#busted down the door of a shoe shop and went GIVE ME ANY PAIR OF BOOTS NOW
variksel · 1 year
fully convinced that after paeden slit glenns achilles tendant when he had the hiccups glenn went from wearing trainers to bovver or cowboy boots only because of the high collar
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cottonlemonade · 2 months
hiii i’d like a medium fruit punch lemonade with pomegranate seeds for osamu <3
Mystery Flavor
word count: 779 | avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip!Osamu x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff with a bit of spice
warnings: mdni
request: fluffy-spicy, midnight hang out with pining friend Osamu
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“Haaaa, this is just what I needed.“, you sighed and stretched. Your shoes made a faint splat sound on the still wet asphalt as you and Osamu headed down the street.
The red and green stripes of the convenience store shone friendly up ahead in the night.
“So what did you do that didn’t work?” As much as Osamu hated you dating other men, the growing number of failed first dates did help him learn what you were looking for in a relationship.
“Oh who knows.”, you breathed out, “Maybe it was because he was glued to his phone the whole time or that he didn’t seem interested in any kind of conversation topic I came up with.”
“In his defense, ya do talk about pretty weird stuff sometimes.”, he said, doing a little jump over a shallow puddle - you wanted to copy him, but didn’t quite stick the landing as elegantly and he had to catch you. Osamu met your eyes and was about to say something when you continued walking with the implicitness of a girl entirely oblivious to her best friend's true feelings.
“Thanks. Where was I?”
“Yer lacking conversational skills.”
“Hey now!”, you protested and playfully poked his shoulder, “You loooove my hypotheticals.”
“Yeah yeah…”, he muttered. His hand was still tingly from touching the free skin between your washed out crop top and sweatshorts. He felt like a creep for wishing he could have squeezed your pillowy waist.
“Anyways, he was also just kind of rude and… looked like he’d rather be anywhere else.”
“Remind me to never introduce ya to Suna.”, Osamu chuckled.
“Is he the hot guy on your old school team?”
“No, that was me.” He was kind of offended at how hard you laughed about that.
When the doors of the convenience store opened with a soft whirring noise he swerved to the chip aisle with you right behind him. Once two bags were chucked into the little basket in his hands, you went on to the ramen section and much to Osamu’s dismay you were still talking about Suna.
“I bet, at the very least, he would’ve kissed me goodnight.”
“So even if the date is a bust ya would wanna make out with the guy?”, he asked, turning up the judging tone of disgust in his voice that for some reason went completely unnoticed by you as you continued.
“Well, no. But I want him to want to, you know?”
Osamu raised his brow, then walked over to the drink section and looked through the display for your favorite.
“Oh hey, this looks fun. Wanna give it a try?”, you asked next to him and pointed at a wall of identical to-go cups in a fridge. A promotion of the store offered a mystery flavored iced tea for a lot less money than your usual and you were nothing if not a sucker for a good bargain.
Grabbing your favorite drink anyway, Osamu joined you and chose a cup near the top, while you opted for one near the bottom.
After paying you came to a halt in front of the shop, too impatient to see what kind of flavor you got. You both pushed the straws into your cups, toasted and took the first sip.
“Peach and lemongrass.”, Osamu said almost immediately, “Yers?”
“Hm… not sure.”, you said, taking another thoughtful sip, “Maybe passionfruit? Or… hm… mango? And something else. I’m not sure. You wanna try?”
Osamu considered the straw you offered to him for a moment. Without thinking he reached past the cup. Closing the gap between you, he gently held your chin with thumb and index and leaned down to brush his lips against yours. You gasped in surprise and after a first experimental push, he got bolder and swiped his tongue into your mouth. The flavor of the ice tea was refreshing and exotic, mixing with his own. His head began to spin and he wrapped his arm around you to stay grounded as he continued to kiss you. Your soft tummy pressed against him. He was about to lose his mind, heat rose in his cheeks and stomach. You tugged at his hair and his thoughts turned off like a power cut on a TV that was previously just static. You sighed into the kiss and leaned forward for more when he broke from you. Guiltily, you bit your plumped lips, your hand resting on his chest, panting slightly.
“Guava and mint.”, he determined and let you go. He walked a few steps homewards and when he didn’t hear you following, turned around. You were still standing there, frozen.
“Ya comin’ or what?”
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a/n: thank you so much for the request! I love cozy late night scenarios - I hope you enjoyed! 🌟
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chefdoeuvre · 4 years
Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader
Description: No matter how hard you try to hide it Jay can read you like an open book.
Words: 1,479
Requested: yes by anonymous; So I thought it would be cute if Jay and reader have just started seeing each other secretly and she's acting off and quiet at work and he notices before everyone else please?? Thank you x
Warnings: angst (if you can even call it that), mentions of cancer, fluff as usual.
A/N: I just want my own Jay Halstead. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.
After leaving Jay's place early that morning you made your way back home. You hadn't initially planned on staying the night, but there was something about being in his arms that made you not want to get up. You pulled up to your building and ran up to your apartment. Hurriedly heading inside you made a beeline for the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once you finished up your shower you pulled on your normal work clothes, which consisted of a plain shirt and jeans. Grabbing your holster and your badge you clipped them onto your jeans. You headed to the kitchen and scrounged for some form of quick breakfast before you would head off to your usual coffee shop.
Just as you began quickly munching on a granola bar your phone began ringing from the couch where you had tossed it when you walked in. The caller ID was your mom, so with furrowed brows, you answered the phone.
"Mom?" You asked.
A sniffle was heard on the other end before she spoke, "hi, sweetie."
"Mom, what's wrong?" At this point, you had started pacing and racked your brain for what possibly could have gone wrong.
"It's your father..." Your mother began, but she trailed off.
"Is he?" You couldn't even say the words out loud.
"No! It's not that, he went to the doctor the other day." She took a deep breath before continuing. "They said he has lung cancer." Your mom quickly explained after realizing where your mind had gone.
"What else?" You questioned in a whisper, holding your tears back to be strong for your mother.
"They caught it early, he's starting chemotherapy soon. Hopefully, he'll beat it since it's in the early stage still." Your mom continued.
"Can I talk to him?" You asked as you chewed on your lip, a bad habit you did whenever you became nervous.
The shuffling from the other end was heard and then your father spoke, "hi, honey." Even with his recent diagnosis, you could hear the smile in his voice, that's how he always was, happy no matter what.
"Hi, daddy." You whispered with a small smile from hearing your father's voice.
"I heard you finally got into Intelligence, I hope Hank is treating my best daughter well." He laughed, even if you had been in the unit for quite a while every time you talked he would tease Voight about treating you well, they had been best friends since they were young.
"Dad, I'm your only daughter and I've already told you, it's going great." You laughed, shaking your head.
"That's good to hear. Now, I don't know what your mother told you but don't worry about me, I'll be back to the same old me soon enough." Your father reassured you, "and shouldn't you be heading to work now?" Your father asked in a teasing tone.
"Alright, dad. And yeah I should, but it's fine one late won't kill my career. I'll just bribe Voight with his favorite coffee order." You joked.
"Bye, sweetheart." Your parents both said before ending the call.
Wiping the stray tears off your face you decided to skip out on going to the coffee shop and would just drink the burnt one they had at work. Taking a deep breath you set off to work, pulling on a coat and pocketing your phone.
Walking into the district you greeted Trudy with a small smile and headed up the stairs to Intelligence. Making your way to your desk Jay looked over to you and sent you a wide smile. In response, you gave him a tight-lipped one back. He furrowed his brows at your behavior, but decided he wouldn't push it and chalked it up to the early morning you had after leaving his apartment to make it on time to work.
The day got off to a quick start with you guys getting a case within an hour of arriving to work. Throughout the entire time, you had been silent and only spoke up to provide important points that the others missed. After uncovering more information Voight began setting up a sting. You were paired up with your usual partner, which just so happened to be Jay. This also was the reason why you had kept your relationship a secret, so much so that not one soul knew besides the two of you.
You were off in a corner pulling on your vest when Jay came up behind you to help.
"Hey, you alright?" Jay whispered, sweeping your hair to one side.
"Yeah, I'm good." You answered shortly, Jay caught on to this because whenever he would ask you a question of some sort you'd always babble on about the little things that made you happy that day.
This was the second thing today that set him off which made him furrow his brows in confusion. You were all smiles when you left this morning and he was racking his brain for anything he might have said to upset you, but came up with nothing.
After strapping on your thigh holster and checking your gun you hopped into Jay's truck and waiting for him. You looked down at your jeans and picked at the hole by your knee from when you tackled a perp. The sound of a door opening made you lift your head and you were met with concerned blue eyes. You did your best to give the man a small reassuring smile before directing your attention back to your lap.
Tilting his head like a confused puppy Jay eyed your movements carefully. Whatever was wrong had bothered you so much that it made you find your shoes the most interesting things in the world at the moment. Giving you one last glance Jay turned the key and started the car.
You guys quickly headed in and were out within minutes. Apparently, the offenders were in way over their heads and dropped everything after Intelligence busted into the warehouse. Dragging the last person out you handed him off to an officer and beelined to Jay's truck. Hopping in you let out a deep breath and pulled your hair out of the tight ponytail it was in. You leaned your head back before shutting your eyes. You didn't hear Jay get in and he examined your expression before announcing his presence.
"Y/N?" Jay spoke up.
Your eyes shot open and you spun around in your seat to face your boyfriend. Your eyes were wide at the sudden sound, you hadn't even realized he entered the car.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Jay asked, placing a gentle hand on your arm.
You closed your eyes and leaned forward, letting your head fall onto Jay's shoulder. Instinctively his hand went to your hair and raked through it. In this moment you were thankful for the tinted windows that hid the two of you from plain sight and the fact Jay had parked farther away.
"No, I'm not." You murmured quietly that Jay barely heard it.
"You wanna talk about it?" Jay asked pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I'll tell you about it later." You shook your head.
Later had come and now you sat on Jay's couch bundled up in a blanket while a Blackhawks game played on the television. Jay was in his room pulling out your favorite hoodie of his. Walking out he handed you the article of clothing.
"What's this?" You asked sitting up.
"Your favorite hoodie of mine." Jay shrugged nonchalantly as he took a seat beside you.
You thanked him with a small smile and he gave you a soft one in return. Once you had pulled on his hoodie, which was big and baggy on you, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He pulled you into his side and rubbed up and down your arms.
"My ears are open for whenever you're ready." Jay reassured you.
He had his fair share of communication problems when it came to sharing his feelings so he understood if you didn't want to talk about it just yet.
"It's my dad." You began with a whisper. Jay only nodded for you to continue.
"He got diagnosed with cancer, they called me this morning." Jay squeezed your shoulders as he hugged you tightly.
"Thanks." You said after a few moments of silence.
"For what?" Jay questioned.
"I don't know, for noticing?" You said, but it was phrased more like a question.
"I know you better than you think." Jay mused placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You let out a small laugh and wrapped your arms around Jay's waist tightly. The two of you stayed in that position the majority of the night until he had to practically carry to bed once you dozed off after the game ended.
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ningningsplushie · 4 years
New Suit
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Word count: 2316
Genre: light angst, fluff, idol Yoongi, unintentional asshole Yoongi, steamy ;)
Summary: Yoongi LOVES coming to your shop for all his fashion needs. Coming in for a new fitting due to him ripping his previous suit from his muscles, you and him get to talking. 
Warnings: coarse language, does a makeout session count as a warning??? Mean (but unintentional) Yoongi, implied smut
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“No, NO, absolutely not! Min Yoongi, get your ass out of my shop right this minute.” 
This was the third time this month that Yoongi came into Y/N’s tailor shop to request a brand new suit. What this man did with his suit jackets and shirts, she didn’t know, neither did she want to, but what she did want was him out of the door. 
“That’s not how you treat a customer, now is it?” he jeered, resting his elbow on the counter. 
Yoongi was notorious in Y/N’s shop. Always requesting a new fitting, a new pair of trousers or jacket, even going as far as asking for handmade embellishments. Her shop was a humble thing before he traipsed his way inside just a year ago but had quickly turned into a successful business due to his position in BTS. 
Y/N scoffs. “You’re not even a customer at this point. You’re more of a-a-I DON’T EVEN KNOW BUT PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK!” She bursts, pulling at both ends of the tape measure in frustration. 
He tsks, focusing on her eyes as he asks, “Why are you so bent up over me coming here? I’m bringing you money and new customers, aren’t I?”
That part was definitely true. Ever since he stepped foot in the shop, her business was better than ever. Y/N owed it to Yoongi for everything taking off. If it weren’t for him, she probably would have had to close the place down. 
She sighs, shoulders slumping in defeat. “You’re right, Yoongi. I’m really sorry. New jacket and shirt for today?” 
Yoongi hums in satisfaction, playing around with the rings on his fingers. “You know me so well.” He praised, offering her his signature gummy smile. 
“Do I need to take your measurements again?” 
He tilts his head side to side in mock consideration, mouth set in a frown of concentration. “I think it’s better if you do. I’ve been hitting the gym a lot more.” 
Y/N crosses her arms, glaring at Yoongi. “Is that supposed to impress me?” 
“Does it not?” 
“No.” Immediately shooting away his chances at flirting. 
He waves his hand around, swatting at nothing but the air. “Either way, it’s the truth. My back muscles kept ripping everything you made me.” 
“I- Jesus Christ, Yoongi. How many times have you hit the gym this month?” 
He shrugs his shoulders, absentmindedly looking around the place. “Enough.” 
“Just please, step on the podium so we can get this over with.” She spits back. 
“With pleasure.” 
He steps on the podium and Y/N begins her work of measuring everything from his shoulders, arms, chest, sleeve length, and so on. 
She has her tape measure wrapped around his waist and it’s eerily silent. Normally Yoongi would try to crack jokes or make polite conversation but for some odd reason, it wasn’t happening today. 
“Is this for another award show?” She asks, fingers cinching the tape even tighter. 
“Yeah, as always.” He uttered, gaze focused on Y/N as she doesn’t pay attention to him. 
“You think you guys are going to win?” 
“I mean...I don’t want to get cocky or anything but whatever Min Yoongi wants, Min Yoongi gets.”
Y/N chuckles. “It’s nice to know your job is keeping you humble.” 
“Hey, it was a joke. Of course I hope we win. We all put our blood, sweat, and tears into this album. We worked really hard and we don’t want it to go unnoticed.”
Y/N didn’t want to admit it to him but ever since she met Yoongi, she’s been keeping up with the band. Watching award and comeback shows, listening to their newest releases, and following any press releases. She knew the boys, especially Yoongi, busted their asses off to get them where they are now. 
“I know you did. And don’t worry, you’ll be sweeping all the awards. Especially as best producer.” 
“Is this the Y/N being sweet? To me? Who would have thought?”
“Don’t get too cozy, Yoongi. This won’t be a regular occurrence,” she retorts back, wrapping the tape measure around his biceps. 
“What a shame,” he murmurs, admiring Y/N’s delicate hands around his arm. 
An awkward silence fills the room once more, only the sound of fabrics ruffling around and Y/N scribbling the rapper’s measurements in the notepad. 
“Yoongi, can I ask you something?”
He licks his lips, head tilting to the side, and looks at Y/N through his eyelashes. “Depends. Are you asking me out?” Cuz I-” 
“It’s definitely not that,” she huffs, cutting him off. “Not when you can have any girl in the world.”
Yoongi looks down at his shoes. “Any, but apparently not you,” he utters under his breath.
He supposed Y/N’s statement was true enough. There was an onslaught of men and women trying to get close with the rapper but in his eyes, only Y/N existed. 
“Anyways,” she continues, not hearing whispered confession. “If I’m not mistaken, you’re a millionaire or whatever. Why don’t you just have your own wardrobe filled with suits and outfits for events?” 
Y/N finishes with measuring Yoongi and takes a step back, putting the tape measure over her shoulders. With this question, he smirks and inches closer to Y/N, placing one hand in his pocket. “You’re a tailor, why don’t you just have a collection of my own suits for me?”
Y/N tenses up, eyes roving over Yoongi’s face for any hint of a joke. She gently pushes him by the shoulder, wanting to create space between each other. “Listen here, Min Yoongi, and listen good. I am not your personal tailor. You can’t show up here every week for a new order because you’re too incompitent to take care of your clothing and expect me to comply with a smile. Your orders are not my main concern, not when I have so many other customers.” 
Yoongi regretted the words the second they left his mouth. He was trying so hard to be that sly and charming type but in Y/N’s presence, his words jumble up and he says the exact opposite of what he means to say. He didn’t mean to play Y/N out like his personal seamstress but there certainly was a reason why he came to her shop for every one of his fashion needs. It was odd, really, but every time he wore something she had made, she could feel the care and detail that was put into it and it made him feel like it was especially for him. Wearing clothing from another designer felt wrong. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry, I-”
She puts her hand up, interjecting him. “Save it, Yoongi. I’m done with your business for now. Your suit will be done in a week. Have a nice day.”
Yoongi pushes his hair from his forehead back, nodding his head and walking towards the exit, not saying anything more in fear of upsetting her further. 
A week later
It’s a week after Yoongi’s idiotic slip-up in Y/N’s store and to say that he was nervous to face her, would be an understatement. He wanted to apologize and make it up to her, for all the times he thought he was being funny or slick but was a complete dick in reality. He hesitantly walks into the shop, a large box in hand, the chime of the bells sounding more like a cacophony of jeers. 
Normally, he’d find Y/N in the main room altering a few of her creations or taking the measurements of new customers, but as of now, she’s nowhere to be found. 
“Y-Y/N!” He stutters, peering through the different doorways, trying to find her. 
“Just a minute!” She yells back from her workroom. 
A few long minutes pass by and she leaves her workroom, thinking it was another customer and not Yoongi. “Hello, what can I do for y-oh. It’s you. Hi Yoongi. I’ll get your suit for you.” 
She leaves once more and Yoongi debates on just dropping the box and running out the door, afraid that he’d fuck up even more. 
“Here Yoongi, I changed it up a little bit since you’ve been wearing black for a while now. I hope it’s to your liking.” 
Not only did she make him a new button-up and jacket, but she even went the extra mile and made a new pair of trousers, a tie, and a pocket hanky. He looked at the suit through the clear bag, offering a tight-lipped smile. “I love it. Your talent never fails to amaze me. But please, don’t be so formal.”
“I’m sorry but we’re nothing more than customers and sellers. It’s strictly professional.”
With a dejected look spread across his face, he attempts to reach for Y/N’s hand but she pulls back, placing the suit on a counter. “You can’t mean that.”
“I do mean it. You’re taking me and my work for granted and you keep asking me to pump out designs. I’m exhausted, Yoongi.” 
He nods, ruffling his hair and tightening his grasp on the box. “If you really feel that way then please, hear me out first and if your choice doesn’t change, then that’s fine.”
“Alright,” she says softly, “I’m listening.”
Yoongi places the box on the counter, next to the bagged suit. “I come to your shop because I like seeing you. I like wearing the clothing you make for me, just for me and the details you put into it because I know that you pay attention to me even if you don’t want to admit it. I like the way you scold me and I like the way you get shy whenever I say something stupid. What I don’t like was overworking you and forcing you to neglect other orders. It was so selfish of me because I just can't get enough of you. I want to walk in here everyday and ask for the most stupid things like a new tie or pair of socks. But I won’t, because I know you don’t like that.”
Y/N’s eyes go wide and her mouth forms an ‘o’ shape but Yoongi proceeds with his declaration. “I’m so sorry for hurting you, that wasn’t my intention. I was...I was just trying to flirt with you but I got nervous and messed everything up.”
“Why would you want to flirt with me?” she asks, jutting her bottom lip out.
“Are you that oblivious!? Because I like you for fuck’s sakes! You make me-you make me wanna-”
Yoongi pulls Y/N both of her arms towards him and smashes his lips onto hers. Y/N at first tenses up at the contact, shocked by his response, which makes Yoongi want to pull away from her, scared that he messed things up between them even more. Just as he’s about to disconnect his lips from hers, Y/N melts into the kiss, arms no longer frigid along her sides, but now finding their way into his mint green locks. Adrenaline courses through Yoongi’s body, giving him the confidence to deepen the kiss. 
Yoongi could only focus on her. How her lips felt, how she tasted, how her hands gripped his hair and the back of the neck. He could feel her knees begin to buckle and he mumbles into her lips, “jump.” She does so and Yoongi hooks his arms under her thighs. To him, nothing and no one else existed. Time seemed to stop yet zoom past all at once, he wasn’t so certain, but what he did know was that he would stay glued to Y/N for the rest of his life if he could. Y/N begins to draw back and utters a small, “Yoongi, we can’t.”
He continues leaving sloppy kisses on her jaw and neck, mumbling into her skin, “Can’t what?”
“This. I can’t be with you. What are people going to say? They won’t like that you're with...a seamstress.” 
