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paper hearts-
pairing: kindergarten teachers! soobin x reader
summary: you and soobin teach kindergarten classes across the hall from each other. when the day to hand out cards finally arrives, you notice one card in your mailbox that’s not like the others
warnings: this fic is all-ages!/ a kindergartener falls at recess/ odi is still alive because I think teacher soobin with a pet hedgehog is adorable
word count: 2,400+
author’s note: part of my valentine's day event! also, I haven't bee
song rec: valentine- laufey
Paper hearts lined the hallway bulletin boards, shades of pink, red and white signaling to all who passed through what holiday was soon approaching. Holidays, spirit days, and any big event of the like were your not-so-secret favorite part of your job. You loved cutting construction paper into new shapes, stapling themed borders to your announcement boards and finding new crafts for your students to create. You’d been a kindergarten teacher for years now, and viewed each group of students as a new opportunity to create lasting memories for them to look back on as they continued through school. You taught because you loved your students, loved helping them discover a love of reading, loved seeing their eyes grow wide as they watched a caterpillar burst from its chrysalis transformed into a butterfly. You loved their curious eyes and silly takes on arts and crafts. In short, you loved the kids. But the holiday decorating, that was an extra bonus that made you love the job even more. And this year, there was an extra special bonus.
Across the hall from you taught Mr. Choi, or Soobin, as you called him in the teachers’ lounge. Tall and handsome, he had a way with the kids that most didn’t. He had a natural softness that made the kids feel safe, a charm that made them laugh, and a way of explaining things that made them understand the world in a whole new light. There weren’t many male teachers in your elementary school, and as embarrassing as it was, you couldn’t help but crush on Soobin.
He didn’t make it any easier for you either, standing by you during recess when you went outside to watch the kids play, sitting by you at lunch, asking you about your students, what books you’d been reading, even showing you pictures of his pet hedgehog. His careful attention made your heart flutter, and you desperately wished you could see him outside of work.
With Valentine’s approaching, you couldn’t help the hopeless romantic in you from daydreaming about having him as your Valentine.
Monday, February 10th
You slid into your usual chair in the teachers’ lounge, reheated leftovers from the weekend on the table in front of you. Pulling out your current read from your bag, you dug in, relaxing into the quiet. The brief moment of solace was soon interrupted as Soobin sat down across from you, his long legs bumping into yours beneath the table. He quietly apologized for the unintentional invasion of personal space but you didn't mind, not when it was him.
You asked how his day’s been so far, tell him your kids have also been bouncing off the walls, excited for the holiday. Taking a sip of his drink, he replied that he’s sure your kids are more excited than his, your classroom being decorated so much more than his. You could feel your cheeks heat at the compliment, appreciating the recognition of your secret passion.
“So um,” he cleared his throat between words, “do you have plans for Valentine’s?”
“You mean besides my hot date with twenty five-year-olds?” You laughed, stirring your leftovers. “Nah, I'm gonna read the cards they give me and eat leftover candy on my couch probably.” You took a bite and looked at Soobin, “it's all I ever do for Valentine's.”
He smiled empathetically, the left side of his mouth quirking up first to show his dimple. “Yeah, that's probably all I'll be doing.”
Part of you wanted to seize the moment, suggest the two of you hang out, go out, or eat half-melted chocolates together. But before you could speak, Miss B- who taught second grade- sat down next to you and very excitedly began to tell you about her newest sewing project. The moment was over, but when you looked back at Soobin, his eyes were still on you.
Tuesday, February 11th
Twenty students napped on their vinyl pull-out mats. The lights in your classroom were dimmed, blinds turned shut to keep out the afternoon light, the tip-tap of your fingers on your keyboard the only sound heard over the quiet rise and fall of tired breaths. A soft knock at your door pierced the quiet, drawing the attention of the few kids not sleeping. You slowly stood, smiling to calm the little ones that have stirred before peeking through the glass to see who the visitor is.
Soobin stood on the other side of the door, smiling sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. You cracked the door open slightly, stepping into the hall so as to not further disturb your students with your conversation.
“Soobin!” you whispered excitedly, still trying to keep your voice down during naptime. “What’s up? Do you need something?”
“Would you believe me if I said I was here for naptime?” He smiled at his own joke and you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered when his dimples pressed into his cheeks. He shook his head before whispering back, “I actually need to borrow your glue sticks.”
“My glue sticks?”
“We have arts and crafts next and I had to throw half mine away last week after one of my students took a bite out of them.” He grimaced at the memory and you stifled a laugh, hand coming up to cover the sound. “Purple glue was everywhere! It was a disaster; I had to call his parents!” His whispers were desperate, only making you laugh more.
When you recovered from your threatening giggle fit you took a breath, smoothing down your shirt. “Yes, you can borrow my glue sticks. But, I expect to get them back without bite marks.”
A smile brightened his face and butterflies filled your stomach again. “Lemme go get them.”
“Thank you! I owe you!”
Wednesday, February 12th
You waited with your students as their parents arrived to pick them up, occasionally bending to tie a shoe or zip up a backpack, reminding everyone to stay away from the curb until their grown ups were ready for them. You looked down the line of approaching vehicles and locked eyes with Soobin. He quickly looked away, turning his attention back to his students, but you couldn’t help the heat that rose in your chest. How long had he been looking at you?
You waited a little longer that day, holding hands with one of your students as she waited for her dad, running late from work. Once she was finally on her way home, you made your way back inside the building, eager to grab your things and go home.
Across from your classroom the lights were still on in Soobin’s room. You couldn’t help but peek inside, still buzzing from catching him staring. His door was shut, and when you peered through the glass, you could see him at his desk, mouth twisted in focus as he held a glue stick and sheet of dark red paper.
Thursday, February 13th
Recess was dusted with a flurry of fresh snowflakes. The kids were eager to get out onto the playground, and you were on edge as you kept an eye on everyone, making sure no one slipped on hidden ice or threw snowballs at someone else’s head. Your students loved when it snowed, but you wished today had been an inside recess. Fresh snow always meant someone got hurt.
It was no later than you thought it then you heard the sound of crying. Every teachers’ head whipped in the direction of the cries, and you watched as Soobin ran towards his student sitting on the blacktop, cradling her arm. You approached him, concern washing over you. Other students tugged on your coat, asking what happened. You comforted them, telling them to give the girl some space while Mr. Choi figured out what was wrong.
Soobin’s voice was gentle as he spoke to the girl, asking her what happened and where it hurt. Through tears she said she slipped and now her elbow hurt. He picked up her hat from where it fell during her fall and placed it gently on her head. “Only your elbow, right? Your legs feel okay?”
The girl nodded, slowly calming under Soobin’s careful attention. “Do you think you can stand up for me? I’ll go with you to the nurse’s office and we’ll make sure that you feel better.” The girl nodded again, wiping away tears with her tiny pink mitten. Soobin took her non-injured hand in his and began slowly walking inside, careful to lead the girl away from the patch of ice that had caused her fall.
“Can you watch my students while I take her inside?”
“Of course.”
You spent the rest of the day replaying the moment in your head. Soobin’s quick reaction, his careful attention, the way he calmed her almost instantly. It made you feel a warm, almost domestic affection towards him. You had to keep your mind from wandering, from imagining if he would be the same as a father.
After school that day you asked Soobin about the girl.
“She’ll be alright. Nurse thinks it’s just a bruise, but the parents are taking her to the doctor to make sure she didn’t break anything. She wasn’t even crying anymore when her mom picked her up.”
You sat down in the tiny kids’ chair in his classroom, knees coming up to your chest. “That’s good. I was worried about her.”
“Yeah, it was scary.”
“You’re really good with the kids you know.” Your voice was heavy with sincerity. “They adore you.” You picked at a stray fabric on your pants as you spoke next. “We all do.”
He looked into your eyes after you spoke, holding your gaze, starting a fire in your chest. “Thank you. That’s nice to hear.”
You stood, wanting to diffuse the intensity of the moment. “If I ever slip on the ice, I hope that you’re there to pick me up.”
He laughed, leaning back in his chair. “I’ll make sure I catch you before you fall.”
It might be too late for that, you thought.
Friday, February 14th
The kids all chattered over one another as they opened the Valentines they shared with one another, a nostalgic Charlie Brown special playing in the background. They couldn’t possibly sit still and watch the movie after snacking on frosted cookies and heart-shaped chocolates all afternoon. Their crafted mailboxes from earlier in the week were now stuffed with treats from their classmates and teacher. Your mailbox was also stuffed with cards, lollipops and gifts from thankful parents. You weren’t going to open them until after school, as per your tradition.
The school day ended on a high note, lots of giggles and excited little ones running to show their cards to their parents at pickup. You waved goodbye to all of them with a full heart before retreating from the cold back to the warmth of your classroom.
Slumping into the oversized bean bag chair in the reading corner, you began to rifle through your mailbox of Valentines, looking for something sweet as a pick-me-up before you tidied up and went home. At the bottom of the box sat one Valentine that stood out from the rest. Instead of store-bought cards with cartoons, or handmade cards still sticky with purple glue, this one was expertly put together, dark red cardstock folded into a perfect heart with white lace decorating the edges. “Be my Valentine?” it read in the neat script of an adult across the front. If this was from a parent, it was awfully personal. You opened the card with apprehension, not sure what you would find inside. In the same white pen it read “from your secret admirer in 2B.”
2B? That was the classroom across from yours, Soobin’s classroom. Your heart raced. This card was from him? A Valentine? This must have been what you saw him working on the other day. A Valentine for you?
Did this mean he liked you back? Maybe it was something he did for all the other teachers. But if it was just a friendly Valentine between coworkers, then why did he sign it “from your secret admirer”? You had to ask him about it.
You stuffed the other cards back into the box, shuffling to get up out of the beanbag. At that moment, Soobin walked past your open door, heading towards his classroom. You called his name, still struggling to stand. He turned, eyes wide, towards you. You walked towards him, card in hand. His ears flushed as you held the Valentine up. “Is this from you?”
“I was hoping that you’d open those at home.”
“I wanted a snack before I drove home.”
You took in the way he shifted his weight between his feet, hands itching towards his pockets, ears growing redder by the second. “Did you make anyone else a card?”
He shook his head, lips twisting into a small pout. “Just you.”
“I should’ve made you one.” Your voice was quiet, hoping he read into what you really meant.
His eyes shot up from where they had been focused on the floor tiles, finding your gaze and holding it. “So you don’t think I’m overstepping?”
“Oh my gosh no! I actually thought it was from a parent at first, and that would’ve been weird and overstepping, but I um,” you paused, scared to admit the secret you’d been harboring since the fall. “I actually really hoped you’d ask me to be your Valentine.”
His eyes lit up like a puppy’s, a smile breaking over his face, dimples pressing deep into his cheeks. “Me too.”
You laughed, he was just too cute not to. “Well I really should’ve made you a card then.”
He shook his head, stepping closer. He reached for your hands, holding them in his much larger ones. His skin was soft against yours, and you could barely focus on his face when every cell that touched his felt like a tiny firework. “It is still Valentine’s Day, you know. We could always celebrate without twenty kids hyped up on sugar.”
“You’re saying that like the twenty kids aren’t what makes it fun.” You smiled at him, heart swelling at the thought of finally getting to spend time with Soobin outside of work. “But I would like that very much.”
“Let’s go, right now. Let’s go somewhere.”
“Right now? Won’t we need a reservation though? It’s Valentine’s day, and a Friday night.”
He paused, enthusiasm faltering. “Well, true, but we’ll find something.”
“Even if we don’t,” you smiled, squeezing his hand in yours, “this is already my favorite Valentine’s Day.”
Just like that, you finally had a Valentine.
author’s note: this is a work of fiction not meant to accurately represent the idol. please do not repost.
taglist: @lunesdesire @notyourjaem @https-yeonjun @mapofthemazeinthemirror @ohhdet
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use me
pairing: mean dom bf!taehyun x f!reader
synopsis: taehyun wants you to beg. maybe he should make you.
wc: 2.2k
warnings: reader is fem-bodied and also referred to as a girl! established relationship, dirty talk, begging, masturbation, OVERSTIM, cowgirl/riding, you’re both mean to each other in this but he’s meaner U will never beat him, not really hard dom just mean dom, taehyun calls u: baby, angel, pretty girl, he also calls u stupid (sorry), princess Of Course
note: basically a continued? fic version of this ask. i was h word one day and decided that the concept was too sexy to be kept as a thought/drabble so i extended it! hurray! u could think of this within the same universe as amazon wishlist tbh. and also imagine taehyun with his blue hair and sexy arms and sexy face and sexy abs and sexy lips and
You would be lying if you said you didn’t know how you ended up here.
The truth is, you know exactly how this all began—with Taehyun fisting his cock in front of you, moaning like a whore, and you watching him and refusing to beg.
Still, if you were to be completely honest, you don’t know exactly why you were acting like such a brat. The night had been normal leading up to when you two entered the bedroom; Taehyun had cooked you dinner, washed the dishes while you made dessert, picked what show to watch while you sat on his lap on the couch. Maybe it was then that this all truly began, when you began to wriggle too much, just to feel the firmness of his hands on your waist, the swelling of his cock underneath your thighs. And that had led to him dragging you to bed, telling you to ask nicely if you wanted to suck his cock. You didn’t listen. You still won’t.
It had taken him probably about ten minutes of jacking himself off slowly in front of you as “punishment”—pretty hand wrapped around his even prettier cock, hard and lubed up—before he finally realized that his ultimate plan to make you beg was never going to work. Not if you kept staring up at him from where you knelt down next to the bed, looking like some sort of perfect, clueless angel. Like something he could break if he wanted to.
That definitely gave him an idea. And so it started with you on your knees, looking up at him all sweet and perfect, and your stubbornness has led you back on his lap, biting your lip nervously as you try to decipher the look in his eyes beyond carnal hunger. Taehyun gets like this sometimes. And it’s fucking hot.
“You okay, princess?” he asks, running his calloused hands down your thighs. Checking in, as he always does; not only for your sake, but it turns him on knowing you want to get fucked as much as he wants to fuck you. You don’t mention it, though—you don’t say anything at all, just nod, giving him a tight-lipped smile. As bratty and uncaring as you had been acting earlier, seeing Taehyun get himself off had affected you a lot more than you let on. You had felt the wetness seeping between your legs literally seconds after he had gotten his cock out and started fucking his fist. That wasn’t something you could control—however, being all solemn and acting like you didn’t care, that was something you excelled at. “What’s your safeword, baby?”
“Blueberry,” you mumble back, running a hand through his hair, and he graces you with a smile.
Satisfied, he settles hsi back on the bed, reaching an arm behind his head to rest on. “You know what to do, princess,” Taehyun rasps, giving your ass a small pat. You squirm, giving him a look. “C’mon. Ride me.”
“If you don’t wanna beg, that’s fine. Just make yourself feel good. Use me. Use this cock to make yourself come,” he tells you lowly. “I know you love it. Don’t pretend like you don’t.”
You make a small noise, miffed, but you obey anyways, grabbing the base of his cock. You make sure to look him in the eye when you slide him in, but a part of you regrets it, because Taehyun truly doesn’t back down, gazing up at you with every second, every inch of his cock that fills you. You can’t even muffle the small moan that you let out after you take him all in, and you certainly can’t hide your blissed out face when you start moving up and down. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to it—how good he feels, how good he looks, staring down at the place at which your bodies connect. You can’t help it, you’re obsessed with his face, the way it scrunches when you clench down on him and smoothes itself out when you slow down your hips. There’s a lot of things you could love about Taehyun, and one of them is how he looks during sex.
Taehyun, to his credit, spends the next ten minutes or so pretty quietly, evidently trying to stick to his own plan of letting you fuck yourself on him. It’s a weird punishment, you must say, not one that you’re really used to, but hey. Taehyun’s already ruined you for anyone else’s cock—it’s not like you’ll complain at the chance to ride him. And he likes it, too; you can tell even if he won’t say anything, from the slight grimaces he makes, the way he tilts his head back whenever you grind back down.
His plan might work. It’s getting harder and harder to pretend like riding him isn’t affecting you. Your legs start to shake. The moans you let out are higher, shakier. You can barely hold yourself up by the time Taehyun finally takes the initiative to grab your hips and help you move against him, grunting out a Got you, baby right as your first orgasm crashes down on you.
“Fuck,” he says, as you slump over and your head meets his chest. He runs the very tips of his fingers up and down your torso, dancing them all about your skin until you’re shaking even more. Goosebumps spring from where he touches you, but he doesn’t stop, smiles at the way you twitch when his hands brush the ticklish spot underneath your tits.
And then his hands still on your waist, and his fingers fasten around them a little tighter, and then he’s moving you up and down by the pure strength of those goddamn arms. Fuck. You must say it out loud, squeaky and accidental, because below you Taehyun lets out a chuckle and then his fingers are on your clit and fuck. Fuck.
“T-Taehyun,” you breathe out, your voice wavering, “I j-just came.”
The steely look he fixes you is enough to shut you up. “And I haven’t, so keep fucking riding me,” he snaps. “You know what to say if you really can’t take it, right?”
You only nod helplessly, moving up and down his cock again, the feeling of him inside you sending a spark of electricity down your spine. Blueberry, blueberry, fuck, it’s too much but you would never say it, not now, when it’s so much that it feels so good. Fuck, there’s no reason it should feel this good. Taehyun twists at your nipples and chuckles when your hips jolt at the sensation—fuck Kang Taehyun and his skillful hands and perfectly composed self. You can’t even think but he’s quite literally pulling at all of your most sensitive parts.
You feel Taehyun’s hips start to grind up into yours. You can tell from that, as well as his fidgeting hands, that he’s starting to get impatient. “Come on, princess, keep going. Thought I was boring you, right? Don’t tap out on me now, baby, be fucking grateful I’m even giving you my cock—”
You shake your head, adamant. “No, no, nonono I can’t I can’t, ’s too much, fuck, Taehyun, Taehyun please—”
“Aw, it’s too much? You begging for me now? Wanna be good for me?” he rasps, smacking your ass. Leave it to Taehyun to say just the right thing to have you squirming, even if he’s technically upset with you. “Fuck, look at you, sweet girl, fucking shaking for me. Keep going. Keep riding my fucking dick, I’m not gonna ask you again.”
You wail, finally lowering your hands from your face to steady them on his shoulders. You move up and down, slowly, trying not to think about the sounds you’re making, the sounds of skin against skin and your wet cunt.
“Be good and make me come. Make me come, you were so mean to me today, this is the least you could do for me—fuck, fuck—”
“How have you not come yet?” you whine, and fuck, you can feel your strength slipping away from where your hands are fastened on his shoulders. Taehyun only lets out a breathy laugh underneath you and lands a soft smack to your butt. “Taehyun, please, I can’t—can’t, I just... Pleeeaaase, please, hmngh, fuck.”
Taehyun’s grip hardens on your hips, and you still. He tugs you down so you’re face to face, and your tummy flutters at his expression—eyes narrowed, lips swollen, fucked out and so fucking hot. “Too much, baby?” he pants, threading his hands through your hair. You nod, moaning and nibbling against his collarbones, and there are a few seconds of this breathless quiet, as you both find your breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly against yours. Eventually, he tugs you away from where you suck on his skin. Gives you a winning smile. You almost forget he’s annoyed with you. “Okay, angel. Too much? All tired out? Fine. Fine. We’ll do it your way.”
You can feel his hips moving underneath you, his cock still inside. “Hyunnie,” you mumble, scrabbling at his chest, but he only grunts. It takes a few moments for him to adjust his position and really dig his heels into the mattress before he’s suddenly fucking up into you with a loud, desperate moan. The pace he sets from the start is staggering; you can barely process the new position before he’s all up in your guts, pounding into you, until you can’t even fucking think.
“S-stupid girl, can’t even ride her poor boyfriend properly, always gotta do everything myself,” he mutters through gritted teeth, eyes transfixed on where his hips slam into yours. “Ff-fuck, don’t you feel sorry for me? Can’t even make me come without getting all dumb ‘n drooly. C’mon, kiss me. Kiss me, princess, make me feel better.”
You mewl and move to oblige, pressing your soft lips all over his face—cheekbones, jawline, nose—but it’s hard to land them properly with how fast he moves underneath you, completely throwing you off-balance. You resort to whimpering while struggling to keep yourself up with your arms, hands still resting on his firm chest. Taehyun doesn’t even care, too busy fucking up into you to notice.
“Say sorry now,” he instructs, his tone still cold and unfeeling. “Say sorry for being mean to your boyfriend, tell me how much you love me.”
“’M sorry, I’m so sorry,” you cry, your lips still latched onto his skin. “I’m sorry for being mean, ’m sorry, you make me feel so good, always mmf, making me come—hnng, love you, I love you, Taehyun—”
“Good job. Good girl, good fucking girl. Fuck. Your pussy’s so—hah, so good, so sweet to me, so perfect—” He smiles wickedly, showing his teeth, and you almost come again just looking at him, his blue hair matted against sweaty, golden skin. “Love this princess cunt, love you. Gonna make me come, love you, I love you, sweet angel, fuck– I love you so much—”
“W-wanna come,” you warble, the feeling so sudden but so intense that all you can think about is how much you need it, regardless of how it was at the back of your mind before. It’s like your brain has caught up to you, all of your pent-up desire crashing back down on you in a landslide. You start begging before you even realize it. “Please, please, pleaseplease Taehyun please Tyunnie pleaseee let me come letmecome—”
You’re breathless, needy, begging like a fucking slut and you know it, but Taehyun—Taehyun has never looked prouder, gazing up at you with his achingly kind eyes, nodding at you slowly, like he wants to make sure you understand. “Gonna come again?” he whispers, lips pressed against the tips of your fingers, and you nod. He hums and smiles, the tip of his tongue peeking out to lick at your thumb. “Good girl, come for me again, princess. Just one more, you can do it, make me proud—fuck, c’mon, I’ll come with you, ffffuck, princess, I love you—”
There’s a brief second between Taehyun’s rambling and both your orgasms—and he chooses that second to twine his fingers with yours and kiss your temple. It’s probably the hardest you’ve come all night, but what really has you reeling isn’t your climax, it’s how Taehyun looks after his own; sweaty, breathing hard, still looking at you. God knows how long he had been holding back. You had half-expected him to black out right after, but no, he’s just gazing at you, like you’re something to be admired even with your face all sweaty and hair a mess.
You lean down to kiss him anyways, regardless of how you look, kissing him more for your own benefit than his—he receives it with his usual eagerness and a quick smile against your teeth, almost missable. He pulls away, letting the both of you breathe for a moment, chests rising and falling against each other’s.
“Princess.” Taehyun presses a soft kiss to the tip of your nose and breathes out. “I loooove you,” he murmurs in a sing-song voice, and taps his fingers against the column of your throat. “Did so well, my pretty girl. You feeling okay? Need some water?”
“Water would be great,” you reply, nuzzling in closer to him. “Could you draw me a bath later? Please?���
“Begging for me now, huh?”
You poke the side of his stomach and he jolts with a harsh laugh. What an ass, you think, kissing his cheek. I love him. “Shut up.”
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pairing: bf!huening kai x fem!reader summary: maybe kai is more of a pervert than he lets on. maybe you like it.
wc: 2.2k
warnings: reader is fem!bodied and referred to as a girl multiple times!!! dont read if that makes u uncomfy pls! there is also: established relationship, both of you are horny af Thus the references to being a perv and whatnot, making out, LOTS OF BEGGING from both reader n hyuka kinda, dirty talk (praise with elements of degradation n humiliation), pet names (baby, angel, good girl), penetrative, No condom (practice safe sex lovelies), not rly breeding but breeding-adjacent (hyuka comes inside u <3), some stuttering i guess cuz kai is nervous n opening up his sexual horizons but it’s all cute and mushy, kai talks a lot in this he can’t shut up ur pussy’s too perfect babe
note: less plot than amazon wishlist sorry hehe i just wanted to write cutesy kai trying his hand at dirty talk with his perfect sexy gf (you)! i love him so bad guys i tried to portray him as best as possible but i might have failed miserably and if i did you’re allowed to egg my house ALSOOOO kinda rushed and not proofread and unbeta-ed im so sorry the ending SUCKSSSS
ALSO! if you were wondering why it seems familiar i based this ask off of the draft for this
“Can I kiss you?” Kai asks.
