#but I’m very happy with the results ahhh
pommegrantaire · 4 months
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but we’re different from the others
‘cause we share the same pain
NaruGaa 4 lyfe 🧡❤️
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obaex · 6 months
the blind date - rafe cameron
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summary: your friends set you and rafe up on a blind date, but it doesn't go quite as you'd expected.
words: 1.7k
a/n: based on this request ♡♡ the way this has me giggling and kicking my feet in the air - ahhhh!
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“Alright lemme make sure I have this straight: unlimited access to your jet skis for the rest of the summer, your season tickets to the first two Panthers home games, and two cases of whatever beer I want?” Rafe confirmed, looking over to the driver’s seat at his friend Dylan who huffed in reply and rubbed a hand over his face.
“Yes, dude, that’s what we agreed on. Christ, it’s a blind date, not a death sentence. I swear to God if Maddie didn’t put me up to this, I would’ve left your ass to wallow at home alone.”
“I’m doing you a favor” Rafe replied, “It’s the least you could do.”
“I’m telling you she’s hot, you know you might actually be into her, did you even consider that?”
Rafe looked at him completely perplexed. “What makes you think I’m even looking for a girl? I do just fine as it is, thank you very much, plus you and I have very different tastes.” A pause. “Can I please see her insta?”
“We’ve been over this. No. Maddie said it would defeat the purpose of the ‘blind’ part of a blind date.”
“So fucking stupid” Rafe said as he shook his head and looked out the passenger side window.
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You had gotten to the restaurant early; your best friend Maddie wanted to make sure every little thing was perfect and she was practically bubbling over with excited energy at the prospect of your blind date.
“This is going to be amazing, I just know it!!!” she said enthusiastically. “He is so your type, I will be at your wedding, babes, I swear it! Ahhh!” She had pulled you into the bathroom and was fluffing up your hair, touching up your lip gloss and tugging at your dress.
“So happy you went with this one, like yes you will thank me later, you look so damn hot.”
For all her flustered energy, you appreciated her hype and as you looked in the mirror you kinda had to agree with her. She had helped with your hair and makeup and the result was truly stunning; you had just the right amount of makeup on to make your natural beauty pop. Your dress was a little more revealing than you were used to, but it did make you feel confident and who knows, the way she talked about this guy, maybe it would all work out?
“Okay, okay, enough fussing, I’m already nervous enough. Can we please get a drink? I need a drink” you said, moving to walk out of the bathroom as she checked her own appearance in the mirror one last time before following you.
“Yes, good idea, you go loosen up, I’m going to make sure they got us that table by the window.”
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You sidled up to the bar and leaned your arms on it, happy to have a moment’s reprieve from Maddie’s frenetic energy as you looked around in an attempt to distract yourself. The restaurant was really cute, coastal and modern and there was a sizable crowd between the bar and dining area. The steady thump of tropical house music played softly in the background which calmed your nerves and lifted your mood.
Within moments the bartender spotted you and made his way over. He was just about to greet you when he glanced over your shoulder. “Rafe! What’s up!” he said enthusiastically. “So sorry m’am, just one moment” he apologized as he clapped hands with the tall stranger that had walked up beside you. “What can I get you, bro?”
Rafe was smiling at the bartender and glanced at you briefly when he realized you’d been snubbed. It was a quick glance but he did a double take before he could control himself. You were… simply perfect. Your face held an expression of amusement and surprise with a clear smile that rested on perfectly glossed lips. You had an effortless air about you like you woke up every morning looking that good and then immediately every part of him wanted to know what you’d really look like in the morning… in his bed… at Tanneyhill… the sun reaching through the blinds…
What the fuck is the matter with me? he thought suddenly. And then, Fuck. Was I staring?
The bartender was looking at him expectantly with an eyebrow raised. He asked me something. Drink. A drink. What do I want to drink?
“Yeah man, I’ll have a bourbon, neat, and uh, whatever she wants” he replied, nodding his head towards you.
You smirked at him before glancing at the bartender, “Spicy margarita please, and since he’s paying, I’ll take it with Patrón.”
“Oof” Rafe said, grabbing his chest with his hand like you’d delivered a physical blow to him, “Way to take advantage.”
You laughed and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Yeah, well, I don’t believe in coincidences, and it just so happens I need some liquid courage. If a handsome stranger is offering, I’m taking top shelf.”
Rafe pursed his lips and nodded, trying to tamp down the feeling in his heart that you'd called him handsome. He glanced back towards the door to see if he could see Dylan and couldn’t find him. Good he thought, allowing himself to feel guilty for half a second until he refocused on the sight of you in front of him.
He cleared his throat. “So, uh, liquid courage?” he asked.
“I’m meeting a date here actually” you said, shaking your head, your blushed cheeks turning slightly rosier. “It’s a whole thing…” you trailed off, waving your hand dismissively.
Rafe couldn’t reason with himself why he felt so angry that you were here for someone else. Thankfully the drinks arrived which gave him a moment to process as he watched you take a deep sip of your drink.
‘What asshole doesn’t pick a girl up and take her on the date himself?’ he thought. Well, he thought he thought before he realized he’d said it out loud as you nearly choked on your drink in laughter.
You shook your head again, smiling and laughing “It’s not like that, it’s –”
“—Nah, I’m sorry, it’s not my business, I shouldn’t have said that” he interrupted, mortified that he'd let that slip.
“You’re fine” you reassured him. “It was sweet. It’s nice to know there are still decent men out there willing to keep things chivalrous.”
I would’ve picked you up he thought. On time. Walked to your front door. Flowers in hand.
His head was spinning. What the fuck is going on with me. He looked down at his drink and then drank it in one swig. When he set the glass down, he caught your look of amusement as he coughed.
“You good?” you asked, giggling.
He grimaced, “I will be” he said, holding up his empty to signal the bartender for another.
“Is my company that bad?” you joked.
His eyes darted to yours, “Quite the opposite, sweetheart” he said in a low voice that you felt from your beating heart to your fingertips to your belly and shaky knees. Shit you thought as you registered the effect this man had on you.
You blushed and met his warm gaze, realizing for the first time how deeply blue his eyes were, like sapphires. The two of you stood there, an arms-length away and it was like time stood still. You could feel your pulse in your throat, feel your body tingling like it was physically reacting to his proximity. Was he stepping closer to you or were you imagining it? His eyes left yours for only an instant to look at your lips and in that moment he had you hook line and sinker.
Suddenly, your phone buzzed on the bar in front of you and you jumped. He took an imperceptible step back, clearing his throat.
“S-sorry” you mumbled, quickly swiping open a text from Maddie: ‘Where r u?!!!!”
“I-I’ve got to…” you waved your phone by way of excuse and nodded your head towards the tables, literally unable to string a sentence together at this point.
“Yeah, no problem” Rafe said, as casually as he could muster as you moved to leave. “Try to have a good time. And, hey” he said, capturing your attention one more time “Tell this guy he better give you a ride next time, okay? None of this high school ‘I’ll meet you there’ shit, okay?”
You laughed at your little inside joke and met his gaze one more time before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
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Rafe’s next drink arrived and he slammed it back instantly before settling the tab, leaving a hefty cash tip and making his way towards the dining room.
Dylan fucking owes me he thought through gritted teeth, grimacing all the way through the crowded room, replaying your smile, the way you'd looked at him through thick eyelashes, even the way you’d smelled: like vanilla and coconut.
He was clenching and unclenching his fists as he searched the crowd, willing this godawful date to be over before it had even started. Finally he caught a glimpse of Maddie’s bright hair and Dylan’s frame at a table by the window; he moved to shift around several people when his eyes met yours, seated next to Maddie, across from an empty seat.
“Oh my god” you said, covering your mouth with your hand, stifling a fit of laughter and joy when you caught his eye.
He began to laugh too, the tension in his body immediately dissipating as he rubbed a hand over his face in an attempt to wipe away the goofy grin he felt there as he took his seat.
“What is going on, do you two know each other, what am I missing?” Maddie demanded.
“Nothing, it’s nothing, Mads” you said, giggling as your eyes danced and twinkled at Rafe.
