#but I don't like the rw/by fandom
tenten-shi · 2 months
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wolfisblank · 9 months
Alright I'm slightly losing my mind over having no one to talk to about Saint's campaign while I wait for friends to finish Rain World so...
These are the main interpretations I've seen online. Please feel free to elaborate/ramble in the tags, especially if you pick the "other" option. I'm curious
Might make some other polls. I have a lot of thoughts if you can't tell
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sleepvines · 1 year
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OLD ART from 2022 I never saved (which is why its just a screenie)
I went digging and found my rain world Ancient concepts. I was convinced there were like..two different kinds of them or at least two common clusters of traits. I don't really think so anymore, plus a lot of bits could have just been clothes
also featuring a bunch of notes I took during a call where we read through every single pearl entry and went BONKERS on lore spec that we compiled into a document. now that downpour is out we'll have to overhaul it, but I want to wait until the play throughs are finished first
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happinessisntfun · 10 months
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philtatosbuck · 3 months
now why am i just finding out casey confirmed nora was aromantic
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bluegiragi · 3 months
What are some of your favorite fan fiction writers for Call of Duty?
in no particular ranking/order (and letting you know A LOT OF these authors write extremely explicit p0rn. read the tags):
queeniegalore (literally noone writes ghostsoap like queenie man, her fic called The Spaces Between The Light is my forever comfort read)
MildLimerence (literally the GOAT of this fandom, i swear she's written a solid 30% of everything i've ever read in cod, and i've read her entire catalog maybe 3 times over at this point)
noxmajor (their Seven-Year Itch fic broke my heart and put it back together again)
ANTchan (*coughs* iykyk)
applepieces (*coughs harder but in bottom!ghost*)
surveycorpsjean (writes for a ton of fandoms and is generally just an incredible witer, but their cod fic Poison Apple i think has the most kudoses in the entire tag and it's for good reason)
prettyunhinged (bestie)
congee4lunch (wrote solemn prayer, poppy in my hair which is so painfully domestic and lovely. they've moved on from cod and write for rw&rb now, so don't bother them and ask them for more)
thirteenbullets (writes a lot of ghostsoap hurt/comfort, my favourite is side by side)
kaijusalad (fell in love with i like you alive, continue to fall in love with every additional fic they write about these freaks)
highlonesome (for all your catholic soap and asshole ghost needs. the pain kink is strong with these two.)
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failed-inspection · 6 months
I love how creative the Rain World community can be with giving their own artistic flare to the characters while still making them recognizable, it's genuinely one of my favorite things about the community!
Shout out to designs that incorporate stuff like:
overseer highlight colors in iterators (cyan in pebbles, yellow in moon, ECT ECT)
giving Moon a lunar motif
making arti's scars look like explosions
making post collapse Moon desaturated and rusty!!! Same goes with Pebbles
purposed slugcats sharing markings/characteristics of the iterator who created them (spearmaster with eye stripes, Hunter with a diamond marking, ect ect), or giving them little clothes/ponchos based on their iterator
putting yellow on Survivor, or vice versa for Monk
slug mantles/slug tails/literally incorporating the slug aspect of slugcats more in any way
or on the opposite side of the spectrum, making scugs more catlike, warrior cats vibes /pos
gourmand designed after food in some way or another
Spearmaster/Saint being portrayed as slugcat body horror, uncanny and unnerving to their own kin
And the opposite! The more purposed/supernatural scugs being little creatures all the same!
making slugcats like INV and Nightcat anomalies/creatures that don't quite belong in their own world, like a living glitch
Rivulet, but designed after irl sea creature species!
