK as a ship, and that’s part of the special magic of this fic. Watching these two characters get to know one another—really see one another—and fall in love deliciously sweeps the reader up. Plus, really fun, in character cameos from the rest of the Gaang along the way.
Spark, set fire by marijayne (T), Modern AU: literary fanfic, and I mean that in the best way. This story is beautiful and bittersweet, the latter is not often something I seek out in fanfic (where I hide from life), but here it’s gorgeous and worth it. The world building here is really cool—allows the author to explore some of a set of cultural issues/interactions that both echo the ATLA world and ours. The characters are so tenderly drawn (dadko especially)—and the connection between them builds beautifully and tangibly—and the longing is…chef’s kiss. 
Wrong when it's right by nire (T), Book 1 Canon Divergence: Before I read this, I couldn't imagine wanting to read a Book 1 Zutara. After, I wanted more. Bickering, bed-roll sharing, shared heat, tenderness and common ground. A delight from start to finish.
Anyway, thanks for asking and happy reading! <3 And if you want more recs, let me know.
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cinnibelle · 10 months ago
I’m going to vent. Sit tight for an artist’s reflection on the acotar fandom!
I was going to use tumblr to strictly post art (at least on my end) and engage with the wonderful ppl here as well. Except what I’ve been seeing as of late is a lot of abuse (across platforms) and it’s very jarring. As an artist, I understand to make the most of your experience in a toxic fandom is to say nothing and do nothing that bothers those a bit **too** passionate about their opinions. I get it, I’m used to being content fodder from other fandoms. So I am not new to this.
But this fandom is *so* toxic that I immediately understood why artists choose to stay neutral or entirely avoid making art for this fandom at all. I have several art friends interested in the books but won’t touch the fandom with a ten foot pole from what they’ve seen. What I’ve personally witnessed the past few months is genuinely disgusting. The only reason I’m here after being FLAMED on twitter is because 1) I began posting BECAUSE people were so kind and encouraging and I don’t want to leave them and the possibility of befriending others 2) I was fully prepared to be dragged for the smallest offense.
I didn’t want to believe people would be downright atrocious to me for Elain, being starborn, holding the sword that reflects her (as I’ve stated when I paralleled quotes) but that’s what they were: awful. And what I got in turn was: why are you victimizing yourself this is what other artists deal with! Ok?? And!? Why is it appropriate AT ALL. Why is it fine for you to do that? I don’t care what anyone ships, why do you feel entitled to comment nastiness under someone’s art. To directly be in their mentions mocking the concept and the way it looks or how you hate the character. It brings me and others joy.. why are you being ruthless? For a fictional character??
It’s too much. And you know, this is my first fandom experience where the shipping is so extreme. I would’ve loved multi shipping as I’ve done it in other fandoms, I really don’t care for what sort of crack ships people make up (though I have my limitations, I think everyone does. “Notp”.) But you know what I DON’T DO as an adult? Ridicule artists for their work. They are providing content FOR FREE. And if they aren’t, they are gifting you with their expertise and talent. You are scaring people away.
I was afraid of joining and just stayed on the sidelines for months just enjoying arts in peace. I only gave in because I showed some friends some of my sketches and they ADORED it. And pleaded that I post. So I did, and I found many others really wanted me to continue posting. So I do. Were it not for the toxicity, I would’ve drawn all types of ships because I’m genuinely someone that does not care about the ship and if it’s canon or endgame or not, if I like the characters and the vibe- cool. Draw it. That’s the beauty of fanart.
But people are acting diabolically UNHINGED over it. And treating artists like they’re players and they’re revoking sponsorships. Fandom should not be a competition. That is exhaustive and tiring. I shouldn’t have to be fearful of the engagements on my posts. I don’t even have 500 followers yet on ANY of my platforms. And still, I am treated like filth. I need people to reflect on their behavior, recognize if they don’t like something ignore it or block it or what have you and be at peace. Stop giving into negativity and using artists as some pawn- they have feelings TOO! And you really turn them off to a character or a ship or a fandom in general with the way you act.
I have my comments off where I can keep them off because I simply don’t want 1) people arguing in my comments and 2) comments that are generally unhelpful or just shaming me for what I post. But twitter I really can’t help what happens. And tumblr too there’s some limits I can take and a filtering system I can take advantage of but even here people lack etiquette. I don’t understand where people get off acting like mean girls over things people made.
This is the most extreme, unhealthy fandom I have ever been in and I’m really not all shocked when I hear an artist quit and doesn’t want to partake. This is not a competition of who has it worse. Stop bullying artists because they don’t make content that pleases you. Just drop it. I can’t believe I am being called TOXIC for defending myself and my art. And I know who these people are, I know exactly the type of content they themselves post and it’s COMEDY to be telling ME I’m toxic for standing up for myself.
Most artists leave or go silent. That’s what you want, right? Or to antagonize them to the point they really lose patience with you. This is me losing patience: a call to being better. Be the change you seek. It’s funny I have people going at me and in their bio it says “ spread kindness not hate” Pardon??
Seriously, I would’ve liked to explore any theory and a variety of arts despite my preferences but the way people act with what I DO put out, I’m just sour. I don’t even want to expand beyond the two characters I really like because I have a headache already with the “you don’t really care about-“ takes that I’ve seen other artists get when they expand what they draw in this fandom.
It shouldn’t offend you that an artist has a preference and wants to share the things that they found intriguing or makes them happy. And if it does, cry about it in private at minimum. Stop dumping your grief onto the artists. That’s all. Maybe then you will see a resurgence of artists that do content for free (and frequently) or a return of artists who left.
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weiwuxianismybae · 1 year ago
Wei Wuxian would NOT help Jiang Cheng torture demonic cultivators
So a while ago (and I mean a while ago), I saw the worst take at that moment. If it was just one poster I would have ignored it, but! There were at least 3 people and even art was drawn and all of it to say that if Jiang Cheng was really torturing those non-existent demonic cultivators, than Wei Wuxian would have happily helped his brother! And before anyone comes at me, I don't care what people do with their free time or with their skills. I'm an artist myself and would definitely not appreciate people telling me what I can and can't draw. It's not about that, it's just that their take was so bad that I couldn't ignore it and had to vent about it! So, where do I begin?
Well, let's begin with those demonic cultivators! (I know a bunch of people said it already, but I don't mind repeating it for the slow learners.)
Oh! And keep in mind that mdzs is a third person omniscient narration (not wwx's narration!) That's why we get to read direct thoughts of so many different characters, not just Wei Wuxian.
Jiang Cheng really did torture them. He admits it himself!
