#but I guess in the stages of grief I'm in acceptance
kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Btw today is a month since this blog was shadowbanned 🥳🥳
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snallavanta · 1 year
not to be a sore loser but i've lost all respect for sofia carson
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hwanchaesong · 27 days
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━⁠☞🍽️ Eighth Course: If you squint, you'll effectively recognize the facts that everything about his new girl is... disgustingly similar to your image. Talk about serving it in a silver platter. 🥢
🎧: Olivia Rodrigo - Deja Vu
wc: 838
genre & warnings: angst, flashbacks, hints of betrayal/cheating, cursing, lovers to exes, Lia of ITZY is featured here, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The Sour Restaurant series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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You almost laughed at the man who was standing on your porch, looking like a poor child in need of assistance.
"Choi Jongho, what the fuck are you doing here?" you asked incredulously, crossing your arms in annoyance at this ridiculous situation.
He pouts at your aggressiveness, not used to this kind of attitude of yours towards him.
Normally, you'd be so sweet and nurturing, kissing his pout away and cooing at him, asking him what's wrong. But he guesses that disturbing your sleep and knowing that you still haven't forgiven him are good reasons for your change.
His silence further vexes you, raising your eyebrow along with your voice.
"Jongho, I asked you a damn question. Answer it! What are you doing here?!"
"I missed you." he mumbles and you nearly didn't hear him, but you did.. and you are absolutely, insanely furious at his audacity.
He comes barging in your life, causing a cyclone, then he leaves you in the middle of the storm, and he returns like nothing ever happened.
He's treating you like some kind of motel, and it's very disrespectful on your side.
"You missed me? Why? Did your new girl dump you?"
"No, but she resembles you so much that I can't help but remember you through her."
Lame. Lame fucking excuse but you somehow understand it.
Because you saw how she's basically you, a twin perhaps.
When you and Jongho broke up, which was a nasty one, it left you incredibly shattered. You were basically shaking as you picked up your pieces and tried to glue it back together so you'll be able to function like a human being again.
But you also went into the stages of grief, the worse one was the in-denial part.
You were about to throw your phone on the wall, an action that you will definitely regret later but your friend, Lia, thankfully stopped you from doing so.
"No! Y/N, calm down!" she yells, pinning you down on the mattress and doing her best to comfort you.
You let go of your phone, from your palm it landed on the sheets and Lia's eyes went over to it. Realizing that you're stalking Jongho's social media account.
She shakes her head in disappointment but she can't exactly blame you. She knows what you're going through and she's willing to take care of you until you can stand on your own feet again.
"Lia!" you wailed in her arms, bags in your eyes and hair turning greasy for not showering the whole day.
"I-I see his new girl and it's m-me! If he wants a girl like me then I'm here! Why does he need to look for others!?" you shouted and cried and she stayed there to listen to your rants.
Lia scans the phone again, lulling you into sleep and she can't help the cringe on her face.
Jongho's new girlfriend does seem like a clone of you.
Same hair, same facial features, same physical attributes, heck even the way she dresses.
If you are the standard that he's keen on keeping, then why would he leave you alone at the end of the altar while he meets other girls that will inevitably bring him back to you.
You do not, cannot, and will not accept such bullshit.
But that was back then, when you were too naive to realize that the world is a large place to explore. You had to be the bigger person, no, not forgive but you'd rather forget, and you did say to your family and friends that you wish Jongho well.
Now though, that he stands in front of you, all you could think of is how you should've wished him hell instead.
"Oh you've got to be bullshitting me, Jongho." you chuckled, tone full of mockery and irony, "I'm not dealing with this, I'm done with you."
Before you can shut the door on his face, he puts a foot in and it accidentally gets caught in the middle. You winced and almost apologized but you held yourself back, in the back of your head, he somehow deserves that pain.
"Ow!" he grumbles, but he straightens himself up in a mere second, "Y/N, please. We can talk this out."
If you hear one more begging, you think you'll have to choke yourself.
"Jongho, the 'talk' you're saying has been long overdue." you smile, truly infuriated, "Well then, go have fun recycling our routine to your new relationship."
You slammed the door, locking it— locking him out.
You have spent lots of sleepless nights thinking about the things that he's doing with his new girlfriend, the one that he easily replaced you with.
You have thought about them eating at the restaurants that you frequently went to, watching the movies that you have recommended to him before, singing their hearts out during late night drives.
It's maddening, and now that you're only starting to get some rest, you are not gonna allow him to ruin that.
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@acciocriativity @iarayara @stolasisyourparent @xdannix @nsixns @heartssol @vixensss @shakalakaboomboo
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baa-whatever · 29 days
Hm....I'm still thinking Moon's just going through the five stages of grief....
I believe Earth was closer to Solar than he was to Moon. I'm calling it now, I'm pretty sure he's told her more things about himself than he's told Moon.
In a way I see it as Pearl and Rose but without the romance of course, lol.
One thing I don't understand is why is he NOT accepting Eclipse's help? Even after everything he's said and done, Eclipse is trying to bring him back.
From what I can guess is that Solar didn't try to bring back his Sun. He was busy fixing everything else while his Moon was glitching and trying to bring his brother out of a coma.
So if Moon manages to bring him back, what if he's not himself? What if the other half is a Bloodmoon? He'd be Vampire Solar....that would be kinda cool actually. Now if he did use Eclipse he would probably just go back to being evil and trying to be the God Eclipse. If he used Ruin he'd probably continue his work of hunting other Creators....or be british. Or both.
For real, what if Solar comes back and he's like:"You're not MY Moon or Sun..." hearing them say that would probably hurt worse. And then he'd be stuck in another dimension while his home is gone forever and he can't get back.
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thorias · 2 months
It occurs to me that what we saw in ep7 may have been Rogue going through the 5 stages of grief. She started with Denial (can't accept that Remy's dead) and Anger (killing Trask).
Cable showing up with the possibility of saving Remy via time travel could mean we'll see Bargaining in ep8, then Depression if that somehow doesn't work.
If this is what's happening, then my guess is Remy won't return until after Rogue reaches the Acceptance stage. In storytelling terms, that's just how this stuff tends to work. I kind of hope I'm wrong though; I really don't feel like waiting that long to get him back, but I could see it playing out like this...
In the closing scene of ep10, Rogue finally, sadly accepts that Remy is gone, she visits his grave to say goodbye... only to find the grave empty.
BOOM. Enter Death!Gambit or Prime Sentinel!Gambit... in season 2.
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
idk if youre still accepting asks about this whole thing, but...
i guess this whole situation is making me grieve the man i thought he was. kind of stupid to say it like that, probably, but now that this whole side of him is revealed pieces fit together differently and he's just a whole different puzzle. the last puzzle of him we knew was pretty, and this one isn't. but we can't put together that old one now without ignoring these new pieces.
i don't regret knowing or finding out, to be clear. i just mourn what i thought he was, because that was someone i liked, even if from afar. this is someone i wish i could still like but i don't remotely want to. i want to sweep the puzzle off the table and cry onto it because it's awful and horrid and i miss what i thought was true, but the pieces are glued down now. does that make any sense? im probably being too poetic about it.
i love shelby to death, though. she deserves the world and its love right now, and her puzzle still shines so so bright despite this, cheerful and soaked with sadness but okay. she needs the break shes getting. i hope she gets lots of hugs (if she likes them) and has an awesome break ❤
no no it's not stupid to say it like that. honestly the first night after shelby's stream, firesnap and I were dming and she pointed out that it felt as though we were going through the stages of grief and I agreed with her. it was grieving someone we thought we knew. because the person wilbur soot presented himself as was completely different from who he actually was.
it's okay, I get what you're saying. I'm also mourning the person I thought he was. we all are.
