#but I guess that makes up for the disadvantage he had in the last two scenarios lmao
anniebeemine · 17 days
All In- s.r. x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of nudity and strip poker, Spencer's far too smug for his own good
Spencer placed a hand on your shoulder. “Want to play a card ga-”
Spencer smirked. “Alright.” He patted the headrest of the seat, his eyes gleaming with playful mischief. You turned your attention back to the book in your hands, feeling his gaze on you even without looking up.
Emily, who had witnessed your immediate refusal, looked at you in surprise. Her eyes then flicked to Spencer, noticing his seemingly neutral expression. She mistook it for hurt, but you knew better. You could almost feel the twinkle of amusement in his eyes, a sure sign that his rejection was more of a challenge than a disappointment.
“Go play cards with your man,” Emily said, nudging your leg with her foot. “You can’t just leave him hanging.”
You smiled to yourself, knowing full well what Spencer was up to. His insistence on playing cards, despite your disinterest, was his way of getting you to engage. You shook your head. “He cheats.”
Before Emily could ask what you meant, Spencer spoke up. “It’s not cheating!”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help smiling. “It’s definitely cheating if you’re using your charm to distract me from winning.”
Spencer’s grin widened as he began shuffling the deck with a practiced flick of his wrist. “I prefer to think of it as making the game more enjoyable.”
Emily raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Oh? And how exactly does he manage that?”
Spencer leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Let’s just say, I have a few tricks up my sleeve—both in cards and in making sure Y/N is never bored.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “He’s impossible. But he’s right about one thing. Playing cards with him is never boring.” You turned to look at Spencer. “I am never playing cards with you again.”
Emily's eyes widened in surprise, her curiosity piqued. “How bad did he get you?”
The last time you’d engaged in a card game with Spencer on the jet, you’d lost all of your peanuts. The game carried on after you made it home when you pulled out the jar of caramel sweets you had been rationing.
Emily’s eyes widened even more. “Wow, he really got you then. That’s impressive... and ruthless.”
You nodded with a resigned smile. “Exactly. And let’s just say that when Spencer suggested a game of strip poker, I decided to call it quits. I wasn’t about to lose anything else, especially not my dignity.” Then, he’d gotten every article of clothing, save your bra and panties.
Spencer chuckled, clearly enjoying the recollection. “Hey, it’s all in good fun. I thought it would spice things up a bit.”
Emily laughed, shaking her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you two. I’d never have guessed that Spencer had a side like that.”
You leaned in, grinning. “Oh, you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. But don’t worry, I’m sticking to less risky games from now on. My wardrobe and my dignity are safe for the foreseeable future. It took me weeks to find the bra on top of the bookshelf.”
As the jet continued its smooth flight, you found yourself settled next to Spencer, the gentle hum of the engines creating a calming backdrop. Despite your earlier declaration, you couldn’t resist the challenge when Spencer nudged the deck of cards toward you.
“So, are you sure you don’t want to play?” he asked with a playful grin.
You considered it for a moment, your competitive spirit getting the better of you. “Alright, fine. But this time, I’m not betting anything.”
Spencer shuffled the cards, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. The game began, and it wasn’t long before you felt the familiar sinking feeling. Despite your best efforts, Spencer’s deft card skills quickly put you at a disadvantage. Within the first few rounds, it became clear that you were on the losing end.
“Already?” Spencer teased, raising an eyebrow as he watched you reluctantly put down your hand.
You sighed dramatically, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Well, I guess I’m not as lucky today.”
He leaned closer, his voice low and teasing. “Seems like I might need to raise the stakes again.”
Spencer chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Alright, alright. I’ll play nice. But you know, it’s all in good fun.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. As Spencer shuffled the deck, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The jet was quiet, the rest of the team either asleep or engrossed in their own activities, making the hum of the engines the only consistent sound in the background. He leaned in closer to you, his voice dropping to a low, playful murmur.
“You know,” he began, his eyes glinting with mischief, “if you want, we could play for something a bit more... interesting.”
You looked up from the book you were pretending to read, suspicious of the tone in his voice. “Oh? And what exactly do you have in mind, Spencer?”
His smirk deepened as he continued to shuffle the cards with a practiced flick of his wrist. “How about this—if you win, you get your underwear back.”
Your jaw dropped in disbelief, and you stared at him, mouth slightly agape. “Wait a minute… you’re telling me you have my underwear?”
Spencer’s grin widened as he nodded, clearly enjoying your reaction. “Maybe. They’ve been in a safe place, I promise.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, recalling the times when you’d been missing certain articles of clothing after your last game. “I’ve been searching everywhere for those! I thought they were lost in the laundry or something.”
He chuckled, his amusement evident as he dealt out a few cards for himself. “Or something. But, you know, if you’re not up for it…”
You crossed your arms, refusing to let him bait you into another one of his games. “I’m not playing. I’m done losing things to you," you said, sticking your tongue out at him.
Spencer simply shrugged, shifting his focus to the cards as he began a game of solitaire. His fingers moved deftly, the cards slipping into place effortlessly, but the smirk on his face never faded. He glanced at you, clearly enjoying your stubborn refusal to play along.
You huffed, unable to resist the challenge in his eyes. The idea of winning back what was rightfully yours—and wiping that smirk off his face—was too tempting to ignore. After all, you’d managed to get back almost everything else, and you weren’t about to let Spencer have the last laugh.
“Alright, fine,” you finally relented, setting your book down with a sigh.
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hanszoe · 1 month
i guess i had a longer post before but since i'm working on it now, a quick summary of hans' muscle composition
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first is that they have a lot of explosive strength. their height and weight was confirmed as 170cm/5'7" 60kg/132lbs even before the anime adaptation, so it's true to how isayama imagined them. in the above scene that compares to pastor nick's height and weight of 192cm/6'3.5" 72kg/159lbs.
in the anime adaptation this action lasts a total of 1m14s.
35s - bearing initial weight. nick is still supporting himself and hans is not holding him that far from their combined center of mass. 22s - hans pushes him further over the ledge, increasing the distance of their center of mass from their body. this increases the amount of force that they must exert in order to hold him up. at this point hans' arm begins to shake, caused by their muscles beginning to alternate between fibers to distribute demand 17s - nick stops supporting his own weight, further increasing the amount of force hans has to exert to hold him up. killing him should not only be a mental question but also a physical one at this point
they then use the last of their strength to throw him back over the ledge. their entire body is shaking when they sit down.
the situation is somewhat unrealistic, especially hans' pose as regardless of their muscle strength they are at a major mass disadvantage and would absolutely have to place more of their own weight away from the ledge (this would naturally occur by widening their stance and lifting their unused arm on the opposite side) to avoid falling, but overall within the realm of possibility. regardless, it takes a lot of explosive strength to do something like this.
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hans also has similar explosive strength on a few other occasions, notably when they kick over this table.
however in contrast, they don't seem to have much endurance
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they're so exhausted from running presumably just a short distance from their horse to tell erwin that they drop to the floor lol. as if it were a regular occurrence, erwin just gets them a glass of water
so hans' endurance definitely doesn't compare to their explosive strength. which actually makes sense, considering two totally different types of muscle fibers control these types of movements.
the first type, which hans definitely has a large distribution of, are fast twitch muscle fibers. those ones use an anaerobic process to generate energy, which is also why they aren't breathing heavily after holding nick over the ledge, as their muscles used almost entirely anaerobic glycolysis to generate the energy required for the action.
the second are slow twitch fibers, used over longer durations. they use aerobic metabolism to generate energy, so this is why hans is breathing so heavily after running.
based on the disparity in their respective areas of strength, hans most likely has a higher distribution of fast twitch fibers. there is a certain gene which controls this, the ACTN3 gene. that one encodes alpha-actinin-3, which is a protein only expressed in fast twitch muscle fibers. allele variations control whether alpha-actinin-3 is actually encoded at all. individuals with a CC genotype have full expression of the gene, whereas CT or TT result in reduced production up to no production at all in individuals with a TT genotype. this is called ACTN3 deficiency. without alpha-actinin-3, muscles are shifted towards aerobic metabolism and fast twitch fibers work less efficiently.
it's actually very cool that hans' physical strength is so consistent in this way that we can even speculate on their muscle composition, up to them likely having a CC ACTN3 genotype. i haven't read much of isayama's blog but he used to post a lot about sports up to betting and predictions, so it seems like his particular athletic knowledge came into use here to depict them.
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h-c-u · 1 year
No longer a secret pt 1
Summary: You're a reporter in a secret relationship with Toto, and he gives you some great advice.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x fem!reader
W/C: 3.3k
Rating: PG, age gap
TWs: none
A/N: This is written for that one specific friend that doesn't have Tumblr, but I guess if anyone finds it by the tags, you can read it too ;) 
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | List of tags | Playlist for the series
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- It's good to see you again Lewis! - you started your maybe 30th interview of the day. Even though you loved your job, you hated days like those with a passion. Not because they were intense, but because you preferred doing longer, more in-depth interviews, where you had the opportunity to get to know the other person better and dive deeper than "How do you feel about your placement?" or "What are your plans for the race?" because you knew that a diplomatic response for those type of questions was rehearsed and repeated dozens of times. But your network wanted you to tape those little snippets because your other interviews were so popular. Sure, more than once they had to be heavily edited per the request from the person interviewed, but you honestly didn't mind, because it was still good material, that you were proud of.
- It's good to see you too, Y/n, good to see you too. - he gave you a huge smile. Lewis was very easy to interview, especially after the longer interview you had with him last year, after which you occasionally talked and exchanged small birthday gifts... He was always trying to steer from obvious questions, because he was just so tired of them, and you happily obliged.
- Congratulations on placing so well in the qualis, but I have something else to ask you. Before the race, we were talking about your dogs, Roscoe and Coco. - he smiled again.
- We did, those little rascals... - he laughed quietly, suspecting where your next question might head.
- If they were to race against the others drivers’ pets, where do you think they'd land? - the question was definitely unusual, but you could just tell that he loved it, especially when he started listing all the dogs, cats, and even a few birds, considering all their advantages and disadvantages, with you making a comment from time to time. Technically those segments you did were supposed to be around 2 minutes per driver, but you didn't want to stop the conversation that flew so naturally, especially when you were building on his arguments or completely disagreeing with them. You suspected that this one will go to the network's YouTube channel as a special, and based on how much Lewis enjoyed his rant and theories, you suspected that it might do even better than the main interviews from today. And it was obviously the first time he was asked that, so people, especially the younger generation, might be interested and start to comment with their own predictions, which meant engagement.
At first, you didn't even notice that the wind picked up and gave you goosebumps, because you were so deeply invested in the conversation. Only when suddenly a wall of rain hit both of you, you swore in your head, regretting your choice of dress for today. Fortunately, it didn't become see-through, but it did nothing to keep you warm in the rain, and Lewis didn't even realize that something was wrong. He was still in his driver's suit... And honestly, you didn't want to interrupt the interview just because of a tiny bit of water. Ok, a bit more than a "tiny" amount, but still, it's not like you were going to melt, so you continued the conversation with a pleasant smile on your face, but you couldn't help the shiver that came over you after two minutes of being completely soaked.
In the corner of your eye, you saw someone getting close to both of you, but you didn't look straight at them, because you were in the middle of asking a question. Only when the person stepped in front of the camera, you turned your head and froze for a second, when you saw Toto Wolff with a spare jacket and an umbrella. You continued asking the question while he gently put the Mercedes-branded jacket over your shoulders, and gave a giant umbrella to Lewis to hold over the two of you since your hand was already busy holding the microphone. Without saying anything he left the frame and walked away, leaving you to continue the interview.
You couldn't help but smile for the rest of the conversation, which could, fortunately, be understood as you genuinely enjoying Hamilton's company, when in fact you were grinning from ear to ear, because that cheeky bastard gave you his jacket, and now you were completely surrounded by his scent, which tuned out the smell of burned rubber and hot metal, even though it was much more subtle.
You spent around 10 more minutes conducting the interview until there was a natural end to your conversation. You congratulated him again on doing so well and wished him good luck for the main race.
- Where do you pull those questions from, Y/n...? - Lewis laughed after the camera stopped rolling. - I always feel like we've been talking for less than a minute, and then I look at the clock... - you joined him in laughter, finally able to put your arms through the sleeves of a jacket that was way too big for you. At the same time, you turned the mic off and took a quick look at the camera screen.
- Yeah, we have over 20 minutes of footage, you're super easy to talk to, and I wish everyone was as open as you. - you gave him a smile. - But at least you made the last interview of the day actually enjoyable, so thank you for that. - he laughed, still holding the umbrella over you, while you were quickly packing your part of the gear. Your camerawoman was doing her job as quickly as you, and only after about 3 minutes you were both packed, with all gear protected from the rain. - I have a ride back, see you tomorrow. - you lied smoothly, but she didn't question you, so you both just waved each other goodbye, and she left the track.
- Thank you for that... - you pointed at the umbrella Hamilton was holding. - But I think I should return it to the rightful owner. Do you know where I might find him this late? - the question slipped easily from your tongue, even though you knew very well where Toto was because he was always there after any type of race. Although it wasn't something a regular reporter would know, so you felt obligated to ask, not to rouse any suspicion.
- Sure, he's still in the pit going through all the raw data from today... - you nodded, acknowledging what he said.
- Even after everyone left...? - you faked your disbelief.
- Yeah, he's like that during the season, nothing else matters. I mean, he's always like that, laser-focused... But he should really get a life. - Lewis chuckled as if he was in on a joke you didn’t know of, but you just smiled politely.
- That sounds... admirable. The dedication. - you clarified.
- True, true... I can walk with you if you want.
- Oh, that's not necessary. I'm sure Roscoe and Coco miss you. - you both laughed, and he passed you the umbrella.
- Yeah... Well... Can't wait for our next interview.
- Lewis Hamilton, are you offering me an exclusive? - you joked, and he laughed again.
- Maybe, maybe... Have your people contact my people and we might set something up. - this time you laughed, while he was walking away. - Take care, Y/n! - he waved you goodbye and started walking in the direction of the exit, while you headed toward the pit, from where most of the people were heading away. Few of them recognized you and gave you a small nod or a polite greeting, but when you finally got to the Mercedes station, you could count people in sight on one hand. You saw Toto from quite far away, but he was completely focused on the two monitors in front of him.
Since there was nowhere to knock, you just crossed the threshold and folded the umbrella. You got closer to him, and he finally realized you were there. You noticed him glancing behind you, making sure there was no one in sight, and when you were near him, he pulled you closer by the sides of his own jacket and gave you a short but sweet kiss; even sitting down, he was a bit taller than you. Admittingly, you wore flats today, and the chair was high, but still...
- Mein Schatzi decided to visit me, how lovely... - you couldn't help but smile, and even though you wanted nothing more than to get closer to him, you took a step back, and leaned on the side of his desk, so from far away it looked like you were just talking.
- I was actually hoping to catch a ride with you... - he raised his eyebrow
- Did you change your mind, love...? - he asked, and you sighed heavily.
- It's... complicated. - you finally replied, and he lowered his hand and put it on the inside of your knee so the small point of contact between you was hidden by the desk, but it still gave you comfort.
