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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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Compilation of drawings to showcase how I felt the past weeks.
Characteres are
Althea, Setra Topclass
Eleanor, Mercedes Benz eCiatro Fuell Cell
Edwin, Vanhool A12
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oral exams on monday I'm gonna screwm into the voiddd, I am also getting bullied by a fly as we speak
But I wish to bring art
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Alyx my beloved
Perspective is eugh, but hey, we learn
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There he be with flat colours and human for scale, he's so large gawd dayum
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I wish to finish this but no time for this weekend ;a; well mayhaps tomorrow!!
Also I bought artbooks again, god that was expensive
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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So uh after some time I finally started this project of making a small artbook for myself. I wanted to make the images much smaller but then I realised they'd be so small you wouldn't be able to see some of them clearly.
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After printing I cut them all out and sorted them by character or just by coloured etc.
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And then I pretty much started filling thw pages with the drawings, I will be adding sketches and random text onto each page to fill it up.
Also thw outside of this sketchbook doesn't full speak to me so I will draw over it or make some covering that makes it feel nicer.
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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Did you know that busses can sweat? Well I mean the actual vehicles can, it's some term I forgot because I don't know tech stuff so well.
Tried to do smth more again.
I currently still have a fear of trying out new things because it seems so complicated but I mean, I might as well try some new stuff the coming days.
Solaris busses always look so goofy I swear.
I love how we as humans gave vehicles designs that somewhat look like faces and our brains interpretat it that way as well.
tomorrow I shall continue the art shenanigans, I have a few ideas thanks to someone suggesting a bunch of silly things.
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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Some bus dooooodles I made yesterday.
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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Some of these older ones are just blursed lmaoooo
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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Ipad sketches Part2
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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Ipad sketches Part1
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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figured I'd artdump my stuff to keep track of things aswell, I would usually do that on my toyhouse, but problem there is your images can't be bigger than 4000kb, which is annoying. So my tumblr it is then!
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I also want to make small icons for my toyhouse characters but haven't had the time to do so, here some examples tho
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there are still quite alot of things I want to draw doe, but the list keeps on growing and it's giving me an aneurysm. I try to keep a list on trello, because I am very forgetful
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Thank god I have Denis to help me in these trying times
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
This week I didn't draw much, but I was more busy working on some bus lore.
Mainly for Milos, properly redoing his summary again and thinking about his father Plock (yes his father has the name of the city he came from).
I think I'm making progress, atleast I figured out what key conflicts their relationship will have and I'm gonna write it all down for my toyhouse.
And two days ago I worked on some small studies? For my "Bus Queen" Helene, I wanted to do a painting of her so I troed constructing how her throne room could look like. I firstly looked at some pictures around the web and now have this sheet with notes and all.
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I like the top left iteration of her room, I didn't like do a traditional throne room because I want the other busses surround her. To properly show? That there isn't a huuuge hiarchy difference. But I might draw some more different versions to have some final thoughts on it.
bottom row I didn't finish, I wasn't feeling well. But after all that tinkering I wanna begin drawing a painting for her, hopefully I can work it all out. Doing whole illustrations feels a bit scary to me, I don't know the fundamentals yet and I know it won't look like the image I have in my head. I just have to try and do my best
Helene is the Central AI of the planetary lab (maybe I explain it on my tumblr one day), and in this story she plays as the Queen of the busses.
Her Queen model is based on the Mercedes Benz Capacity
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These were some of the previous sketches I made of her, I still need to do more drawings of her clothes, jewellery and limbs before
She doe be looking kinda goofy
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
Ya now, sometimes I look around bus websites to see if there is anything new or smth and I noticed Vanhool uses the same image of the A12 for every type of model they have from it.
While the Exquicity, vibes with side profiles and different colours you have this.. A12 that ominously watches you as you scroll around.
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Hard to show on mobile but you get the idea, it just keeps staring at you
So I did the only plausible thing after looking at the page for a while, I opened the browser console thingy (I don't know the name) And proceeded to copy and past this bus onto the page a bunch of times.
Result being 728482928 busses that stae at you while you scroll downwards
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Ah yes hhhhmmm I can't decide between the A18 Batterij and the... A18 Batterij, super difficult to pick one hhhmmm
I wish I were sorry but I also found myself almost bursting out of laughter while messing with the page.
This bus is pretty but also haunting
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It is 2 am so it's time for me to pass out and continue my bus obsession in the morning
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zeondraws · 2 years ago
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Holy shit fellas the wooden bus popped up for sale on the solaris bus store. Me saying this is exciting is an understatement, I didn’t even think this one would ever be up for sale. My next question would be, how many units exist? Since this is the first product market as “Limited edition”. All I know is that I must buy it!
It also might not be on the website for long so these screenshots will document this items presence on there. I noticed they added new notebook cover designs and removed the old one (I still have the old one, fun I now own a relic or should I say… a limited edition piece fhrjewdihcbhwjdbcihdwb)
I must document more stuff aaaaaa
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