#but I’m actually not I’m quite mean and often very petty
iguessitsjustme · 2 years
There is an interesting phenomena happening lately across multiple shows where there has been an increase in viewers of BL reading the novels that the shows are based off of. I’m not entirely sure why that is, I certainly have theories, but I don’t have the data to back any of them up (I am willing to share my theories if asked but they’re not particularly relevant here). But regardless, it’s definitely happening where a large number of viewers will find a translation of a BL novel and read it before watching the show. And don’t get me wrong, that’s amazing! I am certainly not complaining that people are reading these novels. I will always advocate for more reading, especially from authors from different cultures.
I personally do not read the novels for the shows I’m watching. I have done it a couple of times, but it’s extremely rare that I will go out of my way to find the novels. There’s a few reasons for this. First and foremost is that I find the unofficial fan translations difficult to read and I would rather pay for an official translation of the novels that have to go through multiple checks and also I would like to support the authors by purchasing the novels. I know. I know that we’re just not there yet for BL where there are official translations, but I still can’t bring myself to read the unofficial ones. I really struggled getting through the fan translation of Bite Me, and there was a specific reason I read that one, but we’ll get into this in a bit. 
Another reason that I don’t read the novels is because, truthfully, I just want to watch the shows. I enjoy watching week to week and needing to wait to see what happens. I enjoy experiencing these shows along with everyone else watching. Even if I don’t particularly like the show, I enjoy watching and critiquing it along with others. And that is where this issue and clash starts coming into play. 
Whenever I’m watching a show, I watch it with a critical eye. An analytical gaze, if you will. So oftentimes, what happens is I’ll come across a show that I’m enjoying overall, but something about the show isn’t working for me. Whether that be a character, a plot line, soundtrack, etc. That is when I’ll critique the show (different than hate but that’s another post). Now it’s important to note that what I am critiquing is the show, not the novel. I can’t possibly critique the novel that the show is based off of if I haven’t read it. I also wouldn’t feel comfortable critiquing an unofficial translation (again, that’s another post).
So when anyone makes a post critiquing a show, it is actually irrelevant to bring up the novel as an argument against the critique. I understand that the novel might provide additional context that the show is missing, but that’s kind of the point. The show is missing the context. And that’s the clash. The show and the novel are two completely separate pieces of media. By the very nature of the medium that is portraying the story, it’s going to be different. So the show needs to be able to hold up without relying on people having read the novel. If I need to read the novel to get the necessary context for any aspect of any story that I am consuming through the medium of a show (or movie), then that show has inherently failed at what it set out to do. Which is to tell a cohesive story. I’d also argue that a lot of the shows that people constantly like to bring up the novel for, actually do work as a cohesive story and don’t need the context that people are trying to provide. 
A critique of a show doesn’t necessarily mean that the show is bad or missing anything. A critique is simply something that caught someone’s attention when they were watching and reading into the scene. It is a criticism based on a close reading of a scene, a character, etc. And most often, those criticisms are presented by people with the knowledge and skill set to be able to do that. (For instance, I have a degree and professional experience doing close reads of texts). Critiques are not asking for additional context from the novel. They aren’t asking how it is or what happened in the novel (unless explicitly stated that they want to know).
 It’s important that we, as the viewers, are able to draw that distinction between novel and show because they are ultimately different. A critique for the show might not be the same for the novel, but that’s the point. They are different and they can’t be consumed the same way. I would certainly approach a close reading of a novel very differently than I would a show. I’d actually probably be a lot harsher on a novel than when I’m critiquing a show. Which is another reason I’m not particularly comfortable reading unofficial fan translations. It wouldn’t be fair to the author or the translator to have me read it the way I normally would. 
And that brings me to my last point. I have read a few of these novels and the only one I ever posted about was Bite Me. And I kept those posts on my own blog. I did not go to someone else’s post or blog and “well actually” them about how it happened in the novel. Because they are two separate things and I recognize that not everyone has read the novel nor would want to know and it’s not my place to tell them how to view their media. 
If you want to read the novel, that’s fine, wonderful even! More power to you. I’m so thankful we live in a time where it’s possible and that there are awesome fans out there who put in the enormous amount of work it takes to translate things. But if you do read the novel, please remember: it is not the same as the show, someone critiquing the show is not asking for your opinion on what happened in the novel, and it is always best to make your own posts if you want to talk about the novel. That last point is especially important. People can always filter tags or block/unfollow people that they disagree with or who post novel spoilers, but that doesn’t work when people go to someone else’s post or blog to say it. 
And last but not least, it’s just common courtesy not to give out book spoilers for currently airing shows. It’s 2022 and we should all know better by now. Unless a spoiler is asked for, do not give one. 
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kxlitz · 1 year
Hi, i'm loving your work, you're so talented. I was wondering if you could do an arguing with the Kaulitz twins (separate) HC please? ❤
I sure can!! Tysm for the request ִ ࣪𖤐
✶ Arguing with the Kaulitz Twins ✶
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♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
★ Bill Kaulitz ★
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Let’s start softly
This may have been said many, many, many times but it’s true. You guys rarely fight, but! When it comes to little arguments over some petty topics I’m afraid it’s the opposite.
It never lasts long.
You accidentally pulled a loose thread on his silk shirt? He’s going to pout about it for the next thirty minutes
You stepped on him? He will dramatically say you’re plotting against him
Missed a chord on stage? Oh he will be genuinely annoyed for a little while
When it comes to serious arguments though, you need something big to anger him so badly.
It would start just like your usual bickering. Making petty remarks at each other and someetimes avoiding the main issue.
Once his face drops and he goes completely serious you know it's about to go down.
Bill can be very pigheaded so he will stick to his point no matter what. He likes being right just as he likes being in control.
He's the type to speak really fast and cut your word because he feels the need to explain himself.
Is very consious of what he says though, he will never say something hurtful that he doesn't mean.
It's a different story if he actually means it. He's brutally honest and if you did something bad he will tell you without sugarcoating it, even if it can come across as rude.
Bill can take a lot in but there's always a point where he breaks, it's normal.
Look he's not a rude person at all, but he's not one to let things slide either.
A flaw of his is that he may say a hundred things at once and expect you to listen through but there's times when one of your first replies will make him cry or freak out right away. Ofc not always but it's one of the things Bill would need to work on.
He is not that aggressive but is VERY defensive.
Bill doesn't like conflict though, this is really a worst case scenario where something comes up and you guys need to argue it out.
Friendly reminder that it is necessary in relationships to argue from time to time as long as it stays healthy.
If the argument gets too heated Bill prefers that you both part ways for a couple hours to cool down. Then you discuss again after re-arranging your thoughts.
At the end of the day he never meant wrong, he just wants to fix whatever came up.
Bill would feel terrible after you fight. He genuinely fears you’ll leave him or start hating him.
Would not apologize instantly because his pride plays a big game, but give it some minutes or an hour; worst case a day and he will come back sobbing and asking for your forgiveness, expressing how much he loves you and how he never meant to fight.
You’re the type to be angry at each other but still cuddle at night.
Hug him and tell him he's valid please.
☆ Tom Kaulitz ☆
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Tom, Tom, Tom
Believe it or not, Tom becomes quite submissive when he's very emphatuated with someone.
He really is at your mercy.
Yet it doesn't change the fact that he's a bit of a hot-head and just like Bill, he likes when he's right.
Let's not forget Tom was a bit of a punk activist growing up. You get what I mean when I say that be likes to get his point across. (Y'all need to read Bill's book if you speak/understand german it's a GEM. There's also a girl narrating some of it in spanish on YT :)
Unfortunately, arguments do happen often. Sometimes it’s really nothing but other times it can get pretty ugly.
When you guys are mad at each other everyone knows that it's better to leave you be because it will get loud.
Your fights range from small discussions that you have often to actual screaming matches when it gets bad.
It's inevitable for the both of you to raise your voices as each other in these cases.
The reasons may vary. It can be miscommunication, ESPECIALLY in 2006-8 when you were still young teens experiencing the world of fame.
Jealousy, for sure. I can see Tom being skilled enough at hiding it but he’s very possessive still.
And well, it’s still Tom. Again if you focus on his earlier years of fame the amount of girls throwing themselves at him can definitely be a cause of conflict.
Unless you’re very chill about it.
There’s definitely still possessiveness on Tom’s side.
I feel like neither of you would really know how to process the frustration.
A little thing to take into consideration is that you’d be the couple that argues, yell that you hate each other and then 10 minutes later you’ll be back to normal and never speak of it again.
Which you need to work on.
It’s because of this very reason that some of your fighting topics can be repetitive.
From what the twins have confessed, they could get pretty aggressive with their surroundings.
Tom would never, NEVER, raise a hand at you. No need to worry.
But the items around him can’t say the same.
He’s the kind of person that feels the anger in him build up physically and needs some release. When he’s fuming, in the worst of scenarios some tables would be kicked or some object would fly around. Just never at you.
This habit does get worked on throughout time though, he matures and grows.
The only physical fight that would ever go down is a pillow fight. Or play fights. Or in bed. But that’s another story.
A bit similar to Bill, Tom needs some time to cool off, just does it more impulsively.
He would walk out sometimes because it’s far too overwhelming.
Makeup sex is a big thing in your relationship.
Tom would love to express himself better and talk things through he simply needs help doing it.
Maybe you’re the help he needs.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Hello, hi! This is my second request so I’m sorry if this is too much! If it’s is then please ignore this or the other one or both!
May I please request for Yandere of your choice with a reader who really likes their Yandere behavior? Of course minus the killing and hurting others part.
Thank you! And please take care of yourself.
I’ll do my best to take care of myself!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusions, stalking, clinginess, paranoia, jealousy
S/o likes their Yandere behavior
Sohma Shigure
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🐕Behind his light-hearted facade, Shigure is quite hyper-aware of his own obsession but is quite literally feeling nonchalant about it. Because he doesn't like getting hurt though, he's very possessive of his darling and is always somehow involved in their daily life. Also, he loves teasing you at times since it's entertaining if he can push your buttons enough to make you a bit mad, although it's still very much an asshole move. Shigure is even more of an asshole to anyone who is threatening to take the biggest place in your heart. He's a petty man despite his sometimes insightful moments and can feel quite bitter if he notices that you're very close to someone, closer than to him. He always manages to test the limit of such a person too, only that he is far more cruel than he'd be usually. He's just mean and manipulative.
🐕 He's sort of amused that you still like his behavior for the most part even if you do mention to him that you don't appreciate him being mean and trying to break apart precious bonds you have with others. Shigure expected something else but he's satisfied that you still love him. It saves him trouble that might have come his way otherwise. He likes to tease you for being a weirdo though because you actually enjoy his possessive and more clingy attitude although in a more loving way. He can't help his sometimes more shitty attitude though by testing the waters with you. He just wants to know how far he can go until you get mad, with how much he can get away. For the most part he still acts laid-back and silly but he's more genuine with all of his feelings and hides things less from you.
Roy Mustang
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🔥 Roy is a charismatic and charming man for his darling but it's all really just a mask so he can hide something he often finds himself deeply ashamed about. His own possessive and obsessive infatuation. He feels so often embarrassed and guilty for his own emotions but also knows from previous tries that it doesn't do his sanity good if he tries to distance himself from you. Roy at least manages to come over as a normal lover for the most part, he has composure. In moments of weakness he cracks though and that partially rules in his trauma regarding the Ishval Civil War and the death of his dear friend. Moments of insecurity where he turns more possessive, jealous and needy. Moments where you feel his hands heating up as his temper flares up.
🔥 He's shocked when he finds out that you actually enjoy it when he gets more possessive and wants you around him when he feels insecure all the time. He expected you to react the exact opposite if you'd ever suspect that he's actually quite obsessed and is unable to come up with something good to say the first few moments. He doesn't even know how he should feel for a while. A rational part of him thinks it's wrong for you to enjoy this all even if you at least say that killing others is still wrong and he shouldn't do it. On the other hand he loathes that another part of him is relieved and even glad. He sort of tiptoes around you, observes you as if not believing you. He refuses to use your willingness yet you find him clinging to you whenever he's hit with his paranoid insecurity and wants reassurance.
