#bus shelters
egoschwank · 1 month
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1338
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first posted in facebook august 21, 2024
adrienne elise tarver -- "weary as i can be" (2021)
"i'm weary of the ways of the world be weary of the ways of the world i'm weary of the ways of the world" … solange
"oh, she may be weary and young girls, they do get wearied wearing that same old shaggy dress, yeah yeah but when she gets weary try a little tenderness, yeah yeah" … jimmy campbell, reg connelly, and harry m. woods
"images of tarver’s paintings of seated black matriarchal figures are gracing bus shelters throughout boston … focuses on the power and restoration found in the mundane act of sitting. the paintings, which mirror the posture of many commuters, spring from tarver’s deep research into media archives, family photos, and found imagery and explore notions of rest and personal sovereignty through time, especially as they pertain to black women" … cate mcquaid
"jazz, to me, is one of the inherent expressions of negro life in america: the eternal tom-tom beating in the negro soul - the tom-tom of revolt against weariness in a white world, a world of subway trains, and work, work, work; the tom-tom of joy and laughter, and pain swallowed in a smile" … langston hughes
"so try a little tenderness whenever you can … swallow some pain with just a smile" … al janik
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insidecroydon · 6 months
Slow-go Mayor Perry has yet to start tenders for bus shelters
CROYDON IN CRISIS: Three years since the borough’s bus shelters were unceremoniously uprooted after council staff signed the borough up to a dodgy get-rich-quick scheme, and the tendering process to replace the 185 shelters has not yet begun. EXCLUSIVE by STEVEN DOWNES Out to lunch: Croydon’s £82,000 per year Mayor has not even started seeking tenders for the borough’s missing bus shelters Two…
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peevishpants · 6 months
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saw a guy freezing his ass off at the bus stop
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runawaymun · 2 months
Btw if it’s hot where you live right now and you inexplicably feel like absolute shit, this is your reminder that headache/sleepiness/nausea etc are all signs of heat exhaustion. Please go run some cool (NOT cold) water over your wrists and hands, or if you’re at home take a cool (NOT cold) bath or shower.
If you’re out and you don’t have money to go somewhere then head to your closest library. They’ll have AC and a bathroom. I’m so serious. I deadass was on the verge of puking my guts out an hour ago and assumed I was about to get a migraine but turns out it was just good ol heat exhaustion. Your brain is cooking and it will get harder to realize that’s what happening. Stay safe 🫶
Btw don’t use ice or very cold water. It can kill you.
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hiddenstashart · 10 months
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(oil pastel reproduction of a photograph by Mika of a Trimet bus stop)
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fluorescentbrains · 1 month
there’s a giant poster (more like a billboard) of very technologically advanced sex toys at one of these swiss bus stops we keep passing. my mom thought it was some kind of abstract art
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socarchlithuania · 9 months
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Valakėliai. 2023
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writterings · 6 months
don't go into the nonprofit sphere it's just finances and business but you feel bad when shit goes wrong because it like actually affects people's lives
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bogkeep · 4 months
it's been over a whole month since i had a stupid argument with my parents about driving, a skill that i legally possess but hate doing because i have a special brain illness that makes me fear death and injury, but i'm still chewing over an absurd claim that it's "equally dangerous to go on a 14 hour train ride like you just did". literally how is that more dangerous. in what way. in what world. public transport is nice and good and i like it and i don't have to enter my personal torment nexus
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jamisonwieser · 1 year
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Waiting under the bus shelter's warm red glow.
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liesmyth · 23 days
It's raining!!!! downside is that it feels like 6 weeks of rain are coming down right now and I don't have an umbrella
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insidecroydon · 9 months
Hat-trick heroes: Perry and Philp set an Eye 'awards' record
It’s the annual awards that no local council ever wants to feature in. Eye, eye, eye: in all good newsagents, and some not so good, today But this year, thanks to Tory double act Jason Perry and Chris Philp, Croydon Council has picked up no fewer than three “gongs” in Private Eye’s much-anticipated Rotten Borough Awards for 2023. Lord Gnome, the legendary proprietor of the country’s best-selling…
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
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Vulcan Dumb & Dumber
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dubmill · 11 months
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Arkley, Barnet, London; 25.4.2021
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Tournefeuille, heure bleue et leurre vert
Tournefeuille, blue hour and green play
by sir20 for feuilletourne-sir20
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