#but I just wanted to share that. bc again sometimes it’s easy to get wrapped up in your head when u compare ur skill to someone else’s
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cattysapien · 1 month ago
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whenever I get discouraged about my artistic ability hearing stuff like this immediately snaps me out of it
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alchemistc · 1 month ago
hi catie how are you! i'm here to ask for 1 2 and 3!
outsider pov alt meeting bucktommy (eddie's version)
Tommy's cool. Again, not someone he would have clocked on his own, and Tommy seems to prefer it that way, but he's cool, all the same. Charms Chris just as much as Buck does, has an easy way about him that Eddie can make a few guesses at the origin of. He screams daddy issues, and Eddie gels with that. The breakup (one of many, as Eddie's come to find out) lasts a week and a half and then Tommy shows up at the station for lunch to greet them all like nothing's been amiss for eight days
2. destiel post-canon fix-it
(yarrow jsyk the only reason i posted that ask is bc i wanted to share something about this fic and since i never once interacted in any fandom spaces while the show was airing i needed the excuse, so thank you)
Jack is doing renovations, he says, and he needs a place to relocate (store, he says originally, and Dean grumbles and corrects him and gives God a noogie) a few souls while he works out the kinks. Sam blinks. Dean nods. "Okay, bud," Dean says, while Sam is trying to wrap his mind around the pocket dimension Jack had explained to them, that apparently didn't do a great job of containing souls In The Know. ("They keep tearing holes in the fabric of reality," Jack said like e was talking about a nervous Malinois that kept freeing itself from it's crate. "It's not their fault. I should have known it wouldn't work anyway, that's the reason I have to renovate.") There's something going on with Dean.
3. tommy moves into the loft after losing his house (pt 2)
"Tommy, I'm not --." He pauses. Shifts his weight, and stares at Tommy like he's trying to solve a puzzle. It's times like these he wishes he had the ability to suck himself into a black hole, disappear. "I'm not dating," he finishes, and frowns. Tommy munches. Swallows. Wishes he had the energy to get up and pour himself a glass of water. "Why not?" If he sounds a little annoyed, he hopes Evan doesn't notice it. Relieved would be worse, but annoyed is bad enough as it is. Evan should be dating. He'd walked out the door behind him months ago hoping at least one of them would make it out of this relationship with a hope of moving on. Tommy'd fucked a Grindr hookup two weeks after and then deleted the app. Painted his living room and took a sledgehammer to the wall that he'd been thinking about removing for at least six months. Retiled his kitchen backsplash and spent a week reorganizing his toolboxes. Fuck, the toolboxes. He'd had at least ten grand dropped into those. He can't remember the last time he inventoried it -- another fight with his insurance he's not looking forward to.
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redrum-alice · 1 year ago
TimeBomb ⏳️💣✨️ Tangled AU headcanons again because why not---
May or may not include repeated hcs bc i domt read them after theyre posted lololol---
Ekko HCs
Instead of his nose, piltover enforcers kept getting Ekko's face mark wrong on his wanted posters (they either put apple, unicorn, heart, or a d*ck on his face-)
Ladies Man: Every girl and young woman who happens to come across his posters or who have heard of him have been fawning over him; they have this notion that if they leave a science book or a trinket on their window at night, he'll come visit and sweep them off their feet...of course that doesn't happen and there's only a 50% chance he'll pick it up or not (probs bc he already stole a copy of that book or that the trinket doesn't interest him).
He's the big brother (along with Scar) of their community called "Firelights" where most refugees reside. He gets along with kids a lot and invite him to play Tag with them when he's not busy. (Bonus: he babysits Scar's baby when he's away)
Short Lore: Ekko was orphaned at a very young age and was left to fend for himself as a pick pocket along with other kids. By the time he was old enough to pick up a book, Benzo adopted him and made him as his apprentice at the age of 9. It all ended when Enforcers and Chembarons terrorized Zaun due to Shimmer. Scar eventually found him and became his big brother. Rest is history of them building a sanctuary for people in need.
Ekko is pretty much a book worm. Unlike kids his age when he was young, he would steal more books than money resulting Scar sharing his rations to feed him. He's reckless, but eventually learned how to survive.
Kids in the Firelight sanctuary are inspired and are as curious as Ekko is in the field of science and mathematics. Parents encourage them to hang out with their big brother in hopes they can be educated just like him
His parents did want him to attend piltover academy for a brighter future, but unfortunately the war happened :')
Because of the unfortunate events happening in his life, he starts to fantasize about building a time machine to see his family again. Jayce's hexgem only amplified his ambitions of building his impossible project.
Another one of his ambitions is to make a better place for people to live in...and others in Zaun have mocked him for it (apart for the firelights, they look up to him)
Scar kept telling him to find a partner because he's gonna grow old and lonely if he doesnt. Ekko ofc ignores this and thinks he doesnt need it when he's got his books.
Ekko is also responsible for adding flora in their community. His mom once owned a tiny garden she used to tend to. Ekko plants his mother's favorite flowers to honor both his parents. It was fairly easy to grow them since natural light shines in the community.
Jinx HCs
Silco bought a casual outfit and two dresses from piltover for Jinx, but she only wears one dress and out grew her casual outfit. She saves the other dress for when she leaves the tower (for good).
She altered her dress to fit her tastes; piltover fashion is bonkers she says.
He also brings her self-care products especially for her hair, but never buys her hair accessories...says its too tacky for her (and it reminds him too much of her mother lmao)
Jinx doesn't allow anyone to come near her (especially her hair) upon Silco's orders unless told otherwise. It's usually him or Sevika who brushes her hair.
When Silco is busy, he sends Sevika instead to tend to Jinx (much to each other's dismay). She doesn't like how rough Sevika is brushing her hair (though she's still careful because she gets paid)
The tower usually gets cold in the winter and people sometimes forget to send wood for her fireplace, so wraps up herself in her hair and several blankets so she wouldn't freeze. She's used to it and doesn't mention it to Silco despite him saying she can call to him whenever she needs something
One could guess that not heating up her tower in the winter is probably an experiment conducted by Singed indirectly to see if she can endure bitter cold all while Silco allows it and doesn't tell his daughter. It's one of the cruel ways to test her mutation.
Another way of testing her is having her live in a dark place; the tower is located within the dark forest where no light can reach it. Jinx's eyes became more adjusted in the dark that she can read three books with a small candle light or a neon light stick that barely illuminates the whole room.
Unbeknownst to them, her brilliant mind comes up with several ways to live (or survive) in the tower with what minimal tools she has.
Yes, she has a crossbow but prefers to use her custom-made pistol
Of course, she has nightmares: it often involves the voices in pain she has heard echoing below when there's "shimmer business" going on. Sometimes it about being abandoned by her father and being lied to. She gets the feeling that someone out there is finding her, but they have long abandoned her.
Her pet crow is mischievious as well as its smart; it often brings her materials she needed for her projects Silco asked her to do. It sometimes bring her trinkets she find cute and fascinating
She read about bugs that glow called "firelights" and wishes to see them herself. Shes fascinated that such creatures can glow and float around naturally (unlike the neon lights she sees workers use. She likes them, but she wanted to see what natural light is)
General HCs
When Ekko met Jinx in her tower while hiding, he thought he saw a ghost bc of her long hair and pale skin (and wearing white modest undergarments at that time-- she knocked him out before he can see full view lol)
Jinx was unconsciously transparent about being naive about the world and only knows a portion of it. Ekko couldn't bring himself to leave her in that tower alone now that she's old enough to explore the world.
The Deal: Jinx keeps the stone hidden until Ekko takes her outside and see firelights or whatever she wants. If he fails to do so, she'll tell on him and she gets to use the hexgem to power her weapon and destroy whatever her father tells her to.
After their deal, Ekko took Jinx to a local bar called "The Last Drop" in Zaun. It wasn't the same place he remembered, but he hopes they still serve the same menu there. The problem is Jinx recognized some of the men there who work for Silco lol
Ekko is weirded out by Jinx's hair length, but soon comes to appreciate it. When asked why she cant cut, she'll only answer her father doesn't want to
He thinks her hair color became even brighter when she was outside-- not to mention she's even more radiant than before :3
When Jinx was washing her hands, her sleeves were rolled up exposing syringe marks on her skin. Ekko gently asked Jinx about and she answered "father and this doctor wanted to keep my health in check" despite being fairly healthy. He's sensing something is very wrong
On their way to the Firelight sanctuary, Jinx marveled at the flowers and the light emitting from the sky above them. Ekko enjoys the smile on her face, even letting her pick flowers she likes as long as she doesnt destroy his work 🥲
Both of them got along pretty well seeing that they enjoy reading and tinkering (Scar even teased Ekko for bringing in a lady friend over)
Ekko presented Jinx the option to stay with him if she wants, seeing that she was much more happier here than being trapped in her tower for so long...maybe one day she'll consider breaking out of her own prison.
Been a while since I wrote something here. Had some personal life problems that hinder me from creating something + my works aren't as engaging as before (grateful to those who still appreciate them tho 💖)
Also dedicati g this to @starry-nights12 bc they've been feeding me so much TB content for the past few weeks now TvT 💖✨️
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Wishing on Golden Stars [TEASER-2]
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a/n: decided on a whim to post a second teaser bc of how much progress ive made on this bad boy for the past week. this time ayato is actually in it! who'd thought! yet again, this little snippet length is just over 1k ! and just like before, it's hardly edited properly since this is just a draft version of the final piece lol - here's the link to the first teaser if you're interested!
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The pale-haired man politely dismissed himself from the conversation he was having with Tomoki. Making his way to your side as Aether waltzes himself up to join the group. 
“It’s been a while,” you greet when the blond stops in front of you. You’ve seen him once or twice in quick passing since your trip to Watatsumi during the war. He’s always busy with something or another when he’s here. Whether it be wrapped up in something Itto had dragged him into, or commissions he’d picked up out of the goodness of his heart; so proper greetings were hard to come by. “I hope you’ve both been keeping out of trouble.” 
Aether rubs the back of his head sheepishly as Paimon joins him in the silent answer of ‘sort of’. 
“It’s never anything we can’t handle,” Paimon defends. 
“I’m sure,” you humor. 
“What brings you both back to Inazuma?” Ayato asks. An easy and relaxed expression rests on his cheeks. It makes you forget about your discomfort, seeing him even a smidge more relaxed than usual. “Nothing untoward I hope.” 
“We just wanted to come and catch up with some friends!” Paimon explains. 
“It’s been a while since we’ve come back here on anything other than business,” Aether supports. “It’s nice to take in the island air sometimes.” You nod, understanding. He, of all people, needs to look after himself in the event of a crisis. 
“It’s good to take time for yourself,” you tell him. Crossing your arms, you shoot a look of disapproval to your employer who stands at your shoulder. “If only I could get a certain someone to follow your example.” 
“Why, whatever do you mean?” The smile that was once relaxed, shifts to one of enjoyment as he looks at you. “I’m making time right now, aren’t I?” Rolling your eyes you brush off his attempt at pushing your buttons. 
“Only after Thoma’s constant insisting.” With his arms folded behind him and a slight bend in his back to get closer into your space, you turn away from him with a huff. Paimon and Aether look at each other before looking back at you both. It was obvious Ayato was enjoying prodding you and from the looks of it, you were just letting him. It could hardly be seen as a scenario between a mere employer and retainer. It’s much too comfortable. 
Ayato’s attention was briefly taken away from you at Tomoki’s nervous beckon. Apparently, he had taken one of Ayato’s out of world ideas into consideration and wanted a bit more of an idea for the future. Dismissing himself, Aether steps up to the plate to continue entertaining you in Ayato’s stead. 
“It’s good to see you’re getting along,” he tells you in regard to Ayato. 
“Of course. He’s tough to handle, but nothing I can’t subdue.” You chuckle. It was always good seeing Aether. Even if you both couldn’t speak of your outworld heritage, just knowing that he knew was enough for you to feel a weight off your shoulders. 
“It’s usually Thoma trailing after him like this, so I was shocked to see you instead.” 
“Yeah, that's true!” Paimon agreed. You nod. 
“For some reason, Lord Kamisato wanted me to come out with him today instead. Thoma may have been too busy with housework and since Ayaka had no plans today, having him stay with her made more sense.” Of course, you didn’t know the full reason and this was just you thinking out loud. 
“Yeah, somehow Paimon doesn’t think that’s all true,” she shoots you a look with her arms cross. Blinking at her, you raise a brow. 
“What do you mean?” You ask. She shares a knowing glance with Aether before looking back. “What are you both thinking about?” Aether steps forward and whispers something in your ear. It was nonsense. Ayato preferring you over Thoma like he was suggesting was just folly! Still, it made your ears burn and you want to smack the smirk off his face when he finally steps away from you. 
With your head down and hand raised to pinch between your eyes on your bridge, the smirk on Aether’s face twitches as he looks over your shoulder. Behind you, turned away from Tomoki who was scribbling something down, was Ayato shooting him a rather ominous look. Aether was a reader of a person's emotions, but Ayato had always been difficult to grasp. This look however was loud and clear. The blond took another step back as he tucked his hands down to his side. 
“What’s your problem?” You ask, head relifted and noticing his odd shift in behavior. 
“Oh, it’s nothing.” He brushes off your attempt to get behind the reason for his change. You want to press more, but don’t get far. The itch in your throat comes back to the forefront of your mind with a harsh cough. Turning away from him, you cover your mouth and try to swallow back the coughing behind your hand. It doesn’t work. Suppressing it only makes it feel worse. 
You hear Paimon start panicking behind you and Aether’s body moves closer to hover around you, unsure about what he should do. The hand you feel push against your back wasn’t the traveler’s, but the gloved hand of Ayato. Your cough fit ends with you gathering your breath with a slumped posture. Ayato’s hand still softly ran up and down your spine as you recompose yourself. 
“Are you okay?” Paimon asks in worry. With sweat on your forehead, you nod. 
“This always seems to happen around this time of year,” Ayato says. You weren’t sure if he was addressing you, Aether, Paimon, or deducing it to himself. Still, it’s heard by everyone regardless.  
“Oh no, are you sick?” Paimon floats over to you, now standing back up to your height, and frets in even closer proximity. 
“I’ll be fine. I’ve dealt with worse than a cough before.” 
“That doesn’t mean you aren’t sick,” Aether argues before Paimon floats back to his side and agrees behind his shoulder. “You should go home and rest.” 
“Exactly what we intend to do,” Ayato interrupts. You look over your shoulder at him behind you. His face is serious, and he means every word. You feel sort of guilty, like you ruined one of the few chances he has to come into town that isn’t work related. “You’ll have to excuse us,” he addresses Aether. 
“Should we walk you back?” He offers. Ayato knows it’s all in good faith and he’s only worried for you, but the clawing feeling at the back of his neck from his spine almost makes him frown at the suggestion. 
“No need,” he declines. “We can manage.” Aether doesn’t press anymore. With a few more words of parting, Ayato offers you his arm to hold onto, which you decline since you weren’t so weak you couldn’t walk on your own. Soon, you both were leaving the city and making your way back to the Kamisato estate. Upon arrival, Ayato had your hand in his gloved one, leading you through the gates on the verge of yet another coughing fit. A samurai standing guard was quickly instructed to find Thoma.
