#but I adored the camp and my counselors and I loved going with my family
thestarstoasun · 4 months
This entire fluff of Will being an adorable child was written as emotional compensation (mainly) for @actual-gremlin. Anyone else can take it as emotional compensation for my normal posts though!
Quick Note: Because timelines are actual torture this is at least a year before The Lightning Thief, mainly bc for the sake of plot I needed Luke to not be entirely evil & he really turns after his own quest/when Percy arrives/is claimed.
When Will was younger, he found a tabby cat in the woods near camp while following Connor to find flowers for their older sisters. The cat was missing half of her tail, but was surprisingly affectionate towards them. Will fell in love immediately, and while he wasn't a vet, his vitalkinesis told him that more than just her tail was injured. She was malnourished and dehydrated with a sprain in her front paw.
"Do you think your siblings will let you keep her? Do you even plan on keeping her?" Connor asked with his arms full of flowers.
"It really depends on what she wants. Poor angel. I would like her, but I wanna make sure she's okay first." Will's small arms held the cat and he pet the underside of her jaw, grinning when she started to purr.
"I didn't even know you liked cats. How could you hide this from me?"
"Ma used to take me to the pet shelters before she would play her concerts at night when touring. And I didn't hide anything. You're just a bad friend for never asking. Hmph."
"Wha? Hey!" The two boys laughed as they approached the Big House. Will's face grew determined seeing as his biggest challenge would be inside.
"Good luck, soldier. If they don't let you keep her, I'll sneak her into Hermes for you. Luke wants us family to be happy, so I can figure something out." Connor did his best to move the flowers around so he could give a salute.
"I lied earlier. You're a great friend...when you aren't playing the pranks of the century." Will nodded his head, took a deep breath, and walked inside the chamber.
Will was happy to note that the infirmary was mostly empty save for, surprisingly, Luke and Lee. What was even stranger though was Luke wasn't in a cot. He was sitting on top of Lee's desk, something that Will had be reprimanded for several times.
"Why doesn't Luke get scolded for sitting on your desk?" Will pouted walking towards his big brother and the Hermes counselor.
Both of the older boys jumped, but Lee just looked over at Will and smiled kindly. "He already was. You know how Hermes kids are."
Luke turned his body around to face Will as well with a mischievous grin. "Lee has tried to kick me off of the desk several times, but I outsmarted him."
Lee's face flushed, but Will completely missed the interaction between them, looking at Luke with amazement. "You managed to outsmart Lee!? But he's smart, but also a little dumb-"
"-so I can also understand."
"William. Why is there a cat in your arms?" Lee asked, out of curiosity and to redirect the conversation away from his dating life. Will was, perhaps, his only sibling who remained mostly spared from growing up too fast, and Lee was determined to keep it that was for just a little longer. Romance just went over his head, which was the innocence a child should have.
"Oh yeah! I found her when Connor and I were...-" Will pursed his lips and thought about how to say they snuck into the woods without getting into trouble. He had never met their dad, Apollo, so Lee was really the closest to one he felt like he had. And Lee had perfected the disappointed parent look- Will blamed Michael for that. "...taking a stroll through some trees to look for flowers and I found her! She's injured and I wanna help her."
Will was determined to at least be able to nurse the cat back to health, even if Lee wouldn't let him keep her. His arms were wrapped protectively around the cat and she relaxed onto Will's shoulder.
"A stroll through some trees?" Lee raised his eyebrow as if he was questioning whether or not to let the deceit go. Apparently, Will was very lucky, because his big brother just sighed. "You know we aren't vets. How can you be sure you can help her? How do you know its a her?"
"I'm a healer." Will said it with so much pride that Lee couldn't help but smile just a little bit. "And vitalkinesis, dummy."
"Michael is such a bad influence on you. He's got you insulting me in my own infirmary."
"Isn't he also the only one of your siblings, other than this one - but he's gotta only be a fourth of a person -("Hey!") who can get your stubborn ass to take a break?" Luke spoke up with an amused smirk.
"Language. There is a small and impressionable child here."
"Mikey says bad words all the time," Will spoke up, looking between the two counselors extremely confused.
"I'll have a talk with him about it. If you want to try to help the cat.." Lee noticed Will's puppy dog eyes and let out a swear of his own in Ancient Greek. "You can try to help her, but we don't have any cat food so you'll have to see if she'll eat tuna. And we aren't keeping her." Will nodded along with a small pout.
Instead of giving confirmation, Will walked to a cot and set the cat down before humming a soft healing hymn.
"We're gonna end up with a cat, aren't we?"
"You guys most definitely are. That kid has you wrapped around his fingers."
"It's the eyes! You'd think he was an Aphrodite kid, but he just pulls the puppy dog eyes and I give in."
"Lee, that's just you being a sucker."
"I'm just a better brother than you. All of the poor, sweet children that have their ears tainted by the horrors spoken of in the Hermes cabin tell me so."
"I'm going to go tell Castor and Pollux to start awful rumors about you. Overdramatic, absolute pushover, workaho-ouch!"
"Don't be mean. I'm going to go help Will. If you would be so kind, could you possibly sneak Cabin 7 some stuff for our new cat? I really don't think I'm getting out of this one."
"Yeah, sure. Good luck with being 'Cabin Mom'. I have my own rats to gather up soon; Connor and Travis should probably be first."
Will had healed the sprain and gotten the cat water and a can of tuna which she was currently happily drinking and eating away at. He sat in a chair by the bed watching her with a wide grin. Seeing her eating made him really happy and when she would look up, he reassured her with a "It's fine. There is plenty." before she went back to eating.
Lee ruffled Will's hair when he made it over. "Things going good, Sunshine?"
"Mmmmhm! She likes tuna, I think. Or maybe just really hungry."
"We can try a few things coming up to see what she likes. Overeating can also make her sick. Sometimes cats, and people, do it when they're malnourished for so long and have, for instance, they're favorite food for the first time."
"Yeah. It's why when you say you're not hungry, I always say eat two bites and you don't have to eat anymore if you still don't want any."
"That makes sense! Its much nicer than back in Texas when I would stay with my Granma and Gramps. They had dumb rules." His nose scrunched up as he recalled the nights he just really didn't feel good, the very few times he got sick, and was forced to sit at the table for hours.
"Those rules are the worst." Lee agreed and pulled his little brother in for a hug. "There are some rules that are good though."
"Like what?"
"Rules you have to follow for us to take in your new friend."
Will's eyes sparkled with excitement as he listened to the rules carefully, curls bouncing as he nodded along. The small lecture ended in a sacred oath, even more sacred than a promise on the Styx, a pinkie promise.
Bear, as Will had named her - though no one knew why since she didn't look much like one, grew healthier each week. She gained more weight, especially when she realized she could get extra treats by going to multiple Cabin 7 kids. Her fur grew fluffier (giving her a bath had been Michael's job - the punishment for swearing around children.) which Will absolutely loved, because she cuddled with him at night.
She had almost gotten herself caught multiple times because she tried to follow Will out of the Cabin. (Lee was going to get gray hairs by the time he turned 20, though he'd be ancient then. He was sure of it.)
By the time Chiron did find out about Bear, Lee had gotten the other head counselors on his side if this came to a debate. Luckily, many of them liked Will and seeing him being a kid with a cat probably helped sway the tides, or maybe some God was looking out for them. Either way, Chiron agreed to let her stay since they had clearly taken care of her this long.
Will went to sleep that night holding Bear a little closer, while she simply curled up to the boy. In a few years, he would lose so much, and she would stay through some of the hardest moments in his life, but right now he was just a boy with his big siblings and their cat.
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willowisapillow · 11 months
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🧽 A Stupid Child’s Play AU I Came Up With 🧽
I usually don’t make AU’s, but this is an idea I had in mind 2 months ago back in August. I was re-watching the very first Child’s Play movie from 1988 and watched a few YouTube analysis videos of some of the characters, and some videos about the lore of the franchise, and an idea suddenly popped up in my mind while watching them…
“What if Chucky wasn’t a sociopathic serial killer trapped in a doll’s body?”
I was also heavily inspired by that one piece of Friday the 13th fanart where Jason is depicted as a fellow camp counselor at Camp Crystal Lake instead of the iconic slasher we all know and love. I thought it was super adorable and wholesome, and thought I could do the same for the Child’s Play series.
I haven’t exactly thought of why Chucky would still be sentient if he wasn’t possessed by anybody, but imma just say for now that voodoo magic happened lol
So while in my AU Chucky doesn’t murder anyone, he’s still an asshole, because, let’s be real, this wouldn’t be Chucky if he wasn’t a jerk 💀
He still lives with the Barclays, and the things that happen in my AU are basically kind of similar to that of a slice-of-life show, or a sitcom. It mostly consists of Chucky pissing off and bothering Andy’s mom, Karen (though she gets her payback in the end most of the time), coercing Andy into doing outlandish and wild stuff, or just them hanging out and bein’ buddies. Yup, unlike the movies, these two are actually friends till the end…well, at least to Andy. Chucky still sees the kid as a nuisance. 
Their friendship in my AU is a Spongebob and Squidward-type dynamic, Andy enjoys hanging out with ol’ Chuck and doing fun things with him such as playing video games, or even sneaking him into school sometimes, much to his chagrin. Chucky somewhat cares for him deep down, but he won’t say it to his face, because, again, this is Chucky we’re talking about lol
In a nutshell, my whole AU is just about a young boy and his magical talking foul-mouthed doll going on wacky adventures and doing funni shenanigans together. 
Fun for the whole family, coming soon to a theatre near you/j
Jk, but if there was a movie or TV show where Chucky and Andy were friends, I would definitely watch it :>
For the context of this image, Chucky made a bet with Andy on who can score the highest points in a video game, and whoever lost would be on dish duty for a whole week. Chucky came close to winning, but it was obvious that Andy had the upper hand, and now Chucky became the dish dog (or in this case, doll lmao) for the entire week. But don’t worry, he’ll get him back somehow.
🧽 🍽 🧼
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
hi friend! so excited for this exchange. could I request a kix x reader where the reader finds out about him going MIA from the stasis, already established relationship? thank you <3
{Come Home to Me}
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Program: Kix always keeps his promises to you, especially when he says he'll come home. Never once has he left you feeling uneasy about your relationship, yet something makes you hold onto him longer one morning when he needs to leave for deployment. Only for his ori'vod to return to your home with shattering news.
Pairing: Kix x GN! Reader, established relationship
Side Pairing: Rex & GN! Reader, platonic
Genre: Fluff -> Angst
Length: 998w (seeee? I can keep to a word limit hehe)
Warnings: Pet names (Cy'are & Cy'arika), Bye bye Kix, Probs not accurate to stasis arc but in my defense i haven't seen it yet
Counselor Notes: Requested by my lovely friend @ahsokastechie <3 So happy to do this lil fic swap with you. BUT ALSO THIS GIF OF HIM IS SO SOFT IM SOBBING AND YELLING INTO MY PILLOW.
Camp Resolute's Masterlist
Camper Tags: @staygoldwriting @wizardofrozz (cause ik you love our boy)
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A cool chill settles across your body as a warm glow begins to illuminate Courescant’s skyline. Gentle kisses trail across your cheekbone as wandering hands pull you closer into your lover’s chest. Your hands run across Kix’s bare chest, and a soft sigh falls from the man’s lips. His breath tickles your skin, and he presses his face into the crook of your neck.
“Don’t go,” you plead.
Kix’s heart shatters. His arms squeeze you tighter. Already awake for some time now, Kix wanted to spend his remaining hours hidden from the galaxy, tucked away at home with the love of his life. His breath shudders, and he rests his forehead on yours. “As long as I have a home to return to,” Kix says and looks softly into your eyes, “nothing will keep me away from you. There is never a moment I don’t search for comfort in a memory we have created together. We have a lifetime to foster our love and start our family. As long as my heart beats, it will beat for you”.
Meeting his golden gaze, you breath hitches. Mere moments from returning to war, Kix lays beside you with an adoring gaze as the sunrises outside the window behind him. You reach out to hold his cheek in one palm, and your heart swells as he leans into your gentle touch to then press a kiss to the inside of your wrist. Kix takes hold of your hand and keeps them connected above your hearts.
“You’ll always have a home with me, Kix,” you promise. “There’s only one person I imagine waking up beside every morning. One person who I dream of every night to keep me company even when we’re systems apart. Know that when you leave, you take my entire heart with you, because it belongs to no one else”.
Neither of you know who shed the first tear, but you take your hand from his to carefully wipe away the few he shares with you just as he reaches to do the same. Bodies and souls forever connected since the moment your gazes met. Anyone who witnesses your shared, tender love recognizes the two of you as soulmates. 
After a few more moments of peace, Kix finally braves what’s beyond his safe place. Pulling away from your embrace, Kix’s heart lurches as you continue to hold onto him. He presses a lingering kiss to your temple and eases your hands to hold onto his pillow. Kix leaves your shared bedroom, and he quickly runs through the shower. He takes the time to mentally prepare himself and shake off the uneasy feeling churning inside him as he uses your body wash to relax. 