She narrowed her eyes as they darted between the two of you. “Okaayyyyy, well YN, this is Rafe!”
“So, so nice to meet you” you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm, though you were thrilled to actually know his name.
“The pleasure is truly mine, sweetheart” he played back, a knowing smile resting on his lips that had you bursting at the seams as you two ogled each other.
Maddie and Dylan looked at you both like you were crazy as you just stared and giggled at one another before they gave up and settled back into their own conversation and you and Rafe picked up your menus.
“Tomorrow at 7:00” Rafe said just quietly enough for you to hear him as he pretended to eye the menu.
“What?” you whispered in reply.
“Be ready tomorrow at 7:00. I’m taking you out. And I’ll be picking you up this time” he said as he shot you a smirk over his menu.
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taglist: @ietss, @gillybear17, @palmwinemami, @moremaybank, @one-sweet-gubler, @m-indkiller, @diary-of-jj, @crlsummer
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 5 months
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POV: There’s a spiky-haired ginger nearby.
Ack, just a few more days, and it’d be a whole month exactly since my last post 🫠 oops… I am working on things, I swear, it’s just, they’re taking longer than I thought they would… And I’ve also just been busy in general, too (not too busy, but busy all the same).
So realizing just how long it’s been, decided to sketch a quick lovestruck Hime because <3 <3 Played around with colors and rendering whilst staying loosey-goosey with it—was fun; especially love those pinks sm… I need more pink sketches, tbh, haha.
No, but I should probably let myself do doodles like this more often, especially in between longer projects (and not, like, dip for a month, ahhh). Helps with being 1) a warm-up (would you believe I barely do warm-ups? ‘Cause I barely do warm-ups… I have awful drawing/writing habits ^^;;;), 2) being a bit more experimental without me nitpicking, and 3) making me feel better about my art in general. ‘Cause, like, part of why it’s taking so long to get a proper post out is because I keep redrawing the same thing over and over again and haven’t even started on coloring…
These, however, can look flawed on purpose, but I’m also just really happy with the result! Ahhh, Hime’s a precious bab, especially a smitten Hime 🥺🥹 (which I don’t draw as often as a smitten Ichigo, I don’t think; she’s, like, more happy/delighted than full-on endeared—shame, shame, shame on me… But, like, his soft puppy dog eyes are also ✨everything✨).
That being said, do expect my next post to be soon (at least, not in a month’s time again…). At the very least, I do plan on whipping up a quick Mother’s Day post (it sneaks up on me every year, so I can’t ever plan one…). But a proper post shouldn’t take much longer after that, I don’t think. I’ll discuss more then.
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staygoldwriting · 1 year
💌 To the Steve I Loved Before: Part 3
A Steve Harrington TATBILB!AU fic
Read Part 1 and Part 2!
Summary: Y/N has written love letters to get over her deepest crushes. What happens when Steve Harrington gets his hands on her letter to him?
Disclaimer: This is inspired by the To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before series by Jenny Han! I have used none of her characters, but have only used the premise of a love letter in the wrong hands.
Word count: ~1k
Warnings: None, just fluff as usual 
A/N: AHHH this is my favorite chapter so far! It’s largely Eddie, but don’t worry... Steve will be around very soon! Things are starting to get tense, folks 🙈 Please let me know what you think, and, as always, please show love and support! ❤️✨ If you want to join the taglist, don’t be afraid to ask! I’m happy to add you 🤗
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You sat at the desk and tapped your fingers anxiously, the idea of Eddie reading your letter running rampant through your mind. You sighed heavily, then fiddled with your nails, chipping the polish off. 
You worked at Contempo Casuals in the Starcourt Mall, the newest and most popular hangout spot in Hawkins. As a result, you were on high alert for Eddie, but you doubted he even knew where you worked. Nonetheless, you tried your best to stay toward the back of the store. As you turned to fold some clothes, Robin rushed up to you and slammed her hands on the counter. 
“Y/N!” she gasped. “What happened at home, update me!”
“My dad sent the letters out,” you said in defeat as Robin covered her mouth in shock. “Most of them are going to the wrong address, but two are gonna make it.”
“Which ones?” she asked grimly.
“Kevin S,” you said, and Robin nodded. “And Eddie Munson.”
“Oh no,” Robin breathed, her face going pale. “That was the letter, right?” 
“Yup. The only one that’s worse is Steve’s,” you said, folding shirts. 
“Aw man,” Robin huffed. “What are you gonna do?”
“Avoid him until it all blows over,” you said. “I mean, I’ll be leaving soon, and we never cross paths regularly, so I’m trying not to worry.”
“Well, if I got a love letter from someone, and if it was as sappy as the one you gave him, I’d be trying to find you,” Robin shrugged.
“Helpful,” you said bluntly. 
“I’m just saying, be on your guard,” Robin said, checking her watch. “I’ve gotta go, but come by after your shift and I’ll hook you up with some free ice cream.”
“Thanks, Rob, see you, and cross your fingers I don’t see him!” you called as Robin left.
You sighed and went back to folding shirts. He won’t come looking for me, you thought to yourself. He barely even knows who I am, it was just a camp crush, we never even talked afterward. You kept folding and thinking when you heard someone come into the store.
“Welcome to Contempo Casuals,” you called halfheartedly. 
You tensed up and turned to look at Eddie Munson, who was standing at the counter, holding your letter to him. 
“Can-can we talk, please?” he asked gently. You nodded grimly, then looked down at the letter. He chuckled softly and looked at it.
“So, you think I have an angelic voice?” he asked, a small blush appearing across his cheeks. “I-I had no idea you felt like this.”
“You weren’t meant to get the letter,” you mumbled, and he cocked his head to the side.
“Why not? I’m very flattered, by the way, thank you for saying all those sweet things,” he smiled softly, making you blush and your heart beat wildly. 
“Can I look at the letter again? Please?” you asked. Eddie shrugged and handed it over.
Dear Eddie,
Spending this past summer with you has been nothing short of a dream. I wish that I could still wake up to see you everyday as I’ve grown used to doing. I miss seeing you all grumbly in the morning, hair a mess as you trudged to brush your teeth. I miss the way you’d lean on my shoulder as we ate our breakfast, you still half asleep. 
When you complimented the way my hair smelled, I washed it twice a day so it always smelled like wildflowers--that’s the way you described it. And when you nicknamed me Wildflower, my heart skipped a thousand beats. I wish I could be your wildflower forever.
Whenever we worked together as counselors, I felt our connection grow. I stole so many glances at you. Did you ever look at me? You probably didn’t, why would you? I can’t ever be as beautiful as you are, inside or out. I can tell that you’re a good person, Eddie. I can tell by the way you sing with that voice of yours, it’s like an angel’s. Sometimes I think you spared me by never singing a love song (at the risk of falling for you more, if it’s even possible), but I can’t help but wish that I could hear you sing to me, just me. 
I love you, Eddie Munson, and I dream of a day that we can be together. For now, I’ll have to do with the memories.
Forever loving you,
You looked at the letter with pure dread. Your hands went clammy and your throat went dry. You tried to compose yourself as you looked back at Eddie, trying to avoid eye contact.
“I’m gonna need this back,” you said, folding it up.
“No way,” Eddie said, grabbing your hand, making you gasp. “Please, I’m sorry, but no one’s ever written me something this nice before. Can I please keep it?”
“Um,” you hesitated.
“I won’t show a soul, I promise!” he said quickly. “I’ll keep it in a box in another box in my room or something, I’ll keep it private, always!”
“Well, fine,” you said quietly. “But no one else, okay?” you asked, finally looking into his eyes.
“Cross my heart,” he smirked, making the motions. “But I do wanna tell you, Y/N, in the gentlest way possible, I-I don’t feel the same,” he said sympathetically.
Great. You’ve just gone through the greatest embarrassment of your life, and it turns out, you spent an entire summer falling for a guy who never gave you a second look. You could’ve sworn he felt something back, but here he was, telling you that you don’t mean any more to him than one of his friends. Maybe even less. You felt overwhelmed with the rejection and suddenly got desperate and incredibly foolish. 
“It’s okay, I don’t feel that way anymore,” you said, trying to sound casual. 
