#but 1) it was only jp at the time so i had no idea what was going on LOL and 2) i have so little patience for mobile games i dont know why
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bmpmp3 · 6 months ago
i hope more mobile games/franchises do switch ports/adaptations like the upcoming ichu one. so many games i want to play but cant bring myself to play a freemium game
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noctilu-uca · 6 months ago
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This little freakster is apparently really really courteous and gentlemanly as said by the nrc students. He uses very highly respectable honorifics for EVERYONE even the people his own age (hes 16-ish i think) and is generally a very polite person and speaks eloquently. So very eloquently that it gets really odd since we rarely see that type of speech from someone so young in twst. As we know, halloween fanatic. BIIIGGG halloween fanatic. his hometown apparently worshiped jack skellington and saw him as the creator of halloween so basically grew up in weirdly halloween religious town. At school he was very ostracized (assuming he didnt go to school in his hometown, dont know if its NRC or RSA, best to assume its not) because the students dont share his interests and find him weird. Ended up in a book, the book his IDOL jack skellington resides in, forgotten by history, yet he aimlessly wandered the forest and never opened the holiday doors despite it being the only thing different in the forest
Theres many theories, skully might be dead, might be a ghost, OOORRR. a fae. there is many things that supoort these theories because. 1. Skully doesnt seem to have the same background knowledge as the NRC students. 2. doesnt seem to know the existence of very common things in twst, things that even the 700+ year old lilia remembers very well and can recount the change of expresison over time (magic stones). 3. He seems to think people dont know about halloween, or at the minimum gets OVERLY excited and surprised that people know of the *existence* of halloween. Theres more thingd but i cant remember them right now
But me ? What i think ? I think skully just grew up in an overly conservative town and he doesnt really *know* the outside world and its perspective because its all hes known. Of course my knowledge is limited bc this is a jp event WAAHHH but i know enough to make a decent inference
Despite being halloweens no.1 fan. Hes very odd about its expression...? He had odd rules, i dont remember them all but it was weird things like ALL BLACK. NO COLOURS. NO CANDY. NO MUSIC. NO DANCING. THIS IS SERIOUS AND SHOULD BE RESPECTED.
Anyway my point is that his expression of halloween is very serious very conservative and is almost treated like a wake or a funeral of some kind tbh. He also said that the "bad" ghosts should be beaten away despite halloween being the celebration of ALL ghosts (NRC students fought him on this one) which kinda just shows theres some moral "sin" he believes exists with halloween. Of course, expression is always subjective and hes free to do whatever he wants but he gets wayyy too upset when someone tries to go against whatever rules he places down for halloween. Way too upset. Ofc the NRC students (leona) weren't *always* nice about expressing their objections but it was still odd. He romanticizes halloween (much like how jack romanticizes christmas) yet turns it into something you would see at a weird church ? Hm.
And even with all that, he met jack !! His idol !! Wow omg !! But the thing is, when jack is planning halloween for the year skully actively dislikes his ideas. Despite idolizing him. Of course he goes along with it anyway because wow idol but, again, really odd
So my thoughts on this predicament, skully grew up in a religious, small, conservative town. And when he moved out and explored the world he was met with ostracism, and when he found an escape (the book) he dug himself into his fixation and refuses to leave the world hes built himself. He rarely talks about his outside world experiences, rarely talks about his hometown unless its in reference to his fixation. His views stay stuck with the conservative approach despite being told time and time again that it isnt the *right* way to approach. Even, indirectly, by his own idol whom he had been projecting onto. But even with people pointing out his skewed ways, he stays stuck. Refusing to redirect his approach and stay with what he has always done and always wanted to do.
Escapism and reality are very big themes im seeing, thats all.
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shijiujun · 22 days ago
jitd jp broadcast notes eps 1-2
i had a friend who was livestreaming the eps for me bless her but otherwise...
ww is 100% region locked, you can't even bypass the geo restriction even with a vpn because ww knows you're on vpn, they will tell you that sir/ma'am you cannot access with a vpn on :D
technically the process is (1) sign up for an account (2) pay for the monthly subscription which is about 20 bucks a month (3) make sure your laptop timezone matches the japan timezone (4) be in japan > the last part is the difficulty and most of us can't bypass or cheat the system so it's a moot point - i did pay for everything up incl the subscription till the region part ;-; i knew it was going to be probably impossible, but i tried it anyway
EDIT: just saw someone say that it doesn't work on the website but it works on the wowow app on phone with the VPN so i shall try that next week since i already have a subscription
the timings of both the old ep. 1 and current ep. 1 are actually almost the same despite the seeming number differences; within the allotted time period like 15 min is dedicated at the end of the ep to a long round of advertisements - first ads to pop up after ep 1 was shl and cql lol
the only major differences are: (1) ending and opening sequences have new content; priest was credited up front in the opening sequence rather than not mentioned at all as with the youku version and they changed the art piece to the last supper in one of the art graphics (2) they lengthened some scenes by some milliseconds, very negligible (3) colour grading and filtering - the colouring is much better on the ww version and users did mention that they can actually see what's happening in the dark corners of some scenes finally as it was q dark previously
it is 100% hard-subbed; subbing and other teams/accounts on weibo are working real hard to erase the hard subs and provide chinese subs etc. - can't share which accounts or direct links lol but if you search you'll be able to find resources - the jp subs are really huge af like if it's two lines that's half the width of the frame gone (ok i exaggerate but it's at least 1/3 nonetheless)
yes fans will come down hard on you if you so much as share a pixelated screencap for example, as is the usual case (even with other bl shows) because ww apparently will come down hard on you too and their older notice says that illegally uploading will lead to cancellation of the show (as is the usual case with other several jp broadcast platforms), so don't even think about sharing a visual on twitter/x - but just that side of things i think.
there's no stopping cn fans on weibo or intl fans anywhere else they usually get content from, if they can get it, no idea honestly, it's really the community delivering for the community and it's tough work > not endorsing, but i uds it's a resource for many ppl - in any case can still try to get the subscription on ww
some fans say that it’ll eventually be available internationally :/ no idea, it could mean maybe they’ll work with another platform? but if it’s just ww alone I haven’t seen any evidence that ww will provide for intl fans so fingers crossed there's a plan
technically also if they do dvd for jitd that's great too, but still also quite challenging to get and also comes like months later
idk if that means we can actually still post from the old youku footage eps 1-8 though LOL
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nimis-weakest-napling · 4 months ago
long dumb ramble
So Fauna's graduating, and I thought I would be sad, distraught, ect., but her saying she's graduating because of disagreements with management rubs me in a way that mostly irritates me, not because of her, of course, but because of management and corporate. I've considered myself almost more of a Hololive fan than just an individual talent fan since en debuted. I follow the general goings-on around the company. I love seeing different talents being creative and performing; seeing the huge events, concerts, conventions, etc., and the loads of merchandise (acrylic standees), not just of fauna but of most of EN and lots of JP, is what made me more of a core fan of the whole company, not just 1 or 2 talents, but after this year, I'm getting pretty concerned with the company and the direction it's going, and obviously I should've known better than to trust a big corporation. When Coco graduated, I was too early into my fandom to really grasp it; I only learned vaguely of what happened to Mano Aloe later on. When Rushia was fired, I was kind of sad, but then later on, why the company was firing her seemed reasonable to me, so it was a wash. Sana's graduation just seemed like piles of bad luck and an unfortunate situation that could not be helped. Magi Desmond and Vesper Noir (my only real chance of caring about Holostars) cut for some reason that I was not concerned enough to care about Mel being terminated. It seemed pretty harsh, but I thought those were just the breaks for breaking company policies. Then Minato Aqua graduated, and it seemed like she had some friction with management, but overall it seemed like she was just semi retiring to a better, less idol focused streaming career. After that, Ame graduated, being a core part of holo en and vtubing in general, but I thought someone with big innovative ideas like hers just couldn't fit in the confines of a rule heavy corporation, so it's fine; she was onto better things. Now Chloe is graduating, also citing a drift apart in her and management's interests, but for some reason I figured it couldn't happen to Fauna. She seems happy in hololive she'll be a mainstay for long enough that even when she would eventually graduate, it would be after such a long time it wouldn't really hurt that bad, but then my ticket came up way too soon, and I thought I would cry or be distraught, but I'm kind of just numbly irritated. Fauna is most likely on to a fruitful indie career, and I'm excited about what possibilities that will have, but while the talent behind Fauna doesn't die after January 3rd like some like to act, after January 3rd "Ceres Fauna" does effectively die. All the work the lore, however small and silly the bits, the interactions with fellow girls, and all the momentum of the avatar and the work the person behind it put in are lost. probably much sooner than the person behind it would like. "Disagreements with management." You can only fill the gaps with new talents and fancy big events for so long before people are too afraid to get attached or invested or too burned to care, and the core of what keeps your money engine on chokes, so good luck with that, I guess? I hope some things will change and the ship can be righted, but it probably won't.
