#but I worry about tone
jayaorgana · 5 months
I worry that people will think I'm a robot from how I type because it's very formal in emails and private messages (not that it's not a bit formal here but I make typos and stuff here, and also robots don'tpost about Star Wars that much). The fact that I put a robot emoji in my discord name probably doesn't help, but he's my friend he helps me talk to people.
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samglyph · 1 year
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I do hope we get to see a bit of this dynamic in the movie, while I love a sad wet pathetic dad I also love a semi confident scheming dad
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ryllen · 3 months
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but she also sounds the friendliest when calling ravenclaw
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[ dress ]
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canisalbus · 8 months
sorry im emotonal and going off of the other asks sent about machete and just i need to stress how beautiful it is to me that machete sees himself so undeserving of love and affection and feeling as if vasco's too good for him but despite all that he is so incredibly devoted to vasco and loving towards him (in his own way) but is so incredibly clear to anyone with eyes that just how in love he is with vasco. like it's not done out of a "oh god please never realize that you're too good for me here here let me overdo it with the affection" its done with the "i love you, and will always love you, no matter what happens to us or separates us, and i will give it to you as long as i am able, and if you ever leave, i won't be okay, but will still love you, and want you happy". like he doesn't use his own feelings of being undeserving taint his love or the way he loves for vasco, and it's so, so beautiful
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dawnthefluffyduck · 3 months
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Crazy issues that come up when a character is written a little too well
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
are you also worried about how luke's betrayal in the show is gonna go? I definitely don't think we've seen enough of him for it to be as impactful in the show as it should be. and there's only 3 episodes left? 😬
yeah I solidly maintain that we should have spent some more time at camp in the show before leaving for the quest to help better establish Luke's dynamic with everyone and make his consequent betrayal more impactful.
Here's some very rough math that no one will care about lol but in the book, we spend about 30% of our time at chb before the quest, in the show we spend about 15% so literally half of the book time. I don't think they should have cut out Luke and Percy's solo lessons and I think they should have had Annabeth interact with Luke for longer than two seconds... even though the show has told me that Luke and Annabeth are family, the one interaction they had read more like, two people who are familiar with each other because they go to the same camp lol. At bare MINIMUM, I would have had Luke send them off on the hill, hug annabeth, encourage them all, gift Percy the shoes, all the jazz. Hell, when show Percy was expressing derision at Thalia's fate it may have even been interesting if Luke had been there, and then agreed with him.
I think next episode we're supposed to get them Iris Messaging so there may be more Luke there. And maybe when the kids return to camp they'll show a bit more Luke before his betrayal? One can hope at least. But that doesn't change the fact that imo they've already dropped the ball a bit on Luke and building up his relationship with the trio, some of them more so than others.
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sapphicauntie · 5 months
now that I've rewatched the video, I still stand by what I said earlier, because in this economy, $5.99USD/$9.63AUD might be the price of someone's next meal. It might be all they can afford for this or that medication. Or their bus fare to a job interview.
just. maybe y'all shouldn't have had the guy who drives a Tesla and eats edible gold and dishes worth over $1k say everyone can afford it
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asurrogateblog · 1 month
[jigsaw voice] hello pink floyd fan. you have ten minutes to draft a post speculating about what happened to syd in a way that neither exaggerates nor dismisses the role of mental health and/or drug abuse in his departure from the band while simultaneously acknowledging his personal agency without reverting to either unfair blame or ableist infantilization. if you fail to write something sufficiently nuanced that does not ultimately contribute to his unsolicited martyrdom this brick I've tied on a string to the ceiling fan above your head will swing around and probably kill you eventually idk give it a few rounds
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starwaffle345 · 17 days
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chat did i cook (also more in depth (?) refs under the cut)
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hiraethwrote · 24 days
would you guys match my freak if i stopped letting my anxiety restrain me? 😔
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Back on my cookie run bullshit for a limited time (the limited time is to be determined)
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yutakamii · 2 months
Hoyo and the white skin
I've seen people fighting about Natlan and previously Sumeru and the representation of skin color and I just want to point out that
Hoyo is a Chinese game
The Chinese beauty standards include pale skin as also many SouthEastern Asian countries
2 out of 4 of the servers are SouthEastern Asian countries including the home of the game
I think that when developing the game Hoyo focused more on pleasing the home country (and surrounding countries) than America and such.
