#but I think she would like to actively choose to dress bad which is not the same as quote unquote being ugly
xxxcertifiednerdxxx · 2 years
I love fanart of characters wearing cute modern outfits as much as the next person (I’ve literally taken an elective about fashion bc i enjoy it as a hobby), but sometimes I’m like??? Why did you dress them up so good this character does not have a sense of style at all. Even in canon they have the chance to care about fashion and they just don’t. Or if they don’t have the opportunity to care about fashion why would they ever actually like it?
I’m all about personal style, but sometimes someone’s personal style is having no style at all bc what they wear is literally the last thing on their mind and they just know they aren’t allowed to go around naked.
let characters dress bad!!!
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osaemu · 1 year
Hi, could you please write a Mafia Boss! Suguru Geto where Geto falls in love with the reader because he spends time with her as she nurses him back to heath after he was caught in an assassination attempt.
✩ ‧ ˚. synopsis: your boss stumbles in, battered and bruised in the middle of the night. (mafia!au)
contents: fem!reader. mentions of blood. medicine-related things written by someone with no medical experience. semi-suggestive ending if you squint.
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working as one of the few doctors in a mafia was stressful. but being the only one on the night shift after a major assassination attempt? hell.
you were all set for an uneventful night in the mafia's infirmary when suguru geto, the boss himself, stumbled in, hand pressed to a fresh wound on his waist.
it wasn't uncommon for him to be seen around at nighttime. in fact, sometimes you would see him strolling around headquarters more often on your night shift than on your normal shift. what wasn't common was to see him like this—all battered and bloody.
one second you were ready to spend all night scrolling on your phone, the next your infamous boss comes in with blood dripping all over your freshly cleaned floor.
after a quick double-take, you rush over and guide him to one of the hospital beds. "fuck, what happened?"
geto doesn't reply right away, which is worrying, but you don't press the issue. it can wait until he's in a more stable condition. 
the next hour goes by in a blur—you clean and dress the wound and get some pain medication in him. having been actively in medicine for a couple years, the metallic scent of blood is nothing new, and yet the sight and smell still make your stomach turn. 
you'd think that a doctor who willingly chooses to work in a mafia would have no problem with seeing blood all over the place, and yet, here you were. but it wasn't your place to be picky—a patient was a patient, and like it or not, there would be blood.
after a stressful hour of observations and medications, all sensors are finally showing that he's stable, which is a relief. 
geto seems to see this as well, as he offers you a dry smile and a "not bad."
"it's just my job," you reply offhandedly as you sit across from him. you're still running on the adrenaline rush you get whenever someone  comes in hurt, and it's clear that your hope for an uneventful night is long gone. "so, how'd you get hurt?"
geto smiles ruefully and observes his wound. "heh, you wouldn't believe it. someone tried to assassinate me."
he laughs and winces slightly, resulting in you immediately advising him to move his chest muscles as little as possible.
his chest muscles...
now that the initial high has faded, you fully realize that you're alone with suguru geto. your boss. and he's shirtless. half his chest is swathed in bandages, but his abs are as prominent as ever.
you realize you've been looking one second too long when he smirks and clicks his tongue. "my my, a doctor checking out her brutally attacked patient. can't resist, can you?"
is he flirting with me?
caught off guard, you stumble over your words and barely manage to say "no, what? your wound- just making sure it's doing alright—" not slick.
geto grins and shakes his head. "do you do this with every guy who comes in here?"
"what's it to you if i do?" you're not sure where your sudden boldness comes from, but somehow the fact that geto's your boss seems to have suddenly slipped your mind.
however, he certainly knows his place—especially when he raises an eyebrow and reminds you of it. "i'm your boss, sweetheart. can't have one of my employees flirting with every man she meets."
fuck, did he really just call me sweetheart?
doing your best not to let your thoughts show on your face, you turn away and grab a roll of bandages to redress his wound. "i should reapply the bandages. yours are already bleeding through." 
it's true—it hasn't been long, but splotches of scarlet red are starting to show through the gauzy white bandages. 
"you sure you're not just tryin' to get your hands on me?" geto asks coyly with a slight tilt of his head. fuck, what's in the air tonight?
you scoff and start peeling off the blood-soaked bandages on his chest. "you wish."
"you have no idea."
what the hell? seriously, why's the boss of the regional mafia flirting with me? is he drunk or something? a quick glance at one of the many machines surrounding your desk shows that there isn't any alcohol besides the medication in his bloodstream. 
you decide not to dignify his comment with a response, and instead throw the reddened bandages in the trash. as you reach for the fresh roll of bandages, geto's voice stops you halfway.
"so, what're you doing for the rest of the night?" he asks, dark eyes fixed on yours. 
"uh, i'm on the night shift. and you aren't going anywhere, by the way," you reply, starting to apply the fresh bandages on his still-raw wound. "unless you want to bleed out or get attacked again."
geto laughs at that, earning another reminder from you that he should try not to do anything to strain his chest muscles. "okay, okay, doc. whatever you say."
"don't call me doc."
you sigh and lean back in your chair, already tired despite your shift not even being close to over. there's warm, sticky blood all over your hands and floor—you should probably take care of that. as you step away to wash your hands, geto speaks again.
"tell me, doc, why're you with the mafia? you don't seem too fond of blood, and there's a lot around these parts."
you turn on the water and start scrubbing his blood off your hands, the steady coolness helping you relax. "what makes you say that?"
"you squirm every time blood gets on you."
so, he really is observant. you had heard rumors of the boss's qualities, and so far, most of them had been true. observant? check. smug? check. condescending? maybe a little.
as you turn off the water and dry your hands, you look back at geto. "it's just... icky." did i really just use the word 'icky' in front of my boss?
geto laughs again, waving you off when you automatically start to remind him not to move for the third time now. "don't worry sweetheart, i've been hurt before."
once again refusing to acknowledge the s-word, you drag your chair back to your desk and plop down, leaning back and gazing at the ceiling. "you should get some rest."
"i'd rather stay up with you."
it takes you a couple minutes to coax him to try and sleep, and after you rattle off all the healing benefits sleep would give to him, geto knows he's defeated.
he finally sighs and makes a face. "can i get some sleep drugs or something?"
"d'you mean sedatives? sure, are you in any pain?"
geto rolls his eyes good-naturedly when you correct his casual language and shakes his head. "s'mostly numb."
you nod and start to fill a syringe with a clear blue liquid. after a moment of silence, you ask "so, what happened to them?"
"to who?"
you turn and meet his gaze. something aboht his eyes seems more friendly than when he first stumbled in, but it could just be because now he wasn't bleeding waterfalls anymore.
"the assassin? assassins?"
geto blinks and grins, shaking his head. "oh, they're long gone. fuckers thought it'd be easy to get rid of me, heh..."
after a moment, he looks you up and down and whistles. "too bad i have a pretty lil' doctor to save me, yeah?"
oh yeah, he's definitely been flirting this whole time.
you close the syringe and turn back to geto, a dry smile on your lips. "can't be flirting with one of my patients, can i, sir?" it's the first time tonight you've appropriately addressed him, and something about it makes him smile.
"oh, of course not. but how 'bout with your boss?"
you roll your eyes good-naturedly. "even worse."
"what if i gave you a raise?"
he laughs at that and holds out his arm. "shoot me, doc."
three words, and you're back to the attentive, precise doctor you're supposed to be—not the casual flirt from just a moment ago. you're no longer interested in entertaining his antics, but concentrated on doing your job right. after all, that's why he pays you, isn't it?
geto smiles to himself, drifting off to thoughts of the other things he could make you do for money. and maybe one day, for him.
but until then, he'd drop by the infirmary whenever he had a chance. it wasn't anything crazy. you were interesting, and he was interested. if he had to fake injuries to see you, so be it—tonight had a time limit, but suguru geto wanted more.
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actual-changeling · 7 months
The Metatron's outfit obviously has meta reasons/the costume department and Neil decided on it for a reason, but I think that there are also in-canon ones we should talk about more.
Now, the thing most people notice immediately is the colour—angels were whites, beige, light colours that match the job and heaven's sterile whiteness. His, on the other hand, is black, a colour usually associated with hell and demons.
As a small meta reason side note: I do not think that they chose the colour to signal that he is a demon and broke them up because he has Big Evil Plans because that goes against everything Good Omens is about. The Metatron is at the top of heaven's hierarchy and only subservient to God (assuming She is actually still involved), he can have bad intentions and universe-destroying plans as an angel, the whole point is that the angel/demon dichotomy is an ideological fantasy.
Why did the Metatron himself choose that outfit though? One would assume that he would have the most pristine white clothes possible, but every single time we have seen him so far, he has been a floating head without a body.