Takasugi Shinsuke
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❤️‍🩹 Takasugi Shinsuke is a mess when it comes to his feelings. He's driven by his anger and guilt and has set his mind to destroy the world since it took what was most important to him. He's already slightly deranged and knows it but the new feelings blossoming inside his chest worsen that even more. He didn't expect to love someone, never wanted it either since he already had a goal he wanted to achieve. Your appearance confuses him, another wish which should be forbidden for someone like him pollutes his thoughts. The man hates you, you ruin his plan and he wants to reject you but longs for you deep down. He stalks you, watches you, is possessive enough to kill anyone who might be your potential partner even if he himself rejects the idea of a relationship himself.
❤️‍🩹 At one point he nearly loses it though, the chaotic storm of feelings inside of him leading to an abduction. He's quite aloof and cold to you, expects you to hate and fear him and even wants it. Yet apparently he isn't the insane one, you are. He is unable to understand why you like his behavior and him, tries to ignore the way a part of his heart flutters out of happiness. He stares at you with a unreadable face, analyzes you in silent hopes to find out that you lie, that you fear him. You seek him out, he avoids you. He can't love but you make it hard for the irrational emotions of his who just want you. Takasugi, for the lack of knowledge how to handle your genuine affection, resorts to show you the worst and ugliest part of him so you stop tugging at his heartstrings. He can't even make sense of himself right now, torn apart between revenge and new desire.
Integra Hellsing
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🚬 Integra has this domineering and intimidating aura around her that demands respect and she knows that this might scare others a bit. Integra herself is lucid about her own feelings but what is as admirable as fearsome about her is that she handles her obsession with her normal controlled ease. She goes about it in the ususal business-like manner but doesn't allow her darling much choices in the end. Alucard likes to tease his master for his obsession but luckily her temper doesn't flare up that easily. As a partner Integra is strict and controlling though and due to her showing rarely any emotional reactions, she comes over as rather detached and cold at times. She's still very protective which is shown with her willingness to punish or even kill anyone who dares to attack and harm you.
🚬 Besides shock Sir Hellsing is genuinely impressed that you actually saw through her. Her servant Alucard is one of very few people who is able to see behind her composed and firm walls so to think that you were able to do the same is a small shock for her. There is a small part of amusement too when she hears how you find her behavior actually some sort of attractive even if you firmly stand against her killing others because of you. She keeps her coolness though and just sits down with you, interested how she gave herself away to you. It's probably sort of mind-blowing for an observer to hear and see how she spends an entire hour discussing and negotiating with you regarding her obsession and what you two will do from now on. Integra keeps her word though as long as you keep yours.
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🏹 Her resurrection has given Kikyo certain freedoms she didn't have during the time when she was the guardian of the Sacred Jewel. She is allowed to hate now, to have negative emotions and that is some sort of relief for her even if she knows that such emotions can lead to terrible actions. Kikyo allows herself to be openly more selfish though and that is strongly shown with her obsession she has with her darling. Apparently with a new life came a new love for her too, far more intense than what she felt for Inuyasha. She stays in the place where you live for a while, you get to know her and she you too, additional stalking helping her even more. There comes the time where she has to leave though and she's selfish enough to force you to tag along. She knows that it's wrong and feels partially guilty yet is too tired to be selfless again.
🏹 She thought that you'd despise her, make things more difficult yet apparently you've gained feelings for her too and are happy to follow her. Your reaction flusters her a bit as she is not prepared for this. Yet Kikyo accepts your own feelings without quarreling with herself much. She feels a great sense of relief and joy that you reciprocate her love despite her somewhat apathetic act at times. She finds her fondness for you only deepening, reassures you that she won't harm people if they haven't done anything wrong. Sure, she still keeps an eye on you for a while to just go the extra mile to be safe but after that she gives you a lot of freedom. You're allowed to explore a bit without her although she insists that you still stay close enough so that you'd be able to hear her if she calls for you since Kikyo is very protective and given her past slightly paranoid.
Zenin Maki
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💚 Maki represses her emotions mostly in order to maintain her tough and cold attitude but that doesn't mean that she dislikes you even if it sometimes comes over that way. It's rather that Maki is somewhat in disbelief that she is as romantically obsessed as she is with you. Her life revolves around becoming a strong sorcerer and humiliating her entire clan via that. Maki is almost a bit hyper-aware when around you although you don't catch her fleeting and subtle glances at first. The woman is strict and as tough as usual though with a good hint of a more possessive side at times. She won't be your knight in shining armor and expects you to be able to fend for yourself, even if you're just a normal human. Messing with her darling is never a good idea though because she's serious and won't hold back if someone clearly wrongs you.
💚 You manage to elicit a rather surprised and flabbergasted expression from her when she realizes that not only have you discovered her rather obsessive feelings but also came to like the way it influences her actions. Maki is not stupid, she knows that she's in the wrong with her feelings and struggles at times still with it. She's as straightforward with her words as ever though, deeming it to be useless to deny your words. You're too sure of yourself. She questions you about your weird liking for her obsession, you sense a hint of distrust from her. She still hasn't bought your words completely yet, it's not what she expected to hear from you. She's worried that others might notice too so she tries to cool her behavior down although she eventually relaxes more around you when she believes that you told the truth. She still tells you that you're weird for liking this albeit with a slightly amused grin.
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🦊 Tomoe speaks badly about his darling the entire time but it's merely a way to distract himself from his own attraction. He's in utter disbelief and rejects the idea that he, a fox yokai, has fallen in love with a mere human. They're weak and mortal so why? Why does he feel this strong need to protect you? He's big in stalking at the beginning, a silent shadow who watches you. Surely he'd feel disgusted if he'd see how fragile and annoying this human really is. Nothing like that happens though, it only worsens Tomoe's addiction. An abduction is bound to happen since there is a certain paranoia Tomoe feels. Mikage already left him, he doesn't want to let you leave him too. He's very possessive and jealous too, not hesitant to scare or harm anyone who harms you or is too close to you.
🦊 Tomoe can pretend as much as he wants, deep down he longs to be loved and accepted by his darling which is why their confession catches him off guard. He's paranoid though since Mikage left him despite promising to be back soon so he doesn't believe you, experience has taught him so. He might even accuse you angrily of lying to him as a way to use him. Why would you love him despite him having kidnapped you? A part of him wants to believe you but he's too distrusting. You notice him being around you more often, his gaze never leaving you. He observes, searches for any signs that you lie but can't find any. It needs a lot of time and proof from you that you like him though before he slowly opens up and mellows out. He starts doting on you openly when he knows that you're genuine and wants at the same time more affection from your side.
Jacaerys Velaryon
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He probably doesn't come over as someone potentially dangerous because Jacaerys is a big sweetheart for his darling. Even a blind person would see that he loves his darling to the moon and back, constantly singing praises about them in front of his family and spoiling them with whatever they wish. Jace isn't thinking rationally, his infatuation sort of keeps him from being completely aware about his own obsession. That doesn't mean that he has those silent moments where he kind of considers if his love can really be seen as completely harmless. Jacaerys experiences darker thoughts at times which sometimes startles him when he catches himself in the middle of it. It's important to keep in mind that he's highly protective and only truly caring to those he loves. Not to mention that he's more possessive than he lets on.
He orientates himself strongly after his darling though so it's a bad thing when he finds out that you adore his behavior. Sure, you're not too fond when he uses his position and influence to scare other potential pursuers away but you know that he loves you just a lot. The moment he knows that is the moment he pretty much abandons any doubt he had in the past about his attitude. He makes you happy with him if he acts that way apparently and that's all Jace wants and needs to know. If he knows that intimidating and threatening others upsets you, he tries to cool that part of him down but he will never stop being more aggressive if someone says or even looks at you the wrong way. His behavior around you intensifies since he knows that you like it though so he dotes on you even more than before.
Rokudo Mukuro
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🌫️ This guy is disgustingly possessive over his darling and everything but tame. Mukuro is rather apathetic too which only means that he doesn't really care if he hurts others or even has to kill someone if it ensures that you stay with him. He even threatens and intimidates his own darling if it helps them to stay in line. He's less involved though as he is often away and takes care of something he never tells you about. You're either left under supervision of Chikusa, Ken and Chrome or are completely alone. Chances to run are tempting but that's what he wants to test in such scenarios. If you stay, he praises you for being obedient and smart and if you try to escape, he tracks you down an crushes your hopes by displaying the huge gap in power and skill between you two. Mukuro does care but he doesn't show it very openly.
🌫️ He wouldn't have minded your fear as long as you would have obeyed either but he's pleased to know that you actually like his behavior. He doesn't question why you do though because he knows that the average sane person would despise and fear him. Apparently you are another strange one but he doesn't really mind. It just means that everything will go smooth since you'll obey without throwing a tantrum. Mukuro decides to believe you too since he's confident in his ability to read you so he just sort of knows that you didn't lie to him when answering his question since he noticed. He doesn't exactly let you of the hook easier, still keeps you locked up and more isolated but he lets his more affectionate side show a bit here and there. Terms of endearment or the occasional soft caress of his hands when he isn't away.
Chae Yul
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💜 Chae Yul is the complete package, the worst mix of everything. He’s extremely possessive, obsessive, trigger-happy, jealous and terribly clingy and needy. He’s incredibly attached to his darling to an unhealthy degree and relies solely on them for his emotional support. He rejects anyone else, isolates himself since you’re the only one he wants to spend time with. He’s a red flag, toxic enough to guilt-trip his darling whenever he feels like they reject him or is paranoid enough to think that they might plan to leave him. Yul can spend every waking second with you and attempts to do exactly that since he gets anxious when he isn’t with you. He’s the tamest when he is alone with you and isn’t scary to everyone who tries to get in between you two. Worst is that Yul tends to see everyone as villains who wants to separate him from you.
💜 He’s never viewed his excessive infatuation with you as wrong and despite the wrongness of it, you find it almost endearing. You make him aware of it too although you tell him that you don’t want him to threaten everyone who does as much as greeting you, he doesn’t have to act so overly jealous and possessive. Honestly, it’s probably best if his darling likes Yul’s behavior because otherwise he’d be insufferable. He doesn’t attempt to change much though although he tears up when you express your disappointment in him for acting so overly aggressive and frightening to others around you. He hates it, it makes him feel paranoid. So he opts to keep you most of the time in his apartment where he doesn’t have to worry about others. A perfect solution, wouldn’t you agree? Just let him stay like this forever, cuddled up in your arms.
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autumnmobile12 · 5 months
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“You’ve always been so good with children, Mai,”  Rei said.  “But you’ve never talked about having any of your own.”
This hadn’t been the first time someone had asked her about this.
As she searched for the words to a concise answer, Mai pulled her mom’s old house key from her neck and dangled it in front of the baby in her arms.  “What is that, Touya?  What’s that?”  It wasn’t as though she hadn’t thought about it.  Mai liked children, and many of the hundreds she’d rescued or helped rescue had taken a liking to her.  Ayako had often told her she would be a good mother.  And yet, “My Quirk is distressing, Rei.  It's not fire or ice. It's not a power I can just stop using. What it allows me to see and experience is so real and so intense that if I were to pass that along to any potential children, or some variation of it…if I were to wake up in the middle of the night because a son or daughter of mine was inconsolable over a nightmare, knowing I’m the cause, I don’t think I could live with myself.”
Rei put a hand on her back.  “You’ve never told me this.  I knew your abilities troubled you sometimes, but——”
“No, don’t worry about it,”  Mai said with a smile.  “The idea of not having kids doesn’t bother me, really it doesn't.  It just means I’ll have to be content with being an auntie to this little one.  Isn’t that right, you little firebug?”
By now, Touya had grabbed ahold of the key and was trying to tug it away from her.  Mai stuck her tongue out at him.
“Tomorrow’s Saturday,”  Aunt Mai said.  “I don’t want you to go to the mountain.”
“We’re going to…”  He watched her face scrunch up in search of an idea.  Mom did the same thing sometimes.  She used to.  “The zoo.  We are going to the zoo.”
“Yep.  You and your siblings.  We’ll head there tomorrow.”  At that, she pushed away from the table and rose to her full height.  She was a little taller than Mom, so he was barely higher than her elbow, and yet for some reason, he always felt so much smaller next to her.  Bringing her hands together in a light clap, Mai said with a wide smile,  “We’ll go see the animals, we’ll get ice cream, and we’ll all have a wonderful time.  Sound good, Firebug?”
Touya stared at her.  “I’m not five anymore.”
“Neither am I, what’s your point?”  She crossed her arms and tilted her head to one side so that her long braid dangled off her shoulder.  “Don’t go acting tough with me.  I know for a fact you still love polar bears.”