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doctor-hopper · 6 months ago
You said you wished to be added to the mistranslation mailing group so I'll send you everything I've come across playing thru SDR2 original. Keep in mind I'm only on chapter 1 right now. I am not a #gamer so I pick it up and play it like once every 2 weeks LMAO.
Also half of this stuff is gonna be copy-pasted from chats I've had on discord with friends but it's the same info :>
i got to this part in the game (seen below) but the wording in the jp version is like "Hey, hey! Now, Hanamura-kun, what did I say?" Komaeda specifically uses ってば which indicates extreme annoyance and is usually used by women (teen girls) so i found it really cute
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2. hajime of course doesnt use keigo (polite speech) ever, except when he first meets sonia, he suddenly starts talking politely
3. in the official english version when teruteru urges hajime to discuss dirty stuff with him in private, hajime just says "...no thanks." however a more apt translation would be hajime saying in a very flat voice "I'll have to restrain myself" or even "I'm invoking my right to refuse." (遠慮ておく) the way it comes off is a very dry way of telling him off.
4. there's also a thing in the prologue where hajime thinks, "At any rate, if this is a nightmare, I have no idea if it's even started yet... Sheesh, what kind of nightmare is that?" but in the Japanese version it comes across as more tongue in cheek (if that's the way to put it). it's more like this: "Regardless, I can't even tell if this is a nightmare or not, or even what kind of nightmare... Jeez, what a nightmare!"
5. below are 3 screenshots. The first 2 from the official translations, the third from the Something Awful forums fan translation (before the official existed). As you can see they are quite different.
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Here is the Japanese text:
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when talking about this with my friend, I said:
As per usual it seems to be a case of the official translation being very literal and the fan translation taking tone more into account. The literal translation is:
Kazuichi: it's an unbelievable thought, but...those two are in a male-female relationship, don't you think so? Hajime: a "male-female" relationship? That is not how a teenager should put it.
The wording is more or less "not befitting of someone of young age", with a heavy masculine/imperative tone (since hajime uses ぞ). I'd personally translate it something like:
Kazuichi: I know this sounds crazy, but...those two, dont'cha think they could be havin' an affair goin' on? (Kazuichi speaks with a slight accent in the JP version) Hajime: "an affair"? You're talking like an old man.
I think an equally as accurate but localized translation would be something like " "an affair"? You *are* a teenager, aren't you?" but that sounds slightly stilted. Hajime also later says only 2 lines later "The more he talks, the more he sounds like a dirty old man." Hence my thoughts on changing the line slightly. All in all I think the fan translation did a pretty good job sliding in from Hajime's initial comment to his thought on Kazuichi sounding like a "middle aged man" (as it is put in the Japanese original). Honestly it's funnier than whatever I could come up with lmao
^in general, Hajime (or Hazime as he was originally known as in the JP version, am I the only one who thinks of this a lot? Anyways...) is very prone to dry/blunt humor. It's kind of similar to Haruhi Fujioka in Ouran Highschool (if you've seen that show). The issue is, a loooot of the text in Danganronpa one and two are translated super literally. This isn't a huge issue all of the time (though is very obvious pretty much in every sentence), but when you have a character who's supposed to be dry/blunt, focusing more on their words and less on the tone and meaning behind the words is why Hajime talks like a Redditor in the English version. Which is a shame, because he's very funny in the Japanese version to me.
Some more points...these are from the top of my head so I am no longer quoting discord.
In Danganronpa 2.5, I think it's the only time Komaeda uses imperative speech? I may be proven wrong once I play thru all of SDR2. Anyways, imperative speech is seen as really rude in Japanese. Of course anime rules are slightly different (many characters ESPECIALLY SHONEN characters will use imperative speech like it's just another Monday) but it's notable for Komaeda because I don't think he's ever used it before. He uses it in 2.5 when World Destroyer slides into his DMs (when he threatens Komaeda and his friends). Komaeda throws his phone on the bed and yells 黙れよ!which is the forceful imperative of "to be quiet". Given the context and Komeada's usual casual but not rude speech, I would actually translate that part as "Shut the fuck up!" the widely available fan(?) translation just has him say "I've heard enough!"
It's a very interesting point when analyzing Komaeda's character especially in 2.5.
Another thing I never understood about SDR2's translation is the removal of accents and certain quirks. Nekomaru talks like a wise old master in some ways...which is totally different from the heavy shonen talk I was expecting (which he has for sure, but I was not expecting that part of him. It actually made me like him a lot more.)
Kazuichi, for lack of a better comparison, talks kind of...gangster-y? I'm unsure how to put it. He would be saying things like "bro is tweakin' skibidi style" or whatever. Again, it makes sense with his character. Kazuichi in his FTEs talks about how people basically profile him without learning who he is. The way he talks only adds to the "delinquent" impression he gives off, which is where Hajime had the initial misunderstanding.
Komaeda uses more filler particles than the average character in the game I would say, at least enough for it to stand out to me. I don't know if Makoto was the same (I'd have to re-check it's been a while), but I've caught him using "redundant" amounts of ね and さ, which would most closely translate as "uh" or "um" or even "like" in English. It's not constant and he's much more well-spoken when he's rambling about hope/despair (ironically), but it was enough for it to be noticeable to me. I just wonder why it's not in the English version.
Of course, all the characters have their own speech quirks as you've probably picked up...Hajime talks very masculine and kind of rudely, Mikan is very polite, stuff like that.
OH! Here's a fun one.
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from UTDP. This got completely fucked in English. It's actually one of the worst mistranslations in the series aside from Komaeda's love confession IMO.
I don't blame the translation team wholly because if you look at the original Japanese text...
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it's not very clear. But still, I think it's pretty obvious that this is how the conversation was MEANT to go:
Hajime: Komaeda...give me your hand. Komaeda: Huh...? Why? Hajime: "Why"? We're going to do a handshake. Normally, I wouldn't go out of my way to ask this, but... Hajime: Will you be my friend? Komaeda: ...Hinata-kun, do you really think this will mean anything?
This is getting long so I will leave this, because as a translator/localizer this article speaks to me very much. Specifically...
Another benefit to a good localization is that it will be truer to the intentions of the original creators than a strict translation by allowing a Western player to be entertained by it in the same way the creators intended their Japanese players to be entertained by the original – you’re laughing at the same points, and crying your eyes out at the same points, too.
That's kind of why I dislike the official ENG SDR2 translation. It is not very faithful to the emotional meaning of the original text in many ways. And I think that's a very important part about translating stories...
Whew that was a lot. If you aren't already bugged by this, I'll make sure to stop by and send more sometime :] fun fact: according to the SDR2 official art book, Komaeda's favorite food is bread, specifically toast, and he dislikes white rice.
Whoops, I didn’t see this in my inbox until now. I’m not bugged at all—thank you for the lore, and I’d greatly appreciate any more when you have it! I’m not as confident or aware about some of these particle nuances, too, so it’ll be educational.
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dontfollowme-kay · 3 months ago
Every goddamn lines of Wesker in CVX but Japanese
Wesker's lines in jp version of Code: Veronica X are machine translated. Blue is English and purple is translation from Japanese script. If there're lines without trans then it's because en ver has the same meaning with jp ver
Meeting Claire
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"Greetings! You must be the lovely Claire Redfield."
"You're Chris's sister, Claire Redfield?"
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"Lets just say that I’m a ghost, coming back to haunt your...dear brother."
"Killed by your brother Chris, I'm a ghost coming back from hell for revenge."
(Mmm yes the first thing Jp Wesker did when he met Claire is making shit up when in fact it was his pet tyrant shishkabob-ed him)
"It seems there’s not much explaining to do is there? I was the one who attacked this island. Who'd of thought you'd be hanging about? All the better for me, now that the cat dragged in this nice surprised. Your ever so caring brother, he'll definitely show up. I must thank you for being such good bait."
"That's right. It was I who attacked this island. Though I had no idea you'd been held captive here. However, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. You brought Chris here. That brother of yours, who cares a lot for his sister, will definitely show up on this island. I’m looking forward to it."
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"I despise Chris!"
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"Oh how your brother will be surprised to see you die"
"If you die, Chris sure will be devastated."
(En version made it look like Wesker thought Chris would have a "omg you died???" reaction to dead Claire first than an emotional breakdown... I mean it's usually the case if your loved ones suddenly died)
"What? What is it?! Stay there, I’m coming."
"It's me. What?! I see... I'll return soon."
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"It appears you may be of some further use to me, I’m going to let you live...a little longer."
"It seems better to let you prove yourself useful one more time. I’ll let you keep that life of yours a little longer."
Saying hi to old "friend" (1)
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"Alexia?! No! She's already fully awake."
"Alexia?! Damn it! She's already woken up?!"
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"Chris. Oh little fishy, come see my hook."
"Chris... As I expected, you did show up."
(Uh...why it's so wildly different here?)
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"Chris, I'm sending some company to keep you entertained. Consider this a small welcoming gift from me. Enjoy."
