#burying the edit by lore dropping rip
druidgroves · 2 years
greta’s family tho holy fuck. her dad sucks just on virtue of him being a high ranking military general, her mom’s whole job is keeping their shitty family from legal trouble, & her older sister resents her so much for being able to choose her own life. no one in the calvert family actually likes each other & that’s why it’s such a breath of fresh air when greta meets nate & his family are actually close & love each other. but then it all gets ripped away.
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charlieslowartsies · 1 year
So in your park ranger Au Mike is friend with Freddy, who's a bear. Like a regular bear.
I mean he doesn't talk or anything like that? Just a guy and his animal pals, correct?
Ok I'm interested, drop some lore anytime you want.
haha he does talk, but at first it's just to the gang. THEN it's too Mike, who honestly does feel at times like he is going completely out of his mind a lot during this au. The gang can't speak to other humans, nor were they technically human themselves, only they kinda were? Magic/ghost business nonsense at hand.
Found all my notes! Been percolating the park ranger au since 2017. Might be able to write something for it, and I'd stick it into AFN2 if I did. BIG post I'm sorry.
AU: Park ranger au & real animals au
-The fun of this au is that a) it still has canon impossibilities to rely on. Don’t sweat the big stuff and have the most fun with the small stuff to create a more immersive world. B) making it a fever dream for AFN2 also helps the story just ‘be’ instead of trying to iron out the wrinkles and make it ‘make sense.’ Explore the possibilities, even if they don’t quite make sense. 
It is a mild play on Alice in Wonderland.
Still horror. Always horror. Now just with 100% more woodsy nature type horror. The fear of being chased, but the more out of breath you become, the more calm and ready the thing chasing you is. 
The fear that people who sit at campfires by themselves have. The primal reawakening where your caveman ancestors stare into the fire and remember, thousands of years ago, what it was like when this was all the warmth and light you had to keep you through the cold, deadly night.
The type of terror of being in a forest all alone, which awakens the human’s desire to have a pack/community. Yet here you are, by yourself, and there’s something in the dark watching you, and you are on it’s turf…and your radio just went out, and there’s nothing to save you but yourself. 
It is also a play on Winnie the Pooh, of course.
Marion is prolly the closest to his canon self. 
Edit 5/21: having written LS/LW I’m redesigning him towards his Revived size. (which is actually just his canon size since Help Wanted didn’t exist when I thought of this au in… *squints at calender* 2017. RIP. 
Think more grisled and shriveled toy that a kid lost in the woods. No present box to protect him here. Nature has crept in and nature is heartless as it is stunning. Like a porcelain doll in an abandoned house. Dirt covered, like he was buried. Splintered into odd shapes, like he fought something bigger than him trying to escape. Lurks in the lake mostly but when he emerges, he smells of old water for a while and weeds drip from his limbs.
In KGA, Mari’s powers limited him to the restaurant he lived in and the ones he visited. In PRA, Mari just kinda becomes the forest and it’s lake, and his powers are miles long. So is his initial anger.
The animatronic gang are animals now. Afton’s murders are still for the same reasons as KGA for the most part. (It’s arguably almost easier to imagine/swallow the dragged out concept of him as a serial killer for this au. Kids going lost in the woods, being kidnapped, etc. He could also take children from the nearby town and bring them to the woods.) 
The gang were kinda once toys and also ideas, enhanced and enchanted by the Lake Monster’s ghostly powers and thirsts for revenge/defense. 
Freddy– his kid wanted to be brave, tried protecting the other children, earned Mari/Crying Child’s respect and thus, looking at Arthur clinging to his Fredbear plush, saw no better animal than a bear to embody that type of strength and fierceness. Freddy is larger than average for his supposed species and lighter colored, to say nothing of his far too human gaze. He has a terrible fondness for all types of fish and sweets, and finds it the easiest to forget himself and turn more dangerous, more animalistic.
Bonnie- his child wanted to run away. To be fast and clever and dash to freedom, to her parents, to go get help for the others. She wanted it so bad it was all the Puppet could taste in her fear, the need to be swift and forgotten in a flash. The purple bunny barrette in her hair made him wonder, drawing on Arthur’s memories of seeing little cotton tails well after they’d darted off. Bunnies always seem to spot the Bad before anyone else, and flee accordingly. Bonnie too,is larger than average hares and never seemed to get the memo to be frightened by things. He’s still best friends with Freddy, and mouthy in all scenarios, even when he has no right to be. 