A moment ago, Jiang Cheng was certain that this person was Wei WuXian, and all of the blood in his body started to boil. Yet, now, Zidian was clearly telling him that he wasn’t. Zidian definitely wouldn’t deceive him or make a mistake, so he quickly calmed himself and thought, this doesn’t mean anything. I should first find an excuse to take him back and use every possible method to get information out of him. It’s impossible for him to not confess anything or give himself away. I’ve done things like this in the past anyways. After thinking it through, he made a gesture. The disciples understood his intention and came over.
ExR ch. 10
His nephew, who lived half the time in Lotus Pier, also confirms it:
Wei WuXian asked, “Do you know why your uncle wants me?”
Jin Ling answered, “Yeah. He believes that you’re Wei WuXian.”
Wei WuXian thought, 'This time, it’s not merely ‘suspect’ anymore. He’s got the right person.' He asked again, “Then, what about you? Don’t you suspect it as well?”
Jin Ling, “It’s not the first time my uncle did such a thing. He has never let any of them go, even if it was possible that he caught the wrong ones. But, if Zidian couldn’t draw out your spirit, I’m just gonna trust that you’re not. Besides, he wasn’t a cut-sleeve, but you even dared to harass…”
ExR ch. 24
Even the Lan juniors speek of it! Reminder that gossip is forbidden, so this must not be gossip or at least the possibility of it being just some rumours is low.
Lan SiZhui tried to reason with him, “Young Master Mo, it was for your sake that HanGuang-Jun brought you here. If you do not follow us, Sect Leader Jiang will not be willing to let the matter go. During these years, there were countless people whom he caught and took back to Lotus Pier, and none of those people were ever let out.”
ExR ch. 11
And let's not forget the innkeeper from Yunping with her eyewitness!
Wei WuXian moved his gaze from Lan WangJi’s calm face with a short pause of surprise, “Lotus Pier is scary? How could Lotus Pier be scary? You’ve been there?”
The owner, “I haven’t been there myself, but I know someone who went because his house was being badly haunted. But it was all bad luck. That Sect Leader Jiang was cracking a glowing whip right on the training field. The victim’s flesh and blood flew as high as his screams! A servant secretly informed him that the sect leader caught the wrong person again, that he hadn’t been in a great mood, and that he definitely shouldn’t be irritated in any way. He was so scared that he dropped off the gifts he brought and fled at once. He never dared visit again.”
ExR ch. 92
So. There is no point arguing that Jiang Cheng didn't torture those poor people demonic cultivators. So, how about Wei Wuxian? Would he have helped his "brother"?
The answer is simply no.
Wei Wuxian is a kind and caring person. He would never judge and even less attack a person without a good reason. And before someone says, "But he killed so many people! Torture Wen cultivators, massacred 3000 cultivators in the Nightless City! Surely he would–" Let me stop you right there. It was war. Like Mianmian once said:
The woman tried hard to protest, “The Sunshot Campaign is a battlefield. On the battlefield, would it mean that everyone is killing indiscriminately? Let’s consider this as it stands. I really don’t think it’s right to say that he killed indiscriminately. After all, there is a reason. If the inspectors really abused the prisoners and killed Wen Ning, it wouldn’t be called killing indiscriminately anymore, but rather revenge...”
ExR ch. 73
(This passage is in case someone argues that the deaths of those guards were also unjust.)
Wen Chao and his people massacred Wei Wuxian's home. He had every right to exact his revenge. In case someone forgot, this is seen as just by the cultivation world:
Xiao XingChen spoke as though he couldn’t believe Xue Yang’s words, “Chang CiAn broke one of your fingers in the past. If you sought revenge, you could’ve simply broken one of his fingers as well. If you really took the matter to heart, you could’ve broken two, or even all ten! Even if you had cut off an entire arm of his, things wouldn’t have been like this. Why did you have to kill his entire clan? Don’t tell me that a single finger of yours was equal to more than fifty human lives!”
ExR ch. 41
And after that, he never went after people that did him nothing wrong! He even protected the Wen Remnants. (Unlike a certain someone that holds a grudge until the very end, even after that person had saved him countless times!)
In case of the Nightless City, let me paraphrase Wei Wuxian: who attacked whom first? Who had gathered 3000 cultivators to pledge to kill 50 innocent elderly, sick and a child? Who went against their word to let the matter go?
Wei Wuxian is the moral compass and we should aspire to be more like him. This is how MXTX wrote him. He would have never helped his "brother" (they were never brothers, people, let it go already) torture and kill innocents. And he would definitely not relish in it.
+ Bonus
The same innkeeper from Yunping about some rando with surname Wen:
The owner, “Also, I’ve heard of another person who was scared away.”
Wei WuXian, “Scared away by what?” It couldn’t have been when Jiang Cheng was whipping someone again, could it? Just how often did Jiang Cheng capture people and whip them?
The owner, “No, no. It was his misfortune. The person’s surname was Wen, and that Sect Leader Jiang’s archenemy happened to have the surname of Wen as well. He's hating on everyone in this world whose surname is Wen. Whenever he sees one, he’d grind his teeth in hatred, wanting to skin them alive. How could he give a single friendly look to...”
ExR ch. 92
Good thing that guy's name wasn't Wen Kexing or it would have been Jiang Cheng who was tortured to death!
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samandmaxmansionplay · 1 year ago
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What is Sam&Max: Mansion Play?
It’s a project I’ve been thinking about and working on since the beginning of 2023. I started thinking of what Sam&Max game would I make if I had the chance, but I wanted it to be something a bit different from the usual. That’s when I realized Sam&Max had never been on a murder mystery, we had to change that right? Since then I’ve been writing a script and drawing sprites and rooms of the mansion the story takes place in
What’s the story about?
Sam and Max have a very simple mission tonight, simply retrieve a mysterious document, located in the mansion of the owner of a famous toy factory, the billionaire known as Manny Money, who is hosting a big party tonight. What starts as a simple adventure develops into a strange and absurd murder mystery. Since they are here and have no other plans, Sam and Max will try to find out the person who is behind the murder that suddenly took place in the party. Get to know the guests, from an elegant fashion designer to a skeleton supervillain, and many more. Solve puzzles, or at least try to without asking Max for the answer. Play minigames, you have time to have fun in the middle of a murder case. Find the truth, discover the mystery behind this murder, could there be something deeper happening…? Oh well, who cares, just have some fun in this boring winter night
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What can we expect from this story?
Hopefully laughs! The big challenge of this project for me is to make a Sam&Max story that feels very close to an actual real Sam&Max story, I know it won’t be perfect, but I want to come close. I’m not the funniest person ever but a couple of lines I’ve written have made me chuckle, I hope they make you chuckle too!
Aside from that, as silly as this adventure is, I hope you’ll get invested in the mystery! Ask yourself what’s going on, be curious as to what will happen next,… your typical murder mystery stuff, but with Sam and Max
There is a little bit of an emotional core to the story and some characters, but overall this is a comedic murder mystery, which I hope you’ll enjoy!