Sorry I just really wanted to gush about RW designs, genuinely I love how creative and wonderful the fandom can be by taking relatively simple designs and adding on their own interpretations and wonderful flare! It was an aspect I really love to see in places like the warrior cat fandom or such, and I'm so glad It carried over to the RW community :]
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soaricarus · 5 months
? lowkey getting tired of seeing people saying negative stuff about really cat-like/warrior cats-y slugcat designs like. rw and wc have a fandom overlap. it's to be expected. you shouldn't be an ass about it? you can literally just block people if they post stuff you don't wanna see, it's super easy and i think we should use the block button more. it seems more or less like a forgotten feature these days. not to mention they're called slugcats you should expect it more or less
why should you care if someone puts fur on their slugcats. like genuinely. it's stupid to get so angry about it to the point you say really weird stuff about it. i've seen it's "too far from canon" okay but what about the beast like slugcats? canonically they're referred to as rodents, wouldn't that be too far from canon too? if we really wanna stick to canon then lets just colorpick the damn slugcats instead and draw them as the blob ingame shapes. sigh
dont get me wrong. i love all slugcat designs. put fur on them. pur feathers on them. put scales on them. make them cats. make them beasts. draw them cat-like, ferret-like, rodent-like or whatever else. literally go wild. we shouldn't be getting this up in arms about how people draw fucking slugcats
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pansear-doodles · 11 months
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Hello RW Shipping Fandom. I want to start a small project where I showcase all the various Slug Shipping HCs from this community in this colorful layout, drawing them all. Not sure when this would finish but you know. I just like recording peculiar things in this fandom.
Not only is this shipping HCs, but there's also spaces for those with Aro/Ace HCs. I originally wanted to black them out but this bright idea was upon me so hell yeah
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For the slots, there are two for each ship (exception to surv and monk, and artihunter), and one slot for each Aro/Ace HC
How to enter:
Reblog this post with your designs (please make the refs colored and clear) and your chosen shipping code name. (I have a masterlist you can check but if you want you can come up with your own). Alternatively, you can DM me.
Please choose one slot. Don't take multiple and allow others to join. First come first serve. (this rule might change in the future)
If there are no more slots for that ship hc, you will be informed. If you are unsure which are taken, make a list and I'll select the available one near the top of the list.
If you have alternative credits, please inform me. Your tumblr will be credited by default. A credential will be shown on the dictionary as seen in my example above.
Once you got everything correctly done, sit back and relax. I'll make occasional updates to the visual dictionary from time to time.
Slots can be seen here this updates frequently (ish)
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its-the-sa · 7 months
it is serious. the ship just comes off as nasty to me and i dont understand it
oh, then I'm sorry for being dismissive. I thought you were just a hater lol.
but in all seriousness, if a ship seems nasty to you, then a logical explanation of it is probably not going to change your mind. squicks are just gut reactions, so it doesn't really matter whether or not you understand the thing that squicks you. and that's ok! if the ship makes you uncomfortable, you should just block the rw regicide tag (or in my case you should probably just block me entirely lol )
but since you did ask sincerely, I'll at least try to explain why I ship it:
basically, I'm just a sucker for the 'enemies to lovers' trope and the 'villain redemption' trope. show me any two characters who fit both of those, and I'll probably ship it lol
I like villain redemption, because I like tragic villains. I like villains whose actions are inexcusable, but understandable. villains who lash out due to grief and end up doing horrible things in the throes of rage. and I like making them feel bad about it. I like villains who know they are monsters, who know they have done despicably evil things and truly hate themselves for it. and I like giving them a second chance. I like to see them feel remorse and turn away from evil and try to become better people.
and I like enemies to lovers because... well, for a lot of reasons that would probably take several thesis papers to unpack, lmao. but basically there's just something really intimate about two characters who can handle each other at their absolute worst, when no one else can. arti is like an unstoppable force of rage until she meets scav king, who is like an immovable object to her. he's willing to fight her and kill her as many times as he needs to, but he never strikes first, and he always gives her the chance to back down. and since he does have min aggression and max sympathy, I see him as the type of person who would easily forgive someone who is genuinely remorseful. he doesn't want to keep the cycle of violence and hatred going; whenever arti is ready to let go of her rage and stop the bloodshed, so is he. when she's ready to face the consequences of her actions and try to become a better person, he would rather support her than condemn her. he doesn't necessarily expect his people to forgive her, and he doesn't try to make excuses for her or downplay any of the harm she caused. i just think he could personally look at arti and find someone worth caring about underneath all the rage and hate, and in turn she could look at him and find someone she can trust enough to let all that hate go and admit she was wrong.
obviously, this type of relationship could never happen in real life (or if it did, it would be a fucking toxic disaster). but they're just characters, so their relationship doesnt have to be realistic, and I just want their story to have a happy ending I guess.
idk if any of this makes sense to you, but it's fine if not. you don't always have to understand why people like things that you don't like, it's ok to just block them for your own peace of mind. so if this ship still makes you uncomfortable, feel free to block me, I wouldn't take offense. stay safe and remember that fandom is for having fun , so dont stress out about it too much!