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[this fic will also be divided in parts (how many? im unsure) bc it's a lengthy one gang sitting at 22k right now. if you'd like to be notified about this fic's eventual release, let me know and i can always start a tag list if required!]
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crazyf0rswayze · 2 years ago
Do you have any headcanons about darry? I would love to hear them!
-hes such a sweet guy and will always take care of you
-i feel like he's not very PDA, but when it's just you two, he'll hold your hand, wrap his arms around you, kiss you
-this is a little spicy...but I feel like he's a tatas guy
-ahem....enough of that.
-if some soc were to bother you BOOM bloody faces and broken noses for them
-when he gets hurt in a rumble, you're quick to clean him up and make sure he's gonna be ok
-but when he gets hurt he feels bad that you feel the need to take care of him
-when he gets hurt at work you MAKE HIM lay down and let you rub his back and shoulders
-yk his famous black tee with short cuffed sleeves.....you're to ONLY PERSON EVER who is allowed to lay a finger on them
-not even when his brothers fold laundry, are they allowed to touch his black tees
-clothes stealing >
-i feel like if you wore something of his around the gang everyone would call you mini Darry (especially if its the black tee aka his signature clothing item)
-he would let you sit on his lap in the recliner that almost nobody else dared to sit in
-you'd have lots of...idk..."privileges" bc Darry's only lenient with you
-ik he's not a hoodie guy, but he lets you wear the few hoodies he owns, and his leather jackets
-after his parents died, you probably helped a lot with him and his brothers
-he always feels bad when you help bc he thinks he doesn't deserve all this, or you
-you always reassure him that you like helping him and his brothers, and you love him so much
-when he's in a bad mood you REALLY have to convince him of the things above
-he always feels bad if you see him crying or upset bc he wants you to think he's tough
-'you cry because you've been strong for so long, not because you're weak' you say to him
-long tight hugs when he's sad
-you calm him down easy sometimes, and other times it hard, and could result in an argument
-if y'all got in an argument, he would apologize SO MUCH and he would get sad again
-'honey it's ok, no relationship is perfect....it's just a bump in the road ok? It all ok' you have to tell him after an argument
-it takes convincing for him to actually feel alright about the argument
-if y'all fight fight, he will sleep in the couch, and if your up to it, you convince him to come back, and sleep in your shared bed
-anyway, let's steer away from the fighting Hcs
-he would let you wear his football jacket
-if his friends would go too far when teasing (which he also rarely let them tease) he would probably fight them ngl
-if you guys didn't have classes together, he would talk to you in the halls, at lockers ect...he would also give hugs and kisses
-if you guys did have classes together- talking on the way to class, and kisses before walking into class
-if someone was bullying you BOOM bloody faces and broken noses for them
-hes not afraid to get detention for you, or suspended
-i feel like he got suspended at least once for you
-'darry...you fought over a girl' 'no...I fought FOR her mom' 'but you cant just get into a fight for her' 'but dad! Someone was being mean to her and...he took it too far. And I love her 🥺'
-wether ur on the cheer squad or not, he thinks you his biggest cheerleader
-if you were on the track team, youre probably some reason or inspo to Ponyboy being in the track team
-little dates at the diner <3
-he was definitely scared that you were just another broad that would use him for popularity and then dump him
-but you weren't!
-you probably lasted all through highschool and longer!
-you were there for him and his brothers when his parents died
-if you ever got detention or got suspended, he would be like
-'what a douche. You shouldn't have gotten in trouble' about the principal
-cuddles and movie nights
-movies at the Nightly Double, but usually at his or your house
-bc...he's not very PDA, and he likes to cuddle, so movies at home are better for him!
-if it was at his house, you would hang out/play with his brothers
-darry would apologize for them, and be a little embarrassed
-'no no it's ok! Your brothers are so sweet!' you would reassure him
-'darry....is she you girlfriend?' Ponyboy would ask innocently
-youd blush
-'yes Ponyboy, now just watch the frickin' movie'
-you would put you head in the crook of his neck in embarrassment
-when you come over Ponyboy would like...hug you
-'y/n! Y/n look at what I drew!'
-would probably be a very detailed picture of a horse
-'wow Ponyboy that's really good'
-ahem...let's steer away from the little imagine stuff and back to the hcs
-(sorry for writing in Ponyboy like a kid, but I'm convinced he's a neurodivergent/autistic)
-if it was your house this would probably be how it goes:
-if he hadn't met your parents they would be happy, but your dad would give him the 'dont break her heart or ill break you neck' lecture
-if you have older brothers, they would be very protective
-if you have any younger siblings, he would play around with them
-if you had older sisters he would get a little scared bc I feel like he's bad at being around most girls/interacting with them...I really don't know 😭
-'y/n...is Darry your boyfriend' a younger sibling would ask
-'y-yes. Now watch the movie (siblings name)'
-darry would blush a little and look down
This is my first time writing hcs so...um...ya!
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capsiicle · 2 years ago
Contains: AFAB Aether, top male reader, afab language, semi-public sex (or is it technically public?), overstimulation, dacryphilia, soft, established relationships, modern au, aether is a college student and reader is his boyfriend, reader works from home and supports them both
Note: This one is gonna be pretty sweet, only bc im in a soft mood. maybe the next one will be more fucked up? who knows. just as the last one, it might be repetative. [requests are open, please keep in mind it might take a while]
Aether let out a sigh as he stretched his arms above his head, walking out of his school and towards the gate. He fished his phone out of his pocket, smiling softly at the text from his boyfriend, telling him he was on the way. Based on how long ago it was sent, he was likely already there. The blonde walked to the parking lot, towards one further away that [Name] usually parked in.
"Hey, angel." [Name] greeted as he opened the door and got in the car, putting his bag in the back seat as he leaned over, kissing him. The taller male hummed, gently cupping Aether's face. The blonde melted at his boyfriend's touch, trying to move closer. [Name] grabbed his hips, unbuckling his belt and moving his chair back, gently moving Aether onto his lap.
"I missed you." Aether whispered as he pulled away, wrapping his arms around his neck. [Name] smiled, nuzzling his face into his neck, pulling the smaller man closer so theit bodies were pressed together.
"Missed you too, lovely. Ready to go home?" Aether bit his lip, moving his hands into [Name]'s shirt and down his back, leaning against his ear and nibbling on it. [Name]'s groan made Aether whine softly, grinding his hips against him softly.
"Won't you take care of me first, babe? It's been so lonely without you..." Aether purred in his ear, shivering at the way his boyfriend held his hips with a small growl, Aether smiling widely at the way his hands slipped up his shirt.
"You're such a slut, angel.. You want me to fuck you in the parking lot, even though your classmates might see us?" [Name] teased, making Aether whine again as he grinded down against him, biting his lip.
"Please?" He whispered, kissing him again. Aether moaned, feeling [Name] run his hands down his stomach and over his thighs. He was glad he had chosen to wear a skirt today, giving his boyfriend easy access to his cunt. He even wore quite revealing underwear, hoping for this exact scenario. His boyfriend must have realized that as they broke off the kiss, the other watching him with hungry eyes.
"You're such a fucking whore, Ae. You've been waiting for this all day, huh? To be in my lap while I pound your pretty cunt in the parking lot of your college?" Aether whined as he grinded down, kissing him again as he moved his hand down to [Name]'s pants, unbuckling his belt and pulling his dick out, jerking it off.
"Mm, I can't help it, I love the idea of you pounding me where people can see... Fuck, the idea of one of my classmates seeing me get absolutely wrecked.." Aether moaned as he raised his hips, making it easier to take his lace panties off.
"Fuck, I don't know if I wanna share that with the world, darling... Your face when I wreck you is only for me, you know?" [Name] whispered, and although protesting, proceeded to pull Aether closer to grind his cock against him.
"Prepped myself in the bathroom before school ended." Aether mumbled as he lifted himself up, positioning his cunt over his boyfriend's cock. He slowly lowered himself onto it, arching his back with a loud moan, mixed with a whine.
"Fuck, lovely, you're so warm and wet f' me." Aether shivered as he started bouncing, his thighs shaking slightly as he leaned over, kissing [Name]. His boyfriend squeezed his thighs as he kissed him roughly, thrusting up into him.
"F, ah, fuck! Y- your cock is so fuckhing big~" Aether slurred, grabbing one of [Name]'s hands, holding it tightly as hs bounced faster, sometimes staying down and rolling his hips as metaphorical hearts are shown in his eyes along the tears building in the corners.
"You're so pretty, Ae. Look at you, riding my cock like a little slut. Gosh, I wish I could keep you on my cock at all times, have you stuffed full of cum every second." [Name whispered as he squeezed his hip, the other hand squeezing his chest. Aether whined at the idea, feeling a knot building in his stomach as he tried to go faster, thighs aching slightly.
"Fuck, 'm gonna cum, lovely. Are you close, too?" His boyfriend whispered and Aether nod frantically, chasing his orgasm as he slammed himself down on his boyfriend's cock, squealing and throwing his head back as he came. He whimpered, panting heavily and trying to catch his breath. [Name] let him rest for a few moments before he started fucking up into him again, holding his hand tightly. Aether sobbed at the feeling, drooling as he desperately kissed his boyfriend again.
"Gonna fill you up, bunny." [Name] whispered as his hips stuttered, slamming into him one last time, biting his shoulder as he came inside his cunt. Aether's eyes rolled back, falling against his boyfriend's chest as they both tried to catch their breath, [Name]'s arms wrapped tightly around him.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, Aether snuggled up to [Name] while the latter rubbed shapes into his thighs.
"You ready to go home, love?" [Name] asked as he cleaned him up. He helped Aether pull his underwear back on as the blonde nod, struggling to get back into the passenger seat as they both buckled up. They didn't say much else on their road home, Aether falling asleep soon after they pulled out of the parking lot.
If Aether got a few flushed apologies when bumping into people the next day, he pretended not to notice.
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Thank u for sharing ur lovely writing with us ❤️ As a thanks I wanna share some Mlynar brainworms: I think he’d be kinda rough and into choking. Probably quickies too, since he’s a busy man. He’s old and jaded but fucking him might cheer him up
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feat. młynar x doctor!reader
lati. awww you're welcome nonnie!! i'm really happey to hear that, and thank you for the mlynar crumbs, my horny ass needed an excuse to write for him lmaooo,,
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okay but like yes?? poor młynar has been overworked to hell and back, so he definitely has some pent-up aggression and frustration in him that he seriously needs to get out. and what better way to get rid of his stress and anger than to fuck it out?
he's so damn big, like it's actually unreal. it's enough of a struggle trying to suck him off bc he's just stretching your lips and triggering your gag reflex. he has a nice girth that stretches you plenty, and he's pretty long too, so he can fuck your deepest parts with ease.
młynar cums so much too, like your belly is all full and heavy by the time he's done fucking out his stress. he cums in thick, sticky globs that dribbles out when he pulls his big cock from your abused hole. and he has a nice set of heavy breeder balls that smack against your skin every time he fucks you silly. it is a mess to clean up though, so he often has to help you clean yourself up since you're always fucked-out afterwards.
first time he slipped inside, you kept sobbing that he was going to tear you open bc of how thick and long he is. młynar does seem like he'd be a bit of a worrier, but feeling the way your hot walls envelop and suck him in just sends him over the edge. but he does make the effort of at least asking you if you're alright, though he doesn't know if moans and cries count as an answer.
but once you finally get used to his size, it's basically just a damn fuckfest with you two at that point. he can be as rough as he wants bc it's the least he deserves, and you're not stopping him bc it's probably the best sex you've had in a damn good while.
then again, he's always rough whenever you two have your little meetups late at night, with no one to see how he wraps one hand around your pretty little neck and squeezes just enough to make your pulse speed up. even at his age, he's still strong enough to manhandle and bend you over however he pleases, which he does when he's really stressed. and ugh, it's the best <3
quickies are an absolute necessity, since he has such a large workload to deal with and so little time to finish them. one minute you're both trying to sort through whatever papers you can, and the next, młynar's balls deep inside of you as you ride him on his chair. he doesn't even have to do anything; the sheer size of his cock is enough to leave you fucked out of your mind as it is.
młynar honestly seems like the type of man who always insists that making a mess is so troublesome, but then he watches his cum dribble out of your abused hole like a perv. sometimes he'll even get hard again and wanna go again bc he's so pent-up and lowkey happy he can finally get some <3
honestly, just surprise him with a blowjob under his desk and he'll probably combust. knowing that he has to complete his work, but you're kneeling in between his legs just makes it so damn hard. with your pretty lips wrapped around his length and the wet warmth of your throat, it's so easy to forget about the endless piles of paper.
but don't worry, you grinding down on his cock is one of the few highlights of his day. młynar quite likes your little stress-relief sessions when you whine his name over and over as he pulls orgasm after orgasm from you. he may be old, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have you seeing stars and begging for more.
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forever-rogue · 4 years ago
A Bucky request for you queen: Reader takes Bucky to meet her family for the first time, and he’s already nervous, but he’s even more nervous when you ask if he wants to hold your sisters new baby bc he doesn’t wanna hurt the baby and he thinks he’s still damaged.
But eventually you convince him to hold the baby and then he sees how good you are and he thinks about having a family for the first time and things can either get fluffy or smutty, whatever u r feelin
Have a great day love!🤍
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A/N: enjoy some soft fluff! 🥺
Pairing: Bucky x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Bucky?” you stared at your reflection, putting your earrings in to complete the final outfit touch. You were getting ready to head over to your sister’s house in order to see her, her husband, and their newborn baby for the first time. You were excited to go, beyond ready to see her again and meet the newest addition to your family. Meanwhile Bucky was going through a series of emotions as he tried to ground himself and settle his nerves. He’d been reluctant to agree to go, not because he wasn’t happy to come, but more so because of the bundle of nerves that had welled up at the prospect of meeting a tiny, brand new life. As soon as he’d seen how your face light up in excitement at the prospect of going over, he couldn’t say no when you invited him to come with you. Then again, Bucky could never say no to you, “are you ready to go, my love?”
“I’m ready,” he agreed quickly as he stepped out of your shared bedroom, clearing his throat as he pulled on his leather jacket. You turned, flashing him a dazzling smile that still made him weak in the knees, when you noticed a worried expression on his face. You flounced over, hands going to his shoulders as you offered him a reassuring squeeze. You gazed into his eyes, trying to gauge what was going on in his mind when he let out a small huff. He knew you could read him like a book, “alright. I-I’m nervous about meeting...the baby.”
“James,” you reached up and rested your hand on his cheek, relaxing as he lightly keened into your touch. His hands found purchase on your waist as you leaned into him, brushing your lips against his, “you have nothing to be worried about. She’s just a baby, she’s got no right to judge and she won’t. She’ll see Uncle Bucky and fall right in love. Talk to me, love, tell me what’s going on.”
“You’re going to laugh,” he turned his gaze away, but you reached up and put your hand under his chin and shifted his gaze back to you, “it’s stupid.”