“You don’t?” he asked gently.
“No, no, I don’t, so don’t worry at all!” you said, forcing a laugh. “Besides, I’ve got a boyfriend now.”
“Wait, really?” Eddie asked, smiling. “That’s awesome, Y/N, who is it?”
Before you could stop yourself, you blurted out the first name that came to mind.
“Steve Harrington.”
Taglist: @tillkummer​ @mlle-ayka​ @sonicthehedgedoggo​ @klaine-92​ @aurumbelis​ @onlyangel-444​ @beep-beep-sherlock​ @morishitoshi​ @onceuponathreetwoone​ @toomanybandstocare​ @underthebatcape​ @zeldaknight​ @fieldofsecretss​ @prettyinpunk85​ @igotbasicdrag @gothicfaires​ @thatonecurlygirl​ @luvthatlovestolove​ @loliakeoghan23​ @dearelliewrites​ @mslunawinchester​ @aphex2winn @simonsbluee​ @inkedaztec​ @dumplinshee​ @pastel-abyss-x​ @frozenhuntress67​ @hawkins-hs @witheringawayagain​ @theshinyrock​ @hollandcomics @pinkgothiccprincess​ @persephone13​ @katsukis1wife​ @murnsondock​ @fictionlandslanddreams​ @srapalestina​ @babyghouly​ @madformunsonsstuff​ @harrys-tittie @middle--fingering​ @urmomgov​ @maybankstarkey​ @jbetches @stardustmunson @maltinonka​ @chaerfull​ @middle-of-the-earth​ @lilsunshine1092​
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seiberries · 1 year
HII I HAVE A REQUEST PLEASE 🫶🫶 protective bachira who baby’s you? 😍😍 i’m a sucker for him hope you’re well and don’t feel like you need to do this! take care 🩷🩷
ahh I’ll do my best on this!! he seems like the type, very clingy! take care too <3
lovesickness : bachira meguru
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bachira meguru x gn!reader / listen to: glue song - beabadoobee
warnings: none! + note though, bachira and reader are aged up here but it’s because they’re at the point of being live-ins
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you were supposed to leave a good ten minutes ago, the clock in your bedroom ticked every second that passed. but you couldn’t. a certain bachira meguru prevented you from doing so. 
“megs, i need to go.” you whine, trying to pull yourself out of his grasp; he would not budge. he whined back at you in protest, still trying to pull you back into bed with him.
your childhood friend had contacted you about a week ago, asking to meet up since they were in town. you agreed, not knowing that the consequences of your actions would result to a very clingy boyfriend. to make things worse, he was being so cute right now- it was getting impossibly difficult to say no to him.
meguru rarely got freetime like this either, it was soccer season. he had been training day and night, barely catching you before you went to bed. you could understand why he was being like this, but you had to go. what would you say to your friend if you couldn’t make it? 
“hey, my boyfriend is being clingy and won’t let me go out. i’ll contact you when i’m free of his arms, thank you!” you couldn’t say that, could you? obviously not.
“what if you said you were sick?” 
your boyfriend felt an upward tug on his lips at his idea. it was brilliant, to him, at least. it was an “aha” moment. similar to the ones his friend isagi had, but, more tame in nature. he didn’t have fierce ego surrounding him, but an aura of affection and neediness instead.
you thought about it, pausing from your struggle. lying was bad… but, it might be even worse to leave meguru here in this state; you definitely were not just making up excuses for what you were about to decide on. his lips pouted as he waited for your decision, with hopeful eyes staring at you- your boyfriend looked like a dejected puppy. even his hair matched the animal. 
to make sure your choice favored him, he let go of your torso and held your hand in both of his. screw his pride, he wanted you here. who knows what would happen if you were without him? if he was without you? what if he died of loneliness, what if you got hurt somehow? what if you left and never came back? sure, the thoughts are childish, but they were very real possibilities to him in his desperation.
“please?” he was using all his powers now, meguru was close to begging as he tilted his head to the side. you let out a sigh and pulled your phone from out of your jacket’s pocket, shooting out a text before situating it infront of the boy’s face.
“happy?” you rolled your eyes in the defeat of being won over by him.
“hi, i’m so so sorry to cancel last minute, but i seem to have caught a fever. i tried waiting it out but it just won’t go away. so sorry.”  meguru read out before jumping you and coddling you in his arms like he did this morning, before the whole fiasco. a satisfied smile appeared on his face as he held you close to him, both of your legs tangled with each other’s. 
“since you’re sick…” elongating the last word as a form of sarcasm, he let out a light giggle.
“let me get you something to eat, yeah?” he spoke as he left you briefly, exiting the room. you laughed at his action, not expecting him to come back five minutes later with a spoon and a bowl of soup from last night’s leftovers.
“ahhh!” meguru seated down next to you on your shared bed, prompting you to lie down as he sat- like you would a sick person. he then proceeded to this- feeding you, like you would a sick person. he looked immersed into the role he was playing too, acting as if you had actually caught a fever.
“meguru, who are you trying to convince?” positioning your hands to block the spoon, a small frown coming to his face as your laughter filled the room. you still leaned in to slurp the broth, much to the satisfaction of your boyfriend. sharing a loving gaze, you grinned and ruffled his already messy bedhead.
but he pondered on your question for a bit, though you meant it lightly. his chest grew fuzzy at his newfound conclusion,
it was you.
he wanted to convince you.
he thought he had moved on from this type of feeling since blue lock, but you coming into his life changed things. not to confuse things though, he’s secure enough now; and how he feels towards you is so much more compared to what younger him felt then.
looking at you, being with you- it was an entirely different joy than he felt with soccer. you brought to him a sense of desire that the striker hadn’t felt before. it wasn’t the desire to win, it wasn’t the desire to beat his competition-
it was the desire to love you.
he wanted to love you all his life, take care of you when you both eventually grew old. just like this, he wanted you to stay beside him. maybe he was lovesick.
you would have to take care of him too, in that case. it seems lovesickness is contagious.
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mowbrayvongothe · 1 month
Again another day when I listen to The Magnus protocol and speak my mind freely apologies to those who actively see this and read my thoughts they don’t make sense!
spoilers for The Magnus Protocol 27- Driven below
I’m deeply exhausted today waking up at 5am for results isn’t fine
Results day landing on TMP day is great btw
Also love the sfx
Oh sweet Lena
Lena isn’t too happy
“It is a cluttered eyesore” Lena?
Oh Lena is terrified of the minister nice
Sam why are you a little shit
I love you
Ha nice Gwen
No Alice?
Ohhh Gwen has many plans love that for her
Hey voice I don’t know ANYTHING
I’m too exhausted to consume tmp
Thank you to whoever delivers the transcript my mind cannot work without you
Oh wait fuck this is in 1845 I bet you like that Augustus you ancient freak
Chemistry talk again can alchemy calm down
oh I’m tired
Hm alchemy again
Ahhh purification yummy yummy
institute? Ahaa
Oh oh nothing I’m calm
I’m tagging this after and going to bed
An hansom cab?
Clearances/growlers huh
Oh the background noise
Oh sweet
Haha this sounds like an organ
Oh disappearing? Nice!
Ahhh oh my god
Feels like it if both the cab and the coachman are attached and the trap is easy and ‘fashionable’ travel then it’s easy to take people. Nice.
“Hunting ground” hm weird
This feels like the hunt again
Oh it’s like a Venus fly trap aha nice.
Ohhohoh I love this
“The growler has no need for eyes”
oh this is the hunt please I refuse to believe this isn’t about my baby the hunt
Oh my god
Ohhh so he sacrificed someone.
So whoever wrote this. Founded the Magnus institute
And whoever founded the Magnus institute had a keen eye to sacrificing people for researching and observation
Huhhhhh I wonder who THIS could be referencing
RIP this
“The rate of digestion is linked to his fear” OH OH OH MY GOD
They said itTHEY SAID IT
Oh oh?
Does Gwen want those people dea
“I’m openly trans on the internet” nice.
Ok so Gwen just wants everything to look nice
So the Magnus institute wanted poisonous washing machines and the ability to look at the stars. Nice!
“Pretty decent sex” nice!
