#I will find new and creative ways to grab someone in a chokehold
puppyeared · 1 year
I hate the taste of blood but I will acquire a taste for it if I have to
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a-n-conrad · 5 years
Fighting and Flirting (Bakugo x Reader)
Chapter 1: Butterflies
[Summary: You and Shoto grew up together, sparring throughout the years in order to convince his father to allow the two of you to remain friends.]
Relationships: Bakugo x Reader, Todoroki & Reader, Midoriya & Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fighting (blood), Mineta, SLOWBURN 
“You should teach me how to do that,” You jump a little at the voice behind you, though you quickly recognize it.
“I don’t think your dad would appreciate that all that much, Shoto,” You joke, waving your hand to dispel the illusions of butterflies you had created to swarm around you in the courtyard, before turning slightly to face your childhood friend.
“He let you in here, didn’t he?” He motions to the garden around you. It was true, his dad had been the one to walk you to the inner garden of their abode today, though you still weren’t sure how much truth was held in his next statement, “Obviously, he doesn’t mind you all that much.”
“You know that’s just because he wants us to spar in a little bit. He likes that I give you a challenge sometimes.”
He sighs and sits on the ground next to you. You guys still had a little while until his dad came out and started hounding you to start sparring with each other. You always liked to take this time to actually sit and enjoy being around each other before he was attempting to either set you on fire or freeze you to death.
You two had been friends with each other for quite a long time at that point. You had met about a year before Shoto’s quirk presented and you had refused to go away when his dad had attempted to isolate him from the world. Eventually, Endeavor gave up on trying to get rid of you and just decided to find a way to make you useful, though you were sure that if you were his kid your arguments would’ve ended quite differently if what Shoto says is anything to go by. Instead, however, you became Shoto’s sparring partner, since your parents weren’t even around enough to protest.
Admittedly, your quirk wasn’t quite as useful when it came to battle as Shoto’s. You could manipulate light and sound to create elaborate illusions or just send off a bright beam of light or a sonic boom. Other than that, though, you had to rely a lot more on your physical abilities than Shoto. You could really only use one sonic boom before your ears started ringing, and if you used it more than that before the ringing stopped, the doctors said you’d end up making yourself go deaf. That just means you spent a lot more time outside of sparring working out and building muscle. 
“I was serious, though, (Y/N),” Shoto’s voice broke into your thoughts, “You should teach me how to make butterflies like that. I’m sure my fire could do something similar.”
“Maybe,” You replied, attempting to think about how you’d have to adjust your tactic in order to make it work with fire, instead of just light, “We’d have to shift a few things, but we might be able to make it work. I don’t think you’d have quite as much control as I do, though.”
“That’s alright,” He replied, leaning his head on your shoulder, his dual-colored hair falling into your face a little bit, “I just think it’d be nice to make something pretty out of my fire.”
“Yeah, I guess that makes sense, Sho.”
“What are you two doing just sitting around?” The voice that echoed from the area near one of the doors to the garden was easily the last one you wanted to hear, though you knew well that he’d be out soon, “Do you really think you have time to just sit around? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the entrance exam?”
“Entrance Exam?” You asked, a little confused as to what Endevear was talking about as he approached the two of you. You hadn’t really thought of any school to apply to yet and as far as you knew, neither had Shoto, “Entrance to where?”
“UA, obviously. You think Shoto would be going anywhere else?”
You glanced over at your friend, a little hurt that he didn’t tell you that he had already figured out where he was going, “Oh, right. Should I leave you to study instead? I’m sure the written exam is important too.”
“You’re going too, aren’t you?” Shoto asked, tilting his head a little as if it had been obvious to you. He had a couple habits like that, though you were sure almost no one else got to see them.
“You want to be a hero, too, don’t you? There’s no better place to go than UA.”
“Shoto,” You started, “There’s no way I’ll get into UA. Their entrance exams aren’t exactly built for people with quirks like mine. I could do alright in the written portion, but I doubt I’d do at all good in the practical exam.”
“That’s why you get in on a recommendation,” Endeavor states, obviously getting annoyed at the conversation and the lack of sparring that was going on during it. He was quick to get annoyed with you, though he knew there really wasn’t much he could do about it without getting himself into trouble. 
“What,” You try your best not to sound too surprised and confused, but you were never really all that good at hiding your emotions, “Where would I get a recommendation?”
“From me, of course,” He replies, rolling his eyes, “They’re pretty quick to accept recommendations from the number 2 hero, but you still have to go through an entrance exam. It’s just not quite as battle-centric.”
“Oh, thank you!” You jumped up from your spot on the ground, too excited to hide your grin, and while you still felt a little guilty to accept something from someone who was so cruel to your friend, you knew there was no other way for you to get into the same school as him.
“Shut up,” He grumbles, “Don’t forget that it’s just to give Shoto a decent rival at that school. That means you had better get into the same class as him. Now, will you get on with the training before you have to fight me instead?”
You nodded and helped Shoto up from his spot on the ground, nest to where you were just seated before the both of you got into your sparring positions that you had gotten into multiple times a week for the past few years.
- - - - -
Shoto almost always started out using his right side. He liked his ice better, so he always favored using it. That’s why as he quickly shot a wall of ice out towards you you knew exactly how to dodge. A quick bit of acrobatics to his left as you were in the clear.
Of course, he expected that, which meant you had to be pretty quick on your feet to make another quick dodge as he threw a shot of flames towards you. You had been through this same battle enough that the two of you knew each other’s moves better than anyone else in the world. That meant that you each had to start getting more creative in order to avoid playing out the same battle every single time.
You each had your own goals, though, which you knew would make it easier to win the fight. You knew that his goal was to keep you as far away as he could, so he could use his long-distance move in order to either freeze you in place or to burn you enough that you tap out. That made your goal to get as close to him as you could so you could get a few punches in.
You held your hand up quickly, focusing as hard you could in order to push out a quick sonic boom, knocking him down for just a moment. This gave you just enough time to set up your newest illusion for a test. 
You focused on the light first. Step one was to make yourself disappear. Just make the area around you look exactly like the area behind you to him. That way it looked a though he could see through you. You weren’t entirely sure how well it worked, but you were hoping it was an effective enough illusion that it looked like you had vanished. By the time you had gotten that illusion to the point you wanted it, he was already starting to stand back up, almost entirely recovered from your sonic boom. 
That meant you only had a couple of moments to get as far away from where you had just been standing before he tried to roast you.
As he started to stand, you sprinted as fast as you could towards him, quickly closing the gap between you as he glanced around, confused as to where you had gone. 
However, despite your new plan, you were at a slight disadvantage. With your ears ringing as much as they were, you weren’t quite sure how much noise your footsteps were making. You quickly became aware of that new fact as Shoto looked directly at you. As he started freezing the ground around himself, the trail of ice rushing towards you, you took the chance to jump, diving directly towards his midsection.
You managed to avoid his ice, tackling him to the ground, only for your illusion to disappear as you made contact with him. You, however, didn’t care about the illusion anymore. You quickly adjusted to straddle his midsection, pinning one of his shoulders down with your left hand and you leaned the other arm onto his throat in a sort of chokehold. 
He quickly tried to move his arm to grab your arm, however, you were quick to move both of his arms to his sides, pinning them there with your legs, before returning to the chokehold.
“Tap out, Sho,” You muttered, applying a little bit more pressure.
He glared at you before tapping one of his hands against the ground where they were pinned. You quickly stood up, helping him up with you before brushing some dirt off of your clothes. 
“You really don’t go easy on me ever, do you?”
“You really shouldn’t either, Sho. I can handle myself. I know it doesn’t take you that long to get up after getting knocked down,” You say quietly, hoping his dad wouldn’t hear you. You knew that if his dad figured out either of you were going easy on each other it wouldn’t end well for Shoto. 
Luckily for the two of you, before he could say anything about the fight, he got a call. Obviously work-related.
“I have to go,” He said, already on his way out, “The two of you should get some studying in. If you make my recommendations look bad I’m not going to be happy.”
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singulari-taee · 6 years
The Danger in Duality | 06
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BTS X Reader
CW: Violence, explicit sexual content: fingering, oral sex, breath play mention
“You and your seven squad members must take on the struggles of being world-class assassins while also living as full-time college students”
    It was never a good feeling. Or at least that’s what he had to convince himself every time to keep his sanity.