Yoongi’s lips disconnect from Y/N and he looks at her, both of their lips plump from making out. “They’re gonna say a whole lot. But guess what? I don’t give a shit. They’re not the ones kissing you,” A kiss to the left side of her mouth. “They’re not the ones craving you,” another kiss to the right side of her mouth. “And they’re certainly not the ones who are going to date you.” He plants another kiss on the center of her mouth.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret it.” Y/N counters, unsure of his confession. 
“Y/N, I’ve never been so sure about a person in my whole life. If people want to talk, we’ll let them talk because we won’t be listening. I’ll be too busy with you.” He smirks, letting go of Y/N’s thighs. “So what do you say?” He slides the box towards Y/N, opening the lid for her, revealing a gorgeous dress of tulle and silk.
“I know you love fashion more than anything so I had this dress made just for you. It doesn’t beat any of your clothing but I hope you still like it. I also hope you’ll wear this on our first date?” He draws up the tone of the last statement, closing his eyes in fear of being rejected. 
“Yoongi, I absolutely love it. Thank you so much.” He begins to loosen his shoulders, reopening his eyes. Y/N snakes her hand up to his chest, pausing when she reaches his shoulder and leans in towards his ear, whispering, “I’d love to go out with you, Min Yoongi.”
He reattaches his lips with hers yet again, causing her to gasp in surprise. “Maybe if I’m lucky, it’ll end up on the floor at the end of the night.”
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
Love your writing
Please write “you look really tired”
Thank you anon and thank you for the prompt as well! Quick edited so I apologize for any mistakes. I hope you enjoy! :)
Lucy Chen had been though one hell of a shift. It started before she could check on duty, her favorite coffee cup falling off the counter, shattering into a thousand glass shards, her hair tie broke causing her immaculate bun to fall and then her phone died, all before she could walk through the doors at Mid-Wilshire. Needless to say, she was having a Monday on a Thursday.
“Hey.” Tim Bradford said as he fell into the open seat beside her. “You good?”
“Peachy.” She glared before a look of confusion casted over her face. “What are-“
“You sure? You never responded to my texts.” he quietly told her, twisting his chair back and forth.
Lucy grimaced.  “I’m sorry, I’ve just had a shitty morning.”
“Ok.” He said letting it drop, turning around talking to another officer that had walked in.
Lucy pulled her phone out, powering it on after charging it on the drive over to find her battery now at 10%, as messages and notifications began coming through as she started a new message, typing it out and quickly sending it.
‘We still good for tonight? Clock out at 4?’
“Alright, let’s get to it this morning.” said Sergeant Grey as he walked to the podium in the room. “Sergeant Bradford, thank you for coming in on your day off. It seems as though a large bust has fallen into our laps. Officers West, Holt, Raine, and Phillips will be assisting.”
Sergeant Grey went through the tasks still needing to be completed before dismissing the group of officers.
Lucy had just grabbed her vest camera and was making her way to grab her war bag before heading to get her shop, when her phone vibrated in her pocket.
‘I’ll pick you up around 5:30, that enough time to get ready?’
‘perfect’ she replied.
Lucy grabbed her shop, immediately plugging in her phone to the charging outlet of the car before she took a deep breath, cranking the vehicle.
As much as she hoped for an easy day, her day was non-stop as soon as she pulled out of the parking lot. A drunk and disorderly, two car accidents, a well-fare check, assisting on a shots fired call and defusing one verbal altercation later she was parking the shop and returning her gear. The clock on the wall in the locker room as she changed into her civilian clothing began ticking past four, as she quickly packed her uniform and belongings back into her duffle before walking out the door of the precinct.
She was both mentally and physically exhausted as she trudged to her car, throwing her things in before sitting behind the wheel, driving to her apartment on autopilot. Twenty minutes later she was pulling into her space, gathering her duffle and jacket, locking up the vehicle as she headed to the side door of the building.
As soon as she walked through the front door, she placed her keys on the small table beside the entrance, kicking her shoes off as she placed her duffle on the counter before making her way through her bedroom, heading for the bathroom. She removed her top and discarded her pants, throwing the clothing into the hamper before heading back out to the bedroom, sitting down on the edge of her bed as she stared at her closet, willing the perfect date night outfit to jump out at her.
The next moment she heard the sound of the handle from the front door hitting the sheetrock of the wall as she jolted up from the bed, her heart racing in her chest, not having enough time to reach for the weapon in her nightstand.
“Lucy!” the voice yelled before heavy footsteps barged into her room.
She could not help the yelp that escaped. “What the fuck!”
Tim stood in front of her, checking her over. “Are you ok?”
“I was getting ready for… what are you doing here? It’s not even five.”
Tim stared at her, his concern still evident on his face. “Lucy, it’s almost six.”
“What? No, it’s not-“ her words drifted off as she turned around, glancing at the clock on the other nightstand, the green numbers showing her he was right as it showed fifteen till six. “I must have fallen asleep.” She sheepishly admitted.
Tim let out a breath he never realized he was holding. “You weren’t answering your phone or the door, so I panicked. Two heart attacks in one day are not healthy on this ‘old man’s heart babe.”
“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “You’re not old though.”
Tim softly smiled. “No, but I am sorry. I shouldn’t have panicked like that at all but after last time…”
“I’m ok.”
“You look really tired.” He spoke. “How about we just cancel tonight and stay in?”
Lucy’s eyes grew wide. “Our date! Let me get dressed and we can go, I can’t believe I fell asleep, the last thing I remember is staring at my closet and-“
“Luce,” he said taking her hands. “Why don’t you grab my shirt from the other night off the floor and throw it on while I fix us something to eat.”
She pouted, pulling her hands out of his, wrapping her arms around his waist. “But our date, I’ve been looking forward to it all week.”
“And we can go out tomorrow night but tonight, relax.” He whispered, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Ok.” She smiled up at him tiredly. “I knew I was tired, but I didn’t think I was that tired.” Lucy stepped out of the embrace, moving to grab the shirt off the floor beside her dresser as Tim walked out, moving to the kitchen.
“How did the bust go? Did Grey call you in this morning?” she asked, pulling off her bra and stepping into a pair of leggings.
Tim shuffled through the refrigerator, finding enough odds and ends to make a meal as he began telling her about the large amounts of heroin they were able to take off the street, along with the large amount of cash and the five weapons recovered.
They ate forty minutes later, enjoying each other’s company, Lucy telling him about the calls she went on throughout the day, Tim giving her reassurance and advice when needed as they cleaned up the kitchen.
Lucy found a movie on Hulu, letting it play in the background as she cuddled into Tim’s side as they laid on the couch, both of their eyes drifting as Tim ran a thumb over the exposed skin where his shirt she wore had ridden up.
“I’m sorry for freaking out this morning.” He mumbled into her hair.
She sighed, wrapping her arms around him tighter as she slurred. “It’s ok. I’m sorry for us not going out tonight.”
“You wanna head to bed?”
Lucy shook her head. “I’m ok here if you are.”
“Ok, love you.”
Lucy placed a kiss on his chest, as she felt his breathing even out under her head, her eyes drifting close. She would take this, the quite moments and stolen kisses, over dressing up and going out any day of the week.
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unbelievableholland · 4 years
prompt 73 for fluff? tom comes home from hanging out w the boys and sees clothes all over the floor and stuff thinking the reader is cheating on him. when he busts the door open he sees a blowup doll in the bed and the reader is hysterical. i’ve been watching too many pranks recently and i thought it’d be funny, thank you 😆😘
"What the fuck?!"
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Cheating as a prank, swearing, fluff, and it gets a lil smutty. It's not smut tho.
Words: 1,724
Summary: You decide to prank Tom as pay back for his previous prank on you.
A/N: I had so much fun writing this! I hope y'all like it! It's a bit different from the ones I wrote before just because of the ending😂 I hope I did a good job on that.
73. "It's a prank! It's a prank, it's a prank."
Revenge. That’s all in your mind as you walk around the mall buying different men's clothing. Of course, you don’t really worry about the paparazzi since you and Tom aren’t public yet. Not being public has never been more convenient to the both of you when you go out on your own.
The reason you’re shopping for men’s clothing isn’t actually because you want to buy Tom new clothes, but because he pranked you a week before. You’re just planning a simple revenge prank, is all.
When you have a full set of clothes, you get in line to pay for them. You actually bought clothes the you know Tom would like though. You don’t want them to go to waste, so you bought a plain black hoodie, a red Spider-Man shirt and a pair of black-tinted pants.
Of course, You also bought accessories such as a belt, a cap, and a pair of shoes that Tom’s been wanting to buy, as an apology for what you’re about to do.
But you’d never forget about the main object of your prank. A blow-up doll.
On your way home, you actually second guess your plan because you feel a bit guilty. You thought back to his prank a week before though, and you’re sure that you’ll go through with your plan.
Tom’s prank was not nice at all. Him, his brothers, and Harrison staged a fight after all of you got back from the pub.
It was full of shouting between Tom and Harrison for a full 10 minutes. Harrison accused Tom on cheating on you, Tom acted suspiciously the whole time as well.
To summarize, it ended in you crying because you actually thought Tom cheated on you, but of course all of them told you it was a prank. They apologized for taking it too far, and you’ve been giving them the cold shoulder for a week.
You really aren’t mad though, but when they told you it was a prank, it resulted in you coming up with your own devious plan. Pretending to be mad at them is just a build-up to make you’re the prank more believable.
Once you get to your shared apartment with Tom knowing that he’s out drinking with the boys, you get the clothes from the paper bag and think about where you’re going to place them. They’d be back in one or two hours minimum, so you have no problem taking your time. You walk up to the table by the T.V and place a camera right there, pressing the record button. You can just cut the video after the prank.
You decide to place the shoes messily on the ground near the door, the hoodie near the couch along with the cap. Making your way near the stairs and place the pants there, the underwear being placed in front of your shared bedroom with Tom.
When the new clothes are set in place, you enter the bedroom and go straight to your closet. You take out your own set of clothing, but unlike the men’s clothing, it’s a little bit more inappropriate.
It’s simple really. It’s Tom’s favourite silk robe and black lingerie.
Making your way back to the living room, you place the robe next to the shirt, and the lingerie next to the underwear in from of the bedroom.
You feel a bit guilty as you inflate the blow-up doll to finish up the pranks, when your phone vibrates which interrupts your train of thoughts. It’s a text from Tom, saying that they’re on their way home from the pub.
They’re going home earlier than you think, so you hurry up. Leaving the text on read, just like you have for the past week.
Tom’s going to flip when he comes home.
The prank just got 10 times better when you see Tom’s follow up text message saying that the boys will be coming over.
Once the blow-up doll is set, you bring it up with you to the bedroom, setting up your phone to capture Tom’s reaction on the bedside table and clicking record, and getting under the covers with the doll. You’d worn a skin colored spaghetti strapped top so you wouldn’t have to remove your clothes.
Everything’s set. The phone is set up so that some of the bed and the door is caught in the frame.
The pub they went to isn’t far from your apartment. It’s only about 10 minutes away from here so you expect to hear the door unlock anytime now.
Now, from Tom’s perspective, the past week has been hell. You haven’t texted him back on any of his messages, and you barely talked to him. You haven’t given him any attention and it’s killing him.
It’s killing him because he knows it’s mostly his fault.
Though the boys have helped him and comforted him, they still feel bad themselves. So, it’s safe to say that all of them are clueless as to what they should do to make things better.
They’ve prepared themselves for a scolding from you, or an argument, or another week of glares and silent treatments from you.
But none of them expected to see clothes scattered around the floor when they opened the door to the apartment.
Tom’s eyes widen in shock.
“What the fuck!?”
All of them are speechless. They didn’t expect this from you.
Tom turns around and looks at the boys. “Please tell me I'm going crazy.” His breathing becomes uneven, trying to keep the tears from rising.
Sam swallows down the lump in his throat and speaks up. He’s wary about what he says because he doesn’t want to make things any worse.
“Y-You should talk to her.” What else was he supposed to say? He had never been in this type of situation before and he’s absolutely shitting his pants right now.
He turns back around, sitting on the couch and putting his head I his hands. He opens his mouth to speak, but he quickly gets interrupted.
All of the boys stand straighter upon hearing a string of moans from upstairs followed by multiple curse words.
Tom on the other hand, stands up and clenches his fist. He recognizes that voice because it’s yours.
Anger fills him and he dashes upstairs only to find your black lingerie and a pair of men's underwear in front of the bedroom door. He absolutely loses his shit and barges through in, seeing you on top of some random guy with your back facing him.
He runs towards the right side of the bed, yanks you off of the guy and drags you downstairs.
“What the fuck were you thinking?! Why the fuck— How long has this been going on?”
Tom’s gripping your wrist tightly, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence and tears form in his eyes. You feel guilty, really, absolutely guilty. Especially now that your laughing your ass off in front of Tom and the boys.
“Babe—” You keep laughing. Since you can’t talk properly at the moment, you point to your body. Wearing a pair of his sweatpants and a skin coloured spaghetti strap top.
Your boyfriend quickly realizes that this is the first time he’s heard you laugh in a week, and that you’re fully clothed.
While Tom’s trying to process what’s happening, and while the boy’s are still shocked and frozen, you run upstairs.
Grabbing the doll and running back down to the living room, shouting quickly while trying to suppress a laugh. “It’s a prank! It’s a prank, it’s a prank.”
“What the actual fuck Y/N!” Tom shouts as he grabs the doll, throwing it to the ground.
The only response you give him is a raised eyebrow with your hands on your hips as you try your hardest not to smile in entertainment.
Everyone in the room is relieved, but also slightly annoyed.
Without talking, you point to the camera by the T.V, then Harrison starts laughing. The laughter being joined by Harry and Sam.
“Am I the only one who doesn’t find tis funny?!”
“Sorry mate, you got played!” You walk over to Harrison and you high five him. The look of victory is clear on your face.
“Yeah bubs, sorry. You don’t find this funny, right? Well, I didn’t find your prank last week funny either.”
“But those aren’t my clothes Y/N?? If this is actually a prank, whose clothes are those??”
“I bought them today. They’re about to be your clothes if you want. I mean, look at the shoes. You’ve wanted those for months, and you finally have them.”
Slowly, you walk towards him and wrap your arms around his neck. Kissing him and resting your head on his chest. He finally gives in and breathes out a sigh of relief, hugging you back.
“You know I'd never cheat on you, love.”
“I know. Just scared me, is all.”
“You know you deserve it.” You look up at his face, and he giggles. That cute little giggle he has that you absolutely adore.
You turn your head towards the boys, arms still wrapped around Tom. “Sorry I've been distant this past week. It was all of build up.”
“Yeah, we realize that now.” Sam says. “Well, we better leave you alone for now. We’ll be back tomorrow.” Sam ushers the boys out. All of them smirking at the both of you, and Harrison winks before they exit.
When you turn your head back to Tom, he kisses you roughly. His tongue slipping in your mouth easily as you let him take control of the kiss.
“God, I've missed this.” He grunts into the kiss, the camera by the T.V long forgotten.
He pulls away and suddenly puts an arm under your legs, carrying you bridal style up to your bedroom and dropping you on the bed.
Kissing you again as he lays down in between your legs, arms roaming around your body.
He pulls away once again and looks at you. His pupils are blown and he smirks at you then at the phone on the bedside table. He reaches for your phone then shuts off the recording.
Tom turns to look at you again once he’s put the phone down and grins.
“You’re going to regret that little prank of yours, darling.”
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your-highnessmarvel · 5 years
Warm and Welcoming
Requested by Anonymous: Oooh random idea, Chris and homeless reader. She is well put together and no one would know. But Chris can read between the lines and he gets to know reader and realizes she’s living in her car until it gets repossessed. She’s frantic and then Chris offers her a place and so they get closer and one night sparks hit the roof and booom! Best night ever lol so ideas are just flying I’m the same anon that sent a request earlier today about shy reader and Chris thinking she’s “easy”. Ooh my ideas lol
AN: god i love chris. i always forget to give him a blowjob what the hell. poor chris. oh well. 
Warnings: smut, language
*gif not mine
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The door shut with such ferocity that the whole car rattled, and you had to stop to make sure nothing would come off. Like a mirror. That happened once. Or a wiper. Yep, on the highway mid snow storm. 
The phone in your pocket buzzed and you fished it out. Chris, the contact read. You sighed. How you managed to be best friends with an A-list celebrity and still be living in your 2007 Toyota Yaris was beyond you. 
You looked at yourself in the reflection before you answered. Hair was kind of a mess, but when was it not. Your shirt was fairly new, but your jeans were ripped at the knees, and not in that L.A fashion way. In a way where you slipped off your mother’s front porch in a haste to get away and scratched out the knees of your jeans. And these were your good jeans too!
“Hey!” you answered, turning towards the coffee shop. “I’m walking from my car!”
“I took the liberty to ordered your favorite!” he answered.
Your heart fell. Yes, Chris was fucking rich. Filthy rich. But you didn’t need him to buy you coffee. Yes, you were living in your car, but also yes, you’d manage to scrape up two dollars for a medium two creams. 
“Thank you,” you sighed into the phone. “Next time, it’s on me.”
“Whatever, Y/L/N.”
You hung up as you walked up the stars to the coffee shop. You spotted your friend, trying but failing to hide his identity with a baseball cap. Two men were beside his table, phones out. You waited patiently for them to finished taking pictures with him, and when you saw your friend getting up, you frowned at him.
“Too many,” he mumbled as he got to you and handed you your drink. “Let’s get out of here.” He guided you out the way you came with a gentle hand on your lower back. 
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You went right back into the streets, Chris sighing out, “Where are you parked?”
You were going to answer some bullshit about being parked far because you didn’t want Chris to see all your belongings in your backseat, but he pointed beyond your head. 
“Is that the Toyota Yaris 2007?” he gushed. He began walking to it, much to your discomfort, to your need to run because, fuck, he was going to see your dirty laundry and your memories and some old socks on your dash out to dry. “So many memories in that baby.”
Yeah, you’d had that car for a while now. 
“Never get rid of it,” he chuckled, turning on his heels momentarily as you followed him reluctantly.
Yeah, that’s not about to happen soon. 
“Did you ever get that speaker fixed, you know, the one that just fucking bellowed out music while the other was quiet?”
You smiled, remembering that time when Chris busted it while the two of you were driving to Maine. “Accident” was not how you’d describe it. 
“Sure did,” you lied, because you loved to be reminded of that weekend spent in Maine with your friends, and how Chris had made your car the star of the sojourn. How he’d made you feel special in front of all his rich, glamour friends. 
He got to your car and put the tips of his fingers on the hood. Then he leaned in, examined the backseat. Your heart fell and hurt and burned, shame coursing through you like poison. 
“Y/N.” His voice was serious. Your face was taunt, eyes to the ground, letting your hair cover your face. “Are you... are you living in here?”
You shook your head, bad acting kicking in as you made a grimace. “No, of course not,” you answered. “I’m just moving my stuff.”
But he didn’t believe you. He’d known you for years, decades, and he knew the look you wore on your face when you lied. “Those are socks laid out to dry,” he pointed out. “That’s a pillow. A sleeping bag. And that’s a box full of dry food. Don’t fucking lie to me.”
You wanted to leave. Runaway in shame. Forget that your actor best friend had found out you were fucking living in your car. 
“It’s temporary,” you mumbled.
“Fuck off,” he grumbled. “There’s enough shit in there that say otherwise.”
Your eyes filled with tears. “I - I didn’t have anywhere else.” Your lower lip trembled. 
“Your mother?” he asked slowly. “She did this?”
“I lost my job,” you admitted, the sour taste of failure coating your tongue. “I couldn’t pay my rent so I asked her to spare a room for me until I get back on my feet. She gave me a month. And that wasn’t enough, so... here I am.”
He shook his head, sighed, hands clutching his coffee. You hung your head, trying not to seem pitiful, trying not to be the weak fucking woman your mother always made you out to be. The drama queen. The attention seeker. 
But then Chris put his arms around your shoulders and your forehead was against his chest and he was warm and welcoming. God knew how much you needed warm and welcoming. Your mother never was any of that. 
“I’ve got a room - “ he began.
“No, Chris,” you backed away, shaking your head, wiping your tears. “I’ve got interviews.”
“My best fucking friend is not living in her car a second more,” he said, grabbing your shoulders. Where had his coffee gone? Oh right, there it was, on the ground, after he threw it against the wall of the bank. Felon. 
You looked up at him. Blue eyes. Half ginger beard. Freckles. Crooked smile. He was your best friend. He was warm and welcoming. 
“I won’t be a nuisance,” you sniffled. “And I won’t be long.”
He draped an arm over your shoulder. “Take all the time you need.”