So before he came to earth, he actively made a decision to dress the way he did. We also know that he did his research on Aziraphale and Crowley, hence his knowing that Aziraphale consumes human food and getting that coffee. The entire situation was the Metatron creating the most beneficial set-up for his plan—to convince Aziraphale to come back to heaven with him.
He knows Aziraphale likes food, but what else does he like?
The person we see wearing exclusively black and dark colours.
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Give Aziraphale a coffee, make his subconscious associate the Metatron with Crowley based on his clothes, sweet-talk him and lie to get him attached, and then offer him everything he could have ever wanted—heaven, the ability to change heaven, and Crowley and him being angels together.
Just like his off-hand mention about consuming food, the black suit is also meant to make him seem 'other', someone who—just like Aziraphale—doesn't really fit in with all the other angels. Aziraphale sees all of that, and the conclusion he comes to is the following:
The Metatron, the Guy In Charge is like me! He understands me, and we're both different, but he still wants me to be the Supreme Archangel. It IS possible to break some rules and still be a Good Angel, I was worried for nothing, everything is fine, and he will even revise the mistake of Crowley's fall.
Consequently, Aziraphale accepted the offer and didn't even think further than his own moral qualms finally being resolved, which is exactly what the Metatron wanted.
I think he vastly underestimated their relationship though—Aziraphale almost changes his mind—but overall it was a complete, clean success for him.
For my part, I am incredibly curious if he will keep the black suit in season three, turn back into a head, or change into white/lighter clothes. Now that he has Aziraphale where he wants him, he can dial down the persuasion and manipulation techniques.
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dinaniktorl · 3 months
Vanderboom triplets and christian symbolism
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Rusty Lake devs put many allegories to different religions in their games, and christianity is one of them. The most obvious is the scene where Samuel, Emma and Albert get born and what Mary feeds them.
(before we begin i must mention that i am NOT catholic and was never raised to be one or any other form of christianity. if i've made any mistakes, please correct me, and also please tell me your thoughts about it!)
(i won't be able to answer you in the comments on the account of a broken glitchy mainblog, but i will read them anyway.)
There are two ways to interpret this scene:
1. Golden kid, scapegoat and forgotten child
Many breastfeeders don't have enough milk to raise one infant, let alone two or three. Mary HAD to choose a favorite kid, the one who can survive and bring help to the family.
Obviously, she chose Sam.
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First of all, he is a boy. For many years, boys were valued more than girls. They were able to work, to have rights, they didn't have to leave their family when they got married.
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And that's exactly what happens to Sam. He grows up healthy, strong, is the only kid that works and marries. He is the only one that can create a healthy heir without the help of magic or science, and he works for the better of his family.
I would also like to make a suggestion that Mary didn't bother to give Emma any education. She can read, yes, but she was never shown playing any instrument in the game or anywhere else. Learning music was a very important part of education for little kids in wealthy families, and both Sam and Albert can play at least one instrument. Emma, on the other hand, tries to get pregnant. Because she is a girl.
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Second of all, Albert, unlike Samuel, was always weird. Not necessarily in his hobbies, but his appearance. He was brought in this world with a birthmark, Mary was probably scared of him. Maybe to her Albert was a bad omen, and she actively tried to kill him with wine. She didn't want to keep him alive, so he was not worth the milk.
And, probably the most important part, Samuel was born first. It's that simple, he was the first kid, so he was the first to get milk.
But, Sam's life may not have been easy. You see, there's this parenting model of a golden kid and a scapegoat. Golden kid is assumed to be perfect, which means he must be perfect in everything.
Scapegoat is an example of a bad kid, of everything that golden kid should not be. Usually parents of these two kids make them hate EACH OTHER instead of parents.
I mean, Sam didn't have to choose Emma over Albert and then bully him.
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Emma is a forgotten child. She doesn't get anything good and her bad behavior is never controlled.
2. The water, The milk and The wine
“Come, everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters;
and he who has no money,
Come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without price.” (Isaiah 55:1)
This next interpretation is based on this article.
The scene is, of course, metaphorical. Don't take it at face value.
The text says, : "Water for Life, Milk for Strength, Wine for Joy". In this exact order.
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Water is supposed to make people alive. Just to keep their bodies fresh, so to speak.
But it can't keep you alive for long. You will be weak, you will get sick, you will probably die of malnourishment.
Emma is 28 years old in this picture.
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She can't work, she has to sit almost always, just like her elderly mother, I'm surprised she was able to birth Frank tbh.
Also, I can't really guess another reason for her to dress so warmly. I don't think we ever saw her neck. Or maybe I'm overthinking it, idk.
Water was the first drink God gave to thirsty. Milk was next.
It is supposed to give strength and health to overcome hardships, just like mother's milk nurtures and heals a little baby.
And, well, Samuel IS a bit on the heavier side, at least when he was younger.
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Maybe his mother was mad at him for having a kid before marriage or something, but he is on his own now. He loses his weight and bulk, his arms start turning grey (and i really don't know why!)
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I guess he does grow a tummy, or maybe he gets a full expensive costume. Either way, he does become wider, and his hands whiter.
He doesn't die from malnutrition or stress, but he gets killed for taking a "toy" from a spoiled kid.
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"<...God> invites you not only to come alive with water, but also to be stable and strong with milk. But that is not all we need in life. No matter how stoic, unemotional, phlegmatic, laid-back, or poker-faced we may seem to others, there is a child inside of every one of us that God made for exhilaration — for shouting and singing and dancing and playing and skipping and running and jumping and laughing..."
Albert is, genuinely, a lively kid. He plays, he experiments, he falls in love deeply and for many years.
He is not malnourished in the slightest. Albert is a big, tall boy. He gets everything he wants, any mask he wants, any room. This is especially interesting, considering Emma and Sam did not get any toys ever.
He doesn't have to work. He doesn't have to worry. Everything gets served to him on a plate.
Well, almost everything.
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"Wine is a powerful image, an exhilarating beverage that is God’s idea — and like others of his best gifts, not without its serious and documented dangers in the hands of sinners."
Albert is spoiled. Albert gets mad easily. His feelings hurt him, and nobody can say no to him when he goes out for vengeance, even his mother.
He lies constantly. He is the Devil himself, though I don't think it's in a typical sense.
Yes, he's violent, untrustworthy, egoistic, but he cares. Deeply. Maybe too much.
And what he was given, he gives to other. That's how he was raised.
That's how he raised Rose. Ouija board, dolls, food and water, her own room. She was free to do whatever she wanted, robe graves, even free Frank.
And Albert did nothing about it. He, too, did not die peacefully in his sleep. He weakened himself until he had no one to rely on. His wealth was taken from him, and he fell limp immediately.
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"It’s difficult to abuse water. Some abuse milk (and cream). Many abuse wine."
There are many so called triplets in Rusty Lake. Frank, Leonard and Rose. Bob, Dave and Laura. Maybe even William, Aldous and Jakob.
Maybe the previous three must die before the new are created. Albert was reanimated and Rose has died immediately after.
I'm not really sure what to make of this.
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magicalgirlsirin · 7 months
hi rly enjoyed ur post on elysian realm! ik ur a new fan (i am too) but i heard that before retcon, elysia was a lot more morally gray. would you happen to know how exactly?? im rly curious bc i think it would be a severe improvement obviously. we deserve complex women who do wrongs
So when I say retcon in relation to the elyrealm arc it's less so "things they changed because of the story evolving and wanting to expand previously established events" and more "things they straight up forgot about in service of making Elysia a herrscher". It's not like hi3 is a stranger to retcons though?
For example, Durandal being the "original" Kiana is a retcon. The fact that our Kiana was a clone remained the same, but it's clear from older story stuff (iirc it's Everlasting Memory/Theresa's chronicle set?; second eruption manga doesn't focus on the Kiana part) that Durandal wasn't originally there. Otto refers to Kiana as K-423, and that Theresa needs to retrieve her, which implies that Theresa knows it's not Siegfried and Cecilia's kid, but her distress remains the same. The later game retcon by Thus Spoke Apocalypse is that OG!Kiana and Siegfried were going to go retrieve K-423, but OG!Kiana ended up injured and so Siegfried only left with K-423. And if you're confused then so am I because the details don't really super line up with the presentation, but it's like, fine, because at the end of the day the current writing intention and trajectory is for Durandal and Kiana to be sisters, and to both be Siegfried's daughters.
Anyways, for Elysia, a lot of her retcons occur in a very rapid pace from the first realm chapter set to Elysium Everlasting. Like I mentioned in my last post, the herrscher reveal is nonsense just going off of basic information like the fact she received MANTIS surgery like all the other Flame Chasers. However, there are other plot threads that are completely dropped for the sake of making Elysia a very special good girl who you should love because she's so nice and never did anything bad.