Hilltop centre. WHEN I FUCKING GET YOU.
Alice I need you
“More magnussing”
I haven’t collected my thoughts but oh ok that was an episode.
The pre-case is just essentially the whole preparing for the ministers arrival cough Trevor Herbert Jesus fuck.
The case was pretty much as usual their version of the end. I would’ve assumed it was the hunt and was very dedicated to that idea but after the founders experiment we know that the more afraid you were of dying the more they stripped and digested your body down like a Venus fly trap which excretes digestive enzymes the more you move. Which is nice truly this feels like a Venus fly trap situation.
The founder said they were the founder of the Magnus institute and the voice reading this statement out to Sam is possibly Jonah Magnus’ original body. Which makes sense in a way.
The post case was a post case!!!
Gwen got given strange emails with old case files which either means JMJ is giving her important archivist cases or they are giving her trevor Herbert’s statements.
Sam and Celia had a very important convo which was nice and Celia getting straight back into magnussing was great I love that for her
The same few locations that were familiar in TMA are popping up especially ‘Hilltop’
The shopping centre not being used just feels like a drug front but instead of drugs it’s fear
Trevor as MP. Who was predicting this???
I’m quite enjoying the fact that instead of TMA where everyone isolated themselves making them more vulnerable to the fears they all kind of help each other? Will be absolutely lush if they still die though tbh.
Also does Celia get a feeling of dejavu with her TMA-self? She has the sense that these people are helpful and in the TMA-verse they are but in here they aren’t. Especially with her reaction to it being ‘archivist’
Anyways this is great and I didn’t scream at my friend over text because I’m alone in listening this between the two of us if you’re seeing this later I hope you know I’m cursing you
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princelylove · 11 months
W-we are friend now, ahhh. I'm so happy~ thank you so much
Btw do you know about the yandere alphabet (here: https://www.tumblr.com/dear-yandere/188860909008/yandere-alphabet). Do you accept request base on the yandere alphabet? If yes, then I'd love to request:
+ F, H, N for Noriaki
+ I, J, L for Josuke
+ B, Q, X for your favorite yandere :)
~ 🏵️ anon ~
You’re welcome. Sure, I’ll bite. Forgive the formatting here, I’m still trying to figure out how to make it all pretty. For my "favorite" I just did someone I was in the mood for tonight.
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F: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Noriaki is displeased, to put it lightly. He doesn’t understand why you won’t just behave, he’s doing everything right, by all means. If you resist him you might as well just be begging for restrictions. He doesn’t even restrict you that much, he doesn’t have any plans to kidnap you! Stop acting like he’s some obsessed creep and behave. 
H: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Losing your autonomy. If you are incapable of acting right, he’ll make you act right. It’s not like it’s hard to puppet you. He knows how you talk, walk, even how you rest when you stand still for too long. And he just adores the way hierophant green looks on your wrists and ankles. 
Also the social isolation. Once you notice it, it’s too late. 
N: How would they punish their darling?
Noriaki is very, very understanding. He researched how most victims react to overbearing obsession, and to be honest, not very good results! His goal isn’t to harm you, he wants you to flourish! He punishes you socially, have you ever been talking to a group of people and one of them stops the entire conversation to chide you? Social shaming and peer pressure is killer.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Josuke wants to settle down. He’s always been sorta jealous of people who had really loving families, and sometimes family means you, your darling, and maybe a dog. He wants his darling to play house with him. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Only sorta. He’s cool if you show him lots of attention; He doesn’t want to be one of those overbearing boyfriends who ruins every friendship you’ve got. He’s an asshole, yeah, fucking ok, but he’s not gonna get in the way of your friends. He’s not insecure. 
On that same note, it’d drive him up the wall if you talked about another guy like he was better than him. He’s sitting right there, you absolutely cannot be serious. He blows off steam by working out, and telling himself he’s way better than that scumbag you’ve definitely got eyes for. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
I think he inherited his father’s persistence. He can’t take a “no” for shit. He’ll go a seemingly normal route- saying he wants to spend time with you, getting your phone number, doing things he thinks people find attractive when guys do. He peacocks quite a bit, and for good reason, he’s quite handsome. He takes you out on a couple dates before he decides to properly ask, and if you say no, he’s just going to take that as a “Not yet.”
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Leone is prepared to kill for his darling, and that’s entirely with his hands. He doesn’t use guns, and his stand isn’t one for combat, so it’s either his bare hands or something he can bash someone’s head in with. It’ll be such a pain to get this blood out of his clothes, but he really doesn’t care. He has a job. He can buy new clothes. He can’t buy a new you.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Never. If his darling died while under his care, he’d kill himself. End of story. What’s the point in keeping his life if he let you rot? He’s a disgusting excuse for a man, he should’ve never gotten impatient and snatched you up. If you ever escaped successfully, it wouldn’t be for long. He’d brood for a week or so- that’s your period to get the fuck out of the country- and then go hunting for the only thing keeping him going. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Total reverence. Leone absolutely adores you, you make him a better man. He pretties himself up entirely for you- you’re his main motivation for everything. He can’t be lazy, who wants a lazy boyfriend? He can’t be so slovenly, who wants to make out with that? Leone gets rather meticulous about his makeup, Mista’s rushed him out of their shared bathroom more times than he can remember. Get a vanity, man, you’re interfering with poor Mista’s schedule. 
Leone loves to just sit and watch you. He gives you space, careful not to step on your metaphorical toes, and just sits quietly to watch. He won’t look away if you look over while he’s giving you that stupid, lovestruck stare. He’s so lucky he gets to witness you. Your every need is taken care of, he’ll even get down on the ground to rub your feet if you told him to- as long as you’re doing what he wants. If you break his fantasy of you actually liking him, he falls into a bit of a depressive rut, and slacks a bit with your needs.
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penultimate-step · 6 months
Ahhh I’m just here to appreciate your ONK post because there is a lot of people who do great analysis but I always feel they just fall flat with Ruby because they don’t want to see her idolization of Aqua/Gorou as something very much her mental health being on thin string and just being a “brocon”. Saying to get over it soon. It sucks people don’t want to see it for what it is. Like this girl might have the most shit happen to her and reaction to everything is not going to be the most stable and sometimes socially acceptable way of processing. Mental health even with a series that has multiple people with severe trauma and has ugly ways of coping somehow shes the acception and just a weirdo. Just because she has sparkles in her eyes and regress to her time 12 year old Sarina doesn’t mean it’s meant to be taken as healthy.
Thank you so much! It makes me really happy that you liked my post! Getting this ask made my day.
Yeah I think you're right, if anything the way Ruby's been going starry eyed made me think it was more likely, not less, that the whole thing was an unhealthy mindset resulting from her trauma and stress. I think for a lot of people when the coping mechanisms are tangentially sex related they instinctively see it as a kink or fetish thing.
When the trauma of chapter 77 sent Ruby into a self destructive spiral for dozens of chapters, the audience was satisfied. A character's trauma causing them to lash out at the world around them and be driven by revenge is a pretty classic story, the role she was playing was clear. The way she's been acting since, projecting on Aqua, is much less common to see written. It's not as "clean," narrative wise. But sometimes reactions to trauma really do seem "ugly" from the outside. They don't always follow social scripts.
I would never hold it against anyone that feels uncomfortable reading this current arc. It's always understandable to set personal boundaries about what you're willing to read, and nobody owes a manga their time and appreciation or anything. But for myself personally, I appreciate how this series has been unafraid to have their characters act in messy and complicated ways.
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crushingcasanova · 1 month
Hii!! I’m back!! I’ve missed you so much, thinking about you and looking at your pictures was one of the things keeping me going. ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
But I’m back now so we can talk and talk and talkkkk!!! How are you?? Did you do anything fun this last week?
I have results day for my GCSE’s on the 22nd so I am not excited for that… If I do not respond to anything on that day it means I did shit.
૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
I see you have a new anon that’s appeared more while I was gone!! I’m totes not jealous, what??? So cute! Ahhh I’m so happy to be able to talk to you again, I missed youuuu ˖⁺‧₊˚ ૮꒰ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ა
. 🌠
I missed you so much too!! (Hehe, as I'm writing this I see you're texting me on discord too!) It was so hard with my wife away at war 😔 /silly but for real, I missed you a ton! You have to give me the full yap about your trip, dearie!