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hdra77 · 5 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
!! DISCLAIMER !! Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
tags are usually: #cw body horror, #tw body horror #cw gore, #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work. Commissions: open Art trades: friends/mutuals only
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
Warrior cats
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!) Youtube - HINDRANCE77 Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now) Ko-fi - HINDRANCE77
My tags:
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes #into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
My Rainworld Oc tags: #Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c dystopian arbitrary
#7c golden life
#rw ocs #ocs
-- still WIP --
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sagaverse · 9 months
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Here to make an official announcement that, yes, SagaVerse is canceled, finished, nada.
Hi there peeps and readers that followed through the funky saga of this multiverse until now, not Rev or Levi this time as they are both busy. Gremlin tophat to serve you on a last post of announcement as you'll have seen in red above. SagaVerse is officially canceled. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that Revolvius has finally completely turned the page on the fandom, while Undertale in itself had been a joy and great inspiration, the fandom was a different story, I won't lie I had expected the series to be closed earlier before now, for both his own good and interest, but never too late I guess.
Some asked about what would become of the cast, like the sweet Nocturne boi. Unfortunately, their stories will remain in the dark, unless we decide to post the drafts of their backstories, which is less than likely.
You are free to use the characters for your creativity, draw them if you want, write about them, craft them, anything your mind may thrive for as long as it is not something heinous and goes under the moral of good sense, with credits of course even if the saga is no more.
The blog won't be touched, though do not expect any sort of update from it, aside from if we decide to delete this blog for reasons of our own.
As for the members of the Team, you can always support us individually :
@revolvius has commissions open and won't stop to art his way in life, now more interested in RainWold with his other blog named @rw-repurposed
@leonightwater25 has a comic of their own named Not a Tale (linked to the prologue page), and they also have their commissions open as well, have a look, they do wonderful work ;)
@levi-weaver and @xtrastuff both are writers with their own worlds and creations, you can find Xtra on Ao3, Levy has college and can unfortunately not focus much on that however
@unclespr also has his own world and creations, you can look at his Discord server (the link will expire in a week) to see it
As for @theia-diki (tophat gremlin), I have commissions open, and occasionally post on media, though rare now
Thank you all for your support, and we hope you all get to find your passion and go through life with it ^^
Stay determined, and don't be afraid to change path.
As a last, have this Nocturne I had done some time ago haha
The sweetest baby for last :3
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revolvius · 9 months
Is it true that you leave Undertale fandom permanent ?
Alright- it's been delayed for long enough so here's my official statement.
I'm uncertain of what position I was in with the fandom before this, but after the 8th-anniversary collab, I decided that it was time for me to move on to other things.
I'm currently on an indefinite hiatus with developing and working on UnderWAR, but I'm certain SagaVerse is now canceled, so yeah.
Why? Because I just find other things that interest me, that's it really. I've been in the fandom since 2017 and started working on UTMV content in 2020, I feel like that's long enough time for me to move on to other things. UnderTale is 8 years old by this point, I'm more interested in DeltaRune nowadays, but I'm not going to delve into that just yet.
Oh, and also because after each day passed, more and more people from the fandom get exposed for really shitty behavior and everyone's always at each other's throats. Factions and sides were made, and nothing was fun anymore without being criticized by other people. I've experienced this with my own circle and even seen how everyday the fandom is on a slippery slope toward just being the worst. Don't say you're not part of the problem, because that's what people who do that kind of thing say. And if you're truly just wanna have fun, I mean, good luck. I honestly hope you do find a way to find peace in this fandom.