Yeah, living with Chris was a fucking far cry from your Yaris. He had, well, a huge house, big enough for the both of you to live almost separately. He insisted on shared dinners when the both of you were home. You had a shower big enough to fit fourteen people in. A bed wide enough to have, oh I don’t know, six threesomes in? Your walk-in closet was 98% empty because your clothes consisted mostly of folded jeans and baggy shirts. You had one pair of shoes. 
You had a whole section of the house to yourself, and Chris even lent you a spare laptop for your job search. And that was going well! You’d nailed an interview at the bank Chris threw his coffee on and guess what? Bank manager position was open to you and you started next week. 
Things were looking bright. 
When you told Chris, he was so happy he almost fell off the banister. 
And talking about Chris, living with him had its perks like a fourteen people wide shower, but also its well, down sides. This was his house and you were in no position to tell him what he couldn’t do. Like walking around shirtless after a shower. Or sitting so close to you that you could smell his cologne on every inch of yourself after. Or cooking dinner and serving it at candle light. Or sleeping with his door open so that when you woke up much earlier than him and went to pick up Dodger, you could see Chris sleeping. Or showering with the door unlocked. Yes, you’d tested that theory, so what?
You were far from uncomfortable, and maybe, maybe you were starting to feel some sexual tension. I mean, you were both grown adults, a man and a woman, living under the same roof. Single. With needs. It was normal that your hormones were telling you to get absolutely wrecked by this man. 
You shook that idea from your head as you got out of bed. Chris had texted you that he was out for the day, so you grabbed a quick breakfast, changed into your bathing suit, and headed to the pool. You needed a nice relaxing day before you started your job tomorrow. 
The sun was hot. The pool was a dazzling blue and warm as you glided in. You did a few laps, then settled onto your towel to soak in the sun. 
The back door opened and your heart raced, thinking someone had broken in. But Chris stood there with sunglasses, a wide grin on his face, waving at you. “I cut up some watermelons!” 
“Come have some?”
You got up, wrapped the towel around yourself, and walked up the small path. You stood out the threshold, and Chris handed you a fresh slice. It was good. Juicy. A reddish drop stuck to the corner of your lips, but before you could get it, Chris was slowly swiping it with his thumb. 
You looked up, surprised. Chris had never touched you that way. You’d seen him on training wheels and he’d seen you in diapers. You were friends. He’d dated Jessica fucking Biel and Minka Kelly and you’d dated Brad from ninth grade English and Tyler from the college football team. 
“Is this... inappropriate?” he asked timidly. He took of his glasses, setting them onto the top of his head. His eyes reflected the sun and they were gorgeous. 
“This?” he asked, bending forward to kiss the corner of your mouth, where his thumb had been.
“How about this?” he asked, voice deep, before placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
You were acutely aware of how much you weren’t wearing. That your skin and hair was wet. That he was very close to taking that towel off and seeing it all for himself. 
“Y/N?” he asked when you didn’t answer.
Your eyes were closed. “This is fine.” And you reached up on your toes, cradling his face from outside the door, and deepened the kiss. You’d imagined a few times growing up what it would be like to kiss him. Especially when you were playing spin the bottle at a middle school party. Or when he started gaining fans and having all these different girls on his arm. Or when, at the end of high school, he asked you to prom when you were only a sophomore and some of his friends made fun of him for it, but he took you anyway. 
He kissed deeply, sweetly, slowly. Savoring you. Molding his mouth to yours like he knew how to kiss you since forever. And maybe he did. Had he been imagining it too, just like you had? At those parties. At his prom. When it was just the two of you and you were drunk? 
He grabbed onto your waist and hauled you in, closing the door behind you and knocking your back against it. 
“Stop me if you want,” he breathed against your mouth. “If you don’t want this, pull my hair, scratch me, I don’t care, just tell me.”
“Shut up.”
You grabbed onto the back of his hair, savoring the soft locks you’d so longed to touch. You never realized how much you needed him. How much you’d craved him for so long. 
He hauled you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, yelping into the kiss as he wrenched you from the door and began walking. Walking? He dropped your lips to make sure he wasn’t bumping into things - and God, Dodger - and you examined him from your vantage point. It was the same Chris you knew; freckles and crooked smile and dark rim of lashes, but he was different. Rosy cheeks and parted lips and a look in his eyes, feral, that you’d never seen before. 
You realize he was going to your end of the house. To your room. 
Once there, he put you on your feet and closed the door, getting back to you with a swift kiss. Forehead against yours, he asked, “You’ve done this before?”
“Yeah.” How did you know what he was asking?
“It should have been me,” he mumbled before kissing you. He swiftly ripped the towel from your body, and pulled on the laces of your bikini top. It fell to the flop with a wet sound, and Chris backed away to see. “Wow. You’re... you’re beautiful.”
You rolled your eyes. He came back at you with a deep kiss, warm hands cupping your breasts smoothly. He wasn’t rough, or fast. He was soft and slow, as if savoring every inch. 
He pushed you gentle backwards until the edge of your bed was at the backs of your knees. His breath was on your collarbone, kissing, nipping, your hands in his hair. “You smell so good,” he hummed. 
You braced your hands at the bottom of his shirt and pulled, wrenching the garment off his shoulders and onto the floor. His chest, that you’d seen, but under this different light, different circumstance, the color of his skin and the way his veins snaked down his forearms made a new heat build between your legs.
Okay, this man was gorgeous. 
And now, you were eager. You grasped onto his belt and pulled him to you, undoing him with lightning speed. His jeans hit the floor with a deafened thud, and you could see him straining against his black boxers. 
He was searing to the touch, thick and hard behind the fabric. Your fingers inched into the band of his boxers and pulled him out, mouth almost falling to the ground at the sight of him. He was beautiful as much as he was powerful. You caught a bead of precum on your thumb and swiped it over the head, getting a low groan from Chris. 
He pushed you backwards by the shoulders until you got the message and sat on the edge of the bed. He stepped out of his underwear, throwing the glasses on his head across the room. 
“Up,” he ordered, gesturing his chin towards the head of the bed. You obeyed, watching his eyes fill with lust as they raked over your half naked body. 
He climbed in over you, spreading your knees and hooking his indexes into the wet band of your bikini bottom. He saw the goosebumps rising on your flesh and kissed your thigh. “Are you cold?”
Far from that. “No.”
He smirked against your skin, pulling your bottom down your thighs and off your ankles. He kissed your belly. Your pubic bone. And a little gasp escaped you when his nose brushed your clit. 
“Sensitive?” he teased. He didn’t wait for an answer, brushing his thumb against your bud, eliciting a quiet moan from you as you relaxed into the pillow. He could probably feel how wet you were, and not from the pool, as he dragged his thumb from your clit to your core, dipping his index enough to drag your arousal back to your clit. He made a sound with his mouth, like a low whistle, when your hips began slowly rocking against his hand. “I don’t want any other man in your bed,” he said.
“Uh-huh.” He was slowly increasing, slowly entering his middle finger into you with such ease it was almost embarrassing. 
“I don’t want any other man touching you,” he whispered, dropping to kiss your clit, causing a sharp gasp to leave your lips. “Any other man kissing you.” He darted his tongue out, giving you a bold lick as he rubbed his finger on the spot inside of you that made you see stars. “Any other man drawing these sounds from you.”
“Yes, Chris,” you breathed, grabbing onto his hair when he ducked back down to continue suckling on your clit. 
“Good,” he mumbled. 
He continued drawing out those sounds from you he loved so much until the pressure in your belly built and you were whining, gripping his hair. He encouraged you with his tongue, sucking on your clit, fucking you with his finger, and when you came all over his hand, he kissed his way up your thigh, belly, chest, until he was kissing your mouth. 
He was heavy over you. Your head spun from your orgasm, skin buzzing, eyes glittering behind closed lids. He parted your thigh with his palm, and you felt him aligning. Your grabbed onto his shoulders for support. You hadn’t done this in, well, a while, and you were sure that you’d need a moment. Especially with how big he was. 
He kissed your nose, your cheeks, until you opened your eyes. He smiled down at you, kissing you softly. Forehead against yours, he inched in, hands in fists each side of your head. He let out a grunt simultaneous to your wince, and his left hand smoothed against your cheek, lips kissing yours tenderly. 
“You feel so good, baby,” he breathed into your ear, inching in deeper, stretching you. The burn was there, but it was pleasurable because it was him. Because he was the one claiming you. He slid against your tight walls, seating himself completely to the hilt, before pulling back and sliding slowly back in. “Yeah?” he asked in a strangled moan.
You nodded, biting his shoulder, adjusting rather slowly. But it felt good. It was so strange. That mix of pain and pleasure, the coil in your belly tightening with each slow stroke from Chris. 
With a bravery you didn’t know you hand, you pushed him sideways until you could swiftly change positions. His eyes widened in surprise, hands skimming your hips as you straddled him. You could take him better this way, deeper, easier. His pelvic bone pressed against your clit, and as you ground front to back, you saw his eyes flutter shut. 
You used your knees to slide up and down, rocking like the motion of the ocean, hands on his chest. He was hitting all the right spots, rubbing against your clit, clutching your hips like he was holding on for dear life. 
He let his hands wander. Smoothing up your stomach, between your breasts, grasping them softly. He sat up quickly, popping a nipple in his mouth, and the new position made the pressure on your clit increase, and the moan that left your lips was almost pornographic.
“Fuck, that’s good,” he breathed against your collarbone. “Just like that.”
He continued nipping and suckling your clit, holding you by one arm around the waist. You were close, clenching around him the more you rocked on top of him. Your nails bit into the skin of his shoulders. Teeth scratching his neck. His lips were everywhere; breasts, chests, neck, lips. You were so lost in him that you didn’t know where you began, where you ended. It was just Chris, and the edge coming closer and closer and finally, the pressure built until you were moaning his name, clenching him, cumming on him like you’d never done before. 
He held you up with one arm, thrusting up into your tight walls sloppily, chasing his end. His mouth was open, gasping, grunting, all kinds of obscenities falling from his lips as he fucked himself right into you. You were still rocking slowly back, but you were weak from your high, pleasure making you tremble. 
Chris gave one last harsh thrust before spilling himself into you, holding you down on him as if you were his anchor. 
With a sigh, he let himself fall back onto the bed, bringing you with him. His chest was warm, sweaty, heart beating erratically. Your breathing was labored, but you managed to smile when he laced his fingers with yours, bringing them to his mouth to kiss them. 
It was a few moments of quiet breathing before you realized. “Did you cut up one piece of watermelon to get me to sleep with you?”
He laughed. “I’ve been trying to catch your attention for years, Y/N,” he admitted, the sound of his laughter reverberating in his chest. “And now that I finally have it, I’m not letting you go.”
He kissed the top of your head and you hummed. Content. Warm. Welcomed. You’d finally found a home in someone. 
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carroteen · 3 years
Unluckily Lucky || Pt. 3
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Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3
Summary: Murphy’s Law states that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. As someone who lived under that curse, you learned to have a backup plan or solution prepared for any situation. But nothing could ever have prepared you for meeting Jun.
insp. by 莫非, 這就是愛情 (Murphy’s Law of Love)
After work, I stopped by the toy store the cashier from this morning had suggested, however I was only given an apologetic head shake; I didn’t really expect my visit to be fruitful, but I still went on the off-chance that there may have been one last action figure tucked away in some obscure corner. I leaned against the glass wall of the bus shelter, my phone pressed against my ear, waiting for the bus.
“_________,” my sister’s sigh sounded both exasperated and amused, “It’s okay if you couldn’t get your hands on the toy. You can always get Dohee something else; in a few weeks she’ll have forgotten all about it and moved on to the next shiny thing.”
“I’m just so frustrated because I was SO close to getting it,” I whined, flagging the bus down. I swiped my card and collapsed into the first available seat, “This stupid guy in front of me took the last one just as I got to the store.”
My sister started to reply but her voice was drowned out by loud singing in the background. “Dohee, honey, keep it down please; Mommy’s on the phone.”
I smiled at my niece’s cute antics, “What is she singing this time?”
“The jingle from the action figure commercial,” my sister groaned, “It’s the only thing that comes out every time she opens her mouth…I’m going crazy over here.” There was a pause, “Look, ________, I have to go, but don’t worry about the toy okay? She’ll be happy with anything…and come over for dinner one night, when she isn’t singing that cursed jingle, Dohee’s asking when you can come play.”
“Drop her off at my apartment some time next week. It’s been forever since you guys had a night to yourself; let the spinster sister babysit,” I joked before hanging up. The bus reached my stop, which was conveniently located right in front of my apartment, and I thanked the driver and got off. I greeted the doorman and made a beeline for the elevator, melting against the railing as the doors closed; today had been a pretty eventful day and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and watch the newest episode of my favorite TV show.
“Are you serious? What is all this?” I kicked at a box in irritation. Once I got off the elevator, I was greeted by a bunch of moving boxes obstructing my way, making it impossible to go inside. “Who just puts their stuff in front of someone else’s place? So inconsiderate…”
I glanced at the slightly ajar door next to mine, barely making out a bunch of similar looking boxes through the crack; my old neighbors had moved out months ago and it looked like the apartment had new tenants. I had come to appreciate having complete silence from one side and hoped that my new neighbors wouldn’t be any trouble, but judging by boxes blatantly blocking my way, maybe my hopes were too high.
I made my way around the boxes in front of my neighbor’s door and just as I lifted my fist to knock, it swung open, revealing a tall, lanky guy; he had a small, v-shaped face and soft, chocolate brown hair that swept across his forehead. I yelped in surprise, simultaneously he jerked back, eyes wide. “Hi. I’m _________,” I lowered my arm and extended my hand out to him, “Your boxes are in front of my door.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re my neighbor!” he exclaimed, quickly grabbing my hand and pumping it twice in a firm handshake, “I’m Minghao. I’m so sorry about all the boxes, the movers just put them down wherever they wanted to…I was hoping to get it all sorted out before you got back.” He released my hand and made a move to go around me, “I’ll go clear them out of your way right now. Sorry again for the trouble!” he said apologetically, looking a little frazzled.
“Hey, Minghao,” I began, watching as he scrambled to move the heavy looking boxes away from my door, feeling a little guilty at thinking him inconsiderate and annoying. “It’s okay, I understand; when I first moved in, my stuff was all over the place too. Do you need any help? It looks like you have a lot to sort through.”
Minghao whirled around, looking surprised, “Oh, no it’s okay! I don’t want to bother you anymore than I have. You’re probably exhausted from work.”
I shook my head, “It’s totally fine, I was just going spend the rest of the night watching TV anyways, at least now I’ll be doing something productive.” I dug through my bag for my keys, “Let me drop my stuff off and change and I’ll come over.”
A few minutes later, I found myself sat on the couch in Minghao’s living room, taking things out of boxes and putting them into designated piles. He was sitting cross-legged on the floor by my feet, digging through a box of his own. Minghao was so easy-going and amiable that soon we were talking and laughing like we had been friends for years; I told him about my awful morning and my job at the dating agency and I found out that he worked as a veterinary assistant and was also part of a b-boy dance crew in his spare time - with a little prodding and pleading from me, he demonstrated some moves.
“You have a lot of action figures,” I observed, as I opened my second box of carefully packaged toys, “Do you collect them?”
Minghao glanced over at the box on my lap, “Oh those aren’t mine, they’re all my roommate’s; he really likes them.”
“Roommate?” I tilted my head, “No wonder there’s so much stuff here. Where is he?”
“He had a meeting today, so he couldn’t call off to help me unpack,” he explained, “His name’s Jun, he should be home soon so you’ll meet him.” He stood up and threw his arms above his head, stretching from side to side, “Hey, it’s already 7, you must be starving; I’ll make you dinner to thank you for all your help.” Holding his hands out, he hoisted me to my feet and led me to the kitchen, which was surprisingly uncluttered.
I sat down at the table and watched as he boiled some water on the stove, “You don’t have to go all out for me, I’m fine with anything.”
“Don’t get your hopes up,” Minghao laughed, “It’s just ramen; we haven’t had a chance to go grocery shopping yet so there's nothing but that." After a while, he turned off the stove and grabbed two bowls from the cupboard. “Here you go,” he placed a steaming bowl in front of me and handed a pair of chopsticks over.
He sat down across from me and we both dug into the noodles in silence, before continuing our conversation. “What does Jun do?” I asked, lifting the bowl to my lips to drink the rest of the soup.
“He works at a consulting firm, so he usually comes back pretty late.”
“So you work with animals and he’s corporate,” I scrunched my eyebrows, “How did two completely different people like you meet?”
Minghao slurped the rest of his noodles before replying, “We’re not so different; we actually met through my dance crew,” he looked up at my widened eyes and nodded, “Yeah, he isn’t a b-boy but he’s really good at stunts and stuff like that. He left to join a local theater group though; he was always super passionate about acting.”
I opened my mouth to respond but suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. “That’s gotta be Jun,” Minghao said, jumping up, “The landlord dropped off our keys while he was at work. I’ll go get the door, can you put the dishes in the sink? Don’t worry about washing them, I’ll get to them later.” He headed for the door and I gathered our bowls and put them in the sink, choosing not to listen to him and wash them myself instead.
As I scrubbed at the bowls, I could hear Minghao fiddling with the locks and opening the door. “Xiao Hao Hao, I’m home!” I heard a new voice sing out.
“Don’t call me that.” Minghao retorted, “And stop clinging to me like you haven’t seen me for years; you saw me just this morning.” I giggled at both the cute nickname and his exasperated tone.
“Who’s shoes are those?”
“Our neighbor __________’s, she’s been helping me unpack since someone couldn’t help.”
“Okay listen, you know I why I couldn’t call out; I should’ve just taken the day off, the meeting was a total bust anyways. Some idiot spilled on my shirt and I didn’t have enough time to change so I had to go to the meeting with a ruined shirt and completely embarrassed myself…” Jun’s voice got closer, “But that’s not even half of what happened today…” I stepped out to introduce myself and he froze when he saw me, his voice trailing off. “What are you doing here?!” he sputtered, his eyes bugging out.
Oh my god it’s the guy from earlier. I thought to myself, completely horrified. “What are you doing here??” I demanded.
“What?” Jun asked, his face a mixture of disgust and bewilderment, “I live here! Are you following me or something?”
My mouth dropped, “No! I live next door!” I spat back, my eyes narrowing, “I was helping Minghao unpack.”
There was a brief pause as Jun and I glared at each other. “Uh,” Minghao piped up, eyeing the two of us, “You already know each other?”
“If you can call it knowing,” Jun scowled, turning to face Minghao with a roll of his eyes, “That’s the idiot who ruined my shirt and basically ruined my meeting.”
“It was an accident! It’s not like I saw you and thought ‘Oh hey, let me just dump my drinks all over this guy!’” I protested, also pivoting to look at Minghao, “He’s the one who bought the last toy this morning and wouldn’t let me have it!”
“Again with the toy!” Jun grumbled, “I got there first!”
“You didn’t have to be so rude about it!”
Minghao watched the two of us bickering back and forth, eyebrows raised in amusement. “Jun, why didn’t you just give her the action figure? It’s for a little kid and besides,” he gestured at the boxes in the living room, “You already have two boxes solely for your toys.”
Jun glared at his friend, his features scrunched in indignation, “Seriously man, you too? It’s mine! I bought it first!” He stalked past us and into the kitchen, “Whatever, I don’t have time for this; I’m starving.”
“I should get going,” I muttered, heading for the front door, Minghao trailing behind me, “Thanks for dinner.”
“Thanks for helping out _________, I owe you one.” he replied, opening the door for me, “I’m sorry about my roommate by the way, he literally has the mentality of a five-year old when it comes to toys. Let me know if you really can’t find another one anywhere and I’ll try to talk to him again.”
I smiled gratefully at Minghao’s kind offer, “Thanks, that’s really nice of you but I doubt he’ll give it up. I’ll see you around though! If you need anything, I’m right next door.” He gave me a cheerful goodbye wave and closed the door behind me.
I walked the five feet to my door and hovered my hand over the knob, banging my head gently against the wood. “Why does the universe hate me? Why did he of all the billions of people in the world have to end up living next door to me?”
After closing the door, Minghao headed back into the kitchen and found Jun hunched over the stove, stirring his ramen with a pair of chopsticks. “So what was that all about?”
Jun glanced over at his friend and turned back to focus on his cooking, “What was what all about?”
“The hysterics; she really got a rise out of you.”
“I wasn’t being hysterical, she was.” Jun turned around, one oven mitted hand holding the pot and began eating directly out of it. “Everything that happened today? Her fault. I was just the victim.” His eyes flickered up to see Minghao staring at him, the corners of his lips twitching. “What?”
“I’ve never seen you get so worked up over someone before,” Minghao mused, cocking his head to one side. “Even with all that happened between you guys. What’s different about her?”
Jun rolled his eyes, brushing past Minghao to sit at the dining table, “You’ve been watching too many dramas.”