I'm okay! It's been pretty rough these past few nights, but I'm doing pretty okay today. I came back from my vacation across the country and then took a mini one that I just got back from last night! I went to the boardwalk and stayed at a nice hotel and all that, so it was quite nice! How are you? Do you have anything fun coming up this week?
I hope your results come back super well!!! I am sure my smart little bunny will do sooo good <3 trust!!
Yeah! Venus popped up while you were away and I've had so much fun getting to know them :D they're very sweet! I'm glad you're back too, my dear--I missed you! Make sure to take it slow and relax, because it sounds like you did a lot on vacation from the tiny bit you told me!
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catb-fics · 1 year
Im back (not sure for how long aha)
Currently sat on the train on the way home from uni and something compelled me to listen to unreleased catfish, which I haven’t listened to since the start of this year. I think I was compelled to listen to them as I was standing in Chester train station on my way home back to the East Midlands.
So…I decided to do my degree in Chester, didn’t have anything to do with catfish (half a lie). I mentioned it as a joke but upon doing research it was the type of place I was looking for. Small, not too small, close to bigger cities, good music scene and a good nursing programme. Fast forward and I’m living here, every corner I turn I can’t help but think of van aha, I try not to as I’m in a relationship and the more serious it got the more I pushed van to the back of my head and eventually I decided to say goodbye to him as it felt like I was cheating and I wanted to fully be with my partner and not have van in my mind. As a result I kind of left tumblr , I ended coming on here less and less. I’ve missed it and I’ve missed you the most! I miss our little conversations, I miss your posts and your fan fics🤣. I hope you’ve been alright and everything is good. It’s nice to see you and others are still active.
I do occasionally type vans name on google or twitter to check if there’s any news and I’m always left feeling deflated. I still care for him and I do just want him to be okay. It’s been hard seeing Bob and Bondy back on the scene (I am beyond happy for them, it just leaves more unanswered questions about Van and what holed between them all). Benji hasn’t been online for a LONG time too:(
As delusional as this all sounds, the lids and especially Van was my biggest comfort and safety for a long time and I miss it. I’ve found other comforts and safety’s and I am in such a happy + healthy relationship which I’m thankful for everyday, I’ve found my person. However I do still miss this part of my life and it is hard hearing a catfish song come on my playlist. I hope Van is alright and safe and just at least okay and healthy.
I know this is all very dramatic but this is what happens when you put me on a 3 hour night train and Bite down Salvador and Ranshaw happen to be playing. I may stick around for abit, just to feel apart of something again. (I will refrain from thirsting over van💀)
Thank you for reading this lovely. Sending love💕
Hello lovely! It’s so good to hear from you, I’ve missed you and our chats too 💖 I’m really happy for you, it sounds like life is really good and I’m so pleased for you. Love hearing that you are loved up too and your course is going well 🥰
Ahhh Bite Down Salvador that will get the emotions going every time that one always gets me. To be honest I can’t believe I’m still on here, I think it’s mainly catb tumblr that keeps my love for the guys going so strong after all this time.
I’m happy for Bob and Bondy too but yeah it kinda hits home that they’re all off doing separate stuff now. I do miss them 😭
Lmao about not thirsting over Van ha ha I’m still guilty of that but I have my bf’s approval so 😂
I wonder… are there any new bands you love now? I’m always interested in what people love alongside catb?
Anyway you’re welcome on here any time lovely, do drop by and say hello whenever you like, big love 😘 xxx
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kuwdora · 2 years
Witcher Commenting Event & Community Engagement PART 2
I recently wrote a long post about an idea I had for drumming up engagement on Witcher fanworks.
In that post I described a commenting event where we collectively go and comment on fanworks that could use some love. We would comment during a dedicated window of time so creators get a fresh wave of comments! We could squee together and build discussion on the fanworks and engage with each other about the work in the comments where creators can see us appreciating their work.
I made a survey to see if this was something people might be interested in participating… It turns out there is a LOT OF INTEREST for something like this.
My survey is still open! - Please fill this out and reblog to continue to spread awareness of the project. If you left your contact information to help organize/brainstorm and I haven’t gotten back to you, I will be reaching out in the following weeks to follow up when I can.
😍😍😍 My original tumblr post reached 155 notes in a week and a half and I have received about 53 responses. Incredible response! Most of the reblogs with comments in the tags have shown great enthusiasm which has made me very happy.
So thanks to your interest I have spent the last week and a half with excited fans, brainstorming what this commenting event will look like. We’re setting up a tumblr and organizing the rest of the details and logistics of everything. You might see me or others commenting in various ways on tumblr as we try different things on this platform just to see what it's like and how it might be received.
I hope to have a more formal announcement and link to the community soon with actual dates and everything.
We’ve selected a theme for our first Comment Crawl and we will be curating some fanworks for the first round. But in the future we may move towards voting on themes via poll and allowing people to submit nominations that fit some engagement criteria.
I’m so excited about this project. Ahhh! Makes my heart so happy.
Keep reading if you’d like to learn more about some of the survey results and see what people are interested in reading, seeing and commenting on here in Witcher fandom and where everyone discovers fic to read!
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When I asked what kind of fanworks you’d like to see in a Comment Crawl:
100% of you would like to leave comments on fanfic
88% of you are interested in commenting on fanart
39.6% of you are interested in commenting on fanvids (!! oh my heart!! YAY)
28.3% of you are interested in listening to and commenting on podfic!!
6% of you told me not to forget fan crafts and music playlists!!
Lucky for everyone there is a lot of incredible podfic, crafts, vids, and fanart in Witcher fandom! Plenty of things to show you that need more love. I’m excited to create an event to showcase these works!
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I asked what kind of subjects you’d like to see and comment on for a Comment Crawl:
81.1% are interested in fanworks featuring character studies and gen (no pairing) (YAY!)
71.7% are interested in rare pairings (!!! YAY!)
60.4% are interested in femslash (YES!!!)
58.5% are interested in our juggernaut pairings
49.1% would love to read and see more fanworks from fandom exchanges
32.1% are interested in canon-specific fanworks (book, games, show)
And a whopping 73.6% of you are also interested in nominating your own fanworks for a theme! I hear ya! Comments are great!
20% of you also submitted ‘other’ - expressing your interest in reading more non-Wolf witchers, fear of not being interested in things outside your current fixations. And others are really excited to discover new-to-you fanworks and genres. We are a diverse bunch here in Witcher fandom. Which makes sense considering Witcher canon is 50 canons in a trenchcoat!
So my takeaway is that y’all are interested in a variety of things and I am hoping to curate our first event that will give everyone a little taste of the undiscovered and unsung fanworks on AO3, tumblr, and other social media platforms. There’s so much incredible stuff out here. 
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In the second half of my survey I asked people how they discovered new fic to read:
90.6% of respondents are subscribed to AO3 authors/stories/tags
79.2% of respondents find fic on tumblr via reblogs
58.5% of respondents utilize AO3 bookmarks to find new fic
39.6% of respondents discover fic via Discord
37.7% of respondents discover fic via friend recs
26% of respondents discover fic via Tumblr tags
20% of respondents are clicking around via AO3 tags, filters and searches
This is suggesting that it takes a lot to find new-to-you stories outside your fannish circles of interest and that trudging through AO3 tags isn’t as productive as it could be for you to find new things to read.  
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Would you be interested in an event about reccing Witcher fanworks?
56.5% said yes and would love to write and share recs
69.9% said yes and would love to promote and squee over recs
17.4% of respondents aren’t sure what this would look like
Many of you are also interested in learning more about recs lists and would be interested in an event that could help expose you to new parts of fandom and different characters and other fans. I have several ideas about this which I am excited to mull over and brainstorm later… but first we’re gonna do a commenting event!!  More details to come in the following weeks!
REMINDER: if you haven’t filled out the survey about interest in Witcher engagement events, the survey is still open! Feel free to leave me your thoughts about what you’d like to see in this event and future ones.