“I’m not going to laugh,” you insisted quietly, “you could tell me anything and it wouldn’t be stupid.”
“I just worry,” he sighed after a few beats of silence passed between the two of you, “what if...what if he’s still in there? Some small part of him and he...snaps. Or something. She’s going to be so small and all it would take it one little-”
“Bucky,” you reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly in your own before lacing your fingers together, “you are not him anymore - he is not you. He never was. You are James Buchanan Barnes and no one else. He is not a part of you anymore at all. You are free of all of that. You are good, you are. I know sometimes it’s harder to believe than others, but it is true.”
“I know,” he closed his eyes for a few moments, lashes fluttering against soft skin as a small sigh passed his lips. He squeezed your hand back before resting his head on your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around his waist, “it’s just...I don’t want to have a moment of...weakness.”
“You won’t,” you insisted softly, “maybe right now you don’t need to believe in yourself, but can you believe in me?”
“Always,” you could feel him smiling lightly against your warm skin as he nodded.
“Good,” you pressed a kiss to the side of his head, “now, trust me because I trust you in you. Now, let’s go, otherwise we’ll be late and then then everyone will be mad.”
“Everyone’s going to be there?”
“Just my parents, my brother, my sister and her husband and the baby of course,” you stepped back and looked him over before leaning in and kissing him quickly, “they know you, Bucky. The real you and they love you. There’s nothing to fear. Might I also add that you look very handsome today. You’ll knock ‘em dead.”
“You look beautiful,” you just happened to be wearing one of the dresses he loved most on you. He’d never commented on it, but you’d seen the way his blue eyes had lit up when you’d first worn it. You figured it would be something to help ease his nerves, almost to ground him as you had a suspicion that he might be nervous. He’d gotten much more comfortable around your family over the last year, but you knew that his general anxiety and fears sometimes bubbled up, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you promised as you held your hand out towards him. He strode over slowly before taking your hand in his and inhaling and exhaling deeply. He could do this - you knew he could and he knew he could too. Your support had meant everything to him and have him that little push he needed to get over the lingering bit of insecurity he had.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“She’s so small,” you said softly as you held the small baby in your arms. She was sleeping soundly, her little lips forming a perfect pout as you rocked her gently, “she’s beautiful.”
“She better be,” your sister joked, “nine months and then 30 hours of labor - she better be beautiful!”
“You’re the worst,” your eyes widened in surprise before you giggled quietly, “how’s she been?”
“Aurora’s been so good,” she said and you traced over her chubby little cheeks, “lots of long days and nights and more dirty diapers than I care to admit, but she’s worth it. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“I can see why,” she was so small and tiny, a new life that had so much ahead of her. The idea made your heart melt, “it must all be terribly scary and exciting.”
“It is,” she agreed as she nudged your knee with hers, “what about you and Bucky? Ever think about starting a family of your own? You guys have been together for a while and it’s something to think about…”
“We’ve...vaguely discussed it,” you confessed, looking up just in time to spy Bucky casting a quick look at you. He was mid-conversation with your father and brother but shot you a soft smile before turning back to the conversation. Your breath caught in your throat as a warmth settled in your belly, setting off a course of butterflies. What you hadn’t seen was all of the other gentle, tender glances he’d been throwing your way since you’d gotten there. You sister cleared her throat before drawing your attention back in, “but umm...it’s never really gotten that far. I dunno what’s going to happen, but I like to think maybe one day we’ll get married. I don’t see a future with anyone else.”
“You really love him, don’t you?” she asked softly as you nodded, feeling a warmth creep up into your cheeks as you avoided looking at her face.
“I do,” you bit your lip as you stared at the small baby that had started cooing softly. Her eyes slowly opened as she nodded before looking around and smiling. She waved her chubby little arm around before reaching for your finger and curling her fist around it. You beamed at her before pressing a kiss to her forehead, “just like you already.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Bucky?” your voice was soft as you walked outside to the backyard where he was standing and watching the sun slowly setting and painting the sky in brilliant pinks and purples. He hesitated for the slightest of moments before turning to you with a half smile on his features.You were holding Aurora in your arms, and she was already back to being half asleep. His nerves shot up but he quickly calmed down when he realized how tranquil the portrait painted in front of him was. You made it all seem so easy and effortless - it was new and foreign to you too, but you were handling it so well. Maybe he could as well, “would you like to meet your niece? To hold her?”
“I don’t...I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he said softly as you both took a few steps towards each other. You offered him a hopeful little smile as the baby opened her eyes and turned to look at Bucky. He met her eyes and she babbled excitedly at him. Suddenly, something within snapped as his whole demeanor shifted and his expression softened as he took in a shuddering breath. He could do this, he realized, he could do this.
“Bucky?” this was more hopeful and optimistic as he came towards you and cautiously held his arms open to you. He only nodded as you looked at him to make sure it was okay. Shifting the tiny human from your arms to his, you watched as Bucky took to water like a duck to water as he made sure she was secure in his grip. It was a sight to behold and you felt your heart beat wildly.
“She’s so...new,” was all he could get out as you laughed at him. He almost couldn’t take his eyes off her as you gave his shoulder a squeeze, “so tiny.”
“That’s kind of what a baby is,” you joked as you stuck your tongue out at him and he jokingly scoffed, “see, it’s all easy squeezy lemon peasy.”
“It’s not as hard as I thought,” he confessed after a few moments, “it feels…”
“Yeah,” you pressed a kiss to the side of his head as you finished for him after a few beats of peaceful silence, “I know.”
“Do you think I could have a few moments alone?” he asked as you nodded, standing back and admiring the sight of your boyfriend holding your niece. It struck up something within you and while you weren’t quite sure what it was, you couldn’t help but revel in it.
“I’ll be inside,” you promised, “dinner will be ready soon.If you need anything, just say the word and I’ll be right there.”
“I know,” he grinned, “I know.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Bucky watched you walk back inside and close the screen door, holding a hand up as he lightly waved back at you. A wary sigh escaped his lips as the baby watched him with nothing but curiosity in her eyes. He’d held babies before, in another life, one which was stolen from him but had led him here. But he wasn’t angry about that anymore; he’d spent many years in anger about it and he was past that. He knew, one of the things that had helped him out of that anger and hatred was you. If his cards had been played any differently, you wouldn’t have been a part of his, and you had slowly but definitely become one of the best parts of his life.
It felt so foreign but so right in that moment as he stared at the small life in his arms. He’d never really pictured himself with a family of his own, once in his old life he might have, but he hadn’t in a long time. With you, something had trickled in, slowly blooming over time to become stronger and stronger. And after seeing you with the baby, there was something in him that had come full circle. And as he looked at her little face, he couldn’t help but wonder what your own child would like. Would they have his eyes? His dark shock of hair? Or would they take after you? Either way, he knew whatever child the two of you might have would be beautiful.
“Hi Aurora,” he whispered to her as he allowed him to touch her cheek, finding the faith and trust deep within himself, “you’re still so new to this world. You don’t know about all the horrors and scary parts yet. But there are so many good things too, lots of beautiful things. I will do my best to protect you from all the bad parts, I promise. Whatever you need, I will be there.”
She smiled at him, a toothless, gummy thing as he beamed at her. Maybe...maybe one day this could be a reality for the two of you as well. Bucky let himself relax as it felt like a weight lifted off of his shoulders at the realization that he was okay. That nothing had happened and nothing would happen. He was okay...he was okay. He closed his eyes for a moment as he remembered how you looked holding her earlier. The sight had sparked something within him too; it was a sight he had thoroughly enjoyed seeing. For the first time in a long time, he had allowed himself to think that maybe he could have this too, that he could have a family and happiness of his own.
A sigh, this one contented and happy, escaped his lips as he cradled Aurora against his chest and watched the sun disappear behind the horizon, “I think maybe one day I could be a dad. I think..I think I’d like that. Especially after today...I feel like it could be an actual possibility. I was nervous about today - meeting you. I know it sounds silly, especially since you’re just...a baby. I wasn’t sure if I could...trust myself - it’s still hard sometimes. Not often but there are times. You helped me to see that maybe it’s not so hard after all. Whatever it is, I-I’m willing to try. Especially with your Aunt. You’re going to love her, you know. I do.I really, really do. I think she’s everything.”
“Bucky?” you poked your head out the door and beamed, “dinner’s ready!”
“Coming,” he slowly made his way back over to you. Opening the door wider, you ushered him inside, a hand going to the small of his back as he handed Aurora back over to your sister. He returned to your side, an arm snaking around your waist as he kissed the top of your head, “hi.”
“Hello my love,” you grinned back at him, “how’d it go? She seemed to like you...you seemed to like her…”
“I did,” he agreed, “we had a good talk. Well, I did most of the talking, but she’s a good listener.”
“Hmm,” you snorted in laughter, “you’re something else, Barnes.You’re lucky I love you so much.”
“I love you, sweetheart,” he leaned in so he could whisper in your ear, “maybe later we could talk. There’s some...things that have been on my mind for some time.”
“Bucky?” you gave him a confused look but he cut you off with a soft kiss to your lips, “everything alright?”
“Yes,” he promised gently, “everything is perfect.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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@qhbr2013  @greeneyedblondie44  @april-showers-and-flowers  @softboiipascal @im-an-adult-ish  @patzammit  @niki-xie  @xxlovingfandomsxx  @startrekkingaroundasgard  @welcometothepedroverse  @actual-spawn-of-satan  @punkerthanpascal  @lazybeeches​ @someday-when-you-leave-me​ @justgivemethekeys​ @salome-c​ @rosiefridayrogersunday​  @neptunesglow​  @artsymaddie​ @haildoodles​
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firefly-moon · 3 years ago
Pajama Party.
Oikawa Tooru X Reader
Your boyfriend had completely forgotten about your little pj party you two had planned , and once he came home to find you asleep on the couch he realized how much he loved you and how much he regretted missing it.
CW: hurt to comfort? Lowkey cliche, but sometimes they the best stories. I kinda wrote this one on a whim bc I just got a new onesie. Uhm. Crying? Barely edited even if our drama queen king deserves better writing😔😕
It had been the third time that you had to wait up for your boyfriend Tooru to get home. Three times in just this month in where he had skipped out your pajama parties.
Sure you were both busy adults, but these small things were events you had looked forward to at the end of every stressful work week. You had certain pajamas that you would put on and sit on the couch to set up y’all’s stay at home date night.
But three nights he had missed had been three too many. Every time Oikawa would arrive home in the dead hours of the night, he would se you cuddled into yourself on the couch. Tonight was no different.
You had found yourself a brand new onesie you wanted to show off tonight. It was a simple bear one, but nonetheless you loved it. Yet, you couldn’t. Tooru didn’t place his keys in the lock until you had fallen asleep.
Of course you didn’t want to make a big deal of him missing your small at home dates but it really didn’t sit right with you. Instead of being in Tooru’s arms, you would find yourself with a pillow on your lap with a bowl of ice cream and a stupid movie playing. You wouldn’t say anything because you knew how busy he was with volleyball and with the team.
Tooru made his way into your shared living room to find your sleeping figure wrapped up in a onesie and a small blanket. A frown had begun to form on his face. He had forgotten -again- that tonight was a pajama party. He stayed out late in the gym trying to get everything perfect.
He knows that can’t be an excuse. It’s a stupid excuse. Even if volleyball had always been first in his life, you had replaced not to long ago. He was falling into his old patterns again and he could tell it was affecting you. If Oikawa was anything, he was observant.
Loving him has never been easy. Never. And he knew that. He knew how egotistical he was, how obsessed he’d get with being perfect, and of course he knew how hard it was to just be around him in general some days.
Yet, you stuck through every day with him. The good and the bad. And here he was looking down at your cute figure as you slept without even giving anything back to you. The thought put tears in his eyes. He knew you could do so much better but here you were, after him missing three date nights, waiting for him.
He shrugged off his bag and walked into the shared bedroom. He threw on one of his onesies and went back to the living room. At this point you’d woken up from some of the noise and was lightly rubbing your eyes and reaching for the remote to turn the TV off. You hadn’t noticed Tooru yet.
“Darling?” He weakly called out, barely trusting his voice.
“Hm..?” You blinked back your sleep and gave him a tired smile. “Hi, Ru’..” you yawned and got up to give him a hug. At this point, Oikawa was crying. You were to good to him.
“Tooru? What’s wrong?” You felt him shaking underneath you and saw he was crying.
“I’m so sorry… I’ve skipped our dates and came home late and-“ you cut him off with a small peck to his cheek.
“It’s ok.. I know you’re busy and it does upset me, but I’m also proud you’re doing your best. Just don’t skip anymore..” you snuggled closer to him in the hug which just made him cry more. “Ru’ you’re such a crybaby.”
“Shut up Y/N,” he sniffled against your head. “Can we cuddle now..?” He barely whispered the question.
“Of course. Let’s go to bed and have our pajama party tomorrow.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years ago
“You haven’t changed your mind, right?”
a/n: so it’s been ages since i wrote something for my drabble list and i was sorting through my docs on my laptop and found this one sitting there? i have no idea why i never posted this, maybe bc it’s nothing major, just a small little blurb but now that i read it back i kinda like it so im sharing this with you!
pairing: Harry Styles X Reader
word count: 795
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The water shuts down in the bathroom right when you lock your phone and plugging it to the charger you drop it to the nightstand. You let out a tired yawn, dropping your glasses beside the phone, sliding down in bed. The bathroom door opens and Harry walks out in a cloud of steam, wearing a fresh, crispy white t-shirt and a pair of black boxers. He drops his used clothes into the hamper next to his dresser before turning around and smirking down at you.
You can’t push your own smile down. It’s so heartwarming to have him home again, you hate to go to bed without him, but you also try to keep these feelings to yourself, knowing well he struggles just as much and you don’t want to make it harder on him.
“Cuddles!” he sings crawling to bed and basically throwing himself to you, putting all his weight to you, a gasp emitting from your lips at the sudden heaviness. He likes to think he is just a little baby, when in reality he is a tall, bulky man who could easily crush you if he wanted. Your big baby.
“Ow! Easy!” you breathe out, but wrap your arms around him anyway, letting him curl himself around you.
“I need my cuddles,” he mumbles, head resting on your chest and you chuckle as his curls are tickling your nose, making you scrunch it. You comb through his hair with one hand while you scratch his back with the other. He hums in satisfaction, tangling his legs with yours under the covers.
“Any particular reason you are acting like a baby tonight?” you giggle, not that you mind his needy, touchy self. You love knowing he needs you just as much as you need him.
“No. I just love you,” he sighs, arms curling around your body, squeezing you tight, making you let out an airy laugh.
“I love you too, baby,” you mumble back, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of his head.
The two of you stay like this for a little while before he slides off of you, lying on his side, but he keeps you close to him, arms still around your frame. You lie with your noses almost touching, a soft smile tugging on his perfect, pink lips as his eyes roam your face.
“What?” you ask shyly.
“You’re so beautiful,” he breathe out, kissing the top of your nose.
