achingly-shy · 5 months
netflix promoting dead boy detectives because they need another psychic ghost agency show after canceling lockwood & co
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Day 726
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hey. hey guys.
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hey I have an idea
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foundationsofdecay · 1 year
Man like half the gay bars in this one neighborhood have reviews about not allowing women inside so maybe after shopping i will just go back to some of the normie ones by where I’m staying -_-
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nepenthean-sleep · 1 year
oh my god some fucking company bought this cool old house near me and turned it into an airbnb and i'm looking at the pictures online and the whole interior is WHITE now!!! this is the worst!!! WHY DID YOU KILL THE CHINTZ AND JEWEL TONES
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charliechats · 8 days
me: okay last mock exam is tomorrow! just lock in and get it done the best i can then school wont be stressful! i can focus on earning money for uni, moving house, and hanging with friends - everything is going to be chill!
drama teacher: rehearsals every day after school and in the weekends till 7pm (then 9pm) for two weeks !! put up your work shifts, cancel your plans, every rehearsal is compulsory !!
me: im going to kill myself
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fabulouslygaybean · 6 months
why do all the **** events in my state have to be 19+ or 21+. c'mon yall
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intakeofbreath · 7 months
ouf i'm so drained, first the weather being so awful with all the dust in the air making it so dry and the temperatures as if we are finishing spring, then a coworker did something today that isn't objectively bad but it pissed me off real bad for the whole day because he could just told me about this thing and not solving it behind my back when i could have taken care of it just fine, and then when i went for a walk i just walked in full angry speed mode for 6km so yeah on top of it all i barely slept last night and what amount of sleep i got was just a nightmare
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knightzp · 10 months
so still no 2wink fs2???? ugh
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littlespoonevan · 5 months
Eddie Diaz thought he was soooooo sneaky with that ‘once he gets to know that you’re an idiot, he’ll love you like we all do’ comment. I hear you. I hear you telling your bff that you love him. You thought you were being subtle by including everyone but I know your game. I know what you are
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orpheuslament · 11 days
what do you mean this prestigious bookshop doesnt want to hire me. dont they know i run a semi popular blog on a dead website
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spellboundcities · 8 months
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can anyone hear me
original v
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neinofthem · 2 months
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take my hands
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mistressemmedi · 23 days
Life, death, taxes and, once again, Lando Norris losing P1 at the start
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lemondoddle · 4 months
We've all been played for fools, jon and martin never ended up in those computers they ended up where no one could've possibly thought they'd end up: therapy
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cleolinda · 2 years
Re: being ADHD and breaking large tasks into molecule-sized actions,
there’s something I used to do and should probably start doing again. See, I can look around at a wreck of a room and not “see” individual objects. It all just looks like a painted stage backdrop to me, or a hidden-object game background. Maybe a couple of objects really stand out (like the one door in a bland flat room that a cartoon character is going to open), but I just get overwhelmed by the concept of THINGS. And that’s why I can’t start cleaning. Once an object leaves my hand and drops to the floor or lands on a chair, it is now Landscape.
So when I was REALLY desperate to clean, maybe on a specific time crunch (like the time there was a hole in my ceiling and people were going to ENTER MY HALLOWED ABODE to fix it), I would stand in the center of the room. And I would start talking to myself. Out loud. “WHAT IS ONE THING YOU CAN DO. PICK ONE THING. FIND A THING. YOU CAN DO IT. DO IT!! COME ONNNNN!!,” I would end up urging myself, much in the tone of Ellen Ripley screaming at an airlock not closing fast enough. And finally, I would spot something like a mostly empty box of crackers from seven months ago. “THROW IT AWAY. DO IT. GOOD, YOU DID IT!!”
That tiny spark of dopamine would help me loosen up; there would be less browbeating from that point. “Okay! What next! What can we do! LOOK IT’S AN EMPTY GIFT BAG” but I really want to save that “NOPE GOTTA GO THERE IT GOES.” You’re kind of play-acting a person who has executive functions at that point. But the Accomplishment Dopamine starts building. And pretty soon I would be bustling around picking up Things of my own volition. If I started balking again, I would keep asking myself, “What is the tiniest thing I can do next? Come on, you’re doing great, just go get the Box and keep going.”
See, I would also find a box of some kind, be it a storage container or the last delivery box I (obviously) didn’t throw away, and that would become the I Don’t Know Box. I achieved a lot of spare-room deep-cleaning this way. A key chain. Three stray game pieces. A perfectly good pad of Post-Its. An old coin purse. Mail I haven’t opened yet and probably never will. Where do they go? Fuck if I know, but that’s not my problem right now. Off you go into the IDK Box. Which can be shoved into some quiet corner to be konmari'd later. You either 1) know where an object lives, 2) you know it goes into the trash, or 3) you don’t know, and you make those three options as quick to enact as possible.
You can apply this to just about any hellaciously complex ordeal—talking aloud to force yourself to answer, which then becomes guiding yourself to answer, which then snowballs into getting into the flow of doing things (until you run out of function spoons for the day). “LOOK AT THE EMAIL. LOOK AT IT. ANSWER THE EMAIL. GOOD. MAKE THE PHONE CALL” noooo I hate the phone call “COME ONNNNNN!!!!” aaaaaaaa “YAY WE DID THE PHONE CALL.” And I really don't do this as often as I should, because it does actually work (for me). I know not everyone can do it--including me, much of the time—but it's an idea to add to the toolbox.
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its-a-me-mango · 28 days
I am OBSESSED with scene Mango's hair. Please feed me
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It's all natural you know!!! Born scene, such a beautiful world we live in to have doctors be born scene.
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