Chica- her child wanted his mother. He wanted her to hug him, kiss his hair, tell him everything would be alright, that this was only a bad dream. As he died, the Marionette came to him and asked what that meant, for Arthur couldn’t explain it well himself, far to lost from humanity by now. The boy lived on a farm, and rooting through his memories showed Mari the concept of hens and their chicks. Safe, tucked under their feathers and warm. Chica is average/typical for her species, and she is arguably the one animal in the group that exists comfortably around any humans. No one quite figures out how Schmidt always has fresh eggs to share, but when they see the coop he put together, they’re more worried how Mike keeps her from being eaten. Little do they know, Mike has more pity for the animals that try than the hearty little hen with a fox at her beck and call. 
Foxy- The earliest to join the Marionette, even before Freddy’s creation. He however did flee into the woods, vanishing for months before slinking back. He considers his existence more of a curse than a gift, regardless of how much he loves his eventual family. Alexander Afton was supposed to be watching his youngest, not playing with his friends. He was supposed to mind his father, and not fill the child with ghost stories and bear-eating-boy stories. He was supposed to keep him from the old dock, not let him near the lake. 
He was supposed to do so many things. He was a child himself, too. 
He was always playing pranks, being sly, being cruel and thoughtless and predatory. The Marionette saw fit to make him resemble his true nature after his father was done with him. It’s unclear what Alexander’s last thoughts were, but Foxy’s body is covered in missing tufts of fur, scars and he’s even missing his front right paw. He is taller than most foxes but scrawny, embracing his instinctive traits to better help and protect the ones who accepted him when he didn’t even accept himself. There is a strange little albino vixen that seems fond of him, though for the life of him he cannot figure out why.
Edit 5/20: Max and Scrap didn’t exist when this au was imagined. For ease, I’m not putting him in right now. I could always do a part III tho.
Mike- Simply taking the job after a rough patch in his life. He needs the money and knows the work won’t be easy. He’s not exactly a shut in but he’s never been able to be the outdoorsy type. He thinks he can handle it, because he was told he could work at a desk and it wouldn’t be too strenuous. 
He was lied to. They drove him out the ranger stations and the living quarters and told him the next bus wouldn’t be for a week anyway. You’ve got everything you need. Cabin, outhouse, radio, gas stove. Dehydrated food, the water’s clean enough to read underwater! Weather’s nice this time of summer, even when it’s hot there’s shade. You’ll be fine, Schmidt. You signed your life away, kid. 
Just one week. That’s all. Then he head back to Hurricane and find another job, put this behind him. His stint as a park ranger for this lake and the miles of surrounding deep, dangerous woods.
Nothing is handled correctly by the humans in this au. Same to be said for canon/fanon FNAF, so. 
The gang is lurking around, easily able to communicate with one another and Marion (when he shows himself) but not with Mike initially. Mike gets Gifted that ability later, after Mari decides he would make a fine ranger/protector for the area…he just needs to be…better suited for the job. 
Fredbear/Golden Freddy is still a spirit??
Used to be a sort of Smokey the bear type figured head, for when the kids visited the park to learn about why we shouldn’t burn down nature, and leave nothing but your footprints, that sort of thing.
Edit 5/22: Just a suit though, no metal here lmao. Mari gets the idea to put the two together and give Mike his KGA set of powers/strength. Like usual, he doesn’t quite consent/gets roped along until he feels too bad to say no, until he realizes how less lonely he is around this cast of characters. 
Mike is still Mike. He makes bad life choices when he thinks someone needs help, or someone's in danger. He knows it's a bad idea, and he might terrified, but if a child's voice in midnight asks for help, he'd still want to check it out, just to make sure, armed with an old flashlight and staring down into the deep dark trail. They never did find those kids that went missing. Not even their bodies.
What could it hurt to take a few steps in, and just look?
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Walk Me Home - Ch 4
Summary: Twenty-four years ago, Kimberly Harper met a boy who changed the course of her entire life before up and leaving one night. She spent years moving past the memories, building a stable, satisfying career as professor of folklore and mythology at the local university. Then the accidents start, and she’s forced to seek help among her hunter contacts. All it takes is a knock on her office door to send Kimber’s carefully built emotional walls crumbling to the ground.
Featuring: Teen Winchesters, high school romance, reunions, misunderstandings, high intensity emotional turmoil, Dean’s love of pie, Dean being adorable, Sam being adorable and maybe a bit nosy eventually, much group adorkable-ness, show-style investigation, mention of our favorite werewolf, gratuitous and obvious love of fall, DID I MENTION ROMANCE, fluff, smut, tension. 