I am so so happy to see such an outpouring of love and support for shelby. they deserve it so much. they have taken such a brave step forward and now wilbur can't hide behind his public persona anymore. shelby was brave enough to bare her pain and I wish her nothing but the best moving forward
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jumpymystic · 2 months
S19 made me so sad about Grimmons
Initially watching Restoration, I was so devastated about how Grif and Simmons's friendship just ended. So many things happened that when it ended, I just felt so empty and heartbroken. I understand they weren't going to be canon but the way they just split is unreal to me. I thought maybe they would keep that s15 Grif arc where he would learn to accept being in the army, but since Grif was technically drafted, I think Simmons knew and just respected Grif enough to let him go.
(It's a nice gesture, but I was so mad when he filed those papers so fucking fast however I can't stay mad because he saw Sarge die and he probably didn't want Grif to die either and gave him a choice.)
Another thing I wish happened for an end-credit scene was a cut to Simmons grabbing Grif's wrist as he was leaving and going "Hey." and then BOOM the series ends with the first words of the show.
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However, after going through the stages of grief, I accept that they go their separate paths. They wanted this from the start and they finally reached their goals. I'm happy for them. I think if they had given us a 10-year time skip at the end, it could've given more closure to what happened to everyone and how their life is going.
Because a lot of us are still confused about what is Simmons even staying to fight for? What will Grif do on Earth? Does Kai know her brother left? Tucker and Wash need a LOT of therapy but does Carolina take care of them both now? Will Caboose still fight Simmons? DONUT + LOPEZ WHERE ARE YOU???
So many questions unanswered, but I guess that is what fanfiction is for.
If there is a physical release, we need a special where all of them are FaceTiming each other because I don't think my heart can accept this ending.
Despite Restoration being "mid"...I want to say thank you to Geoff, Burnie, Matt, and Gus for this amazing show and for putting so much love into it. I wish I could've been in this fandom sooner, but damn was it a jolly good show.
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faroreskiss · 9 months
the mailman in LU? yeah. hurt no-comfort linguist reader somehow gets a letter from their world. contents of the letter could be up to you, or it could simply be the stereotypical notice that someone they cared for has died. really puts it into perspective that they’ve been gone for over 2 years (if you count the time they spent in BOTW’s world)
Oh my Hylia anon, thank you for this request, it really gets the juices flowing. And no comfort? Damn, the dark side is really calling for you, eh? This ficlet is here to ruin the Isekai!Reader inserts.
There is Hylian in this ficlet!
I'm making it extra dark by placing this on a time where the linguist reader is still NOT able to communicate so expressively with the Chain in Hylian.
This can still be read stand alone.
Realities of being an Isekai!Reader. Is that even a genre?
For anybody wondering, "The Power of Understanding" the Cheat Sheet is here, the main fic is here.
CW: Hurt/no comfort. Not proof-read, mention of death, dark basically. Maybe don't read it at night.
Ended up longer than I thought.
The Void / The Power of Understanding Short Story
Spending time with your favorite heroes, hell, even being involved with them romantically to an extent, was amazing.
Of course, only if you didn't count the fact that you could get killed any time, attacked by a random monster and suffer a horrible death.
...Or the fact that you have been away from anybody you have ever known in your life, for over two years.
At some point, you accepted the fact that you were just going to be living the rest of your life humbly in Hateno, in your little cottage. Before that, it had been terrible for a while, right after the honeymoon stage ended. The depressive episodes, sobbing at night, the nightmares, the guilt. In the first year, you were barely able to function due to your grief. Even when Link and Zelda were there for you.
You felt guilty, even though it wasn't your fault that you had been thrown in there. You felt guilty that you enjoyed it sometimes, going for hikes in the morning, hanging out with Link, decorating your cottage, learning a new language, playing the scholar. You felt guilty you didn't try hard enough (if at all) to get back to your world. What could you have even done?
Then your mind had been occupied, busy with trying to build a life for yourself, trying to communicate with people in the post Calamity Hyrule. Then, you settled in, just started to have a new routine to your life. Time has passed fast, oh so fast. And these people didn't even have the same calendar system over here. You didn't even know when your birthday was in the Hylian calendar!
Later, you had been thrown into yet another world and met the rest of the Links. So much for settling in, huh.
You usually actively tried to push the thoughts of your loved ones in your world away. At some point, it became second nature to you. The world here was different enough, not a lot of reminders.
Except when you saw the Sailor with her sister... Or Rancher with his adopted family perhaps. The Old Man with his lovely wife Malon. You still pressed on.
You just departed from the Lost Woods and a sense of rejuvenation courtesy of the swarm of fairies you came across, after the boys killed the huge moblin.
It was a bit before Wild's era, you were guessing. The existence of the Captain really confused the shit out of you. You assumed he was also on a merger timeline or something, like Wild.
Then, your attention was drawn to a lanky individual with an exceptionally prominent nose and a rather comical hat. Could that be the postman once more? The mystery of how he managed to consistently locate your group, deliver letters, and then depart as if it were the most ordinary task continued to boggle your mind. Yet, given that you had ventured across various dimensions more times than you could count, you opted not to dwell on it extensively.
You were more curious about how he was able to read all those different scripts from different eras in the first place. Or how Links could sometimes tell which one belonged to which hero. Not like some of them were that different...
"Hireulu!" he greeted your group, holding only one letter in his hand this time.
As lost in thought as you were, you couldn't have missed the next thing you heard:
"(Y/N) tiyu? Ti riemun nia kubela."
He... had a letter for you? The others also seemed a bit perplexed. Nobody in your era wrote letters that much anymore. You silently held up your hand. He gave the letter to you, and as the boys were trying to somehow talk to him, he already rushed away, shouting "Hilay su aduerin!" You smiled. You knew at this point that it meant "Goodbye" in a sense. "May Hylia protect you" was the literal translation of it.
Sounded almost similar to the story behind the phrase "Goodbye" in English. God be with you.
Seated by the roadside, you carefully examined the letter in your hands. Strangely, a wave of unease washed over you. It had been ages since you'd last encountered something written in Latin script that wasn't written by you.
While curiosity tugged at your thoughts, it also stirred memories you had long sought to bury, bringing forth a flood of thoughts you'd rather avoid.
Wild sat next to you, he had curious eyes as the script looked quite unfamiliar to him.
As you started reading the letter, the blood drained from your face. You were only in a few sentences in, yet you knew exactly what it meant, and who it was. You dropped the envelope to the floor, it got stuck in the grass.
"We lost her. After three days in bed, on her fourth she became one with the earth."
More than two years ago now, when you were first whisked away from your world, she had only recently been diagnosed with a sinister disease that affected the communication between her brain cells, making her forget things. But she was okay. Even though the doctors said they were slowing it down significantly, the end was inevitable. She would end up forgetting the most basic body functions towards the end.
But she was okay.
She had been the most badass person you had ever known in your life.