- Oh...? - he looked at you from behind his glasses, wanting to hear more.
- I'm seriously thinking about quitting my job, and I think today was the final push I needed.
- That sounds serious... - his thumb started gently stroking your naked skin.
- It does, doesn't it... - it was more a statement than a question. - I mean... I enjoy being a reporter, meeting all those amazing people, but I feel like being this type of a reporter... - you gestured around you. - ...isn't for me. It's too quick and too repetitive. It's shallow... - you sighed again and rubbed your forehead with your fingers. - And I know neither the sport nor the drivers are shallow. They’re deep, complicated, and nuanced, and I feel like the media flattens them down and cuts it all into digestible bites. It's not something I enjoy being a part of. And even though I have over 15 people interested in an actual interview with me, the network has scheduled only two. In a month. And it's just... - you groaned instead of finishing the sentence.
- Frustrating...? - he asked, and you nodded.
- Extremely frustrating. Because even if I resigned today, I'd still have to work for them for a month, and gods know what they'll want me to do... And after that - it's not like any network is searching for a full-time interviewer or looking for someone to fill a spot in the schedule. - you sighed again, slumping your shoulders. - Sorry for dumping it all on you, especially right now. - you added a bit quieter. You didn't even plan on talking about it with him when you were walking over, but it just... spilled.
- Don't apologize, Schatzi. - he gave you a small smile. - It's your life and I'm honored that you have decided to share it with me. - he pulled you a bit closer by your thigh, and you went. - Do you just want to vent, or are you seeking advice? - he asked, finally taking off his headphones, roughing up his hair with his hand, and giving you his undivided attention. Now even from the outside, this didn't look like a regular conversation, but no one was around... You appreciated that he asked because most guys would have started spewing possible solutions without taking what you truly wanted under consideration. But in this case, you could really use some counsel...
- Advice... - you said, your tone heavy.
- I think you should quit and go independent. - he stopped for a moment, letting the words sink in. - You are the best in long format, deep interviews, you don't shy from rough topics, and you can easily steer a conversation in such a way, that the other person just feels comfortable, even with complicated questions. And you enjoy making this type of content the most, no? - he made sure, and you nodded. - So objectively, I see two paths for you. Path number one - you go to any streaming network with a proposition of your show, and if they'll be interested - you could start taping interviews, but they will most likely have to be at a certain length and there might be some censorship required. Path number two requires much more work, especially in the beginning - you go completely independent and put your interviews online. - he went quiet, allowing you to process what he said. You never thought about putting your interviews online... You would have to hire a crew, editors, and someone to take care of HR, and PR... And at first, there wouldn't be a lot of money in it, only from minor sponsors and ad revenues, since you weren't exactly fond of putting the content behind a paywall. So, did you have enough savings to actually invest in something like that? Because it would have to be at least 10 interviews to get it going, so 3-4 months of paychecks for 10-12 people. A quick calculation told you that... somehow you could. It would be rough, but with sponsors... Yeah, you might be able to pull it off.
- I see those gears turning. Did I say something right...? - he smiled, and you immediately did the same.
- You did. You said something very right... In fact... - you took your phone out of your bag - I'm quitting right now... - you wanted to unlock it, but his hand covered the screen and stopped you from doing that. You looked at him confused.
- I know you wouldn't take money from me, but is there a chance I can offer you my lawyer? - he asked, but that didn't clear things up. - You've mentioned that your network booked you only two interviews in a month, and that... doesn't seem right. I'm just saying, let him look over your contract and if there is something that would allow you to quit on the spot, he'll find it. But sending your resignation right now might complicate things... - you carefully considered his offer... You knew he was right, but you were still hesitant to accept any actual help from him because your hyper-independence convinced you that if you did, nothing else you would do in your carrier or life would be of any value, because you didn't get it on your own.
- I will meet with him... - you said eventually. - Thank you. - you added, and the smile that bloomed on his face melted something in you. You just couldn't be in a bad mood with him nearby.
- It's nothing. - you wanted to budge in, but he beat you to it. - For me. For me, it's nothing, Schatzi. Can I kiss you now...? - he asked and when you nodded, he pulled you into his lap, finally kissing you properly.
- What the...? - you heard the familiar voice behind you, and you looked in that direction horrified. You managed to keep your relationship secret without slip-ups for so long, that you honestly thought all the things you did to avoid getting caught became second nature, but evidently, you became too comfortable.
- Fuck… - the swear left your mouth before you even realized it was forming. It's not like Lewis would blab about what he saw to everyone, but your first reaction was still fear.
- So, is that like a thing with a capital T, or did it just happen because he didn't let you get soaked today...? - he asked, and you wanted nothing more than for the ground under you to open and swallow you whole. Preferably with the last five minutes of this timeline. You cautiously looked up, but Toto was giving you free hand in handling it. Personally, you knew that he wanted your relationship to go public because he wanted to show you off to the world, but he never insisted; he knew you weren't ready yet, and when it mattered - he was a very patient man.
- It's a thing with a capital T... - you finally answered on the exhale, and you could see Lewis getting nervous.
- Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, coooooool... - you honestly wanted to laugh. - It's a good thing then, that I didn't ask you on a date today. - he blurted out and as soon as the words left his mouth he was horrified. You saw that he wanted to start apologizing, but you beat him to it.
- Yeah, polyamory isn't for me, sorry... I'm more of an "all in" kinda gal. - you laughed, and the atmosphere relaxed a little.
- So how long has this been going on? - Lewis asked and you couldn't help but smile.
- Officially... Just over a year. But it took me more to actually wear her down. That sounds bad. - you couldn't blame him for sometimes not getting the message across exactly as he wanted, since he spoke fluently in six languages.
- I didn't want to start a relationship with someone this important as soon as I started doing interviews around the tracks, because I didn't want to be treated differently. And I wanted to avoid all the nasty rumors that I've slept my way to the best interviews. - you quickly jumped in to explain your situation in more detail.
- Well, anyone who would think that is an idiot and clearly has never seen any of your interviews. - he complimented your skills, and even though it technically was true, you still felt weird receiving compliments.
- Thank you, Lewis. - you gave him a soft smile.
- And honestly, it's impressive that you managed to keep it under wraps for so long. - he added. - Anyway, I came back because I realized I forgot my phone, I'm gonna leave you two lovebirds alone. - he laughed, zeroing in on his cell.
- Lewis...? Could please not tell anyone? - you asked, even though you suspected you didn't need to. - I mean, beside Roscoe and Coco... - he chuckled and gave both of you a huge smile.
- Your secret is safe with us. Take care guys! - and with that, he was gone, and Toto couldn't help but laugh.
- That went... well. - you playfully slapped his chest, pretending to scold him. - Oh come on Schatzi, from everyone who could possibly walk in on us, he's the best option. - he defended his reaction, and you knew he was right. - But... - he started, and you almost immediately knew what he was going to say next. - Since you won't be around the track that much anymore... - he continued, and you chuckled.
- I know, I know... But please let's wait until my separation from the network will be officially announced, ok...? After that, you can tell the whole world what a lucky man you are. - you gently cupped his cheek and run your thumb over it.
- Then I'll better call my lawyer and set up a meeting for tomorrow morning... - he brought your hand to his lips and placed soft kisses on your palm and every fingertip.
- Does that mean, we can go...? - you asked. You knew that if you didn't, he would have most likely stayed here for at least another hour or two, but he just couldn't say no to you. You also understood that he still needed to work. - How about you'll take your laptop and do your thing while I'll cook dinner, hmmm? - you proposed a compromise. Usually, you were against working from home, but during race season this rule was suspended, because otherwise, you would only be able to see him for a couple of minutes a day, and that was definitely not enough. Plus, you knew what you signed up for - he needed someone who understood that the team was his life and that it wouldn't change for a while.
- Sounds perfect... - you finally got down from his lap, and started to take the jacket off, since it stopped raining outside. - Keep it, you need it more than I do. - he gave you a soft smile and started turning everything off. It didn't take long before you were leaving the pit, and you reached for his hand to place it on your waist. He looked down at you, but didn't say anything, just smiled... And you knew everything will be all right. 
Part 2
A/N 2: Please don't feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be much more appreciated :) Love, G.
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krirebr · 9 months
Krismas Party ask incoming! ✨
Where are Ransom and reader from We are the vain & We are blind now?
Thank you for asking about these two! I'm so obsessed with them and just want to talk about them all the time. 😂 Also, we need a name for this AU. I've sort of been calling it my Psycho Killer AU, because all the titles come from the lyrics of that Talking Heads song, but do we like that? Does it fit?
Anyway after Don't Touch Me, I'm a Real Live Wire, they got the hell out of Boston. Then?
Qu'est-ce Que C'est
Pairing: dark!Randsom Drysdale x dark!f!Reader
Warnings: references to feeding off people, references to group sex, references to hunting people, these two psychos just being themselves, All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
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You leaned back against Ransom’s chest. He balanced himself on one hand, while the other slowly moved up and down your stomach. You hummed into his chest. This was perfect. You were lounging on a blanket on the Champs du Mars, the lit-up Eiffel Tower looming over you.
“You happy, baby?” Ransom asked, his voice still gritty from sleep. He always took forever to wake up. You hummed your answer into his chest as the lights twinkled down on you. “I can’t believe you wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. We’re surrounded by tourists.”
“We are tourists,” you said, grinning up at him. “It’s my first time in Paris, of course, I wanted to see this.”
He wrinkled his nose in distaste. “We are not tourists. We have a place here. We’re expats, if anything. It’s your first time of many, little rabbit. We’ll spend years here.” You loved it when he talked like that, building a life together, traveling the world, wherever you wanted. This was what you’d always wanted—always deserved. And now you got to have it forever.
“You know,” Ransom murmured as his hand slowly traveled further up your abdomen, “if I remember right, you did promise me something for deigning to visit this tourist trap.”
“It’s not a tourist trap,” you chided, “it’s beautiful.” It was. The lit tower filled the night sky and the Champ du Mars was still decorated with the last vestiges of Christmas. It was all terribly romantic. “But you’re right. I promised whatever you wanted for breakfast. See anything that looks good?” 
“Mmm,” Ransom hummed as he scanned the area. You looked around, too. You liked to see if you could predict what he’d choose. Test how well you knew him, his tastes. A few people were milling about alone, but Ransom always woke up hungry, so you knew he wouldn’t be very interested in sharing. It was late enough in the night that there weren’t many families around, but the few there were would be a hard pass. So that left couples, but those were plentiful, so you’d need to narrow it down to make a decent guess. Your sense of smell wasn’t nearly as developed as his, so you were at a distinct disadvantage, you knew. Still, your eyes roved over the crowd, trying to suss out what he’d want tonight.
“Ah,” he sighed, his hand stilling on your chest, nodding towards a young couple, sitting on a blanket much like your own, bundled up for a night picnic – the man pouring wine into travel cups. “That’s an excellent vintage, I can smell it from here. It’ll add a nice brightness to the blood.”
You took his word for it. If you’d learned anything about him in the last few months, it was that he had an excellent palate. You tilted your neck around so that you could look at him. “Want me to get them for you? Bring them somewhere quiet?”
He shook his head. “I’ll come with you. I want to watch you work. You’re getting good at it.”
You grinned at him, grateful for the compliment. “It’s my favorite part,” you said, as he dipped his head into the crook of your neck, lightly nipping at the skin there. You’d expected his obsession with your neck to wane now that he wasn’t able to feed on you, but even after a few months of being a vampire, his fixation remained.
“So what do you think?” he asked. “Should we ask for directions? Or maybe offer up a ménage à quatre?”
You laughed as you slid out of his lap and turned around to face him on your knees. “Well, they do say that Paris is for lovers.”
He grinned at you hungrily. “Oh? Is that what they say?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed and leaned forward to kiss him. He leaned into it, quickly taking control, making it filthy, uncaring of all the people around you. You could have sworn you could feel the blood thrumming in your veins, despite knowing that was impossible. It was how you always felt when he touched you, more alive than you ever felt when you actually were. 
He pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. “Alright,” he said, ”ménage à quatre it is.” 
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spyderlondon · 2 months
Vs. Maddened Princess
Harlequin AU by @iamespecter @tadc-harlequin-au
A long abandoned theatre stood amongst overgrown weeds and other plant life that appeared ready to overtake the dilapidated building at any moment. This was where the last of the battle harlequin puppets found herself in front of. After some travel, defeating all the other bosses and doing a bit of training with Caine- she finally found herself at the boss arena. The Puppetmaster had dubbed this boss: The Maddened Princess.
According to him, this boss used her ribbons like a spider's web to feel and catch unsuspecting prey like marionettes or unwitting puppets who wander into her arena so she had to be cautious when approaching this boss. He made sure to advise her to use the skills she had honed during the last few boss fights and whenever she sparred against him. Oh, and to not to die *too often*. 'I am running out of supplies because of you.' He once joked.
Pomni scoffed at that memory but simply began her walk inside of the theatre, her steps becoming more cautious when she starts seeing red ribbons along with dead marionettes and puppets strewn around the floor. Something that caught her eye was how a few of the ribbons seemed to be connected to the corpses, it actually made her grimace at they seemed to be puppets awaiting for their puppeteer to control them.
She furrowed her brows and frowned slightly as she slowed her walk to a stop once she got into the main room so she could examine the arena as much as she could because it was extremely dark. She could see faintly were a few scattered ribbons lying around the room but, if she could hazard a guess, there were probably a lot more that she couldn't see. She followed one of the ribbons with her gaze to where it was connected to before she spotted a large boss puppet that was made of the ribbons. It appeared that The Maddened Princess hadn't realized that she had company as she simply looked forward at the puppets that she was controlling into performing some type of play for her.
The harlequin could only see the side profile but from what she could see- the boss was mostly made of ribbons that she had used to apparently decorate the theatre with, she had giant claws on the one arm she could see but it'd make sense to assume the other arm had claws as well, there was a shoulder pad that protected the top of her torso and a large mask that adorned her face with the side she could see having a grin. Seeing how The Princess was currently controlling puppets, it was fair to say that she could also fully control the puppets and marionettes that were all over the theatre which meant that she wasn't going to fight just the boss but also corpses that she could control as minions.
Pomni took a silent breath before letting it out, she wanted to get this done in one attempt but with how many disadvantages she had in this room, she had no doubt that there would be deaths but that never scared her. She crouched down as she began to quietly move forward, she hate how slow she had to be but it was better than being killed immediately by taking a risk. She kept her eyes down as she looked for ribbons that this spider laid for her prey and any of the victims that were already actors for the Princess.
One ribbon...
Two ribbons...
Three ribbons...
Okay, so far so good. Maybe she could speed up a-
She suddenly didn't hear a small click coming from her shoe and she couldn't hear the faint words coming from the boss' direction- oh no. The harlequin's eyes widened as she could barely turn her head in the direction of the boss before hearing the giant puppet screech as she began to very quickly spin like a top and the last thing Pomni saw was a ribbon coming straight for her and it looked razor sharp.