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Is this a fangame? Will it be playable?
This is an idea for a fangame but no, it isn’t an actual fangame. I lack the skills to properly make a game, but I would like to use the skills I do have to share this project once it’s done. I am trying to learn more about Adventure Game Studio and perhaps if I’m confident enough I’ll be able to at least make some parts of the story playable, but as of right now I don’t have plans to do that
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When will it finished?
I have a lot of the story thought out but there are still a couple of puzzles pieces missing to make the story feel truly complete. I have written a lot, but it still feels like only the 10% of a bigger story
I have almost finished drawing all the rooms of the mansion, there are close to 100 rooms in this project, so I’m happy I’ve almost finished this part
I have drawn a bunch of sprites, but I still need to draw more, included side characters, you’ll meet a lot of guests in this party!
And overall, this is a project I make for fun on my free time, it’s not a job. I’m hoping to finish it someday but it will definitely take time, sadly it will probably take long
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If it’s still unfinished, why make this blog?
I’d like to share updates on a separate blog from now on, I think it’s better this way. I’d like to post sprites, parts of the script and even finished scenes from time to time. And besides, it’s close to Halloween so I wanted to make something special, like creating a sideblog for a project of mine
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Are Sam and Max a couple in this?
Yes, obviously, I’m trying to write this as close to canon as possible after all
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Who is the murderer?
Not even Sam and Max know, so we’re probably doomed
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evelhak · 2 years ago
🫧🖌️Free art requests🎨✨
So, I’ve never done this before! Probably because I didn’t feel confident drawing fan art until recent years. But I’m planning to apply to an art school next year, and taking requests from other people will undoubtedly challenge me to draw things I wouldn’t think of on my own and learn new things, improve my weaknesses and better my chances of getting in. I currently do some work as an illustrator, a few book covers and posters a year, and I wish to be an actual professional one day. Soon. So, in case you were wondering, this is completely self-serving. (Not that I don’t enjoy giving things to fandom, obviously I do!)
Please, read the instructions below. I go into quite a lot of detail about what kind of styles and mediums you can request, but you can also always leave that stuff up to me, if you want and just focus on the characters and scenarios you wish to see.
What to do
Send me an ask or a message, describing what you would like me to make, in as much or as little detail as you wish. Please don't send anon requests, from now on I won't be answering them.
Be patient. This is still a hobby.
Be realistic. There’s no limit to how many requests one person can make, and you can make another request even if I’m still working on one from you, but don’t flood my inbox. :)
✨Please, reblog this post. ✨
Reminder: the requests are free but that doesn't mean my art is free to use in any way you like. Do not repost or post in other platforms without permission. Reblogging and linking to my work is naturally encouraged. Feel free to use for personal purposes such at printing out my art for a friend's birthday card or your journal if you want.
My main fandom is KnB, so I’m likely to prioritize requests for this fandom.
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Other fandoms I have drawn fan art for in the past include SPOP, Kaleido Star, Princess Tutu, W.i.t.c.h. (off the top of my head) and other fandoms that I’m actively engaged with or always return to include H2O, LotR, Sherlock Holmes (mostly the original and BBC), BBC Merlin, Gilmore Girls and BTVS, so it shouldn’t take me too long to get comfortable drawing for these fandoms.
Other than that, I’m open to anything you can find on my anime and manga list or Goodreads that I at least somewhat enjoyed. They’re not 100% comprehensive, and obviously don’t include all media types I engage with, so you can always just try your luck too and ask if I know your fave!
I will not draw characters I’m unfamiliar with, (OCs are an exception) or have practically no memory off, because I need to know who I’m drawing as much as I need to know what they look like. I also won���t draw something that I personally dislike too much, or don’t want to support for other reasons.
You can request art of your OCs as well. Please, note that I will also only draw OCs from fandoms I know. I’m willing to draw based on a description as well as pictures. You can request I draw the exact character design based on your own work, or you can request me to design it myself based on description or references you would like me to use. HOWEVER OCs are limited to portraits (list in the next section) unlike fan art requests, because I want to know the characters I'm drawing in more complex situations.
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(OC for @vespersposts)
Types of art you can request
(One or more characters in a certain mood, clothing, background etc. For OCs this is the type of request I will do.)
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(One or more characters in a certain situation or action.)
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🗨️SHORT comics💭
(Ideas that can realistically be expressed in up to 3 pages.)
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I lean towards cartoon style in drawing characters, and impressionism in colouring and background. You can absolutely challenge me to go out of my comfort zone, but my preferences will likely show.
If your request involves anime, manga or other types of cartoons, I will always stay close to the original character design, but other than that you can request different kinds of styles when it comes to colouring, background, other details and the overall feel of the picture.
I’m not currently interested in attempting to draw hyper realistically, so keep that in mind if your request involves characters portrayed by actors, or your OCs. You can request anime/manga style or my own blend of styles that I use in my original art, or something else you have in mind.
Mediums you can request
digital art
(Digital art can of course mimic pretty much any traditional medium but I'm not so far in learning digital art that I would be comfortable taking more specific requests for what digital medium I use, it will pretty much always be very mixed.)
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inktense pencils
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If you have something in mind not listed here, you can always see if I might be interested in trying it out.
Some rules for the content of the requests
I won’t draw romantic/sexual content of ships that contradict my headcanon. I’ll attempt to make a more comprehensive list that I’ll link here, until then you can use my drabble request rules as reference, do some math (if you know that I ship KagaKuro exclusively, then I won't draw other ships for the characters in question), or try your luck.
I won’t draw sexualizing content of minors (which is under 18 in my country and apparently generally considered to be that online)
I do not think nudity is or should be inherently sexualizing, so mild/partial nudity of any character is fine, HOWEVER requests that seem like an attempt to sexualize a minor anyway will automatically be denied. (Like a request that focuses on the nudity as opposed to it just being a natural part of the scenario.)
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I won’t draw full/graphic nudes of any character no matter their age, because I’m just not interested in knowing any character that intimately
Age appropriate/realistic romantic/sexual situations for characters who are minors are fine, the key is that it should not be sexualizing from the viewpoint of the viewer: the character is not objectified. Teenagers have feelings and urges, and it’s hypocritical to not be able to portray that in a way that is true to the character in question.
(For example, depicting a sixteen-year-old character drooling over the sight of their crush in a towel is not sexualizing/pornographic, it’s a completely realistic depiction of being a teenager and censoring that kind of stuff does more harm than good. However, depicting the crush in a towel in a way that exaggerates perceived "sexiness" for the viewer is sexualizing, and that I won't do.)
I won’t draw clear nsfw content of characters of any age, because I’m not very interested in the first place, and I don’t want to get flagged, however borderline cases might be okay, depending on the level of detail.