“So are you,” you tell him, feeling your cheeks reddening at his compliment. No matter how much time you’ve spent with him, his affection can always get to you, make you all giddy and nervous.
“Remember what we talked about last week?” he asks a little out of the blue, but you know exactly what he is referring to. Biting into your bottom lip you nod.
Last weekend, the two of you were sitting on the balcony, sharing a bottle of wine, just talking about anything and everything when all of a sudden Harry told you that he is planning on marrying you. It was quite sudden, but his words surely made your heart flip in your chest. You told him you feel the same way about him, a silent agreement was made that evening and ever since then, you’ve been thinking about if he is planning to propose to you anytime soon. Harry is great at keeping secrets so you haven’t been able to tell where he is standing with that situation, but his question surprised you a little now.
“Why?” you quietly ask, bringing a hand up to his face as you trace the side of his cheek with your fingers.
“You haven’t changed your mind, right?” he asks and you notice how nervous he looks. You know him well enough to figure out this is not the moment he is gonna propose, but it’s one when he is doubting himself and if he is good enough for you.
“No,” you say with a soft smile. “I still want to spend my life with you.”
“Even if I can be a pain in the ass sometimes?” he asks and you chuckle at his words, a small smile tugging on his lips as well.
“Yeah. Even then,” you assure him.
Leaning closer he captures your lips in a sweet, but emotional kiss. Your hand cups his cheek as his fingers dig into your waist, pulling you flush against him.
“Good,” he whispers against your lips, then he pecks you a few more times before he lets his head fall back to the pillow. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Harry,” you smile and snuggling up against him, you close your eyes and give in to the tiredness as you fall asleep in his arms.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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shorkbrian · 4 years ago
i’m sorry but i luv your writing/thot process so i have to share this: imagine superstar trainer kiri marrying ur mom. he’s only a few years older (and you had a crush on him first) so you avoid him bc you’re shy/uncomfortable with it. your plans are foiled when mom’s away and y’all are stuck at home during a snow storm, power out, no heat/gas, and no matter how many layers u use nothing beats body heat. kiri is so sweet and just wants to get close and keep you warm/see whats under ur sweats
I’m literally melting rn 
Like imagine Kiri shuffling closer to you on the couch, scooting underneath the blankets you have piled around your body.
He keeps getting closer and closer and closer until he’s pressed up against you, and he feels like a heater, warm and cozy and comfortable. You don’t mind burrowing down into his side a bit, only blushing a little when the big man chuckles at your behavior.
There’s a movie playing on the TV, but you’re kind of sleepy, and your stepdad feels so sturdy and safe against your side, and you’re finally warming to a comfortable temperature, and before you know it, you’re fast asleep.
When you wake up, you’re laying down on a solid surface, heat wrapped around your body and trapped beneath the blankets. The surface rumbles and shifts, and only then do you realize that Kirishima must have moved you.
The room is dark, TV off, lights out. The wind is still howling and moaning outside like a mourner at a grave, beating against the windows and crying to the sky.
Lifting your head means you get a view of Kiri’s face, of his handsome, relaxed self as he gazes down at you, a pleased, soft smile on his features.
You go to apologize for falling asleep on him and for inconveniencing him, but Kirishima doesn’t let you. “It’s warmer this way, plus, I like holding something while I sleep.”
He has his arms wrapped around you, thick biceps pressing heavy against your shoulders, keeping you flush to his muscular chest. You blush a little at the position, shifting your legs and trying not to do anything weird.
But in moving your legs around, you find yourself straddling his thigh, the stocky limb flexing underneath your weight, Kirishima twitching.
“Sorry-” You blush again, intending on moving, but your stepdad drops a hand to your hip, steadying you.
“No, don’t apologize, I get it.” He winks at you, before jiggling his thigh a bit, settling you down further onto it. “I remember doing stuff like this back in high school, I know it feels good.”
A long moment of silence stretched between you two as you processed his words, feeling increasingly awkward.
“Um, okay...” Was all you could come up with.
Kirishima laughed a bit. “You’ve never cuddled with anyone before? It’s nice, isn’t it? ‘Specially with the heat out like this. Power went out while you were sleeping.”
You felt a little silly now, ducking your head and dropping your gaze. That would explain why the lights were off. You had just assumed the movie had finished playing and your stepdad had turned it off, but apparently that wasn’t the case. 
“Temp’s gonna drop fast, we’re probably going to have to use good ‘ole body heat while we sleep. You wanna move to the bed? Or just sleep here?”
A shrug, and Kirishima smiled. “Okie-doke, bed it is. Thank goodness, my back would kill me if I tried to sleep on the couch. Gettin’ old s’no fun.”
The man sat up, and you quickly disentangled yourself from him, ignoring the way his thigh rubbed in between your legs as he moved about. As soon as you felt the chill of the room, you shivered, clacking your teeth together and snatching the blanket tight around yourself.
“Oh, that’s so cold, fuck.”
“Hey, watch your language-” Kirishima chided, rising to his feet as he gathered the rest of the blankets up into his arms. “No potty mouths in this house, yeah? Keep it clean.”
He’d been married to your mom for almost a year now, and Kirishima had easily fallen into the “father figure” role, despite the fact that it wasn’t necessarily needed.
But you indulged him by laughing at his corny dad jokes, complimenting the various meats he grilled for meals, keeping your judgements about his questionable fashion choices to yourself instead of blurting them out to his face.
Kirishima led the way to the master bedroom, the room he shared with your mom, stating that the bed was bigger, it’d be more comfortable. Did you really expect him to fit into your bed?
He was a big man, strong and solid. He was able to throw you over one shoulder, your mom over the other, and run around the house whooping while the two of you laughed and pounded on his back.
“Alright-” Kirishima tossed his armful of blankets onto the bed he shared with your mom, immediately fluffing them up and pulling at the edges until he was satisfied.
The man pulled back the edge, holding it ups as he turned to you. “Head on inside!”
It was cold at first, the sheets and blankets chilly. You snuggled up to Kirishima as soon as the big man laid down, making him laugh a bit as your teeth chattered together.
“S-sorry it’s just so-so c-cold.” You explained.
“Your nose is all red, you look so cute.” His smile is warm, his hands even warmer as they begin to rub up and down your sides.
You don’t know how to respond, let yourself relax into the comforting touch, his fingertips dancing over your sweater.
“So.....” Kiri starts “You’ve never had a boyfriend then? You got so quiet when I asked if you’ve cuddled with someone before.”
A blush rose to your cheeks, and you shook your head. “No, I have. I broke up with him a little bit before you and mom started dating.”
The redhead’s quiet for a moment, then tucks his chin over your head, drawing you closer into his chest. “I’m sorry. Relationships can be hard, I know.”
“It was for the best, I think.” You continue, letting your stepdad rub your back as you talked. “We just didn’t really jive well together I guess. Wish we’d figured that out sooner though.”
The man pressed against you is so sturdy, solid and radiating heat like a furnace. It’s easy to relax in his easy-going presence.
“Well, if you ever miss cuddling, don’t hesitate to come find me, yeah? It’s one of my favorites.”
Kirishima was a touchy man, and it was obvious that his love language was touch, so it made sense. He always had his thick arms wrapped around your mom, was holding her hand, holding yours, placing kisses on your cheeks, kissing your mom every chance he got.
Sometimes he asked you to brush out his hair for him, when you weren’t busy or anything. He’d relax into jelly as you ran the hairbrush through his red locks, contented little sighs falling from his lips.
“Okay, I’ll do that.” You chuckle, thinking to yourself how the world had a funny sense of humor.
Truthfully, when you’d first been introduced to the man your mom had recently started dating, you’d developed a hopeless crush. He was attractive, kind, funny; if your mom wasn't dating him, you would’ve asked for his number.
A small part of you was irritated that the man was young enough for you to date him, your mother unbothered by the sugar stereotype she’d developed.
But ah well, what’s done is done.
“You know, I didn’t know what I'd be like having a daughter.” Kirishima soft voice breaks you out of your thoughts. “You’re almost more like.... I dunno, a friend? If that makes sense. I feel like we’re buddies.”
“Yeah, I feel like that too.” You confess, breathing into his neck, able to smell the cologne he uses, something heady and strong and manly.
A comfortable silence settles around you both, nothing but soft breaths and Kirishima’s warm hands rubbing gently over your body, against your sides, up and down your back, massaging your shoulders.
They traveled too close to your tummy, and you choked out a laugh, flinching away from Kirishima.
“Don’t, ‘m ticklish.” Came your breathless, giggly warning.
“Yeah? Yeah?” The redhead grinned, a glint in his eye, barely noticeable before he pounced, rolling over until you were smothered beneath his hefty weight, unable to move.
Horrible, terrible fingers descended, dug into your ribs and you shrieked, wide smile breaking across your features as your stepdad tickled you.
This is what happiness was made of.
Warm and fuzzy, the smell of rain, the sound of it pattering against the roof. Strong arms around you, a laugh on your lips.
Kirishima’s thigh slipped in between yours, pressed upwards, and you choked on a breath, hands immediately clutching at the man’s biceps.
“You’re so sensitive, it’s so cute.”
No time to say his name, ask any questions. He was situating you on your side, legs tangled with his, a big, beefy thigh still flush against your clothed sex.
“Mm, you ever do this with your boyfriend?” The redhead was moving, hands gripping your waist now, dragging you along his thigh, and you kept bumping up against his chest, his toned stomach.
“Yes-yeah.” Was your breathless reply, head whirling, eyes wide. This isn’t really what you were expecting, not from your stepdad.
But it wasn’t entirely unwelcome.
That’s why you weren’t screaming your head off, recoiling in disgust, scrambling for the phone to call your mom, the police.
No, you were still, pliant against Kirishima as he moved your body, his lazy red eyes fixed on your face. “Hm? Feels nice, doesn’t it? You like it?”
A shaky nod is all you can muster, feeling yourself beginning to drip against your stepdad’s thigh, slick all over your folds, the skin tingling, making your hips jump as your clit pulsed at the stimulation.
God, it felt good.
“You make me so happy, y’know? Such a pretty, smart girl.” He praised, and now you could feel it - feel the cock filling out against your tummy, hot and wet, leaking.
“I really hit the jackpot. A beautiful wife, a gorgeous daughter... I love you so, so much.” Kirishima was breathing heavier, his fingers digging into your hipbones as he dragged you back and forth against him. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Just wanna take care of you, yeah?  Make you cum lots, whatever you want.”
Almost feverish now, his hips twitching forward, pushing against your tummy again and again, rubbing his cock against your soft flesh, groaning in your ear, breath stuttering-
And then a long moan, a burst of warmth soaking through your pajama shirt, right where the tip of Kiri’s cock rested.
“Oh shit-” He gasped, sucking in air, muscles flexing as he drew back his legs, hands shakily pushing you onto your back.
“That - Jesus, you really got me goin’.” Kiri panted, beginning to kiss at your neck, one of his hands diving into your pajama pants, straight down to strum over your clit.
Already keyed up from the dry humping, veins pumping with excitement, arousal, the thrill of being touched and fondled by your-your stepdad.
A finger teased at your hole, then inched inside, and you bucked your hips, crying out a bit.
“Hey, hey-” He was still a little breathless, a little lightheaded from his orgasm, but the man was determined. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I got you. I’m always gonna take care of my girl.”
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bcdwhcre · 4 years ago
Hiiii!! Could I request Levi with someone he is crushing on who he finds out their love language is time, so he makes an effort to always be by readers side until he confesses 😳❤️
“Time,” Levi x Reader
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Summary: where soft Levi has a crush on you, your love language being time- he’s patient and sticks with you till he confesses.
Warnings: none
You were never the type to get into relationships or even have feelings for anyone. It was a hard thing for you to deal with, a hard thing for you to handle so you ended up not doing any of that altogether.
You grew up to a lot of family problems, your parents always argued but thought staying together would benefit the kids- instead it made you grow up into a lonely person who had commitment issues.
You joined the scout regiment because of how cold you actually are. It was easy to put on the act of acting tough and also playing the part quite easily while out in the field.
But once you became friends with most of the scouts, you began to somewhat soften up but not enough to even consider getting into a relationship.
Deep down though, you wish you had someone to love you and cherish you. That’s why you always held onto time and patience because if someone was willing to wait for you, then that person is worth having your heart in the end.
You caught Levi’s eye since the day you came in. It was rare for him to do so, rare for him to even feel something towards another person that wasn’t frustration or anger- it was pure.
He tried to ignore the feelings but the more he had trained you, helped you, worked with you- it was becoming quite hard to shake you out of his head late at night when he’s in bed trying to sleep.
Sometimes he would catch himself trying to throw hints your way or flirt with you a few times but you were never the type to catch on or entertain it even though you enjoyed Levi’s company.
One day he had overheard a conversation you were having with Historia. The both of you gossiped and you even confessed on why you were so closed off and how you valued patience more than anything.
After that Levi was set on being patient for you. He took baby steps, he slowly eased into it. At first he would talk to you as more of a friend than a Captain then he would sit with you during dinner or lunch.
Slowly easing into it, taking it week by week trying not to scare you away.
He even opened up to you about his childhood at one point, making you understand him more fully. As a few months went by, Levi had decided to take it up one more step.
He asked you on a date. A fancy little dinner he had decided to make, he cooked you both a meal and had made a fancy table in his office- giving the both of you some privacy.
You appreciated it, you appreciated the effort and the time he was putting into you. It made your hard shell soften the more you were around him.
After that it was a weekly thing, him asking you out on dates and him making every one of them more special than the last.
You had to admit you were slowly falling in love with Levi and the fact he was so willing to be patient with you and take his time on getting to know each other better, it was making you fall quite hard.
He never wanted someone so bad that he went out of his way to do all of this. He was convinced he looked stupid or looked like a love sick puppy following you around but he didn’t care, all he cared about was you.
After half a year of him being slow, him taking his time and asking you out on small dates and giving you flowers or small notes, it made you wake up one day and come to the decision of wanting him just as much.
During all those dates, you two never shared a kiss, he was afraid it would rush things and make you feel uncomfortable which made your heart flutter.
But today you had convinced him to let you take him out on a date instead which was new to him. He never had someone take him out to dinner before but he didn’t want to deny your offer.
You made sure to make this more special, considering you were planning on making the first move on him. Your shaky hands stared down at the food you were cooking in your small kitchen in your house- that your family owned and passed down to you.
You were never here much, it was always empty while you stayed at the base most days for weeks at a time but this time it was different.
You had made the food, setting up the table and even baked a cake for dessert, something you rarely did- you never ate a lot of sweets but the more nervous you got, the more you wanted to bake and cook to ease it down.
Once you heard a knock on your door, your hands started to grow sweaty and when you opened up the door, Levi was in a cute plain suit holding another bouquet of flowers.
Your heart raced at the sight of him, seeing his smile made it much harder to control yourself. He had held out the flowers before you grabbed them from his hands, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
“Thank you. You can sit down at the table, it’s pretty much done.” You let him step in, walking back to the kitchen while Levi got settled at the table.
“Oh wow, you went all out.” He laughed at the sight of the table full of food and you put the flowers down and sat across from him.
