#but I’ll give him some baby traits here and there
smilesrobotlover · 10 months
I am in love with your link between Links Hyrule. He's just the cutest, sweetest thing and the character design is immaculate. The details on his wings are so intricate and gorgeous, and I don't care if his hair is "weird," it looks good on him! Every time I read your posts about him, I have to appreciate the amount of thought you put into him, because you have a reason for every decision you made on why he is the way that he is. I'm just soaking it all up over here because that's the stuff.
Fhkdbdkdbdkd thank you so much aaahh 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺 I love Hyrule so much he’s like, my fav boy rn. I put a lot of thought into his story, which is funny cuz his story is the most vague out of all the Links! He’s just my little sgrugly. He’s my baby. I love him sm fr
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