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[About Betrayal 1 - Chapter 2]
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[About Betrayal 2 - Chapter 2]
Elysia the traitor plot is something I was, well not hopeful for (a friend had already warned me that the game wouldn't do anything interesting with it] but I still ended up mulling it over a lot because it was such an interesting hinge piece for her initial presentation.
What stands out to me is the phrasing. Kevin says she never endangered humanity even if she was a traitor. Kevin says that Elysia made a decision. This implies agency, like Elysia was actively choosing to do something dangerous for the sake of the Flame Chasers. However, if Elysia was a herrscher from the beginning, then none of this makes sense. She doesn't choose to be a herrscher if she was one from the beginning, so why even make it seem like her betrayal was her choice at all?
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[Traitor - Chapter 1]
It doesn't stop there though. Mobius' active disdain implies that whatever choice Elysia made, it was enough to make Mobius of all people consider her a lost cause. Mobius, who body mods and injects honkai energy into anyone with a pulse (hyperbole) to try and make humanity last just the slightest bit longer.
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[Traitor - Chapter 1]
Mobius wants us to doubt Elysia's intentions. If you go through all their shared information, you'll find that the worst Elysia really does is just... coerce Mobi to wear pink dresses, and while that is obnoxious, it wouldn't warrant utter contempt for Elysia as a person.
There's actually a lot of stray text that implies there's something wrong about Elysia's existence, which I guess in generous terms could be interpreted as setup for the herrscher reveal? But it just feels like it's just there to add to the mystery that won't go anywhere.
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[The Blind Spot - Recollection]
This right here nags at me. Deeply so. Elysia isn't so much a character as much as she is just a concept, the idea of a story that could be told. Not even in the canon-compliant weird endgame hook meta-textual breakout in Transcending Finality about the power of stories... Although, there's a way to introduce it here and tie it to Elysia to give some semblance of connectivity.
I went this long without actually giving my thoughts on how to make Elysia's writing good though. Disclaimer for clarity sake I know not everyone will agree with the changes I want to make and I'm also not claiming to be a more skilled writer than anyone in the hi3 team, they're all people with enough talent to be employed by the company.
That out of the way.
This isn't so much about making Elysia morally grey as much as it is about giving her an emotional core, because right now she's pretty hollow. Rather than a pristine girl who never did anything wrong, I'd rather cast her as a romantic, tragic heroine who would move heaven and fate just to seem noble.
Elysia was born human. Maybe she loved stories, and how they transported her to far off places, far far far away from the tiny town she was growing up in. When she was old enough, she traveled the world. Honkai descends. Because she was a globe trotter she ended up connected to many people, and was given the chance to join the MOTH organization. She gets MANTIS surgery. As the number of soon-to-be Flame Chasers grow, discussion begins about if the strength of the soldiers is enough.
'Maybe, if I had power comparable to a herrscher, we could fight with less casualties.'
She doesn't say this out loud, of course. It's a dangerous thought, a line that shouldn't be crossed. But she's curious. She breaks into Mobius' lab [Miss Pink Spy - Pristine Memory] to find the information she wants. Mobius figures out her intentions and warns Elysia off. It's not even in consideration, so keep whatever plan you have in mind off the table before you do something irreversible.
Mobius thought that Elysia gave up on the plan after the seventh erruption. The haunted look behind Kevin's eyes, the sadness creasing Elysia's face, all of it makes it seem like a simple consideration forgotten by the sands of time.
Elysia doesn't have a discipline. She told Dr. Mei it wasn't needed since her combat performance was well above standard margins anyways. (She is on par with Kevin in strength, after all.) At least, we all thought she didn't. A deal is made with Aponia.
Aponia, Aponia, apostle of fate, I offer you my 'humanity' to become a 'story'.
Elysia cannot receive any more disciplines. The target has to be "human". Elysia as a story, unchanging, pristine, capable of remaining as she is without blemish, can reach out and become a herrscher while remaining herself. She's desperate. She wants to help. She reaches into the deep, the start of the universe, and gathers the power. She names it Origin, since it's something she found at the source.
She's a herrscher.
Herrschers are an enemy of humanity.
Kevin runs her through with Shamash.
Elysia is still herself though, talking like she would as usual.
-Oh Kevin, I wanted to know if your tears would freeze, but I was hoping it wouldn't be like this. They're so warm, though. Thank you for crying for me.
-I see no herrscher here, just... the flame chaser, bearing the signet of ego.
The Elysian Realm keeps a secret. Aponia keeps it, the fact that Elysia gave up her humanity. The final banquet? A polite way to refer to Elysia's own demise.
It's sad, isn't it? That strength she wanted to give fell right through her fingers. Her own undoing, the desperate plan of a foolish girl who wanted to be a hero, but only ending up as a villain to oppose. It's so much more meaningful, then, that Elysia's gift, the power of sapience, is kept on to the next cycle of humanity. Held again, the power of ego, of humans, to someone with a kind heart to move beyond the past she's trapped in. Thank you, Raiden Mei, for carrying on the ideals of the thirteen trailblazers, the moths who chase the flame.
so anyways yeah i think elysia couldve been interesting whos to say
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
I really wonder if the Upper Moons will celebrate the holidays with their human partner, for whom it will be important, even a little cute. And if so, which ones exactly? How will they behave during the celebration? You can write about all the Moons, or choose a few, as you wish (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
I will only be making the ones of the Uppermoons who would actually celebrate Holidays with their partner [since there are some I think would rather celebrate alone or not celebrate at all]. Japan has a lot of Holidays, so I will be focusing in the Gosekku.
Sorry it took me this long, I hope you like it.
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GN Human reader and Uppermoon in holidays. Using the Human disguise Headcanon.
Warnings: Mentioned cannibalism, Implied child prostitution, Implied sexual content, Mentioned drug consumption, Mentioned Self-harm (as in doing things bad for your health at partying), Mentioned Emeto (not in a kinky way, don't worry), Akaza's angst and Douma.
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Gyutaro + Daki:
Gyutaro is just ok holidays, but Daki loves them and she is the agency between the two. He makes an effort for his mood to not ruin the festivity for his sister, then he does the same for you. The thing is that he will not celebrate if Daki is not with you both. (After you started having something he started to hold Daki on that same standard "Or Y/N is with us or I won't celebrate at all, ne.")
The Red Light District always celebrates the festivities with parties, special events, carnavals and other things, so you might have to wait for Daki as she may have some clients that night.
Gyutaro lets both you and Daki to dress him up and choose the activities for the holiday, at most he will only ever get gifts and food (mostly human flesh, but at times he decides to get human food for you).
He specially likes New Year and the Tangu no Sekku, the first one because it's the one Daki loves the most, since there is the biggest amount of attractions in that festivity in the streets. The second one... he likes to pull pranks. Since it's a day about purrifying evil spirits he likes to pretend being a powerful one and scaring people off making noise and babbling of "how dare you do your cheap tricks on me, nee.. ne.. NE!" Daki and you end laughing at his antics.
They both also like the Kyokusui, Daki likes making dolls with the more talented children, daughters of the prostitutes. Gyutaro likes to keep ugly ones, comfort and praise the kids that made them. They separate when they do this, but you would be mostly playing babysitter with Daki or playing parent with Gyutaro.
If you give him a gift during this dates he will hide it, you will never see it again, but rest assured he will take care good care of it.
He doesn't do romantic moments under fireworks, he actually hates them. He hides inside Daki when they are about to start.
He takes care of you if you get drunk 🫶
Hantengu Clones & Hantengu:
This guys celebrate together as a family (everyone else bullies Sekido into joining, even Aizetsu) so if you wanted a romantic celebration between your special someone and you alone, forget it. At best you will have 10 minutes separated from the rest, because "If you are going to force me into your shit, you might as well do it properly! This things are meant to be spent with family, so nobody don't get to elope for the night!"
They always go to the biggest event around the area they are in, Karaku and Urogi are the ones to find it, since they are the most excited ones.
Guess who makes sure to fix himself for the occasion? I bet you guessed wrong, it's Karaku! He showers, dresses up, put some accesories, shows off a new hairstyle, puts perfume, wears make up and everything. He will also help you to do so (will offer to bath together, even), he does the same with Hantengu and Aizetsu (Urogi will NOT shower for a party, and Sekido would rather touch the sun than let Karaku put his hands on him). "C'mon guys, we gotta break hearts today!"
Aizetsu and Sekido make sure nobody gets separated or lost while Karaku and Urogi want to try every stand at the same time. Hantengu hides in the clothes of the first two, alternating.
