#but I appreciate it!
asteria7fics · 3 months
Aside from ewily
What is your stanky/style headcanons?
Ooooh, you want me to get abstract with it! Alright, let's see what I can do
( • ̀ω•́ )✧
Soulmates. Period. In every universe and in any capacity, as lovers or just as best friends, they are cosmically tied and I refuse to accept anything else.
They know too much about one another, to an annoying degree. Can order food for one another without hesitation and will finish each other’s sentences.
I'm partial to double verse style, but if I HAD to choose I do think Stan would top more often than not. I don't see Stan as being inherently more dominant, I just think it's sweeter to see Kyle relinquish control with someone he trusts.
Stan also takes on more of a protective role, if only because Kyle can get easily carried away and lose sight of his own safety.
They either remain close well into adulthood or separate in their early teens before reconnecting later in life, assuming we're in a universe where they knew one another to begin with.
Have been close for so long neither of them remember what it was like to not know each other on a deep level. They couldn't pinpoint the moment where they stopped feeling like just acquaintances.
I'm pretty flexible on their sizes, though I never see either of them as being much shorter than 6' in any of my works.
Besides Kyle and Cartman, I think Stan and Kyle are the two boys of the main 5 that disagree the most often. Unlike Kyle and Cartman however, they never stay mad or take much personally… unless the argument IS personal, of course.
This ask made me realize that I don’t have a ton of proper headcanons haha. I tend to lean very heavily into canon, and just sort of add small details as they come up. But here’s a handful of little things that did come to mind!
I suppose this might be a nice chance to extend the question to you guys (to you, dear anon, or anyone reading this post!) What are your favorite Style headcanons?
And of course, thank you for the ask, anon!!
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the-selfinsert · 22 days
Ex-fucking-scuse me!?
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Thank you??? Why??? @eriscary
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rosy-cozy-radio · 12 days
Silly Game Time: WRONG ANSWERS ONLY! What does LGBTQ stand for?
love glassy blue tadpoles quota
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bigchumpus · 5 months
very edible artstyle tastes like warm chocolate syrup over morning pancakes 10/10 would look at again
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risingsouls · 7 months
Saucy anon sending the Nimbus asks, sorry I was doing a thing ;n;.
But could Nabs, at one point in her life, ride Nimbus?
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[Oh! I didn't mean you needed to send me one at all! I figured you were asking people with OCs since that would be more interesting to read! I appreciate this though! 💚
Probably when she was a kid, but once she reached her teen years, she had seen and done too much to be considered pure of heart. I guess it would also depend on how much Nimbus considered intent, but even when she's on Earth she's still pretty...questionable in her morals at times by probably Nimbus's standards.]
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zelda7999 · 2 years
Hey Zelda!
Sending good vibes your way and some questions!
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💭 What inspires you and your writing?
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
I'd share my fav line but it's for a chapter of Found Family Loading... that I will not share <3 Sorry! You gotta wait till chapters 12-14 :) It'll show up in one of those!~
What inspires me to write? If I am 100% honest, @lavenoon does I did not write this much before interacting with Luce, and I am forever glad I did ;w; Amazing person, fountain of inspiration, and a spectacularly brilliant and creative mind.
Ideal writing set up... Hmmmm... If I had a different house, it would be in a lil reading nook. One of those with the built-in seat with a window. Warm light pouring in, a journal and fountain pen <3 Just me n my writing!~ Or if I'm in a digital mood, replace the journal n pen with my laptop! :D
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i got so happy when i noticed u write for street fighter like???? woah?!?!?!?
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Hell yeah m8. I'm super suprised that Street Fighter has became the main thing I write for rn. I was fully expecting to be stuck writing T.F2 but nope! Street Fighter requests came out of the blue really! Not that I mind I adore the games and I'm glad to help fed into the fanfiction department of SF lol
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darcymariaphoster · 2 years
1, 22 for AKTF and 37!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Mmm... I feel like maybe Anything Goes? It's got a bit of a lot of themes that I tend to cover, I think. Otherwise, take two.
22. Who is your favorite character in [AKTF] and why?
I thought this would be a lot harder to answer than it really is. But the answer is Mathias, hands down. When I first started writing the fic, I was kind of in this SuFin/NorFin mindset, so I was kinda focused mostly on Tino, and Mathias surprised me by becoming a major player in the story. He's the only one of the four who really has had to humble himself from where he was to where he is. He's taken the lessons given to him and seriously considered them and sought to learn from them -- probably more so than the other three. If ever there was a character that's basically just progressed themselves and you, as an author just sit back and watch in awe, that would be Mathias in this fic.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Ya know, after a lot of contemplation, I think the ones that didn't do so well were because they weren't really my standard, so I don't know that any of them really deserved more traction. I think I'm just a tad surprised that Your Guardian Ghosts didn't get a lot, since it was Iceland-centric and everyone seems to love him so much? But I think it's for the same reason as the rest -- I'm not positive the quality was there.
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tariah23 · 8 months
Oh…. Well, it’s over for Crunchyroll I guess
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>Join a union
>Hear people constantly complaining that the current union leadership is super corrupt, it's all just the same ten guys making all the decisions in secret and nobody else in the union ever gets to know what's going on
>Go to the monthly union meetings that are completely open to all 1200 union members
>The only attendees are the same ten guys every month, giving detailed reports about everything that's going on
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lowkeiloki · 4 months
guys can you BELIEVE my professors rejected this illustration of litle sharks for my college project i am devastated
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sickfreaksirkay · 4 months
“no rapping tonight"
"you rap about arthurian knights everytime, it's embarrassing"
[after one beer]
uh oh y'all i go into a trance a lot
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leidensygdom · 8 months
i love finding poetry in the mundane, and yesterday i stumbled upon something that just hits that spot
So, my partner has an old phone- It served them for many years now, but it has one issue: Charging it is hard. Their current charger is hanging on by a thread (literally), and can barely do its job. The phone and the charger came together: They've never used another charger for said phone.
Now, they've tried to replace the charging cord several times. But it doesn't matter how much they've searched what damned specific charger the phone uses, none of them work. They finally decided to bring it to a phone shop and ask what should they use.
The guy at the shop looked at the phone for a bit, and explained: "The port itself is broken. The charger you have works with this phone because they've mutually broken each other into the same shape, in a way that no other charger is shaped. The port itself has corroded in a way that only accepts the charger that shaped it like that in the first place."
And while this is of course a frustrating situation for my partner, I feel like there's a metaphor here. I could write a goddamn story about this. These two half-broken old things have been together for so long they've destroyed each other in a way that keeps them from working with anything else. They've hurt each other in a way that barely keeps them functioning together, and have been rendered useless with literally anything else.
This too is toxic yuri to me-
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wheelie-butch · 4 months
Fun game for Pride Month:
When you're at a event, count how many people with mobility aids there are. If it seens low, think about why that might be. Count how many disabled bathrooms. Count how many unavoidable steps. Try and find one accessibility issue at the event and afterwards contact the organisers to ask them to fix it.
Many disabled queer people are left out of the Pride month celebrations due to accessibility issues, so if you're able to be there, you're already in a position to make it better.
Don't forget your disabled siblings this Pride!
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kakusboyfriend · 1 year
Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.
"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.
Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.
"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."
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spitblaze · 7 months
I don't see people gas up gnc and butch transfems nearly enough, can we get a fuckin round of applause for gnc and butch transfems
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