“I wanted it to be special.” You shrugged, reaching over for the bottle of wine and poured you both a glass.
“Trying to outdo all of my dates?” He teased, making you meet his gaze and roll your eyes.
“No no, I don’t think I can outdo all the things you did for me.” Your cheeks started to heat up, taking small sips of the wine.
You both had sat there and ate for the rest of the night, talking and laughing. You even sat there and brought up your struggles growing up, how hard it was for you to commit and open up.
But you did for him, you told him everything and he sat there and listened. Levi was sort of stunned that you opened up about everything in one night, it had made him fully confident that you two were both reaching the end of the rope and one step closer to make this official.
Time went on, Levi had stood beside you in the kitchen as you both washed up the dishes and you glanced up at him, your heart pounding in your chest, you were too scared to try and make a move, you were too paranoid that he’ll reject you.
He noticed your silence and your eyes staring into him, turning his head to meet your gaze and it made you freeze then quickly look away.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked, grabbing the rag and dried off his hands after you both finished up.
You leaned back against the counter, shrugging your shoulders as your hands grew shaky again. You’ve never been this nervous over a guy before but here you were in your kitchen, completely and utterly nervous because you liked Levi so much.
“Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“The last six months with you.” You mumbled, making him nod his head and he gave you a small smile.
You had decided to suck up all the confident and courage you had left- which wasn’t much but it was enough to have you stand up straight and grab a hold of his face.
It was a now or never type of moment, you wanted this more than anything and you made Levi wait long enough for you.
You had cupped both of his cheeks, leaning forward to press your lips on his and it made him freeze, almost felt like he was dreaming about this.
Levi had rested his hands on your hips, pulling you closer all while his lips danced with yours. It was a short kiss but it was worth waiting for six months.
“I’m tired of making you wait.” You mumbled, looking up at him and the way his heart felt like it was about to explode in his chest was crazy.
He was completely whipped and in love. You had him wrapped around your little finger but he wasn’t complaining one bit.
You were worth waiting for.
Plssss this made me sad bc I’m lonely ;(
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lipstickbisous · 4 years ago
𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦
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a/n: this is for @celestialbarnes' 4k writing challenge!! the prompt is "you said you loved me." "i lied." it's funny bc with the character and prompts i actually found this super challenging, but i loved writing it!!
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, former!stucky
summary: when the nightmares come, and the memories return, at least he has you there. and when he doesn't, his ghost appears.
warnings: angst central, mentions of financial struggles, implied suicidal thoughts, reader is a dick, mentions of stucky, sad!bucky, smut; sir!kink, bucky speaking russian, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), choking, creampie, slight cockwarming 18+ MINORS DNI
word count: 3.2k
the following work is my own writing. do not plagairise or copy and paste my works onto another platform. message me about credit.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
his iron hand is covered in a felt glove that hits the hem of his jacket sleeve, entirely concealing the vibranium from prying eyes. metallic fingers lift a gathering of plastic bags filled with groceries almost tearing through the bottom like he's lifting air. the weight on his left arm hangs with a force of gravity as he struggles to push in the key to his front door. the ceiling lights of his apartment hallway would've been considered tasteful in 1945, but now he could see the shadow of cobwebs and dust collecting on the tops. it created a filter over the lighting that made the hallway look haunted and abandoned.
when bucky had been pardoned by the government, he didn't see it as a sign of hope. he knew that without steve, there was no one to assure that he'd be given a safe home, he'd be protected. and without steve, life had been duller and gray. there had been a blossoming love for the blue-eyed man that sat inside of his chest, and then, it had started to plant itself deep in the burrows of his heart. seaweed-colored vines found themselves tracing the outline of his skeleton, and each leaf that bloomed was another aching memory of him. moments in brooklyn that had taken place decades ago were still fresh and he dreamed of them every night. how was bucky to cut them out by himself?
when he looked up, he saw the tufts of blonde hair underneath the hallway lights. his lips were parted in shock as his heart shattered again. "i'm sorry," he had whispered, shoving his hands together nervously, picking at his nails and the sleeve of his navy blue jacket. bucky's mind was racing, heart was soaring as he approached him, and he wanted nothing more than to run into his arms.
"need help?" a voice echoed through the hallway, and suddenly, the walls didn't seem so haunted anymore. he was gone, but that was for the better because here you were and bucky didn't need anything else. you were light and when his eyes looked up at you, he could've sworn an intake of oxygen forced itself into his 100-year old lungs.
it was an easy answer. bucky didn't need to do it by himself, because just in the moment of his thundering darkness, of the smallest thoughts at would it be like to end it right there, you took a pair of shears and slashed away all the vines. the leaves scattering the insides of his body fell, and the suffocating grip the roots of that toxic love had on his heart were released. bucky could breathe again and steve was forgotten. because here you were.
and god, was he thankful. he only lightly chuckled while a deep red hue took over the skin of his cheeks. you approached him delicately, licking your tongue over your lips for repeated moisture and reached out to take the key from his quivering hand. he stepped to the side with a small smile and allowed you to unlock his door. he'd allowed you so many things, opening so many places he didn't know existed...not even steve could do that. "what'd you buy today?" you asked, grabbing several of the bags he had and set them on his kitchen counter.
he followed your actions and shrugged, "not much," and flipped the switch of his kitchen lights. they were a blaring white-light that made his head hurt if he looked at them for too long. damn it, he thought to himself. new light bulbs were the one thing he'd forgotten while at the store. "just enough to get through the week." he would've offered to cook you dinner, but with the assumption that with this late hour you would've already eaten, he shrugged it off. "what're you here for?"
it was an abrupt question but he didn't mean it with harmful intentions. with a sigh, you crossed your arms and looked to the tile floors. the way he looked at you were if he was a small bird, his wings broken and feathers plucked and you were the only one who could heal him. "i didn't know if you were busy," but the healing was over. he could finally soar again without a limp and you were no longer needed--it hurt to think about for too long. "i didn't want you to be alone."
he could feel his heart swelling to a size ten times larger than what it had been before, locked away in its ivory cage. the only one who had held the key had been him, but you tore it from his hands because he did not deserve it. you did. "i don't want to be a bother to you," he smiled poorly and ineffectively. there was still that small part of james buchanan barnes that doubted everything everyone told him, and you were hoping all the moments in the world spent together could fix that.
"jesus," you mutter with a light breath, one that's small but enough to replenish bucky with life. "you're never a bother to me. i love you." those words would be the death of him. he longed to hear them as he fell from the train, whispered into his ear every time his memory was reset because bucky had never gotten a chance to do something for himself. but this--this relationship, this beautiful thing he had with you--he finally had control. you begin to unpack the groceries he'd gotten, seeing that a carton of black cherry ice-cream was already beginning to melt, but before you get the chance to throw it in his freezer, bucky's ionic arm pulls you by the waist.
the other one grabs your cheek and attaches his lips to yours with an aggressive but desperate kiss that ached with need. he was soft and warm, darting his tongue between the opening to your mouth and letting it meet yours. with the sudden though appreciated action, you let the ice cream carton fall to his kitchen floor, the lid popping off so that white cream and cherry chunks create a puddle near your feet. bucky doesn't dare break the connection of you two as he lifts you by your thighs, hoisting your around his waist and carrying you to his bedroom door.
his lock had been broken when he'd moved into the damp and smelly apartment, so he turned himself around and pushed the door open with his broad back as you peeled the fabric that covered his chest. his shirt was dismantled to the side, left to find sometime in the morning. "james-" you whispered through your kiss because, as he'd told you the one night you had shared dinner, you were the only one allowed to say that name. that small part of him that was still james buchanan barnes wanted to hear it from your lips only.
"sh," he quickly silenced you, placing you underneath him on his mattress like you were a delicate feather, and a touch too rough would turn you to dust. his metallic fingers pulled the ragged jeans you'd chosen that morning, leaving your legs bare to the freezing air of his home. he noticed the way your skin prickled with the cold and immediately engulfed your lower half with him. you were soothed with a loving rush of warmth as he peppered wet kisses around your thighs and waist. the bumps on your skin were gone and you felt whole again. his kisses moved to your stomach as he crawled over you with a look in his eyes you'd seen before.
"please, james," you threw your head back once his lips latched themselves to your neck. one arm wrapped around your torso, supporting your back, and the other was tracing the outline of your body with gentle touches. trailing from your shoulder to your waist, to the place between your legs that ached. cotton panties clothed your bottom and front, but they'd have to do more to get in his way.
he looks away for one moment and freezes. there he is, sitting in the chair bucky had placed in the corner of his room. he wore only a tight pair of black boxers and it clung to his skin like a second layer. his hair, dirty blonde and greasy, hung on his forehead. he had his head propped on his hand, watching intently at you both. but when your hands cupped his cheeks, and pressed him closer to you, he disappeared and the anxiety melted into your touch.
the tip of his finger pressed directly on your clothed clit as soon as he began to suck on your jaw, pushing your head back even more than before. "baby," you immediately clenched around nothing, squeezing your hand around the metal limb and he could've sworn you almost bent it.
his chuckle was deep and rumbled from his chest so that it vibrated your entire body underneath him. "what do you want, honey?" his voice dripped with fox-like slyness and his smirk had you flooding into his head.
"make me feel good..." you trailed off, eyes fluttering shut so you never noticed him move lower down your body. he pulled your panties to the side and pressed his tongue flat against your folds, so your warmer and wetter than before. his spit mixes with your fluids when he rips the cotton into shreds and throws it next to your head. "please, sir," you croak and bucky growls into your core between your legs. you wrap them around his neck and his face only reddens a tiny bit when his primary focus becomes exploring the inside of your heat. his tongue darts past your opening, wet as he pushes through the barrier only slightly stretching you. the muscle is tight and clamps down around him, but he lets the tip of his tongue push up, down, to the sides, and up again.
you released the pressure around his neck mostly because the addition of his finger against your bead was more than enough to handle. "i know you love that, doll," he whispers against your cunt, literally dripping juices from his mouth. it trails down his chin where it sticks to the curve of your ass. "love my fingers toying with your little pussy, edging you so you can cum all over my mouth," his words are filth, but then again, he has his face shoved against your wet lips, his nose bumping that sensitive spot so you moaned even louder with every passing second.
your nods are stuttered with a, "yes, sir," before he pulls away, placing both of his hands by your shoulders and meeting your eyes. you whine and groan, letting your hips rub the air for some sort of friction and bucky only smirked. gone was the thought of him and here was the beautiful presence of you. he began to unbuckle his belt, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding over the boxers covering his manhood. he held his weight in his hand, giving small strokes so he grew firmer and heavier, rubbing the head through your folds to gather your slick. you moaned, "no, james, let me help-"
his fingers took your chin so your eyes drew from his length and met him. "i just want you," bucky whispers inches away from you and pressed himself against your hole, stretching open your walls so you suffocated him. "so perfect, doll, so fucking tight."
your moan took control of his heart, leaving a clenched fist squeezing the muscle in his chest. you pressed your head into his hand he'd placed underneath you, curving your back so he rutted into a new angle. "m-more, sir," you whispered breathlessly, and it almost came out with a rasp.
"what was that, little girl?" he sneered, smirking into your ear. you could feel hot breath fanning against the side of your head, an addition to the pleasure in between your legs. his fingers trailed down your stomach with a little tickle to wear your clit dragged against his length as he continued to set a brutal pace. his balls met your ass with every pounding thrust, and his fingers harshly pinched your clit. "this good enough for you, baby doll?"
your nods are rapid and desperate, eyes squeezing shut when he hits that spot inside you. he notices it when he does--your mouth twitches and your hand shoots up to the wrist that holds your clit when he begins to rub it. "yes, sir, t-thank you," your voice cracks, words are staggered, and it's exactly how bucky likes to see you. vulnerable because he made you this way. all undone just for him.
the hand underneath your head manages to wrap around your neck, applying a pressure that cuts off your air supply. "fuck, sweetheart, this cunt's wrapped around me so tight," all of the pain, all of the suffering, and all of the dreams of ending it were nonexistent in moments like these. everything that was remnant of him was gone and for once, bucky was okay that. "so fucking perfect," he cried, eyes watering when you clenched down around him. his ghost no longer haunted him in both the shadows and light. it was like you scared him away, arms defensively shielding bucky from any harm that he could possibly cause. and yet, here you were, unraveling like a thread from a sweater simply because he could do it to you.
the pressure on your pearl, his thumb ensuring you couldn't fully breathe, and the way he continuously rammed into your sensitive spot, you were so close. you could already feel yourself just barely letting go around him, and he could too. "not yet, malen'kiy," he grinned, leaning down so his lips dragged over your chest down to where you bud clung to the cold air of his home. his eyes met yours with a playful glance as soon as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, immediately sucking harshly.
"you're evil," you manage to giggle cutting yourself off with an unexpected, pornographic moan when his teeth nipped down around you. he pulls his hand away from your neck to hear what other noises you have to give.
his chuckle was deep once again and this time, it vibrated your entire body. both of your bodies fluidly moved together, pushing and messing up the sheets he'd tightly fitted against his mattress earlier that day. you knew there'd be a puddle of your juices left on the blankets, and like always, you'd offer to wash them for him and bucky would decline. "just cum, doll," he speaks lowly. he's teasing you and he knows it.
"c-can i please cum, sir?" you batted your eyes, innocently pouting for a release. it was close and painful to hold it back any longer, growing more intense with every moment passing.
the smirk played on his lips was threatening and scary. you couldn't even remember all the times he'd denied you of an organism, pushing you over so that your toes dangled off the edge of the cliff only to pull you back. with his lips still wrapped around your bud, his hips still jutting against yours like he was a rabid dog, grunting and groaning, he spoke clearly, "cum."
if bucky could record your moans, cries, sobs, and screams--and maybe he has...--he'd listen to it until the day he died. your thighs shook around his hips, somehow loosening and tightening yourself. as you flooded around him, he could feel the warmth surrounding his length and just as you finished convulsing, clawing his vibranium arm and pulling at his hair, his tip brushed harshly against your cervix.
