introlingo-blog · 6 years
Tumblr Resources to Get You Through the School Year!
Hi guys!! Thank you all so much for your support!!! Happy 250 (EDIT: I SPENT A DAY ON THIS AND NOW IM PAST 300) and hope you all have a great start to the month! The community is more welcoming with all of you - I haven’t faced negativity from anyone at all. None of these are my posts - but they’ve helped me out a lot. With that said - let’s get started:
For bujos/planners:
This is one of my side blogs, and has tons of inspiration for weekly and monthly spreads, as well as a few aesthetic ideas and how to start one. I update this constantly.
How to start a studyblr - Studyblrs with creative fields
Lighting (for photos)
Study spreads
Planning your month
Printables (the same as some used down there but in a different category):
Weekly printable
To - do printable
Cornell Notes printable
Back to school printables
Daily Planner  @theorganisedstudent
Weekly Planner II @theorganisedstudent
Essay Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Planner @theorganisedstudent
Assignment Tracker
Novel Notes
Plot Diagrams
Correction Sheets
Grid & lined paper
Weekly schedule for studying
Printables masterpost
Exam printable & how to use it
2018 Calender set (by my QUEEN @emmastudies)
For students:
Exams & Studying:
Exam revision guide
How to beat different types of procrastination
How to deal with a crappy teacher (this has to do with studying ig)
Study tips!! (its a masterpost)
Exam Printable & How to Use it
Exam & Homework tips
Coping with hell i mean exams i mean hell
A cool studying outline to try
This is my favorite thing and it’s when to use certain remembering techniques
Correction Sheets
Memorization tips for different learners
Weekly study schedule
More sites to use in normal studying routines
How to study smarter and not harder
Study smarter II
Exam printable & how to use it
Self discipline 
Study methods
Hoe tips for school and studying
Studying masterpoint
Tips and tricks to studying
Study tip - so easy
How to stay organized to study
Note - Taking:
Lecture notes
How i set up flash cards (these are nice to study from but be determined to finish setting them up)
Nifty highlighting idea (this post is so old)
Highlighting idea that i actually use
How to take Cornell Notes
Cornell style notes printable (gridded)
Notebook paper (grid & lined)
Tips for pretty notes!!
How to take notes
Notes for different classes
Life, man & general school stuff:
Back - to -school guide
Things I learned as a college freshman
Textbooks are expensive so here’s some free ones…
Tips for working students that sound extra but may work for u ily don’t overwork urselves
Masterpost for motivation and stuff
Get ur life together again bc haha i stay organized for like a day anyway
School supplies that u should have just to stay minimal
Grad school tips
Organization masterpost
Productive afterschool routine
30 websites to kill boredom
Back to school masterpost
Get confident in presentations
Overcome procrastination
Succeeding in school masterpost
For bad days 
For bad days II
A GOOD MASTERPOST for getting ur life together 
General school tips 
Free online courses
Sites to learns stuff
More learning stuff sites
Dealing with a trashy class
Study resources masterpost
Summer Productivity
Summer life tips
Honest guide to college 
University tips
What to do on Sundays
Back to school masterpost
Useful things for going back to school
How to clean your house
Cute self care tips!
More self care tips
Plant care tips!
A handy list of words to fit into ur essays
How to write an article like a journalist
Words to replace over-used words
ESSAY STRUCTURE IDEA this is in bold so u losers don’t miss this bc it’s not just for English u nerds
Get gucci while reading and be an active reader
Get gud reading them academic articles amigo
Words to replace “the author or whatever shows…” bc that is baby writing and i accidentally used that on an essay and i failed so
Novel notes
Plot Diagrams
Reading Lists
Literary techniques (what themes, personifications, metaphors are etc)
Discussing in English
How to top a literature class
Literature class masterpost
Strong/weak verbs
More essay tips!!
MLA format - a how to
How to avoid essay cliches
Chemistry (I’m taking chem so i have a few resources aha)
Da terms on exam papers
Chemistry resources masterpost
Cute periodic tables
Study chapters
History/Social Studies
How to write a history paper
AP world history powerpoints masterpost
General tips
Understanding math masterpost
Test Prep
ACT tips!
100 words for the SATs (start studying early!!)
Thank you so much for the support! I couldn’t have done it without all of you. A simple reblog or like will help others see these tips, and will be very appreciated. I hope these links work - feel free to message me with questions and other links!! A possible part 2 might come out at the end of august, and one for languages!!!
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
Hey Lingos! 
Any Spanish/French podcast recommendations? 
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
So I sat watching this beautiful viaduct in my city, I wanted to summarize my progress over the last 2-3 months, I hadn't had any summer goals, but I really kept up the good work.