"Just you wait, Chris. I'm going to send you a gift, a small token of hospitality from me to my old friend. Please accept it."
Saying hi to old "friend" (2)
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"Long time no see, Chris."
"I came for Alexia."
"My objective is Alexia."
"An organization hired me to capture her."
"I was hired to capture her."
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"You have no idea how much I hate you. You destroyed my plans, so now I sold my soul to a new organization. Now die."
"Oh how I despise you. So much that not even tearing you apart would be enough. You destroyed my plan...that's why I sold my soul to a new organization. Die here!"
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"Here's a little secret Chris, I figured out that your sister is now in the Antarctic with Alexia. It's too bad you'll never be seeing her again."
"I’ll tell you one last thing. From the data here, I found out your sister is in the Antarctic, and so is Alexia. What a shame for you to die without being able to see your sister."
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Wesker vs Alexia (not really)
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"At last, I found you Alexia. Come with me."
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"You're responsible for the creation of the T-Veronica virus. And now the only existing sample is in your body. I want it! Now!"
"You created the magnificent virus: T-Veronica. And now, its sample exists only in your body. I want it. Now!"
(Oh yeah, jp Wesker had a bit of fanboying over Alexia's subarashi virus I guess)
"You're coming with me!"
"I'll take you by force if I have to!"
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"Chris, since you're one of my best men, I'll let you handle this."
"Chris! You used to be an excellent underling, so I'll let you handle this." (Thanks Boss)
Wesker vs Chris
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"Well done Chris. It turns out that Alexia's work wasn't much of anything, so now the only thing left now is revenge."
"Well done, Chris. In the end, Alexia’s research turned out to be nothing special. Now that it’s come to this, all that’s left is to take my revenge on you!"
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"Today's a good day, I came for Alexia, but killing you is even better."
"I’m glad, Chris. I never thought I’d be able to kill you while chasing Alexia."
"Thats no longer a concern to me, I have Steve to work with."
"I don’t mind. After all I have Steve in my hands."
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"In his body, there's still a little T-Alexia virus. Steve should be a good specimen. Maybe he'll come back alive, just as I did. And be able to see your sister again."
"There's still T-Alexia virus remains in his body. It will make for good research material. Who knows, maybe he’ll come back to life like I did and someday reunite with your sister."
(And right after that, jp Claire said 「スティーブを返して!」 which basically is "Give me Steve back!" instead of "Don't you touch him!")
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"I'm sorry dearheart, but my men have already taken him."
"Young lady, I’m afraid my men have already taken Steve away."
(運び出す (to carry/transport to somewhere else) is used to refer to object more than people. Really tell you how much respect Wesker had for Steve's dead body)
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Chris: "I'll end this once and for all, say 'hello' to my comrades who you've killed."/「今度こそ決着を付けてやる。貴様のせいで死んでいった仲間たちにあの世で詫びるんだな。」 ("This time, I’ll settle it once and for all. Go apologize to my comrades who died because of you in the other world!")
Wesker: 「大した自信だな、クリス。」
"I don't know where you get your confidence Chris."
"That's a lot of confidence, Chris."
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"Sure i'm not human anymore, but look at the power I've gained!"
"How's that! The power I gained at the cost of my humanity!"
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"Magnificent, don't you think?"
"And I’ll use any means to achieve my goal. You’re the one who’ll be going to the other world!"
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"Nice try."
"That was close..."
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"Today's your lucky day, next time we meet, don't count on another. Until we meet again."
"You’re one lucky bastard. Remember this: the next time we meet will be your last. Until we meet again, Chris!"
And that was it for Wesker and his wannabe Dio Brando phase in CV. He was still the same dramatic ass in both versions, however English script kinda tamed down his hatred for Chris. And jp Wesker was more "neutral" towards Claire without those mockingly affectionate words he said to her in en script. ("You must be the lovely Claire Redfield", "I'm sorry dearheart, but my men have already taken him")
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shatcey · 2 months ago
Hi!!! Hope you are doing well. I usually play Ikevil EN but since there are speculation of Vivi's route coming soon in JP server. I want to play the ikevil jp version but the problem is I don't know anything about Japanese so probably gonna use some screen translators. Just wanna ask you which screen translators do you use? Is screen translation enough or do we require any other form of translation? How much time does it take to read 1 chapter as compared to EN version? Do you enjoy playing JP version same as the EN version or does translation work ruin the experience????
Hi, dear anon. I'm fine, thank you, I hope you're doing well as well. I'm very happy that you are interested at least to try the JP version of the game. Who knows, maybe you'll like it to such an extent that you'll want to try other games. And it will significantly increase the variety of the games that you can read. This is a huge step. So I understand your concern.
Vivi is truly a big mystery and I'm looking forward to his route myself. So, yeah… Give us that gorgeous man already!
As usual, I talk a lot… so get ready to read a lot.
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I started reading JP games about a year and a half ago. And I wasn't familiar with Japanese at all. I still don't know the language, but the brain tends to remember similarities… based on previous experience. So, the words that I've seen quite often, I've already memorized, but… no more than that. Since I never had a goal to learn a language, I never took the time to do so. That's the result. But… you never know what's going to happen in the future, life is very unpredictable, so maybe at some point I'll find the motivation to learn it.
I use several translation apps on my Android phone. One of them gives you a very vague idea of what lies behind the JP text. The other is more accurate. I will provide the links at the end of the post. But both of them have bad days, sometimes weeks, and they refuse to work properly. In this case, I take screenshots on JP and use other programs from my computer. The screenshots that you see in my posts are a combination of both of these methods, in addition, I'm paraphrasing the text to the point I like the way it sounds. And it takes quite some time. I do this so that people understand what is hidden behind the JP text, so that my jokes are more obvious and easier to understand. And maybe… to arise an interest in other projects that have not yet been translated or will never be translated into English. I am so full of myself.
For those who do not plan to make posts, but only want to read, it does not take much time. But it will still take longer. Depending on how quickly you learn to understand a very strange mechanical translated text. And it depends on how long the chapters are. For example… Genjiden's chapters are longer than Princes or Villains. So it took me about an hour to read one chapter (and that's if I didn't get distracted in the process… my mind is so easily distracted). And it takes me about 30 minutes to read Princess or Villains (if it's not an avatar challenge story, they are pretty long). It's not that much. But if I want to read more than one chapter at a time… my brain might start protesting and just shut down… It's like I'm reading a text, but I have no idea what I'm reading. Perhaps the problem is that English is not my native language, so I kind of read in two foreign languages at the same time. It's quite difficult.
If you need basic information... for example, about what happened in the story, or about the dates... just the facts, you will find this method very useful. But... It is quite difficult to see the beauty of the text, the lyrics of some lines. Sometimes I spend more time than usual trying to understand the text in more detail, and it's beautiful, but... It takes more, much more time to read it. And not many people are ready for this.
But. There is always a but. I don't know how... or why... but I feel a strong connection to the Genjiden. Despite the fact... I don't quite understand some of their lines, but the emotions behind them are almost palpable. And I was even thinking about doing some translations. But for a person who doesn't know the language, it's too difficult and (my poor head is splitting at the very thought of it) requires a lot of brain activity. I don't have much free time, and I'm always busy with something else. I need to focus... Somehow.
I like to read stories on JP… because there are characters that haven't been added to English games yet, and I really like them. I really like new events… They are not so difficult to read and do not take much time, compared to the main routes. That's why I'm always happy to do it. And for me, this is a great chance to learn something new about the characters that I really love, and there are planty of them. So… It's really worth it to me.
So, it's all very personal. You may find this method suitable for yourself, or you may not find it, only your experience will tell you. But if you want to do it, do it. Do not delay. As Clavis said... there is no better time than the present.
And links
I've been using it for quite some time now.
Instant translate (google play). It doesn't give a very good result, but it can be used constantly and for free. There is a paid version, and it can give you better results.
Gaminik (google play). This one gave a better translation (not always), but limited the number of times you can use it per day. The quantity is constantly changing, and the way you can add more. There is also a paid version.
When I was looking for programs, I tried a few and found that these two were more suitable for me. There may be even better options now, but I haven't looked.
On my computer, I use websites that convert images into text. There are a lot of them. And after that I use websites that translate from Japanese to English. There are a lot of them as well. I don't recommend Google Translate. It will not translate your text, it will find something similar and provide you with a translation of another text.
I really like this option. DeepL. It's not accurate, but it does have a dictionary that sometimes helps you better understand the line.
Another good option that I found quite recently is quillbot. It gives a pretty good translation (very pleasant to the ear) and has a paraphrasing function. I don't use it often, but then I do I always surprised how different the same phrase can look. But there is no dictionary on this site, so I can't be completely sure that they are translated correctly and not the way Google does it.
