#but I am no expert and write mostly for fun lol
lazywriter-artist · 5 months
Is mosh and fret the names they were born with or did they just call themselves that
Oo good question Anon!
Mosh and Fret are infact not the names they were ‘Born with’, both being chaos marines they get the honor of haveing 3 separate names, two sets of which they don’t remember to various degrees.
The first come from their time pre-space marine but they didn’t really remember those anyway if they even had any, they don’t remember much pre space marine nowadays.
Then their ‘second names’ comes from their time as pre-CHAOS marines, which is Armaros & Sorn they probably started using around their time as eerrrgghh I wanna say initiates to maybe Neophytes? If not maybe as late as scouts, which I mean these names are really starting to fade from their memories as it is anyway. It’s been so long since they’ve heard them the duo likely wouldn’t realize you’d be referring to them.
Then of course there is Mosh and Fret, monickers they took on ever since their turning to chaos and finding of the path of the noise marines. Far as they’re concerned these are their true names and they had non other before them.
I think Mosh has kind of let go of his previous life pre-Chaos much easier and quicker then his brother as he really doesn’t remember much at all and doesn’t care to. Fret has a bit closer clinging to these memories tho and likes to sometimes think of, even if they’re growing distant and foggy in these times, some of his fonder memories of he and his brothers pre-chaos. Though he doesn’t really share this much with anyone, his own personally little guilty pleasure.
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is-this-yuri · 1 year
what are the classifications of yuri?
Please refer to this comprehensive list:
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So I decided back in September that it is Time. The time has come. I am going to try and get a formal diagnosis for my blatant and provable ADHD, because I am very interested in Doing Laundry
And in my defence it has only taken until this week (late January) to kick things off, which I am very aware should probably be part of the diagnostic criteria
I have a plan! For the best chance of being taken seriously. If the university can do their in-house screening of me, I can go to my GP and make the following two points:
I am here because my boss felt I said "But everyone does that" one too many times while discussing the ND students, and she wants me to chase this in case it means she can support me better (I of course am charmingly bemused about it because I personally would never try and get diagnosed, no no, only those attention-seeking fakers do that)
An official educational institution i.e. my employer has in fact initially assessed me and deemed me Medically Distractible. I even have an ALN plan, look. So uhhhhh, maybe my boss is right? (I of course remain charmingly bemused about it because I obviously don't really believe it, no no, I could never be the expert on my own experience, but a Third Party is invested, so...)
Anyway yesterday the uni got in touch, and had me do the initial screening.
Now, they're doing it as part of a wider screening process of learning needs, so they also check you for dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and autism, as well as ADHD. Plus how good your reading/writing/maths is. Plus they make you do these really fun tests - one was like a classic American spelling bee, one was a spelling test where they read out increasingly lengthy fake words and you had to spell them (we started with "blit", and by the end she was saying things like "unintarcation" and "iffrig-oggonery" and "self-regulating free market" trololol I JEST), and the other was that she'd read out a string of numbers and I had to type them backwards to test my working memory
Good fun, actually. Anyway, my results were mostly completely fine:
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Study skills are good! I mean, we're going orange at the end, look, time management is bad - but that's the ADHD, so expected.
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No problems with the tests! I mean I'm slightly grumpy about the social and communication score going blue, because I'm pretty sure it's because I explained how I was bullied in school, which I feel is more about them than me. But eh.
Dyspraxia was a little less solid- that's the time blindness, I think. Also attention and concentration, that's expected. Maths, lol - that's not medical, I'm just bad at maths.
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The autism testing. Again, mostly fine, but some overlap with ADHD symptoms, so blue instead of green. Makes sense.
And then
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Fucking rinsed.
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cheesenames · 7 days
20 Questions for Writers - I was tagged by @batrachised and then took forever to actually do this, oops.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
18, but some of them are anonymous so officially it's 16
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars (a shocking confession to make on my Star Wars sideblog) and Jane Austen
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The one where Anne de Bourgh is the Regency It Girl who everyone's desperate to marry
The one where I lost steam and will never finish it and kind of just ignore that it exists <333
The one where Mary Bennet is a serial killer
The one where a bunch of normal office workers and medical experts exchange increasingly concerned emails about the Vader suit
The one where Bail Organa accidentally starts a rumor he had an affair with Darth Vader
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, and I always overthink it and worry I'm annoying whoever I'm responding to
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know if this would really be considered angst, but the "Mary Bennet serial killer" fic I wrote ends with the implication that she's going to kill again lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is hard to quantify, but Bail Organa's accidental affair reveal does distract everyone too much to blow up his planet, so I guess that one
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I'm unanimously loved but I sometimes get people telling me I should have done something differently
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, but I write innuendos if I think they're funny. I've got one fic that's just "how many double entendres can I fit in 850 words?" and it's incredibly immature but I'm told it amused people
10. Do you write crossovers?
Officially no, unofficially I've had a concept marinating in my brain for like three years and simply haven't bothered to do it because I got distracted by Star Wars
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
If I have, I don't know about it yet!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I started translating one of my own fics, and then I never finished it. It's really difficult!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes and it was a DELIGHT. It felt like it transformed the entire process to be only the fun parts (bouncing ideas around) and none of the difficult parts—just like yayyyyyyy I'm having fun and then suddenly you look up and realize you've hit 10,000 words
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have been working for a while on a Padmé + handmaidens fic that's mostly just me projecting about "how do you move on when your lookalike dies?" and I would like it to become a coherent story I can share someday but I am not optimistic about its prospects
16. What are your writing strengths?
Being silly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Being serious
18. Thoughts on writing in another language in a fic?
Please stop using google translate for this, I find it so jarring when a character starts speaking a comedically poorly translated version of a language I actually know. In my own writing, I would much prefer to use the "'Words words words,' said Character in Language" construction, even if it's a language I speak
19. First fandom you wrote for?
sigh. I think it was Sherlock
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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anyway I think the one where Palpatine lost his job and ended up becoming roommates with Anakin and Obi-Wan was fun, so we'll say that one
tagging: @no-where-new-hero @animazi @ozvezdja
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pardonmydelays · 9 months
Hi so i only recently got into hamilton and really liked lmm in it but ive been seeing a lot of pjo fans talking about not wanting him as hermes and you are a lmm expert so i wondered if you knew why people are hating on him for being casted in pjo?