Feel free to leave any suggestions in the survey. Or send me a DM on tumblr if you have thoughts or questions!!
Thank you!
Tagging for reach...
@fangirleaconmigo @jackironsides @limerental @sargassostories @wannastayugly @mersephesie @bomberqueen17 @aramblingjay
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Mai Akagi's First Voice Drama (Rosa Xanthina)
E: *walking towards the interrogation room* Hello—……huh? Where—ACK!
M: Shhhhh. I ain’t playing, gimme your money and your keys
E: Gh—w-what are you, crazy?! 
M: Hehe, you be—A-Ah?! 
E: *gets out of her grasp* What the hell was that?! Mai Akagi, you idiot! 
M: Heh….sorry….I thought it’d be fun to play a little joke on you is all
E: By trying to restrain me and demand my valuables? 
M: Yeahhhh…? My friends and I did that sorta stuff at school all the time, hehe
E: I’m quite scared to know where you attended…..
M: Hey, I’m sorry. I really am. Promise, I mean no harm
E: Well, you were quite strong, I’ll give you that. Still a stupid mistake on your part
M: *sighs* You’re telling me. It was easy at first, but I felt myself getting weaker by the second you were in my headlock
E: Let this be a lesson to you, Mai Akagi. Prisoners cannot physically harm the guard, let alone, even touch them
M: Ahhh…well, would’ve been nice to know that from the start
E: Why? So you could carry out the attack swiftly and better prepare for an ambush against me?
M: Of course not, warden-san! It was a joke. Pinky promise~
E: Pinky promise? A women of your age still indulges in something so childish?
M: It’s not childish! My friends at school and I did it all the time and I never broke a promise that way! 
E: So let me get this straight. Because of something so trivial and child-like, you never broke a promise with your friends?
M: Nuh-uh! 
E: What a weirdo….
M: Anyways, I’m happy to be friends with you too, warden-san!
E: F-Friends? With me? 
M: Oooooooo, warming up to the idea I see?
E: No! The hell you mean friends with me? I’m your prison guard and you’re in prison for a murder! Get your priorities straight
M: Awwww, how sad. Well, can’t force you, so it’s fine! It doesn’t mean that we still can’t chat though. Isn’t it why this interrogation is taking place now?
E: I’m here to ask a few questions, that’s it. I’m not here to be all buddy-buddy with a murderer
M: Well, ask away then! What do you wanna know?
E: You’ve been in VILGRAM for a few weeks now. How is your life here?
M: Everyone here is so nice! Especially Akari and Kasumi! I love being friends with everyone! 
E: You seem to have adapted to the situation quite nicely then
M: Mhmm!! I enjoy talking to the others. They all seem to cool in their own ways! 
E: Even the less agreeable ones like Daisuke?
M: He’s so cool! And while he’s cold, it’s understandable! I think juuuusssttttt maybe I was able to break that ice in his heart, along with Akari
E: Oh? Anything interesting in terms of results?
M: He said *imitates his voice* “I’d rather be hog-tied and thrown into battery acid than waste time with a bunch of human pieces of rubbish. Don’t bother me again, you bitch”
E: And that’s ‘breaking the ice’ in his heart?
M: Hey! He didn’t say no that time!
E:…….I see….Anyways, I take it that Kasumi and Akari are the ones you spend the most time with?
M: Well they approach me more than anyone, but spending the most time with? I’d say I try to make it so I get to chat with everyone 
E: Any hobbies?
M: Hobbies? Talking with the others! 
E: Quite the extrovert, I see
M: Hehe, I suppose! I’m just want to get along with everyone! 
E: I bet you were quite popular in your school then
M: Popular? Ehehe….well….
E: Surely the friends you speak about—
M: I only had a few close friends in a very tight group of people
E: Eh?
M: See….I like to be on good terms with everyone, but as for real friends? I chose them in a very picky manner
E: Well, that’s just being cautious then….
M: I suppose. Still, I was always more interested in listening to others than talking about myself….
E: Well, hate to break it to you, but I’ll be invading your memories soon, so I’ll be learning about you whether you like it or not
M: For the murder thingy, right?
E: Never heard someone refer taking someone else’s life as a ‘thingy’
M: Oh! I didn’t mean it like that! 
E: Do you or do you not think of your murder as just an everyday thing?
M: No, of course not! It was just….something that happened
E: Of course it was ‘just something that happened’. Someone is dead because of you. And you still have the gall to act all cheery and playful
M: It’s just how I am. Besides, dwelling on it will only make me look pathetic, right? Totally not a cute look, heh
E: Kasumi said something similar to me and she was also playing weird mind games with her innocent act
M: You can’t blame me for something Kasumi said, warden-san
E: Who said I’m blaming you? I’m simply making an observation in similiaries 
M: Ah, but I’m not admitting I didn’t do anything wrong. Killing someone is something I indeed do
E: And you can still manage to be friends with these people?
M:…..But that’s where you don’t get it….warden….
E: !!!
M: What’s wrong?
E: Is it just me…or did your demeanor just get serious all of a sudden?
M: When you don’t get what I do to protect my friends….I tend to get a little frank. Apologies if I become blunt
E: Honesty is all I need. If you’re rude, I’ll just smack ya until you’re all compliant like Kurosaki
M: Shut it…
E: …!
M: If it’s for my friends….I’ll do whatever it takes….
E: Were they struggling?
M:…..very much…..
E: I assume they were the delinquent types?
M: The opposite, actually….you can consider them….’nerds’
E: Unpopular then?
M: *smirks coyly* What a harsh stereotype
E: And calling your friends nerds aren’t?
M: I’d even go as far as considering myself one, to be honest
E: You look too preppy to be an outcast like that
M: Awwww, you don’t think I’m intelligent? Wow….how rude….*playfully whimpers*
E: Shush, cry me a river
M: I’m joking! Well, I’d like to believe we were a smart pack, but yes…we were outcasted 
E: And when you said they were struggling a lot….were they bullied?
M:…..bullied….is….putting is lightly….
E: And what made you think killing them would be the right answer?
M:…..disgusting….human…piece of—
E: Eh?
M: Ah, apologies, warden-san! Did I get off topic?
E: H-Huh? Hold it, what was that?
M: I…showed a side that was rather unpleasant, didn’t I?
E: More straightforward than unpleasant. No denying that is still a part of you, Mai Akagi
M: I can’t feign remorse for murdering that person, but I won’t deny it either
E: You don’t feel bad? At all for what you did?
M: I was told that a person’s feelings towards their actions is what makes them human and defines them as such…though, maybe that’s just an excuse for my own apathy
E: You seem to cheery to even call yourself apathetic
M: I try to be happy for the sake of my friends. Really, I—
(Bells ring, machinery whirling)
E: Already?
M:….I’m not
E: Huh? 
M: Warden-san…..I’m not happy….
E: Like I give a damn about your feelings?
M: No….just care about everyone but me
E: What the—
M: I’ve only cared about my friends….I get better for them….not for myself….
E: What does that even mean?
M: It means I want you to know….if it’s for my friends…I’ll do whatever it takes
E: But why? To go as far as to kill someone? For people that could leave you in a heartbeat?
M: *chuckles*
E: What’s so funny?
M: They would never. I have faith in them….and if they did….the memories will be forever cherished by me….it’s the least bit of happiness I can feel
E: Mai…
M: One more thing, warden-san. If I can?
E: What?
M:……..You can choose to not forgive me….ya know…
M: I decided I can’t please everyone…..but I’ll still try my best. Even so, it’s your choice. So go ahead
E: Nutjob…..Prisoner number 4! Mai Akagi, sing your sins! 
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duochromium · 8 months
i’m probably going to be putting rain and that other remilia focused work on the backburner for the time being, i can kind of feel it in the air that i don’t want to work on any serious works for a while so basically peak may end up not coming. sucks to suck but whatever
as repayment i will show off the plot summaries i sent to w.d. gaster!
rain, aka Hakurei Reimu Falls Into The Sea:
Namesake is from “Roronoa Zoro Falls Into The Sea”, one piece thing you can google it if you’re interested
ReiMari fic where at first glance it looks like the yuri is the whole point but Oops! It’s A Duochromacy Fic With Reimu In It! That Means It’s Character Study Time!