This is not an ideal options, I'm sure other people could recommend something better. But I hope this helps.
dividers by @.fanguro
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bungou-stray-dogs-archive · 3 months ago
Doppo Kunikida card - Masquerade
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Leader skill - Masquerade magnificence Increases Dark atk 50% Reduces enemy dmg 10% Active skill - It is a masquerade, after all. Enjoy yourself Changes all Light orbs to Dark orbs Deals x10 Dark dmg to an enemy Sub-skill 1 - You better not be up to anything Activates when hp is 85%+ (79%+ at lv.5) Increases atk by 85 for 1 turn (110 at lv.5) Sub-skill 2 - I've prepared an excellent selection of sweets Activates when all affinity orbs are cleared Increases atk by 85 for 1 turn (110 at lv.5) Memo Kunikida Doppo at the Masquerade. He came up with the idea for this banquet after seeing a mask that Atsushi bought from an odds-and-ends store. Though he is coordinating the free-spirited members of the Agency, he still seems to be having a good time. Quotes "This year's costume party is a masquerade. It's for one night only... I guess partying like this isn't so bad every once in a while." "Atsushi, we've dimmed the lights in here. Watch your step." "There were so many masks to choose from that I had a tough time picking. Well? What do you think?" Affiliation: Armed Detective Agency Dark affinity Atk: 1688 (Max) | 187 (Base) Hp: 8361 (Max) | 935 (Base) Balanced type
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He's available from the Masquerade scout, the Anniversary scout, the Kunikida Pick-Up scout & the Kunikida Birthday scout (EN & JP)
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shurisu · 11 months ago
Wait, Shurisu is the ship name between Shun and Alice?
I remember when Bakugan was airing and I would look for the episodes in YouTube and I would stumble upon ship amvs of Shun and Alice, even one where they claimed they would kiss later in S1 (obviously fake).
I distinctly remember it being one of the most popular ships in the fandom, but was the series hinting and building a possible relationship or friendship between the two and then dropped it later seasons? Or was it more of a fandom invention?
I wish Alice hadn’t been dropped as a character just to see how Shun came into terms with her being Masquerade. Is that something Shurisu as a ship has explored?
Yes it's the combination of Shun+Arisu (Alice's romanisation in JP) . Shalice was also a common name but I think Shurisu sounds better.
About them kissing I have an idea why. If you know Inesidora, she used to make lots of beautiful Shurisu fanarts. She would use a similar artstyle to bakugan's own for them, so people would share her art as spoilers 😂
Shurisu wasn't one of the most popular ships, it was THE most popular ship.There was literally no competition.Even when s4 was airing people were still waiting Alice to come back.Even right now talking about this like it was ages ago feels so weird to me but I know fandom changed so much since then
Ah little me knew and claimed the ship the moment i saw them 😄I still remember very clearly watching the intro for ep 1 for the first time(where Dan introduces us the brawlers) I looked at Dan and Runo and said "oh mc and his love interest?" and seeing Shun and Alice right after, fireworks went up inside my brain. I was like "and this is the couple that will steal the show" I wasn't completely wrong at least lol
In all seriousness though i think, the creators definitely had the intention to make them a couple but dropped it later.
Shun and Alice are both similar, so they are also very different compared to the rest of the team. I think that was intentional.They are both raised by their grandfathers,Shun was trained to be ninja and Alice was also learning under her scientist grandfather.Both are very smart, act mature for their age but also lonely inside.The difference is Alice was masking it (no pun intended🎭) with her more bubbly front. I think Alice also knew how similar they truly were.She was one of the very few people who could see through him and those who could, had already known him for a very long time unlike her(Shiori, Skyress and Dan)
She could sense his mood or what's going on inside his head despite the tough act he puts on.Also the time he wanted to leave the team and she went back after him,her words got to him because she told what he needed to hear,because she could understand how he was feeling.
Maybe not much important but it also always piqued my interest how we would see them together even on most random shots because apart from that, Shun would be pictured either alone or further back in group shots.
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Like this moment before the last battle,they were at the opposite sides of the city,how did they end up together?
I think Shurisu was intended to be the opposite of the main couple in mind. In contrast to Dan and Runo's childishness, they would be the mature ship.Why I think they dropped later is that
1)They didn't know what to do with Alice later on so they wrote her off
2)They also didn't seemed to know how to handle Shun any better so decided to keep him as a loner and made being a "loner" his only character trait.
Which I think is very sad because they both individually and together had a lot of potential(not gonna drag this one i know y'all hear me keep talking about this lmao)
About her being Masquerade,We at least know Shun accepts her like the rest of group but since last arc focused more on the battles there was no focus on relationship or characters.And on NV Alice had limited appearance while Shun was on Vestroia most of the time. Through the whole season only once they seemed to be in the same room together (when they send Shun to vestroia via Michael's teleporter) and I belive that's where this pic came from?
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Tl,dr; i think they were definitely made to be canon.But even if the creators were to came up today and claim they had no intention like that at all,it still wouldn't change anything for me.What matters is the characters dynamic.When you compare how they act like with eachother and with others and also look at their characters it becomes more clear. "The kind boy who puts on a tough act because he is troubled" and "The cheerful girl who is also troubled inside" is an old but loved dynamic afterall.So that's what drew a lot people in.
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phoenix-downer · 2 years ago
Thanks for answering in such a timely manner and I completely understand that! I know you did great work post KH3 when people were making a fuss about the localizations and you don’t have a bias in your translations so I thought you were the best person to reach out to! There was a few bits in Riku’s telling of KH3 talking about how the guardians were saved that had me questioning a few things.
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Here Riku is talking about the defeat and revival of the guardians and I was wondering if in this sentence he confirms that it was specifically only Sora and Kairi that were responsible for restoring them? Many have speculated Riku played a part in the process but to me it seems even Riku himself refutes the idea in this sentence if that makes sense?
And the other line I wanted to ask about was the last line of the page. The rough translation I got was this was the beginning of sora and kairi who were separated’s story.
I have rough translations of both but I was wondering how to translate them more naturally? Thanks in advance for your time I really do appreciate it! I had planned on making a tweet on the manner but I will respect your rules 100% and just keep the information here in the asks! ✨
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Sure, thanks for the ask! Here's a transcription of the Japanese version, then the Romaji version followed by a rather literal English version and then a more naturalistic version.
Excerpt 1:
JP: そしてキーブレード墓場で、俺たちはマスターゼアノートの戦いに挑むが、敗北した…はずだった。
Romaji: Soshite kīburēdo hakaba de, oretachi wa masutā zeanōto no tatakai ni tanomu ga, haiboku shita... hazudatta.
Sora to kairi no omoi ga oretachi o hikimodosu.
EN: And at (the) Keyblade Graveyard, we challenge Master Xehanort to (a) battle, but (we) were defeated... (or at least that's what) was supposed to happen.
Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings bring us back.
More naturalistic version: And at the Keyblade Graveyard, we challenged Master Xehanort to a battle, but we were defeated... or at least that's what should've happened.
Sora and Kairi's feelings brought us back.
To answer your question, based on Riku's words here and the grammatical structures he uses, it's clear he gives Sora and Kairi credit for restoring everyone to life. He doesn't take credit at all but groups himself in with the people who were brought back by using oretachi, "us/we," as the direct object of hikimodosu, "restore/bring back," which is indicated by the direct object marker o. And just to make things really clear, the subject in this sentence is Sora to Kairi no omoi, "Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings," which is marked by the ga subject marker particle and indicates that Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings are what brought "us" (Riku included) back.
And just to be fair, the start of this section is a quote from Riku to Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard:
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JP ソラ 俺は信じてる
EN Sora, you don’t believe that.
TR Sora, I believe (in you).
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JP おまえはあきらめない
EN I know you don’t.
TR You won’t give up/You haven’t given up.
I could see Riku's quote being... creatively interpreted into giving him credit for helping rescue everyone as well, given how he encouraged Sora not to give up, but Sora kinda gave up anyway once Riku died, and (granted I haven't played KH3 in a while so I'm going off of memory here, so take my interpretation with a grain of salt), it wasn't really till Sora heard from Chirithy in The Final World that Kairi was fighting with all her heart to keep him alive that he really regained his drive.
Plus, taking credit for rescuing everyone is not at all the sense I get from Riku's words here. If anything, he places all the credit with Sora and Kairi for reviving everyone and doesn't try to take it for himself. The inclusion of his quote at the top almost gives me the vibe that he's thinking, see, I knew Sora wouldn't give up, I believed in him, and he's proven me right with how he and Kairi brought everyone back. In the next sentence he does talk about how he defeated Ansem and how the others defeated the various Xehanort vessels, which tracks exactly with what we see in the game, but he does not take credit for everyone being revived; that was Sora and Kairi's doing. He's come a long way from how arrogant he was in KH1, and this excerpt really shows his growth and his admiration for his friends.
Additional Notes: A few interesting grammar points: I was doing some quick research, and 戦いに挑む with its use of the ni particle gives the impression that the battle was already scheduled or planned (which makes sense, given the themes of fate in KH3 and Xehanort's machinations).
Hazudatta means something like "should've happened" or "was expected to happen." In other words, Riku is making it clear that they should've lost the battle and would have if it weren't for Sora and Kairi.