    But there was just something about the bastard’s face when the machete landed that was every bit as satisfying as he hoped it would be.
    Taehyung kicked the man in his chest, dislodging the weapon from his skull as he sunk to the floor.
    He expected the others to react sooner, to pounce on him to avenge their fallen friend. But everyone stood frozen as they watched the blood pool around his head and stain the concrete in the abandoned garage.
    That moment of shock was all Taehyung needed to assess.
    Eight men, each twice his size, all armed.
    He dove for the next closest. Taehyung swung the machete and missed. The tall man dug in his waistband and pulled out a pistol. He fired once, and Taehyung felt the whiz of the bullet as it moved past him. He knocked the gun from the Mob boss’ hand with a kick, and the weapon clattered as it hit the floor. They looked at the weapon, then back at each other. The man dove for it, but before he could grab it, Taehyung sliced easily through the outstretched arm. The garage was filled with screams as the man stared at his detached hand laying on the ground.
    It all happened faster than he anticipated. Soon five men were bolting towards him with no sign of stopping. There were more flying bullets, and his body moved in every way possible to avoid them in some sort of unrhythmic survival dance. It was what he learned in training: Just keep moving.
    Suddenly a new figure appeared. It charged in, knocking one man to the floor.
    Jimin slid his blade across the throat in one swift motion. He immediately pushed himself up to go towards the hand-less man and finish the job.
    The recruits were huddled together, eyes wide with fear as they took in the scene before them. Taehyung wanted to scream, tell them to run and don’t look back, but he was preoccupied.
    “Where the hell are you guys?!” Jimin screamed into the earpiece. Half of the men were now chasing him around the garage, as the rest tried to get Taehyung. “Some help would be nice!”
    “Almost there!” Namjoon answered.
    Two men ran up to him. One grabbed Jimin by his shoulders trying to force him against a wall while the other approached with a knife. Jimin  grabbed the man by the shoulders in an awkward embrace and pushed him backwards into the man with the knife. By his grimace, he knew he had landed right on it.
    There was more commotion across the garage. Jimin looked over to see you, Yoongi, and Namjoon sprinting in.
    Namjoon took over trying to help Taehyung while you and Yoongi stood a moment trying to assess the situation. The space was basically empty, nothing but concrete and walls. This would give you little to no leverage or space for creativity. It would be hard but not impossible.
    It was never impossible.
    “I’ve got the right side!” you shouted before taking off towards Jimin.
    “About time!” he said.
    “Good to see you too.” you huffed. You had left your heels outside, right by the bodies of the security guards. The cold concrete on your feet kept you alert. You ran up to one of the men, and jumped. He instinctively caught you, and you put one palm to his chin and the other to the back of his head. You jerked to the side, hard, and heard the snap as he went limp. You let go before he fell to the floor.
    Suddenly Jimin was grabbed and slammed against a pillar in the garage. The man lifted him up by the throat, choking him as tried to squirm away. You scanned around, finding a long wire by your feet.
    You ran up behind the man and looped the wire around his neck, putting a foot to his back for good measure. With all the force you could muster, you pulled. He let go of Jimin, and went to scratch at the chord around his neck to no avail. He tried to spin around, but Jimin kicked at his shin, making him fall flat on his stomach. You dug your knees into his back as you continued to pull, until he stopped thrashing and went still. Jimin took a gun from the floor and pulled the trigger. One could never be too sure.
    “Don’t worry, I’ll let you have that one for the final kill count.” he winked.
    Across the garage, it was complete mayhem. A scene of flailing limbs and screaming. Namjoon was standing above a body, and Taehyung and Yoongi were slashing at the last man standing. He aimed his gun towards them, but Yoongi disarmed him within seconds and shot once right through the middle of his head.
     You and Jimin ran over. Everyone scanned the room for more threats until you spotted the half a dozen pairs of eyes staring back. They were shaking, and Taehyung thought they looked more scared now than ever.
    Having witnesses was never easy.
    “It’s okay,” Namjoon walked forward. The blood on his dress shirt didn’t help. “You’re safe now. But you all need to get out of here. Run. Go home.”
    They shared glances, inching towards the door.
    They darted out of the empty garage, leaving nothing but your squad and the scattered bodies.
    “We’re done here, lets go!”
    When you all were outside, Jungkook and Seokjin came soon after.
    Everyone stood around, waiting for the next step. It was instinctual to get into the van and disappear into the night as always. You all remembered that that wasn’t an option this time.
    “How are we getting back?” Jimin asked.
    You all felt on edge, too exposed.
    The group was standing by a side road, empty save for a few taxis.
    “There’s our answer.” Taehyung said, nodding towards the row of yellow cars.
    “A taxi?”
    “We don’t really have the luxury to be picky, Yoongi.” Namjoon huffed. “Come on!”
    Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook jumped into one, followed by Seokjin and Jimin in another, and you and Yoongi got in the last.
    You nearly screamed the address to your apartment when you sat down.
    The driver jumped, scared by your urgency, but put on his meter and hit the gas.
    He was staring Yoongi down in his rearview mirror, and you wondered why until you saw the spots of blood covering the front of his jacket.
    “Rough night.” you laughed nervously.
    “Just don’t get it on the seats. Clean up is extra.” the driver muttered.
    It was a silent ride.
    The taxi stopped soon after, right in front of your building. Yoongi gave the man a few bills, an awkward goodbye, and closed the door.
    You began to walk up the stairs when you noticed he wasn’t following.
    “Hey!” you called. “Where are you going?”
   “Home.” he answered.
    You shook your head, “No. We need to talk.”
    He sighed and followed you up to your apartment. You walked right to your room and closed the door. You sighed, hand on your face trying to keep it together before you let the inquisition fly. You turned to Yoongi. Even through the curtain of messy black hair, the feigned confusion on his face annoyed you even more than before.
    “What was that?”
    “What was what?”
    “So you’re gonna play dumb?”
    He shrugged.
    Unbelievable. He was really going to make you spell this out for him.
    “Back at the mission. In the broom closet.” you said. “You tried to...kiss me.”
    It was matter of fact. So nonchalant that it made you almost short circuit.
    “Y-yeah? Why?”
    “You didn’t want me to?”
    You blinked at him.
    “That wasn’t the question.”
    “Well how come you get to be the only one asking?” he asked. He crossed his arms, expression even.
    “Because I said so!” even you knew that was an elementary answer, but this whole situation had you off your game.
    “If you’re gonna keep me here can I at least take a shower? I don’t like having death on me for too long.” he turned towards your bathroom, and you put your hand on his shoulder to spin him around.
    “No, what the fuck?” you said. “Yoongi, you know we can’t...do that, right?”
    He was just as aware of the rules as you were. Everybody was. It was drilled into your heads just as much as a roundhouse kick or chokehold. Any relationships outside of platonic and professional within squads were prohibited.
    “You think I don’t know that?”
     “Well you sure acted like it.”
    “It was just going to be a kiss. I wasn’t asking for your hand in marriage or any other kind of sappy shit. I just wanted to feel something for the first time in a long time...and you happened to be there.”
    There was sincerity there, and a part of you understood, but the other was still unsettled.
    “Look, I’m not sure what came over me, okay? You just looked so good,” he winced as he rubbed his neck, “And after our conversation about our last times I just wanted to remember I guess. I don’t mean to make it weird. Just forget it happened if it makes you feel better, alright?”
    Platonic and professional lines had already been crossed. Forgetting wasn’t realistic.
    “You know I can’t.”
    “Didn’t think so.” he scoffed. “Well what now?”
    There was no end goal in mind when you started this conversation. You shifted feet.
    “I don’t know.”
    “Well did you ever wonder what would happen if we tried to...feel? With each other?”
    “Yeah, we would get fired.” you answered quickly.
    “No, I mean...” Yoongi looked down at the carpet, hands carding through his hair. It was strange to see him so unsure, so unlike himself, “without the consequences. If The Academy never found out, if it could be kept a secret, wouldn’t you want to just try?”
    “How could you be so sure they wouldn’t find out?”
     “It’s not like I would say anything.” he shrugged.