Since they can survive sunlight as long as Hantengu is save, Karaku and Urogi also like to participate in activities under the sun. "Bet I last under the sun longer than you! Y/N, watch me! I will conquer the sun from all my victories!" Specially since the two share as favorite the Chōyō no en, so they take chance at the karasu-sumo, drink sake and eat kuri-gohan and kuri-mochi knowing they should not eat human food.
(They compete to see who can eat more without throwing up, Aizetsu always ends up joining and winning. "It's not a big deal, now if you excuse me.... I need to puke..." he never does in front of anyone, but he let's you guide him into a restroom or alway and comfort him after.)
Sekido laughs at everyone else's misery after eating human food, but you have seen him drink sake. Hantengu, Aizetsu and him honestly prefer the kikkoden, to be able to stay in the shadow/night and make ribbons, wishes and poetry calmy. Karaku and Urogi sing while they see the carnaval.
They actually don't eat these days, since the fact they actually drink (with you if you want to) they severe their stomachs, so they choose one. And they always choose the sake over the flesh. (Also, both Aizetsu and Karaku always manage to get other drugs, cannabis specially, if you want some. Even Sekido and Hantengu take a smoke or two of that weed.)
You can do whoever you want in the activities, but you must always be where everyone in the group can see you and hopefully be doing it with one of the guys.
PDA under fireworks all the way in. Karaku will even dare doing the dirtiest kiss in front of Hantengu and the other clones. Urogi is unafraid of both having you in his lap/arms or being in yours. Sekido would have his arm in your back leaning over you. Aizetsu is into holding hands.
If you get drunk then both Sekido and Aizetsu would take care of you the next day, same way they do with Urogi and Karaku who are probably way more fucked up than you.
He usually doesn't celebrate them, but the second he got into a relationship he wanted nothing more than to do so. "They are not meant to be spent alone. I can't think of a teason to celebrate if there is nobody to do so with."
Akaza is very romantic, he makes sure to make little details and try new things for you. He would dedicate the whole night into having a time and space to be with you and have a good time. Alone and together.
He let's choose what you want to do and you want to eat, he just doesn't eag those days. He also doesn't drink, just likes to spend the night making sure you are happy and taken care of.
He likes New Year the most, but he likes all festivities that include fireworks. That is his favorite part of these days, to see that show. He likes to so it secluded from everyone, just with you.
He holds your hand under the fireworks, there are times he starts crying under them too. He never looks at you when that happens, just at the explosions lf colors in the sky. If you try to ask him what is wrong you will only find him not answering, almost in a trance. He will get a lot more attentive and needy of physical touch/words of affirmation after that.
"I love you. I love you so much. Please stay." He never wants to go back to the festivals after the fireworks, just stay and cuddle with you. If you want to go further with him, he will definetely be in mood. He really wants to love you and feel love after crying like that.
It's impossible for you to get drunk with him taking care of you, that includes taking the drinks away. Still, if you want to be coddled the dah after, he has no problems in doing so.
This one is a weird one. Douma usually is part of the the celebrations more than celebrating it himself. In his cult he is dressed up and specially worshiped by his cult members, with prayers, offerings and reunions to listen to him.
Really, those are HOURS where he must basically be the crucifix for the day, you are surprised he even is willing to stay qt the cult (then again, he only gets to feel the boredom of not daing anything. He doesn't understand why he would not keep the tradition, so he does.)
After the official celebration? Douma likes to go wild and take you with him, he would definetely like to eat and drink the same thibgs as humans until he is throwing up his guts ver a corner. He would also eat a lot of women, not caring if you are with him.
Douma would stay up the whole night and will expect you to do the same, he would also need you to guide him throught activities if you decide to elope to a carnaval for the night.
He would not fix himself for any occasions, he is just looking for some fun, the same as always. He doesn't really understand the religious and emotional meaning festivities have on people, he just knows there is a party outside and as a demon he can scape to it. For that same reason he would not have a favorite festivity, but if you have one he would say "What a coincidense, that is also my favorite" and join you in your celebration.
He would do everything to you and let you do everything you want to him under the fireworks, even go to a hallway and get intense (Don't recommend you to, remember that mouth was full of flesh and puke not so long ago).
You think he will take care of you if you get drunk? At best he will have a follower doing so, but with the night you had... is more urgent someone is taking care of him.
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aclosetfan · 4 days
I once did a "what's in their purse" writing exercise, where i just wrote for ten minutes for each girl, so I wanted to do that again, but their go-to uniforms :)
Bubbles: She would have the most creative fun with her uniforms, pushing the line of impracticability. She's opposed to matching identically with her sisters except when she gets to plan their group uniforms. Her sisters taint her creativity. Typically, her uniforms resemble magic-girl animes, like Sailor Moon. She loves a more feminine look with big waist bows and frilled accents. She wears skirts mostly or dresses, and they're hardly athletic. Her outfits are LOUD and aggressively there. She sparkles and shines with jewelry and homemade earrings, which always get tangled when she fights or is yanked off by bad guys. Her shoes are heels, strappy sandals, or sparkly converses (but Blossom usually forces her to change into closed-toed shoes). She over-dresses and knows it, but when she's covered in muck, grim, and monster guts, she feels she deserves to be a little over the top in her dressings. If she's NOT wearing something over the top, she's wearing something more boho chic. Still obnoxious, but make it more "hippy." She likes bandanas and tie-dye, which I think she can still make aggressively feminine, but sometimes, she needs to step back and go on a nature hike. If you could marry the two concepts, I feel you'd have what I picture as quintessential Bubbles. Someone in tune with nature and crystals, but also someone who shops at Claire's. A cotton candy witch with a bedazzler problem.
Blossom: Her uniforms are sleek with clean lines. She's practical to the max and professional. Compared to Bubbles, her style is minimalist. She prefers wearing skorts or athletic dresses, but never without anything underneath, for decency's sake. On occasion, she'll also wear athletic leggings, which are form-fitting but practical for combat. She wears steel-toed sneakers. Besides a ponytail, she doesn't wear any other accessories; occasionally, she may forget to take off a necklace and wear normal stud earrings. She stays away from jackets during combat but keeps a matching one around in case she gets cold or has a wardrobe malfunction. Her tops/dresses are long-sleeved athleisure wear with the occasional thumb hole. Overall, she's a modest dresser who rarely varies styles. If there was a term for it, it would be tennis player/country club golfer. It fits her active lifestyle, and often, she chooses to just wear a uniform throughout the day so she doesn't have to worry about changing. Make-up-wise, like Buttercup, she wears little to none. Not because she's anti-makeup but because she doesn't like it when she gets sweaty and it streaks. Again, practicality is key for her. If it isn't practical, it's not for Blossom, which is why she unironically sports a fanny pack for convenience. However, she may be found to have backup ponytails or a bowed scrunchie on her wrist.
Buttercup: Like Blossom, Buttercup lives in athleisure wear, except unlike Blossom, she's very casual about it. Blossom's professional, but Buttercup? We're just lucky if she remembers to wear a bra; if she does, it's a sports bra, and she may not have a shirt covering it. She's also the worst at sticking to their color coordination. Her closet is full of greens and yellow accents, but sometimes she'll show up to a fight in some weird t-shirt she got at overnight and away camp the girls went to in middle school because it was the only thing clean and beggars can't be choosers. It's not rebellious like some people think; she's just a little lazy. Her shoes consist of combat boots and tennis shoes. She likes joggers and athletic shorts and is fine with skorts. She'll wear athletic dresses if Blossom picks them out but refuses to wear what Bubbles demands they wear. She doesn't wear much jewelry unless it's a necklace/bracelet/etc, that a family member or friend gave her. She had earrings, but they've been ripped out too many times during fights for her to continue wearing them. Her jewelry is surprisingly dainty. If she gets caught in a fight wearing makeup, she goes heavy on eye makeup but less on lipstick and blush. Very punk. But for the most part, she skips over it because she accidentally rubs it off throughout the day. Hair accessories consist of ponytails if her hair is long enough and bandanas/headbands she steals from Bubbles. She's an incredibly casual jock with punk undertones.
I totally think all three girls would wear knee or elbow braces, especially if they've had prior injuries.
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xjulixred45x · 1 year
I had this idea thanks to 1- catching up with JJK and 2- my Tango classes.
Did you know that in Japan Tango is popular among couples? Since it is a closed society that does not show much affection, Tango is the perfect excuse to be affectionate with your partner in a more public way there. It's very interesting.
and it made me think...
Geto and Gojo (more or less in their third year) with a S/o who just does Tango, bonus points if she is Latina (Uruguayan/Argentine/Brazilian, there is something to choose from) and they end up interested in this Western dance.
