#but I do wanna keep giving random shows where I know no one a chance bc just this year I will knock you really stole my heart & -
ryansjane · 10 months
you know what's growth? rn there is absolutely nothing airing that I'm watching, only what did you eat yesterday s2 & cooking crush that's starting tomorrow. axelle from 1 year ago would be SCRAMBLING to watch every mediocre ass show airing atm to fill the void. now I'm just okay watching older shows & movies and leaving my 'currently watching' list short as hell. we love becoming more picky with our precious time on this earth 😌
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HI ITS ME gvxzggsgjfh ok look this is. i know this is a weird one it is SO specific and so obviously something i should just write myself if i want it👏but👏but👏BUT i decided to shoot my shot when a perfect chance has arisenderised for you to pick and choose from anything you like AND in any form, and to see if this one maybe by any chance just so happens to spark anything fun in u too xD
ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo RANDOM EVENT ROLL D20 mc gets bitten by a werewoof or some other kind of "contagious" monster species (....cant really think of anything else other than vampirs, now that i say it) but WAIT THERES MORE because. what if mc insisted that they dont want any potential existent cures, they just wanna stay monstery >:3 JVDTHGLN who's considering it, who would absolutely go in the "its either me or this" direction, who's enthusiastic🤣 this is silly as hell but in the case it sparks joy id love to hear ur any and all thoughts because this idea has been haunting me for forever lmao honestly the best way ive imagined it is like one of your own selfinsert pieces youve posted before where its just all of them together bickering heeheehee💘💕🩷💞💖
love u have fun!!
The Arcana Drabble: MC transforms into a "monster"
In the spirit of things, I though a long drabble/short oneshot would work best to keep the madness going XD
Asra's getting stuck in their "one focus and one focus only" mode and right now that focus is making sure you're okay. He'll decide how he feels later, which isn't being helped at all because Julian keeps calling on him to help him slow down the process and get you to think about this a little more. However, it's hard to tell what exactly Julian wants your decision to be because in between him trying to get Asra to make you think about it some more, he's having all kinds of medical epiphanies about how your anatomy is adjusting to the new monster form:
"MC, let's think about some more, shall we? I'm sure Asra agrees with me - don't you, Asra? Asr - oh, whats this?! Your finger's joints are rapidly adjusting to accommodate for - I need a pen and paper -"
"Right here, Ilya." It's Portia's dismissive tone as she digs a small notebook and pencil out of her pocket that keeps you grounded. Not for long, though, because she can't wait to see what happens next. "Accommodate for what, anyways? Are you growing another joint?? Are you going to get claws??? Talons???? Show me!"
Between Julian jotting down unintelligible notes while he studies your elbow's range of motion, Portia's excited exclamations, and Asra's attempt at soothing touch as they rub your shoulders and ask how you're feeling, it's a miracle you can notice Muriel's quiet mumble in the background. He's clearly overwhelmed and very concerned that the physically-altering substance in general got to your brain first, making you so seemingly okay with turning into a monster.
"MC, do you remember your name? Do you need to take a nap? You don't have to be okay with this -"
"I believe this may warrant far more than a nap to recover from." Nadia's doing her best to keep Lucio calm, holding him back from tackling you much like she might grasp a leash. You can practically see the headache building behind her eyes. "We have yet to determine what the extent of this transformation is and therefore whether our dear MC is even capable of fully agreeing to the current process. MC, darling, did the source of this transformation give you any indication of what the end result would be?"
You'd try to respond, but Lucio's excited yelling is too noisy to shout over. He's fumbling at the fastenings on his cape, distracted by your ongoing changes, and very annoyed at Nadia's interference.
"Where did it go? I want to see if it can give me powers too - OW! Dammit, Noddy, I'm trying to help here! You're keeping me from finding the monster and getting it to give me cool - I mean, getting it to tell us more about what's happening! Don't you want that? Don't you want to help MC, Noddy?! Let me go -"
It's with a loud RIP and subsequent "that was velvet, you know!" that Lucio finally breaks free and sprints off in the direction of your new monster friend. You can feel yourself slowly settling in to your new form as the process shows signs of slowing and reaching completion.
Nadia's facepalming. Portia's looking at you with eyes shining in wonder. Julian's still trying to nag Asra into reversing this as he takes notes. The magician in question is still ignoring him as they ask you how you feel for the nth time. Muriel's eyeing the nearby closet in hopes of taking a nap and waking up to it all being a dream. Lucio's a distant, spiky golden speck at this point.
Faust is quietly trying to sneak her knife into your hand, for crimes.
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ihearthes · 1 year
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Author: @ihearthes
Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (2nd person)
Rating: Smut (NSFW, 18+ Only)
Word Count: 2627
“Okay, so Mum will be the guard, right?” Gemma nudges you, nodding towards Anne. “You and I will go after the boys’ flag.” 
“Why do I have to be the guard?” Anne pouts. 
“Duh,” Gemma laughs, “Harry and Michal wouldn’t dare hurt you, and Darren can be bribed.” 
“True,” you concur, ready to get on with the game. “I vote we hide our flag in the painted mailbox.” 
“Oh, good plan!” Anne claps her hands excitedly. While the boys wait inside with Gemma as a watchperson, you and Anne place the green flag in one of Anne’s art creations – an old mailbox she’s painted in multiple bright colours and set out for the birds to build nests in spring. 
As the boys, their flag already hidden, swoop from the house, Harry grabs you around the waist, pressing a light-hearted kiss to your nose. “You’re going down, darling!” 
“Not a chance!” You laugh, pushing him away. Moving to neutral ground, the teams square up. Anne, considered the most fair, blows a whistle to start the game, and everyone moves in seemingly random directions. Catching a glimpse of the purple flag under one of Anne’s sculptures, you race towards that side of the garden, but in a zigzag pattern so Michal and Darren might not know where you’re going. Harry is clearly hanging back as the guard. Behind you, you can hear Anne and Gemma trying to keep their respective boyfriends from the flag, using whatever means necessary. 
You know that’s the case for you too. Winning this competition is everything, so as you approach and get close to the flag, you get blocked by Harry who moves side to side, waving you away from the hiding place. 
“Love! It’s not this way. It’s over there,” Harry calls to you while pointing in a different section of the garden. “Look near the gnome.”
But you are well aware of his falsehood, knowing exactly where the flag is, but he continues to block you. 
“Come on, H. I’m just trying to take a little stroll over by Dotty.” You point to the cat lounging nearby. “She looks thirsty, and I want to make sure she knows where her water dish is.” 
Meanwhile, the yelling behind you continues. 
“They’re getting closer!” Gemma yells at you. “Do something!” 
Oh well. Nothing to lose but the game, right? It’s all about winning. Without warning, you grab the hem of your shirt and flash your covered tits at Harry. He freezes, mouth dropping open, which gives you just enough time to dart past him and grab the flag, holding it over your head. 
“WINNER!” You scream. Anne and Gemma squeal, and you meet them in the neutral ground as the three of you celebrate your victory with an enthusiastic hug. 
Tesco. Your least favourite chore, especially on an evening when you simply want to cuddle up with your guy after a long day at work. In the car, your pout is apparent as you sit in the passenger seat with your arms crossed. 
“Don’t wanna shop,” you scowl. “Just wanna watch the ‘Succession’ finale with you.” 
“We don’t have any food,” Harry points out logically, making you want to punch him. So you do. “Ouch!” Pulling into the parking lot, Harry playfully pokes you. “How about a little competition?” 
Intrigued but not willing to give in just yet, you twist to him. He holds up the shopping list from the magnetic refrigerator pad, ripping it in half before handing one side to you. 
“First person back to the car with all of the items on the list wins.” 
Narrowing your eyes, you examine your list. “What if something is out of stock?” 
“You must replace it with a suitable substitute.” 
Mulling over the idea, you reach for the door handle. “Competition starts when we open the car doors or when we get to the store door?”
“Store,” he grins, and you both exit the car. 
Warily, you keep an eye on him to ensure he doesn’t run to the door to get there before you. Instead, he maintains that silly grin that doesn’t show his teeth, but keeps his dimple on display. At your feet jointly cross the threshold, you grab a basket and race to the dairy, picking up milk and butter at the top of your list. Recognizing that you’ve got to cross to the other side of the store for fish while most of Harry’s items are in the produce area, you smile at a teen girl with her friend as they look over the magazines. Passing them quickly, you mutter loudly enough for them to hear, “I cannot believe Harry Styles is in the produce section at my Tesco.” 
Giggling, you hear the girls gasp before their footsteps rapidly move in Harry’s direction. It’s not long before you’ve grabbed the last items on your list and raced to check out. A few minutes later when your dishevelled boyfriend approaches, he finds you leaning on the bumper. 
“WINNER!” You laugh, twirling in your victory, and he swats you on the arse as you get into the car. 
“Come on, H,” Brad encourages, watching his client carefully, “one more wind sprint.” 
“Lighten up, mate,” Harry complains, having surpassed his usual workout time, his chest heaving with exertion. 
“Hmmm…” you pop your hip and put your finger on your chin, “I bet I can beat you this time around.” 
“Baby…” Harry starts, “No offence, but there’s no way you could keep up with me.” 
“Really? Put your money where your mouth is, pretty boy.” You glance at the trainer. “Will you start us?” 
“Absolutely,” Brad grins, and you’re confident he thinks you have zero chance. “Ready…”
You line up next to Harry, toes on the same line. 
“Steady…” Brad’s voice floats across to you.
“Did I tell you I bought new lingerie?” You whisper just as Brad shouts the final word, and you take off in a sprint, knowing Harry hasn’t even left the starting spot as his mind churns with thoughts of you in whatever you might have bought. 
At the finish line, you turn around just in time to spy him crossing the line behind you. 
“WINNER!” You jump up and down. “I beat you again, H! Sorry. Didn’t know I was dating such a loser.” 
Hands on his knees, Harry flashes his toothiest smile. “You sure you want to go there, love?”
In reply, you smile and walk away, shaking your hips more than usual. 
Turning off the telly, Harry twists to face you in bed. “Up for a friendly battle?” He asks, and you don’t even hesitate. 
“Yes!” Bouncing to a seated position, you excitedly settle your legs underneath you. “What will it be? Chess? Scrabble? Cribbage?” 
“Oh, I was thinking of something a little more…interesting.” His eyebrow quirks as his dimple appears alongside his smirk. 
It never occurs to you that you’ll lose. After all, you’ve always found a way to beat him whatever the game. This will be no different. “Bring it!” You grin. 
“Okay. The rules are simple. We create challenges for each other. But they can only be challenges that can be done here in bed with what’s available within arms’ reach. First person who can’t complete the challenge loses.” 
Shit. You glance around the room where you had done a pretty damn good job of cleaning up earlier in the day. Nothing to be found. The nightstands include a glass of ice left over, some toys, lubricant, and little else. 
“Deal,” you declare. 
“Cool. I’ll give the first challenge. Ready?” 
Your body is already tingling in anticipation. What will he choose? There’s no doubt in your brain that it will be sexy as hell. Whatever it is. 
“Whistle with your fingers.” 
Hmmm…not at all sexy, but whatever. You can do that easily, and you prove it, sticking two fingers in your mouth and releasing a shrill whistle just like your father had taught you to do at footie games. 
Covering his ears, Harry nods. “Your turn.” 
“Fart with your armpit,” you challenge.
“Easy peasy,” he laughs, sliding his hand under his shirt and producing a pathetic slapping sound. 
“Lame!” you call. 
“Close enough.” 
Deciding to let it slide, you await his next challenge. 
“Take off your bra without taking off your shirt.” 
You scoff. “Really? That’s no challenge. I do that all the time.” Reaching behind your back, you release the bra hooks before reaching in each armhole and pulling out a strap. Within seconds, you feel your nipples brushing on the material of your shirt. Oh. Why does that feel so sexy suddenly when you’ve done it hundreds of times before, always feeling perfunctory? But you know it’s because Harry has watched the manoeuvre. 
Fuck. Be careful, you remind yourself. 
He tilts his head, indicating that it’s your turn to propose a challenge, and you try to think of something that will be deceptively sexy and still challenging. Your eyes roam the space, finally landing on the glass of ice. 
“Put a piece of ice into my mouth without touching the ice with your hands.” 
That damn eyebrow raises again, and he reaches for the glass. “My hands can touch the glass, right?” 
“Yes,” you agree, “Just not the ice itself.” 
“Easy,” he mocks, tipping a single piece of ice into his mouth. Leaning towards you, he kisses you, and you maintain a tight seal on your lips to prevent him from sliding the frozen water onto your tongue. This is where he’s going to lose, and then you’ll have your wicked way with him right here in the same bed where he’s lost the game. 
The sneak slides his hand under the hem of your shirt, wrapping his chilled hand around your breast which naturally causes you to gasp. Taking advantage, he slides his tongue inside and passes off the ice. 
Shit. He’s playing dirty. Bamboozling is your tactic! How dare he? 