"fuck!" he groaned, as a shot of white fluid filled you to brim, leaving a heavy weight that spilled out with a tickle when he finally pulled from you. "oh, honey..." he must've stayed inside you for an hour, collapsing so his chest met yours and his kisses stayed on your jaw. and when the emptiness did return, leaving you to miss his cock already, he watched your eyelids fall heavy with sleep. bucky pulled the blanket over you, falling slump next to your body and wrapping his arms around yours.
your light snores and breaths were music that lulled him to sleep. the white noise he needed because the silence was scary now. he'd stayed awake for two hours after you'd fallen asleep, watching the way your chest rose and fell with an inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale pattern. and when his eyes drifted over to the armchair in the corner of his room, his ghost was no longer there to taunt him.
time flew and morning came, like always. and like always, you left without anything to wear underneath your pants and a kiss on the lips from him.
his feet padded throughout his apartment floor, wearing nothing more than black boxers and a cheap cotton t-shirt he'd gotten that barely protected him. he strolled over to his window that overlooked the street, and chuckled when he noticed you discreetly limp to your car. as you drove away, creating a distance between you, that darkness that overtook his soul returned. your presence drifted and no more could he hold you, and now, the vines began to grow.
they grew lethal thorns, bloomed toxic blossoms around his heart. he began to suffocate again, feeling a pain his chest that only you could alleviate. but now you were gone. it was when bucky wandered into his kitchen with sagging shoulders, he stepped into a wet puddle of melted ice cream and black cherries. it covered the ball of his foot with a sticky, gross layer and he collapsed.
he folded, leaning into his lap and holding his head in his hands. tears leaked into his palm, slipping through the cracks of his fingers and onto the floor. his face turned a bright red, only this time it was due to a rush of blood and an oncoming headache. he cried your name, he cried his name, and on the third body-racking sob of a garbled "steve", it was like he had summoned his arrival.
his phantom presence left a chilling feeling in the air. and without even having to look up, bucky knew that this version of steve wasn't even real. this wasn't his ghost. this wasn't him. this wasn't him returning to see bucky because he cared. this was a part of bucky's imagination, a sick and twisted form of therapy because when bucky didn't have you, he had nothing else. "you said you loved me," he had cried, biting down on his knuckles and wrist. when he met his blue eyes with a heartbroken glance, steve's expression didn't budge.
bucky had created this version of steve--this evil and cruel version of him that only made this heartache worse. he brought this torture on himself and now, he could barely handle it.
he stood, towering above him with his fists clenched. his eyes bore a hot hole in bucky's skull and every passing moment was hell. there were flames beginning to engulf bucky's body, burning his skin and leaving him as a pile of dust. after all, that's what he had been for those past five years, leaving him to learn that he didn't really need bucky. and that tore every part of him apart.
"i lied." he muttered, lips tight against his teeth as if it hurt him to say it. but still, he stood above bucky with an emotionless stare.
his cries filled the walls of his home for the rest of the day, waiting for the next chance he got to hold you again.
mutuals: @balenciagabucky @cloudystevie @honeyloverogers @steebsbabygirl @ronimina @honeychicana @fairytaleseb @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @avengersbau @bvckysmoon @sapphireplums @a-little-counter-esperanto @letters-to-esme @capsiclecevans @babyyhoneyydarling @honeysucklesteve
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clanoffetts · 4 years ago
Rey Skywalker NSFW Alphabet
Rey Skywalker x F!Reader
warnings: 18+, nsfw, mentions of trauma
this is stream of conciousness, so it's a little messy, but i'm proud of it nonetheless.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i feel like rey is really cuddly after sex. like she wants to be held, kissed, and told how good she did, how good she made you feel.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves arms. they’re toned and strong, and trust me, she sees you staring while she works on the Falcon or her saber.
She likes your hands. She loves holding them, kissing them, guiding them as she shows you how to fix something. they’re softer than hers, and the way they feel all over her body is heavenly, especially with how touch starved she is.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
When Rey comes hard, she comes hard. It takes a while to get to her squirt, though. But when you’ve had her splayed on her back all evening, your tongue and fingers pumping in and out of her, telling her what a good, strong girl she is, and then have her ride your face ? with your hands groping at her tits, moaning into her cunt? you’re going to be drowning in her cum.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
At first, Rey considers all of her desires as ‘dirty secrets’ because she’s never had sex with anyone before, much less been in a relationship where she can ask for things. But once she’s comfortable, she’s telling you everything. The first fantasy she shares is having you use the torso wraps of her outfit to tie her ankles to the bedposts, and keeping her from squirming away while you overstim her
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
not very. who on jakku was rey going to fuck? no one, that’s who. she’s out of all their leagues. but she doesn’t have experience with masturbation, and knows what she likes.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
she likes being between your legs, sucking at your clit. she’s got a massive praise kink, so feeling you gripping at her hair, moaning, and evening closing your thighs around her head is non-verbal praise, and she loves it.
but she’ll always like laying on her back, you laying on your side next to her, running your hands all over her while whispering dirty shit in her ear.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
she can be goofy!! when she’s not utterly wrecked, which doesn’t take long, she’ll crack jokes and be sarcastic.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Rey’s brown hair isn’t just on her head. And she keeps her pubic hair trimmed, but doesn’t do anything too drastic. She was a bit scared at the beginning, she’s not naive or stupid, she knows the “popular” preference is clean-shaven, and she’s relieved that you don’t care.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She wants to make everyone proud out of the bedroom, so ofc she wants to please you in the bedroom. And she sees that as taking care of you, physically and emotionally, because that’s what she finds romantic. so she’s always telling you how pretty you are and what she loves about you in the moment.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Rey has quite a bit of experience with masturbating, lbr. but once the two of you have sex for the first time, she can’t get off as easy by herself. but, you gotta do what you gotta do. she likes comming you if she can, having you purr praises and instructions in her ear while she touches herself.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
i think she liked being tied up, until kylo, that is. now, just her ankles to the bedposts, maximum. maybe a spreader bar, since she does have more movement with that.
maybe a bit of light exhibitionism, too. she’s an adrenaline junkie, so….
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
preferably, the comfy bunk in her room on the resistance base. but, when rey’s horny, shes needy, and she’ll let you touch her anywhere from the empty briefing room to the ‘fresher.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
compliment her and she’ll lose it. she’ll get all blushy and quiet bc what's she supposed to do?? accept a comment without getting nervous and blushy??? and when you compliment her, her mind goes straight to how you compliment her in the bedroom. and then, she’s just standing there next to you, nipples hard under her layers of clothes, aching for you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
After Rey’s capture and torture by Kylo Ren, she can’t do bondage anymore. Like i said earlier, she can do a spreader bar, but that’s it, and she’ll need time to heal. it’s too much, too many memories. And she’s terrified of a memory of you melding with a memory of Kylo.
she also won’t hurt you. why in the world would she hurt someone she loves so much?
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Rey loves loves loves giving. she loves everything about it: being encompassed by you, your noises, your squirming, your praises. and it’s all for her.
she does like to receive, though. she likes your hands on her stomach to keep her in place, the murmurs of “good girl” and “fucking gorgeous” against her cunt drive her insane. the murmurs often make their way into her meditations, if she’s not careful.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends. At first, it’s urgent but it’s still sensual. Then, it evolves into sweet, slow, even lazy sex, trying to distract yourselves from the stress of the galaxy.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Between being a leader in the Resistance and training to carry a whole religion on her back after the Skywalkers are gone, quickies are kind of necessary. It’s not her favorite, but it’ll do.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
She’s game to experiment, but she doesn’t take too many risks. The light exhibitionism is about as risky as she’ll get. She is scared of getting caught and ‘overstaying her welcome’ with General Organa and the Resistance.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Rey loves overstimulation, there’s just something about you making her come over and over again while she grips onto you, the sheets, etc. so she can go for a while. And don’t think the Force doesn’t help her.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I def can see her using the Force if you’re ok with it, esp later on when she gets into topping/domming you and gets advanced enough in her Force use to use it in the bedroom.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
I can’t see her being a tease when she doms. I think maybe she tries, but her preference is to overstim you and shower you with touches until you’re shaking in her arms. She’s a protector at heart.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s got some gorgeous, sweet needy whines. But the sultry voice she puts on when she doms, it’s not exactly deep, but it’s warm and it’s commanding, yet fairly quiet. When she comes, it’s often silent screams or groans.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Rey has super sensitive nipples. like, really sensitive. She could probably come just from your mouth around them or your fingers twisting at them. And sometimes, when her nipples just get randomly hard during the day, her clothes rub against them and she comes to find you just so you can pull her into a closet and toy with her nipples.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
azz n tiddies idk what to tell you. she’s very pretty but u know that
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
She’s insatiable at the start, she loves eating pussy and being fingered by someone other than herself, but it’s also the connection and the interaction of it all that has her hooked.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Fairly quickly if she’s been overstimmed, esp if you’ve got her in your arms and are petting her hair while the two of you watch a holo. When Rey has you in her strong arms, she waits to fall asleep until you’re asleep
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binniesthighs · 4 years ago
don’t you forget about me | reader x jeongin
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it’s the last day that you might ever see him again, so, to hell with it, right? (image from straykidsfilm on twt!) 
please read the CWs bc this fic talks about body image!! this is something close to me as well, and I wanted to share some cute innie love!! <3 
hey you reading this! you’re gorgeous ;) 
don’t you forget about me | reader x jeongin 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x yang jeongin 
Genre:  fluff n’ smut 
Tags: high school crush au (everyone depicted in this fic is at least 18), virgin!reader, virgin!jeongin, plussize!reader (i think this is the right tag, if not plz correct me!) first time au, cuties in love, softdom!jeongin, (hehe ya know I love me a soft dom), sub!reader, unprotected sex (stay safe cuties!) semi-public sex, nipple play (f), fingering (f), cumshot, somewhat of a quickie, dirty talking, lil bit of a corruption kink, cute fluffy undertones!
CWs: brief mention of a fistfight and blood/wounds, insecurity over weight and descriptive narrative about body weight/appearance and negative self image 
Word count: 7.1k 
Word had spread that someone had gotten into a fight on the last day of school.  Supposedly, it had occurred during the second to last hour of the day, and it was a group of three to four boys. The rest of the details had been unclear, but you had heard mutterings about their names, or how each of them had walked into the principal’s office with bloodied knuckles, fat lips, and purple bruises to their cheekbones. You had heard that one of them had laughed in the face of the principal, claiming that they simply had it coming. 
“I heard that they were from class A-4. Or was it A-3?” 
Your friend leaned over with her skirt ruffling on her plastic chair. 
“Who could be so stupid?” She strung her bubble-gum around her finger with cracked nail-polish. “Are they looking to graduate, or what?” 
“I don’t know...” 
In your lap, you hands grew clammy with sweat. It was against your will, but you couldn’t but help thinking...
Yang Jeongin was in class A-4. 
Your chest tightened thinking about if it had been him that had gotten in the fight. 
It was no secret that you had harbored a crush on the boyishly handsome student from the other class of your same year. You had read or seen somewhere that the reason that they called crushes “crushes” was because they did just that--they crushed you to the full extent of the word. Whoever had said that, you had learned that they were 100% right. Having a crush on Yang Jeongin had been the most painful experience of your life. Since middle school, it had been something that you had scribbled in your diary, and the reason why you would hold your breath when he walked by with his friends, or when you’d see him on the same bus as you. 
You can’t exactly recall when it started, it just kind of did. 
There was nothing extremely notable about him: he wasn’t his class president, he wasn’t the ace of a sports team, nor did he even have friends who really were notable either. No matter how much you pondered it, you couldn’t figure out what it was about him. 
Yang Jeongin was known for having a kind smile and a jovial laugh, so you just decided that it must’ve been one of these things. This semester he had ashy-grey brown hair, and your best friend still hadn’t heard the end of it from you. Over time, you had learned that he liked banana milk with his lunch and kept a fox enamel pin on his backpack. He had worn the same beat up sneakers for all of high school and wore this same grey hoodie on most days when it would get cold. 
A couple times you had imagined what it would’ve been like if he had let you borrow it on the days when it would mist on spring mornings, or when snow would fall early in November. There had even been times when you imagined him holding your hand, walking down the hall, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to hold you close...among other things. Somehow, you liked to think that he would be the kind of person who would love you more than you could love yourself. Granted, you never could know for sure. Being optimistic made up half of your fantasies. 
“Just confess already.” 
Your best friend had said half a million times over the course of the years. 
The more you had contemplated it, the less sense that it made. A confession would’ve been a whole lot easier if he had known who you were. 
“There's no way.” You had said morosely. “As if he would say yes to me.” 
“Can’t know unless you try.” Your friend smiled, sucking at her lollipop on the walk home. “Don’t pretend like you’ve never written him a confession letter before...” Her backpack hopped up and down with her arms outstretched animatedly in that alley decorated with vines. “...Where do you keep them? In your desk? Under your bed? In your sock drawer?” 
“Oh shut up!!” You nudged her, sending her spiraling out with laughter. 
“If it’s the last day of school, you’ve got nothing to loose! You’ll never see him again! If he says no, no big deal!” 
The clock ticked on the wall to your classroom, the seconds hand moving silently faster and faster the more that you looked at it. Under your desk, your fingertips pricked the edges of the pink envelope. You had written your the name as nicely as you could with flowery cursive with tiny flowers. On the back, you had sealed it with a sticker: an orange fox. 
Your throat grew dry seeing only six minutes before the bell would ring, and then the metal legs of chairs would scrape on the floor, the hallway would flood with students, and you would make your way to his locker and pray that he would stop by there. In many ways, just thinking about it was enough to make your stomach do somersaults and for your hands to wet even more embarrassingly with sweat. Your knees felt limp, and you wondered if you even had it in you. 
Even worse, a deeper fear crept in the back of your mind--it was much more venomous and horrifying, but you couldn’t keep it down. You feared that he would laugh in your face, throw the letter down, and throw his head back at you and how ridiculous your moment of confidence had been. 
How could be like someone like me? 
Perhaps your biggest fear of all, even greater than the rejection, was him admitting that he could never like someone like you. 
Your skirt was tighter on you than most, at least, tighter than it was on the other girls. When you would shop at the school uniform store, you could never escape the glares from the ladies when you and your mother asked for the larger sizes that they had. Your soft cheeks were plush and squishy, and your belly striped with stretch marks that you had stopped looking at in the mirror. Because it was more comfortable, you wore leggings under you skirt, even in the warmer months, even if it made you sweat. Oversized sweaters would swim over your frame, for the very reason that you could swim in them. 
As optimistic as you could be, there had been some nights worse than the others where tears would wet your eyes before sleep, no matter how many affirmations and positive sticky notes you had pasted to the back of your bedroom door. 
How could I like someone like you? 
It would be so easy for him to say it. Words flicked off the tongue hastily are the ones that often hurt the most. You just hoped and hoped that he had been everything that you had made him to be...as unrealistic as it was. 
The bell chimed, and you felt your heart leap into your throat when the room erupted into cheers and papers and desks went flying and screeching around the floor. 
“Are you ready?” Your friend winked, and the corners of the letter pricked your fingers. 
With some stroke of luck, he was exactly where you had wanted him to be. Even then, some small part of you had secretly had hoped that he hadn’t just so you could walk away. You would’ve walked away from him, that school, everyone who had known you and just let it be. However, fate had been much kinder to you...damned fate. 
Your heart quickened upon seeing him. He was wearing that same grey hoodie with the drawstrings that he would tie into bows sometimes, and that same enamel pin shone silver on his backpack. You realized that it even looked almost exactly like the sticker you had used. His navy uniform slacks were dusted with dirt however, and one of the knees had a bit of a tear to it. In your horror, you then saw the scrapes on his face: one right under his eye, on his left cheek, and a thin red line on his bottom lip where it had cracked open. Before you could think of anything else, seeing how much it must’ve hurt him made your heart twist.
From your backpack, you drew out the rest of the stuff that you had prepared, and tried your best not to collapse from the way that your knees trembled. 
“H-hi...” You announced, head down, and mouth deathly dry. 