The fucking rain is a metaphor for accepting help from others. She doesn’t wanna stand in it even though it wouldn’t hurt her
I hint at this by talking about the rain WAY too much. My readers are going to think I’m either a huge weirdo about rain (I am tho) or they’re going to correctly realize “hey maybe the rain is important” and then connections should start forming. I’m also just gonna directly say “If you didn’t notice, the rain is a metaphor for Reimu accepting the help of others.” in the ending notes because maybe my readers will have piss poor reading comprehension after only reading fanfiction for the past decade
Reimu is in a kind of good mood, it’s raining outside, no food in the house lmaoo, she goes to Marisa’s place (with an umbrella. It is very important she doesn’t want to touch the rain) because she wants to distract herself, they be HOMOSEXUAL AHHH for a few but after Reimu’s stomach grumbles like the third time Marisa gets concerned, Reimu insists she’s not hungry after Marisa offers to make food, escalate into argument that gets to “they’re a little angry but no insults are being thrown” level before Reimu storms out onto Marisa’s porch and listens to the rain while moping for a few, insert absolute peak here idk how I’m gonna have them make up, as a result of this peak Reimu admits she needs help and lets Marisa feed her, plenty of sappy gay love there blehh I hate happy couples, then they go and dance in the rain. I am sure you can guess what them going and dancing in the rain is symbolic of
The other one, aka How To Make a Vampire Cry
Scarlet devil mansion is hosting a ball, everyone’s having fun except remillia who’s kind of just sitting on her throne looking super bummed out (everyone just passes it off as her being Scary) tho, patchy floats over like “yo man you’re usually having way more fun wtf is your problem”, remilia talks about how flandre hasn’t been showing up to balls the past few months despite always being allowed out, blablabla “i’m worried i’m not being a good sister”, they decide to just go check on her, flandre sitting in her room listening to distant party noise until remi (maybe not accompanied by pache) comes down, flandre “i feel like i wouldn’t really be welcome even if i showed up” they both talk about what’s had them down and comfort each other then hug wholesome 100 keanu chungus I HATE WOMEN
feel free to take inspiration from either of these ideas since there is a 25% chance neither ends up ever being in a finished state
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notasapleasure · 1 year
I'm asking aLL THE FIC WRITER MEMES!!! in reverse order from current WIP back through your published works
Omg thank you, you mad man! But you know now I’m wondering just how much homework you set your actual students… ^^;
So I’ve chosen to interpret this in a very literal way. I started with the bottom ask and applied it to the current WIP, and worked backwards through my fics as I went up the list. I didn’t answer any of the ones that needed a trope or ship picking, but am still open to being asked if anyone wants!
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write?
(Whumptober 2022 day 31: Comfort | Bedside Vigil | “You can rest now.”) The whole thing is really just one scene, but it really did epitomise the eternal problem with writing Francis/Jerott, which is how do you get them to stop being smart with each other and just. Open up a little? Of course this opening up is also the scene I want most to write at any given time. Though any and all Jerott whump makes my horrible little gremlin brain happy, so to be able to include various flashbacks to times Jerott was having an even worse day was fun. And Francis feeling guilty about the kiss in Anemone was also fun >:} But I think finishing this one was hard. I wanted to push for more intimacy between them but that isn’t where either of them is at this point, but Francis’ care for Jerott even in his disappointment – AND VICE VERSA – is honestly one of my favourite things about Checkmate, so it was trying to do that justice while keeping them in-character.
✿ did anything major change when you started writing [fic] to when you finished?
(Only Ever Just One Night). I initially thought I’d write follow-up chapters. I had a mean little desire to whump Brasso and have Cassian get him out of a Situation. But it would have meant Plot, which I never fully managed to figure out, and then I got distracted writing lead-up smut to the friends-with-benefits situation instead. But on the whole what’s posted wrote itself really easily – it’s often the way with my first fic in a new fandom, all the initial impressions and headcanons come gushing out before I can start making problems for myself by overthinking.
☉ what do you do when you get stuck writing?
Ahhh, sulk? Nah, it doesn’t happen too often, and usually I manage to knuckle on through. A tried and tested method is a two hour bath lol. Lock the door, turn my music on, nothing to do except figure out that tricky bit of bridging. Usually results in fewer words than it feels like, but gets me through sections I’m struggling with. Also just leaving gaps and continuing to write the bit I want to write, knowing I can go back and join things together later. Making a playlist to remind myself of vibes helps, too.
✄ what’s your editing process?
I re-read quite a lot and tinker with things as I go. I quite like editing (good job as I do it all day), and I like seeing things come together, but I am awful at kill your darlings. I’m writing for fun so I just leave it all in – ‘sure this might not be relevant relevant but it adds fLAvourrrr!!’ I will stick a bunch of line-breaks in or use highlighting/bold to remind myself that a section doesn’t read well or needs adding to, though, and try to go back and figure it out before I let myself continue much further.
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
Some of the Whumptober days were like pulling teeth and I think it shows. I think the sweet spot is when I have a pretty clear idea of vibes and outcome and it’s not had the chance to outgrow containment – some scenes (e.g. the chapters at the summer house in Inchoate) lie in wait in my head and when I get to that part of the fic they practically write themselves (sometimes it’s nice stuff, sometimes it’s DDDNE, but it’s basically kind of scene or action with a concrete beginning and ending). But often fitting these scenes in – what comes just before and after – is a nightmare. And like. Yeah ok, I could just write one-shots of the scenes I want to write without the thousands and thousands of words of context but – and you might have noticed this – I am a CONTEXT FIEND. In terms of stand alone fics it’s like I said above about Only Ever Just One Night – fresh in a new fandom and determined-to-get-my-thoughts-down fics are usually dead easy to write.
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Ah this one’s easy: it would be LONG. Probably at least three times as long as it needed to be. For a long time very little would happen, but the minutest detail of everyone’s body language would be described and everyone would probably be in denial about their emotions/circumstances. Most likely they would fuck nasty about it.
♡ pick a fic and I’ll pick a comment that made me really happy
(Escape Velocity) Well OF COURSE I am happy the person it was dedicated to left lovely comments. But especially where you picked up on Brasso being worried about flying in ships because he knows how to take them apart, and even more especially the idea of Cassian ‘stealing’ Brasso temporarily at the moment it’s paralleling the light on Kassa’s face when he leaves Kenari :’) it’s especially pleasing when readers pick up on stuff like that.
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line
(Counting on You) Still a wip, so subject to change, but I’m very pleased with ‘something crueller than punishment - the certainty that Cass is loved’ and utterly delighted that @elwenyere picked it out in a comment <3
♫ send a fic and i’ll make a 3-5 song playlist for you
(Brassian saga au) Thankfully I already have a 3 hour playlist for the vibes, so to cherry pick some essentials, here we go…
Kate Bush – Get Out of My House Sam Lee – The Devil & the Huntsman Björk – Pagan Poetry Nikniume – Nonantzin Anna B. Savage – Crown Shyness
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tarotsol · 2 years
Yeah I’m doing a Behind The Camera personality reading-
What about it?
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The Wheel of fortune
Five of Swords
9 of swords
He’s so cute ahhh
So basically what he wants to say is that he is just like everyone else. He has his good days and his bad days. Even though he’s in NCT, I don’t think he wants to be treated any differently from your normal average Joe you know.
Being in NCT requires… hmm, sacrifice. It’s very competitive on the inside and this may result in him feeling guilty or worthless in private just for “stepping on someone’s toes”bit getting an opportunity the others didn’t. Yet he has this inner strength which he trusts in (or barely, judging from my last reading- he’s going to have to work on that) and that helps him go through the day.
An NCT Fan vs An NCT Artist:
Things he wish he knew back then, what he knows now etc.
Queen of Cups
6 of cups
Yeah, very different. I don’t think he was aware of how MUCH love (and hate unfortunately) he’d be getting for what he would eventually be doing. I’m getting “I did it for the art” in my mind so that’s his primary focus and motivation. I think this experience lowkey hit him like a truck but he’s moving on with it.