She would ride horses and scare off the corrupt shepherds in her time. Even though she was denied education above basics, she had been a fierce advocate for it. She had always been a fierce, strong woman. She planned everything.
Including her death, it seemed.
You remembered how she would say she wouldn't want to be bedridden and taken care of for months on end. How she even bought a place in the graveyard around 10 years ago, which caused a huge family drama. She even told her children what to announce once she died. What to wear.
As you read the rest of the letter, tears were streaming from your cheeks, yet your expression was still neutral. You weren't sure if you deserved feeling sad.
Were you sad because you lost her? Or were you sad for your own parent who lost a parent? Were you sad for yourself because one day you would have to do it also for a parent? For a loved one? Or were you sad because once again you were reminded of the bitter reality of mortality? Or were you sad because you couldn't even bid her a proper farewell? 
Even if you were still in your world, you weren’t sure if you could make it on time for her funeral anyway. According to the traditions you were raised with, it had to happen within 24 hours. You lived quite far away already, and this had been one of your primal fears.
Not being able to spend enough time with them, not being able to say farewell.
Wild (and everybody else) noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks, and said something as he put his hand on your shoulder, only lightly pulling you to him. You were frozen, you really weren’t in the mood to try to understand anything.You didn’t move a millimeter. 
Everything came back, everything you tried to hold back. You wondered what they thought, did they think you were lost, kidnapped, dead? What about your partner? How were they doing? Your sister? All the other loved ones? How were they feeling?
Too much. It was too much. It was crashing down upon you. You were scared, the guilt was too heavy. Your vision was blurry. You were rocking yourself back and forth as you pulled your knees to your chest, mumbling to yourself. You held them always back, but it seemed like your defenses had finally given in. They broke. You broke.
You were in a void, where the only sound you could hear was your heart beating as if it was going to escape your chest and the screeching sound ringing in your ears. It was hard to breathe. You felt sick to your stomach. Your hands and feet felt as if ants were walking on them. Cold, but also too warm. You were shivering,
You couldn't hear the sound of the boys chattering, trying to figure out what to do. How some of them understood exactly what was going on, but for the moment how confused they were. The Rancher was mumbling something to your ear, something soothing maybe. Wild’s hand was still over your shoulder, but you did not feel it anymore. 
The void was the only thing that embraced you.
You wailed in pain.
The Sailor picked up the envelope from the ground noticing there was something sticking out of it. It was a... picture? Black and white.
It felt really brittled and old in his hand. It had some text he didn't understand. Two relatively young women were in it, smiling. To him, it looked like weird clothing, but they gave off a fancy air with how they posed.
One of them really looked like you.
He put it in his bag for now, to give it to you later.
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demodraws0606 · 11 months
Hey Guys ???
Ok I'm making a huge ass thread on my continuation of the Whit mastermind theory but there is this one realisation that happened and I don't know where to put it but it is either the biggest coincidence I've ever seen or it's a huge clue.
So you know how Mai's numeral from the David MV is linked with this right ?
"XI.God Is dead"
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And Whit's mom is named Elizabeth right ?
Here is the meaning of the name Elizabeth
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Guys...wtf ????
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I also want to add that Steve (Whit's dad surname) is also a religious/christian name which means "crowned". So it's not just a coincidence that Elizabeth's name means this, it's a pattern.
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I don't know what the crown could be linked to yet but I guess i'll just search
By the way if people doubt the fact that the writer would put so much detail in just the character's name, I want to point out the fact that Rose's entire family are named after plants. So this type of hiding double meanings in names isn't new for the creator.
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I'm talking about this but like I didn't even get into how right after Mai's quote, there is a line with "become brainwashed : go do it" with brainwashed higlighted in pink which then immediatly flashes to a text about the 7 stages of grief with a silly little emoji face.
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Which like Whit is the main character dealing with grief in the cast and it comes right after a line which has a word highlighted in pink and thus is related to him.
Or you know I didn't even mention how the untranslated kanji for blood is in pink and how they make a strange comparison between the pink and red blood.
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Or you know the whole "substract 4" thing to which if you subtract 4 to Whit's numeral it gives us Mai's numeral.
I barely started my second theory thread and I'm already getting distracted by other stuff. This isn't even like a "oh whit HAS to be the mastermind now" it's more so that either if he is the mastermind or not he is definitely fucking connected to this killing game in some way.
How many times will I have to talk about you, you weird pink thing
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Edit : It seems other characters like Xander Matthews (who clearly did some stuff with Mai we don't know about) also has religious meanings tied to his name.
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Some others are related to christianity but don't have a link to the word "God" and/or are either hints towards their characters (Levi, Julia) or simply are concidences (Rose)
I would accept Elizabeth's name as a coincidence if : it wasn't the first thing that google gives when asking the meaning of the name AND if Steve didn't also have biblical meaning as well.
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this was supposed to be longer but i got tired (and realized maybe this wasn't such a good idea) so i kinda bs'd this to just finish it up. sorry it doesn't look all that good lol
transcript of my shitty handwriting + more rambling under cut
panel 1:
len: rin, just leave him—
rin: NO! i'm not going to give up now—
len: i know you're upset, but all you're doing is—
panel 2:
rin: i know he still remembers, he has to...
panel 3:
rin: kaito-san, it's me; rin. you tried singing one of len and i's songs the other day. you got the melody right, remember? meiko-san's birthday is soon. remember her? a few weeks ago you said you needed to buy her a present. what were you going to get her? do you remember? tell me.
aight yea so this is what yall get for picking that ❄️📺❔🕚💾🪦 option on the poll (which btw was related to this drawing)
i'll just keep it simple: basically kaito gets dementia (or i guess the robot equivalent of it??). yeah.
not sure if this takes place on the cusp of v3 happening and just this specific kaito v1 module was unable to be updated for some reason? or if they're all still stuck in v2 and v3 hasn't happened yet/will not happen for a while... but i do know its def before v4 happened, so people like fukase and una don't exist yet
anyways though as you might expect, it pretty much sucks all around for everyone involved. not just the other 5 cryptonloids watching their close friend so previously full of life deteriorate into a husk of his former self, but for kaito himself too. he suddenly can't remember things like where he is or who the people around him are, and its incredibly frustrating b/c he knows he did have the memories at some point, its just as if they got misplaced... there's random bits of recollections that do come sometimes but as much as he tries to hold onto them they flicker and fade away just as quick as they appeared. left sinking back into a feeling of hopelessness that then becomes pure emptiness, as you can feel how you're losing yourself but there's quite literally nothing you can do
visually the static is used to represent a lot of that "foggy" feeling as things become more and more unclear, and given the robot/android nature it makes sense i guess? it's not really seen here but just as an actual machine might be when breaking down, his visual + audio processors begin to malfunction, causing a literal static overlay on his vision with faces/objects he can't recognize occasionally glitching out as well as constant white noise in his hearing and the sound of people talking to him becoming garbled and unintelligible. as time goes on he also loses his own ability to synthesize speech so aside from becoming withdrawn and quiet out of fear he'll say something that makes no sense, he then literally just becomes incapable of responding at all
again (as you might expect), the other cryptons aren't doing very well as this is happening. rin and len see kaito almost like a father, so watching one of your parental figures slowly march towards death is... not great. rin (as seen here) is still trying to hold on, because she swears kaito has had a few good days where he does recall more, where he seems much more like his old self, and maybe, just maybe if they wait a bit more he'll get better [tbh she's speedrunning the 7 stages of grief but goes between being stuck in some of the earlier stages its... not good]. len's grief on the other hand is manifesting itself in a way more similar to meiko's: he's not as distant as her, but he has already recognized that there's pretty much nothing that can be done and just wants to minimize kaito's suffering. len's just as shattered as rin though, but he's not showing it openly, figuring he has to accept it, as fighting against the grief like his sister won't help anything.