Warnings: Show level violence, show level parental neglect (let’s not John bash, I’m just saying), show-style witchcraft, show-level mental manipulation, stalking, bit of angst, sexual content (higher than show level),swearing, general yearning
Word Count: 2702
Author’s Note: At last!!! I almost didn’t make it, but here I am, literally in the eleventh hour (well, okay, three minutes to go until the eleventh hour, but still)! All the thanks to @mskathywrites , @fang, and @cracksinthewalls for editing, revision, flailing, and all that stuff I need. I still love this story, and I hope y’all will, too! 
Keep in Mind: There are a lot of flashbacks. I tried to write current events in present tense and flashbacks in past tense. Here’s hoping I got everything right!
Please read/heed the warnings. 18+ ONLY. 
In Case You Missed It: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 ItMightHaveBeenIntentional’s Masterlist
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Chapter 4
Kimber knows she’s staring, but she can’t stop herself. His fingers, rough and strong from years of the hardest work, brush circles over her wrists that send her pulse fluttering through her veins. So many emotions flicker behind his eyes, some of them mirroring her own, some of them alien and unreadable. So many years have passed, so much water under the bridge, as the saying goes. 
The thing is, he was completely right earlier. She could have called him, once she learned who he and his family were, once she found a way.
But he had left town with her phone number memorized. He was in a much more logical position to get in touch, and right away, at that. And he never did. She knows he had a good reason, a completely reasonable one that would make sense if she just asked him.
But she’s scared and drained and confused and more than a little ashamed, and she’s tired of making a fool of herself.
She drops her eyes before the tears fully form and murmurs a quiet thanks as she loosens her hands from his grip. Though walking away is not what she wants to do, she forces her legs straight to the bathroom, closing the door behind her with a firm click. 
She’ll feel better after a hot shower. That’s all she needs, a hot shower and a few hours of sleep. They’ll figure this out tomorrow, and then Dean and his brother will ride off into the sunset, and everything will go back to normal. She’ll go back to her classes as usual, helping out the occasional hunter or scholar with some lore, and she’ll bury all these feelings behind her heart again, drown them so deep they’ll never dream of resurfacing.
At least, that’s the fairy tale she tells herself as the scalding stream washes the saltwater from her cheeks. 
She actually does feel moderately restored by the time she steps out of the bathroom. She feels a little ridiculous in Dean’s clothing. The sleeves of the t-shirt hang past her elbows, and the pants legs are rolled up several times to keep her from tripping. 
At least the waist has a drawstring, she thinks as she rounds the corner back into the room. She pulls the towel from her hair, shaking it out a little just as Dean looks up from his laptop at the small table. His mouth opens, eyes widening. She’s not sure because of the poor lighting of the room, but his face seems to color a little as his eyebrows lift.
She is suddenly, acutely aware that she did not put her bra back on when getting dressed in his white t-shirt that is probably not nearly as thin as it feels.
Dean clears his throat, turning back to his computer, swallowing whatever comments have entered his mind. Kimber can’t decide whether to laugh or blush even harder and settles for the third option of hanging her office clothes up so they can air out a little before tomorrow. 
With nothing else to do, she drops onto the edge of the bed gracelessly, feeling every minute of the last few weeks catching up with her. Uncertainty and fear claw at her, ripping away what little defenses she has left. The image of the mutilated doll flashes before her eyes, red paint splashed luridly on her favorite comforter. Her lungs clench, and she sags on the mattress. 
She presses her fingers hard against her face. Acid burns at the back of her throat, bitter and biting. Her fingernails are just beginning to dig into her scalp when she registers the click of the laptop closing. Half a moment passes, then the bed dips beside her. 
She doesn’t consciously decide to move; her body simply molds itself to his side as Dean slides his arm around her back. He turns into the embrace, his other arm gathering her tightly against him. His cheek comes to rest on top of her head. The silence between them is the comfort she needs, his warmth and solidity the anchor that keeps her from drifting too far into panic.
When he finally speaks, his words rumble through her nerves, settling heavy and soothing in her chest.
“We’re gonna get this son of a bitch, Kimber. I’m sorry they got into your house, but I’m glad I was with you. I…” She rises gently with his deep inhalation, pressed as she is against his chest. “I’m sorry.”
She hears what he isn’t saying, and her hands drop from her face, her arms slipping around his middle as her eyes close.
“Me, too, Dean.”
“That pumpkin pie was somethin’ else,” Dean murmured. His arms were folded behind his head as he stretched out on top of Kimber’s bedspread. He crossed his ankles, settling in like he belonged there. His thin t-shirt stretched across his wiry frame, jeans lying enticingly low on his hips, and she could just see a glimpse of pink toe through a hole in one of his socks.