It’s only what seems like seconds after he stepped out of bed that you pad quietly behind Kix to the apartment’s entryway. Your bodies find eachother once more as the two of you hug each other, neither wanting to be the first to pull away. Your well-loved sleep shirt catches on his well-worn blue armor as the pair of you sway.
“I’ll be back before you can even miss me,” Kix reassures you. He presses a soft kiss to your lips that’s followed by another. A few more quick kisses soon follow after that make you laugh.
When he grabs his helmet from the entry table and takes the step away towards the door, a cold wave of uncertainty washes over you. “I miss you,” you weakly laugh with tears threatening to fall.
Kix, with a similar expression, smiles sadly: “I’ll be home soon, cy’arika, and we’ll be able to celebrate our anniversary”.
“I’ll count down the days, love. Stay safe and come home, Kix”. 
“I promise”.
As the door slides shut, you wrap your arms around yourself unable to shake off the sinking feeling overcoming you.
Nothing out of the ordinary stopped you from entering or exiting through that door in the cycles to come. You went about your life the best you could, even with the gnawing unease. Friends came and went to hang out nights in. Family popped in and out to check in with you. 
Until the day you open the door, ready to go shopping to prepare for your anniversary, and you nearly run into Captain Rex who stands with his bucket securely at his side with his hand ready to knock.
Everything stands still as you stare at your boyfriend’s commanding officer. The air wraps around you in a thick blanket, and your knees wobble. “He’s not dead,” you seethe. Yet, you weren’t angry. How could you be angry at the man who looks at you with an understanding expression.
Rex’s heart breaks while he watches you bravely face what you thought was your worst fear. He presses his lips in a firm line and thinks of what to tell you. Orders came through to share what would be easiest to hear. Even the general is concerned about how the 501st’s sweetheart would handle the news, and he thought it better to give closure. Standing before you and bearing witness to a side only shared with his brother, Rex steps towards you and rests his helmet on the entry table. 
“We don’t know,” Rex softly admits. 
“You have lists,” you quickly deflect, “of every fallen brother. Kix will not become just a name on some casualty count. He won't become another number. He’s coming home”. Your voice shakes as you try to hold onto reality. 
Rex shuts his eyes tight for a moment, “Kix has gone missing in action, cy’are”.
When he opens his eyes, Rex witnesses you break before him. He quickly takes you into his arms and holds you close as you beat your fist down on his faded, blue armor. Your sobs drown Rex’s soft condolences and promises to do whatever he can to support you.
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kayoticmusings · 3 months
𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝒹𝒹𝓁𝑒 ♡𝒻 𝒿𝓊𝓃𝑒…
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hey, roleplayers—it's summertime, and i have a little time for a few new discord plots! some basics about me: 30+, us based, highly experienced writer and roleplayer. i try to be as communicative as possible, and i like when i can find partners who can do the same; whether it be about chatting on how we see the thread going, or giving a heads-up before prolonged absences - communication makes for the best writing experience imo. 𝔂𝓮𝓼 𝓹𝓵𝓼: -•» collaborative and active plotting before and during diving into some fun -plots, regular sharing of headcanons, inspo, playlists, and all that fun stuff. -•» semi-consistent activity (this does not mean daily or even weekly activity, just a general standard expectation range.) -•» mumus!! -•» well-plotted dynamics with a good heaping of smut (for ships, specifically) that adds to the plot instead of becoming the sole purpose. 𝓷𝓸 𝓹𝓵𝓼: -•» muns or muses under 20 years old - sorry! -•» lack of engagement in plotting, complete radio silence ooc, ghosting after deciding on a plot -•» rudeness ooc -•» mary sues/gary stus + overly self-insert plots 𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓮𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓼: pls check out my rules, wanted opposites etc, but there will be some things under the read more as well! just know i will ask a lot of clarifying questions on the regular, and it is less that i'm not understanding you, and more so that i want to make sure we are both on the same page! before exchanging discords i would like to see a writing sample (either on your blog or from somewhere else) just to make sure we are compatible before making a server and all that! if interested, feel free to message me directly or ♡ this post, but please have a specific idea (from listed or your own) in mind! 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓸𝔀 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓯𝓲𝓬 𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓭𝔂𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓬𝓼!
first and foremost, i'm not strictly looking for ships! while i would like a primary ship or two (love a good mumu) i also adore friend dynamics, family dynamics, and all that shit
environmentalist who regularly gets arrested x their public defender
terrible rich people and the chaos they cause in their inner lives (really would prioritize a mumu here) with a quick example being s.uccession
small town where everyone knows each other + add on some sort of event or trial in which some characters get to see new sides of each other (loosely panic (2021)) inspired) + can easily add southern gothic themes here
hot summer gothic summer vibes! especially with a newcomer in town
university plots (especially any rival dynamics in these settings)
camp counselors (all college-aged and up)
spooky stuff! (hauntings, true crime, paranormal cults)
supernatural SOL •» vampires (vibe wise: blade, trueblood, interview with a vampire) •» witches (not hp related, but definitely darker magical elements) •» fae (with borrowed lore from pagan stuff +the author h.olly b.lack)
on again/off again toxic couple dynamics (bonus points for reality tv vibes)
bright young (inexperienced) political newcomer x jaded grumpy experienced city councilperson [possibly some p.arks & recs vibes]
teachers that have been flirting all year and happen to see each other around during the summertime at a local dive bar (think abbott elementary)
teacher x adult brother/uncle of a student 1x1 meeting that develops into mutual interest
criminal + police chief's daughter (no actual cop characters as direct roleplayable characters tho <3)
crime plots! security guard x rich patron, dealer x opposing dealer, factions with a faction trying to usurp each other - truly endless ideas here
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maxiemumdamage · 1 year
Honestly, the new Helluva Boss episode was…not terrible, but I think had some misplaced priorities. Both in the characters and production-wise.
My big edit is that the A and B plots should’ve been flipped. I would’ve way rather had this serve as a big jumpstart to the no doubt long-standing conflict between Blizø and Barbie Wire. They didn’t even need to show what their big fight and split was all about — just some flashbacks to their closeness as kids, some stuff from the circus, and ideally a bit of an idea how Blitzø’s visits while Barbie was in rehab usually went.
So, yeah, that’s the big thing. Barbie and Blitz was the more interesting conflict with more narrative importance and should’ve been treated as such this episode.
The other big problem…for an episode that supposedly focused on Millie, it felt like way too much time was spent on Moxxie’s self pity and self consciousness. Obviously those problems have always been there for him and won’t disappear entirely overnight, but this was such a juvenile kind of frustration and jealousy that it felt pointless. Not to mention we have had that storyline before.
I think a much better approach would’ve been if Moxxie was seriously investigating the murder, and maybe getting way too into it and dramatizing it. Like, even with a clear suspect, Moxxie with his love of drama and theater might assume that Jimmy was being set up as a scape goat and keep looking for another suspect, or else try to also find a motive and any accomplices (which, also a neater way to tie Barbie back into that plot!).
Point being, don’t make Moxxie so obsessed with the approval of a bunch of teenagers and so butthurt that his wife is getting attention instead. If the goal is an M&M relationship conflict, that could’ve been done instead by having Millie frustrated that Moxxie drags out their mission for his own drama, or Moxxie feeling like Millie might blow their cover. Heck, why not have Moxxie be panicking over the viral attention Millie gets, since he and Blitzo got taken hostage/arrested by the government goons in season 1?
That’s a valid reason for him to not like that Millie is getting so much attention, in addition to the investigation maybe going awry. He’s worried that she’s gonna get them caught, this time by a government that’s better prepared to fight demons.
Millie’s part of the story I think mostly works fine. It could’ve used some more elaboration as to why she cares so much about getting positive attention — she felt like her family wasn’t satisfied with her current career? Competed for attention with many siblings and a busy farm all her childhood? There was also room for something compelling with how she liked being adored instead of feared, since we saw in the Harvest Moon Festival that she’s kinda shunned in her hometown for being so violent.
It’s just that Millie always has been self assured and confident, so the sudden need for validation felt out of left field. But overall it was a valid plot line and it worked as it was. I just think the AestheticsTM of the summer camp movie musical got way more emphasis than the actual plot of the show.
So, yeah. In this case it was some good ideas that were just sloppily executed. Far from my favorite episode, but I did still enjoy it — the new character designs (the dead camp counselor, Barbie in her demon and human forms, “Millerd and Moxxine”) were honestly good enough to forgive plenty of the plot boo boos.
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uncleshits · 3 years
how was your camp set up? i'm loving your addition to our camp collab but am just now remembering that not every camp does stuff the way mine does haha
ours does it where all counselors are cabin&activity staff, so like I did rock climbing And was in the cabin. our trips staff don't count as cabin coverage bc they're usually out on trips
& we do activities in 5 block periods, so you have A&B in the morning, adventure period (C) after lunch/rest hour, & then D&E
and then evening activity changed every day, & Sat/Sun were special/relax days
Ok I'm highkey exposing myself as a fraud here bc I havent been to camp since like 6th grade so I barely remember it, but basically each cabin had 3 counselors, and our cabin got split into 2 groups and during activities and stuff we would join one of our groups with another group from a different cabin. Bc I guess they wanted us to meet lots of other kids? And occasionally one of the counselors had to go help out with an activity if they were short-staffed on Crew (like my last year my favorite counselor had to help out with the ropes course like 5 of the 7 days I was there)
And there were also about a dozen "Head Counselors" who were in charge of each activity and making sure everything ran smoothly but they didn't have their own cabins so they usually set up for events or helped out Crew
And for activities and stuff we usually had 2-3 set activities that we would do with our groups during the morning and early afternoon, then some quiet time in our cabin, then either another set activity or "free time" where we could pick what we wanted to do, dinner, then we had one big whole-camp activity, then Bonfire and lights out.
Sunday was usually just settling in, and get to know you games with your cabin then Bonfire, and Saturday was packing up and heading home!
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threspressodepresso · 2 years
Okay okay so-
This is my first time writing this and I only know common slashers like Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer etc... I might even made them a little ooc but I would still try to do my best. This might be cringe and stupid so.. Ye-
Summary: Slashers and Gn!Reader but instead, they swapped places. Basically the Slashers are normal peeps and the Reader is some kind of sick mfker who kills or have some unhealthy shits
Tw: cannibalism, murders, possibly possessive behavior, unhealthy shets
Michael Myers -
• he's probably some college student or whatever but he'll be living normally in Haddonfield if his family wasn't shitty
• and you're basically in the role of being The Shape in Haddonfield
• you stalked Michael ofc
• you were supposed to kill him but you still let him go, and you somehow developed something obsessive with him
• he's a normal person now. Of course, he'll be anxious and scared with you sometimes. But then things go by he unconditionally falls in love with you
• and ye, you're stoic and emotionless, especially wearing the mask(you're a shorter person wearing og Michael Myer's mask while wearing a High School uniform with your jacket). But he still can see your love for him with your little body language
• of course, you do love him, it's just you're too inexpressive.
• when you finally take off your mask for him. You're unbelievably beautiful and it just makes Michael fall more deeply in love with you.
• you know Michael can defend himself sometimes but still, if anyone dares to mess with him you just straight appeared standing behind those jerks and then *stab* *stab*
• you don't sleep, but there was one time you tried to cuddle with Michael and you did have a little nap in his arms. But soon when he wakes up you're out for a killing spree already
• bonus: you're abnormally stronger than him
Jason Voorhees -
• you're the one who's in the role of clearing some mfkers who dare to trespass into the Crystal Lake Camp
• there was another bunch of counselor steps into the Crystal Lake Camp. Boi as you thought it was another casual day of cleaning those bitches off your lake. There's a shy yet surprisingly buff boi who wears a bag over his head
• and your frustrations grew more when you sees the others treats the boy harshly, gossiping and make fun of him behind his back
• and you killed them all, expect the boy.
• he was more bigger and bigger than you. But of course a normal person would still get paralyzed by fear whenever they encountered someone killed someone in their eyes
• you spare the boy and you were trying to calm him down. But he ended up panicked more when you reaches your hand out to him
• you took the bag off his head, you saw his deformed figure and his teary fear-filled eyes. Instead of being disgusted, you fall in love with him instead so you decided to keep him a while
• He was a shy yet surprisingly gentle and soft boi. Which you grew protective with him more and you snapped someone's neck if they dare to touch him
• And of course you wears a mask too, and you were beautiful as always compared to Jason's deformed face. Which he would grew insecure sometimes and then there's you who gave him bunch of affectionate physical touches like hugs and cuddles as a form of telling and signing to him that he's beautiful in every way in your eyes
• and he's also someone who loves nature, you two would walk around the forest in the Crystal Lake Camp together while also have some adorable interactions with small animals like squirrel and rabbits. But you're more into bears
• Jason would mostly stays in your cabin a lot when you're hunting. And then when you're back despite you're bloody. Jason is still willing to relaxed your tired body with his cuddles after a killing spree at the Crystal Lake Camp with the trespassers.