He supposed they hadn’t gone to the zoo, or anywhere fun, in a long time. Mom was never the same after Shouto was born, and Dad didn't have time for any of them aside from Shouto. And from the look in her eyes, Aunt Mai knew it, too.
(on phone) "This isn't a good time, Naru."
"This is important."
"Is it more important than teaching my niece and nephews how to make tea, preferably without it winding up in someone's face?"
"...carry on."
"That's what I thought. Talk later."
If you saw my other post notes on this crossover and read the snippet I wrote with Mai and Hawks, you probably already saw that I have the Ghost Hunt cast aged up quite a bit compared to the usual fandom stuff I do.  To clarify, in the current timeline of My Hero’s canon, Mai is forty-six years old.  (She’s actually a month older than Endeavor. There’s nothing significant about that; it’s just petty ‘I’m marginally older than you,’ fodder and I think that’s funny.)
In this crossover, Mai chose to never have children.  Since Quirks are hereditary, she feared passing her Retrocognition and the Death Dreams that come with it along to potential descendants and what it might mutate into over the generations.  She decided her power was one of pain and anguish and she refused to willingly inflict that on someone else.  That said, she did grow up with Rei, so she is very close with Rei’s children and inevitably got herself entangled in the family’s toxic dynamics.  But here is the conundrum I’m having with exploring avenues for this crossover because there are three ways to look at Mai’s presence and how it affects My Hero’s canon, particularly the events revolving around Touya’s ‘death’ and how Mai’s dreams work:
Scenario 1:  The fire and feeling every second of that experience firsthand through one of her dreams was traumatic enough that she was deceived into believing he died.  Canon events continue as normal.
Scenario 2:  Since Touya wasn’t actually killed by the fire, the incident wouldn’t trigger one of her dreams, and therefore she would know he didn’t die, which firmly lands him in missing person territory.  Investigation ensues.
Scenario 3:  The fire never happened.
The reason for this last one is based on this previous post, but the main part of it is Mai definitely is a character who has the mental fortitude and determination to stand up to someone like Endeavor, and the absence of that character-type is a huge part of how and why the situation in the Todoroki family got so out of hand.  Rei would not stand up to the threat to herself or her children, and the kids were too young to do so for themselves even if they were able to understand their family dynamic was not normal/healthy.  No one was checking Endeavor’s behavior.  Enter the very angry sister-in-law and her, “Fuck around and find out, I dare you,” mentality.
That said, I do have the headcanon that adult Mai is also super wary around kids due to her many, many close encounters with weird kids/ghost kids in canon.  So I think her method of dealing with Touya’s increasingly erratic behavior is probably a mixture of resignation, turning to the other three and saying, “Promise me your teenage years won’t be like this,” and then having to go talk the little pyromaniac down from whatever frenzy he’s worked himself into because apparently neither parent was going to do it.
Bringing us to the million dollar question: Can Mai deal with Touya?
Well…between how quickly she interceded with what the creepy Yoshimi kids were up to and her lifelong career of dealing with arrogant, little shits…yes, yes she can.  If she can handle Naru’s arrogance, Ayako and Takigawa’s bickering, and Yasuhara’s bullshit all in the same day, she can handle a thirteen year old having a crisis.
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Plus, I think if she knew he was on Sekoto Peak, waiting for his dad in the dark and the cold, it would probably bring up some uncomfortable memories of what happened to Kenji, so she definitely would’ve gone looking for him.
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laurelnose · 11 months
a disorganized pile of ninefox ttrpg thoughts
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it is HERE! also it was late in shipping by like, a day? or two? so android press sent me the PDF version also, which was very very nice of them. For this I will forgive them the weird jank in the PDF version’s character encoding. (Maybe like 5% of characters consistently copy-paste as different characters. I think they fucked up the font subsetting somehow. It’s fine, it’s just weird. Makes quoting it a little bit of a hassle. Might be less fine if you use a screenreader.)
So pleased with several little random details which are not at all relevant to like, gameplay or the worldbuilding at large but which I just kind of wanted to know. The calendar months! The full set of Kel rank symbols! Signifiers for Kujen and Tseya! <3 Also, an additional set of symbolism for the factions per the calendar months? If I’m reading this correctly it's Rahal/Wood (!?), Andan/Bells, and Vidona/Knives. [We basically knew the other three, which are Shuos/Eyes, Kel/Pyres, and Nirai/Stars.] As a visual artist I am contractually obliged to be hype about all my little guys getting Symbols, they make my life easy and fun.
This is a slim little volume, so it’s light on lore details that you couldn’t find either a) in the actual series or b) on Lee's dreamwidth. That said, one new bit was that it was not previously clear to me that the nominal arrangement of power in the heptarchate was explicitly unequal between the Liozh and the others — I thought the extant six turned on the Liozh as one of their fellows, not that they deposed the ruling faction. Interesting.
Disappointing: there are no mechanics for the calendar besides the ability to tag the current festival/remembrance. :( I wanted to roll dice about calendrical rituals!! Funnily enough there's a whole little caveat section where he’s like, inevitably someone will want to have space battles, which can be accommodated by keeping them character-focused bc this system is not designed for battle sim crunch. No similar apology for those who might want magic system crunch, if anyone wanted any further evidence that Lee and Jedao are the same guy, lmao.
Other than that I’m not actually that much of a crunchy rules guy myself so I like the system itself fine. I enjoy the concept of every check involving not necessarily skills but character traits. And also the commitment to sixes. You need A LOT of d6s for this game.
If you’re really committed I think it would be fun to play with a set of these (normal d6s except instead of numbers or pips they have clock faces showing hours 1-6):
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Jedao’s character sheet is so funny. “Complications: I have abysmal taste in lovers.” BE NICE TO HIM LMAO
It’s not entirely clear to me under which circumstances you wind up the Hexarchate Clock. Is it actually only if Kujen is in play? Does that mean he’s literally required if you want to run a long take-down-the-whole-hxx campaign?
The prewritten scenarios are neat! I don’t have a lot to say about them. They look like they would be fun. I like “The Field of Diplomacy” and the concept of the adjacent polity a lot. Oh also the note at the end of “A Heretical Sacrifice” that is just like “if the ‘human sacrifice’ bit is too vague for you and you want to add more torture, here are some ideas!” is 1) funny and 2) appreciably graphic and wince-inducing. HXX-typical gore: delivered on!
This is a petty note, but excluding servitor PCs on the grounds that this is a game about moral complicity and thus only human faction members can be PCs sure is a Statement. I know servitors are slaves and thus the moral calculus is certainly different, but like, the complicity is the entire point of Hemiola’s arc??? And faction servitors quite obviously often consider themselves to be legitimately part of that faction? The one Shuos servitor we meet is as interested in games as any fox, the assault on Shattered Needles is made possible because the Unspoken Law’s servitors consider themselves Kel, the Aerie interlude with sin 𝑥² is about a servitor who considers itself so deeply Kel it wants to go down with the hivemind. I understand they complicate things mechanically but excluding servitors for thematic reasons is silly.
That said, I feel like a servitor hack wouldn’t be too much more mechanically complex. None of the prewritten scenarios work with an all-servitor group, but I think they could all be run with one or maaybe two servitor PCs. You’d have to do some pregaming to figure out how you’d open communication between human/servitor PCs. Lore-wise, the faction traits are clearly not meant to represent the faction exotics or the Shuos wouldn’t have one; they read more like “specialized skills developed as a consequence of picking this faction” than calendrical stuff, so faction servitors could have standard faction abilities, with the caveat that a lot of interpersonal Edges may be hard for Andan servitors to hit on account of social interaction between servitors & humans being, well, you know. Alternatively, no faction abilities for servitors, but all servitors +2d6 to anything involving grid-diving and/or mechanics. Servitors can have ranks just like human PCs, though these ranks are only relevant to other servitors (and possibly moths). Servitors can probably tag calendar traits like humans, they just can’t participate in formations or affect calendrical gradients (neither of which have explicit mechanics in this system anyways). Heresies are the same for servitors as humans.
This really made me want to dig out that calendrical cryptocurrency heist concept I had to see if I can put together a scenario. And maybe also make some cardboard game spinners for a tactile clock experience...
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ryuichirou · 9 months
I have a couple of older asks that need longer replies, and I’ll try to answer at least one of them tomorrow… but today we have a bunch of shorter ones!
furubatsu asked:
In an ask you answered ages ago, you mentioned how Malleus threw off your Top/Bottom radars at first and I was curious, are there any other characters that made you go "their x! No, wait, y!"
Ooh, good question! The only other character I can think of is Lilia, but he wasn’t as confusing as Malleus: his design threw us off, but the moment Lilia opened his mouth, we figured him out lol
We really very rarely have problems with that, because it’s more about feeling the vibe of a character than anything else.
But Malleus really did confuse us for quite some time…
Anonymous asked:
are you two aware of league of legends? maybe the jhin x hwei dynamic would be interesting…
We know of it, but we aren’t even remotely closely familiar with the lore and stuff, but we actually went and read a bit about Jhin and Hwei after receiving your ask and YEP WE GET IT LOL to be honest we’re flattered that you thought that we might like them… they really do have an interesting dynamic, and the fact that it’s rooted in deep feelings about art and has some much despair and inner and outer conflict honestly makes it very spicy.
And Hwei’s design 👌💖💖💖 instantly love him.
Anonymous asked:
Even though Regina George isn't really fitting for Vil, I bet the in universe rps/rpf community loves casting him as her in Mean Girls AUs and frequently make comments about how Vil should've been cast as her in the musical version and/or remake.
Anon, I 100% agree that the in-universe fandom fancasts him as Regina all the time. He should start asking Mira who is the most “he should’ve played Regina in the musical omg” person in the world lol
But at the same time I feel like this is the reason why Vil doesn’t read comments under his posts sometimes…
Anonymous asked:
One of my favorite 'Kalim Overblots' I've read, we don't even get to see him Overblot.
He overblots after an enemy tricks him into thinking he murdered a comatose Jamil right in front of him, leading him to attacking the 'culprit' in a rage with Oasis Maker and then-
Cut to the aftermath.
There you go, another interesting way to make Kalim overblot! I like how it’s still related to him feeling responsibility + despair because of Jamil’s death, it seems like this is the main trigger for Kalim to get an emotional reaction of this magnitude.
Anonymous asked:
Najma and Jamil are basically siblings who like to mess each other but still love each other. I mean Jamil has a better family relationship to her than his parents. That doesn't mean he doesn't like how she often annoyed him.
Azul will likely try to win Najma over for her to accept her brother's relationship to her. I mean having inlaws together is worst.
Aw this is very sweet. I’m glad Jamil has a sister like that.
God I didn’t even think about the Azul-being-into-Jamil aspect of all of it, oh god this guy is going to annoy Najma too, although for some reason I get the feeling that she’s only going to be nice to Azul to annoy Jamil.
But then again, I can’t say anything concrete about her – haven’t met the girl yet.
Anonymous asked:
IDK why but I really like the idea of Ruggie unintentionally 'stealing' Azul's 'boyfriends'. Like Azul is already upset that Jamil prefers Ruggie over him and then finds Ruggie on top of Idia when he arrives at the Board Game Club room (in reality they fell over and accidentally landed in a compromising position).
Poor Azul, this is going to make him overblot again lol  I like how this is turning into a weird romcom, although with how petty Azul is, it could end up turning into an entirely different kind of anime.
Anonymous asked:
when i was starting twst i thought neige was the name of jamils sister
Jamil and his randomly French sister…
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ellitx · 1 year
Derisive 2 | Heizou x Reader
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Where Heizou decided to investigate and uncover Watatsumi Island's secret, and further investigate the mysterious shrine maiden in his own way.
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part 2 of Derisive and one of my birthday fics for him. One year later and ive finally finished it lol. I might make this a series but updates will be sporadic since i still have to draft more outlines for a good plot and progress
artist: max_eera
word count: 6.4k
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“Are you really that wary of me, Miss Shrine Maiden? I have told you, I’m here for a little trip.”
Ignoring his attempt in making a conversation with you, you could only huff as you put a good distance between him.
“I have my own intuition whether I trust you or not, Detective Heizou. Sure, you may be the renowned greatest detective in Inazuma but that doesn’t mean we’d let you do as you please.”
Cold fierce eyes, squared-up shoulders, gritted teeth—
“Intuition you say?”