A pleasant, off-balancing thrill skipped down Kimber’s spine, twirling through her stomach and making her head spin a little. Dean’s jacket was hung carefully on her desk chair, his boots lined up on the floor underneath, and his button-up overshirt folded neatly on the desk.
Her parents had gone to bed long ago, and she had snuck Dean in the back door. After their exhilarating but chilled stroll that afternoon, she’d decided against the treehouse. Dean had been amused but willing, although he’d had one stipulation that had nearly made her laugh aloud.
“We get caught and your folks kick me out, you’re bringing me your mom’s leftovers to school every day for breakfast. I’m not missin’ out on home cooking just because you can’t stand to be away from me.”
Now, seeing him so comfortable on her bed, like he just belonged...Kimber knew the smile on her face was on the goofier end of sappy, but she couldn’t help it. He was just so damned…
“Cute,” he said, smirking up at her. “I know what you’re thinking. And I’m not cute. I’m adorable.”
She sighed dramatically, feigning exasperation. “Fine, you’re gorgeous, adorable, vital, the absolute most. Now close your eyes so I can change.” Smirk still firmly in place, Dean dutifully closed his eyes. She knew, despite the short time she’d known him, that she could trust Dean to keep his eyes shut.
She spent a few seconds regretting the lack of any silky, dramatic nightgowns or cute, sexy little matching pajama sets. Oh, well; couldn’t have everything. She stripped quickly, tossing her school clothes into the hamper and slipping on her “Aaahh!!! Real Monsters” t-shirt. Thick socks and plaid pajama pants completed her night ensemble. 
That she had just been naked (however unseen said nakedness had been) in front of Dean Winchester had not escaped her. She licked her lips, cheeks warm, and turned slowly back to the bed. He lay still, chest rising and falling steadily, and she marveled, not for the first time, that he was here, in her room. Just for her.
Her pulse jumped, her lungs tightened, and for just a second, Kimber panicked.
“You can, uh...you can open your eyes. I’m gonna go brush my teeth; I’ll be right back.”
She fled silently down the hallway, brushed her teeth in record time, and then stared in the mirror. Her hair was just her hair, nothing amazing or horrifying; no point trying to fix that before bed. Maybe…make-up?
“Kimber. What the hell?” she muttered. “You’re not seducing him, just be cool. Jeez. You can’t wear make-up to bed.”
She splashed cold water on her face, scrubbing her skin dry with a hand towel more forcefully than necessary. She gave her reflection another once-over and took a deep breath.
“You’re his choice, too,” she reminded herself. “Just chill.”
She found him exactly as she’d left him, completely relaxed on the bed, eyes still closed. She thought for a moment that he might have fallen asleep. Kimber wasn’t sure if she felt more disappointment or relief.
“You left in a little bit of a hurry,” he murmured, eyes still closed, and she started. “Everything okay?” She almost put him off, could feel the brush-off on her lips, but his eyes slid open, pinning her on the spot. She got the eerie sense that he would know, that he already knew she was trying to put on a front, and she deflated a little.
“I’m nervous,” she finally admitted. The heat in her cheeks turned up a few degrees, spreading down her neck, and she crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “I’ve never...snuck a guy to my room before. I just...this is mostly new to me, but with you, I want...I don’t know.”
Without a word, Dean slid from the bed and crossed the room, his mesmerizing eyes never leaving hers. He stopped a few feet away and waited, his arms open. With the bed suddenly out of the equation, Kimber felt a hidden knot of anxiety untie in her chest. 
She let out a breath and stepped into his embrace, her arms circling his waist in a way that felt easy and right. Dean’s lips pressed a warming kiss to the crown of her head. 
“Sweetheart,” he whispered. “This is your room, your space, but even if it wasn’t-” He paused, leaning back and brushing his thumb over her cheek. “Kimber, look at me.”
She did, and his earnest expression left no room to doubt his next words. It barely left room for breathing.
“ ‘M not here to make you feel uncomfortable or scared. I’m here because you want me to be. The second that stops, the second I make you feel something you don’t want, that’s it. Period. Does that work for you?”
His eyes, so plaintive and weathered in that moment, cut right to her heart. Never in her life had Kimber felt so safe, so protected, and so very sad. She couldn’t think of any words that lived up to the magnitude of what Dean had just said, so she simply squeezed him tighter, pressing her face against the side of his neck. 
“Can you stay?” she asked. She knew he had obligations, probably needed to get back to his brother or at least check in with his dad. She felt terribly selfish in her warm, safe house with her parents right down the hall. Still, she asked. 
“Yeah, I can stay for a while.” His smile, soft and open, laid her doubts to rest. They settled onto the bed, fumbling a little awkwardly to find a position they both liked. There was some bumping, mumbled apologies, until they finally sorted out a comfortable twist of limbs that didn’t set her heart beating out of her ribs or threaten to cut off blood flow to anything important. 