He always asks first, even though he knows you will always say yes. And you always feel so fluttery whenever he does, even though you’ve kissed him so many times now his lips feel familiar when they nudge against yours. It usually starts out like this—just the two of you on his bed, straddling his hips as he looks up at you. He says it’s his favorite perspective of you, which you’re not sure you understand. But Kai is always firm in his opinions of you, so you don’t mind.
“Please, please,” you say, and so he does, lips slotting against yours, soft, soft. Kai makes a quiet noise, reaches up to brush away your hair. His hands, so large and warm where he keeps them on your waist, just above your hip.
“So pretty. My pretty baby,” he murmurs, and your heart sings. You bunch your hands up in his shirt, breathe him in. You want to bite him.
“Kai. Kai.”
“Yes? Hm?”
“Please. I want—I want—” The worst part is you can’t even verbalize what you want, either, but you’re squirming and panting on his lap, lips slick with his spit, and there’s honestly not many messages that those movements could possibly allude to other than I want your cock. “I—please, Kai, ah.”
“Gonna make me crazy,” Kai says, voice teetering on a whine. “Your noises. So cute. Want more, pretty? More?”
You kiss him again, drinking in his words, running your hands through his hair. Cute, cute. He’s breathing heavily, nose bumping against your cheek. Hours, you could spend hours just kissing him. Cute. You don’t realize you say it out loud until Kai makes a high noise at the back of his throat.
“Angel—so beautiful—I wanna—ah, can I, please—”
You take his wrist, guide his hand to the waistband of your pajamas. “Can you?” you ask, almost beg, your fingers trembling where they fold around his wrist. “Kai, please, I want you to touch me.”
You trail off when you see Kai’s expression, tentative and unsure. “Baby,” he whispers, tipping you down towards him so he can press a mountain of kisses against the column of your throat. His hand brushes over the hem of your underwear, soothing the divide between skin and bright pink lace. The warmth of his hand ghosts over you, where you ache the most, and you try not to sound too pathetic when you whine. “Baby, baby, shh, you know I want to.”
“Then do it,” you plead, your legs practically shaking with how badly you want it. Need it. You could hate him for not giving it to you. You could, but Kai likes good girls, and that’s what you are. What you want to be.
“Be a good girl,” Kai instructs, gently, his voice wavering still. There it is—Kai’s kinks slipping through the cracks. Finally, after you had to go through all the work to shatter it yourself. He’s still so shy about it, sounding so unsure when he talks dirty to you, but you can tell he finds it hot, with how red his cheeks get. “Not now, baby. Be good for me, don’t you want to be good?”
“Please,” you plead, completely ignoring him, inching the tips of your fingernails up and down his chest, his shoulders, his throat. You lean down until your face is practically buried in his hair, and you can feel his breath hit your tummy, his hands pressing down on your waist. “Kaaaaaiiiiii.”
But he only giggles brightly, face breaking into a smile against your skin. He loves this, gets off on this dynamic—you are normally the one taking the lead, but in here, like this, it’s Kai who gets to play with you the way he wants, coax reactions out of you with every touch. Treat you like a princess, be in charge, because it’s only in bed that he wants to. You can order him around during the daytime as much as you like, as long as he gets to fuck you up the way he wants.
“Want it that bad, sweetheart?” he murmurs, planting a kiss on your tummy. “So bad you’re practically gagging for it, huh? Want something else to gag on?”
You squeeze your eyes shut. “Shut up,” you cry, heart fluttering at the way he giggles right after. “Fuck me first, please, I want it so bad.”
Kai coos at you, rubbing his hands along the sides of your thighs. “I know, baby, I know. Let me flip you over, sweetheart, I’ll take care of my cute baby.” And so he does, gently lifting you off of his crotch and letting you land softly on your back; he slides you a glittering smile, then settles his hands between your legs once again. “Want me to finger you first?”
You nod. “Anything, want anything. Please. Just you.”
Kai hums. “Anything? What if I made you get– get off on my thigh, hm? I…” He trails off here, steadies his breath. You can see the way his gaze trails down your body, hungry, wanting. “What if I used one of your cute toys on you, took it away right before you came? Would you… would you still want that?”
“Don’t care, Kai, just want you—you can do anything, anything, please—”
Kai groans and buries his face in your neck, thumbing over your clothed cunt. “F-fuck, baby,” he rumbles against your skin, feeling his fingertips dip inside you, slippery with your wetness. “So worked up over— over just a bit of touching, fuck, what a cute baby. So horny for me, for my cock, right?”
You let out a moan, your hips bucking up to meet his fingers. “Mhm, yes, Kai. Give me, give it to me.”
“Okay, okay, I will.” Kai presses a kiss to your cheek, so unfitting and filthy compared to his fingers rubbing over you. He pulls back slightly to look you in the eye. You can sense the flicker of nervousness underneath. “I’m not gonna last very long. Probably. ’S that okay?”
“That’s fine,” you breathe. “I don’t care. Just… I just want you inside of me.”
“I can do that,” Kai chokes, and you laugh. “Could I– could I fuck you like this?”
“Like what?”
Kai pokes your waist. “Missionary?” he says like it’s an offer, the corners of his lips rising when you squirm. “I want to see your face while I fuck you. You always look so pretty like that.”
Your cheeks heat and you look away. “You’re a perv. But okay, sure.”
“You’re the perv. Got all horny when we we’re just making out.” He presses a wet kiss to your cheek. “What if I had just wanted to kiss you, huh? Just some pure, innocent making out.”
“Sorry. You get me all worked up.”
Kai giggles. “I know. Love hearing you say it.” He hums while he takes off his sweatpants, and you do the same—you’re still tugging off your shirt when you feel his fingers brush against the clasp of your bra.
“You desperate?” you tease, letting him take it off for you.
Kai nods solemnly, moving down so his bare hips are parallel to yours. “Hell yeah,” he says, but you’re looking so intently at his cock that you forget to laugh. “Quit staring, perv.”
“You’re so annoying,” you shoot back, but there’s no bite, and he only smiles, taking the base of his cock to align himself with you. There’s a bare second of quiet, where you can hear both of your breaths, bated and waiting, and you can see the desperation—the hunger—in Kai’s face.
“Can I put it in now, baby?” he breathes. “Please? F-fuck, please?”
Shit. You might go insane if he keeps this up, begging prettily for you before he even gets his cock inside. You whine and nod, breath hitching when his fingers graze your tits. “Please, Kai,” you whimper. “Please, yes, please.”
Kai grabs the base of his cock again and eases the tip past your folds, his heart beating wildly. He breathes heavily, his other hand steady on your hip, so large compared to your smaller frame. “Jesus fucking Christ. You feel so good,” he says, trying not to sound too whiny when he barely put it in, but you don’t even notice, trembling beneath him. His brows furrow, lost in your warmth, but he manages to muster a smile. “You okay, angel?”
“Yeah.” Your voice is high and reedy. Your hands bunch up in the sheets. “Put—more, more, please.”
“Sure, sweetheart,” he responds, sounding on the verge of tears, because he quite honestly is about to cry with how tight you feel already. He eases more in, slowly, letting you take it in inch by inch, relishing in the feeling. A few moments pass and your hips finally meet; you let out twin sighs of relief. Kai leans over to mouth at your shoulder, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Shiiit, baby, you feel fucking good.”
You only moan in response, almost drooling onto the sheets. Kai stays still for a while, letting you get used to it, marvelling at how wet you are.
“Shit, I could be inside you forever. Oh, fuck. W-would you let me? Hm? Ah, would you let me—shit—fuck this t-tight cunt everyday? Want me to be inside you all the time, right? Isn’t that right, baby?” Kai taps your cheek and you just sob, backing your hips against his desperately. Kai lets out a giggle, and it’s so high-pitched and out of place you would probably scold him if you were in any other state of mind.
Alas, instead you’re trembling beneath him as he pounds you, whining and drooling on the sheets because his cock feels so good. It should be embarrassing. It definitely is. But you can’t find it in yourself to care.
“You’re a f-fucking pervert,” you whine.
Kai breaks into a smile, so wide and so fucking proud of himself. You can tell, even through your hazy mind, and it makes your heart swell. “Shit, I must have a good fuckin’ cock if I got you all f-fucked up like this,” he murmurs, using his free hand to play with your nipples. “I love you so much, angel. Love making you feel good.” The filth falls so easily from his mouth that it’s hard for you to believe that not one hour ago Kai was struggling to even call you a good girl.
“Luh—fuck, love you too, Kai,” you wail, bringing your hands up to splay across your face. “Please, please keep going, f-feels so good—”
“You’re so shy,” Kai whispers, his expression melting into a grin. He reaches up, pinches your cheeks. “How are you still so shy, hm? Your pussy is weeping onto my cock and you’re acting like this? So cute. Wanna fuck you so hard.”
“You already are,” you whine, reaching up to slap weakly at his chest. “Fuck, why are you t-talking so much?”
Kai giggles again. “Feels so good, that’s why. Your pussy’s making my brain melt. Fuck.” He gives a particularly hard thrust here, then moves his hand to rub over your tummy. “’M gonna come soon. Love you—I love you so much. Where do you want it, angel? Inside?”
“Mmm—yeah, fuck, please.”
“Gonna fuck you til your pussy’s all white and mine, alright? Fuck it back into you so it stays there, ffff-fuck, baby, I love you, thank you, I love you so mu— fuck—”
Wet heat inside you and a soft breath against the side of your neck—you feel his head drop onto your shoulder before his hand reaches over to your clit. His hips shift and he pulls out, only to move down between your legs and give your pussy a soft, almost kittenish lick. “G’na come f’me, too, angel,” he murmurs around your pussy, and you can see the hints of a smile gracing his face when your legs close around his head and muss up his hair. “Come on, please, please, want you to come—”
He lolls out his tongue and buries his face deeper in between your thighs, and it only takes a few mor licks, sucks, and the steady pump of his fingers before you’re coming, legs trembling around his ears and hands tangled in his messy hair. Your hips buck up into the air but his lips still follow, chasing the taste, and you whine from the overstimulation.
When he pulls away, a string of spit follows. He can’t move far before you’re grabbing him and pulling him into a kiss, smiling against his teeth when he lets out a small oof. He’s on top of you now, hand cupping your cheek.
“Love you,” Kai murmurs, kissing your forehead. “Love you so much. You okay? You’re making a face.”
You are. “Sorry—one of your plushies—Molang, I’m like, sitting on it—”
“Oh!” You lift your hips and Kai reaches underneath your torso to retrieve his blue penguin Molang pushie. He smiles down at you. “Were you on it the entire time?”
“No, I think it fell while you were eating me out and somehow ended up underneath me.”
Kai grins and nuzzles his face into your neck. “You were arching your back that much? Did it feel that good?”
“I think this concerns the amount of plushies you have, not your stroke game—”
“My pussy eating game, actually.”
You throw another Molang plushie at his face. It’s soft, just like his cheeks when he smiles at you and they get all squishy, just like his lips when you tug him down for another kiss.
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synopsis ⤑ Homework, exams, parents expecting the world from you and more, you just wanted a break. Better yet, you needed one. And who better than getting the resident campus bad boy plug Taehyun to help you out with that.
pairings ⤑ plug!taehyun x goody two shoes fem!reader word count ⤑ 6.3k
warnings ⤑ plug taehyun, drug use, reader is really awkward and innocent she know's nothing about drugs, brief mentions of pushy parents, unprotected sex, dry humping, car sex, corruption kink, loss of virginity, taehyun is a little bit of an asshole, cowgirl, slight hair pulling, not really proof read. READ; this is a repost from my old account @/hmusunoo, incase you recognize this fic, that's where it was originally posted before I deactivated. txt masterlist & more ⤑ here.
You sit at your desk, the glare of your laptop screen searing into your eyes as you attempt to focus on yet another problem set. The numbers blur together, taunting you with their complexity. To your right, your history textbook lies open, mocking you with its dense paragraphs of information you’re supposed to have memorized by tomorrow. The clock ticks steadily in the background, a relentless reminder that time is slipping away. Your parents’ voices echo in your mind, a cacophony of expectations. "You have to be the best. We’re counting on you."Their words are like invisible weights, pressing down on your chest, making it harder to breathe.
You don’t remember the last time you felt truly free. Even when you’re not studying, the guilt lingers. Shouldn’t you be doing more? Shouldn’t you be better? The questions swirl in your head, their answers always out of reach.And so, you sit there, the cursor blinking impatiently on your half-written essay, while your stomach churns from too much coffee and too little sleep. The thought hits you suddenly: This isn’t sustainable. You lean back in your chair and close your eyes, but the words and numbers are still there, painted on the insides of your eyelids.
You need to breathe. You need to escape.
The idea comes to you like a whisper, soft but insistent. Remembering what Sakura told you earlier in the day, about the one guy in school you never thought to talk to before. Kang Taehyun. He was no good, he was what everyone around town and campus called a waste of space. You had half a mind to text Sakura asking for his number. The thought feels almost rebellious. You didn’t know a single thing about weed or how to smoke it. All you knew was that he was the one person around here you could get it from.
Would he even sell it to you? You didn't know, but you were going to try. You grab your phone before you can second-guess yourself. You sent her a quick tentative text swelling with anxiety at the questions you knew awaited you.
It seemed your anxiety was for nothing though, as a short and sweet text from Sakura popped up on your screen not even a minute later: ‘I knew you’d cave (; here 999-000-3456’. You knew as soon as you saw her you'd be bombarded with a multitude of questions but for now you will be thankful for the solace she gave you.
You didn't know the proper etiquette of ordering? Weed, so you didn't think it would be best to call Taehyun. You decided a simple text would do just fine.
You: hi, how much for weed? It’s Y/n L/n btw.
Taehyun: wtf?
You: Sorry, can I buy some weed from you?
Taehyun: i dont sell that. You have the wrong number.
You: what? My friend Sakura gave me your number. She said you would have something to help me.
Taehyun: Are you a fucking cop or something?
You: No???
Taehyun: Whatever. if you're serious, meet me at lakeland park in 15 minutes. If I see any weird shit I'm leaving.
Lakeland park was nearly a fifteen minute walk from you. He was giving you no time to overthink it instead grabbing you coat in a rush and bolting out the door. You pull your coat tighter around you as the wind bites at your cheeks. A fifteen minute walk isn’t far, but on a cold, dark night like this, every step feels heavier, the shadows stretching longer. Your breath clouds in the air as you walk, the rhythmic crunch of your boots on the frost-covered pavement the only
sound accompanying you. You’re not the kind of girl who sneaks out at night, let alone to meet someone like Kang Taehyun. He’s reckless, arrogant, always in trouble, the kind of boy your parents warned you about since middle school. But tonight, the weight of the day of every perfect grade, every strained smile, every pesky exam and desk filled with homework has crushed you into doing something reckless. Something that doesn’t feel like you. The park looms ahead, its iron gates blackened and wet with the mist that clings to the air. You hesitate at the entrance, fingers curling around the cold metal. It’s not too late to turn back, you tell yourself. But that same voice whispers that turning back means retreating to the suffocating predictability of your world. Straight-A student. Perfect daughter. Reliable friend. You just couldn't do that, you needed this. Bad.
The park is deserted. The streetlights cast pale orange pools of light onto the pathways, but the spaces in between seem darker than they should. You clutch your phone in your pocket, your thumb hovering over the power button. Just in case.
The sound of a car engine idling pulls your attention to the far side of the park. There, parked near the frozen pond, is Taehyun's car. Its headlights are off, but the faint glow of the dashboard light outlines his silhouette. You almost stop in your tracks as he leans out of the driver’s side window, his dark hair tousled, an annoyed look on his face.
“Didn’t think you were serious” He said as you walked up to the car. “Get in.”
You hesitate, your hand brushing the cold handle of the passenger door. Pulling it open before you could allow yourself to overthink it. “I was told you could help me.” The inside of the car is warmer than you expected, the faint scent of marijuana smoke and leather wrapping around you.
Taehyun shrugs a bored expression on his face as he leaned his head against the leather seat. His stance made you nervous. You could feel words bubbling up inside of you waiting to jumble out in a heap just like you always did in awkward silences like this. “I Just have a lot of stuff going on with school and my parents and-”
Taehyun snorts, his amusement cutting sharper now as he interrupts the beginning of your rambles. “Well, don’t expect a medal or anything.” He leans back in his seat, his eyes flicking to the rearview mirror. “Hurry up. I don’t have all night. What do you want? How much?”
“I have twenty dollars..” You trailed off your voice smaller now.
Taehyun sent you a curt nod reaching down to the glove department between the two of you. He pulled out a bag filled with a green substance, assuming it was the weed. “Here.” He tossed the bag down in your lap lazily. You picked it up in your hands inspecting it with keen eyes.
“ i just eat it?” You asked him as you began to open the top of the baggie.
“What?” He asked leaning forward, the nonchalant expression he once held was gone, now a look of shock in its place. “No. You smoke it.”
“Oh.” Was the only response you could muster up. A red sheen coating your cheeks with embarrassment. “I-i don't know how.”
Taehyun laughs sharp and cold. “Little miss perfect has never smoked before what a fucking shocker.” His tone had a sarcastic lit to it. One that made your stomach churn with uneasiness.
“I’m not a junkie.” You spit out at him. “I just need help with some stress.”
“Are you implying that I'm a junkie?” His asked with raised eyebrows and an expression that spelled ‘i dare you to say that i am’
“N-no” You stuttered “I’m just making a statement about myself.”
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, but Taehyun doesn’t let up. “What’s next, huh? Gonna jay-walk across the street on your way home? Or maybe—and this is a real stretch—you’ll leave your dishes in the sink overnight.” He grins, wide and mocking. “Oh no, the horror.”
Your face burns, but you refuse to look away. “I’m not as boring as you think.”
“Sure you’re not,” he says, dragging the words out. He sends you a smirk. “Let me guess—late night study sessions? Babysitting? Volunteer work at the animal shelter?”
You cross your arms, your nails digging into your sleeves. “I came here, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, and it’s adorable,” he says, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “You’re like a puppy trying to bark. Cute, but not exactly convincing.”
The jab stings more than you’d like to admit, but you steel yourself. “At least I’m trying to do something different.”
“Oh, you’re different, all right,” Taehyun shoots back, his grin widening. “Most people would’ve bailed by now. But not you. You’re too stubborn to realize when you’re in over your head.” You fiddled with the baggie still in your hand “I mean look at you, you thought you had to eat the fucking bud.”
You glare at him, your frustration bubbling to the surface. “Why do you even care? If I’m so ‘adorable,’ why not just drive off and leave me here? No one is forcing you to sell to me ”
Taehyun shrugs, his smirk softening into something more thoughtful—but no less infuriating. “Maybe I’m bored. Or maybe watching you squirm is more fun than anything else I’ve got going on tonight.”
“Whatever.” You huffed, rolling your eyes at him.
“So now that we've established that you do indeed smoke the weed and don't eat it. I’ll take that twenty and be on my way now-”
“Can you teach me how to smoke it?” The words fell from your lips like spit fire before you could even think about them.
“Seriously.” Taehyun sent you a deadpanned look. “Do I need to like, hold your hand while we're at it?”
“Well no..” You trailed “I’ve just never done it before..”
“I can tell,” He said, annoyed. “Whatever I have got nothing better to do.”
He reached back into the saame glove department that he got the weed baggie from, pulling out a small pack of papers in his fingers.
“These are wraps” He explained handing you the wraps. “We’ll put the weed into it before we smoke it.”
“You're going to smoke with me?” You asked Taehyun, mulling the wraps in your hand as you carefully analyzed them.
“Yeah, im not doing this shit for nothing do i look like a fucking teacher to you.” He snapped. Taehyun reached his hand out, yanking the baggie of weed out of your hands and although he did it with minimal force the action still shook you. He really was such a stark contrast to who you were. He was rough, arrogant and cocky. You were shy, timid and very inexperienced in everything he was comfortable with. This was a recipe for disaster.
Taehyun continued by showing you how to ground up the weed then stuff it into the little paper carefully. You watched as his lips poked out, licking the paper to seal the week inside. Really, it shouldn't be something you're finding hot but you do.
“This is a blunt” He explained. You watched him with careful calculation soaking in everything he said to you. The blunt dangles lazily between his fingers, the faint ember glowing like a tiny, taunting beacon in the dim light of the parking lot. He’s leaning against his beat-up car, all leather jacket and sharp jawline, looking like he stepped out of a 90s music video. You tried to steer the thoughts away. Just mere minutes ago you were rolling your eyes at him for poking fun at you, now in the dim light of the overhead dash coupled with the hues of the park street lamps you had thought he looked..well, beautiful.
“Alright, princess,” Taehyun says, his tone as sharp as the smirk tugging at his lips. “You begged me to teach you, so here you go.”
And there you were back to rolling your eyes. “I wasn’t begging,” you snap, your arms crossing defensively over your chest. You know your voice sounds weak even as you say it, and his smirk deepens, like he’s already won some unspoken argument. The nerves for what you were about to do finally really creeping in on you.
“Sure, sure,” he drawls, handing you the blunt like it’s some kind of sacred ritual. “Just don’t go crying to your choir group when you cough up a lung.” You take it with more confidence than you feel, holding it between your fingers the way he does, even though you’re certain it doesn’t look half as natural. You leaned slightly forward in your seat, over the glove department that was between the two of you.
For a quick fleeting second you could have sworn you saw his eyes flicker downwards catching the flesh of your exposed skin. You wore a hoodie half zipped down to reveal your black tank top with tiny little lace on the top. Your cleavage was slightly visible at this angle and he surely noticed it.
“Now, put it in your mouth,” he instructs, deadpan, and you glare at him because you can hear the barely contained laughter in his voice.
“Do you always have to be this crude?” you mutter, but you follow his instructions anyway, the filter feeling foreign and dry against your lips. His eyes flicker over you, quick but deliberate, before he leans closer. You freeze, the scent of leather and marijuana smoke filling your senses as he reaches up to flick his lighter. The flame catches, small and precise, and his hand shields it as he tilts it toward you.
“Breathe in—gently,” he says, his voice softer now, almost serious, though you swear there’s a hint of amusement dancing on his face. You inhale, maybe too sharply, because the burn hits the back of your throat like fire, and you’re coughing almost immediately, doubling over as your eyes water.
He barks out a laugh, loud and shameless, but there’s something about the way his hand hovers just shy of your back, like he’s deciding whether or not to steady you. “I told you to go easy,” he says, shaking his head. “What, you thought you were gonna look cool on the first try?”
“I hate you,” you choke out, still coughing, and he grins like you’ve just made his night.
“Cute.” He mutters. “That’s cute.” he says, and for a second, you think you catch something softer in his expression—like he’s a little proud of you for trying.
You straighten up, glaring at him through watery eyes. “Let’s go again,” you say, more determined than ever.
He raises an eyebrow, surprised but impressed. “Look at you, all rebellious now,” Taehyun teases, taking the blunt from your hands, putting it to his lips and effortlessly inhaling. You wish you could say it wasn’t so erotic looking, the way his lips envelop the blunt, sucking in and then blowing out like he's done it a million times over. Because well, he has. He looks over at you again, eyelids narrowly heavy. You don’t miss the way his gaze lingers just a fraction too long, though, like he’s seeing you differently. But before you can dwell on it, he’s all smirks and sarcasm again, holding out the blunt with a mock bow. “Alright, princess. Round two.”
And as you fumble your way through another attempt, you can’t help but notice the way his expression turned darker, almost lustful as he watched you bring the blunt back to your lips tentatively.
The second drag is smoother. Not by much, but enough that you don’t hack up your lungs again. It still burns on the way down, leaving a bitter taste on your tongue, but there’s something else now—a strange kind of lightness creeping into your chest, like you’re not quite tethered to the ground. “See?” Taehyun says, his voice smug. “Not so hard, is it?”
You roll your eyes, but the edges of the world are starting to blur, the space inside the car feeling smaller and softer all at once. “It’s weird,” you admit, your voice quieter now. “But… kinda nice?”
Taehyun chuckles, resting one arm over the back of his seat as he watches you. “Yeah, it’ll do that. Just wait. You’re gonna feel like your brain’s floating soon.”And he’s right. A few minutes later, the buzzing in your chest has spread to your head, leaving you light and a little disoriented. You can’t stop yourself from giggling, the sound spilling out before you can catch it.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, arching a brow. He took the blunt from your hands, taking a drag from it. The smoke flew out of his lips in ‘O’s’ like some kind of party trick.