He smirked, looking over his shoulder to peer at your frowning face. Without a doubt, you’re an aggressive woman. It’s a shame you always seem so grumpy and your temple would grow out wrinkles the often you do that.
Quite ironic he detests prejudice yet he’s doing it now. For a young shrine maiden such as yourself, you’re quite the character.
At his silence, you raised a brow at the young man before you in bafflement as he softly chuckled to himself. Whatever he was thinking, you hoped he wasn’t plotting against the island or planning to poke his nose around to where it shouldn’t be. Hearing rumors of him, the only way to silence him is through force— even if he’s the Shogunate’s loyal dog.
The man stopped in his tracks— almost having you bump into him if not for your quick reflex to notice his figure pausing. You eyed him intuitively whilst he stared at the scenery of Watatsumi Island.
Heizou’s breath slowed down. All pastel hues of this island will surely attract tourists to visit this side of Inazuma since the Sakoku Decree has ended. A small smile lifted up on his face before he turned his gaze back to you.
“Say, Miss Shrine Maiden—“
“[Name]. I have a name, Mister Detective.”
“Miss [Name]," He corrected. "Are there any cases arising here? Perhaps cases of a thief who stole a precious item, or mysteries left unsolved here such as the long lost treasure left by the Watatsumi Omikami?”
“There are no cases here and no treasures as well. If you want to go adventuring you’d be better off to go back to Narukami Island and take some commissions provided by the Adventurer’s Guild.”
Your eyes flashed open upon the realization of your words. That’s it! Giving him a case would have him preoccupied and absorbed. Once he’s gone, then the concern is finally out of the way. And you can finish discussing your unfinished business with General Gorou…
“Ah, actually, I do have a case for you.”
Heizou had his attention on you. His eyes glimmered in interest as he folded his arms over to his chest.
“Oh? Do enlighten me, please.”
“I have asked a friend of mine, who’s a traveler from afar, to assist us in finding the Heart of Watatsumi. Perhaps you’d be interested in taking this commission?”
Once his demeanor changed, you knew you caught his attention with your interesting offer. This is the chance he’d stop nosing around, and he wouldn’t bother anyone because after all, the traveler has already—
“Miss [Name], I’m disappointed you have the audacity to lie right in front of a detective. But I commend you for having the courage to do so.”
He smiled— or rather, sneered— at your petty attempt in fooling Inazuma’s greatest detective.
Staring back at him, you drove the corner of your lips to turn up and hid your clenched fists underneath your sleeves. Very cunning, without a doubt, but who said you couldn’t battle him through wits?
However, before the flames arose, a bundle of blonde locks of a certain traveler came into view together with her companion. Disappointing with the turn of events that Lumine unintentionally intervened, yet a blessing that she put an end to the silent fume between the detective and a shrine maiden lest it could lead to another war.
It would bring shame to you as the loyal servant of Lady Sangonomiya if that were to happen after all the efforts of bringing down the Sakoku Decree and the Vision Hunt Decree.
“Heya, [Name]! And hello… um…" Paimon looked over to the man next to you and leaned close to her partner to whisper. "Traveler, do you know who this guy is?”
Paimon asked the latter to her partner, yet both you and Heizou heard it clearly. After all, Paimon is never the type to be discreet and she’s in fact the opposite of considerate. Being conscionable wasn’t necessarily a bad thing yet when you partner it up with the floating creature, it’s much worse than bad.
Lumine berated Paimon with gritted teeth and apologized to you and Heizou on behalf of her.
“Oh! You must be the esteemed traveler!” The detective’s eyes glimmered in excitement as he leaned closer to the said female. “I’ve heard a lot of stories about you. From fighting dragons to saving the nation from a disastrous attack from a god. To see you this close in person, it feels like I am now taking the role of the main character in your story.”
His fingers were settled on his chin as he examined her carefully from top to bottom.
Raising her hands to block him from invading another inch of her space, she took a step backward to put a distance between them, yet the universe was conspiring against her as her heels slipped at the unevenness of the surface causing her to lose balance.
She searched for an object to grab onto— anything that her eyes and hands could catch on— and yet she did not do so as she feared you’d be dragged along if she attempted to. Preparing for the worse, she braced herself for the harsh collision with the ground and hoped she wouldn’t fracture any of her bones.
But the concussion has never arrived, for a tenacious pair of arms wrapped around her slim waist and caught her on time before she meets her demise. To say that you’re the one who caught her was no surprise, yet her heart hammered and rang loudly in her ears at how close your face was to hers.
“Are you alright?”
You asked lightly, like the whispers of the wind lulling in the gentle breeze here on Watatsumi Island. Lumine’s shoulders squared up, her face heating up abruptly as she nodded vigorously and held on to your clothes for dear life.
Is it just her or does the lighting behind you make you even more charming than ever? The way you gazed at her with your deep-hued eyes, eyelids lowered as your hand gripped onto her waist firmly, almost slipping out a surprised squeak out of her lips when your fingers grazed against her bare back.
She averted her gaze from you, the tips of her ears yet to cease their steaming warmth from how cool and handsome you looked when you saved her.
“Oh! Uh, yeah… thanks, [Name].”
The traveler fumbled as she struggled to stand up straight. She can’t help but think you smelled nice—
No! Now’s not the time for that!!
Meanwhile, Heizou whistled in amusement at the intriguing turn of events. Just from Lumine’s reaction alone, he can already deduce there’s something going on between you two.
Would he use this chance to investigate further? Nah, as much as interesting it was, he wasn’t the love angel, and being a wingman isn’t his kind of field or specialization. He can simply observe from afar rather than confront.
And even if he did ask Lumine, she’d only deny it.
Man alive…
Despite how she finally recovered from her clumsiness and shock, she still swayed albeit unnoticeably whilst Paimon cooled her off with her scarf.
“Wow, you’re all red right now. Do you have a fever?”
Paimon inquired as she flew over to her partner and peeked underneath her burning visage. In turn, Lumine turned her away and forced out a chuckle— a really poor and discernible attempt to brush things off. Even a mere child can connect the dots altogether.
“I-I’m fine— anyways, enough about me,”
Clearing her throat, she turned her head to you, golden eyes displaying a serious demeanor.
“I’m here for a commission to bring Shikanoin Heizou back to the Tenryou Commission.”
A loud click resonated in your head, the spark of plugs roaring into the purr of anticipation when her little partner held out a letter over to you with the eligible and elegant handwriting of the sender.
As your eyes scanned over the significant details of this so-called “missing person”, you can’t help but laugh and jutted your thumb in Heizou’s direction.
“Well, aren’t you lucky? This man right here is the one you’re looking for. Now go on and have safe travels going back to Narukami Island.”
“Woah now hold on there, Miss [Name],”
Heizou butted in and curled his lips. His right hand hovered over to the commission letter you’re holding and lowered it down. His smile gradually became wider and condescending which irked you the most. At this point, you’re like a walking bomb, ready to explode once the time runs out.
“Who told you I was going with the traveler? For all I care, the Police Station can handle themselves when Madam Kujou is there to supervise them.”
Oh how much you wanna wipe off that smug smirk etched on his face.
“And besides, I can send a letter and have Traveler hand it to them. Honestly, I’m really flattered they missed me.”
Heizou drew his shoulders displaying his satirical indifference to the situation. It can’t be helped then… It’s better to have someone watch over him if he insists on staying on this island.
Heizou didn’t miss the sharp tone in your voice. He can tell you were holding yourself from lashing out at him. Though everything he does is mundane activities and nothing suspicious of sorts, it’s like passing by the lion’s cage and roaring at him.
“Lumine, pardon for this sudden request but please keep an eye on Detective Heizou. I need to get going and assist the shrine maidens.”
Giving them a short and brief bow, you bid your last farewell. “I’ll be taking my leave. If you need any assistance you can always approach General Gorou or any of the Watatsumi soldiers.”
With that, you waved your hand in goodbye to the three and left off as you withdrew from your misadventures with the detective.
“Heizou, if you don’t mind me asking…” Lumine called out to him. “I’d like to know what you’re doing here.”
The detective chuckled as he rested his elbow over his arm, deep in his thoughts. “Well, let me think for a moment… It all started a long time ago, during the war…”
Heizou began to explain his purpose for being sent here. The former Tenryou Commissioner, Kujou Takayuki, ordered him to investigate the military capabilities of Sanganomiya. However, the detective wasn’t interested in abiding by his orders and decided to treat his free trip on this island as a vacation.
“As for the mission, I thought I’d just come up with some random excuses or whatever when I reported back hence why I proposed sending a letter to the commission instead of having me go back there.”
Heizou cheekily smiled and chuckled after looking at Lumine’s perplexed state. She can already sense mischief in him and begins to understand why some folks of Inazuma are irked by him— even the shrine maiden of this island was affected by it…
Poor, [Name]…
She internally prayed for you. No wonder why you seemed so aggravated when she came onto the scene.
“So will you be sending a letter then?” Lumine inquired though the detective clicked his tongue at her and wagged his finger. Heizou’s green eyes glinted under the sunlight, his smirk widening— an announcement of sorts that was yet to unveil its magic to his audience— and it was hard to miss that he had something up on his sleeves.
“Nope, but rather, I would like to invite you to come join me.”
“Join you…?” Lumine’s suspicion grew further. It’s best to be cautious and wary around him. And knowing he’s pretty cunning and smart that he can already tell their purpose of being here based on their appearance and demeanor that gave it away, who knows if Shikanoin Heizou is a trustworthy detective as they say.
But what I’m thinking is contradicting… I heard he’s solved hard cases to help those people…
Whatever plan or motive he has, she has to make sure it’s not something dangerous or that would affect everyone here…
Eyeing him in suspicion and doubt only caused him to laugh, not even worrying the slightest bit that in front of him was the famed traveler who defeated a god and saved a nation. For all he knows, he could easily be pinned to the ground by her.
But Heizou knows.
His intuition is telling him that she was the key to solving the mystery of this island.
Walking up to her, he leaned close to her ear and whispered. The words ingressing through her ears had her shuddering as a surge of turmoil coursed through her veins.
“The survey status of Great Omikami’s resting place is complete and no sight of Fatui has been detected.”
“The Mouun shrine is still in development and it’s slowly rebuilding to its former glory.”
“The sango pearls are kept in the warehouse. Do not worry, we stored all the high-quality ones in preparation for the shipping tomorrow.”
“The villagers in Bourou Village are having a shortage of goods. We need to transport plentiful of produce as soon as possible…”
The last statement was inevitable given the fact how dense and barren the soils are… You heaved a heavy sigh and took a mental note of the samurais’ and shrine maidens’ reports.
Hopefully, everything goes as planned…
“Thanks. Please report this as well to General Gorou.”
This is bad. Really really bad.
Dismissing all of the samurais, you have a bad feeling something bad might happen. You know for sure the major problem here is the lack of medicines and produce. Not only that, you have to keep the Fatui away from stepping on this land after the Delusion incident that affected all the soldiers who were deceived.
And that detective…
Shikanoin Heizou is one of the major disturbances you need to handle lest he discovers Watatsumi’s affairs… Hopefully, he doesn’t cross paths with General Gorou and have the traveler bring him back to Narukami Island.
“W-wh-whoa, hold it right there! Are you saying Gorou’s a thief? As in, he took something valuable?!”
The little fairy hollered. Disbelief and perplexity were written all over her small round face as her brows curled up and her nose scrunched after Heizou’s proclamation.
“It’s not simple, I can’t fully explain it… It’s just my intuition.”
Heizou sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. He then eyed Lumine who was beginning to be slightly uneasy.
“This certainly doesn’t line up with the Gorou I know…” She muttered under her breath. If anything, Gorou is one of the trusted fellows she knows and for anemo-user to say something absurd about him is beyond logic. There’s no evidence of it nor good reasoning as to why Gorou would do such a thing.
“Sure, I trust your judgment. But if that’s still not enough to convince you then what about Miss [Name], the shrine maiden I was with before?”
Lumine felt herself snapping. She silently clenched her fist, her nails digging deep into her palm as she harshly glared at the young detective before her. Hearing your name spew out of his lips and claim you as a thief is even far worse than pointing out Gorou’s suspiciousness— at least by her standards.
She puts you above anyone else she has met in her travels in this vast world.
“What makes you say that?” She asked through gritted teeth and Heizou did not miss the sharpness in her tone, yet he merely brushed off her change of behavior.