     Of course it had crossed your mind before. You were human and you weren’t blind. You had desires just like everyone else, but it was your job to not act on them.
    “...it’s not allowed...”
    No, it wasn’t. You drilled that into your head more with every passing second.
    Though, it made more sense this way. Why not be involved with someone you know, someone you trust, someone that understands you and your work in a way that a random civilian fling could never?
    “...I would want to but…”
    “We’re in the same squad for fucks sake.” you laughed humorlessly.
    Yoongi took a step closer. He tried to read your face as the devil and angel danced atop your shoulders. You knew that he could see the resolve crumble. Your eyes met, and it sealed your fate.
    “Why not do it with someone that has just as much on the line?” his voice barely above a whisper, “No strings and only one goal in the end. It just seems like it would work. I mean, what’s there to lose really?”
    Our jobs! You wanted to scream, but even you knew it was pointless. You had already lost.
    “No strings. Only sex.” you said.
    “Only sex.” he confirmed.
    Yoongi stiffened, the shock clear all over his face. It was like he didn’t actually think you’d go along with it. And honestly you didn’t think you would either.
    Your eyes trailed down his dress shirt. His milky neck lead to his chest, exposed down to the 3rd button, teasing you. Testing you. And you were open to fail.
    You met eyes again. The room was silent, the ticking of your clock on the wall the only indication of passing time.
    He took a slow step forward to close the distance. You couldn’t look up. His hand slowly came up to cup your face. His movements were calculating, giving you both enough time to go back and stop, but neither did.
    He never touched you unless it was to practice an attack. There was something about the intimacy that made you both go still as you realized just how weird it was. Weird, but nice. Weird but needed.
    “What are you waiting for?” you asked.
    He rolled his eyes.
    Yoongi leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. They were soft and cautious. Like he was scared to go too deep and see what was there beneath the surface. You weren’t sure if it was lust or stupidity, but you kissed him harder. He fell into the rhythm and moved his hand to your back to pull you closer. He slipped a tongue in, an immediate fight for control.
    It felt good. Too good. You needed this like he needed this.
    Your hands went to his hair, tangling in the dark tresses as his mouth went to your neck.
    “Ahh...” you let out. You felt like you were melting, and you were too aware of the pulsing in your core.
    He licked and sucked on the sensitive part and you let out another moan.
    “Like that?” he asked.
    “Fuck, yeah.”
    Your hands gripped tighter, and you took a step back. You lost your balance, and pulled him on top of you on the bed.
     His hand dipped down to grab you by the waist, hard. Even in moments like this, aggression was the only thing you both knew. His hand slowly went around to the front and rested on your thigh. You sucked in a breath. You were aware of the lack of clothes you were wearing below. You still had on your cocktail dress, and you felt incredibly naked beneath him. His hand went up your leg until it was right at your panties.  
    His index finger traced at you through the thin fabric and you bucked forward.
    Yoongi jerked your panties down and off your legs, throwing them somewhere on the floor. He felt along your pussy with his middle finger. Your eyes were shut tight. You hadn’t had a release in a while, and you felt like just this teasing would send you over the edge in no time. He continued to feel you with his finger, and his lips went back up to yours. He stopped at your entrance before pushing a digit inside. You moaned into his mouth.
    You were clouded by the feelings of his hands on you, in you, and you knew that when it all stopped reality would hit. But for now you could be selfish.
    “More.” you breathed.
    He pushed his ring finger inside and you moaned. He continued the rhythm, thumb going to rub at your clit and you felt everything start to speed up. You moved your hips forward, trying to feel more of him. You were riding his fingers, desperate, feeling your insides coil with every pump.
    “You’re so wet. Shit.” he said. His voice was a drawl, so sexy it got you even closer. He curled his fingers, hitting the spot just right.
    You tightened your thighs around his hand. You weren’t sure if it was just the dry spell talking, but his fingers, those hands capable of so much more, were the best things you had ever felt. He knew your body, your weaknesses and strengths, after years of training. But this was new territory.
    “Yoongi. Yoongi!” you were shouting. Then suddenly everything went white. Your back rose off the bed, mouth open as your silent scream left you. Yoongi continued to pump his fingers as you rode them to the end of your climax. You were out of breath, staring up at your ceiling when Yoongi pulled his fingers out. His entire hand was covered with your cum. He looked at the mess, then back at you, and the hunger there was like nothing you had ever seen from him before.
    He was on you in no time. You hooked your leg around him and pushed. You rolled on the bed until you were straddling him. You held him down by the shoulders, grinding into the bulge in his pants.
     He groaned, “Don’t play with me, ____.”
    “Don’t tell me what to do.” you shot back, bending down to attack his lips again.
    He bucked his hips and you took in a sharp breath. You trailed kisses down his neck, to his exposed chest, as you fumbled with his belt. You palmed him through his underwear, and he groaned. You reached in and grabbed his dick. He gasped, almost jumping out the bed as you held him.
    “Just stick it inside you already.” he said, almost desperately.
    You began to stroke him. You relished in the power of seeing him so weak before you. Years of fighting, and all it took was to get his dick in your hands.
    You scoffed, “No.”
    “You think I’m gonna just fuck you on the first night? You have to work for that.” you laugh.
    “Wh-?” he began to protest, but then you licked the tip.
    He shuddered.
    “What was that?” you asked.
    “J-just keep going.”
    You licked up the shaft, slow, teasing. His fist balled up at his side. Oh how you loved this control.
    “I said don’t play with me.” he said in a shaky voice.
    “And I said…” Lick. “...don’t tell me what to do.”
    “____…” he groaned. You never knew how sexy your name sounded.
    Fine, you would be nice to him, for once.
    You took him in as far as you can. He hit the back of your throat, and you hear him lose it. His hand go to your hair this time, holding on as you bobbed up and down.
    “Fuck. Oh my god…”
    You were a bit rusty, but the curses that left the man’s mouth let you know you must have been doing okay. His other arm was thrown across his face as he laid on the bed, trying to hide his weakness to you. You hummed, vibrations going through his dick and making another moan slip out. His hips lifted off the bed.
     “I’m gonna cum-” immediately he spilled out into your mouth.
    You pushed yourself off of him, face scrunched as you contemplated what to do. No one had ever cum in your mouth before, and there was no trash can in sight. You bit the bullet and swallowed it down. It wasn’t terrible, just salty.
    You wiped your mouth and turned to him, breathing heavy as he stared into space.
    “No warning?”
    “I did warn you.” he said weakly.
    “As you were cumming in my mouth.”
    “Well you looked pretty hot swallowing.” he grinned.
    It was quiet again. The afterglow was beginning to wear off, and the reality was setting in. You knew Yoongi felt the same, because he sat up on the mattress.
    “Well…” he cleared his throat.
    “I need to…”
    “Yeah. Me too.”
    He got up and fixed his pants.
    “That was....” he tried, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget to lock your front door again. Don’t know who’d be desperate enough to break into this place, but you never know.”
    You shot up your middle finger as he closed the door behind him.
    Seokjin’s pounding headache made him regret the all nighter. Though, he eventually found what he was looking for. He scoured all the street cameras in the city until he finally spotted his van. It was abandoned on some road, dozens of miles away on the outskirts of town. He had it towed and delivered back to the apartment by morning, and he felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
    He didn’t bother to get The Academy involved with something like this. How embarrassing would it be to have to call Mr. Kim to tell him the squad van got stolen?
    He took a sip of his coffee.
    “I heard you got your baby back.” you said as you sat next to him on the sofa, “And there was nothing stolen? No parts missing?”
    “Nothing.” he smiled. “Just the way I left it.”
    “That’s weird though, right? I mean, what was the point of taking it in the first place?”
    “Don’t know, but I’m sure as hell not going to question good luck.”
    “Whoever took it probably realized it was trash and figured it was worth more abandoned on the side of the road.”
    Jimin had fallen onto the sofa next to you, throwing an arm behind your head.
    Seokjin reached across your body to swing at him, but you blocked his fist with your hand.
    “I’ll strap you to the roof next time.” he grumbled.
    “Alright everyone you know what time it is.” Namjoon said as he walked into the living room.
    The group piled up on their usual spots, crowding around Seokjin and his computer. Namjoon looked around, “Where’s Yoongi?”