Unfamiliar heat pooled in your belly at the sight, your thighs fidgeting in your seat. “I don’t know,” you say, leaning your head back against the seat. “Everything feels… floaty. Like I’m a balloon or something.” Your eyes felt heavy as you stared at him with a dopey smile on your face. The softness of the lights from the overhead light casted down on his face like a glowing frame of his face. It was a beautifully confusing feeling this way. You had found yourself wanting something from him you've never had before, something way worse and more irreversible than smoking for the first time.
He snorts, shaking his head. “You’re high as hell,” he mutters, but there’s a hint of a grin tugging at his lips. A sharp keen to his eyes as they darken at the sight of you, leaning back against the seat, head turned towards him. Your glassy eyes staring up at him doe eyed.
Your gaze lingered on the way his fingers tap absently against the steering wheel. “You’re not as much of an asshole as you act, you know,” you say, your voice unfiltered and soft.
His head snaps toward you, his eyes narrowing. “The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
“You act all tough,” you say, shrugging. “But you’re still here. Putting up with me. Teaching me. You could’ve just told me to screw off.”
“If I recall, I did do that when you texted me.” Taehyun says slowly, his speech becoming slightly slurred. For a moment, he doesn’t say anything. His gaze flickers over you, like he’s trying to decide if you’re messing with him or not. Then he shakes his head, letting out a low chuckle, the sound sending a bolt of electricity through you and straight to your core. It was an unfamiliar feeling for you. You had never felt such intense heat and want for someone. You didn't know whether to blame the weed or your hazy mind, either way you weren't sure you minded.
“Guess the high’s getting to you,” he says, but his voice has softened, the sharp edges dulled. His own lust lingered heavily in the compactness of the car. You are both hyper aware of the shift in the dynamic of the car. You smile lazily, sinking further into the seat. The hum of the moment feels bigger than either of you, like the space between you has shifted somehow. He handed the blunt back to you but with a shake of your head you refused it, already feeling relaxed. Your body is like jelly as you slumped against the seat of the car.
You tilt your head to look at him, his profile is sharp in the dim light, the amber glow of the lighter from earlier still dancing in your mind. “Why are you staring?” he asks, his voice low and rough, like gravel underfoot.
“I’m not,” you lie, even though you can feel the weight of your own gaze on him.
“Yeah, you are,” he says, leaning back slightly in his seat, his fingers drumming absently on the steering wheel. “What’s going on in that good little head of yours, huh?”
You open your mouth to answer, but the words get stuck somewhere in your throat. The buzz in your chest has spread, making everything feel too big and too small all at once. You shift in your seat, suddenly hyper-aware of how close you are to him, how the scent of smoke and leather clings to the air between you. “I don’t know,” you say finally, your voice quieter than you meant it to be.
He doesn’t say anything for a moment, just watches you with that same unreadable expression. And then, like the space between you is pulling him in, he leans forward, just a fraction—enough to make your breath catch. “You’re high,” he says, almost like he’s reminding himself. “That’s all this is.” His breath fanned against your lips close enough that even a mere inch forward your lips would be touching.
You shake your head, though the movement feels sluggish. “It’s not just that,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
Taehyun’s hand twitches where it rests on the steering wheel, and for a moment, he looks almost unsure, like he’s teetering on the edge of something he can’t pull back from. “You don’t know what you’re saying. You don’t want this.”
“I do,” you insist, your gaze locking with his. The pull between you feels magnetic now, impossible to ignore. The heat in your belly felt like fire only being fueled by the constant darkening of his eyes and his pure adultured need for you. You may be inexperienced and naive but you were stupid, he wanted you as badly as you wanted him.
He lets out a low, almost defeated sigh, his fingers running through his messy hair. “You’re gonna regret this Tomorrow.” But he doesn’t move away.
You lean forward first, closing the already minimal space between you. It’s tentative, the barest brush of your lips against his, and for a moment, you think he’s going to pull back. But then he doesn’t.
Taehyun’s lips press against yours, slow and deliberate, like he’s testing the waters. There’s a hesitance in the way his hand hovers near your cheek, as though he’s not sure if he’s allowed to touch you. But when you don’t pull away—when you lean into him instead—he seems to let go of whatever was holding him back.
The kiss deepens, his hand finally coming to rest on your jaw, his thumb brushing against your skin. There’s nothing rushed about it, no desperation, just a quiet intensity that sends your heart racing. You don’t know if it’s the blunt, the high, or him, but the world outside the car has completely disappeared. It’s just the two of you now, tangled in this strange, unspoken pull that you can’t quite explain.
“You’re gonna blame this on the high,” he murmurs with a groan. “If we don’t stop, I don't know how far it will go, princess.”
You shake your head, your eyes still closed. “Don’t stop.” for a moment, neither of you says anything, the quiet hum of the night wrapping around you like a blanket.
He doesn’t move away. If anything, he’s closer now, his hand sliding from your jaw to cup the side of your neck. His thumb brushes just under your ear, and the touch sends a shiver skimming down your spine. “How far have you gone before?”
You shake your head “Nothing further than kissing.”
He pulls back a small look of bewilderment on his face “Are you sure about this?”
You nod, disconnecting yourself for a second to look at him, although your mind was hazy nothing about the decision to go further with Taehyun was, you were sure you wanted this. “Yes” You spoke with a surge of confidence. “I want this, so bad.”
Taehyun reconnects your lips in a messy entanglement of lips and teeth, his hands grabbing at your waist to pull you closer to him even in the confines of his car. “Tell me to stop,” he says, his voice low, almost a growl. It’s not a demand—it’s a plea, barely restrained, like he’s fighting himself and losing.
You don’t tell him to stop. You can’t. Instead, your hands find their way to him, one resting on his shoulder, the other fisting the fabric of his shirt like you’re afraid he’ll pull away if you let go. “I’m not going to,” you whisper, and your voice shakes, but not with fear.
He kisses you again, harder this time, like he’s been holding himself back and can’t anymore. There’s nothing hesitant about it now—his lips press firmly against yours, and you meet him with the same urgency, like you’ve both been waiting for this moment longer than either of you is willing to admit.
Taehyun’s free hand slides to your waist, gripping you just hard enough to make your breath hitch. The space between you feels nonexistent, every inch of him pressing into you in a way that’s both overwhelming and addictive. You’re not thinking anymore—not about where you are, not about how this started, not about the million ways this could go wrong. All you know is the way his hands feel against you, the way his lips move like he’s memorizing the shape of yours, the way your entire body feels like it’s on fire.
You tug at his shirt, pulling him closer, and he groans softly against your mouth, the sound vibrating through you. Taehyun’s fingers dig into your waist, grounding you even as the world feels like it’s spinning out of control. The high from the weed makes your skin a buzz and your mind spin.
“You’re gonna ruin me,” Taehyun mutters against your lips, his voice rough and raw, like the confession slipped out without his permission.It makes you want him even more. You tilt your head, deepening the kiss, pouring every ounce of emotion you can’t put into words into the way your lips move against his. Your hips raise slightly, searching for some semblance of friction.
The small space of the car feels suffocating now, the air thick and heavy as his hand slides up your side, brushing just beneath the hem of your sweatshirt. His touch is searing, leaving trails of heat in its wake, and you arch into him instinctively, a soft sound escaping your lips.
“Careful,” Taehyun murmurs, pulling back just enough to look at you. His eyes are dark, his pupils blown wide, but there’s something else there, too—a flicker of restraint, like he’s holding himself together by a thread. “You don’t know what you’re starting.”
“Maybe I do,” you whisper, your voice steady even as your heart pounds in your chest. He had you craving something you had never indulged in before, something you knew you would miss as soon as it ended.
For a moment, he just stares at you, like he’s trying to read your mind, to figure out if you mean it. Whatever he sees in your expression seems to be enough, because his lips crash into yours again, his hands gripping you like he’s afraid you’ll disappear. He grabbed at your sweater, unzipping it until your frilly tank top was revealed underneath. When his lips leave yours, they trail along your jaw, slow and deliberate.
The feeling of his lips sends a shiver down your spine, and you tilt your head instinctively, giving him more access.“God, you’re dangerous,” he mutters against your skin, his voice rough and almost reverent. His hands move up the expanse of your body and torso cupping your breasts in his hands. A gasp leaves your lip, a chill crawling up your spine.
“These fucking tits.” Taehyun growled. “How has no man ever touched these before?” Your chest heaved as explored the entirety of your upper body, cradling your breasts in his hands. Your heart is pounding in your chest, and the high from the weed feels distant now, overshadowed by the way he’s making you feel. Every nerve in your body is alive, hyper-aware of his every touch, every breath, every unspoken word.
“Take this off.” He growls his lips ghosting over your collarbone as he tugged at your tank top in his big hands. You met his hands at the hem of your tank top, lifting it in one fail swoop over your head. Your top half is now completely bare and out in the open for his eyes to see.
You didn't think his eyes could darken anymore then they already have but to now avail his irises became nearly black pools of desire. Your heart was thumping hard in your chest as your breath left you in harsh pants. He made quick work of running his hands to his grey sweatpants, yanking them down just enough to pull himself out of his boxers. His cock spring free, the rip red and angry.
Your eyes widened at the sheer size of him. He smirked at you with a knowing look. “Cute.” He muttered. “You never seen a dick before or something.” You could tell he meant it as a joke but one single look at your expression made him realize just how little experience you’ve had.
“I..” You trailed “I haven’t.” Your face was flush red from the embarrassment of your admittance, you hadn't even really watched porn. Seeing a dick was so obscure to you, so unheard of.
“Come here.” Taehyun softly said as he held his hand out for you to take. You lifted your legs to gently maneuver your body over the center console of the car. The sudden movement coupled with the high that was still lingering had you feeling a bit dizzy.
You sat on Taehyun’s lap. His hard cock now resting against your thigh. Awkwardly and out of instinct you lifted your arms to cover your breasts that were now smack dab in his face. A man’s dream you thought to yourself.
“No, don’t do that princess.” He took a hold of your arms gently in his hands pulling them back until they were at your sides. “Don’t hide.” He toyed with the hem of your shorts and he brought his other hand to your hips, gently guiding your hips to rock back and forth against his cock.
A gasp fell from your lips at the movement. He started slowly rocking your hips steadily against his to create just the perfect amount of friction. Your clit throb in your shorts wishing you were completely bare against him.
“That feel good?” He asked you with a grit to his teeth trying his hardest to keep his groans at bay. You nodded dumbly, a whimper falling from your lips as you continued to allow him to guide your hips against his.
“I..i think i need more.” Your voice was airy, a sigh that sounded a lot like a moan slipped from your lips. “More, please.”
“Hm.” He hummed grabbing ahold of your hips with both of his hands, his grip tighter than it had been all night. “Pretty little princess wants more huh?” He was teasing you, rocking your hips faster against him.
“Y-yes!” You squealed, as a foreign feeling twisted in your stomach, the intensity knocking you forward trying to steady yourself on his chest.
The sudden stop of your hips had you whining as Taehyun roughly gripped your hips in his hands stopping your movements. “The first time you cum will be with my cock buried deep inside of you. Not from you grinding on it like a needy little whore, do you hear me?”
“Taehy-” You began to whine.
“” He asked again tougher this time as he snaked his hand up your neck to the nape grabbing a fist full of your hair in his hands yanking your face to be level with his.
“Yes!” You repeated for the second time tonight. “Want your cock..”
“Good girl.” Taehyun let go of your hair soothing the spot with his palm. “Let's get these shorts off now, yeah?” You nodded with a hum as you lifted yourself off his lap to give Taehyun easy access to slide your shorts and panties down at the same time.
“Are you going ok?” He ran his hands up and down your sides soothingly.
“I am” You reassured him. You bent your face down to meet his lips in a short kiss as you pulled away Taehyun smirked, chasing your lips with his own, causing a giggle to leave you.
His hand reached down, carefully circling your heat with his fingers. “You're so wet.” He hissed, dipping a finger slightly inside your awaiting core. Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched him toy with your pussy lip and clit delicately. Your legs slightly shook from the touch of him.
“I think you’re ready.” He nodded more to himself than you. “You think you’re ready baby?” The pet name caught you off guard stunting your ability to answer so instead you nod.
“I need your words.” He said, more harsh than you expected.
“I’m ready.” You confirmed. His hands found your hips once again, lifting you up until the tip of his dick was lined up at your entrance. The knot in your stomach tightened as the reality of what was about to happen set in. You were really about to lose your virginity. Here in a car, in the middle of the night to a boy you had just officially tonight. The thought excited you? It was so purely unlike you that you couldn’t wait to do it.
Taehyun helped guide you down on his length, the stretch of him burning as you slowly moved down inch by inch on his cock. “Oh.” You squeaked, using Taehyun’s shoulder as leverage. “Oh-” You said again. The one syllable seems like the only word you could even begin to utter.
“Careful.” Taehyun grit the words out. “That’s it.”
The feeling of him inside you had tears pricking your eyes as the intensity of the moment took over.
“Stay still princess” Taehyun’s voice was soft as he gave you instructions on how to take him, talking you through it. You sat still on his lap as his cock was not fully satiated inside of you. The feeling was odd..a good odd. You felt full, entirely consumed by him. The dead of night surrounding you adds onto the ambience.
“Move whenever you want sweetheart, you're in charge.” The heat of his hands on your bare skin coupled with the heat in the car and the weed lingering in your veins gave you the boost of confidence you needed to lift yourself up and slam yourself back down on his cock. Carefully at first, testing the waters. Taehyun’s grunt of pleasure only adds to the fire growing inside of you. You needed to make him feel good, it was now the most important part of this.
“Fuck” He grunted as he leaned his head back against the seat heavily lidded eyes looking up at you as you bounced atop him. The pleasure was creeping up on you, the burn now a dull feeling easily forgotten about. “Keep doing that.”
His praise served as a catalyst for you to keep moving your hips up and down on his cock. Your thighs shaking at the overwhelming pleasure and the workout you were receiving.
“So good.” You whimpered out, the only sounds around you were the ones of the constant smacking of your ass against his lap and the moans you let slip from your mouth uncontrollably.
“Good girl.” Taehyun babbled, resetting his arms behind his head, watching you. “That’s a good fucking girl, fucking that cock for the very first time.”
“Am i doing good?” You chased his praise almost as fast as you chased your impending orgasm, the heat pooling in the bottom of your belly like the fire getting ready to boil over and explode.
“Yeah baby, you're doing so good. Keep bouncing on my cock. Just like that.” Soft mews left your lips reaching your fingers out to drag down Taehyun’s clothed chest.
“Can I help you out?” Taehyun pants desperately pawing at your hips. “If it hurts, let me know, I'll stop right away.”
“Ok.” You whimpered pathetically. You'd allow him to do anything to you right now just as long as you continued to feel as good as you were. His hands gripped your hands tightly in his hands before shooting his hips up with one single snap.
A gasp of surprise left your lips as he reached angles you didn't even know was possible.
“Holy-” You breathed out “Fuck, fuck.”
Taehyun’s hips snapped up drilling his cock into your weeping hole over and over. His balls lewdly slapping the underside of your ass. “I’m close.” He hissed, not letting up on his thrusts.
“M-me too, I think.” You winced at the mixture of pain and pleasure consuming you. The feeling that bubbled up inside of you waiting to explode like a ticking time bomb.
“This tight fucking pussy wont ket me go.” Taehyun’s words sent you flying towards your orgasm, becoming a mess of yourself on top of him. He followed suit not longer after pushing his hips inside of you a few more times before stilling himself.
“Fuck.” He huffed rubbing the sides of your thighs as rested your head against his chest trying to catch your breath.
“Are you ok?” He asked with a slightly worried tone.
“So good.” You said raising your head to look at him. “Thank you”
“For the sex?” He quirked an arrogant brow at you, a laugh bubbling in his chest.
“Well, yes and the weed, and teaching me how to smoke it and-”
“Ok, ok” He laughed. “No need to thank me so much.”
“But I do.” You said with sincerity. “You helped me alot tonight.”
“I can always do it again..” He trailed off with a slightly nervous tone in his voice.
“Is this a drug dealer's way off asking me out after taking my weed and literal virginity in his car?” You joked, sending him a goofy grin. He shrugged in an attempt at being nonchalant despite his best efforts.
“Is this the goody two shoes princess saying yes?” His tone was just as goofy and airy as the both of you felt.
“It is.” You smiled at him. “Yes, a thousand times over.”
“Eager are we?” Taehyun jokes. You laughed, hitting his chest lightly. “Shut up and fuck me again Taehyun.”
“Don't have to ask me twice.”
taglist. (★) @izzyy-stuff , @beomiracles , @filmnings , @dawngyu , @hyukascampfire , @saejinniestar , @notevenheretbh1 , @hwanghyunjinismybae
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bsf!huening x fem!reader
in which you want to film a silly tiktok with your best friend, but it takes a slightly different turn than you expected.
wc 0.8k
warnings breast play/nipple play
↪ izzy speaks... it's been so long since I last updated omfg. But just today I finished a longer project I was working on for my other acc, so now I can focus on this acc again and put out some stories :3 not proofread btw

You saw the trend everywhere. It was innocent, just a joke running around the internet, so why wouldn’t you film it as well?
Your best friend, Kai, sat in your bed, playing mario kart on your TV while you set up your phone, making sure he would be the only one in the frame. He doesn’t seem to pay you much attention as you did, which might have been better for the video actually.
You stood in front of the TV after pressing play on your phone, making him yell at you to move aside because he can’t see the game. “Wait, I have something to show you,” you proclaim and he raises an eyebrow at you. You hesitate for a second as you gaze into his eyes but shake it off quickly. You’ve been best friends practically your entire life, what could go wrong?
You grab the bottom of your top, pulling it up and revealing your breast. Kai’s eyes widen immediately and when you don’t pull your shirt back down, he averts his eyes. “What-What the hell?” He asks, his face turning red. “You can’t just…What are you doing?”
You roll your shirt back on, laughing as you walk over to your phone to turn off the video. “It’s a tiktok trend,” you proclaim casually, rewatching the video to see his reaction. You laugh again at his flushed cheeks, shaking your head. You turn around to face him, your eyes widening at how embarrassed he looks. “No biggie, right?”
“No biggie?” He looks at you again, exhaling when he sees your calm face. You really didn’t get it did you? You didn’t understand what you did to him, what his head was going to do with the newly explored piece of your body. “A biggie.”
You frown, putting your phone aside. “It was just a joke, and they aren’t that big anyway, no need to make a huge deal about it,” you mumble, sitting down on the edge of the bed. His eyes widen again, processing what you just said. “Aren’t that big? Are you crazy?” You raise an eyebrow at him confusedly, trying to see through him to figure out what he is thinking about.
“I mean they…” you hesitate as you gaze into his eyes, swallowing the rest of your sentence nervously. “What?”
“You think those aren’t big?” You have to blink a few times at his question, glancing down. It feels like you’re being lectured for some reason, which might seem ironic considering Kair was a blushing mess just a second ago. Your hands come up to cup your boobs, examining them for a second. “You think they are?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
He doesn’t say anything so you raise your head again, finding him staring at your breast as you hold your boobs, his eyes glued to your body. His cheeks are still red, but he seems less nervous now. He blinks quickly a few times to get himself to focus again, looking you in the eyes. He nods, and you feel your whole body heating up. “Do you wanna…Do you wanna touch them?” You ask when you see his eyes trailing down to your chest again, as if he was pulled to them by a magnet.
Kai hesitates, his eyes flickering between your breast and eyes. You said one thing, but would it really be okay for him to do so? He wasn’t sure. But when you don’t take your offer back after a few seconds of silence, he moves closer to you, the gaming console long forgotten somewhere beside him.
You pull your shirt down completely this time, letting it fall on the floor as you shift in your place, carefully observing your best friend as he cautiously moves toward you. He sits down right in front of you, searching for any sign of discomfort in your eyes. When he doesn’t find any, he takes a deep breath, pointing on his lap. “Move here,” he whispers and without saying anything, you listen.
Sitting on his lap, you tilt your head to the side as he cups your breast, your nipples falling right in between his fingers. He is prudent with them, looking up to see your reaction after every little squeeze. It’s not until he hears a moan leave your lips that his mind short circuits, his fingers rubbing onto your nipples with more force, needing to hear more from you.
“You can–You can do more,” you assure him, biting your bottom lip to constrain your moans. He nods, leaning closer as his thumb rubs over your right nipple. He takes your breast in his mouth, his tongue making circles around your nipple. You swallow hard, your breath hitching. He’s so good, you’re not sure if you want him to ever stop.
And so, you sit on the edge of your bed until you lose track of time. You’re not sure if it’s been minutes or hours, but your nipples are swollen and covered in bites when you finally get off him, your heart beating fast as you gaze into his eyes. There was no way you could act like Kai was just your best friend now.

⋆✶ izzy's tags @beomiracles @seoulzie @adel222 @inkigayocamman @flowzel @love-be0m @virgo-and-libra @hwanghyunjinismybae @liaatiny @minaateez @bamgeutsz @lovingbeomgyudayone @definitelynotherr @hyunj00 ✶⋆ Want to get notified? Join taglist here!
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185cm in the morning.

nsfw + mdni
there’s truly no good reason, soobin thinks, to wake up alone when it’s his weekend off, a disappointed grumble escaping my his lips as his outstretched fingers feel the soft bedsheets beneath him, cold without you. the scent of coffee betrays where you’ve gone, streaks of sunlight too bright for how comfortable he could’ve been this early in the day. if twelve in the afternoon counts as early (it is). shuffling lazily down the hall, and there you are, abandoning him for a coffee?
sleep well? you giggle, his hair a tough messy from sleep, and like a heated blanket, all 185 cm of him pressed up against you as he drapes himself over you, arms lazily wrapped around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder, the sensation of his slow breathing against your ear as he nuzzles the crook of your neck. he nods without much intent, always so sleepy the morning after, isn’t he? a low moan slipping from his lips as your fingers reach up to play with his hair, tugging slightly with affection. why’d you get up, soobin mumbles.
i was going to come back, you know, you smile, although it’s not quite clear if he really accepts your apology. i don’t know if i should believe you, soobin responds, his heart shaped lips pressing against the corner of yours… and just for a second you’re distracted, unaware of the way his hand slips down your waist, until his long fingers press into your panties, feeling for your sensitive spot as his fingertips slide against the soft cotton fabric.
soobin—! you gasp, his lips pressed against your neck, his arm holding you in place firmly against him, as his fingers touch your clit, feeling as your resistance melts into him. good girl, he whispers, feeding his satisfaction with your quiet whimpers, the press of his bulge into your cute ass, long tshirt riding up, warmth spreading beneath your skin, suddenly aware of his body pressed to every centimeter of yours.
god, you’re so cute to him, completely at his mercy with just a little touch? the way you squirm into him, needy pants laced with lust, arousal covering his fingers as he pushes two inside, feeling the warm, wet clench of your pussy, neck tipped to the side to expose more skin, fresh hickeys and kisses replacing ones from last night, fuck, every sensation like a drug to him, addicted to pretty you, all his.
all the innocence of the morning lost,, could’ve been doing this back in bed… but it’s almost preferable when soobin pushed you against the countertop, your pretty face all dazed with desire, whining when you feel his fingers pull out, only to tug down your panties, flimsy cotton abandoned at midway down your thighs, a lazy smirk lacing his lips when it’s your hand, reaching back to tug his sweats and boxers down, whimpering please, held down to the smooth marble, trembling with anticipation when you feel the drippy tip of his heavy cock rut against your folds, peeking up at him with a look he can’t resist… as if he’d ever say no. so good for me, he murmurs, tucking your hair behind your ear, won’t let you leave bed if you can’t walk, pretty girl.
lol hai, too early in the morning for me to be writing coherently
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(What's The) Hot Topic?
