#but I didn't really change anything in the story to reflect that change haha
windfighter · 2 years
The world keeps tilting
Prompt: Blurry vision
Kouji stood up from the bench and blinked. His head felt light. The world blurred around him. Out of focus. He took a step, stumbled as his feet didn’t quite want to leave the ground. He tried to look at Takuya, but the lines between Takuya and the world was gone. Everything floated together in a mash of colors. Kouji stopped, rubbed his eyes and tried again.
The world was still unfocused. Kouichi stepped infront of him and Kouji’s head spun from the sudden change in blurrness. He frowned. Something was wrong and he massaged his forehead.
”Do you have a headache?” Kouichi asked.
Kouji tried to answer, but the clear line in his head became muddled as it came out. The edges of his vision was getting darker. Kouichi took a step closer. Kouji’s head hurt as his eyes strained to focus. It spun. Kouji reached a hand out. The world tilted and he needed something to steady him. Kouichi grabbed his arm.
”What’s wrong?” Kouichi asked.
The world kept tilting. Some of the cylinders in Kouji’s head fired.
”Passing out”, he tried to answer.
The words still came out muddled. His knees started buckling, the darkness took over. At least the world was less blurry like that. Kouichi caught him as the world disappeared completely.
Kouji blinked. His head hurt. He was on his back, Takuya’s face hovered above him. In focus. Mostly. Kouji blinked again and rubbed his eyes.
”Hey”, Takuya said.
His voice was low, barely a whisper. Kouji frowned.
”You okay?” Takuya continued.
”Mmm?” Kouji answered.
He started sitting up, but Kouichi pressed a hand against his shoulder. Takuya sat back down and Kouji raised an eyebrow at Kouichi.
”Wasn’t out that long”, he said.
At least he hoped so. He was a little confused about how he ended up on his back, but not as confused as when he had been out a whole day. Kouichi raised an eyebrow as well.
”20 seconds, give or take a couple. Do you need a doctor? What happened?”
”I think”, Kouji made a new attempt to sit up and Kouichi let him, ”I should be the one asking that.”
His head hurt worse and it was hard to get his eyes to focus again. He leaned his head into his hands with a groan.
”I’m not sick”, he said before anyone could ask. ”Blood pressure dropped, it’s fine.”
”Doesn’t sound fine”, Takuya said.
Kouji turned his head and looked at Takuya.
”You’ve… never gotten dizzy from standing too fast?”
Takuya shrugged and Kouji narrowed his eyes in disbelief. He lifted his head from his hands, pulled one of them across his eyes before letting both fall into his lap. Takuya and Kouichi both stared at him. His head hurt less, but…
”I don’t think I’m up to running through stores after that”, he admitted. ”Can we do something at home instead?”
Takuya snorted and stood up.
”You didn’t have to get that dramatic to get out of a shopping spree.”
Kouji snorted as well. Kouichi looked at him with worry in his eyes.
”You sure you don’t need a doctor? Low blood pressure can be dangerous.”
”I just have to not stand up that quickly”, Kouji answered and pushed himself off the ground.
A little… too quickly. The world disappeared again and he grabbed Takuya’s arm until it was back.
”See? All better!” he said and forced a smile.
Kouichi shook his head and stood up as well. He didn’t look convinced, but he wasn’t arguing. Kouji decided that was success enough. He patted Kouichi’s shoulder and started walking.
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izzyspussy · 2 months
headcanon that stede loses himself in stories in the purest and fullest escapism possible. he has an extraordinary imagination, extraordinary avoidance mechanism, and extraordinary lack of self(-perception). as such, it's easy and automatic for him to insert an imaginary, idealized version of himself onto any character in any story that he likes, without it ever occurring to him to identify with or even really catch on to any real similarities to himself and his life that might be paralleled in fiction.
even if he happens to read or be told a tale that has such reflections in it, they will pass him right on by completely unobserved, and he will either find the story unbearably dull or he will warp it into something idealized and project onto it as if it's totally fantastical and foreign to him like any other. he simply never sees himself in a story, because he doesn't see himself in real life either and has absolutely no interest in doing so (at least up until his final scene of season one, and these things don't change overnight so still past that but to a gradually lesser degree as he develops. um. for as long as he... continued to develop. lol).
like obviously stede does make everything all about him (tho we did see - for like a second. lol. - that he's trying to get better about that), but ignoring all the themes in a narrative work and any remotely undesirable trait in a character in order to make it the perfect escapist projection fantasy is functionally still making everything, or rather in this specific case, every story all about you, it just happens to be your personal ideal of perfection rather than your experiences. haha actually sort of like- *the audience relation director hurriedly turns off my mic*
cough. anyway. ed also makes everything about himself, but the other way around. he actively looks for himself in stories and in other people's experiences, and inserts himself if he can't find it.
at the same time, he also doesn't particularly want to see himself - not the parts of himself that he takes conscious note of anyway - so he generally just avoids getting close enough to anyone to relate to them. if he absolutely needs to know something about somebody else he'll guess(timate) or flat out make something up. he does that with people's preferences/tastes, feelings, backstories, even sometimes their names (except when unavoidable, or when he slips up and accidentally lets himself form a genuine human connection lmao). i mean, this is in part because most people ed's involved with are almost certainly going to die pretty grisly deaths, most likely during their acquaintance with him, and when he's captain it's kinda his responsibility, and he doesn't want to grieve or feel guilty for anything ever. but also the first stuff i said.
and then re: stories, if he's going to engage with one he needs it to be as exaggerated and/or abstract as possible and also preferably vague as well. that way it's distant and he can tell himself he wasn't really in it, it could have been about anything, actually it was really just about the nonexistent thing that was in it - like the story he told about the kraken killing his dad. like there's plenty of room to interpret that while we were seeing the flashback, ed had more lines describing the scene to his in-universe audience off our screens. but! i think it's more in character if he left it to just the few flippant lines we actually heard. he loves the drama and the attention, of course, but not as much as he (thinks he) wants to not be truly seen.
he tries stede's method via the jeff act, but we see that fail immediately and spectacularly at any hint of doubt twice (at the fancy party when they laughed at him and in the gravy basket when hermit hornigold didn't indulge the roleplay scenario). and to be honest i'm personally counting three more: when izzy pushed back against the ep10... Situation, when ed threw blackbeard overboard and became breakfast in bed bf instead but stede was still into piracy, and when he was forced by confrontation to admit his fanciful ideal of being a fisherman didn't match up with reality. plus i think if read hadn't interrupted, his little therapy speak word salad "i'm doing better than i ever was" guy with the rabbit would have gone the same way. (and obviously the inn idea would go this way too. so it's a good thing that never happened! lmao can you imagine...)
(vs stede who tries to play the idealized character, fails, pretends he didn't after a period of depression, but then adjusts the role to better fit his true self and is successful; they did write the arcs of stede becoming himself + ed accepting himself that they meant to, they just broke both their legs and their fucking neck on the dismount.)