Relationships with members and SM:
Oof- I think there’s a running hot and cold theme here with 5 of cups and the nine of cups. It seems like things are very different as a collective behind the stage than in front of it. He could feel a bit isolated or people are taking his kind generous nature for granted- hence “stepping on people”. Could also mean that he doesn’t fully think he’s truly accepted by all of them yet. But of course, that’s not what we see on screen.
2 of pentacles
He got this card but in reversed last time. Seems like SM is money hungry and is affecting his finances. Pretty much using him to get what they want :( They can be sneaky…
And money is veryyy important to Shotaro with the King of Pentacles…. A definite YES. Not happy. I think he comes from a wealthy background, anyone know anything about this?
Anyways, Shotaro, you’re doing great my dude.
Happy Birthday! 🎁🎊🎉🎂🎈
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
After bouncing ideas around for a post involving the WT100 popularity poll results for a while, I decided writing out my quick thoughts of the top 50 sounds fun. Don’t take this too seriously, it’s meant to be mostly silly or light-hearted.
Luffy - Always fun to see what following him leads to, a little guy.
Zoro - Like him a lot, though want to see him have more big moments that aren't fights.
Nami - My favorite character in the series, has been given so many varying roles and pulls them all off. Her belief in Luffy during the escape from Whole Cake and when refusing to back down against Ulti, and later Kaido when he claims that Luffy was defeated, are so cool.
Sanji - Once my favorite Straw Hat, has gradually fallen to least favorite since Thriller Bark.
Law - Good character, I'm just not much for moody gloomy characters, not much to say.
Robin - Seeing her gradually develop such a strong belief and connection to her friends is wonderful. Her doing the Huh face at after learning that Luffy was defeated by Kaido is what perfect character development looks like.
Hancock - I think she's a great character though the way the story has handled her trauma is less than ideal to me. Healing from trauma is not so linear, there are relapses, creeping doubts, etc. Her story including some of that and having her work through it by relying on others who have been through similar experiences, Koala perhaps, would make her character that much greater.
Carrot - Chapter 888 is so cool. Best bunny little sister. Pedroooo!
Ace - No strong opinion.
Sabo - No strong opinion, though kinda feel he overshadows Koala a bit too much, who I like much more.
Yamato - Fun character though is built on traits from characters that were already established. Luffy's energy, Tama has a connection to Ace that feels more natural, Kin'emon is Momo's father/mentor, and the Akazaya love Oden more than anyone and inherited his will. The unique part of Yama's character is a wish to be accept by the samurai of Wano, something that has happened now. His story feels complete, though if I were asked why I think his story was included in the manga, I don't think I could give an answer. Forcing Luffy away from reaching the Scabbards on the roof was a stupid and grossly selfish move from Yamato.
Shanks - Mystery man, what are you up to, Red Hair?
Corazon - He's a great character, very intense about his goals and cares a lot the people and things he wants to protect. His dynamics with the Doffy family had me very invested in that story.
Katakuri - Best donut-loving big bro.
Usopp - When he's at his best, he is amazing, though isn't consistently depicted as his best.
Chopper - Me: "Doctor Chopper! I'm impressed by your amazing medical skills, you're so skilled at such a young age!"
Chopper: "Shut up asshole! You saying that doesn't make me happy at all! ehehe." Chopper is so cute y'all. ahhh
Crocodile - Still no backstory yet he doesn't even need one to be one of the best villain in the series. A real love to hate kinda guy.
Jinbei - Shark uncle, we all thought he would be logical with Robin but he just lets Luffy do what he wants(mostly,) amazing.
Marco - Fruit-shaped bird.
Doflamingo - I want to punch him in the face.
Vivi - The original princess, I love her and Luffy's dynamic as leaders that learned from the other.
Bon Clay - The queen of last minutes saves. Bon's introduction wasn't perfect though he has been framed in a positive way and been a great ally since helping the crew escape Hina. I think he's great.
Kidd -  Angry magnet man, I like many of the Supernovas introduced during Sabaody and Kidd is one of the group I enjoy more, though also agree with Oda, nine was perhaps too many.
Oden - Good on him for gathering and uniting the group of wonderful retainers. Terrible leader until he is a great one. No in between measures exist within this man.
Perona - I love how extra she is, I know many find her annoying but that makes her even funnier for me. Acts so above it all though is just as much of a dumb weirdo as Zoro, in her own way. If she had joined the crew at the end of Thriller Bark, I would have been all for it.
Brook - Brook and Thriller Bark signify the biggest shift in what One Piece is as a story in terms of tone and how bizarre it can be. He often fell to the wayside after joining, though has a fantastic story. Really got to shine during Whole Cake and Wano as a great support crew member, graciously allowing others to take the spotlight. Yohohoho.
Smoker - Top ten introductions to a character in the series. At the rate he gets promotions, earned or otherwise, he'll outrank Imu by series end.
Franky - Suuuuuuper! Leave it to Franky. He's great and always reliable for his crew. Can't help but feel kinda bad for the guy. He was so loved pre-ts(not that I was caught up at the time) though just doesn't get as much from the readers these days.
Roger - The man who started it all. The only reason he was allowed to take over the Wano flashback for a bit was because Oda needed time to establish his himbofication. So silly that he told Neptune he thought his daughter would be hairy.
Mihawk - His sudden appearance at the Baratie is what got me hooked on One Piece. Just so cool with his coffin boat and vampire aesthetic. Vastly under-prepared for suddenly gaining two goth family members to take care of and I love it.
Whitebeard - Always the Pops to his crew, wanted a family and was able to have one.
Merry - Best girl.
Rayleigh - He's the best greasy mentor a fella like Luffy could ask for. Love the guy's carefree attitude.
Buggy - He's the great Captain Buggy, words are useless to describe his majesty.
Enel - Playboy acting out the role of god. Part of me hopes that he never shows up again and Oda never explains why beyond a "he left to another galaxy" or some nonsense. I would find that hilarious for reasons I'm unable to explain.
Aokiji - Mystery man the second, what are you up to, ice man?
Woop Slap - Mayor guy.
Tashigi - People are always wondering if Tashigi is Kuina but no! I figured it out. Kuina is Kuina and Tashigi is Mocha's sword friend!
Reiju - Best part about Reiju and the Vinsmoke siblings as characters is that they show that it's okay to leave harmful blood family behind.
Barto - Broccoli.
X Drake - Quadruple agent shy boy. I want to see his dino ability. He has always been present throughout the New World though hasn't really been given the spotlight, yet I'm hoping.
Koby - First and foremost now, I can't help but think of him as Hibari's senpai. He's grown so much since we met him.
Rob Lucci - Die
Garp - Intense guy who has been through a lot and usually expresses himself through violence.
Pudding - I could write an essay about her, I'll keep it short and say she's one of Oda's most complex characters and so much is shown about how the Charlotte family operates through getting to know Pudding.
Blackbeard - Would you believe me if I told you that it took me until I was reading Zou to realize that he was cherry pie guy? The roughly eight-year break I took between Water 7(just before the Sunny was first uncovered) and Thriller Bark is probably the reason. It really shaped how I view the character and I still find it hard to think of him as a villain because of it. It's somewhat like he and cherry pie guy are different characters in my head, but I know they're the same. It's weird.
Kiku - Perfect and beautiful and resilient and...
Izo - Very cool dual wielder and dramatic in the best way, a legend. I can't believe this man is in his 40s, he's so silly.
Hiyori - Her friendship with Toko is adorable, Kawamatsu is best kappa dad, and there's no way she isn't concealing knives, poisons, seastone needles, etc. in the sleeves or obi of her kimono at all times, Denjiro taught her well. When and how did she learn that someone she could trust was keeping her father's swords safe? When Oden gave his swords to Toki, Sukiyaki would have been imprisoned at the time, though he knew he had grandkids at the end of the arc. Either something is up or Oda didn't quite figure out the details to make everything line up, which is possible.
Shirahoshi - My favorite princess in the series, she is great and so is Otohime and her bros. Has potential to be an all time favorite. I want to see her, Jinbei, Nami, Nojiko, Koala, Hachi, and Aladdin all gather together in one place and all be cute.
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