So to summarize, UnderWAR is on hiatus, SagaVerse is canceled, and I'm mostly done with the fandom and moving on. Will I ever come back? Who knows. UnderWAR is still there, but don't get your hopes up.
So if you want to leave because I don't make UTMV content anymore then be my guess, I mostly make Rain World content nowadays anyway. But if you wanna stay because of my art, then feel free to stay. And be prepared for a lot of Rain World- as if that's not the only thing I reblog from my other blog nowadays lol.
Oh yeah, if you wanna support me in my Rain World stuff be sure to follow @rw-repurposed which is my Rain World AU-specific blog. Really appreciate it if you did, but it's up to you guys.
Welp, that's all from me, adios~
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littlewestern · 4 months
I must inquire about your feelings on douglas and oliver 👀
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(Tags by @mean-scarlet-deceiver)
Absolutely! These tags are fantastic, and I think this is a great time to talk about a phenomenon I've noticed in certain fandoms. I don't have a word for it yet, but something that can happen, especially in cases like this where a ship is sort of a foregone conclusion (either for lack of options for the characters or - in this case - because there's one really compelling point of shared development), is that it can often feel like we are *supposed* to ship something, and that there aren't any other options.
I think 10x11 is absolutely one of those ships, and I can totally understand why it might not work for some the same way it does for others. It's easy to fall into the trap of complacency or to feel like there's not actually anything there and the rest of the fandom is just shipping cardboard cutouts. And because everyone treats the ship as default, there's no one out here really up on their soapbox for it or making any groundbreaking content. It runs the risk of feeling stale.
Luckily, I'm here, and I do this shit for free. In point of fact, you couldn't pay me to stop. So let me make the case. Hopefully by the end of this we'll all come away with a better understanding of the characters, their relationship, and ourselves. (I like to aim high.)
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So there are a few major pitfalls that this ship can succumb to right out of the gate that I think can frequently make this a harder sell as a romance specifically:
First, the rescue. The foundational text. Everyone loves Escape!, and for good reason. It's an extremely rich vein to mine for drama and feelings and having these characters bond in a way that feels complex and authentic and real... And it also can make a relationship founded on romantic love between them feel compulsory on the part of Oliver. This is not at all cool or fun or sexy or even really in-character, and I expect it's one of the reasons this ship can be hard to work with at times. To put them in a romantic context without any kind of examination of what is desired vs. what is owed feels rushed and disingenuous to me. If your only reason for shipping Oliver and Douglas is that one of them saved the others' life - full stop, no further examination required - this ship is going to be quite boring and a little iffy besides. This is a fantastic foundation, but it can't be the only thing holding them together, or else you've just reinvented the booktok romance novel.
The second pitfall is one that isn't the fandom's fault but is definitely worsened by years of fandom dilution: Oliver lacks a lot of direct and explicit characterization as a result of showing up late to the RWS party. He has this great origin story, fucks up once, gets a few funny scenes, and then about drops off the page. This leave shippers in a bit of a predicament, because really compelling character romance needs really compelling characters in the first place. Oliver has such a great backstory and that immediate bond we talked about with another well-developed character who also has a great backstory. It feels like it should be very easy to make this work, but it just... doesn't. Because Oliver in-canon is often a role-fill character. He's great, but no one (least of all the later season TVS writers) can seem to agree what his personality actually is, so he ends up being written to slot wherever he's needed or to achieve a specific narrative beat. The resultant 10x11 content which is informed by this feels flat and boring because if the only goal is for them to end up together, you simply have to write that happening and it occurs. Fandom Oliver often has no desires or wants outside of getting together with Douglas, his knight in shining paintwork, and it makes for dry reading.
So how do we reconcile this? What can we do with this information to make it work in favor of our desired outcome instead of as a hindrance to it? How do we use the facts to enhance our fiction?
The first key is remembering that Oliver is actually a little badass who, for 95% of his time on the run, did not actually need any help. The only reason he got to the point at which Douglas could come rescue him was because he fled under his own power from the southern part of the country all the way up to Barrow. His journey only ended there because they ran out of coal, which probably wouldn't have happened if Oliver hadn't also elected to take a coach and an unrelated break van along with him. Because, again, he's a badass. When the big engines say that Oliver has "resource and sagacity", they're absolutely correct. There's material to work with here, we just need to spin it out.