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Broken Clocks Part 1
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A/N: Hey... How y’all doin’? I know its been a minute, I hope this isn’t trash lol. The idea came from the song of the same name, and the motivation came from @darkficsyouneveraskedfor​, we don't know each other personally but your Stripper AU theme really gave me the kick in the pants I needed. Part 2 coming soon!!! Anyways... I hope y’all enjoy this. Oh! Also, ‘tesoro’ means treasure in Italian.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Black!Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count:2.8k
Part 2
The sun had shown through your curtains, your natural arm clock for the day, you had stretched before even deciding to open your eyes, you felt so well-rested and at ease with the world, the sound of the city’s hustle and bustle making its way through your cracked window.
‘What day is it?’ was the question at the forefront of your brain.
‘Friday…’ you had mentally replied to yourself, the sense of calm instantly shattering like a fragile piece of glass. Your eyes opening wide as the sense of stress and worry took over your entire body, you looked at the alarm clock next to your bed to discover it had been unplugged at some point the night before.
“How the fu-,” your statement had been cut off by the sound of your phone ringing, it was your boss, Sal, calling you, you saw the time, your shift was supposed to have just started only a few minutes ago.
“Shit!” you exclaimed before answering the phone,”Hi Sal,” you greeted shakily.
“Tesoro, where are you? You’re always here early before your shift,” he asked, voice filled with worry and concern,“Jesse’s gotta get home to her kids.”
“The train is taking too long to get there but I’ll be there soon,” You lied through your teeth as you jump out of your bed grabbing your purse from beside your bed and stuffing it with the things you’d need for the day.
“Okay; well try to hurry, yeah?” He stated more than asked. You were shoving your other work outfit and shoes into your bag while he talked.
“Give me 15 Sal, I promise I’ll be there,” You said before hanging up and grabbing your make-up bag, and once you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and noticed yesterday's beat smeared across your face you snatched your make-up remover wipes and shoved them into your bag as well. You brushed your teeth as fast as humanly possible and silently prayed that something decent would come from underneath your bonnet and by the Grace of God your hair looked surprisingly good. You glanced at your phone for a time check but noticed that your phone was on 20%. You were going to need a watch today, you dash out of your bathroom and grab the first watch you see and put it on along with a bra and underwear. Hurriedly putting on your diner uniform and shoes you realized you had forgetten to pee. Running back to the bathroom you release what was just adding on to your stress and felt only an iota less worried about everything. Quickly going through a mental checklist of all your essentials for the day you snatch your keys and earphones from the table next to your entrance way and dash out the door.
“Corre, corre, andale!” your favorite neighbor, Jaime said jokingly, while clapping his hands as he saw you run out of your apartment.
“Oh shut up, cabron,”you snapped equally joking.
“Then I guess I can’t tell you the elevator’s broken,” he called out through cupped hands to make himself louder as you made your way down the hall towards the elevators.
“Fuck!” you shouted in utter annoyance. Luckily the door to the stairs was in the same vicinity. Not so luckily, you lived on the fourth floor. You said another silent prayer in hopes that a taxi would just so happen to be waiting for you at the bottom of these God forsaken steps because you just knew the train was going to take too long. It seemed as though He was only slightly on your side today, because as if shown by a light from the heavens, someone from your building was just getting out of a cab.
“Hold the door!” you shouted as you exited the building, she did so and you slid in with so much speed you hit the door on the other side.
“Thank you Angelica, I owe you!” you said from the window in relief she just smiled in agreeance and waved goodbye as she made her way inside.
“De Luca’s Diner and if you step on it and I’ll give you a huge tip,”you ordered.
“Say less,” he simply replied before speeding towards your destination.
You scraped off yesterday’s make up wondering how in the Hell you had gotten yourself into this huge mess while putting on a new layer. Before you knew it you had made it to work. You handed the driver your money, he inspected the amount before realizing how much you gave him.
“Aye what about my tip?” he shouted from his window.
“Buy your wife some flowers with what I gave you and I bet she’ll give you the best tip of all,” you shouted in reply while walking backwards, giving him finger guns and a wink. The man sat for a moment thinking and realizing the crazy and strange young woman might be onto something as he turned his off-duty lights on and made his way to the nearest flower shop. You checked your phone; only 20 minutes after your shift was intended to have started, so you technically didn’t lie to Sal. You busted into the diner making a bee line straight to the back greeting your coworkers and boss along the way. You threw your purse and phone into your locker and grabbed your apron, pen and notebook from it. You tied your apron as you made your way from the locker room, to the kitchen, you noticed Sal was standing in front of the door leading to the dining area with his arms crossed and an angry expression evident on his face.
“If I wanted someone who’s gonna be late, I would have hired my good-for-nothing son,” he stated before cracking a smile before he opened his arms for an embrace. You released the breath you were unknowingly holding as you made your way to his opened arms.
“Ugh, I know, I’m so sorry Sal, I don’t even know how this happened,” You said, sounding pitiful because you weren’t exactly having the best day so far.
“It’s alright, Tesoro,” he replied, “just don’t make this a habit, eh?” he said while holding your face with both hands to ease your worry. You just nodded your head before heading out to start your shift.
You approached a table where three men sat, you grabbed your notebook and pen and plastered on your best customer service smile.
“Hey guys, welcome to De Luca’s Diner, I’m (Y/N) and I’ll be your server today. What can I get started for yo-” you had cut yourself off when you realized who was sitting at the table, Captain America in all his patriotic glory along with his friends Sam Wilson and James Barnes. Sure these heroes having decided to come to your job of all places was unbelievable but what truly rendered you speechless was how gorgeous the Captain was up close; of course the other two men were good looking but you had always had a thing for Steve. His perfect smile shining bright and making you weak in the knees, his blue eyes having you completely lost in his gaze. You really could not fathom how someone could just casually look this breathtaking. Your brain coming out of its foolish schoolgirl crush daze had registered where you were and what you were supposed to be doing.
Snapping out of it, you blush slightly at your silliness, “I’m sorry,” you said somewhat softly.
“Oh no it’s fine, seems like you had a busy morning,” Steve joked, you realized he saw you run into the restaurant and you mentally facepalmed from your dramatics.
“You have no idea,” you sighed with a chuckle.
“Well, it should only get better from here,” Steve remarked with a small, genuine smile causing you to smile in return.
“I sure hope so.”
Sam and Bucky just watched the two of you interact so easily, as if you had known each other for years. Once again coming to the realization of where you were, you cleared your throat before saying,“So what can I get started for y’all?”
They had placed their orders and you made your way to the back to submit it to the kitchen; Sam and Bucky checking you out as you walked away.
“Damn,” The two said in sync.
“Oh c’mon leave that girl alone, she’s working,” Steve attempted to snap them out of their own daze.
“It’s not like it was us she had her eyes on anyways,” Bucky declared.
“What are you talking about?” Steve responded in mock annoyance.
“Man, you cannot tell me you didn’t see the way she was looking at you,” Sam interjected.
“No, I can’t say I do,” Steve retorted simply.
“Ol’ girl was about to drown in them beautiful baby blues,” Sam said while making his voice sound high pitched and wispy, clasping his hands together holding them near his face and batting his eyelashes  and staring off into the distance before letting out a loud laugh, Bucky joining in.
“Oh stop, she was not,” Steve responded with a chuckle.
“Whatever you say man,” Sam held his hands up in defense,“but we know what we saw.”
“You should ask her out, you’re not getting any younger,” Bucky encouraged while also poking fun at his best friend.
“And what if she’s seeing someone?” Steve questioned.
“Only one way to find out,” Sam announced quickly before he and Bucky began looking for you.  
You were in the middle of taking another table’s order but it seemed as though you were almost done.
“What are yo-”
“We’re helping,” Bucky whisper-shouted, cutting off Steve before he and Sam tried getting your attention.
“Excuse me, Miss! Over here,” the two mischievous men hollered from across the restaurant.
Your head turning to their direction before a genuine smile took over your face as you headed to their table. Steve wanting the world to just open up and swallow him whole to avoid embarrassment.
“You guys need anything?” you inquired.
“We just have a question,” Bucky affirmed.
“I may have an answer,” you proposed.
“Are you single?” Sam asked simply. Your eyebrows raised in surprise, what a strange question. If it were some group of creeps, you would have easily lied to them and went about your day, but these men didn’t seem innately creepy, so there was no real need to lie.
You simply just said, “Yes” as you smiled sweetly at the three. It was now Steve’s turn to have a look of surprise on his face.
“Really?” He asked, a small amount of hope hidden behind the question.
“Really, really,” you replied with a reassuring smile. This gave Steve a warm feeling in his heart.
“I believe your food should be ready, I’ll be right back,” you excused yourself before making your way to check on the food and your other customers, a feeling of giddiness washing over your body.
“Was that so hard?”Bucky asked with a knowing look on his face.
 Sal had just finished ringing up a customer before making his way to your side.
“So, Captain America, huh?” he whispered to you with a small smirk.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” you replied with a shy smile.
“I may be old Tesoro, but I’m not blind or stupid,” he stated, “That man can’t stop looking at you, even as we speak,” you looked at Sal with a questioning look before turning to the table and locking eyes with him. His eyes grew large in embarrassment before trying to look at something -anything- else, blush slowly creeping onto his cheeks.
“I promise you Sal, I am not worth his time.” you said, self-deprecation being the only way to downplay the situation.
“I won’t argue with you, but there’s a reason I always call you treasure,” Sal stated before walking away to go talk to the regulars. You grab a tray to hold the table’s orders and head back to their table to give them their food. 
When it came time to give Steve his food and your hands had barely touched, but that small feeling felt like a bolt of electricity running through your body, you had locked eyes and you knew he had felt it too. You stared into each other’s gaze for what only felt like a moment before you snapped out of your daze. You told them to enjoy their meal and to call you if you needed anything. They ate their food and you were still running around the restaurant taking orders and giving meals but every so often you tried to steal glances of the Captain without him noticing and without your knowledge he was doing the exact same thing.
Before you knew it they had finished their meal and it was time to give them the check. You had been dreading this moment because you just knew that you were never gonna see him again. He was going to be out saving the world and you would be stuck here working two jobs barely getting by. You sighed sadly before placing the check on the table.
“I hope you guys had a great meal and hope to see you again soon,” the last part was said specifically to Steve before you walked away. The three men left their table and headed towards the counter to pay their bill. You hear the register open and close, your heart felt heavy from sadness; this was it, your last chance to see him in real-life. You glanced away from the table you were helping and at the door to just get one last glimpse of him; as if fate had wanted it to happen, Steve was looking at you too. You locked eyes with each other, a small smile made its way to your lips, he smiled back. You gave each other small waves good-bye, and he turned to leave. That was it, he was gone. You turned your attention back to your table, back to your mundane life.
You had gone to the table where the men had left to grab your tip and help with clean up, as you reached for the money you noticed a small scrap of paper that seemed to have been torn from a notebook with a drawing of an orchid and phone number and right underneath the number was just one name on it, Steve. You grabbed the paper gently as if you were to handle it too harshly it might disintegrate right then and there. You marveled at the drawing while Sal had managed to sneak up behind you and look at what had grabbed your attention.
“Not worth his time, eh Tesoro?” Sal stated knowingly, before you put the napkin in your pocket.
The busy day had finally come to an end and it was time to close up shop. You were exhausted and in desperate need of coffee if you were going to survive your next job.
‘Speaking of which, what time is it?’you mentally asked yourself. 2:45? That can’t be right, it's dark out, as you pour yourself a to-go cup adding cream and sugar. You take a sip and glance at the clock that's near the order window.
You have to be at the club at 10:30 and it takes 25 minutes to get there…
“Fuck!” you scream before running from the dining area all the way to the locker room, you toss your apron and grab your purse and dash out towards the door.
“Bye Sal!” you shout before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek,”ti amo, i’ll see you tomorrow!” you yelled before making your speedy exit.
You don’t have enough for another cab and generous tip, so you have to take the train. You really thought your luck was starting to turn. Fuck it, the train’ll get you there in time, you hoped. You run into the station and your train is about to leave at any moment, you run in and find a place close to the door. You put your earphones and play music to get you mentally prepared to dance for the evening. You glance at your phone: 10%; no social media for you, you supposed. You closed your eyes and tried to catch your breath from all the cardio you managed to squeeze in for the day. As you began to calm down and relax for the first time since you had awakened, you had opened your eyes and began to scan the other patrons of the car when you suddenly stopped on one person in particular.
‘Is that-?’ You thought to yourself, an expression of pure confusion riddled across your face, ‘No, it can’t be,’ you attempted to assure yourself. He was the same height as him, same skin tone, same hair, same everything…
‘Oh Lord, it is Him.’
taglist: @snazzyjazzy6​ @oceanscorazon​ @petlaufeyson​ 
113 notes · View notes
holycafe · 5 years
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Deja Vu
Coldflash Week Fall 2019: Different First Meeting
When the Oculus blew, Len didn’t die. Instead, he woke back up in the body of his past self on the night before his first ever run-in with the Flash. Now Len has a chance to do it all over again; what changes would he make this time around?
(I have a lot of edits and fics for this ship as well as destiel, sterek, etc. My masterposts can be found here. If you’re on a desktop site then you can just jump on over to my page to view the rest of my coldflash edits.)
A full fanfic for this will be on the way soon (hopefully), but please accept the following couple of extracts in the meantime and, if you feel inspired by this post, feel free to run with it yourself! I only ask that you give me credit for the idea.
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The taste of Sara's lips lingered on his tongue. Len hoped she'd gotten away. He hoped they all had. His team. He'd never been much of a team player in the past, but that was before he'd joined the Legends. And look where it had left him: holding onto a device that was set to blow at any second.
All things considered, Len supposed this was a good way to go. He wondered what Barry would think of him now. What would the Flash say once he learnt that Len had died a hero? Would Barry mourn him? Maybe. He was a god damn bleeding heart if ever Len had known one.
When the Time Masters surrounded him, Len had time for one last line. One last snarky comment. He'd make sure it was a good one.
"No strings on me," Len said, and he closed his eyes to the blinding light filling the room.
His last thought was of Lisa.
He supposed he should have expected that... his sister had always loved that damn film and insisted on watching it with him every birthday. Though he'd missed it last year, having been recently arrested for killing their father, so she'd had to come to visit him in prison instead. Lisa forgave Len that though, saying Lewis Snart's death was a better present than she could have asked for and more than made up for one skipped birthday. She'd made him promise not to miss her next one, though... it seemed like Len was going to be breaking that promise. He supposed she'd have to find someone else to carry on that tradition with her from now on. Maybe it would be Cisco? He was a good guy, and it was obvious to Len just how much the two cared for each other. If it wasn’t Cisco, though, Len just had to hope it wasn’t Rosa either; she’d messed with Lisa’s heart too much already.
But, whoever it was, they had better take good care of his little sister or Len would come back to personally haunt their ass.
No strings on me.
No strings on me…
No strings on me…
"There are no strings on me!"
Len sat forward with a jolt, panting heavily as his mind swam with mental whiplash. It took him far too long to blink away his confusion and recognise where he was.
"Lenny? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Lisa was asking, placing her hand on his back. He tried not to cringe away from her touch
"You have no strings, your arms is free, to love me by the Zuider Zee," the song continued.
"Yeah..." he said slowly, looking away from Pinocchio dancing away on the TV to Lisa. Slowly, he settled back down on his sister's sofa. "Yeah, I'm fine." His heart was racing, and he was still panting, but he was calming down again now. "Just a bad dream." But it had felt like so much more than that... it had felt real.
"You fell asleep while watching Pinocchio?" Lisa asked, looking thoroughly unimpressed. She really did love this film. "It's not even nine o'clock. And it's my birthday!"
"Sorry, Sis," Len shrugged. He didn't have much else to say. The longer his eyes were open, the more faded the dream felt. Of course, it hadn't been real... Len internally chided himself for even considering that a possibility. Speedsters and immortals and time travel? That stuff could never really exist! It had just been a dream. A very, very weird dream.
"You're getting old, Lenny," his sister teased, and Len rolled his eyes.
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The next morning, s Leonard and his team rode down the armoured van, Len could feel his heart racing in his chest. But he couldn’t let some dream interfere with his heist. He’d been planning it for months, and it was set to be the biggest haul of his career. He and all of his crew would be walking away with at least two mil’ each. He wasn’t about to bail out now.
So, Len continued on. However, he couldn’t help but throw glances over his shoulder as he dismounted his bike and grabbed the liquid nitrogen containers to bust open the door. And when the red blur did, in fact, come rushing to the rescue, Len didn’t hang around to check it out as he’d done in his dream. He jumped on his bike and got the hell out of dodge, mask still firmly in place.
Back at the safe house, Len’s mind was spinning. His dream… it couldn’t have been real. Could it? It wasn’t possible. But neither was the red blur which had interrupted his heist. Len stared at the screen, the surveillance footage he’d swiped from the van playing under his sharp gaze. It was exactly as Len had remembered it in his dream. Everything was happening in precisely the same way. The thought made Len’s stomach twist into knots. If the dream was real… then that meant that Len had only eighteen months left before he died.
But, what a hell of an eighteen months they would be: becoming Captain Cold, going up against the mob, getting rid of Lewis once and for all, travelling through time, and doing and taking whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.
Well, almost…
There was one thing that Len found himself wanting desperately. One person. Someone that Len would have never expected to fall for…
And Len supposed that that was it: that was how he could find out, once and for all, whether this dream of his was coming true or not. Len would have to track down Barry Allen. If he was real, then this whole thing, whatever it was, must be real too.
That was how he found himself inside CC Jitters the next morning, waiting on an impossible man.
His dream-self had done surveillance on Barry from the moment he’d squeezed the man’s name from Cisco’s lips. Months of monitoring his comings and goings. He’d learnt everything that he possibly could about Barry, stopping only once Len had found the young man getting cosy with a female cop and noticed the way his gut twisted with jealousy at the sight of the pair… But that wouldn’t be for another year yet.
In Len’s dream, the Flash had frequented this coffee shop day in and day out. So, if Len wanted to run into him, then this was the place to do it.
Len didn’t have long to wait before the door opened and in walked Barry Allen and Iris West. Iris patted her friend on the shoulder and moved behind the counter to put on an apron. But Len’s eyes were trained on Barry. He was dressed like a preschool teacher in a sweater vest and shirt with a pair of slim-fit jeans. It looked good on him, though Len would be surprised if he found anything that looked bad on this man.
The goody type didn’t usually do it for Len, but there was so much more to Barry than met the eye and thus, regardless, Len found his heart racing frantically against his chest. Though, maybe his reaction was less about seeing Barry again and more about the crushing realisation that his dream had been real.
Len couldn’t understand how that was possible. He’d dreamt about the future. But how? He wasn’t a meta… was he?
Barry was leaning on the counter now and talking to his friend. From this angle, Len could just about see the grin on the Flash’s face. One part of Len wanted to stay and watch this impossible man some more, but another part of him needed time to think things over. Getting up, Len shrugged his coat back on over his shoulders and made to leave the café. But then someone was tripping up and crashing into him.
Len stumbled, shooting a hand out to a nearby post, and steadying himself and the other man before they both went hurtling to the floor. He looked down to find Barry Allen’s big green eyes looking back up at him, the to-go cup he’d been holding slipping to the floor and spilling all over Len’s shoes. Though, Len realised he didn’t quite mind that. He could always buy a new pair.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” Barry said, pulling himself up. “I was backing up, and I wasn’t looking where I was going. And I… I’ll pay for your dry cleaning!” Barry continued. Len looked down at himself, seeing that some of the coffee had indeed also splattered against his new coat. Len didn’t mind that either. Barry twisted to grab his wallet from his jeans pocket, and Len realised he was still holding onto Barry’s shoulder; he quickly let go.
“They’re only clothes,” Len said. He sounded breathless. He was breathless. Len was working without a plan here, and he always had a plan. He hadn’t intended to meet Barry today, but now that he had… "Let me buy you another drink,” Len said, slipping into his drawl like putting on a good pair of gloves. He watched Barry closely and was happy to see a brush of colour sweep across the younger man’s cheeks.
"But, I was the one who bumped into you,” Barry protested, still holding his wallet as though he was going to insist on paying. Len placed his hand purposefully over Barry’s.
"Yeah, you were," Len said, smirking. He enjoyed the way that Barry grinned at him in return. Their relationship in the dream had been much more difficult. But this? This was easy. "You look like a caramel latte, kind of guy."
"How did you know?"
"Call it a hunch," Len shrugged. The truth was, he remembered it being Barry’s go-to drink in his dream. Though, his friends would often order a Flash for him as a joke. Len would have liked to make that same joke now, but that particular drink wasn’t on the menu… yet. “Also,” Len said, dipping down to pick the spilt disposable coffee cup up off the floor, "it's written on your cup."
"Oh, right," Barry laughed. Len, smirk still in place, stepped around the spill to toss the now-empty cup in the trash at the same time that Iris came over with a mop. Barry apologised to her, but she only gave Barry a not-so-subtle wink and nodded with her head for Barry to follow Len to the counter. Barry had turned an even brighter shade of red by this point.