Pomni grumbled as she placed herself right back where she was before she died, trying to ignore Caine's scolding and how Ragatha fretted over her back in the manor. As much as she cares for them, she didn't have time to sit around and chat right now- she had a princess to beat.
She rubbed her temples a little before she silently began moving again, making sure to remember where each of the ribbons were that she passed the first time around along with the ribbon she accidentally stepped on. Her head perked up a tiny bit as she hear a change in the area, she peeked around the obstacle she was hiding behind and noticed a few marionettes were now patrolling the room in certain routes with lights shining out of their eyes- probably doing so because of her last visit. She clicked her tongue silently as she ducked down in time for one of the marionettes to come by. Usually she didn't care much if she died since none of the other bosses changed their damn tactics like this! Little miss Princess just *had* to be the special one! Fuck. Okay, no more dying.
Pomni waited for the current marionette to pass by before she glanced behind the broken wall again so she could observe the routes each of the minions were taking and how fast they were moving. A couple things she noticed that gave her actual advantages were that the lights in the eyes were able to both tell her where they were looking and that the ribbons hidden in the darkness could be seen for a brief moment. She hid once again as she made mental note of that and silently watched as few lights passed by the current direction she was facing so she could see where to go to avoid upcoming ribbons.
Once the lights disappeared from her sight, she moved quickly and quietly to get past the ribbons and hide behind the next wall before any marionette was able to catch sight of her. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding once she got behind her next hiding spot and did the same thing she did at last spot.
It took longer than the harlequin wished it would've but she was eventually right behind a pillar that was next to the boss puppet and it seemed that she was none the wiser about her presence. It gave Pomni time to breathe and steel her nerves for the fight.
When she was ready, she went in front of The Maddened Princess with her sword drawn and pointed straight at her mask- which Pomni found had two different sides to it and wasn't just a grin. It had a grin on the left side and frown on the right side of the mask- comedy and tragedy in one.
She didn't get much time to focus on that detail as a spotlight suddenly shined down on her, making her lift her free hand to block the light. She squinted up at the boss in annoyance, who didn't pay any mind to her irritation as she spread out her arms to the stands that had a few lifeless puppets and marionettes in them, "OUR LATEST STAR HAS ARRIVED TO TAKE THE STAGE!" The Maddened Princess announced, clearly the comedy mask was in control currently.
"The hell are you talking about?" Pomni sneered at the boss, finally putting her arms down and glared at her, "I'm just here to challenge and *defeat* you." She hissed out, getting ready to attack, only to be stuck in place by a few ribbons, "Wha- HEY!"
"Now, now." The boss had her hands do a calm down motion with her metal claws uncomfortably close to the harlequin's face which made her lean back, "That's no way for the star of our play to behave, now is it?" She questioned as a few more ribbons made their way slowly up Pomni's body as a way to keep her still and a way to kill her quick if she didn't play along.
The harlequin bared her sharp teeth and she began to slash at the ribbons trapping her until a few ribbons caught her wrist, "I AM NOT GOING TO PLAY AS YOUR LITTLE ACTRESS, YOU BI-" She was silenced in an instant as giant claws came down and slashed her back, hard enough to kill her instantly.
'Maybe you should've been her little actor-' Pomni could hear Jax' mocking tone inside her head, he had teased her the moment she came out of Caine's office. Apparently, that asshole of a rabbit was nearby when she died to the boss without even having a chance to fight her yet.
The Maddened Princess was waiting for her to return within the shadows, as if she didn't wish to get the spotlight on her, while tapping her metal claws on the ground, when she noticed the harlequin's entrance she seemed to brighten up, "Our star has returned! Not even death can keep her down!" She cheered, her ribbons made all of the puppets and marionettes clap in unison as well.
Pomni familiar feel of ribbons gripping onto her once more but this time, despite how much she really wanted to, she didn't fight the restraints. Instead she glared up at the boss, "What *exactly* do you need me to do?" She questioned through gritted teeth.
The Princess either didn't see how angry her new puppet was or she just didn't care because she had her dance and twirl around before having her stop, "I need you to play a very important role in my new play!" She announced happily as she had a few more puppets join her in the spotlight, probably her 'co-stars', "I need you to play as the Sacrificial Princess!" She cheered again.
"What-" She froze as she saw ribbons piece through the ground and broken walls nearby as well as one of the puppets holding a real axe, "...shit-"
The boss sent her a look for the language she just used but decided to ignore it, "I'll be sure to lead you the entire way!" It was obvious that if the mask could fully grin then it would in the instance, "And who knows? You may even be able to get out of your strings on time!"
Pomni desperately wanted to escape but knew struggling right now would lead to death and besides, it sounded like the boss wasn't going to stop her from trying to get out during this so-called play, "Fine." She grunted out in irritation.
"Wonderful! Let's get metaphorical curtain up then!"
Before Pomni knew was happening, she was being dragged to the center of the stage by the ribbons holding her tightly. She bared her razor sharp teeth, she hated how this felt but knew that one wrong move would result in another death.
"We begin with a sole survivor in a destroyed town~" The boss narrated from behind the curtain, Pomni didn't even notice her get up and move. Probably because she was a tad bit too busy trying to struggle away from the ribbons and towards anything sharp. Something that was apparently allowed as there was no consequences. She kept that in mind.
"Many from outside of the town heard the horrors that had befallen this poor place and had rushed in to find out if there was any way to possibly give their aid." The boss continued as if she didn't feel any pull on her ribbons. She had multiple marionettes slowly enter the stage from where they were once patrolling on the ground, "To their shock, everything appeared destroyed and many bodies were strewn around the town, dismembered. All except one lone survivor. A woman that the town had declared their princess- covered in blood and surrounded by a bodies." She forced the harlequin to move her head to look at the marionettes that had swords, shields and spears made of ribbon.
Their lifeless eyes seemed to express shock before shifting into anger and disgust at the sight of her before their mouths seemed to move by the boss' voice came out of each one of the in different vocal ranges:
"She must've been helping those monsters!" One of them accused with a somewhat masculine voice, as masculine as the boss could do at least.
Another pointed at her in horror, "She must be a witch that disguised herself as this town's princess only to curse everyone!" This one had a light feminine tone.
"Look at her clothes!" Another exclaimed in anger, "Covered in blood! She must have killed some herself!"
Pomni's fingers twitched a bit, she had a burning desire to use her teeth to tear up the ribbons just to get the ACTUAL FUCKING BOSS FIGHT STARTED! She hated that she knew that that would be a stupid idea though.
Her thought process was interrupted when the marionettes surrounded her, the one that had the masculine voice approached her with a sword, "The outsiders approached the princess with anger and hate- wishing to purge the supposed witch to prevent the curse to possibly get further than the town." The boss' voice continued to narrate but seemed to pause and wait as the marionette used their sword to slash at the harlequin.
Pomni was quick to understand that The Maddened Princess was giving her a chance to cut some of the ribbons. She furrowed her brows as she quickly twisted herself a bit, a little shocked by how the restraints holding her seemed to a tiny bit more lax so she had a chance. Once the ribbon blade came down, she was barely able to move her body enough to have the ribbons holding her right arm be cut which allowed her access to her change her arm into her gun and attempted to shoot at the opponent in front of her... only to find there were no bullets.
"The boss removed your bullets when she was putting her ribbons around you." Bubble explained as he puttered over near her, "You were too blinded by your rage to even notice!"
The harlequin groaned loudly in displeasure by that, letting her gun go back to being her regular arm in defeat, "Of course-" She grumbled, going back to looking at the marionettes who looked shocked as if she hadn't just failed with her attack.
"DID YOU SEE THAT?!" The one with the feminine voice cried out, "SHE PROBABLY JUST CAST A SPELL ONTO US!" She was quick to rush away from the harlequin by a few feet.
"The outsiders of the town grew far more wary and cautious around the so-called princess as it appeared she was beginning her spread of powers to the heroes from the outside..." The narration continued in a more spooky tone to apparently make the harlequin sound more like a villain- which Pomni truly could care less about.
Another marionette approached her, this time with a spear in hand, "I'll stop her this time!" They announced before swinging their spear at her feet this time. Once again, the ribbons loosened a little but were a bit tighter than last time as to make it harder- it didn't deter the harlequin as she was able to jump a bit forward enough to force the spear to cut the restraints on her ankles. Although, she did end up falling onto her face as she moved a tad too quickly and slipped on one of the discarded ribbons on the ground. She huffed in irritation at that before using her free hand to try and push herself up but found she was being forced down by one of her 'co-stars' with a blade pointed at her neck which made her scowl.
She could barely hear stifled laughter from from behind the stage but it was quickly cleared up before the boss went back to telling the play's story, "As the spear from one of the heroes was able to make the villainess fall hard to the ground, another had kept her down." She announced, "One of the knights from the neighboring kingdoms had just arrived on the scene in time to force the witch down while his comrades were close behind to aid in her defeat!"
Pomni's eyes moved to look up and behind her to see about four puppets in armor, helms, actual metal swords and shield taking the place of the more rural marionettes that had attacked her before. The Princess had decided to take the fight up a notch, it seems like the harlequin had proven to be strong enough to increase the difficult. It made her smirk some, boosting her ego to know her final boss found her tough enough to actually put in some extra effort to kill her. Well then. Bring it.
She ducked her neck as the knight holding her down swung his sword and she was able to have the blade slice off the ribbon holding neck which allowed her to freely move her head around now. She was able to use her free hand to grab her opponent's ankle and knock him off balance before quickly flipping herself around to use both of her feet to kick him away from her and quickly getting to her feet. She used her sharp teeth to tear the last bit of ribbons off of her left arm and whipped out her sword from her sheath to be more on an even ground as her opponents, even if they stand no chance against her. She grinned widely, looking like a shark searching for the next meal, "You want a fight? BRING IT ON!" She laughed, more than ready to get her irritation for being used as a literal puppet out on these puppet corpses.
The cut ribbons that were holding her back before were dragged back to their owner backstage and it almost seemed like the knights changed their stance to one that was far more aggressive, "It appears the villainess witch has shed her innocent appearance to show her true evil intentions!" The Maddened Princess narrated as the knight she knocked off of her stood back up, ready to attack as well, "Will our brave knights be able to overcome her or will more befall her curse?"
The knights raced forward and began their attack, not giving her the ease of fighting one on one- not that she really needed it. Her sword blazed with energy as she let her opponents close in on her before she quickly slashed her and had the razor light wave that came from her blade knock them all down.
Each of the puppet knights had a large gash in their armor from the attack, the ones who attempted to block it with their shields ended up having them sliced in half. The harlequin laughed, "You wanted a witch! A powerful, sword wielding witch you got!" She called to the backstage where she knew the boss was.
She received no response but the knights seemed to grow cautious in their attacks now, seeming to simply observe her for now. The boss seemed to fully understand that if she wanted to defeat this challenger without letting her fight her personally then she needs to start taking things more seriously.
Pomni twirled her sword in her hand as she observed her enemies, her gun had been emptied without her knowledge before this 'play' had begun so she could only rely on her sword and fists. That's fine, she could adjust and still win this. She just had to defeat these armored corpses then she can fight the actual Princess of this theatre.
'Don't be reckless.' Caine warned through the Bubble blimp, 'I really rather not patch you up for the *third* time during this fight.'
She scoffed at that, "Well, if I do then I'm sure you'll kiss my injuries better." She joked a bit as she clashed her blade with one of the knights who tried to catch her off guard while they thought she was distracted talking to the blimp.
'I-I, uh, well, I-I mean-' The puppetmaster stuttered- she could just see how flustered that comment made him, 'Just don't die again!' He commanded in his flustered tone before having Bubble float away to give her room to fight.
The harlequin couldn't help but snicker at that, that definitely gave her some much needed energy to keep going. She smirked as she knocked back the knight she had blocked before quickly knocking them down to the ground and sliced off the ribbon that was controlling them. That was one down, three more to go.
Pomni narrowed her eyes as she picked up the fallen sword from the puppet that she just cut the strings to. She grinned, "Well, you three are certainly fucked now~" She showed her razor sharp teeth to the remaining knights as she adjusted her grip on the newly acquired sword before activating her super speed so could get up close to the remaining opponents, "Hey there, motherfuckers~" She taunted them as she decided to put her face in the middle of them- she could already hear Caine scolding her about doing something as incautious as that but she really didn't care right now.
The knights gave no reaction other than to try and slash at her, and to their credit- two of them did get hits in on her, both on the shoulders but she ignored the pain as she did a front flip over all three of them while use her dual blades to chop off all three of their heads before landing behind them and slicing each of their ribbons off so they could rag doll to the ground lifeless.
Pomni let out a breath once she was finished with all of those puppet knights. She put both swords in one hand before staring at the darkness that was the backstage as it held her final opponent.
"Maddened Princess, I'm coming for you now." She said loud enough that she was sure that the boss could hear her clear.
The backstage was darker than the main room was before the spotlight was turned on and completely silent aside from the clicks of her shoes on the wooden floor. The harlequin let her gaze wander around as she observed the area in which her final battle in this decrepit theatre would be held- and, oh, how she was hoping it'd be shorter than that shit she did on the actual stage. She noticed how there were spotlights overhead, connected to the catwalk, and recalled how she saw how the Princess hid away from the spotlight that was aimed at the harlequin on the main stage- as if it could burn her. She would have to keep those lights in mind in case the ribbon boss became a pain in her ass.
She felt her foot step on a some type of cloth, most likely a ribbon in the dark, but it didn't appear that the boss wanted to attack her just yet. Perhaps she was doing the same as the harlequin, observing and learning. That was fine- it would be more thrilling if the fight was more fair and harder for Pomni.
Her gaze moved upwards towards the large bundle of red ribbons next- her next target. One of the boss puppets Caine had asked to help so she had to be sure to keep the die in one piece as well as bring it back for him to work on it- if this annoying bunch of ribbons can be enlightened then so be it.
This boss certainly seemed to like hiding in the darkness- she could only really see a bit of the mask that adorned the top of the ribbons and the shine of the claws but not much else. She didn't like that, not when it gave her such a big disadvantage. She scowled, she needed a plan...
A few ribbons could be heard and barely seen shooting towards her in high speeds, "Shit-!" Pomni hissed out, quickly using her swords to slash the ribbons into pieces. She sent a look at where the ribbons came from, "That was such a cheap trick!" She snarled at the boss.
"Expect the unexpected,
As a puppet made for battles
that should have been know~"
The boss responded in a poetic tone, almost sounding a bit smug at getting the harlequin irritated. Although, the way she became poetic now was making Pomni even more annoyed.
"Really?" Her eye twitched, "First a stupid play, and now poetry? Are you trying to be the most irritating boss?" She grunted as she made note of how a few marionettes and puppets had slowly risen from the floor, beginning to go behind the large pile of ribbons that was controlling them.
"Performance arts
A statuette's purpose
to please and amaze
But now
I wish to just win and end."