So let's start there. Let's give Oliver that plucky spark back, and have him be a wee bit peppery as a treat. A guy doesn't outrun packs of rabid diesels only to come out the other side a meek and obedient little bore. Let's really lean into his loyalty and bravery too, since an engine willing to risk his own life to save the lives of some lowly rolling stock must be both. And finally, let's also have him really appreciate that second chance he's been given! My favorite Oliver characterization is one that swings at every wild pitch just for the joy of feeling and moving and being alive.
What Douglas has given him isn't a debt, it is a gift, and paying him back doesn't mean feeling like he owes him anything, it means hitting the rails every day with as much enthusiasm and excitement and verve as a little engine possibly can. I like an Oliver that works hard and plays hard and - crucially to the relationship in question - I think Douglas likes this too. Here's a pair of guys who are both brave, loyal, adventurous, quick-thinking, generous, and god damned happy to be alive. Their experiences in Escape! shouldn't make them rescuer/rescuee, it should make them some of the only guys on the railway who know what it's like to look death in the face and laugh. They're equals, and more importantly, friends.
And maybe I buried the lede a little bit there, but I think this really is the crux of it. To me, this relationship is one that starts as a very long, very close friendship with that little bit of extra complexity always simmering below the surface and the little bit of weirdness of falling in love with the guy who saved your life isn't something that should be swept under the rug, it should be an active part of the core relationship conflict.
Oliver looks at Douglas and thinks: He's my best friend. I love him. He saved my life. I don't know whether that last thing is influencing the other two and I'm worried that trying to find out will ruin everything.
and Douglas looks at Oliver and thinks: He's my best friend. I love him. I saved his life. But I don't want him to think he owes me anything just because I did.
So Douglas is waiting on Oliver, and Oliver is waiting on his complicated feelings to resolve themselves. In the meantime, in Ray world, I like to imagine them carrying on a very raucous and boisterous friendship/working relationship involving a lot of pranks and good-natured ribbing, because I think the Little Western being the most efficient branch line while also being the one comprised nearly entirely of chucklefucks is hilarious.
I also like the idea that during all of this, Oliver is constantly going through romantic partners because, again, just happy to be alive here! But also because maybe if he finds the right engine those sticky feelings he has towards his bestie will go away. And all the while Douglas looks on and smiles and plays his cards very close to the chest.
Maybe even gets himself a girlfriend in the meantime.
I have this whole arc plotted out for a story I will never write where Douglas and Emily become an item and everyone else loses their minds because oohh it's just so cute and they look so great together.
Very suddenly Douglas has a girlfriend and also very suddenly Oliver does not have a best friend anymore. And (much to Oliver’s surprise) he’s kinda upset about it!
At first he thinks it has to be jealousy, because like... On one hand, he’s over the moon for Douglas. Douglas seems happier now, quicker to laugh and more easygoing (not that he wasn’t always). But on the other hand, they’re not hanging out as often anymore and it’s not really fair that Douglas lands the perfect partner on what is ostensibly his first attempt when Oliver’s been trying and failing at it for so long. He writes it off as him being jealous of Douglas and tries to put it out of his mind.
Except he sees them together, and he sees how happy Douglas is in-person and how Emily is nice enough but all wrong for him. For one thing, she’s the *safety* engine, which– ha! Douglas? Not the most risk-averse engine to ever grace Sir Topham Hatt’s Railway. For another thing, she’s not willing to go on any of Douglas’s more adventurous errands. Too, her more staid nature doesn’t seem to be rubbing off on Douglas at all, so it’s a source of friction in their relationship. Oliver delights a little bit at that, and goes out of his way to tell Douglas he’d be happy to see how fast they can get the goods train to the harbor, speed limits be damned, just because Emily won't like it.
When Oliver explains this to Mavis later (the third time they’ve rehashed this subject this week) she pauses to fix Ollie with a Look.
“Are you sure you’re not jealous of *Emily*?”