Len ordered the man’s drink and then leant back against the counter, elbows propped up behind him and taking his time to slowly look Barry up and down.
“So, Barry, do you make a habit of running into people at coffee shops or am I just lucky?” Len drawled, and Barry scratched nervously at the back of his neck.
“Well, I try not to,” Barry laughed. “Not everyone’s as nice about it as you are,” he said, and Len almost burst out laughing. He didn’t think anyone had ever called him ‘nice’ before. “Wait, you know my name?” Barry asked. But he quickly shook his head and tapped his crown in a ‘duh’ gesture. “The coffee cup,” he said, answering his own question. “Though, now I’m at a disadvantage because I don’t know your name.”
“Hmm,” Len uttered. He leisurely looked Barry up and down one last time, drawing it out and enjoying how the younger man squirmed under his gaze. “I think we can rectify that,” Len said eventually, then he quickly pushed back off the counter and turned around to grab a napkin. He took a pen out of his coat pocket and scrawled his name and number down. By the time he was done, Barry’s order was ready, so he handed both the cup and napkin to the speedster at the same time. "You can run into me anytime, Barry," he winked and then sauntered out of the coffee shop before Barry could do anything more than blush.
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Of Latte’s and Lingerie- Chapter 6
I’m delirious, sleep deprived and high on caffeine but I did the the thing so who’s really winning here? Anyways, if you haven’t already, here’s the previous chapters 1 2 3 4 5 or a link to AO3. Also, if you wanna be added to the taglist please tell me, I’m a whore for praise. Hope this doesn’t suck. Rock and Roll.
Taglist: @catsssmeow
Marinette woke up feeling like someone had shoved a wad of cotton balls in her mouth. God she hated wine. One would think that after years of “wine nights” with Alya, she’d realize she should never participate in them on work nights. Marinette glanced halfheartedly at her phone, searching for the time.
Marinette jumped up like she’d been prodded with a hot poker. She ran to her little chest of drawers and frantically grabbed the first pair of pants she saw. As she attempted to put them on, she simultaneously hopped toward her closet. After a quick analysis she grabbed a blouse that she only hoped complimented her pants. Marinette shimmied her way into her blouse and made her way into the bathroom. Tikki sat on the countertop glaring at her
Marinette grabbed her toothbrush and squirted a generous amount of toothpaste on the bristles.
“I know Tikki but I have to be at work in an hour and god knows what traffic’s gonna be like.” Marinette brushed her teeth with purpose, contemplating the agenda of the day. She was never drinking with Alya on a Tuesday night ever again.
Marinette groaned at herself. She hated going to work without makeup. Because every single time without fail, Audrey had a passive aggressive comment to make.
Mari I know a good makeup artist if you ever need any tips.
Did someone die? You look awful.
Audrey was right. She was a bitch.
Marinette briskly walked into the kitchen and started the coffee pot, grumbling to herself about bitchy bosses. She checked the time on the oven.
Marinette began calculating. If she left by 7:15, she would be fine. That gave her 45 minutes to make a half hour drive. She’d make it with time to spare.
Audrey put up with a lot more from Marinette than she did from most people (for the sake of art, as she would say) but Marinette was not looking to push the limits. While she waited for the coffee to brew, she grabbed Tikki’s food from the pantry and poured it in the bowl. Tikki didn’t so much as glance at Marinette as she strolled into the kitchen and began eating her food. Marinette grabbed her brush from the counter of the bar and started brushing her hair wildly. When the coffee pot beeped impatiently at her, she quickly filled up her mug and one to go coffee for the road. It was gonna be one of those days.
Marinette put her hair in a quick sloppy French braid that fell down to just the center of her shoulder blades and gulped down her first coffee. When she glanced back up at the oven clock she sighed harshly.
Marinette grabbed her purse, chugged the last bit of coffee from her mug and slipped on some flats she kept near the door.
“Bye Tikki, I love you!”
When Adrien woke up he was more than a little disoriented. He couldn’t see a thing and he couldn’t breathe but he could feel fur buried in his face.
“Phlghhh.” His voice was muffled by the cat laying peacefully across his face. Adrien picked the cat up and held him up above his head.
“Is this what we’re doing now?” Plagg stared back with disinterest. Once Adrien set Plagg down on the empty side of the bed, he glanced at his beeping alarm clock.
Adrien sighed contentedly and strolled into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. His favorite part of his job was the late start. He had three hours of peace before he had to be at work so Adrien relished in it.
“Plagg, what do we want for breakfast?” Plagg elected not to dignify Adrien with a response.
“Yeah, I was thinking cereal too.”
No. nO. NO. NOOOO.
That’s what went through Marinette’s head when she got about 15 minutes down the road and realized she left the to go coffee sitting on the counter. It was at this point that Marinette began bargaining with herself.
If I drive five miles per hour over the speed limit for the next five miles and stop lightly but maybe not all the way at Dupont Circle, then I’ll have time to pick up an order from Dunn’s. Maybe I could call the store? God I hope Tim is there.
“Alright Plagg. I’m gonna go to Dunn’s. I’ll see you after work.”
“Meow.” Plagg didn’t so much as lift his head from the couch
“Don’t judge me! It’s perfectly normal for people to have multiple cups of coffee a day. Good day to you sir.”
“Meow.” Adrien scowled as he stepped in to the hall.
Adrien probably would’ve laughed to himself if he didn’t happen to walk into the hall at the same time as three other residents in his apartment complex. He had to trudge his way to the elevator, avoiding eye contact with every living thing in his periphery. Is this what his father meant when he asked Adrien not to make a fool of himself?
“Thank you, Tim. You’re a lifesaver, I’ll be there in 5!” Marinette hung up the phone and glanced at the clock.
Marinette did the math. She was at the light just in front of Dunn’s and she did the math faster than she’d ever done any math in her life.
Her job was only 15 minutes away from Dunn’s. If it took 5 minutes to get in, pay and get out, the light would probably be about 3 minutes long to turn in and out of Dunn’s. If you add all that together, plus the walk from the work parking lot to the door (which Marinette estimated to be about 5 more minutes), and if she was lucky, so very lucky, Audrey wouldn’t notice her being 1 minute late.
The things Marinette does for coffee.
Adrien was able to find his usual spot. He was able to order his usual mocha frappe and he was a little disappointed (but unsurprised) to see Marinette was not in her usual spot. Adrien had noticed after weeks of people watching that Marinette didn’t come to Dunn’s until after 5 pm, at which point she was usually frantically working on something. Adrien had also noticed that when he came in at about 7:30 every morning, he was the only person who would actually come in and sit down. Now, Adrien didn’t always go to Dunn’s twice a day… but he did it more often than he cared to admit.
“You know I give you all my money. I feel like you should at least take me out to dinner,” Adrien had joked.
“Nice try sweet cheeks,” Tim had said as he handed Adrien his change.
Adrien loved Dunn’s. What a peacefully, predictable and wonderful place.
Marinette was right on schedule. She was screeching into Dunn’s at exactly 7:33 and she’d never been more proud of herself in her life.
Just as Adrien was beginning to settle in, the door busted open. Marinette arrived in the most ridiculous fashion Adrien had ever seen. She had a debit card in one hand, a shoe in another and she was breathing incredibly hard, as though she’d run a marathon. Her purse slipped from her shoulder to her elbow and it seemed like what had once been a French braid, was now a French mess because while the top of her head seemed to present her hair in a beautiful plait, as you moved down you could see that her hair was falling, falling ,falling until it was sprawled across her back.
“Tim, please tell me it’s already made?” Tim looked at her with wide eyes and a cautious expression.
“Um, I think I’ll add another shot of espresso while you pay, just uh, swipe.”
“Fuck me,” Marinette muttered. She dropped her shoe to the ground and tried to wriggle her foot back into it as she swiped her debit card.
“Are you okay Marinette?”
 Now at this moment, Marinette froze in horror and a series of realizations hit her all at once. Number one, she’d forgot to put a hair tie in after braiding her hair that morning. Number two, she had walked into Dunn’s with only one shoe. Number three, when Tim said on the phone about 6 minutes earlier that the shop had been dead, he hadn’t meant empty. And finally, number four, the hot boy was sitting in his table in the corner.
“Oh, um yes! Just late! But I need coffee, and I left mine at home so I’m late and I stopped for coffee… Stress.” Marinette could practically see the word vomit coming from her mouth. This really was one of those days.
Adrien could physically see the stress on Marinette’s face before the word even came out of her mouth. He could tell she was nervous before her other words stumbled out too and Adrien felt awful for her.
“Well, maybe I can help! Here, I always keep an extra hair tie in my wallet for one of my friends. She’s kind of obsessive about her hair. Do you want to borrow it?” He could see a touch of relief in Marinette’s face.
“Oh my gosh. That’s really sweet, thank you!” Adrien glanced in the back and saw Tim give him a wink before busying himself with Marinette’s coffee.
“You know, we keep running into each other, but it’d be nice to actually plan a time to meet up. Why don’t I give you my number?”
Marinette was hyperventilating just a bit. There was a lot going on and it was very overwhelming. And that was the excuse she would give Alya when she explained the events that transpired there in that coffee shop.
She had handed the hot boy her phone and just as he’d handed it back, Tim had come back with the coffee. Without so much as a sideways glance at her phone, she snatched the coffee and turned briefly to face the hot boy.
“Thank you! Late. Really late. Gotta go. Lext you tater.” And with that, she gave Tim an appreciative nod, and ran out the door.
When she glanced at the clock in her car, Marinette was happy to see that she had a minute to spare before she needed to peel out of the parking lot. She chose this minute to take a look at the new contact in her phone. Finally Alya could stop bugging Marinette about not knowing his name.
When Marinette unlocked her phone and looked at her newest contact she had to take a full 3 minutes (that she didn’t have) to recover. There was screaming, maybe some crying, thrashing. It was a big ball of Why is this happening to me? She reread the contact name about 30 times before it really sunk in that this was really just one of those days.
Coffee Buddy.
The risk of going to Dunn’s that morning was calculated but boy was Marinette bad at math.
Next Chapter
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multifandombitxh · 5 years
Title: In Truth
Pairing: Dabi x Quirkless!Reader
Genre: Floof with a tiny bit of angst
Warnings: None
A/N: I always see people writing Dabi as very passive/perverted/possessive as a boyfriend so I said FUCK THAT NOISE and wrote him as a soft sweetheart bb because not even god can stop me. It’s written from Dabi’s POV (kinda). For some background, the reader is quirkless and works as a Teacher’s Assistant at UA. He’s never told them about what he does, and keeps his quirk a secret. The reader told him about the attack on the Summer Camp, and about how a villain set the forest on fire, so he knows he can’t tell them about his quirk now. Might make it into a series? idk. Enjoy!
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Dabi rolled over and groaned, the harsh sound of his phone vibrating on his nightstand startling him from his sleep. He probed around in the dark for a bit before finally grabbing ahold of his phone. With one eye open, he pressed the green “answer” button, too tired to check who it was, and too tired to care.
“What?” He croaked out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the back of his free hand.
“Wow, you sound like you swallowed sandpaper. Are you sick?”
All annoyance left his body at the sound of your voice, quickly being replaced by excitement. If there was anything that could get his heart going, it was definitely you.
“I just woke up, babe,” He replied, “You need something?”
“Dabi, it’s three in the afternoon. What are you still doing in bed?”
“Couldn’t sleep last night.”
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
Dabi chuckled, then sat up in bed. “Both, I guess.”
“Well, if you’re up to it, I was on my way home and figured I’d get some coffee. Wanna meet me there?”
“Usual place?”
“Obviously. We don’t get coffee anywhere else.”
“Damn, you’re sassy today.”
“Is it a yes or a no?”
“I’ll see you in fifteen, Y/N.”
“Okay, I love you!”
He’d heard you say it a million times by now, but it never got old. Every single time, without fail, hearing you say the words “I love you” gave him the worst case of butterflies known to man.
“I love you too, angel. See you soon.”
“Wow, the pros are really busy today,” You said, sipping your coffee and watching several suited-up heroes dart past the coffee shop. Dabi kept his head down, his shoulders slumped, and his voice low in hopes that none of them would notice him.
He’d never once included you in what he did in his free time. Sure, he’d mentioned a hundred and one times that he wasn’t a good person, that he’d hurt people, and that you were better off without him; but that did little to steer you away. You were stubborn, and determined to see the good in him, even if it wasn’t really there.
These days, though, it seemed like maybe there was a touch more goodness in his heart than there had been when he first met you.
“Yeah, read something about a lightning villain on my way here,” Dabi said softly, “Crazy stuff.”
You hummed in agreement, staring out the windows of the coffee shop in wonder.
“Still don’t understand what your obsession with pro heroes is about,” Dabi said with a soft chuckle.
“Well, some of us were born without Quirks, Dabi,” You replied, “It’s interesting to see what people do with them.”
Unknowingly, he’d sent you into a tangent about how amazing heroes were, and- to his shock- some villains, too. He watched you go on and on, your voice like music in his ears, your soft laughter and warm smile sending his heart soaring. He’d forgotten all about his coffee, and instead was focused on you; resting his head in his hands while he watched you talk excitedly.
“-plus, I don’t really think All Might’s as invincible as everyone thinks he is, you know? Everyone’s quirks have limits-“
“Right. Sure.��
“So there has to be someone out there who can take him on and win. I’m not saying they should or that it would be a good thing, but anything’s possible. There are so many different types of quirks-“
“Remind me which type is your favorite?”
“Mind control quirks, I thought I told you that already.”
“You did. Carry on.”
Dabi saw a thought flash in your eyes, only to be extinguished almost immediately. You opened your mouth to speak, hesitated, then pursed your lips and lowered your gaze. Worry instantly shot through his veins.
“Babe?” He asked, reaching across the table and taking your hand in his. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, just-” You sighed, your voice timid. “You still haven’t told me what your quirk is.”
Oh. Right.
“We’ve been doing this for almost five months now,” You went on, “I dunno, I just thought you would’ve told me by now.”
Dabi sighed and ran a stressed hand through his hair. “Look, Y/N, it’s just- it’s not that I don’t want to tell you, I just don’t think I can.”
“Why not?”
When he met your gaze, his heart sunk into his stomach like a rock. The hurt look in your eyes was enough to break even the most cold-hearted villains.
There was a reason he hadn’t told you. A very specific, very important reason. If you knew what his quirk was, you would know everything. You’d know what he was, what he’d done, and who he’d hurt.
For a split second, his heart told him to do the right thing. It was screaming at him to tell you, to confess everything, to finally come clean and just rip the bandaid off. If you couldn’t love him for who he really was, then how could the relationship work at all?
He had to. He had to do it.
He couldn’t.
Not now. Not here.
“Why don’t we go talk about this somewhere else,” Dabi said, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. He stood from the table and took one last sip of his coffee before offering you his hand. You took it happily and he pulled you up, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing the top of your head.
“Does this mean you’re gonna tell me what your quirk is?” You asked as he led you from the Cafe.
“Maybe,” He replied, glancing around the streets to look for pros. Once he knew the coast was clear, he began leading you toward the beach, where the sun had begun to set in the distance.It would be quiet, mostly secluded, and honestly? He just really liked sunsets.
When you arrived at the beach, you insisted on standing by the water to let the tide roll in over your bare feet. Your shoes and belongings were left off on the sand- as were Dabi’s, to your shock- while you enjoyed the cool, salty water.
Dabi has both arms around you, holding you close to his chest while you both watched the sun dip lower and lower into the horizon. Shades of red and orange and pink painted the sky and clouds, casting very warm tones over everything in sight. Breathing in the fresh air, Dabi reveled in the moment, trying to memorize every sensation in his mind.
Even though he loved the sunset, it paled in comparison to when he looked down to see your cheek pressed against his chest, your eyes closed and a peaceful look on your face.
“I’m so in love with you,” He said softly, unable to stop the words before they came out.
“Gross,” You replied, giving him a playful smile before craning your neck to press a long kiss to his lips. He welcomed the kiss by placing one of his hands under your jaw, keeping you in place until he’d had his fill.
“Does that mean you love me back?” He asked after several minutes, gently stroking your cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“It’s open to interpretation.”
“You’re impossible.”
“I am, and you love me.”
Scoffing, Dabi pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead before pulling you back into an embrace. You rested one of your hands over his ribs, toying with the material on his jacket absentmindedly. By now, the sun had all but disappeared aside from an intense, orange sliver on the edge of the rolling waves. It would have been perfect, if not for the sounds of shrill, teenage laughter at the other end of the beach. So much for secluded and quiet.
“So, about your quirk...”
Dabi sighed. “I was hoping you’d have forgotten by now.”
“Yeah, right, like I’d forget something like that.”
“Okay,” He started, licking his lips and glancing down at you. “I’ll make you a deal. If I tell you what kind of quirk I have, will you let it go for a while?”
Almost instantly, your eyes lit up and your smile had returned. “Yes!”
“You promise?”
“Pinky promise,” You replied, grabbing his hand and wrapping your pinky around his tightly, giving him your toothiest grin.
He thought his heart was going to burst.
“Okay,” He said, holding his breath. “I... have a fire quirk.”
“Oh, one of my students has one of those!” You exclaimed, “It’s so powerful. Why aren’t you a pro with a quirk like that? Doesn’t Endevour have-”
You sighed and lowered your head. “Okay, okay, I’ll let it go.”
Dabi grabbed your chin between his thumb and index finger, then tilted your head to look up at him again.
“You know how much I love you,” He began, “Don’t you, angel?”
“Of course,” You replied, leaning into his touch.
“You know that I’d do anything for you, right?”
“I know, Dabi.”
“And you know that I’ll always keep you safe?”
You chuckled and smoothed out the fabric of his jacket. “You say that like I have something to be scared of.”
“Because you do,” Dabi thought to himself, “And it’s all my fault. Someone could find out how much you mean to me and have you killed. The pros might get the wrong idea and think you’re like me. The police could bust down your door and arrest you for even being near me. You’re always in danger because of me. You don’t deserve that. You’re the last person who deserves any of that. God, why don’t you just leave me? You’d be so much safer...”
“You don’t,” He lied, swallowing hard. “I just need you to know I’ll never let anything happen to you, okay?”
“Okay,” You said softly. The calmness in your voice eased his anxieties, but only slightly. When you kissed his cheek and whispered that you loved him, though?
All of his worries melted and washed away with the tide.
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deejadabbles · 5 years
Spells of Defiance (Atem x Reader x Yugi) Chapter 3
Three: Home
One //// Two //// Three //// Four //// Five //// Six //// Seven //// [ Eight coming soon] 
Summary: The Circle of Magicians protects the world from rogue, murderous fey. The police who keep bloodsuckers and flesh-eaters in check. You’ve hunted vampires for years, earning a reputation as one of the best magicians in that field; but what happens when an encounter with a particular vampire makes your already fragile loyalties split?
Supernatural/Demon Hunter AU. Vampire!Atem x Reader x Incubus!Yugi (yes, a polyamorous relationship). Warnings for cursing, vulgar language, violence, and some sexual themes.
This is a fic I’ve already posted this on my AO3 but I wanted to spread the Yu-gi-oh x Reader love here on tumblr.
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It was a hunt like any other. You had been on the Marik case for a while and had tracked down a few of his follower's hideouts. There wasn't any reason for you to assume this night would be any different.
It was, and you knew that the moment you approached the abandoned house and heard the unmistakable sounds of a fight. The scene was already bloody when you busted the door open, two vampires were down, and the man who must have done it had a third by the throat. Absurdly, the wild hair caught your attention before his blood-soaked form. Red coated his right arm and the hole in the chest of one vampire left little mystery as to why.
He must have not considered the one he had by the throat a threat at all, because he glanced over his shoulder at you with an almost lazy look. The eyes. Even if you weren't an expert in recognizing his kind, you would have known he was a vampire as well.
"This does not concern you, magician. Leave this trash to me."
His voice was almost innately husky, but that was an observation you had made later because, in that moment, his words sent a shot of annoyance through you.
"Back off, I'm here on official Circle business and you're killing all my witnesses. Stand down," you snapped your fingers and a flame came alive in your hand, "or I'll take you out too."
Something you couldn't define flashed in his eyes, but only for a moment, before his gaze and whole demeanor sharpened in an instant. You had sensed it a second later. More vampires. Closing in fast.
The one crazy-hair had by the throat laughed. "Oh, you bitches are gonna get it now!"
And just like that, you and the vampire you later would know as Atem were a united force. An unspoken truce sparked and when the cultist reinforcements came crashing in, the pair of you were ready for them.
Who knew that crossroad would lead to here?
Out of everything you'd done in the last day or two, clutching to Yugi like a cat to a tree as he soared through the air had to be one of, if not the most terrifying. You wanted to trust that Yugi would not drop you, just as Atem had tried to assure, but you just couldn't help but scream internally the whole time.