Brahms Heelshire -
• if his parents was not shitty af and gives him an actually good and normal childhood then I think he'll be someone who's shy but also seeks for some time to spend with some people
• so he was hired by your older brother who's shitty like og Brahms' parents
• first he was kinda confused when he sees that he had to take care of a doll with 10 rules. But he still do all the chores and didn't do anything against the rules
• he was kinda lonely especially after his parents passed away and he has to depends on himself now. He treats the doll as a real person, and little do he know the real 'Y/n' was watching him all alone
• at first when he heard your child-like noises or seeing his things being gone, he thought it was a ghost
• and Greta had replaced Malcolm to be the one who gives groceries to Brahms. And you would grew jealousy towards Greta and you would make a small ruckus around the mansion
• and he discovered you when he heard noises in the middle of the night. He was tired already but still follows the noise to the kitchen and then he saw you, who's dirty af and you also wears a porcelain mask on your faces with your arms filled with the snacks you were trying to stole from the refrigerator
• Brahms panicked and almost run as if he thought you're an intruder. But you managed to stop him from running away. And soon he knew that you, 'Y/n' was alive all alone. And it kinda creeps him up when he know the fact you were watching him doing everything when you're in the wall
• but since he's very lonely, so did you. You two actually gets attached to each other for a while.
• when he bathed you while washing your hair with you playing on the squeaky duck toy. And since you're bathing, you have your mask off(and you actually throw a tantrum when Brahms tried to take your mask off) despite your burn mark, you're beautiful in his eyes. And he's also handsome too in your eyes.
• and of course you're in Brahms' roles now, you're kinda bratty sometimes and gets jealous easily. Even if he interacts with a little bird that flies around the window, he would ended up seeing a bird corpse in his room
• and you would always throw a huge tantrum whenever Greta comes to give Brahms the groceries. But after that Brahms will give you the cuddles and affections to calms you down, convincing you that he would never leaves you
• if an intruder broke into the mansion to steal some things and even HURT Brahms. Boi they crossed the line. You ended up beating the intruder to death as you punches their faces repeatedly until they're piles of meat.
• and yes, you're also have abnormal strength
• but you would also try to learn whenever you notices that you made Brahms uncomfortable. You tried to reduced your possessive behavior for him.
• but it doesn't matter, you both still loves each other a lot
Bubba Sawyer -
• In his normal AU, his name was supposed to be a little nornal like Bob Sawyer. 'Bubba' will be most likely his nickname
• You are in between the roles of Drayton and Bubba. You're the bait and also the butcher of your victims
• You met Bubba when him, his family and some other strangers who has their wheel blew because of the heat in Texas. You killed the unimportant strangers expect the Sawyer family
• you had opened a Gas Station and you were the boss of it. So you had actually interacted with the Sawyers before and you get a little attached to the youngest, Bob Sawyer, but you prefer to call him with his nickname 'Bubba'.
• you spare the Sawyer family. Not only because for Bubba, you're someone who were alone since childhood so you actually desires for interacting with a family
• since you have abnormal strength and speed especially when you have your hands on chainsaw. Drayton, for the safety of his younger brothers he accepted to stay in your house.
• you're a cannibal of course. But you wouldn't force the Sawyer brothers to be cannibalism with you. You would also get some animals like rabbits or deers while hunting down some victims.
• Bubba was so TERRIFIED of you at first. He was almost at the urge of crying whenever you try to going near him. Which somehow caused you a lot of headaches whenever you tried to interact with him.
• they're normal peeps now, of course the Sawyer brothers would try to escape in the first place. But they ended up gets caught by you and then casually picks them up and walks back to your house despite them struggling to get out of your grip
• there was one time Bubba tried to escape and then he ended up stepping on a bear trap. Boi your heart almost sinks when you heard his terrified and pained squeaks and whimpers.
• you opens the bear trap off his ankles easily and then you carries him in a bridal style and takes him back to your house.
• his brothers were worried and almost close to attacking you when they sees Bubba hurts. But Bubba managed to explain to them that he just accidentally steps on a bear trap.
• you're surprisingly gentle and good when cleaning his wounds. Bubba could also take a closer look at your beautiful face
• so Bubba has finally decided to give you a chance. Even him and his family would still be anxious living in your house. But after a while they can see that you're no more harm to them
• Bubba actually felt bad when he finally knew that you just wanted to fit into a family. Even though the Sawyers was unsure, they still stay in your family. Plus they know that you might get frustrated and snapped one day if they keep trying to escape from you
• you would still try to change the habit of being cannibalism. But boi you can't, the animal fleshes feels weird when you're chewing them in your mouth. So you immediately give up and continues to being a cannibal
• but of course you would tell the Sawyers to stay in their room while you took care of the victims
• and sometimes you would drop yourself into Bubba's chubby form if you're very tired from all the work. Even though you're bloody, Bubba would still try to make you comfortable while he was horrified at the same time when the blood stained on him
• and don't worry you helped him to clean up after that.
This is actually stupid like wtf, what am I even writing I felt like writing shits now. This is stupid and cringe please criticizes me.
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winterfireice · 2 years
Jwcc ending spoilers
That ending was perfect (except for bens eyes but whatever we’ll at the moment)
(I don’t really care about dauris brother really I know some people do but I wasn’t so he won’t be mentioned a lot)
That moment where the nublar 6 see the rest of there camp fam (plus Brandon) and they all hug them was so adorable and I actually liked it better than there reunion with there family’s (probably because I know Dave and Roxy and may) I think my favorite of the them was yaz,Sammy and Roxy but I may be bias. The three of them just looked so happy and all of their reactions really show how much all the kids appreciated the adults caring about them (they deserve more but I digress) and for Roxy a woman who didn’t show a lot of emotion and was the stricter counselor you can see how much she cares about the kids. I loved that dave was not going to settle for a fist numb from kenji and went in for a full hug. And may, Brooklyn and Ben was also adorable I just don’t have much to talk about it. Dauirs was so happy to see his brother and I was so happy for him.
Time jumó
Love that kenji is now dauris brother, dauris is an internet star that talks about dinosaurs and his experience with them, Brooklyn cut her hair and is working as some kind of detective also that her and kenji are still together even what I assume is long distance, yaz and Sammy are still together and spending time at Sammy’s farm (and that Sammy’s farm is still supplying the meat for the island) Ben still gose back to the island and that they now have a secret island that may works at that kenji pays for (I had a head canon for that and I was exactly right but I was pretty close) bumpy is still thriving along with Pierce, Daniel kon is in prison cash is dead all is well (well except for the dinosaurs not on islands that’s not good)
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jonkentt · 2 years
I seem good on the surface
When Sam came home in the spring, he did everything he was supposed to: made a routine, spent time with loved ones, kept himself busy, and didn’t talk about it. Now it’s the end of summer, and Sam’s afraid he lost himself somewhere along the way.
3k, emotional hurt/comfort, no-powers AU, summer camp, childhood friends to lovers
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on Ao3 for @yammz​
“Uncle Sam!!!” Even from across the field, the perturbed pitch of Cass’ voice is clear. “Bucky’s being weird!”
Cass drags Bucky by the hand towards the staff cabin where Sam is sitting on the low porch, watching the sky change color. As exhausted as he is, Sam still laughs when Bucky trips over his own feet trying to keep up with Cass’ short but determined strides. Some of Bucky’s dark hair falls from his bun and he tries to blow it out of his face when Cass finally halts them in front of Sam.
“Weirder than usual?”
Bucky makes an offended sound but Cass ignores him, launching into his bad-camper-Bucky report despite Bucky being the camp counselor.
“I asked him why he put cages around the trees we planted today, and he said because he didn’t want them to escape.” Cass scowls at Bucky before turning back to Sam. “And then he said they might sneak into the cabin and steal my socks while we’re all sleeping. I told him that was stupid cause trees don’t wear socks and he said—”
Sam glances up at Bucky, who’s already grinning at Sam and chewing on his lip to keep from laughing. His hair still hangs in his face tickling his nose.
“—they would if they knew how groovy my tie-dye socks were.”
Apparently that’s the end of Cass’ report.
“I see,” Sam says, making his ‘stern uncle’ face. “And you want me too…”
“Tell Bucky not to steal my socks,” Cass demands. He lets go of Bucky’s hand to cross his skinny arms and stick his chin out. “Stealing is against camp rules! And if my socks go missing, I’ll know it was him cause he’s making that stuff up about the trees.”
Sam hums and frowns at Bucky, who offers a sheepish smile, tucking his hair behind his ears. The little butterflies in Sam’s stomach remind him how adorable Bucky looks right now. Sam turns back to his nephew.
“Alright, I’ll talk to him.”
Cass is already running toward his friends as Bucky sits on the weathered deck beside Sam.
“It’s lights out soon, kiddo!” Sam calls. Cass throws an ‘okay!’ over his shoulder. Bucky laughs and shakes his head.
“Kids these days.”
Sam snorts. “Ah, he can’t help it. He’s got no-nonsense parents.”
“So I shouldn’t hang his socks from the trees tonight?”
Bucky laughs at Sam’s elbow digging into his ribs. “Okay, okay!” he concedes. “Out of respect for your reputation as Cass’ badass uncle.”
“Sure,” Sam mumbles. 
“That kid adores you! It’s Uncle Sam this and Uncle Sam that. You’re all he talks about when he’s not telling me off for something.”
“Really? I thought…”
He wouldn’t recognize me when I came back. He wouldn’t think of me as family.
Sam was terrified that morning he arrived on Sarah’s doorstep, convinced he’d made a huge mistake not telling anyone he was coming home. He didn’t know if Sarah would forgive him for all the years he was gone. For not calling as much as he should have. For not meeting her new babies. Sam broke out in a cold sweat waiting for someone to answer the door. He almost turned back. But then his little sister was there, not little at all anymore, and her brown eyes were wide with shock. Sarah had a toddler balanced on her hip, AJ was asleep and drooling on her shoulder. Sam remembered thinking the pair were so beautiful, that Sarah reminded him so much of their mother, and felt his cheeks wet with tears before he’d even said hello.
You’re home? Sarah had asked like she couldn’t believe it.
Yeah, Sarah, I’m— and Sarah pulled Sam into a crushing hug. She cried all that day.
I just missed you so much, she would say every time Sam caught her eye. She talked about Cass’ science projects and how he was so excited to be a big brother for little AJ. And Sam was so glad he’d come home.
Now, in the warm summer twilight, Bucky has a softness in his eyes like he knows what Sam is thinking.
“He missed you.”
“He didn’t know me…”
Bucky hums like he doesn’t quite agree. “But Sarah missed you. So Cass did too.”
Sam’s chest tightens. He doesn’t know what to say, but Bucky doesn’t seem to mind. They both look out across the open field where the whole camp plays games each afternoon. Off to their right are the cabins, kids skittering from one to another. Ahead is the river, wide and glittering. Frogs are starting up their evening chorus all around them.
Sam takes a sip from his mug. Bucky leans closer and sniffs.
“Is that?”
“My dad’s cocoa mix? Yeah. I found a stash in the staff room.”
Bucky grins from ear to ear.
“You’re the only person I know, Sam Wilson, who will drink hot chocolate on a humid summer’s day.”
Sam raises his mug. “There’s no better cure for heartache.”
Sam regrets his choice of words immediately, seeing the smile slip off Bucky’s face. Bucky opens his mouth to reply but Sam clears his throat.
“There’s a secret ingredient to it,” Sam says quickly. “If my dad is to be believed. He used to make up all kinds of stories about where he got it.” Sam half-laughs and fixes his gaze on the lazy river in the distance. “Dad used to pretend he was a sailor that went on grand adventures instead’a just fishin’ in the local spot like everyone else. He’d come home and say he fought a pirate that day, one with a real talking parrot. Or that he found a chest buried on the beach, or a secret cave.”
Sam rubs his thumb over the still-warm ceramic of his mug.
“He loved chocolate. My dad. And he tried to pass that love to me but the cocoa was the only thing that stuck. He made it when I was unhappy. And he’d tell a story every time.” Sam recalls his memories like old photographs, worn and creased from travel. Bucky listens silently beside him. “Like, he met a woman who could talk to birds, and the seagulls gathered cocoa nibs that she traded for fish to eat. Or he won a game of dice against a man in a huge feathered hat.
“Sometimes the stories would get real bizarre. And by the time he was done tellin’ em I’d usually forgotten what had made me upset.”
Sam offers Bucky a smile that he returns warmly.
“He told one about an archeologist with gorilla arms,” Bucky muses. “She was a witch? Or maybe she got the gorilla arms from a witch?”
Sam and Bucky both laugh. Bucky scratches at the stubble on his chin.
“Yeah, your dad told stories at camp sometimes. You remember? When Sarah was too little to stay overnight, he’d come to get her and end up having every kid in the camp sitting around his feet listening to some tall tale or other. I guess he was probably giving those poor counselors a break from us for a while.”