When making the request, just ask yourself this: Is this a realistic situation where this particular character at this particular age would willingly get into? If not, then I won’t draw it, and I might or might not have a stricter view than you. I will always draw these types of requests in ways that leaves more up to the imagination than it shows anyway, no matter who it depicts.
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No non-con and dub-con.
I won’t draw death, gore or graphic violence, minor injuries etc. are fine.
I won't draw cross-overs between characters from different fandoms, but characters from one story depicted in the context of a different story are cool.
Obviously, there might be other reasons not listed here that your request could get denied, in which case I’ll let you know.
Subjects I love, in case you're interested
🧞fairy tales
character interaction, slice of life, fluff👩‍❤️‍👩
🌬️metaphors, mystery, riddles
mermaids, angels, elves, fairies🧚
🗡️medieval fantasy, magic, swords
vibrant emotion, situational comedy, suspense 🎭
🍃nature, domesticity, dreams
As the main subject I'm not interested in
(but it's fine to include moderately)
buildings, vehicles, cities🏙️
You can check the pinned post on my blog for more references if you'd like!
I know that was a lot, so thank you if you read it all. 😊
✨I hope to see you in my inbox.✨
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forassignmentosmium · 6 months ago
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Look Back is a 2024 anime movie by Tatsuki Fujimoto that expresses the struggles and excitement of being an artist. It is a film that excels in the overall direction of the animation which makes it one of the best anime movies of 2024.
While watching this film, I was confused at first because the opening of the story was different from the manga series that I’ve read but then later on realized that the first scene was a story drawn by the main character entitled “First Kiss”. As the story progresses, I was so invested in watching because  the visuals and/or art style of this anime movie is so good that it does a great job of bringing the manga to life. To make the story even better, the film used an appropriate sound track in each scene which adds impact on the pacing of the story. In fact, the film had a very believable voice acting which helped me to perceive the subtle emotions that the character feels. That being said, the film is a combination of serious and dramatic acts with a bit of comedic spice making it a non-boring movie to watch. As someone who is used to watching suspense and action films, a lighthearted tragic movie is a new experience and a sight to behold. Without a doubt, the storyline of this anime movie is top notch because every emotion expressed in each scene holds a certain degree of impact. In addition to analyzing the development or plot of the story, I kind of feel like the relationship of the two main characters is quite unique because they became friends and were able to understand each other through drawing manga stories. Though in later parts of the film, it was shown that the two separated and carved their own paths to take, which I felt a bit conflicted about the outcome of their friendship. As I continued watching the movie, I felt varying emotions as it nearing its end because the last scene from the movie was so tragic that it actually left me with a bitter feeling.
Needless to say, the film entitled “Look Back” is an animated movie that brings a roller coaster ride of emotions. It depicts how a person finds its way to move on after experiencing a tragic  and depressing situation. As the title suggests, one can only look back at the past and think of many “what if” possibilities to atone and reflect on their regrets. However, no matter how many times an individual looks back, the past behavior and  actions done cannot be reversed. Only by truly accepting the facts and moving on, one can truly be free from the past. Overall, the animated film is truly a work of art that depicts real life struggles and human experience. It encapsulates the idea and concept of friendship, hard work, to not give up, and to move on. In fact, watching this film made me realize that appreciating every little thing and enjoying every moment we have with our friends and family is essential to avoid having regrets.  
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Why did you elbow me? 190
Achilles Castle part 92
Lemonade and lies PART 35
Kate: pov oh no that could kill me, i have a heart condition. The Dr asks what type I have, how long I have had it for and if anyone else in my family has one. I have arrhythmia and I have had it for about 5 years and I'm the only one in my family who does. The Dr asks what caused my heart condition, I  say as a matter of fact a bullet. The Dr asks me to repeat what I just said because she thinks she didn't hear me right. Oh no you heard me all right. I will give you a few minutes to let it sink in. By the way, I was shot at a funeral, my Captains funeral 
Dr Springfield: pov I'm going to need an explanation or a story for this. Kate starts out with I was a detective at the time. Well that makes sense cops are always getting shot by suspects. She gives me a little back story about what led up to her shooting. Mr Castle explains that she went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance, had a collapsed lung and needed a chest tube. She was immediately taken into emergency heart surgery. 
Castle: pov The bullet nicked her inferior pulmonary vein and left ventricle, she then went into cardiac arrest again they had to use the paddles and do manual cardiac massages she then flatlined they eventually brought her back to life,  she had severe blood loss. She spent 1 week unconscious in the CICU before waking up. She was on disability for 3 months, has a heart condition and PTSD, her immune system is also weak. 
Dr Springfield: pov I don't know what to say, that must have been hard since it was your Captain's funeral and everything that happened with him was probably still very much fresh. Kate says very much. um you said before when I mentioned the epi-pen you said that  it could kill you, is that because of your heart condition. Kate says I guess, I'm not 100 percent sure how it would affect me. Yeah, let's not take that chance. 
Kate: pov Dr Springfield suggests I take an allergy test on top of the blood one. It's the safest option for me. She would just have to swab my mouth and draw some blood then send the samples to the lab. I should know the results in a few days. It's recommended that I keep some benadryl at work or on me in case I need it and to never drive after taking it.
Castle: pov Dr Hazel Springfield grabs a swab out a cabinet to swab Kate's mouth for the test. Once that is done we are sent downstairs to the lab so she can then get her blood drawn for the blood test. Dr Springfield has notified the lab that Kate has a heart condition so that way they are prepared. After a few minutes of waiting Kate's name is called.
Lab tech Lauren: pov Dr Springfield notified us that Kate has a heart condition, that way we could monitor her more closely. After talking with them both and learning about Kate's medical history and how it all happened I get the supplies ready to draw some of Kate's blood. I decided to put a pulse ox-meter on her finger and a heart monitor just in case another lab tech is monitoring her blood pressure. Captain  Beckett which vein is better to use.
Kate: pov they are all rough i’ve had so many iv’s and blood draws that my veins are not the best. She eventually finds a good vein and draws my blood with no problems. I have to wait a few minutes to see how I feel. I can hear someone in the waiting room complaining because it's taking so long. The same person says  why does she need two lab techs. The receptionist replies to the rude person saying she has health issues and they want to take extra precautions with her. The same person replies that she doesn't look like she has health issues,  probably just doesn't like needles. He then goes on about people faking illnesses to get special treatment. I’m free to go. I decided to comfort the person about what they said. The lab tech is standing next to me, I ask who said that about me. The receptionist points to a man wearing a black shirt and jeans with a small child next to him. The man named D'Arcy looks a little bit angry. D’Arcy I understand that you were the person who said the mean thing about me but I don't think this is the example you want to set especially for this little guy sitting next to you. Because it's not cool to be mean to others you know what else isn't cool having a bullet tear through your chest and needing emergency heart surgery just to survive. I lift up my shirt to show him my thoracotomy scar. 