The word I translated as "thoughts/feelings," omoi, can mean a variety of things; here's the full definition from jisho.org to give you an idea of the nuance here:
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And then the compound verb, hikimodosu, is interesting because if you look at the kanji it literally means "pull + return," and together the meaning is exactly what you'd think: to bring back, to restore, to return, to reinstate. There's this image inherently built into the meaning of the verb of the subject pulling the object back to itself (and in this case Sora and Kairi's feelings are pulling their friends out of the abyss and back to them, back to life).
Riku uses a different verb, hikimodosu, than Sora uses in Blank Points to talk about wanting to rescue his friends, but I thought it was interesting all the same because it's another -modosu compound verb, torimodoshi. Sora is the one wanting to "take back" his friends, and Riku is speaking of the same act but as being on the receiving end of it ("we were pulled/brought back" by "Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings" vs. Sora telling Kairi in Blank Points he "has to go and take back/recover all that is connected to him" aka his friends). Not anything huge or groundbreaking, I just thought it was kinda neat.
Excerpt 2:
JP: そして俺たちは見知らぬ世界でマスター・ゼアノートと戦い勝利する。だがそれはソラとカイリ、ふたりが離れ離れになる物語の始まりだった。
Romaji: Soshite oretachi wa misharanu sekai de masutā zeanōto to tatakai shōri suru. Daga sore wa sora to kairi, futari ga hanarebanare ni naru monogatari no hajimari datta.
EN: And in a strange/unfamiliar world, we fight with Master Xehanort and win. But for Sora and Kairi, that was the start of the story of the two of them becoming separated.
More naturalistic translation: And in a strange world, we fought Master Xehanort and won. But for Sora and Kairi, it was the start of the story of their separation from each other.
I find it really interesting how Riku frames this, like the next arc of Sora's story is centered on his separation from Kairi. He contrasts the victory against Xehanort with the separation of Sora and Kairi and speaks of that separation in terms of it being the beginning of a story. Also, the quote at the beginning of this section in gold is one of Sora's lines at the end of KH3...
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JP ううん 俺はこのまま行くよ
EN No, I know what to do.
TR No. I’ll go on from here.
...which is what Sora says right before he goes after Kairi. One story ends as another begins. I think a big part of Sora's next story arc will be his reunion with Kairi, just going off of how everything has been set up and how Riku refers to his separation from Kairi here.
Additional Notes: This is just linguistic nerdery so feel free to skip it lol but in case anyone wants to read more about Japanese linguistics:
Mishiranu strikes me as a set expression that originated in an older form of the language but continues to be used today, as it preserves the older form of the negative verb conjugation shiranu instead of using the more modern shiranai. It's something I want to do more research on to see if my hunch is correct or completely off, so off I go lol.
Hanarebanare is a word that exhibits the rendaku phenomenon where a word repeats in Japanese, and in its repeated second form the voiceless obstruent consonant that starts the word becomes voiced ("h" used to be pronounced as "p" in Japanese, and "b" is said in the exact same position of the mouth/lips as "p," only with voicing, so I wonder if this word was originally panarebanare and then the "p" became "h" over time after the rendaku occurred, and now I've found another rabbit hole to look into lol).
Anyway, thank you for the ask Star! Hope that helped with your questions ❤️
(Ninja edit: I realized I inserted a particle where there wasn't one in the second excerpt and updated my translation slightly to account for it--no major changes to the meaning, just wanted to more accurately reflect the grammatical structures).
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cecekeating · 9 months ago
My 614 Jordayla Analysis/Commentary pt.3
Now let’s go back to the housing situation. After Layla has a brief chat with Preach, she realizes that what she and Jordan need is a home, not a house. I am happy to be wrong but so far, the writing is pointing to Jordayla taking over the Baker home. If you recall in 401 when she tells her father that “it is not about the house, it is about the home”. The next time we see Layla after that scene with her father, she is moving into the Baker house. The Baker house has been Layla's residence since S4 until she married Jordan. This house is also where she grew up with Jordan and Olivia since middle school. We even have a laylivia childhood flashback in that house. So home for Layla is the Baker house.
For Jordan, obviously, this is his childhood home but also in 517, he tells Spencer that the Baker house still feels like home even though Coop is now in his room. While there was an undertone of Layla who he considers his home living in the house, I still believe that Jordan always knows that the Baker house is where he will always call home. So I am expecting Jordayla to take over the Baker home and I will be very surprised if NK and Oby go a different route in 615 with this housing arrangement.
Jordayla pregnancy theories!  I feel this episode dropped major pregnancy hints through the writing. Between Jordan cooking for Layla, him patting her tummy and Layla wearing pink in this episode, I feel it is very clear that Jordayla will be getting a parenting arc. In the worst case scenario, the audience would likely find out about Layla being pregnant in the early episodes of S7. This is the worst case scenario. I am also sure of Jordayla having a daughter, I am not so sure of a son yet.
Now this brings me to the wild theory I am about to share with you.
I don’t know if it is me but have you noticed the writing sort of building up Amina and Layla? Starting from 611. I am beginning to think Amina might be the new gen character or at least one of the new gen characters. When we heard of the new gen stuff, I think a lot of us assumed it would be a coach Baker and Spencer type situation. I don’t know why we didn’t consider the fact that the new gen character will likely be a female character from Crenshaw being mentored by a new gen Baker who is female. It is definitely Billy and Spencer all over again but it is also different because we are looking at female characters. If this is the route NK is going, I am here for it because it will keep things fresh and allow the writers to be more creative. So I can see Amina likely being the new ‘Spencer’ that gets mentored by a Baker only that the Baker is Layla. 
From a storytelling perspective, this makes a lot of sense. Amina has quite a bit in common with Layla. Just like Layla she lost her mother at a very young age. Remember Amina’s mother is Mo (the main antagonist in season 3) and her uncle is Tyrone. Both her uncle and mother are/were gang members and her father Preach used to be a gang member. Preach, her father fired the shot that killed Mo, her mother. I don’t think Amina is fully aware of this yet. Amina had a pretty fleshed out arc in seasons 4 and 5 that showed her curiosity to know the truth about what happened to her mother. From season 4, you can see she sort of had an idea of what was going on. She was also involved in a custody battle between Preach and her grandparents. So just like Layla, she had a pretty tough background as a kid. So you can see there is already so much material with Amina’s character that the writers can pull from to bring in high stakes drama. 
There are also some hints in the writing that she is already in a ‘teen phase’ with Preach. Preach grounded her in this episode. I can see her having tensions with her dad which is similar to teen Layla in seasons 1 and 2 and a bit of season 3 and  the tensions she had with JP Keating. This tension can become something else if Amina eventually understands/finds out more about the circumstances surrounding her mother’s death and the role her father played in it. If the writers play their cards right, the Amina arc is already brewing to be a really messy drama on AA. For more complexity, the writing can have Amina struggle with grief, depression or for a change, become a wild rebellious teen that Preach struggles to handle and we have our hands full. 
With other characters, Amina fits in very well too. She knows Patience very well and since she did/does some drama in high school(611), I can see Patience step in here as Patience is a musician and also has broadway experience. Coop blends in so well here too. Coop was front and center in the custody battle, Coop knew her mother very well and other than Preach, Coop is likely the only other character that has a full picture on the lives of her uncle and mother. Again, another source of drama. 
Going back to Layla, the storyline has been strongly hinting on her being the mother of a little girl. Having Layla mentor Amina makes loads of sense as Layla can begin to process motherhood or prep for motherhood through the lens of supporting Amina. I can see her relationship with Amina force her to really think about what type of mother she wants to be for her daughter. This will land better if it happens while Layla is pregnant or if she has a newborn daughter. Both Amina and Layla being young women that lost mothers at a very young age, in quite tragic circumstances (murder and suicide)  takes the Layla/Amina dynamic to a deeper level. I can see the writing continue to flesh out Monica/Layla a little bit more too, especially as Monica Keating was a huge part of Layla’s arc this season.
So Amina being the new gen character that the show decides to focus on will not come as a shock to me. Again this is what I have seen from the writing. I don’t know NK’s plan and which actors she plans to bring back  but this is likely where I can see the writing on All American heading. If all the stuff I have written makes no sense, please throw it out. This is my writer brain, fan theory brain here and I just wanted to yap all about it. If you also have some extra theories, I would love to hear! DM on Twitter or on here and let us yap away!
This episode also sort of dropped clues on the vibe S7 will likely have. I am thinking the vibe shifts into a more lighter, feel-good, wholesome vibe with maybe a strong family vibe lean. There was just something very light about this episode because even the writing for Spelivia (who normally have their writing lean into more serious, angsty stuff) were written to be pretty light and comedic. The next episode seems pretty emotional too. I am thinking this will likely be the vibe next season and I expect the audience to change a little bit because of this shift.
So that is all the yappings for this episode. There are still some loose ends to tie up with Jordayla so I will surely be back next week with more yappings. I personally loved this episode and I am looking forward to seeing how NK closes season 6 for us. 