But now the wheels are turning in your head. The cold from the ice juxtaposed with the heat of your mouth had created a zing in other parts of your body. How might that feel elsewhere? You keep the ice in your mouth, swirling it around. 
At your prompting, Harry scans you. “Strip without changing positions.” 
“How am I supposed to do that?” But as you ask the question aloud, you picture the best way in your mind. Removing your shirt is the easy part so you do that first, leaving your breasts unfettered. Still kneeling, you unbutton your shorts. Bouncing on the bed, you finagle the material, including your knickers, down your thighs and over your knees where it takes a few more bounces to get completely naked. Your inner workings are as wet as your knees are sore, and you’re slightly out of breath, but you’ve done it. You smile at him proudly, continuing to shift the ice around on your tongue, knowing that he’s just watched your breasts bounce as you performed the tricky act of undressing.
“Lie down and close your eyes.” 
Your challenge is simple, and he complies without question. Making short work of his zipper, you withdraw his cock from its hiding place, stroking it a few times before bending over him and applying your icy cold mouth to his most prized body part. 
“HOLY FUCK!” Harry cries. “FOUL! FOUL!” 
As your mouth slides on him, you notice that he’s enjoying the treatment despite his words of protest. Popping off him, you smile at where he’s looking at you. 
“Foul? Okay, I’ll stop. But when did you open your eyes?” 
“No fair! You didn’t say to keep them closed.” He looks decidedly unhappy, and you wonder if it’s because he thinks he lost or because your mouth is no longer enticing him.
Rolling your eyes, you respond, “Sorry I wasn’t specific. Won’t happen again.” 
Lying on his back still, Harry lifts his shirt. “Mhm. I think I’ve got the winning challenge. Nose on the butterfly and tongue on my belly button.” 
“Are you sure you want my tongue there? It’s still cold.” 
Harry slings his arm over his face. “Oh my god! You’re going to kill me!” 
“Probably one day,” you giggle. 
“Fine,” he acquiesces, “How about you ride me without lube?” 
“That’s your challenge?” Does he have any idea how wet you are? If you used lube now, you’d ricochet right off him and hurt your head in the process. 
As you prepare to straddle him by yanking his bottoms over his feet, he groans. 
“Who started this game?” He grumbles.
“I believe that was you.” 
“Stupid me. Okay. Here’s my final challenge. Ride me for five minutes and don’t come.” 
Tilting your head, you gaze at him from your perch astride his thighs. “I see,” you murmur. “So if I come first, you win.” 
“Exactly.” His eyes twinkle, and you process the challenge. 
You can do this. You’ll have to stop on occasion to control the build-up, but it’s possible. Biting your lip, you nod. 
“Deal. Siri, set a timer for 5 minutes.” 
The voice on your phone responds, “Five minutes. Counting down.” 
With that, you slide onto Harry, placing your hands on his ferns to get traction. Slowly, you raise yourself off his cock before taking your time inching back down, spreading your legs as wide as you can manage. 
Harry sucks in air through his teeth, which sets you wondering if he’ll come first. Will that make you the winner? Pleased at the thought that you could win that way, you renew your efforts, gliding up and down like you’re riding a – well, a Harry. Watching his face, you spy the lip bite that reveals he’s affected by the movement. Shifting your pace to be a little faster, you watch his hands clutch the duvet on either side of him. Hmmm… could you make him come first? 
It’s an academic question, and you tackle it like a scientist. If you adjust your pace, moving quickly and then slower, what effect does that have? Oh! Nice! If you rise to the tip of his cock and then slam back down onto him, does his jaw twitch? 
“Siri, how much time is left on the timer?” Harry inquires, clearly fighting his impending orgasm. 
“There is one minute and 42 seconds left on your five minute timer.” 
Whew. You’ve almost made – What? Wait. No!
Harry has grasped your hips, holding you still while he drives into you from below. It suddenly occurs to you that he’s been playing the game well all along. When his thumb shifts to your clit, you grit your teeth, determined to make it through the final minute. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you pant. 
“Exactly,” Harry replies just before he stops completely. 
Your insides are dripping and quivering, and you’re grateful that he’s stopped before the timer has gone off, but then he withdraws almost completely before slamming upwards into you. 
That’s your move! What the fuck?
He repeats the gesture, moving slowly and deliberately each time while his thumb continues to wreak havoc on your clit. Holy – 
Every muscle in your body clenches, starting from your vagina and moving outwards as your orgasm overtakes you. Your eyes roll back into your head, and as you tilt your chin to the heavens, you faintly hear the sound of Siri’s alarm ringing again and again. 
Just when the convulsions within you are starting to ease, Harry resumes his motions, and you’re back on a high within seconds, screaming his name just before you feel him shooting inside you, coating your walls. 
Collapsing on him, your sweaty chest pressed to his, you struggle to catch your breath just as Harry whispers, “Winner,” and you can hear his smile in the single word. 
Thank you for reading! Reblogs are love. 
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fujii-draws · 4 months
Just found and read your chatot rant and I'm curious. How would you rewrite him to be a more understandable/likable character?
Anon you are the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wouldn’t change a whole lot about him. Personality wise I think he’s funny/well-rounded. It’s more of how many times they made him do needlessly cruel stuff to h/p that’s never addressed again.
I say, let Apple woods stay the same. Like I said before in my rant, I enjoyed the conflict there. My problem only stems from the fact that??? He doesn’t have any real reason to distrust them???
Give him a reason. Show that h/p were fucking up a lot of jobs when they first joined the guild- and chatot (begrudgingly) took their excuses because they’re new. And he gives them a lot of chances despite his callous demeanor.
THEN, let the incident in Apple woods be the moment where he finally decides those two had enough second chances. And doesn’t hear them out. And other than that I’m alright w/ chapter 6.
Ughhhhh man. I already made my grievances known with this chapter but I genuinely hated how they handled chatot here. Will start off by saying (again), I LIKE that he’s distrustful about majority of what partner said. The future, Grovyle being good, The “magical hidden land”, etc. IT MAKES SENSE LMAO. ITS SO OUT THERE.
What pissed me off was how he immediately tried to play off that he trusted them the whoooole time. And it’s called out as a JOKE. And never addressed again. I’d do either 2 things here.
1. Let Chatot actually test the guild’s trust in h/p.
Do you know how awesome it would’ve been to have him IMPROVE from Apple woods? Have the entire guild that once had your back— now distrusting our main duo? And have CHATOT be the one to actually stand up for them there???? And HE be the one to point out Dusknoir grabbed those two in broad daylight? (Further emphasizing him as Wigglytuff’s right hand man(bird) and how much more competent he is than his pink leader? LIKE MAN THAT WOULDVE INSTANTLY REKINDLED MY LOVE FOR HIM. But what we got in main game was so much more disappointing.
2. Chatot doubling down on what he said.
Okay this MAY sound weird but hear me out. Having chatot still be distrustful until Brine cave would’ve, in my opinion, also been EONS better than him going “oh lol I trust them hehehe!!!!! I’m so silly!!!!” <<(accused two Pokémon they lied about the traumatic ass experience they went through.)
Have him still not trust a word they said. And that in turn comes with some actual consequence. (Like Wigglytuff being upset/disappointed in him and it driving a wedge between the two until Brine cave) Have him suffer some kind of consequence. Not some off screen rant he had w/ Team skull. Not some random sacrifice that’s disconnected with the stuff he done. A consequence that actually makes him realize “wait am i being an ass” before he continues to double down.
(I’m a sucker for characters doing bad things as long as they get consequences or try to make up for it.) (doesn’t have to be both at the same time.)
AAAND THATS PRETTYYY MUCH IT! I love Post-Game chatot a whole bunch and If I’m being honest???? I still like Chatot when he’s not being a colossal jackass.
I love that he’s stressed and snippy. I love that he’s trying his damn hardest to keep the guild running. I love that when h/p fail the graduation fight— he’s the one smiling towards them like a little shit. I love that he regards h/p in a positive light and acknowledges the good they did for the guild in the rare few moments he’s being honest with them.
It’s why I liked him at the start and near the end. The middle was just waaay too rocky for me. But on my replay of the game I’ll try to keep an open mind for the bird. I wanna give him a chance.
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haunted-creations · 2 years
My Top 10 Fictional Guys' HC's
I didn’t know where or who to start with writing, sooo here’s my personal top boyos! Instead of giving my personal reasonings, I’m giving headcanons for each! This took me way too long to do. uvu Man there's gonna be one heck of a tag list pfff-
#1 Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia)
♡ When He Likes You: Mirio knew he’d like you, but he didn’t expect to like you this much. It’s kind of hard to tell that he does because he’s pretty friendly with everybody, but his friends notice that his smiles are a little bigger and he seems a little more excitable when you’re around, not to mention that hint of blush on his cheeks. He’ll use his quirk and act a little goofier than usual just to hear you laugh and see your smile. He even goes out of his way to spend what little free time he has with you because he enjoys being around you that much.
♡ Asking You Out: It happens on a random day almost out of nowhere. Mirio’s been thinking about asking you out for a couple days now trying to think of the best way to approach you about it without making you feel uncomfortable or forced to say yes. He really wants to make sure if you do say yes, it’s 100% your choice. But after all the thinking it just feels off for him not to be direct, so he just casually asks you one day when there’s a break in the conversation: “Hey, would you wanna go out sometime? Like on a date. You don’t have to say yes or answer right away if you wanna think about it, either way is fine with me. I just think you’re pretty cool.” When you say yes, he has the biggest smile on his face as he grabs your hand and tells you he’ll come up with the best date ever.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ If you’re ok with physical affection, this man has plenty to provide. Mirio will always interlock your fingers and hold your hand wherever you go. He gives the most AMAZINGLY warm hugs that make you feel like nothing could ever hurt you with him around. Forehead and head kisses are his way of showing his utmost affection for you especially when you’re cuddling together. If you happen to return said affections, he melts and returns it again ten fold. ♡ Whenever you’re feeling ill, in pain, or just feeling down in general, this man is on it. Need medicine? A heating pad? Good warm food? Comfort foods and soft warm blankets? Just ask and he’ll go get it or make it no question. Even when you’re sick he’ll hold you and make sure you’re able to fall asleep. He’s very attentive and wants to make sure you’re feeling your best or as comfortable as possible. ♡ One of his favorite things to do is share food with you. There’s something sort of intimate about sharing food that really makes him feel like a couple with you. He also finds amusement in the way you eat, but also this gives him a chance to not only feed you food, but for you to feed him food as well. While he enjoys feeding each other in a classic couple-like fashion, sometimes you two will opt to be silly about it and make funny noises while you do it or straight up miss each other’s mouths on purpose.
#2 Kagami Taiga (Kuroko no Basket)
♡ When He Likes You: Kagami’s a complete dork around you. He’ll try to impress you with his basketball skills and occasionally it’ll work, but sometimes he’s so focused on looking cool that he doesn’t pay attention and ends up tripping over something or running into his teammates. When it comes to one on one interaction with you, he‘s pretty blunt about his curiosities about you since he’s too impatient to have any tact with a conversation. Despite his rough behavior with most people, he’ll be his own version of polite and respectful with you and keep his more fiery side in check when you’re around.
♡ Asking You Out: You’d think Kagami would just straight up ask you, and he does, but you have to ask him to repeat himself because he either stutters the whole question or says it too quietly to hear. At one point even he gets fed up with himself so he sighs and finally asks you clear as day. “Will you go out with me? On a date?” He chokes on air when you actually say yes and then cheers and punches the air in celebration. You also think you hear distant cheering somewhere you can't see that totally isn't his teammates.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ If anybody gets a little too friendly or flirty with you, Kagami steps in instantly glaring them down. He won’t even say anything, he’s just scary enough to send people running. God forbid anyone try to put their hands on you without your consent, he won’t hesitate to deck them and full on FIGHT. ♡ One of Kagami’s favorite activities to do with you is to cook together because he didn’t get many opportunities to do stuff like this with his own family. If you don’t know how to cook he’s happy to teach you and surprisingly patient with you (it really baffles his friends and people that know him, it’s like his hot headed side shuts off when interacting with you). He’s a little more iffy with baking, so if you know how to bake he’s eager to learn. If neither of you know how to bake, it’ll probably be a bit of a hilarious disaster that's still fun for you two. ♡ When you guys sleep in bed together he likes to be the big spoon because you’re quite comfortable and the perfect hugging size for him. Even if you guys fall asleep separately somehow he’ll still end up wrapping around you in his sleep in some way.
#3 Sebastian (Stardew Valley)
♡ When He Likes You: You can hardly tell that Sebastian likes you since he’s a pretty closed off person, so it’s the subtle things that give him away. Despite his loner tendencies, he lets you hang around even when you stumble upon him having alone time. He’s not much for conversation, but he’ll genuinely ask you how your day was or how you’ve been, maybe even ask about farm life and your interests. But every now and then you’ll catch him off guard with something you say and he’ll let a smile slip or a small chuckle followed by a look of appreciation for your presence.