    “In his room I guess.” Jungkook said.
    “Well somebody go get him.”
    Jungkook hopped up and knocked on his door. He came out soon after, seemingly just rolling out of bed by the look of his hair.
    You looked away, training your eyes on Seokjin’s computer screen instead. Yoongi sat down on a chair opposite you, lazily scrolling on his phone.
    “Okay, Joon how many kills did you get last night?”
    When he didn’t get an answer the room turned to him. Hoseok stared down at his hands and remained silent.
    “Oh...yeah, right. Jimin?” Seokjin carried on as he typed into the kill log.
    “So that’s 15.”
    “We hit all of our targets. Even though it’s way below our average, I’d say it was a good run.” Namjoon declared, “Good job.”
    The room was swallowed by side conversations as Seokjin submitted the final numbers. Jimin strummed his fingers along your shoulder, humming a tune. He turned to look at you and gasped.
    “_____...is that a hickey?!” he said.
    “What?” you jumped. Your hand went to your neck, feeling at the spot where Yoongi had done his damage.
    “I know I didn’t give you that.” Jimin said.
    “It’s not a hickey.” you said. “It's just a random bruise. I got choked at the mission yesterday.” you lied.
    “Oh,” Jimin said. Still appraising you, “So you’re into that or-?”
    Your hand went to wrap around his throat as you pinned him hard against the sofa. Too hard to be enjoyable. Or so you thought.
    “I don’t know, are you?” you asked.
    He was still, and his eyes went wide. A sly smile spread across his face and he winked.
    You dropped your hand and rolled your eyes.
    “Freak.” he said when he finally got his breath.
    You weren’t sure if that was you trying to stop Jimin’s usual advances or you playing along, but it surprised you both just the same. Last night really changed you, you though, and you needed to calm down.
    You spared a look at Yoongi, who was still on his phone. You wondered if he saw whatever that was with Jimin. If he did, he didn’t give any reaction.
    “_____.” he suddenly said.
    “Yeah?” you blurted.
    “Do you remember how many guards chased us from the bar? I need it for my notes.”
    “Uh, two I think?”
    He nodded and muttered a thanks.
    There was something about his attitude that was off-putting. He was so normal. While it was for the best, it was unexpected. For a man who just had two of his fingers stuck up your pussy, you’d think he’d act different. But it was the same as it always was. Short and straight to the point.
    You had no reason to feel so put off by it. It was exactly what should happen. What did you expect him to do, recall the night’s deeds in front of the entire squad, confess how good it felt to have his dick in your mouth?
    You’re the only girl he had any kind of close relationship with, and that’s why he chose you, you told yourself. Not because you were so special. You weren’t, not to him. Why would you want to be special, for Min Yoongi of all people? It was just sex. He needed an itch scratched, and so did you. You just needed to feel. That’s what you had agreed upon.
    You shook the thoughts from your head.
    Yes, you should follow Yoongi’s example and act like it never happened, because to everyone else, it didn’t.
    “Hey,” Hoseok cleared his throat. “I just want to apologize for last night.”
    “We’re listening.” Jimin said.
    Hoseok sighed, “I was being selfish, and I see it now. I heard you guys had a rough time last night and I’m sorry. At the time I was just so stressed with the project I couldn’t really see what was important. I’m sorry to all of you, and I fucked up. It won’t happen again, I promise. And Taehyung,” he began, “I really left you in a bad position. You took on a two-man job alone and while I’m so sorry I respect that. Again, I’m sorry.”
    The squad exchanged looks and nodded.
    “You’re forgiven.” Namjoon said.
    Seokjin stood from the sofa and headed towards the door.
    “Where are you going?” Taehyung asked.
    “I’m getting some of my equipment out the van to review old footage. It’s heavy, come help me.”
    Taehyung sat up and followed Seokjin outside to the parking lot.
    “I still can’t believe nothing’s missing.” Taehyung said as Seokjin opened the car door.
    “We have great luck.” Seokjin said as he gathered the hardwear.
    “Yeah I guess. Also do you know what happened to those boys from the mission last night?”
    “They ran off.”
    “Well duh but where? Home? I guess I’m just worried about them after going through something like that.”
    “The Academy will probably check in on them later.”
    A flash drive fell from a computer monitor and rolled under the seat.
    “Shit.” Seokjin said as he bent down to reach it.
    “The Academy is good at damage control though. I bet they’ve already tracked them down.”
    Seokjin grunted, straining to find it with no success.
    “Where is it…?” his fingers brushed against something small, stuck right to the bottom of the seat. He grabbed it and drew his hand back. He examined the object, oval shaped and about the size of his nail bed, with a wire sticking from the end. His eyebrows joining as he flipped it around in his fingers.
    “The Academy probably knows those boys’ future kids’ social security numbers by now-”
    Seokjin slapped a hand over Taehyung’s mouth, pushing him against the van.
    “Dude, wh-?”
    “SHH!” he urged.
    Seokjin held up the object in his hand to Taehyung’s face, a silent explanation, but he was still lost. Seokjin nodded towards the apartment and pulled the younger to follow behind him.
    The front door burst open, and all eyes flew to Seokjin and Taehyung. Seokjin put his back to the door, eyes frantically scanning all corners of the room.
    “What’s up?” you asked.
    “Taehyung, what’s going on?” Jungkook asked.
    He shrugged.
    “SHH!” Seokjin put a finger to his lips, “SHUT THE HELL UP!” he mouthed.
    He ran to the counter and pulled out a paper and pen.
    He held up the sheet in one hand and the thing in the other.
    “Wh-?” Namjoon began, “What?”
    Your heart skipped a beat.
    Seokjin went over to the sofa, pulling up the cushions and dumping them onto the floor. He stood there with his arms open as he looked around the room. A clear “Help me!” in his expression.
    The group snapped into action, pushing back the sofas, checking the lamps, and kitchen cabinets. You tore through the bookshelf while Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook checked under all the furniture.
    Namjoon suddenly froze, “The bedrooms.”
    He ran down the hall, and the older boys bolted behind him to tear their own rooms apart. You could hear the destruction from down the hall, a chorus of clattering and chaos.
    It was a while before they came back into the living room, now an unrecognizable mess of clutter.
    “I think its safe.” Yoongi whispered.
     Seokjin grabbed his phone, took pictures of the device and dropped it on the floor. Without hesitation, he crushed it under his shoe, the tiny mic breaking into several pieces.
    “Okay, Seokjin what happened?!” Namjoon snapped.
    “I dropped something under the driver’s seat, and when I went to look for it I found this instead.”
    “You sure that’s not yours?” Jungkook asked.
    “Why would I put a secret device in my own car?!” he screamed, “I don’t even recognize this model!”
    “It was planted,” you said, “Somebody put it there when they stole the van. It’s the only way.”
    “I knew it was too good to be true.” Hoseok whispered.
    “Well why take it miles away just to plant a microphone? They could have done it right in the parking lot.” Namjoon asked.
    “Fuck.” Jimin said as he carded his hands through his hair, “Fuck.”
    In your years as a squad, you had never dealt with something like this. You went down the list of potential threats, but you had disposed of them, as you always do. You were always on the offensive end. You were predators. It was different to be the prey for once.
    “Well what do we do?” Hoseok asked.
    “We need to talk to The Academy,” Namjoon said.
    There was a sigh.
    “What? What else can we do? Seokjin, you said you didn’t even recognize the model of the mic, right?”
    “Never seen it before. That’s what’s scaring me.”
    “Exactly. Grandfath- Mr. Kim needs to know about this.”
    Getting The Academy involved added another layer of stress when a few of you were already on thin ice. But Namjoon was right. What else could you do?
    It was a short conversation. By the end of Seokjin’s explanation, Mr. Kim’s expression had hardened, and he sat back in his chair with his arms folded. The group waited for him to react, the suspense mounting with every passing minute they stared at their computer screen.
    When he finally unfroze, he had few words, but ones they didn’t expect none the less.
    “I’m sending cars to come get you. Be ready in the next 30 minutes.”
    The video call disconnected and the eight of you didn’t feel any more at ease. You were more frantic with the ambiguity. Sure enough, two black SUVs with tinted windows came half an hour later. You piled inside the back of one, not recognizing the men with sunglasses in the front seat. They spared you a nod as you shut the door. They hit the gas and turned out of the parking lot.