HotTopicWorker!Gyu x Fem!Reader, Strangers to Lovers(?), Suggestive! ♡ Summary: In search for a birthday gift for your friend, you stop by your local Hot Topic where you stick out like a sore thumb. A certain employee sees a pretty girl in need of his assistance, so who is Beomgyu to say no? (In which emo gyu takes a liking to the girl dressed in delicate ribbons and bows.) ♡ Warnings: Things move a little fast here, makeout with a stranger, cursing, reader gets called fem nicknames, etcccc not proofread! ♡ A/N: ty for the request! I got so motivated to write this I hopped on my pc so quick LMAO (this user loves oreo beomgyu with a passion n will do anything to write for him) so more coquette x txt !!!! lmk if u guys want me to do other members too! Hope u enjoy~
The mall was quieter than usual today. A perfect time for you to show up in your cute heeled boots and winter coat, perfectly lined with white fur and ribbons. The sound of your shoes clicking mixing in with the atmosphere of the mall. You found your way to the store you were looking for. As you stood in front you stared at your phone with furrowed eyebrows. How were you supposed to find Yeonjun’s gift again? You walked in with eyes glued to your text messages. Nirvana, yes. You wanted a Nirvana shirt for your good friend Yeonjun’s birthday. Easy right? Or maybe he wouldn’t like that? It was hard to figure out what he had and what he didn’t have in his collection. You bit your lip as you looked at the t-shirt section in the back of the dark store. You could practically feel the stare of another shopper which made your uneasiness grow. Though you couldn’t blame them, you sort of stood out like a sore thumb. Pretty pearled headband with light ribbons tied, and a purse in the same color to match. Your whole outfit screamed sweet pastels and spring while you stood next to the bloody horror movie merchandise. You sighed in relief as you saw the previously mentioned customer get helped by an employee. Yet to your luck, you were left standing waiting like a lost deer. Maybe you should’ve just ordered something online– “Hey there, has anyone helped you yet?”
You turn to see a taller figure standing by you, his black long hair chopped into a wolf cut with platinum blonde highlights to further highlight his pale skin. He was a guy your age for sure, and he had quite an eccentric appearance. Which made him even more attractive. “Hi! Um yes sorry, I do need help with something if you don’t mind? I’m looking for a gift for a friend. I don’t really have the same style so..” you trailed off, noticing how his eyes look over your figure, a tinge of pink blooming on his ears. “Sure thing. Just tell me what kind of stuff your friend likes and I can help you, pretty girl. Name’s Beomgyu.” he grinned. You felt your heart nearly stop as you choked out an “Ah! I’m y/n.. th- thanks..” and proceeded to show him Yeonjun’s list of favorite artists and demands for his birthday. “Hm. I think I have the perfect thing for him. Follow me please.” you watch him swiftly turn around as he walks deeper into the back of the store… into the employees-only room? You stood there dumbfounded, were you supposed to go in there too? Was this a normal thing for Hot Topic? You hardly came to the store but you swear the employees-only room should be for.. Well, employees only. “Don’t worry doll, you can come back here.” He chuckles as he watches your big eyes scan around nervously. You nod and walk in with him, the door closing behind you. The room was dim, a single light bulb being the only source of light for the two of you. It wasn't too large of a room, with an employee bathroom towards the end of it, a desk with a computer sitting in the corner, and tons of shelves filled with extra merchandise waiting to be set up. Beomgyu hummed as he dug through the boxes with various artists’ names labeled on them. The room was quiet and the atmosphere felt thick. You played with the ribbons on your soft coat as you waited for him to find what he was looking for. “I have a question for you. You ever visit this store?” Beomgyu asked as he dug further, you tilted your head at the question. Was he trying to say something..? “Yes.. but I’m not really a common customer..” You nervously laugh and Beomgyu stands up with a set of items in his hands. “Mhm, I figured. No offense, but you really stick out in here. That dumbass was staring at you like you were a zoo animal.” He laughed. “Though I mean that with no offense- I wouldn’t blame him. You’re a pretty girl y’know?” He smiled as he handed you the merch in his hands. Your face flushed at the compliment. “Ah, thank you. You’re really kind.” You smile. Neither of you move. You’re looking at the floor, you really want to say something more. Ask him for his number, tell him he’s attractive as hell, or that you want to just stay in here a little longer. Alone with him. Suddenly, you feel a hand stroke a strand of your hair. You look up to see Beomgyu admiring your soft locks with gentle eyes. “Such a pretty girl.. You have a boyfriend?” He tilts his head, lips forming a smirk with tongue in cheek. You could almost pass out. Your eyes were locked on Beomgyu’s expression, his face scanning yours as he waited for your response. You could tell he was taking his time analyzing your features. You felt yourself shudder under his intense stare, you shook your head. “No actually.. I don’t..” Beomgyu’s smile widened. “Really? An angel like you? Surely I’m not your type though, someone like me with a angel like you?” “Well..” You looked away, staring at Yeonjun’s present that was still in your hands. He did have a point. You were just a sweet little thing, dressed in bows and frills, while Beomgyu wore ripped jeans and dark shirts with multiple band pins, all while sporting multiple bandaids from his skating endeavors. “I could say the same about you…Beomgyu.” His name sounded like candy coming from your glossy pink lips. He just had to hear you say it more. Beomgyu decides he’s had enough and closes the gap between you, pulling you in for a kiss.
His lips are warm and soft, leaving you craving for more. His hands snake their way around your waist as he pulls you impossibly closer. You find yourself tilting your head, deepening the kiss and he groans at the feeling of you pressing yourself against him. “Wanna hear you say my name..” he mumbles against your lips and your mind is growing fuzzy. “B- Beomgyu..” you whisper and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth the second you say his name. You spend minutes like this, his hands roaming your warm and soft coat, your fingers tracing the choker on his neck. Yeonjun’s gifts long forgotten on the ground. When you both finally separate for air, Beomgyu presses his forehead against yours, admiring the way your eyes have darkened, pretty lashes glistening in the dim room’s light. “I get off in an hour babydoll. You want my number?” You find yourself nodding profusely and he smirks. “I’ll see you when I get off then.” “Promise?” You tilt your head cutely, voice soft and sweet like cotton candy, and he feels himself drawn more to you by the second. You separate from each other's arms and he helps you pick up your items. After all, you still had to head to check out. “I prom-” The door swings open as Beomgyu’s coworker walks in. “Beomgyu! What are you doing? There’s like two customers out there and- oh what-” The slightly taller male who’s nametag read Soobin tilts his head in confusion. His brows knit together as he sees your slightly disheveled hair and Beomgyu’s face smeared in your pink lipgloss. “Oh my- get the fuck out of here! Jesus man, it makes sense for Taehyun to pull something like this but you?” he groans as Beomgyu’s shit-eating grin moves him to the side, walking out with your wrist in his hand, guiding you to the counter to pay.
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okay, i relent, here’s part two for the beomgyu drabble, you insatiable freaks!!!!
(wc: 3.2k / warnings: absolutely no jealousy anywhere at all, beomgyu being mega pathetic, oral (m rec.), masturbation, virgin!reader, okay maybe a smidge of jealousy)
beomgyu can’t lie and say that he didn’t jump a little when he got your text. who knew that a simple can i come over? would be enough to stir his cock to life. he’s thought about you every day this week with his hand shoved down his pants, playing back the memories over and over again of kissing you and having you touch him. you’ve become the fog inside his brain, haunting him and keeping him from ever being normal.
his legs bounce in anxiety and impatience as he waits for you. if it didn’t make him look like a pathetic bitch, he’d be kneeling by the front door, ready to tend to you from the moment you come in. you wouldn’t even be able to get two steps into his place before his head would be between your thighs.
he waits on his bed instead, still trying to convince himself he’s tougher than he is. he feels the way he jitters though—he’s not fooling himself. his body reacts before his brain does when he hears his apartment door open. he tenses and swipes his phone into his hands, so when you open the door he doesn’t look like he’s been sitting here waiting.
his eyes dart to you the second you’re entering his room. he’s never seen you in a skirt this short before. are you doing this on purpose? did you want to make him snap? your perfume fills the air, that sweet and warm fragrance that suddenly has beomgyu feeling like some dog.
“hi,” you say, closing the door behind you and standing politely by his bed. beomgyu shuts his phone off to give you his full attention—you already had it anyway, but he just wanted to look cool. he smiles at you and makes room for you on the bed, patting the space next to him.
“what’s up?” his eyes linger on your skirt as you situate yourself on the bed. the expanse of your thighs start looking like uncharted territory for him to mark up. his gaze returns to your face once he realizes how pervy he must look, not wanting to look like some freak.
“not much,” you answer. you look away from him, and he thinks maybe he was staring too hard.
“no? what brings you here then?” he can’t hide his grin, he just thinks it’s so cute when you try to hide your motives. you both know why you’re here.
you look at him with a bit of surprise when his hand falls on your thigh. it’s at a respectable distance from your core—it’s really not even close enough to seem raunchy—but it’s still enough to have you looking all scandalized. beomgyu bites his tongue to hold back a laugh; he doesn’t want to be mean and embarrass you.
“i wanted some advice,” you say, shifting a bit in place.
beomgyu raises a brow. “advice?” you nod. “on what?” he asks.
you hesitate for a second. “taehyun,” you answer. beomgyu has to fight the immature instinct to roll his eyes. he takes his hand off your thigh, and he tells himself that it’s definitely not because he’s bitter.
“okay. what about him?” it’s not jealousy burning in the pit of his stomach. he doesn't care that you’re thinking of taehyun when you’re sitting right next to him. he hopes taehyun’s the best fucking thing in your life, that he’ll want you even half as much as beomgyu does.
so no, it’s not jealousy. beomgyu’s perfectly content with only getting secret, stolen moments with you, while taehyun gets to flaunt you on his arm like some accessory anywhere he wants.
“i was wondering, how do you give a blowjob?” your question cuts through him like a knife. you want to give taehyun a blowjob?!
he hates how his dick strains in his pants when you say that. he’s been hard before you even got here. he spent his nights fisting his cock, milking himself dry thinking about you, and here you are doing all this for some other guy.
your eyes hold all the brightness they always do, and it works to at least melt him enough to get over himself. he gives you a smile and leans in to press a quick kiss to your lips. “i’ll show you. get on the floor for me, okay?” he brushes your hair back with a considerate hand, then gives you one more lingering kiss.
watching you kneel before him makes beomgyu feel feral. he has to stop himself from whipping out his cock now and using your pretty mouth like some toy. he stands in front of you, looking down at you with a grin. he pats your head, thinking that you look so adorable when you look up at him like this.
he thinks he could cum just from this—you kneeling in front of him, listening to him so well—it makes him ache. you’re so eager, so willing, so trusting. he wonders if you’d still trust him if you knew all the things he wants to do with you. would you still let him teach you everything if you knew he wanted to take you in front of taehyun, make him listen to you moan out beomgyu’s name? or how he wants to steal your panties and shoot load after load into them, using them until he’s spent and the lacy material is useless?
your fingers linger at the hem of his sweatpants, blinking up at him for permission. he’s not sure why it makes his heart skip a beat—he’s kind of more focused on the way it makes his cock jump.
“you can take them off,” he says, watching as you slide his sweatpants down. he tries not to get too heady or let some power rush get to him, but it’s a hard task when you look so perfectly usable right now. he hisses when you lay your hand over his erection, still confined by his boxers. he rakes his fingers through your hair and smiles down at you.
you peel his boxers off slowly, and beomgyu might’ve thought you were teasing him if he didn’t know you’re a virgin. he wonders if you’re nervous. you’ve never sucked a dick before, so he knows not to expect you to be a pro. he’s honored enough to be the one who gets to teach you this.
you bring a hand to his cock when it springs free, just holding it and staring at it for some time. you take a deep breath like you’re stressed and preparing yourself.
“you okay?” beomgyu asks, searching your eyes for any discomfort. you send him a small smile.
“sorry, i’m still getting ready,” you say. you jerk him a little, letting your thumb spread the precum at his tip. it makes him groan and throw his head back. where the hell did you learn that?
“take your time, we’ll go at your pace,” beomgyu says, keeping his voice as still as he can, focusing hard to not stutter or trip over his words. you continue to slowly stroke him, and it’s taking all of beomgyu’s self control to not push his hips forward and fuck your fist as he pleases.
your lips are in a pout now, and beomgyu suppresses the urge to coo at you. “what’s wrong?” he asks, looking down at you with pitiful eyes. you look like you’re deep in contemplation.
“i don’t know if it will fit,” you say as you stare at his cock. it kills beomgyu how you don’t know what your words do to him, unless you register the way his dick twitches in your hand.
“just take what you can,” he says, running a hand down your face and brushing your cheek with his thumb. he really, really wants to feel your mouth around him, but he’ll let you do that when you’re ready. he reminds himself over and over again to not go too far, no matter how bad he wants to use you like his own little doll.
you shift closer to him, face right by his tip now, and it makes beomgyu bite his lip in anticipation. he nearly feels his legs shaking. fuck, he’s been thinking about this all week, he needed this for so long.
“y-you can start with just licking, if you want,” beomgyu offers. your tongue meets his tip the next second, swirling around it and making him whine. holy shit. he bites his tongue until he almost tastes blood. that was so embarrassing. he needs to keep his cool.
you hold up his dick by the base to lick a stripe down his shaft, looking up at him for approval. god, beomgyu wishes he was sitting down. he feels weak in the knees.
“doing so good, keep going,” beomgyu praises, stomach clenched tight at the pleasure. he won’t be able to last if you put your mouth around him. he almost hopes you save that for another day, when he actually has enough willpower to not cum immediately from it.
you run your tongue back up to his tip, pressing kitten licks to his slit. his fist tightens in your hair, needing to grip onto something and keep his legs from giving in. not even biting his lip can hold back his moans when you just barely wrap your lips around his tip, sucking experimentally.
“t-take it slow, baby,” he says, moreso for his sake than yours. he’ll be blowing his load in an embarrassingly short amount of time if you keep this up. he swears he’s not a minute man usually, he doesn’t know why he keeps making himself look like one with you.
you go back to licking his cock, looking so delicious that beomgyu’s having trouble keeping his eyes on you without his balls tightening. he wonders if your panties are slick with your arousal, if they’re sticking to your folds, if he’d see a nice wet outline your pussy if he just pushed your skirt a little higher. he’s feeling dizzy at the thought.
you make matters worse when your mouth envelops his cock again, going down a little further this time. “fuck!” he moans out, fist returning to your hair. he’s almost shaking from how hard he’s holding back. you pull back after a few seconds to catch your breath, granting him enough of a reprieve to collect himself.
you continue to take him just a little further each time, but never quite getting that far. he doesn’t even want to give you advice, too scared of cumming and having this all be over with. he’ll let you figure it out; you seem really receptive to what makes him moan and shake anyway.
when you pull off again, a string of saliva connects his tip to your lips. it’s so crude and dirty—he burns the image into his mind to use for later. your hand works over his cock, spreading your saliva down to the base so it’s all slick.
“how is it?” you ask, seeking his approval yet again. something about it makes beomgyu feel insane.
“perfect,” he says breathlessly, appreciating the winning smile that spreads across your face at that. you place a cute little kiss at his slit, making beomgyu swoon.
you return your lips around him, getting almost halfway down now. your mouth is so wet and warm around him, and he thinks you might’ve been made for him. you’re learning so well, doing everything just right. you’re so good—too good to let go, too good to let run back to taehyun.
you moan around his cock, the vibrations sending a shiver down beomgyu’s spine. his brain stops working completely when he sees your hand move between your legs, rubbing your fingers against your clothed pussy for some relief. his grip on your hair tightens, and his hips jolt forward to thrust further into your mouth. he assesses you to make sure you’re okay before he keeps going, letting himself fuck into your welcoming little mouth. he can be selfish this one time.
“shit—suck a little harder, baby,” he says, panting as he continues fucking into you. the extra suction almost makes his knees buckle. watching your fingers circle desperately and clumsily against your clit is making him spiral; he thinks about pulling you up and showing you how it’s done. your pussy must be aching so bad for him.
your tongue swirls against his tip, and he cums before he can stop himself. his hips buck further into your mouth as he lets out a moan, cock twitching as he feels himself hit the back of your throat. he knows he should pull back and let you breathe, but he’s out of his mind and barely thinking straight.
“fuck, take it, god, you’re so good,” he rambles as he soothes his hand through your hair. you look up at him with watery eyes, and he can’t believe how good you’re being for him. for being a virgin, you really do make for a pretty little slut.
once he’s emptied, he pulls out, catching his breath and staring at your fucked out face. you remove your hands from between your thighs, suddenly looking all shy.
“why’d you stop?” he asks, urging your thighs back open with his foot. he has enough decency to not drop to the floor and stare at the junction of your thighs, even if that’s all he wants to do right now.
“i—you finished,” you explain, looking up at him with a confused pout. beomgyu thinks he might be feral. you have him acting like a dog.
he pulls you up and sits you on the bed, kneeling in front of you on the floor. adrenaline rushes through his veins, unable to take it anymore. he really needs to see your cunt.
“will you let me touch you this time? please?” beomgyu finds out today that he’s a begging man—something he previously considered himself above being. you look at him with wide eyes that scan him like he’s lost his mind.
his head rests on your thigh, eyes flitting to your skirt to see if he can see beneath it, to no avail. he looks at you with all the hope and urgency he could possibly convey, trying to make you see how serious this is for him.
“can you at least touch yourself for me?” he asks. you gasp, scandalized at his words, and he can’t act like he cares how perverted he’s being. he’ll do anything for just a peek. his hands find your thighs, ready to pry them open whenever you let him.
“why?” you ask. beomgyu doesn’t have a good reason. this isn’t to teach you anything. he’s just being selfish.
“cause i need it,” he answers. you bring a hesitant hand back to your center. “yes, thank you,” beomgyu says, watching with diligent eyes as he spreads your legs open to invite your hand in. he could almost cry when he sees your ruined panties. they’re soaked through, practically useless now. he wants to lean forward and run his tongue over it.
“like this..?” your voice is so shaky, hand so uncertain as it rubs down your slit. beomgyu can’t rip his gaze from your cunt, eyes blown out with lust as they follow your fingers through your folds.
“a little harder,” he instructs, unblinking as he watches you obey. you press down with more force, and beomgyu feels it when your thighs start to tremble. he thinks about pushing your panties aside and dipping his finger in knuckle deep. you must be wet enough to accommodate that easily. he’d do everything right, touch you just like you want.
you gasp and run your fingers on your clit, and beomgyu can’t help it when his hands start inching up your thighs. he wants more, he needs to be the reason why you cum. he’s getting greedy, squeezing your thighs and kissing your legs. it’s all he can do to keep himself from pushing your hand away and showing you how it’s done.
“can’t i do this for you?” he asks, inching his hand up even further. his fingertip grazes the hem of your panties, tracing it lightly. he thinks he’s being amazingly patient for how desperate he is.
you bring a fingertip to tease your clothed entrance, palm resting on your clit. beomgyu whines at the sight. you’re going to cum before he even gets his hands on you. how is this fair?!
you don’t even answer him, you’re too far off in your own world, pleasuring your virgin pussy like he’s not even here. he licks your thighs, kisses a trail that gets dangerously close to your cunt, holds your legs open with a grip that’s a little too forceful, but none of it gets your attention.
he doesn’t want to be bitter. he doesn’t want to be mad. the words just leave him before he can stop himself. “i bet you let taehyun touch you.”
your eyes finally open, and a part of him is glad to have your attention back. “i don’t,” you answer. his words only seemed to deter you for a second, because you fall back into your rhythm before beomgyu could do anything with the three seconds of attention you spared him.
he nips your thigh, licks up and up and up until he can smell your arousal, nose practically touching your busy hand. he can tell immediately when you cum—your thighs fight against his grip, moans roll off your tongue shamelessly, your hips roll up into your hand.
this is so stupid. he would’ve had your thighs shaking way more, would’ve had you spewing out nonsense as he fucked you into the best orgasm of your life. you should have tears rolling down your cheeks. you should be worn out and exhausted. you shouldn’t be able to just get up and go like it’s nothing. beomgyu watches with a pout as you readjust yourself in the mirror.
“thanks again, gyu,” you say when you turn back to him with a smile. he’s sitting on the bed now, and you press a kiss to his cheek. he wishes it didn’t make his heart flutter. he still wants to be mad at you.
“when are you coming over again?” he asks as he grabs your hand.
“why?” you giggle.
“there’s more i want to show you.” he’ll think of whatever excuse he can. he just needs more of you.
“like what?”
shit. how does he word this without making it about him? “like what to do when a guy goes down on you.”
you laugh at his words, then look down to check your phone. “maybe next time,” you say. “i’ll see you, gyu.” you’re gone before he can stop you.
this is some cosmic joke. when the hell is ‘next time’ gonna be?! you’re testing beomgyu’s patience here. he holds onto hope that you mean it when you say that, reeling at the idea of getting to eat you out. he prays the universe doesn’t torment him again with fantasies of you in your absence. he doesn’t think he can handle another week of this.
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The feelings box. (S)


summary: In which sending a complaint letter on valentine’s day doesn’t go as planned.
warning: old friends trope, soft sex, sub! reader, soft dom! Beomgyu, big dick Beomgyu agenda, raw penetration (Wrap it up yall), biting
pairing: Idol! Beomgyu x Bestfriend! Reader
wc: 3.4k
this is for @silvergyus Valentine’s day event!
It feels like it’s been forever since you’ve seen your best friend Beomgyu. You’ve known him for years, since your second year in high school to be exact. Now he’s super famous and doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You try to be excited for him, really, but you can’t help but feel a little bitter about how little time you spend with him these days.
It’s like everything has changed, and it’s hard not to miss the days when things were simpler—when your biggest concern was whether the tteokbokki was spicy enough, or what crazy thing you’d end up doing next on a random Tuesday night. You miss those nights. The ones when you’d sit on the floor, sharing food, laughing at the stupidest things, and just talking about life’s bullshit. From your shitty family to the dumbest inside jokes, it all felt so easy back then. You could always count on him to brighten up even your worst days. The kind of friendship that didn’t need much effort—it just was.
But as much as you try to keep your feelings in check, there’s one thing you can't seem to shake off. About a year after meeting him, you started to develop a small crush on Beomgyu. At first, it was something you could ignore, convinced it was just a silly phase that would fade. But the more you got to know him, the more you couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. He was charming and magnetic, and it wasn’t hard to see why girls were falling over themselves for him. You tried to push it aside, telling yourself it was nothing because, honestly, what were the chances he’d ever feel the same? Besides, you couldn’t exactly be the friend with feelings; that would be messy. Still, every time his smile lights up a room or when he laughs at something only the two of you get, you feel that familiar tug in your chest, and it makes it even harder to ignore.
This is where your trusty “feelings box” comes in. A stupid old shoebox you’ve had since middle school, tucked away under your bed like some kind of emotional safety net. It's full of notes about all the things you've never said. Some to your family, some to old classmates who never really understood you, some to random strangers who pissed you off, and of course, a few to Gyu. You can’t help but smile bitterly as you think about it. The notes are a mix of silly frustrations and things you never had the guts to share, but they’ve been your secret outlet for years. "God, I hate Valentine’s Day," you mutter under your breath, slouching back in your chair as you stare at the box.
All day, your friends have been buzzing about the upcoming day. They’re all so excited about Valentine’s Day—chattering about their plans, detailing every little moment of how their boyfriends asked them out, and the little gifts they’re getting. It’s all so… perfect. They don’t even seem to notice how much it stings to hear it. You should be happy for them, really. But as you sit at your desk, staring at the clutter of papers and half-hearted doodles, you can’t help but feel a little left out. Not that you were expecting anything grand—after all, who needs a day dedicated to love when you’ve got your trusty shoebox for all the things you’ll never say? Still, part of you can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have someone who’d think of you on a day like this, someone who’d make your heart flutter for once, instead of just filling up your box.
You pull out your notepad, the one you’ve been scribbling in for years, and start writing a letter to Beomgyu. It’s cathartic, this release of everything you’ve been holding in—how much you miss him, how much you wish he wasn’t so busy with his new life. You pour your frustrations onto the paper, wishing things could go back to the way they used to be. You write about how it feels like he’s slipping further away, how he’s always surrounded by people now, and how there are moments when you feel like a stranger to him. But more than anything, you write about him—the little things you notice, the things you’ve never said out loud. How he makes people feel special without even trying, how his laugh lingers in your mind long after he’s gone, how he’s always been your Beomgyu, even when the rest of the world started claiming pieces of him.
And then, almost without thinking, you reach for a fresh sheet of paper. Your hand hesitates for a moment before the words begin to flow—raw, unfiltered, meant for no one’s eyes but your own. A confession you never planned to send.