ANYWAY. catch me writing a whole fucking meta post just to say stede would think nothing of telling the story of fenrir and tyr at storytime post-the parts of canon that aren't drivel.
you know, the story about the monster of mixed race parentage who is destined for violence due to said parentage even though all he really wants is fame, and the one man brave enough to get close to him? and the man helps the monster grow, until he gets too frightening and everyone decides he can't be tamed? so the man offers a limb in exchange for the monster's restraint, perhaps trusting that he wouldn't hurt his only friend? but the monster bites that limb clean off and eats it?* yeah, that one.
stede would be jazzed to tell a story about/by legendary sea-faring idols of conquest and (homoerotic) masculinity with norms that run counter to the social environment he loathes that ed (and izzy) wouldn't already know (and probably pop his rose-colored bubble about). he would not think hm maybe not This one though. all he sees is the excitement! *stefan voice* this myth has everything: prophecies, friendship, betrayal, blood and gore, finely crafted textiles...
meanwhile, ed is trying to beat himself to death since SOMEBODY managed to fuck that up, and izzy is shaking, crying, throwing up,,
*editorialized to make tyr seem better and fenrir seem worse, to align with how ed would interpret it in reflection of his self-perception, though i'll also say the very same ed hearing the very same story in a different mood would interpret a worse tyr and a better fenrir than textually depicted just as well
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viburnt · 11 months
Heyyy loved your Izuku story, made me want to request one with the prompt "How could I do that to him/her?" Maybe someone is flirting with adult Izuku but he already has a partner and is very loyal OR maybe having an interview where the host makes a joke/insinuation he should go and take advantage that he is famous to meet many more people
Whatever you prefer 💖thank you
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I hope I managed to convey the feelings you expected, Anon! Have some loyal dog Izuku *smooch* Also Pro-hero!Izuku is a smart crowd pleaser, he knows how to play his cards and outsmart malicious people. Also you didn't specify any gender so I went with gender neutral.
𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚 || 𝐓.𝐕 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐬
— Welcome, everyone! Today, we're here with Japan's latest big shot and number one pro-hero, Deku! We are so excited that you were able to have some time for us, darling.— The model serving as a hostess said, her body language exaggerated, and her outfit provocative to gauge higher ratings for the show.
Izuku hadn't really planned to participate in the program, but after you convinced him to do so, he agreed; you'd always supported his career, so you encouraged him to engage with his fans often.
Izuku just wished it had been with a less slimy host, feeling uncomfortable with the frequent lascivious looks the model would throw at him.
—Thank you for having me.— The man said with his classic charming smile. —It's a pleasure to be here with you guys.
—Say, Deku, you've become quite an icon lately. Your popularity is almost as high as mine!— The woman joked, eliciting a slight laugh from the live public. —Have you grown used to being a groundbreaker?
Midoriya bashfully looked at her, feeling her eyes checking him out from head to toe as she spoke.
—Well, the hero life is a difficult path, I have to admit that.— He started, trying to formulate an answer that would suffice. —But it's something I love, and I'm trying to be the best at it.
The model nodded in understanding, allowing her hand to roam to the muscles of his arm.
—Absolutely! We are very alike in that aspect, you know?— She commented, giving a slight squeeze to his biceps. It was getting on Izuku's nerves. —It wouldn't be too far-fetched to be together as a couple.— He heard her say with a wink, the audience having mixed reactions to her blatant flirting.
—Don't you think we'd make a picture-perfect power couple?
Midoriya felt disgust towards the hostess, feeling overwhelmed by her constant indecency. "Talk about basking in reflected glory," he thought, wishing he could get away from her.
—Haha, well, I appreciate your interest, but I'm afraid I'm not available.— He answered with an unfaltering grin; even if it hadn't been long since he had first debuted as a pro-hero, he'd learnt a thing or two about managing his looks while facing the public eye.
The model pouted, pressing the matter even more.
— Just think of the headlines! We could be an 'it' couple.— She added to her desperate attempt to convince him. —Besides, wouldn't you prefer to change your old partner for a brand new model? You'd be the envy of your colleagues.
The public awkwardly laughed at the hostess' behavior. It was funny the first time, they'd guessed, but after a while, it just felt uncomfortable– Even they could sense the uneasiness in Izuku through his charismatic facade.
—How could I do that to them?— Midoriya answered, shaking his head. —I love my partner; they are the best. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
A loud wave of clapping and cheering soared after his answer, moved by the vulnerability and sweetness behind those words. Izuku swore he'd heard a man scream "I love you" at him.
—Hey, baby, if you are watching the show like you promised, wait for me for dinner.— Izuku said to one of the cameras, referring to you as he took his leave from the scene.
For a few weeks, the whole interview fiasco had spread on every social media platform, but every single post had one thing in common: they all agreed that Izuku was loyal to you.
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mercy-erts · 6 months
AN:A drabble I wrote at 4am haha. Still trying to get the hang of writing stories for a fandom so apologizes if it seems out of character
Ray was no stranger to dreams, every dream meant something in a way, especially one dealing with the supernatural.
He saw them as signs, or perhaps they told of his current situation in a twisted and confusing way, a puzzle for him to solve and figure out.
But sometimes the puzzle was clear from the start.
It had been a week since Gozer was finally captured, the world saved once again from the destruction of the world. If only it didn't come at a cost, Ray watching his best friend, his companion fade away, finding peace of reuniting with his daughter and finishing his unfinished business. Yet Ray recalled he didn't feel that sense of peace yet.
He opened his eyes, finding himself in a dark area, forever casting him into a endless sea of midnight. Looking around allowed his mind to see where he was, the farmhouse, where Egon had stayed for who knows how long.
The silence was irritating, even his footsteps didn't cast a single echo in a seemingly empty world. Everything seemed the same as he saw it, as he walked closer to the door, reaching out for the door knob to see what held inside.
And when he opened it, the room felt colder, he felt cold.
The room felt twisted and warped, his memory foggy with how the inside looked. Still, a force was urging him closer, closer to a faint blue light casted in the living room. And upon reaching it, its like time itself froze.
Egon. Standing there in the same ghost form Ray last saw him in. Expect he couldn't see his eyes, his glasses frames showing an empty reflection instead. Ray stood there, staring at the empty husk he once called a friend.
"Egon." Ray started, disrupting that perfect silence. Ray swore he saw Egon flinch at the mere mention of his own name. He decided to take it slow, but it felt like there was so little time to even speak his mind.
"I'm sorry. Really I am, for not believing you, for just genuinely being such a terrible person." Ray managed to choke out, his voice raw just speaking. But Egon didn't respond, no movement or change in facial expression, staring into space like Ray was the ghost himself.
For some reason, that made Ray more upset.
"What do you want more than me apologizing? Do you want me to admit I was wrong, that I was in the wrong the whole time therefore making me the bad guy?!' He screamed, unable to control his body as he moved closer, trying grip onto anything- something to ground his emotions.