Gojo would obviously be the most conceited about it and is mainly interested in the sensual movements of the woman in the dance, I can already see him with the typical dance costume and with the rose in his mouth🤣, he learns quickly, from what he can easy reach his S/O's Level, it would still make it quite fun, his Spanish pronunciation is surprisingly good, but he gets confused with several words and movement (e.g., the Eights/Ochos and the Fives/Los cincos). Honestly, he would like to learn the woman's steps, since according to him "they are more fun than the man's" and Lowkey also wants to do pirouettes and have his S/o guide him.
Imagine him doing the Sit-In/La Sentada🥴🤩🤣Gojo doesn't mind dancing with people other than his S/o, he definitely prefers them, yes, but he's not shy at all.
Geto became more interested in the culture behind dance, plus it being something that his S/o enjoyed encouraged him to want to know more about it. Lowkey, a Tango nerd lol, turned out to be much darker than he thought, but he just wanted to know more until he finally asked his S/o to teach him the basics of the dance. I imagine his pronunciation is considerably worse than Gojo's😅, like, a 7 year old speaking Spanish, it's not bad perse, but sometimes you don't understand him(ex, he confused Bachata with Patata).
He dances very well, but only with his S/o, if someone suggests the idea of practicing with someone else to lose his shyness (something normal that is done in Tango) he will get nervous, trying to put his hands in any place that he considers respectful, but precisely thanks to that he does not mark the steps well and ends up causing problems with his partner or in the best of cases they try to get him to return to his S/o because they notice how difficult that type of physical contact can be for him. ...nearby.
Don't underestimate him, I think he preferred the faster songs because they are more entertaining to dance to (and preferably the ones that don't have lyrics because DAMN Tango songs are super sexist or misogynistic) and in a way he is quite good with the man's steps , but try to make it more equitable.
both consider women's clothing quite... disproportionate to man's clothing, I mean, their S/o has to wear 1-short dress, 2-cleavage, 3-HIGH heels, 4-Bare back (sometimes) head but they are covered in feet??? They know that it is more because of the historical context in which Tango emerged but they are still a little worried.
Even so, they both support this hobby a lot, A LOT, in itself it is useful to have some physical activity (even if your S/o is also in Jujutsu High, it is good to have a distraction from the horrors of the curses) and plus, have the opportunity to show public affection! 2x1!
I hope You like this Drabble!
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susansontag · 1 year
I’m paraphrasing a rather tense conversation I had with a friend the other night, but one thing that struck me is the care, the consideration with which she approached her friend’s trans identity as being the outward expression of an internal feeling realised through external modifications, and how important that is for feeling like oneself, but how this consideration presumably seemed to end when it came to me or others like me (so, gender nonconforming/masculine women)
if her friend did something with their body, like dressing a certain way, or not removing their body hair etc, this would be a totally understandable self-expression of internal identity, with all the personal significance that comes with. but when I don’t remove my body hair, it is solely political (and therefore of course not sensitive to me), and also somewhat comes with the assumption that I am shaming women for complying by patriarchal beauty standards. much of our conversation was about this btw, about how I have made her feel bad in the past for waxing, when to my memory I can recall one conversation about this from years ago in which we started talking about why I had decided to stop removing my body hair, in which, certainly, I said it was a patriarchal practice. this idea that I routinely go around shaming women for patriarchal beauty standards is just not accurate, I actually actively avoid doing this due to backlash like this
but it’s kind of this reading between the lines that got me here... like, if for me it’s solely ‘political’, then my interiority, my struggles with my body, my personal and complicated feelings about this can be overlooked. it’s no big deal for me and comes with a set of pre-packaged politics that involve looking down on other women. but if I attached an identity label to this? saying it felt like I was finally expressing my inner self? then it means something entirely different and is acceptable, the suspicion of my judgement would perhaps entirely disappear, etc. at no point did she think to wonder, maybe it is complicated for me, maybe it is personal (as well as political, sure), maybe I wrestled with some interesting questions about self-perception and expression to be where I am now. I said at one point I truly believed society would develop to such a point where most women would perhaps choose to look a bit like me, obviously invoking my gender nonconformity. she raised her eyes at this in judgement, as though it was either silly or an expression of vanity. and yes actually, I rarely say shit like this bc I do try and make my chosen appearance no big deal, but there are implications of hyper-feminine women speaking to gender nonconforming women this way. and they are not nice implications
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teenyweenyeenymeeny · 7 months
*momocore means Like Momo [me !!!!] if you r seeing this and Don't know me [what a funny idea !!! hiiiii] you r welcome to still vote and even look at my blog if you want... and if you want to ignore my poll that is okay too !!!!!
[i know Fundamentally the littles are more momocore but i only really looked at the main line !! this means no lala oopsies either... or ponies]
introductions to tha dolls and explanations under cut
Pillow Featherbed
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Pillow is so sleepy !! me too girl i am always in bed… and i love wearing cute pyjamas and that is what Pillow is Always doing !! she is sewn from a baby’s blankie and i am a baby who loves blankies !!
Coral Sea Shells
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Coral wants to be a mermaid Really Really bad and honestly me too… they were my special interest as a kid and i am still so fond of them 🤍 when i was little i would fantasise about being a mermaid and wish for it at every opportunity i got and i even followed YouTube tutorials that said i could do it if i drank a lot of salt water…
Holly Sleighbells
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Christmas is Holly’s favourite and it’s mine as well !! she tries really hard to be good and to make people happy and i also do this… and she loves making lists and wrapping presents and i love doing both of these things as well !!!
Pix E Flutters
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Pix E is a fairy and so am i a little !!! sometimes I use fae/faer pronouns… :o and !! Pix E is a wishful thinker like me and we both Specifically choose to be optimists 🤍 AND we both love glitter !!!
Ivory Ice Crystals
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Ivory loves snow and so do i !!! And we are both very delicate and Also we both love doing little tedious activities… she makes icicle jewellery and i do things like making paper stars and diamond paintings and sometimes sewing ☆
Toasty Sweet Fluff
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Toasty is very fluffy and a softy and i am too !!! we both love poofy dresses and baby animals and big squishy hugs :D and also her bunny is so incredibly momocore…
Toffee Cocoa Cuddles
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Toffee is a sweetheart and she melts everyone’s hearts and people sometimes tell me this is true for me as well and i hope it is true… she is a cuddlebug !! she loves giving hugs and is always doing it and i also am like this :D both of us love chocolate !! and candy and ruffles and sending nice notes !!! but when we get nice notes Back we both get silly and embarrassed hehe… Toffee’s birthday is 11 June and that is MY birthday !!!!! and she has a chocolate lab and technically that is what my dog is… :O
Dollop Light N Fluffy
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Dollop is the gentlest and softest and i think i am too… we both are super sensitive !! and we crumble when we even think someone is being mean hehe…
Sweater Snowstorm
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Sweater is another snow lover and i still am one of those !!! she is also shy and quiet like me and sleepy like me and she loves soup which is very much like me !!!!!! Sweater practices shivering even when she is not cold and i also shiver when i am not cold most of the time it is when i am sleepy…
Tart Berry Basket
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Tart is a strawberry which i am associated with Quite a bit !! and she loves dipping things in chocolate she is so right for that… i LOVE her pink bunny dressed as a strawberry SNIFFLE that is so momocore…
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izloveshorses · 9 months
Just out of curiosity what's wrong with zadkins!dimya? I never got to see the show at all (just bootlegs) so I don't know anything.
I do agree with the 1NT though. I have no idea what they were thinking with Lila Coogan. She pronounces every single thing she says the same way?