“That’s ridiculous,” Oliver scoffs, dismissing it before the words have really sunk in. “If I were jealous of… of her, I’d– I’d be–”
And then the other shoe drops.
“Oh.” “Mhmm.” “Oh no.” “MmHMM.”
Oliver has fucked another of his relationships, the only one that actually mattered in his estimation. And now he’s stuck, because this is the happiest Oliver’s ever seen his best friend. And a real best friend wouldn’t try to sabotage that just because he was too stupid to see what was plainly obvious to everyone. No, he has to be cool about this, and it’s going to nearly kill him.
But hey, look who else in the yard is single and pining over a Caledonian engine. You wanna have a Great Western Time about it?
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Again, because I am a sucker for true romance, this sorts itself out in time. Douglas and Emily realize they're not actually that great a fit for one another, Oliver and Duck get as much out of their time together as they like before moving on, and Douglas and Oliver get to have a long overdue conversation about what they mean to each other - no jokes, no bullshit. I'm sure it would all be very cute and romantic, if I were the type to write that sort of thing.
In the meantime, I hope I've at least made a case for why this ship tickles me and where I think everyone can improve in their writing of it. Thanks for the ask, sorry it was so long!
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mikkokomori · 5 months
is omari basil still a delinquent
(and side note here id LOVE to hear you ramble all about your Omari au)
Ahem,,,, if it is alright with you then,,,,,, I will talk about my OMARI Basil then,,,,
To answer your question, he was planned to be the delinquent of the group (as per typical swap aus), though over time, I really began to sit down and think about it the more swap aus began to pop up around the fandom. I didn't really like the idea of being a carbon copy of various other omari aus in specific, so during the time I have been absent on here I began to slowly revamp the AU over time. I had to start over with what I originally had in the first place since a lot of the au things in my take on it also had contributions by followers as well!
For Basil, his first concept was initially a delinquent take... but the thing that caused a problem with that was the fact that I had planned for him to also play a sort of "detective" role in this universe, as I had written a short snippet on Basil having caught on to something suspicious going on between the older siblings and Sunny's sudden disappearance.......
Frankly, as much as a delinquent Basil is my darling concept of all concepts, I had to, unfortunately, push it to the side and alter his role in this AU to fit with the revamped look I was going for him... therefore fully integrating him into his "detective" role. In a way though, looking through Mari's perspective, he's sort of a clashing force with her and is equivalent to an antagonist in her own story (but! Keep in mind, Mari in this AU isn't the Mari who you should be sympathizing for.... an unreliable narrator who happens to be a wolf in sheeps clothing....).
As for the emotions, while a lot of people tend to view the emotions being assigned to the characters as their possible role in RW (the happy-go-lucky, the perfect student, the delinquent), for mine I ended up making it were each friend had 2 main emotions.... Basils would be anger and sorrow (Aubrey and Kel tend to have anger as their second emotion, though that is still up for debate! I still have a few things to work out :3). So, in a way you could say that in Headspace they were only ever seen as a one-dimensional character by Mari/Hikkiko, while in the real world, they had a even bigger "mess" of emotions that they all dealt with. In turn, Basil's concept strayed further away from the path of delinquent and more into a path which.... ehehe..... obsession as a concept is such a fun thing to play around with, don't you think?
Just as much as he plays the "investigator", he also is meant to be a parallel of what Mari/Hikkiko is. Obsession has always been a part of his character, and in doing so, you could say I played around with it until I found quite a nice concept with this. Mari/Hikkiko both have a need to keep Sunny around as the perfect brother and therefore paint his Headspace counterpart to their own liking.... while Basil in turn has, on some level, a need to imitate Sunny as closely as he can. Both are a form of obsessions I have given them, and in a way, the only reason Basils is a more "lighter" version of this is because Aubrey, Kel, Hero (sort of), Polly, his grandmother, and Faraway Town as a whole have been there to guide him on a better path. Though his obsession to keep Sunny's memory alive by becoming like him is still there, it's not to say that he doesn't have people to talk some sense into him-- meanwhile Mari does not have that type of support.