Ray looked into those cold empty eyes of Egon, gripping onto his arm as he demanded for a single answer. "Do you want me to say how much I loved you?" His voice was completly raw, as he blurted out the confession, but he knew that was too late.
But despite all that, Egon never got to hear those words.
Before he could even say anymore to somehow fix it, it felt like this world was crumbling around them, Ray watching as his vision became blurry, being pulled away from Egon.
The last he saw wasn't the ghost of his friend, but the lifeless corpse of him.
Ray sat up quickly, gripping his chest as he heaved heavily for air, as if he was suffocating for hours. After a few minutes, he managed to calm down, taking easy deep breaths to calm himself of his night terror.
That all it was, a night terror. Ray rubbed his face, a lump in his throat as he fought back those tears. He hadn't cried ever since he eaw Egon fade away.
"Im sorry.." he muttered, hoping maybe Egon would hear it, somewhere in the fabric of the universe.
But there wasn't a sign.
Maybe he should've said it sooner.
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profchamomile · 2 months
Hello everyone!
Hi Rotomblr; I'm one of your newest members! I'm not much the blogging type, so sorry if this intro seems a bit awkward, haha!
You can call me Chamomile (they/them). I'm a newly certified Pokémon Professor, I grew up in the Orre region and very recently moved to Paldea for work. Someone recommended I try blogging about some of my research and observations on this website, but based on what I've been seeing so far since making my account, I'm... A *little* skeptical. But I'm going in with an open mind and giving it a chance, nonetheless!
I specialize in Pokemon Biology, Pokemon Behavior, and Ecology. My research is centered around finding easier ways to care for Pokemon while still giving them the best quality of life possible. In short, I aim to find more accessible ways to care for Pokemon, for people who may find themselves in situations that make it harder to care for Pokemon the way they used to (or at all for that matter).
I do have a pokemon team; though they're not really for battle. My team is:
1. Belle (Banette - my first Pokemon)
2. Queenie (Slowking - service pokemon #1)
3. Ignis (Arcanine - service pokenon #2)
4. Putty (Ditto - my #1 field research assistant)
5. Nurse (Blissey - I didn't name her that but it makes for a good pun when I got my PhD)
6. Circuit (Rotom - The silliest little ball of energy!)
Aside from Ignis (and technically Belle), all of my pokemon are rescues, and I love them to bits! They help me a lot in many aspects of my life and they're absolutely wonderful!
I believe that's all I've got to say for now. So I'll leave you with a picture of Belle! (She's still adjusting to the timezone change; hence why she's outside in the daytime).
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// OOC note: Chamamomile's story starts post-core game story of SV, and pre-DLCs. In my version of canon they're basically the new regional professor after Turo and Sada was confirmed to be dead. Regarding boundaries: I'm pretty chill with anything, just no NSFW stuff. Never done tumblr RP though so like... that might change as I get a feel for this.
//everything is on; magic anons are on but lightweight only
//Canon's a mix of games, the anime, and some personal headcanons. Also orre region is based on where I live irl so headcanons on that are based on personal experiences.
//I also run @porygon-supremacy , @anomaly-sanctum , and @kidresearcherindigo , and lores are all connected
//Little bit of ic hate is fine. But don't be too much of a dick yeah? No slurs or discrimination. Also, like... I'm trying my best with the science and pokemon care headcanon stuff, but I'm not the best at that kinda thing; if it sounds off, that's on me, not a reflection of the character's competence
//this blog is low stakes for the time being; may become drama stakes down the road, but I portray all the characters involved in the plots that may fit under that category. If you WANT to be involved, though, feel free to ask!
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journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
Hi Kin. I wanted to ask, how did you manage things like writer's block or creative burnout while writing JTTA? I'm midway through a longfic now and it's kind of exhausting. I feel like I'm whining but I barely get any comments or asks or anything.
hi anon! honestly i'm not sure if i was the right person to ask this, because i... kind of didn't? as in, i didn't really have these problems - boring answer, i know!
i got lucky because i hit a sweet spot where the base story and characters were strong, but with just enough gaps in plot, worldbuilding, development, etc. such that the momentum of filling everything in carried me through the whole process. but there were definitely a lot of occasions where i sat there thinking "okay i have no idea what to do now"
in those cases, often i had to just step back and ruminate on it for a little while - i've pretty much constantly got little ideas bouncing around my head, and sometimes they hit each other like snowballs and form into more fully-fledged plot points, scenes, dialogue, so on. i try to keep track of these in notes apps, personal discord channels, etc, and dip into them if i'm stuck on something!
not sure if your fic is for obey me, but this could still apply even if not - with all the pop quizzes and devilgrams that put the characters in a bunch of new contexts, it's helpful seeing how that character's static vs dynamic traits persist/change depending on them, and often that'll give you inspiration as well. depending on what you've got available, you could browse through source material, or brainstorm aus, whichever you enjoy most
i'm really not sure HOW i've stuck with obey me for so long, but somehow it's just stuck with me. i don't remember being so invested in it before jtta, so that's probably why, but i just really love these guys, and i suppose that's why i never burnt out of it? i think it was also because i knew what story i wanted to tell, and i really wanted to make sure ik got her happy ending, and that carried me through as well
seriously, though - do take breaks. every writer's mileage varies, so take a step back whenever you need to. writing fics should be fun! sometimes it does feel like a chore, and it becomes more like 'the only thing i hate more than writing is not writing', but it happens to all of us. sometimes you've just got to rest until your second wind comes along
in terms of comments and such... yeah, it's a tough one! the unfortunate thing is that a vast majority of readers - even if they really enjoyed your writing! - won't leave a comment. don't take this as a direct reflection on your writing! often the reader can't think of what to say, is too shy, or quite simply forgot
again though... i'm not sure if i'm the best person to ask for advice here! i started publishing jtta without much expectation for an audience, given the genre of game it's written for, so any attention was more a nice surprise than anything. i suppose that, later on, when the fic was more well-established, i did start holding some expectation of response - and it really is tough when you don't get as much of one as you were hoping for
i've seen people talking about how the ask culture on tumblr has died down a lot in recent times, so i'm sure you're not the only one feeling like this! all i can suggest is trying to find more friends (mutuals?) and... networking, i guess? i've seen advice saying to share your fic within communities of writers, too
i can't honestly say if these things'll work, because i'm very bad about interacting with a wider fandom in anything - i usually keep to myself, so often i don't have much of an expectation for how and when people come chat. as in real life, i'm only a chatterbox when approached first haha
i'm not sure how helpful this has been, but i'm rooting for you! if you'd like to share your fic here, please do - though i understand if that's something you'd rather keep to yourself as well.
creating things is a joy - it might take some searching to find a circle, but the beauty of the internet is that you will, somewhere out there! wishing you the best ^^
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sroloc--elbisivni · 9 months
bunnyguard reflection
in the spirit of 'fuckit it's my own blog i can be sappy if i want to' as well as 'this took a year and 78k and i get to keep talking about it for at least one more day' now and here is the time and place for personal yap that did not go in the last author's note.