♡ Asking You Out: Sebastian wants to ask you out, but to be honest he doesn’t really know how so he’s been putting it off until one particular day. You two are exploring the mines together since you know your way around pretty well and he wants to see if he can get a Frozen Tear for himself. When you two finally find one, you get swarmed by frost bats. Sebastian grabs your hand and you two make a run for it. When you’re finally outside the cave, you two are laughing in disbelief and then there’s a pause before he suddenly asks you out. You say yes and he can’t hide the excitement on his face. “Cool. Maybe we could go see the city on my motorcycle some time.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Sebastian ends up getting pretty invested in your lifestyle so he tends to help out on his days off. He likes to tend to the animals (and slimes if you have them). If you need any mine resources he’s totally down to go with you and ends up being your cover from monsters while you mine. Any other activity that involves exploring or going to strange places, he’s your right-hand companion to make sure you come back safe and also feed his own wanderlust he didn’t quite know he had. ♡ After a long or particularly rough day the two of you go to the Spa together to relax in the hot spring. If your muscles are aching Sebastian doesn’t mind massaging them for you as long as you return the favor. On the occasion that you guys might get bored while sitting there, your relaxation will turn into a little splash fight. ♡ It catches you off guard at first, but Sebastian will sometimes suddenly express how grateful he is to have met you and how lucky he is to get to date you. He always felt like the odd one out in this town finding it hard to really connect with anybody and his life felt pretty stagnant, which is why he wanted to move to the city in the first place. But now that he’s met you, he’s grown a lot more optimistic about his future and he smiles a lot more than he used to. He never wants to take all that for granted so he makes sure to let you know that.
#4 Rin Matsuoka (Free!)
♡ When He Likes You: Rin doesn’t want you to know it so much he hardly wants to admit it to himself. He’ll act pretty irritable with you due to this, but if he sees he’s upsetting you with his attitude he’ll instantly drop it and try to cheer you up. As you get to know each other more though he starts to really open up and relax, even playfully teasing you and giving you sass to draw out a reaction from you.
♡ Asking You Out: Rin’s pretty troubled at first because he feels like asking you out would cause things to be awkward if you say no, but he can’t deny his feelings for you any longer. So he seeks you out one day looking rather irritated (as a tsundere does) and at first you think you’re in trouble for something. “Oi! I need to ask you something. Would you…go on a date with me? It’s fine if you say no, you can just forget I asked or whatever…” But you say yes and he’s shocked, but grins and has the gall to tease you about liking him back.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ First and foremost, Rin wants to swim with you. If you don’t know how to swim, he’ll definitely teach you. But if you’re not too keen on learning how, he’s ok with just spending time in the water with you. He’ll even push you around on a floatie or hold you and slowly pull you around. If you’re on a floatie he loves diving and jumping out at you like a shark. ♡ Despite how active he is, one of his favorite things to do with you is chill at your place or his (or both if you guys live together). There’s nothing he likes more than to just lazily cuddle up on the couch or bed with you. If you like music, he’s all for laying there and sharing your music tastes or new songs you found with each other. If you wanna watch any shows or movies, he’s ready to attempt getting invested, although even if he’s not interested he’ll still hang around. If you guys are bored and have nothing else to do, he’ll suggest building a blanket fort and of course there will be snacks and drinks to be had in it for a job well done. ♡ Rin doesn’t outright admit it, but he likes when you play with his hair. He finds it relaxing to feel your fingertips on his scalp or your fingers run through his hair, so he tends to lay his head on you a lot to prompt you. He’ll even let you braid his hair or style it however you want.
#5 Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
♡ When He Likes You: Aki can be hard to read sometimes, but his aloof nature cracks when it comes to you. He’s very protective of you and always wants to make sure you’re safe (and not bothered by people unworthy of your presence). You can hardly tell when he’s particularly happy or excited, but when you offer (or accept his offer) to hang out you manage to get a small blush and eager smile out of him. He's also the type to check himself in the mirror and straighten out his clothes before he goes to see you. He always wants to look his best around you.
♡ Asking You Out: Aki’s actually kind of nervous about it and has to hype himself up a bit to ask you. He plans a specific day and specific time to ask you to get a coffee/drink of your choice with him framed as a casual hangout. However, his fellow co-workers manage to stumble upon you two and ruin the moment consistently every time he tries to pop the question. In a built up fit of frustration, he slams a table and blurts out, “Would you go away already?! I’m trying to ask them out!” He goes red as he realizes what he said. After a moment of silence, you pipe up that you would in fact like to go out with him. He’s thrilled of course, but the amount of torturous teasing he gets from everybody afterwards is almost unbearable.
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ It takes Aki a bit to get used to physical affection if you’re into that. He’s kind of shy about it so you’d probably have to initiate, but once he gets more comfortable he more so offers affection rather than outright giving it to you. He’ll open his arms for you to step into the hug or he’ll hold out his hand for you to take, things like that. ♡ Aki’s the type to pay a lot more attention to you than you think. Have you been coughing lately? He’s got cough drops on hand. You mentioned you ran out of your favorite snack? He happened to buy extra you can have. Are you sweating a lot? He’s got a small fan for you to use and knows an air conditioned place nearby with drinks. His gifts to you are also pretty top notch because he remembers a lot about your conversations and interests. ♡ While Aki is more used to tending to others, he likes it if you make a bit of a fuss over him even if he says he’s fine. It makes his heart flutter when you worry about any sustained injuries he has or if you’re concerned about his lack of sleep because it’s been awhile since someone’s really cared about him like that. He’s an incredibly efficient workaholic and usually pretty good with keeping up basic self-care, but sometimes when he’s having a hard time he can falter in those aspects. If you happen to catch him when he’s emotionally vulnerable and comfort him with a hug or hand hold, he unravels pretty quick but that’s when he knows he’s truly found a treasure.
#6 Masato Hijirikawa (Uta no Prince-sama)
♡ When He Likes You: Masato’s caught off guard by his feelings for you and doesn’t know how to handle them, which can cause some jealous and protective outbursts at times. When he’s not guarding you though he’s very sweet and a total gentleman. However, his usually aloof personality breaks if you two make physical contact. If you try to hug him he’ll look like he’s ready to combust on the spot.
♡ Asking You Out: Even though he’s nervous, Masato wants to make the experience romantic. He’ll ask you to meet him somewhere private yet beautiful (like a botanical garden) and have flowers in hand when you come to meet him. As he presents them to you, he’s blushing with a determined look in his eyes. “Would you do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?” When you say yes he smiles affectionately and gently takes your hands, bowing until his forehead meets them. “Thank you. I will do my best to take care of you.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Physical affection isn’t Masato’s strong suit so he doesn’t dish it out often, but that makes his displays that much more meaningful. He considers physical affection to be very intimate so he prefers not to do it in public, though he is ok if you wish to give him small kisses and hugs. Hand holding is ok too, but he prefers you two to link arms. It’s his personal exception for being closer to you. ♡ Despite Masato being on the more reserved side, he likes to take you out to one of those private karaoke rooms because he may or may not want to show off his singing skills while also serenading you. He’ll even bust out the boy band moves for you! Regardless of whether you’re good at singing or not, he encourages you to try too just for the fun of it and will use whatever little instruments they have in there to cheer you on. ♡ Masato’s not too keen on trying new or different things that might appear unseemly for someone like him due to his upbringing, but his inhibitions relax if you’re involved. It’s actually pretty amusing for you to have him try things and see his reactions. You find out that he can get pretty competitive while playing video games as he has little childish outbursts of amazement and frustration. He takes watching cartoons a little too seriously and actually gets emotionally invested. And at first he’s hesitant about trying adult coloring books, but soon enough it’s one of his favorite ways to relax and he’s pretty good at it.
#7 Zen/Hyun Ryu (Mystic Messenger)
♡ When He Likes You: Zen flirts with you. Constantly and with zero shame at all times, there’s no way you don’t know he’s into you. At first it might seem like a shallow attraction, but once he really starts to get to know you he’ll start to point out things he really likes about you like little habits he finds cute or your laugh or how excited you get when you talk about your interests. He’s positively smitten with you but he will respect your boundaries if you tell him he’s overdoing it.
♡ Asking You Out: Technically Zen’s already asked you a handful of times, but you never took them seriously and brushed it off as playful flirting. Unknown to you Zen has been genuinely serious, so when you wave off his attempt once again he’s pretty disappointed and he gets uncharacteristically meek. “Oh ok, I get it. You’re not interested…” You stop him and ask if he actually meant what he said to which he responds of course, he’s been flirting with you for weeks! But you both apologize for the misunderstanding and when you finally accept, he’s so excited he almost wants to go on the date right that second. “Should we go right now? I know a lovely restaurant nearby. What do you mean you want to get ready first? Ah I get it, my cutie wants to look their best. Then let’s go out later and I’ll make sure I look my best too <3”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s:  
♡ Zen wants to show you off to everybody and will gush over you to anybody who will listen to an embarrassing (and perhaps exhausting for others) extent. Anybody that tries to flirt with him is immediately shut down with your picture in their face and how lucky he is to have you. That one Will Smith meme where he’s got his hands out presenting his wife (or whatever, idk his life lol), that’s Zen. He couldn’t be more proud of having you as his significant other. In his eyes there couldn’t be a better couple than you two. ♡ He loves going out with you and spoiling you wherever you two go, but his favorite thing is when you two go out at night. Seeing all the city lights or just seeing the starry sky takes him back to one of his favorite moments with you that he’ll always cherish. He’ll grab your hand and rub his thumb over the back with reverence and smile at you as he pulls you closer as you two walk. ♡ Zen gets excited at the thought of being domestic with you, so when you two start dating he wants to do all the things: cook together, clean together, grocery shopping, sleeping together, do some skin care together, exercise together if you’re into that, maybe even get a pet or plant child to take care of together. Even if you simply need to run some errands he’s more than happy to go with you and help out where needed.
#8 Brett Hand (Inside Job)
♡ When He Likes You: You catch Brett’s curiosity right away and he’ll chat you up to try to find out all about you. This might be an issue if you’re not much of a talker, to which he might have to ask Reagan for advice with getting closer with you. Once you two are fairly acquainted he’ll definitely want to hang out more and will always check in with you to make sure you’re doing ok. Eventually you’ll start to notice that his usually smooth conversation skills start to fail him when talking to you and he’ll start to stutter and stumble over his words if he’s not already blurting out embarrassing things by accident.
♡ Asking You Out: Brett is a wRECK. He usually isn’t this nervous about dates, but he’s never liked someone this much before and he doesn’t want to mess this up. It doesn’t help that he gets flustered around you. He even asks his co-workers/buddies for help and advice, but their suggestions were pretty intense and some not all that legal. So he settles for the old fashioned way of just asking you. Brett tries to approach you smoothly, but ends up tripping and falling. After you try not to laugh and help him up, he tries to drum up some small talk and compliment something normal about you, but it’s kind of awkward. So he takes a deep breath and just goes for it, closing his eyes afterwards to brace for the answer. And you say yes. “Wha- Really? Oh wow, uh, thank you? No Brett that’s stupid…um, I mean, great! Is there anything you want to do or anywhere you wanna go? I’m down for anything!”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ Brett’s kind of a rom-com guy, so in kind he does a lot of very cheesy and cliché things except he tends to mess them up. Setting up a romantic candlelit dinner? Something (probably him) catches on fire. Sharing a kiss in the rain? He slips and accidentally headbutts you. Bringing you flowers? Somehow they get destroyed on the way to you. But even when things go wrong, you two find a way to make it better. From laughing over the incident as you tend to any injuries and clean up, taking turns drying each other’s hair and snuggling up with warm drinks, to using the surviving petals as romantic and fragrant decoration. It seems like nothing can truly deter your relationship. ♡ Due to his work, Brett’s very nervous about your wellbeing. If you’re not involved with what his job does, he tries to make sure you stay far, far away from it so that you stay safe and don’t end up mysteriously disappearing. If you happened to be a co-worker that he started dating, he’ll check in with you frequently to get you food and drinks and also let you vent about work since he knows working for Cognito can be rather stressful. ♡ Since his family sucks to a high degree, he takes spending time with you and all celebrations with you quite seriously. He will go all out for your birthday especially. If you’re ok with parties, he’ll throw you the best one according to your preferences. Either way his one requirement is to have a dance with you. Whether it be high energy, go crazy dancing or a slow and romantic dance, he’s happy to be close to you.
#9 Kanji Tatsumi (Persona 4) 
♡ When He Likes You: Kanji blushes just from thinking about you, much more looking at you. He tries to cover it up by looking even meaner than usual but his friends know better and tease him endlessly about it. He’s pretty bashful around you and has a hard time making eye contact. If you’re receptive to him, he’ll gift you handmade keychains and plushies of your favorite animals or things you’re interested in. If you’re still wary of him, he’ll try his best not to seem so imposing around you by lowering himself if he’s taller than you, keeping his hands in his pockets, and practicing smiling more though that part might backfire from how much he forces it.