D’Arcy: pov I’m so sorry I had no idea that happened to you. I'm having a rough day and was angry and took it out on you which is not okay. what is your name by the way, she says Captain Kate Beckett. Oh so you're a police officer she says yes and explains as much as she can that is kid appropriate before its my sons turn. You know what I feel so horrible about the way I treated you. My son suggests that we buy her lunch but I don't know what she can have. Is it okay if I give you a 20 instead so you can get some lunch, since I don't know what you can eat. She says an apology is all she needs but thanks for the offer anyway, maybe pay for another stranger's meal instead. 
Castle: pov I manage to make it to the car on my crutches, before we head back to the precinct we are stopping for lunch. To be continued.  …….
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skulla-rxcks · 2 years ago
✧☆Makeup Smudges☆✧
Pairing: Lee Felix x Fem reader
Rating: Explicit (Adult)
Genre: smut, slight fluff
Warnings: Oral sex, fingering, Use of nicknames, slight begging
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Felix decides to get ready extra early for a photoshoot. Turns out there was WAY more time than needed. Including messing up and having to redo everything.
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Ding dong. Strange, the rains pattering and no one’s usually in the studio at this time, last time I checked no one booked in. Oh well, might as well see who it is, I’ll just tell them to leave either way, well it depends on the person.
I get up from my desk, stretching my arms as i walk towards the door, it’s so dark i can barely see a thing. I sigh, opening the door and slowly peaking outside from a gap so the rain doesn’t come in. “Felix?” I open the door and let him in before closing it again.
My eyes begin to wander around the room for something to make this a nice experience and so be warms up due to the rain. I spot a blanket, which I give to him so he can warm up. I flick a switch then wait for the kettle to boil. Proceeding to put two tea bags in two cups, i grab a jug of milk and bring it over to the lounge area, i place the beverages on the table in front of us. Felix sighs as he sips his drink, opening his mouth as he’s getting ready to speak. “I’m so sorry for coming here at.. 12 in the morning. Look, I have a photo shoot in a few hours and I think it’ll be best to get ready now. I knew you’d be awake so I just came here” he explains, “sure, sit over there. I’ll be there soon.” I chuckle as i point towards the lit up studio mirror and gesture him to sit down.
I sigh and open my mouth to speak. “Oh my god. Sunshine, I’ve given you a makeover on both Tuesday and Thursday this week, you really wanna see me don’t you? Anyways, hair first I’m guessing?” Felix nods in response to his hair being done first.
I start brushing his hair then I work my fingers in a pattern to braid it.
“So when are you free for the next appointment?” A smile pulls at his lips; with the obvious intent of wanting to annoy me.
“You’re annoying.. you know you’re pretty much my only client. I’m free most of the time. Expect for Fridays, those are my ‘Felix free’ days.” Bloody hell. This man can act so much like a child sometimes,
It’s insane!
Being friends with the LEE FELIX is and has been more chaotic than I thought.
I place my hands on his shoulders. I see that stupid smile plastered on his face once again.
“Makeup time?” Felix asks, saying exactly what I was going to. Wouldn’t be surprised if he could dig into peoples brains and say what they were going to before they had the chance to. “Just sit on my bed it would be easiest, more comfortable than the couch or chairs. Plus, either way, I have more supplies in my room”.
We go into my bedroom, i sit Felix down on my bed. I place myself in his lap as i apply the foundation, powder and blush. Making a base for the makeup. I lean into him further, applying the eyeliner. I grab his face with my other hand as i steady it to draw the wing on.
“You’re closer than usual” he chuckles and opens his eyes, making me blush automatically as he stares into my eyes.
“Because i.. just shut up!” “You sure don’t look like you want me to shut up..” I feel coldness on my waist making me squirm, Felix’s hands slowly wrap around my waist, pulling me in close. “Hey hey hey, I’m just joking around. If you want I’ll sto-“
I cut him off by leaning into him more and cutting him off with my lips. My knees rest on either side of his hips. Beginning to pull away due to realisation of my actions, but it doesn’t work. I feel myself getting drawn towards Felix once again he pulls me closer so both of our lips are touching before turning me around and proceeding to pin me onto the wall. Letting me take a small breather too.
”I’m sorry this is so wrong in so many ways..”
Felix whispers, i watch his cheeks flushed from embarrassment. “I.. don’t care, we’re already this far and.. I need you. I need you so badly please.. Sunshine please..” his hand slides up my thigh as I say that. A shiver runs through me as he hooks his fingers under my panties.
“I wanna taste you so bad baby.. come here” Felix positions my legs around his neck so he can easily eat me to paradise.
Fuck, I can’t wait any longer. “I need your mouth honey..” a moan escapes my mouth, I push his head more into me. The noises get louder as they slip out of my mouth in response to him licking little flickers on my clit. He slides 2 fingers into my hole, pumping them in slowly before speeding up and repeatedly pounding my g spot. Felix moves up to my lips and kisses me slowly and lovingly as he fingers my cunt. “Mm… you.. mhmmm.. are you.. close?” He groans between kisses.
“ahh.. D-don’t stop.. nghh.. I’m about to-!” My head falls back against the wall along with my moans of ecstasy as I release my juices all over his fingers.
“I guess we have to redo my makeup in a bit, we have ages though. Let’s cuddle up with each other for now~ I’m tired.”
Felix groans and wraps his arms around me, snuggling into my chest before resting his eyes. I’ll have to wake him soon or I can redo his makeup while he’s asleep.
Originally posted on my ao3
© 2023 skulla_rxcks
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sharkymoji · 3 years ago
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my family is really struggling for money right now, and i personally don’t have a source of income, so i’ve decided to start doing commissions for custom emojis! well, that plus i find it hard to do free requests and i think this would be a better way to go about that sort of thing.
note: text emojis are still free and can be done by request! that’s why they’re not on here
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[check commission page for how many slots are open!]
basic emoji - $5
emojis drawn on my circular base
custom emoji - $8 [each additional expression/variant is +$4]
emojis that have to be drawn from scratch - ie hands, two emojis kissing, half-body emojis, etc.
character emoji set - $20 [each additional expression is +$4]
a set of emojis based on a fictional character
the default expressions are - happy, sad, angry, tired, annoyed, pleading
if you would like a different expression instead of one of the ones listed, or an extra one on top of the default 6, this will have to be specified in the commission
will/won’t do
will do mildly suggestive emojis
will do humans with animal features (ears, tails, etc.)
will do stim emojis
will do “fusions” of default emojis
won’t do anything explicit/nsfw
won’t do most emojis involving drawing actual animals (exceptions apply)
won’t do emojis of characters from media i’m entirely unfamiliar or uncomfortable with*
* i don’t have a list of media i am fine with, but honestly if it’s popular enough that you would say that most tumblr users have probably heard of it, i probably have too and im willing to consider that “familiar”
further info can be found here:
[ko-fi commissions page]
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stresswriterblog · 3 years ago
BAB:TQFTIM Fan Continuation
Howdy, Y’all!