    “W-where are we going?” Taehyung asked.
    The driver looked in the rearview mirror, his face expressionless.
    “The headquarters.”
    “The...headquarters.” you repeated.
    You exchanged a look with Hoseok. He sighed and put his hood up, leaning on the door.
    “Well, might as well get comfortable. It’s a long ride.”
    Though the squad’s questions had been answered, it didn’t make you feel much better. Mr. Kim wouldn’t bring you back to The Academy unless he thought it was absolutely necessary. You sank down into your seat, watching as the city and highways turned to back roads and mountains after hours. Something about this route made your adrenaline rush and your heart beat faster. While the car continued winding up, you spared a glance down and immediately regretted it. You weren’t afraid of heights, but something about the four thousand foot drop on the other side of the mountain you would never get used to.
    The car suddenly took a left down an unpaved road. It dipped into a tunnel, the inside of the car enveloped in darkness. It came to a stop and the driver rolled down the window. He put in a code and held up his ID card to the scanner embedded in the rock. There was a beep, and a gate lifted for you all to pass through.
    The SUV stopped in a white parking garage in a line of a dozen identical cars.
    A woman in a suit pulled open your door. She gave a smile and motioned for you to to come out. You slid out the car, your two squad members following behind. The other five joined, all with the same careful expression.
    “Follow me.” she said as she walked through another automatic door.
    When it opened to ceilings that reached to the heavens and a room that stretched the length of two football fields, the memories came flooding back. You saw your childhood and teen years in this room, hard hits to the face and sometimes even even harder hits to your ego. But this place was where you came into your own, where you found you. Where the squad was born.
    Hoseok scoffed, “Looks the same right?”
    “I haven’t been back here since…” Seokjin began, trying to recall.
    “Since our last day of training...three years ago.” Yoongi answered.
    The room was filled with people, mostly young, dressed in the standard uniform of black shorts and t-shirt. They stopped in their tracks as they took you all in, starting to size you up until they saw your faces. There was a buzz of whispers as the squad passed by.
    “This whole place have a staring problem?” Jungkook whispered to you.
    “We are kind of like celebrities, remember?”
    “I know but I still don’t like it.”
    The woman turned down a wide hallway. The walls were covered in photos, a Hall of Fame of sorts, of all the squads that had graduated from The Academy. You walked past a cluster of eight photographs labeled ‘SQUAD 16’, a headshot of each of you from your trainee days.
    The woman stopped in front of a set of double doors and pressed a button. You had been to this door before, but just to look at it in your childish curiosity. In your younger years you hadn’t ever been interested in walking through those doors, because it wasn’t always a good thing for you if you were asked to. The same applied to today.
     “Yes?” answered a deep voice.
    “Squad 16 is here, sir.”
    The doors opened to a large office, and you took a shy step inside. Sitting at the desk was Mr. Kim, hands clasped on the wood as he took you all in with his inviting eyes. His aura had always confused you for years. Though he was warm and treated you all well, there was something that made your palms sweaty whenever you were in the same room.
    “It’s been a while.” he smiled, taking you all in. It looked like he was writing mental notes, and you were scared to know what they said.
    “Too long.” Namjoon said as he walked over with Taehyung to give him a hug.
    Eight chairs were already set up at the desk, and you all took a seat.
    “Well I wish this visit was under better circumstances. But I needed to speak with you all and a phone call wouldn’t suffice.” he explained. “Seokjin, do you have something for me?”
    The oldest jumped and went to dig in his pockets, “Yes, sir. Here’s a photo of the covert listening device I found.”
    Mr. Kim laid the phone flat and shined his desk lamp on it. He zoomed into several areas of the picture, letting you all fidget in the silence.
    He sighed and leaned back, “Just what I thought.”
    He grabbed a remote and pointed it to the wall behind him. It turned into a screen, full of random letters and numbers.
    “I knew the day would come eventually, just not this soon. I should have warned you all though, and I apologize for that.” he began, hand tracing over his low beard. His look was intense, and it felt like he was looking right through you, “This device isn’t on the market, it was created. Every other instance it has been found by one of our affiliates, it was always traced back to Anti.”
    “Anti?” Namjoon asked.
    “That’s not their official name. Actually, nobody knows their official name, or any of their names for that matter. They’re kind of an enigma. It’s the name we gave them, and it’s very fitting actually.”
    The screen turned to a map scattered with red x’s.
    “Anti is also an an assassin group. We’re not sure of the total number, but from our research we gather that the membership is at least 50.” he explained, “They’re rogue, like us, but without conscience. They’ll do any dirty work if they’re told to, and that’s why they’re the first call for governments and world leaders if they want to get rid of a threat...whether they’re good people or not. They’re the opposite of everything The Academy stands for, obviously. And they work to keep our targets alive if they’re in the best interest of whoever they’re working for. The x’s are the locations of all of their suspected killings ”
    “How have we never heard of them?” Taehyung asked, “They seem like a big deal.”
    “They’re very under the radar and secretive in a way even we’ve never seen before. But the reason I called you here is because I’m worried. You’re not the first squad of ours to be targeted.”
    “Who else?” Namjoon asked.
    “Over the past year, Squads 3, 7, and 11 have all found the same device at some point. But…every squad has had at least one member killed in a random attack since the device was found.”
    It felt like the breath had been ripped from you. You turned to the boys who looked like ghosts, staring straight at Mr. Kim with a palpable fear.
    “So...we’ve been marked?” Hoseok asked.
    “Why are they targeting our people? Why us? Why…?” Jimin rambled.
    “Our best guess is because we’re the only other group. And to send a message. But one thing is clear, they wanted you to find that device.”
    “Well what can we do? We can’t just sit here and wait for them to attack us.” Namjoon said.
    “We’ll keep you updated on everything we find. Trust me, we’re working to do more and end this once and for all. And we will.”
    The Academy always did what they said they would do. You just had to believe them again.
    “Just be cautious.”
    You all nodded, still taking it all in.
    “So...are we going back home?” Jungkook asked slowly.
     “Why, you don’t want to spend the weekend here with us?” Mr. Kim replied, sending the youngest an offended look across the desk.
    “No! That’s not what I meant, sir- I- I meant-.”
    “Calm down, Jungkook.” the older man laughed, expression switching, “I assumed the drive back would be exhausting for you, especially with this new information. We’ve arranged for you all to stay here for the night. Unless you had something to do.”
    The group exchanged a look.
    “No! That would be great, Grandfather! A trip down memory lane would be nice.” Namjoon said.
    “Very good then. We’ll have someone show you your sleeping arrangements later on. In the meantime, you can go out and take ‘a trip down memory lane’ if you’d like.”
    The chairs scraped against the hardwood floors as you pushed them back. You all bowed and walked out of the automatic doors. When you were outside, there was a collective sigh of relief.
    “No offense to you two, but he still scares me.” Jimin whispered as you retraced your steps down the hall, “After all these years and I don’t know why.”
    “None taken.” Namjoon replied.
    “We had to grow up with that everyday. Just imagine.” Taehyung said, looking behind him to make sure no one heard.
    “My apologies.” Yoongi said.
    You all rounded the corner to the main area. The room was filled with several training sessions happening across the room, the sound of grunts echoing around as bodies were thrown onto mats.
    “Hey, Squad 16!” screamed a voice.
    You turned around to see an older man flagging you down in the middle of the room. You squinted to see his face, and a smile broke out when you did.
    “Oh shit!” Jungkook jogged over to him, and you all followed behind.
    “Mr. B!” you said. He still looked the same as you remembered him. His kind eyes sparkled as he took you all in. It was a reminder of why he had been one of your favorite instructors in this place where breaking your spirit was so easy.
    “What do we have the pleasure of having you all back?” he asked, “It’s been how long since you graduated? 3 years?”
    “We were called in to talk to Mr. Kim,” Hoseok said, “We’re just taking a look around now.”
          You looked past him to see the group of older teenagers in a line on the matt. Noses running red and cheekbones colored purple, a vision you were all too familiar with. They stared at back with wide eyes.
    Mr. B followed your gaze.
    “Let me introduce you to my Advanced class. I’m sure you all already know who they are, these are my former students, Squad 16.”