first of all, i am actually flattered that you called me an expert (i am literally not but i do know a lot, i observe, i go through lmm tag every day, i get mad when i see people talk shit about him, basically i'm super loud about my love for this guy so there's that some call it dedication, i call it obsession lol).
there are a lot of reasons actually but all of them are just so silly to me. for example, some people say he is a bad actor (if hamilton is not enough for you, please go watch his dark materials, he is excellent and i will fight). others say he can't sing (he can, he may not have the most incredible vocals ever, not like most broadway stars and i know a lot of people compare him with the best singers out there, but it doesn't mean he can't sing, also, he is much better now than he used to be years ago, for example i'd recommend listening to vivo soundtrack, especially keep the beat or one more song, i mean EXCUSE ME BUT MY MAN CAN SING). another reason: some people say he is annoying because he puts raps everywhere. ok, and? he is a great rapper, i'll say more: he is also a freestyle rapper, very talented indeed (i recommend checking literally any freestyle love supreme video on youtube or you can just go through my fls tag here. making up rhymes on the spot? pretty insane if you ask me). there is also a group of people who think he is cringe, his rhymes are cringe, some of his songs are not good, etc etc (i bet those people can write better songs). i think he is one of the greatest composers of our generation and i will, of course, fight (haters, please shut the fuck up about the scuttlebutt, this song was supposed to be annoying, you just don't get it apparently? same with my own drum actually. can we just stop pretending that he is talentless because of those songs you guys literally have no taste and you hate fun and also shut tf up). oh, and also, people these days very often say he is everywhere and it's annoying (this is literally his job but whatever). and my all-time favourite: some people are mad that he was playing hamilton because they think he didn't deserve it (he literally wrote the whole thing but ok). one more thing: i have never read pjo, i literally just started reading it only because of lin, so i know nothing about hermes, but personally i really hope he will sing/rap, just because i want to see them all suffer.
there were also other controversial stuff (with in the heights, hamilton and puerto rico) but we are not going to discuss it on my blog, sorry (mostly because i have my own opinion about it and i know i will get a lot of hate for speaking my mind). one thing i can say is that nobody's perfect, we all make mistakes sometimes and i will always fight for him, no matter what.
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steveybucky · 6 months
Here’s a little about me and what to expect
I’m Anna, she/her, 27. Welcome!
I’m on AO3 as kingandlionheart
I’m currently going 16 years strong with my love/hate relationship with the MCU (I was obsessed with Ironman after watching it lol)
Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have a special place in my heart and I cry over them daily. I have an arsenal of headcanons about them in my drafts that I’m sometimes brave enough to share.
I don’t ship much else in the MCU except Clintasha. You may see the occasional bitterness I still harbor over AOU.
This is not multi shipping blog. Personal preference is that it HAS to be Stucky or nothing 😂 If I reblog other ships (where Steve/Bucky are concerned anyway), it’s platonic because I love friendship.
I am very anti Endgame. I am not anti Peggy, but I am anti Steggy. Expect a lot of Endgame rants until further notice.
Other fandoms I love:
Star Wars
Legend of Zelda
Harry Potter
Other random things idk
Anti JK ✌️
Here are the other ships nearest and dearest to my heart:
Jily and Wolfstar
Zelink (BOTW/TOTK mostly)
Other things may appear but not frequently. I love broadway musicals so there may be some of that here and there.
I went dead on tumblr in 2018 but recently reappeared after I found a fanfiction on Reddit called These City Walls that absolutely destroyed my life and made me come crawling out of my grave. Seriously read it. Amazing.
Expert fanfic reader but novice fanfic writer. I am working on getting back into writing fanfiction so I talk/post a lot about writing. I want to finish my stories first before posting because I know from experience that when I post a WIP, writing becomes more of a chore than for fun.
Minors DNI/DNF
Feel free to talk to me about anything! Cry about Stucky, share headcanons, or just rant about whatever.
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lilacthebooklover · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@snarky-wallflower Thanks for the tag! This was a lot of fun :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
67 currently, but I have deleted a few old ones lol
2. What’s your total word count?
Now, when I tell you I went overboard on this question, I went overboard. My private, unposted, solely-written-by-me fics' total word count is 227,868. My total word count for fics I've collaborated with @charismabee on is 477,549, and my total word count on AO3 is 389,530. However, quite a few of my AO3 fics are collabs with Red, so if you take away everything like Wilting Flowers and Owl House but Kindergarten, you're left with 225,235 words written solely by me. So, if you total up 225,235 + 227,868 + 477,549, then you get a grand total of 930,652 words! Then, of course, there's the whole matter of my old fics on regular Word and not Docs, which would probably add up to at least another 50,000 total considering we're talking about my ASOUE and DT17 phases, as well as all of the private Viva Pinata and miscellaneous musical stuff lurking in there, and we've got that weird writing app on my tablet that I used a lot a couple of years ago whenever my phone got confiscated, but I cannot be bothered to search through all of that right now. So, it mostly rounds up to around 1,000,000 words. Fanfiction may or may not be taking over my life. (Gosh I love maths <3)