I hate Valentine’s Day. Every year, it’s the same—flowers, chocolates, grand gestures, and yet none of it ever means anything to me. But if it were you… maybe it would.
I don’t even know when it started. Maybe it was the first time you stayed up all night on the phone with me when I was feeling like crap. Or maybe it was when you showed up at my door with tteokbokki after my worst exam just because you “had a feeling” I needed it. Or maybe it’s always been there, lingering quietly, waiting for me to notice.
But I do notice. I notice everything about you. The way your voice softens when you’re tired, the way your nose scrunches when you laugh too hard, the way you always find a way to make people feel like they matter. You don’t even try, and yet you pull people in like gravity. Like you pulled me in.
And I hate it. I hate that I can’t shake this feeling, that every time I see you, I wonder what it would be like if you looked at me the way I look at you. I hate that I know you don’t. Because why would you? You’re Beomgyu—the boy with a thousand admirers, the boy too busy chasing his dreams to notice the way I hold my breath whenever you’re close.
I wish I could say this out loud. I wish I could be one of those people who confesses without fear, who risks it all for love. But I can’t. Because if I say it, if I admit it to you, I might lose the one thing I never want to let go of—you. And that’s a risk I can’t take.
So instead, I’ll write it here, in this stupid shoebox full of things I’ll never say.
When you finish, it’s like a weight has been lifted. The air feels a little easier to breathe, but your heart still feels heavy in a way you can’t shake. You push the paper aside and glance down at the other half-finished letter to Gyu on your desk. You’ve been putting it off for weeks now, but tonight, with everything on your mind, you finally decide to finish it. You don’t want to leave anything unsaid, but you also don’t want to make things weird. So you keep it simple—lighthearted, nothing too serious. You end the letter with a casual sign-off, your name, and a smiley face, as though nothing’s changed. A few days later, you slip it into the mail, not thinking too hard about it. You’re not confessing anything, just telling him you miss him. Simple, easy. That’s all.
A few days later, Valentine’s Day rolls around, and you’re just planning on treating it like any other day. You didn’t expect anything to change, especially not after everything that’s been on your mind. So, you decided to take matters into your own hands—getting yourself some chocolates and settling in for a scary movie marathon. Romance movies? Yeah, not the best idea today. You weren’t about to sit through a bunch of perfect couples and heartwarming confessions while you were still trying to wrap your head around everything. The rain taps against your window, adding to the quiet mood, as you pour yourself a cup of hot cocoa, curling up in your blanket. You start eating your chocolates, letting the sweetness balance out the tension in your chest. The movie plays in the background, but it’s really just the comfort of being alone, of doing something for yourself, that brings peace. You focus on the suspense of the movie, pushing aside the little sting of loneliness, telling yourself that it’s just another day.
A sudden knock on your door makes you jump, the sound slicing through the quiet of your room. At first, you think it might just be part of the movie, or maybe the rain hitting the window. But then another knock—definitely not the movie, and definitely not the rain. “Oh god, now what?” you mutter to yourself as you pull yourself to your feet. “Coming!” you yell, sliding on your fuzzy bear slippers with a sigh. You shuffle over to the door in your cozy sweater and loose gray sweatpants, your hair a bit messy from the comfort of the night. It’s not like you were expecting visitors today, so you’re not exactly prepared for anyone showing up at your door.
“Gyu?” you gasp loudly as you swing the door open. His face is oddly serious, a look you swear you’ve never seen before, like there’s something on his mind that he’s not sure how to say. You’re frozen for a moment, trying to figure out why he’s standing there, looking at you like that. “Wh-what are you doing here?!?” you almost yell, too surprised to contain the shock in your voice as your eyes lock with his. His hair is drenched in water, his jacket soaked from the rain, and his expression is unreadable. Why is he looking at you like that? The silence between you both stretches on, each second more suffocating than the last. You’re standing there, frozen in place, your heart pounding, feeling like panic has replaced all the blood in your veins.
After a few agonizing moments of silence, he starts to turn away, and that’s when your instincts kick in. Without thinking, you reach out and grab the sleeve of his jacket, your fingers curling into the fabric. “No, Gyu, pl—” You don’t even get to finish before he closes the distance, crashing his lips against yours. It’s sudden and overwhelming, and everything you thought you knew about him and about yourself goes out the window in an instant. He pulls you out into the rain, but honestly, you couldn’t care less. The cold drops on your skin are nothing compared to the warmth flooding through your chest at the feeling of him against you. All the confusion, all the panic—it fades into the background, replaced by something else entirely.
Once you finally pull apart he whispers out “you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You stand there in shock completely overwhelmed by emotion. How do you even begin to explain to him everything you’re feeling. It’s one thing to write all your feelings on a piece of paper and shove them into a box under your bed, but now you have to try and say them? You can’t do that. You can barely think. So you don’t. You reach out and pull him down into an even deeper kiss. Soft breathy moans escape your lips as you feel him pull you closer to him. Your head is spinning with emotion and desire. Desire to touch him. Desire to show him everything without ever having to say anything at all.
As you pull away from the kiss, you're both left gasping for air. Gyu's eyes are wide with a mix of wonder and relief. The rain continues its relentless assault, soaking you both, but the warmth radiating off him is enough to keep you going. You run your fingers through his wet hair, marveling at how soft it feels against your skin. Your lips are tender, and swollen from the ferocity of the kiss, but you crave more. You lean in again, capturing his mouth with yours, desperate to convey every jumbled emotion swirling inside you. His hands find your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your heartbeats sync as your bodies mold together, the cold rain now a distant memory. The world around you fades away, leaving only the sound of raindrops hitting the pavement and the roar of your combined heartbeats.
You can’t believe what’s happening right now. As you kiss the two of you stumble into your room. He gently guides you down onto the bed. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ll ever touch” he mumbles before kissing you even deeper. Your sarcastic and witty demeanor is out the window. You can’t even think of anything other than how badly you’ve wanted this. It almost feels like a dream. “Are you sure?” he asks you softly. This is when you meet his eyes again. Seeing that same, idiot best friend you started falling for so long ago. “I’m sure Gyu,” you say in a playful yet sincere tone. His face softens at your confirmation.
His hands continue their path down your body. You’re too shy to make eye contact with him. The intensity of how he’s looking at you burning a pit into your stomach. You lift your hips as he pulls off your pants that are now soaked in more ways than one. Your embarrassment is there but you can’t make yourself care. His hands feel better on your skin than you ever could've imagined. He kisses you again. This time he slides his tongue into your mouth making you gasp into the kiss. You aren’t a virgin but this feels oddly similar to that feeling of having sex for the first time. It all feels so intense and so new. You tug on his hair, deepening the kiss. You need more. He wrestles with his belt and takes his now rock-hard cock out. You can’t help but joke “Who would’ve guessed” you say as you see how big he is. He chuckles and kisses you again. He gently guides himself inside you. “Holy shit-” you gasp at the sudden stretch of him pushing inside of you, it feels surreal to finally have him this close to you. You grip onto his shoulders, eyes closing in attempts to calm your heart and your head.
Once fully sheathed inside you, Gyu stills, savoring the sensation. He gazes into your eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort. “Do you need a minute?” He whispers softly while moving the fly-aways of your hair out of your face. You take a breath, trying to relax from the burning stretch before giving him a curt nod for him to keep going. Beomgyu takes it and pulls out before slowly beginning to move. Each thrust is careful, measured, as if he's trying to memorize the feeling of being connected to you. You moan softly, your hands clutching the sheets beneath you. The initial shock of his size quickly fades, replaced by pure ecstasy. You match his pace, rising to meet him, your bodies moving in a harmony that feels like it's been years in the making. The air between you crackles with electricity, every touch igniting sparks that travel throughout your entire being. The playfulness lingers in the form of whispered jokes and soft giggles, punctuating the increasingly intense moments of passion. It's a delicate dance of exploration and adoration.
With each stroke, Gyu becomes more confident, his movements growing bolder as he learns what drives you wild. You wrap your legs around him, pulling him closer, desperate to feel every inch of him. The room is filled with the sounds of your muffled moans and the rustling of the bed sheets. You're no longer shy about your desire, meeting his gaze with a hunger that matches his own. He leans down, capturing your lips once more, swallowing your gasps as the pleasure builds. It's raw, it's real, and it's everything you never realized you needed. Who knew this shit was real? You certainly didn’t. ‘How did I go from confessing my feelings to a shoebox to having sex with my best friend?’ you think to yourself. The feeling building in your stomach pulls your attention back to the intensity of your surroundings, The feeling of your chest pressed against his, his lips and teeth against your neck; leaving love bites, and the feeling of his thick cock sliding against your walls in the most dizzying way.
As your bodies intertwine, the tension between you reaches its peak. Gyu's pace quickens, matching the racing of your heart. You clutch onto him tightly, your nails digging into his back as the wave of pleasure crashes over you both. Your moans become louder, and his moans follow suit, filling the quiet space as you reach your climax together. The world seems to pause for a brief moment, the only things that matter is the pounding of your hearts and the feeling of him inside you. Then, as the ecstasy subsides, you collapse against each other, spent and satisfied. For a few seconds, there's nothing but heavy breathing and the sound of your hearts beating in sync.
The rain is still falling outside, tapping softly against the window, but neither of you care. Beomgyu’s hands cup your face, his lips lingering against yours like he’s afraid to let go. When he finally pulls back, his breath is uneven, his eyes searching yours as if trying to find the right words. “I—” He pauses, letting out a breathy laugh, shaking his head like he can’t believe what just happened. “I wasn’t supposed to do that yet.”
Your heart is still racing, but the panic from earlier has melted away, replaced by something warmer, steadier. You’re lying beside him now, wrapped up in the blankets, your fingers loosely tangled in the fabric of his shirt. The glow of your bedside lamp casts soft shadows across his face, and you can’t help but think how right this feels. “What do you mean yet?” you ask, voice quieter now, calmer. He sighs, shifting slightly so he’s closer to you, his arm draped over your waist. “I got your letter.” His eyes flicker to yours, gauging your reaction. “Not the one you meant to send, I’m guessing?” Instantly, heat rushes to your face. “Oh my god,” you groan, rolling onto your back to cover your face with your hands. “I knew I sent the wrong one.” Beomgyu chuckles, gently pulling your hands away. “Hey, don’t hide from me,” he says softly, his thumb brushing against your knuckles. “I read it. Every word.” His voice turns quieter, more serious. “And it wasn’t exactly what I expected… but it wasn’t unwelcome either.”
You blink up at him, confusion giving way to something else—hope. “What?” He exhales a small laugh, shaking his head. “I’ve liked you for so long, but I kept convincing myself I didn’t. I told myself it was just friendship, that I’d get over it, that you didn’t feel the same.” His expression is open, vulnerable, and it makes your heart ache in the best way. “But then I read that letter, and I realized… maybe I wasn’t the only one scared of ruining this.” The words settle over you, and suddenly, everything makes sense. You were never losing Beomgyu—not to fame, not to time, and certainly not to unspoken feelings. Instead, you’ve found something even better, something you were too afraid to reach for before. “I was scared too,” you admit, fingers tracing absent patterns against the fabric of his shirt. “Scared of losing you, scared of things changing. But Gyu… I don’t want to keep pretending.” His lips twitch into a soft smile, his arm tightening around you as he tugs you closer. There’s no more hesitation. No more hiding. Just warmth. Just him. He leans in again, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead before resting his against yours. “No more letters. No more hiding,” he whispers, his voice as familiar and comforting as ever. “Just us.” And as you nod, letting your fingers tangle with his, you realize the truth—this isn’t the end of something, it’s the start. You haven’t lost a friend. You’ve gained a love that’s always been there, just waiting for the right moment. “Just us,” you whisper back, smiling as the rain continues to fall outside.
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Non-Sexual Dominance with TXT
wc» ~900
cw» gender neutral, d/s dynamics, dom!txt & sub!reader, traditional bf tae?, beomgyu has a nsfw comment & (consensual) panty "confiscating" lol but other than that nothing overly sexual, some people might see some things as controlling or toxic- it's not meant to be and this is based off a MUTUAL agreement + talks about boundaries. if you dont like dont interact <3
skz version
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚂𝚘𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚗
Soobin is probably one of the tamer ones. He has his moments where he likes to be dominant outside of the bedroom, but for the most part it doesn't come out. When you do see it, it's in the form of him tapping his thigh to get you to sit on his lap or curling his finger at you and having you kneel between his legs obediently- without him having to verbally ask you. Any sort of situation where he can do 1 (or no) tiny gesture and get you to do something he wants, his chest puffs out a little bit.
His ego also goes through the roof when you guys are at a party of sorts and he vaguely mentions to the circle you guys are talking to that he's getting thirsty/snackish, and then you disappear for some time to return with a new cup of his drink or a plate of food. It's basically just acts of service in public, but to him it's a means to prove your loyalty/obedience to him for other people to see <3
𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝚈𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚗
Yeonjun is big on being in control literally anywhere and everywhere. He's running to open doors for you before you can even move a finger to touch the handles, whether it be for a building or even cars lol (and he's gonna expect you to stand there patiently while you wait for him to walk through the door after you)
While you guys are out getting food, he's usually making your order for you after you tell him what you want. If it's something you want him to do (& on days where you ask him to ahead of time) he'll even make the decisions for you and decide what food for you to get. He'll almost always get one of your favorites/comfort foods, but sometimes will get you something new to try (that he'll eat if you don't like & will order himself something he knows you'll eat) but when he knows what you want and how you like it, and you allow him to be in control to that degree, he's on cloud 9.
𝙲𝚑𝚘𝚒 𝙱𝚎𝚘𝚖𝚐𝚢𝚞
Beomgyu is a bratty dom here imo- he reminds both of you who's in charge with your relationship by teasing you any and every chance he gets. OR by teasingly humiliating (?) you in front of friends
By that I just mean he will bring up who tops who in bed, if you give him attitude in front of the guys. Will try to prevent too much embarrassment & will never do it in front of staff, but the second it's you and one or all of the boys, you're hearing a sassy ass "Blah blah blahh- you didn't say that last night when I was in your guts."
If he's jealous or upset and you guys are out in public, you're getting pulled aside (or sent a text) and being told to run to the bathroom and take ur underwear off to give to him. With this one, it almost always ends up sexual by the end of the night, but he doesn't always mean for it to. It's just a way he reminds the both of you who's really in control at the end of the day. and it's a reminder of who you belong to <3
𝙺𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚊𝚎𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚗
Another acts of service lover, but both in terms of giving & receiving AND more specifically in private. kind of trad!relationship?
Loves when he comes home to a clean house and cooked food- and if you're comfortable with it, he'll "task" you to do things while he's away at work. Will separate chores between the two of you so it's still fair (making sure to have a few that you both 'should' be doing together), and will randomly check throughout the day/week to see if you finished them.
He expects this, but will pay you back tenfold both in the most disgustingly sweet praises and material things. The second he's home and sees you did everything he asked, he's all cheesy smiles and is all over you on the couch with his head in your lap, telling you how sweet you are and how much he appreciates you and your efforts to please him <3
And he never forgets to bring home little presents for your hard work! Your favorite takeout, your favorite little snacks, a trinket or piece of jewelry he passed by that reminded him of you, or even a few delivery boxes containing most of your wishlist hehe
𝙷𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙺𝚊𝚒
Nonsexual dominance with Kai includes having one of his big hands on you at all times. If his hand isn't intertwined with yours while you guys walk around, then he has a hand on your lower back to he can control where you walk. Or if he's trying to move you guys through a large crowd, he will either go first and hold each of your hands in each of his to make sure he doesnt lose you OR he makes you guys walk basically on top of each other and will have a hand on your shoulder to guide you around while you go first so he can keep an eye on you.
When you guys are relaxing with the boys, he always allows you to take his spot on the couch. But it's so he can stand behind the couch/sit on the arm of the couch and stroke your shoulder and pet your hair. To the other's it's just PDA between their cute member and his lover but, to the two of you, it's a reminder that no matter where you guys are you are rightfully his.
Taglist: (red=can't be tagged)
@valkyriexo @lunearta @jabmastersupriseee @rylea08
@yaorzu-blog @amararosesblog @jiminssluttyminx @clemissleepy
@miss-daisy04 @kittyxnoa @dwaekkiiracha @honeyybbuubblleess
@mariteez @fun-fanfics @honeyybbuubblleess @kittycatkrissa
@nicora04 @chuuyaobsessed @moonlightndaydreams @velvetmoonlght
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tomorrow will be perfect!

The house was filled with the sound of wailing. A sharp, piercing cry echoed through the walls, shaking the foundation of the home you had built together. Your four-year-old daughter, Hina, sobbed uncontrollably, her tiny fists curled tightly against her chest.
"Shh, baby, I know," you cooed, running a soothing hand down her trembling back. "I know you're upset, sweetheart."
But she wouldn't calm down. No matter how many times you whispered reassurances, rocked her gently in your arms, or wiped away the steady stream of tears staining her chubby cheeks—she wouldn't stop.
And the reason for her distress made your heart ache even more.
Today was supposed to be her special day. The day she had been looking forward to all week—the trip to the amusement park with Mama and Daddy. Her excitement had been boundless the moment she'd woken up, but as the hours passed and Ni-ki still hadn’t come home, that excitement quickly melted into heartbreak.
You had tried to distract her with her favourite cartoons, bake her favourite cookies, and even play her favourite songs for her to sing along to, but none of it worked. The only thing she truly wanted was for her father to keep his promise.
And Ni-ki never came.
By the time he did, it was late in the afternoon, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink. He stepped inside with heavy steps, exhaustion weighing on him like a boulder. He had spent all day buried in work, rushing to meet deadlines, attending endless meetings, and barely having a second to check his phone.
Then, he heard it—the cries.
Your sniffles.
His heart clenched painfully in his chest when he walked into the living room and saw the two of you sitting on the couch, your eyes red and swollen, with Hina still sobbing in your arms.
"I tried so hard, but she wouldn't stop crying," you murmured voice breaking, your tears slipping down your cheeks. "She just... she just wanted to go with us."
Guilt hit him like a tidal wave.
Ni-ki dropped his bag and immediately made his way toward the couch. He crouched in front of the two of you, reaching to cup your face, his thumb gently wiping away your tears.
"Baby," he whispered, voice thick with regret. "I’m so sorry."
Hina sniffled, peeking up at her father with teary eyes. Her little hands reached out for him, and without hesitation, he pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly against his chest. He pressed soft kisses to her hair, whispering apologies repeatedly.
"I promised, didn't I?" His voice cracked. "I should've been here. I should’ve been there for you."
Hina let out a tiny hiccup, gripping onto his shirt. Her sobs finally quieted down as she melted into his warmth.
"Park…" she mumbled, her voice laced with exhaustion. "I wanted… Mama and Daddy… park…"
Ni-ki swallowed past the lump in his throat, pulling back to meet her big, watery eyes. "I know, baby. I know you did. But listen tomorrow—Daddy doesn't have work tomorrow."
Her eyes widened just a little. "Really?"
"Really," he confirmed with a firm nod. "Tomorrow, we're going to the amusement park, and we're going to explore everything you want. We'll eat ice cream, take pictures, and make many memories, okay?"
She hesitated momentarily, her tiny lips forming a pout, before finally nodding. "Okay."
You let out a deep breath, watching as she buried her face into Ni-ki’s chest, her tiny hands still clinging to him. You met his eyes, and despite the exhaustion he carried, the regret that still lingered in his features, there was a promise in them—one he wouldn’t break again.
"Thank you," you whispered, your hand resting over his.
He brought your fingers to his lips, pressing a kiss against them. "Thank you for always holding it together when I can’t. I promise—tomorrow will be perfect."
And for the first time that day, a small, genuine smile crept onto Hina’s lips.
And Ni-ki knew—he would do anything to keep it there.
The following day, the sun rose early, casting a warm golden glow over the kitchen as you stirred pancake batter. The air smelled of vanilla and sweetness, a comfort after yesterday's emotional storm. Hina was already up, her tiny body bouncing with excitement as she ran around the living room, still in her pyjamas but with a sparkle in her eyes that hadn't been there the night before.
"Daddy’s gonna take us today, right, Mama?" she asked, her voice high-pitched with anticipation.
You smiled, turning around from the stove to glimpse her wide-eyed innocence. "Of course, baby. We're going to the park today. Everything's going to be just like you imagined."
Now dressed in his favourite graphic tee and jeans, Ni-ki came into the room, running a hand through his messy hair. His tired eyes were softer this morning, no longer heavy with guilt but filled with determination to make today perfect.
"Good morning, love," you greeted him, offering him a plate of pancakes. "Hina’s ready to go already."
He bent down to kiss the top of Hina's head, his lips lingering on her hair. "Hey there, little one. Are we ready for our adventure?"
Without warning, she jumped into his arms, her giggle echoing through the kitchen. "YES! We're going to the rollercoaster (the kiddie one ofc)! And the Ferris wheel! And the ice cream!"
Ni-ki laughed softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Alright, alright. We’ll do it all. But only if you promise not to scream too loud on the rollercoaster, okay? I’m not as brave as you."
She giggled again, pulling his cheeks. "I promise, Daddy."
After a final check of the time, you ensured the bag was packed—sunscreen, snacks, water bottles, and the camera. You couldn’t help but glance at the small notebook you kept, where you wrote down your family memories. Today would be another page full of laughter, love, and the tiny details that made your little family special.
After a quick breakfast, you bundled Hina into her favourite dress—pink with little unicorns—and did her hair into two cute pigtails that bounced as she hopped along the sidewalk toward the car. Ni-ki grabbed a photo of her, his camera clicking away as he captured the morning light glinting off her joyful face.
"Cheese!" she giggled, striking a silly pose with one hand on her hip and the other holding a pretend microphone to her mouth.
You both couldn’t help but laugh as Ni-ki snapped the picture, the two of you exchanging a knowing look that spoke volumes. This was the moment—the one you would treasure forever.
As you all arrived at the park, the familiar sights of giant rollercoasters and spinning rides greeted you. Hina’s face lit up, her little hand gripping Ni-ki’s tightly as they walked together, your hand resting comfortably in his. There was something so right about this picture—the three of you, all together, all in the right place.
"Look, Mama! I wanna go there!" Hina pointed to the carousel, her eyes wide in awe.
You smiled, adjusting the strap of your camera. "Of course, sweetheart. Let’s go."
Ni-ki scooped her up without hesitation, his strong arms lifting her effortlessly as he approached the ride. You walked behind them, snapping photos as the two shared a private moment—Ni-ki gently whispering something to Hina that made her laugh, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
The day unfolded with moments of pure joy: the thrill of rollercoasters that made Hina squeal with delight, the gentleness of the Ferris wheel as you all watched the park from high above, and the sweetness of ice cream dripping down Hina’s chin. Each memory was framed in laughter, hugs, and little words of affection.
Ni-ki took a break from the rides to sit on a bench with Hina, holding her close as you clicked away with the camera. The warm afternoon sun bathed the scene in soft light, creating the perfect backdrop for a moment you would never forget.
"Mama!" Hina called out, waving her arms excitedly. "Come sit with us! I wanna picture with you, too!"
You made your way over to them, smiling softly as you joined them on the bench. Ni-ki wrapped his arms around both of you, pulling Hina between you and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
You handed your camera to a passing park worker, who smiled and took a picture of your family. The moment felt frozen in time—a perfect snapshot of happiness.
Later, as the sun began to set, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, Ni-ki pulled Hina onto his lap, his eyes tired but full of love. "Did you have fun today, princess?" he asked, his voice a soothing whisper.
Hina snuggled closer to him, her little face glowing with contentment. "Best day ever, Daddy," she mumbled, her eyelids fluttering as she fought off sleep. "Thank you."
Ni-ki smiled, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face. "Anything for you, sweetheart."