If you recognise the absolute keyboard slam of an acronym in the title, I’d say I’ve found my target audience!
So this is a project that I think will be a fun little thing to do on the side as some writing practice, nothing too serious, and will hopefully bring joy to fellow BABTQFTIM enjoyers :)
I am no longer a fan or supporter of Rouge herself. As I’m sure many of you have heard the drama surrounding her Undertale art, there are many things she has done wrong which I simply cannot ignore.. When I was younger, I did not realise the weight of some of these things, but now that I’ve reviewed it after a few years, I no longer support her. This is why, while I will still credit her for her creation of BAB:TQFTIM, my likeness for the SERIES is separate to her. Her Undertale work was tainted with a lot of what caused this controversy, but thankfully BAB:TQFTIM has not had these themes. There WAS a ‘Stripper AU’, but it was quickly taken down by Rouge herself and was separate from the original series. Therefore I am still comfortable with this series, but Rouge and her Undertale art crossed many lines.
Before I get right into this, allow me to introduce myself.
I am (or will go by) Stress, I’m a guy (he/him), aaand I am something of a writer. When I was like 13, I used to adore Rouge’s work, and especially her series, BAB:TQFTIM.
I decided to go on a bit of a nostalgia trip recently, and found the series again. I was quite disappointed to realise it was over, until I decided.. Hey, why not continue it myself?
So here I am! A socially inept, stage-frightful disaster, deciding to continue a story which once had a huge following. While I am terrified of such an audience, and do not know if anyone will see this anyways, I also want to bring the continuation and eventual conclusion to a story that was not only dear to my heart, but to many others as well.
I never really used Tumblr much except to read the story, and admittedly this site is pretty dead, but hopefully it can still be a nice place for old fans to reconnect over this series.
Now, to focus on the actual story itself.
First things first, I am NOT an artist. I am a writer... Or rather, attempting to become one. I’ve got many novels in the works, but thanks to ADHD--this is now the only thing I can focus on writing.
While I will not be able to draw like Rouge did, if any other artists out there would be willing to do so, feel completely free!
I’d also like to touch on some aspects of the story:
- Regarding the gay aspects of the series, namely Felix questioning his sexuality and Bendy’s crush on Felix, will still be kept but may be portrayed slightly differently. In 2017, it was still less accepted to show, but now I would like to include it in a better light. It seems Bendy has some slight internalised homophobia, while Felix has never allowed himself to explore his sexuality and is now having some internal conflict. As a gay person myself, I do not want to see anyone fetishizing these aspects of the story, or being homophobic.
- This story featured a lot of dark subjects, such as abuse (Vanny and Brute), suicide/self-harm (Cuphead), and slight alcoholism (Bendy). I would like to put trigger warnings before any of these subjects show, whether actually written, or just generally referenced.
- Bendy’s Inkness is often also used as shock-factor, angst, bad-timing for intense moments, or just general character development, as he does not often show vulnerability except when being affected by his Inkness. For anyone with emetaphobia or general discomfort towards description of this character being in pain, I may also put trigger warnings before it. This will be just as present as it was in the original series, once per day, and possibly more if I choose to make it ‘get worse’.
- Though this will not be drawn (at least by me), there will be graphic content described, like Boris’ current injury from the Boulder-Spiders, Mugman’s injury in the earlier parts, etc. I probably will not put trigger warnings before this UNLESS you guys ask me too. I would be 100% willing to if that is the case.
- Continuing from the last three points; this story is generally very angsty. If it ain’t Bendy’s Inkness, it’s Cuphead’s fear of his own power, or Oswald’s grief, etc. Obviously so it can actually be a good story, I will be having fluff and generally enjoyable scenes in between. But to stay true to the original, this angst will still be present. It’s good for shock factor, for plot progression (OR to slow down the plot), and to get readers more reactive and emotionally invested in the characters. So... Yeah. Angst will return!
- I would like to continue this story in the same format as Rouge did, minus the art. Basically, I will begin posting some continuations, and if there are any askers, I will respond to those asks with more story (MOST of the time). I loved how it was almost an interactive story, where askers could check on certain characters, or interact with the characters to inform them of something, etc. So I would like to try that, if anyone shows interest in this. Askers will be portrayed as:
- Voices in one of the character’s head, or multiple if it is addressing more than one person.
- An actual person, an Anon, such as when an Anon kissed Bendy in the earlier parts of the story.
- Not actually present, but rather just gives me an idea of where to take the story in a direction to the asker’s request.
- One of the other characters. E.g. if an asker asks if Bendy is alright, Boris will actually be the one to ask if he’s alright.
- Underage characters will NOT be put into any inappropriate scenario, for example Boris, who is canonically 12. This was a huge controversy regarding Rouge for some sexual content she drew of underage Undertale fanon characters, which seems to have been one of the reasons Rouge discontinued the series and pretty much left Tumblr.
- Continuing from that point, sexual content will be kept to little to none. At the most, sexual flirts, innuendos, etc. MAY be included, but any actual explicit content will not be shown. There is a chance I may create a second account for more sexual content, if you guys show interest in that kind of thing, but this is not 100% certain and probably will not happen anytime soon.
- Regarding the main plot. Depending on how this continuation goes, I may do one of three things:
- If many people show interest in this: Write a continuation with the ask-box open, plenty of filler for everyone to enjoy, and the main plot will only happen occasionally so that this does not end super quickly.
- If very few people show interest in this: Write a continuation with minimal filler, just enough for the story to be enjoyable but it will end quickly. That way people receive an ending, without me trying to beat a dead horse.
- If no one shows interest in this: I’ll probably just delete this account lmao. I can just write it for myself, no need to share it if no one cares.
So... Yeah, that was a lot to read. But if you’re still here, hang in there! We’re almost done!
Buuuut back to me for a second here, because ~creator boundaries~!
All of these boundaries are stated in the case of this continuation actually gaining traction. I just figured I’d say it beforehand instead of having to state it in every point.
- Please do not spam the ask-box. I am adult and have a life outside of this, so if I am taking a while, that is most likely why.
- Please do not try to find out my real name, face, etc. My personal life is none of your business, and I will share what I want to, when I want to.
- Please understand that I am completely new to creating for an audience, and my content will not be the most professional, skilled, and confidently-created work. This is just for fun!
And finally, credit
I plan to give credit after every post to both Rouge and the original creators of the characters, but here I would just like to list out everyone.