Yang Jeongin whipped his head over to see you, slightly startled. Up this close you could see his adorable brown eyes that even looked at if they glistened with stars in them. 
“...Hi?” He returned, closing his locker, and wetting his lips. 
Your heartbeat rang in your ears, and you quickly presented him with the letter, the carton of banana milk with the heart sticker on top, and the tiny case of animal shaped cookies. 
With eyes glued to the floor and his beat up gym shoes, you said the words as fast as humanly possible, “I-know-that-you-don’t-know-who-I-am-but-I’ve-really-liked-you-for-such-a-long-time-now-and-seeing-as-its-the-last-day-of-school-I-wanted-to-tell-you-so-please-accept-this!!” 
You waited for what felt like hours, then he took the items from your hands with a tentative touch. “Um...thank you...for this.” 
This was it. It was happening. You had already known that it wouldn’t get much better, and the way that he looked petrified only made you feel even more heat rush to your cheeks. Even then, now that the words had escaped your lips for the whole universe to hear, it felt good in some small, relieving way.  
“Y-you don’t have to say anything back. Please don’t...don’t feel obligated to, I just...” Your voice trailed, and your eyes wandered to the exit door behind him, and the green of the summery trees. 
I should just leave. It would be better if I left. If I walk away, this is all over...
The hem of your skirt tickled your nervous fingers, and you had nearly made up your mind. You wished at least that he would say something rather than just staring. 
“I-I can just...leave, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry...how could I think that...nevermind.” 
It took everything that you had, but you blinked the tears that stung the corners of your eyes and you hiked your backpack straps up a little higher. 
You motioned to the things in his hands, “I hope that you enjoy those things and...good luck at university.” 
You flashed a feeble smile for him, right back to his astonished face. Just outside of the exit, there was the rest of the world in front of you, and you also took peace in the fact that it really was a really nice day then. 
“W-wait!!” He suddenly said with a slight crack to his voice, turning after you to grab at your wrist too. As soon as he did, his eyes widened, the the gruff voices of a group of boys echoed down the hall. 
“Where is that shithead?? This isn’t over.” The tall boy from class A-4 balled up his hand into a fist, and smacked it into his palm. The tall boy and about three of his friends also had red knuckles and scratches on their faces, each to a varying level of degree. 
“Shit.” Jeongin bit his lip, and his grip on your wrist tightened. “Uh-can you come with me?? This way?? Fuck--” He nodded toward the opposite hallway, and your head spun thinking why he would want you to come with him. 
“What?? Why??” 
“Just--” He watched the boys coming frantically and hid behind his locker door. “They’ll beat the shit out of me again. Just....come on!” 
A nervous thrill sent a shiver down your spine feeling his hand and the warmth there while he guided you, pushing and parting the sea of bodies chatting and hugging each other goodbye. 
“Where are we going?” You called to him, and the little carton of banana milk swayed in his opposite hand. 
“I don’t know. Anywhere.” 
You followed him further and further, through the hallways that had emptied of students or any semblance of them. Shades had been pulled in most of the empty rooms, and the chairs had been placed on top of the tabletops of desks. Both of your shoes squeaked under the flooring when you turned corners, and the sound of his nervous panting became louder and louder. Where he held you, the sleeve of his sweater bushed up against you, and it was even softer than you had imagined. 
Jeongin pulled at several doorknobs, finding them to be locked, head turning to see if the group of boys had followed. At last, he found one that did unlock, and he threw it open on its hinges as quickly as he could. It was one of the storage closets for the theater department, and it was dustily coated on all surfaces and even moldy smelling, with not a window to be found. Jeongin flicked on the light, revealing the stacks of props and furniture that you vaguely remembered seeing in performances in the past. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pull you so hard.” Jeongin finally said. 
“It...it’s okay.” 
“If I got caught with them again I might as well kiss college goodbye...” He raked an anxious hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to fight with them before...” 
“Are...you okay?” You softened your tone, seeing the way that the pink marks on his face must’ve been made against the hard cement of the floor outside. 
“I-I’m fine. Thank you.” 
His eyes really did look like they glistened. 
“It...it’s really funny actually...” He shoved his hand into his pocket, fumbling with the contents with a shaking hand, then took out a crumbled piece of notebook paper that had been torn. “Take it.” He prompted with wide eyes. 
“Who else?” He laughed lightly. 
The note had been written in black ink, and it smudged and bled to the other side of the paper, and the scribbled handwriting looked rushed as if it was an afterthought or some kind of crazed ramble. You unfolded it all the way, starting at the first sentence. 
dear y/n from A-2, 
you probably don’t know my name, but I’m yang jeonjin jeongin from class A-4, i wanted to write this to tell you that I think that youve you’re really  pretty, beautiful and that i’ve been kind of watching you for about a year now, i’m sorry if that’s creepy but, yeah, i just think that you’re really cool and i like it when you smile. i’m sorry that i didn’t say anythimg aything anything about this sooner, i was kind of shy about it to be honest, i didn’t want you to thank think that I was being disrespectful or anything like that, but seeing that its the last day of shcool school and I don’t have a ton to lose loose lose i thought that it was worth a shot. if this doesn’t go the way id i’d like it to, please don’t stop smilng smiling ♥
By now, the boy from A-4 was swaying his body back and forth almost violently as he waited for you to read the letter and fiddled with his arms crossed. His teeth tugged at his lip, and he anxiously awaited for you to say something. Little did he know that reading his words you were so shocked that you were certain that you had forgotten how to breathe for a couple moments. 
“M-me? You mean this...for me?” 
“Yeah?” He advanced to take the letter back, “I’m really sorry if it’s creepy, I know that you don’t know me at all and we’ve never spoken, this must be really startling but...I wasn’t expecting for you to write me one too.” 
The adorable boy blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with a tiny growing smile. 
“S-sorry that I was so quiet earlier, I was just really surprised.” Jeongin flipped your letter over too, then gasped a little seeing the fox on the back. “Oh.” 
On the other side of the door, the loud and clambering footsteps of that group of idiotic boys clomped and they grunted among themselves asking where Jeongin had went. The two of you held your breath, and soon the voices receded. Once they passed, you threw your backpack around to scramble around the front pocket, pulling out a Band-Aid that must’ve been there for at least a year, but it still worked the same. 
“Here...do you need it?” 
“Oh! Um-no, but, thank you.” 
A silence filled the dusty room, and Jeongin awkwardly moved to sit on one of the old prop couches. He patted the spot next to him, beckoning you to do the same. 
“The timing...kinda sucks.” 
You laughed slightly, “That’s sort of my fault.” 
“--My fault too.” He quickly added. “I’m sorry that I didn’t get the chance to know you sooner. Maybe we could’ve...” Jeongin dug his fingers into the velvety upholstery. 
Slowly, your sinking insecurities started to creep like vines with thorns, and the words spilled out of your mouth before you had something to do with it. 
Maybe he’s just being nice? Are you really certain that letter was meant for you? 
“I guess that I’m just really surprised that you of all people could end up liking someone like me. Someone...that looks like me.”
The young boy cocked his head with his eyebrows confusedly crossed. “I don’t see what you mean?” 
“‘Cause I’m like...” You motioned to your thighs, a bit chubbier, your larger breasts, and your skirt riding up your legs too. “...like this?” 
“But there’s nothing wrong with you?” 
“Psh...”nothing wrong with me”...” You laughed with sarcasm at the comment. “Have you seen the other girls in the school? Some of them are frickin’ idols for crying out loud...” 
Jeongin’s eyes widened, and he scooched in a bit closer, but slowly; carefully. “What I’m trying to say is...that there’s no one else like you! And--” 
“--That’s exactly it. I’m not like everyone else...” 
Jeongin blabbered, and his hand found yours resting on your lap. “I-I’m not s-saying that’s a bad thing! I’m saying that the reason why you stood out to me was because I think...” He shied, cheeks becoming even rosier. “...Because you just seemed so happy all the time, like, you didn’t care what others did or thought of you, I could tell, even from kind of far away, that you were someone who’s real not some kind of made-up thing that you put on every morning for the rest of the world to see you as. Also...” He giggled, “I just thought that you were really cute too.”
His thumb brushed up against the back of your hand, and you couldn’t help but smile at the small feeling. 
“I mean...I do think about what people think of me, I think about it all the time...” 
“I do too.” He said quietly. “Why else did I let it get so far that I let four guys gang up on me outside school?” 
You didn’t press him for more, but merely let your opposite hand rest of top of his as you watched his expression fall. When he was in school, you had only ever seen him smile, but now seeing him like this, it was a whole other side. He looked up at you with his pleading eyes, and they were utterly gorgeous. 
“My mom...my mom doesn’t make a ton of money. She barely makes enough to send to me school here, or buy me stuff like new clothes or uniforms each year. I almost never see her because she has to work so hard for me and my brothers...those...assholes had something to say about it and I kind of...snapped. No one can say shit about my mom when they don’t know how hard that she works for us.” 
Your eyes fell to his scuffed and worn sneakers, and it all made sense. 
“Then they found the letter...I didn’t want them to ruin the last good thing that I had going for me.” 
In that moment, the whole world became silenced. You were the last good thing going for him and you had never even known. 
Then, he smiled, broken as it was, bit it was still embodied his gentle warmth that you had fallen in love with all those years ago. 
“But! It turned out okay I think.” Jeongin said with a sigh. He glanced down at your interlocking hands on your lap and chuckled a little bit. “Kinda cool that this worked out though. Maybe we could spend the summer getting to know each other?” 
This time, you let one of your happy tears drip down your cheek, and nodded gleefully. “Okay. I’d like that.” 
Jeongin smiled, just as you had seen him do it a hundred times, but this time you knew that it was all for you. 
“Can I...can I kiss you? If that’s okay? I-I’m sorry if this is really forward...I just...really want to.” He asked gently, then wiped away your tears with the pad of his thumb. 
You nodded, feeling  your whole body shake just a little with your nervousness and anticipation. The world appeared to melt away once he had leaned in to press his lips on yours as softly and as carefully as he could. In that moment, you had forgotten where you were, what time it was or the rest of the beautiful summer day outside the doors of that school. Here, it was just you and him. Embarrassing as it was, this had been your first kiss too. Your mind raced with a million thoughts, asking yourself if you had been doing it right, but once you felt him smile lightly into you, your chest shivered with a sense of relief. 
You had never expected kissing to feel like this, and it was a bit strange feeling something so close and intimate right on your own skin. At the same time, it felt like nothing else in the entire world had, and you only wanted more and more of it. He was cautious and respectful in the way that he had tilted his head, and loving how he had cupped your face with his hands cracked and bruised. You didn’t know where to put your hands at first, but settled one hand on his thigh, and the other on his shoulder where you tugged at his white button up stained with dirt. 
He too shook with a sigh, readjusting himself, then ran one of his hands down your arm to hold your hand were it rested on him. He tangled your fingers together, and made a tiny little gasp feeling you connect with him. In seconds, he allowed himself to grow rougher, running his lips over yours with a type of fervency that teased at your bottom lip where you felt the warmth of his tongue. It took no more consideration, and you gave him the permission to meet the heat of his tongue with yours between parted lips now becoming a bit swollen. 
Jeongin broke your connection for moments, and a different kind of haze took over his eyes. The way that he looked over your quivering lips sent shivers through your whole body, and he dragged his thumb over the tiny streak of saliva that shone on your lip. 
“Is it okay if I touch you? In other places?” His eyes fell, and you giggled at the way that a kind of lust-filled hunger seemed to overtake him. For years you had fantasized about him ravishing you like this, and giving love to every inch of your body no matter how hard it had been for you to do that same to yourself. Still, as hesitant as you were, you feared that he would get a taste of all of you, and still change his mind. 
“Really?” You stammered, instinctually crossing your arms around your chest. “You don’t think that I’m gro--”
“If you’re about to say “gross” don’t.” His expression became much more serious. “I-I’ll say it again a million more times if I need to: you, all that you are, is what I’ve been thinking of for so long, I’d love to touch you wherever you’ll let me.” 
This time, you didn’t know if the tears were happy or sad, but regardless, the fat drops still fell down your cheeks. 
“--And you can say no too. If you’re not comfortable, we can just keep doing what we were doing...there’s nothing wrong with that at all.” 
The dim yellow light in the room buzzed, and you had recalled all the many number of times that you had pictured the very scene about to occur. On lonely nights, you wished to have felt his hands all over you, and now, they really could be. 
“What do you say?” He asked, and squeezed your hand along with his. 
“Can we...go slow with it? I’ve never...no one has ever offered to--” 
“Of course we can.” He smiled adorably, which was a bit odd considering what he had just proposed. “But...I didn’t hear you say yes?” 
“Yes.” You quickly added with a nervous inhale, but held his gaze with your assurance. “I-I want you to.” 
The boy from the other class grinned, then took to carefully running his hands down your arms once more, and craning his neck to plant sweet little kisses into your neck: the stimulation from which made you whimper out of your own accord, and he giggled upon hearing it. 
“You like that?” He whispered greedily, then continued sucking a little harder. Jeongin shrugged down your sweater from the collar, and his wandering hands circled little rubs into your bare arms. 
Next, his fingers crept up slowly and cautiously at the bottom of your shirt, testing at first, but not pulling up the fabric all together. His cold fingertips buzzed on your skin in that drafty room, and he brought his lips back up to yours, also making tiny trailed gasps as he crept up all the way to your breasts. The moment that he touched them, both of you appeared to shiver on each other’s bodies, and your kisses grew even needier. At first he cupped over the padding of your bra, kneading and squeezing to play with the way that they jiggled slightly then pulling a bit harder, and relishing the way that they filled up his palms. 
“Does this feel good?” Jeongin asked on your lips and you nodded back immediately. 
The two of you leaned back on the aged couch, and the young man cradled your head to guide you into the cushion of the upholstery. He admired you for a few moments under him with one leg between your thighs and the other supporting himself and slipping a little on the cement floors. His thigh was just close enough to the heat of your arousal between your legs, and it ached and throbbed so badly, you were convinced you had never felt a feeling as intense as this. He leaned in closer, and pressed the muscle into your clit, and a muffled moan caught on your lip that surprised even him. 
“Can I touch you even closer?” He asked, and those ashy grey-brown strands of his dipped over his eyes. 
“Y-yes...please.” You found yourself begging, and he mischievously grinned at your desperation. 
Under the cotton of your shirt, his fingers slipped under the padding of your bra to toy with your breasts directly. He kissed even more tiny quaking breaths into your mouth, finally finding your hardened nipples and tweaking them with his thumb and index. He pulled lightly at them, making your buds even more sensitive. You cried out with a helpless “ah!” and he stopped, worry across his face as if he had hurt you. 
“F-feels really good. Don’t...don’t stop please...Jeongin...” 
Absentmindedly, your hips had started to grind against his leg, and he had taken notice of it too. Had you been a bit more attentive, you could’ve seen the way that his member had swelled in his navy slacks, and throbbed, begging for attention too. 
You could barely watch, but he hiked your shirt up, baring your cushy tummy for him to see only and you threw your embarrassed arms over your face. As long as you had kept the evil words at bay, they were much more seductive than any affirmation you could’ve repeated to yourself. 