You leaned in and kissed his cheek, your heart swelling with gratitude. Today had been more than just a day at the amusement park—it had been a reminder of what truly mattered. And as you all made your way back to the car, your hearts full, you knew this day would stay with you forever.
requested by: @yejisuu
my perm taglist<3 <- request here
@seonhoon @dollrincess @ethanatvre @rei4sunoo @shxhdsstuff @jakeflvrz @laylasbunbunny @jiiyen @saphiranishimurashan @lovelycassy @starry-eyed-bimbo @babyboomysweetie @24svnn @pinkglitterpuke @mellowgalaxystrawberry @heavenki @s1rawb3rry @madslove-enhypen @aishigrey @yangjungwonnie @lilmarsh-t @hoseokteardrop @mrsjjongstby @ro-diaries @ijustwannareadstuff20 @leilamaybelyla @celestialen @yejisuu @kpopslays
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craving comfort

Heeseung’s voice was soft, barely a whisper, as he gently bounced his squirming baby girl in his arms. His heart ached, knowing how much he’d been away recently. The relentless demands of idol life had kept him from moments like these—simple, precious moments with his daughter. Yet here he was now, home at last, determined to make up for lost time while you rested in the other room, pregnant with their second child.
The baby’s pouty lips trembled as she squirmed harder, her little fists pushing against his chest. “Mama,” she whimpered, the word breaking Heeseung’s heart into pieces.
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” Heeseung murmured, brushing her soft hair away from her flushed face. “Mama’s just resting, baby. You’ve got me, though. Dada’s here.”
But the reassurance fell on deaf ears. She wriggled again, turning her head toward the door as if sensing you on the other side. Her chubby hands clumsily batted at Heeseung’s jaw in protest, and she let out a frustrated wail.
He sighed, adjusting her in his arms and kissing her damp cheeks. “Come on, love, don’t cry. You’re breaking Dada’s heart here.”
She wasn’t buying it.
Heeseung carried her over to her bouncy seat, gently placing her down. He shook one of the attached rattles, the soft jingle momentarily catching her attention. “Look, isn’t this fun?” he said, his voice high and playful, trying to coax a smile.
But her lower lip wobbled dangerously, and a fat tear slipped down her cheek. She reached out for him, her tiny body tensing with the beginnings of another wail.
“Okay, okay!” Heeseung scooped her up again, cradling her close. “You don’t like that. Noted.” He grabbed Mr. Flopsy, her favourite stuffed bunny, and held it before her. “Look who’s here! It’s Mr. Flopsy!”
Her chubby hand grasped the bunny’s floppy ear for a second, but her teary eyes again darted toward the bedroom door. “Mama,” she hiccupped, her voice thick with longing.
Heeseung’s shoulders slumped. He pressed his lips to her temple, his voice soft and melodic as he began humming a random tune. The notes spilled from his lips, forming an improvised lullaby, gentle and soothing. “You’re my little bunny…my sweet baby girl…”
Her cries quieted just a bit, though her sniffles lingered. She curled into his chest, burying her head in the crook of his neck. He could feel the dampness of her tears soaking into his shirt, and it made his chest tighten.
“I’m trying, sweetheart,” he whispered, his voice cracking. “I know you miss Mama. I miss her too.”
He rocked her slowly, swaying back and forth as he continued to hum. Every now and then, her little hands gripped his shirt, curling into the fabric as if anchoring herself to him.
When she let out another quiet whimper, Heeseung grabbed her teething toy and offered it to her. She gnawed on it momentarily before tossing it aside with a dissatisfied grunt.
“Mr. Flopsy’s better, huh?” Heeseung said, trying to keep his tone light despite the heaviness in his chest. He handed her the bunny again, and she hugged it to her chest this time.
But then, just as he thought she might settle, her tiny head tilted up to look at him with watery eyes. “Mama,” she whispered again, her voice so small and broken that it shattered him completely.
Heeseung closed his eyes, pressing his forehead to hers. “I know, baby. I know,” he said, his voice barely audible.
And when her quiet cries turned into a full-blown sob, he sank onto the couch, holding her tight and rocking her desperately.
The door creaked open, and you appeared, your face glowing with the softness of motherhood. “What’s going on here?” you asked gently, calming the room.
Your daughter’s head snapped up, and she let out a delighted cry, reaching for you with her pudgy arms. “Mama!”
Heeseung let out a breathy laugh, his eyes misty as he handed her to you. “She’s all yours,” he said softly, a tinge of defeat.
As your daughter nestled into your arms, her cries became soft hiccups. She clung to you like a lifeline, her little body finally relaxing.
Heeseung watched the two of you with a bittersweet smile. “Guess I still need to earn back my ‘Dada’ title,” he joked weakly.
You leaned over, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “You’re doing amazing, Hee,” you whispered. “She just misses me. But she loves you—you’re her world, too.”
And as Heeseung watched his little girl settle into your arms, he made a silent promise to himself: no matter how busy life got, he’d always make time for moments like these, even if it hurt sometimes. Because for his family, he’d do anything.
Heeseung leaned back on the couch, his head resting against the cushions as he watched you sway gently with your daughter in your arms. The tension in her little body had melted away entirely, replaced by the comfort only a mother could give. It was a sight that tugged at his heartstrings in ways he couldn’t quite describe.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice low but weighted with emotion.
You glanced over at him, your brows knitting together. “Sorry for what, Hee?”
“For being gone so much. For missing out on moments like this. I don’t want her to feel like I’m just some guy who shows up when it’s convenient.”
Your heart clenched at the vulnerability in his voice. You walked over to the couch, sinking beside him with your daughter still snuggled against your chest. Her eyelids were fluttering, sleep beginning to claim her.
“Hee,” you said softly, reaching to take his hand. “You’re not just ‘some guy.’ You’re her dad. And she knows you love her. Even if you can’t always be here physically, she feels it. I know she does.”
Heeseung released a shaky sigh, squeezing your hand as his gaze dropped to your daughter. Her tiny fingers were clutching the fabric of your shirt now, her breaths evening out as she drifted off.
“I just hate seeing her cry like that,” he admitted, his voice thick. “It makes me feel like I’m failing her.”
“You’re not failing her,” you reassured him firmly. “She’s just at that age where she’s clingy with me. It’s normal. But she adores you, Hee. You should’ve seen her excitement when you walked through the door today. Her whole face lit up.”
A small, grateful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Really?”
“Really,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder. “You’re her Dada. Her hero. And you’ll always have a special place in her heart, no matter how often you must be away.”
Heeseung exhaled slowly, his chest feeling a little lighter. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you and your sleeping daughter closer.
“I’ll try harder,” he promised, his voice barely above a whisper. “To be here more. To make time. For both of you.”
“We know you’re doing your best,” you said, tilting your head to look at him. “But, Hee…you’re allowed to have bad days. You’re allowed to feel like this. Just don’t ever forget that we love you, okay?”
Heeseung swallowed hard, nodding as he kissed the top of your head. “I love you too,” he murmured. “Both of you.”
The room was quiet for a while, filled only with the soft sounds of your daughter’s breathing and the faint hum of the heater. Heeseung let himself soak in the moment, his heart swelling with love and longing.
“Do you think she’ll be okay with me putting her to bed tonight?” he asked after a while, his voice tentative.
You smiled, glancing down at your daughter’s peaceful face. “She’ll be more than okay. She’ll love it. You’ve just got to keep trying, Hee.”
“I will,” he said, determination lacing his tone.
As the two of you sat there, cocooned in the warmth of your little family, Heeseung realized that while being a dad might not always be easy, it was the most rewarding role he’d ever had. And he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Dinner was a quiet but cozy affair. The scent of your home-cooked meal wafted through the air, mingling with the warmth of being together as a family. Your daughter sat snugly in her high chair, secured with her little bib, her chubby legs kicking softly beneath the tray. She was positioned perfectly between you and Heeseung, her wide eyes darting between you as if deciding who to focus on.
You were slowly eating your food, occasionally glancing over at the baby. Her meal—a bowl of pureed carrots and sweet potatoes—was warming up on the counter alongside her milky bottle. Heeseung, seated on her other side, was shovelling spoonfuls of food into his mouth, stealing glances at his daughter between bites.
“Alright, bunny,” Heeseung said softly, setting his chopsticks down and wiping his hands with a napkin. “Let’s see if you’re ready to eat, hmm?”
Her attention immediately shifted to him as he grabbed her food and bottle. She cooed softly, a bubbly sound that made Heeseung chuckle.
“Hang on, hang on. Dada’s getting it,” he murmured, quickly testing the temperature of her meal on his wrist before sitting back down.
He scooped up a tiny spoonful of the pureed food, his movements slow and gentle. “Okay, open up, sweetheart. Like this—ahh,” he demonstrated, opening his mouth wide exaggeratedly.
Your daughter blinked at him, then turned her head toward you with a curious little noise as if checking to see if you were watching.
You smirked, taking a sip of water. “Looks like she’s waiting for my approval.”
Heeseung groaned playfully, holding the spoon closer to her mouth. “Don’t be like this, bunny. Dada’s trying here.”
She finally turned back to him, her tiny lips parting slightly. Heeseung seized the moment, quickly sliding the spoon into her mouth. She blinked in surprise but didn’t spit it out, her little face scrunching up as she adjusted to the taste.
“There we go!” Heeseung cheered softly, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”
You chuckled, watching as he scooped up another spoonful. “You’re a natural, Hee. She’s warming up to you again.”
Heeseung’s grin widened, his confidence growing as he offered her another bite. But this time, instead of taking the food immediately, she let out a happy little coo and turned back to you, her arms reaching out as if trying to climb across the tray.
“Mama,” she babbled, her voice filled with excitement.
“Oh, come on,” Heeseung groaned dramatically, leaning back in his chair. “I’m right here! Feeding you!”
You laughed, setting your fork down. “She’s just saying hi, Hee. Let her have her moment.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, but the playful glint in his gaze gave him away. “Hi? It's more like rubbing it in my face. Aren’t you, bunny?”
Your daughter cooed again as if agreeing. But this time, she turned back to Heeseung, her tiny hands slapping the tray excitedly.
“See? She’s still got Dada love in her,” you teased, taking another bite of your food.
Heeseung smiled softly, his eyes warm as he offered her another spoonful. “Yeah,” he murmured. “She’s just making me work for it.”
You watched as she leaned forward slightly, taking the food from him without hesitation this time. Her chubby cheeks wobbled as she chewed, her little noises of satisfaction making Heeseung’s smile stretch even more expansive.
“She’s a handful,” he said, glancing at you. “But she’s worth every second.”
You reached over, squeezing his free hand gently. “We both are,” you reminded him softly.
Heeseung looked at you, his expression filled with so much love it made your chest tighten. “Yeah,” he said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. “You both are.”
As the three of you sat together, sharing this simple but meaningful moment, Heeseung felt a sense of peace settle over him. This was his family—his home. And no matter how chaotic life got, this was the love he would always return to.
As Heeseung placed the spoon back into the bowl, he noticed the familiar signs. His daughter’s little hand started to bat at the empty tray, her face scrunching as a soft whine escaped her lips.
"Uh-oh," he muttered softly, his heart immediately going into overdrive. “You finished already, huh? Just a little more, baby…”
But she wasn’t having it. The whining grew into a louder fuss, her tiny legs kicking in protest as she squirmed in her high chair, her hands urgently reaching him.
“Okay, okay, I get it!” Heeseung chuckled nervously, glancing at you for reassurance. “She’s ready for her bottle. You’re growing too fast, bunny.”
You gave him a knowing smile, wiping your mouth as you leaned back. “I think she’s done with her dinner. Time for milky.”
Heeseung didn’t need to be told twice. He quickly unbuckled her from the high chair, easily scooping her up. She nestled her head against his shoulder, her face scrunching into a tiny pout as she continued to fuss, clearly tired but craving the comfort of her bottle.
“Shh, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” Heeseung cooed softly, cradling her against his chest. His hands gently cupped the back of her head, rocking her as he made his way to the living room.
You watched the scene unfold, your heart softening at the sight of Heeseung looking so natural with his daughter in his arms. Moments like these reminded you of how deeply he loved her, even if he had his own moments of self-doubt.
Heeseung settled onto the couch, carefully adjusting your daughter in his arms. He grabbed her bottle from the coffee table with practiced hands, ensuring the milk was at the right temperature.
“Here we go, bunny,” he murmured, gently guiding the bottle to her mouth.
Your daughter’s eyes fluttered closed as she lazily latched onto the bottle, her little fingers grasping at the soft fabric of his shirt. She was still fussy, but the comfort of being held by her father and the warm bottle quickly soothed her.
“Mm…” she hummed softly, her fussing slowly fading as she began drinking. Heeseung smiled, a deep sense of relief washing over him. His eyes softened as he gazed down at her, the light from the lamps casting a warm glow over her peaceful face.
“That’s it, little one,” he whispered. “Just relax now.”
You stood from the table, walking over to sit next to him. Your hand gently brushed through his hair as you smiled at the sight. “She’s finally calming down. You’re good at this, you know?”
Heeseung chuckled, glancing over at you with a tired but content smile. “I just don’t want to mess up,” he confessed quietly. “I don’t want her to feel like she’s not important, not enough.”
You softened, your heart aching for him. “She knows she’s important, Hee. You’re her world. She’s just a little fussy sometimes. It’s normal for babies, right?”
“Yeah…” Heeseung breathed out, his gaze flickering back down to their daughter. “It’s just so hard when she’s upset. I don’t want her to feel that way around me.”
“She won’t,” you said softly, reaching out to gently rub his back. “She trusts you, Hee. You’re the one she turns to when she needs comfort.”
Heeseung sighed deeply, watching as your daughter’s little body relaxed further in his arms, the soft sounds of her sucking filling the space.
“You’re right,” he whispered. “I just want to do everything I can for her.”
“She knows you’re doing your best,” you reassured him. “We all do.”
As you both sat there, watching her drift off into a peaceful slumber, the bond between father and daughter seemed to fill the room, quiet but undeniable. Heeseung may have been struggling with the weight of his responsibilities, but in that moment, as he held his baby girl in his arms, everything felt right.
You smiled, squeezing his hand. “She’ll always need you, Hee. You’re the best Dada she could have.”
Heeseung’s eyes met yours; his voice was soft and full of love. “And you’re the best mama.”
With a content sigh, he rested his head against the back of the couch, allowing the peaceful silence to wrap around the three of you. The soft sound of your daughter’s breathing filled the room, and for the first time in a while, Heeseung allowed himself to relax fully, knowing that this—this was everything.
The night had settled in, the soft hum of the house filling the silence as Heeseung carefully cradled his daughter in his arms. She had finished her bottle, her little belly full, and she seemed to be drifting off into a peaceful sleep, her small, warm body nestled against his chest. Heeseung smiled, feeling the weight of the day lift as he held her, the rhythmic sound of her breathing soothing him more than he expected.
Still, the task remained: putting her down for the night.
He hesitated momentarily, watching her delicate face, soft with sleep. Knowing how much she craved his warmth, his heart ached, but he also knew she needed to rest in her crib. He gently adjusted her in his arms, careful not to jostle her too much, and slowly made his way to her nursery.
As he reached the crib and carefully lowered her, her little face scrunched up instantly. Her tiny hands reached out, gripping at his shirt desperately as she whimpered softly, a frown pulling at her lips.
“No, no, baby, it’s okay,” Heeseung murmured, his voice low and soothing. “You need to sleep in your crib, okay? Dada’s right here…”
But his reassurances didn’t seem to work. The moment he pulled away, her tiny body tensed, her face scrunching as she let out a pitiful cry. Her little hands stretched out to him, her eyes filled with frustration and confusion.
Heeseung felt his chest tighten at the sound. He couldn’t bear to see her upset.
“Alright, alright,” he muttered to himself, his voice soft but firm as he scooped her back into his arms, holding her close. “I’ll let you sleep with me for a little longer. But you’ve got to sleep, okay, bunny?”
Immediately, her cries quieted as she was lifted back into his embrace. Her small, warm body melted back against his chest, her face instinctively snuggling into the crook of his neck.
“You just want your Dada, huh?” Heeseung whispered, his heart racing as he carefully rocked her back and forth. Her soft, even breaths against his skin told him all he needed to know. She was calm now, content with the warmth of his chest and his heartbeat's steady rhythm.
Heeseung’s heart swelled, knowing how much she craved the comfort only he could provide. He wasn’t sure if it was his warmth or the familiarity of his scent, but she always seemed to seek him out in those moments of need.
“Don’t worry, baby,” he murmured, brushing his nose against her soft hair. “I’ll stay right here. You’re safe with me.”
He walked around the room slowly, letting her snuggle deeper into him. His own body felt the pull of exhaustion, the weight of his daughter in his arms grounding him to the present.
“Maybe tomorrow we’ll try again,” he whispered, his voice soft and affectionate. “But for tonight… you, mama, and me, okay? Just us.”
She cooed, her tiny hands curling around the fabric of his shirt as she snuggled deeper, her face hidden against him. The smell of milk and baby lotion lingered on her skin, and Heeseung closed his eyes for a moment, letting the peacefulness of the moment wash over him.
As he gently rocked her, his thoughts drifted back to the chaos of his idol life, the long hours and the never-ending demands. But at that moment, with his daughter tucked safely in his arms, Heeseung couldn’t imagine a perfect place to be.
He sat on the rocking chair in the nursery, his daughter still nestled against him, and allowed himself to relax fully. This was his world now. And no matter how busy life got, he knew that the feel of her tiny body in his arms and her breath's softness against his chest was worth every second.
As she slowly drifted off to sleep, her tiny body curled against his warmth, Heeseung realized he would never take these moments for granted. Even when the world felt overwhelming, this little family—his family—was the home he had always craved.
As Heeseung gently rocked her in his arms, a sudden, soft sound interrupted the quiet of the nursery.
His eyebrows shot up, and his lips twitched as he tried to suppress a laugh.
Another one followed.
💨 💨
“Oh, no…” Heeseung muttered under his breath, though the corners of his mouth quirked upward. “You’re relaxed now, huh, bunny?”
His daughter let out a content sigh, utterly unaware of the symphony of sleepy farts escaping her. She snuggled deeper into his chest, her tiny hand gripping his shirt as if to say, I’m not done using you as a pillow yet, Dada.
💨 💨 💨
Heeseung blinked, now fully laughing under his breath. “Okay, that was a loud one,” he said softly, glancing down at her with wide eyes. “You went all in, didn’t you?”
She stirred slightly, letting out a small, sleepy whimper, but quickly settled again as he patted her back.
“Don’t worry, bunny,” Heeseung whispered, his voice laced with amusement. “I’m not going anywhere. Even if you’re out here clearing the room.”
The telltale smell started to waft up, and Heeseung winced, his nose crinkling as he realized what he was in for.
“Oh, I knew it,” he groaned quietly, though his heart softened as he looked down at her. “You didn’t just fall asleep; you went all the way, huh? Dada’s got a full cleanup waiting for him now.”
He sat there momentarily, contemplating whether to wake her to change her diaper or wait until she was in a deeper sleep. But when she shifted in his arms, letting out one final 💨 and settling again peacefully, Heeseung sighed too, shaking his head.
“Alright, bunny,” he murmured. “We’ll wait a few more minutes. I’m letting you rest but after this? You and I are taking a trip to the changing table.”
He leaned back in the rocking chair, letting her stay snuggled against him for a bit longer. Despite the impending diaper duty, he couldn’t help but smile. These moments—messy, funny, and heartwarming—made it all worthwhile.
As she let out another soft sigh against his chest, Heeseung closed his eyes, enjoying the calm before the (diaper) storm.
Heeseung carefully laid her down on the changing table, his hands moving with practiced ease as he reached for the supplies—a clean diaper, baby wipes, and a fresh onesie.
“Alright, bunny,” he whispered, brushing her hair away from her forehead as she let out a tiny, sleepy coo. “Let’s get you cleaned up. You’re going to feel so much better after this.”
She blinked at him, her eyes fluttering open momentarily before she let out a little sigh, completely trusting her dada to take care of her.
As Heeseung undid her soiled diaper, she squirmed slightly, her chubby arms stretching upward to remind him, Hey, I’m still here.
“I know, I know,” he chuckled, grabbing a baby wipe and getting to work. “Just hang in there, princess. Dada’s almost done.”
She let out another soft coo, her lips puckering as if she were trying to protest but was too sleepy to commit to it.
Once her bottom was clean, Heeseung swiftly placed the fresh diaper under her, securing it snugly around her waist.
“There we go,” he murmured, leaning down to kiss her tummy. “Nice and fresh. Just one more step, bunny—your onesie.”
He grabbed the soft, pastel-coloured onesie with little bunnies printed on it—her favourite, or so he liked to believe. He gently slid it under her, guiding her arms into the sleeves without much trouble. But the moment he reached for her chunky legs, the real challenge began.
She kicked out, her legs moving like tiny pistons as he tried to guide them into the leg sleeves.
“Whoa, okay, I get it!” Heeseung said, laughing under his breath. “You’re not a fan of bedtime fashion, huh?”
But she wasn’t listening. Her little legs continued to kick, her toes wiggling defiantly as if she were making it her mission to keep him from completing his task.
“Alright, little ninja,” he muttered, gently but firmly grabbing one of her legs. “You’ve left me no choice.”
He managed to slip one chubby leg into the sleeve, grinning triumphantly. “Gotcha! One down, one to go.”
But as he reached for her other leg, she wiggled even more, letting out a determined squeal that made him laugh even harder.
“You’re not making this easy, bunny,” Heeseung said, shaking his head as he caught her other leg. “But Dada always wins. Remember that.”
With one swift motion, he guided her second leg into the sleeve, finally zipping up the onesie and securing it. He sat back with a dramatic sigh, pretending to wipe sweat from his forehead.
“There,” he said, looking down at her with a playful grin. “All done. You fought hard, but I’m still undefeated.”
She stared up at him, her big, sleepy eyes wide with curiosity. And then, as if to reward him for his efforts, she let out a soft, gurgling giggle, her tiny hands reaching up toward his face.
“Oh, now you’re laughing?” Heeseung teased, scooping her into his arms and pressing a flurry of kisses to her chubby cheeks. “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
She let out another happy coo, snuggling into his chest as her little body relaxed again.
“Time for bed, bunny,” he whispered, swaying gently as he carried her back toward the rocking chair. “No more kicking, okay? Dada needs a break.”
As he settled back into the chair, her soft breaths began to slow, her eyelids growing heavier by the second. Heeseung let out a content sigh, feeling the day's weight fade away as she drifted off in his arms again.
And even though his body was tired and his mind was worn, he couldn’t help but smile. Because in moments like this, with his baby girl tucked safely against him, everything felt exactly as it should be.
Heeseung stood in front of her crib, swaying gently with her in his arms. His mind was already weighing the risks of another attempt to lay her down. She was so peaceful now, her little face pressed into his chest, her tiny breaths warm against his neck. He could feel the slight rise and fall of her belly and hear her soft sighs as she snuggled closer.
“Alright, bunny,” he whispered, his voice so quiet it was barely audible. “This is the last try, okay? You’ve got to sleep in your bed tonight. Dada needs some rest, too.”
With painstaking care, he began lowering her toward the crib. He had it all planned: gently settle her down, pull away slowly, and tiptoe out like a stealth ninja. But the moment her back touched the mattress, her tiny body tensed.
Her eyes didn’t even open; instead, she let out a whimper and immediately clutched at his shirt, her little fingers curling into the fabric with surprising strength. Her face scrunched up in protest, her lip quivering, and Heeseung froze.
“Bunny…” he started, but it was too late. A soft, pitiful cry escaped her, her tiny fists tightening their grip on his shirt as if to say, You’re not leaving me, Dada.
Heeseung sighed, defeated, gently pulling her back into his arms. Her cries stopped instantly, and she melted into him like butter, her little head tucked perfectly into the crook of his neck.
“Oh, so it’s like that, huh?” he murmured, kissing her soft hair. “You just want to stay glued to Dada all night.”
She responded with a sleepy coo, her tiny hand patting his chest to reassure him, Yes, exactly that.
Heeseung chuckled, shaking his head as he walked toward your shared bedroom. “Looks like I’m out of options. Oh well, bunny. Hope mama has some space for you in the bed.”
He nudged the door quietly, finding you sprawled out on your side, fast asleep. The soft glow of the nightlight bathed the room in a warm light, and Heeseung smiled at the sight of you, your peaceful expression a stark contrast to the chaos he’d been juggling all evening.
He approached the bed carefully, cradling your velcro baby in one arm while pulling back the blanket with the other. He climbed in slowly, settling beside you as he adjusted the baby between you.
“Alright, bunny,” he whispered, stroking her back as she snuggled closer to his chest. “Looks like it’s a family sleepover tonight.”