Obviously, credit to @/Blogthegreatrouge ( @/thebbros ) for the characters and stories.
And of course, I must give credit to the original ORIGINAL creators of the characters in Bendy and Boris: The Quest for the Ink Machine. Those being:
Bendy, Boris, Alice: Credit to Joey Drew Studios and TheMeatly Games, developers of the original Bendy and the Ink Machine horror game.
Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Donald Duck, Goofy, Max Goof, Ortensia the Cat, etc.: Credit to Disney.
Felix the Cat: Credit to Pat Sullivan and Otto Messmer.
Cuphead and Mugman: Credit to Studio MDHR, developer of the Cuphead game.
Black Hat, Flug, etc:  Alan Ituriel, creator of the Villainous TV Show
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dragonanddirewolf · 3 years ago
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(Sneakily sharing lineart of my next piece! It’s actually ready to post but I’m spreading out the joys 😉 )
Thanks so much for the tag @cheesy-cryptid !
fandom tag game credit –> @dances-and-dolly-dresses
Were you an Austin, Baz or Elvis fan before seeing the movie? How about after?
100% Baz Luhrmann fan. I loved Romeo and Juliet, Moulin Rouge and Great Gatsby (my personal favourite). He was the reason why I went to see the movie (and knowing that Måneskin recorded a version of ‘If I can dream’!).
I always liked Elvis’ music but knew nothing about his life really so I went in pretty blindly
What is/are your favorite look(s) that Austin sports in the film?
Oh man there are SO many. I love his original pink and black suit, the black leather outfit in ‘68 come back and the black lace shirt with high waisted cream trousers. Those are my top three but, as a special extra, I must mention the silk printed shirt and chain belt he wears during the Vegas rehearsal 🤤
Most memorable scene or line?
Soooo many. I loved the whole Trouble performance so much and I think the bit where he sings ‘Glory glory’ in the opening sequence is one of the most powerful cinematic experiences I’ve ever had
But my absolute favourite must be the initial bit where Colonel meets Elvis. The way they shot that with only showing Elvis from behind and then the big reveal at the end. I thought it was so beautifully done.
Favourite (sad) quote : Daddy, I’ve been playing this mausoleum for a hundred years how are we broke?
What are your top 3 favorite songs on the soundtrack?
Baby let’s play house
If I can dream
How many times have you seen the film in theaters?
Five. I bought an unlimited cinema card especially for this purpose. I’m still planning to come back next week 🙈
What kind of fan content do you like to create/consume? (fics, gifs, ect)
Fanart! I’ve been drawing for different fandoms throughout the years but now I’m a full Elvis/Austin convert
Wherabouts in the world are you from? (be as general or as specific as you’re comfortable with)
I’m from the UK 🇬🇧
Are you active in other fandoms? If so, which one(s)?
I’m still relatively active in the Jonerys fandom (GoT)
List 3 fun facts about yourself/your interests.
I have drawn over 300 Jonerys illustrations in a space of two years and the following year I posted a finished drawing every day on Instagram for 6 months. I like to draw 🤣
I love historical romance novels- Philippa Gregory is my favourite
I have a gorgeous white fluffy cat called Bobby
Unfortunately I’m very new to the fandom so haven’t made many friends yet! Please feel free to take part if you feel like it 😊
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hamstersnamedmarinette · 4 years ago
An Announcement: Hamsternamedmarinette Edition
I feel silly making this post less than an hour after @anna-scribbles made her post, but her post described everything I’ve been feeling for the past year to a T, and I chose to see it as a sign to finally do what I should’ve done a long time ago-- step back from this blog and refocus on what really matters in my life: my friends, my family, my faith, and my future (I did not mean for that to be alliterative oh man how cringey). 
Anna was right when she said that having a popular blog takes over your life. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I spend so much time scrolling through my notifications to see all the compliments people have to give. Compulsively checking my inbox to see if anyone’s sent an ask. I do this alone in my free time, or when I’m hanging out and having fun with my sister or friends, or when I have a million other obligations that are much more important. How many followers I have, how many compliments I get-- it’s on my mind practically all the time, and I hate it. 
Make no mistake, I love this community, I love this show, and I LOVE making comics about it. I love knowing I’ve made someone laugh with my silly little ideas. And I love that this blog has allowed me to overcome a particular source of anxiety that I used to feel: the fear of publishing anything that isn’t perfect. I’m a realism artist first and foremost, and as such, I used to hate the idea of anyone seeing a drawing of mine that didn’t look like a photograph. Doing all my sloppily drawn comics made me realize that drawing is just supposed to be for fun. Same goes for writing-- Years ago I wouldn’t have even THOUGHT about letting people read anything I’ve written. But through this community’s support, I’ve grown much more confident in my writing, and as a result have much more fun doing it. 
But among all those positives there’s still the fact that I’ve been distancing myself from the things that matter most to me. I don’t want to be the person who has to ask my sister to repeat herself because I was too busy looking at my blog. I don’t want to be the person who immediately thinks “how can I turn this into a comic?” whenever anything funny happens to me. I want to enjoy my life for what it is again. 
So yeah-- I’m sorry you’re losing two beloved content creators in one day, but I truly think this is the best decision for both me and Anna. Don’t worry, I’m not deleting this blog, and I fully intend on coming back to it someday. I just don’t know when that day will be. 
Oh, and to those wondering-- I am still going to update Temporary Place to Stay (and possibly write other fics)! I just won’t make update posts on Tumblr. And as for Rednana.... I really wanted to make a Triple Gooberberry Surprise artwork for my birthday, but seeing as my birthday is in five days and I haven’t started on that yet, I suppose it wasn’t going to happen anyway. Sorry @bugaboo-n-bananoir :( 
Goodbye for now, ML Tumblr! It’s been an absolute blast! I love you all! 
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tenebrius-excellium · 3 years ago
It’s interesting hearing your thoughts on the audio version of the httyd books specifically, because the books had a lot of illustrations that really influenced how some people remember the scenes. Like - you know how you said you don’t like horror? Trust me, that part where the Witch tells Hiccup a story was just as horrifying, if not slightly more so, in the physical book. From the second Hiccup falls into the tree prison, the pages are black with white text (except for some lines on the edges representing the tree’s trunk). Then, when the Witch goes disturbingly silent, you turn the page and BOOM - Toothless’s eye beams light up the Witch’s shrieking figure in stark black and white.
The books are full of drawings that look like they were drawn by an old man with shaky hands, basic artistic talent, and a feather pen full of ink. They add a ton of atmosphere to the story (there’s at least one per page, and many of them are embedded into the text), so it’s cool seeing you absorb the story without them - kind of like seeing what stands up on its own and what was “helped along” by the illustrations.