With that, more ribbons bulleted towards the harlequin on all sides with the darkness making it hard to make it known where they were. Pomni's eyes widened as she swiftly cut the ribbons in front of her but was caught from behind and felt a sharp slash on either of her sides by what could've easily been invisible swords. She gasped as the ribbon from behind her rose her upwards before slamming her on the ground roughly but not enough to kill her or take too much health off of her. But the throw into the wall certainly didn't help much. She groaned as she slumped to the ground in pain, "Sneaky fucking bitch..." She grumbled as she took out a small vial that had a battery acid in it. She moved bell, holding it tight as to make sure it didn't jingle before unbuttoning her shirt until her die was exposed- she poured the acid onto it as a way to give her a bit more energy and health back. She didn't exactly know how it worked but Caine had always told her not to question it since, at least, it kept her alive a bit longer.
She sighed silently in relief as she moved her bell back in the center of her neck, put the vial away and stood up with a light huff, not worrying about buttoning her shirt back up since she had a feeling she'd need to heal again eventually. She scowled as she felt her now slashed sides but said nothing as she looked around before noticing that there was a broken ladder leading to the catwalks nearby, it didn't have a bottom but she should be able to jump high enough...
She suddenly went into a defensive position when she heard close by, no doubt The Maddened Princess was sending in a few minions after her. She narrowed her eyes as she was able to block the unseen attacks that came her way, using her ears to locate them. She might be blind currently but her hearing still worked just fine. She was able to knock them all back harshly before quickly jumping against the wall and pushing off hard enough to be able to leap into the air, grabbing the ladder. She had to move quickly because the rung she first grabbed onto creaked loudly before as she grabbed the next one breaking in half, clattering to the ground which alerted the boss to her presence. Ribbons were shot like rockets towards the ladder, aiming at the harlequin's head but she was, thankfully, able to scurry up onto the catwalk, barely having the ribbons miss her feet.
"Run, run, run
Try to flee and hide
but it'll be your hide
as my trophy at the end of the night."
The Princess mocked in her poetic tone as the ribbons began to wrap around the catwalk, feeling for their prey.
The harlequin growled silently as she felt a tiny bit of silky fabric under one of her feet as she got close to the spotlight nearest to the ladder. The silk slowly began to go up her leg but before it could go much further, she was able to turn the spotlight on and turn it towards the pile of ribbons.
The boss screeched and covered her mask as the light shone bright down at her, she seemed to freeze for a moment and the ribbon on the catwalk unwrapped itself and fell. It gave the harlequin a perfect opportunity to dive down and put energy in both of her swords to create two powerful light waves that broke a few ribbons off of a few of the puppets as well as slice a dent into the boss by breaking numerous ribbons on the boss herself- it didn't make enough damage to expose the die within the silk but it made it where she could do a few more strikes like that and expose it for good.
"HISSSSSSSSS!!!" The boss screeched like a cat being sprayed with water as she finally got out of her slight blindness before skitter skattering away from the bright light and back into the shadows as if they protected her. A couple ribbons grabbed onto to Pomni and threw her opposite of her while another ribbon rocketed upwards, shattering the still shining spotlight so there would be no more light on her.
The harlequin used one of her swords to help her not hit the ground too hard by stabbing it into the hardwood floor and spun around it a little as a way to help catch herself. She smirked as she pulled out the blade- she found the weakness. But she's have to make sure to defeat the boss with the last three working spotlights left on the catwalk or else it'd be back to doing everything blind and hoping she doesn't get caught off guard and die.
"Tis but a scratch
Surprise by the light
that does not belong onto me
Oh, dear actress,
the spotlight merely belongs to you."
The Maddened Princess continued reciting her poem although a small angry hiss came through in her tone this time. A few more puppets rose from the ground but it looked like it was less this time- looks like slicing a dent in the pile of ribbons did give her more of an advantage.
The harlequin kicked away a couple puppets that sounded like they got a bit too close to her before front flipping over the ones that sounded to be right in front of her. Only to have her feet land on both of their heads which made her almost lose balance, she had to put her arms out to try regain it.
Which only left her wide open for a few ribbons to grab onto her arms tight before once again slamming her into the ground a couple of times, making her lose her grip on her swords and having them clatter onto the ground a bit further away from where she was tossed.
"Running and jumping,
Can get you far
but can you see
where you're going
to make it?"
"Oh, COME THE FUCK ON!" The harlequin slammed her fist into the in irritation, feeling one of her sides break a bit more due to the slams onto the ground. She took a breath as she stood up and sped towards where she heard her swords land, not liking how she was unarmed currently. She heard a marionette slice their sword in her direction and she was scarcely able to duck under it, half of her ponytail was cut off as it bounced upwards from the swiftness of her movement. She felt how she lost some of her hair but couldn't be bothered to care at the moment as she simply kicked the marionette to the ground and used her teeth to tear the ribbon off of them before somersaulting on the ground to get to her swords faster. She grabbed them right as she heard a couple puppets slash down towards her- she reacted swiftly by using both of her swords block where she heard where the blades were. She laid on her back as she struggled against the weight on both of the swords on hers. She bared her teeth as she shoved hard against the two and forced them away from her, knocking them off balance which she was quick to use to her advantage. She hopped onto her feet before quickly slicing at their ribbons.
The harlequin made use of the time where nothing was currently close enough to attack her rush up on top of the catwalk again, speeding towards the farthest light from her since she didn't feel like risking getting there after pissing off the boss three times. By the way she could hear the platform squeaking a little bit- she definitely made enough noise to alert the boss enough to have more ribbons race towards her. She gritted her teeth as she ran bit faster before sliding towards the spotlight and having it shine on on the pile of ribbons once more.
Like before, the boss screeched and covered her mask with her ribbons which left her wide open for Pomni to dive down again. Maybe not wide open because this time one of the boss' claw reached up to slash at her. She moved slightly to avoid it and make it where she could do another double light wave attack that both sliced off the the ribbon arm that had the claw on it and increase the size of the dent she made on the pile of ribbons initially but it still looked like she had a ways to go.
Pomni landed on the ground, avoiding the ribbons that attempted to grab at her this time. Only to be caught off guard as she felt some silk underfoot, "Oh, come on!" She yelped out as her ankles were grabbed, making her trip and fall on her butt and was forcibly slid her towards some spikes that were made on the wall. Her eyes widened and she had to quickly spin herself so her back was facing the spikes instead of her exposed chest and die. She clenched her teeth as a harsh gasp came through them, that definitely left some awful holes in her back but they didn't go through her body enough to hit her die at least. She hissed through her teeth as the ribbon spikes suddenly came out of her back and were used to destroy the spotlight that was currently still on. Turning everything dark once more.
The harlequin listened for any nearby enemies before taking out her last vial of battery acid and poured it onto her die like she did with the first one. She grumbled as she forced herself up, using the wall as support. If she got hurt that badly again, she won't have anymore battery acid to heal her again- she had to be extremely careful now. Being careful sucked though.
"Difficulty increasing
Tension raising
How much longer
will you be able to survive?"
Pomni ignored the threatening poetic tone the boss used as she forced herself to move towards the ladder as fast as she could despite her injuries, countering any puppet or marionette that tried getting in her way. She didn't feel like putting up an effort to make it more of a show anymore. At least not until her pain numbed.
She grimaced as she looked up at where the lowest rung of the ladder was and how she knew she had to force herself up there again. She grunted as she moved back again before giving herself a running started and wall jumped up to the ladder again, barely making it. She grunted as she got up on the catwalk once more. She panted a bit as she crouched down to take momentary breather- she should have about fifteen seconds before the ribbons start wrapping around the platform.
She went through the charms she had on hand but weren't currently using as she didn't like boosting herself unless necessary. She found the one that boosts her jump height and placed it onto the collar of her shirt, she could tell this one was fully necessary now. She put the rest of the charms away as she could hear the silk ribbons climbing up the ladder and frowned as she began to speed off towards the second furthest spotlight from her.
Once she turned it on, turned it towards the pile of ribbons and began her dive down, making sure to avoid the metal claws aiming at her and used the light wave attack to slice off the claws as well as make dent even bigger- she could start to see a shine coming from the boss' chest, the die. She felt a sense of relief as she knew she was almost done.
The Maddened Princess let out a loud, angry, catlike snarl as she destroyed not only the spotlight that was on but also the one that the harlequin was supposed to turn on next- ...well, that blows.
"Darkness surrounds,
You had your fun,
Now it's- ARGH! IT BURNS!"
Pomni had her right hand shift into her gun and had the rest of her energy go into to create a laser to burn the pile of ribbons from the bottom up- interrupting another irritatingly, smug poem from the boss.
She only used it for a few seconds until her energy felt like it was going to run too low for her to walk any longer, or even stay standing. The gun went back to being a hand as she watched The Maddened Princess lean down to try and attack her a bit more. The harlequin gave an exhausted look as she simply used the last bit of her energy and her charm to jump high enough to slice off the mask that the boss wore before letting herself land on her butt on the ground in exhaustion.
Once the fire got to the point where the boss' die was fully shown, she was quick to grab it before running as fast as her body would let her out of the theatre before the flames could reach her.
"Here's the stupid die heart, Caine." Pomni grumbled in exhaustion as she got back inside the manor and weakly gave the item to the man who had been waiting anxiously at the door for her, swaying a bit as she tried to keep herself upright.
The Puppetmaster didn't even hesitate to simply pocket the die heart before putting his arms on the harlequin's waist so he could pick her up bridal style gently. She didn't even fight it, simply collapsing in his arms as soon as she felt herself become weightless.
Caine felt himself blush a tiny bit as he brought her to his office table to start repairing her body. He paused a moment before deciding to take a small advantage of her being unconscious right now to give her a quick peck on the forehead.
A/N: Yes, the ending is *extremely* rushed. But after writing 6k+ words in the span of three days? I got too tired to care much longer. Hope y'all still enjoy the read.
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yaksha-lover · 1 year
Hello~~ glad your requests are open, and a happy vacation for you! is it ok if I request a Riddle x reader where they bot pin each other (but havent said anything yet) and reader makes the joke/flirt that their future child is going to be hella unlucky because both of their parents are going to be short ;) (thanks!!)
Riddle x short!reader, gn pronouns but mention of biological children
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Attending tea parties with Riddle and the rest of Heartslabyul has become your recent pastime. You’d dropped by occasionally before when Ace and Deuce could rope you into it, but now you’ve started coming because of Riddle’s invitation. That’s how you find yourself sitting beside Cater and Trey and across from Riddle himself.
“Wow, prefect, it’s been almost twenty minutes, and the housewarden hasn’t even critiqued your tea party etiquette once! Think it’s because he’s going easy on you?” Cater says with a wink.
Riddle glares at him: “Unlike some of you, the prefect is responsible and mature enough to study the rules beforehand. They are simply an excellent guest. Also, do not talk about me as if I am not right next to you.”
“Exactly,” you say, “There are only a few hundred rules. It isn’t hard to memorize if you care to do the work.” You smile at Riddle and feel a surge of unexpected warmth when he smiles back.
Cater repeatedly looks between the two of you before staring at Trey: “You’re seeing this too, right?”
Trey laughs. “Such high praise, Riddle. And you, perfect. You’re so sensible; it’s almost like having another Riddle around.”
“I suppose we are quite similar in some ways,” you say, suddenly feeling shy. “Maybe even too alike in some. It’s unfortunate, but I suppose our children will also have to bear the burden of our similar stature.”
Silence ensues as Riddle turns as red as his hair. It doesn’t last long as Cater and Trey’s laughter fills the air. You flush a little but begin to laugh along with them.
“Prefect?” Riddle asks, baffled at your state.
“Apologies, Riddle, I guess I had to tease you a little.” You say, reaching across the table to take his hand. He looks to the side but doesn’t pull away.
“Our children would be at no disadvantage to others just because of their height. I would ensure that.”
It’s your turn to be embarrassed as you suddenly find the hedgehogs on the lawn to be quite interesting.
“Lighten up, you two! You’re still in school. There’s no reason to dwell on your inevitably short children now.”
Riddle finally turns back to the table to scowl at Cater: “In accordance with the rules, no talk of children is appropriate while drinking Hibiscus tea. Do you not realize what you are drinking, Cater?”
“Well, look at the time,” Cater says, checking his invisible watch, “Trey and I have to get going for that thing we have. Right, Trey?
“Ah yes, that thing. We better go quick or else we’ll be late. We wouldn’t want to reflect poorly on Heartslabyul like that, would we housewarden?”
Riddle sighs in exasperation: “Just leave, you two.”
After Cater and Trey mumble quick ‘goodbyes’ and ‘see you next tea party,’ you and Riddle are left alone at the table. He still hasn’t pulled away from your hand.
“Prefect, I know you jest, but I was serious about what I said. I hope my height does not…dissuade you from me.”
“Of course not, Riddle. That would be awfully hypocritical of me, don’t you think?” You stroke your thumb across his hand. “Plus, I know better than anyone not to judge someone by their appearance. You’re hardworking, intelligent, talented…and I find you quite beautiful.”
Riddle turns his hand over to hold yours properly, his voice shakier and softer than you’ve ever heard: “I’d like to see our future together if you’re willing to join me.”
When you squeeze his hand, Riddle knows you’ll be by his side.
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destinygoldenstar · 28 days
☀️Reality TV’s Stupidest Alliance☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 2 “Logged & Loaded”
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What am I predicting for eliminations?
Uh… how many people are here? 14?
So I’d say… 7 mergers?
Pre-Merge boots I’m guessing… I said Alec last post cause of Fiore. And I said Lilly cause she’s good at the game so they’d want to get rid of her. So… others…?
Will, Drew (forgot him in the last post), Dan, and Grett. I can see Grett being a Pre-Merge villain and getting booted right before the merge.
And… one more… I guess Miriam. Idk why, but if I had to choose out of the ones left.
I think the alliance of 4 is gonna lose half its members. I see Nick getting character development. I see Fiore being an antagonist. And Ashley… she’s nice. I just like her and hope she goes far. Jake & Tom have a thing going on that the opening spoiled so they’re both merging. Then Gabby is being set up for character development as well.
I forgot Ellie. I forgot she was on the purple team… she’s gonna be the teams swing vote, isn’t she? That sucks.
This is what the dynamic between her and Gabby are alluding to? They’re both on opposite teams but they both have major setbacks and disadvantages to their game. Gabby cause no one likes her and she’s allied with Grett, and Ellie cause she’s stuck in the middle of her team and will be screwed if she doesn’t play… less than pure, I guess. But they become besties and it trumps those issues.
That’s what I’m predicting anyway.
So… let’s start this episode.
I got the SAME AD AGAIN. WTF?!
"Is that recycled paper?"
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How does he write that fast? That's impressive. Gimme that skill.
"I want to talk to her but she scares me a little."
What did she do to you?
"She reminds me a little of my grandmother. How she walks, how she talks... I miss her."
"She's been sick for months and she can't have visitors."
Oh my god...
Is that why he's competing? Medical bills to help her?
Well geez, keep that up and I might actually root for you to win.
"Yeah, she was often cranky, but she was the only one that really understood me."
You on the spectrum?
"Jake... I don't know what to say, but if you need to talk to someone, I'm always here."
D'aaaaawwww 💗
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That face.
He was eyeing Tom all of last episode too and I just didn't bring it up.
So we have how many characters with motives and reasons to be here now? Fiore got dumped by her parents, Nick wants to prove himself, Jake wants to help his grandma.