Obsession stems from love, at least, in their case. And in the end, it really depends on whether or not they have people who are willing to reel them back into a state of sanity. Basil was, at least in terms of my omari lore, viewed as a delinquent at one point, though he never acted out aggressively towards others unless provoked enough and only ever kept to himself.... eventually the town residents accepted the fact that this was just his way of grieving and treated him with patience and respect, especially with the fact he took it upon himself to go around town and helping around with the little things, though especially with gardening and photography.
it's not to say though, that he doesn't have some... worrying habits. That as in, most of his plants being replaced with tulips and most of the heads of certain plants being chopped off with garden shears, left to rot. While Basil mimics his best friends habits, he isn't exactly the best at fully hiding his feelings and emotions as Sunny was able to. No amount of masquerading will change the fact that once he's laid his sights on you, it'll only be a matter time before he seeks for your head on a silver platter.
#im sure i have much more to say and i probably ended up giving you more information than you can chew at a time but like...#listen..... i've been waiting for so#LONG for someone to ask something regarding the characters for the revamped version#in a way i will say that this omari au is a very personal thing with the way some characterizations come off#(some of the stuff in this au is based off real experiences lol)#and any time it comes to swap aus in general for any fandom#i always take them seriously#if anything. i WILL shit on someone in my head if their swap au doesnt have anything unique to it and its just a roleswap#its why the one swap au im actually paying much mind to is a friends au thats called CHICO#one things for certain; if your swap au doesnt have any creativity put into it i will cast upon shame on you your family your families dog-#jk but. swap aus have always been a passion project thing for me in every fandom i've ever been in and OMORI fandom is. well#lets just say that im the gordon ramsay of swap aus because theres BARELY ANY FUCKING GOOD FOOD AROUND HERE!!!!!!#OMARI AU#A Sisters Mourning AU#omori au#omori basil#omori spoilers#omori#anon asks#miko talks#mikkos ramblings#this also just goes in general for aus#ive always been picky and if theres something i dont like or something doesnt make sense well#im sorry to those who have to watch me get real bitchy with things#aus have always been a therapeutic thing to me and ik not everyone is gonna do what i want to see but even then#if your au is mostly for shipping (that has no relevance to the plot whatsoever) or blatant mischaracterization then you can leave!!#ik im sounding like a shen yuan rn but i have a lot of pent up rage and resentment#if you think you can get away with stuff like this in aus i will hunt you down and pour milk over your heads!!!!!
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elsa-rain-world-stuff · 5 months
Ship ask: regicide ship (arti/scav king)
If im allowed 2 asks: saint & Sinner (arti/saint)
i ship both
Mostly because of @its-the-sa 's AU and art, because it looks like they can be very great example of enemies-to-lovers dynamic. But i was thinking about it even before, but it didn't go further that that joke comic lol
enemies to lovers dynamic hell yeah! And Arti's redemption as well. And abusive shit. Drama! Angst! Killing each other as an act of love!
the ship is unpopular itself lol. but.... how to put it... abusive ships are fine as long as they aren't real???
Artisaint 💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️(i love how you call them saint and sinner, i literally have a song with this name)
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i started shipping it WAAAAYYYY back in 2021 when i just got into rw fandom and was told about MSC (aka More SlugCats). i was told that Artificer is a fighter, has explosive powers, probably a woman, locked on karma 1 and hates scavs, and that saint can't hold spears (and hurt anyone), fragile, vegan and looses all karma when dies (that was a thing lmao). And then one of my friends asked like "i want to ship saint with someone but i don't know with who" and i said "the explosive one" because HELL YEAH OPPOSITES GO TOGETHER! and yeah since then they are my main ship in RW
THEY ARE SO DIFFERENT AND YET SO SIMILAR! Arti is violent, full of hate, her life is an unending fight, associated (and locked on) karma 1. Saint is pacifist, refuses to hurt anyone and eat meat, associated with karma 10. And yet, they both can't leave this world. Their reasons are different, but the result is the same. They both stuck here forever. Arti can't let go of her grief and hatred, saint can't ascend because they're chained to the cycle itself. Yeah...
evil saint/arti. just. yeah. idk, i don't know what else unpopoular i have about them...
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