i just mentioned meiko so speaking of her: this is also probably extremely difficult on her, as, yknow, the counterpart v1 to kaito. she's withdrawn herself away from kaito, as she doesn't want to cause him pain in case he happens to recognize her, remember something about their relationship, but not comprehend what it means and just become confused/distressed. at least, that's what she says; it's more or so she can't bear to see him in this state, as he slowly loses more parts of himself, so she isolates herself in hopes the pain will be somewhat less when its all over, for having seen him less and not having false hopes of his recovery. that being said though she has definitely still been around him and tried to keep her composure... from kaito's pov, in moments of recollection, its disheartening seeing your wife close friend suddenly ignoring you, almost like she's mad or sad about something, but you can't remember why. did you forget to do the laundry? is it something unrelated? you want to ask her but she won't tell you; why? did she already and you just forgot? why...
miku's usual cheeriness has also crumbled, as even with rin's attempts, she can't find anything to be optimistic about in this scenario. she just feels this immense guilt, that she should've done something about this; she has influence as the most popular of the entire group, surely she could do something to make it all better. but aside from the arguments and indecisiveness regarding ethics and not wanting to do something without everyone's collective decision, she does know deep down its not her fault. maybe someone like one of the technicians or programmers would be more at fault, but she doesn't want to blindly throw accusations either, because surely they hadn't foreseen this happening either; nobody would intentionally throw in such a cruel fate for someone, it was an unfortunate system glitch that they were working to fix, but even if they did come up with a patch for it, it would be far too late for kaito at that point. she doesn't want to dwell too much on the logistics of it, miku just wants to be there for everyone else, because she knows how deep in despair the others are—she is too—and doesn't want their whole group to fall apart after such a devastating event.
as for luka: i would assume we're kind of actually seeing everything from her perspective, so as an audience lens she'd be more objective about presenting everything as it is without putting too much of her own bias/thoughts into it. but she's not completely unfeeling either. she tries interacting with kaito quite often, despite some of the others warning her about doing that too much. she tries talking to him about random things, not necessarily aiming to get him to remember anything in specific, though if any of his memories do surface in conversation she'll def address them and ask if he recalls anything more (and if not that's alright too). on some occasions she's been accused of being insensitive, but she doesn't want his death to be this huge tragedy, she would want him to be somewhat happy in his last moments. after everything that's happened, he deserves to leave in peace, in her opinion.
i've mentioned death a few times and there's a literal gravestone in the original emoji combo so safe to say, yeah, he dies. unfortunately the damage to his hardware is beyond repair from the critical/fatal errors and glitches, and it's decided that it'd be best to ultimately just deactivate him and delete all his files to not prolong any pain he might've been in for any longer. not exactly sure what would happen afterwards (aside from an obvious aftermath of the grief): if this is before/on the verge of v3 happening, there's the situation i thought about of them receiving a new replacement v3 kaito module, which has its own angst w/ it: its almost like seeing a fucking ghost, but it's not the same one they all remember, nor does it have all those memories. and this v3 kaito himself experiencing conflicted feelings as someone who was brought in to try and give back happiness to this group, only to seem to cause more despair for being so similar to someone long gone that he'll never truly replace. again though i'm not sure if i'd actually have that happen for the sake of everyone involved's sanity but it is something interesting to think about
i've been typing this for like 3 fcking hours now and i have no idea if this makes any goddamn sense lolol uhhh. like all my things it sounds way better in my head than when i actually put it on paper 😭 but congrats if you actually went thru the effort of reading all this. i might do more explanations like this of my things if anyone's interested, like of the other poll options, but we'll see
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rjschoicesstuff · 3 days
Mourning her humanity and what could've been her future
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More thoughts/headcanon stuff + ramble + more older doodles under the cut
Ok I always imagine that they definitely would've had convo's about if Ripley's interested in ever becoming a vampire. And her answer's always been a firm 'No.' Like she loves gaining powers by drinking vampire blood and is perhaps even a bit addicted? to that? But in the end she sees that as the perfect mid way and in the end she'd want to live a human life. And yet they turned her anyway because she clearly wasn't ready to go yet either when they parted before Ripley faced the creator.
Like once she wakes up at first she's relieved, but then when she realises she's been turned she feels like they broke her trust I guess? But when asked if she thinks they should've let her die she gets real quiet too..
And she doesn't want to be mad at them but sometimes she'll have a moment. For a few days in the beginning she just wants to be sad in her room but I think eventually Cas would get tired of all that and drag her out of her room to just go do something exciting in the forest and it does help lol.
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Especially in the beginning she thinks a lot about like, what this means for her life. I think she had a lot of vague future plans and things she saw as options. She really wanted to have kids one day, like she's so close with her mom I think she longs/longed to have that with her own future kids too, but that's off the table now obviously. She really hates the idea of being stuck in Crimson Beech forever too. She liked the idea of moving out for college and really getting a taste of independency, but that's scrapped too (maybe? Idk this one could still happen maybe I guess, an university on a leyline? Idk). It's weird to her that she'll forever be 19 and never get to see herself age.
She also really hates the bloodlust and how it makes her act, how she gets thoughts that don't seem like her own because she cares about people, of course she doesn't wanna hurt them!! And yet right now she notices that something in her mind is kind of dehumanizing humans, making it seem okay to chase after them and feed on them. Making her feel like that's just the way things are supposed to be.
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I'm still figuring some stuff out with like my own version past book 2, cause I already started brainstorming before book 2 was announced and it's just too fun to scrap it all lol. I always felt more drawn to the idea of her mom's memory not being erased and her just being an alley to the vampires (tho I think they leave out the whole human hunting-thing (tho I have headcanons about all that too, but I won't get into that right now)). And Ripley moving into the Nexus for the time being, until she has herself under control, because it quickly becomes clear that it's dangerous for her to be around her mom or humans in general. I also imagine there's a lot less hostility from the other vampires especially because she saved everyone's asses like hello..!? And I imagine a lot of them really try to help her integrate and stuff. The trio would definitely still find themselves in trouble with (especially) Lewyn and Astoria though lol, like I wanted to keep the part with the silver brand for example.
She kinda goes through all 5 stages of grief regarding her vampirism and comes out of it accepting it. I think there'll always be some angst about some things but she won't be forever miserable about it at least.
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voidhri · 1 month
I absolutely love the tiny little headcanons or thoughts about mia in the comments , would you mind telling us more 😭 ranting or more I don't mind we just love to hear it
Hehe the Mia brainworm is still at an early stage, it needs to grow so I can get more ideas for it.
So I talked to @sunborn-tenacity and we came up with some ideas
I've seen a post where op had thoughts about Mia having a one sided love for the og MC and that this is the first time that MC actually picked her.
I love the angst of "I'm in love with my bestie who never picked me and suddenly in this lifetime they see me"
The contrast between Miranda's:
og!MC is the only one that matters, this new MC is just a vessel for me to make sure they become their former self. So they can die, pick another person, that's insignificant to me, they WILL become my old MC.