preliminarily speaking, i had this concept in mind before I'd finished either the usagi yojimbo comics OR watching Rise. i spent so much of both of those series fishing out little moments and choices by leo and usagi that made me go 'oh my god i NEED these guys to meet, i need to watch them bounce off each other.' I kept collecting snips of ideas, and dialogue, and encounters that never quite all panned out or fit together because this was just so much fun for me to play in. I had a lot of wanting to turn this into a real story but no concrete frame to build it on, and then in january i saw the year of the otp prompts go by. and went 'oh haha that looks fun.' it was even the year of the rabbit. and then i went 'oh!! what if i did VIGNETTES for these!!' and then less than three days later the Battle Nexus as political element of the Hidden City, complete with connections to the very different other iteration of it that we'd seen, fell into place and suddenly this silly little whim was an actual big project staring me down with an ambitious goal in mind, and I had no idea if I could pull it off.
structuring it as a month by month thing was something i'd never done before. it forced me to wait to find out what would happen, to keep building to something that didn't exist yet, to lay down the track while I was driving the train. and at the same time, it gave me space to grow, to practice putting together a beginning, middle, and end every month. and it gave me something to look forward to, and the excitement of dropping in threads that wouldn't pay off for months, and watching as it went to see what the audience reaction would be. were people getting out of it the things i wanted to give them? was i hitting the notes i wanted? i had the sketch of the year, but i was still learning what was going to happen until the moment the last word hit the page. plot and character choices, but also big thematic stuff! i described November's fic as 'the ten of swords' to Space and then went 'wait a fucking second' and realized that I could draw a connection, in order, between each fic and a numerical card of tarot's suit of swords. (mostly one-to-one --october straddles 9-10, and December loops us back around to the Ace of swords, for new beginnings.) i couldn't have done that on purpose. if i'd had that thought in january i would have gone 'no that's too pretentious and too hard' and avoided it.
also!! this has been a year of my life!! over the course of this series, i've had four different living situations (that lasted longer than a week), two different jobs, and gone back to school. i had to change meds, which was an anxious ordeal in 'am i even going to be able to focus on anything now?' the cat that was purring on my lap while i worked on the first few months has now passed away. this fic kept me company on the flight for my move to a different continent. it kept me sane in the middle of a very stressful summer. it's helped me meet and get closer to some really cool people. i can FEEL how it's made me a stronger writer.
and on top of all that: i am deeply, genuinely, truly proud of this series. i'm glad i wrote it. i'm amazed at how it's turned out. i can see things i would change if i did it over, but i'm glad i won't be. i'm glad this is the way it exists. and i am utterly blown away that there are people who told me they were looking forward to it every month, that they've been following it since the beginning, that they like what i've done with this place. this is the longest-term project i've ever done. it's the most words i've ever put into a single narrative. i can't believe it's never going on my wip rotation again. whadda hell.
i have no idea if i'll ever do anything like this again. i hope it won't be anytime soon--there are other things i want to do in the meantime. but god, am i glad i did it.
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dojae-huh · 1 month
While people are watching the freshly released The Journey of J, I'm finishing Do's documentary, heh.
I don't think anything particularly new was revealed for those fans who pay attention to KDY. Rather, we got confirmation about various things and Do's character traits and views.
It was nice to see how Do connected with his new producer friend. How they worked on "Beginning" and arranging the album. An important detail: Do waited untill they had a demo before pitching his idea about the intro video. We also got to know that the "merman" story was created by him as well.
So Doyoung said he kept delaying making a solo album because he felt the time wasn't right and he didn't feel ready. Fans always accuse SM, but it's not uncommon when idols hesitate to go solo as it's a big change (working alone) and a risk (an album might fail, self-esteem crushed).
Doyoung needs to talk to people, vent out. It seems he is the type to process his thoughts and feelings while talking. He needs listeners who are thinkers themselves. It's not even about a good advice, and more about the feeling that you are really understood and accepted. As boyish as he is, Mark is a thinker, he wants to be a writer, and he shares a lot of values with Do (towards work, music, religion, the future of NCT). While Johnny is one of the few neos who isn't in the children category, who wants to help and ready to listen to Do blubbering. It seems, the Jeju invitation was kind of an olive branch.
Once again Johnny said that he learns from Doyoung.
Doyoung is really "I know better" type. It's not easy for him to accept another person's opinion. He needs to see the value in it, be proved his take is not the correct one.
Heh, it was funny how he complained about the font. He always gets petty about such small things and reminds about them. Maybe it's a way to release off some anxiaty/worry.
Do said that "Doyoung" is not Kim Dongyoung in a more clear way this time. It's not just about playing the idol (taking care of the image, of what you say, fanservice mode on), rather it's about the singer. As in, KDY might hate fans or his work sometimes, be pessimistic, but Doyoung is always someone who brings support and sincere music.
Several staff members who worked on the album commented how hard-working and demanding Doyoung on himself. He doesn't reflect his mood on others, even arguing for his point of view he manages to make the people not feel bad that their opinions are rejected, he is comfotable to work with, he tries to make the mood lighter (the way he commented on someone running to get a gelato in Milan). However, he talks about feeling lonely and down very often. It seems JaeDo safeguard each other from individual problems and seek other people to talk to (like Jae and his father), not wanting to burden each other more.
Lol, Doyoung saying several times he wants the songs to be loved after he worked so hard on them. And fishing for praise over Beginning during a dinner with the staff, heh. His usual "Appreciate what I do! Compliment me!". So righteous of him, haha.
Ah, I want to go to Jeju and see those cormorants on black rocks. Bucket list entry.
Do's team didn't have to include the voice messages in the final episode of the documentary, but they did (it definetely was a surprise for him). Like a signed postcard.
The success of the album was very important for Do. He needed the boost of self-esteem after his meltdown he mentioned again (between Sticker-2 Baddies era). He dreams big, but reality puts obstacles in his path. As a perfectionist he is afraid to lose, to not win. He said himself that he can work even harder if he gets results. He got confirmation that he was right. The sincerety will shine.
P.S. Doyoung is much more handsome in his natural state (is it called nude make up?) that the doll make up he goes for...
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madarasgirl · 3 months
Thank you very much for the virtual hugs, all those compliments are a reality, you are simply incredible and so is your work! :)💖
I understand that you are afraid of "spoil" the story since I'm almost sure that most of us readers of your fanfic were looking for something a little spicy and romantic when we started reading the story haha, more than anything I was surprised by the level of crudeness in the one in which you wrote the chapter, I didn't expect it but that doesn't mean I didn't like it.