“Yeah, I remember.” Sam grins at Bucky. “But I’m surprised you do. You were always convincing me to sneak around and cause trouble.”
Bucky gawks. “I was not! You and Steve were the trouble-makers but I always got blamed somehow.”
“Uh-huh, sure.”
Sam bumps Bucky’s shoulder with his. Bucky grins and bumps him back. They go back and forth, knocking shoulders, recounting the trouble they got into as kids and who started what. 
Bucky throws his head back and laughs. Sam wishes he felt as light as Bucky’s laughter. Then Bucky rests his head on Sam’s shoulder, and Sam is dealing with those pesky butterflies again.
“I’m glad you’re back,” Bucky murmurs.
“You’ve said that to me every day, Buck.”
“Yeah, well, it’s true.”
Bucky slips his hand into Sam’s. They lapse into silence. Sam’s eyes brim with tears that drip silently down his cheeks till he inhales a shaky breath.
“Sam?” Bucky looks up as Sam quickly wipes his face on his shirtsleeve. “Did I upset you?”
Sam can only shake his head. His throat is too full of emotion to let any words out. The harder he tries to tamp it down, the more the tears run, and Sam doesn’t look at Bucky cause he knows those gentle eyes will open the floodgates of everything Sam keeps trying not to think about. Bucky squeezes his hand and rests his head on Sam’s shoulder again, pressing against his side in an almost-hug. Sam grips Bucky’s hand so tight it probably hurts. He’s grateful for Bucky’s weight leaning on him. He’s grateful Bucky doesn’t ask as he shakes apart, trying so hard and failing to hide his pain.
Where did Sam go wrong? Was it in the leaving or the coming back? Or worse, was it always out of his control? Could he re-make every right choice and still end up feeling this way? Lost when he’s at home. Lonely when he’s not alone. It tears Sam up inside, feeling this way, afraid he’s not the Sam everyone remembers.
Sam inhales and counts to four, holds his breath for four. He exhales, one two three four, and holds, one two three four, inhales again. He slowly starts to settle. Only when Sam’s breathing steadily again does Bucky move from his shoulder.
“I gotta check on the kids for lights out,” Bucky says, reluctantly letting go of Sam’s hand. “But I’ll be right back.” Bucky leaves with a kiss on the top of Sam’s head. Such a soft comfort, it threatens to send Sam into tears again. Inhale, one two three four, hold, exhale.
“I got it tomorrow!” Sam calls after him. Bucky answers with a thumbs up and bright smile that Sam doesn’t feel he deserves after ruining Bucky’s perfectly good day. This stupid ache in his whole body that won’t go away. No matter how hard Sam pushes himself, no matter how many days he sleeps through, either way the ache doesn’t let up.
Sam’s so tired. He didn’t think that coming home would be all rainbows, but he thought it’d be a little better than this.
Sam tucks his empty mug under the porch steps and stands, stretching his arms high above his head. He waves at the other counselors coming towards their cabin as he walks out into the field. Sam lays back on the dry grass. He looks up at the open sky and stars.
The sights, sounds, and smells of home surround Sam like a blanket. Cricket chirps mix with laughter from the staff cabin behind him. The humidity sinks into his skin. Sweet cocoa lingers on his tongue.
Bucky collapses next to Sam with a ‘oof’.
“These kids wear you out, old man?” Sam teases.
“Oh, my bones,” Bucky laments with feeling.
Heat rolls off Bucky where he’s settled close to Sam, maybe too close for the hot summer but Sam doesn’t mind. It’s nice to know that Bucky still has no concept of personal space when it comes to Sam, that he treats Sam the same even after years apart. Sam used to tell Bucky everything. Maybe he can get back in the habit of that.
“It’s just— I don’t—” Sam starts and stops. Bucky waits. “It’s been five months and I still don’t know who I brought back. I feel like a different person, walking around my home town, and it’s almost weird when people recognize me. 
“I always knew who I was here. I was Paul and Darlene’s son. I was Sarah’s big brother. In the Air Force, nobody knew who my family was. They just cared was I fast enough, was I strong enough? Did I play nice with others? Now I’m home, my parents are gone, Sarah’s all grown up. I strolled back into her life like I have any right to it. And she leaves me alone with her kids—”
Sam chokes on the tears bubbling up in his throat. Sam sits up and pulls his knees to his chest. His body shakes with the effort of holding itself together. 
“I don’t know why she’s not treating me like a stranger! I don’t know why you’re not treating me like a stranger! I don’t know what anybody expects from me and I—!” Sam gestures helplessly. “Ya’ll are so happy I’m back, and I’m just waiting to disappoint you.”
Bucky’s hand settling on Sam’s back. His quiet plea that Sam doesn’t want to hear. “You’re not gonna disappoint us, Sam…”
“I will though!” Sam snaps too loud. “I knew exactly what the Air Force wanted from me and I still disappointed them! I—” I lost my partner and I couldn’t keep going without him. They had to shut down their super secret project cause I couldn’t do it anymore. And I couldn’t let Riley be replaced.
But Sam can’t say that. He can’t say any of it. The EXO-7 Falcon project was his whole life for the past few years, and he’s not allowed to talk about it.
Sam scowls and turns away from Bucky, his face hot with shame. Sam left even though no one wanted him to. He left and came back with nothing to show for it except a broken heart he can’t explain and stories he can’t tell.
Bucky’s hand is big and warm. Sam has the impulse to shrug it off but he doesn’t let himself push away the one person he can open up to.
“Sam…” Bucky’s voice is rough like he’s been crying too. “Sam, look at me.”
When Sam doesn’t move, Bucky sighs and drifts forward till his forehead is pressed to Sam’s back.
“I know what it’s like, feelin’ like everyone expects something from you. But, Sam, the people that love you… we’re just happy you’re here. Living, breathing, moving through Delacroix. And if you feel like you don’t know who you are? We’ll be here while you figure it out. Cause you’re Sam and that means you’re someone we love so much. And… whoever else you wanna be is up to you but it isn’t gonna change how loved you are.”
Sam lets that soak in. The way Bucky’s words fill up Sam’s heart, make the ache less intense there. Sam feels like he’s steeping in a hot kettle that’s maybe starting to cool, just a little, just enough. He sits with it for a long time.
Someone we love. Sam can be that. He can be loved, right? He just has to remember how. And maybe he doesn’t have to remember on his own.
“This is your home, Sam. You’ll never be a stranger here.”
And that. That hits the spot. Like the most perfect cup of cocoa.
Sam turns and lets himself sink into Bucky’s chest. Sam can have this. He can have people that will always love him.
Sam stops thinking. He stops giving voice to his grief and guilt for just a minute. Just this one minute he’s taking for himself. To bury his face in Bucky’s sweaty shirt and to feel the grass poking his bare legs.
One minute turns to two, then four, then stretches on. Sam starts thinking again, but that’s okay. He’s thinking about what crafts he’ll do with the kids tomorrow. It’s nice to think about tomorrow.
“You have really comfy shoulders, you know that?” Bucky says.
“All this extra muscle mass,” Bucky explains, squeezing Sam’s pec. “Makes you soft and squishy.”
Sam gapes. Bucky’s cheeks drain of color.
“Was that inappropriate?” Bucky asks with a grimace. And Sam laughs.
He laughs and laughs. Bucky’s face goes from horrified to embarrassed to hesitantly amused. Sam laughs through Bucky’s stuttered apology. He topples back onto the grass and laughs till the tight coil of stress inside of him finally shakes loose. Sam opens his eyes to find Bucky peering down at him with a grin that Sam might know better than his own name.
“You haven’t changed one bit!” Sam tugs on a piece of Bucky’s hair that’d fallen into his face. Bucky shakes his head, loosing most of his hair from his bun and looking like a frazzled muppet. Sam tucks some of it behind Bucky’s ear. “I swear I came back,” Sam murmurs, “and everything was different but you.
“Watching Sarah be a mom was so surreal. And then I saw you at the restaurant that weekend. You stood up so fast you knocked your table over and made an absolute mess. And as that look of horror settled on your face, I thought, yeah I’ve come home.” Sam runs his thumb across Bucky’s jaw. “You’re exactly the same.”
Bucky blushes deep pink. “I think most people could tell you that I’m less of a klutz now.” Sam only has to raises his eyebrows for Bucky to admit, “Except around you.”
Sam grins. Bucky groans in embarrassment and hides his face on Sam’s chest. Sam tangles his fingers in Bucky’s soft hair. Bucky flips over to lay on his back and kisses Sam’s palm. They lay there, looking up at the stars, Sam tracing the curve of Bucky’s ear.
“This weekend,” Bucky starts carefully, “is a holiday. We don’t have work.” Sam hums. “I thought maybe we… if maybe you wanted to hang out? We could split a pizza or…”
“Not the most romantic dinner you could have chosen but yeah, I’d get a pizza with you, Buck.”
“It—it doesn’t have to be romantic,” Bucky stammers, propping himself on his elbow to look at Sam with wide eyes. “I mean it—this doesn’t have to be a date. It could just be pizza.”
And Sam knows it could just be pizza. Bucky, his best friend, who’s had a crush on him since they were teenagers. It took Sam years to see it and then he couldn’t unsee it, but he didn’t know what to do with it. Back then, Sam knew he was leaving, knew he had to get out of Louisiana for awhile and didn’t want to break Bucky’s heart. But now that he’s home…
“What if I want it to be a date?”
Bucky opens and closes his mouth. He stares. He whispers, “Are you sure?”
Sam heaves a deep sigh. “I’m not sure about a lot of things right now, Buck. I’m not sure about most things. But I’ve liked you for a really long time and, yeah, I am sure about this one.”
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years
Lil Chaca headcanons and aesthetics;
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Summary; headcanons and aesthetics for the couple Li Shang jr and Chaca. Requested by @eahravinqueen .
Chaca's like a lil sister to Kuzco.
This means that when Chaca and Li'l Shang get together, Kuzco is all like 'Li'l Shang ya better treat my sis right fams'.
Mulan loves Chaca.
Lonnie does too.
Who am I kidding, everyone is Li'l Shang's family adores Chaca.
Chaca is 3 years older than Li'l Shang.
She use to help him babysit his sister and cousin.
He helped her baby sit her youngest brother.
They are friends with eachother's siblings.
Pacha is understanding when they get together and likes LS.
Though he is obviously sometimes a strict dad but not much.
Chica spoils him and makes his fave food for him lols.
She legit is like 'perfect son in law material'.
They met through Chaca's brother, Tipo, who is one of Li Shang jr/Li'l Shang/Ls's bestfriends.
Tipo was not happy with their relationship at first but slowly got over it.
He is still a bit jealous when they hang out though.
He is a protective middle sibling lol.
Yupi on the other hand has adored Ls from the very beginning and supported their relationship with no hesitation.
All 4 of them (and Lonnie and Yi-min) were apart of the Junior Chipmunks as kids. All of them were in Kronk's troops.
Kronk is a huge fan of Li Shang Jr.
He makes him spinach puffs often.
Li Shang Jr loves his cooking. More so than Chica's. Not that he'd ever tell either of them that.
They like playing games and jump-roping.
They also like hiking, going on picnics, bumper cars, go-karting, and laser tag.
They are a very competitive and athletic but sweet couple.
Animals and kids adore them.
Which is why they are go to babysitters when Chip, Zephyr, Sofia, and Melody are busy.
They both love trying and doing new things together.
Chaca gets along with Li Shang Jr's friends and vice versa, even if they don't always agree with one another.
When one of them is sick, the other will read to them or set up a movie date inside.
They are both cheesey romantics and awkward at the same time.
Once a month they have video game competitions. They usually end up tied.
Chaca usually brings Li Shang Jr lunch while he's at work.
Chaca is a camp counselor during the summer.
LS calls her Cha and other things like; '心肝 (XĪNGĀN). “心肝” literally means “heart and liver.” While that might sound a bit too bloody for Westerners, the term is used to recognize the most important person, without whom you cannot live without (just like how you can’t live without your heart or liver. The English term “my heart and soul” might come close to the intense meaning of “心肝.” Overall, recognize that “心肝” is a very strong term of endearment, to be reserved only for those who are extremely precious to you.'
Chaca gets along most with great grandma Fa and Mushu much to everyone's horror.
Chaca is one of the few people who is allowed to call Li Shang Jr by his birth name because he likes the way she says it.
She also calls him by his nicknames but it is rare for her to do so.
Once at a carnival, they both won eachother prizes. Chaca won Li Shang Jr a stuffed Mushu and he won her a stuffed Llama.
They both still have the stuffed animals.
Kuzco and Mushu were not amused at all and still aren't to this day. Everyone else, on the other hand....
During the school year, Chaca is a kindergarten teaching assistant.
Chaca was in a lot of clubs when they were in highschool. Some sports, some baking, some activists ones.
Li Shang Jr wad the same but mainly with sports and science ones.
They both went to eachother's competitions as much as humanly possible.
They are both straight A students who try to stay out of trouble.
Chaca succeeds more than Li Shang Jr when it comes to that though.