Like in *some* American games you see the American beauty standards on people who may come from a culture where it's not the beauty standards. They do that to appeal to the American audience. Not the other international folks that play the game.
Also one thing that pisses me off is that (I'm betting) it's white people that are pissed. Like skinless chicken, only cinnamon in the spice drawer white.
I'm hella white but I think we should let the people who come from the culture that is being represented figure out wether it's properly portrayed or not.
I've seen poc say that the lighter skin is fine because representation is MORE THAN SKIN COLOR. I do get the fuss over not letting a poc voice the characters though.
One thing that popped up when I heard the argument was that a few months or so, my school has a bridge with chainlink that you could stick plastic cups in (we used it for when a football player died or homecoming) and some people put the n- word on it.
People who followed the school Facebook group knew about it but it didn't get addressed to us students till like a week later. After they made the announcement, I overheard (not eavesdropping but information gathering) some black students say that they didn't really care about it and some even told the teacher that.
The person who made the announcement what a white woman and even then I thought it was stupid that a white person got more offended at that then the black folks did.
It's like that comedian bit (idk who) who offered his mexican gardener tequila and his white sister said 'Why? Cuz he's Mexican?' And the gardener was like 'Why? You have it?' Lmao.
Back more to the topic at hand Hoyo even said that it was just a fictional game, which it is. And fiction isn't always exactly 100% or even 80% accurate. I say us whitey-tighties stop getting our undies in a bunch and let the people Hoyo is trying to represent get the louder voice.
That's all and it kinda got derailed into somewhat of a rant (my mother actually got the brunt of it lmaoo) but that's my thoughts on Natlan and Hoyo and all that. But this is coming from a dyslexic, adhd, emotionally constipated ho who wrote this while have WWIII with a fucking fly on the highway.
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avelera · 1 month
I think there's 2 things that have kept me from reading IWTV show fanfic and/or QotD-informed Devil's Minion fic, despite the fact I'm really excited to see where the show takes that ship and the fact the Vampire Chronicles used to be my entire personality growing up:
Adjusting to a prose voice for IWTV characters that's not Anne Rice. Thing is, I used to read Vampire Chronicles fic back before it was banned on FFN! But it's been so long, and it's been so forbidden for so long that it feels weird even thinking to go looking for it and, honestly, Anne Rice's prose style is very accessible to fic readers, that it's a little like having your favorite fic writer in a fandom and then it's just :-/ not all that interesting to try to go read the same characters in someone else's voice, let alone sifting through anything less that NYT Bestseller-adjacent levels of prose. Basically, wherever am I going to find either someone who perfectly captures the show voices OR perfectly captures the actual author's fanfic-adjacent voice?
How to say this gently.... fanfic has a tendency to soften certain characters and polish off the rough edges? In particular with Daniel/Armand, I'm really not all that interested in fluff or soft fic or even get together fic at this point since that's nowhere near where they're at in the show. I kinda just want to see them hashing out all the decades of drama between them more than I actually want to see them hook up just yet? Like, I think there's some hints, if you squint, that Old Daniel is attracted to Armand, but if they did have a relationship, hooo boy, holy shit that means Armand (probably) non-consensually wiped Daniel's mind of what might have been one of the most significant relationships and most significant periods in his life. It means he's been living a lie since the goddamn 70s. Like... that's still lightyears away from a "romance" just yet, that's goddamn knock-down, drag-out, screaming fight that needs to happen before Daniel would begin to worry about things like, "Do I find this person attractive? Do I want to be on the same continent with them, let alone in the same room?"
And the thing is, that is the kind of fic I'd be interested in reading for show-version Daniel/Armand! If anyone has a rec for a much rougher, sharper, more conflict-driven taken on Daniel learning that 70's Devil's Minion happened (all except for him getting turned) that actually includes Eric Bogosian's trademark tough talk with Armand and his take-no-shit attitude, I'd love to read it.