And yes you are right, although the world can be a beautiful place, it is also ruthless and cruel and in a war is where this dark and miserable part of the human being is most reflected, I love history in general and it is interesting study wars but it is still depressing to read all the horrible acts and consequences of war, that is something that hellsing executed very well. (Especially the Nazi issue) 😥
Wow, you really took the time, it shows that you are taking this seriously and it is admirable. I understand that it is stressful since there are many themes and historical references within hellsing, cheer up!
I hope I don't bore you with so many questions but I'm curious... Have you read the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker? I know it's a bit silly because you are literally making a fanfic of Hellsing and Dracula himself but maybe you haven't read it, I honestly haven't read it since I want to read it from the physical book haha.
Uhh last thing, I love that the reader does have a role in the story and is not just "in the way", I also like that the secondary characters also have a leading role, it was sad to read the death of the reader's bodyguard 😢, Thank you very much for answering my questions! 💖
I don't speak much English so I'm sorry if the question isn't very understandable. 😓
Never apologize for your English! I understand you perfectly well and in fact, you are more articulate than some native English speakers 😊! I think it's very admirable when people read in different languages, especially unfamiliar ones, to improve your language abilities. And I live for long questions/comments 😘.
Yes there is an element to not wanting to ruin the story when it is going well. I think the themes up until now have been generally 'safe' for a majority of the audience. However, another reader asked me sometime last year whether Millennium will feature and I decided to include them in this fic. Ever since I made this decision, the plan was always to go big with Millennium and have them do terrible things on screen. It just took awhile to get there. So the audience indeed got some of that spice and romance...and now MORE! The entire spectrum of feels! Muahaha. It probably was very surprising to see some of those less appetizing new tags, but this was how I envisioned the story going and I'm thankful for you and the other readers who are still here.
Sometimes I need a break from reading what war crimes happened. Or I do a double-take to check if I read correctly. People seriously do horrific things to each other, monstrous things. It'll be a reoccurring theme with Millennium. I also understand that some people wouldn't enjoy seeing the Reader sexually assaulted when it's technically supposed to be them. At the same time, I just can't see her getting out of this scot-free. It'd be unrealistic for nothing to happen to her as a Nazi prisoner.
Okay so funny thing is, I didn't read the Bram Stoker novel. I make fun of myself for exactly the same reason, but at this point...ignorance is bliss 😬. That saying where "the more you learn, the less you know" applies. I'm scared I'll learn something huge and feel like changing something this far into the story haha. Instead I just Google specific facts I want to know from the novel. Also, while the Reader can be interpreted as being like Mina Harker, I myself would rather not be Mina, a reincarnation of her, or any descendent of her. I am me (accidental Major quote) and I'd rather self-insert as myself. One day I'll read Stoker's novel and poke more fun at my fic.
Omg thank you so much! Technically, reader-inserts are supposed to be a 'less active' blank slate. At the same time, in a longer fic, it doesn't make sense to me for her to be completely passive with no personality, a passenger to her existence in her own story, so to say. That would make the story bland and uninteresting. It is also impossible to create a Reader who would behave as every single person who reads this fic would. Instead, I guess the audience can think of her as an OC without the physical descriptors and name? At least that is how I experience other writers' reader-inserts. She's still a little bit of a damsel in distress, but I like it and think it can be forgiven in her case, since she's just a civilian human mired in the world of the supernatural.
Gareth the bodyguard was a good guy. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the 2001 Hellsing TV series. That is where Captain Ferguson, Andrew, Gareth Henderson, and Chris Pickman come from. They are elites and 3 of them were great men. I liked how the Hellsing paramilitary from the TV series was an actual trained force that dealt with ghouls and vampires, unlike Ultimate where it felt like Hellsing's troops were all fodder besides Alucard, Seras, and Walter. It was a fun watch until the final villain, imo!
Thank you for such sweet encouragement! I do feel better about all of it 😁. Thank you so, so, SO much for these messages!!!!!
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Gilbert von Obsidian. Chapter 6. His Story.
I want to possess Miss Bunny.
My heart no longer aches when I see dead people.
(You did your best.)
The place where I stepped, carrying Miss Bunny, was a cruel sight.
I was greeted by the smell of blood, which could not be fooled by the sweet and fragrant scent, the petals falling to the ground, pouring out a spreading reddish-black liquid.
In the center stood a cruel and merciless beast in a white cloak with red spots, and I could feel Miss Bunny trembling in my arms.
(This is true. Even the prince you believe in is, after all, a powerful man...)
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(This is the same as me, who can kill such people without being accused of a crime.)
(Although this is "dirtier" than expected.)
Miss Bunny is holding his mouth with a pale face.
I felt a sense of nostalgia at the sight of her.
(I used to be like this when I first started.)
Gilbert: Miss Bunny, is everything okay?
MC: ....I'm.... okay....Oh...
Gilbert: Really? Well, there's no reason to force yourself to look. It's messy, so let's not go near it.
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(The more one can think of others as oneself, the greater the backlash.)
(Well, I brought a companion here, knowing that...)
While I was secretly giggling at the trembling Miss Bunny, a familiar face emerged from the shadows of the pavilion.
Clavis: Well, well, well, Prince Gilbert. Aren't you torturing our Miss Bunny too much?
Clavis: I didn't expect you to bring her to a place like this.
Gilbert: Haha, this is so unexpected. I only brought her here because Miss Bunny said she was looking for Chevalier.
Clavis: Um, how did you know my brother was here?
Gilbert: Because I saw Chevalier the other day.
I'm not lying.
I left Miss Bunny this morning to "check a certain place," which has nothing to do with the present situation, but when I returned to court, Chevalier had gone out into the garden in the opposite direction.
I have every person's movements in my head. I can easily imagine what is going to happen next...
Not wanting to miss such an opportunity, I hurriedly picked up Miss Bunny, and here we are.
(Clavis is obviously suspicious of me. I'm sure he thinks I'm the one who put this whole thing together.)
This does not mean, however, that he is deluded.
There are many people who harbor a grudge against Chevalier, and it is worth it to mislead them even a little, and they will immediately take such shortsighted action.
(That's not a very clever way to hire an assassin to attack him easily. ......)
("Anti-Monarchy" groups are not professionals in this field, and it is not an option.)
I thought that if one of the seeds I planted sprouted and bloomed, I would show it to Miss Bunny someday. In that sense, it was as good as "planted".
Without saying a word, Chevalier wipes away the blood and puts his sword in its scabbard.
This is everyday life for him.
Gilbert: Chevalier, the rabbit wanted to get to you.
Chevalier: ..........
There is fear reflected in Miss Bunny's clear eyes.
MC: Er... You seem to be busy, so I'll change the date.
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Chevalier: .........
Chevalier turned away without saying anything.
(Well, I wonder what Miss Bunny will do after that).
(Will you try to approach him, realizing he has a ruthless and cold side, or will you turn away from him?)
(...Will you continue to believe in the goodness of people as you used to, or will you fall into disbelief?)
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I can't wait to see what Miss Bunny chooses to do.
Clavis: I owe you an apology for showing the young lady something you shouldn't, ...Cyril.