I learnt about 2200 words (obviously I don't have all of them in my active vocabulary bank, but I'm working on it)
I really improved my listening by watching movies and YouTube (my favourite channel was Enrique Alex, highly recommended)
I bought two grammar books, and I finished about 120 pages of it (I bought it about a month ago or so)
I finished one set of traditional flashies (about 600 of them) and I used Quizlet for vocab as well
I went to France and totally immersed myself by watching television, listening to people and so on
I learnt new grammar and saw its use in real life conversations
I also wrote a diary
I read 4/5 books, immersed deeply and learnt new vocab. Practised speaking as well.
I also picked up Korean and I can basically say that I'm in love with it. It's a really fresh thing, but I learnt hangeoul and some words. Also I kinda worked out a way of remembering these words better.
So yeah, that's it for now, I love productivity. Hope it could inspire you to do what you love.
잘 가요! 함내세요! Bye Lingos!
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
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I will have a giveaway running at one point all year. When one ends, another begins. This way I can keep giving and you’ll still have an opportunity to win!
There will be one winner that I will send $25 worth of book(s) to. You can pick ANY books you want. (not just the books pictured above…. ANY)
The rules are simple:
must be following me: @booklover277
reblog / like this post to enter. reblog as many times as you want.
I will be buying the book(s) from book depository or amazon, so make sure one of those will ship to your country.
if under 18, you must have parent/guardian permission.
must be willing to give me your address
must have your ask box open, so that I can contact you.
If the winner does not get back to me within 48 hours, I will be selecting a new winner.
giveaway ends January 7, 2019
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
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Four language learning tips for anyone! I’ve edited the template, so you might have seen these already. X More langauge learning advice on my YouTube channel
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
I suffer from extreme social anxiety, but I'm trying to learn French. I want to be able to practice speaking, but when I try with strangers (especially online) I get panic attacks. I'm getting treatment for my anxiety, but in the mean time do you have any ideas for how I can practice with out over extending myself?
Hi! I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you feel better soon! I can offer a few tips:
Talk to and have imaginary conversations with yourself 
Listen to native speakers speaking your target language (for example on the radio, tv-show, or a youtube video) and repeat what they say
Sing along to your favourite songs in your target language
Read books, articles, and other texts in your target language out loud
Instead of having real time voice chats with native speakers, try sending them voice messages (x)
Have a positive attitude, don’t give up, and be proud of your achievements big or small
I hope this helps, good luck!
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
Bilingual culture is being obsessed with learning new languages, even though you know you don’t have any more place in your head for a new language, but hey ancient greek sounds really interesting!
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
100 reasons to learn a foreign language
1) To travel
2) To communicate with people from other countries
3) To make friends from other countries
4) To study abroad
5) To find a job or an internship abroad
6) To read books in their original language
7) To watch movies and TV shows with the original voices
8) To understand music in other languages
9) To discover and understand new cultures
10) To understand new words and idioms, which means that you will have new ways of expressing yourself
11) To discover new foods and recipes from all over the world
12) To have more job opportunities
13) To get a better job, with more possibilities
14) To understand the world a bit better
15) To watch the news or read newspapers in another language, so that you can gain other information and see the world from another point of view
16) To learn traditions and customs from other countries
17) To be more open-minded
18) To train your brain
19) To have a new challenge
20) To avoid illnesses such as Alzheimer or dementia
21) To brag to your friends and family about being bilingual
22) To meet your soulmate from another country
23) To have more youtube content to watch
24) To make your parents / family proud
25) To learn the language of your ancestors
26) To learn the native language of your partner
27) To learn the native language of your best friend
28) To give yourself a reason to watch cartoons
29) To be able to watch Disney movies in different languages
30) To learn more about history, geography and geopolitics 
31) To be able to sing in more than one language
32) To raise bilingual children
33) To be able to help lost tourists in your city
34) To be able to ask for help when you’re lost in a foreign city
35) To not have regrets later