“Given from her strength alone, she’s most likely trained in combat. I wouldn’t even be surprised if she’s part of the army guising as a shrine maiden to watch out for suspicious activities happening around here.”
That’s it. Lumine had enough of Heizou’s “intuitive” remarks.
“No, you’re overthinking this,” She grabbed his wrist harshly then pulled him away from the shrine. “I’m going to take you back to Ritou no matter what and investigate this Godot character.”
But Heizou broke free from her brutal grip and stayed put in his place.
Well, this is getting interesting.
“Getting too suspicious, am I?” He rubbed his wrist which was reddening, but it didn’t hurt as much as he expected. He stared at Lumine with the same vigor she was radiating before sighing. It was a big disappointment the traveler wasn’t on the same page as him for taking this adventure and solving the mystery.
“In which case, I’ll stay here and get back to you once I figure out the secret of this place.” Heizou turned his heels and waved them goodbye, taking his leave. However, Lumine rushed into view before him, using herself to stall him and prevent the detective from going anywhere.
“Fine. I’ll go with you on your investigation. But on one condition,”
Lumine, who was increasingly provoked by his previous comments, scorned then turned up her nose, declaring something remarkable— something Shikanoin Heizou himself was awaiting for this specific event to occur.
“If we don’t find any of this secret you keep talking about, you take back what you said about Gorou and [Name] and never interact with them ever again. And if you were right about [Name] and Gorou who are involved in this so-called “theft”, then I won’t get in the way of all of your investigations no matter how suspicious it may be.”
Heizou’s hunch was right. A smirk was itching on his face. One that makes this day more interesting for him than spending his time at the boring Police Station flipping through all mundane and typical missing items cases.
His front was now directly facing the traveler and he rested his hand atop of his chin.
“May I add on that offer then? If I crack the case, then tell me all you know about [Name]. Of course, an equivalent exchange must be done and it would be unfair if I get all the things I want, no?”
Heizou walked towards her and patted her shoulder. Leaning in close to her ear, he then whispered. “Think this thoroughly on what you would add to this proposition you started yourself. I’m even willing to offer myself up to assist you in any way I can, that is if you win, Traveler.”
After Lumine and Paimon had a thorough discussion on what to do, they decided to investigate Borou Village late at night and follow Todoroki, the man responsible for the caravans. It’s the best time to trail after them yet a risky job because of how open the village is.
Although, it would’ve been better if the little fairy had kept her mouth shut. Heizou had his hand over Paimon’s mouth to silence lest Todoroki and Tokuda could catch sight of them.
“Keep quiet! We don’t want to be caught when we’re this close to finding out the truth!”
Heizou lightly scolded her as Lumine looked over to her shoulder and took a peek over the fence if the coast was clear. Signaling to the detective, both moved swiftly towards the small house and kept a good distance where they could still eavesdrop on their conversation and note down important details.
Just as Lumine was about to steal a peek at them again, the familiar sight of her dearest shrine maiden was walking to where the two men were. Your hair was tied into a ponytail that swayed as you strolled along the trail. And the big crates you were carrying were hard for her to miss.
Her heart dropped. She knew right away where she was going.
“[Name]?!” she whispered to herself in dismay.
Paimon was startled by Lumine's reaction and turned back to look at her with wide eyes. But thankfully, Heizou was able to suppress her voice and keep her down before she could act recklessly and ruin their cover.
“I guess that’s all of them?” They heard your voice behind the small hut, the sound of a crate’s woods crackling on one another can be heard as well. Heizou deduced you must have stacked them up.
“Amazing as ever, Todoroki! Your intel was spot on!” One of the Watatsumi soldiers exclaimed with a laugh. “We wouldn’t have done this without the assistance of [Name].”
The soldier slapped his hand over your shoulder, earning a groan from you before taking his hand off of you. “Everyone did their part as well. Don’t give all the credit to me.” You remarked.
Todoroki circled the area, checking for any damages to the supplies. “Everything seems in order and the price of the grain in the village has decreased thanks to you.” He hummed in appraisal.
“It’s great you’ve brought medicine for us, Todoroki.” The other Watatsumi soldier said before continuing, “I would have never thought the injuries we sustained in the war would have a lingering effect on our bodies…”
“Don’t push yourself you two,” Patting both of their shoulders, you gave them a lighthearted smile. “The island still needs you and don’t you dare die on me when you still owe me for that drink I made you.”
Both of the soldiers chuckled at your joke and thanked you profusely. You just let it slide and continued, "Oh! I almost forgot!" You turned around to the two men, "The wagons are prepared!”
“Before that, what’s the state of the village's inventory?” Todoroki questioned. The voices faded out from Lumine’s ear, still in disbelief you were part of this suspicious activity. You’re not that kind of person, right? That’s not the [Name] she knows so well!
In the background, you and the soldiers walk away from the scene, giving the opportunity to Heizou and his companions to further investigate the area and in this case they’re dragged with.
“The soldiers seized the Nobushi’s stolen goods?!” The little fairy’s comment made it even more difficult for the traveler.
“And they never intend to return it to the International Trade Association…” Lumine added. Her heart feels heavy and her stomach churning from discovery. Bringing her palm to her lips, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. With everything that’s going on here, it might take some time for her to digest this information.
Heizou eyed her from the sidelines, observing her pale features and change in behavior. He can’t blame her. If he were in her shoes, he’d lose his trust in his friend too. But as a detective, you shouldn’t always trust what’s in front of you and only trust yourself.
Heizou patted Lumine’s shoulder, snapping her out of her train of thought. “Todoroki said he’ll get instructions from Gorou tomorrow. There’s something else behind this.” His touch was almost reassuring her that he’d crack the case and reveal the hidden truth. Lumine can’t help but scoff coldly to herself. It’s ironic, really, that the detective was showing her sympathy despite their recent negotiation about [Name] and Gorou.
But despite all these, she can sense no malice or mockery from his touch. Maybe he has a good heart after all, and yet…
No, I have to focus on this. Snap out this, Lumine! I still know [Name] is a good person! Maybe she has a good reason behind all these things…
Investigating through those boxes it’s mostly herbs and flowers such as qingxin flowers and glazed lilies… And according to Heizou’s deduction, it should be for medicinal purposes. From the corner of Lumine’s eye, she saw a piece of paper sticking out from the crate and faded written letters of “Foreign Trade Association”.
Perhaps a bill of sorts…
“If these crates were to be imported from Ritou, the price would be jaw-dropping,” Heizou remarked.
[Name]’s a good person!
“On top of that, these items seem to lack a tax clearance certificate, meaning they were most likely smuggled.”
That’s right! It’s all those thieves' fault. It had nothing to do with them.
“Did you find anything else, Traveler?” Lumine jumped and shook her head.
“Oh, ugh, unfortunately nothing…” Heizou squinted his eyes at her and she was practically sweating bullets when he never took his eyes off of her. She coughed to divert his attention to somewhere else.
The detective can only sigh and leave her be to give her some space. Across his vision, two figures were coming their way. Oh, speak of the devil. The two soldiers who were with you are now here. Heizou smirked behind his hand, closely observing and listening to their conversation. Now’s the good time to dig for information from them to confirm his suspicions.
The goods are prepared and ready to set off. The last thing to do is to wait for the ship to arrive. You sighed and wiped off the sweat rolling down your face with the sleeve of your kimono.
Please let everything go well.
The sun is bright, the corals are more colorful than ever, and Todoroki was with you at the Sangonomiya Shrine. You smiled and the man chuckled, taking in the breathtaking scenery, hoping for a peaceful voyage ahead.
“Today’s a good morning isn’t it?” You began and Todoroki could see the flowers blooming around you because of your positive state.
“Indeed a good morning.”
Huh, that’s weird. Todoroki’s voice seemed so different. “Todoroki did you drink something? Your voice seems younger.” You chuckled and the man looked a bit perplexed but then burst into laughter.
“How odd. I thought I heard someone else when it’s just the two of us here.” He laughed along with you, finding the situation quite amusing.
“Weird isn’t it? Because there’s actually someone here with you, Miss [Name].”
Your eyes were now wide open. The brightness in them had faded and transformed into one of darkness and annoyance. Though the smile on your face remained, Todoroki saw the corner of your lips twitch and the broom in your hand almost snapped into two pieces.
“Oh my. I take back what I said. This is a rather horrible morning.” The man’s laughter slowly died down as he noticed the change in your behavior and the appearance of a new guest— well, three guests to be exact— who was behind you.
The playful atmosphere vanished in mere seconds and he can sense your annoyance. Todoroki cleared his throat nervously and cautiously observed the unfamiliar red-headed man who had a striking smirk donning his youthful face.
“Ahem… uh, who are you?” The old man asked, his brows knitted together.
“Hello, Todoroki and Miss [Name]. I'm Shikanoin Heizou, special detective of the Tenryou Commission.” The detective introduced himself and he never missed the way you glared at him. He simply smiled at you and his eyes glowed as he crossed his arms over his shoulder, preparing the confrontation to finally seek the answers he’s been looking for.
“I believe you two have been manipulating large-scale illegal trades for some time now. Mind if we talk about that for a bit?” He didn’t hesitate to ask. It was now or never when the two main culprits were here before his eyes.
Lumine clenched the hem of her skirt. She’s helpless and unable to do anything to stand up for you. Even though things have already been discussed yesterday to clear things up, she still believes in you no matter what.
Todoroki was about to storm off but you managed to stop him. The baffled and shocked reaction was clear and expressive and things may get out of hand if he raged and shouted to the detective. “I don’t understand what you mean, detective.”
The detective's smirk only widened as he leaned in, maintaining his composure despite the tense atmosphere. "Oh, I think you understand perfectly well," Shikanoin Heizou said, his voice calm and collected. “Well let me make it clear for you: we've been closely monitoring the activities, and all the evidence points to the two of you."
Todoroki's face flushed with anger, his usually composed demeanor shattered by the baseless accusations. Clenching his fists, he struggled to contain the seething rage building within him. “Ridiculous! I don't have time to listen to this. Get out of here, you little brat!”
“Todoroki, calm down.” Your restraint on him was tight and firm, though his anger can never diminish at least he held back from lashing out.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose to alleviate the building headache. Your morning started off horribly already before you could even do your usual work.
“I just wanna know and confirm from you personally what we already know to be the truth.” The detective chuckled, seemingly unfazed by your glare. At this point, he’s already grown used to it now.
You cast a worried glance at the old man, realizing the severity of the situation. Lumine, though unable to intervene directly, tried to offer silent support from the sidelines. The detective's gaze shifted to her, and he raised an intrigued eyebrow.
“Argh... Masashi! Tokuda! Arrest these people!” Todoroki shouted, alerting the named soldiers. Masashi and Tokuda hesitated for a moment as they saw the intensity of his anger. They were torn between obeying their superior's orders and questioning the validity of the detective's claims.
Seeing the dangerous situation unfold, you stepped forward, your voice calm but assertive. “Wait no! Put the weapon down!”
The detective sighed, seemingly disappointed by the chaos he had caused. "Oh, but it seems like emotions are running high. Perhaps the truth is finally coming to the surface," he remarked, fueling the fire further.
You tightened your grip on Todoroki's arm, trying to anchor him and maintain control of the situation. "Enough of this nonsense! If you have any evidence, present it properly instead of making baseless claims."
The situation had escalated far beyond your expectations, and you knew that finding a way to clear your names and prove your innocence would be a daunting task. With tension still thick in the air, you hoped that rationality would prevail and that the truth would ultimately come to light.
Heizou tutted, wagging his index finger as if he was a disappointed parent. “We saw you last night, Miss [Name] and Mister Todoroki. You were with Tokuda and Masashi helping to carry the goods.”
Your eyes widened in surprise and you felt your heart was about to come out of your throat. “Well, the Traveler can confirm it for me. Isn’t that right?” The redhead peered over to the said name. Lumine hesitated for a moment, torn between being truthful and not wanting to further implicate you or Todoroki. She took a deep breath and nodded.
You groaned, the defeat sinking into you slowly, eating up your entire soul. You swallowed your pride and sighed heavily. It’s better to clear up the misunderstanding than fuel this fire into madness.
You went down onto your knees and placed your head against the ground. Todoroki's eyes widened in shock, and it wasn’t just him. Even Lumine, Paimon, the two soldiers, and Heizou were surprised.