Clavis summons one of the knights disposing of the corpses.
The knight with flamboyant red hair is a former soldier from Obsidian's military training facility.
(It's been a while since I've seen him, but he seems to be feeling fine.)
Clavis: It's almost dinnertime. Prepare a feast for Lord Gilbert.
Gilbert: No way, are you going to separate me and Miss Bunny?
Clavis: Oh. You're not exactly conducive to comforting a broken-hearted young lady. ....No, you're too much.
Clavis: The young lady would be more than happy to be alone with me, wouldn't she?
Gilbert: That's not true. You'd be so sad to be separated from me, you'd cry.
MC: I'm not alone, so it's okay.
Gilbert: Do you know the word "flattery"?
MC: I think Prince Gilbert would hate me if I said something I didn't mean.
Gilbert: Hmm...you're right. You are clever.
(Some people never learn, but Miss Bunny is a good, honest person.)
Gilbert: Okay. I don't know what mean Clavis is up to, but I'm hungry.
(....He's a gentleman, I'm sure he'll take good care of Miss Bunny.)
(It's not something I could do, so I'll just leave you to him here.)
Gilbert: I'm going to torment your knight and blind him, so get the little hare back as soon as possible, okay?
Cyril: ....Goodbye, my peace of mind.
Before I put Miss Bunny down, I vented my malice at him for choosing Clavis over me.
Gilbert: Be careful that Clavis doesn't intimidate you.
Gilbert: He's more dangerous than me, isn't he?
(In many ways.)
The expression on Miss Bunny's face tensed, and I could barely contain a smile.
Perhaps she should have taken that warning seriously.
(No, I said it seriously.)
(It's probably physical labor now. I can almost guess how comforting Clavis is.)
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(Do your best, Miss Bunny.)
Cyril: ...I don't understand Prince Gilbert.
On the way to the dining room, after saying goodbye to Miss Bunny and the others, Cyril, who was walking ahead, spoke.
Gilbert: Oh, you mean what I'm thinking about right now? Of course, I'm thinking about the next bad thing.
Gilbert: I'll be in the pit after this, so I might as well get an invitation to the evening in exchange for it...
Gilbert: How about ...killing the noblewoman who hurt Miss Bunny's leg?
Cyril: ...Don't give us any problems.
Gilbert: Ha-ha, you're not in your place, are you?
Cyril: Or rather, not... we want to know what Prince Gilbert is up to.
(I get it.)
The capable ex-military man knows all too well what members of the Obsidian royal family are like.
It is natural to be wary of unreadable malice.
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(There's only one thing I desire. ...I desire Miss Bunny.)
Not literally.
(To defile her pure and chaste heart, "I want you to sympathize with me.")
(However, if you want to meet face-to-face without sympathy, that's fine, too.)
(I want to isolate her by subjecting her to bad intentions, and then see what choice she makes).
I "desire" in that sense, but it's not something I would say to a knight of an enemy country.
Gilbert: I won't tell the traitor anything.
Cyril: ...Right.
Gilbert: Hmmm...
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(I can't wait to possess my hands on Miss Bunny.)
Gilbert's Masterlist
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kokoskwark · 9 months
hi evy! i hope you're well. 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 18, 24 and 30 for the end of year fic asks? <3
hi honeeyyy <333 I'm doing well! hope you're well too :D
What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
Yes there are a few things I'm doing newly! I wrote an actors fic for the first time, I wrote two fics focusing on dancing, and I liked that a lot! I also am writing a pirates fic right now, with seungin as a pairing which I haven't done yet in a full fic, and idk if I will write them again any time soon, but maybe yes! Who knows!
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
I published 15 fics this year, update my drabble collection, and I am writing another one right now! I also worked on a mermaid x alien fic but that didn't really work out the way I wanted to I abandoned that djnfkfdnhkj
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
Tough question! I guess I learned even more that I like writing new things! I learned more to not really care about engagement as long as I'm having fun writing, and to really cherish people who read and comment on my works!!!
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
I loved working on everything, but I guess the happiest I was working on Can't you feel how much I love you? Because I had already planned that I'd write this one (it's a sort of part 2) and I loved exploring Jeongin and Felix as demigods, and of course I could really let everything out and self-project on ace Jeongin jdhfngkjfnh
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
The most satisfying to finish I guess was Break a leg, not your heart because it was my longest work this year (42k)!
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
Titles are my nemesis in general and I don't really remember which ones I struggled with... Maybe A thread that joins together? It's a soulmate fic so the title does reflect that, but it was difficult to come up with kjfdnhkfjg
24. What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
I don't reallllyyy remember anything in particular, only that I meant to write more enemies to lovers-ish in Finding each other's rhythm but the enemies part didn't really work out which was fine (and kind of expected from me tbh haha), and it didn't really change the story, it only made it so that it didn't have to be too long dkjnhk
30. What’s something that you want to write in 2024?
I don't have anything in particular, but I always want to write new things! I'm participating in bingos on twitter so that will be no problem and I'm excited for it hehe!
thank you for asking honey <333
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legionofpotatoes · 8 months
Hi Legion! Long time lurker and lover of your art and tags here. I always read your tags and I'm really interested in your thoughts & views on love and relationships, so I'm curious to know where you got those ideas from. Are there any videos, terms, or books you could recommend? It really resonated with me and since I'm a huge nerd my first instinct is to find more sources haha. Thank you so much!
This ask genuinely made me sit with myself and think long and hard about how my views on that stuff really formed, something I maybe took for granted a lil bit. So thanks, and I'm sorry that I can't give a nerdy answer here! It is difficult to point to specific sources, it's more of a lived-experience type thing. It truly is The Question Of All Time lmao. And boy did it get me thinking back.
I'll put my ramble under the cut if this is not interesting or what you're after, but I enjoyed the introspection still! Thank you!
My context is entirely unremarkable (middle class cishet white guy from eastern europe), but if I had to point to one thing that is the bottleneck of my views on love and relationships, I genuinely think it could be traced to my insane early childhood nat20 roll to avoid toxic masculinity pipelines. I truly believe in my bones that if I had been seduced by that stuff - and legitimately all but maybe two of my childhood friends were - I'd be a completely different, colder, worse person today. I credit only luck in that.
Where I'm from, boys of my generation were set on a very specific path very early on that was pointed veeeery far away from "love". All wrapped up in warped orthodox christianity and crypto-nationalist sentiments, stemming from our incredibly disillusioned post-soviet parent figures constantly running in survival mode. So like, I legitimately don't remember how I managed to avoid those circles and behavior patterns, and the truth is that I probably sometimes didn't? I certainly made stupid mistakes in my early teens, but I had the luxury of making them outside of the public eye of social media. More luck.