I'm still in love with og!MC but I've never seen an opportunity to be with them, so I had my grief over it and now I'm just kinda trapped in this quest to "help" Miranda, when in reality I just want the best for my friend.
This new reincarnation is not them, it's not the same person anymore... And yet, I can't help but feel for them.
I also like to think that Mia's route would have some kind of flashbacks as Miranda's had.
But the big difference is, while in Miranda's route you get very overwhelming and invasive flashbacks the more you are with her, to the point you can't enjoy or be present. In Mia's route you'll get glimpses, feelings, of familiarity and random images, but they aren't violently forced on your brain. And Mia is the one who will probably have memories violently shaking her brain.
While MC falls for Mia, Mia is very torn apart by her old and new feelings. Realizing she didn't fully grieve the old MC.
Her route will start in the middle of Miranda's or before Miranda's route.
Her bad ending could be that Mia can't deal with everything after MC takes the worst decisions known to man. (I don't think Miranda is gonna do much at the beginning, since she doesn't even take Mia into account as a rival for MC at all. But if things become more obvious, by the end she will intervene)
And I think Mia will get to that crazy disassociation where she will go "alright, this is not real, MC wouldn't pick me. So let's get over with this" and kills MC or hands them to Miranda so they can reset the loop early.
The neutral ending would be something like Mia just pushes MC back to Miranda's route and disappears
The good ending would be that Mia would accept MC's feelings and they will try to do something to stop Miranda. But fail.
And you think the loop has been reset and you have to start the game again but this time there is a new option at the beginning, one that will lead you to the Mia route without having to get into Miranda's first.
If I'm delulu enough, I can imagine other characters helping them as well (coff coff Bela coff) since most want the curse to be lifted, and there are only two love interests that remember the loops (Donna and Bela) I guess it would depend on your relationship with them. But I bet Bela would take any chance at getting free from the curse and helping her family even if she doesn't get you too.
So I would love if they play around with the game files in a very ddlc and make Mia's route as unnerving as Miranda's but somehow less cold and cryptic and more hopeful.
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sisterofficerlucychen · 3 months
Hi there again 👋🏼 just wanting to vent my feelings again.
This whole break up has me going trough all stages of grief all at once. First I was in complete denial and then just really sad. Now I'M ANGRY. Not to the show or cast, ANGRY AT TIM. As if he had broke up with me and not Lucy.
Been rewatching the show and I just saw the DOD episode and him being all worried about her and I was just screaming at my PC YOUUUU TIM BRADFORD PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER 1 DONT GET TO ACT WORRIED AND HER HERO AND THEN DUMP HER 4 SEASONS LATERRRR
I know i might sound crazy but just went from sad about them to being angry at him in a split of a second with NO REASON AND being COMPLETELY UNREASONABLE
Anyways just looking somewhere to pour my heart and feelings. And a reminder that we all can feel different about this but none of that makes it right to throw hate and say mean things to Eric Melissa or anyone. I m just mad at Tim a fictional man that doesn't exist and not for that im going to say something horrible to Eric (actually if they are making us feel this so much is because they are good ay their jobs)
not hate just peace
hello ♡ pls, go ahead! always here to listen!
no but for real, i feel that in my soul lol. i think this is a place a lot of us currently are — all at different stages and feeling multiple of them at once. but lakfjsdklf mood. i’m starting to wonder if the 3 week hiatus is actually a good thing bc i think we’re all gonna need that time to get to a better place because it really does feel so personal??? 
i commend you for being able to do that 😂 i’ve gotten as far as rewatching 6x06 but there’s something about comfort watching my favorite episodes that i can’t right now, the wound’s too fresh lol. alkfsjdlfa not public enemy number one 😭 i love that you were screaming at your computer though 😂
for what it’s worth, i definitely don’t think so, it sounds very reasonable. i think your reaction rn is so valid like you’re still processing. i know i had a moment where i’ve kind of reached acceptance (i guess?) and saw a really sweet chenford tiktok and fell right back down to denial because i’m still so shocked by it. i also think you’re going about it in a pretty healthy way? like you said you’re upset at the character not the actor which is how it should be, you know what that boundary is.
love the reminder, thanks! and 100%. cast and crew are actual human beings who do not deserve hate thrown their way for doing their jobs and telling a story. it’s okay to be upset, it’s okay to feel everything you need to feel, but taking all of it out on the actual people never will be. you can be critical without being disrespectful. yes on them being good at their jobs! SO GOOD!!!! this is me speaking from personal experience but one of the most gratifying things about performing is getting a response/emotion from your audience bc you’re making them feel something whether it's positive or negative like you know you did something right haha.
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footballffbarbiex · 3 months
I'm still not here here and I know that people have reached out to me, please don't think I'm ignoring you - I just really don't have the mental capacity to hold a conversation right now. I'm certainly going through the 5 stages of grief and it's fucking hard to accept that they're gone, even if I was there while they took their last breath and so I know that it's real. I guess you could say I'm currently flitting between denial and anger right now.
But to those who have reached out, just know that I see you, I love you, I appreciate you. I'll reply when I can.
Fuck cancer.
And fuck these two Atletico Madrid vs Borussia Dortmund matches.
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leqclerc · 5 months
i’m glad i’m not the only one worried here. great for the team and all, but this feels like chaos waiting to happen. i thought we finally had it. even if we didn’t get a wdc, they couldn’t even bother to try and prioritize charles for once.
You're not alone in feeling like this! Being worried and not immediately jumping for joy and accepting every decision the team makes isn't any less valid. Because this is weird, this is unusual, this is something I never thought would happen. It's a lot to process. I've cycled through all five stages of grief today, from "oh lol funny memes" to "alright what the fuck does this mean for Charles?"
I get that a lot of people are super hyped about this, especially if you've always supported both drivers, I get that it must feel like a dream come true.
I'm so conflicted because on one hand, okay, maybe our concerns are unwarranted, maybe this will be the best thing ever, just what the team/Charles needs, massive success all around. But unfortunately I'm a chronic overthinker with pessimistic tendencies so of course I worry 🧍🏻‍♀️
But also, like you said, I thought Ferrari were done with bringing in world champions in favour of making world champions, you know? This just feels like it's going to complicate something that's already very volatile and complicated all on its own (see: plethora of issues that usually held Charles back, whether it be mismanagement or poor strategy, etc.) It already felt like everything needed to come together perfectly for him to maximise his chance of winning and now they throw this massive curveball and I really don't know what to think. Especially given the "multi year" deal (2+1 is I think the version journalists have settled on.)
It kind of just feels like the issues that already existed with Sainz will be magnified, you know? The media machine around Lewis is huge, so that's going to be ten times as intense (Sky is already putting down Charles and it's just going to get so much worse), the fan wars ten times as intense... It just feels like he can't win in any scenario, like all the work he's put in so far to get Ferrari back to their winning ways will be overshadowed by the new big star signing. If they create a competitive package and start winning when Lewis enters the team (even if Charles did the heavy lifting in terms of feedback and development) he will be credited for the team's success. I mean, just look at the way this misleading narrative of Carlos "single-handedly saving the strategy" stuck. Oftentimes people don't care about the facts, if a narrative appeals to them they will perpetuate it.