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kurishiri · 7 months ago
Thanks for your reply!! Btw I'm just counting, but isn't it cheaper to just get 13 story tickets for 1300 and using them during the 2x time instead of going for the silver bundle, or any other bundle? Since you get 200 (400) for each chapter, plus an additional 500 (1000) for 5 chapters, so you get 13x 400 = 5200 and plus 2x 1k =7200 hearts, which equals to 72 heart sends vs 52 from the silver bundle? Since you get 4 coctails (2000 hearts during 2x), + 5 story tickets = 2000+1000, +200 hearts so it should give you 5200 hearts. So overall, it seems to me just purchasing story tickets seems way cheaper always. Gold set coctail: 10*80*5=4k, story ticket 8*400+1k=4.2k +500 = 8700 hearts vs 23 tickets = 10k+4k =14k hearts. So 87 vs 140 sends. So it's way cheaper to just buy story tickets and use them during 2x (or 3x) instead of going for the value sets, as I didn't calculate the later bundles, but since even the gold set is almost 40% less sends, I think it's the best to just buy tickets directly, or ticket bundles, right? :) By the way, do you have a translation or any vidoes of jude's card? I'm super curious if it's actually worth it to spend 20eur or more to get him or not :D
hii! i'll put the stuff about the bundles and all that under the cut again, but to answer your question about the jude card .. i mean, i think this story will have diehard jude fans screaming loll im not sure like where you at on the jude fan scale, but even though the story itself isn't like super romantic, as in kate and jude are not in an established relationship here, its got the tension lmao and lets just say, i think some lines in there can definitely be taken out of context 👌✨ im not sure if there's a video out there rn or if someone had tled it (you could check out @.archiveikemen, though i think they mentioned sorta stopping tling jude centric stories at one pt and idk if that pt was before or after that jude card came out on jp. or @.judesmoonbeauty as ik shes a jude fan!) but i hope my description can sort of help you get an idea what to expect without dropping too much spoilers and all.
each story ticket expended effectively equates to 🩷100 without lucky time, but they only give you 🩷500 only after you complete all 5 scenes in the chapter. during 2x lucky time for stories, you would receive 🩷200 per scene (ticket spent), i.e. 🩷1,000 for every chapter. so assuming you start at chapter 1, 13 story tickets would be enough for you to get 🩷2,000 plus another 🩷400 for the intimacy check, totaling to 🩷2,400 = 24 times sent, as 13 tickets will only be enough to read 2 chapters in its entirety; you don't receive 🩷200 for each ticket you spend, but rather 🩷1,000 every 5 tickets spent.
and for escorts, you can get 🩷40 normally without any lucky time applied, per escort (20 AP). so 5 escorts, i.e. expending all 100 AP, or 1 cocktail, will get you 🩷200. during lucky time, we double the amount of hearts per escort to 🩷80, which will make doing 5 escorts 🩷400.
so, if you buy 23 tickets, which is 💎2,300 and enough to get you through 4 full parts with 3 tickets overflow, as 23 % 5 = 3... assuming you start at chapter 1 of a route, that would place you at:
no lucky time: (4 × 🩷500) + (2 × 🩷200) = 🩷2,400 = 24 times sent
2x lucky time: (4 × 🩷1,000) + (2 × 🩷400) = 🩷4,800 = 48 times sent
3x lucky time i realized there was also a time frame where they had 3x story lucky time, but i didn't account for that in the previous ask because.. jp didnt have any lmao: (4 × 🩷1,500) + (2 × 🩷600) = 🩷7,200 = 72 times sent
if you buy the gold set for 💎200 more at 💎2,500... first to calculate story tickets... like the 23 ticket option, you will have 8 % 5 = 3 tickets overflow with enough to read 1 chapter in its entirety. again, assuming you start at chapter 1, here are the stats,
no lucky time: 🩷500 = 5 times sent
2x lucky time: 🩷1,000 = 10 times sent
3x lucky time: 🩷1,500 = 15 times sent
and then you have 10 cocktails, so that will give you
no lucky time: 10 × 🩷200 = 🩷2,000 = 20 times sent
2x lucky time: 10 × 🩷400 = 🩷4,000 = 40 times sent
3x lucky time: 10 × 🩷600 = 🩷6,000 = 60 times sent
on top of that, you get 🩷500 = 5 times sent.
so even in the worst case where you use the set items during no lucky time, you get 5 + 20 + 5 = 30 times sent. and in the best case, you can snag 15 + 60 + 5 = 80 times sent. if you use both the tickets and the cocktails during 2x lucky time for the story and escorts respectively, you have 10 + 40 + 5 = 55 times sent. and plus, you get 3 closets, which i mean, it's good to always take closets where you can.
so, if you ask me, personally i wouldn't say it's way cheaper to just buy a bunch of story tickets, per se. i feel like if you're going to just buy story tickets, you may as well just get the 30 tickets and 🩷600 during the story lucky time for 💎3,000. you would essentially be getting a little more than an entire chapter's worth of hearts gifted for free (without lucky time), so you would be saving yourself 💎500, effectively. during 2x lucky time, you would be getting 🩷6,000 + 🩷800 + 🩷600 = 🩷7,400 = 74 times sent. again, assuming you start from chapter 1.
i hope this helps a bit figure out what you want to do!
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maskyish · 2 years ago
Banri's Birthday Rabbit TV 2023 - Episode 3 - "Biggest Supporters"
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Tsumugi & Anesagi & Okarin & Shirou: Oooooh….! 
Banri: This is kind of embarrassing… 
Tsumugi: It really suits you! I want to show everyone…! 
Okarin: If Momo-kun and Yuki-kun saw this, they’d be super excited! 
Shirou: You look like a real model. It looks good! 
Anesagi: Well, don’t you clean up nicely….! Although, not as good as my prince! 
Banri: Haha, thank you very much. I’m happy to receive such high praise. 
Morino: Awesome! It looks great on you, Ogami! With this, tomorrow’s photoshoot can go on just as planned!! 
Banri: Jeez, you’re sure in a good mood. 
Stylist: I had no idea what was going to happen, but you all really helped us out by coming…! How can I thank you….? 
Banri: It’s fine. Due to our line of work, we’re used to unexpected situations like this, so we really understand how you feel. We’re happy to help. 
Tsumugi: Ah, excuse me, let me give you my business card. If anything pops up, please feel free to give our office a call. 
Stylist: Will do! 
Anesagi: Nice speed, Takanashi-san! 
Tsumugi: Thanks! I felt encouraged by your advice when choosing the cheese curry bread! 
Stylist: Oh, excuse me. I’ll adjust part of the hem just a little bit. 
Morino: He really does look just as lean as he was back then… 
Shirou: Then as expected, Ogami-san was popular in high school too? 
Morino: He was! This guy had all the girls falling for him! 
Banri: Hey, don’t say whatever you want just because I can’t move right now— 
Morino: Am I wrong, though? Just how many times did I ask you for advice? 
Morino: Girls would talk to me, but when I thought about it, it was only about what Ogami’s type was, or if he had any girls he liked! 
Okarin: Ogami-san is kind, considerate, and perfect, so I’m sure he gained a lot of fans without even realizing it. 
Morino: Exactly! 
Morino: It wasn’t like they publicly squealed, but more like the girls were earnestly supportive. Rather than something like fan popularity, Ogami was just genuinely liked by them. 
Anesagi: What a sinful man… 
Okarin & Shirou: A sinful man, indeed… 
Banri: Please don’t harmonize over there! 
Morino: The girl I liked also liked Ogami…. 
Tsumugi: R-really….? 
Morino: I was so frustrated I could die, so to be honest I started spreading rumors such as Ogami having really sweaty hands, and that he sneezes loudly. 
Banri: Stop with your strangely elaborate reality! (1) 
Stylist: ….. Alright, I’m done with the adjustments! The fitting is now complete! I really can’t thank you enough! 
*clap clap clap clap* 
Morino: Alriiight! Seriously, thanks a lot, Ogami! As a thank you, let me take your photo! One that could make your partner faint! (2) 
Banri: Well, I don’t know when that time will come, but I might like to be photographed since you’ve become a pro. So I’ll leave it to you. 
Morino: Great! A man who looks good by the window!
Tsumugi: Wow…! It’s like a sweets buffet! It’s so lovely…! 
Anesagi: Oh my god, this is the best! I would love to have a wedding like this. 
Morino: They also made test treats for tomorrow, so I’m glad you guys can try some. 
….. But, is this really okay as a thank you? 
Shirou: Of course. Those kids will be happy to even be sent pictures like this. 
Okarin: Oh, Utsugi-san! If you’d like, shall I take a picture? 
Shirou: Are you sure? Then, please, if you would. 
Okarin: Yay! 
Anesagi: As you can see, we’re having a lot of fun, so it’s totally fine. 
Morino: Ahaha! Glad to hear it…! 
Okarin: Ogami-san, I brought you some champagne if you’d like! 