    The groups gave an awkward wave across the mat.
    “I talk about you all the time,” he said, “Especially you two, ______ and Yoongi. To this day you are the best hand-to-hand combat students I’ve ever had. Actually-” he looked back at the students, “We were going over a combat simulation. Who’d be better to demonstrate than you both?”
    You let out a nervous laugh, “You want us to demonstrate to the class?”
    “I don’t know, Mr. B.” Yoongi said, hand going to rub at his neck.
    “This is a perfect opportunity for them to learn. And who else better to show them than Academy Alumni? First one to tap out decides the winner, nothing too heavy.”
    You and Yoongi shared a look and sighed.
    “Of course. We’d be glad to help.” you said. You slid off your jacket.
    “I’ll try not to embarrass you too bad in front of the kids, but no promises.” Yoongi smirked.
    “Did you forget who you’re talking to? Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you...like old times.”
    You stepped onto the mat and got into the starting position. Despite the number of times you had been in this very spot with him over the years, you still felt your competitiveness violently bubble beneath the surface. Yoongi had always been your only real competition, a fact that everyone was well aware of. Maybe the instructors satisfied some internal curiosity and sadistic itch by always putting you together in matches. It was something you always wondered.
    Mr. B stepped onto the mat, “Okay. Three...two...one!”
    You lunged forward and swung first. Yoongi ducked and grabbed your arm, trying to pull you into him. You landed a kick in his abdomen, making him let you go. He grabbed at your leg instead and threw you to the side, making your body hit the mat hard. You slid and went into a backwards roll until you were crouching down facing him.
    “Really?” you said.
    He shrugged, “Thought that would be enough.”
    He charged towards you and before he could tackle you, you jumped, making him miss and slide on his stomach across the mat. You turned to hit him again, but he suddenly turned on his back and thrusted his body forward in a standing position. You tried to land another punch, but he blocked it with his forearm. He threw one of his own, but it hit nothing but your shoulder. You ducked under Yoongi’s arm and went behind him, getting him into a headlock as you tried to force him down to the mat. He squirmed, kneed you in the stomach, and grabbed you in a bear hug at the waist, throwing you to the floor as he stood over you.
    The look on his face was so smug it made you sick, and the bubbles under the surface boiled more.
    He bent down to put you in your final hold, and you hooked your legs around him and pulled him down on top of you. Your bodies crashed, and he tried to grab your arms and place them over your head. You landed a hard blow to his chest, making him stop to catch his breath. You took advantage of this, and rolled until you were straddling him.
    You were ready to punch down until he grabbed you by the throat and squeezed. There was something in his face that showed that he was enjoying it too much, and you saw the slick, knowing smile he tried to hide.
     You took an elbow to his arm, making him let go. He pushed you backwards hard, making you fall flat on the mat as he climbed above you. Before he could cover you, your legs went to wrap around his neck tightly. Yoongi tried to pry your legs from him but you clenched harder. He clawed at you, his attempts getting weaker as time went on.
    “Tap out!” you spat in his ear, “Yoongi, it’s over. Just tap out!”
    He grunted, and seconds later he hit the mat twice. You let go and you both laid out flat on the mat.
    You looked around and saw that all the students were huddled on the edge of the mat, muttering to each other as they watched you and Yoongi catch your breath.
    Taehyung and Hoseok came and helped you to your feet, while the other boys crowded around Yoongi. He shrugged them off when they reached for him.
    “Incredible!” Mr. B jogged onto the mat and put a hand on each of your shoulders.
    You barely heard Mr. B’s praises as you collected yourself. You felt him pat you and Yoongi’s shoulders as he used you both as examples to his students. There was always something different about your fights with Yoongi than with everyone else, something more personal. Years of being compared gave you both a drive to dominate, and you felt like you were a trainee again. But while Yoongi’s looks towards you were always arrogant, there was something different this time. A look in his eyes when you had straddled him and when he had his hand around your neck that you had only seen once before. Your ears were ringing.
    Suddenly the woman from earlier appeared to show you to your rooms. You said your goodbyes to Mr. B and followed her through The Academy to the sleeping quarters.
    “You still did alright, Yoongi. Lasted longer than I would have. We all know _____ has been the better fighter if we’re being honest.” Jungkook laughed, “Hey, maybe you can ask for a rematch before we leave.”
    Yoongi turned to him slowly. The look he sent would make anyone’s blood run cold.
    The woman lead you to a familiar wing of the building and down a hall you had seen millions of times.
    She stopped at the first door and handed a key to Hoseok, “You’ll be staying in your old dorms while you’re here since they are all unoccupied. We provided clothes and toiletries as well.”
    Hoseok unlocked the door and stepped inside, “How about this for a throwback?” he said as he threw himself on the tiny bed.
    “We’ll be serving dinner in the dining hall in 10 minutes. We have a table for you already prepared if you decide to join us.”
    She continued down the hall, one by one getting dropped to their old rooms until you made it to yours. The key in your hand was cold, and you weighed it between your fingers before turning it in the lock and pushing the door open.
    The room was just how you had left it. Small, dimly lit, and warm. You felt your hand along the bed, small in comparison to yours at home. Though at the time, this room was everything. You had never had a place to call your own before it it.
    You were scanning the familiar walls when you noticed a figure standing in the doorway.
    “Come back for more?” you asked.
    Yoongi scoffed, “I let you have that. Didn’t want to taint the image of ‘Academy Legend ______’, you know? It would crush those kids’ dreams.”
    He walked into the room, taking a look around at the blank walls and leaving the door open behind him.
    “Wow you’re so thoughtful.” you scoffed, “So letting me choke you out until you almost fainted was part of the plan too, right?”
    “I was going to choke you first but you didn’t let me. I thought you were into that kind of thing.”
    Your eyebrows shot up, “Where’d you get that from?”
    “You and Jimin.”
    “So you were listening.” you noted.
    He was at the edge of the bed, standing between your legs. You opened them, a subconscious invitation.
    “Well, are you?”
    “Am I…?” you urged.
    He placed a hand on your thigh, the other on your shoulder. You felt it slowly move to your neck, “Into it. Choking, what else?”
    You grinned, “Wouldn’t you like to find out?”
    As he began to squeeze, you heard footsteps coming up the hall. You looked and remembered your door was wide open. You pushed Yoongi away, making him stumble to the opposite end of the room.
    Seokjin poked his head in, “Hey it’s time for dinner. Hurry up or we’re leaving you.”
    Yoongi, arms folded as he casually leaned against the wall, nodded.
    You slid off the bed and followed Yoongi out the room. You spared one more look back before closing the door.
    It was hard to stop staring up at your ceiling. Not that it was that interesting, but it was easier than facing the reality of what just happened. Maybe if you kept staring around at your walls, somehow it would give you some piece of mind.
    “I had fun.” he had huffed, still catching his breath. You were too. “Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone about this. Mr. Kim won’t find out if you’re worried about that.”
    He pulled up his shorts and smoothed down his shirt.
    “Did you...enjoy it?” he asked, shyly looking at the floor.
    You sat up, holding your sheets up to hide your naked body. It didn’t matter much, he already saw it.
    “Yeah! It was good. It was fun.”
    The boy smiled, “Maybe we can do it again?”
    You nodded, “Yeah. We’ll...figure out when’s a good time. To make sure no one will see us.”
    He planted a kiss on your forehead, giving a shy grin before waving goodnight as he silently closed your door behind him.
    You crashed your head back on your pillow, mind going a mile a minute.
    Trainees had the same no sexual relationship rules as graduates, even if it was less strict. But that didn’t mean people actually listened. Hell, you had seen Jimin bring back dozens of girls to his room and no one seemed to find out yet.
    It was possible, you just had to calm down, you thought.
    You barely got sleep that night. You tossed and turned, looking at those same walls until sunlight flooded your room and the alarm rang. As you got ready and put on your uniform, your nerves of the night were joined with the nerves of the day. It was finally happening- Assignment Day. You were still a trainee, but once you were placed into a squad it was as if you could see the finish line. You’d just have to go on some starter test missions, and then you were free. A graduate, an official assassin.