Chaca is a smooth talker and can out talk anyone while Li Shang Jr is less so good at that do to how easily embarrassed he can be.
They both make eachother's favorites and plan fun dates whenever they can.
They have an apartment together and share ownership of eachother's pets; so a Llama, a horse, and 3 crickets all in one house. Imagine that.
Chaca owns all of Li Shang Jr's albums.
Chaca also helps with Auardon Elementary's finances.
Also Li Shang Jr is not going to rule anything. That was a joke he and Lonnie played on the others. Because, you know, he's not royalty. Even if Mulan is considered a Disney princess.
Chaca is the one who set the kids straight on that one. Which is why it's never mentioned again.
Li Shang Jr got in a lot of trouble for that one.
No kisses for a week!
They have few secrets that the other does not know.
They have a pretty healthy relationship.
Healthier than most people their age have.
They both want to travel the world a bit when they get older.
They have both exchanged jewelry and other kinds of gifts with one another alot over the years.
Li Shang Jr got her a pretty chinese bracelet with matching earrings.
And She got him a pretty rad Peruvian necklace.
They love sharing their cultures with one another.
They also don't mind sitting with one another silence. It's very comforting to them. At least when they are with eachother.
It took Chaca 2 years to learn how to cook his favorite dishes and Ls 3 to learn how to make hers. They were both too stubborn to give up.
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bazwillendinflames · 2 years
The Quarry Fic Recs: Post-canon
Other Recs
Truth or dare 2.0 by Chipper99
Ship: Dylan/Ryan | Rating: unrated
“Don’t underestimate me, Ryan. I beat off a werewolf. With one hand. Using a flamethrower. And I dropped a car and squished one. And, most importantly, I am taller than you.”
Ryan just stared at Dylan, waiting for the moment the penny dropped and Dylan would have realized what he had just said. “You… beat off a werewolf… with one hand?”
Dylan opened his mouth for a retort, then quickly shut it again. “Okay, poor choice of wording, but my point still stands.”
An extra scene before the cops show up at the end where these two idiots actually get to talk about things.
(A moment where Ryan and Dylan catch up after the events of the game. Their conversation is great, a mix of really witty banter, reminiscing on the summer and being open and vulnerable.)
Waxing Gibbous by souyoseta / @sh5
WIP: currently 2 chapters up) | Ship: Laura/Max, Dylan/Ryan (minor) | Rating: T
The former counselors make the best of their curse with monthly trips to the abandoned Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp.
(Post-canon fic where all the counselors (but Kaitlyn) are infected and meet up every full moon. There’s a lot of focus on Laura and Max in their domestic life together which I enjoyed and excellent found family vibes. Plus I loved all their HCs on what the characters would be like as adults, how their personalities and relationships would have developed, both fitting with what we know about them and how they change.)
Into The Wilderness by HeartBranches 
WIP: 3 chapters up | Ship: Gen (no ships so far, but it seems to be leaning Abi/Nick) | Rating: T
When trauma happens, your memory begins to catalogue things in terms of the 'before' and the 'after.'
Before - The counselors have an ordinary summer at Hackett's Quarry, but there were little things, here and there, that in hindsight seem oddly prophetic.
After - Nick wakes up on the morning of August 23 and realizes that nothing will ever be the same, not ever again.
(A Nick focused fic. It is a mix of flashbacks of the counselors during the summer and Nick dealing with the aftermath of the night at Hackett’s Quarry. It’s so good for character focused content, adding more to Nick’s backstory and his relationships to the counselors and his family.)
Stamp to a Letter by souyoseta / @sh5 
Ship: Laura/Max | Rating: T
Max smiled along with her, unable to help himself. They stared at each other with dumb smiles on their faces for a moment before he pulled Laura into a hug. Laura’s body wash was one of those woody scents, and it stuck closely to her skin. Max wondered if he smelled like his orange-scented face wash.
“You didn’t leave me,” he said, lips pressed to the side of her head.
“I didn’t even consider it,” she whispered. “Not for a second.”
Max and Laura spend an entire day together after coming home from Hackett’s Quarry.
(Max and Laura reunite weeks after the night at the camp, going on a long date and reconnecting. This was so sweet! There’s a lot of details about their relationship and them as high school sweethearts which is just adorable. This is a real comfort fic.)
Stay with me, I don't want you to leave by IceQueen_07 / @icequeen-07
Ship: Laura/Max | Rating: G
Four days is a long time to be separated from your boyfriend.
(Laura and Max reunite after being questioned and are all sappy together. It’s incredibly sweet and you get a sense of how dedicated to each other they both are, which I adored.)
Safe In Your Eyes by APlagueOnBothYourHouses 
Ship: Kaitlyn/Dylan/Ryan (implied poly) | Rating: T
After the events of the game, Ryan returns to the lodge to find Dylan not doing too hot. He and Kaitlyn take care of their idiot and bond over the events of the longest night of their lives.
(Reunion fic between Ryan and the other campers, plus the aftermath of having your hand cut off. The hospital room scene was really sweet and the dynamic between the three of them was excellent.)
Like real people do by starlingcore / @pixelpeas 
Ship: Kaitlyn/Dylan/Ryan (poly) | Rating: M
The trials and tribulations of two boys and their werewolf girlfriend.
(This is a slice of life kind of fic with poly Kaitlyn, Dylan and Ryan all dating, with the boys taking care of (werewolf) Kaitlyn before, during and after a full moon. It’s got some sweet romance moments, some funny banter and cute little domestic moments.)
Dylan Dylan, meet Ryan Ryan by arealrowdydirtyboy  
Ship: Dylan/Ryan | Rating: T
After all was said and done, Dylan still didn't have Ryan's number. He ended up getting something so much better.
(A reunion fic! I liked how whilst there’s romantic elements here, there’s also some great friendship moments between everyone. I’m always a sucker for flustered Dylan and this fic does that so well!)
take it from the top (we made it pretty far) by dontlook 
Ship: Emma/Kaitlyn | Rating: T
When did Emma and Kaitlyn happen? It depends on who you ask.
(Emma and Kaitlyn get together after the events of the game, with little snippets from other characters POVs. This was so sweet!)
We'll Heal Up Whole by ChiwiTheKiwi
Friendship: Kaitlyn, Dylan and Ryan | Rating: G
The night was over, the sun had risen, and the curse of Hackett's Quarry was broken. All that was left was to find one another in the wreckage of their innocence, pull each other from the ashes, and see what parts of them remained.
(A reunion fic, where Ryan comes back to the lodge. Lots of funny dialogue and comforting hugs.)
No Future Club 
Ship: Dylan/Ryan | Rating: T
After surviving a night from hell at Hackett's Quarry, Dylan and Ryan find a moment of quiet to catch up.
I feel it in my weary bones 
Ship: Laura/Max | Rating: T
Max and Laura reunite the morning after.
There’s no way Laura’s going to let some cops get in between her and Max after everything she’d done to bring him back to her.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 3*
Alright y'all this took me ALL day to write [the entire rest of the story] and it took me an hour and a half to just edit this chapter. So I HOPE you like it. I had to find a breaking point it was getting too long, but the next chapter is coming like...maybe 30 minutes.
Part 4
Part 2
Tag List
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After saying goodbye to Maria and the kids Rafael took your hand and you both got in another Uber he had called.
“So where to now?” You asked.
“Well we're going to need somewhere to get this food,” he smiled. “So I'm taking you to my favorite place in the city,”
Soon enough the Uber pulled up in front of Central park. We both got out and walked to the front entrance.
“Central Park is your favorite place in the city?” You asked. “Kind of basic but okay,” you teased.
“Shut up,” he laughed, punching you in the arm playfully. “Wait until you see what part of Central Park.” He took your hand and you walked for a bit until you came across a fountain.
“I mean it's gorgeous but still kind of basic,” you teased some more.
“This is where we're eating lunch carino,” he told you. “The surprise comes after,”
You set up camp on the edge of the fountain and spread out the food. It was enough for a feast. Luckily Maria had included napkins, plates , silverware and sneakily enough she snuck in an old blanket that you could spread out.
“Oh my god.. this is so good,” You said in between mouthfuls of food.
“I told you,” he laughed through a mouthful of his own food.
“No like you don't understand. I've never had food this good,” You insisted.
“Oh no? The fancy lunches from work, not your style?” He smirked.
You stopped eating for a second. Had he really noticed that you took home whatever food the bigwigs never finished? It was kind of a detail that you never had guessed that he would even pay attention to.
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” You innocently replied.
“Sureee…” Rafael nodded with a smile.
“I'm sorry, please don't fire me,” You begged.
“Fire you? I think it's adorable. Trust me I would do the same thing back in my law school days when I had nothing,” He patted your shoulder.
“God do I hear that,” You agreed.
“Wait so you have nothing?” Rafael asked, concerned.
“What? No! Kind of…..I have enough.” You assured him.” It's not like I'm homeless or anything.” Oh my God this is getting worse. “I just mean like, back when I was in college I had even less than I have now.”
“Oh you went to college?” Rafael asked.
“Wow okay counselor I see where the snobbishness is coming back,” You acted offended. And you actually kind of were.
"Oh no no no, mi amor,” He put a hand on your knee, scared he had offended you. “Please don't think that I would ever think down of you. I think you are the most beautiful, smartest caring person in the world.”
He didn't even know you. That was definitely the spell. You sadly shrugged” it's fine,”
“No no what I meant.. I don't know I don't know what I meant,” He shook his head, blushing.
“Yeah you do it's fine you can say it Rafael I'm not going to get offended,” You assured him.
“I just meant... I don't know, or don't understand why somebody with a college degree would be temping, instead of using their degree for a job in their field. I seriously doubt you went to college for temping,”
“Well I don't know if you remember this since it was eons ago before you had money but living in New York is quite expensive.” You half laughed. "And when you have student loans to pay you kind of have to take what you can get even if it's not in your ‘field’,”
“I get it,” He nodded. “I totally get where you're coming from. I'm so sorry I offended you,”
“You know before today I would have stomped off and written you off as just the snob pompous asshole that I thought you were. But after seeing where you came from I know you really mean that,” You smiled.
“So…” he hoped to change the subject. “What exactly is your degree in? Something law related I assume?”
“Why do you assume that?”
“Well.. usually the people that apply to be my intern are only interested in kissing my ass and getting ahead in the lawyer corporate world. But you haven't done that.. Yet,” He raised an eyebrow with a smirk.
“Oh.. yeah.”. you look down at the ground nervously.
“What are you going to kiss my ass now? Because I'll gladly let you do it,” He smiled cheekily.
“No no!” You waved your hands. “I mean that would be nice but--I mean no, what?” You were flustered.
“You're adorable when you're flustered,” He rubbed your bright red cheeks.
“Haha,” you pushed a hair behind your ear. You thought to yourself “Well he's not going to remember any of this anyway so you might as well tell him the truth,”
“Truth is.. I may or may not have manipulated the system to beat out those other snobby law students to get this job,” You admitted, still looking down.
“Really…?” He looked at you suspiciously. “...And why’s that?
“...Because I saw your picture on the file and I thought you were gorgeous and I wanted to see that face everyday,” You blushed intensely, still looking at the ground, not able to tell him in his face..
There was a very long pause and then he put a hand on yours. You slowly looked up at him and he was smiling cutely.
“That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard in my life,” He grinned.
“Really? You think so?” Well obviously he thought so he was programmed to think whatever you did for the adorable duh.
“Yeah I don't think I've ever had a woman try that hard to get my attention. Or want to see me that much, or even think that highly of me,” He grinned.
“I mean it's not really thinking highly of you, just that you’re really attractive,” You laughed.
“Right, of course,” He was blushing even more.
“And that was even before I saw your butt!” You laughed without thinking.. But he really did have the best ass you've ever seen in your entire life. Everyday you walked into that office you just wanted to take a bite of it.
Rafael choked on his food. “I um…” His face was red hot now.. “Thank you?”
“Anyway…” He tried to steer the conversation away from his butt. “You avoided the question,”
“What question?” You asked. Completely in all honestly forgetting what you were talking about. Once you got lost in Rafael's ass your mind kind of went blank completely.
“What iis your degree in?”
“It's embarrassing,” You looked at the ground.
“What? It can't be that bad,” He shook his head.
“Well I say it's embarrassing to someone like you,” You half laughed.
“Someone like me?” He looked offended. “What iis that supposed to mean?”
“I mean I don't.. I mean the person that I thought you were before today,” You grabbed his hand.
“Well you seem to have really disliked me before today,” he nodded curiously. “It's like you don't know me at all.”
“What? Of course I know you.” You assured him. "I love you, remember? And you love me?”
“Yeah.. I do, but I don't know anything about you,” He looked away as if he was trying to figure out an equation.
Oh shit. What's happening? Was this supposed to happen? Wasn't wearing off? Oh God.
“It's a theater degree!” you blurted out, trying to change the subject. Maybe it would work. If you distracted him maybe this would take over again.