Banri: Thank you. Even though the wedding isn’t until tomorrow, it already kind of feels like a party.
Anesagi: …..Isn’t it about time for the plan? 
Shirou: Yes, I think so. 
Banri: What plan? 
Tsumugi: Banri-san! Actually, when we were discussing whether you were going to model or not, we had also decided on your surprise! 
Tsumugi: The video call connected, I’ll put it on speaker! 
Banri: A surprise?! 
Riku: Hellooo! Can you guys hear me—? 
Iori: Wait, Nanase-san. Don’t cover it with your finger. It’s on the camera part. 
Mitsuki: Woah, you’re actually wearing a tuxedo! It looks amazing! 
Tamaki: Seriously! Ban-chan, you’re sooo cool! 
Ryuu: Wow….! You look like a model! 
Gaku: Woah, what a flashy place. 
Minami: Is it a church garden? There are so many sweets…..
Touma: Wait, isn’t Ogami-san seriously way too handsome….? Is it alright to have such a cool manager? 
Momo: B-B-B-BA-BA-BA—BAN-SAN…..!
Yuki: Oh, Momo fell over. Ban, are you getting married without telling me? 
Banri: Y-you guys! What’s with the gathering?! 
Nagi: We wanted to see our beloved manager. 
…. Oh! There are 2 pretty fairies in the garden. 
Tsumugi: Fufu. We were able to rent this lovely garden! 
Anesagi: Oh my god….. If it wasn’t for this being through a screen, I would’ve fainted….
Yamato: Heeh, it’s a nice place. It has a really good feel to it. 
Tenn: You look amazing, Anesagi-san.  
Gaku: Your face is red. Are you doing alright?  You should take a break in the shade over there…
Anesagi: Thank you. I’m alright. I’m in tip-top shape. Ahh, the champagne is so good. 
Momo: Okarin! Eat enough delicious food for me too, and be sure to bake it into your memory…! 
Okarin: Haha! Thank you very much. I’ll bring home lots of souvenirs!
Haruka: Utsugi-san, scooch a little closer. I can’t see you. 
Minami: Isumi-san, you can come this way. The screen is easier to see. 
Torao: Isn’t it about time you started missing us? 
Shirou: Indeed. Since I was lonely, I took lots of photos to send to you all. 
Torao: W-well aren’t you honest about it….
Sougo: It looks like a wonderful place to celebrate. 
Tamaki: Right? Oh, wait a sec, let’s record the screen! 
Banri: A celebration… No way….
Sougo: Yes way. We have a present for you, Banri-san. 
Riku: It’s fan service from all of us! 
Banri: EH?! Fanservice…. Is it really alright to receive something so luxurious? 
Yamato: It’s gonna go by fast, so don’t look away! 
Mitsuki: To start us off, an air hug from Iori and Riku! 
Riku & Iori: *Huuug!* 
Iori: … Ahem. Ogami-san, we’ll be in your care from now on as well. 
Riku: Banri-saaan! Thank you! 
Banri: Of course! Thank you for the cute hug! I love you both! 
Mitsuki: Up next will be me, Yamato-san, and Nagi! 
I love you, Banri-san! *Mmm, chu!* 
Nagi: *Mmm, chu!*  I LOVE YOU BANRI! 
I wish you much happiness from now on as well. 
Yamato: H-huuh? Well, I’ll go along with it since it’s for Banri-san……. *chu!* 
Banri: Haha! Thank you! Getting blown kisses from you three made my heart skip a beat! 
Tamaki: Alright! MEZZO’s next!  Let’s go, Sou-chan! Wave your arms really big! 
Sougo: Leave it to me. I’ve been stretching. 
MEZZO: We love you thiiiis much! 
We look forward to working with you in the future too! 
Banri: You two….. Thank you! I love both of you, too! 
Ryuu: Then, it’s TRIGGER’s turn next! Let’s do it! 
TRIGGER: Let’s share a dream you never have to wake from. 
Banri: Uwahh, so cool…! TRIGGER literally shot through my heart! 
Anesagi: Fufu! You wouldn’t be able to be in one piece after receiving fanservice like this! 
Yuki: Now then, Ban. Will you also accept our fanservice? 
Momo: I’ll make a heart with Yuki….! Please accept it, Ban-san! 
Re:vale: Heaaart! 
Banri: Thank you…! I got the best Re:vale heart! 
Okarin: Surely! They were both perfect! 
Touma: Alright! We’re the last ones up. Let’s do it! 
ZOOL: Only look at us…!
Banri: S-so cool! The power of just a wink…! 
Shirou: Please let me take a video with my phone later! 
Riku: And now….. Everyone will go! One… two… three! 
TRIGGER & IDOLISH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Happy Birthday! 
Banri: Thank you…..! It was amazing, I’ve never had such a luxury! The fanservice medley from everyone was the best! 
Banri: I am so fortunate to receive a gift packed with so much love like this. 
Riku: We’re the fortunate ones…! It’s because of you and our manager that we’re able to make all of our fans happy. 
Tenn: I agree. It’s because of Anesagi-san that we can stand like we have. Please continue to stay by our side.  
Momo: We’ve known Okarin for a long time, but we have never forgotten this feeling of gratitude.  We’re always relying on you. Let’s continue towards the view at the top together! 
Haruka: Thank you for believing in us, and for making us believe in you. I really do think…. that I’m happy you’re here, Utsugi-san. 
Haruka: Well then…. Ready, and….! 
TRIGGER & IDOLiSH7 & Re:vale & ZOOL: Thank you for everything! We look forward to continue working together! 
Tsumugi: ……. T-thank you so very much!! I will do my very best to make sure you smile! 
Anesagi: ….. It kind of feels like a proposal, huh. No matter what, I will always be on your side. I’ll always think of you. 
Okarin: I want to forever and always protect the scenery that Momo-kun and Yuki-kun have shown me, and go towards it together! Re:vale really is the best! 
Shirou: I am so grateful to have the privilege of being by your side to watch over the growth of everyone in ZOOL. This must be my first time getting to thank you. 
Banri: We are everyone’s #1 fans and your biggest supporters. 
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End of rabbitv. 
TL Notes: 
The word used is 絶妙 so a more literal translation could be something like “Stop making it exquisitely realistic!” but I didn’t think “exquisite” in English really fit the tone of what he was saying since “exquisite” is usually used in a beauty/fancy context so I went with "strangely elaborate".
The phrasing here is literally something along the lines of “knockout your partner” but it sounded more violent than I think intended when worded like that so I changed it to fainted lol . 
Side note: This is so unimportant but even though I translated them both as “cool”, Banri describes TRG as やばい (yabai) and ZOOL as 格好いい (kakkoi)
And thank you to @marina41trench for helping me brainstorm on some lines I got stumped on!!
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tarotcard0 · 10 months ago
So, I have now officially beaten every NES Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) game. I'm currently playing Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and I'm almost at the end, but I have to wait for the switch to recharge before tackling Chapter 8.
In the meantime, I want to write down some of my thoughts on Dragon Quest here.
Dragon Warrior 1 (NES) - Dear lord, just play one of the Remakes, the original is so tedious. There's a remake for Gameboy, there's a remake for Mobile, there's a remake for SNES, there's even a fan made RPG Maker Remake. Any one of those is a better choice than the original. Only play the original if your curious, or for studying purposes. Oh, on that note, the SNES version is Japan Exclusive, so you'll have to get a patch to translate it to English.
Dragon Warrior 2 (NES) - Not only is this the best game of the NES Quadrilogy, it's just the best Dragon Quest game I've played. How did they do so well on their second try!? It's so hard to describe the feeling I got playing this and realizing "Oh! This is the game all those other RPGs are referencing!" Now, I'm biased. I liked drawing my own maps and taking my time with that, so if you don't I also recommend going to the remakes. Again, they're available for Gameboy, SNES, and Mobile. Again, the SNES version is JP exclusive and has an English translation patch.
Dragon Warrior 3 (NES) - It's hard to describe why I felt a little disappointment with this one... Dragon Warrior 2 was just... So good! Like, how do you follow that? For some reason, everything in 3 felt... slower. Despite several quality of life changes, things like re-organizing my inventories felt more tedious than it did before, and when the story reached the Second Act (I'm not sure I used that phrase right) I fell into that same emotion that I had while playing persona 5 where the game just felt like it was dragging on. And because I can probably beat Dragon Warrior 3 4 times over in the time it took me to beat Persona 5 once, I have reason to believe this has to do more with the context of the plot, than the runtime of the game itself. I guess I'll go ahead and recommend playing he GBC or SNES remakes again, they certainly sped things up.
Dragon Warrior 4 - This game SUCKS! It's easily the worst of the NES quadrilogy. It's not the worst Dragon Quest game (Dear god it's not the worst), 9 takes that dishonor (At least, of the ones I've played so far), but the baffling decision to have all party members except for the Hero controlled by AI once you gain control of said Hero, makes it a very close second. I can't even recommend the remake, because I can't get very far in it. Once we enter the Remake dimension for this game, we exit Dragon Warrior and enter Dragon Quest, where the development team thought it would be a great Idea to transcribe everyone's accent to a ludicrous (and sometimes racist) degree. And, surprising no one, RPGs are just slightly impossible when you can't read.