3. What fandoms?
I've written mostly for the Kindergarten 1 and 2 fandom, my total fics on AO3 for it totaling 38. However, I have written a heck of a lot of OMORI as well, and dabble in the Owl House, DHMIS, a few webseries on YT as well as the Hatchetverse sometimes, too!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
1. World's Okayest Uncle at 799. My latest WIP, written for the Hatchetfield Universe and based around the concept of Paul Matthews becoming the accidental uncle of every kid in town. Each chapter focuses on a different child (the three so far about Alice, Richie and Pete respectively), and once all of them have been sufficiently adopted, I've been considering adding some slice-of-life stuff, exploring the changed character dynamics, and looking into parts of canon that would change in the AU as well. 2. Hollow at 455, a Hunter-centric one-shot for the Owl House set immediately after season 2 finished. It was written in the post King's Tide craze of awesome Human Realm content, so it got quite a lot of hits at the time. It focuses on Hunter dealing with the aftermath of Belos seemingly having died, and himself having being thrown into a completely new, unfamiliar world as an unfamiliar God took over his own :) 3. Flapjacks at 279, another Hunter-centric piece because TOH fans can't get enough of him lol (I am very much one of those fans). I began writing it back when Thanks to Them was first released, then got the motivation to finish it after I saw Watching and Dreaming. It focuses on Hunter returning to the Human Realm after the Collector's defeat, as well as Camila's thoughts on being a parent of who knows' how many kids at this point. Hunter finally gets the chance to mourn, and finds out what a flapjack actually is. 4. Gravesfield Historical Society, at 275. In which it's only natural that the Boiling Isles' leading Human Expert decides to do some research, and Gus does his very best to ignore the images plaguing him from looking into Belos' mind. Vee looks for some closure, Hunter is very protective over his little siblings, and Gus just wants to have a fun day at the museum. Things... Don't go to plan. 5. Fading, at 215. Yet another TOH work (I was around when the fandom was active as heck), one of the shortest pieces I've ever written at only 722 words. It's from Flapjack's POV during that scene in Thanks for Them. You know the one. I made lots of people cry, and sacrificed the birb.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course!! I thoroughly appreciate every comment I receive; they really make my day. Being part of an active fandom with the Uncle Paul AU has sort of taken me by storm so my inbox is pretty clogged at the moment, but I promise that I have read and smiled over and will reply to the comments all of my lovely readers have left behind! It means so much that someone's not only taken the time to read what I've written, but that they liked it enough to leave a comment behind. Even just keysmashes or "<33"s are really lovely to see, so thank you to the wonderful commentors out there! You guys are awesome :D
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh, now this is a tough one! Pretty much 95% of what I write is angst, with a good 70% being Hurt No Comfort. Still, I think the angstiest ending I've ever written would have to be that of either "Enough", in which 13 y/o me decided it was a good idea to follow the perspective of kindergartener Theodore Huxley as his brother pushed him to his death, or "Wilted", in which 13 y/o me decided it was a good idea to follow the perspective of suicidal kindergartener Lily as she gave up on finding the one person who cared about her and committed suicide as a result of being bullied. Wilted should probably win out considering the implications of what would happen to Billy as a result, and bc the ending subsequently led to Nugget's death too, but Ted's train of thought in Enough is so gosh darn sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely "McDonald's". That's the fluffiest thing I've ever written, no doubt about it. Not a smidgen of angst, just a bunch of kids with colourful eyes and pointy ears walking into a fast food restaurant and discovering what chicken nuggets are. It literally ends with the promise of more cute adventures to come, so I'd say this one's a no-brainer loll
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've only ever received hate once, on a little Gravity Falls AU I made entitled "Puppet Strings and Stage Curtains". I got some pretty nasty criticism on it and, as a kid who was still very anxious about posting stuff online, it really impacted me at the time. I'm still a little nervous even now to open up my inbox because I think I might have gotten another comment like that shfjdhhgkjh. I wound up abandoning the fic because my motivation was completely destroyed, and I couldn't even look at the thing without feeling ashamed. However, I haven't received any hate since, which is great! There's just no reason for it, really; if you like something, leaving a comment is wonderful, and it makes the author happy! If you don't, just don't read the fic. Leaving a hurtful comment isn't going to make anyone happy, and can be really damaging to writers. Shoutout to @weedkillercentral, who, without fail, leaves the bizzarest comments known to man on almost every work I post.
9. Do you write smut?
Nope! I am a ✨minor✨ (@snarky-wallflower dw I too am a nerdy prude, sex jokes are Ew). Still, I do enjoy writing romance from time to time! Some ships are straight-up hard not to enjoy reading/writing for :))
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Funny story, actually. I used to have Wattpad and, as much as I hated using it, a friend of mine liked the site so I used it to support her. I wound up posting some of my own stuff on there at one point. I will never be able to get over the fact that when you searched up my username online, the images used to show a picture of Sharkbomb Glomgold. How do I know this? Because small me got bored and looked up my username, and accidentally found a mirror site to Wattpad with some of my stuff on. It credited my username and everything, but I panicked about it because as far as I was aware, I had no control over whether I could take it down or what else could be put on it. So, I deleted everything on my account, and just like that, the fics on the mirror site vanished. So no, I've never had anything outright stolen-- at least, I hope I haven't-- but that was a Not Fun experience for little me a few years ago
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I'm not famous enough for that lol. I did have an offer for someone to make a podfic of smth I wrote a few years ago, but they never got around to it. Still, if anyone ever wants to translate one of my fics, I'd love it if you did! Please just let me know and acknowledge me as the OG author; having a work translated sounds awesome.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Many thanks yet again to the amazing @charismabee, my dear co-author and the Kel shirt to my Maverick cosplay wig. The amount of hours I've spent writing with her is actually insane, as well as the times we've just messaged brainstorming AUs or having far too strong feelings about the show Elena of Avalor. We've done joint Whumptobers and Febuwhumps, fics that are combinations of the nichest stories and characters, a lot of redemption arcs for 5-year-olds... If you like my stuff, I thoroughly encourage you to go give her work a read at TheFearIsRed on AO3! :D
If anyone else ever wants to try collaborating on something, I think I'd be willing to give it a try! There are loads of talented authors on here, and co-writing is a lot of fun <3
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm... Well, Paulkins is an obvious one (remember that one post about "hatchetfield fans when normal man and his barista crush show up for 5 seconds"? yeah that's me). They have a level of mutual trust and understanding that's just really nice to explore, they both have issues galore but will support each other no matter what, half infected Paul content is golden and as an avid Uncle Paul truther, Emma finding out about his many children is just too funny a concept to me. They act like teenagers when they see each other, they're both down bad, she knows he doesn't like the Christmas advert jingles, he thinks she's funny,,, they're so <3
Another strong contender is Pearla (Penny x Carla), from the K2 fandom. @goldmoth82 was the one who got me into writing about them with their absolutely incredible stuff (art, fics, you name it!). They're just a traumatised android and a thieving arsonist, what more could you want?
Gold rush (Kel x Mikhael) is another of my favourites though, mostly because it's so funny. Mikhael has declared them rivals, and Kel could not care less. Mikhael challenges him to races, and Kel beats him easily. Mikhael insults him often, but Kel doesn't retaliate. Mikhael wants to be independent and special, to stand out from everyone else. Kel wants to be appreciated as more than just Hero's brother, to be liked and acknowledged as himself. Mikhael would vehemently deny his feelings until Daphne and Bowen tied them up together and forced him to confess. Rivals are just lovers in disguise, everyone. One-sided gold rush is even funnier, because they're technically one-sided rivals. Kel was Mikhael's homosexual awakening. Mikhael looks so dumb and flamboyant because he's trying to impress him. Mikhael claims he hates him and that his bright red face is from anger after Kel effortlessly beats him time and time again. I love them.