For you to kneel and beg was unexpected and Todoroki was concerned when you performed dogeza. "Hey, [Name], there's no need for that," he said, his voice softer now, realizing the toll the situation was taking on you.
Gorou came rushing in, his arms wide as he stepped in and intervened. “Everyone, please calm down!” He was panting heavily, running immediately to the Sangonomiya Shrine when he was alerted by the soldiers of the conflict occurring here. 
You ignored Todoroki and pleaded for Heizou’s empathy. “Please, listen to us.” Heizou watched you with a mix of surprise and curiosity as you pleaded for understanding. The tense atmosphere seemed to momentarily ease as Gorou's presence diffused the situation slightly.
The detective crossed his arms, his expression stoic as he considered your plea.
"Fine, I'll listen," he said, though his tone still held a hint of skepticism. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself as you explained Watatsumi Island’s current struggle and situation.
“Watatsumi is a barren island. Growing crops here is futile…” It shattered Lumine’s heart to hear your voice wavering. “You can't grow food or medicinal herbs here. And if we buy them from Ritou, we pay exorbitant taxes.” Todoroki added, exasperation evident in his tone.
“My eldest son died fighting on the battlefield. But do you know how my second son died? He died because there was no medicine to treat him! He sacrificed himself so [Name] will be treated!”
Your stomach felt heavy, recalling the smell of rust and heavy stains of red all over your abdomen. The old man's face was etched with grief and frustration as he continued, his voice trembling with emotion. “[Name] got injured during the war and I was able to cure her before things got worse…”
You clenched your fist and bit your lip. You still didn’t raise your head. This was the only way to show and beg for the Shogunate’s mercy and understanding. Rebelling would be useless and you’d be willing to turn yourself in if that’s the only option to save your hometown.
“I beg you, please don’t tell this to the Commission… This is the only thing I ask of you, Shikanoin.” You dropped the mocking nickname and addressed him by his last name. Todoroki hated seeing you kneeling like this. His anger was boiling, fueling his rage, and it was hard to stop himself.
“Gorou, if we detain them today, the Shogunate will never know what we've done. Besides, we're only a few months away now...We will set them free once the new bill is passed in just a few months, and everything will be okay. None of what happened here will be mentioned again, and life on Watatsumi Island will continue to improve.” Todoroki convinced the general. The urgency and desperation were so evident and the gears on Heizou’s head were turning, finally confirming his case.
“I understand you’re worried about them, Todoroki. But they won’t—“
“That man’s a Tenryou Commissioner!" He cried, his voice becoming scratchy. "If we let him go free, then who's to say that the Shogunate won't come after us tomorrow? If they decide to investigate, we won't be able to hide the truth.”
The general furrowed his brows, understanding the gravity of the situation. Heizou's knowledge of the smuggling activities could be disastrous for the people of Watatsumi Island.
Todoroki looked like he was giving up. No matter how much he argued and convinced Gorou, it’ll all be useless. He’s a simple farmer and he has no power commanding the island’s government.
The atmosphere was gloomy and tense, it almost affected Lumine as well. But her eyes lit up recalling what Todoroki said.
“Wait, what is the bill you just mentioned?”
“It's a new commodity tax bill currently being drafted by the Kanjou Commission. The bill exempts taxes on goods that are in short supply on Watatsumi Island. Once the bill is introduced, we'll be able to buy commodities that we need from regular marketplaces…” Gorou explained.
Then everything clicked. Heizou chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, I see. Man alive… These all make sense now.” He settled his gaze back to you and your eyes made contact with him. Just one look at him and you can feel the dread eating you up whatever that might come out of his lips.
“Alright, in exchange to keep everything here a secret, I’ll stay here a little bit longer.”
“YOU WHAT?!” Hearing you scream at the top of your lungs and standing up surprised everyone.
Oh that shit-eating smirk is back again. The vein on your forehead was noticeable and Lumine calmed you down by pulling you back.
“Oh you heard me. I’m staying here and I’ll be able to see you more, Miss [Name].”
Your heart sank as you realized the implications of Heizou's words. He was willing to stay on Watatsumi Island, watching and wandering the coast area. You’d see him all day while you work and just the thought of it is enough to make you gag in disgust you’ll see this man.
The relief you felt about the bill that could potentially help the island was overshadowed by the fear of having a Tenryou Commissioner in your midst, ruining your peaceful life.
“Oh, come on, Miss Shrine Maiden. What’s with that look? Surely you must have noticed that, aside from being a detective, I am also an ordinary tourist who likes to enjoy good scenery?”
The annoying nickname was back again. You couldn't hide the disdain in your eyes as Heizou's smirk grew wider. Your heart sank further as you realized that the detective's prolonged stay on Watatsumi Island would indeed be a constant source of unease for you.
It wasn't just his involvement in the smuggling investigation that bothered you; it was his nosiness that annoys you the most that there's a possibility he'll take confidential information about the island and use it against you leading to another war.
Gorou and Todoroki, however, seemed unfazed by Heizou's decision to stay longer. The general saw it as an opportunity to further strengthen the island's ties with the Tenryou Commission.
"I'm glad to hear you'll be staying a little longer, Detective Heizou," Gorou said, a hint of gratitude in his tone and Todoroki nodded in agreement.
You forced a smile, not wanting to cause further tension. Deep down, you knew that they were right – accepting Heizou's presence was necessary to buy time until the new bill could be passed. Still, it didn't change the fact that you dreaded the days ahead, knowing that you'd have to endure his watchful gaze while trying to go about your daily work.
Heizou's eyes locked with yours again, and you could sense the amusement in his gaze. "Oh, come on now, Miss Shrine Maiden. I promise I won't be a bother," he said teasingly.
You gritted your teeth, suppressing the urge to retort. There was nothing you could do but play along and hope that the situation would resolve itself once the new bill was in effect.
Until then, you'd have to be on guard and keep Lady Sangonomiya close and safe, all while enduring the presence of a suspicious and nosy Tenryou Commissioner on Watatsumi Island.
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oathofoaksart · 1 year
gotta give gi some love too: 💔😓🍔
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i’m so mad because i drew their ACTUAL hand underneath the bubbles before realizing i’d have to erase some of it and i’d liked the way the hand came out. anyway—
💔- what are three of your oc’s negative traits?
a. volatile: gi goes from 0 to 100 at the drop of a hat. it’s not that their temper is hair-trigger…exactly…just that when they’re provoked they have little control over their actions. they lash out violently and often without warning since there’s rarely any lead up. someone has to know them pretty well to anticipate what they’re gonna do next or shit WILL be hitting the fan.
b. inflexible: gi has a very black and white view of the world-- not when it comes to morality, but their own biases. if they like something, they like it. if they don't like something, they don't like it. if they want to do something, they will, if they don't, they won't. this very basic way of thinking doesn't leave them with much use of nuance and they won't allow anyone to try to convince them otherwise. this makes them a very rigid person-- nearly impossible to reason with.
c. immature: gi is ruled by their emotions and isn't the best with coping with them. they can be petty or vindictive against someone they feel slighted them, possessive of those close to them, and is mopey when things don't go their way. they dislike the idea of any kind of responsibility handed to them and quite frankly, can be very childish in their tantrums.
😓- is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
despite the answers to the question above lel gi is open-minded when they have a clean slate to work with. given the opportunity, they are a very curious mind who likes to learn and get to know all sorts of things. the weirder, the better, really. their time in space definitely helped with that.
they only dig their heels in once they've made an opinion, but if something interests them, they like to see where it leads them.
🍔- is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
they cook! in general, gi likes to do things with their hands and they get to eat afterwards, so it's a win-win. they're really good at it, too. they're trying to get into baking, but since it wasn't a necessity for them growing up, they just didn't take to it as much as they did cooking. they make a mean chocolate-chip cookie, though.
more asks? here
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oh-my-hubris · 18 days
Loyalty Of Angels 4: Badge Of Honor
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Jhonny moves in with Logan two years after getting a job (nominally with the Seraph)
The Seraph headquarters bustled without feeling hectic. Jhonny liked it, it was comforting in a way he still managed to be surprised by. People came in and out with their problems, petty criminals were moved around. The office itself was brightly lit, large glass windows let the light in to dance on the clean stone tiles. Logan’s personal office was in the back, a smaller room with dark paneled wood that held a desk and papers, but not usually Logan himself. 
Logan stayed out with the ‘grunts’ and with the rest of the Seraph. It was part of why he was so generally rooted in reality and in the job.
It probably helped that his office was miserable. After less than a year with the Seraph, Jhonny had become pretty sure that was on purpose. Now he knew it was.
He had a cup of tea on his desk and was going through Logan's schedule for the next month and noticing again that the man didn't believe in breaks unless they were going for a walk with Queen Jennah. 
But everything he was doing had to be able to be taken over by other people in case of an emergency. 
So, over the two years he'd been with the Seraph, Jhonny had worked to gain the respect and trust of the people he worked with. This had given him the ability to scheme with Lieutenant Francis and Sergeant Tailor and start moving things around so Logan had to sit down for twenty minutes every now and then. 
Logan, who complained about always working, had not entirely taken the change in stride.
The shadow fell over his desk, immediately recognizable, and Jhonny didn't bother looking up. He lifted his mug of tea to his mouth and took a drink before setting it back down and returning to his papers. “No, I'm not giving you back Tuesday's patrol route. You're lucky I'm not making you take the day off.” 
Logan huffed a little laugh. “I know. Francis already lorded it over me. You can't stop me.” 
Jhonny looked up with an unimpressed eyebrow to find Logan smiling. “I could drug your tea but someone might actually need you for something.”
Logan set something on the desk. 
“What’s this?” Jhonny asked as he picked it up. It was a small metal wing on a chain. He turned it over in his hands. In miniscule print it read: J. Jackson #1541. 
“It’s an identification badge,” Logan said, even though Jhonny had been with the Seraph for two years and definitely knew that. “Keep it on.” 
“This is a Seraph badge,” Jhonny said, not pulling his eyes from the inscription. Logan had included his last name. He’d only had a last name for two years. It still felt strange—like he belonged somewhere. And Logan putting this on his desk implied that he belonged here.  “Logan, I’m not a Seraph.” 
“You work for the Seraph,” Logan said. “You deserve a badge.” 
“No, I mean I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to have one," Jhonny clarified. "These are to identify Seraph if they die. If I’m wearing this and I kick it someone will assume I’m Seraph and notify my… I don’t have any next of kin. Well, Andrew and Petra I guess, because I live there.” 
That’d irritate Katsulas. 
“They’d notify me,” Logan said. “As your friend. As your… roommate.” 
Jhonny blinked. He looked up at Logan. 
They… didn't live together. 
Was Logan asking him to move in? 
The idea was warming. Thinking that someone liked him enough to want him around more often. It did seem like a strange move from Logan though. 
It would also make his job easier and give him time to actually sleep.
Jhonny’s mouth flapped a little, brow furrowing with a question he couldn’t quite figure out how to voice. 
Logan's smile was just a little awkward and it was completely endearing. “You live in the attic of a tavern on the other side of the city.” 
“It’s… not a bad attic.” Jhonny hedged, slightly overwhelmed and trying very hard not to show it.
“And I could use the company,” Logan admitted.
Jhonny could count on one finger the number of times he’d felt truly touched by something. And he knew that if he opened his mouth he’d make a mess of things. So he didn’t open his mouth, not at first. He slid the chain over his neck and tucked the wing into his shirt alongside the half of his parent’s amulet. 
Then he swallowed. 
Then he thought. 
And then he spoke. “Sounds like fun,” he couldn’t help the brightness of his smile. “I don’t exactly have a whole lot in the way of belongings. I can be moved in… tonight… if that’s alright.” 
“That’s perfect,” Logan said. “I’ll get you a key made in the meantime.” He reached over and gave Jhonny’s shoulder a squeeze. “You’re important to me, Jhonny. I consider you a true friend.” 
“You make me cry in public and I will sully the moment I swear.” 
Logan chuckled. “Well, that is something you're good at.” 
“A man needs to contribute something to society. In my case it's mostly just bad jokes and stupid one liners.”
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localplaguenurse · 10 months
Ah. Gotcha. I tend to try and plot out every point of my story which unfortunately doesn’t work out that well. Obviously need to change something.
Still, it was nice knowing that the writing process is often very fluid eh heh.
So gotta ask a question relating to You’ve Got My Eyes, but….