She let out a soft sigh, her tiny hand curling around his thumb as she finally fell into a deep, uninterrupted sleep.
Heeseung looked over at you, watching how your chest rose and fell with steady breaths, and he felt a wave of calm wash over him. It didn’t matter how exhausting or unpredictable the day had been—this was his happiness.
As his eyelids grew heavy, he leaned over to kiss your forehead gently, then one to the top of his baby girl’s head.
“Goodnight, my girls,” he whispered, letting himself finally relax, the weight of his world safely nestled on either side of him.
And with that, the three of you drifted off into the kind of sleep only a family wrapped in love could find.
Heeseung waited a little longer, his arm cradling her securely as her tiny body grew heavier and heavier with sleep. Her breathing slowed to that soft, rhythmic hum that told him she was finally in a deep slumber. Her little hand, which had been clutching his shirt moments ago, now lay limp against his chest.
“Okay, bunny,” he whispered, almost to himself. “Let’s try this one last time.”
With careful precision, he shifted her in his arms, her head resting against his palm as he gently leaned over to place her in the baby bassinet cushion crib nestled between you two. He kept his movements slow as if the slightest noise or jolt might undo all the effort it had taken to get her to this peaceful state.
Finally, she settled into the soft bedding, her tiny body curling slightly as he adjusted her position for comfort. Heeseung crouched beside her momentarily, watching to see if she would stir, but she didn’t. Instead, her mouth opened slightly, as it always did when wholly relaxed.
He smiled softly, reaching for her pacifier on the bedside table. He gently slipped it into her mouth, watching as she instinctively began to suckle, the motion soothing even in her sleep.
“Good girl,” he murmured, his tender voice almost cracked.
Next, he grabbed her little blankie—the one she always needed to sleep with—and tucked it snugly around her, ensuring it wasn’t too tight. Her favourite stuffed bunny, Mr. Flopsy, was placed right next to her, its floppy ears brushing her tiny hand.
“There you go, bunny,” Heeseung whispered, brushing a finger lightly over her soft cheek. “All warm and cozy now. Sweet dreams.”
Satisfied, he eased himself back into bed, careful not to make sudden movements. He glanced at you, still fast asleep, and sighed a sigh of relief.
Finally, as he lay on his back, his head sinking into the pillow, he allowed himself a moment to breathe. The sight of your baby girl, peaceful and safe in her little bassinet between you, made all the day's exhaustion disappear.
He reached over to lightly brush a strand of hair from your face, his fingers lingering on your cheek for a moment before he whispered, “She’s finally asleep. You’ve got some competition, though—she might love my chest more than you.”
He chuckled softly before closing his eyes, his hand resting protectively near the bassinet. As the three of you shared the quiet, serene night, Heeseung drifted off with a smile and a whole heart.
The room was still and quiet, save for the gentle hum of the nightlight and the soft, rhythmic breaths coming from your baby girl. Heeseung’s arm instinctively stretched out to rest near her bassinet, like a protection barrier in his half-asleep state.
Minutes passed, and the peacefulness lulled him into a light sleep. But just as he began to drift deeper, a tiny sound pulled him back—a soft, muffled whimper.
His eyes fluttered open, and he turned his head toward the bassinet. Your baby had shifted slightly in her sleep, her pacifier slipping from her mouth. Her tiny face scrunched up, her lips forming the beginnings of a cry.
Heeseung sighed, already moving before the first sound could escape.
“Shhh, bunny, it’s okay,” he whispered, leaning over and gently popping the pacifier back in place. Her face relaxed almost immediately, and she let out a small, contented sigh.
Heeseung smiled tiredly, his hand resting lightly on her belly to reassure her. “You’ve got Dada wrapped around your little finger, you know that?” he murmured.
Settling back down, Heeseung cast a glance at you. You stirred slightly but didn’t wake, your exhaustion keeping you in a deep sleep. He chuckled softly, shaking his head as he looked back at his daughter.
“Just you and me again, huh?” he said under his breath, though his words were warm. “I guess you’re my alarm clock for the night.”
He lay back down but kept his eyes on her for a while longer, watching the rise and fall of her chest, the way her little hand clutched Mr. Flopsy even in her sleep.
And then, almost as if she could sense his gaze, she let out another tiny, sleepy coo, her head turning slightly toward his side of the bed.
Heeseung couldn’t help but smile, the kind of smile from the deepest part of his heart. He leaned over one last time, kissing her forehead softly.
“Goodnight, bunny,” he whispered. “I’ll be here if you need me.”
This time, when he lay back, sleep came easier. And as the quiet night stretched on, the three of you rested together—ideally in sync, perfectly complete.
The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. You stirred awake slowly, the cozy quiet of the morning wrapping around you like a blanket. Blinking a few times, you turned your head and saw a sight that swelled your heart.
Heeseung was fast asleep; his face turned toward the bassinet, his lips slightly parted in soft breaths. One arm was stretched protectively toward your baby, while the other was tucked under his head. The faintest shadow of exhaustion lingered on his features, but even in sleep, he looked peaceful.
You smiled softly, your gaze drifting to the bassinet. Your baby girl started to stir, her little legs kicking lightly under the blanket. Her pacifier bobbed as her mouth moved slightly, and you could tell she was moments away from waking fully.
Leaning over, you gently touched her chest, hoping to soothe her for a moment longer so Heeseung could rest. “Good morning, bunny,” you whispered, your voice full of love.
Her little eyes fluttered open, blinking against the soft light. She yawned, her arms stretching above her head in that adorably dramatic way she always did. You couldn’t help but smile at her sleepy antics.
“Did you keep Dada busy all night?” you asked softly, brushing a finger across her chubby cheek. She cooed in response, her eyes still half-lidded with sleep as she focused on you.
Carefully, you lifted her from the bassinet, cradling her against your chest. She was warm and soft, her tiny body curling into you as you rocked her gently. You glanced back at Heeseung, still sound asleep, and your heart ached at how hard he’d worked to care for her overnight.
“You’ve got him wrapped around your little finger, you know,” you murmured to her, your lips brushing the top of her head.
She let out another small coo, her tiny hand reaching up to grab your shirt. You held her close, swaying gently as you moved to the rocking chair in the corner of the room.
For a while, you just sat there, holding her and watching the slow, steady rise and fall of Heeseung’s chest. It was a peaceful, perfect moment—the three of you together, wrapped in the quiet love of your little family.
As your baby girl started to wiggle, signalling her readiness for the day, Heeseung groaned softly, his head turning slightly on the pillow. His eyes cracked open, squinting in the morning light.
“Morning,” he murmured sleepily, his voice rough but warm. His gaze landed on you and the baby, and despite the fatigue in his eyes, a smile tugged at his lips.
“Good morning,” you whispered, your voice soft to not startle the baby. “She’s just waking up. You can sleep a little more if you want.”
Heeseung shook his head, pushing himself up on one elbow. “Nah, I’m up,” he said, his voice still laced with sleep. He reached out, his hand brushing over your baby’s tiny foot. “How’s my bunny this morning?”
She turned her head toward him at his voice, letting out a happy coo. He chuckled, exhaustion melting away as he leaned over to kiss her forehead.
“Looks like she’s ready for round two,” he said with a grin, sitting up fully. “What about you, Mama? You okay? Is our second bunny kicking too much?”
You nodded, your heart full as you watched him interact with her. “I’m good. Our bunnies can't wait to meet each other, hehe. She’s lucky to have you, you know.”
Heeseung looked at you, his eyes soft. “We’re both lucky,” he said, his voice sincere.
And as the morning unfolded, filled with tiny giggles, warm cuddles, and sleepy smiles, you couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest family in the world.
requested by: @leilamaybelyla
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yeonjun convincing you to come to his frat’s party !!
a/n: hes so hot, it drives me up the walls 😵💫












355 notes
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hear me out on this, delusional bsf but it’s a whole other level, like he’s planning a wedding, has a ring hidden in his room and you’re introducing him to everyone as your friend but he’s so confused, like wdym friend? he buys you flowers every other day, you’ve kissed (like twice), isn’t that what what ppl do in a relationship?
happy valentine’s day! here’s some obsessed bff soobin as my gift to u <3
(wc: 2.6k / warnings: soobin is down tremendously bad and he’s kind of a perv, smut (mdni), oral (f rec), cumming untouched 🤓, idk if this counts as somno but ill tag it just in case)
Soobin thinks you must be misunderstanding your relationship. You keep telling people that he’s your friend, but that’s not how he feels at all. Soobin has taken care of you ever since he met you, he’s bought you thousands of dollars of gifts, he takes you out to nice restaurants, and he’s even tasted your lips once or twice. You’re pretty much dating at this point!
He’s left pouting beside you as he watches you ramble on and on to your friend about drinks and future plans and whatever else that gets filtered from his ears. Here he is, hand in hand with you, standing across from someone who’s supposed to think you’re just friends. The word suddenly feels like an insult, like it’s undermining the true nature of what’s happening between you two.
If you were to ask him, Soobin wouldn’t hesitate to call you his girlfriend. He spends his days counting down the time that has to pass before he sees you again. He dreams about what the family you build together one day might look like, how your daughter will have his eyes and your smile. He gets so caught up in the fantasy sometimes that he goes to jewelry stores just to browse through engagement rings that you’d like. He already bought two separate rings for you, keeping the little boxes tucked away in his nightstand until he’s finally ready to ask you.
He wants to sweep you off your feet and steal your heart from any other man. He hates it when you laugh at some other guy’s jokes, or if you even smile a little too brightly for someone else to see. It’s with a sense of shame that he swallows his jealousy down; he knows he shouldn’t be so upset when you still just see him as a friend. He also knows that he won’t speak up and stop you from introducing him as your friend—he’ll have to be content with his feelings being one-sided for now.
When he takes you back to your place, his eyes land on the vase of flowers you placed on your counter. Soobin notes that they’ve probably still got a few days of vibrancy left before he should buy you new ones. He stands with his hands held behind his back, still lingering by your door, waiting for you to tell him goodbye or ask him to stay.
His heart skips a beat when your hand lands on his shoulder. You have to tilt your head up when you're standing this close to him in order to look him in the eye, and something about that makes Soobin feel dizzy. He’s a gentleman, though, and he doesn’t let it cloud his mind too much. He has to remember that you’re like a fragile doll, and he can’t be such a wolf like all the other men are.
“Did you wanna stay with me tonight?” you ask, voice soft and sweet like it always is. His lips tilt up as he nods excitedly. He was hoping that you wouldn’t want him to leave.
He follows you into your bedroom, thanking you when you hand him some clothes to change into. He’s learned to leave some of his clothes at your place for nights like this. He heads to your bathroom so that you have enough privacy when you change out of your dress, always trying to be respectful and considerate of you.
He tries not to think too much about you slipping your dress off, how the material would pool at your feet and leave you in some cute lingerie set. He gulps as he takes off his jeans, looking up at the ceiling so he doesn’t imagine you kneeling on the floor in front of him. He changes into his sweatpants as quickly as he can, then throws on his shirt and shakes away the images haunting his brain. How dare he think such impure things of you? You’re so pretty and delicate, and he’s awful and disgusting to want to defile you.
He stares at himself in the mirror, standing in place for an extra minute just in case you need more time to get fully dressed. He wouldn’t want to walk in on you changing—the thought sends a shiver down his spine. You’d surely think he was a creep if you saw the things he thinks of.
When he finally comes back to your room, you’re already laying in bed, tucked comfortably underneath your blanket. He gets in bed beside you, waiting for you to cozy up to him. He looks at you expectantly, which makes you grin and throw yourself into his side. He laughs as you do so, letting his hand run through your hair.
You hum and lean into his chest. He prays you don’t feel how hard his heart is beating. He catches a glimpse of your hand, and his eyes linger on your ring finger. He wants so badly to fill the empty space there.
“Are you tired?” you ask him. He can hear the sleepiness in your voice. Like everything you do, that too makes him swoon.
“I’m not,” he says, keeping his voice quiet so as to not disturb your peace.
“Well I’m going to sleep,” you announce with a yawn. Soobin continues running his hand through your hair and down your back at a slow, steady pace, repeating the action to help lull you to sleep. He places the tiniest peck on the crown of your head and wishes you a good night.
Nothing makes Soobin happier than this. He has you all to himself, a moment that no one else gets to see or know about. It feels so domestic, like he’s already living in that faraway dream where you’re his wife and you love him dearly.
You stir in your sleep and let out a little hum. Soobin tries to be still and not wake you, but he also tries to not let your noises reach his cock. You emit another tiny moan, and he takes a deep breath to keep it from affecting him. He’s mentally scolding himself for being such a pervert, for being so turned on by things you have no clue you’re doing.
When you start moving around more, Soobin considers putting some space between you. You’re a light sleeper though, and he wouldn’t want to wake you up. That’s the only reason. Otherwise, he’s sure he would have nudged your leg off of him and given you some room. He’s a gentleman, and you’re a delicate flower.
Soobin gasps when he feels your hips cant against him. His face is burning, and he registers with an immense amount of shame that he’s getting hard now. Should he wake you up? Should he at least push your leg down a little? There’s a scarily small amount of space between his bulge and your thigh.
If only he were asleep. He wouldn’t be tortured by your jolting legs or your sleepy sounds of pleasure. You must be having a wet dream. God, Soobin might bust in his sweatpants right now. He needs some air, but he can’t get up.
He shouldn’t help you, right? Even if it would end the suffering for both of you… He can’t help but indulge in the idea a little. He imagines rolling over so he’s hovering above you, waking you up with a hundred kisses against your face and neck. You’d smile up at him so groggily when your eyes finally flutter open, wondering what your sweet best friend is doing.
Oh god, no, that’s perverted; Soobin can’t be thinking these kinds of things. He’s so hard he can’t stand it, and your soft moans leaving your lips aren’t helping him. He doesn’t want to embarrass you, but he can’t not get up now, at least to run to the bathroom and take care of his problem.
As soon as he sits up, he can tell that you’re stirring awake. His eyes widen, looking down at his side to see your sleepy eyes looking up at him. You’re so confused. It makes Soobin’s dick throb in his pants. Ugh. He hides his face in his hands.
“Soobin…” you mutter out, hand clutching onto his arm to drag him back down beside you. He gives in easily—he always does. He gulps when he looks at you, faces so close. You’re still tired, he can tell by your slow blinks. You’ll be falling asleep again fast.
You whine and tuck your face into his shoulder. Soobin shuts his eyes tight and uses all his might to not think with his dick.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, trying to keep his voice steady.
You don’t respond through your sleepy haze. He notes how hard you’re breathing. His head spins, wondering if you’re still horny. He wants nothing more than to help you out, so much that it fogs his mind and makes it hard to think straight.
Your thighs press together, and that’s when Soobin feels himself start to lose control. This is bad—he can’t do this to you. He’d be so sweet, though, he knows this. He’d touch you so gently and make sure you’re satisfied. He’d pull every noise he could out of you, cherishing each and every little twitch of your body. He needs you tremendously.
“A-are you…” Soobin starts, but can’t bring himself to finish the sentence. He’s already shaking so much from his self-restraint, you must be able to feel it.
Your leg brushes against his erection then, and the world comes to a standstill. Soobin doesn’t even breathe. He’s beyond mortified. You must think he’s a filthy piece of shit, he should’ve just taken himself to the bathroom, you probably hate him now.
“I’m sorry,” he’s rushing to say, sitting up again so he doesn’t have to poison you with his presence. “I’m so sorry, I promise I wasn’t”—
“Please touch me,” you say, cutting him off. Your eyes are so big and sparkly when you look up at him. His mouth is dropped open, not knowing if this is real or not.
“What?” he asks in a whisper, making sure he heard you right. If you said what he thinks you did, he might spill his load on the spot.
You bring a hand between your thighs, pathetically rutting against it. Soobin weakens at the sight, meeting your eyes and hoping to see some sort of desperation in them.
“Please, I need you. Woke up so wet,” you whine. Soobin moves as fast as he can between your legs. Every hope he had of taking things slow is thrown out the window—he’s far too needy to take his time with you. He’ll make sure to do it some other day.
“I’ll take care of you, don’t worry, I’m right here,” he rambles as he rids you of your shorts and panties. He holds your legs open, staring at your leaky pussy with awe. He feels himself short-circuiting. Is he dreaming? Is this moment finally happening? He has to make the most of this. He needs to make this perfect for you.
He kisses your hip bone then licks a stripe up your cunt, moaning as soon as his tongue meets you. He almost feels like he could cry. He’s waited so long, so patiently. You’ve finally broken, and you only want him to piece you back together. His cock is straining against his boxers, leaking profusely at the tip, but he ignores it completely to focus on you.
His tongue presses firm licks against your clit, then swipes quickly against it to get your legs trembling. He thinks it’s so cute how much you’re shaking already. You needed him to give you relief, he tells himself as he presses his face deeper into your cunt, so he has to make sure he delivers. Your cries motivate him to keep going, it has him obsessing over how much pleasure he can provide you.
His tongue moves down to your fluttering entrance, and his stomach clenches when he realizes how empty you must feel. His poor baby, he’ll help you out. He stuffs his tongue inside you, making sure his nose stays pressed against your clit. He moans at your taste and the way you tighten around his tongue. He licks and laps at you as much as he can, determined to get his fill of your arousal.
Soobin can’t help it when he starts fucking the mattress, hips moving on their own accord. Your own hips are grinding down on his face now, and he knows now what true desperation feels like. No other feeling has he experienced so strongly as the need to have you cumming on his tongue. You flood all of his thoughts and his senses, he’s completely devoted to getting you off and making you happy.
“Soobin! Hnng—I’m..!” You don’t have to finish your sentence, Soobin knows. He feels you tightening over his muscle, which he continues to fuck into your hole with as much vigor as he possesses. He pants against your cunt, so ready for you to fall over the edge, going insane to know what it feels like to have you fall apart because of him.
You cum with a whine, body twitching all over as your orgasm hits you. This is the moment Soobin has waited for, and it’s beyond anything he could have imagined. He’s spilling in his sweatpants the moment your thighs close around his head. His hips stutter against the mattress as his seed bursts out of him. This is the best moment of his life.
He commits it all to memory: your breathy, whiny noises and the shake in your legs. The way your breath hitches and how your walls feel clamping down on his tongue. You’re so tight, he can’t imagine how he’ll ever fit his cock inside you. He’ll never be the same after this.
Your hand tugs at his hair to pull him away, and he obliges. He looks at how wet you are now, a mixture of his saliva and your arousal pooling at your center and down your thighs. His eyes almost roll back, he can’t believe you finally let him take care of you like this. He’ll touch himself for the rest of his life remembering this moment.
Your smile is just as gorgeous and heart-stopping as it always has been when you pull him up to you. He collapses on top of you as he regains his breath. He presses kisses against your collarbones, wanting to make sure you feel cared for.
“Thank you, Soobin,” you say, wrapping your arms around him. He feels like he should be the one thanking you. You’re amazing.
“Please be my girlfriend,” he blurts out before he can even think of stopping himself. He can’t imagine not being able to do this with you again. He’s not sure what even gave you the courage to ask him to do this, but he needs you to keep letting him have you.
You giggle, and it nearly makes Soobin’s heart explode. “I was wondering when you were gonna ask me that,” you say, holding his face up so he’s looking you in the eye.
Soobin’s dumbfounded. He feels everything at once. He’s ecstatic that you didn’t reject him. He’s dizzy from the love burning his body up. He’s regretful that he didn’t ask you sooner.
“I’m in love with you.” He decides that if it’s time for him to get everything off his chest, he might as well say that part too. You press a quick kiss to his lips, and he has to keep himself from passing out.
“I love you too,” you say, smiling so dreamily and brushing his hair back.
Oh god. Soobin might just cum untouched again.
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— bestfriend!ot5’s reaction to you offering to help with their boner ♡
pairing: ot5 x fem!reader (separate) rating: nsfw, mdni wc: almost 3k oops 😭 warnings: some smut (oral obviously, m receiving), suggestiveness, perviness, pet names (babe, sweetheart, pretty girl), tiniest but brief bit of angst in tyun’s, some alcohol in jun’s, beomgyu being an annoying brat lmao
a/n - this took me forever to start (and to finish.. all in one sitting rip my eyeballs) but i loved writing this omg who wants a pt 2 follow-up 🫢
yeonjun: this is the moment he’s been waiting for, y’all
it’s just like any other tipsy late-night shit-talk sesh on yeonjun’s living room floor, until it’s not. you’ve been lazily sitting against the foot of his couch facing each other while joking about beomgyu’s latest failure to get laid when somehow the conversation turns to your own personal sex lives. it’s not like you’ve never talked about that stuff with jun before; you’re best friends, after all. but something about tonight feels different. maybe it’s because you’ve been drinking, maybe it’s because the dim lighting of his living room is giving it a strangely sensual vibe, or maybe it’s the way he’s looking at you- facing you with his chin in his hand as his elbow rests up on the couch cushion, eyes more lidded than usual and sculpted collarbone peeking out from the sweater that at some point had slipped down his shoulder- but when the topic turns to your experiences with oral and he’s in the middle of complaining about how his last fling always gave him the worst head, what comes out of your mouth as you suddenly interrupt him is a shock to the both of you.
“i could do better.”
yeonjun’s eyebrows shoot up. the words had died on his lips. your own eyes are wide as you freeze, before fidgeting nervously, attempting damage control. “i mean.. from what i’ve been told. just saying.” you swallow hard as you inwardly kick yourself, avoiding his eyes and his silence as you bring the bottle of soju you’d been sharing to your lips in an attempt to feign casualty.
“is that an offer?”
it’s your turn to be speechless, nearly choking as you set the bottle down a little too hard, turning quickly to stare at him in shock; oh, he’s not joking. he watches you expectantly, a level expression on his face; though if you were to blink, you’d miss the smirk that his lips were threatening to inch up into. when your gaze flickers down to see the tent in his sweatpants that he hasn’t even bothered trying to cover, you swallow hard. the tiny crush you’ve always harbored for your best friend suddenly seems not so unreciprocated after all. you collect yourself. you’ve gotta be cool about this.
“well… do you want it to be?”
your best friend’s hands wrapped in your hair and his shameless moans filling the room as he pumps his cock in and out of your throat isn’t exactly how you imagined the night to go, but here you are! you can already tell from the lewd promises and filthy praises that he’s groaning out as you swallow around him — your legs will definitely be sore in the morning. <3
soobin: soobin.exe has stopped working
he didn’t mean for you to see, he really didn’t. you weren’t supposed to be home for another 15 minutes; what else was he supposed to do when it’s the first time all week that his hermit of a roommate has finally left their shared apartment and he hasn’t been able to comfortably get himself off since last weekend?
your convenience store run ended in disappointment as the tuna gimbap roll you were craving turned up empty on the shelves. with a grumble you had just grabbed the nearest container of ramen and a snack for soobin before trekking back to your apartment sooner than hoped for (by either party..), not in the mood to sit there and eat as you’d originally planned; but unbeknownst to you, soobin hadn’t heard you arrive back home, and also unbeknownst to you, he was stuck in a very… compromising position.
“soob, they didn’t have the- oh, fuck.”
rounding the corner into the living room to see your best friend seated on the couch with his sweatpants shoved down around his hips and his head thrown back as his hand fists up and down his very hard - very big cock - was definitely not on your daily bingo card. (or your lifetime one either, to be quite frank.) at the sound of your voice he’s acting faster than you’ve ever seen him move, a pillow shoved over his lap and his large figure smushed back into the couch cushions so quick that you question whether you even saw his cock at all, or if it was just your mind playing tricks on you. you decide that it wasn’t the latter, however, at the sight of his bright red face and quick, heavy breaths- a deer in headlights as his mouth opens and closes for a few moments, trying to find the words to speak.
you’re in the same boat — what are you supposed to say? hey, sorry that i caught you trying to get yourself off in our shared space that i also own which you’re very much aware of? and by the way your cock is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen and i want it in my-
wait, what? you don’t even have time to process the sudden warmth between your thighs as soobin finally finds his words. well, kind of. “i-i’m so sorry, i swear i didn’t- i was just trying to- i thought you’d still be a while, i- it’s been so long since i-“ he cut himself off at the last part, an even deeper blush coming over his cheeks at his accidental admission. wonderful, now she’s gonna think i’m some sort of incel. but the last thing that either of you ever expects is happening as you step forward carefully, approaching his shocked form on the couch before stopping to maintain some distance.