But I think out of everything, Wrightworth would have to take my top pic for favourite ship. Gay lawyers who would die for each other for the win.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Ohh gosh. There are quite a few, but I'd probably say this year's Whumptober. My mental health went schwoop this October and I only got up to day 11 despite my plans. I still intend to finish the collab one with Red when I have time again (exams suck), and I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to get around to completing it. At least there's always next year! :"]
16. What are your writing strengths?
Definitely characterisation. I have a lot of fun getting into characters' heads and making studies on them in different scenes or just overall, and have a lot of fun bouncing different personalities off of each other. Once I know a character, I know the character, and writing their POV is as simple as breathing lol. I'd also say that I'm pretty good at tension building and breaking, as well as Hurt No Comfort (you need some good old angst, I'm your gal).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, for one, though I've been improving on them since I started the TOH Kindergarten AU! I'd also say that I struggle with slower-paced, filler sort of stuff. I might like to build up to an event, but chapters that don't have plot relevance just sort of stump me lol, even when they're necessary :)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I enjoy learning languages, and have been teaching myself Spanish for the past couple of years or so. However, writing them is a whole separate thing entirely. If I had a translator, I'd be all good! I just get a little worried when I write any language that isn't Spanish because google translate is unreliable as heck, so I typically tend to avoid it. Luckily, none of my fandoms really require it- but if that Franziska & Miles brainrot doesn't go away soon, I might be in a bit of a pickle trying to write German dialogue hshjhgfk
19. First fandom you wrote for?
A Series of Unfortunate Events (the Netflix show). It was the first fandom I got really, properly into, diving in headfirst at the age of about 12 and finding a lot of awesome content. The obsession I had with VFDBaudelaireFile13's Violet Snicket AU "Misery Loves Company" a few years ago was wild. My writing back then was very jolty, and I wrote in chapters that only lasted a few paragraphs with big, bold titles that often had at least two exclamation marks at the end. Still, ASOUE is one of my favourite shows to this day, and I don't regret a thing from my time binge-reading everything I could find for it (except that one lemons fic I accidentally came across when starved for content), nor any of the silly little unposted AUs I wrote on Word.
20. Top 3 fics I've ever written:
I puzzled over this question for ages, but found it impossible to choose just one! Ignore that I'm cheating a little here, and take three instead <3
1. An unposted collaborative work with @charismabee/TheFearIsRed that we called MPT. It was the first big fic I ever wrote, and it was probably what really got me into writing as a hobby. I got to spend time at random intervals writing about and whumping my favourite characters with someone I'm very close with, making up the plot as we went along. I remember coming up with the initial idea on a swingset, and spending hours colour-coding every segment of those 50,000 words based on each mention of a character as well as who wrote what. MPT is messy, and a tad repetitive in places, and while finished, I don't believe it's something I'll ever post. But it holds a special place in my heart, and it's a lot of fun looking back on my writing from a couple years ago compared to now 2. Not sure if this fully counts, but an untitled Omori WIP I've got going atm is definitely up there. It's Hero-centric with huge emphasis on his trauma, following the course of the year the events of the game occur in. I've had a blast writing his thoughts and time at college, and I'm geberally just really proud of it thus far. Hopefully, it'll be done by January in time for his birthday! :) 3. Now this one is a posted work– Magical Girls: Omori!, another collab with Red. We came up with the idea, binge-watched season one of Glitter Force on Netflix, and ran with the plot. We've planned out all of season 1 with ideas for season 2, incorporated a plethora of great characters, and been able to mess around with a fun fantasy high school full of our favourites. It's always wonderful to write, and I really like how it's been going!
Thank you again to @snarky-wallflower for the tag! You're amazing <3
As for people I know, I've tagged the vast majority of you already sjhkffg oops.
@charismabee @goldmoth82 @weltato @inprisonforsparkling hey there jpr the au mastermind, fanartist of the century, paul whump bestie and king of michie. you guys are some of my favourite writers out there, i'd love to see what you answer with for this (no pressure ofc!) <33
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ollieflopkins · 6 months
15 Questions, 15 Friends
Tagged by @kraeki tysm babe 🥰
Are you named after anyone? My mom used to teach preschool and her favorite student’s name was Lacey. My middle name is a family middle name!
When was the last you cried? While I was reading my vows at my wedding last week hehe
Do you have kids? No but maybe one day idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
What sports do you play/have you played? Was a football kid from age 5-15 (was a brick shithouse CB/LB) and then I quit football to play tennis in high school. I am MUCH better at tennis than I am at football lol. I also swam in hs and rowed in college (5 seat best seat) and now I like to do yoga and walk mostly.
Do you use sarcasm? I do, but I’m getting better and reading when it’s appropriate and when it’s not. I like to communicate clearly and not be condescending as much as possible.
What is the first thing you notice about people? HEIGHT and hair and smile. Then sense of dress. Although to be clear none of that matters if their personality sucks and they’re unfunny lol
What is your eye color? Blue/grey
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings 💯 I don’t like scary movies or really any horror. I like psychological thrillers and such but I don’t like violence/body horror/gore in film at all and avoid it as much as I can.
Any talents? I’m very musical (I can sing, play guitar, keyboard, drum, read music, etc), I can write, uhhh I’m good at taking to new languages, uhh I’m kind of good at a lot of things but an expert at nothing really
Where were you born? The US!
What are your hobbies? Watching football, going to football matches, talking about football…lol yoga/dance class, spending time with friends and my husband, listening to music, walking, learning German/taking adult German class, writing, reading, playing video games, whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. I can have fun doing pretty much anything
Do you have any pets? Two dogs!
How tall are you? 5’9”, like 175cm?
Favorite subject at school? English!
Dream job? No dream job I wish I didn’t have to participate in society in a way that exploits me! I’m a staunch anti-capitalist so my dream job is (post collapse of capitalism) taking care of young people like I do now but we’d all like…garden and go on hikes together and read and write poetry and I wouldn’t be coaching them on how to like…take standardized tests lol. Or maybe I’d be a farmer and take care of cows.
✨✨ Okay haha I always try to not double up too much on tagging people who have already been tagged in these games 😂 no pressure but if you want to participate @kloppinthekop @mebiselfandi @jarellquansah @erlingshaalands @endowataru @curiousthyme @thicctorhugo @shob-chop-lai @photmath @lastpenaltytaker @antspaul @liverpool-enjoyer @walkon-throughtherain @brinywxter @trentione
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voids-everywhere · 6 months
DV!Underswap Cyan characters
Finally! Here are the designs for the USC AU! Here is the first part, introducing Martlet, Dalv, Chujin, and Ceroba!