♡ Asking You Out: There were a couple failed attempts before he finally just goes for it. There’s not really much of a set up for it to be honest because his friends force the situation on him when they all plan a way to get you two alone. There’s a briefly awkward exchange between you two when he suddenly just blurts out asking if you would go on a date with him followed up by an apology. “I know I’m not as good looking as some other guys and I don’t exactly look like someone you wanna take home to your parents ya know, so I get it if you say no. No hard feelings or nothin.” So he’s taken aback to say the least when he hears you say yes. He even asks if you’re sure and once you reassure him you mean it, he does a little cheer before clearing his throat and saying, “Cool, cool. It’s a date then.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s:  
♡ Kanji really loosens up after you two start dating and lets his more dorky side come out since you make him comfortable to be himself. He scowls a lot less and tends to smile more genuinely especially when you’re around. Make no mistake though, even though he’s friendlier he’s still willing to intimidate and throw hands if anybody tries to mess with you. ♡ You tried on Kanji’s clothes once for the sake of impersonating him as a joke, but it turns out he was really into it. He thought it was really cute. So he doesn’t mind if you steal any of his clothes for pajamas and will offer his jacket to you if he sees you shiver even the tiniest bit. ♡ When you guys are having a more chill day inside sometimes you two pick out crafts to try together. Kanji is pretty handy with sewing so he has no problem learning or leading the way with crafts around that department if you’re not knowledgeable of them. You two will usually make a matching pair of whatever craft you’re doing and Kanji will proudly display your guys’ crafts in his room.
#10 David (Camp Camp)
♡ When He Likes You: David’s sort of obvious and cliché since he’s usually a pretty open person. He’ll blush around you, give longing looks while you’re not looking, and give you compliments over seemingly minor things. His affections are even more obvious when you’re brought up in conversations with others because he’ll start rambling about how much he admires you and how amazing he thinks you are.
♡ Asking You Out: There’s a big camp bonfire coming up so David decides it’s a perfect time to ask you out. What’s more romantic than making smores by the fire under a starry sky? Unfortunately for him, nothing ever goes as planned in Camp Camp. Some camp kids start throwing melted chocolate and marshmallows at each other, others are throwing random things into the fire to see what burns, and amidst the chaos David briefly catches on fire himself. After the fires are safely put out and everyone’s returned to their cabins, you take David to dress his burns. Deciding that he’s got nothing to lose at this point, he finally asks you out on a date to which you accept. He can’t believe it, but he’ll take it. “As much as I love these kids, I’m definitely making sure Gwen watches them when I take you out.”
♡ 3 Dating HC’s: 
♡ As disastrous as the confession was, David wants to make up for it by taking you out to a campfire minus the kids this time. The stars are beautiful, the smores are delicious, and he has a surprise for you as he takes out his guitar. At first you expect a campfire song, but instead he has a sweet and tender love song he wrote to sing to you. Afterwards you two share a kiss and cuddle next to the fire. ♡ You two plant a tree together and it becomes your plant child. The type of tree and name is up to you, but you two go all out with its care giving it the best quality soil and water, decorating it around holidays or just for fun to make it cuter, and talking to it like it’s your guys’ actual child. David couldn’t be a prouder plant daddy. ♡ David doesn’t seem the type, but he can get pretty jealous if he sees anybody showing more than friendly interest in you especially if the person seems tougher or more masculine than him due to previous relationships. He’ll end up inserting himself into the conversation feigning friendliness and wrap an arm around you while standing as tall as he can to make things clear you’re unavailable. He might seem like a pushover, but when it comes to you he won’t back down for any reason.
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
House of Memories - B.C.
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Bang Chan x reader
Best friends to lovers
Song: House of Memories - Panic! At the Disco
Genre: fluff with a little bit of angst ig
Warning: just Chan blaming himself, but nothing too deep.
Summary: you’re Chan’s best friend, and he comes to you after a massive fight with his girlfriend. You just can’t take it anymore and blurt out you love him.
Note: I had some high expectations for this one… I don’t really know if I like it.
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Things happen.
Break up happens.
Fights happens.
But for Chan, everything was his fault, he always was the one to be blamed.
This time he had a major fight with his girlfriend and they were really close to break up.
And how did he always dealt with things? He called you, his best friend.
You were really happy to help him out and spend time with him and see him doing well, do not take it the wrong way, but you were also in love with him, and seeing him talking about a girl he loved, that it wasn’t you, slowly destroyed your heart.
He called you and asked to come over. How could you say no?
And there he was, ten minutes later, with his favorite hoodie, at your door.
“Hey, come in” you said in the softest voice.
He was smiling, but the smile never reached completely the eyes, that were betraying him, showing he cried. Even the marks he had on his cheeks for the dried tears were betraying him.
“I’m sorry if I’m bothering you” he said, sitting on the sofa.
Bothering you?
He never bothered you.
“Your not bothering me, Channie”
He smiled at the nickname.
No matter how many times you called him like that, he always loved it.
“What happened this time?”
“We fought again… I think it’s serious this time” he sniffed.
“Hey it’s alright, come here” you offered your arms, and he shifted closer to you, placing his head on your chest, and you started to play with his hair. You knew that always comforted him.
“You wanna talk about it?” Maybe it wasn’t the right time. It had just happened and the emotions were pretty vivid inside of him.
He whispered a ‘not yet’, and held you closer.
“Channie, you know I’m here for you, right?” He nodded.
“And you can always count on me- you waited for him to answer- and I want to see you happy, always”
He wasn’t able to understand what you were saying, he was hella confused. He moved and faced you, keeping his hands on you, holding you, cause if there was one thing in his life he was madly sure about, was that he never wanted to lose you.
He could have changed partners in his life, but you were his only constant, his only priority.
You hated the way he destroyed himself whenever things went bad, he was the purest soul you ever knew, but he never fully understood that.
“Remember when I said I’d do anything for you? I still would. I always will. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit back and watch you destroy yourself: because I love you!”
He froze.
What did you just said?
You covered your mouth, but it was too late. He heard everything perfectly.
“You’re not really in love, are you?”
God was giving you another chance. But it was a fake one.
Now you just prayed things were going to be bad and awkward.
“Yes- you whispered- I am. A lot”
“Since when?”
“Since always?”
You don’t have any memories of the times where you weren’t in love with him.
You obviously had some ‘side crushes’; some random guys at your school you started to fancy, just for taking your mind off of Chan.
“I- I just need to do something” he woke up from the couch.
“Chan wait. I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have said that” you placed your hand on his shoulder, afraid that he was going to move away.
“No no no, hey listen, I’m glad you said it” he took your hand, and came closer.
“Because I’m so deeply in love with you” he added.
He was what?
“You know why my girlfriend was mad at me? -you motioned a ‘no’ with your head- cause she was so pissed about you and me. She said I spent too much time with you, and I seemed more interested in you, she asked me to end it all. She was just crazy. And then she yelled at me, for being in love with you. That’s funny cause, for once, she said something right”
“Are you being serious right now?”
He smiled, but this time his eyes shined.
“Deadly serious” a little laugh escaped from him.
“Now let me end all of this shit”
He started to move again, closer to the door.
“But Chan- you started to move closer to him, afraid of letting him go.
“I’ll be back home before you know it.” He caressed your cheek and kissed your forehead.
What had jus happened was surreal, and you even thought about having some kind of dream about it, but when he came back (as he promised) and cuddled with you on the sofa for the entire day, you knew everything was just going on the right way.
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maiden-of-sea · 3 months
Why I Still Haven't Return to This Blog (Please Read)
So within so many, MANY catching things up upon School, I have a confusion that I wanna make...
For the Past Years that I've barely had anything to do with this blog, part of Me feels like that I don't really want to run with it anymore as for some reason there is this Big Gripe for Me that slowly makes Me fully regret creating this blog all because of some semi-unhealthy obsession that I've had with one of my fandoms.
For the past years, I've used to be totally obsessed with the King Neptune/Poseidon character (I know they're separate characters, but giving on how that they're the still same outside) & for some random reason that felt like a huge waste wanting Me to run a Blog on its own (inspired to those who have their own Single Fandom Blogs like some fans do in the SB Fandom).
But now, I've come to the conclusion and realize on how much that I didn't need a Third Blog (considering on how both of my art and posts of my Main Blog are already full-filled with so many of my personal main fandom posts, it's downright INSANE).
The only reason as to why my brain in the first place thought of wanting to have such an unnecessary blog is partially because was inspired by other people who had their own single fandom blogs (like with most people on their Greek Myth blogs for instance). But honestly, due to the fact that I am very indeed afraid of wanting to delete it (which would cause the deletion of My Main Blogs with all of the other works that I've wanted to show), I've just realize my own huge mistake that I felt didn't need on what had to be done all because of a single obsession that I've recently just grew out of it for very mature reasons.
You see, I only made the blog for a very strange reason was because it was one of my surroundings in the beginnings of the SB Fandom when I came here. (As I've said before), I was completely obsessed with the King Neptune/Poseidon character and while I did paid any attention to the Main Cast like I would always do, I felt like my main interest was only a target towards the cast's obscure characters (which I blame for my own pure love for obscurity) and nothing else which is such a shame to Myself as I feel rather disappointed in what I've committed, but I can clearly see why on how everyone else wouldn't tend to see it since I was always a bit calm during a join in the fanbase. Now, when I say, "Disappointed", I meant on how that I couldn't afford to focus much on the Non-Merfolk characters more often as I feel as if though that I could've had the chance to study if it weren't for my own Big Merfolk brain rot.
Now, for the record, I am NOT saying that I am giving up on my Most Favorite Characters at this point since every any character is dedicated to their own fanbase, but honestly, for awhile, I've still been thinking if whether or not I should either just change or at least abandoned this blog but I defiantly have been thinking to restart it or at least perhaps have it a new fresh change.
For the Second Option part, if I were to re-do this Third Blog, I'd probably would make it an Ask Blog but I'd still have it around my Main Fandom's theme at this point.
It's just that for some time, I've mostly and mainly been focusing around my Main Blogs to point where I have no one else to do with this one and re-blogging some of my SB Art/Reblogs from my Main One into this One to fit this Blog's Main Aesthetic is often kinda hard to do (especially on how long given the Hiatus is) but for the most part, wishing my own self that I would want to return to this Blog would be Wonderful but I would prefer to want to make a change to it somehow just so that perhaps that maybe I would want to do with it whatever I'd want, but maybe not as an Polacia blog since I've been thinking about wanting to do something else for awhile if I'm going have to re-design My Greco-Roman Gods anytime soon when I feel like it (just to perhaps if maybe I were to keep this Blog's Main Theme that I chose alive).
I know that the idea of "Deleting" (Getting Rid) of ALL of the stuff that you've full-filled within a certain theme of a blog will take forever but honestly, I just don't know to the point where I feel as if though that I am indeed incredibly lost within my mind, especially when you are not in the same mood as you used too anymore. I just feel as if though that time changes real quick.
Recently, I've been focusing on drawing out ideas for my Original Stories (as well as drawing out some personal character designs) since this Whole SpongeBob-Fandom break has really given Me some relaxing time and I've already got out of School as I did graduate recently.
Considering the fact that I can't get rid of my Third Blog, I might as either consider to either continue run it or reboot it (if I'm going to start something different for it). I still haven't re-worked my own personal Redesigns in the moment but recently, I've been re-joining my Old Fandoms through a blast within the past.
So in case if I do return to this blog anytime once my SB Fandom break is over (as far as I have been trying), I'll probably give my a Third Blog a second chance. If not, I'll probably either abandon it. But I see on how time will tell if Fishes from the Sea sent by their own God will tell Me (aka if my Mind brainstorms once again).
Granted, I still and always will love Poseidon no matter what, just not in a crazy way that I did when I made this account and even when I somehow regret making it, since I felt very scared that I knew I was going to be in a Different Fandom mood.
I'll probably make my own decision to return one day if my SpongeBob hyper-fixation comes back to Me. Right now, I'm going through a Different Fandom Phase as I will be more active on my Main Blogs (@the-indie-owl and my Art Blog; @marine-indie-gal).
Hope you guys understand.
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l'm no child psychologist, so l'm just guessing here:
The devs probably believe that kids today would just be running around the map, clicking random stuff and not knowing what to do. When they do make progress by doing such, they wouldn't know how to find the next story beat. Then they'd get frustrated at the "boring game" and quit. If they had something to guide them, like a push in the right direction, maybe they would know how to play it.
But Poptropica already does that indirectly. Character dialogue, setup of the map, the story leads you to complete the game. It's especially true for the simpler islands. Overall they don't tell you when you'll complete the island, and imo they shouldn't. That's like doing a word search with the answers already underlined.
It takes patience, a whole lot of patience. I can see some good in a progress bar (keeping track of how much you've completed)... but the map already does that! And they don't spoil the island by turning it into a string of side quests!
Simplifying the puzzles also feels like assuming your audience doesn't have the patience and the willpower to complete them. Yea most popular video games among kids now are straightforward and quick to learn. But the thing is, those games aren't puzzles. Puzzles are meant to be challenging, to encourage problem solving. This was why Poptropica was considered an educational game in the first place!