What exactly is Mizuki’s problem? In the story, Mizuki is the one often provoking Chibana and being a general pain in the butt, but the latter could care less about her and just wants to parent Kei? Did she just never grow out of her high school years or did Chibana unintentionally offend her or something? I gotta give props for Chibana being the adult in the situation because I know I definitely would have punched Mizuki in the face long ago if I were in her place.
I’m saving the exact Incident that caused their friendship to fall apart for the fic, but I can at least explain why she’s still such a bitch to mama even after all of it.
Basically how I like to imagine it is that Mama was always 100% ready to support Mizuki in her endeavours even if they personally made her uncomfortable. Sadly, because Mama didn’t quite fit in with Mizuki’s new “fun” friends, it was easy for Mizuki to get persuaded/manipulated into dropping Mama from the friendgroup because it’s just one friend compared to a whole group of friends, who cares, right?
Mizuki kinda realizes her fuck up whenever she sees that despite having very few friends aside from Hana, Mama’s actually doing pretty good all things considered. No one really plans on unexpected single parenthood but seeing that Mama has her shit together and an admittedly very cute baby causes Mizuki to short circuit. Friendgroup falls apart, Mizuki has the classic realization of “I threw away my one actual friend for a bunch of girls that didn’t even like me that much,” but she’s too ashamed but prideful to admit it. She’s also envious of Mama because arguably her life is more stressful than Mizuki’s, so why is she so much happier? Plus, Mama wants nothing to do with her after all of that, because her priority is Kei.
Tldr: was manipulated by a group of mean girls and realized too late she picked the wrong friends, but has become too petty, prideful and jealous to actually admit it. Mama wouldn’t even take her back if she did apologize.
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dragondemoness · 2 years
kyoko kirigiri confesses her love to a male s/o tha thinks she is going out with byakuya
Ah, interesting
Kyoko Kirigiri Confessing to Male Reader who Thinks she’s Dating Byakuya
The thought of Kyoko with Byakuya was a very disturbing thought
He was a pretentious, rude and spoiled dickhead who believed he was better than everyone at Hope’s Peak
And yet, it made sense
They talked to each other fairly often and you even saw them together a few times
During class discussions, they often commented on each other when they spoke
Kyoko often challenged Byakuya and irritated him while he did the same thing to her
Though to you, it seemed more petty than genuine hatred
You often noticed him trying to get her stoic expression to waver, by trying to irritate her or even trying to scare her
It’s like he made it his mission to get her to react to something
You saw how amused it made him every time Kyoko was startled or shocked by something
And similarly, Kyoko often tried to irritate him, but in a playful, teasing way
And she was amused in the exact same way
Even though most of their interactions were trying to challenge each other’s smarts, it mostly seemed like a front to cover up their relationship
They both seemed like the type to keep something like that a secret, and the way they acted seemed so playful that it was believable
It hurt to see Kyoko with someone else, especially with someone like him, but as long as she was happy, you supposed you could accept it
You started to avoid Kyoko, which caught her attention quickly
You seemed pretty keen on making friends with her, so she found it strange that you suddenly stopped trying
She actually enjoyed your company quite a lot
She didn’t think that she did anything to push you away, but maybe she did by accident?
The thought of that was pretty upsetting, actually
So she confronted you when she got the chance
“Hello, (Name). How are you?”
So she was taking initiative for once? Interesting
“O-Oh, hi Kyoko. I’m pretty good, thanks for asking. Anyway, I gotta go-”
“Have I done something wrong?”
The sudden question caught you off guard
“You haven’t spoken to me much, or asked to spend time together, like you did initially. If you need some space, I understand. I just want to know if I had done something to hurt you.”
You sighed and looked away, preparing to explain yourself
“It’s not your fault, I just... Didn’t want to get in the way of you and Byakuya.”
Wait what?
“What do you mean?”
“You’re going out, aren’t you? The way you guys act around each other made it seem that way.”
Kyoko almost wanted to laugh
“(Name), I’ve never been interested in Byakuya. We may challenge each other often, but I barely consider him a friend, let alone a lover. Sure, it can be amusing to challenge him, but he’s far too irritating to ever consider dating him.”
Well that’s a relief
You felt pretty dumb for making such a silly mistake
But she wasn’t finished yet
“Although... There is someone I’m interested in.”
As she said that, she turned away with a blush
She then revealed that she was in love with you
She thought you were really kind and sweet
As if the day couldn’t get any better, the girl you loved actually returned your feelings?
You suppressed the urge to jump into her arms right then and there
After that, you both left to go on a real date
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Rating on my cousins’ Sun/moon!🤣
Here’s a little backstory, when I was little I had no siblings and I went to live at my grandparents’ house so I’d see/play with my cousins very often. Now without further ado let’s get into it!!
Taurus suns • Libra moons
My twin cousins were sooo shy!! They still are but one of them is really bolder especially at home. As kids they were the types to go along with EVERYTHING me and my other cousins suggested. Even if they might’ve not wanted to they would end up playing the games I suggested or if me and my other cousins wanted to just watch tv they’d also end up watching tv with us. Very sweet souls!!😭 They also fuss a lot with each other! Normally they’re soft spoken and one of them has a speech impediment. They’re also very charismatic and make funny jokes/tell funny stories! Somehow they boldest one is always complaining about the shyer one having hit her? Like every time I just hear her complaining about it.🤣 Oh and they love to jokingly say mean things about each other!😂
• Things we’d do: Play dolls, watch H2O just add water during the summer and go to each other’s dance shows/ballet recitals.
Sagittarius sun • Pisces moon
Where do I even start?😭 We were always bickering with each other and accusing each other of petty stuff! She’s always been the boldest cousin out of all of us!! Literally always asking bold things and telling funny jokes to get people’s attention. She was also very emotionally attached to this blanket she had from when she was a baby and would always carry it around with her!😩 She was also the boastful bragging type because her dad (Libra sun/Aqua moon) is the same!! Her mom (Sagittarius sun/Sagittarius moon) is literally the sweetest, always calling her by her childhood nickname and does everything for her! At the end of the day she’s very sweet just extra fiery and really playful. And also very spoiled!
• Things we’d do: Watch movies, sing karaoke and travel together!
Pisces sun • Cap/Aqua moon
I don’t actually know his moon so that’s that but he’s definitely a Saturnian moon lol. He’s always been very chill but loves to argue/debate and thinks he’s always right. (He’s an Aquarius mercury/Aries venus) He also loves to make mean jokes about his loved ones I swear it’s his love language. He can also be quite harsh but hey. He’s very much into sports and goes along with his girl cousins ideas for the sake of it lmao.😂 He literally was like “I don’t think that’s a good idea because grandpa and grandma aren’t gonna like that.” once when we were little after I’d just blurted out some crazy idea I’d thought of.🤣 He’s very funny, playful and bold.
Things we’d do: Play cards out on the veranda during the summer, watch cartoons together at 5-6 am and create mean-funny rap lyrics on the spot about the most random things!
Sagittarius sun • Libra moon
Unfortunately I didn’t grow up with her because I moved away when she was just a few months old and I barely get to visit home anymore. But she is just sooo sweet!! Literally very chatty and energetic (She’s a Sag mercury). Out of all cousins she’s the most similar to me! Very fiery and charming! Literally my baby, I remember she ended up at the hospital one summer when she was about 3 years old—and although we don’t have that much connection, we straight away bonded and she asked me to play dolls with her!🥺💞 She’s also very curious and likes to question everything!😂💗
I have other cousins but unfortunately I’m not that close with them so that’s why I’m not adding them lol.🥲
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kukuandkookie · 8 months
Man I should’ve gone to sleep ages ago or at least enjoyed myself by reading more danmei or manhua before I do so but…
I ran across a tweet asking if there’s any Chinese actors who can compare visually to a specific Korean actor and it did kind of strike a nerve with me.
But that wasn’t even that big of a deal. Some people like Korean actors and some people like Chinese actors. You can share some pretty Chinese actors and see what others say, whatever.
Ignoring the political tensions OP may have been stoking—as in, I’m of Chinese descent and I always hate seeing any Korea vs China posts crop up; besides being more popular than China anyway, I just have bad experiences in the past with nationalists spiralling this kind of thing out of control and making me sad to realize that quite a number of Korean people actually really hate/look down on China. So ignoring all that, who cares, right?
Except I found some care being piqued when I saw a qrt pretty rudely claiming Chinese actors are so weak they can’t lift their female partners and that they also can’t sing or act—and if OP could have, I’m sure they’d claim they can’t dance either.
Like hello??? We’re really pretending a country of 1.7 billion people isn’t going to have some skilled or strong people in acting??? Hell, some of these so-called “can’t sing/act” Chinese actors have actually found success in Korea for doing the thing that person thinks they can’t (eg Wang Yibo, literally). So is this apparent Korean entertainment fan just going to ignore that fact about the Korean entertainment industry???
Even all of that is technically whatever, but what rubbed me the wrong way was that they sounded so petty and weird about it too???? It’s one thing to say, “I don’t think Chinese actors are that impressive because they’re not very strong or skilled at their craft”—that’s still a bizarre claim to make even as an opinion (because it’s written as a broad, generalizing, sweeping statement instead), but it nevertheless sounds a lot less asshole-ish than whatever the hell their actual tweet is:
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So this time I was petty and ended up responding ffjhskdjs.
Idk if they’re going to start arguing with me but hey at least it led me to find some cute clips of actors carrying actresses:
I also found some fun facts about actors; some of which I knew, and some of which I didn’t: Song Weilong knows martial arts, Luo Yunxi knows ballet, Li Xian dives, Wallace Chung plays sports (volleyball, tennis, baseball), Huang Jingyu does Brazilian jiu jitsu…
Like those are all skills that just so happen to require strength.
And even skinny people can be strong (Luo Yunxi can be easily labelled thin, but he’s not without muscle. Like ballet isn’t an easy sport at all).
Then we have the opposite side of the spectrum with the fact that China has a whole martial arts movie industry. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen… Whether you think their strength is practical or not, martial arts still takes a form of strength.
Plus you know how Asia is about “men needing to be manly.” Even with the flower boy trend in both China and Korea, there’s still an emphasis on some traditional gender roles, and quite a number of Chinese men do work out.
There’s just so many different forms of strength.
My younger brother works out and he can physically pick me up (he actually did it today to force me to get out of bed lol), but he’s often lamented being skinny, so the muscle doesn’t show—or take form—as easily. In fact, both my brothers are their own forms of gym bros so I know a bit about physical strength, and there’s obviously the fact there are many different kinds of strength.
A man who works out regularly and has visible muscles can likely pick up a woman, but that doesn’t mean he’ll necessarily be great in a fight or at a certain sport (eg my brother is good at working out, can lift heavy things to be fixed or carried, is technically alright at basketball, but cannot really do long-distance running).
My older brother then looks bigger than my younger brother but he can’t easily beat him in an arm wrestling match. My dad isn’t that muscular but he can also hold his own in an arm wrestling match against my brothers.
It’s almost as if different bodies and different types of strength exist! The exact same way that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!!
Back to the flower boys thing—with there being a trend in China where people prefer more “delicate” men (remember when Simu Liu got cast as Shang-Chi and a number of articles came out about some Chinese netizens not finding him all that attractive?), then of course Chinese actors may not be as bulked out as some western ones. But that’s also whatever—it’s a cultural difference.
As I already described, there are Chinese actors with muscles, or who work out, or who are strong in other/not immediately obvious ways, or who can carry actresses…
But whether they can or can’t, including whether they’re muscular or thin, I don’t think it matters. In fact, if anything, I’m glad that despite the government’s efforts to “ban” flower men, the blur between masculine and feminine—at least when we follow the western standards—still exists in China.
And I emphasize that even more since China and Korea can buy into beliefs about gender that imo are too traditional. So I am glad that even if Chinese men are “smaller” than Korean men—or at least the actors are (in that person’s eyes), they’re defying gender expectations somewhat. Especially what with Korea fervently continuously getting the spotlight for misogyny in the workplace or by fans/incels (eg recently with Arknights’ more independent Korean division despite Arknights coming across as rather feminist, the whole ordeal with Furina’s designer, the whole 🤏 controversy, actual sexual scandal cases…).
And well oops that went into another tangent.
Technically it’s not that serious, but it is also a slippery slope. And anyway, the tweet in general was just baffling enough it made me want to respond lol.
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cottoncandyjester · 2 years
Could we get more beta oc head canons?