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anon you have no idea how much this ask delighted me. i'm in tears. i'm so so so excited this made my whole week.
first-- lila was only casted bc she knew lynn ahrens, i believe. this happened a lot with anastasia at the time unfortunately, when it came time to replace the principal cast they kept choosing people they knew or people who were already in the show instead of finding new talent. stephen (steven? i can't be bothered to remember) covered dmitry on broadway so they hired him as principal dima on tour and that was such a waste too tbh 💀 other than a few delightful people here and there, 1nt was such a bland and forgettable cast to me. 2nt superiority <333
now. for zadkins. a couple years ago i would've answered this privately bc his stans would've eaten me alive, but it appears no one left here cares for him anymore anyway ashdljfdjk so!!! i'm gonna be mean. so sorry. or not sorry. i don't really care anymore lol.
man. another bad case of promoting someone mediocre instead of hiring and training someone new. he always kind of gave me an ick, like on a Regular Person level, but for now let's focus on his performance:
the man cannot sing. he yells. he cannot act. he yells! i'm like not an expert or anything on either but i know a bad singer when i hear one lol. there's a moment in my petersburg where he growls? yuck. he and christy, as talented as she is, had no chemistry. not even like compared to christy and derek (which was like ~Magical Chemistry~), they just had zero chemistry period. even off stage their interactions felt weird and forced. i think he tried too hard to be Different™ from derek that he ended up playing dmitry wildly off book. i mean, you Should come with a new and fresh take on the character, that's fair. but he was almost playing a completely unrecognizable character altogether. (the glebya stans love his dmitry for a reason)
and then he kept thowing little fits off stage-- he got a tattoo when he wasn't supposed to, complained about being compared to derek, etc. he was kind of strange with christy sometimes. on one of her live streams during playtime (the 15 minute stretch between crossing a bridge and iacot, where she would invite the little girls and other folks off stage to hang out in her dressing room) he said he saw her in spring awakening, a show with some nudity, and she was clearly uncomfortable by the way he said it. he was also weird online, there was one instance where a teenage girl tweeted and asked him to come to her birthday party and he?? showed up????? he was also dating ashley park at the time and i think the breakup was messy 💀
his stans were awful. i know it's not his fault, but god. they were so loud, constantly complaining about derek for some reason? a man who minds his own business??? bc the only way you can support your fave is by hating everyone else on main?? the infighting was insane. you had to be there.
and oh man. when they announced cody simpson was replacing him.... it got so much worse. they were tearing that little blond australian man (who can actually sing and act, mind you) to shreds. every review was scathing when the show needed a boost. zach threw a fit about it too, because his contract was ending early (i mean. the show was actively losing money because he was so terrible. so yeah of course they're gonna replace him with a stunt cast ashdljfk) and you compare that and his stans to derek and derek stans just quietly mourning his exit and enduring but otherwise minding our business.... yeah. the only anastasia obc member with a bad attitude fr
so you pair that (the Yikes that is zadkins!dima) with max von essen's gleb (as much as i loved him he was also a miscast, i believe he's said the same) both yelling at anya the whole time with the mediocre 1nt cast,,,, of course you have people walking away from the show going 'so,,, what the hell was that. i could've just watched the movie.'
this is just speculation but i truly believe if i had to pinpoint an origin as to why the show isn't open anymore i would say principal zadkins at such a crucial time was their downfall. the second year is so important to get people to come back and to get new audience members at the same time and they botched it. instead of bringing in new talent they just stuck with mediocre people who already knew the tracks. the show had all the ingredients for being the next wicked, but damn. casting for anya, dmitry, and gleb are so important. you really need people who Get It to portray them, and if you have one weak link the whole show falls flat. and for several months, before cody was brought on and before constantine returned to play principal gleb, christy altomare was carrying the whole thing on her little shoulders.
and THEN you have the whole year two Red Dress marketing campaign, which misinterpretted the show So Badly as ~just another princess show~ to compete with frozen across the street... yeah of course it tanked. but that's another topic.
so! in conclusion........,,, summer-winter 2018 was a dark time for fanastasias ashldkjfjk we were in the Trenches
i would also like to let the record show the fact that we got masters who returned Twice in the same month to film derek/obc in september 2017, which are the bootlegs that are probably the most circulated other than hartford, and returned again in january 2019 to film cody and constantine, and returned AGAIN for closing in march. two whole bootlegs of my guy cody simpson and uhhhh zero for zadkins <3 as god intended <3
this isn't even half of it but this is what i remember from The Dark Time. anyone else is welcome to chime in, this is a safe space to be a hashtag hater <3
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 136 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence.
MELANIE: “Well. I’ve kinda got to… uh. (inhale) I’ve got somewhere to be. Do you mind if – if she hangs around with…?” JON: "Uh, I suppose – Not at all. She’s very welcome." I think it's super cute that Daisy doesn't want to be alone. Yeah, the reason for this is quite tragic and sad... I think this was the episode that made me go "Oh shit, I really like Daisy now!" to 100 %! I love everything about this episode!
JON: "If you don’t mind me asking – where are you off to?" [UNFORTUNATELY FOR BOTH OF THEM, THE ARCHIVIST’S SIGNATURE STATIC RUMBLES LOW IN THE BACKGROUND AS HE SPEAKS.] MELANIE: "Therapy. (surprised inhale) Wait…" I read a post about this once, that the Eye won't chose random information for Jon to suddenly drop into his mind. It's always something bad or intrusive (like suddenly knowing how Gertrude stopped the Sunken Sky. Or how one of Basira's school teachers died). Wouldn't be surprised, if this also got a grip on questions which could reveal a "dark secret". Like here, it wasn't a coincidence that compulsion slipped out with the question. It's the Eye choosing to act on it's own because there's juicy personal information to acquire. There's nothing Jon could have done to stop that, aside from just not asking this question. But that's why he's the Archivist, he always asked this kind of questions.
MELANIE: "It’s fine. I would probably have told you eventually anyway." Uhhh, am I the only one who thinks this line sounds a bit weird...? Especially the "It's fine". This doesn't sound like Lydia at all... Could this actually be Alex??? (Wouldn't be the first time we suspect him impersonating Lydia/Melanie - MAG 103).
"One of my earliest memories is cowering behind my mother, watching Labyrinth of the Minotaur on our tiny television, seeing the clay of the creature move and come alive in stop-motion. It terrified me. It thrilled me. It’s a moment that’s never completely left me. I’ve always had two passions: engineering and special effects. So naturally, the course of my life gradually led me towards working on animatronics. I don’t – care about the other stuff, not really. A squib’s a squib no matter how much you dress it up, and… (inhales) makeup never really wowed me." 1.) Not really-counter of S4: 4! 2.) I totally know that feeling. For me it was Jurassic Park. I guess this is also why I've always loved Stan Winston's work the most out of all practical FX studios and artists I follow. I have no idea about engineering, but I'm good at sculpting and crafting. Naturally, SFX make-up always fascinated me as well and they often work closely together (part make-up / part costume / part animatronics). It's just so damn expensive to make myself, the prices for silicone and resin skyrocketed the last couple of years. I want to make an animatronic mask soooo badly... Luckily my spouse is an engineer and I have a few of tutorials from the Stan Winston School membership, so one day! *fingers crossed*
"His earlier stuff I certainly enjoyed, but… for all my fondness for that – animated Minotaur, his stop-motion work never really grabbed me like his animatronics." You know why stop-motion looks so jerky? Lack of motion blur. That's when go-motion came into play. They'd move the model slightly during exposure of that frame, recreating motion blur by doing this. The dragon Vermithrax in Dragonslayer was the best example for this, but it already went quite high-tech to achieve this. (ILM, Phil Tippet btw.)
"The way Neil tells it, he split from his partner Gabe in 1972, and sculpting for stop-motion had never really had the same charm after that." Gabe... Short for Gabriel. Sculpting, like with Clay^^ Lagorio was like "Yeah, the Spiral is too random for me, I need precision!!"
"I think we bonded on that shoot, sheltering from the rain for hours at a time, watching a soggy animatronic jaguar gradually start to rust." Everybody knows the story of the T-Rex in the rain, right? If not, so they build the T-Rex without the information that it's supposed to be raining in that scene. Well... the foam latex skin acted like a sponge and it got too heavy! This caused the T-Rex to shiver, so they had to dry her in-between shots (there are pictures of people whipping towels at the dino XD). This is also the reason why the roof of the car broke and came down onto the children. This was not planned! But the T-Rex got too heavy so the calculations weren't correct anymore and so it hit that glass roof with way too much force, oof.
OMG wait! Is that my favorite ambiance track there?? OMG it is! I totally missed that it was used here! Episode got even better now!
JON: "Mm, they were… Well, let’s just say it’s not a complete shock there was something unnatural to them." Mr. “watches documentaries for fun” saw a few of Neil Lagorio's movies! Not surprised since he read a lot as a kid, why wouldn't Jon be into fiction?
DAISY: (sigh) "She’s Web. Spider’s sneaky like that. Like that lighter you’re always using; where’d you get that?" JON: "Mm. Good point. We should keep our eyes open. Anyways –" Hahaha, there's even static during "Good point". I can't wait to tell my story about the lighter, it's hilarious.
DAISY: (sigh) "Yeah, well – (sigh) What do you think? You think I’m weak, just – (sigh) – ‘cause I’m not already chasing the next kill? You think I’m less me?" JON: "I – (sigh) I don’t feel like I’m exactly in the best place to judge the… intersection between free will and humanity. (stuttering inhale) I’m still trying to figure that out myself." Those two <3 I'm happy Jon has someone this season who gets him. Who he can talk to. I love their friendship so much...