(Also, we already have a lot of running “easy” islands that new players can complete swiftly. There’s no point to nerf the “hard” islands, the ones known for being difficult, to be “beginner-friendly”)
TL;DR I do get wanting to give everyone a fair chance without having to look up tutorials, but basically (unnecessarily) child-proofing and watering down the game as a whole is... kinda insulting to newcomers.
(Sorry for the long send again)
You hit the nail right on the head. Now the nail hurts.
I mean, I guess I could see why they think kids nowadays need the hand-holding. They use TikTok, they're probably not that smart /hj
But yeah, you're 100% right. The fact that Poptropica is a problem solving game is what made so many people love it. The user got to run around and figure out clues and items that they will deduce for themselves how and where to use them. Kids love being able to figure things out on their own, figuring things out on their own is one of the things that makes games like Poptropica so much fun.
And the fact that there were islands back in the day that offered a real challenge, like Mythology, Skullduggery, Steamworks, etc shows that they respected children's intelligence.
I don't know much about what kids like nowadays (except for toy reviews, weird meme videos and the like, based on what my 10 year old cousin watches), but the least people can do is just... try to give them something that has actual substance XD
Not only that, but the newer islands don't have a lot of room for the user to run around. Some of them only have three areas. And even some of the older islands that only had a few areas, there was still plenty to do.
You wanna know what I think? I think because it takes longer to make islands now, due to Flash being gone and the limited amount of people working at Poptropica due to layoffs and whatnot, that's most likely one of the contributing factors to this new change of pace. I get the feeling that if they had more people and money, things might get better. But that's just my two-cents.
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just-jae · 9 months
Random Naruto rewrite ideas bc tumblr is my journal now and im feeling creative but lazy.
{Inspired by the original premise of the story (or maybe it was just an in-show rumor, memory fuzzy)} Genderswap Naruto's parents, have Kurama actually be Naruto's dad, and give Kurama a human form. His mom is the Kazekage who at first kept having to fight Kurama until the fox spirit developed a scheme to seduce her into lowering her guard. It ended up back firing bc he actually fell in love with her, but, long-story short it doesn't end well for either of them.
When Kurama's chakra leaks out it's usually linked to rage and muddies Naruto's own emotions with Kurama's hatred for Konoha and humans in general.
Naruto uses his knack for transformation jutsus to "become someome else" so often that its practically a habit. He even tries to introduce himself to his team under a guise that quickly gets blown, amd is often caught entering a village in a different form or shifting when he gets in trouble.
Overtime Naruto learns to live as himself and exercise his right to live his own life in Konoha. He also learns to accept both the good and the bad about his origins, as he learns to do the same for others.
Also he grows out his hair over time. no way this wild child is gonna mind cutting his hair. So he ends up resembling Jiraya in that regard, like, Jiraya with a beard or somethin.
Sakura is a plain old normie, who's more down to earth. She still starts off a bratty know-it-all, but once she gets out of her social competition mindset, her virtues as an intelligent, adaptible, hard worker with a knack for genjutsu and medical ninjutsu start to shine. I actually like the idea that she occassionally goes off and does her own thing to accelerate her improvement without Sasuke or Naruto there to do all the heavy lifting, not only so that she's better help to her team but also so she stands a chance against more vicious ninja if she ends up on her own. Her fighting style is inspired by the Black Tiger Fist. She also takes after Kakashi in learning many different kinds of jutsu, even finding ways to pull off chakra-heavy jutsu by basically performing a lesser version. Her fireballs may not be as hot as Sarutobi's but she can still do them, and it comes in handy.
Shiore and her team are reoccuring characters, could be any role tbh. I just wanna see more of them. Maybe they end up "conveiniently" bumping into certain teams during missions or training. They exchange information through careful small talk to track the worldly news, influence eventsin their favor and watch their own backs, but they aren't necessarily friends or enemies.
Rock Lee is the main character, and wears black or dark green/blue clothes that resemble historical ninja attire. On top of being a taijutsu specialist he also is a history nerd who is very proud of Konoha.
Mix up their Adult heights ya? Like, some short folks and some tall folks. Built folks and lanky folks. Choji and Hinata should not be the only ones with a distinct body types.
Sasuke, as a kid actually wants nothing to do with ninjas, he's enrolled bc he's an orphan, and an Uchiha, but he's "scheming" to somehow get out of it, and in the meantime makes sure he's really good at his job so that he can rank up faster and have more say in where he goes/what he does.
Kakashi, unintentionally ends up being like an older brother or father figure to Sasuke, they have a falling out at some point bc Kakashi is also an actual mess, but they reconcile eventually and help eachother get through the bullshit of the ninja world.
The Sharingan is a lot more limitied, like, it just tracks faster movements and effects people's perception of reality (genjutsu). That's it.
Hinata and Neji wear kimonos at first, like the rest of their clan, then wear more deviating clothing later (or maybe Neji keeps wearing the kimono)
The Byakugan is like rolling a 10 on perception. They're the eyes of Konoha, and on top of seeing physical weak spots and points to exploit, the Hyuuga also tend to attack their opponents psychologically. Some even think they're telepaths. In general, its very difficult to hit a Hyuuga, genjutsu a Hyuuga, and stay indifferent to a hyuuga when they try to get in your head. It makes them hard to trust even when they're nice. so their members are easily socially isolated from the rest of Konoha.
Neji was actually planted on Tenten's team to gather info on the Senju Clan. (I love the Tenten is Senju theory) but he ends up learning more about them from Lee.
Hinata has black hair.
Kiba's and Akamaru are inspired by the Shiba Inu dog breed. Members of their Clan don't normally become ninjas, they're more or less just doing their own thing , but Kiba's calm and reserved personality and skills made him ideal for spying/tracking, so some Konoha officials pull some strings to get him on a reconnaissance team. He's still very dog like, but he's a silent deadly dog and ends up adopting his team as his packmates- very protective of them.
Akamaru is a normal sized dog... with a shiba inu based design.
The sand siblings start out as evil bullies and end up as friendly bullies, but they keep their rough edges well into adulthood bc why wouldn't they?
After Gaara gets beat up by Naruto, at first he's pissed. But then, as he's processing the encounter he ends up misinterpreting it as "use other people for your own gain" its only after some life happens and mayne a few more bumps into Naruto that he actually understands that the point is wanting to protect people you love.
He also ends up becoming more expressive since he develops an interest in actually interacting with people beyond killing people and following orders. Gaara still comes off as an asshole but that's just his Suna accent (yes I headcannon that Suna are generally a bunch of disconnected assholes- like, Kankuro was about to beat up a toddler for fun just for bumping into him. And he's the Kazekage's son lol.)
There would be more elaboration on Suna's rag-tag nature and instability. They may even go through a political recession/collapse after the failed attack of Konoha- especially if other enemies-- the ones that put pressure on them, see it as an opportunity to scamble them like eggs.
Um... *twaddle's fingers*.
Juugo's power isn't a Clan thing, but an anomoly. Like a mutation or some sort, probably caused by some spirit or jutsu gone wrong. Like a tragic wish story or somthin.
Itachi's deal is that he left Konoha after processing the fact that he was so indoctinated as an Anbu that he actually killed his own family just to stop a suspected uprising. So he goes "eyo fuck this" and leaves Konoha with a deep hatred for his home village.
The Akatsuki are just a gang of rougue cimminals who agree not to bother eachother or rat eachother out, most end up teaming up for common interests and its usually an ironic pair. Itachi didn't want to join at first, but his fish pal happens to be part of the group and when confronted by them he ends up accepting the ring begrudgingly.
Occasionally senseis exchange footnotes or team up/temporarily swap out, to allow certain members to bemefit from a sensei that specializes in their stregnth. Like Kurenai being a good genjutsu teacher for Sakura, or Asuma being a good kaijutsu teacher for Tenten, Might Gai could help Sakura with her taijutsu. it would also contribute to the theme of interconnectedness. This wouldn't even be a formal process, just something the senseis figure to do on their own bc its good for their students.
Also Senseis' night out.
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inkrabbit · 2 years
How do u think the ghouls, Terzo n Copia would react to their s/o being a tattoo artist? Idk why but I can imagine the ghouls play fighting with Sodo one day n they see he’s got a lil tattoo on him n they’re all just ??? Where ?? When??? And Sodo just tells them how his s/o does tattoos n he wanted one n suddenly all the ghouls want a cool tattoo now 💀
tbh this is such a cute little thought omfg <333
he's very interested when he finds out, but he's absolutely supportive and interested
"How did you get into all of this, poppet?"
he'll listen to any and all of your stories, and he's asking any question that comes to mind
absolutely excited to see any and all tattoos you have, and he'll even kiss some of them
if you still do work while with the abbey, he'll offer to be there with you. he loves watching you work, but he also know how... unkind some humans can be. he just wants to make sure you're safe
so long as it's fine by you, he loves looking through your sketchbook that's filled with designs, either for clients, or just random little ideas you wanted to get out of your head
"Ah, does it hurt, my little mouse? Getting a tattoo, I mean."
he has a habit of tracing over your tattoos and asking little questions
he wants you to tattoo him. he really does. but he's also scared it's going to hurt
but what you don't know is that he keeps putting it off because he's been trying to find a cute little design that'll match both of you
he wants matching tattoos and he wants it desperately, but he wants it to be a surprise and he wants you to like it too
eventually, he'll just finally break and tell you his idea. and yes, he's giving you those puppy eyes to make sure you say yes and share this special moment with him
he's surprised, but not over the top about it. extreme emotions aren't exactly his specialty
still, he enjoys seeing your work and any sketches you're willing to show him
"Lucifer, I love your work. You have such a unique style, too."
he'll let you give him little tattoos, but only on places that's easy to hide. he can't hide tattoos in his human form and he really doesn't wanna be bothered wearing more clothes than he already does
he's very observant, so you'll never have to go get any new ink or new parts. chances are he's caught it before you and he's already ordered you more
one of his guilty pleasures is actually watching you work. he just loves watching you bring a simple little idea to life on someone's skin
tattoos aren't uncommon around the abbey, but he was surprised when he heard some of the siblings say that you had been the one who gave them their ink
"Hey, sweetheart? Could I ask you something? And feel free to say no! But I was wondering if... you'd tattoo me sometime?"
he absolutely loves your work and he lets it be known
but he's also dying to let you work on him. just to have something from you permanently on his skin so it's like you're always with him
he won't want anything too big, but he's also giving you free reign of the design
don't worry wondering if he'll like it. you could tattoo a simple little rain drop on his wrist and he would be over the moon about it
it's no secret he has tattoos of his own. if he wants something, he'll get it, and there's no one that can stop him
he's all smiles when he hears that you're a tattoo artist, and his tail is happily flicking back and forth as you let him look at your previous work
he was going to go to the tattoo shop across town for this little piece he was thinking of getting, but now...
"Hey, babe? Would you be okay with tattooing me?"
you don't know how much it means to him. really. having his lover be the one to give him the design that's refused to leave his mind for the past few weeks?
oh buddy, you're being spoiled for a good while after you're done with that tattoo on him. he's going to be extra affectionate because it means a lot to him
"Beautiful and talented? Lovely, you're just a gift that keeps on giving!"
he could look at and trace your tattoos for hours and, on the times he's woken up before you, he actually has
congratulations, if he wants any work done, you're the first person he goes to
he trusts your work and he loves you. plus he gets the opportunity to tell people that his awesome little s/o was the one behind it? it's a win-win
occasionally he'll come around when you're working with someone and, because of his bright and lovable personality, your clients are more than happy to also chat with him and let him fire off some ideas of his own if they're not 100% sure themselves
he's also been able to talk down some of your more unruly clients
one of his absolute favorite things to do is to get you as bare as he can and trace over your tattoos
it's one of those soft, tender nights where you two don't have anything to do the next day and he just wants to share a peaceful evening with you
"Look at you, amore. The Dark Lord truly did put a lot of thought into you. Such beauty and such talent. How I got so lucky, I do not know."
he'll also pop in here and there while you're working with a client, and he's always praising your work while he kisses your head or lips
unlike Copia, he'll actually pitch the idea of you two getting matching tattoos. he might be a flirt, but he wants to show that you're the only one he really cares about
and he's 100% acting like a child on Christmas when you both get the tattoo. he won't be able to tear his eyes away from them because, really, he's just so happy you agreed to do it with him
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kyuala · 2 years
calling cravity to ask why things didn't work out
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inspired by the videos from the cut channel on youtube! and a little based on my vity as exes post too hehe
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he is so surprised to see your name on that screen. you guys probably hadn't talked to each other in a while aside from when u run into each other when out with friends, if that. the question kind of takes him aback but not really? i feel like if things weren't really resolved between the two of you it'd just always feel kind of like a cloud floating above your heads, just waiting to be addressed. he's reluctant but honest with his answer. takes blame wherever he feels like he has to but that's about it.