Plus, there will be so much pressure on Ferrari to "get Lewis that 8th title!!!" Mercedes's inability to do so soured a lot of fans' relationship with the team. If Ferrari really puts team interests above driver interests, then I'm sure they'd see the value in being the team that makes that happen. History book worthy stuff. Kind of concerned that in the midst of that Charles and his ambitions and goals might fall by the wayside. And he's got way more to lose in this situation—no matter how Lewis's time at Ferrari goes, he's a multiple WDC, no one's ever going to take that away from him. Same with Fernando, same with Seb. Charles has never even had a proper chance to go for one title with the team yet.
Like, if you think about it, you have clear "eras", right? Someone says Red Bull, you immediately associate them with Max and/or Seb. Lewis will, I think understandably, be associated with Mercedes due to his long stint and all the success he's enjoyed at the team. I guess I imagined that Ferrari was finally gearing up to be that with Charles going forward. But this shakes things up massively and while winning a championship with Ferrari was already a tall order, now it's, like, full on a herculean task.
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erinnkenobi · 2 years
Whelve² | episode two
Episode One -> Episode two
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — Anakin Skywalker x fem!jedi!reader;
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — mentions of death, grief and I guess that's it
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 —Info: Leia is always up to something.
𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 — This was supposed to be longer, fortunately I've decided to cut and please, just a warn to the next episode of this imagine, prepare ye heart. If you enjoyed please you're free to reblog and give me a ♥︎ Remind you folks, I'm not good enough with my English, so I do accept advices, be easy on me please.
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He lied to him,Sheev Palpatine,The Sith called Darth Sidious lied to the man you most loved and he fell,fell to the dark side,though he did not fell entirely until he knew what Sidious said right after the helmet being put on Anakin's head, that Anakin "killed you."
"— Where is y/n?Is she safe?Is she all right?".-he asked slowly.
"-It seems in your anger,you killed her."-he said.
"—I?I couldn't have.She was alive,I felt it!".-Anakin,your Anakin now Vader says,he could not stand it,he just accepted become Sidious apprentice because of you,to prevent death,your death!But then he was the reason why you got killed.
Anakin is dead,the moment Vader were born,he fell totally to The dark side after the thought of losing you.
Only if he knew that you were alive with his babies,safe,Would ye try to bring him back to the light side of the Force?
Deep down your guts,you knew that your mere existence was a threat to Darth Sidious Empire.
You had Anakin love-heart in the palm of your hand,could you have now Vader love and heart and soul curly in the palm of your hand?Well,you've always believed that there's good in him.
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[Mechanical sounds in the background around you echoes,RD-D2 and C-3PO are discussing in the corner of your medical room]
‐Oh no RD-D2, I couldn't live a life without our dearly master,what if she dies now?She shed a lot of tears and lose too much blood that I thought I could have been the one gone!!!-C-3PO was gesturing his droid hands-arm franctly desperate,it would have been funny if your vision wasn't blurred.
[RD-D2 beeps replied back]
You know Artoo is correcting C-3PO arguing back that you still alive.Yoda and Obi-wan efforts to make you be still should not be underestimate.
-Oh RD-2,thank you my friend,I'll try to being calm for the sake of our master.
You try to lift your upper body, but unsuccessfully you just receives a twinge at ye back that makes you squeak and makes you remain lying down, your body reaction and cry causes C-3PO and RD-2 notice you've woken up.
Relieved both of them, C-3PO clumsily rushes over to you, while RD-2 glides to behind him until arrive by the other side of your stretcher.
-"Oh heavens!" Oh heavens, awakening Mrs. Skywalker now is, Oh good heavens, grateful I am, Master y/n,what a huge fright you gave us, we thought you would die and I would not endure.
[RD-D2 beeps wittly sally C-3PO to control himself]
-I...I am glady that both of you worried over me.-you say with a weak smile staring at the two droids,their presence relieves you,until.
Lifting slowly a hand to ye womb,panic runs over your body noticing that there's nothing inside,your belly bump wasn't there anymore as a few hours used to,oh no no..You let your fear speaks lounder,what could had happened to your babies,what happened with Anakin?
Pale as a ghost,putting your hand on ye belly; "-They're not here...It couldn't be.." fear runs through your veins,cold sweats trips by your forehead and ye hands were trembling at this stage,the pain in your upper body doesn't matter anymore,you want your babies desperately,your newborns.
Lifting ye backs ignoring the cruel pangs and the wish to cry by pain,you change glances between the two droids.
Artoo e C-3PO, where are they?Where are my babies?-your bare hands stills laying down on your empty belly,with your tearful glossy eyes and the nose starting to burn,you won the droids double attention,you didn't notice that you had done some damages behind your back with some machines,objects and other stuff now down on the ground that caused shrill sounds.
[Beeps trying to say to you stay calm because everything it's Okay and that you doesn't need to worry,thus C-3PO is frightened,what if you smash him without knowing?]
-Oh master y/n!Don't worry,everything is fine fine,you must not being stressed,I will bring master Kenobi and master Yoda so you could calm down.
-I do not want them,Threepio!-you snap back in a desperate and angry tone,blaming them you're not,but you unfortunately smashed an innocent cleaner droid,being smart and quickly,Artoo beeps warning C-3PO that he have to stay with you while he would brings the Jedi masters Kenobi and Yoda until you,RD-D2 did not wait for any clumsy response from C-3PO,because he had already left the medical room in search of them quickly.
-That small and stubborn droid!What a good friend he's.-he forced a weak laugh.-So...Mrs.Skywalker before I can say something further,I beg to you not smashes me,just like what you did with the poor cleaner droid near you.-you looked at the small thing literally a few centimetres far from you feeling guilty.
-Sorry...-you stares back at threepio.- I just,sorry again for being rude towards both of you and I'll say sorry too to RD2 when he comes back,but...I just cannot remember Threepio, where am I?Where are we? What is this place,everything seems so confuse and my head is aching,my heart...-you put your hands now upon you chest.–It hurts...-your voice trailed off,the way that you said that, makes C-3PO feel for you,pitying you with sadness, you're exhausted, dare to say weak.-I cannot remember exactly what has had happened.
"A tragedy befell with you...
[...] Could you overcome it?"
The last things that you can remember are flashes through your memories,you reckon landing on Mustafar,a planet with an intense connection to the dark side,your desperate tries and brokenness heart that you got trying to convince and bringing Anakin back to the light side of the Force, so both of you could raise your baby,before you knew it was twins,the he choking you with the force saying that ye turned against him and right after you black-out,then a racking pain all over your body took place by giving birth  not for only ONE baby, but for TWO beautiful babies, fruits of your pure and innocent love watered down years before, that now the seeds has now been harvested. Through your shed tears and blood, alone.
How unfair is this?Your nose burns while warm tears falls over your cheek,  C-3PO attempts to calm you down in a clumsy, though empath way.
– I can't feel him, Threepio.-you shared with the droid in a soft tone,but holding as much as you can the sobbing tears.-I don't feel Ani,not anymore.-you look the droid which Anakin with such young age was able to build,C-3PO and RD-D2 the two droids that shared the best day of your life's,that day being your secret wedding day.-What have happened?Where are we?-you begged again.
C-3PO was ready to say something until a soft manner voice echoes behind your back herein with beeps sounds,R2 calling C-3PO to get out of the room with him,while the man by your back would now talk with you.