It went surprisingly well drawing the four since I'm used to drawing skeletons and humans, and I barely draw animals and other creatures, anthropomorphic or not.
Though I gotta say that Chujin and Ceroba (mostly Ceroba) gave me hell designing them, so I had to research the costumes (why are there so many sexualized samurai outfits for women-) and use reference from other UTY Swap AUs-
Anyways, the info is down below!
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Martlet "Are you... a human? N-no, it can't be. It cannot be. Your kind has hurt and attacked us even if we were trapped down here. Why? Why are you here to torment us?? Y-You have to leave. NOW."
Swapped with Dalv
Former Royal Guard and expert builder
Resigned ever since the attack in Snowdin
Born without feet, so she built mechanical legs to replace it
Very paranoid. She used to be cheerful and peppy until the Snowdin attack.
Because of her paranoia, she built MANY traps and puzzles around the Dark Ruins, making the area difficult to explore.
Has guilt from failing to protect the monsters in Snowdin
If spared in a Pacifist / Compassion run, she will become friendly to Kanako despite the awkwardness.
In a Genocide / Cruelty run, she will try and stop Kanako from going out of the Ruins.
Friends with Clover and Dalv
Dalv "Dalv, Master of Puzzles! I am here to stop you, human! ... Quick question, was that good?"
Swapped with Martlet
The "Puzzle Master" and watcher of Snowdin
Accompanies Kanako if you spare him
Who let this guy become a builder or something? His puzzles usually collapse or ends up in smoke
Most children sees him as a funny man, but a few fellows from Snowdin sees him and his puzzles as a nuisance
Tries to act cheerful and confident, but he's a mess on the inside
Actually introverted and awkward
Has a strong morale to protect Snowdin even if he didn't live there yet at the time of the attack
Despite his crappy ability at building puzzles and traps, he prefers growing vegetables and writing. The young monsters in Snowdin likes his stories
Fears befriending others as they might leave him in the end
Befriended Martlet even if he hadn't seen her until the True Pacifist / Patience ending. He'd usually give her corn through the closed door and tell her stories about the puzzles. Martlet usually listens to his puzzle stories and gives him a few tips on improving his failed puzzles.
Ceroba Ketsukane "East Sun" "Stop right there, intruder! You have come across the borders of the Far East! You don't want to face the wrath and justice of the East Sun Samurai!"
Swapped with Starlo
Known as the "East Sun Samurai", called East Sun for short
Chujin's wife
Very skilled with swords and fighting even if the whole "Far West" stuff is just for fun and roleplay stuff
Energetic and adventurous
Knows everyone... but she struggles knowing things about herself.
The sun of the Forest Caves, though her samurai antics come off as a bit anoying sometimes
Has a short temper
Gets carried away, and it sometimes end up doing things that she regrets (for a very short period of time)
On the inside, she's full of grief from losing Starlo and Clover. Seeing Kanako reminds her of Clover.
She just wants to make Chujin happy, that's the whole point of this samurai thing. Even if one day she might fully lose a sense of who she used to be and truly is.
Chujin Ketsukane "No matter what, I try to do good for humanity and fix my mistakes. But one after another... it just takes something away from me in the end."
Swapped with Ceroba
Given the role as "The Wise Mentor", gives advice and knowledge to East Sun
Former Royal Scientist
Ceroba's husband
Resigned after Clover's disappearance
Skilled with swords and magic
Very knowledgable... he's a nerd lol
Silent, observant, and mysterious
Used to be a brilliant and cheerful scientist until the events after the Snowdin attack
Secretly likes aliens and Ben 10
Resents Queen Toriel for her cowardice
Doesn't speak his opinions until something doesn't serve others well
Realistic except for when it comes to his goals and dreams
Straightforward and prefers to end matters quickly. Get's annoyed if it takes too long.
Before, many sees him as a scientist who can do anything. But for Chujin himself, one mistake proved otherwise.
Very secretive and hides it well
Will achieve his goals... even if it comes with consequence and it destroys him from the inside.
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
HI IT'S SQUISHY fic ask game time:
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
ok uhhhh uh uh
F: i think if i had to choose anything, it'd probably be the cat petting circle scene from and who do you think i'll be (without you)?, because i am. really really bad at juggling more than like 3 characters in a scene and this has FIVE and it's still really fun to read, at least for me. it's dynamic, though admittedly the attention still mostly falls on kuwabara and yusuke (sorry keiko </3 i wish you were more prominent in this one but alas) everyone carries some weight. i'm also not great at understanding (and thus writing) anger, so yusuke's bubbling frustration through the scene is like.. kinda cool to me. (a/n: eikichi is kuwabara's cat lol)
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i'm also including another two from this same fic bc i think they're neat as well :)
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(i'll put a transcript of the screenshots at the end under the read more)
honestly, i love writing yusuke's dialogue no matter what he's saying, so this fic's got a few moments i'm very fond of, but didn't include. anyway it's the only good thing i've ever written (<- exaggerating, but it's probably my favorite fic i've written, and maybe favorite prose piece)
i also remember enjoying some of the dialogue between sagawa and majima in tough love for loveless things, and i assume i liked a lot of the stuff for i long for you and your expert hands, but i... haven't revisited that one in a long time (idk why but i'm a little afraid to?? i haven't forgotten it though), so i couldn't point to anything specific really ^ ^'
I: hm... i think i overindulge in characters just talking about nothing, at least when it comes to my writing. if i like them, i like hearing them talk about nothing, and it tends to bloat scenes and drag on, i figure. i also tend to gravitate towards really specific intensely described points of imagery that barely come up again and totally break the flow of the scene (oops). in terms of guilty pleasures in reading, uh...? i'm kind of a sucker for werewolf stuff because i got that dog in me. im drawing a blank ig sorry <3 OH i've always been hopelessly fond of whump / hurt/comfort / sickfic STUFF. legit since i was a child. i like it when they're out of it i like it when they're woozy. and anything with dumb hijinks and/or slapstick is good to me. comedy's hard and i like seeing idiots be idiots. and really introspective/inner monologue heavy pieces are mmmmwah for writing and reading
R: oh man. whatever i'm currently reading often ends up influencing my writing in noticeable (to me) ways. one time i was writing smth for my fiction writing class and i typed out a sentence that felt at once like smth dr seuss would write (you'll never guess what unit my children's lit class was on) and a line from lolita (because that's what i was reading at the time). it's a mashup that worked weirdly well. ANYWAY to actually answer the question, the little prince ruined me as a kid, and a lot of the way i express sadness and emptiness is channeling saint-exupery there. currently, arkady martine and andzrej sapkowski have been influencing my scenery descriptions in particular, because that's what i was most recently reading, but earlier this year i remember cormac mccarthy's the road finding its way under my pen a lot. for really flowery stuff (i don't think you see it much in my fics, but it's not Never), i think of alfred tennyson's maud quite often. this is not a conclusive list im just empty brained :P
X: ohhohohohohhh. god help me but i love making all of them suffer. to love something is to vivi/dissect it. currently kuwabara is the one i'm putting through the most though (<- channeling personal issues into this orange guy), but majima and kiryu were always lots of fun to break down >:). perhaps that's the real answer to the guilty pleasure section
“Hey, why’s she goin’ to Kurama and you and not me?” Yusuke complained, pouting at Keiko.