he'll be super pleasantly surprised by your call if things ended in a cool way omg. he's so nice and kind about it too like, even after the question has been dropped he'll keep it light-hearted and short and sweet. doesn't want things to get heavy or dark or anything like that so he just does that on his end in hopes that you'll be okay with it too. the question caught him a lil off guard but he'll assure you it's all good to be curious about it and that he wonders about it sometimes too lol but that's about the extent of it. i don't think the question alone will be enough to like make him want to give things a second chance or anything like that and especially not through a phone call... if the thought has seriously and consistently crossed his mind before he'll ask you if you want to get coffee and talk about it sometime
not really surprised by your call 'cause jungmo is the poster boy for exes who stay friends in my opinion, or at least courteous. he is going to be surprised by your question though, but in a much more hm... 🤨 kind of way. like.... does this mean you miss him? do you want to get back together? i feel like he's going to give his answer based on his own questions about it, to try and figure out what you really want out of this. will act like he forgot all about it and it's no big deal but it'll be in the back of his mind every time you guys interact again for a while
thinks you're calling him by mistake and answers it all formal and polite. when u ask him what went wrong with the two of you he genuinely asks you if you have been drinking. he's rather monosyllabic with his answers and either goes straight to the point of the breakup or is honest and tells you he doesn't know, or that it was just a combination of many, many factors. wants the conversation to end as soon as possible and doesn't ever wanna talk to you again after that. it was just too much for him for a random tuesday night
oh just the call showing up on his phone screen is going to make him so smug it's insufferable jesus christ. but then he won't let you speak until he's asked how you've been, what you've been up to and how your family's doing so it's like oh. this is actually really nice. not really surprised by the question as much as he is surprised you're the one to ask it. probably takes a few seconds to think about the nicest and most polite way he can put this and is really roundabout and sugarcoating w his answer just in case u get upset. gets really curious as to why you're bringing this up now and won't stop thinking abt it for the following weeks
no cause he doesnt even know who is calling like 😭 deadass hits you with the "who?" when you say ur name. (he might mean it, he might not. you'll never know.) when u clarify it he's just like "ah" and then Silence. kind of doesn't really believe his ears when u hit him w the question and his first answer is like "you know why." like he really doesn't want to get into this. if ur insistent tho and he can tell u need this and ur being serious and not just doing this to mess with him or start some shit i think he'll consider being open and honest. won't budge on his answers though and honestly won't give it much thought after a couple of hours. like Yeah that was Strange but that's about where it ends for him
the SECOND your name pops up on that screen his whole life is flashing before his eyes. he picks it up all nervous and coy 'cause ?????? what the hell is he supposed to expect from this?? when he says hello he's about to pass out and he wonders if you can hear that through the phone. honestly probably the one to actually get into it and get a bit emotional and turn a quick phone call looking for answers into an hours-long conversation. he will be so emotionally moved by this he might actually ask if you want to get back together by the end of it
literally that one guy from the cut videos who answered his ex's call with "ur alive???". taeyoung's the 2nd poster boy for exes to friends (slow-burn, 500k words) so he'll be absolutely used to talking to you and doesn't suspect anything. when u hit him with the "what happened to us?" he'll be like lmaoo what do u mean what happened to us ur so funny. doesn't take him long to get serious with you and quit the joking though, he's very honest with his answer and very open about his vision of the breakup. doesn't really place the blame on either of you even if you were the one to fuck everything up, for example. he's still going to do everything he can to assure you that it's all good and well, forgiven and in the past. just like jungmo and hyeongjun, he's curious about this sudden behavior and is open to talking about getting back together. if you want to, he's open too
no answer 'cause you're blocked lollll no but fr, if ur lucky enough to still be able to reach him, he's going to be frozen after the question. probably asks you to repeat it a couple of times not bc he's not sure of what he's heard but bc he's just having a hard time believing this is really happening. probably stalls for a couple of seconds (or minutes) and then says something like "i don't really wanna do this right now..." and politely ends the call. the thought is going to be stuck with him for days afterwards
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main masterlist | cravity masterlist
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hn-yn-soo · 1 year
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Wanna Be Yours | C. TY
You knew it's gonna be hard capturing the girl's heart, but you pushed on. Despite the thought of having higher chance of getting rejected than actually get together, so you kept giving her letters without hinting your identity but gave her certain signals such as the certain looks you gave, small gestures that indicates your admiration and love towards her and more.
Of course, Tzuyu isn't as stupid as she is. She knew your moves, the motives and everything which she adores the most. She couldn't help but blush everytime you show love and affection for her and all
"Y/nn, mind coming to me as a date on this year's ball??"
"Actually I don't mind, and thanks for asking.. I haven't gotten myself a date as well" You shyly muttered, lightly scratching your nape as you avoid her gaze. She smiles and intertwine her fingers with yours, her eyes looking deeply into your avoiding ones and she couldn't have fallen even deeper than she had.
You came home with Tzuyu walking beside you hand in hand, you two talked about your lives and interests which boosts the taller girl's curiosity and took a mental note for her to do most of them when you're together
*ringggg*(ring a ling)
"Oh? Someone's calling me??"
:Hey, Y/nn, I got your number from Jihyo.. Just wanna ask if you got home safe??
"Uh yeah! How about you?? I was supposed to take you home but you refused, I was worried" You heard a light giggle at the other end, a tint of red coating your cheeks and your feet wavering in the air as you let her finish
:It's fine really, I'm just pretty close by so no need to bring me home.. But if you insist, you can take me then
"Ah, is that so... Is it fine if I ask you out for coffee sometimes???"
:I'd love to, there's a new shop right in front of my house. I'll fetch you someday
And the talk goes on, asking random and nonsense questions which Tzuyu found amusing and funny. You and her got closer as the day passes, and the school has called you the tall visual couple, but then of course you meet rivals
"You brat, she's mine"
"You're a minor, Park Sunghoon"
"You do know I can make her scream more than you?"
"You don't even have the balls to, oh wait.. Do you even have one, Taehyung? Well damn, I might be bigger than your so-called big dick energy"
"She's already fierce to anyone, why would she go soft on you?"
"Oh did she? Ask her yourself then, Mingyu" At the same time, Tzuyu comes to you whining asking for some snacks. You smirked and pushed the jock away, pulling the latter for a kiss on the cheek
"Glad I got you some, do you want more??"
"Yes please~ The modelling class has been tiring for the past hour, do you have spare sneakers?" You nod, taking your bag and pulling out a pair of sneakers for her to wear then placed her heels in your bag. She kisses you near your lips, giggling to yourselves before leaving for your vacant time so the two of you decided to go on the secret garden within the academy
"You know, Tzu.. Ever since we met each other, we've been close like a couple.. W-What are we??"
"I.. I dunno, but there's this person.. Who keeps writing me and giving me gifts at my-"
"It was me, I was the one who gave you those.. I didn't want to make it obvious, but your rivals had been tailing you and I'm afraid they might do something to you that I didn't knew. A-And, this might look like infatuation but no.. I'm willing to learn how to love and take care of you even if we end up in a lot of fights"
"Oh, Y/n.. I.. I dunno what to say" You smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, telling her it's okay for her to decide. This didn't change anything, but you remained the closeness or even escalated the interactions more
:Y/nn, c-come over here please.. T-They're here
"Turn your location on, I'm coming" You dashed from your room and onto the place where you two usually met, the garden
"G-Guys I know we all admire her, but this is too far!"
"Wanna go cry about it, Hoon? Then go fuck off, you pussy"
"Alright, we'll take turns- Ow you shit!" Mingyu turns holding his head, seeing you holding a medium sized rock and a stick. Well, I guess your baseball skills paid off and you got a home run
"Get her!"
And so it begins, well as a black belt you finished them off and called your friends to get them
"How do we handle them, Pres??"
"Make sure to expel them please, I don't want their faces here anymore." Wendy and Jeongyeon bowed before walking off dragging the unconscious boys, as you reached out to Tzuyu who was shivering on the stone bench
She tackles you for a bear hug, sobbing against your neck with her arms wrapped tightly around yours. You took off your jacket, put it on her almost torn uniform before going home to your apartment
"Stay here, I'll make you something and get clothes for you to change on"
"Thank you" You gave her a gentle pat and rushed to make a quick ramen and chocolate milk before grabbing a new pair of clothing for the girl
"Hey, I'll let you change here.. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything"
She just nods, you took a while waiting in the kitchen as she dresses up comfortably, you came back to her all snuggled up in the couch with her used dishes neatly placed on the coffee table
After that incident, it's the School Ball. And you had picked her up with your dad's car, waiting for her to come down with her parents
"Take good care of my princess, yeah? You're the only girl we trust among her suitors, we just feel it.. And if you two end up together, we'll give full support"
"I-I couldn't thank you enough, Uncle.. I'll make sure to love your daughter truly and of course, bring her home safe" At the same time she comes down, her dashing royal blue gown with a speck of gold glitters amazed you. She does look perfect in everything, and it made your heart race frantically
"You look.. A-Amazing, we even match outfits!"
"Thanks Y/nn, we'll get going now!!" The two of you left, arriving at the event in time and luckily your friends were there too
"Woahhh, amazing as usual you two!" Sana states happily
"Enjoy the night guys! Let's celebrate!!!!" Jihyo exclaims and pulled you inside the hall, where flashing lights surprised you. You look around to search for Tzuyu as she got separated in the crowd but you could spot a familiar brunette at the middle
She turns, reaching for your hand and pulled you close, almost stumbling over your shoes. She catches you with a slight giggle, as if time had stopped as you gazed into her brown orbs. She helped you stand, she placed your arms around her waist then her own on your shoulders, soon dancing into the night
"A-About that day, I've thought about it. About.. Us"
"I like you too, I already knew it's you who brought me everything I didn't want to make things awkward so I decided to be lowkey on showing the same gestures too.. I also knew how you threatened my suitors and protected me from them, I thank you for that" She says softly, you shivered at how her fingers grazed through your hair, almost pulling you closer to her
"So, if that's that.. Y-Your parents gave me the blessing to court you, I'm just waiting for your ans-" You felt soft lips pressed onto yours, you felt fireworks going off in your heart, and the grip loosens around the tall girl's waist
"There.. That's my answer, I'll allow you to.. Even if I know you'd succeed, because you had won me over in the first place"
"That was my first kiss.."
"Mine too, wanna make it forever then?" You nod with a huge grin, kissing her once more before spinning her around the dance floor..
The end.
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dnangelic · 9 months
you are such an absolute delight to see on the dash and interact with, and that is no exaggeration! I adore all of your muses and even if i don’t know any of their respective medias, i learn about them through your writing and your metas and you talking about them and thats so fun to do!!! ITS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE THING EVER! I appreciate you giving my dazai a chance despite not knowing bsd aswell as p much any of my other muses sknsksns you’ve been so sweet to me since we first became mutuals and i genuinely love seeing you around so much 😭 i see you on the dash and my day gets atleast 10% better without fail every single time. i hope u talk about your boys forever and ever . ITS SO FUN TO BUILD DYNAMICS WITH YOU!!! anyone is lucky to write with / plot with / interact with you i wont even lie and i genuinely believe that nsjsksnsjssn i appreciate that you show interest in so many of my muses it makes my heart so so so warm . I HOPE WE CAN CONTINUE WRITING NOVELS TOGETHER FOREVERRRRR even though i know im the one who owes you like 2829922 things ksnsksns DW AB THAT . I ALSO WANNA SAY about you writing dark and daisuke specifically i think its so good how much care you put into a series thats really old and like Ive genuinely put the manga on my reading list BECAUSE of the interest garnered from your writing !! SOLELY BECAUSE OF YOU ! u are an absolute angel ( … hehehehensnensn … bejbwnw … get it bc … bc …!2&2!/@/!/82 s hehehehe ) AND YOU ARE ALWAYS SO KIND TO ME and always so interactive and i can’t even beginnnnnnnnnnnnnn to properly articulate how much of a joy you are 2 interact with !!! wishing you and daisuke and dark and yan qing and all ur muses the best day ever . 🙌
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OH MY GOOOOOOSH and to think i was sitting here at ur post like 'should i ask permission for nine asking for permission. what if nine doesn't wanna say anything. i hate feeling like im ever panhandling for a compliment. nine should be pouring soup into my lap and slapping dark + calling him a bitch so i can finally apologize but youuuuUUU YOUUUUU ALL THESE FEELINGS R SO MUTUAL!!! I LOVE SEEING U TALK!!! IT BRINGS ME SM JOY TO SEE U POST!!! even the most random stuff. doesn't matter if its long or short. literally dont even worry abt owing me stuff ur presence alone is also a DELIGHT ur fr like such a funny mut and person BUT UR ALSO SO GOOD AT UR MUSES TOO??? LIKE i could go on forever abt how much i respect ur dazai alone and how even if i don't know bsd canon that's probably for the best, bc ur now ur dazai is The canon dazai to me, but u also have like nine... billion... (hehehesbhgbssnsjkdj x2) MUSES ON UR MULTI THAT U ALSO FLAWLESSLY INVEST URSELF IN AND!! WOWWWW WHAT A MUN!!! genuinely im so glad i found u even in this hellsite and that i can just toddle around following u like this everywhere 🐥 every like i leave on ur post is me picking at it for crumbs like a pigeon in a city being tossed bread. keep tossing that bread for me please please. IM CRYING. IM WAILING!!!! BUT SINCE U BROUGHT UP READING DNANGEL LET ME ACTUALLY HELP U OUT TOO??
scans are like absolutely everywhere and most places have the godawful quality fan translations. u can and frankly probably should read the official eng which is available here. dnangel had a weird run where the eng was only licensed and translated up to book 13. 14 and 15 (and beyond) are fan translations, but there's exactly one chapter that's ALWAYS broken on any website you go to except this one. this site doesn't complete the series though so the last link you'd have to hop to is this one. but the entire series is only 20 volumes in total. you could speedread through it in like a day. it's short and sweet and i love it even with its flaws. why else would i b here writing dark n dai. anyways. point is. tysm. im holding u and all ur muses tight. i wont leave u!!!! im so glad i met u!!! uve done sm for me already and i wont forget it!!! MY SO TALENTED FRIEND!!!