I can't do another "Keep Reading" break, so those 3 dashes will have to do.
Well, now that I've beaten all 4 of the OG Dragon Warrior games, I'm wondering what I should do next (After beating TTYD of course)
Should I keep on with the series and go to Dragon Quest 5, or should I start on the NES Final Fantasy games (Of which, I've only beaten FF2)?
I'll end this post with a Poll.
Of course, I'm biased in favor of Dragon Warrior 2, but I'd like to hear what reasons others have for liking the ones they do.
Oh, and just to make sure this gets a decent sample size; the remakes count. If you've played Dragon Warrior GB, but not Dragon Warrior NES, then you've played Dragon Warrior.
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eloeloanna · 10 months ago
Elton's pov
So, Elton won in the poll and this is the reading! I hope you enjoy it ❤️
This is for entertainment purposes only.
Check my readings! part 1 here | part 2 here
What did Elton think of John?
I think Elton felt a lot of empathy for John. It was like he thought that John wasn’t able to be himself - never could be himself, because of his fame and wealth. So he really tried to be very protective of him, and tried to do certain things for him as long as the time and relationship allowed. It was like…he could’ve done “more” (I really can’t think of what), but that thing took a lot of time to be decided, and it was like this “lateness” provoked that John “left” him. What Elton didn’t understand in the moment of his indecisiveness, was that John actually trusted in him.
So when John left was very heartbreaking for Elton. It was also like he couldn’t believe it. In that moment he also wondered what was the relationship that he had with John. It was like “did I do all of this because I loved him?“ and then it was like “oh, no. I just wanted to fuck him” 😭. So that calmed him down, and that helped him realise that however suddenly everything happened, it was what it was. John returned to this person and he had to be happy for him, I think Elton would’ve liked to talk more openly and honest about the situation, but he also knew that it would be difficult for that to happen. I think he tried to go on with his life, but time to time he would think about this.
What does Elton think about Paul?
The energy for this one was something 😭. At the end of this reading I thought “well, maybe I will understand when I do the JP one” 🤣.
At the beginning the cards were showing me that for him, Paul needed to enjoy more his life. Even when Paul showed everyone that he was this fun and easygoing character. It was like Elton couldn’t understand what the fuck was going on with Paul. So difficult to know, so difficult to dissect. This feeling made Elton to actually avoid any contact with Paul. He didn’t want to see him, and it wasn’t like because he hated Paul or something, it was like because of the lack of connection, it was unbearable to be around him.
I think Elton (in a later part of the timeline), took a lot of effort in trying to communicate with him, even when this discomfort him, but he did it anyways, he even thought about how to talk with him, but Paul still would be talking just the necessary stuff and acting basically like a cunt 😭. I think later Elton could understand that this was a self-defense mechanism.
I think probably Elton and Paul had like one “honest” conversation. This conversation obviously was encouraged by Elton (😭), and even when he could be very satisfied by the results, probably Paul later denied (or dismissed) what happened and for Elton was like GURRL 🫠🫠🫠, but he actually was very happy that at least Paul said something. I think Elton has been very patient actually, and very understanding of Paul, even when sometimes he would be kind of hurt because of Paul’s attitude.
What did Elton think of John and Paul’s relationship?
I think Elton intuitively believed that something between them happened. And he also thought that not just the people around them ruined the relationship, but also, themselves. It was like one of them tried to promise something (that he knew he couldn’t fulfill) and the other just rejected the idea (?.
He obviously thought also that they were a dream team when it comes to business and ideas, but for him all of this it was doomed because of the intense feelings that surrounded the relationship.
He thought that one of them was like “torturing” the other part. It was like this person was a cunt on purpose that liked to see the other suffer. And he really could feel how the other suffer. It was too much.
Also, the “cunt” (😭) was a person that for Elton did all because of his own interests, and even when Elton would know a more “tender” part of the “cunt”, he would still feel that the “cunt” was a cunt and didn’t trust him very much.
In some part of the timeline Elton knew that “the cunt” and the other part were probably reunited again and trying to repair the relationship but Elton really really couldn’t trust this. It was like Elton thought that the “cunt” needed some money and that was all. But he tried to remain in his place and don’t talk about this at all.
I don’t have much time 😔 but If you want me to dig more on this just tell me ❤️. I hope you liked this! I did! ❤️❤️❤️
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dutchannanas · 4 months ago
Episode 7 My thoughts 💭
Riiiight, death match time!
I'm a bit slow. So all the leaders should pick a better rapper in order to survive? And if they want to get rid of a shitty rapper, they should pick someone worse than themselves? That is what I'm hearing.
WAIT I'm confused. I'll just shut up and watch. OH it depends on how well you did at the Block Tournament. That makes sense.
Khan isn't planning on sacrificing Loopy meanwhile Loopy would sacrifice himself for his team every time lol
Reddy is also saving Haon basically.
Kaogaii what are you doing???? Is his father's instincts kicking in???
Goodbye Gamma
Cocona and two guys who never performed
Block 1 and Block 5 didn't pick any elimination candidates because they survived everything in the previous episode.
DAMN only 8 out of 16 will survive!
Oh I get it now
So the leaders will have a 1 on 1 battle. Before they begin, they have to submit a card with the name of one of the elimination candidates. So if Hippie Kunda for example wins and she picked Gamma, Gamma will survive.
Hello everyone, OP here. From this moment until 1 hour 1 minute of the show, I forgot to save my writing on my phone. I have no one to blame but myself. Should I start over again and re-watch the past 40 minutes?
I have decided to continue watching like nothing happened. I'll finish the episode as usual but afterwards I'll think again about what to do. After all, there is still 1,5 hour left... I'll change to my laptop because auto-save TT
OP again. I'll just skip this part. I even forgot to upload this T^T
Alright Hippie Kunda vs Kaogaii. O'Domar survives and the rapper who goes home is- what the fuck? Gamma? I had a gut feeling. I hope next time he goes on a show, he'll do better.
Last battle! Kaogaii should go again, right? I'm confused, what is this show trying to foreshadow? I applauded behind my screen for Hippie Kunda, it must suck for her because she just lost. I'm proud of her for working hard! Oh! Instead of giving a shitty performance, he didn't rap at all. He was planning on eliminating Koala. I think it's Koala because he's the one who's edited out. I forgot about him lmao. Thanks to the K-hiphop sub-reddit for proving information!
So everyone tried their best to save their teammates, only Kaogaii used this opportunity to eliminate a rapper on purpose.
Loopy, Reddy and Haon... their hearts are too big for their bodies.
What will happen to Block 7? Will there be drama? Reddy showed a more confident performance than Chaboom both times. It is what it is. Owen in Block 5? Will they accept him? Either way, if Owen wants to win then, yes I agree that staying in Block 7 is a bad idea. Something has to change.
Block 8 is just 3 people now. They should make a big change to in order to survive. Ahw, I want to give all of them a hug :((
Jack Daniel's ad time
Owen looks like a tomato hahaha
Loopy and Owen... It was very touching to watch. I have been avoiding this but ever since the two of them were announced to participate, I was hoping for a mkit rain reunion. I didn't express it, worried I'd jinx it or something. I feel so nostalgic right now, it's unbelievable, I discovered them 5 years ago...
Oh shit. Daniel Jikal decided to withdraw from the show. I respect his decision.
Khundi Panda is now leader of Block 5. Not gonna lie, I thought he was already the leader, not JP. I forgot. Owen and DD join Block 5!
lmao Kaogaii tried to recruit Since and now Since is trying to recruit Kaogaii.
Kaogaii is so entertaining XD
SINCE IS GOING TO BLOCK 6?? Wow I thought she was a loyal person but it seems like she values winning more. I don't mind, the longer she survives, the more I get to watch her perform. I do hope that outside of Rap:Pulic, Since and Punchnello drop a song together. I really enjoy the two of them on stage. Block 6 is looking stronger. Skyminhyuk is now the leader of Block 4, instead of Punchnello. Hippie K and Drain K join Block 4 and Block 8 dissolves.
JTong is joining Block 2!! Even though he left, Block 1 is still a strong block. Chaboom is moving to Block 3. Foggyatthebottom moves to Block 2 and just like that, Block 7 closes down. Double Down changes teams again is now in Block 1. Osun is joining Block 5. Where did that come from? Damn, he gets to be the leader too. Nice deal. Oh Osun~ you broke Haon's heart :( Kind of a dick move to change blocks without saying anything.
It is time for a new mission. Changing Blocks has come to an end. Third Block Match. Block competition. First match, Block 5 vs 4. Second match, Block 3 vs 6. Third match, Block 1 vs 2. Oh shit we're already starting the fight! The preview for the next episode looks promising, it'll be lots of fun!
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