    As you walked to the room, you thought about the other girls you would be placed with. You had some in mind that would be a good fit. A part wondered if you’d have any boy trainees in your group. You laughed to yourself- you’d probably have three at most, knowing how The Academy has chosen in the past.
      When the selection process began for ‘Squad 16’, you were the first to be called to the front of the room. You didn’t think much of the first boy that came to stand next to you as the names were read aloud. But after the fourth name, you realized the pattern.
    A sly smile made it’s way to Jimin’s face as he was called. He stood in the line and you had to fight the eye roll.
    There was a pang of annoyance when you heard the name you were all too familiar with. The arrogantly quiet boy you had learned to hate rose to his feet when his name was called. Min Yoongi shot a look laced with distaste in your direction as he got in the line.
    If he was the only real problem in the group, you’d be fine, you thought. Everything would be fine.
    When the last name was read aloud, you felt your stomach drop to the pits of hell. You couldn’t even make yourself look over. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him rise to his feet and smooth down his shirt- the same shirt that was just on your bedroom floor hours before.
    He walked over and stood on the other side of you, stiff.
    You could barely hear the final announcements and congratulations over your own thoughts. Of course the one time you decided to give into your desires, this would be the outcome. Now you were stuck for the rest of your career fighting alongside a one time hookup, you cringed.
You promised to yourself you’d never cross that line with a squad member again.
It was too risky.
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Let me know what you think about the story! Im really curious to hear from you guys
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bronovanine9 · 6 years
Nikolina Bronova Mori, professionally known as Nina (also stylized as NINΛ), is an american and naturalized bulgarian and japanese singer-songwriter, composer, multi-instrumentalist, dancer, choreographer and actress under Columbia Records. She is amongst a small group of entertainers who have been honored with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award. Nina holds the record for the artist with the most singles to top both the Billboard Hot 100. She is also amongst one of the few artists to have all albums debut at the top of the Billboard 200 Album Chart.
Full name: Nikolina Bronova Mori (николина бронова 森). Birth date: December 7th 1998 (19). Birth place: Houston, Texas. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Chinese zodiac sign: Earth tiger. Height: 1.68cm. Weight: 52kg. Blood type: O. Voice type: Soprano. Vocal analysis: Star. Nicknames: Million Dollar Smile, Queen B, Songbird Supreme and The Voice.
Early life
Nikolina was born in Houston, Texas, the daughter of a bulgarian lawyer and a japanese farmer. From the early age of five, she wanted to become a singer, and took various musical classes throughout her early years. After being cast in a Broadway rendition of Lés Miserables in 2013 and winning a Tony Award for her performance, she was discovered by a representative of Columbia Records and signed to the label shortly after.
Physical appearance
Black and straight hair. Green eyes. Fair skin. Curvy. Dimples. One piercings on her left ear and two on her right ear. One tattoo on her left hand (henna design), one tattoo on her left ribcage (written “to the stars to the moon”) and one tattoo on her right shoulder (japanese writing of “Mori”).
Positive traits: Adventurous, brave, broad-minded, charming, compassionate, competitive, creative, determined, diplomatic, faithful, freedom-loving, friendly, good-humored, honest, humanitarian, independent, intellectual, intuitive, jovial, loyal, magnetic, modest, optimistic, philosophical, realistic, self-confident, sensitive, sympathetic, warmhearted and well-liked. Negative traits: Compulsive, greedy, escapist, idealistic, irritable, obsessive, resentful, restless, selfish and a worrier.
She is known for being very nice to her fans. Many of them report being well treated by her whenever they meet.
Critic Of Music
Vocal type: Spinto-soprano. Positives: Legendary interpretive wit, thanks to incredible knowledge of musical phrasing and vocal pedagogy. A defining, trademarked voice. Incredible breath support, showing no signs of fatigue and carrying extensive legato passages with ease. Incredible utilization of dynamics, using all volumes from fortissimo to pianissimo and everything in between to craft incredible phrases. Great control of her passagio and incredibly balanced instrument. Powerful, resonant belts that are mixed with head voice, that are well-supported and healthy, projecting massive resonance with ease. A master of breath support. Able to rapid fire mid and upper belts. Her low notes are also well supported, dark and full. The head voice is resonant and piercing, full and fluid. Her vibrato is well developed and rolling, and can be executed with ease. Her timbre is velvety and luscious and makes for a perfect midrange. She is also able to sing complex melisma in all registers, with every register well connected. Her falsetto is light and sweet. She also has unparalleled register transitions, switching from chest to head, head to whistle, and even chest to whistle without as much of a pause. Pitch perfect in 99% of performances. Technically, a brilliant singer. Negatives: Occasionally raises her larynx in upper-belts.
Albums and singles
My Voice (2015) Break Free How I Want Ya (ft. Jordan Fisher) Into You One Last Time Problem (ft. Big Sean) Single Ladies
Vivid (2016) All I Want For Christmas Emotions I Wanna Dance With Somebody Love On Top Physical The Way
Revival (2017) Bills, Bills, Bills Bootylicious If I Were A Boy Independent Women Say My Name Too Little Too Late
Lemonade (2018) Can’t Feel My Face Diamonds How Can I Ease The Pain? Let’s Groove September Sexual Healing
Fever (2019) Bad Liar Dangerous Woman Do I Wanna Know? Psycho Killer Take Me To Church Wild Thoughts
Who I Am (2020) Because Of You Bleeding Love Fallin’ If I Ain’t Got You Million Reasons No One
Portrait (2022) Back To Black Chandelier Drunk In Love Love On The Brain Stone Cold Un-Break My Heart
Spirit (2025) Hello Rolling In The Deep Send My Love Set Fire To The Rain Someone Like You
Time (2028) Can’t Make You Love Me I Have Nothing I Look To You I Will Always Love You When We Were Young
How Does That Grab You? (2030) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) Dust In The Wind Every Breath You Take Killing Me Softly The Sound Of Silence
Katerina (2032) Bohemian Rhapsody Come Together I Want To Break Free Sign Of The Times Somebody To Love We Are The Champions
Waiting To Exhale (2035) Always On My Mind Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood Hurt The Blower’s Daughter Wonderwall
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Can’t Help Falling In Love From This Moment On Here Comes The Sun Loving You Yesterday You’re Still The One
Glassheart (2040) A Change Is Gonna Come All The Man I Need Cruisin’ Greatest Love Of All Let’s Stay Together Say A Little Prayer
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Dreamlover Hero Love Takes Time Someday Vision Of Love We Belong Together
Listen To My Blues (2050) At Last Feeling Good I Put A Spell On You Respect Something’s Got A Hold On Me This Is A Man’s World
Albums and non-title tracks
My Voice (2015) Bad Decisions Be My Baby Closer Fools For Him Gone And Found Greedy Higher How To Be A Heartbreaker I Don’t Care Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart Let Me Love You Never Wanna Know No Tears Left To Cry Only One Paper Heart Right There Sometimes Tattooed Heart Touch (ft. Canvas) Wild You’ll Never Know
Vivid (2016) All That Baby, I Body Language Boy Problems Calling All My Lovelies Can’t Sleep Love Come Alive (ft. Toro Y Moi) Cry Dust Is Gone Finesse First Time Gimme Love Hard To Say No I Didn’t Just Come Here To Dance Maiden Making The Most Of The Night Run Away With Me Say You’ll Be There Store The One Too Good To Say Goodbye Your Type