-Obi-wan.-you expressed a relief breath.-Where are them?-you asked for tour babies.
Kenobi search for one of ye hands caressing it."—They're with Yoda two room near to yours,but before I bring them to you,we must talk y/n,I will say to you everything that I know and what happened before you gave birth,okay?"
Totally,this is what you needed the most,now the truth even when you know that this might be a blow in your heart,an eternal wound in your heart.
[Explanation time skip]
If what my dearly friend is telling me is the truth,then my truly husband is gone.
He explained me after Anakin choke me to death and I faint that he fought his killer on Mustafar, he said the man were called Darth Vader,when the fight ended Obi-wan rushed to me with the droids taking me back to my shuttle,he asks to Yoda and Bail Organa to come over a planet called Poliss Massa where soon I gave birth.
Gladly I were able to survive,attended by medical droids,I gave birth to my twins Luke and Leia on Polis Massa,Obi-Wan being the one by my side while Yoda was watching all the scene,I was pleased that both of them looked after me,but...
-Where is master Calian?-I asked looking at Kenobi blue eyes now concerned.
-Y/n I don't think this is the right time,but.-he said,he said a thing that I most feared,master Calian Graham is gone,the man who trained me all these years, gone.
"Master Calian,you had promised me that you would be here,there for me when I most needed you to give me advices,I thought you would make it.Why aren't thou here?y-you must've see my babies. "- you says inside your mind.
How was his death?Kenobi didn't know and this riddle would perpetuate,Graham knew a bunch of forbidden stuff from the deleted jedi archives,it was impossible to kill him easily.
There's much more information that I knew my heart wouldn't bear, I couldn't stand one more bad notices,Obi-Wan still recalls me once more so my attention comes back to him.
-I am sorry,I'm so so sorry for being useless,I knew that something bad was coming and I did nothing to help,I'm so sorry.-I started again shaking and sobbing, but Obi-wan put his hands on my shoulders.
-You did nothing wrong y/n,some things runs out of our hands and there's is nothing more that we can do,but now I see that you deserve more than anyone a moment just to yourself enjoy these..-a slide door sound is heard, my heart beats getting lounder.
-Kenobi, leave Alden with her babies and talk we must.-master Yoda comes through the door with Bail Organa by his side carrying in his arms two little packages wrapped in a white blanket.
Kenobi stands up leaving my side,I was anxious to see my two beautiful babies I my arms.
-Mommy sees truly excited little ones.-Bail came to my side helding to me one of the babies,finally.
-This is...Luke.-you smiled caressing carefully his cheek while the Organa,a good friend of yours and your master was holding the girl,Leia.-Can I hold both of them?
-Of course ma'am.-Bail smiles giving now Leia to me ,both of them sleeping.
All your attention is now towards the two babies,their roundy cute faces and rose cheeks.
They are at peace into their mom core embrace,they're safe,staring at them you are able to feel peace,nevertheless deep down with the New Galaxy Order,the things will just get harder.
- Mommy will do what I must to protect both of you,whatever it takes, my beloved children,I promise you.-you give em a peck kiss in their round rosy nose.
Bail observes you giving a tenderness grin, him and his wife are great friends of you, your master liked them a lot, knowing him well, you knew that Calian doesn't like much people, Bail presence is indeed good, but it reminded her him, him should've be here to you,Graham had to be here, but beyond anything else,Anakin should've be here too,for you and for your little family. 
Someone clearing their throat behind you catches both of your attention, still holding your twins you look at Obi-wan figure, he look so tired, exhausted, though he still smiles at you holding his apprentice children. 
- Bail, may I...- he did not needed to continue the phrase, Bail understanding his voice tone stood up saying to you better be better soon, wishing your well-being before leaving the room just so Obi-wan and you with the twins could be alone. 
- Something happened? Are you bringing me good news or bad news? -you asked with a funny face, Kenobi laughed while walking to the seat beside you sitting down, oh thanks maker! You have made Kenobi smile and laugh after all this mess. 
- Sure this time y/n, I guess I'm bringing good news, we have settled down a good planet so you and the babies could live at peace, you might raise them  without worrying if something will happen, do you want me to continue? 
-Of course master Kenobi.-you say giving him a grateful and hopeful smile which he did the same. 
-You don't need to call me master, aren't we friends? 
You chuckles looking at him, you knew that he doesn't enjoyed you calling master after all the adventure you were by his side, you're his friend as much as you can reckon, you met him even a year before master Qui-Gon brought little Ani to the Jedi temple. 
-You right, Obi-wan.-you replied with a smile without showing your teeths, you now glances between your babies to Kenobi. 
-Master Yoda and I were thinking about a safe place that the kids would be safe to be raised by you.-he begins.- We were thinking either Tatooine or Dagobah, but Dagobah is not a place neither for you nor the twins, Tatooine is a good one, although I rethink about it and unfortunately wouldn't be so good due to the Hutt control spreading around and also due to the bounty hunters being constantly around, I also considered bringing you and the babies to live in your home planet, on Hawko, however something says to me that coming back to ye home planet wouldn't be a good choice, then...My dear friend.-he stops looking at my face at its reaction so he coul continue, I positively shakes my head.‐ Bail Organa suggested to us his planet, Alderaan, he said that he and his queen would've love to help you, giving a nice house on the countryside or even a dwelling house near their palace, only if you want go of course, he said that he would take you and the babies upon his care, it would shall lack nothing for you. 
-Wouldn't we bother the Organas?-you ask shyly.-Oh Obi, we have already bothered you.-Obi-wan laughs smoothly shaking negatively his head,crossing his arms. 
- No no y/n, you out of all people think, you're like family to me, master Yoda also considers you.-he continues.-It would be delightful to help you and also there's one more thing.-he waves a single finger. 
-And what is it?-you adjusted Leia, you noticed the baby lips moving, she's hungry and soon the boy would be so. 
Kenobi notices yours and the babies reaction, he need to be quick, so he could settle everything. 
- I...If I'm do not bother you...-he stares at you.- I would like to help you, help you raise the babies until a certain age and I know that you are enough to look after them, the babies, but I don't want to risk neither your safety nor the children, if something happened to you and them...-he slowed down his tone, you noticed when his eyes drafted away from you, he seemed distant for a moment until he cracks back the attention to you.- Will you... 
-Of course!I will gladly enjoy your support and presence, helping me raising the twins...-you smile at him,reassuring confidence to him.-Your help is well welcomed, so...If you plase, leave me alone with them, I would like to breastfed Leia and Luke, the might cry soon.- you laughed staring at the two beautiful faces. 
Obi wan step back blushing, shaking lightly his head while fettling his robes, you knew he was happy with your answer, you knew that allowing him helping you raising the kids, Anakin's children means so much to him, he also had lost everything in this bloody unnecessary war, that Sidious were capable to create, remembering of his name made your heart ache, a thought were running through your mind. 
When the time calls you, you will ruin everything that he built, nevertheless now, your obligation is with your children, Darth Sidious neither the Empire will took them from you, Anakin was everything for you, the only one, always....
Before you could have your grief moment, now you need to take care of your twins, come on, they are hungry.
Staring at them in fully peace between your arms, you start sobbing quietly. 