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rose022 · 8 months
based on my last post!
the character that made me think of that is rei from im in love with the villainess and while i dont think im caught up with the comic anymore i read a lot of it and even parts of the novel when i first got into it. for those who dont know this girl gets isekaied into a video game she loved where her fav character was the villainess and she now tries to woo her. when you start the series, you think of her as just a silly and outgoing character but the thing is, its all an act. thats what gets me. like yes she really goes love claire but shes a lesbian and the character she knew in the game had one crush on a guy- she knows she had no chance. and so shes obnoxious about her advances. she makes herself into a joke because she believes then itll hurt less when shes inevitably rejected and pushed away and when people once again find her to be gross and weird. but! she still has a friend who enjoys her company and while claire is thrown off by rei (understandably) she also doesnt actually hate her or genuinely tell her that shes gross. and so when someone else comes to steal claire and rei gets jealous, the other person confronts her about this. that shes not genuinely trying to win over claire. so yeah idk that just gets me, plus the way they talk about and handle queer themes is really good (though warning in the manga there is a part with incest from what i remember. its nothingg big but i wanna say in case someone needs to avoid that.)
and now. the character i mass rbed last night, my beloved Sasha Tartt from the antagonist's pet. she was also isekaied into one of these romantic fantasy stories but shes not one of the main characters or anything, just some random nobody that barely had a line mentioning her. so she decides to avoid them and live peacefully. and she figures out that even tho no one cares abt her cus shes that much of a nobody, she can still get sweets and good stuff by sucking up to these nobles by, quite sincerely, acting like a pet. shes cute and people like to feed her treats and give her pets but they also dont view her as equal to them. shes just selling herself. and the worst part is that because nobles are taught to supress their feelings and always be poised and dignified, they can never show their emotions nor do they know how to deal with them. and so, she allows people to take it out on her. telling her about their problems, yelling, and attacking her. she says she doesnt mind this because she still gets pets and sweets. but shes not a person to these people, no matter how much she compliments them and helps them with their issues. and theres also all the people who talk bad about her for doing this and having no pride. whats even worse is that she has this habit of bitting her thumb til it bleeds when shes nervous or worried. shes keeps thinking about her past life too so she wants to take advantage of everything good here but it comes at the cost of herself.
oughh i wanna reread it now... also i very much recommend this one but tbh i dont like how it ends and i can do a whole lil rant abt that too but ill save it for another time. i doibt anyones even gonna read this one
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leffee · 8 months
alright here are some more things I thought of forgive me if there are ever any repeats I may never remember what I’ve ever said lol
- since Vinnie is never tall enough to reach anything he has gotten into a bad habit of trying to climb things to reach what he wants rather then ask for help because in his head he doesn’t need anyone lol
- I wanna mention that I feel like Zoe or penny would have a ton of things in their purses like candy, makeup, wallet, change, tissues, receipts ect.. and they both end up saying “let me check the purse” on a daily basis just because hey it might be in the purse
- I also have a theory that since Vinnie does speak more English than Italian I feel like his Italian side would come out when he gets super excited or super sad and doesn’t want to talk to anyone (kinda like his own get out of jail free card for questions he doesn’t feel like answering) (feel free to add to that)
- a thought on Russell I feel like the reason he hates marshmallows is because he’s allergic to them not deathly or anything but they give him major stomach issues to the point where his body physically rejects them and he could start throwing up blood so he does what he can to avoid them ( idk if that’s a real thing but his friends don’t know because he’d rather keep to himself the only person he’s told is Sunil just in case
- when Vinnie gets nervous he (when he has one) he wraps his tail around himself kinda like a hug to ease his anxiety
- pennyling keeps in touch with everyone she’s ever met she’s super good at checking in on everyone and making new friends she is also close with her relatives in china they send her snacks and she sends them snacks back they video call often
- pepper is always the first one to try and fight someone when she gets drunk jokingly asking if they “wanna go bro?” Sometimes it’s hard to tell though if she’s serious which worries some of her friends in that moment
- Sunil is just like Russell in the sense that he is kinda like the dad he takes care of everyone and everything when he can and sometimes forgets to do anything for himself he’d rather see everyone else happy especially Vinnie everyone often calls Vinnie “ sunil’s baby”because he babies him so much from making sure he eats to laying him down for a nap because he knows he’s tired he’s also never missed any of vinnie’s dance shows
- sharukuh is so protective of Sunil he would do anything to make him happy after all he’s his first real connection emotionally,mentally and physically that he’s had. he’s kinda like Vinnie in the sense that he doesn’t like letting anyone he cares about get hurt or leave him so he’ll do anything to keep him around deep down Sunil saved his life without even knowing it
- Vinnie loves any and all type of music he’s made it his personal mission to be able to dance any kind of song no matter what it is his friends kinda made it a game to pick songs at random and see if he can make a dance for it
- Zoe has had so many crushes that everyone’s lost track of her love life they just try to be as supportive as possible even though they are incredibly lost Russell was the only brave soul to try but after a while he to was lost..
R: “so, how are you and Brad doing?”
Z: “Brad?” “Oh no darling we split weeks ago! But Daniel is certainly on my radar”
R: -_-
- pennyling is crazy good at knitting she’s made so many sweaters for her friends especially vinnie since he gets so cold he has one in every color at this point
- vinnie and pepper love to photo bomb when they see the chance. But Zoe if she gets a hold of your phone you’ll find your camera roll filled with her selfies she’s graced you with lol
- Russell has tried so many times to understand his feelings he’ll lay awake at night thinking about how he’s supposed to feel. if he’s normal? what his future will be? if he’ll have kids? get married?will the robots be his company? he’s got so much going on up there if only everyone knew…
- vinnie and Russell were each others first kiss (in one scenario) the only reason that Sunil wasn’t Vinnie’s was because their relationship didn’t get a chance to go any farther before Sunil left for college (sharukuh ended up being sunils when they became official after Sunil graduated)
- Vinnie won’t let anyone mess with his hair much he gets grumpy when they try because to him it’s his best feature “don’t touch the hair” “hey my hair!” it really brings out his Italian side everyone can swear they hear his accent in that moment
- Russell and penny made a tiny garden after finding random seeds and they are pretty proud of how it turned out and plan to have a bigger one if they get any space
- I feel like the boys wear make up but in a way that’s kinda like it matches fur or skin color so they can cover up pimples or imperfections themselves 
- minka can’t stand quiet she has to have some sort of sound in order not to go insane like, for example music anyone talking she doesn’t like awkward silence at all 
- Vinnie has a countdown clock that was gifted to him so anytime Sunil goes out of town he has a way to keep track of how long it will be before he could see him again. he can’t stand any of his friends being so far from him, especially Sunil (one time his flight was delayed due to bad weather, and Vinnie freaked out. They couldn’t calm him down for hours. He was in tears and begged them to take him to the airport, so he could wait there)
- zoe has started a fashion blog to help others try to be as fabulous as she is. It’s pretty small right now, but gaining a pretty large following. She believes this is what she might be famous for in the future. Everyone is pretty supportive, being her models
- Sunil did try the no shave November thing. He grew pretty nice beard but ended up shaving it off because he felt too self-conscious about it. On the other hand, the girls found it kind of weird to see they found it hard to get used to sharukuh thought it was cute Vinnie thought it was hot Russell had mixed feelings although pepper swears, she caught him, staring, much more when he had it he denies it every time lol
- since Vinnie loves physical touch so much being in a relationship for him is the best thing in the whole world his boyfriend would have to have this clingy man forever, and always attached since he has had a history of depression, being in a relationship is almost healing for him in a way.
- sometimes some or all of the group have sleepovers just for fun or because they can. they bring all types of food,watch movies,play truth or dare the whole Shabang! They try as much as they can to keep the connection They’ve always had strong by hanging out as often as possible, seeing as life can get really busy 

all right, this is why I think I’m going to end it for now. It kinda ended up being longer than I thought. I feel like there’s more but I’m blanking on some of the things that I thought of before lol. 
You have no idea how giddy seeing those each times makes me, you actually don't because I can't put it into words. Here and now, I'm saying that I love all of them, but of course now we shall get more into each one and be crazy about them aaaand my beloved Vincent of course:
headcanons that revolve around Vinnie being short make me very very happy no matter what and this one is no different :DD and yeah, the LAST thing he will do when unable to reach something is ask for help, because that would be admitting to himself and others that he's short and he is not doing that. In fact, it's not even the last thing, he just won't do it at all. But yes, he climbs things to reach the items that he needs, and even more importantly, he climbs people sometimes too, "Vinnie what are you-?" "Shh, Sunil, I just need to get something." "I... I can just get it for you?" *hiss*. You know? He's so small. As he should be
ok but I think they say that "let me check the purse" literally no matter what item it is that someone needs. If it was a hairbrush or something then that's understandable, but you can ask them for anything and they will still look for it there because just maybe it's there. A laptop? A scented candle? An entire lamp? Better check just in case. How does that even fit in there is a mystery, who knows, who knows
yes yes, this! In my all "don't actually know how bilingualism works" glory I decided that in moments of extreme or sudden emotions (like that excitement you mentioned) his brain just gets completely overtaken by the more, let's call it, primal language which for him is Italian, and he just yells excitedly in Italian or something. Nobody else has a clue what he's saying but they know he's excited. And when it comes to that second part, he totally does use Italian as an excuse not to talk to anyone, not just when he's sad, just whenever he feels like not doing it. For example, if a stranger on the street asks him for directions or something but he's tired or not in the mood to deal with anyone or whatever he will just pretend he doesn't speak English and will start sputtering words in Italian - it usually works, though there were one or two times when the person was like "Oh, don't worry, I speak Italian too." And he was like "...Great :)". Oh, and also he usually switches to Italian when angry and wanting to swear but not wanting to make a scene, so he just, "Gimmie a moment." he walks to the side and begins yelling italian swears "Al diavolo! Cazzo! Porca puttana!"
yeah, fair enough, I like when characters are allergic to something. Idk if that's a real thing either but if I can give Vinnie allergy to raspberries which I also have no idea if it's possible, then Russell can be allergic to marshmallows. Though I feel like at some point Sunil would break and tell someone because he can't stand the tension of others teasing Russell about it when he knows the truth. Like, he'd say Vinnie at least, and the the next time that marshmallow thing occurs Vinnie is just quiet and Russell picks it up and adds two and two together in his head and later he's like "Suuuunil." Sunil swears he did nothing, in a very sweaty fashion I mean
yeah, it's kinda like I said that he "borrowed" some things from Sunil, like playing with his tail when nervous, or like in this case changed it a bit, not playing with it but wrapping it around himself. Side note: he would also wrap his tail around himself when cold, but that would not work because guess what, this thing is also cold, he just sometimes forgets about it because it works for mammals, and he sees them doing that sometimes and then forgets it won't work for him. Poor soul. Another side note, I headcanon him with a much longer tail then he has in the show, 1. Because I want to and would do that anyway 2. Because I read somewhere that lizards' tails are as long as their body, so if anthro Vinnie is 5'2" then if I understand it correctly his tail should literally be exactly that too or close to 5'2". In other words, in whatever form, his tail should be as long as he is tall
man, she's good, I mean, imagine keeping in touch with everybody you ever met, that'd be a no from me 🙃 but that's actually really sweet, I mean the snacks sending part, she sends them hot-dogs lol. She should send Vinnie's cake actually. Can I just say that I actually really like her relatives in the episode? The ending was genuinely really heartwarming. Good for her, good for them too for that matter
honestly, I think most people, at least ones that know her would assume that's she's absolutely serious because it's Pepper, so they never quite believe she's just jokinh and keep an eye on her, just in case. In short: she says that a lot when sober too, so everyone is like "uh oh" when she says that when drunk
he'd rather see Vinnie happy than himself? My God, he's just like me. Except that I also want to see him in pain and misery sometimes. Aaanyway. Sunil carries him around, I imagine, I mean, look at how small he is. Sunil really is just like me, because if Vinnie was real I would do everything for him and then lie him down at the end of the day and pat his head. Wait, wait, a thought! With that making sure he eats part. Sunil just brings him a nice actually nutricious dinner but Vinnie is always eating random, unhealthy snacks like chips or whatever so he's like "No thanks, I already ate dinner." He didn't, he ate 200g of salted nuts. Though I'm not personally a fan of calling characters "babies" in this way, it removes their autonomy somehow and he is a grown-ass man at the end of they day
Vinnie and Sharukh bonding over being willing to do anything not to let people they care about get hurt or leave them and treating Sunil like a devine entity worth of worship because he saved their lives in a way🤝. Like, maybe Sharukh slowly but surely notices that about Vinnie and eventually they have a talk, or the other way around, Vinnie's the one who notices. I think Vinnie would be jealous at first that there's someone else around Sunil so much but then he feels that kinship "ah, yes, this is also a crazy man who is willing to go to insane lenghts to keep Sunil happy. And he probably has attachment issues". He can respect that, Sunil has that effect on people, well, on him anyway
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bro, why even try, of course he can dance to any and every type of music. You know, a long long time ago I saw someone's headcanon that Vinnie doesn't like pop music because he thinks it's not real music and for a while I went with it but eh, it never stuck in the end. I agree though, I mean, I think he just basically loves all types of dances, all, (and since different types go with different music so he naturally loves all kinds of music too), people got so stuck on him and tap dancing but I disagree, let him dance tango or foxtrot, damn it. I just, I think he really really loves dancing, and he's really really not good at it, he does not get better, in fact, he gets worse. But still, he watches dancing videos for hours and analizes every step
Brad? Just wait until she gets to Chad. I imagine at this point most of the time they don't even catch the change of name. Just, one day Zoe would be talking about let's say that Brad, but next day she will be talking about Daniel, and because she sometimes doesn't even acknowledge that it's not the same person, and her friends are so lost so they don't even notice, they think it's the same person. Damn, Daniel!