So, when he finally touched down on sweet, solid, motionless ground, you wanted to cry out in relief.
Pride wouldn't allow that, of course, so you simply staggered away from your two new companions and silently got your bearings back; saying your prayers of thanks inwardly.
"A-are you okay?" came Yugi's unsure voice, "I'm sorry if I gave you motion sickness, I was trying to keep the jostling down to a minimum!"
"It's fine," you answered, wanting to give him a smile, but opted not to in case it looked forced or pained. Instead, you took another deep breath, then finally straightened up and took in your new surroundings.
You had landed in a backyard by the looks of it. A tall privacy fence walled it and the building before you in. The building was tall, three stories, but narrower than most homes. A small porch with a wooden swing seat led to sliding double doors. The green roofs and awnings, yellow brick, and star-patterned curtains hung in the windows gave it an overall 'cute' look.
"It's nice," you all but blurted. "Your home, I mean. It's nice."
You heard Atem step up beside you and when you looked out of the corner of your eye, you saw him giving you that gentle smile that eased the sharpness of his features. "You should consider it your home as well now."
"Want the grand tour?" Yugi asked as he joined your other side. "Most of the first floor is actually our shop, so I can show you around both if you want."
While you were trying to think of an answer, you noticed that Atem looked down at the ring you had enchanted to protect him from the sun. He then looked up at the sky with an expression that you could only describe as longing crossing his face. Yugi's face fell slightly as he noticed as well and both of you were left staring at the vampire.
"How long with your enchantment work?" Atem asked after a moment.
"Should be good for another hour or so. I tried to make sure it could last you until sunset if needed."
Another stretch of silence, then, "Could we stay out here for a while longer? I... I haven't watched the sunset in so long, I'd like to watch it with both of you, if that's alright."
Yugi smiled at him so sweetly that you could actually feel the deep affection pass between the two. Then, when he turned that look on you, something strange surged in your chest. It felt so odd, almost wrong to be included in such sweet affection, but that wasn't all of what you felt.
"Alright," the answer came easily, almost too easily. "I haven't watched the sunset in a long time either, and the ring should last you until then."
"We should be able to see if from the porch swing," Yugi suggested, still smiling as he ushered both of you onto said porch.
The swing looked like it could only fit three if you were closely squished together, so you automatically opted to stand against the porch railing instead. You crossed your arms, leaned your head against the support beam, and kept your gaze fixed on the horizon as the two men settled down behind you. You only glance behind for a moment to make sure you weren't obscuring their view, before turning back and letting your mind wander as the vampire had his moment in the sun.
Both of them seemed very keen on you staying with them indefinitely, but you just weren't sure if you could do that. Then again, did you really have any other option? There were many reasons why magicians rarely left the circle, and part of that was because they would have no support or means of living if they did. You had no job or experience in anything other than hunting and investigating rogue fey, not to mention as far as the human world was concerned, you didn't exist. Magicians didn't exactly carry ID cards or social security numbers with them.
You looked down at your right palm, the pink scar where the Circle's Seal had been staring back at you. It still throbbed a little but the pain was minor and it reminded you that your chain to the Circle was severed now. You were free to do whatever you wanted.
So why was your mind already falling back to your investigation into Marik? Heh, you supposed a magic seal was easier break from than the only lifestyle you had known.
A gentle call of your name made you turn your head and you saw Yugi looking at you with a question in his eyes. Atem, who was resting his head on Yugi's shoulder, looked at you with a similar expression. It was such an innocent scene, you found yourself thinking, one of Yugi's wings slightly cupping Atem, their hands intertwined.
"Are you okay?" Yugi asked after a moment.
You managed to give him a smile, "I'm just thinking. Don't worry about me, you two need to enjoy the sunset while you can." Before either could waste more of this special moment worrying about you, you turned forward again and kept your eyes on the skyline, blocking any more conversation.
It really was a beautiful sunset.
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Yugi did end up giving you a tour of their home. The back door led into an entry hall of sorts, with shoe and coat racks, another door that went into the shop Yugi ran, and a staircase leading up to the residential area above. Those stairs immediately opened up into a living room with a kitchenette off of it. There was a hallway off of the kitchen with a door on either side and another steep, narrow set of stairs to the third floor at the end. Apparently there were two bedrooms on the third floor, but they hadn't been used for more than storage since Yugi's grandfather, the original owner, passed.
"We can set up one of the rooms upstairs for you," Yugi offered, "We just have to move some stuff around and make sure that old mattress is still okay to sleep on."
You shuffled your feet, avoiding his earnest gaze, "You don't have to go to any trouble, the couch is fine." The words were barely out when you felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see Atem looking at you with reassurance.
"It's no trouble. I'll work on arranging everything for you while Yugi makes dinner."
"At least let me help you," you insisted as he headed for the third-floor staircase.
As Yugi went to the kitchen to start on the promised meal, you set your backpack down by the couch for safekeeping and started to go after Atem.
"I hope you like burgers," Yugi called out as he pulled down a skillet from a shelf, "it'll be nice to have someone else who actually eats with me. I can never get used to how Atem doesn't need regular food." He chuckled and the tone of his last sentence said he had said it to himself more than anything.
When he turned to get something else for dinner, he was surprised to see you stating there. Wait, when had you stopped by the kitchen? Weren't you heading down the hall just a second ago?
Yugi looked just as confused as you felt. "Weren't you going to go help Atem? I'm fine cooking by myself," he smiled to assure you he didn't need any help, but it faltered when he saw your lost expression.
"I... I was going to help him. I thought I was walking towards the stairs then..."
Yugi's face went a bit pale, "Oh no."
He swallowed a lump in his throat, then started scratching the back of his head as he avoided your gaze. "Umm, you know how I used my seduction magic on you to help with your pain earlier? Well, I think you're experiencing some...uh...side effects."
With a groan, you smacked your palm to your head. "Of course. I'm acting on a subconscious need to be close to you. Hell, I'm surprised I didn't try to hold your hand or something."
"I think it's only a minor need," Yugi insisted looking very abashed as his eyes darted up to you with the look of a sad puppy. "I'm sorry. I swear I wasn't trying to actually seduce you or anything. I didn't think you'd have any side effects..."
Your heart clenched at the sight of his upset sate and you weren't sure if it was the seduction magic or something else that made you want to put your arms around him. You waved your hand in an effort to deny the want as well as alleviate Yugi's guilt. "It's fine, Yugi, I know you didn't do it on purpose, you were just trying to help me. It should wear off soon, right? Until then, just don't blame me if I end up standing too close or hugging you or something."
He gave a soft smiled at the words, big violet eyes saying a silent 'thank you'. You had to get out of there -like now- before you did something stupid.
You turned on your heel, "I'm going to help Atem now. Thank you for making dinner, Yugi."
After having spent all of his recent days with you in mortal peril, Atem found this hour with you to be rather...special. It didn't take long to set up the room for your indefinite stay but he enjoyed the simple work and casual talk you two shared. Atem insisted on leaving the doors and windows open to air out the dust and got you clean pillows and linens to sleep with. The storage boxes had been piled into the closet and third bedroom, so as to not make you feel cluttered. You two had just gotten your bed made when Yugi called up saying dinner was done.
Atem also had to admit that it felt nice having someone else there for mealtimes. Not that he didn't enjoy the simple domestic alone time with Yugi before, but it simply felt...right to have you there, conversing with them and getting to know each other. Though he already knew he liked you immensely, it was still quite a welcomed change to talk about one another without the fear of execution hanging over his head.
After food (and you insisting on washing the dishes for them) Atem could tell that Yugi was on the verge of falling asleep right there and wondered if he should insist on everyone going to bed given the trials of the day.
"Neither of us got much sleep last night and my endurance potions can only go so far," you told him in a low tone, peeking over the kitchen island to look at Yugi as his lids drifted open and closed at a tired pace.
When you let out a long yawn Atem put his hand on your shoulder, "You need some rest as well. Teleporting us all that way, not to mention the physical exertion of having your seal removed can't have been easy on you."
"I'm fi-fine-" another yawn that Atem couldn't help but chuckle at. He might have compared you to a tired kitten if he didn't think the words would earn him a death glare. Or worse.
"Go on to bed, my friend. I'll finish cleaning up and take care of Yugi."
"I'm not a kid, you know," Yugi called from the dining table, but even the scolding sounded half-hearted.
Atem did not miss the way you smiled at the incubus' tired claim, the gesture softening your features for a precious moment.
"Alright, you win," you conceded as you handed him the dishtowel, even giving him a pat on the shoulder as you passed. "Goodnight you two."
"Goodnight! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, okay?" Yugi called after you, trying to hold in a yawn of his own.
After finishing the cleanup, Atem took Yugi's hands in his own and gently pulled him to their bedroom. The vampire thought they would have a nice, peaceful remainder to their night, but, as he took off his jewelry at the vanity, a low toned claim from Yugi made his whole body tense.
"You're not going to stop hunting Marik, are you?"
Atem looked at the incubus sitting on the bed, his tail and wings drooping, eyes fixed on the ground and body held so tightly he looked as if he was trying to shield himself from hurt. In all the time he had known Yugi, Atem was sure this moment was the most he had ever looked fragile.
"She told me. The message you asked her to give me when you thought you were going to die? She gave it to me. You said you were sorry for letting your need for revenge put you in that much danger. But you aren't going to stop, even now, are you?"
Atem let out a resigned sigh as he sat down on the bed beside Yugi. He took the younger man's hand in his own, giving a gentle squeeze. "I can't, Yugi. He's here in Domino and I can't let him escape, not this time."
"But why?!" Yugi turned his hurt-filled, tired eyes on him, "you don't have to go after him, the magicians are hunting him too, let them handle it. Atem-" Yugi's voice cracked and Atem felt a swell of self-loathing in his chest for bringing his love to tears. "What if next time it isn't the Circle who try to kill you?" he whispered, "I c-can't lose you, Atem."
He pulled Yugi into a tight embrace, wishing he could chase the tears away with sheer will power. He ran his fingers through Yugi's hair as he said, "You won't lose me. You especially won't now that we aren't alone." When Yugi pulled back and gave him a questioning look, Atem elaborated, "I know she's free to do whatever she wants now that she's free of the circle, but something tells me that she will continue her hunt for Marik as well. If she is, we can do it together. We can stop his killing and tormenting together."
After staring back at him for a moment, Yugi let out a defeated sigh and leaned against his chest. "I know I can't stop you. Just promise me you'll be careful and you'll let me help too."
"I promise, Aibou," to lighten the mood he kissed Yugi's temple and said, "I dare say I can't do anything without your help anymore."
"Got that right," Yugi replied but Atem heard the smile in his tone.
They stayed like that for a few long, much needed minutes, simply holding each other. Atem thought Yugi might have fallen asleep, until he shifted and looked towards the door with a questioning gaze. A second later Atem noticed it too, just as Yugi got up and walked to the door. He opened it, revealing you, curled up and still fast asleep at the threshold to their bedroom.
"Oh no," Yugi sighed, kneeling down by you as he whispered, "I was worried about this. She's still experiencing the side effects of my magic and must have slept walked here to get close to me."
Atem joined your side as Yugi brushed the back of his hand along your cheek. Your breaths were coming slow and even, looking perfectly content despite the hard floor beneath you. The sight was actually quite cute.
"Should I carry her back to her room?" Atem whispered as well, not wanting to disturb you.
Yugi shrugged, "She'll probably just sleepwalk to our door again."
"Well, we can't just leave her here on the ground."
The incubus looked to the vampire with an almost timid suggestion in his eyes, "There's always a third option..."
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You weren't sure if an entire floor and a bedroom door were enough to block out Atem and Yugi's demonic auras, but you weren't taking the chance. You trusted both of them, but your sleeping mind might still call out danger when sensing them so close by and you couldn't take another restless night of sleep. You only had one sleeping draft left in your stock but it was well worth it to knock yourself out for the night.
Your dreams were pleasant that night. Soft hands holding yours, warmth wrapping around your body like a cozy blanket; the comfort of companionship. Comfort you didn't know how to handle in the real world, but here in dreams, you let it wash over you like a cleansing tide. Was this what home felt like?
The world came creeping back in at a snail's pace and this time you didn't quite dread the mornings like you usually did. You don't think you had ever remembered having such a good night's sleep.
Of course, your blissful moment started to fade when you became more and more aware of the fact that someone was sleeping beside you.
Your eyes snapped open and you sucked in a shocked breath when you saw Yugi's peaceful sleeping face next to yours. He was a respectful distance from you, at least considering what little room there was for distance on the bed. Still, your face felt like it was on fire when you realized you had one hand placed on his chest and the other set firmly on his hip. Not just that. Atem was asleep in the bed too, laying with his chest to Yugi's back, tucked between the incubus' wings and his hand gently resting over yours on Yugi's hip.
Apparently, the sleeping draft had not knocked out your subconscious need to be tucked in Yugi's arms. After a string of mental curses and colorful exclamations, you decided it was best to try slipping out before either of them woke.
At a painfully slow pace, you started moving your hand out from under Atem's, freezing when he or Yugi seemed on the verge of stirring and waiting a bit before moving again. Finally, your hand was free and you started shimming backward to slide out from under the warm, inviting blankets and off of the soft bed.
When you were completely 'free' and started tiptoeing towards the door you heard Yugi make a pouty grumbling noise. You peeked behind you to see him still asleep as he threw his arm over the spot you had been and bury his face into the sheets with another grumble; Atem silently scooting closer to him a second later.
Once you had closed their door behind you and you were safe in the hallway, you let out a sigh. You didn't know if they were awake when you came to them or not, but you were determined not to have that particular awkward conversation. You weren't even sure what time it was because of the thick curtains over every window, but you did see some sunlight around the edges.
With another sigh, you decided that a shower was in order and made your way to the bathroom across the hall. Yugi had hung a spare towel out for you the night before, he and Atem sure were thoughtful hosts. The hot water felt refreshing and you relaxed under the feel of it. You hadn't had your own body wash or shampoo to bring so you had to hope the boys wouldn't mind you using some of theirs. The body wash had a pleasant, light scent to it that reminded you of herbs or woods, while the shampoo had a fresh clean smell.
The scent made you remember what it had felt like to have both of them hold you in their arms as you tried to keep from fainting the day before. You hadn't noticed the scent at the time, focusing more on the pulsating pain from your hand, but it must have stuck into the back of your mind. You lifted your hand, once again examining the scar of your seal. In some ways, you still couldn't believe that the connection had been severed. For years it bound you to the Circle, claimed you as one of their own, and ensured your place in the world. The mere sight of it could strike fear and panic into the hearts of most fey. So much of your life revolves around the symbol, why then, did it feel so natural and easy to be rid of it?
You were jolted out of your thoughts when a knock and a gentle call of your name came from the door. "Please take as much time as you'd like, I simply wanted to ask if you were alright with having pancakes for breakfast?" Atem asked, sounding a bit sheepish for some reason. "Yugi would also like to know if you're alright with chocolate chips in them."
"Y-yes, that fine, I'll be out in a bit," you called back.
When you were sure he wasn't going to say anything else, you let out a small sigh. You didn't want to dwell on the past too much, but, at the same time, you were worried that adjusting to this new life would be difficult, no matter how natural it seemed right now.
After drying off and putting on fresh clothes for the day, you stepped into the kitchen to see if Yugi needed any help with breakfast. Atem was sitting at the kitchen island, reading a newspaper while drinking something from a coffee cup. A quick glance at the red liquid confirmed that it was blood, likely from a pig or cow courtesy of a butcher.
Yugi, who was standing at the stove humming to himself, greeted you with a smile and cheerful, "Good morning! We weren't sure what you wanted to drink, but there's juice and milk in the fridge, and I think there's some coffee up in the cabinet somewhere if you'd rather have that."
"Juice is fine," you assured, not wanting him to go to any trouble. "Do you need any help with food?"
"Nope, I got it! You can sit down and relax." He gave you a closed-eyed smile before going to the fridge for something, his tail swishing happily behind him.
When you took the stool beside Atem he tossed his newspaper away and shifted in his seat, turning to face you more. He seemed to want to talk about something, but scratched the back of his neck and didn't quite meet your eyes as he said, "Um, about this morning-"
"I'm sorry, I didn't even realize I came into your room in my sleep until I woke up this morning," you blurted out, not wanting either of them to get the wrong idea.
"No, no, it's alright. We know you weren't in control, we just..." he cleared his throat and Yugi jumped in to save his red-faced vampire, though he seemed only a notch-less bashful.
"We didn't want to leave you on the floor all night, that's why he put you in the bed. I hope you...uh...didn't think we had any bad intentions or...uh...anything."
"Of course not," you assured, desperately wishing this conversation was over. "It was all just a big, weird, situation, it's fine." You took a drink of the juice Yugi had given you, hoping that was the end of that. Just in case, when you swallowed the drink- and the lump in your throat, you moved the conversation along to another topic entirely. "There's something else I wanted to tell you two. I want you to know that I'm still going to investigate the Marik case."
You saw the boys exchange a look. You couldn't quite discern it, but you knew it was quite meaningful, especially with how tense Yugi seemed to be all of the sudden.
"I am as well," Atem said as he broke eye contact with Yugi and looked back at you. "In fact, I was hoping you would be willing to find him together."
That really shouldn't have come as a shock, but it still took you a moment to reply. "Alright, if that's what you want." For about the dozenth time since you'd met Atem, you found yourself wondering why he was so hell-bent on finding Marik. But, like all the other dozen times, you figured it was too prying to ask.
"Won't investigating the case draw the attention of the Circle?" Yugi asked with caution, "You said they shouldn't be able to find you now, but you might run into them if both you and them are tracking Marik down."
"Not necessarily." You allowed yourself a bit of a smug smile as you said, "Part of the reason I'm usually put on the most wanted vampire cases is because I've built connections and channels other magicians haven't."
Atem met your smile with his own, thought a question again playing in his eyes as he said, "It's obvious that you're remarkably experienced in hunting vampires, but you're so young..."
You shrugged, the smugness fading a bit, "I've been doing this for a long time. The Circle starts their training young. Really young."
"Don't tell me they go around recruiting children," Yugi said, and you didn't miss the undertones of disgust in his words.
"Recruiting isn't really the right word," you sighed. "I, like most of the magicians, was born into service under the circle. My mother was a magician and any maician working for the Circle pretty much hands their child over to the council the moment they're born. We grow up in the Sanctuary with other kids our age and aren't taught anything about the outside world that doesn't involve hunting fey. Combat training and teachings of the fey world starts as soon as possible and eventually, we're given a choice." You looked down at your palm, remembering the pain of the brand that sealed your life to the Circle. "Part of the reason magician almost always stay with the Circle is because they make us choose. We can pledge our loyalty to the Circle and they give us the magician's seal, or, we refuse and they throw us out into a world we know nothing about with no money or family to support us."
Silence followed your words. At the time, when the 'choice' had been given to you, you thought it normal. There was no other frame of reality that you knew to tell you how manipulative and abusive such a life was. In fact, you had only come to that conclusion barely more than a year ago, and here you were in your twenties.
"How old are you when they give you this so-called 'choice'?" Atem asked, sounding like he was barely keeping anger under the surface. You knew it wasn't directed at you, but you still felt a wash of shame on behalf of your old masters.
Another thing that had seemed normal to you for years. Fourteen was a fine age to be forced into servitude and trained to kill, wasn't it? You had thought that, until years of seeing the real world and how it worked made you realize that such a way of thinking belonged in the dark ages. Ages where fourteen was considered an adult because the average person didn't live much past forty if that. This time last year you might have said 'that's normal, isn't it?' or tried to rationalize it away, but not now.
"That's just sick," Yugi muttered under his breath and you knew he was remembering how much you said the brand had hurt when they gave it to you. "Fourteen, and do they even wait long before they put up against an actual, dangerous fey?"
"No. Your first field mission is usually a month after pledging your loyalty." You regretted the words almost as soon as you said them, given the horrified look in Yugi's eyes, and Atem's deliberately stony expression. Maybe you should have added that they at least give you a mentor on those mission for a while, but you didn't figure it would help much. You didn't want them to pity you, so, trying for a bit of black humor that might move the conversation along you shrugged and said, "But at least being pitted against bloodthirsty fey at a young age was good for one thing. Like I said I have a few connections that might help us find Marik. I actually have one in mind."
Thankfully, Atem must have sensed that you didn't want to talk about that line of conversation anymore, because, after a moment where Atem closed his eyes and took in a deep breath (and Yugi forced himself to go back to cooking), he asked, "Who?"
"He's a ghoul that lives in the slums on the other side of the city. He tends to keep his ears low and picks up on other fey doing shading things. A cowardly little creep, but I've kept the Council off his back a few times, so he's willing to help me when I need it. Especially after a bit of...persuasion."