Anyway, when you’re done with the series on audio, I’d recommend finding physical copies of the books and flipping through them to see the illustrations! They start out pretty basic and get more detailed (and more powerful) as the books go on. There are a couple of full-page spreads that still make me shiver just thinking about them.
Oh my gosh. That sounds so awesome. Do you own the books??? Would you mind submitting that particular illustration of the Witch towering over Hiccup to me?? I would very much like to see it! O_O
Yeah I am personally fascinated by the audio experience as well. I haven’t really listened to a book before. The voice that David Tennant provides for each different character is hilarious and spot on. I also find it very relaxing to just lie somewhere and listen. I’ve spent my summer at the lake and on some grass under the sun, while hearing Berk’s story told a different way. It’s really something!
I decided to do this after purchasing the first book and finding myself underwhelmed by the typesetting. It made me realize that the exact illustrative style that would make the book appealing to a kid, greatly disrupted my reading experience as an adult. It wasn’t about the drawings but about the actual typesetting with the font sometimes in all caps and the onomatopoeia and everything. So I thought to myself, look, I know this story is good. I’m going to give it another shot, I just need a different type of media to properly enjoy it. It’s amazing the difference it makes. Plus, the audiobooks are free! ;)
Thanks for asking, B!
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themanicnami · 4 years ago
Hey guys! So as you know I’ve been dealing with some unfortunate circumstances due to COVID-19. Permanent lay-off from my main job effective as of Sept. 28th and unemployment in my state near impossible to get. I have an appointment with them but it will no longer let people file online. You can only do it by appointment now.
I know a lot of others are suffering severely as well - but if anyone has any spare income and wants a reading please feel free to IM me or send me an ask or (preferably) send me a submission form.
For readings I will need an email address to send the invoice to.
The Readings I Offer
Tarot Readings
A simple thing that many offer but with my readings you will receive images of the spreads and cards taken and any other addition items added (crystals drawing, colormancy, etc)
1 Card Reading - $1.50
3 Card Reading - $3.00
5 Card Reading - $5.00
10 Card Reading - $8.00
Custom Spreads or Requests - Up for Discussion
Past Life Readings
My bread and butter! Every interested in delving down into the lives you may have experienced in the past? Are you wanting to do some soul searching or get back to some of your old energy of those times? Well these readings are wonderful for self discovery, self reflection and to improve yourself over flaws of history.
Standard Reading (5 Cards) - $5.00
The standard past life reading is where I do a 5 card spread based off of the custom spread I created personally for past life readings. These readings will consist of: early life, teenage life, young adult life, adult life, and late life. Additional notes may be added to the reading by me.
Full Reading (10 Cards) - $8.50
The standard past life reading is where I do a 10 card spread based off of the custom spread I created personally for past life readings. These readings will consist of: early life, teenage life, young adult life, adult life, late life, how you were seen by others, your inner self/personality, your purpose in this life, if you met any of your soulmates, and how this life effects your current one. Additional notes may be added to the reading by me.
Full Reading + 3 Cards - $11.00
This reading is like the full reading, but with the addition of 3 more cards added to the end of the spread. These cards can be picked from a list of specifics that you wish to know more about this past life for more specific info. You may choose which of the three areas of the 10 you wish to add a card (or cards) to for more detail.
Full Reading + 5 Cards - $12.50
This reading is identical to the full reading with the addition of another 5 card spread afterwards. This additional 5 card spread will help us determine in more detail your past life in specific aspects: the time period, the location, your lifestyle (job, family, social class), your biggest fears and your goals/dreams of this life.
Small Reading - $3.00
This is my affordable cheaper option for those with a tighter budget. It is a smaller version of my standard reading featuring the first 5 cards of the standard reading: early life, teenage life, young adult life, adult life and late life.
My readings using custom colormancy cards made from my color theory test kit. With these colors much like other forms of card readings, I will use them and their alignments to draw answers for your questions or inquiries.
One Card - $1.00
Two Cards - $1.50
Three Cards - $2.50
Five Cards - $4.00
Crystal Throwing
A crystal throwing reading is using a bunch of different crystals and a large grid and tossing randomly selected crystals onto the grid and interpreting that for divination purposes. You may also do single drawn stones from a bag or box for single simple answers.
How the reading will work:
I will receive your question(s) and then using them as a guide will throw the crystals I draw onto my grid. I will interpret the patter, placement and the crystals correspondences to give you a detailed reading. I will also take a picture of the grid and the crystals upon it.
The price for a standard crystal reading will be $7.00 and for every additional throwing or question you would like to add is another $3.00.
I also have an option for if you want a Large Throwing consisting of answering 5 questions and taking the use of many more crystals than a standard throwing it is $11.50.
I also offer single stone drawings for $1.00 a stone.
Energy Readings
My energy readings are not the same as aura readings, I will read your energy via what visions I get, imagery, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings. I type out my readings while I experience them (likely with my eyes closed) and will go back through to correct spelling errors before sending. Sometimes these readings delve into divination other times they don’t. I will then take what I see, feel and witness and interpret it more deeply for you and send that.
The price is 6.50 for a basic energy reading. A full detailed or extended one with additional tarot cards, crystals or other added insights can be requested and price discussed.
If you need more details on energy readings feel free to look at my Energy Reading Page
Pendulum Readings
A simple reading but good for anyone who needs simple brief answers.
One Question = $1.00
Each additional Question = $1.00
5 Question Bundle = $4.50
10 Question Bundle = $9.00
Spirit or Entity Communication = IM me to discuss possible price depending on entity/spirit, length of reading and number of questions
Deity Communication/Entity Communication
Need some help communicating with a new deity, entity or spirit? I am happy to do my best to assist you with this!
Basic Deity Communication Spread - $12.00
This reading will be done with a spread I have made and used for deity communication to contact and get information from the deity. Additional cards may be added as needed each for $1.
Add Energy Reading - add. $5.00
If needed or desired I can add on an energy reading of you and possibly the deity/entity itself onto the standard basic reading above for an additional fee
A simple reading using the playlists I have saved and relating song themes, lyrics and emotions to determine the future or advice.
Price: $4.00 for a standard, $6.50 for two songs/extended reading
Readings are currently what are allowing me to buy groceries, pay off my transit pass and purchase necessities and stay ontop of things while my part-time job is covering rent at this time. I do not know if my job that let me go will open positions and call me in the future, they seemed to let everyone go/position removal as of this past week as an indication they may be shutting down until tourism improves. 
So if you are interested in readings please feel free to reach out and IM me or send me an ask/submission. I just need email addresses to send the invoices.
Readings usually take between 7 to 14 days and they are done Sundays through Tuesdays as to not interfere with my part-time hours.
Thank you all for helping me with this. If you cannot request a commission, please reblog and signal boost this if you can. Money will be tight, my city is about to fully shut down with little to no support from our local government. I also accept tips through my Ko-Fi page as well.
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