Kuwabara piped up. “Maybe it’s ‘cuz they have manners, unlike some of us.”
“Or patience,” Botan offered.
Yusuke stuck out his leg and prodded Kuwabara’s arm. “Yeah, and how’re your manners workin’ out for ya? You still look like someone’s been playin’ tic-tac-toe on your hands or did she become a saint overnight?”
“Shut up, Urameshi.”
Keiko spoke up from her spot on the floor. “Aw, I think she’s just sweet. Right?” She put her chin on her folded arms and gently rubbed at Eikichi’s cheek. With a warm smile, Keiko turned her head into her arms further, squishing her face, openly endeared. “Even if she bites sometimes.”
“Finally, someone gets it,” Kuwabara moaned. “Keiko, tell Urameshi that for me, will ya?”
Yusuke didn’t buy it. “If she was sweet she’d be sweet to me, too.”
“Benevolence is nearly always conditional,” Kurama said, leaning over to rub Eikichi’s ears. “Perhaps she senses your standoffishness and simply chooses not to engage with someone who does not seem to want her.” Kurama’s brilliant green eyes swept back to Yusuke for emphasis. “You two may have that in common.”
“Wh—?!” Yusuke spluttered a bit, before settling on, “Watch it, fox boy.”
“Aw,” Botan giggled, “Yusuke, it’s alright, you know. Some of us just have an animal-like charm. Meow meow!” She hooked her hands like paws.
“Right, and I’m saying Eikichi’s not so charming. I mean, she’s been ignoring you, too, Botan, whaddyou think?”
“Oh, she’s just lovely! Simply adorable,” Botan cooed.
“Heheh, looks like you’re outnumbered, Urameshi!”
Rocking his chair back lazily, Yusuke noticed Kuwabara’s scratch-laced hands and whistled. “Damn, Kuwabara. It’s kinda beating you up, huh? That cat o’ yours. You look like you just fought me, only smaller.”
“For the last time, Urameshi, Eikichi’s a she! Quit it with the it crap or I’ll knock you into next Sunday brunch.” He jabbed his chopsticks at Yusuke pointedly. “And I don’t think you could get any smaller.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. She’s beating the shit outta you. But what’s with that? I thought kittens were s’posed to be all cute n’ cuddly.” Yusuke swirled his drink thoughtfully before taking a swig.
“You’ve never had a kitten, have you, Urameshi?” Kuwabara deadpanned. He had the right to do that now that he was a cat-rearing expert, as if he hadn't learned it very recently himself.
“No. ’M not really crazy about animals. Neither's my mom.” Under his breath, Yusuke added, “Knowing her, that’s probably for the best.”
“Wh—? How?!” 
Yusuke shrugged.
Kuwabara huffed. “Ugh, she’s teething right now, okay? And I haven’t got her a scratching post yet. She’ll grow out of it, you’ll see.”
“Whatever you say, man. Just try not to lose any limbs waiting for her to get manners, arright? Don’t wanna make our fights even more one-sided. That’d just be sad.”
“Yeah, right, Urameshi.” Kuwabara puffed out his chest. “Eikichi could take two o’ my limbs and I’d still wipe the street with ya.”
“Hey, try beating me with four limbs first, tough guy.”
The conversation devolved into threats and bickering from there, culminating in little more than wrinkled uniforms and mussed hair-dos, and one final exchange.
“You haven’t even met her, Urameshi, so how could you know what she’s like?”
“‘Cuz you’re carryin’ the proof right there, stupid! Look, don’t take it so personal. I just don’t feel like spending all day roughhousing with someone that far beneath my weight class, even if she is the precious little angel you say she is."
Yusuke lounged on the floor, Eikichi sitting on his chest and staring down at him.
“What’re you starin’ at, Stinkass?”
Kuwabara scoffed loudly, fluffing out the pillow Yusuke would use.
Yusuke smirked at him. “Oh, I’m sorry, your highness, I left my manners at home.” He cleared his throat. “What are you staring at, Her Royal Majesty the Queen Stinkass?”
“Man, why'dya only pick mean pet names to give ‘er?” It came out a bit harsher than he meant.
“What?” Yusuke began to sit up, but stopped when he remembered Eikichi’s place on him. He dropped back down and shut his eyes lazily. “These aren’t pet names, they’re, like, insults. That I don’t mean.”
“So ‘Stinkass’ is your idea of an affectionate nickname?”
“Gee, you don’t have to make it sound so damn girly. I’m just callin’ her that ‘cause I like her.”
“Ooh~ so you like her, huh?” Kuwabara sat up on his knees and—once Eikichi got the hint and clambered off—smacked Yusuke’s face with his pillow, holding it over his face. “Whatever happened to not bein’ mushy, tough guy?”
Yusuke wrenched the pillow from his grip and lazily swung it at him, not bothering to get up. “Hey, you told me she doesn’t judge about that sorta thing, right? And I’m learnin’ there’s benefits to bein’ mushy, like kicking ass better.” He shifted to crack his back, then sighed, relaxing into the floor. “I’m just sticking to my way, and sometimes that means calling her Kuwabara’s Favorite Little Shitblaster or whatever.”