As Yugi set a stack of pancakes in front of you and took a seat on your other side, Atem asked, "Are you willing to wait until nightfall to visit him? That way I might come as well?"
"I prefer it, actually. He usually has his guard lowered at night since he's more vulnerable during the day. We can go together tonight."
"Great!" Yugi chimed in after swallowing a bite of fluffy pancakes, "That means I'll have the shop closed by then and I can come too." When you and Atem looked round at him, he gave a very sassy looking raise of his eyebrow. "What, you honestly think I'm going to let you two go after this psycho by yourselves again after what happened last time? No way!"
He took another bite of his food and with a chuckle you finally let yourself dig into the breakfast as well. Atem only smiled at Yugi's words. A while of comfortable silenced passed and you were just about done eating before Yugi brought up his own question.
"Since we aren't going until night, do you think you could help me in the shop today?"
"Of course," you answered finishing off the last of your food, "I'm staying here after all, I don't mind helping out."
"Awesome!" His bright smile was back in place again, "It will give us a chance to get to know each other, besides, I've got a few magical objects that you might be able to help me identify."
"You two better get to it then, I'll clean up here," Atem said as he took your plates.
As he did, something on his finger caught your attention. You hadn't noticed until now but...Atem was still wearing the enchanted ring you gave him. Even though its magic had run out long ago it was still there among his other adornment. You didn't have much time to dwell on the discovery though, because you were soon heading downstairs with Yugi to start your day.
You had not seen the actual shop last night, nor the front of the building, so you were quite intrigued when Yugi led you into the magical store. It was...cute. Cozy in a somehow adorable way. Shelves full of books on tarot reading, herbalism, Wicca, and numerous other things covered the entirety of the right wall. Display cases sporting handmade wands, athames, pagan statues, crystals, and stones sat on the opposing side. A counter with an old register, as well as small tables holding candles, incense, and other nick-nacks filled the center of the room.
Yugi told you that he mostly catered to white witches; humans who dabbled in fortune-telling, herbalism, and all manner of occult matters, but he had a few regulars who were actual creatures of the night. "Those are the customers that I let into the back room," he had said with a wink as he snapped his fingers and his incubus features disappeared from view, leaving him looking just as human as you.
The first thing you helped him with was the store's opening procedure. He led you outside carrying a wooden sandwich sign that looked rather old. It had a carving of three boxes with question marks on them and knives protruding from the sides of said boxes. The shop's name was scrawled above it in raised red letters: 'The Mystic Box'. Eager to help, you grabbed the display table of discounted items that Yugi said he always sat outside to draw attention and carried it out as he set up the sign.
Once out there, you instantly took notice to the neighboring shop- or rather, the people working there. I was a salon, and three women, two of them smoking, stood outside and seemed to be paying quite a bit of attention to Yugi.
"Morning, Yugi!" called the short blonde one, "You look as good as ever!"
"Go-good morning," he replied, barely giving the now giggling women a wave.
"Who's your friend?" another asked, eyeing you with genuine curiosity.
"An old friend. She's going to be living with us and helping out around the shop for a while," Yugi answered in a flash.
After setting up the table, you turned to see Yugi was still fiddling with the old hinges of the sign. He sighed and kneeled down to see what was snagged and you were about to help him out, but hesitated when you took notice of the slight change in the women's demeanors. They were biting their lips and giggling at each other, making odd hand gestures as they looked down at- Oh for god sake, they were drooling over Yugi's butt! By the furrow of his brow and the tenseness of his shoulders, Yugi knew it and wasn't at all comfortable with the lewd staring.
You let out an annoyed huffed and stepped between Yugi's turned back and the women, crossing your arms and giving them a very cold look. Admiring another's body was one thing, but these girls were no better than catcalling construction workers. Each of them gave you some version of a disappointed glare or impatient muttering, not appreciating you ruining their fun.
Yugi quickly fixed the sign and stood, saying a dismissive "See you later, ladies," as you two walked back inside the shop.
"Bye Yugi!" they called in unison, still acting like schoolgirls with their giggling.
Your arms were still crossed as Yugi shut the door behind him, flipped the sign in the window to 'open', and walked over to the cash register. "You didn't have to do that," he said, sounding half appreciative, half embarrassed. "They do that almost every morning, I'm used to it."
You shrugged, "Doesn't mean you should be used to it. Just because you're handsome doesn't give them the right to make you uncomfortable."
To your surprise, Yugi's eyes widened slightly, and the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile. Realizing what you had just called him, you felt your heart sink and you turned away before he could say anything about the compliment.
"S-so where are these magical items you wanted to show me?"
Time passed with relative ease. Yugi spent over an hour with you in the storage room, pulling out this antique or that to ask your advice on. Apparently his grandfather had done quite a bit of traveling in his youth and collected so many things for his shop, that Yugi had no hope of hearing the story behind each of them before his grandpa passed away, even given the long lifespan incubi had. In the end you were able to tell him that he had a Buddhist statue that was made to seal away an evil spirit and had yet to be filled (quite a valuable find for the right shaman), a set a robes imbued with the remnants of an old protection enchantment, a dagger that had some sort of bloodletting curse attached to it (you assured a very nervous looking Yugi you could break the curse with ease), and a pile of pretty, but none-magical items.
Customers came and went. You found most of them quite nice and almost all of them called Yugi by name, chatting as they browsed or mentioned some past conversation as they paid. Just about everyone asked who you were and you two gave the same explanation Yugi had to the salon women, though you actually ended up speaking to a few of the customers. It was a nice, quiet day. You can't remember ever having one like it, which made you happy and anxious at the same time somehow.
It was a little past six now and business was slow, a customer not having come in for almost an hour. Since you had already helped restock some candles and incense, there wasn't much else to do. So, standing at the counter with Yugi chatting, you found yourself asking the question that had been burning in your mind since you met him.
"If you don't mind me asking, how did you and Atem meet anyways?"
Yugi gave a small hum, seeming to recall the memory. "It was quite a few years ago, he actually saved my life." When you gave him an interested look he continued. "See, a troll had...uh...taken a liking to me. He planned to use some kind of dark magic to make me loyal to him, but Atem came just in time. There had been rumors circulating Domino for a while that there was some mysterious guy who prowled the streets at night and saved people from getting mugged or attacked, but I didn't believe it until then. After he saved me I just kind of..I don't know, he seemed so lonely, I went out of my way to get to know him and eventually, he let me in."
There had been a number of mixed emotions in Yugi's eyes as he told the story, some of which you couldn't really identify, but you knew it had been a special time in Yugi's life. Suddenly, the eyes that had been staring off as he recalled the memory darted to yours.
"I could show you, if you want," he suggested, sounding almost unsure. When your attentive look turned questioning he simply shrugged. "When I was- you know, going through your memories, I saw how you and Atem met, I guess I thought that it was only fair that I show you how we met."
You considered it for a moment. You had never had one of his kind project thoughts or images into your head, but, if Yugi's little stunt with Keith yesterday proved anything, it was that Yugi knew that aspect of his powers well. You actually smiled a bit, not just at the memory of what he had done to Keith, but at something else. Yugi so readily suggesting to share something that intimate with you. It felt nice.
"Alright, if you don't mind sharing."
Yugi nodded his head with a small smile of his own, before taking the only step of space between you and placing his fingers on your temples. He closed his eyes and whispered for you to do the same. It was only a moment after you did, that you felt his magic take hold. Your mind's eye filled with images, but not just that, they surrounded you, engulfed you like they were your own memories playing back in real-time.
The scene of a dark room, a large shed or garage possibly, came into view, and you heard heavy, pained panting along with someone rummaging through the contents of a box or crate. The one responsible for the breathing was Yugi and seeing as how these were his memories, the panting almost felt like your own. He was struggling against something and you realized that he had binding chains around his wrists. His eyes scanned the room and landed on the creature making the impatient noises.
It was a troll alright, his size, along with the rank smell revealed that instantly. He was digging through a chest and after a moment seemed to find what he was looking for. He pulled out a glass bottle with blue, glowing contents and the troll smiled a crooked, sickening smile.
"Here we are. One drink 'a this and you'll be my toy forever."
"Let me go!" Yugi shouted back, trying to sound confident, "No matter what you force me to drink it'll wear off and when it does-"
"You'll what, tiny?" the troll taunted as he came more fully into view. Damn he was ugly, and you wanted to punch that sick smirk off his face and keep punching at the way he leered down at Yugi. "I've met sex demons that can use their magic to do some harm, but what're you gonna do? You're nothing but a scrawny, weak, little-"
He didn't finish the string of insults, because his head jerked to the right as a very, very faint sound could be heard, like the breaking of glass. The troll cursed under his breath and went to investigate the noise. Only a second later did he come back- as he was tossed to the other side of the room like a ragdoll! Yugi flinched as the troll crashed into a wooden table and the bottle of potion went flying somewhere.
The next moment a third party came into view: Atem, sparing nothing more than a glance at the troll before he walked over to Yugi. The incubus flinched at his approach and Atem's posture changed from a taut kind of concentration, to something more calming as he held up his hands.
"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you," the vampire said in a soothing tone.
Before he could try approaching Yugi again, the troll was on his feet and closing in fast. Atem was ready. He turned on his heel, ducked, and drove his fist into the attacker's belly; landing his own blow while avoiding the right hook of the troll. He was lucky that he had vampire strength, any lesser creature would have broken their hands against the hard muscles. Again the troll was sent flying back, but he kept upright and recovered from the blow quickly, letting out a growl at the vampire.
"Back off, he's mine!"
"He isn't property," Atem yelled back and charged at the beast.
The troll tried for another punch but the vampire dodged, grabbing the arm that swung at him and bringing it down on his knee with a sick crack. The kidnapper roared in pain but Atem did not waste any time in landing a sharp blow at his throat. Yugi closed his eyes in that moment, so you couldn't see what happened next, but there was a momentary choking sound, followed by another crack, then silence.
A moment later footsteps were heard, Yugi reopened his eyes and looked up at Atem who was standing over him.
"Are you alright, little one?" he asked in a kind voice.
Even though he, like all vampires, did not age, you couldn't help but this that this was a different version of Atem in someway. He wore all leather, including some buckled boots and a collar around his neck. The only thing that seemed similar to the style of the Atem you knew, was the makeup around his eyes.
"Y-yes I'm okay," Yugi replied, still shaken, "he didn't hurt me too bad." His eyes flickered to the motionless body, "Is he...?"
"Not dead, but don't worry, even a troll can't recover from that very easily. I don't think he'll be able to bother you or anyone again. Come, let's get those chains off of you."
Atem kneeled, keeping his eyes on Yugi's face, as if searching for any sign of discomfort as he reached out and broke the chains clean off with his bare hands. You felt the odd tingle in Yugi's chest at the display of power, and the gentle way Atem took Yugi's hands and pulled him to his feet.
It was only when Atem seemed to notice, that you yourself realized that Yugi was shirtless. Atem looked away and immediately took off his leather jacket, only to put it around Yugi's shoulders.
"Let me walk you home," the vampire suggested.
The scene faded for a moment, turning to haze before coming back into focus and revealing a scene of the two men walking down a dark street. Yugi kept stealing glances at the vampire beside him and cleared his throat before introducing himself.
"I'm Yugi, by the way. Can I have the name of the man who saved me?"
"Atem," he replied, softly, though he still kept his gaze on the sidewalk ahead of them.
Again Yugi cleared his throat, "You're the vigilante everyone's been talking about, aren't you?"
"People talk about me?" Atem asked, finally looking over at the incubus.
"Yup, you've been making an impression on everyone around here, especially in the fey community. My grandpa kept thinking you were a fey, but who knew you'd be a vampire."
"Did you assume one of my kind would never go out of their way to help someone?"
Yugi's face went hot and he stopped in his tracks as he stammered a reply, "N-no! I didn't assume that! It's just that I- I've never met a vampire before so-"
A chuckle cut Yugi off and when he looked up at Atem, he was smirking at him. "It's alright, little one, I was only joking."
After a moment where Yugi breathed a sigh of relief, the two started walking again.
"So how long have you been doing this whole vigilante thing?"
"Since I arrived in Domino last winter. There's no need to call me a vigilante, however. I am merely doing what I think is right."
Yugi seemed like he wanted to say that that was almost the definition of the word, but eventually let it slide. "Well still, it's nice to know someone's out there looking out for people. Just don't be surprised if everyone starts calling you Batman," he giggled at his own comment.
Atem actually scoffed at the words, "'Batman'? Honestly, I have no idea where the rumor that vampires turn into bats came from, but I assure you it isn't true."
"Huh? No, Batman as in the character from..." When Atem only turned a questioning look on Yugi the young man just shook his head, amused and said, "Never mind." This vampire apparently wasn't a comic book fan.
The two finally came to a stop in front of the shop and home, causing them to face each other in goodbye. Yugi started to take the jacket off and hand it back to Atem, but the vampire simply raised his hand.
"Keep it. It suits you."
Again, warmth crept onto Yugi's face, "Thank you again for saving me. I'm not sure what I would have done if you hadn't..."
Atem closed his eyes and gave a slight bow of his head to show he accepted the thanks. "Goodnight, Yugi."
The moment he turned to leave Yugi called out to him and the vampire looked over his shoulder with a raised brow. "C-Could I see you again? It's just that...you seem kind of...I don't know, lonely? If-if you want a friend..."
A smile that seemed soft despite himself crossed Atem's lips, but Yugi and yourself only got to see it for a moment before he turned away and started walking. "I'm a dangerous creature, Yugi. Best keep your distance for your own safety."
You and Yugi watched the man disappear into the darkness and Yugi still remained standing there for a few minutes, his heart pounding and cheeks red. The only thing that brought the incubus out of his stupor was a frantic call of his name. Yugi looked up and you saw an older incubus soaring through the sky. The old man landed just a foot from Yugi and immediately pulled him into a hug.
"I've been looking all over for you!" the old incubus cried, "Where were you- what happened?"
"I'm okay, grandpa," Yugi assured, returning the hug, "it got bad there for a minute, but someone came to my rescue..."
The scene faded again, as if being taken over by smoke and slowly the real world came back into focus.
You opened your eyes and a moment later Yugi opened his own. He was still very close to you and continued to hold his fingers to your temples as he said, "I forgot how much leather he wore back then," and chuckled at the thought.
You found your own laugh breaking through, as well as a smile. "So, you didn't heed 'Batman's' warning and went looking for him anyway?"
Yugi finally let his hands fall to his side, but he stayed close and leaned against the counter with a sheepish expression. "Well, sort of. A couple weeks later a friend of mine came to me and said someone from her coven had gone missing and wanted my help with a tracking spell. When we tracked her we went looking for her on our own, thankfully when we got there, someone was already there to help her." He gave you a pointed look that said 'guess who'. "He was pretty surprised to see me again, and was still pretty insistent that I stay away but..." he shrugged, "things just kinda developed from there, I guess."
You could see it now, the gothic vigilante vampire telling his sweet gentle love interest to stay away from a monster like him, only to be swept up in the passion that ensued. It was all quite romantic, really.
"Glad to see you melted his heart, Yugi," you said still with a smile. "He's obviously a lot happier with you instead of being a stereotypical creature of the night."
Yugi chuckled along with you at the comment, "Oh what you saw was just half of it, did I mention that he was living in an actual crypt when we first met? As in, 1800s, gothic style crypt."
He started describing said sleeping arrangements as he walked to the front of the store to start closing up for the night, but when there was even a slight pause in his description of headstones and iron gates, a deep voice interrupted.
"I hope he isn't telling you all my secrets."
When you two turned you saw Atem leaning against the back doorway with a smirk.
"No, just the slightly embarrassing ones," you admitted.
He closed his eyes and you couldn't tell if actually felt embarrassed or not. "I see, well, once you two are done, I have food waiting for you upstairs."
"And after that, we track down her informant," Yugi half asked, half stated as he looked between the two of you.
You replied with a mischievous smile, "Yup, and don't worry, I have a plan in mind to make sure he talks."
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theinfamousdoctorf · 5 years
So I’m finally back...
 Those few who know me personally will be aware that me and @theoverworldqueen have purchased a small rural house together. <3 It’s taken the better part of a year to make it happen and several months apart while I negotiated a transfer with my job and she logged work history in the place we were moving too for the mortgage requirements. [So we were apart for several more months then we‘d planned on. ;_: ]
 It took me almost two months to pack our household by myself, and several days to actually load the truck. The ‘friends’ who had promised to help us move faded away when they were actually needed, and I had to utilize some local kids who received cash and some friendly neighbors who were paid in furniture [that didn’t fit in the truck] and booze.
  When the day came to actually leave, I still had no volunteers to drive the truck because none of my friends could get time off work. [I had to drive my car with our eight cats inside.] The only people available to help were my parents.
The exact people I was moving to get the fuck away from.
 My mother refused to do any driving because the big truck was ‘too scary’. My pathetic excuse for a father, [from here on called jackass], would be doing all of the driving. Despite the fact that he’d just had several toes removed for diabetic reasons. My mother planned the route, later I realized she not only planned it with a paper atlas rather then choosing the fastest route via Google, [because she didn’t know how to use the app and wouldn’t ask for help] but also planned a very circuitous route in a vain attempt to avoid driving through any mountains. [Because they are also just too scary.]  So we start driving. A 26 foot Budget rental truck with a small horse trailer on it, and my car with me and the cats. Before we even got out of Texas, the horse trailer hit a bump and lost a wheel. It was then dragged about a mile while throwing an ocean of sparks where the metal edge was grinding against the asphalt. This was because it happened on a narrow highway with no breakdown lane. I barely managed to avoid getting hit with the wheel that flew off as well. We sat in a parking lot all night waiting for a tow driver who basically told us the king nut flew off and it was totaled. I had a partial mental breakdown and had to abandon most of the things I’d packed into the trailer. The truck was already stuffed up to the door and what little I saved was jammed in my car and thrown on top of everything else in the truck.   The cats were riding in a pair of pop-up zippered tents and were pretty mad by this point. My car stank of piss and fear pheromones.
 And then we drove, and drove and drove. Keep in mind that my destination was Washington state and I was coming from Galveston TX. It should have been a 2 and a half day drive with a stop to sleep each night. Around the third day I demanded to see the map and realized she had sent us across the widest part of Texas and New Mexico before turning north. There was a lot of arguing. Especially because I realized jackass was a terrible driver. So I had no choice but to watch helplessly as this colossal asshole drove a truck rented in my name, with nearly all my worldly goods inside, over every fucking curb, bumping it up and down and weaving all over the road. He hit a call box outside a Jack in the Box, he scraped a parked truck, he hit signs at more then one gas station and skirted far too close to the pumps with the back end of the truck. I went beyond the reasonable limits of human stress.
 The cats destroyed the zippers on the carriers and I was forced to just let them roam the car. First panting in the heat and then huddled freezing as we got further north. [I had them all in little safety vests and that kept them mostly calm, pro tip.]  On the fourth night jackass drove into a truck stop and then behind it. Up an unlit dirt road that said ‘dangerous blasting area authorized access only’. He then turned around several times and went back down to the truck stop where I blocked him with my car. He and my mother were having a screaming match because he wouldn’t explain what he was doing or why and wouldn’t stop doing donuts in the restricted area when she told him too.  I lost my shit. I screamed in his face and when he didn’t respond, I grabbed his horrible scraggy beard and then his throat and repeated myself. I took the keys and went to try and get some sleep in my car. [With so many animals in tow I couldn’t get a hotel room and really couldn’t leave the car unattended at all. So I hadn’t been able to properly shower in days. Plus I’d forgotten to bring a spare pair of shoes and my sandaled feet were red and freezing.]  The bastard has always tried to make my mother choose between me and him. He’s a psychotic manic depressive on a whole rainbow of medications. He’s a misogynist who really wanted a son, plus a racist and generally stingy and awful person. A running argument revolved around his insistence on cutting my lawn three times a week with the mower blade on the lowest setting so he was just killing anything green and kicking up dust. [My mother is pure enabler, always apologizing for his terrible behavior and gaslighting me like I’m over reacting.] He’s literally alienated so many people where I was living that I’ve lost out on jobs because he insists that I’m the terrible one and trash-talks me to everyone he meets.  So we finally get back on the road.
 In Wyoming I tried to get some sleep at a rest stop and someone hit my car and busted out a tail light. Several times we almost run out of gas because her planned route avoided any cities in case there was traffic. At this point I have a massive rash under my bra and just take it off.
 On the fifth night we arrive in a gas station in Idaho. I go to pee and come back outside to find jackass laying on the ground with three people hovering over him. I inform my mother that he fell and go back to my car. So emotionally dead at this point I don’t feel anything. 
 I am informed that jackass has broken his hip.