“soob.. do you want help?”
let’s just say that his best friend slotted between his thighs as she bobs her head up and down his fat cock with eager moans and a mix of spit and pre-cum lewdly dribbling down her chin wasn’t exactly on soobin’s bingo card, either. but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t pay you back for it right after. <3
beomgyu: *laughs in your face* 👁️👄👁️ switch-up
um, did he hear that right?? it was an innocent instance of you utterly roasting each other into the grave with bullying remarks, just another tuesday for the pair of you- you’re just sitting on your bed in your usual criss-cross legged gossip-time position when beomgyu apparently decides that he’s bored laughing at something soobin did and chooses you as the better candidate to laugh at instead. the plushie of yours that he’d had resting in his lap is now a method of defense as you attempt to thwap him over the head with your own plushie, yelling at him to “take it back!” as he cackles mercilessly after claiming “at least soobin can get bitches if he stops being shy enough, you’re just an all-around lost cause.”
“you don’t even know what you’re talking about!!!” you whine as you finally manage to knock him onto his back, going in for the kill as your leg swings over one of his, your plushie smushing down into his face as his now-muffled giggles still ring out annoying as ever. “i get bitches too!” you defend yourself, although even your own words immediately cause you to cringe; damn, you really do sound like a loser, huh? but your momentary lapse of attention has beomgyu knocking your plushie away, laughing even louder as he responds “that is EXACTLY what someone who can’t get bitches would say.” you groan and smack his chest, rolling your eyes as he cradles himself dramatically. “you’re literally wrong. i’ve dated before! like once. and there was that other guy from the smoothie place last year.. we, like, hung out a few times.” but you’re mumbling now, pathetic to your own ears as beomgyu’s shit-eating grin grows with each word.
“you’re kinda proving my point, here, babe.” you shiver at the pet name, however condescending his tone may be. god, how is he still so attractive even when you want to strangle the fuck out of him? “you’re so cocky,” you complain with another roll of your eyes, an attempt to both distract yourself from beomgyu and distract beomgyu from the humiliating topic. he sits up to lean back on his hands as it’s clear you’re finished with your little murder attempt. “yeah, cuz of my monster cock.. that can get bitches.”
that’s it. the sudden urge to prove yourself to him overtakes you as you snap back, “i bet your ‘monster cock’ has never even seen head as good as what i can give.” another laugh— until he realizes you’re serious. the smile falls right off of his face. you don’t miss the way his fists clench around the blanket he’s leaning back on; or the slight strain in his voice as he answers, voice suddenly low and almost breathless- “yeah?”
you were right; beomgyu’s cock has never gotten head as good as what you’re giving him right now as your throat bottoms out with a filthy gag, no hesitation when you lift off with a pop before sucking on him hard enough to send his head reeling. you know what.. maybe beomgyu wouldn’t mind being proved wrong more often after all. but of course, he has to prove himself to you now, too. <3
taehyun: “if… you want to” he definitely wants to
taehyun was stressed. that was clear to anybody; the recent storm closing the businesses down for the week, including the local gym, and his own job that he of course relied on to pay rent. you had been over at his apartment when the weather took a turn for the worse; so now here you were, snowed in with no where to go, forced to work from taehyun’s computer, eat his food, and wear his clothes. (the latter of which neither of you would admit to being turned on by. …….yet.) taehyun was doing his best to work out from home with what little equipment he had, although he wasn’t able to do much, which frustrated him to no end — not as much because he was a gym rat, but more because it was his primary stress reliever. so today it doesn’t help, of course, that his pretty best friend is currently sat at his desk in one of his baggy sweatshirts and a pair of sweatpants that she had to roll 6 times to fit her little legs.
he didn’t mean to snap at you. when you accidentally knocked his extra monitor off the desk and onto the floor, cracking the screen, it was just because you turned around too fast— you were excited to see him :(— but it’s the last straw of the day for taehyun. he can’t work out properly, his job isn’t paying him during the off-time, he’s had a constant boner from you hanging around in his clothes all week, and now- now he’ll need to go get his stupid monitor fixed once the weather clears up. “shit, tae, i’m so sorry-“
“god, why are you so fucking clumsy, y/n?”
the silence causes instant realization as his eyes snap up to meet your wide, now-watery ones. “i’m.. i’m sorry..” you whisper, and immediately he wants to punch himself. “fuck,” he groans as he shakes his head, coming to kneel down in front of the chair you were still sitting in. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to snap at you like that. you’re not clumsy. i know it was an accident, please don’t cry.. i’ll pay for the monitor. it wasn’t your fault.” he’s murmuring while he soothes his hand up and down your arm. you’re shaking your head as you wipe at your eyes. “no, no, it’s okay; i know you didn’t mean to snap. i’m still sorry though. let me help pay for it…. i know you’ve been stressed, tyunnie.” you say the last part quieter, gentler as you meet his eyes. he hates that his cock twitches in his pants at something so innocent; but what you say next makes him feel much better about his own perverted thoughts.
you’re nervous about your next words. you really hope you’ve been reading the room right this last week. “let me help you..?”
his eyes widen, before he quickly recovers in an attempt to keep a level expression. “help.. me?” do you mean what he thinks you mean??? “the weather still sucks. there’s not much you can do, sweetheart.” he chuckles, testing the waters with a pet name as he studies your face carefully for a reaction. his eyes flicker down and quickly back up when your thighs squeeze together marginally in response. a-ha. “no, tyun… let me help you here.” you whisper with a soft, testing touch to the band of his sweatpants. oh, so you definitely mean what he thinks you mean.
who really needs the gym or your own closet after all, when you look so pretty on your knees for him with his cock down your throat as he calls you his pretty girl and promises to fuck you so good later just like you deserve? not the two of you, apparently. <3
huening kai: *spits out his drink* coughing fit
kai wasn’t kidding when he told you that he might be too busy to hang out if you came over, although this wasn’t exactly what you’d had in mind. when you headed over to his apartment you figured he was caught up studying for some big exam or something of the like; what you didn’t think you’d find was him yelling into his headset at beomgyu as his fingers flew over the buttons of his controller, leaning forward in his seat with crazy eyes and 3 open cans of energy drinks next to the screen. you sigh. “kai, really? this is what you meant by ‘too busy’..?” he jumps slightly at the sudden sound of your voice in his room, but doesn’t turn around. “y/n! yeah, sorry- i’m just in the middle of- FUCKING MOVE, BEOMGYU! of a tournament right now, been trying to rank up for hours- BEOMGYU!!!”
you wince at the intermittent screaming, plopping down on his bed to watch as you hear gyu’s protests of self-defense piercing through your best friend’s headset. “i think you’ll need a hearing aid after this..” you mumble, receiving no response as expected. however, you get bored after scrolling through your phone for a while, sulking shamelessly at the lack of attention you were receiving — although you were warned that if you came over he might not have any to give. you sigh, but you understand; these tournaments are important to hyuka, even if you couldn’t care less about them yourself. don’t get me wrong, you love gaming too, especially with your friends— especially with kai — but you weren’t exactly as obsessed as they were when it came to being the biggest legend in this group of - you squint - 100 players that this world has ever seen.
selfishly, you had almost even hoped for more from this evening… you’ve been trying to drop hints lately at your feelings for kai, although your level of success was yet to be determined. this would be the first instance all week that you’d have some alone time together; despite his claim to busyness, you still figured you’d try your luck by coming over. you eye the 3 energy drinks and his bouncing legs with a chuckle. what are my options here? hmm.. you’d worn some particularly short shorts tonight, knowing he’d definitely notice the plushness of your thighs.. experimentally, you stand up and approach his desk, standing next to it so he’d be able to see you if he shifted his eyes to the right. “hyuka, want me to get you some water? i don’t think you need any more of these.” you fiddle with one of the cans on his desk. he hums distractedly in response; you can tell he hadn’t heard what you said. “hyuka..” this time you reach out to card your fingers through his hair, effectively causing his fixed stare to snap briefly over to you in surprise; ‘briefly’ turning into a momentary distraction as his gaze catches onto your shorts, flitting back and forth between the screen and your soft thighs. “h-huh?”
“some water?” you repeat innocently. “o-oh, uh, yeah..”
when you come back, to say you’re shocked is an understatement as the bulge in his shorts has seemingly popped up out of no where, and the bright pink blush on his cheeks tells you he knows it, too. you don’t realize you’re standing there staring at it with the glass of water still in your hand until kai quickly mutes his mic, eyes still glued to the screen as he groans “i’m so sorry y/n, please don’t think i’m gross, i- i had no time to grab a pillow, we’re in the middle of a battle and my score is-“ wordlessly, you’re sinking to your knees and situating yourself beneath the desk. his bouncing legs freeze. “what- fuck, w-what are you-“
“can i help you? you can keep playing your game,” you ask sweetly. the sight of your innocent eyes blinking up at him nearly has him cumming in his shorts then and there as he breathes out, “fuck- are you sure?”
you definitely show him how sure you are as you worship his cock with your throat, all sloppy and wet, making sure his mic stays muted so beomgyu can’t hear the way you’re making him whine and moan as he bucks his hips up into your mouth the best he can. now just wait until his tournament is over and he has you all to himself. <3
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« wait, he rocks?



part 3 of my LOVE AND ALL event
synopsis. when the nerd that sits in the back of your biology class invites you to a basement show with him, you find out that he's actually...kinda cool. pairing. drummer!hueningkai x reader genre. college au, garage band au warnings. , brief sexual joke, enhypen cameo wc. 2.6k
a/n. every basement show i've ever been to smelled like literal shit. just thought i'd relay that information. also, IT'S TECHNICALLY STILL THE 12th. PUTTING THIS OUT WITH LIKE, TEN MINUTES TO SPARE.
“I don’t even know how he’s still at the top of the class when all he does is stare at you.”
“Shut up, Jake.”
“Just saying. Maybe if you ask him out, he’ll do your homework for you.”
You elbowed your friend with a roll of your eyes, making him wince and pull away. The two of you were sitting in the middle of the lecture hall your Biology class was held in. If you knew that you would’ve had to take the advanced Bio sequence for your degree, you would’ve chosen a different major. Biology was not your strong suit, and your GPA was starting to suffer.
“I know nerds aren’t your type, but at least he’s tall.”
“Jake. Shut. Up.”
Your friend smirked as he leaned back in his chair, pretending to listen to the professor as he scribbled in his notebook. You sighed and rolled your eyes yet again. The nerd in question was sitting just a few rows behind you in the very back, and you were worried that he might have overheard Jake’s poor attempt at whispering.
Huening Kai was the nerd Jake was failing at being quiet about. Constantly getting the highest grades in class, and constantly burning a hole into the back of your head. You’d been lab partners the first week of class and he was so shy, he hardly said a word to you, responding only in hums and head nods. Ever since then, he’s avoided making eye contact with you- quickly turning away any time you so much as glance at him. Yet, his eyes are always on you.
After the lecture, you and Jake bid each other a quick goodbye, him having to run across campus to get to his Business class on time, and you having to mull around on campus for the next two hours waiting for your next class to start. You slowly packed up your things as Jake rushed out of the lecture hall.
“Are you busy tomorrow night?” Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest as you heard the sudden voice behind you, placing a hand on your quickly beating heart, you turned around to find none other than Huening Kai standing behind you, his face clearly nervous under his thick glasses.
“Um…Why?” Kai shuffled anxiously at your question, tugging at his backpack strings as he hummed, trying to muster up the balls to speak to you again.
“Well…I remember at the beginning of the semester when we were lab partners for one class, you were talking about music and how you wanna find some local bands?” He started, his eyes turned downwards as he spoke, “well, I know a really cool local band playing that’s doing a basement show tomorrow. It starts at ten…I just thought you might wanna go.”
You weren’t sure whether to feel flattered that he remembered that, or extremely put-off that the quiet guy that sits in the back of class was inviting you to a basement show. It was definitely a little bit of both. “That’s…Really nice of you to invite me, Kai.”
“It’s okay if you don’t want to go!” Kai quickly clarified, looking up at you for a split second before staring back down at his beat-up converse. “I just thought you might be interested. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. But they’re starting to become a kind of popular band on campus, so I thought I’d just…ask.”
You watched for a moment as Kai shifted nervously on the balls of his feet, his glasses had slightly slid down the bridge of his nose. You’d never really looked at him too closely before, you kind of just saw him as a tall, broad, dark-haired guy with glasses who was kind of nerdy and awkward. But as you looked at him closer, you realized he was actually…Kinda handsome? He had nice bone structure, his hair looked soft, he smelled good, and he had a really nice nose.
“You know what? That actually sounds pretty cool.”
“Really?” He glanced back up at you, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, why not?” You pulled your phone out of your pocket, holding it out for him. He looked at it, confused. “Just…Put your number in my phone.”
“Oh, okay.” Quickly typing in his number, he handed it back to you swiftly, as if he was too nervous to hold your things for too long. “Well…Like I said, it starts at ten. I have a…thing…right before, so just text me when you get there, I guess.”
“Okay! I’ll see you-” Kai quickly walked away after you confirmed the meet-up, leaving you dumbfounded, watching his broad back as he left the room. “-then?”
“No way you’re actually going out with Huening. Kai.” Riki scoffed, pouring himself a bowl of cereal despite the fact that it was 9pm. “No offense to him, but like, he’s kind of a…loser?”
“Riki, that’s mean.” Jungwon pouted from the couch in the living room as he, Sunoo, Jay, and Heesung played Mario Kart.
Riki rolled his eyes at his friend, shoveling a spoonful of Cinnamon Toast Crunch into his mouth, leaning on the counter as he chewed. “Him and his friend Soobin are in the anime club together. It’s so lame.”
“Riki…you’re also in the anime club.” Sunghoon mused from his spot at the dining room table next to Jake, who was currently attempting to tutor him in Physics.
“Yeah, but I’m in anime club in a cool way.”
“I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to be in an anime club in a ‘cool way’.” You rolled your eyes at your younger friend, slightly annoyed for some reason at the way he was putting Kai down. “Besides, Kai seems really nice. He probably just wants someone to go with.”
“Oooooh, do you have a crush?” Jay teased from his spot between Heesung and Jungwon on the couch.
“She just likes that he’s got a big nose.” Jake laughed from his seat at the table. “You guys hear the freaky shit she said about Seokmin on the basketball team’s nose?”
“Yeah…Something about faces and sitting?” Sunghoon hummed, doing his best to hide his amused smile at the horrified look on your face. “But yeah, I agree. I think Huening seems chill.”
“Or, he’s a murderer and he’s inviting her to the basement to lock her up so she never sees the light of day again.”
“Heesung, that’s not funny!” Jay elbowed the older boy, eliciting a loud protest as he drove off the map.
Riki watched as an unsettled expression washed over your face, bringing your thumb up to your lips to lightly chew on your nail. “You know what? Why don’t I just go with you?”
“You don’t have to do that, Riki. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“No, let me. Besides, you’re not the kind of cool person that goes to basement shows. I am, though. So if you go with me, you’ll stand out less.”
You narrowed your eyes at Riki who just grinned at you from across the counter, mouth full of chewed up cereal. “Fine. You can come. Just don’t embarrass me or whatever.”
Riki walked around to your side of the counter just to give you a small shove, making you move over so he could lean on the spot next to you. “It better not be some lame acoustic band. Huening seems like the kind of guy that’d be into the shit.”
“If you’re just gonna be mean, you can’t come.”
“Fine. I’ll do my best to hide my disgust if the show ends up being some white guy in a flannel jacket sitting on a stool playing acoustic guitar.”
Shaking your head, you leaned on the counter next to Riki, opening your mouth as he moved his spoon to your face for you to take a bite of cereal.
You had no idea what was in store for you.
“Where the hell is he?” Riki sighed, using his height to his advantage as he looked over the surprisingly large crowd packed into the basement.
“I don’t know. I texted him to let him know we’re here, but he hasn’t read it yet.” You stood on your tiptoes, trying to see if you could spot the tall boy over the sea of college kids.
“Maybe he bailed because I’m here.”
“Why would he do that?”
“Maybe he wanted this to be like, a date, and then you just randomly invited another dude.” You sighed at his comment. You didn’t want it to be true, but you were starting to think that might be the case. Before you could respond, the lights in the room turned off, and the crowd erupted into excited screams as the silhouettes of the band members walked onto the tiny stage.
“You think he’ll show up soon?” Riki leaned in close to you, having to raise his voice over the chaos of the crowd.
“I hope so.” You yelled in response, standing on your tiptoes again, trying in vain one last time to spot Kai in the crowd before the drummer on stage struck his drumsticks together three times before bringing them down hard, kicking off the first song of the night.
As soon as the stage lights turned on, yours and Riki’s jaws dropped to the ground at the sight on the stage. Now you had a reason for why Kai wasn’t responding- because he was there. On the stage. Behind the drum kit. He was in the band. And he was absolutely killing it. You and Riki turned to each other in absolute disbelief.
“Wait- he rocks?” Riki let out a shocked laugh before cheering along with the rest of the crowd.
You turned back to the stage, and you were surprised to recognise some of the other members of the band. You recognized Kai’s friend Riki had mentioned earlier, Soobin, playing guitar, and Yeonjun from your Writing class on lead vocals, interacting with the crowd in the form of high fives. You vaguely recognized the other two on stage from around campus, you were fairly certain the bassist worked at a local coffee shop, and you thought you’d seen the other guitarist frequent the tutoring center you often found yourself at.
Kai’s band was absolutely electric, every member of the band had an insane amount of stage presence, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from them. Every song they played sounded incredible, they all absolutely killed it. Especially Kai. There was something different about him on stage- he seemed oddly relaxed, in his element. He was the only member of the band that didn’t interact with the crowd at any point, but he looked practically gleeful whenever he got a little solo moment. You couldn’t help but find yourself grinning as he adjusted his glasses between every song, the exact same way he had in the classroom the other day.
After the band finished off their last song, you and Riki screamed along with the crowd as the guitarists and bassist threw their picks into the crowd. Riki screamed extra loud as Kai gently tossed his drumsticks. The two of you followed the crowd outside for a breath of fresh air, chatting animatedly about the absolute shock you felt when the stage lights turned on and you saw Kai on the drums.
“I can’t believe he’s not actually a total loser nerd.” Riki chuckled, wincing as you hit his arm.
“Don’t be a dick, Riki.” You leaned against the side of the brick building, rubbing your hands together, seeking some warmth in the cold air. “That was insane. I can’t believe he didn’t tell me he was in the band.”
“Maybe this is his way of rizzing you up.”
“Don’t say rizz, Riki.”
“You don’t let me do shit. ‘Don’t be a dick, Riki.’ ‘Don’t say rizz, Riki. Such a buzzkill.” Riki didn’t lean on the wall next to you, instead taking his phone out of his pocket, smirking as he saw the notifications on his screen. “I’m gonna head out, I’ve got a…thing to get to. Text me when you get home so I know you weren’t murdered, okay?”
“Yeah, whatever. I’m sure you’ll see it when you’re at whatever poor girl's house you’re going to.”
“She doesn’t have a house, it’s an apartment.”
You rolled your eyes, smacking his arm one last time. “Whatever. Just get out of here. I’ll text you.”
Riki grinned at your disgruntlement, giving you a quick hug before running off into the night. You shivered as you watched him leave, the cold air starting to bite at your exposed cheeks. You figured you’d wait outside for Kai after opening your phone to see no texts from him. Your view on him now completely skewed after watching him perform.
He was so…cool. Not only was he one of the smartest guys at school, super sweet, super tall, and had a nice nose, but he was in a band. A rock band.
The cold air was unrelenting as you waited, and just as you were about to give up on waiting for him, you heard a voice calling your name from the basement stairs. You turned to see Kai running up the stairs towards you, a big grin spreading across his face as you came into view.
“So…How did you like the show?” He asked you breathlessly, the adrenaline from the set obviously still running in his veins as he grinned at you, leaning beside you against the brick wall.
“It was insane!” You grinned up at him, your genuine enthusiasm brightening his face even more. “I didn’t expect you to be in the band! You were amazing!”
“Ahh, thanks.” He rubbed the back of his neck, the nervousness creeping back into his body at your compliment. “I’m glad you were there. I’ll admit, I was a little nervous. I usually look at the crowd a lot more, but I was worried that if I saw you, I’d mess up.”
“Oh, well…Glad you didn’t see me then.” Your cheeks flushed at his words, this time, you were the nervous one.
“Yeah…” He sighed, looking back down at his feet as he usually did when he spoke to you.
“Kai, do you-”
“I really like you, and I’ve been wanting to ask you out for a long time, but you’re so pretty and smart and funny, you made me really nervous, so I just avoided you.” Kai blurted out, looking back up to meet your eyes as he spoke, his cheeks burning bright red.
“Oh!...really?” Suddenly everything made sense.
“Yeah…so…do you wanna go out with me?” His eyes flitted away from yours as he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets, his glasses slipping back down the bridge of his nose.
“Of course I do.”
“Really?” He immediately perked up, his eyes snapping back up to yours, the grin from earlier creeping back up his face.
“Yeah. I’d be crazy to say no now that I know you’re smart and cool.” Kai chuckled at your words, shuffling his feet. You smiled at his nervousness. It was charming. You reached your hands towards his face, causing him to still like a deer in the headlights. His face flushed an even brighter red as you pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
“So…I’ll see you tomorrow? For lunch?”
“Uh…” His brain short-circuited. “Yes?”
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” You smiled at him over your shoulder as you started walking away, internally screaming at the way his eyes lit up and his grin widened.
“See you tomorrow!” He called after you, slumping against the wall with a sigh, attempting to hide the giddy grin on his face.
You giggled as you discreetly watched him over your shoulder.
What a nerd. A nerd who absolutely rocks.
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daydreams & doodles
WHEREIN: huening mindlessly doodles on your arm pairing: college!hyuka x gn!reader genre: fluff warning: none (i think..)
the sun streamed through the classroom windows, casting warm patterns on the desks. you sat in the middle row, absently tapping your pen against your notebook. today’s lesson was a blur, the teacher’s voice a distant hum.
next to you, huening kai was equally disengaged, his focus not on the blackboard but on your arm.
you glanced at him, a small smile playing on your lips as he gently took your arm and started doodling. his concentration was adorable, his tongue slightly poking out as he drew tiny stars, hearts, and little animals. each stroke was light and delicate, the ink forming whimsical patterns on your skin.
“hey, what’s that supposed to be?” you whispered, trying to suppress a giggle.
huening looked up, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “it’s a surprise,” he whispered back, a grin spreading across his face.
as he continued, you found yourself watching him more than paying attention to the lesson. the way his brow furrowed in concentration, the slight curve of his lips as he enjoyed his impromptu art session – it was all endearing.
suddenly, the classroom fell silent. you snapped your head up to see the teacher standing directly in front of you both, arms crossed and eyebrows raised. huening froze, the marker still poised over your arm. the teacher’s stern gaze swept over the two of you, making your cheeks flush with heat.
“mr. huening,” the teacher said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement, “i don’t believe doodling on your classmate is part of the curriculum.”
a ripple of laughter spread through the classroom. huening kai’s face turned a deep shade of red, his eyes wide with embarrassment. he quickly pulled his hand away, trying to hide the marker behind his back.
“i’m sorry, mrs. lee,” he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.
mrs. lee’s expression softened, and she sighed, shaking her head with a small smile. “just try to focus on the lesson, both of you,” she said, her tone gentle. “and maybe save the artwork for after class.”
as she walked away, the laughter died down, and the class resumed its usual rhythm. you looked over at huening, who was still blushing furiously, avoiding your gaze. you nudged him gently with your elbow.
“hey, it’s okay,” you said softly. “i like your doodles.”
he glanced at you, a shy smile tugging at his lips. “really?”
“really,” you assured him, holding up your arm to admire the little drawings. “they’re cute. just like you.”
he peeked at you, a shy smile tugging at his lips. "thanks," he mumbled. "sorry for getting you in trouble."
"it's fine, hyuka" you assured him. "besides, i kind of like being your canvas."
huening's blush deepened, but he couldn't help but chuckle. "maybe next time, i'll just stick to paper," he said, giving you a sheepish grin.
© 2024 seoulzie
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