JON: "My – (large sigh) My memories of the coma are not clear, but I know I made a choice; I made a choice to become… something else. Because I was afraid to die. But ever since then, I – I don’t know if I made the right decision; I’m stronger now, tougher, I can – (he cuts himself off) If I do die, now, or get sealed away somewhere forever? I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. And I don’t want to lose anyone else, so if I can maybe – stop that happening, and the only danger is to me, I – I’ll do it in a heartbeat; worst case scenario, the universe loses another monster." DAISY: "That’s messed up." JON: (small laugh) (inhale) "Yeah. I suppose it is." Jon. Stop it. Get some help.
JON: "It, uh – hm – Is it, uh – Weird question, but – I – (sigh) I haven’t seen you in my dreams? The last couple of weeks?" DAISY: "Oh, ah – No, I – I work here now. Figured it seemed to protect the others, so –" That sounded like that relative "I haven't seen you in so long, you never visit me!" XD But further confirmation, that the dreams stop when you're working for the institute.
DAISY: “Boo-hoo, I’m so alone and a monster.” Yeah, those two <3
DAISY: (darkly) "If she doesn’t, I’ll rip her throat out." I love the sound of that line!
Putting that therapy scene into a Web episode was such a mean red herring!
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saturn-sends-hugs · 4 months
For the bad batch ask!!!
17, 24, 34, and/or 48
Feel free to answer only the ones you want to <3<3
oh bestie i am answering ALL OF THEM
17. What are some headcanons you have about Tech?
oooo ok i found a couple in my notes app:
When watching a movie, Tech can get bored pretty quickly and usually ends up finding the space wikipedia page on it and listing off random facts about its production as they watch. Him and Echo often get into debates about how the SFX was done.
Less of a headcanon and more of a “what if”, but if Anakin ever piloted the Marauder, Tech would reluctantly agree that objectively Anakin is a pretty good pilot, but he’d grumble the whole time about him “messing up his systems.”
Tech has tried time and time again to convince Echo to let him weaponize his cybernetics. The strategic benefit of hidden weaponry would give them a backup plan in the event that they were ever without their blasters, and Wrecker of course just wants to see it happen. Echo, however, remains adamant that no, he would prefer not to sleep with a functioning rocket launcher in his scomp arm, thank you very much.
Tech cannot tell directions. He constantly has maps pulled up on his HUD, so he never gets lost, and no one ever questions it. But if he’s ever without his helmet or something? Oh. Oh buddy, he is lost in two seconds. You spin him around once and he has no idea what direction he just came from. Crosshair is more than happy to tease him about it.
Tech cannot dance. While he knows how to dance in that he’s seen tutorials and memorized the motions, he’s just so incredibly stiff that it’s actually abysmal. (It takes Phee a long, long time before she manages to get him to loosen up lol)
aaaaaand that’s probably enough :D
24. Do you have any hot or controversial takes?
oh absolutely and about 70% of them are just my opinions on Hunter.
Fandom thinks he has a ten step skincare routine, tons of hair products, and spends forever getting ready? NOPE. The man uses 5-in-1 shampoo and washes his face with hand soap. He has no clue what the word “exfoliating” means. He dresses like a fisherman grandpa and thinks sunscreen is for fancy people.
Also, the fisherman thing is like my whole concept of Hunter lol. He sends this to Omega no context one day thinking it’s the funniest thing in the world (he is correct)
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not really a hot take, but honestly you already said everything about the whole Fandom Drama™️ stuff so this is what I’ve got lol
34. Which Batcher would you like to kick in the shins?
Crosshair. Obviously. (also Echo for being incapable of self care but i feel like it would be hypocritical to get upset about the ways i’m actively choosing to write him bskhkdndndkd)
48. What’s something you wish you could say/tell to each Batcher?
Tech: don’t hold your datapad so close to your face, you’re gonna get a headache. also where have you been girlie i missed you in the last episodes for some reason, you should really hurry up and get back from the podraces!
Crosshair: go suck an egg. btw have you considered piercings because i gotta say i’m imagining you with a septum and some platform boots and it’s incredible.
Hunter: uh. hi.
Omega: you’re doing amazing sweetie and ur brothers won’t say it but they’re so proud of u mwah
Echo: (regarding slow down) SIT THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW MISTER I SWEAR TO GOD. WTH ARE YOU DOING. WHO IS LETTING YOU CONTINUE TO BE THIS STUPID HOLY SH— (me. it’s me. i’m doing this to myself.) also stop ignoring rex u wet noodle.
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medpocketer · 1 year
 🏳️‍⚧️, 🏳️‍🌈, 😶, 🎶,👗 about kirino, kousaka yukie, taiga kishibe or hikaru? Feel free to choose between them
why decide on one if i can just do it all? (i did them all) for the ask game…
1. kirino ranmaru (again)
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🏳️‍🌈 - a sexuality headcanon… i'm rly torn between bisexual kirino and lesbian kirino. Like!! I can't choose!!!! but also i think she's aroflux 🏳️‍⚧️ - a gender headcanon… genderfluid transfem ^^^ ( bonus: he uses she/he pronouns! ) 🎶 - a headcanon about music… canonically has such a nice singing voice so i like to think he memorizes a few songs he likes when he's bored. he also loves having karaoke nights with his friends! i think kirino would listen to a few western artists in order to better his english skills—i'm thinking an artist like paramore! (i just like the thought of her singing ain't it fun or hard times) also she Definitely listens to teniwoha. i mean. Transgender Anthem? Right There! 👗 - a headcanon about their clothes… her wardrobe would mostly be filled with pants and dresses that were gifted to her by her relatives (we love a supportive family!), and sometimes she even wear skirts more than she wears pants !!!!! but at first, he felt insecure about wearing dresses and skirts, even after he came out to his teammates. thanks to a bit of encouragement from said teammates (albeit done… strangely?), she eventually got more comfortable with wearing skirts in public!! 😶 - a random headcanon… the egg cracked when akane asked him if he wanted his nails painted. he was a bit conflicted at first, but eventually accepted her request. the result was amazing, and she's been asking akane to do her nails since then! (also want to mention this one so bad) he's good at drawing, and decided he'd draw a few people from his team out of boredom. ended up drawing almost half his team and his closer friends from outside raimon (ahem ahem taiyou kishibe kurosaki hinano. all of which are headcanons but i don't care)
2. kousaka yukie
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🏳️‍🌈 - a sexuality headcanon… i think kousaka's a lesbian! 🏳️‍⚧️ - a gender headcanon… i never thought about that. but also i don't think they're cis. maybe nonbinary just cuz the colors kind of match the genei jersey LOL ( bonus: they use they/she prns! ) 🎶 - a headcanon about music… my girl stans liana flores and dodie (+ reol and oster project). i won't explain anything else 👗 - a headcanon about their clothes… her casual style would definitely be something like this because i said so! 😶 - a random headcanon… they're in two clubs—the track club and the photography club (i like to think genei's photography club doesn't exactly always host long meetings since they're only active during special events, and their track club practices almost daily, and their free days are holidays, sundays, and exam terms)! this would also contribute to my headcanon that she's a fast runner (which i stole from this fic), to the point she's been asked multiple times if she wanted to join the soccer club. she declined the invitation the first few times, but she joined the club as one of the team's managers after one of them left, and eventually grew attached enough to start playing for the team!!! wowww!!!!!!
3. kishibe taiga
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🏳️‍🌈 - a sexuality headcanon… i think he's either gay or bisexual. also aroace 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 🏳️‍⚧️ - a gender headcanon… genderfluid transneu 🧑‍🚒🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ( bonus: she uses she/he/they pronouns! ) 🎶 - a headcanon about music… trust me when i say she'd have a beautiful singing voice. Please just imagine it also, i like to think he'd do the same thing kirino does—maybe as a friendship bonding thing—though his personal favorite western artist is leo! aside from that, i think he'd enjoy listening to leo/need (projecting) and tuyu (more projecting) 👗 - a headcanon about their clothes… i usually imagine them wearing baggy or loose clothes, and that they prioritize comfort over style (they still look after their style, though) and while it doesn't happen often, a few people have seen kishibe wearing skirts before, and they were initially shocked, but who's to say she doesn't rock in them? 😶 - a random headcanon… kishibe has really nice handwriting! many people love complimenting it, which causes him to be embarrassed but grateful, because he likes his own handwriting too!!! kishibe also owns a journal to write about most of their daily experiences and vent out their bottled up feelings. one time, he thought about using the same journal to write down strategies and training methods for his team, but figured it would be too cluttered, so he went to the nearest store to find a notebook. he isn't picky about most things, so he took the first notebook that he saw, and then subconsciously took another one that caught his eye. he realized this and hesitated a bit, but ended up buying both anyway. now she owned two new notebooks—one for strategies, and, well… she had no idea what to do with the other one. she figured she would just keep it empty in case she needed a new notebook, and then she found this rusty old notebook that was lying around in her closet. it was filled with what she'd call "really badly written original stories that have little to no plot." and then she got an idea. what if i revised these stories on that notebook? so now she's the writer friend of kidokawa seishuu (as if she wasn't in the first place)!