I'm really liking that they're giving these characters REASONS to be on the show and why they want to win.
Cause in Total Drama we don't get a lot of their backgrounds outside of the game, and only a handful explained their motives for winning. I think of Gen 1 the only one that really had a motive aside from 'I want to be rich' is Alejandro.
I like what they're doing here.
"If our team fails, you'd be the one to blame."
Pretty sure that's not how that works.
Mostly it's a social challenge. If they think you're the one at fault for the loss, just say "Whoa whoa whoa! You don't want to vote me! You want to vote that guy!"
I obviously would suck at Survival.
So... actually I like Grett's game move here. Be on good terms with the leader, and... do what I said basically.
"WHOA WHOA GUYS! You don't want to vote Tom! Let's vote that glasses guy instead! That's a much better game move! TRUST ME."
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Oh these two...
They're like "Oh shit. We're the outliers here, aren't we?"
"What makes you think you'll get far? Have you seen how fast the others are getting close to each other?"
"I've noticed. That's a problem."
Oh they're actually addressing it. Cool. They're not stupid.
"You're not going to walk thirty minutes over there."
"Sure I can. I love to walk."
She just like me fr
"That fat girl made you look stupid."
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"I love your coat my the way! I own a similar one!"
Do you have a split personality?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
She was talking to herself...
And it was such a massive fourth wall break that it gave me an ad on body spray. XD
"Today's reward will be a complete fishing kit. That will make it easier to find food."
I guess... but you can also make cages or nets to catch fish. I know that's something that's possible.
There's not any wildlife they're killing, is there?
"An immunity totem has been hidden somewhere in the forest."
We got an idol in play!
I wish Total Drama used Immunity Idols more. It's such a cool game mechanic in Survivor. (At least, in the clips I've seen of people playing them)
Yeah I know the Reboot did in Season 2. We don't talk about that.
"That totem could save me from the unfavorable position I find myself in."
Yes. Yes it would.
Actually, no, let me predict for a sec. Either him or Ellie find that idol, and they save themselves with it, causing a member from the 4 alliance to get the boot. And that's how that alliance breaks.
I mean, you're not gonna get them any other way I feel.
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Awwww, look at Ashley carrying the demon child. 💗
"I heard how Grett spoke to you. You shouldn't let her talk to you like that."
Boy, I agree with you and I get you're nice. Grett is in hearing range and WILL gun for you.
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My case and my point. Grett gunned you.
Cause it looks to me like otherwise, you tripped on NOTHING.
"I'm really curious what you look like without it."
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"I'm a little scared to have to slide down from up here."
Oh for the love of drama-
Pull a Leshawna. THROW HIM OFF.
"Ellie, Alec, you go on that one. Nick, Ashley, and I can take the next one."
*does the math*
Hey wait so you're gonna leave him with the child after he JUST confessed to being scared?!
Listen to your alliance teammates! You're in hearing range, right?!
Why can't Lilly go with Fiore? Wouldn't that make more sense cause she's the one cutting?
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Grett's gonna steal that from Gabby, isn't she?
But either way, Gabby's immune, LET'S GO!
"By the way, have you started streaming the episodes yet?"
"Remember to cut any scenes I'm in."
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*Stares intensely at him*
"What if we fall?!"
That's kinda the point.
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*chokes on breath*
A six year old is bitch slapping a grown man, this is not a drill.
"What was that?"
I mean, let's be honest... she just said facts.
Yeah the slap was wrong, but it's not as bad as it could've been. She just told the truth.
"You're costing us this challenge and everyone will know it."
Yes but he has something you don't. NUMBERS.
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Well your point just went down the drain, cause that's YOUR fault.
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The 'yay' card, aww that's so cute... 😄
"She does have a point, yeah? She's got the flags and Will's got no."
Okay, that's stupid.
1) You guys can SEE the top of the hill, right?! If you couldn't, that wasn't established.
2) You saw the position of the two on the log. Fiore was standing on top of him! OF COURSE HE COULDN'T GET A FLAG
3) Would you guys seriously DITCH your alliance?! It WILL cause you the entire long game and you know it! DON'T BLOW THAT
Oh and 4 as a bonus) You never even listened to your ally! You KNEW he was scared, and yet you left him with a KID
"Maybe this was all a misunderstanding."
Ashley. I get it's hard to not side with a child. Use your brain.
"I wish I could believe you, but I know a little girl would never do those things."
Oh my god, you've never seen a child for more than two seconds your entire life. Not every kid is a saint! Toddlers are bratty as shit! They do that to get it out of their system!
(From this point on, I will put a 'Keep Reading' mark on the Tribal Council segments so I don't spoil the eliminations for my followers)
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Oh we actually SEE who votes who!
This is like Survivor much more, cause they flip these cards over to share the names, and you can see what the numbers were.
I always imagine what the eliminations in Total Drama would look like if they did that as well.
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Okay Lilly's being smart.
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That's Ashley's vote
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That's not Lilly's handwriting. Is that Will or Nick?
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That's Lilly's.
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Not Alec's writing... Fiore's?
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Alec, Fiore... Ellie?
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And that's it.
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(Unless Will voted himself)
I mean I don't really care about his character, but that could've so easily been avoided.
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Tom, what ninja stuff are you getting into??
If you guys want me to continue these reactions, be sure to let me know.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 10 months
*sigh* alright guess it's time to ask...
Expectations for the men's gpf?
Personally, I feel it's gonna be a 4 way race between Shoma, Yuma, Ilia, and Adam, which means who knows what the podium will look like in any form... though if even 1 or 2 of those 4 bomb and Kao and/or Kevin skate clean, who knows...
And to go even further in my thoughts, I would say Shoma has the LOWEST chance of falling off the podium, while Adam has the highest... too much pressure and apparently this is his first gpf? I saw someone say that. I could see Adam bombing, considering he's the favorite and going last in the short I think.
...what has this sport done to me
This GPF is really unpredictable. Actually anyone could podium depending on how the competition goes. What I can definetly say is that this is one of the best packed GPF there ever was.
The best 6 men of the GP series really did make it. Each of them has something special: Ilia has the highest possible BV and the 4A, Adam developed into a secure jumper but also brings a different style to skating, Yuma has stunning softness about his skating with beautiful executed elements, Kevin is just a showmaster on the ice, Kao has this raw energy about him and Shoma is a master in terms artistry and audience emoting and spell binding magic with the softest knees and brings the overall package to the ice.
This analysis is done simply from a mathematical point of view, so it doesn't say anything about deserved or not. There is a sort of track record that indicates the advantages and disadvantages.
If we look at highest total scores from the GP series that would go:
1. Ilia 2.Adam 3.Yuma 4.Shoma 5.Kevin 6.Kao
If we look at their personal best scores that would go
1. Shoma 2.Ilia 3.Yuma 4.Adam 5.Kevin 6.Kao
If we take into consideration their current BV layout that would go:
1. Ilia 2.Shoma 3.Adam 4.Kao 5.Yuma 6.Kevin
Imo a clean Shoma is unbeatable. But even an "unclean" Shoma usually gets more PCS than everyone else (even if Adam had a higher PCS at CoC fs but there was a cap to Shoma's PCS) and usually Shoma has a GOE advantage on Ilia and Adam on spins and in general Shoma's GOEs are high (let's really forget the final NHK score and look at the tech box GOEs they were massive). He also has the status as two time world champion and ofc experience and calmness to be the leader however ofc if tech panel is super strict with him again nothing can save him and ofc if mistakes happen, he may even be off podium. But I think Shoma's scoring potential is the highest and contrary to Ilia and Adam he hadn't shown his full potential this season and usually Shoma paces himself well towards the big competitions. So all in all I agree on Shoma being the unlikeliest to place off podium. (But well if this season taught us anything then that nothing is for granted not even for two time world champion Shoma)
Ilia and Adam - Ilia even more than Adam - have the BV advantage and their massive season best scores to show. So if they can repeat that they are the medal winners. Both looked fairly secure so far this season but we haven't seen Ilia for almost a month and Adam may also have peaked a bit early with all his competitions. CoC was his 6th competition the season!
If Yuma would have his old content I would put him up with Ilia, Adam and Shoma, but atm he doesn't have the same BV as before his injury. I am not sure he will upgrade his content. If he doesn't than he can win the SP, but winning overall depends on the others. Let's say he cannot achieve the win by his own merits. But a medal is possible nonetheless as it's unlikely Shoma, Adam and Ilia can all produce their best skates. And Yuma's scores aren't bad at all for his BV being much lower.
Pressure is a different beast and it's Yuma's and Adam's first GPF and on both are certain expectations Adam as the first qualifier and Yuma as the 2nd one beating Shoma and also the one who has the highest SP score of the season by a tenth but still. That is a disadvantage.
Kao has more BV than Kevin but his GOEs on spins and steps aren't as good as of the others and his PCS are not that high either. And I don't think it helps his case to have two other Japanese men at the GPF to uplevel his PCS reputation. He's also not as secure as Yuma, Shoma, Ilia and Adam. Kao will only medal if at least two of the other 4 will make costly mistakes.
Kevin is completely dependent on the others making mistakes to get to the podium. His PCS are among the highest, he gets good GOEs but his BV is too low to win a medal on his own accord.
That would be my analysis. But as experience tell nothing has to go like expected. I mean NHK scoring was really the best example that anyone can get crashed if the tech panel and judges want you to. We can only hope for fairness and amazing skates. May the best combined of both days win.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 10 months
I've read fic where JGY was abusive and found it in character. I don't think 'abusive' and 'not abusive' are two separate categories of people. Under the right circumstances, any person or character can exhibit abusive behaviors and, with a long enough time frame and no interventions, their relationship could certainly become abusive.
If the word 'abuse' seems so incompatible with our beloved villains, can we really say we love them as villains if we can't love and acknowledge their capacity for harm?
-Regular Anon
Oh hi there, anon! Nice to see you again :D. Sorry this took so long in getting answered, I've been having a case of Real Life(tm) recently orz.
Anyways, I'm guessing this is maybe apropos of this other ask? In any case, let me just go part by part starting with the last statement bc I actually agree there with you.
If we claim to like a character, there's really no point in ignoring key elements of their personality, right? If we like villains, we like them bc of the fucked up shit they do and how very sexy of them it was, not in spite of. That's why even when I can indulge myself in the occasional fic with a softer canon WRH (bc food be scarce and every treat is appreciated :'))), I don't fully subscribe to that bc that's just not how he is. Even in AUs there just has to be some of his og assholery or at least make the changes make sense.
But here's where my first caveat comes, and it's something I mentioned in my other reply too. The characters' circumstances.
Now, idk what kind of fic you read, and at the end of the day, if it works for you, that's totally cool! I just would have to assume that JGY's life still had some level of shittery to it, or he was going through someting bc really, this is the character that saved a perfect stranger in the middle of the war without any ulterior motive, nothing to offer, and risking his own safety just bc it was the right thing to do.
The entire point of MY/JGY is that he was "corrupted" by a society that left him with only two options: accept your fate as a bottom feeder, or cheat the system in whatever way you can bc you are always going to be inherently disadvantaged. And here's my second caveat:
JGY doesn't read like a villain to me. An antagonist, maybe, but an actual force of evil in complete oposition to the core values of the heroes and actively trying to hurt/stop them? Not really.
So it's not only that, but also the fact that he's a nurturing person at his core that lead me to disagree with the notion that he would be purposedly abusive towards another person unless there's very pressing circumstances that would make it so that his own well-being actually depends on somehow damaging this other individual.
Sorry, but I just don't see it working in any other way.
That being said, yes, you are right, interpersonal relationships are much more complicated than just abusers and victims (despite what some corners of tiktok and twt might say lol). As I also said in that other ask, at some point in our lives, we are all going to be the assholes and even the villains in someone else's story; we are going to hurt those close to use and we are going to make mistakes bc we are humans. But there's a difference between toxic behavior and being a toxic person. So while being a dick bc you had a bad day or bc there's no good communication going on can totally happen to everyone, that's not the same as intentionally hurting and manipulating someone in a systemic fashion fully designed to keep them trapped with you.
THAT is something ingrained in the person at hand, and while there's an entire conversation to be had about nature vs nurture, in JGY's particular case there has been no examples whatsoever in canon to even suggest that that's the direction his character skews towards. On the contrary, he has sacrificed his own desires and needs for those he cares about: being a model husband to QS and never taking a concubine, helping rebuilt Cloud Recesses and creating the watchtowers even if it was unpopular, going to NHS' aid whenever he called despite it being more work for him, never hurting Madam Jin in spite of how she did hurt him, etc. By the end even, pushing LXC away when the man had clearly accepted death with him.
Again, idk the details of the fic you are refering to, for all I know, it's an entire exploration of JGY spiralling down an even darker and more desperate place than in canon, and him becoming abusive towards someone bc, idk, that's the only way in which he can feel in power when his entire life depends on others is the whole point of the thing. And that's perfectly valid too!! What's fiction for if not to explore and go beyond??
I just felt like I should clarify that, while I agree on principle with the villain statement, I don't think it applies to JGY unless there are specific factors playing along, and if those are not met, I personally wouldn't find an abusive!JGY portrayal accurate or in-character.
But once again, that's just my position and I have my preferences and my biases like any other person.
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quietbluejay · 22 days
Betrayer 8
yeah this is another long book lol this time: lhorke thinks about the fighting pits and defends lotara, kharn gets heart eyes for an ultramarine
okay back to Lhorke he'd been woken up less and less as the years went by but he definitely noticed Angron getting worse as time went on
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"attention spans wandered" but still they had the spirit of brotherhood huh I guess sometimes they woke up the dreadnoughts to observe the fighting pits? otherwise there's no way Lhorke would know about this conversation so Argel Tal and Kharn fought as a team and always lost Sigismund+Delvarius once beat them in 7 seconds lol
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i know it's supposed to be the light hitting his eyes but given he's a psyker of some sort it could be a literal glow lol
Delvarus wants to do a fight to the death and everyone including his teammate objects
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okay i guess they do in fact wake up the dreadnoughts to watch pit fights
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stating what was basically implied elsewhere
back to the battle on the ground Argel Tal returns to tell Kharn the Syrgalah crew are safe
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someone is shouting Kharn's name
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Kharn gets metaphorical heart eyes at seeing how good this guy is
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as Kharn is running towards this guy, Lotara tries to contact him "not now" kharn internally: she can harass some other officers that aren't about to kill enemy heroes kharn: i know that's the nails talking but i don't really care
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kharn really internally flip flops between whether he thinks of the world eaters as superior, like, morally, like being more honest as warriors vs envious like this
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they're both exhausted and people around them are stopping fighting to watch back to Lhorke
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she keeps pushing away her guards who try and get her behind cover most of the command crew is dead oh hey did you know sometimes dreadnoughts will grab enemy space marines and just squish Lhorke finally cracks the last guys spine and leaves him to get killed by the bridge crew with their knives and pistols
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augh the fact that he thought to do it Lhorke goes to Lotara
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and now there are only 3 dreadnoughts left, including him "something like guilt paled her skin"
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return to kharn chainsword is at a disadvantage vs power sword lol but kharn manages to rob a corpse i'm not entirely sure how he's able to do this given he's apparently exhausted and being pressed for his life but, okay and also the whole nails situation Orfeo is fighting with two swords wait they both are
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i like this guy too bad that unlike his namesake he's not coming back from the underworld he asks why they came here "to kill this world/make it suffer" Argel Tal says some standard spooky chaos stuff to him about his spirit boiling away to oblivion in the sea of souls etc
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welp oh wait i think next chapter is our "are we the baddies" moment
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roxannarambles · 9 months
Indigo Disk Photo Album
Just some screenshots and excuses to ramble a bit about Drayton, the environments in Indigo Disk, and Rika. Major spoilers obviously.