-My cute beautiful babies, mommy will always be there for you,your daddy would also be so happy if he could be right here.-with both of your thumbs, you smooth their cheeks, then Luke and Leia whines, finally opening their eyes.- Okay okay, I know it's your milky time.-you tried to clean the tears from your cheekbones brushing them away with your shoulder, your last phrase just reassured your oath to your children safety.
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Obi-wan exiled himself, shutting down his contact with the force, after the twins sixth birthday, Kenobi talked with you about his exile and the moment he shutdown the force from his life, it hurted deep in your core, but you knew that he also needed time to heal.
Unfortunately this day wasn't the one that you longed for, today you visited the Organas Palace, you needed to attend Breha family meeting, all of you pretended to be Bail side family, unfortunately Luke wasn't feeling well today to come, so he stayed at your house being under C-3PO and R2-D2 watch, indeed they're the best babysitters, you knew whatever might happen with Luke,they would warn you instantly.Besides no
Leia today wasn't being a good girl, being honest she's her father's daughter, even though he wasn't present to look after you and the twins, while they were growing up their likeness turns out to be just like Anakin's traits, both appearance and personality. 
[ Reader pov ] 
The white metallic door slides open allowing me to enter the room, a royal servant follows me alongside. 
- We're going to be late, honey.- I came closer holding a holopad.- Come on, let's hurry it along.-I stopped in my tracks, Leia force presence it's not here, hmm.- How is she? Is she ready?- I ask looking at the three handmaidens 
- Yes ma'am.-one of them said, I smiled even though I knew that my girl isn't here. 
-Great.-I tap in one more thing on the holopad then giving it to the servant near behind me.- Thank you.-he cordially leans taking the holopad.- Darling, remember, today the Queen's whole family is coming, uncle Bail and aunt Breha need their support, so try not to make anyone cry.- I take her hands cautiously leaning  down near her ears.- There will have sweetmallows at the reception after,if you behave well, I will let you... 
Well, this was fun till I found it enough, not knowing where she would be at this stage just worries me, I look at this little girl hand and put down her hood revealing her appearance, definitely not my Leia.
I breathe deeply exhaling right after, the wee girl smiles at me. 
-She insisted you would find it amusing, ma'am.- all I can do is change glances with the three handmaidens who quickly stares down at the floor. 
I turn staring now at the servant behinds me,I lift my indicative finger suggesting the possible places where Leia could be found. 
-She's either in the cellar, in the kitchen...- for a moment I sighs shaking my head to the side.- Or in the woods. 
This young lady, she will see what will be waiting her when we come back home.Holding my dress hem while I were leaving the dwelling room in search of this wee girl, that again runaway using her friends to escape, so she could be in the woods, exploring and having fun, even though I told her many times that without me would be dangerous, what if she went far away now? 
Bail already sent the guards searching for her, though I knew she would be smarter and faster than them, she would not even be caught, Leia wouldn't be so lucky in this time. 
And there she was, Leia was running through the trees while her small droid chirpy following her, until both of them were climbing a central tree, it seems to be Leia favourite spot to see and guess every spaceships that flies away. 
Leia and Lola were discussing if the Aquillian Raider was scouting for Merson pirates or for traders. 
- Leia Skywalker. – you exclaimed with a ringing breathy voice, letting go of your dress hem you look up to see your daughter amazement blank reaction.- You had to do this today ?- she stares at you looking from the tree and changed glances between you and Lola. 
-Do what?- she says sheepishly, she knew this question were rhetorical, what a bold little girl. 
- Down.-  you cross your arms, you do a single hand gesture, meaning to go down. 
Leia change glaces one more time with Lola, before  putting her feet on the grass, she's was pouting at me.
You couldn't deal with her cuteness, you always need to remind that you is the Mommy here, even though you'd like to say "It's Okay, I'll let this pass just this time", unfortunately mama bear need to be tough against Leia cute features. 
You muttered to yourself "-It's like raising a rebel Jawa when you say "give it back" and them do it anyway, plus ran away". 
- No Lola for the rest of the day. -you say bolstering ye hand on your waist looking at Leia. 
- But she didn't do anything. 
- Shut her down.- Leia was ready to reply back to ye, but your features made she be quiet.- I mean it. 
She stills with her wee pouting while shutting down her bestfriend, the wee droid. 
[ Lola deactivates ] 
Y/n firstly hides the droid behind her back, then holds gently Leia small hands, both of you going back to the Palace tracks. 
-If you behaved as well as you climb the trees, you'd might be a senator already.- deep in your guts you rather have said; -"You'd be a Jedi knight already with such young age". 
Leia sighs unsatisfied. 
- Oh honey, we're running late, you'll have to change in the speeder. Come.- you haste your steps along with her. 
-It's not like anyone would miss me if I wasn't there. 
Now is your time sighing. 
-Well, mommy would miss you, just like I am missing your brother herein too. 
- Mommy, all I do is wave.
- Then little one, do more than just wave.- you knew that just waving is such a boring thing, mainly when her brother was not present as today, he is usually the one to enliven her up when you needed to attend preppy talk with the others adults. 
Almost arriving your destination, unexpectedly Leia abruptly stops and apologise, you sensed that she's up to something. 
- I'm sorry, mommy.- she says with a smooth voice almost melting ye heart with sweetness, this was so unfair, your kids already knows how to disarm you, just like Anakin once usually used to do before them.- I really am, I promise I won't do this again.- you stares at her giving in with her words, letting a small smiled escape. 
Leia holds out her arms so you and her could share a hug, and there you are, you knew she was up something because when you hugged her, Leia tiny hands were working behind your backwards so she could pick up Lola back. 
- You know, I can feel you doing it.- Leia quickly moves away, still near you, from you with a sassy sheepishly grin. 
You huffed unbelievable, you can't bear her cleverness and subtle tiny hands with this cute smile. 
-Oh young lady, come on.- you motion ye head  indicating the entrance way ahead. 
Both of you starts again in your tracks, being followed by two guards behind. 
- It's like living in a prison, mom.- Leia says unhappy holding your hand once more. 
- A prison?- you asked with a curious, but not surprise tone. 
- Yeah, I rather go back to our house and stay with Luke, he must be missing us mommy. 
Oh your poor baby boy, Leia was right, so as soon all this meeting comes to an end both of you will pack your things and come straight home, what leaves you unconcerned is that you can trust leaving Luke under C-3PO and Artoo care, well rethinking about it...You are kind concerned now.
[ y/n pov ] 
Before me and Leia alongside the two guards goes to the end of the entrance, I pin my head towards the woods, as if I was searching for something, I felt a quiver down my spine as if we were being watched by someone hidden on the woods, my mind is like a speeder right now, the force is trying to tell me something, but I don't like it, because it was trouble and within trouble there'd danger. 
I squeeze my daughter shoulders, making her hurry to go inside, I need this meeting comes to an early end, I wanna go home with Leia and see if my Luke is fine, oh Maker... 
Before all of us disappears in the hallway so Leia could change her clothes, I stops in my tracks looking back again, scouting for something in the woods, all that I sensed was an upcoming danger.
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( 𝐏.𝐒: Why you, 'Luke and Leia need to attend this kind of events? There's a quick explanation; since you all were brought to Alderaan, Bail and Breha took both of you under their protection which as a result all of you received a new life, new names and some other stuffs, therefore there's one more thing that I need you to know, y/n is now under the surname Organa, though when you're alone or in private you calls your twins by Anakin's surname.)
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