wait, that's so adorable. Everybody always be like "Sunil's the one who wears sweater" but please, imagine Vinnie in a sweater, better yet, imagine him in a turleneck. God, he's so cute. He would look so good in a classic black one, but might I also suggest very light pink. And Penny's so good to him, all of them really. What if she also makes them those matching sweaters? I dunno if there are any patterns for 7 people, but like those "If lost return to __" and "I'm __."
yes, and Vinnie and Pepper photobomb anybody they can, be it their friends or complete strangers. If they are together and see their chance they will try to arrange some sort of mockingly dramatic pose in the background. Zoe on the other hand, well of course! She has graced you with her presence and beauty, you wanted those selfies, you know that ;)
ok, but what if sometimes he just couldn't keep all those thoughts in his head so he texted one person those thoughts. The problem is that when he texted Pepper, Vinnie or Minka they had this sort of conversations: Russell: "What's your biggest fear? Mine is being forgotten..." One of them: "Damn that's deep, mine is kool aid man." I think if anyone, he'd talk about it with Sunil, maybe Penny. Well, that's a hypothetical situation if he actually talked about it to anyone of course. However! I shall answer all those questions because I have all the answers: is he normal? Compared to some others, yeah, he's fine; what his future will be? Lovely, because there will be VInnie there :D; will he have kids? No, Vinnie doesn't like kids; will he get married? yes, to Vinnie; will the robots be his company? ok, that one I don't know, what's important is that Vinnie will be his company
aww man, you're tearing me apart here, says I - a crazy Vinnil fan. No, but I think Vinnie would be happy that his first kiss ended up with someone whom he actually ended up with, it feels more special and like there was ✨ destiny ✨ at play, maybe it didn't let him kiss Sunil because he was destined to be with Russell. On a side note, I think I will take a page out of your book and just start saying "in one scenario" too instead of throwing alternative universes around
ok ok, so I have a pretty much the same headcanon, though mine goes that both Zoe and Vinnie won't let you touch their hair, Vinnie - because he's obsessed with his hair and doesn't want it messed up, and Zoe - well, because she doesn't want it messed up either or for it to get oily. So if it so happens that someone, let's say, puts their hands on their heads from the back they will turn around simultaneously with annoyed expression and ready to throw hands, "No touching the hair!" "Leave my hair alone!". Vinnie however is more flexible when it comes to it, he will let you touch it if he doesn't need to be anywhere more that day, and if he trusts you because it feels so fucking nice when someone touches his hair actually. Even if he lets you in his house without him being there and look through all the drawers it means nothing when it comes to whether he trusts you or not, does he let you touch his hair is the real question. It's genuinely a trust test with him, if he lets you touch his hair then that means he trusts you because it truly is his best feature. Zoe on the other hand will just not let you touch hers at all lol, just her hairdresser. Vinnie and his so called Italian side, ahh, I don't know why Vinnie being Italian makes me so happy but it sure does and I love thinking about it
aww, well ain't that lovely. In the future they shall have a big-ass botanic garden that shall be beautiful. But returning to this mini-garden, what if Pepper, knowing about it, constantly asks them if they planted some fruits there, because if so she wants to be the first one to get her hands on them >:> "Pepper, we don't know what will grow out of these seeds, we found them randomly-." "Shh, just let me know if they're fruits or something once they grow, we could sell them!" "I... even if that turns out to be fruits I'm pretty sure there will be way too little to sell anything. Also, that's not why we have it."
hmhmh perhaps. I mean, I do have this one headcanons for Vinnie that, you know, in my mind he has a shit-ton of freckles and when he was younger some kids were making fun of him because of that so he became insecure about it and gradually learned how to use make-up to cover them up. That's all he knows, because it was useful to him. Anyway, he's not insecure about them anymore so he stopped long ago, though I don't think he would care about pimples enough, or rather he's too lazy to cover them up. Sunil or Russell though? Hmm, perhaps, I can see it
oh, she definitely does not like awkward silence, but on the other hand, I don't think with her awkward silence occurs too often because she always has something to say. The other person stopped talking? Well then, no worries, she has 100 other topics she can talk about, and that's only on top of her head. Though in my mind she can stand silence when she's alone that is and it's night, so when the world is quiet in general. As much as she likes noises and sounds and during a day needs them, there is something nice about it being quiet for a while, sometimes it's easier to paint like that. Well, until she has had enough and needs to put on some music
!! Wait, that's actually such a good idea, one problem though, the one you mentioned. Cause like, he's already not doing good, but at least the clock counting ever down makes him calmer, buuut, if it just so happens that Sunil or someone else is delayed or sth, and so then his clock goes down to 0 and they're still not there he will freak! So I imagine it's probably better to set it for a bit longer, but at the same time he doesn't want waiting any longer than he needs to so in the end he never does that. It kinda counts until his sanity drains, no xd? If they don't come back until that time that is. I can just imagine Vinnie sitting next to this clock, almost unblinkingly looking at it, eyes blood-shot, just observing as the time goes down, even if it's still 6 days left. On the other hand, I believe in this scenario you described he would just go to the airport himself, either run there on foot or just drive, and my God, road safety laws prepare to be ignored! So not a good idea and once he's there he'd be clawing at every worker there he can find because "Why the fuck is this flight delayed?! Do something about it!" Anyyyway, I love when he's like that, damn
awww, they are all her models, that's actually pretty sweet, considering that it's Zoe and she would probably want all the attention on herself xD. Actually that's a pretty good thing to give her, cause I sometimes say that she's somewhat popular, but I never know because of what. That would be a good direction. I also like that she's doing that to help other be as fabulous as she is, well, she is, can you blame her?
wait, is no shave November a thing? Hmm, I guess no X November can be anything you want it to be, I do the "No me November" it's when November passes and I just don't exist B). Russell just like 👀. But honestly, maybe he has a perfectly undrstandable reason, I mean, if you saw your friend who does not have a beard normally suddenly grow one you'd probably be looking too. I just imagine Rusell yeah, would be trying to hide his staring, but Vinnie on the other hand would be like 👁️👄👁️, because holy shit
ah, if talking or reading about Vinnie makes me giddy then Vinnie but depressed makes me just crazy. Fucking trembling. Well, he just needs people and has a somewhat anxious attachment style so once he likes you enough and gets attached you're not getting rid of him, even if you actively try to do it, he will attach himself like a leech, you lucky lucky person! Especially if you're in a romantic relationship with him, it's a given (It also comes with possesiveness, going crazy if you're away and being able to kill for you but sshhh) And, ah, physical contact, oh he revels in it and preferably wants to feel physical contact with you literally all the time, he's touch-starved ok ;-; ?
why, of course they do! They will do it until they're all senile, damn it. I don't want them apart, idc what they do or how old they are, I'm not separating them ever, they live in the same city at least, adult life isn't real and also they're not real so I can do whatever I want. Them not being real is a blessing... and a curse
Lmao, don't worry, you saw those two random pauses between the bullet points? It's when tumblr demanded that the section was too long so I had to make a new one. But oh, how much I love talking about them and bouncing ideas around, especially about my beloved <3. He is soooooo uggh, sooo incomprehensible, I love it. And also I checked, you didn't repeat anything you said before, believe me, I would have remembered, I still screenshot all those headcanons and keep them forever in the gallery on my phone to have easy access. I love him I love him I love him. Stupid reptilian people, they make me lightheaded.
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starscelly · 1 year
i’m the question asking anon from earlier and istg literally every time you share something about this au i just become more invested! i will read anything you post about them why do these boys have my heart
robo’s rebellion moment made me chuckle, it’s also so sweet that his mom helped familiarize him with the guitar!
i still don’t know what questions to ask so ig this is like another ‘ today i want to talk about [ insert thing here]’ (heck, it can be another 5 of those, however many you need/want)
i guess a question is how did roope find robo and otter? what made them realize that they fit/work together in that way?
the boys also have my heart and every single inch of space in my brain so i get it !!!! thank u again for ur like. investment and giving me space to blab abt them fudfkskldsfl i appreciate it sm <3 <3
i had to marinate and think a Lot on how robo, jake, and roope all meet bc obviously coming from 3 different places there has to be an element of chance but also. i dont wanna go completely batshit lmao. here's an Attempt at explaining my thoughts!!:
otter still goes to college but instead of bu. bc he's not pursuing hockey. he ends up going to ut austin (its a good communications school and he actually has a communications degree like. real life)
he doesnt rlly Love school but he’s figuring out what he wants in life and his parents wanted him to go. so.
robo and him meet at some random ass show in texas, where robo only is bc his family drove over in the rv for a Different show
they dont immediately run off together and play music lol but they do keep in contact via text and calls for a few months, rlly Bond and become super close
robo comes through texas with his family again eventually but theyre not performing in austin this time, just dallas. so jake goes out there to see them
they've kind of vaguely been talking abt forming their own band at this point but obviously there's the distance that both of them are kind of. scared to close on a whim for smthn that might not work. and also they want to get someone who can consistently do lead vocals and play bass etc
anyways. they have a couple free days so they go to random house shows and smaller venues around dallas
roope is in the area bc at this time he's playing in the NAHL but heavily considering dropping hockey for music (he Actually played for bismarck and for like 2 games but. for the au ive decided he played longer for the lone star brahmas lol) and is basically just trying to find out what he's heading for, what he Wants
they see roope performing with a band that is like. Not His but just kind of a random assortment of his friends in the scene fucking around having fun (the house show is at one of his friend's places)
and roope is not. a great singer. he's not professionally trained and amazing. but he has a really fucking unique and cool voice (they will later find out this is bc of his accent and aversion to having a clear throat) so theyre like. heavily heavily intrigued bc they think it could make for a sick sound . in their band. what a coincidence!!
robo. looking like the most average dude ever. walks up to him after like hey ... we saw u from across the punk house and rlly dig ur vibe. and otter is kind of mortified but also is like ^^ play music with us please just to see ^^
roope is in an . emotionally difficult time in his life trying to decide if he wants to take a leap and leave all he's ever known his entire life. so obviously he jumps at the first chance and is like. Fuck It let's do it
obviously there's more logistics - roope finishes out his season before fully committing to the band, robo has to have this whole discussion with his family and have this emotional ass move to dallas, otter doesnt drop out completely but does have to explain to his family that his band is going to be his first priority at some point and starts taking only online classes etc - but thats how those three kind of. Meet and Click
theyre also still having bassist woes and thats when roope calls miro etc but. this isnt abt him rn for once
its a weird mix of a lot of Right Place Right Time scenarios, but how else do two americans who have no reason to ever meet end up with two finns who have little reason to be in america in the first place!!
i also think at first there's not really. Issues necessarily. but it takes a while for otter and robo, who are both super friendly open people, to kind of figure out roope's whole thing so they can finally click. which he's not Unfriendly per se but also he's not going out of his way to make conversation. but once they figure out oh he doesnt hate us and he's not even like one of those mean snappy punks he's just. european.. it's all relatively smooth sailing from there lol . it also helps when miro finally arrives and is both much friendlier at face value and also has roope being overly affectionate and up his ass 24/7 (which eventually bleeds over into his interactions with the other two)
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