He turned his head to the side and stared off blankly, as if he was rebooting. Then he looked up and smiled at you. “A theater degree? That sounds exciting!” He was back to his “usual self''..
You let out a sigh of relief. However, you wondered if you had gotten him out of the spell, would he have freaked out? Would he have accepted it? Would he maybe start having real feelings for you? Well, it was too late now.
“Does it really though?” You rolled your eyes.
“It really does. I don't know if you would believe this, but I'm kind of a theater nerd myself,” He chuckled.
“No way. You? Nahh,” You blew a raspberry.
“Seriously! I had a bit of a theater bug when I was younger in fact. I wanted to be a big Broadway star” He admitted.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Raphael Barba the stuffy ADA of New York City as a big Broadway star? Yeah right!
“That's insane! You laughed. So why did you give it up?”
“Well.. as you know, being on Broadway isn't a great way to make money. It's more of a passion thing right?”
“So true,” You nodded as you were eating your empanada dessert.
“So.. I took a hard look at where I lived, and how hard my mom and abuelita were struggling and I vowed that I would get out of El Barrio. And make something of myself and be able to take care of them when I was an adult the way that I couldn't when I was a kid,”
You felt tears choking your throat once again for the millionth time that day. But this time it wasn't for you. It was for him. You really hadn't known any of this, to you he was just a pretty face. You actually had a lot in common.
“That is so sweet.” You pushed the trash between you away and moved up closer, pulling his hands into your lap and looking at him endearingly.
“Yeah?” He asked you with a half smile like a kid looking for approval.
“Yeah it really is. You gave up your passion for your family. I wish I was as selfless as that,” You said softly.
“What do you mean?”
What did you mean indeed? Did you really want to get into the story? Then once again you reminded yourself that he would have no idea no recollection of this after today, so you felt comfortable telling him your secret.
“Well….. You.... I came from nothing too. But all I could think of was getting out myself and never looking back,” You admitted in shame.
“Oh?” He looked at you curiously.
“Yeah, I was really passionate about theater and becoming a big Broadway star. With all the fame, and the money, and getting away from my small town in Jersey. So I threw myself into every activity, every theater, every play, every community theater, every performance, anything I can get my hands on. My parents were super supportive and never thought anything bad of me, even though they probably should have. They wanted me to have the world. And I took that for granted,” You began to get choked up.
“Why do you say that…?” He took your hand and squeezed it feeling like something bad was coming.
“They saved up their entire married lives to give me a college fund. I wasn't aware of it, but when I got accepted to NYU School of acting, they told me that they had enough saved for the first two years,” You continued, trying to breathe.
“Well that's good isn't it?”
“Yeah no totally, except I wasn't grateful,” You look down tears stinging your eyes thinking about how selfish you are as a kid. All I could think about and yell at them was how they didn't have enough for the full four years. How was I supposed to be a big Broadway star if I was still trying to pay student loans?”
“Oh Y/N…”.
“Yeah and that's not even the worst part,” Tears started stinging your eyes. You were lucky he was under some spell because he would definitely hate you after this under normal circumstances.
“Go on, I'm not here to judge you,” He pressed his forehead against yours. He realized how hard the story was taking its toll on you.
“One day it was my big end of semester performance and it was snowing. So my parents said that they weren't going to be able to make it. I screamed at them and told them that this was the biggest night of my life, and they couldn't be bothered to show up and what horrible parents they were and that they never cared about me and a whole huge temper tantrum like a 3 year old.”
You tried holding back sobs you had to make it through this whole thing without breaking down.
“No, honey…” He put a hand on your face.
”And so they tried…” You sniffed. They tried driving on the icy roads of Jersey to drive into the City and they served on black ice in the Jersey tunnel where they hit the wall and were killed instantly.
“Oh my god.. he whispered, “Baby I'm so sorry,” He grabbed you in a hug as you broke down. You just sat there for a minute letting him hold you while you sobbed into his shoulder.
“I just told them what shitty parents they were!” You sobbed muffled into his shirt. "And I killed them!”
“Hey,” he pulled your face from his shirt and looked you in the eyes. “No no you didn't do anything,”
“Yes I did! If I hadn't been such a brat and told them and guilted them into coming to see my stupid show then they'd still be alive!” you kept sobbing.
“No,” he took your head in his hands. “Look I didn't know you back then but I'm sure that your parents loved you and I'm sure that you loved them. That's why you wanted them there so bad. And sometimes it's just people's time. You didn't do anything wrong. Do you understand me?”
“Yeah.. I guess so,” you looked down. “I mean I was punished enough for it”.
“What does that mean?”
“Well I mean, obviously I was distraught from my parents dying. And that semester was the last one that was paid for. So kind of lied to you,” You paused to look at him apologetically.
“I had to drop out one year after that because I could only get student loans for that next year. And you had to have a certain GPA to get them to keep paying for the last year and I most certainly did not have that,”
“Oh...carino, I'm so sorry”
“Then me being me the arrogant bitch that I am, I thought well maybe I don't need a degree. Tons of actors don't have degrees. They can just make it on their own. So I just started throwing myself into auditions for about a year and a half, and I ended up living on the streets because I refused to take any kind of job. Telling myself that I was going to get my big break and be famous,”
“Oh my God”
“I know, right?” You laughed through tears. “I'm so stupid,”
“Hey you are not stupid,” Rafael grabbed your hands again.
“Yeah well, the first temp agency that I applied to had the first job as a personal assistant to a fancy lawyer. So maybe I'm not that stupid,” you smiled.
“Ah.. see? Happy ending. Maybe you went through all that to find me,”
“Yeah.. maybe,” You sadly smiled at him.
Although you knew deep down in your heart that was bullshit, because you really didn't have him. All you did was take another shortcut and be selfish and tried to take him for yourself instantly without any of the work. You were still a selfish bitch. And he didn't know that
“You know...if it makes you feel any better, you are lucky to have such loving parents,”
“What do you mean? Didn't you say you gave up your dream to take care of them?” You assumed that must have meant they were super close.
“Yeah well, for my mom and abuela..”.
You suddenly realized he hadn't mentioned a father.
"Oh? I'm.... No dad?”
“No, no dad.” He shook his head sadly. “I wasn't completely honest with you earlier YN,”
“What do you mean?” You took his hand, already knowing this wasn't going to be good.
“I was forced to give up my dream,” he replied sadly while staring at the ground.
“When I was a kid I would watch musicals at my abuelitas house. It was the only place I was….safe,” He continued.
“Oh God.” You muttered.
“I would dance and sing all over her house. She was the only person in my life who ever supported that side of me,” he continued to stare at the ground.
“When my dad came to pick me up one day and he saw what I was doing…. “ He stopped again, you realized he was trying not to cry.
“He tried to "beat the gay out of me.",” You saw tears dripping on the pavement.
You silently gasped.
"Not that I'm gay,' he quickly assured you.
"That was literally the last thing on my mind baby," you shook your head, tears coming to your own eyes as you pulled him into a hug. He collapsed into tears as you rubbed the back of his neck and whispered comforting words into his ear.
Finally he composed himself enough to finish his story.
“Anyway, he uh...he didn't just beat me for that. It was anything really. But I kept at it at my abuelas. She encouraged me even if she couldn't stand up to my dad. I can't blame her or my mother. When my mom caught me still pursuing it she told me to stop if I wanted to keep our dad around saying he wouldn't tolerate a….f word son,"
“Oh my god.” You whispered. You couldn't imagine your parents or any parents really, trying to discourage their kids from anything, and threatening them for being something they were so passionate about.
“Well I guess it didn't matter either way because he ended up taking off anyway. And I felt so guilty that we lost our only income, so my mom had to end up getting two jobs and my abuela moved in to help with bills that then I swore to become better so that I could atone for my sins,” He couldn’t look at you.
“Oh my god. Rafa, sweetie I…. That wasn't your fault., it wasn't your fault at all. He sounds like a grade a asshole,” You made him look at you just as he did when you told your shameful story.
“He was...is. I don't know if he's dead or alive actually. I haven't seen or heard from him since he left. I hate him so much,” he clenched his fists.
“Oh honey,” You pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“No you don't understand. My middle name is Eduardo, named after him. So he's always with me. I have always told people it's Antonio, because I want nothing about me associated with him,” He started to cry again.
After a minute, he looked back up at you very seriously. “I've never told anyone that story.”
“Really? Not even Liv?”
"Not even Liv," He stroked your hair. "I've never felt as close to her as I do with you.” He pulled you into his lap. “The truth is Y/N I have never felt safe since my abuela’s house. Until I met you,”
“Rafa…” You pulled him into a deep kiss, tears dropped down both your faces. “We can be each other’s homes now,”
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Biggest Wetlen Post List
Here will be every post I made about the Wetlens from asks, art, random and info, it’s underneath simply due to how long it is. Since I know some of you are very new to the Wetlens I made sure to grab every post that is related to them so you are able to learn more about them 😘
Btw this thing is long enjoy going through it lol
The first post of Slough
Second post of Slough and first post of the twins
Sad Slough
Old post of Slough and Trevor (rip Trevor for being benched) 
First show of Cherri
First sneak peak of the family, my gosh we have go a long way
Slough WIP featuring Creeps
Three brothers WIP
Hog and Slough getting love
First HCs of Cherri
First WIP of the Twins
CherriXReader Lemon
First Slough HCs
Art of Wetlens meeting The Hilliker Brothers 
Anon asking Slough to be their wingman for Cherri art
First sketch of Uncle Edward (Haggon) with Jade and info
The first art of Velvet and Mourge, with Haggon (the parents hadn’t gotten names at this point)
First mention of a Wetlen’s cousin
The start of the Wetlen tree with names!
Anon being a big ass drooling SIMP for Cherri
First upgrade sketch of the Twins
Twin update art post
Simpin’ over Sloughs hairy tum and boobs
Finally the Wetlen Character info sheet ft. Cassy (sadly has spelling errors)
Cherri with his prosthetic on
Hog HCs info
Anon asking Cherri to eat them (poor Cherri looks strangely drawn here haha)
How the Wetlen’s would react to their s/o in Cowboy hat and lingerie 
Anon asking how deformed Lurfi’s kid would be
Anon asking where the Wetlen’s live
Anon imagining Lurfi with a daughter and Slough being a great uncle 
Anon ask where Mourge abd Velvet capable of talking
The reason behind the Wetlen siblings names
Who was smartest between Velvet and Mourge
Anon asking recovery of Velvet and Bonnies births
Anon about Hog and Lurfi being big babies
Pronouncing the Wetlen’s names
Slough is best boi
First vs. Last Wetlen siblings drawn together
Anon asking if the Wetlens only eat people
Anon feeling bad for Velvet (when they shouldn’t lol)
Why the Wetlens came out the way they are anon ask
Anon ask whose best at sex, Saw-Tooth or Mourge
How sadistic were Velvet and Mourge
Anon ask about which Wetlens are Mummy or Daddy parents as well as Cherri being a dad
Wetlen’s and their bad teeth
Anon ask if Siblings would keep the traditions
Can Edward/Haggon talk
What happened to Griff
Are Melma and Paupii alive (but we accidently called her Melmi)
Anon asking about the Twins and Mibbi not having kids
How the family reacted to Haggon/Edward going missing
Anon asking about how Griff became infertile
Anon asking how Velvet and Mourge became their parents faves
Where did Cherri get his prosthetic 
How the Wetlen’s eat their victims
Anon talking about Lurfi being a giant baby and having her own giant babies
Anon needs to remember Velvet deserves everything that happens to her UwU
Anon asking about how Wetlen’s would be with their kids around the victim cages
How long has Cherri been a camp groundskeeper
The Wetlens and sweets
Anon asking about Wetlen’s childrens first words and how the siblings would react
Cherri’s ideal spouse
Can the Wetlen’s read or write
The difficulty of the boys kissing with their teeth ask
Why Hog wont learn to read
The Wetlen’s and boardgames
Anon asking is Wetlens know where babies come from (they mean their Uncle Griff not Gill xD)
 Anon asking where Hog got his cute fancy vest
Hogs ideal spouse
The Wetlen’s do know their birthdays
Melma and Paupii did celebrate Christmas as well UwU
Anon asks if Melma and Paupi would protect their grandkids if they knew what Velvet and Mourge did to them 
Lurfi giving Mum vibes UwU
Anon saying Melma and Paupii sound like cat names
About Melma and Paupii’s marriage 
Anon asking about Griff and Ogie
Anon asking about if Mourge/Velvet and Bonnie/Griff had a wedding
Anon asking  about Melma and Paupii’s family
Cherri with his braids out
Anon saying Cherri’s hair looks like a mullet
First sketch of Adeline (Cherri’s kid)
Meme post of Cherri and Addie
Explaining Addie has Strawberry Nevus on her face
Anon asking what type of deformity the Wetlens have
Anon asking about how they get generators
Anon asking how Cherri mocks victims
Cherri is a thot destroyer 
How much of a whore is Cherri
Cherri getting dunked on by anon for not wearing condoms
Cherri still getting blasted for not wearing a rubber
Cherri’s first sexual encounter ever
Jokes about Cherri being shocked at being a dad
Continues to joke on Cherri, the first sign of Elizabeth’s name
Anon asking who chose Addie’s name
More jokes on Cherri
Anon asking bout Adeline’s height as she gets older
Will Liz live in the swamp or town?