4. kageyama hikaru
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🏳️‍🌈 - a sexuality headcanon… i raise to you: aroace hikaru. 🏳️‍⚧️ - a gender headcanon… agender(fluid)! triple a battery! ( bonus: she uses any prns! ) 🎶 - a headcanon about music… he's the biggest more more jump and ichinose lupo fan out there! real not clickbait! also, i'm pretty sure he would play the guitar if he didn't join raimon (which is canon already, unless i'm wrong about the instrument he'd play), right? i want to disregard that. in their free time, they pick up their guitar or their ukelele or something and starts strumming it to a few familiar tunes they learned a week ago or two. someone (who i like to think is kariya) ends up walking into them dropping an epic riff in the middle of a song, and then said person just stands there to listen to them playing the guitar until the song ends. post-performance: hikaru realizes she's attracted quite the big audience (raimon), and becomes embarrassed when she hears the clapping and loud cheering. but she's grateful. because she has amazing friends. 👗 - a headcanon about their clothes… he likes layering his clothing! not too much, though, or it's gonna get way too hot for him. he would defo wear something like this! 😶 - a random headcanon… they definitely have this large collection of penguin merch, especially plushies!! they get most of them from kidou and sakuma :3
okay, that's it. i had a lot of fun writing this, so send me more for the ask game, if you want!
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ciricesghost · 2 years
I made a list of reasons why I think TF will off Copia sometime next year, and also reasons why I think he'll be around for longer because I just can't make up my mind. I'm rambling here, I've had this in my drafts for a while and just took notes whenever I thought of something. Most of this is just heavy speculation and probably doesn't make any sense!
✞ Copia acts paranoid on stage.
✞ Seemingly does things he doesn't have control over, as shown when he fingered the mic stand at a show and then immediately looked shocked at his own actions and stomped away.
✞ Hallucinated the creepy twins for whatever reason.
✞ He's won the second most employee of the month awards. Meaning who's #1? Was he deliberately made #2? Is the next Papa going to be the one that's won most awards?
✞ All Papas get switched out, that's just how it goes. Tobias has said that he'd keep Copia for longer than the other Papas, for 5 or so years. And he has, next year will be the 5 year mark.
✞ Papa IV said all good things must come to an end after the tour. And we all know Tobias is a sucker for double-meanings. He also says something similar in ROTS:
I'll be the shadow, you'll be the light, nothing ever lasts forever, we will go softly into the night
✞ There's been hinting at revival of one of the papas. The band t-shirt portraying Papa I, II & III which they called return of the living dead. Then the FTPTTP music video! Where Terzo really just rises from the dead, dressing into his papal attire and makeup. Terzo's foot also twitched in the Chapter Three video. They probably did this for shits and giggles but it's worth mentioning. I don't really see how he might come back from the dead after literally being beheaded but it's Ghost! So who knows!
✞ The Spillways music video quoting the bible verse. It says “I loathe my very life; therefore I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul".
✞ The Chapter 13 video. The Saltarian mentions the european summer tour. Lyrics from DATHML; When the summer dies, severing the ties...
The entire song is very soothing and bittersweet. Like Copia is comforting us. He repeats the lyrics I'm with you always. And at the end we're hit with; And all this time you knew, that I would put you through; the darkness at the heart of my love for you.
It's like he's saying that we've always known that one day he'll be gone, but we cared for him anyway. The darkness at the core of his love is the fact that it can never last.
The Saltarian told Copia it's sometimes more sane to remain in bliss. That feels like a hint to the audience to stop worrying about Copia and just tag along for the ride. This message could be taken any way really but I choose to interpret it as an 'enjoy it while it lasts' type of thing.
In that video, we can also see that Copia looks older. His hair is graying. His clothes on tour are also torn and ripped.
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✞ The lyrics in Hunter's Moon;
I'm comin', I'm dying to see you one last time together
✞ Girlboss Imperator really likes him and wants him to succeed. She fought tooth and nail for him to become Papa. It's also heavily implied that she is his mother. She's quite unpredictable and manipulative though so the fact that she's his ma could be either good or bad/make no difference.
✞ Copia possibly knows what might be coming for him. The others didn't, they never expected to be offed (I think?). He thus knows what's at stake, and either makes sure he's still useful and valuable to the clergy, or he just chills out and has fun while it lasts until he inevitably dies (or goes nuts from the pressure).
✞ Tobias has said that he doesn't want to be repetitive (ie maybe not kill off all papas?). And now that we're all actively worrying about Copia and expecting him to die after the tour next year it feels like he might do something we do not expect.
✞ He's a damn good Papa, he's still relatively young compared to the others and there is no known next of kin or otherwise to pass the mic onto.
✞ Somehow this feels important; Papa Nihil was alive during the Papa Slaughter™. He's a ghost now, which may or may not change things in terms of how the lore progresses.
✞ Copia is different from the other Papas. Where the others were from the direct bloodline and got their titles practically handed to them, Copia has actually worked for it and earned it.
✞ There's been some talk of Copia being the antichrist.
✞ I have a feeling Tobias might gonna throw a curveball at us like kill him off just to revive him later. Papa Nihil did it, why not Popia?
✞ Covid stole 2 years of tours and thus potentially stalled the progress they could've made that Tobias is going to make up for now.
✞ They only recently released Impera. The album cycle may take longer to complete than til' next summer. They haven't even done all the songs on tour this year. They'll probably do the European tour and then USA again before any big changes.
✞ Copia will be replaced eventually for sure, but he might not be killed off. He's not Papa by blood. All the others were, and they died thus ending the bloodline, which was the point. Papa Nihil was the last known 'true' Emeritus alive to pass down the genes. Unless peepaw really is Copia's father. Point is that so far there really isn't any known reason so far for him to die just yet.
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msommers · 1 year
1, 9, 16 for riya/victor, and bonus 3 for riya/leroux :)
i give u a kees on the nose muah thank u // development questions for couples
What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re...hot...”
it's cheating if i just put "lust at first sight" as the answer, i know it, but i do believe in my heart that it's absolutely true for victor lmao. how is he (a simple spoiled rich boy) supposed to see her (a beautiful girl in a striking dress) walk by giving him an overt once-over and a wink while attending a fête or smth, and not immediately be a goner? impossible. alexa play sucker by jonas brothers. on riya’s end, without a doubt it happened the first time she saw him spellcasting. whether it was during the previous tourney or simply catching a glimpse of him practicing some spell or other, he was a showman who knew he was hot shit and she ate that spectacle right up. mages are incredibly sexy in action and both riya and i will die on that hill
What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
neither of them were particularly focused on the Big Picture and that was part of why they worked so well together, much to the disappointment of parents on both sides. they could see into the future so far as their grand plans of exciting and romantic adventures, but most of their focus was on enjoying their time in the present to the fullest without worries of what was to come later. which is entirely why long-term commitment was never discussed between them, though it was probably assumed?? given how deep their feelings were. 
If they had the ability to just spend free time with their partner, what would they do? Would they go out or stay inside?
mmmmm i think 9/10 times they would choose to go out, which shows how hilariously privileged they were before things went downhill. they'd get up to a lot of things but their favorites would have been dancing, walking the markets, and frequenting their favored meal spots. the kinda couple that were always in contact of some kind while out together, but it was hard to tell if that was fully motivated by affection alone or if they also wanted to be a little obnoxious and in-your-face about their happiness and attraction to each other. (it was for sure both.)
By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh...I adore them...”
hmm. i don't know if riya's reached an Adoration level with him. the closest thing i can think of here (so i can give an actual answer) would be closer to a moment of Appreciation. my memory won’t provide what scene was going down when it happened, but i do remember there being a moment during a session where as a player i realized oh, this guy is the only one here who is actively going through something similar to riya. because while everybody else in the party has already been exposed to such things through their own varied experiences, riya was having her worldviews torn apart piece by piece with each revelation of how bad things are with the templars and the circle (and the world outside of her tiny view in general tbh) beyond cumberland and she was not doing great. so yeah it sucks leroux had to confront that the system he’s trusted and worked in for however long was allowing—and even encouraging!!—terrible things to happen right under his nose, but it gave riya a moment of being able to recognize that she wasn’t alone in having her views and faith flipped on their head. and as a lil extent of that, his commitment to taking action after the revelations helped influence her own attitude towards the entire white spire magebreak :) 
on the other side, clearly leroux was besotted at first meeting. duh. just look @ that smile of hers, how could he not be (aka i won’t make assumptions on his end lmao)
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