Revival (2017) 10-20-40 Be Alright Countdown Cyber Stockholm Syndrome Ego Fantasy (ft. Amber Liu) Gave It Away Glow If I Ever Fall In Love (ft. Janelle Monáe) Knew Better Listen No Mythologies To Follow Oh No! Primadonna Girl Red In The Grey Ridin’ (ft. A$AP Rocky) Rose Gold Schoolin’ Life Simple Things Slow Love Tears (ft. Clean Bandit) Ugly West Coast You Don’t Know Me
Lemonade (2018) 6 Inch (ft. The Weeknd) Adorn After The Love Has Gone A Lonely Night Broken Clocks Coffee Done For Me Emotion Every Kind Of Way (ft. Wale) Falling For You Fetish (ft. Schoolboy Q) Fire Rides Heart Less How Long In Your Bed Love Drought Love On The Weekend Lovely (ft. Khalid) Ocean Eyes Passionfruit Perfect Serial Killer Somebody Else Something About Us (ft. Daft Punk) Thinking About You Too Good (ft. Alan Love) Touch Me
Fever (2019) After The Storm (ft. Bootsy Collins and Tyler, The Creator) Are You Satisfied? Baby Boy Birth In Reverse Black Sheep Cupid’s Chokehold Empty Nesters Forrest Gump I Don’t Trust Myself With Loving You I Wanna Be Yours Miracle Alligner Night By Night No Control One For The Road Puppet Love Redbone Run Baby Run Self Control Someone New Stockholm Syndrome Strange Mercy To Be Alone Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High? Yeah Right Your Teeth In My Neck Zombie
Who I Am (2020) Almost Is Never Enough As Long As You Love Me Bad Religion Cannonball Crave You Draw Your Swords Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic Fireproof Freak Home I’m Not The Only One Just A Boy Let’s Get Lost Listen Malibu Midnight Bottle Moonlight Older Chests Start Of Time Talking To The Moon Tell Me That You Love Me Training Wheels Valentine Volcano Whatever You Like You
Portrait (2022) Belly Ache Betsy On The Roof Bored Broken Clocks Cake Copycat Drowning Eyes On Fire Hostage I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore If These Walls Could Talk Liability Love Is A Losing Game My Boy Nicest Thing Pilgrim Reality Russian Roulette Talk Me Down Tears Dry On Their Own Teen Idle Tunnel Vision (ft. Shamir) Until We Bleed Use Me You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore You Know I’m No Good
Spirit (2025) All I Ask Dark Paradise Hometown Glory I Can’t Get Started It Takes A Lot To Know A Man Love In The Dark Lucky Million Years Ago Never Been In Love Before River Lea Rumour Has It Sad Girl Salvation Speechless Sweetest Devotion Turning Tables Venus Video Games Vultures Water Under The Bridge Watch Wolves Young And Beautiful
Time (2028) 9 Crimes All Of You Can’t Pretend Caught Don’t Look Back Emotion Illuminated Jealous Lies Little Boy Blue Love Nick Of Time Nirvana Nitesky (ft. Robot Koch) Nostalgia One (ft. U2) Palace Religion Remedy Sandcastles The Chain Wolves
How Does That Grab You? (2030) All I Have To Do Is Dream Bound Build Me Up Buttercup But Not For Me Heal The World I Fall In Love Too Easily If I Had You I’ll Be There I’m A Ruin I’m Gonna Find Another You Immortal It’s My Party Look For The Silver Lining Make You Feel My Love My Funny Valentine Only Hope Pink Matter Quickie Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Solo (ft. Andre 3000) The Touch Of Yours Lips Want You Back Wonder You Don’t Own Me
Katerina (2032) Bloodsport Boogieman Come To Mama Daddy Lessons (ft. Dixie Chicks) Don’t Fall In Love With Someone New Holding On Ivy Japanese Denim Killer Queen Landfill Land Locked Blues Leave Me Lonely (ft. Macy Gray) Like Real People Do My Favorite Faded Fantasy Pain Please Don’t Leave Me Regret Sinner’s Prayer Sober Stop The World Touch When You Were Young Who Knew Yellow Brick Road
Waiting To Exhale (2035) A Heartbreak All The Way Down Blood Dazed In Daydreams Delicate Elephant Everywhere I Go Freedom (ft. Kentorey Johnson) Guiding Light Heart Beats Slow I Don’t Want To Change You In Chains Love Me Like I’m Not Made Of Stone Medicine No Such Thing One Flight Down Pink + White Put Your Number In My Phone Rootless Tree Run Say It To Me Now Ship To Wreck The Animals Were Gone You Don’t Have To Go
The Diary Of Nina (2038) Big Jet Plane Blackbird Burning Love Clementine Color Me In Creature Fear Dogs Don’t Know Why Falling Slowly Flightless Bird, American Mouth Gravity Happily He Was Too Good To Me Love Has No Pride Lua My Ideal Paper Aeroplane Slow Dancing In A Burning Room Stand Tall Strong The Long Day Is Over The Moon Song Time After Time Waiting On The World To Change
Glassheart (2040) All This And Heaven Too A Woman’s Worth Believe In You And Me Follow Rivers Hardest Of Hearts Honeymoon Avenue I Am Every Woman It’s Always You Like You’ll Never See Me Again Never Let Me Go One Night Only Picture Me Gone Radioactive Run To You The Light Is On Tired Of Being Alone Tomorrow (ft. Tame Impala) Valley Of The Dolls Want You Back You’re Still My Man
Bird Of Happiness (2045) Alterlife Always Be My Baby Anytime You Need A Friend Can’t Let Go Cosmic Love Drumming Song Falling I Don’t Wanna Cry I’m Not Calling You A Liar Lay All Your Love On Me Like Someone In Love Living Dead My All One Summer Night Shoot The Moon Suspicious Mind Take Me To The River The State Of Dreaming Wildest Dreams Without You
Listen To My Blues (2050) Ain’t No Way Buy The Stars Cold Cold Heart Do You? Embraceable You How Deep Is The Ocean? Hypocrates I’d Rather Go Blind I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes) I Want You I Was Here Lipstick Long Long Way Love T.K.O My Future Just Passed Too Much Heaven Valerie Voila What’s New? You Light Up My Life
2015 You Know You Like It (ft. DJ Snake)
2017 24k Magic (ft. Bruno Mars) Loyalty (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2019 Get Lucky (ft. Daft Punk) Lose Yourself (ft. Daft Punk)
2020 Sensual Seduction (ft. Cardi B)
2022 FourFiveSeconds (ft. Paul McCartney and Rihanna)
2026 Digital Love (ft. Daft Punk) I Feel It Coming (ft. Daft Punk)
2031 Lost On The Way Home (ft. Chromeo)
2034 Beautiful (ft. Miguel)
2039 Stay (ft. Mikky Ekko)
2045 Empire State Of Mind (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
2058 How Deep Is Your Love (ft. The Bird And The Bee)
Skyfall (2016) Skyfall
Black Panther (2018) All Of The Stars (ft. Kentorey Johnson)
Call Me By Your Name (2019) Redbone
La La Land (2021) City Of Stars I Won’t Say I’m In Love The Audition
Her (2024) The Moon Song
Breakfast At Tifanny’s (2026) La Vi En Rose Moon River Once Upon A Dream
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) The Bells Of Notre Dame
Pocahontas (2037) Colors Of The Wind If I Never Knew You Just Around The Riverbend Savages (Part One) Savages (Part Two)
Funny Girl (2042) A Piece Of Sky Don’t Rain On My Parade My Man The Man That Got Away Why Don’t You Do Right?
Anastasia (2046) Journey To The Past Learn To Do It Once Upon A December
The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) Finale Kidnap The Sandy Claws Sally’s Song
The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Deliver Us When You Believe
Filmography (movies)
Call Me By Your Name (2019) La La Land (2021) Her (2024) Breakfast At Tiffany’s (2026) In The Mood For Love (2027) Almost Famous (2031) The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (2033) Funny Girl (2042) Two Days, One Night (2044) Anastasia (2046) The Nightmare Before Christmas (2048) I Am Love (2053) The Prince Of Egypt (2057) Amour (2084)
Filmography (television series)
Pocahontas (2037)
Lés Miserables (2013)
Covers (on YouTube)
2011 Everytime by Britney Spears. Like I’m Gonna Lose You by John Legend.
2012 E.T by Katy Perry. Paparazzi by Lady Gaga.
Cover performances
Super Bowl (2015) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
American Music Awards (2016) Got To Be Real by Cheryl Lynn (with Cheryl Lynn).
BBC Radio 1 (2017) Hands To Myself by Selena Gomez.
Grammy Awards (2018) Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (with Pentatonix).
BBC Radio 1 (2024) Bad Romance by Lady Gaga.
NBA All-Star (2032) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
BBC Radio 1 (2035) Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
MTV Music Video Awards (2039) My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion.
Super Bowl (2042) Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key.
Rodrigo Simas (2012) Tidiou M’Baye (2014-2016) Adam Kovic (2017-2018) Sho Wara (2019-) *married in 2024
Dario Wara (2029) Isabela Wara (2031) Luna Wara (2034) Anton Wara (2034)
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