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First of all, I want to say when Drayton said "Yo, Champ in the making," I was so happy. Such an adorable callback for old fans. Then when I beat the next E4 and he said 'Yo yo, Champ in the making' I thought maybe it was just script writers being lazy and not noticing, but MAYBE he said it twice because I beat TWO people? The third time confirmed it was intentional and I was so happy, lol. Also, I saved him for last, which the dialogue takes note of, so that was really cool.
I liked Drayton, he was my favorite BB person. I think most of that 'laziness' stems from pushing back against all the no doubt intense pressure put on him to follow in the footsteps of family members that are very powerful and accomplished trainers, and really, who could blame him. (Read his dialogue with Hassel if you get the chance, it's good) He's also a 'lil toxic towards Kieran when Player wins, but again, I can't exactly blame him for having some bad feelings towards Kieran considering how much of a JERK Kieran was being.
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Terarium stuff. I loved this Pyroar they intentionally placed on the Pride Rock-esque formation. Also I loved other environmental details like electrowebs for Galvantula, antlion pits for Trapinch, nests for Vullaby, etc. Also met up with Perrin so the brothers could re-unite . . . girl why don't you evolve your Growlithe. You do know all you need is a Fire Stone, right? You could be riding a giant fire dog around.
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The extra-super sparkly part to Area Zero was nice, but this underground lake with this awesome tree in the center was the coolest. I think they should have had Terapogos there instead of some random poke you need to battle to progress. Also, I have to admit this WAS a very cool moment, when Terapogos broke the Master Ball. It felt very impactful, just seeing that. So props for that.
Ms. Briar's academic obsession with Terapogos is so similar to Sada/Turos' obsession with building a Time Machine and a paradise, I really expected more parallels to be drawn in the story but they never really did. I feel like they didn't take full advantage of that. Although I suppose it's nice Ms. Briar realized she needed to step back, that she was hurting people as a result, whereas Arven's parent never realized this. (I'm gonna explore the idea more if I do an Indigo Disk rewrite and get the Paldea Pals properly involved in the plot) Kieran had an obsession of his own, of course, with Ogerpon but also with growing stronger, and that resulted in a lot of pain too ultimately.
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Okay so, the added information on Rika was interesting. She mentions 'babysitting the boss' because Geeta is prone to being absent-minded and needs help keeping track of all the details, which a lot of people loved, although personally I don't like Geeta, so that info didn't fascinate me too much. I found it more interesting that Rika got super upset when she learned Player went into Area Zero, which is honestly really sweet that she's that concerned for our safety. She also mentions that she 'went to kind of a rough school' which is really interesting. I guess she didn't attend Naranja then. People often assume she and Geeta attended Naranja and met there as students, I guess that kinda wrecks that theory. I wonder which school Rika attended? I'm going to guess it's in an area that was economically disadvantaged, as "rough" usually means "poor" (Rika also notes the clubhouses were not 'as nice' as BB's)
Rika also notes that she has a "professional mode" when she's teaching or doing League work, which she finds exhausting if she has to do it all the time, and that she prefers her regular, relaxed, normal self. (She also reveals she wears the glasses because they make her look sharp and professional but they're literally just for show, which is hilarious.) If the player tells her they prefer regular Rika to professional Rika, she says she'll try to loosen up around us and act like her normal self. Aw.
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
"It is in the nature of F1 that there is a dominant car, but people may think that Verstappen always wins because he has the best car...
"But look at all the years of Formula 1. From 2000 to 2004 you had Ferrari, then two years of Renault. Then there was a certain battle between McLaren and Ferrari and from there, dominance of Red Bull, dominance of Mercedes. Now we are ahead again. There is always a dominant car, it is in the nature of F1 and it has been much more worrying in the past, if you look at the 80s or 90s, sometimes they doubled the entire grid. I think it's getting better.”
“The problem is that, when you change the rules every four or five years, a very big disadvantage is created. And by the time the differences are closed again, F1 decides to make other new rules and the gaps open up again. The rules should be more stable so that all teams can get closer over the years. Maybe that's what we should do now, more years with this regulation to allow the grill to be tightened. The rules are already more limited, there are few things that can be done in aerodynamics so I trust that people will approach faster than in the past
"Do you think it's easy to win?"
"Sometimes yes, sometimes no (laughs). It depends on the weekend. For example in Spa, last year, when you put the car on the track and it's already incredibly fast from the beginning...But that doesn't happen so often, you usually have to work hard to make it perfect. Some great prizes come out better than others.
"It's Max and Checo. And Alonso third...
"Thirty-three! I hope it arrives soon.
"In Monaco?"
"I know that Fernando thinks that here he has the opportunity to do it and, honestly, I would love to see Fernando win. He should have won many more races than he has and he should have won many more titles than he has. Fernando is very good. He's still showing it, he's 41 years old and it's crazy to see him still at this level. I have a lot of respect for Fernando. When I was younger and followed Formula 1, he no longer had the best car, in the Ferrari years, but he still fought for the title only for his driving level, or for how he positioned himself on the first lap.
"Did you watch it on TV?"
"Of course. He is a fighter. He will never give up. He is a very tough rival.
"Are you a rival for the title?"
"Not for now. I think your car is very good, but not at the level of ours. Although maybe this weekend they have a good chance to make the pole or win the race, who knows.
Do you see similarities between your sports careers?
"I guess so. It's funny that Fernando drove with my father, it's amazing how long it takes. And it is possibly the pilot that can be trusted the most.
What do you value in a pilot?
"What he was saying. Fernando is a fighter, he never gives up. He is disciplined. He loves to compete and is a pure, natural talent. He gets into any car and it's fast. F1, Resistance, it doesn't matter. That demonstrates his natural talent.
"When you see Fernando's example, am I any sure that one day it will be your turn to get into a slower car and not be able to fight for the results you deserve?"
"Well, it's the victories you deserve or the ones that touch you, sometimes this happens and unfortunately for Fernando it has been like this for many years. He didn't have the car when he did have the capacity. That is the danger of Formula 1. I hope we can be ahead for a long time.
"Will you be here when you are 40 years old?"
"Yes, but possibly on the yacht. Watching the race (laughs).
"Not in the car...
"I would say no. But never say never. I think I'll be on the boat having a drink.
"Alonso and Hamilton said that at their age...
"I already have a lot of plans that I want to make outside of Formula 1, but we'll see. If I have a competitive car, it will be very difficult to say goodbye to this sport.
What don't you like about F1? The calendar, the events?
"The time you spend beyond the time you spend in the car. You travel a lot, you have a lot of commitments throughout the year and you know where you have to be at all times, when I as a pilot like to run. It's what I did when I was little, what I'm passionate about, but you know that in F1 everything around is part of the sport. It's the least positive. Ideally, I would only drive. But it's not possible.
"What else can someone who won the most spectacular season to be remembered, 2021 achieve in F1?
"Try to do something even better. I know it's unrealistic, but I want to try.
"Have you ever felt the same tension again, the same nerves as in the last races of 2021?"
"No, not at all. 2021 was also my first choice to win a title. I knew I had to make everything perfect. It's the most intense thing I've ever felt, fighting every weekend. Now I'm much more relaxed. But I want to do more. The experiences of the past help.
"When fighting people like Lewis or Fernando, do you feel the experience on the wheel by wheel?"
Experienced pilots, and especially world champions, are intelligent. Fernando is very intelligent. You can see it with its small movements, how it positions the car. He knows what he does.
What will your sports career be like after Formula 1?
"I want to do other things. Resistance. The IndyCar not much. But for the rest, I would like to try to win other things. Rallys or Dakar? My father does rallies right now, but in my case I would do it on a closed circuit, in the style of rallycross that seems safer. When I see the accidents between trees, it seems very risky and something more dangerous than Formula 1. I won't consider it for now.
"How much time do you spend a day thinking about driving, outside of F1?"
"At home, not so much. Or not Formula 1. I think about other things.
A lovely interview with Max💞
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tti episode 6
“Last time on Total Takes Island, the campers had their survival skills put to the test in an overnight camping trip- and oh boy, did some of those campers trip hard! Ultimately, Kitty disappeared and the Inane Anons secured another victory, keeping the Fujoshis on their sharp losing streak. Ouch! Will the Flying Fujoshis finally win an episode? Will Julia finally snap and kill Max, or vice versa? Find out now on Total! Takes! Island!”
“Goooood morning, campers! Up bright and early, I hope!”
Bonnie looks up from where they were lying face-down on their pillow, their hair a matted mess. They sit up, stretch, and check the time on the tablet they’d snuck in- 5:03 AM. 
“After that terrible camping trip, the least he could do is let us sleep!” Courtney sighs, hopping off of the top bunk. Ass rolls over in their bed and covers their ears. “Has anyone seen-?”
Mal pops into the cabin, holding a plate of actual food- sunny-side up eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee. Bonnie and Courtney stare at it like wild animals as Mal carries the tray over to Ass’ bunk. “Hey, got you some breakfast,”
Ass slightly pulls up their sleeping mask, looking over their shoulder- and then pulls it back down and turns to face the wall. Mal sighs and scrapes the food off in the garbage bin, much to Bonnie and Courtney’s dismay. 
BONNIE: “I don’t know, nor do I care, what’s happening between those two, but wasting real food? I don’t care how sad you are, that’s a war crime,”
COURTNEY: “Mal seems… actually upset. I’m starting to wonder if maybe she has changed.”
Ass stands on one side of Bonnie as the team gathers outside the mess hall after breakfast, glaring sharply at Mal, who’s beginning to look a little nervous. 
She turns to Sha-Mod and Caesar. “Hey, if it came down to it, I could count on your guys’ votes, right?” 
Caesar raises an eyebrow and Sha-Mod’s Lightning picture flaps a little in the breeze. “What makes you ask?”
“Sigh… nothing… Just rumors…” She says as she walks off. 
CAESAR: “Okay, first of all, she said “sigh” out loud. Second of all, if there’s a rumor abound that I didn’t start, I have to know what it is! If I had to guess, I’m gonna say Mal and her “friend” Ass had some kind of falling out. I’ll confirm with Bonnie later.”
The Anons seem to be a little less conflicted today as they lull around outside their cabin in relative silence. Michael leans against the splintery wooden railing of the stairs, watching Scary scamper under the porch with a rat in their teeth.
Max opens the screen door to the boys side and takes a seat on the step next to Michael. "H-"
"Gooood morning, bestie!" Julia grins, forcing herself between the two to give Michael a hug.
"Jesus, hi!" Michael laughs back. Julia looks over her shoulder to glare at Max.
JULIA: "So, right now, my only goal is keeping Michael on my side- which means not letting that little weasel get to her first. I'm already at a disadvantage, considering that they basically spent the entire camping challenge alone in the woods together doing God knows what, so I have to dedicate all my time today to keeping Michael close," she grins. "The devil works hard, but Julia works harder."
“Alright, campers. Today’s challenge is a fan favorite, and the contestant's worst nightmare!” Chris grins, holding out his arms for emphasis. “Your next challenge is the one, the only- Phobia Factor!”
Scruffy breathes in the gum they’d been chewing and coughs for a few moments. “What?! But we didn’t even talk about our fears last night?" They look around at the other campers. "Unless I didn’t get invited!”
“Silly, silly campers. Don’t you remember the online “"personality test”” you had to fill out in your audition form?” he laughs. “We have all of your worst fears on file! Except…”
Chris points up and then dramatically lowers his finger in Max’s direction. “Max left his blank. Probably a smart move, considering what we’re about to do to you,”
Everyone on the Anon’s team looks at Max, who shrugs. “I’m not afraid of anything,”
“Nothing?” Michael asks. 
He shakes his head. “Nothing,”
“But, say, if there were a large bird of prey circling overhead right now…”
“Thank you, Scary,” he sighs. “But I’m not afraid of anything.”
“Don’t worry, Anons, we’ll get to Max eventually- but for our first victims: Scary, Caesar, Kelly, and Austin- you’ll be meeting Chef in makeup and hair,” he chuckles. “The rest of you, follow me!”
“Nervous?” Scruffy asks, looking at Michael and O beside them. 
O nods rapidly, biting his nails. Michael rolls her eyes. 
Caesar gives Bonnie a nervous look, to which they pat his back before he leaves. Austin and Kelly hold hands, and Scary slinks out undetected. The rest of the campers stand, following Chris to the mess hall. Michael, last of her team, is suddenly stopped by Chris, appearing out of nowhere. “Not so fast. You’ve been working real hard, haven’t you, Mikey?” 
“Don’t call me that,”
“Chef has been especially impressed, so he made you this!” Chris pulls a tall glass containing a pink smoothie from behind his back. 
Michael stares. “Is this a part of the challenge? I’ll pass,” 
“How about this then: you drink it or you immediately lose the point!”
She sighs, taking the glass from Chris and inspecting it for a few moments before taking a hesitant sip. Nothing happens- no crushed up maggots, no sewer water, no shards of glass. “Hey, this isn’t half-”
Chris grabs the glass just in time for Michael to pass out on the ground. He chuckles and steps over her unconscious body to join the other campers outside as a few interns hurry over. 
The rest of the contestants are standing outside the mess hall around a baby blue tent, waiting in vague confusion as Chris approaches. 
“Bonnie, if you will,” Chris smiles, opening the blue tent flap. The contestant walks in, and sees nothing but a simple dentist’s chair. Bonnie smirks, and takes a seat. “The dentist’s? Really? How cliche,”
“Oh, no. That isn’t for dental care,” Chris smiles as metal fixtures clamp around Bonnie’s wrists and ankles, cuffing them to the chair. “This is our virtual reality tent. And this,” he holds up a headset, goggles and all. “Is the Dramathon 2000, where you’ll be exposed to the most popular and bland Total Drama fan opinions.”
Bonnie’s face pales. “What? No! You can’t do this!”
Chris puts the set over their face and grins. “Don’t worry, every few minutes you’ll get jumpscared with something new. To keep it fresh, you know? But if you wanna chicken out- just press that red button on your arm rest and lose a point for your team. Your five hours start now!”
The rest of the campers watch nervously as an intern presses a button on a remote and some cheery music begins playing. It’s all quiet for a moment, before a robotic voice says “Leshawna was robbed”. Bonnie screams. 
Chris turns. “Alright- oh, and it looks like our made-over campers have returned!” The crowd turns and grimaces at the sight. Austin is dressed in a plain dark gray and white business suit, hair straightened and slicked back- Scary is in a tousled ombre blonde wig, high-rise jeans and a white crop top- Kelly’s tan has been removed and their hair dyed black- and Caesar looks practically gutted in a musty brown mullet wig. 