 I’ve spent most of my life praying for him to die, so that part doesn’t touch me. The part that ripped my heart out was that my mother told me that I’m now ‘on my own’. She is going to the hospital with him. She left me in a freezing parking lot with eight cats in a car and a giant moving truck with all my things in it.  Terrified and heartbroken I call my girlfriend Lie. She is eight hours away and leaving now to come rescue me. She’s bringing our friend Ashley as well. So I huddle in the car with the cats and try to sleep. After several hours I get a text from my mother telling me to bring her luggage and such to the hospital. At this point I’m furious. I tell her I will not do that. She says I will. I stop responding.  In the morning my rescuers arrive and we begin the long final limp over the mountains.  I get several more messages threatening me, trying to shame me for just ‘moving on without them’ and ‘not caring if your father dies’.  I was instructed to deal with my own problems like an adult. So that’s what I did. At that point the rental truck needed to be returned and I hadn’t even arrived yet. My job was waiting on me to show up the next day for orientation, and she’d basically wasted all the time I’d budgeted for unloading the truck. There was no way in hell I was going anywhere to give either of them anything.
 But we did finally get here. The Budget guy sent me his ex-wife who happily took some cash in exchange for unloading the truck with me, and we finally got rid of the thing. Unfortunately my car overheated from all the punishment it took and it’s currently non-functional. My job gave me a little extension so I’m using the time to get our household set up again.  My Etsy shop [https://www.etsy.com/shop/PatchworkLaboratory ] is still on vacation for the moment because the previous tenant didn’t like mail and just didn’t have a mailbox, but it should be up and running again soon. My other site is still good though if you’d like some funky cloth and want to throw a few dollars towards me fixing my car. [ https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/infamousdoctorf] I’ve got a paypal attached to [email protected] as well. It’s going to be hard financially to keep all the bills paid, but I just couldn’t stand being near my abusive family anymore.
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In conclusion. Take your giant cockroaches, fire ants, heat waves, and hurricanes; and go fuck yourself Galveston. Have fun with my awful relatives.
WA is home.
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thebeethathums · 6 years
Observers - 6
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: Now you're literally bouncing off walls. That was a bad joke. Sorry. Do people even read these things?
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You came back burdened with glorious groceries, carefully balancing around a third of them on the forearm connected to your injured hand so it could still be useful but not actually have to do any of the work. No sooner than you had stepped through the door with a huff, your phone let out a cry for attention and you spun slightly in its direction as if that would free your hands so you could retrieve it from your pocket. You scrunched up your face and hoped John was close since Sherlock wasn’t likely to move from the couch to get it for you, “JOHN!” He popped his head out from the kitchen, his eyes widening slightly at the mass amount of things you had, and you let out a relieved sigh, “Oh good. Would you please get my phone? It could be important.” He approached you, hands hovering hesitantly as he tried to locate it before determining where it was and pulling it from your pocket to quickly answer it. He gaped at the pace the person on the other end started up at and then made his best attempt, “Uhh… Slow down, please… urm… could you just- if you would- one minute… u-un minute…” 
There was nothing he could do but reach over and press the phone to your ear as you let out a giggle over the situation and his confused face. You pinned the phone between your shoulder and cheek as you offered a cheery, “Bonjour!” into the receiver.  
John started taking bags from you as you nodded, pausing slightly to listen to your half of the rapid conversation that quickly ensued, “Oui, c'est moi… D'accord… Le Lundi?...Oui… C'est bon… Oui, à cinq heures. D’accord… Merci beaucoup. Au revoir!” You hung up the phone with your now completely free hands since John had removed all the shopping from you and did a small happy dance, “My things will be here on Monday!” You suddenly stopped, your face getting very serious, “There so much to do… that’s only three days away…” You lost yourself in your plans, shooing John out of the kitchen so you could make breakfast as you mumbled to yourself about brushes. Once both Sherlock and John had a plate in their hands, you plopped down in John’s chair and pulled your feet up to sit cross-legged, your posture perfect and your hands loosely resting in your lap. You looked like you were meditating, especially when you let your eyes slide closed. John raised an eyebrow, “You’re not eating then I take it?” You held a finger to your lips to shush him, “I need to think. Food is distracting.” He sighed, you were likely already in your creative space and there would be no getting through to you. Sherlock examined you curiously as you sat motionless for a bit and then began to wave your hands ever so slightly as if you were dismissing things. It was less than an hour later when you quietly unfolded yourself and left the flat without a word, Sherlock chuckling softly as he watched you go. You certainly were interesting. That was the last they saw of you until Sunday afternoon when there was a soft knock on the door before you swung it open to trudge in and flop down across from Sherlock in John’s chair. You were covered in smudges of paint, what looked to be some grease, and, surprisingly, some sawdust. John emerged from the other part of the flat, “Was that the door, Sherlock? Did you- (F/n)?” You lifted an arm lazily as a greeting, “Mind if I use your shower? The paint’s still wet in mine.” He managed to nod his head through the surprise and murmured, “Yeah. Go ahead.” He eyed you carefully as you forced yourself out of the chair and slowly shuffled to the bathroom with a yawn. The bandage on your hand looked relatively new and you didn’t look gaunt so you’d probably been eating but you looked absolutely exhausted. He let out a displeased huff but reasoned that at least you had sort of taken care of yourself. He knew you would go for weeks on end barely eating or sleeping just to not have to stop working. The shower was a great improvement as you came out looking not only clean but revived, your usual grin on your face. Sherlock couldn’t help but notice you still had a smudge of lavender paint behind one ear and decided to wait and see how long it took you to figure it out instead of telling you. John shooed you towards the table, first aid kit in hand again, “Are you done downstairs?” You gave an enthusiastic nod, “It’s all ready for the movers tomorrow.” Nodding, he pulled your hand to him, “Alright then, let see how this is healing.” He uncurled your fingers from the default protective position they took around the cut and gave a pleased nod, a hint of surprise in his eyes, “It’s healing nicely. You’ve been taking good care of it.” You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck nervously, “Gotta take care of the tools of my trade ya know.” His chuckle joined yours, “I suppose so. I guess sometimes I forget you're all grown up and don’t need me to babysit you anymore.” You laughed, “You say that now but next time I get myself into a mess you're still the one that’s going to have to bail me out.” He let out a sighed chuckle and nodded, “I don’t think I’ll ever escape that responsibility.” You kissed the top of his head with a smirk as you stood, “Nope. Not even when I’m nighty-six and you’re a hundred.” He laughed and you ruffled his hair before starting to make your way back to his chair when Sherlock got a text and bounced up enthusiastically, “John!” “We have a case I take it,” John said, unable to hide the pleased smile that tugged at his lips. Sherlock didn’t answer, simply sweeping out the door in response, and John bounced up to follow him before he got impatient with having to wait for him. You gave your brother a little wave as he went out the door and then settled down into the chair that had been your intended destination before the sudden interruption. You jumped when your phone buzzed to inform you that you had a text message, it said it was from John but when you flicked it open it read, “The cab fare is already running. Do hurry. –SH” You bounced up, slinging your messenger bag over your shoulder as you tried to descend the stairs while pulling on your shoes. You tumbled roughly into the wall at the bend in the stairs as you lost your balance but kept going, stumbling down the rest of the stairs and then hopping to the door as you tried to tie your laces without having to stop. You gave up, bursting out the door and nearly tripping over them with a scowl as you practically fell into the cab. Sherlock caught your arm to steady you, “Just under a minute. Impressive. Next time try to keep up.” You huffed, rubbing at your shoulder where it had hit the wall, “I didn’t think you’d want me along. The stairway wall may need some repair.” John frowned at you as you leaned over to tie your laces properly but Sherlock started telling you both about the case so he opted not to ask how exactly you’d busted the wall in less than a minute. Once your laces were tied in pristine loopy bows, you pulled out a small mirror and a pouch from your bag. The next time John looked at you the bruise on your face was gone and you were using the mirror to fix your hair so it didn’t dry sticking straight out. He gaped, “How did you do that?” You snapped the mirror shut to sarcastically reply, “Magic. I couldn’t have the people you work with incorrectly assuming that I’m some sort of hoodlum now could I?” You could see Sherlock give a half smirk out of the corner of your eye as John floundered, “I- you- well I guess not but it looks like it was never even there.” You rolled your eyes, “That’s kind of the point, John.” This time Sherlock grinned and let out a soft chuckle as he turned to look out the window and John grumbled something obscene under his breath. You giggled and looked out the window yourself, watching the world passing by, this was going to be very entertaining.
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themcuhasruinedme · 6 years
Vintage Film Fest (Pt. 3)
[Summary]: You and Steve have been dating for a while and you surprise him with a pair of tickets to a vintage film festival as an anniversary date
[Pairing]: Steve x reader
[Word Count]: 2,806
Tagging: @theashhole @dividedwecantfall @peterman-parker @avengerofyourheart @nataliarxmanxva @metalarmproblems @mcuimxgine @accio-rogers @imagine-assembling-the-avengers @that-sokovian-bastard @hellomissmabel @abovethesmokestacks @peculiar-persephone @bellameys @beccaanne814 @hymnofthevalkyrie @buckys-shield @callamint @redgillan @lancefvcker @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @iwillbeinmynest @theassetseyeliner @lilasiannerd @aubzylynn @sgtbxckybxrnes @iamwarrenspeace @marvelrevival @httpmcrvel @avengersnthings @feelmyroarrrr @girl-next-door-writes @honey-bee-holly @patzammit
A/N: Harold Lloyd gif was made by yours truly! So, since Tumblr links no longer work you can find the other parts of this short series in my masterlist. And again, I encourage you guys to watch the movies and shorts I mention in this as they are all wonderful and amazing (heads up though: some of them are silent!) and all can be found on YouTube.
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Day three seemed to go by kinda slow and you kept watching the clock throughout the day, waiting for the time to hit when Steve and you were to drive over to the theater.
You had went out shopping a little earlier that day, going to your favorite vintage clothing shop - a place that had everything from 1920′s to 1950′s inspired clothes and dresses and found a really cute day dress that looked like it could be from the 1930′s.
Steve liked when you wore clothes like that. He would say that they look much better on you than any “modern day” style. But then again, he said anything looked good on you. You also believed that he liked it mostly because it brought him back to that period in time. And you were happy to have anything spark those memories, cuz it meant that you were in for a walk down memory lane with him and it was the best feeling both of you could have.
When it was finally time to go to the theater, Steve couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Wow, [Y/N]. You look gorgeous,” he said as he took you by the hand and turned you around to look over the dress.
“Thank you. I found it at that vintage clothes shop, the one I told you about.”
“Oh, you mean the one that you always go to?” he asked as he locked the front door behind you and escorted you to the car.
You nodded. “That’s the one. I’ll have to take you there some time. They have clothes for men there as well.”
Opening the door and gently letting you sit down in the passenger seat, Steve placed a kiss on the top of your hand. “We’ll make that our next date,” he said giving you a wink.
When you got to the theater, Steve helped you out of the car and held your hand as the two of you walked in and stood in line to get the popcorn and drinks. And when you got all your snacks for the movies, the two of you walked in to a quarter-filled theater.
“Not as bad as last night, huh?”
“Hush up,” he said and playfully nudged your arm.
Finding seats around the same area as the two previous nights, you both settled down and waited for he movie night to begin. As the night before, there was plenty of time to wait before the movies and shorts actually started which again made you need to pull out your phone and play some games on. This time you brought your earbuds with to also watch some videos on YouTube, mostly other shorts of Charlie, Buster and Harold that weren’t being played on the big screen.
When you felt Steve tap your arm then point to his ear, you removed your earbuds to hear that there was going to be a five minute delay which then you heard moans and groans from all parts of the theater, mostly from the kids. But that five minutes went by quickly.
When the lights went dark and the first film started up, you had a smile appear on your face as it was one of Laurel and Hardy’s famous silent shorts called Liberty.
The theater made have started out quiet but laughter rang out seeing Stan and Ollie in prisoner outfits being chased by a cop, getting in a get-away car and trying to change into normal clothes. Even more laughter happened when a cop started chasing the car which sent Stan and Ollie into panic mode and made them quickly get out of the car, only to find out they had each other’s pants on.
The laughter was practically non stop through out the rest of the short as Stan and Ollie keep trying to find places to change pants but had no luck and had even worse luck while they were behind a seafood restaurant with Stan having a crab fall into his pants and begin to have problems with the crab nipping his butt.
A lot of gasps and ooo’s came from the kids all over the theater as they watched Stan and Ollie somehow get stuck at the top of an unfinished building and almost fall off of it several times, due to the crab still being stuck in the pants which were now properly on Ollie.
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And squeaks of joy scattered throughout the place when Stan and Ollie were finally able to safely get back down on the ground.
When the lights came on for the first break to start, Steve looked over at you and smiled. You smiled back and placed your head on his shoulder, the two of you waiting quietly for the next one to start. And quickly start it did.
Your smile got even bigger seeing that it was one of your favorite Buster talking shorts called The Timid Young Man. You remembered that when you had started really getting into watching everything Buster had did, you were very hesitant with watching his talking stuff because you weren’t entirely sure if you were going to like the way he sounded. But when you heard his beautiful low, Midwestern, gruff, flat baritone voice, all your worries went out the door because hearing it made you melt into a puddle.
The audience sat in silence and watched as a girl ran out of her wedding ceremony, saying how she didn’t want to marry the man then watched the scene change as another girl gets a key to Milton’s, Buster’s character, room and wakes him up to tell him that their wedding was that day.
“Last night you said you couldn’t live without me,” the woman told him.
“Oh, I must’ve been drunk,” he replied, which made the audience burst out laughing.
The audience then watched as his butler told him to leave and go up to the mountains so he wouldn’t have to marry her. It then turned into him picking up the runaway bride on his drive out, getting into a heated standoff with another driver and finally getting to camp where the woman set everything up while Milton went fishing, which in turn had the whole theater laughing over.
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Plenty of laughter came and went throughout the short, especially when the driver they had met earlier wandered on to their camp and Milton tried to get rid of him by doing several different things including pouring gasoline into the man’s salad. And when the short ended and the lights came on, you could see smiles on so many faces in the theater.
Another break happened and as you and Steve sat quietly waiting for the next one to start, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Looking behind you, you saw the couple you and Steve talked to the night before. Your excitement caught Steve’s attention and he turned around also getting excited to see them. The four of you talked for a bit during the break and got quiet when the lights dimmed down.
The title card of one of Charlie’s famous silent short’s called A Dog’s Life flashed across the screen and you were in a moment of quietude. It may not have been one of his laughter filled comedies but it did have some laughs here and there.
As soon as the dog appeared on the screen, you heard so many awww’s from every corner of the theater and most of it was from the kids. But you couldn’t help but smile too as the screen stayed on the for for a bit.
But laughter started when The Tramp got busted by a cop for trying to steal a hot dog and when the cop tried to get him, The Tramp evaded him by rolling out from under the fence, untying the cop’s shoes and kicking him when the cop got stuck under the fence.
It became quiet while the audience watched The Tramp wander around looking for a job and then finding that there was one but several others wanted it as well, the laughter broke out again seeing the poor Tramp get out smarted by the others.
But when the scene came of The Tramp saving the little dog from a bunch of other dogs, all the kids in the audience whooped and cheered which then turned to more aww’s when The Tramp took care of the little dog by giving it some milk that was left over in a bottle on someone’s doorstep to drink.
Laughs came when The Tramp came across a street food vendor who had a plate of sliced bread on the counter and he started stuffing them in his mouth, only stopping when the owner turned around to suspect The Tramp of something. And laughs came again when The Tramp snuck the dog into a pub by hiding it in his oversized pants.
You nestled your head on Steve’s chest as you watched The Tramp meet a girl in the pub, quickly fall for her but then get tossed out because he had no money to pay for his tab. Steve looked down at you and placed a soft kiss on the top of your head which made you smile and sigh contently.
Watching The Tramp go back to his outdoor sleeping spot with the dog, who he named Scraps, was the most adorable thing you could ever see.
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But soon the movie was over with laughs happening throughout the rest of the short and it was time for a longer break.
You and Steve took turns to go to the restroom and Steve got a couple boxes of candy from the concession stand as well. Coming back, he handed you a box of Reese’s Pieces, your absolute favorite. Eyeing it like a vulture, you snatched it out of his hand and as you started to open it, all he could do was laugh.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, shoveling a handful in your mouth.
“You,” he said. “It’s almost like you’ve never had candy in your life before.” “Well, excuse me if you bring over my favorite kind. I can’t help how my mind tells my body to react upon seeing my favorite candy.”
Steve just chuckled and shook his head. Another several minutes and the lights dimmed down once again for the next movie to start.
A talking Harold Lloyd movie called Feet First started and this was another one of your favorites from Harold. After all, how could you not love how hard he tries to be the best shoe salesman possible along with his sweet and boyish voice.
The audience watched as he helped a girl who got in a bad scrap with a man after her car hit his from behind then seeing Harold and the girl both instantly fall for each other.
Steve joked that that’s not how things worked in real life which made you jab your finger in his side.
“Ow,” he whispered while flinching a bit.
“Oh, don’t be such a baby,” you whispered back and linked your arms around Steve’s arm, adjusting the way you were sitting in your seat.
Laughter came and went as the audience watched Harold meet the girl again and believe her to be the boss’s daughter, which made him want to impress her even more. And then watching as he accidentally gets stuck on a ship eventually meeting the girl again along with his boss and his wife.
Gasps from the kids throughout the theater happened when Harold escaped from the ships crew by hiding in a mailbag which then got picked up and brought ashore to New York but fell off a delivery cart onto a window cleaner's cradle, which was then hoisted upwards.
More gasps and ooo’s followed as the audience watched the bag get caught on the side of the building as Harold struggled to get out of it. But laughter soon followed as everyone watched him get out of the bag after landing on the cradle and going into panic mode, clinging tightly to it and yelling for help while the two window washers at the top of the building hoisting it up were totally oblivious to then fact that Harold was on it.
Soon it was a mix of gasps and laughter as you all watched Harold try to get into the building while also trying to not fall off, along with the cradle going up and down only causing problems for him.
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When the happy ending came and the movie finished, the lights came on and the last break of the night started. You decided to pull out your phone and scroll  through your social media for a bit while Steve did the same, which made the two of you show each other several different posts which made you both laugh until the final movie started.
It was another talking Buster movie, which this one also happened to be one of your top three favorites called Speak Easily. Even though most fans considered his talking movies to not be good at all, mostly due to how MGM treated him, making a character for him that acted like a total buffoon, there were still a few decent ones and this was one of them.
The audience watched as the timid and shy Professor Post, Buster’s character, was told by his assistant to get out and see the world because the Professor was such a lonely person. He told his assistant that even though he wanted to, he couldn’t afford to spend his money to indulge on “a whim”.
Giggles from all the kids throughout the theater came when the assistant gave the Professor a letter saying that he inherited $750,000 which made the Professor excited and that he decided he was going to go out and “buy companionship”. Laughter happened while you all watched the Professor pack his trunk with anything he grabbed, including his own bed.
Quietness came while the screen showed the Professor board the train, meet the manager of a dancing troupe that was on the same train and immediately fall head over heels for one of the dancers named Pansy. Aww’s filled the theater while watching the Professor take care of a baby from someone that was part of the troupe but laughter rang out when the Professor noticed his trunk wasn’t on the train and stopped it, causing an argument with the luggage man.
Gasps came from the kids as you all found out that the letter the Professor got was actually written by his assistant only to help get him out and see the world because the assistant couldn’t stand seeing the Professor be so lonely from day to day.
Laughter came and went throughout the rest of the movie as the audience watched the Professor miss his train, meet back up with the dancing troupe at the opera house and quietness fell upon the theater when the sheriff came to take the troupes things but then the Professor paid the man which then made the manager decide to let the Professor take over the show and manage it to repay him for his kindness.
More laughter came with seeing the Professor trying to direct the show so they could get it on Broadway, get somewhat flustered and tongue-tied with a spoiled actress who joined the production, incorporating new dance moves into the show, the actress “buttering up” the Professor and then seeing the two of them get drunk at her apartment. 
Even more laughter happened when both of them fell asleep in her apartment and the Professor not realizing what happened until he woke up the next morning and tried to sneak out quietly but didn’t even manage to make it out of the bedroom without waking her.
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As more laughs came and went through the last bit of the movie with the show being put on, the manager finding out the Professor didn’t have all that money, the show crew trying to keep the Professor away from the stage and Buster causing chaos that only he would know how to do, it was sure a delight to end the night with.
When the screen went black and the lights came on to say that night number three was over, you and Steve waited until almost everyone was gone to walk back to the car. Linking your arm to Steve’s as you slowly walked through the parking lot, you placed your head on his shoulder.
“So, can I ask you yet if you’ve been having fun with this?”
You looked up at him and giggled. “And I’ll say again, do you really have to ask? This has been one of the greatest dates we’ve done.”
He smiled at you and kissed the top of your head. “You’re exactly right.”
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