Anon asking bout how Liz must be happy to have a small baby
Anon asking if Addie has a nose
What type of babies were the Wetlens
Anon asks if Mibbi is bitter at being small
Anon asks why Velvet and Mourge didn’t name their kids
Anon ask about the Wetlens choosing names for their kids
What Addie was like as a baby
Anon making cute scene of Slough
Lurfi HCs!
The Twins HCs
What the siblings do on their spare time
Sloughs ideal spouse
Jokes on Cherri and Addie 
Hog and Slough S/O being happy they’re pregnant ask
Ask about Cherri killing a creep camp counselor 
How Cherri is with a smol    and a petite S/O
Cherri having a stripper name lol
About Lurfi being a midwife
Joking of Cherri some more lol  more joking and more jokes yeh we clowning on him lol also the twins ain’t safe
How large is their swamp  yeh their swamp is big
Why Cherri’s hair like that?
Liz and Cherri’s ‘fun’ nights
First design hint of Liz
What if Cherri did have a bunch of kids running around somewhere?
How do shoes fit big bois Hog and Slough
Cherri adores Addie yes UwU
Why Melma and Paupii came out with extreme deformities 
No, Cherri did not learn his lesson about wearing condoms lol
Anon wondering if Melma and Paupii called their first children ‘baby girl/boy’
Melma and Paupii do have good tastes in names 
Addie and Cherri’s relationship
Do they have clean water?
First WIP of Elizabeth
Cherri is a dumbass yes UwU  and so is Liz, a bit
Would Cherri tell Addie about their family history?
Do the Wetlens stink?
Dunking on Cherri and Liz   Lurfi being brutal to Mibbi and the Twins     Lurfi just chucking Mibbi like a basketball
When Liz came to Cherri about her pregnancy (this info may change later tho)
How Cherri is with Addie
How I plan to tell their story, but again this may change in future UwU
Cherri and Velvet having stripper names   but don’t compare Cherri to his mummy
Jokes on you Cherri cant pay child support
They did burn money
Cherri’s hobby is sleeping
Jokes on Cherri’s parents   also no spoilers on what Cassy did to Cherry yet   also more about Cherri’s parents  poor Addie getting too much info now about her family   she will know no peace   Poor Liz dealing with this as well
Anon asking if Lurfi is a bookworm
Teasing Cherri and Addie   Liz picking on Cherri  just bullying Cherri now  Cherri just being clingy   
Paupii teasing the grandkiddies
Final art piece of Elizabeth
Do Cherri and Liz still hook up
Melma and Paupii thinking noseless Cherri is cute
Cherri is a concerning parent really   Cherri the sore loser   Cherri doesn’t know the word consequences   The twins getting told off  Cherri swore around Addie once lol   these siblings can fit a lot of trauma
How old is Liz
Were Melma and Paupii parents good grandparents
Who else has Mourge been with
What happens when Addie is used as a shield by a victim
Reaction of the Wetlen’s kids giving them flower crowns
Sneak peak of Melma and Paupii’s parents as well as names
Velvet does deserve what she gets UwU  though her poor kids being terrorized by her and mourge getting it on  Mourge and Velvet were vile
Where does Bonnie and her boys live?
What’s Ogie like   Is Ogie like his whore Cousin UwU
When Bonnie and Griff learn that the Wetlen’s killed their parents  Bonnie and Griff still about the Wetlen’s killing their parents
The Phillips meeting the Wetlens
Ideas about Mourge and Velvet’s final people/victims
Why does Mourge have the head scar
Info about Ogie
The Philips and the Wetlens  More about the Philips and the Wetlens  another joke on Phillips and Wetlens
More asks about Ogie
Where did Bonnie travel   Bonnie and Griff joke  How Liz and Cherri met joke
Do Ogie and his parents stink
Do Bonnie and Griff move around in their swamp
Ogies sexuality
Mourge’s Eyebrows
Did Velvet and Mourge love each other
Cherri as a baby
Velvet with her kids   Some more jokes about Velvet and the kids  also jokes on Mourge
Given the chance Velvet and Mourge would’ve killed Cherri
About Haggon returning home
If Melma and Paupii found out about Velvet and Mourge
Melma was the big one
Melma, Mourge, Hog and Slough sizes
Paupii was tiny
Cherri and Mibbi like Paupii
Melma and Paupii babysitting
Addie with her  first cousins, once removed, joke   Bonnie caring for all the kids joke 
What would happen is Melma and Paupii were still alive
How old is Ogie  Ogie wishing he was Cherri joke  
Anon simping over Hog   continuation of joke post 
Cherri really being the only one who gets it in the swamp
Jokes on Hog’s ‘sex life’  The twins being nutheads  Jokes on Liz and Cherri’s parenting
Is cousin Mitch big boi?
The dangers of either Bonnie’s family or The Wetlen Siblings
Are the twins equally dumb
How did Mourge and Velvet eat their victims
How the Wetlens are in bed
Why did Bonnie not leave for good   Griff and Bonnie joke
About Odin and Bonnie
Does Jade have nicknames for Haggon/Edward
Chad Cherri vs. Virgin Ogie
If Edward remembered his past years
Jade having great taste
Did Melma and Paupii talk
Certain victims they avoid
Anon being thirsty bitches
Griff as a dad
Did Bonnie sleep around
Why Haggon is called Edward
About Hogs  eye  and another post about his eye
Lol teasing Liz  picking on the twins   Hog and Slough being loud fuckers
Have Wetlens been drunk
Addie a healthy baby
The Siblings living far from Bonnie and the fam
Did the Wetlens ever get high
Do the Wetlens own guns
Jokes on Hog being quiet, but loud man in bed
Is Ogie loud in bed   Jokes on Cherri and Liz again   more jokes on Liz  Dilf Cherri
Wetlens sleeping habits 
Was Cherri loud for his first time
Could the Siblings tell their twin kids apart
Anon simping over Slough and Hog again
Info on what Mourge did to Hog
Cherri telling Liz about his scars  More Cherri and Liz joke posts   Jokes about Hog and Slough again
Velvet and a victim of hers
Do the victims go to the cops   jokes on those survivors
About Cherri and Ogies Voices
WIP art of Cherri art
Do they make teeth necklaces
Lurfi gives spanks   How Lurfi is with her kids vs. her siblings  Cherri and consequences    Melma and Velvet about Velvets pregnancies   Cherri and Liz jokes ....again 
Did Malachi or Othelia regret getting together
What if there was a true crime youtbers
Addie seeing the comments on the videos both roasting and simping after her dad
About the people who killed Othelia and Malachi
Velvet and Cherri have Karren hair
Melma, Velvet and Bonnie’s height
Velvet and Mourge joke post    Malachi and Othelia joke post   Liz and Cherri joke post   jokes on Velvet and Cherri
The birth order of Melma and Paupii’s kids
How did Melma and Paupii eat their victims
Does Velvets eye work    Velvets eye joke post
Melma did love her girls UwU   Cherri and Addie joke post
How old were Melma and Paupii with their first kids
Big cannibal ladies good   Baby Velvet joke post
Where Malachi and Othelia good grandparents
Did Malachi and Othelia meet their grandkids
How I came up with Malachi’s name
Who was bigger Malachi or Othelia
Were Malachi and Othelia good parents
Othelia could pick up Bonnie
Anon saying to imagine Cherri having many children and them meeting Cherri
Wetlen’s interact with Alexa
Was Cherri the only one who gave his siblings names
Mitch and Ally (the siblings cousins) joke post  Slough joke post
Nick names with Hog and Slough
Are the siblings afraid of bugs
The siblings fave food
Which siblings have a high libido
More about the Wetlens as parents
Who would be a helicopter parent
Their fave colours
About Melma’s eye
Again Melma, Bonnie and Velvets heights (But Bonnie got taller) 
Lurfi having a bunch of kids idea anon
How old were Velvet and Mourge when Hog was born
Are Aly and Mitch twins
Did Mourge hurt Smock
The Hillikers/Wetlens with family joke post
Teen Addie joke post   Teen Addie more joke post   Addie joins Cherri in dumbass corner    Clown shoes for Addie
Does Addie have Cherri’s mean streak
Info on how cruel Lurfi can be
Cherri, Liz, Addie joke post   Anon wishes Cherri was comfortable going into town    Cherri is 100% bad influence lol
Does Cherri torture his victims away from camp
Cherri has terrible pull out game
First drawing of Cherri vs. Recent
First sketch and view of Cherri new kids (ft. Addie)
Was Delilah planned
Yes the big three are getting kids
Liz and Cherri joke post again   Joke post on Cherri  another joke post
What did Cassy do to Cherri
Another pregnancy!
Will Morgan cause issues
Will the big three have a Morgan-like kid
Lurfi’s kid joke post   more joke post   some more joke posts  
Cherri getting a bunch of Nephews/Nieces  Even more Cherri joke post    Just clowning on Cherri some more
Do they get sick
How would the big three react to their kids getting sick
Anon says cute thing for Lurfi UwU  The big threes kids still being cute
Mibbi and The Twins are not best baby sitters   Lurfi getting some love    Mibbi and Twin are the bad influences    Lurfi joke post
The Wetlen Spouses joke post    more Spouse jokes
Will Addie have same-age cousins   Addie could be baby sitter 
Will Del have same-age cousins
What is Addie and Del like
Cherri and Addie are very alike
Addie saying Hog looks like Peppa Pig
Thinking about the big three sibling spouses
Did Melma and Paupii have a concept of protection
If Velvet lived, would she be nervous of her tall kids
Questions for the Wetlens
More Questions for the Wetlens
Even more Questions for them
Much more Questions
Yep there is still more Questions!
Would Slough share his toys
Do they know about Mother/Fathers day
Would Slough give his baby a gift   joke post after this post
Which siblings are good with naps
Joke post    More joke posts    Hog and Slough joke post   Even more joke posts   Joke post on Cherri again
Mourge and Velvet being terrible parents
How often do the Wetlens get sick
Is Mibbi snarky
Slough the pushover parent
Would the Wetlens try new food
Cherri thinks very highly of himself
Cherri would bully bullies at the camp
Can Griff talk
Hog getting some love
Twins: Are we adopted? (joke post)
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Ms Marvel Ep1! - “Generation Why”
Live-blogging spoilers!
1. I caught this in the title:
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2. “Can a woman just live, hmm?” YES 🤩
3. “Thor is secretly a gamer!” Yes because some dude got yelled at by him thru the headset in Endgame and was like WTF 🤣
4. “Remember, new episodes drop every Wednesday.” KAMALA PLEASE 😂 You going meta?! 🤣
5. Wait, when Kamala’s dad told Aamir (is that his name? Kamala’s bro?) to eat his breakfast, I swear that was right out of the comics! I feel like I’ve heard that line before.
6. Crashing the car before you even start your first lesson, Kamala? 😏 I remember my own driving lessons, nerve wracking, every one of them 😅
7. Ok that’s not nice, the teacher misnaming her 😔 And like, the fact that she’s getting weird looks? Oof.
8. “No, no, no, Bruno” 🤣 SORRY NOT SORRY 😈
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9. The school counselor is hilarious 😂 Kamala just zones out, like girl? I would too 😌 (I still do, too!)
10. “Kamala, who is that girl I see staring straight back at me?” I love it when Phase 4 is all about ✨identity✨
11. Oh that dividing effect is so cool!!
12. Bruno Carrelli is kinda adorable though, and I LOVE THE FACT THAT KAMALA LOVES STAR WARS 🤩
13. Those chalk animations are amazing!
14. Kamala’s family absolutely love Bruno.
15. Kamala’s parents not letting her out with a boy? oooh, that sounds familiar. Was forever until I got to do that once, and then it went south, so. Never did that again 🤣 I relate to that “don’t go out at night” thing. Still don’t wanna do that, and I’m no longer a teenager 😅 Protective moms, am I right, or what
16. “Come on, beta. You’re not normal.” “UGGHHH!!” yeah, neither am I, Kamala xD
18. Bruno the tech guy, very like his comic counterpart. Love to see it.
19. “If you don’t go with your dad, you’re not going at all.” How on earth did this either-this-or-that ultimatum hit me so hard 😫 It’s not what was said, it was what was implied.
20. I love that there’s a rooftop scene, because the first time I saw Kamala in the comics and there’s a rooftop scene, it was with this dude who turns out to be a huge jerk, so there’s that. But Bruno’s nice. He’s a great guy. Get yourself a bestie who believes in you. 🥺
21. Kamala play fighting with her bestie Bruno reminds me of way back when I was 9 and pretended my pencils were lightsabers at school. Ah, fun times.