36) To be able to read more resources when you’re researching for an essay
37) To become a more interesting person
38) To have something to do in your free time
39) To meet more interesting people
40) To see your culture from another perspective
41) To be a traveler, not a tourist
42) To be able to bargain the prices when you’re traveling
43) To escape from tourist traps
44) To share amazing experiences with the locals  
45) To become more creative
46) To read memes from different countries
47) To become a citizen of the world
48) To laugh at how crazy your native language and your native culture is
49) To laugh at how hard your target language is
50) To understand jokes in another language
51) To participate more efficiently and responsively in a multi-cultural world
52) To teach your native language abroad
53) To learn to respect everyone and human nature
54) To appreciate cultural diversity
55) To help immigrants who arrive in your country and don’t speak the language yet
56) To watch sports competitions in another language
57) To understand all the Eurovision’s song
58) To be proud of yourself when you master a new aspect of your target language
59) To appreciate the variations of dialects of a foreign language
60) To get a tattoo in a foreign language
61) To volunteer abroad
62) To watch Netflix TV shows from other countries
63) To go from hearing random songs to hearing a language you understand
64) To learn how to make new sounds
65) To improve your CV
66) To say a secret out loud to a friend and have no one else understand you
67) To understand people speaking a foreign language on the bus
68) To be more open and tolerant
69) To always have something new to share
70) To become a better version of yourself
71) To say yes to more adventures
72) To learn how to greet people in tons of different ways
73) To talk to your pets in another language
74) To feel like you’re traveling in time
75) To make foreigners feel welcome in your country
76) To learn how to read and write in a foreign alphabet
77) To read street signs in other countries
78) To learn how to swear in another language
79) To help deaf people fit in society it you’re learning a sign language
80) To learn while you’re young
81) To learn while you have time
82) To read poems in their original language
83) To have people tell you that you have a cute accent
84) To become an inspiration for other language learners
85) To speak more languages than your friends and family
86) To stand out from the crowd
87) To help save an endangered language
88) To learn more about linguistics
89) To grow as a person
90) To help people who are struggling with your native language or target languages
91) To translate crazy phrases on Duolingo
92) To talk with kids who don’t speak your native language
93) Because learning languages is an epic adventure
94) Because so many languages will sound good to your ears
95) Because it’s fun
96) Because it’s rewarding
97) Because the language learning community is amazing
98) Because there’s no reason not to learn languages
99) Because you won’t regret it
100) Because you don’t actually need a reason
Hope you guys like it and agree with it :) Add more reasons if you want!
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
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That’s a question I asked myself many times. So I spent a lot of time on blogs and websites telling me that you can’t name an exactly number. Of course you can’t but I was just searching for an “around this” number. Everyone knows that there is no magical number like 1000 and then you’ll speak your target language but with 999 you wouldn’t. I just wanted “around this” numbers to be motivated, to have a goal, to have a direction I can keep in mind.  It was a pain in the ass to get an answer to this. And I want to share it with you guys, so you don’t have to waste your time on several blogs and giant textwalls to get just a little bit closer to this answer. Don’t forget these are just “around this” numbers and it’s very(!) important that you also use them and SPEAK your target language.  _______________________________________  100 most common words make up 50% of conversations.
300 most common words make up 65% of conversations.
2.000 most common words make up 90% of conversations. _______________________________________ What are the different levels of a language?
A1: 500 words A2: 1.000 words
B1: 2.000 words B2: 4.000 words
C1: 8.000 words C2: 16.000 words _______________________________________
And here a little bit detailed:
250 words - without these words, you can’t make a sentence.
750 words - is needed for everyday conversations.
2.500 words - will allow you to say most things you want, but sometimes in an awkward way.
5.000 words - is an active vocabulary of a (not high educated) native speaker.
10.000 words - is an active vocabulary of a (high educated) native speaker.
20.000 words - is needed in your passive vocabulary to fully understand work of literature by a notable author.
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
native speaker of my target language: I love your accent!
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
J'ai acheté 'Le Petit Prince' en espagnol ajourd'hui! 😍 Je suis trop excité!!
