#bus tracker
bellbunny12 · 6 months
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codewareltd · 10 months
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The Codeware Bus Tracker is an advanced system that revolutionizes transportation. Using GPS technology, it offers real-time bus tracking through a user-friendly mobile app. Passengers can access live bus locations, estimated arrival times, and set personalized alerts. Transport authorities benefit from data analytics to improve operational efficiency.
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puppyeared · 9 months
I hate the taste of blood but I will acquire a taste for it if I have to
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
Surely if I PAKIGE???? just one more time, it will have been shipped now.
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froschdoesstuff · 8 months
Random Dimension 20 doodles/wips before I SHOULD sleep. The question is… will I?
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I really wanna finish the tracker one but I started it so long ago and only recently started colouring it…. Imelda and Gorgug were just random bored doodles lol
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tamaharu · 5 months
im being so grown up im taking the bus to get cold medicine all by myself and im only crying a little bit
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wigglesforsquiggles · 2 months
hi rain !! my week has been p chill ! i literally did nothing until 6pm today (a little bed rot but sometimes that’s what u need)
my sleep schedule is in shambles rn. we’re not talking abt my 4am bedtimes. not a topic of discussion (oh god plz help me)
i have been reading more fics tho! i’ve already surpassed in both number and words the fics i read last month, and i aim to match my match numbers (truly i was insane then)
it’s also f1 this weekend and i hope i can use it to get me through (i.e. not wake up at 1pm) but it is yet to be seen.
my brain is a bit scattered, i just did like an hour of straight exercise. i need food (will be making dinner when i get back)
but ye. not spoken much abt my week but that’s bc nothing much happened. hopefully this will continue to the next week bc oh god that’s preferable to anything else
so ye hope u have a good weekend rain !!!
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astiinfotech1 · 3 months
TRAKOM – School Security Solution | Asti Infotech
TRAKOM – School Security Solution. Offers real-time GPS-based tracking of school buses, enhanced security of students, and better controls.
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possiblytracker · 2 years
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skaiawards · 8 months
ride with confidence. ass blaster
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bellbunny12 · 6 months
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codewareltd · 11 months
Track Your Bus Location | Real-Time Bus Location Tracking
The Codeware Bus Tracker is an advanced system that revolutionizes transportation booking. Using GPS technology, it offers real-time bus tracking through a user-friendly mobile app. Commuters can access live bus locations, estimated arrival times, and set personalized alerts. Transit authorities benefit from data analytics to improve operational efficiency. The system enhances passenger safety, reduces environmental impact, and includes accessibility features.
By streamlining the travel experience and promoting sustainable transportation, the Codeware Bus Tracker is a game-changer for modern urban commuting.
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Also passengers can track buses in real-time and provide valuable feedback, leading to continuous system improvements for a better travel experience.
With our Bus Tracking features, you can track your buses’ whereabouts instantly, guide your drivers accordingly, help your passengers track bus locations, and do so much more.
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normiewizard · 9 months
DID SANDRA LYNN FUCK RIZ"SZ DAD. or perhaps mom (slay)
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ilhoonftw · 10 months
it's always 'people who use adblock are stealing from youtube creators' and not 'payment model based on how many ads viewers see is fucked up'
what's wrong with being anti-ads. i hate to see them i feel like i'm wasting my limited precious time on earth. there are cities* that passed resolutions to limit amount of ads like billboards, meanwhile internet is basically the wild west, ads everywhere and you're supposed to PAY to get rid of them. i'd rather not use a service than pay for disabling ads
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gaspard-de-la-nuit · 2 years
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WHY are they stopping me they KNOW im right
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kirigear · 10 months
little beepo's misery is increasing (two Invisible Buses in a row and now i'm too late to go to the movies) 8(
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