23. Kamala has the most adorable little giggle.
25. Man, I love the dream montage, instagram posts and all. Outdone itself.
26. “Between the authorities and us the people, we are to blame.” WOW! How is this so true for nearly everywhere on Earth nowadays!
27. I wonder why they’d open Camp Lehigh, given how in CATWS it was all fenced off and whatnot. What’s the story there? What, heroes save the say and suddenly everything’s open?
28. AVENGERCON is something that must happen. I WANT IT.
29. CUTE 🤣
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30. That America’s Ass reference, well done 🤣
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31. YOU LEFT YOUR GLOVES KAMALA oh my god. You don’t just leave your gloves your bestie made for you 😫
32. I LOVE THE COSMIC SUITUP. The way it’s almost like a jelly-like crystal, it is so beautiful.
34. I love that she can just… make the stuff? Even with her foot!
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35. “Who do you want to be in this world?” I wish I knew too… I too sometimes have my head in the clouds, like Kamala’s mom says to her.
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tiasgarden · 3 years
It was a beautiful sunny day in Salt Lake City. It was  the Fourth of July and Gina. had such a fun day planned.  Ash and her were hosting a Fourth of July Party.  As Gina walked downstairs, she rain into Ash.  
“ Hey G, you look ready to celebrate! I love the orange.  To be honest the red white and blue is overrated.” Ashlyn says giving her a pat on the back.
Gina agreed. She had become much more informed about the tragedies and true history of her birth country. Fourth of July was nothing to celebrate, besides food. So she had decided to wear orange and any color than white, blue and red. Her hair was in a bun and she was excited.
“ Yeah Orange, was the way to go.  I also um wanted to ask if we could make a donation to a indigenous  people foundation to help those communities. “ Gina asked hesitantly.
Ashlyn nodded,  she was already one step ahead of G. She had made a donation this morning when she was still sleeping.  
“ I already made one this morning! 50 dollars to help indigenous communities around the country. I am so proud of you G, this party will be iconic. The best fourth party ever.  “ Ash said.
“ Yeah fuck, the United States  tbh, we are a bunch of monsters.  But if we should do anything on this day it should be have a party.  “ Gina said before going to help set up. Her job was to get the table where they would all be eating outside ready,. She also would be putting the appetizers out inside for people to eat.
The main meal would be some penne al la vodka and some pizza from big red’s shop. The two agreed to stray away from the torsional grilled food as some of them including  gina were vegetation. It would be perfect.
They had got some cute decorations that were non 4th of July themed and quickly decorated the house.  The two at this point had become the pros are parties.
It soon was 4pm and people would be showing up any minute. Everyone but Ricky Bowen was coming.  He didn’t get a invite, he was being moody lately and no one wanted to deal with him.
The first to arrive was obvious. EJ Caswell.  Who just happened to be Gina Porter’s boyfriend.  The two had gotten together at the end of the school year. EJ had asked Gina out in a adorable way.   The rest is history.
Gina embraced him in the biggest hug before pulling back.  He held her hands in his.
“ Hey, so glad you could come.  I love that orange polo on you, you look so hot and  we match which is just cute.” Gina said smiling at him.
“ Thanks G, you look beautiful, The orange halter was a good choice. I also made my donation to the foundation you sent me this morning. “ He said as she took his hand in hers and walked to the backyard with him.
How did she get so lucky? No words could express how thankful she was for EJ Caswell. How he made her feel better with his presence. Anything he did . The biggest smile would breakout on her face.  NO one besides her mom could do that to her.
He was her first boyfriend and she deep down truly hoped he was her last also. She wanted him to be hers till she died as gruesome as it sounded.
“ your the best you know that? Gina said before giving EJ a kiss on the cheek and continuing to welcome people to the party.  
Within the hour, all their friends were there. Everyone wore orange, just like Gina had requested.  The food was a hit, just like she had hoped. Also the music was wonderful and Ej and her danced for a solid hour.
Soon though it was the time of the night were the gang sat down for desert, which was ice cream Sundaes. Make your own of course. Gina just wanted chocolate with rainbow sprinkles and a few gummy bears.  EJ on the other hand chose Vanilla with chocolate syrup and some m&m's. He also gave Gina a few since he knew they were her favorite.
Once everyone was sat down, the gang discussed what plans they all had for the remainder of the summer. Gina was THRILLED to tell them EJ was coming with her to visit her mom next week.  
Ashlyn was excited as she got a summer job as a camp counselor, which would be excited as she loved kids. Seb and Carlos were spending their summer in Utah but planned a road trip to see more of it. Nina mentioned how she would be going to record a few songs to be released in the fall.  She had been writing a lot more since her breakup with Ricky, She was a much more confident person Caswell. Kourtney was going on a vacation to California with her mom,  it would be nice since she had a lot of family out there.

It was nice to catch up, even though they all texted daily in their group chat.   She didn’t know how she would last without EJ in the fall.  He promised her though they would make It work and he would come home often. Luckily, she had Ashlyn another year. Her mom had agreed to let her finish school in Utah. She only was 2 years away.  She then could either move back with her mom or EJ and her had talked about getting an apartment together depending on where she went to college.
As the night came to an end, Gina felt content. It was only the beginning of July and  they had more weeks ahead of cuddles, kisses, hand holding and her favorite baking together. As she was looking around EJ used one hand that wasn’t wrapped around her shoulder to turn her chin to him and sneak a kiss.  She quickly smiled into the kiss  and after a few seconds pulled apart, while the rest of the wildcats “awed” them.  Gina took this time to  move from her chair onto EJ’s lap and relax into him. He wrapped his jacket he had brought with him around her and started rocking her back and fourth.
This was happiness Gina Porter thought as she cozied on up in her boyfriend’s lap  and before she knew it she had fallen asleep.
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solange-lol · 4 years
hiii in celebration of AUctober, what are some of your fav solangelo AUs?
Anonymous said to solange-lol:
Hi! Kinda a random question: do you have any favorite riordanverse fanfics that you’d suggest reading? I’m looking for ones to read, but I’ve been having trouble finding new ones! Thanks!
rec list #1 | rec list #2
all recs can be found under the tag ‘lizs solangelo fic recs’ on my blog!
technically its past auctober now, but better late then never to drop my third solangelo rec list!! especially considering the state of the world rn ... lets just say its a celebration of me actually participating in sw for the first time in a while
rec under cut as always!! its not all aus but its the count that thots
Find Another Place to Stay by @unwieldyink
personally i think breakup fics are incredibly underrated, and i also think annie is incredibly underrated, so enjoy ur little cry if you read this one (tw // violence in this one)
Hershey’s kiss by @unwieldyink
we love a godswap!! it’s actually been a while since ive read this one and i reread this while making this rec list and can i just say that zeus!nico and hermes!will are both such valid concepts and this just has a rly good dynamic to it
Actors by @buoyantsaturn
i could talk about this fic for hours but lets just say ao3 has told me ive visted this fic 40 times. im not kidding. fake dating is just a godtier trope
start of something new by jinniefic
if you know me, you know that i fricken LOVE high school musical, and this is literally just the start of the first movie but solangelo and honestly a little more iconic please read even if ur not a hsm fan
paper/plastic by @rosyredlipstick
the fact that this is from 2018 and took this long to get into my rec list is tragic because i think about this fic a lot... a lot. mortal au. very chill, strangers to lovers, very good vibes, will be rereading soon (everything rosy writes is amazing we already knew this)
10:37pm by @buoyantsaturn
surprise another cj fic! fun fact she debated with us for a good half hour about what to title this fic so go read it so you can tell her you like the name (and the fic itself... its a very good fic) (tw // alchohol and drug use for this one)
Sunflower by ChiseHatori
3 days in the infirmary is probably the easiest trope u can find in the solangelo tag but i have to say this one really made me soft just bc it feels a lot more in character than some of the others ive read, and it basically picks up right where they ended in the books
Will You, or Will You Not? by @thebluesideofmyworld
marriage fics... also very soft. just boys bein boys. dual engagements. mortal au. all that good stuff vv soft i loved it
let your heart win by @justanothervampiregirl
this one is short but its also probably one of the most in character fics ive ever read and i really like this style of writing mixed with canon compliance so :)
The Magic of Naomi Solace by Sweetymomo
naomi solace, underratted legend. i aspire to have her relationship with will. lots of familial background if you like that!! and its set at a bnb!!
forget all the shooting stars and silver moons by itotallyreadthatbook
when i saw this in the tag i was SO excited bc we love high school aus here and it was!! very good indeed!! this trope is one ive never seen before and i recommend 10/10 good banter
They won’t always live by Phantomxlegend
will overworking himself and coping with loss always makes me :(( so if ur okay with some will angst then buckle up
“I am fully capable of kicking your ass” by @unwieldyink
i remember i saw the email notification for this one and immediately was like yup absolutely im in and it 100% lives up to its title we love capture the flag solangelo
the night we met by peachyytomlinson
a lil ooc but also very angsty and did make me emotional when i read this late at night. i think i wrote something similar a while back but i just aaaaa will angst man
“look how hard i can cry FWSHHH”  by @buoyantsaturn
call me biased bc i like to claim that i originated the idea of demeter!will and cj dedicated this fic to me but like BRO its so soft and i love it here nico leave the plants along challenge failed
femboy hooters, or the time percy jackson failed to keep a secret by luciethebean
its all fun and games until the fic turns out to genuinely be really good. like, yes the title is exactly what you think it is but it doesnt matter bc its so fricken well written im^@*#&(*)($_$#&^@$(@*)* yeah
Of Ties and Significant Annoyances by seokjinvilla (@thechampagnecocainegasoline)
we dont support jkr in this household but what we do support is this bc this plot is genius and i love it
everything’s going swimmingly by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
fun fact i posed the idea of a sports/team prompt to the sw mod crew literally just so someone would pull through and write a swim au and ethan DID without even knowing. i love them and their writing style is so !!!! please read it
when you smile (the whole world stops) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
another ethan fic!! this is the perfect fic for a rough day where u just want some cuddles bc thats literally the plot of the fic. i love this one with my entire heart its very fluffy 10/10 do reccomend
pumpkin spice (i hate it, it's not nice) (ok maybe it's a little nice) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
ethan fic part 3!! bc i binge read these all in one night!! literally again their writing style is so amazing and the witty banter!!!! also we love a retail bookstore au 
Burnt Plastic (and Other Bad Ideas) by More_of_This
so this one isnt exactly romantically solangelo but it is hilarious in my opinion and i absolutely adore well written college aus and while i know nothing about college this fic is so funny to me (if you read the tags there is, in fact, a raccoon involved) (tw // drinking for this one)
all because you kissed me goodnight by @buoyantsaturn
i have been WAITING for a mortal counselors au and im sure theres some out there already but y’all already know im a cj stan! lots of slowburn, friends to lovers, coworkers, all the good stuff (and i named this one and offered cj a lot of materials from my own camp so this one especially hits!! i reccomend for those good ol summer vibes!!) (tw // drinking for this one)
Waiting With You by @buoyantsaturn
oh boy buckle up if u want an angst ride because this fic tore me apart. i keep threatning cj with “dont pull another waiting with you”. that being said, very much feels like a movie while youre reading it, very fluffy in the middle, we love mutual pining. 
Little Italian Boy by @buoyantsaturn
stream little italian boy by grace gilmore. youll get it. thats it.
The Clues by @thebluesideofmyworld
secret dating when done well is legit one of my favorite tropes of all time and this!!! this!!!!!!!!! its outsiders perspective also which is another one of my favorite tropes, and just little views on nicos life and i love it
So Come On, Talk it Out (your voice brought me back from the dead) by @buoyantsaturn
will solace, sponsered by kitkats, cj edition
no but if you read tower of nero you’ll really like this missing pieces pre-ton fic this is a really soft little fic with a bunch of easter eggs from the book in it, so i highly recommend! if you havent read ton yet and are still avoiding spoilers, come back to this one!
reaching for the sun (you, you, you) by moonswords (@tortadelimao)
i just read this one about 2 hours ago for the first time and i am Still thinking about it. its like the getting together that i literally feel like is canon and the vibes are Immaculate (also william “what about me looks straight” solace)
“Are we on a date right now?” by @unwieldyink
overworked will, nico helping out in the infirmary, first dates & hikes, canon compliant, we love to see it (also its an annie fic so ur required by law to read it)
Outrunning karma by Phantomxlgend 
more will angst! featuring angry overworked will!
Everlasting Ring by minyoongurt (@blueblackslowtown)
i was Very excited when i read the summary of this one, and i think minyoongurt did a really good job!! healer will, injured nico, the whole dynamic. also i love the idea of nico only knowing “thank you” “go away” and “fuck you” in sign language. im pretty sure thats canon
The Little Thing by Rainbow_Mess
i belive this is also a pre-toa fic thats just exploring all the stuff we found out about will in ton and its very short and sweet :)
and of course, a few of my recent works for your consideration
who is he (and what is he to you?)
just doing my silly little tasks
i don’t need three bars to tell me we’re meant to connect
truly, madly, deeply
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