But at this point I'm almost afraid to even go look because so much of the fandom stuff I've seen on Tumblr around Daniel/Armand is (understandably! fandom tends to write what is missing from canon!) more established relationship or fluffy or even flirty but like I don't even see them as flirty at this point? Except in the most hostile hate-fucking of manners from Daniel and the most otherworldly disconnected way from Armand where even he can't articulate what he wants (honestly, what does Armand want? Does Armand know what Armand wants?? I think the most appealing thing about Devil's Minion is that Armand seems like he can be his own weird self around Daniel, especially in QotD but it feels almost like baby steps in terms of his actual sense of self??).
Anyway, this has gotten away from me, but tl;dr if anyone has like really really tonally show or book aligned IWTV fanfic they'd like to rec I'm all ears! Even as I'm still immensely, fundamentally weirded out at being able to read Vampire Chronicles fanfic again after 20 years ^^;;
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crivalsduo · 3 months
Hmm good point. Perhaps because Ranboo is collateral damage, he would be one of the people under the curse. Maybe Mrs. Potts and then Chip is Micheal or like Connor lol. Sam would probably be best represented by the sorcerer then, keeping everyone trapped in the mansion under the curse like Pandora’s Vault…
(Yeah it definitely does work well if you ship them to be fair. I support it. Rip drunz though if Punz is Lumière lol XD)
yeah, maybe!
i've actually thought about this particular au before and there's a lot of ways you could do it. part of me thinks it'd just be really funny if c!quackity was in the role of gaston because of his weird one-sided thing for techno, y'know? it makes sense, especially he whips up a mob against dream.
but yeah! this is definitely something i've considered.
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akkivee · 5 months
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Intensely Spicy Curry Training: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Kuukou: Y’all sure took your sweet time getting here! I’ve already got everything prepared!
Jyushi: But didn’t you tell us to meet you at the temple?
Hitoya: If we’re making curry, why the hell are we way out in the mountains to do it?
Kuukou: Because I just had a great idea. Check this out!
Jyushi: Ooooh, look at all this meat! So, we’re going to be using all of this in our curry?
Hitoya: Beef and chicken, huh? I guess it would make sense not cook these while inside your temple.
Kuukou: You’re half right, and half wrong.
Jyushi: What do you mean?
Kuukou: I don’t plan to make just any ol’ curry. Now it’s time for the both of y’all to mince the hell out of this meat!!
Hitoya: I didn’t know whether to expect if a corrupt little monk such as yourself knew how to cook, but I’m surprised. Instead of using something pre-made, if we pound and mince the meat ourselves, we’d get a far more superior product. Is that what you were thinking?
Jyushi: Oh, I see! That’s amazing, Kuukou-san!
Hitoya: So, where’d you put the food processor?
Kuukou: Ah?? The hell are you on? You’re grinding this meat with your bare hands.
Jyushi: …Eh?
Kuukou: Jyushi, you’re on beef! Hitoya, you’re taking the chicken! Punch it with everything you’ve got and make minced meat out of it!! This is a new training session I thought up!
Hitoya: What the hell is this fool saying??
Jyushi: B-But there’s so much meat!! Grinding it by hand is impossible!!
Kuukou: I don’t want to hear any complaints!! You don’t know that unless you try!
Jyushi & Hitoya: *reluctantly pounds the meat by hand*
Jyushi: *tearfully* …My body’s going to become minced meat before the actual beef!
Hitoya: Damn it, I can’t believe I let my guard down like this…! I shouldn’t have expected we’d simply make curry…!
Kuukou: You can’t expect to get anywhere with a weak spirit behind weak fists like that!! Lemme show you how it’s done!
Kuukou: *starts punching*
Hitoya: You bastard, those are vegetables!!
Jyushi: E-Even I could mince a tomato by hand!
Kuukou: It doesn’t matter either way!! Whether it’s vegetables or meat, all that matters is the heart you’re putting behind it!!
Jyushi: T-That doesn’t make any sense…!!
Kuukou: “Enlightenment can be attained through one thousand fists!” Don’t just keep yapping and put some energy into your hips and legs too!