There's other alchemy of course - as a child of divorce I got a real early up-close look at the ugly results of mistrust and toxic "love", and a lot of my life back then was rebelling against that. Not that the parenting itself was always bad - my mother turned me to the arts and to stories, which eventually led me to fandom that I can now identify as a much healthier outlet for my frustrations than whatever my peers were doing with their nighttime brawls. It led me to a very crystallized idea of what I really wanted from life - not glory or patriotism or ambition, but a quiet life with the ones I loved.
That is also around the time when I let go of teenage lust as my north star and started fostering friendships instead; because like, relationships are bonds and connections, nothing more or less. Sexuality and romantic love can take as big or as small of a role in that as the parties desire, and they're entirely ornamental to the value of linking your experience with another living, breathing human. Realizing the divinity and beauty in that changes almost everything in an instant. And it is such a goofy-ass thing to say, but yeah, for a lost idiot dude like me, fandom helped me see that. Even the raunchiest fics were ultimately about belonging and emotional nakedness, and I learned to desire that more than anything else. I am trying so hard to point to something specific here, but I honestly don't know with way back then. Bioware's found family-ass games/fanfics were a big one later on, but there were so many other communities before. My memory's just bad.
But knowing I wanted love was one thing, and being a healthier, more empathetic person ready to actually get that was a whole other trek. Made a few more dumb interpersonal mistakes. And then I met my current partner, now over twelve years ago, and realized there was a version of me reflected in her eyes that I could truly chase and grow into. This all sounds super melodramatic but it was more of a terrifying thought at the time, stoking self-doubt and real worry that I was leading her into a mistake. But of course that was all a symptom of terminal self-awareness. We were in our early 20s, mature enough not to play childish emotional games, and young enough to go on that growth journey together. More luck. Found that gentle peace I had yearned for with her., and I count my lucky stars to this day.
In short, everything about my understanding of love and relationships is rooted in personal circumstance + massive amounts of luck, and especially that early course-correction away from toxic dudeness. Nothing extracurricular. And then just more and more luck piled on with time, culminating with my lovely bean. So in that sense I'm the worst person to ask this question! And times have really changed irt internet culture and fandom so I can't even point at that part as an action point either.
But if nothing else, I believe that storytelling is the ultimate shortcut in getting our dumb teenage brains over the precipice of pride and control, and towards the gentle pursuit of love in all its forms. I think that's worth articulating over and over again. Thanks for reading this long and I promise I usually interpret asks like a normal person! This is an exception!!! a big question if there ever was one
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erigold13261 · 1 year
>:D hey can I ask for the ask with my hubby DK and my wifey Eve?
Already did Eve, so here's DK West!
First impression: I'll be honest. I didn't know he was speaking another language with English sprinkled in at first, I thought his accent was just making it hard for me to understand him lol. Other than that, my initial reaction was that he was weird and his boss battle was way too hard (even though at the time I could only finish the first one). I did like the reference to Nadia that got revealed later, that was a mindblower to me haha.
Impression now: He's an asshole and I love him. He still deserves an apology from Tatiana and NSR as a whole (in my version he at least got it, but it would have been cool to see it in game). He is also a very masc looking character that I really like aesthetically to look at. I am a person who love fem presenting characters, or characters with feminine traits, whether they are man, woman, or anything in between, but I think West was the first really masculine character I liked in the same way I like to look at women. He really opened my eyes to liking men lol.
Favorite moment: Him running at full speed to the NSR tower is something I love to see!
Idea for a story: Okay, I want to kinda rewrite the third fight a tiny bit. When West was showing the Zuke the recording, I honestly thought when he did the rewind and heard "promise you'll never ever play this again?" that he would have a moment of realization he was being a dick. I didn't expect him to change right then and there, but to have SOME kind of clarity that he might be to blame for his actions and the way their relationship is, I was hoping for something like that. But it was just brushed to the side and he didn't realize anything until May had to smash the point over his head. I get West is supposed to be dense and clueless, but the way the narrative rewound the recording back to the beginning instead of just starting it at the Zonkey part again, made me think they were going to do some kind of self reflection with West, but it never came. I'd like to make a version where he starts to realize at that moment he was in the wrong and then the fight happens and he gets his full redemption.
Unpopular opinion: Other than what I said for the idea part, I guess it's me not liking the idea that West is a full blown misogynist. I know he is like that in canon, but it kinda goes against my idea of Zuke being a transman because i can see West not behaving like that as kids because he loved his sister. However, I do think he has some misogynist tendancies from assholes he spent time around, him and Zuke. Both grew out of it, though West can still be misogynistic at times, it's not nearly as bad as in canon or how some people tend to portray him.
Favorite relationship: Hmmm, gotta give it to the brothers. Their relationship was a fresh look for me in how I see most siblings portrayed in media. I'm sick of seeing the perfect families or siblings who are literally hurting each other on purpose to the point it's just straight up abuse.
Favorite headcanon: I don't really know, can't really think of one that I really like over the others. Maybe West being ambidextrous is one that I really life.
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fizzingwizard · 10 months
The skin on my hands is so dry and chapped. That's normal, it's winter, but it's never been this bad before. It's cracked so much there are actual cuts, and since I have to use alcohol spray regularly (because part of my job is changing diapers and other lovely toddler life stuff), it's literally painful.
Last year my coworker gave me a set of Disney princess hand creams for my birthday x'D I never used hand cream before, but since my skin's so bad, I pulled it out and tried the Ariel one (bc she was my fav when I was a little girl). Wow, hand cream is amazing! My hands instantly felt better. They were dry again by the end of the day but I was like yay, I get to put hand cream on again! Also my hands smell so lovely now haha.
Why didn't I know the magic of hand cream before? Well, like I said, I would get dry skin but never this bad, so there wasn't a reason. Also, Idk but my dad really raised me to be suspicious of... anything that says it'll do anything. Medicine says it'll get rid of your runny nose? It's lying to get your money. Coupon says buy one get two free? It's a scam to make you pay for stuff you wouldn't have bought otherwise. School says taking this course will look good on your college application? They just want students to take the course.
It's not like he was wrong - unethical capitalism, which is, uh, what we've got, is very prone to totally legal scams. But what I have found as an adult is... things work a lot more often that I expect they will. Things do what they say they will a large part of the time. I think it's the impact of my dad, who learned these lessons of caution as an adult, teaching them to me when I was an impressionable little kid and didn't have the experience to differentiate between what was scammy and what wasn't. It's helped in some ways because I don't tell to buy things just because they're on sale if I don't have a need for them. But it's also made me wary of buying anything unless I absolutely need it.
My mom has been a big part of making my expectations more reasonable. Like my dad, she's cautious, but her big thing is "do some research first." My dad was never about that, he wanted to drive home the risk of scams, not how to avoid them. And my mom, back then, didn't teach us about that stuff. I don't even know how much my dad intended to teach - I think it's more his personality to just talk about whatever he's thinking. If he's bothered because a mechanic ripped him off, he's going to tell his eight-year-old kid about it. My mom, however, wouldn't do that, even though she'd probably also have a useful story of how she then looked around, talked to people, and found a good mechanic. Now that I'm an adult she is more forthcoming.