“Austin, Kelly, your regular-Joe cubicles await you just beyond the mess hall. You have a lot of paperwork to get to, dudes. Scary, you can go ahead and start Instagramming now,” Chris chuckles, tossing them a phone. “And Caesar… man, that hair is terrible!”
Caesar whimpers and sulks into the virtual reality tent, closing the flap behind him and sitting in the corner while Bonnie screams. 
“Alright then! Let’s see, who’s next…? Julia, care to test your wits?”
Julia smiles and shrugs. “Bring it on, McLean,”
“Loving the attitude! Now, on your personality test, you wrote “not slaying” in the fear category,” she smirks in response. “Well, we made a few calls back home, and your folks had a different story to tell! Chef?”
Chef walks over and hands Julia a wooden sword. She scoffs. “Ha-ha. Taking things a little literally, huh?”
“Not really,” he chuckles as Chef leads her around the corner to a large pen. “Your goal is to defend yourself from these lovely geese for as long as you can.”
Julia’s eyes widen and she looks around before trying to turn and run. Chef grabs her and tosses her in the corral, surrounded by a dozen full-grown geese. She whimpers and trembles, clutching the sword to her chest. Max rolls his eyes as Chris pulls out his megaphone. 
“You’ll notice that there’s an exit across the pen. Make it out, and you’ll score your team a point!”
Julia shakes her head violently. 
“Come on, Julia!” the team shouts. “You can do this!”
“IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF DUCKS!” Max yells, cupping his face. 
"Geese!" Julia corrects him.
She then frowns, takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, holding the sword out blindly in front of her as she stands and runs through the paddock. Not a single goose even looks at her as she screams the entire way through, slamming into the gate and collapsing before getting up and crawling out. 
“That’s one point for the Anons!” 
The team cheers as Julia is lifted up by Chef and taken to the medical tent. “Alright, who’s next… Ass, come up here, please!”
Ass sighs and steps forward. They don’t exactly look terrified, but they’re certainly not happy, either. A handsome gentleman in a finely pressed suit walks out of the mess hall and stands beside them. 
“Ass, this is your fiance, Kevin,”
Ass sulks and rolls their eyes. 
ASS: “For as long as I can remember, I’ve had the same recurring nightmare. In it, I’m an adult, and I’m engaged to this perfect dream guy- he’s everything I want in a partner: tall, funny, and sweet. But then this mystery femme fatale who I have drama with for whatever reason swoops in and kisses him to get back at me for… something. I’ve had this dream so many times, it really isn’t even scary anymore, it’s just absurd. I mean, how would that even happen in real life?”
Ass pretends to look nervous and takes a phony deep breath. Mal starts to approach to say something, but McLovin barrels through and stands beside them instead, offering support. Courtney gives a nod of approval as Ass gives McLovin an odd- then somewhat grateful glance. 
An attractive young woman in a pink wig comes out of the mess hall next with an angry glare. “I hate you!” she yells at Ass before swooping in and kissing Kevin. Ass watches apathetically. 
“And that’s one point for the Fujoshis!” Chris grins. “Let’s break for lunch, shall we?”
“So, who do we have left?” Max asks, once again refusing to touch his meal (today it’s brown goo). 
“Frollo just left, but O hasn’t gone yet,” Julia says weakly. There’s a large bandage around her torso. “Neither has Scruffy, Staci, or Michael.”
“Hm. Where is Michael?”
A bird of prey cries overhead as Michael sits up on a patch of grass, groaning. Her face is a sickly shade of green as she adjusts to her surroundings, and she notices a little gray box adorned with a red button at her feet, a sticky note attached to it. 
“Dear Michael. Feel free to chicken out with the callback button any time. Love, Chris,” she reads before she suddenly turns pale and runs over to a cliff edge to throw up. As she looks up, she notices she’s still on the Island- but with no one in sight. 
No response. 
“Very funny, Chris, guys- where are you hiding?”
She peers in the mess hall, the cabins, even the confessional- no one. A look of panic begins to cross Michael’s face. “Oh, God. They left me here. I’m stuck on the island,”
A sudden, loud siren sounds over the intercom system and everyone jumps. A loud voice spoken over a megaphone follows:
“Reuban Fogell, you are under arrest. We have you surrounded!”
Courtney raises an eyebrow. “Who the hell is Reuban Fogell?”
Everyone in the mess hall turns to McLovin as he suddenly rises, standing on the bench with a look of cold determination on his face. 
“Resisting is pointless! Come out with your hands up!”
McLovin takes off his usual glasses and puts on a pair of prescription sunglasses before he slowly walks to the door of the mess hall, stepping outside with his hands held high in the air. The rest of the campers crowd around the window, watching as Chef (dressed as a prison warden) handcuffs him and drags him away as he nods. 
Chris steps into view, holding a megaphone. “Impressive. Didn’t even throw up or anything. That’s two points for the Fujoshis!”
MCLOVIN: “Yeah, I lied on my personality test. I’m not scared of pigs. Why? Cause I’m gangsta, suckas!” he flips his sunglasses back on and attempts to lean back before falling into the confessional toilet. 
“I cannot believe this,” Julia mutters. 
The Fujoshis looks at each other before cheering and high-fiving. Chris steps inside a moment later, holding a large black box which he drops on the floor with a thump. 
“Sha-Mod, care to join the winning members of your team?” 
The Fujoshis part like the Red Sea and reveal a slightly-trembling Sha-Mod, clutching onto his Lightning picture. The box is a paper shredder. 
SHA-MOD: “I’ll be Sha-Real with you all back home for a second. I’m not on the island for money, or to make friends, or to have a fun time. I’m here because I accidentally entered a contest at the White Oaks Mall in London, Ontario. I thought the prize was a lifetime of free soft pretzels. Turns out the prize was an audition-free entry to this show, which I never even Sha-Heard of until I realized I signed a contract for it! I watched one season, the toxic one.”
“Ready to show the world the real you, buddy?” Chris chuckles. Sha-Mod violently shakes his head. 
“It’s just a picture,” Ass says, rolling their eyes. 
"You can do it, Sha-Mod!" Courtney smiles encouragingly.
“Nuh-uh. This thing is not going sha-anywhere,”
“You sure about that?” Chris smiles. 
“Sha-sure- I mean, yes,”
Chris shrugs, and a few interns run in and hoist away the paper shredder. The Fujoshis groan. 
SHA-MOD: “I may have lost the point but I kept something more important: my Sha-Anonymity.”
Austin walks into the mess hall, wearing his regular uncoordinated clothes again, his hair wet. Chris chuckles. “Failed, I presume?”
Austin sulks. “I jumped in the lake, baby. I couldn’t do it- I couldn’t be a square,”
Max smacks his forehead and Julia sighs. 
“Well, anyway- Scruffy- Bonnie’s time is about up, which means you’re set for your turn in the Dramathon 2000! And Staci- or should I say Alex- you’re going to meet Chef in the kitchen for a fun little talk.” 
Scruffy swallows a lump in their throat and walks outside the mess hall as a nervous Staci heads in the opposite direction. 
“Mal, Courtney- I’ll see you two and the rest of your team in the cabin area,” Chris grins. “We have a special surprise for you.”
The sun beats down over the empty island as Michael digs through the kitchen pantry, finding it completely empty aside from an old can of tuna. She sighs and rubs her eyes, and then walks back outside the mess hall. 
She walks over to the cabins, which look as if a tornado had gone through them, and pulls a plank of wood off the stairs, carrying it over to the beach where a loosely constructed raft is half-way done. 
MICHAEL: “I didn’t come to this show to win. I don’t even want to win, honestly. I joined because I was hoping I’d get to meet more people who’d see me as something more than just “one of the guys”. This has to be some kind of divine punishment- I was unhappy with my current friends, so everyone left.”
Chef presses the red button on the Dramathon chair and releases Bonnie from their restraints, to which they immediately tear off the virtual reality machine and toss it across the tent, their eyes red and pupils extremely dilated. 
(three points for the Fujoshis)
“Chris wants everyone out by the cabins,” Chef says. Caesar stands from his corner and helps Bonnie out of the chair and outside the tent, shielding their eyes from the sun.
“Caesar- is that you?” they mutter, shaking slightly as their pupils dart around. 
“I’m here, doll. Can you see?”
“No- my eyes are fried,”
“Oh, thank God,” Caesar breathes a sigh of relief. “This haircut is terrible.” 
Scruffy watches the two in terror, and steps inside. Though they look terribly nervous, they take a seat without complaint anyway, allowing Chef to set up the Dramathon 2000. 
“Did… Chris say what this was going to be?” they ask in a quiet voice. 
“Just a history lecture,”
Scruffy sighs and relaxes a little. 
“An American history lecture,”
“Wh-what?” Scruffy asks. “No- you can’t make me! I can’t listen to the preamble again! NOOOOOO!”
“Yeah, whatever,” Chef shakes his head, muttering “Americans” to himself before throwing on a cardigan and a pair of reading glasses. “Sit tight, I gotta session to get to.”
Staci lies on a couch set up in the kitchen, jittery and nervous. Chef takes a seat in a plush chair across from them, clearing his throat as he pulls out a notepad and flips through it. 
They stare in terror as he slowly flips through the pages, adjusts and readjusts his glasses, and licks his lips. “So-”
“NOOOOOOOO!” Staci screams, jumping up and dashing out. 
MICHAEL: “Is it a problem that I need to be surrounded with people all the time?! Maybe! Maybe! But this is different! They left me here to die! I can’t die here! I can’t die on this [censored] island! Just when people were starting to like me!”
“O, my dude, your services are needed out here!” Chris shouts into his megaphone with a voice that clearly reads as him holding back laughter. 
O, shaking like a leaf, stands from the mess hall table. Julia, Max, Staci, and Austin give each other glances as he leaves, and then upon hearing a shrill, terrified shriek, stand from their seats and hurry outside. 
Chris is holding back tears as O rocks back and forth on the ground, eyes wide and terrified. The team looks around, but no one sees anything. “What’s the dealio, baby?”
“Ok, ok, you dudes gotta see this- watch,” Chris squeaks, tears running down his face. He pulls a thin paper mask out from behind his back and holds it up. It’s no monster, no ghost, no tattered, bloody decapitated head- it’s actually a blond with a cowboy hat. 
“Oh. My. God,” Max stifles a laugh. 
“Is that… Geoff?” Staci asks hesitantly. 
Austin looks between the two as they giggle. “What? Who?”
Chris holds the mask over his face and O screams in terror, earning another round of laughter from the group. 
“It’s not funny!” O insists, glaring at them before Chris puts the mask in front of his face again. O shrieks. 
O: “Yes, okay, I admit it! I only came onto this show for exposure therapy purposes because of my irrational “phobia” of- of… G-E-O-F-F.”
“Alright, alright,” Chris chuckles. “Anyone wanna take over? I have a boxing match to get to.”
Julia raises her hand, and Chris tosses her the mask. “Oh, and once Scary is done being normal in fifteen minutes, let her have a turn, too!”
A massive boxing ring has been set up between the two cabins, and a confused crowd of campers surrounds it. 
“Who’s afraid of a little scuff, baby?” Austin asks, looking around. Kelly stands beside him, reapplying fake tan after having completed her challenge while Scary chases around O in the Geoff mask behind them. (three points for the Anons)
“Do you have any idea what’s going on?” Caesar asks, attempting to mousse up his normal hair again, finished with his torture, too (four points for the Fujoshis). Bonnie blinks one eye, then the other, and then collapses on the ground. 
“This is dumb,” Ass sighs. “Let’s get this thing started already, McLean! I’m hungry!”
Chris steps out onto the ring, dressed in a tux and holding a microphone. “Welcome, campers, to a personal favorite of mine: fear-themed boxing! In one corner, we have the lovely, half-metal Courtney! And in the other, we have the possibly lovely, blog-obsessed Mal! Or should I say Lucy?” He chuckles. 
The campers murmur amongst themselves as Mal’s eyes widen. 
“Now, both of these campers had a lot to say when answering our personality test questions, so I’m sure they won’t mind sharing that with you while they settle their differences like men!” Chris shouts into the mic. “Chef, if you please?”
Chef steps out in a sparkling blue dress, holding two separate diaries. 
The crowd murmurs, deeply unsettled. A few interns walk in, pushing a wheelbarrow as the campers talk amongst themselves, and they dump Michael on the ground. Julia helps her up. 
“How’d it go?” 
“Not well. I was halfway between deciding whether I wanted to try to get off the island or kill myself when I remembered I could just quit,”
Max shrugs. “Well, glad you didn't kill yourself. We might actually have a shot at winning this thing,”
Michael looks at him, then to the ring as the match begins. Courtney and Mal glare at each other, throwing a few punches as Chef reads. 
“Dear Diary, today, Lucy-slash-Mal threw the dodgeball challenge by using our weakest players to her scummy advantage,” Chef reads in a cold, monotone voice. Caesar raises an eyebrow, and McLovin and Sha-Mod look at each other. “I have a feeling she’s trying to get us to lose so she can weaken the team and vote me out.”
Chef switches to the other diary. “Hey gurlz. I’m back from the dead again. Laughing GIF. Clapping GIF. Today I managed to convince the idiots on my team to vote out Patrick instead of me. I have pompadour and paper bag face on my side, and Noah 2 is totally wrapped around my finger. LOL! Smirking GIF.”
Max crosses his arms, rubbing his chin with a thoughtful expression and Julia gives the Fujoshis a perplexed look.
The Fujoshis, on the other hand, look outright furious. Sha-Mod, Ass, and Caesar all glance at each other. Mal throws another punch, narrowly missing Courtney. 
“FINE! I admit it! I’ve been playing the game just like everyone loves to see it played!” She yells, dodging Courtney’s glove. “So, I’m a new Heather! Sue me! You all need me, anyway! This show is nothing without me!”
Chris smiles, standing alongside Chef as the display unravels. 
“Who’s going to help you? THEM?” Mal shouts, hitting Courtney in the gut. They wheeze and fall over. “Courtney barely has a thousand followers on their shitty blog, let alone 10k! I have 22 thousand watchers on Deviantart! My fics make AO3!” she swings again. “Courtney is “nice” but at least!” she throws a punch once more. “I’m!” Courtney ducks and rolls. “POPULAR!”
Courtney body slams Mal, sending her to the ground with a dull thud. Chef counts down the seconds and then blows on his ref whistle, declaring her OUT!
The Fujoshis cheer, surrounding Courtney and hoisting her in the air. 
“Yeah, that’s great and all, but only Mal spoke her truth, so… you’re only getting one point for that,” Chris chuckles. The Fujoshis stare in silence, unanimously shrug, and then go back to cheering.
(five points for the Fujoshis)
Scruffy walks up, looking much less disturbed than Bonnie. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“Boxing match. How’d it go with you?” Staci asks. 
“Eh, I fell asleep,” Scruffy looks over their shoulder and watches O crawling on all fours to avoid Scary with a grimace. "I see we're not doing too well."