Hitoya: Tch, I don’t see any way out of this… Then, I might as well get it over with…!! UWOOOOOOOOOAAAARRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!! *maximum effort punching*
Jyushi: H-Hitoya-san??
Kuukou: Hyahaha! There’s the effort I wanna see!
Jyushi: Guh… Because My God has unshackled the chains binding his true power, I, too, must unlock mine to continue alongside him…! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! *maximum effort punching*
Jyushi: I-I can’t move another inch…
Hitoya: Ugh… I can’t even take the cap off my water bottle…
Kuukou: *sighs* It’s pretty pathetic to be that exhausted just from cooking.
Hitoya: You…!!!
Jyushi: But, I think it would be really nice if our training efforts could be felt by those eating our curry…!
Hitoya: …Well, I don’t think I’d say it like that, but I agree with the sentiment.
*the trees rustle and the birds chirp and there is peace*
Kuukou: The fuck are y’all talking about? There’s no point to this if the people who eating aren’t going through training too.
Jyushi: Eh?
Kuukou: Training can only be felt when you grow from the trials you’ve experienced yourself. Hopping off from other people’s efforts won’t mean shit.
Jyushi: B-but I mean, we’ll still be serving the curry to others once it’s finished cooking, right?
Kuukou: Yup. Which is why I’ve got…!
Jyushi: That powder…!!
Hitoya: It’s red chili pepper!! Jyushi, run!! Move upwind so it doesn’t blow and stick to your mucous membrane!!
Jyushi: Eeek!!! *runs away sobbing*
Hitoya: Kuukou, you bastard, what are you doing? Are you trying to ruin everything we worked on??
Kuukou: I’m not ruining a damn thing! This curry will be spicy so I can provide a remote kind of training!
Hitoya: Stop fucking around!! There’s gotta be a limit!!
Jyushi: *runs back over* I think there’s more chili pepper powder than ingredients now…!!
Kuukou: Then it’s just right! Now try it.
Jyushi: NO!! I will not be eating!! I absolutely refuse!! Don’t even try me!!
Kuukou: Hey stupid, watch it, that’s dangerous!! Stop fighting me and just—Ahh??
Jyushi: T-The inside of the pot is pitch black……!!
Hitoya: Obviously. Chili peppers burn easily. Haah… Let’s just remake the curry.
Jyushi: But doesn’t that mean we’ll have to mince more meat??
Kuukou: Whatever, I was thinking our “Intensely Spicy Curry Training” was made too halfheartedly anyway!! Time to give it all I got and win this championship!!
#kuko harai#jyushi aimono#hitoya amaguni#bad ass temple#hypmic#hypnosis mic#til that you can make a meat paste at the very least by using a mortar and pestle LOL#the curry pissed me tf off lmao it was so spicy but underneath all that spice was a ridiculously flavourful curry#it's spicy enough that i can tell it's comfortably spicy for people used to eating spice tho!!#habenero is the worst experience with spice i ever had and it wasn't that bad lol but i got the sense it could have been#so i assume jyushi and hitoya talked kuukou down lmao or we didn't want a repeat burnt product lol#i decided to tone down how i usually write bat to try and not show my very obvious bias lol hopefully it worked#i remember slug mentioning sometimes a tl will come off vague in order to not get in the way of future developments#and i actually felt that tling this lmao like when hitoya was telling kuukou there's a limit for everything#i had to choose whether to make this about kuukou and training or kuukou and the chili peppers#the statement itself was a vague warning so my own interpretations of bat were getting in the way probably lol#statements without a clear subject usually default to the person speaking so kuukou saying give it everything and win the championship#is me assuming he's talking about himself and again i'm a little worried my own interpretations of bat are getting in the way#since kuukou's self reliance is blatant but also not if you're casually looking at bat SO IDK LOL I THINK TLING IS HARD#curry tl
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lilliancdoodles · 5 months
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Week 1 MerMay!! Roughish sketch of Life is like the ocean, it goes up and down (by @tastytoastz) Jaiden and Foolish chilling on the beach before everything goes to shit
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