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
Taboo vocabulary in English, French and Spanish
These are some words you might not learn in class or in your textbooks but that are useful anyway. As always, feel free to tell me if I made any mistake and to add new words and/or languages in the notes :) 
Death - La mort - La muerte
Dead - Mort(e) - Muerto/a  A corpse - Un cadavre - Un cadáver Grieth - Le deuil - La pena To be grieving - Être en deuil - Estar de luto A coffin - Un cerceuil - Un ataúd A funeral - Un enterrement - Un funeral A cemetery - Un cimetière - Un cementerio 
Illness - La maladie - La enfermedad
Terminal illness - Maladie terminal- Enfermedad terminal Cancer - Cancer - Cáncer A tumor - Une tumeur - Un tumor HIV - VIH - VIH  AIDS - SIDA - SIDA  Epilepsy - Epilepsie - Epilepsia  Epileptic - Epileptique - Epiléctico 
Hancicap - Le handicap - La discapacidad
A wheelchair - Un fauteuil roulant - Una silla de ruedas Amputated - Amputé(e) - Amputado/a An amputation - Une amputation - Una amputación Deaf - Sourd(e) - Sordo/a Blind - Aveugle - Ciego/a Mute - Muet(te) - Mudo/a
A mental illness - Une maladie mentale - Una enfermedad mental
Trisomy - Trisomie - Trisomía Alzheimer’s disease - Alzheimer -  Alzheimer A depression - Une dépression - Una depresión To be depressed - Être dépressif/déprimé - Estar deprimido Anxiety - Anxiété - Ansiedad   Bipolar - Bipolaire - Bipolar  Anorexia - Anorexie - Anorexia Anorexic - Anorexique - Anoréxico/a Bulimia - Boulimie - Bulimia  Bulimic - Boulimique - Bulimico/a
Sex - Le sexe - El sexo 
A condom - Un préservatif - Un condón To make love - Faire l’amour - Hacer el amor Foreplay - Préliminaires - Preliminares  Fellatio - Fellation - Felación Sodomy - Sodomie - Sodomía
Sexuality - La sexualité - La sexualidad 
Heterosexual - Hétérosexuel - Heterosexual Homosexual - Homosexuel - Homosexual  Bisexual - Bisexuel - Bisexual  Pansexual - Pansexuel - Pansexual  Asexual - Asexuel - Asexual  Aromantic - Aromantique - Aromántico Cisgender - Cisgenre - Cisgénero  Trangender - Transgenre - Transgénero 
Periods - Les règles -  La menstruación
Sanitary pad - Serviette - Compresa / toalla femenina  A tampon - Un tampon - Un tampón Uterus - Uterus - útero Cramps - Crampes - Calambre  Pain - Douleur - Dolor Blood - Sang - Sangre  A stain - Une tache - Una mancha 
Poop - Le caca - La caca
Piss - Le pipi / la pisse - Meo / pis Toilets - Les toilettes - Los baños To flush - Tirer la chasse - Descargar Shit - La merde - La mierda  Diarrhea - La diarrhée - La diarrea  Constipation - Constipation - Estreñimiento
Drugs - Les drogues 
LSD - LSD - LSD  Marijuana - Marijuana - Marihuana Heroin - Heroïne - Heroína Cocaine - Cocaïne - Cocaína Dealer - Traficant / dealer - Traficante  To inject - Se piquer - Inyectar  Needle - Seringue - Aguja  Overdose - Overdose - Sobredosis
Religion - La religion - La religión
Catholic - Catholique - Católico Catholicism - Catholicisme - Catolicismo  The Pope - Le Pape - El Papa A priest - Un prêtre - Un sacerdote  A church - Une église - Una iglesia  Islam - Islam - Islam  Muslim - Musulman - Musulmán An imam - Un imam - Un imán A mosque - Une mosquée - Una mezquita A jew - Un juif / une juive - Un judío   Judaism - Judaïsme - Judaísmo A temple - Un temple - Un templo  A sinagogue - Une synagogue - Una sinagoga  Buddhism - Bouddhisme - Budismo  Buddhist - Bouddhiste - Budista Hinduism - Hindouisme - Hinduismo  Hindu - Hindouiste - Hinduista  Atheist - Athée - Ateo  Agnostic - Agnostique - Agnóstico A veil - Un voile - Un velo  A hijab - Un hijab / un voile islamique - Un hiyab A cross - La croix - Una cruz A star - Une étoile - Una estrella 
War - La guerre - La guerra
A soldier - Un soldat - Un soldado  An army - Une armée - Un ejército  Arms - Armes - Armas  A gun - Un fusil - Un fusil  A bombing - Un attentat - Un atentado A bomb - Une bombe - Una bomba Refugee - Refugié(e) - Refugiado/a To shoot - Fusiller - Fusilar  Death penalty - Peine de mort - Pena capital 
To be poor - Être pauvre - Ser pobre To beg - Mendier - Mendigar Beggar - Mendiant(e) - Mendigo/a Refuge - Refuge - Refugio Squat - Squat - Casa okupa / invasión Homeless person - Sans-abris / SDF (sans domicile fixe) - Persona sin hogar / vagabundo  Slum - Bidonville - Barrio pobre / suburbio  Ghetto - Cité / Ghetto - Gueto 
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
reminder: you can start over at anytime. your day is not ruined. your world is not over. take a deep breath. start over.
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
“why would you learn that language when everyone speaks english there anyway” why would you open your mouth when no one cares about your opinion anyway
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
T H I S 
I need a Shazam for languages
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introlingo-blog · 6 years
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As I said in my previous post, I'm an auditory learner. And I wanted to share something with you, I wanted to do that earlier but I was not convinced. I just translated a son, I needed the dictionary obviously, but it was really fun and I learnt about 30 new words 😍 *Mi casa es tu casa por Evan Craft*
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