Also how’s life been? We’ve missed you! Hope your doing well!
Decided to use betas I really like some old some new lol
If you wanna see a beta I didn’t do of course leave an ask
Warning this contains: talk bout sex, mention of drugs
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Beta theo:
Is a very skilled sex therapist
Is also a cam boy on the side
He is very popular in the bdsm community
This man is FILTHY
Is so skilled with his mouth it should be a crime
Kisses or oral from him is like heaven ✨
Loves horror movies surprisingly
Can be quite foul mouth especially when it comes to dirty talk
Is chaotic as hell
Prank calls scammers by moaning on the phone
Has loving parents thay are divorced but support him despite his..hobbies
Is a “don’t make me fuck your mother/father” type of man
Once slept his college professor’s husband as petty revenge for failing him
Sometimes he teaches sex education classes at the university
Lots of his students thirst after him
He has a half sister that he adores..and loves to playfully embarrass her
Beta tiago is like his bestie
They hang out almost all the time
They also call each other anytime either of them knows any gossip even during work or 3am
Their darlings have to deal with double dates a lot cause the two are super close
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Beta zeke:
This man is a mix of punk and goth and it scares a lot of people
Behind that though he’s a dork like huge dork
Date nights with him include watching a horror movie,cuddles and lots of pausing the movie so he can monologue about the special effects
Zeke does a lot of things to occupy his time which includes making music, practicing special effects make up, go to concerts and more
He is pretty hardcore and deathly terrifying when he wants to protect something or someone
Has spent many nights in a jail cell due to his aggressive nature
Once went to jail for headbutting a guy trying to hook up with his ex at a concert
Is constantly being scolded by his brothers for being reckless and stubborn
Is the family black sheep
Is a druggie but doesn’t tell his family or friends how bad it is
Rough in bed LIKE ROUGH
I’m talking biting, choking and absolutely overstimulation
he has a lot of pent up anger that he uses during sex so his partner usually ends up with bruises and bite marks
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Beta prince:
Has a love hate relationship beta zeke..it’s mostly hate
He reminds prince of a wounded dog that lashes out cause it’s hurt
The two argue whenever they are together
They spend time together often since they both play dnd with beta tiago
He usually is quite cynical and quiet but is intense during dnd to the point where he becomes a whole different person
DND Sessions with him gets so intense it once led to beta dante getting his stomach pumped
He is downright manic during his comic making to the point where he has pressed the undo button over and over before nearly smashed his drawing tablet several times in anger cause he feels like he’s not good enough
He is a virgin who is touch starved
It’s so bad that he will cum from just heavy making out
A drooling whining mess needing to hump something
Plays bass when bored
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Beta Tiago:
Works as a professional submissive
Literally gets paid to be tied up and whipped and even sometimes fucked for a good price
He often deals with clients with big egos who he has to butter up
Is very popular at bdsm parties both working there as a tool to be used and as someone to guide new comers
Works with beta theo often teaching alongside him or even doing cam shows with him
Plays dnd in his apartment with friends as a way to keep zeke out of trouble
Is the mom of the group
Keeps snacks, feminine products, band aids and more in his bag at all times
Despite his job he’s actually a switch
As a submissive he’s playful yet totally submissive but is a pleasure dom which means his partner is cumming at least 6 times while he is praising them the entire time
Has a deep seeded breeding kink
Gained cooking and hair styling skills from his parents
His parents were hardworking yet loving people so he helped raise his siblings which led him to gaining lots of domestic skills as well as keeping his brothers in check
Has two cats one named bacon and the other named eggs
Horny 70% of the time
Him and beta theo has had several sex contests which led to them both passing out and having to go to the hospital due to dehydration..fun times
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formulacherry · 2 years
Ok I have a question for you (as my favorite carlandomaxiel writer)
Do you think they fight? And if so what are the differences in the way the couples fight / make up?
Ily cherry 🍒
omg the fact that i could be anyone’s favourite ANYTHING makes me feel all warm and tingly inside!! ily 🥹
this is probs gonna be long so.. you’ve been warned.
ok i feel like max and daniel fight A LOT. most of the time it’s just petty squabbles over dumb stuff that is over in like half an hour and they’re back to normal BUT i do think they have quite big fights too. because they’re both incredibly headstrong, stubborn people with a lot of emotions so i feel like it bubbles over pretty frequently.
with these two i think there would be a lot of yelling and slamming doors and throwing stuff and blaming each other, because they’re shit at communicating. the little fights would turn into big ones bc one of them would just blurt out something nasty without really meaning to and the other would get defensive.
also, we know they both use various degrees of violence to deal with their anger. eg; daniel punching holes in drivers rooms, max punching holes in… esteban. and i do think sometimes that translates into their fights. nothing major (daniel would never, ever actually hurt max) but i feel like they get up in each other’s faces or shove each other and push each other into walls and stuff and i feel like THAT often leads to weird angry sex™ and after the weird angry sex™ they realise it didn’t make either of them feel better and they actually both feel pretty gross and they just lie there until one of them finally caves and says sorry.
i also think it really messes with daniel when they fight because max already has one bully in his life (tw: j*s) and daniel NEVER EVER wants max to be like scared of him or whatever so when he raises his voice or punches a wall and max flinches it really fucks him up and he gets really really upset. he doesn’t want to be another source of fear in max’s life so he’s had to really work on calming himself down and like physically removing himself from the situation sometimes. he’ll go out for a run or whatever until he’s cooled off enough to properly deal with it.
i think it took max a long time to be comfortable with actually admitting he was sorry and explaining what he was apologising for. like at the start he’d just give a mumbled ‘sorry’ and hope that was enough and daniel would have to be like ‘no max, i need you to tell me what exactly you’re sorry for.’ and so now max can be like ‘i am sorry for saying/doing xyz and i am sorry i upset you’ which has made things somewhat easier.
BUT max also needs constant reassurance so like even when daniel accepts his apology max doesn’t really believe it. he’s insecure and scared of losing him so he gets this voice in his head telling him daniel is still angry and doesn’t love him anymore and stuff so he starts acting weird and of course daniel picks up on it instantly and like grabs his face and looks him in the eyes and is like “maxy, i’m not upset anymore. i love you.” and just fucking hopes max understands and believes him. (max also doesn’t believe it when daniel apologises to him bc, well, trust issues.)
also they NEVER go to sleep without saying they love each other. it was something daniel started with his family when he was a kid and he’s brought it into his relationship with max. so even if one of them has stormed out and gone to sleep somewhere else there will always be a message on their phone that says “i love you.” or it will be whispered into the darkness of their bedroom while they’re lying facing away from each other. just confirmation that no matter what is happening between them at the time, this isn’t the end. they love each other and that’s the most important part.
ok now for carlos and lando.
i don’t feel like they fight very often at all. i think they bicker like kids about dumb shit like 50 times a day but it’s always with a smile and a joke and stuff. mostly they’re pretty good at communicating. it took lando ages to be comfortable voicing his feelings and frustrations to the point carlos had to like drag it out of him but now he’ll happily be like “this is why i’m pissed off” and carlos is like ok great!!!! let’s talk about how we can fix that!!!!! and normally that’s how it gets solved. quick and easy.
but when they get into an actual proper fight it really throws both of them. and i reckon it only happens once every like six months or whatever but they’re BIG and really emotionally driven and i feel like lando instigates 99% of them. lando is definitely a cry-when-i’m-angry type of person and that makes carlos feel like absolute shit which then makes him cry and then they’re both just sobbing uncontrollably.
it never gets physical. carlos has sworn he will never, ever lay a hand on lando. sometimes lando will try by swatting at carlos’ chest or whatever but carlos will just grab his wrists and hold him there until he calms down. i also don’t think it ends in angry sex or anything very often (even though lando thinks he’d quite like it if carlos roughed him up a bit) but carlos isn’t comfortable taking his frustrations out that way.
i feel like when carlos is in the wrong he immediately wants to make things right and is always first to apologise and take the blame and stuff but lando is STUBBORN. so lando will storm off and lock himself in his gaming room to stream for a couple of hours and cool off or whatever and when he finally comes out carlos will be sitting outside the door just waiting for him to finish and he looks up with those stupid gorgeous sad baby cow eyes and lando is like how the fuck could i ever stay mad at him???
but when lando is in the wrong he struggles to admit it. (bringing back the crazy stubbornness) or will be like “ok i may have done xyz but YOU did this!” and will bring up 50 things that HE’S annoyed about it turns into a whole thing again while carlos just puts up with it.
and that’s another thing, carlos has like a CRAZY amount of patience. so he’ll stand there and wait while lando has his tantrum and when he finally stops carlos will just be like “are you finished?” and lando like huffs and is like yeah i guess or like NO and then goes on another tangent. also carlos wouldn’t get mad very often so on the rare occasion that he DOES lando knows he’s fucked up big time. if he’s pushed things one step too far and carlos snaps at him or whatever and says he’s sleeping on the couch tonight lando gets really freaked out that he’s ruined everything.
obviously he can’t sleep with the thought that carlos is angry at him so he’ll go out to the couch and of course carlos is awake too and carlos will wordlessly lift the blanket and lando will climb in with him and there will be hushed apologies, obvious forgiveness and cuddles and soft kisses and they’ll end up falling asleep together on the couch even though there’s a perfectly good bed 10 feet away.
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simplyreveries · 7 months
Congrats on the 500 followers I love your stuff so its well deserved!!! If I could please have a matchup id be over the moon! 🌺
My pronouns are She/Her. Im short, chubby, and adorable! I have fluffy curly hair, glasses, and I love wearing dresses and skirts or cozy sweaters. I usually wear bright colors or vibrant patterns a-la miss frizzle think pink skirt with grapefruit print or dress with cacti/dinosaurs but then I pair it with cute combat boots and a leather jacket.
My hobbies are baking and video games. But I also love taking walks, gardening (born and raised farm girl), going to museums, and learning new cool facts to add to my fact hoard. Basically I will watch documentaries for fun usually while also baking brownies.
Im an ambivert and flip flop from leave me alone in my bed nest to recharge to going up to strangers to tell them I love there makeup or hair. I try hard to be a kind genuine person who brings joy into the world but admittedly I have a petty ice queen side to me, like it takes a LOT to piss me off as im very patient and forgiving (messing with my loved ones is a fast track tho) but once I’m there I will take them down and they wont see it coming as I can be quite the sneaky ‘manipulative’ type. I do use my evil powers for good sometimes like helping 3 couples meet/confess.
I’m very loyal, but take a while to trust others and open up. Once someone has gained my trust and friendship I am very loving and affectionate this includes cuddles, massages if permitted and hugs. My love languages are Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation, so friends can expect random bombardments of genuine compliments or if they mentioned something they wanted / needed done consider it taken care of.
Despite all this and often being called the ‘mature one’ or ‘the dependable one’ by my friends I am actually very shy and easily flustered, I cant handle compliments of flirting without combusting. I will go from serious and put together handling things like a boss to squeaking and completely falling apart if someone says something really nice to me. I cant handle getting gifts either.
Uhh idk how to finish this so fun fact time I guess:
Did you know that certain chicken breeds can lay naturally occurring blue eggs? I raised several and those chickens are often very independent compared to other breeds. They still like getting hugs and pets tho! Also the eggs taste mostly the same but the yolk has more flavor.
i match you with trey clover!!
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you two give me unintentional couple that are the parents in a friend group? whenever there's some trouble going on, especially within heartslabyul you two are someone like deuce usually comes to for advice. i'd imagine you two would always be baking with each other-- he'd be in love with someone who enjoys it as much as he does. only better for the dorm because that means twice the amounts of sweets obviously...
with what trey does in the science club, he does have a knack for growing plants in the school's botanical garden. as he also uses it to grow his own fruits and such for baking. he'd gladly show you what he's doing, he is particularly proud of his strawberries for tarts hehe.
it's funny because though trey thinks the world of you-- giving any kind of romantic compliments is so difficult for him. i mean, he's canonically bad at flirting. he can't help but feel bashful whenever you yourself seemingly shower him with praise. he tends to show his affection through acts of service like you, he wants to be someone that actively goes out their way and does something for you to brighten your day. trey wants to be reliable to you, because he's such a mess bringing it into words, he shows you all the time.
trey is affectionate but around others its very discreetly, hand on your back, playing with your hair, he likes holding your hand, he'd urb his thumb over the back of it too.
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