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mochami-mochi · 5 months
my attempt at an intro post
you can call me mocha! pronouns: she/her
my obsessions include: svt, txt, project sekai, love live (mostly aqours), fruits basket, the owl house, brooklyn 99 and angel beats — there’s probably more tho lol
my hobbies: crying over my studies, playing games (fps, rhythm, cozy), listening to music, writing, drawing, baking
my current favourite songs: to you by svt, opening sequence by txt, hello/how are you cover by n25, karakuri pierrot cover by mmj, love ka? cover by wxs, nameless love song by guilty kiss
fun useless facts about me:
i’m the top listener for guilty kiss (including kowareyasuki and nameless love song)
i can ap most hard and some expert songs in project sekai
my fav emojis include: 🫶💪🤨⁉️🫵
a sneak peak to who i am:
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i am the breed of writer that either writes 200 words over the span of three days or 2000 words in an hour, there is no in between.
♡ my ao3
♡ my spotify
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
I am interested in your opinion. Which versions of Johnny are the most affectionate in terms of physical contact, and which are the least?
Asdfg I'm so disappointed in myself when you mentioned Johnny I was like, who, and then it hit me lmao. It's been a long couple of weeks...
Honestly, I appreciate you asking me, lol. I don't consider myself exactly an expert on the Scarecrows although I'm trying to learn cause I do like him a lot it's just been a struggle writing him for me lmao
Anywho, I definitely think overall it will take a long time before most of the Scarecrows to even feel comfortable being physically affectionate with a partner.
Listing under the tag cause my use of paragraphs is astronomical and don't wanna clunk anyone's dash
Most physically affectionate:
- Harley Quinn The Animated Series
- Masters of Fear (definitely shy about it at first, but will absolutely yearn for it once he's used to it)
- Batman the Animated Series (same with MoF)
- Happy Halloween, Scooby Doo (don't know if its favoritism but I just feel like the boomer can be handsy if he wanted)
Least physically affectionate:
Doesn't mean they can't be, i just think they have other forms of affection they use, mostly likely using words or actions instead
- Nolanverse/Murphy (honestly was stuck on him...)
- Arkhamverse (especially mostly Akrham Knight)
- Fear State
- The New Batman Adventures
- Year One
I hope this makes...sense? This is purely based on my personal takeaways from when I read the comics and/or watched the shows/movie/game and sometime has passed but I think I'd come to the same conclusion even if it's fresh in my mind.
Thanks for asking! This was fun to think about lol
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profbastard · 1 year
Heyo! Hope you're doing well! Love all your AUs since I saw them on Instagram. I recently found that I can ask you anything on Tumblr (bc I'm new to Tumblr and a noob LOL XD) I want to ask you something if you have the time (It's alright if you don't). Where do you get your ideas for AUs and the inspiration to continue them? All of your ideas are amazing and I want to write more as a fellow writer. I recently wrote my first fanfic about a Mario and Luigi wholesome and comforting moment (it's mostly a Mario Movie aftermath fanfiction, but even if you don't like the film, I also did it for wholesome Mario and Luigi bro moments and angst too so there's that at least), but it's hard coming up with ideas for more stories. I also wanted to ask this out of curiosity because like I said, you have awesome AUs and I want to know how you come up with them. Hope you have a good day/night, and keep up the good work! Best wishes from a fellow writer and Mario and Luigi fan! (Especially Luigi ;) )
Well well well, I recognize you from Instagram! Welcome to the tumblr! This was so lovely to read, you’re really so kind :’) your support and thoughtful comments always make me so happy and inspire me in-turn <3
NOW- My ideas for my AUs all boil down to my brain asking myself hypothetical questions surrounding something already present in a Mario game and RUNNING WITH IT. I’m very detail-oriented, so that gets me naturally asking questions about things the writers probably didn’t think anyone would stop to question.
Sometimes hypothetical questions don’t allow you to dig that deep, but other times it leads you down a rabbit hole of branching tunnels to other questions. And in answering those questions, you’ve got the start of a good premise for a story (as long as there’s emotional weight and stakes to it).
I find the inspiration to keep building on my AUs from that need to satisfy that basic curiosity I have about these piles of questions I’ve collected. I could go into detail about how I came up with each AU if that’s helpful, but honestly, it’s gonna be different for every person what ideas they think are fun to explore!
I can also say I get a lot of little bits of inspiration from non-Mario related fictional works. So if you’re feeling dry on ideas, pick up a new game or book or podcast! I’ve gotten outside inspiration from Venom, Re-Animator, The Mist, and Captain Underpants. So it can really be anything hahaha
I also had never thought of myself as a writer before, but I suppose I am a little bit! My friends that write full-blown fan fiction are beyond impressive to me, so you’re doing something I’ve never even tried (except like, a small Gravity Falls fan fiction I wrote in highschool in English class, lol).
I hope this is at least borderline cohesive and provides a unique perspective; but boy, I am not an expert in any of this, so be WARNED. I wish you the best of luck in your creative endeavors and hope you keep having a ton of fun 😁
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mangoisms · 11 months
hi so i remembered that you’re also a psych major and i was wondering if i could perhaps maybe get your opinion on a project?? if not that’s completely okay! i just would like a second opinion on the connection since the assignment is to connect psychology concepts to media, and i wanted to connect one to batman lol
so my connection was basically that batman is kind of a representation of the humanistic psychological approach because of his no killing rule? i felt that i could connect it because (this is only as far as i know, the thing is im not SUPER well versed in the comics lol) since he refuses to kill, he just sends them to arkham. and if i remember correctly he believes in rehabilitation for his rogues, and some of them have actually been able to change their ways, so it’s him cleaning up the streets with his belief that there is potential for good that is innate to all humans, which fits humanism really well if that makes sense lol idk 😭😭
but yeah if you don’t mind i’d really appreciate a second opinion but if not that’s totally okay!
omg of course!!! i’m honored to help… tho i do have to admit i had to look up what humanistic psychology is HAHA. wiki says a relation to maslow? who i am familiar with… and the field is in response to behaviorism and psychoanalytic theory, two fields i am also very familiar with, so i thinkkkkk i know what’s going on here but this might inform my response so just a heads up <3 and i mean of course definitely take Anything i say with a grain of salt LOLLL (and under the cut just so this isn’t too long on the dash)
i definitely think you can make something of it!!! i am also admittedly not that much of an expert with him, mostly by proxy, but i do think it is fair to say a true version of batman is supposed to believe in rehabilitation/in second chances. i also—totally unsolicited advice you don’t have to take but i was thinking about this while i was writing— have a couple other thoughts….