And for what's it's worth, my dad is a lot more laid back now lol. Like he used to be Lord of the Thermostat. Didn't matter how cold I was, "just put on a sweater." But now, he just turns up the thermostat himself... I was absolutely shocked. Imagine the house being warm in the middle of winter! But what about the electric bill?? So, what changed? well, he got older, so now he feels the cold at least as much as me and my mom do :P
Me: I'm gonna write a silly post about how I discovered the wonders of hand cream teehee everyone will laugh. Oh no, my hand slipped and I wrote a reflective memoir on my childhood and my relationship with my parents instead... again... whoops.
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foxymoxynoona · 10 months
OMG IM SCREAMING MM 4 WAS INCREDIBLE! genuinely one of the best things i’ve read… you have such a talent, thank you for sharing it with us! I love all your work but i have such a special place in my heart for the secret songs series. I think because i relate to Sasha in many ways and because of that i’m scared (but excited) for the next chapters😬 i think i have an inkling of what happened at the end of the chapter and omg the angst… so excited (i’m guess i’m a bit of a masochist). Also idk why but i genuinely thought book 3 was the last one so i’m so happy there’s gonna be more. If the Secret songs series doesn’t have any fans then i’m dead🤣 but honestly thank you for your writing you genuinely make so many people happy with it, it’s an honour to be able to read your work!
P.S. i’m 1000000% team Sasha she’s my girl and id fight for her (jk is being an arse i just wanna shake him and yell what are you doing) I may love the angst but i want her to have the world and more. Your characterisation is insane, i’ve fallen in love with every single one of your ocs.
P.P.S. Jimin and Tae in this chapter were amazing, trying to get him to see Sashas pov and jimin’s devastating observation/assumption
P.P.P.S. im very very very scared of Naoko and what she may be capable of, she was absolutely awful at the appointment and the audacity of jk for not standing up for sasha
Sending you and your family so much love❤️I will be eagerly waiting for the next update whenever it may be (i would wait years for an update your work is just that good)❤️
Sasha: I'm really not a likeable person Everyone who meets Sasha: I would die for you
I feel you though and many readers seem to be having the same reaction haha. I warned everyone that Jungkook's "troubles" from last book weren't wrapped up yet! He didn't actually resolve anything from his identity crisis, he just boxed it up because he got back with Sasha. But a girl can't fix your issues 😎 and navigating how to improve themselves with the love and support of a partner is really clutch for these stories. Maybe he's right that he shouldn't just change tattoo artists because his girlfriend said so. Maybe he should think about why he might want to make that decision for himself anyway, reflecting on her feelings. 🙃
Thank you so much for reading and hopefully it won't be long, I think I'm just about done with the next chapter already.
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phrootsnacks · 3 days
haikyuu!!sday: season 1 ep 13-20
episode 13: Rival
time for the trials and tribulations of high school volleyball. what could be better than this
I love tanaka nishinoya hijinks
kageyama self reflection arc
the lack of music here feels weird....
fuckn kenma
lol ukai
its a close one
kenma still lying on the ground lol
episode 14: Formidable Opponents
im so tired
daichi lore time
I hate having a brain and having to think about things
we love a sports anime tournament arc!!!!1
"you're thinking something disrespectful about me, aren't ya?" hahhahhahaha
why do the girls and boys teams have separate gyms...?
kageyama and his vending machine milk
ennoshitaaaaaa lol
ukai farmer arc
yamaguchi jump float serve arc
montage :)
I love kiyoko
every time I notice how beautifully animated this show is I think about the haikyuu animation team for the first few seasons and. yeah. and every time we kiss ... I dont feel anything and I feel terrible about that
episode 15: Revival
the third years r so funny
I hate how I keep checking my phone
new intro!!!!!! makes sense since were in the tournament arc now :)
who is spreading misinformation about asahi
asdfghj I wanna hear takeda's poem!!!!! what!!!!!!!!!!
why are there so many rumors about karasuno. how do people find out things
no eyebrows lol
daichi lore :-]
hinata;s scariest memory lol
fuckn oikawa
oikawa and iwaizumi's dynamic is so funny to me. the visual gag of oikawa's peace sign blocking iwazumi's face is so funny haha lol
the first tournament arc..... so intense.........
the first team to freak out the other team first will win the match. and karasuno is pretty freaky
see. freak shit
episode 16: Winners and Losers
sadfghjkl; see i wanted to rewatch haikyuu to have silliness because school can really make me tired and depressed but I did not anticipate this interpersonal shit
some people are just bad at volleyball and there isn't enough determination in the world to change that
you just gotta keep fighting even if you know youre gonna lose. but why keep fighting. why fight it
just slap everyone in the face. that'll motivate them to win
sdafgshdjfkgl;jhgfdsagfhjkgdfsdas stop making me feel things
now we're getting meta
what a bold move for the high school volleyball manga to say "let's spotlight all the teams that fucking lost and you'll never learn about. they have characters and stories and arcs just like your fav karasuno. but you don't know shit about them. they just lost in the first round. and you didn't think to feel sorry about them until we pointed that fact out."
haha kageyama is so funny lol
rolling thunder haha lol
episode 17: The Iron Wall
so I read the texts
now we get to learn about read blocking
asahi has had character development ..... but character development is hard
they can't be toooo freaky. bc then the other team will get used to the freakiness
but date tech is a wall.... how do you defeat a wall.......
I dont like how they responded. I feel infantilized. they call me wholesome and say they have to protect me and that they care for me but idk if thats really true
hell yeah kageyama
must be scary to be targeted like that
hell yeah asahi
episode 18: Guarding Your Back
I dont like that you interpreted what I said as sweet
woa hinata got that point against two of date techs blockers.... amazing
nice set point
im just not gonna think about it. idk if I'll respond
noooo asahiiiii dont get discouraged :( your mental wall needs to be stronger than their blocking iron wall
its a close one
fuck yeah nishinoya
nishinoya is so cool. saving w his foot lol
remember your training kageyama
[yelling] lol
asahi growth
fuckn oikawa
episode 19: Coaches
I guess I responded. did I respond the right way? who fucking knows. I can't be bothered to care
anyway im eating ice cream. oikawa got that boom badoom boom boom badoom boom superbass
I dropped my iced cream :(
karasuno is a team of freaks but oikawa is also a freak
oikawa loves stirring shit
ukai so funny haha lol
exactly how many characters in this show are autistic
dont forget about yamaguchi!!!!!
kageyama lore time
why is oikawa like ..... that
fuckn oikawa with the setter dump on the FIRST SERVE OF THE MATCH
the mind games
sadfghj theyre so funnyyyy
episode 20: Oikawa Toru is not a Genius
ruh roh. they figured out hinata;s ruse
karasuno is falling apart
its rough out here
fuck yeah tanaka
sugawara time!!!!!!!!!
still no response...
it's been a really rough time. and that's an understatement
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