“Oh-are you okay?” Do you want me to stop?” The young boy immediately stopped and removed his hands. “Did I do something wrong?” 
“N-no...it’s just...I’m really nervous be-because I’m--” 
He sighed, then pulled your shirt down once more. “I can stop doing that for now. But...I just want you to know...I think that everything about you is even more beautiful than you know and these...imperfections--which they’re not--is everything that drives me crazy. Please don’t think that I see you negatively at all. I promise that I want to make you feel good everywhere.” 
“Mm-okay.” You shook with a heavy sigh. “You aren’t...disappointed or anything?” 
Jeongin pressed a simple kiss onto your upper lip with a smile “Disappointed? Why?” 
“Because I don’t want--” 
“--No?? I’m not disappointed at all! You don’t owe me anything at all! Especially when you’re not comfortable with it.” 
“Hm, thank you.” 
He continued with a tiny grunt, lowering himself even closer to you, “Can I please kiss you some more?” 
You allowed him, with the warmth of your kisses' meeting in the middle. The heat in your pussy pooled even greater, and you grinded further, thirsting for him in ways that felt forbidden. For a brief moment, you felt the fear seeping back in, head racing with the dozens of thoughts that he might have if he were to see your stretch marks on your belly and on the top-parts of your thighs. The more that you found desire for him, the less that you were convinced that he wouldn’t desire you as much as you did him. 
“Do you want...I can touch down here too?” Jeongin hushed, breaking for a minute to hold your eyes earnestly. “Would that be okay?” 
He had noticed the way that you had pathetically rubbed into his leg, and this too sent your hands over your shy face. 
“M’ sorry...I can’t help...it feels good too...” 
“Don’t apologize! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel the same way.” Your crush smiled with his eyes smiling in the same way. “You can...probably tell.” 
“--But...what if you don’t like it?” 
He cocked his head, “Like what?” 
Your lip quivered and you found tears stinging your eyes once more. “Don’t like..m-me? What I look like?” 
“What!? Y/n...my head is like frickin’ spinning thinking about what you look under these clothes--can you please believe me?” 
“It...it’s hard to...” Fat tears came waterfalling down your cheeks, and once again the young boy fully stopped his advances. 
“The fact that I’m here with you, kissing you like this after daydreaming about it for so long...there’s nothing more that I want than to make you feel good right now. Trust me.” 
“A-are you sure?” 
“Y/n. I’m 100% sure. And you don’t--you don’t have to even take this off if you don’t want to...” He toyed with your skirt. “But these might get in the way.” He ran both of his hands up and down your thighs and leggings with flat palms, and you felt your whole body ache for more than just that. “Again, we don’t have to if you don’t want.” he gave you a reassuring smile, “We still have the whole summer--” 
“I do!! I...still do...” 
Your quick answer started the both you, but Jeongin still didn’t advance faster than what was comfortable to you. Instead, he carefully snaked his hands up and under your skirt, finding the elastic of the leggings then pulled. 
His eyes blew out, enamored, seeing your bare skin, and he wetted his lips too seeing the way that your underwear had glistened with your essence. It was against your will, but you had soaked through your panties which he had swiped over a couple times accidentally, and the action itself sent an aching quiver to your untouched bud. You watched his every move has he angled his hand to ghost over the wet fabric, making you squeak from the new sensation. After, he found the band to your panties, pulling them down too. 
“Wow.” He gasped, seeing the way that your bud twitched. 
Jeongin dipped his fingers into your wetted folds, teasing at first. 
“Woah.” He said with a little gasp. “You’re really...” 
You stifled a moan with your lip, feeling your cheeks grow even warmer as his digits slicked with your arousal. “I-I know...I’ve never like, done anything like this before.” 
The young boy’s thumb grazed over your clit, eliciting an immediate response, and your heels went digging into the cushion of the couch. 
“This is your first time?’ He asked gently, two fingers now filling up your entrance. 
The best you could, you tried to remain quiet, but the harder and deeper that he had advanced, the harder that it became. Your eyes wandered, right to the pressure he had created under his belt loops, and you wondered furiously what he would’ve felt like inside of you; if he could stretch you out, or what it would have felt to just be like that with another person. 
Jeongin admired the way that your face scrunched up with a prideful little smile, and loved every minute of the way that your mouth would form airy “oh’s.” 
“You like feeling my fingers inside of you? Fucking right into your wet pussy?” 
His gaze held a lusty glaze seeing the way that your eyes blew out upon hearing his dirty words, and it only seemed to make him throb even harder himself. 
“Y-yes...” You mewled, reaching out grabby hands to hold yourself steady on his shoulders, the other going to tug at his belt. 
“I-I wouldn’t mind if you...you know...” 
Jeongin rolled his body over yours, attaching his lips with yours once more just to let the words stick on your tongue. “You want me to fuck you?” 
“Only-only if you want to--” You could barely get the words out feeling your thighs to shake as he coaxed your nearer and nearer with his thumb rubbing circles over your enlarged button. 
“Of course I want to.” He assured you with even more kisses. “Are you sure?” 
You hooked a couple of your fingers to pull out his black leather belt from its confines, muttering a tiny “yes.” 
Jeongin carried out the rest of your job for you, going to quickly clink the metal of his belt away, tossing it to the cement floor haphazardly. From the boxers that he wore, there were a couple little wet stains, and the outline of his dick protruded thickly. Seeing it like this awakened something in you, something primal and feral that wanted nothing more to be connected to this boy and to have him spread you out until you could barely breathe. It was a horribly naughty thought, but as shameful as you felt, it was just as thrilling. 
The boy sprung free his erect member, pink and dripping with his pearly pre-cum, and pumped at it a couple times, eyes raking over your whole body in the way that you had only ever dreamed of. 
“This is actually...my first time too.” 
He had said the words coolly, almost like he didn’t care at all about them, but you had assumed he had done so to keep you from worry. 
“Oh fuck--” He muttered, taking his left hand to reach under your shirt once more and play with your breast roughly. “God, I can’t believe that this is happening.” 
You coyly hiked up your skirt a bit higher for him to get better access, but not all the way, just as far as you could feel comfortable. 
“I might’ve thought about this a couple times...” Jeongin said with a tiny smirk, then slowly dipped his hand back down to wet his fingers with your arousal, then coat it around his length. When he did so, he let out an unapologetic groan that wavered out of his mouth and filled up the room beautifully. 
“I’m gonna go slow, okay? I feel like I heard somewhere that it can kind of hurt for you the first time?” 
You nodded out quickly to let him know, finally becoming impatient enough to claw at his arms all wrapped up in that grey hoodie of his. 
He leaned down one final time, kissing you over before aligning himself with your pussy, kissing down your jaw, then to your neck where he buried his head as he lead himself into you. His arms shook where he held himself up, and the two of you shuddered at the feeling at last: that euphoric, tight, unreal feeling that you shared for the first time. 
You whimpered out, digging your nails into his back, and his breath hitched in his throat too. 
“I-its...s-so..tight.” Jeongin barely got the words out, but merely let himself throb around your velvet walls for a moment. “Y-you okay?” 
“Mmhm.” You said, barely able to get more words out than this. 
Truthfully, it did hurt just a little, but not as much as you had pictured it to be, but it was more like a pressure, and it only grew heavier as you got used to him. 
Jeongin started to thrust his hips slowly, even painfully so, but he maintained his pace dragging his hips over yours. He filled you up so fully it was unfathomable, and his length pressed up against your deepest spot, sending a kind of electricity through your whole body. 
He settled into a rhythm, finally getting comfortable enough to return back to your mouth to slick his tongue across yours, and cradle the side of your face in his hand. You let little whimpers fade into his mouth, as he did for you, and after long, he had decided to speed up just slightly to milk himself off with your tight walls. To your surprise, he reached his hand back down to your clit to rub at it erratically. His pattern made little sense, but compared to how he had been stimulating you deep inside too, you could barely hold on. 
Jeongin grunted, biting into your lip with a trace of teeth. “I-I want you to c-cum first--I can’t...I can’t--” 
Before you could even understand what he had said, the young boy snapped his hips harder, eyes closed and tiny bits of sweat forming on his brow. The pads of his fingers pushed harder, and you found yourself spinning even closer to an orgasm by his hand, the thought alone was enough to fulfil your deepest fantasies. 
“I want you to cum all over my dick for me, okay? Sh-shit...” 
“God, you’re...fuck...” He laughed a little. “I really really like you y/n. I really...” 
It was as if the words had been stolen right from his mouth, and his voice had abandoned him, but all he could do was press harder, faster, glide his hips over you rougher...
“M’ gonna--” You gasped out with your whole core tightening into a knot that was just about ready to snap. The pressure behind your clit was intense and burning, and you became light-headed nearing the brink. 
All at once you came with a searing and inexplainable white heat--much more intense than you had ever felt before in your whole life, and every single muscle in your body quaked as you did so, and you threw your head back to that dusty cushion of the couch. Your eyes rolled back on their own accord, and the best that you could do to muffle your moans was throw your hand over your mouth--which was quickly removed by the young man to do the job himself. 
Your thighs violently shook and you felt yourself tighten around him. He too strung out explicatives as if they were the only words that he had known. You breathed out shallow gasps into his palm, and soon he tore himself out of your walls with incessant breaths, only having to jerk himself off for a few moments before his swollen tip burst with the white strings of his cum. He continued jerking himself as such until he had nothing more to give, and his own thighs shook where he had straddled you. You could feel his warmth on your thigh and the way that it dripped and slicked with the sweat of your leg. 
Jeongin’s entire face flushed with pink, and he stammered out realizing the mess that he had made all over you. 
“I-I’m so sorry...I-I didn’t realize, I wasn’t thinking...I just...” 
While it was a predicament, you mustered the best smile that you could for him, secretly and utterly loving the way that it felt on your bare skin.   
“I’ve got...I can figure something out--” 
His attention snapped back to you in your afterglow, and you could practically see the boy melt right then and there. 
“--Don’t worry about it.” 
Just as he had been before, his smile creased into a shy and awkward little line, and he could barely hold your eyes. After the initial embarrassment, he couldn’t help himself but admire you.
“Hey Y/n?” 
“I don’t know if you’ve ever heard this before, but I really do think that you’re perfect. If not perfect for yourself, I hope that I can show you how you are to me. You’re perfect for me. You’ve always been.” 
“So have you.” You admitted to him in that cobwebbed room that held all kinds of forgotten trinkets and items. 
“And thank you for giving me your letter too.” Jeongin raised the back of your hand to his lips where he placed a chaste kiss, then helped you carefully back up as to not make a mess of your skirt with the white staining your leg. 
Your crush smiled, then let out a gleeful exhale, “I can’t wait for this summer.” 
Bunch of (Ro)ses!
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @lunarskzzz
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crazyf0rswayze · 2 years ago
Dating Darry Hc's
                           BOOK/MOVIE HIM
-hes such a sweet guy and will always take care of you
-i feel like he's not very PDA, but when it's just you two, he'll hold your hand, wrap his arms around you, kiss you
-this is a little spicy...but I feel like he's a tatas guy
-ahem....enough of that.
-if some soc were to bother you BOOM bloody faces and broken noses for them
-when he gets hurt in a rumble, you're quick to clean him up and make sure he's gonna be ok
-but when he gets hurt he feels bad that you feel the need to take care of him
-when he gets hurt at work you MAKE HIM lay down and let you rub his back and shoulders
-clothes stealing >
-i feel like if you wore something of his around the gang everyone would call you mini Darry
-he would let you sit on his lap in the recliner that almost nobody else rlly sits in
-ik he's not a hoodie guy, but he lets you wear the few hoodies he owns, and his leather jackets
-after his parents died, you probably helped a lot with him and his brothers
-he always feels bad when you help bc he thinks he doesn't deserve all this, or you
-you always reassure him that you like helping him and his brothers, and you love him so much
-when he's in a bad mood you REALLY have to convince him of the things above
-he always feels bad if you see him crying or upset bc he wants you to think he's tough 
-'you cry because you've been strong for so long, not because you're weak' you say to him
-long tight hugs when he's sad
-you calm him down easy sometimes, and other times it hard, and could result in an argument 
-if y'all got in an argument, he would apologize SO MUCH and he would get sad again
-'honey it's ok, no relationship is perfect....it's just a bump in the road ok? It all ok' you have to tell him after an argument
-it takes convincing for him to actually feel alright about the argument
-if y'all fight fight, he will sleep in the couch, and if your up to it, you convince him to come back, and sleep in your shared bed
-anyway, let's steer away from the fighting Hcs
                   HC FOR HIGHSCHOOL DARRY
-he would let you wear his football jacket
-if his friends would go too far when teasing (which he also rarely let them tease) he would probably fight them ngl
-if you guys didn't have classes together, he would talk to you in the halls, at lockers ect...he would also give hugs and kisses
-if you guys did have classes together- talking on the way to class, and kisses before walking into class
-if someone was bullying you BOOM bloody faces and broken noses for them
-hes not afraid to get detention for you, or suspended
-i feel like he got suspended at least once for you
-'darry...you fought over a girl' 'no...I fought FOR her mom' 'but you cant just get into a fight for her' 'but dad! Someone was being mean to her and...he took it too far. And I love her 🥺'
-wether ur on the cheer squad or not, he thinks you his biggest cheerleader
-if you were on the track team, youre probably some reason or inspo to Ponyboy being in the track team
-little dates at the diner <3
-he was definitely scared that you were just another broad that would use him for popularity and then dump him
-but you weren't! 
-you probably lasted all through highschool and longer!
-you were there for him and his brothers when his parents died
-if you ever got detention or got suspended, he would be like
-'what a douche. You shouldn't have gotten in trouble' about the principal 
-cuddles and movie nights 
-movies at the Nightly Double, but usually at his or your house
-bc...he's not very PDA, and he likes to cuddle, so movies at home are better for him!
-if it was at his house, you would hang out/play with his brothers
-darry would apologize for them, and be a little embarrassed
-'no no it's ok! Your brothers are so sweet!' you would reassure him
-'darry....is she you girlfriend?' Ponyboy would ask innocently
-youd blush
-'yes Ponyboy, now just watch the frickin' movie'
-you would put you head in the crook of his neck in embarrassment
-when you come over Ponyboy would like...hug you
-'y/n! Y/n look at what I drew!'
-would probably be a very detailed picture of a horse
-'wow Ponyboy that's really good' 
-ahem...let's steer away from the little imagine stuff and back to the hcs
-(sorry for writing in Ponyboy like a kid, but like he would be a bit younger if y'all r in hs)
-if it was your house this would probably be how it goes:
-if he hadn't met your parents they would be happy, but your dad would give him the 'dont break her heart or ill break you neck' lecture
-if you have older brothers, they would be very protective
-if you have any younger siblings, he would play around with them
-if you had older sisters he would get a little scared bc I feel like he's bad at being around most girls/interacting with them...I really don't know 😭
-'y/n...is Darry your boyfriend' a younger sibling would ask
-'y-yes. Now watch the movie (siblings name)'
-darry would blush a little and look down
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