"That's five points for you Anons," Chris says, popping up out of nowhere.
Max counts on his fingers silently. “We’re tied,”
“Very observant!” Chris smiles. “Your tiebreaker lies on the only member of your team who hasn’t faced their fear yet.”
Max nods knowingly. “Frollo,” 
“Nah, he did just fine,”
Frollo leans against the glitter-covered bar in a gay club, lights flashing and streamers flying as he flips through his Bible. 
“I was talking about you, kid,” Chris smiles. “You may have left our application blank, but your college admission essay says a lot about you.”
Max turns white and freezes. 
“Wait, college essay?” Julia asks, turning to him with her hands on her hips. “How old are you?”
“Eighteen in August,” Chris answers, matter-of-factly. "Probably shouldn't have chosen child psychology as a topic for your essay, bud."
“God, I would’ve guessed, like, twelve or something,”
Max shakes his head, ignoring Julia’s quip as Chris grins wickedly. 
“Hey, man, it’s easy. Probably the least painful challenge today,” the host says. “We just need you to walk from this end of the cabins to the other holding Chef’s hand,” Chef approaches, wearing a dress and a brown wig. “...While he’s dressed as your mother.”
A brief silence falls over the Anons, followed by a round of barely-restrained laughter. Max turns red. “IT’S NOT FUNNY!”
Max stares into the confessional camera for a moment with an aggravated look. He keeps perfectly still for a few moments before pointing and shouting. 
The Anons watch on in silence as Max inches forward, his feet scraping against the grass as he drags each shoe in front of the other. Chef grins and holds out a hand, to which Max stares at for a few moments. 
Julia smirks, crossing her arms over her chest. Michael looks between the two with a nervous expression on her face. 
MICHAEL: “It's not that I wanted to help him, I just remember feeling really bad. I guess I’d just been abandoned on a replica of the island for hours and I was pretty emotionally raw, but… I know what it’s like to feel alone like that.”
“Wait!” Michael says, stepping out in front of a very disgruntled Julia. “I’ll go too!”
“You know it’s only one point per challenge, right?” Chris asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“I know,” she circles around to Chef’s free hand and takes it, attempting to give Max a reassuring smile.
He sighs in defeat and holds the other hand. “For the record, I’m not doing this because you’re helping me. I don't need help. This is for the game,”
“What makes you think I’m doing it for you?”
Max shrugs and Chef rolls his eyes before starting off, practically dragging the two behind him as he speed-walks over to the other side of the cabins. 
CHEF: “What? I had a long day!”
As soon as they reach the other side, Max wheezes and collapses on the ground. 
(six points)
“And that’s your winning point, Anons! Safe for another day,” Chris grins, tossing away the microphone and tearing off his suit to reveal his usual clothes underneath. He walks over to where Max is huddled on the ground. “You might wanna take some alone time to wash that shame off, bud.”
JULIA: "Well, that went poorly. But in my defense, those geese really threw me off!"
“Fujoshis- you lived, you laughed, you loved, and you even lost! But only one of you is going home tonight. 
McLovin- Bonnie- Caesar- and Ass- you’re all safe. Courtney- you saved your dignity, but you failed to own up to your truth and cost your team a point. Mal- you scored, but you also showed your true colors and turned everyone against you- and Sha-Mod- you just plain failed, dude,” Chris chuckles. The three give each other nervous glances (even the Lightning picture quivers a bit in the breeze) as Chris continues. 
“Courtney… you’re safe,”
Courtney breathes a sigh of relief and catches her marshmallow. 
“And, finally…
The remaining marshmallow…
Goes to…
Our remaining camper…”
“JUST GET ON WITH IT!” Ass snaps. 
“Yeesh, dude. Just trying to create some suspense. Sha-Mod! You’re safe,”
Mal stands, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth. She marches over to Ass, shoving McLovin out of the way when he tries to stand between the two, and lunges. Chef grabs her just in time and hoists her over his shoulder. 
“YOU THINK THIS IS IT?! THIS ISN’T IT! THIS ISN’T OVER! I’M GONNA…” her voice fades as they go further and further down the docks. The Fujoshis stare at each other. 
“Did anyone get that?” Courtney asks. McLovin and Ass shrug. 
“Who will scream indistinctly next time? And who will stay to play another day? Find out next time, on Total! Takes! Island!”
ASS: "I guess I should've seen it coming. You know me- can't have one normal friend without something ridiculous happening. I still have some hope that I'll find someone on the island who isn't a total psychopath. But, hey... maybe I already have.
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haisayonaraa · 1 month
Jojo's Bizarre Playdate (part 2)
(it's here! sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I had to think of how this was gonna go next. sorry to any Iggy fans but I don't exactly know how to write him into the story, but congrats to all the polnareff fans, because he'll finally show up here! enjoyyyyyy. )
NOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER: we're still going off the fact Kakyoin and Dio never met, Kakyoin never went to Egypt.
[story below]
Well, since we last left off, the little group of crusaders have gotten on their plane to Egypt. Though Kakyoin didn't have any belongings with him at the moment, but not to worry Joseph assured him that buying out a whole store was no big deal (thanks to the Speedwagon foundation being loaded).  So everyone got on the plane with their own stuff. 
Kakyoin looks to Jotaro, "This is so exciting! I've never really flown before, so this is going to be a nice experience!" Jotaro rolls his eyes and looks out the window beside him, "It's just a plane ride.. no need to be so hyped." Joseph, who's seated in the row beside theirs, chimes in. "It's his first time Jotaro, let him be excited, there's no need to rain on his parade!" Jotaro just huffs in response, ending the conversation. After awhile a flight attendant comes by, taking orders for snacks and such. Jotaro asks for soda, Avdol water, and kakyoin- "oh the fruit juice looks good- no I can't ask for that, she'll think I'm silly- order something mature-" "I'll have some coffee, no cream, no sugar" The flight nods, "and you sir?" they turn to Joseph, "Oh, I'll just have some fruit juice." The flight attendant nods, "Good choice sir!" the flight attendant leaves to get their drinks.
Once the drinks arrive, Kakyoin is already feeling slightly small, but he can't regress right now, there's a bunch of random people here, that and he's got some yucky coffee to drink now. Kakyoin stares down at his cup before taking a sip. The dark bitterness of the drink causes the cherry boy to tear up a bit. "Nori, you ok?" Kakyoin looks over to Joseph, who hasn't touched his own drink. "y-ya- this is- it's a little hot is all." Joseph frowns, "you never wanted coffee did you?" Kakyoin rubs his eyes, "not really.." Joseph chuckles, "you didn't strike me as a coffee person anyway, here.." Joseph switches his and kakyoin's drinks. "I can't really drink juice anyway, the sugar doesn't do my blood pressure any good." Kakyoin starts sipping on the juice. "See that's one of the disadvantages of getting old, sure you can eat anything you want, but no one ever tells you that at this point you can't eat what you want because it's bad for your health..." Kakyoin is barely listening by now, he's just over joyed that he's got juice now. Joseph takes a sip of his coffee "bleh! stupid Japanese coffee, this stuff tastes awful!" Avdol leans back in his seat, "Mister Joestar, that's American coffee." Joseph looks at the coffee, "oh.. heh heh.."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to some complications, we're going to have to make a quick stop in Hong Kong to switch planes" many of the passengers groan and sigh, "wat goin' on Jojo?" Kakyoin looks to Jotaro. "Well we're going to have to change planes for some reason." Kakyoin suddenly becomes sad, "But I liked dis plane..."  Jotaro sighs, "I did too, but sometimes these things happen for a reason I guess.." Joseph looks over at the two, "Well this'll give us a great excuse to get some lunch!" Jotaro pulls the tip of his hat over his face, "just don't get too much Gigi.." Joseph grins, "Oh we'll just get something small." 
That something small being a whole entire buffet to themselves. By know Kakyoin has fully slipped into headspace, and Jotaro is following suit. While the group enjoys their food, a certain Frenchman is watching them from afar. "I wonder if that's what I do? But what if it's not? what if they're doing something else? It would be rude of me to assume.. Well, I guess it never hurts to ask.." The man approaches the table, "excuse me, what are you all doing?" Joseph is the first to look up, "eating?" The white haired man shakes his head, "no, what these two are doing.. Is it-" Avdol butts in, "It's a coping mechanism, but at times these two do it just to relax or enjoy themselves." the man seems to perk up, "Oh really?! you two regress too?!"  Jotaro almost chokes on his food from the sudden mood change, and Kakyoin smiles back at the man, "ya, wats ur name?" After grabbing a chair, the man explains to the group that his name is Jean Pierre Polnareff, and that he was just in Hong Kong to site see (the thing said about kakyoin applies to polnareff). "I never expected to find people that have do the same thing as me! Usually I've had such bad luck with people and this subject.." Avdol nods, "it is hard to find people, especially in person." Joseph takes a sip of his drink, "Hey, do you want to go to Egypt with us?" Polnareff tilts his head, "Egypt? what for?" Kakyoin giggles, "A playdate wif a vampire!" Polnareff's eyes widen, "what?!" Jotaro sighs, "A playdate wif my great great uncle." Polnareff relaxes, "oooh! sure, if I wouldn't be a bother that is." Both Avdol and Joseph start gathering up the cleaned off dishes, "You wouldn't be a problem at all, now come on, our flight for Egypt is in an hour!"
(congratulations! Polnareff has joined your party!)
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(he seepy :'3)
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arxxq · 2 years
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╰┈➤ ❝ [Your taste in books are so lukewarm..] ❞
IN WHICH— Itoshi Rin happens to encounter a girl who seems all to familiar to him in a random bookstore. And that was just the beginning of their journey.
Part 1
Mentions of Afab reader
Heavy rain, although people love rain..it does give you disadvantages from time to time. And currently that is happening to Itoshi rin. He was just walking down the street until the the rain appeared, and him not wanting to get sick or get hypothermia had no choice but to enter a random bookstore that was nearby. Lucky for him.
The moment he entered he was welcomed in with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The owner smiled at him but Rin just gave his usual stoic expression. Since it seems like the rain won't go away any time soon he decided why not read a book while waiting.
So he walked to the shelf's and checked out the novels that were there. There was a book that piqued his interest but just as he was about to get it, his hand brushed with another. He looked towards the owner of that hand on to his surprised it was a girl who looked familiar.
The female herself looked towards the hand she accidentally brushed to and to her surprise it was no one other than Itoshi Rin. Her eyes never left him and nor did his. Rin was to mesmerized by her eyes and her other features and the same goes for y/n herself. The mood between them was tense.
Due to realization, Y/n broke the eye contact and apologized. "I'm sorry..you can have the book if you like," she also offered the book to him. Usually rin would've just take the book right but for some reason he said something that stunned himself as well.
"We can read it together if you'd like..that is if you don't mind?" He said. Y/n blinked multiple times trying to process what rin had said. Rin himself was silently questioning himself to why he said that so suddenly. After thinking and processing, y/n agreed to his offer and they sat down on the sofa that was set up.
Due to reading it was nothing but a moment of silence between the two. Although both y/n and rin wanted to break the silence for a moment, they thought that maybe they should just enjoy it instead. As time pass by slowly, both y/n and rin didn't notice that the rain had long gone. Just as both rin and y/n was about to reach the next chapter, there was a notification sound from rin's phone.
He took the phone out of his pocket, to see a text message from his older brother. Now although rin and sae had finally set aside they're differences and moved on from the past, that does not mean they will be able to get along again. Rin groaned since he didn't want his encounter with the girl to end this quick.
"I have to go, it was nice meeting you stranger," y/n chuckled in response. "Well it won't be our last encounter striker..trust me on that," rin rose a brow in confusion. What did she mean and more importantly how did she know about his football career. It did intrigued him quite alot but he decided to save the questions for next time.
As he walks home he thought of something that actually managed to make him smile. "What an interesting person..I'll be looking forward to our next meeting, bookstore stranger...."
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Oh god. I made two Itoshi siblings post in one day. I mean what can I say. I love them. I'm also supposed to be sleeping since tommorow's going to be a long day for me. I also haven't pack since uh I'm staying at my cousin's for like 2 days or just day. Well I should get to packing I guess. And sleeping lmao (ㆁωㆁ) mistakes will be edited once I reread this.
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emptymanuscript · 3 months
For some reason Youtube is making it difficult for me to share my comfort video :/ so... I'll try this way.
Because, quite honestly, the first 10 minutes or so of this was what I kind of desperately needed after last night. She is so damn right it hurts in a good healing-a-wound way.
Because, yeah, full depressive anxiety response, check. And, yeah, both Biden and Trump could literally drop dead simultaneously and have their people puppet them around the next 4 years like it’s Weekend at Bernie’s AND Biden would still be the better candidate.
And, yes, he really did have a bad night. BUT one bad night is not the end of the world. And it was only a bad night if you ignore the content of what was said in favor of the expected appearance.
This isn’t a horse race between two horses that we’re judging based on their physical fitness. This is a political decision about whether you want democracy or not represented in the governing political positions of the two representative leaders. Biden being Pro Liberal Democracy, with all its benefits and flaws.Trump being Pro Right Wing Authoritarinism, with all its benefits and flaws. Neither is all good or all bad. They each have advantages and disadvantages depending on your point of view. Yes, Right Wing Authoritarianism does have distinct advantages, it’s simply the question of whether it is worth the trade off. Same way that Democracy has distinct disadvantages and the question is whether it is worth it.
So, yeah, which do you want?
Do I wish Democracy had sounded more appealing last night? Yes. Does it make me wish we had a more ideal world. Yes but I want that anyway, regardless of last night. I’d rather not have my pro-democracy choice come with as much willingness to throw Palestine under the bus and support for Netanyahu’s regime, even understanding the political context of the stance. I don’t get that choice. The only move I’m given in our election “game” is how I vote based on the choices I’m given. So, yeah, I have to take the bad with the good and the better. Does anything from last night change my position on the actual choices at hand?
No. Again, if the choice was between anything to the left of the democracy/republic divide versus Trump, I would vote for anything. Even a literal pile of shit. Quite honestly, if it had somehow come down to Chris Christie or Mitt Romney or several other Republicans versus Trump I would have voted for them in spite of disagreeing with them on nearly everything and thinking they’re pieces of shit, at least they are Pro-Democracy and value election results. So, it could be worse.
It just makes me feel like I don’t know how to use last night to my advantage at the same time as I see a thousand ways to use it against Biden. Which gives me a pure shot of fear inducing, doom & gloom, catastrophization.
Which is an emotional mind response. Sigh. So... it’s just getting out of that. Ignoring the allure of logical mind’s bullshit that will explain whatever answer I want it to. And picking wise mind back up. Ugh. Mental health is difficult. Bleh.
I don’t actually know why I find ECM (Elizabeth Cronise Mclaughlin) so comforting. She speaks “my language” I guess. But I really am watching her for comfort at this point. So... if you find “buck up soldier, it’s not that bad. All we gotta do is fight harder and smarter” comforting, I recommend her.
Though I'm also not sure she isn't right that I may need to simply disengage for my health. But that is REALLY hard. For all the same reasons. It FEELS (pesky emotional mind) like turning my back on the face eating leopard.
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