i think you could bring in maslow here as well with his hierarchy of needs and apply to gotham as well? without getting too sociological, it can be pretty safely said, discounting people like the joker who do Bad Things just because it’s fun and he’s an asshole, that crime runs rampant because needs aren’t being met? gotham is corrupt, the government doesn’t do its job, people get desperate, they turn to crime, bruce wayne does what he can to alleviate this with his wealth and status and batman can bridge the gap between the people in need and bruce wayne -> tie that back to batman’s innate belief in the goodness of people and giving them second chances, which i also think you can back up with canon evidence because i am 90% it is canon he saw joe chill and forgave him for what he did
but yes!!! i think it sounds super cool and i think there are a couple different ways to connect psych with batman, which is neat because i’ve never really thought about it like that! well i did once with my stress class and bruce and the amount of stress his body is under and how he hasn’t had a heart attack by now but ANYWAY yeah ^_^ good luck with it!! i hope i could help out a little bit? and if you need any more help/clarification, feel free to pop back in and talk to me! <333
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caesarflickermans · 1 year
Tag Game
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @hayffiebird Thank you c:
Three ships:
Virgilia/Plutarch. I know, a bit cliche to put my own ship forth here, but I'm noticing how much less of a shipper I've become insofar that I've more lukewarm takes on most ships, but this is one I'm really passionate about. It really (obviously) encompasses a lot of what I personally enjoy in seeing a relationship unfold. Virgilia has her own personal journey that fits well with Plutarch's. They complement each other so well and it's enjoyable to write / think about them :>
David Butt/Julia Montague. Those two are from the BBC series Bodyguard and they are such an interesting couple. There's hatred initially, each of their moments bringing them closer, and the final resolution of their story (the question of being together) never finding an answer. The show has its own problems with the portrayal of Muslim characters, and tbf whenever I rewatch it I only watch the first three episodes, but it has a sort of tension and development that I've really never seen replicated. I'm a sucker for bodyguard stuff, but none ever did it as well as this show, and most of those stories are far too smutty, far too overprotective, far too easily and quickly resolve (and me and @beedelia totally have a Plutarch&V AU based on those two).
This is NOT a ROMANTIC ship (hence the &), but I love PLATONIC stuff so much, so: Ellie Williams&Joel Miller. I really, fully, enjoy their growth together. I love a good parenting platonic not-actually-related situation. Their story is so raw. It's the way that their relationship is painted through struggles. It's the going through everything to keep their dad/their daughter safe. I love their journey and I love both games so much.
This was really hard because, as I said, I've got plenty of ships and I feel rather lukewarm about them. As in, yeah, I enjoyed this, but it doesn't have my mind spinning once I finish it and am done with the show/game. Here's a list of some ships I enjoy, but do not have a lot to say about: F!Commander Shepard/Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect), Cullen Rutherford/F!Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Will Graham/Bedelia Du Maurier (Hannibal), Serena Joy/Mark Tuello (Handmaid's Tale), Blackbeard/Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death), Newt Scamander/Leta Lestrange (Fantastic Beasts). Was this cheating? Maybe, lol.
First ever ship:
I think my first ever ship was Captain Amelia/Dr. Doppler, mostly because I was very gay for Amelia and was excited for any romance interest she got. Like, it should have been me, but this was second best. I didn't write fanfiction about it or anything because I was far too young, but I think this was the first moment where I really shipped something.
First time I engaged with fandom might have been Remus Lupin/Tonks. Though I mostly read stuff rather than wrote anything.
First time I wrote something (in rp) was Haymitch/Effie, though I don't ship them anymore--same as Lupin and Tonks actually lol. Both for different reasons.
Last song: Bottom of the River by Delta Rae. Been listening to this one while writing!
Last movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once. I've had this on my watchlist since release and finally got around to it. Feels like something you should totally watch a second time. It was a brilliant movie.
Currently reading: A secret history. I'm not sure what to think of it yet & I'm halfway through. It's definitely interesting, but it's a very slow read (or maybe me mostly reading it in bed before falling asleep just doesn't read very fast).
Currently watching: Arctic Warrior. It's a German TV show about one (military) expert and one beginner having to survive (and travel through) the arctic parts of Finland. I usually don't enjoy those kind of shows, but I have a soft spot for Otto + watching it as an uncut reaction video from a favourite youtuber of mine is double fun. Actual tv series though, I want to start Succession (thanks Emily, lol) and/or Yellowjackets.
Currently consuming: I ate my salad + slice of bread for the evening :>
Currently craving: Still a bit hungry, so maybe some fruit later. I've got mango and peaches at home :)
Tagging: @beedelia @footnoteinhistory @plvtarch @mrsalanavalentine @rosegardeninwinter @ellanainthetardis @endlessnightlock @tinyfrenchowl @mollywog @districtunrest @bexbaxx @thegoddessprose @jenniferiawrence
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Hello! Readmore anon again!
I just saw your last posts and the :readmore: you added to the necromancy and 7 sentence sunday posts doesn't seem to have worked (it did work on the giant nephilim one tho) I'm not sure what went wrong with it, did you hit enter after it? If it works it should show you the readmore break in the post editor already when you hit enter, maybe its different across different phones/phone apps, I'm really not an expert and I am notoriously bad at remembering to add readmores to my own writing so I have limited practical experience 😅
Either way I just wanted to let you know, and also really like the necromancy prompt!
ah thank you so much I really appreciate your first message and this one too! i was barely on tumblr for like three years and so a lot has changed and then i didn't really bother looking into what the changes were because i really didn't think i'd get more than maybe 2-3 prompts a wednesday (and i thought that much would be wishful thinking) so i really do need to go look it up at some point. and also, just in case it comes across as one i am not at all complaining about the amount of prompts i'm getting or got.
it was mostly just that i came back from a long long hiatus and didn't really expect anybody to remember or be interested in my fics lol. so the amount of prompts i am getting is surprising in the best way possible. the kind where i'm like 'OMG SO MANY SANDBOXES THEYRE ALL MINE NOW' kind of way.
like several times i could have combined prompts that went really well together and my bf asked my why i didn't and i was just like, 'and waste the potential for a new universe????? how could i??' and then they were just 'lumine... it's not a waste?' and me 'it would be waste!!!! think of the universes that i'll be missing out on, even if two prompts would go perfectly together, think of the creations i'll never know!' and then they kind of just sighed and called me adorable and left me to my antics. i dont really get it but thats okay.
When I have some time later i'll go try and fix those :read more: (i put the space so it wont activate) so i appreciate you telling me a lot. I didn't realize i needed to press enter so thats something to remember.
thank you! im glad you enjoyed that fic i had a lot of fun writing it
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