She relaxed by increments, her cheek resting on his collarbone. He hugged her close with his left arm, his right hand combing slowly through her hair over and over. The silence settled around them like a second blanket, soothing and heavy.
“What do you want to do when you finish school, Kimber? College?”
“Probably,” she murmured. “I don’t know specifically, but I like research.”
He snorted, and she poked him in the side.
“Shut up, you jerk, I do. And I like sharing the information. I like helping people. I don’t really want to be a teacher, but maybe I can find something where I can do all of that.”
Dean resumed combing her hair, having paused when she poked him, and they settled a little more closely together.
She blinked slowly, sleep pulling at her eyelids. Her thoughts spun out languidly, losing their urgency as his warmth seeped through the thin fabric of her pajamas. 
“How about you?”
His answer came quickly, rehearsed and without thought. “Join the family business. Dad’s been training me for years. Don’t have a lotta choice, but I know I’ll be good at it. Was raised for it.”
Her fingers crept up, her eyes staying closed for longer and longer periods between blinks. She slid her thumb over his chin, just brushing the line of his bottom lip before sliding slowly up his jaw. 
His words weren’t emotionless, but they were automatic. There was so much he never said, and she hated to push him, afraid he would just leave or shut down, but…
“But what do you want?” She persisted, drowsiness interfering with her usual restraint. “Who do you want to be?”
He was silent for so long, she nearly gave in to fatigue. She drifted on the edge of unconsciousness, fingers stroking through the silky strands of hair behind his ears. She felt his face turn, his lips press against her wrist.
“I want...this,” he said. Even half-asleep, she couldn’t mistake the raw longing behind his words. “I want...I want to work a boring, regular job and come home to someone who missed me all day as much as I missed her. I want my kids to cannonball into my legs so hard they knock me over. I want…”
His words choked off, and she stilled her fingers against his cheek, waiting for him to continue.
“I want a house. No...I...when I was little, Dad would come home, and he would just...sweep Mom up sometimes, swing her around, when they weren’t fighting. Even when they were, he’d do it sometimes anyway just to get her to laugh.”
She felt his face shift beneath her hand, but his smile didn’t feel quite right, and she moved closer. His arm tightened around her back, and he smoothed the palm of his free hand down to cup her jaw.
“I want a home. I want to be a dad, a husband. I want a family.”
She felt childish, shallow next to the depth of his simple declaration. Dean wanted what she had, what she took for granted every day of her life. This was the first time he’d spoken of his mother, and though curiosity burned hot inside her, she didn’t dare ask further questions, afraid she’d break the spell of the moment.
Dean’s voice dropped until she could feel it more than hear it, his lips pressing softly against her forehead.
“I want to come home and hold someone until I fall asleep every night. I want to wake up to her and know that my whole day, every day, is gonna be just that, all over again.”
She lifted her face to his then, and in the darkness of her bedroom she could only just make out the barest lines of his features. Their noses brushed, his hand gently pulling at the back of her head, and their lips met. His cheek was damp under her fingertips, and her heart clenched. 
She pulled his head down, brushing her lips over the tears trickling down his cheekbones more by feel than by sight. Both his arms came around her then, pulling her against his chest as he buried his face in his hair. They breathed together, memorizing each others’ scents, heartbeats, rhythms as the night crept by. 
The moment didn’t pass so much as gradually relax until Kimber felt him shift beneath her, smoothly sliding her off his chest and down to the pillows. He kissed her temple, and her face automatically turned to his, chasing his lips. She felt him chuckle against her mouth.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I gotta go. Need to check on Sammy, make sure he got dinner, did his homework, all that mess. I’ll see you tomorrow. Walk you to school?”
She nodded, humming her agreement even as she blindly reached for him. Something soft brushed against her fingers, and she automatically pulled it down, cuddling against the fabric. 
“Hold onto that for me. I’ll get it back from you sometime.” She felt a kiss press to her forehead, and then the click of her door closing. She breathed in, Dean’s scent surrounding her as she slipped under again, his button-up shirt pillowed under her cheek and tangled in her fingers. 
Chapter 5
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
What to Wear to an Interview: Quick Dressing Guide for Men and Women
Knowing exactly what to wear for an interview can be a real conundrum, especially when the company you are applying to has a mix of formal and informal dress codes. A front-of-house role may require wearing a more formal suit to work each day, so an interviewer may expect to see this reflected in your choice of an interview outfit.
But what if the position you are applying for will see you buried deep in the back office of the IT department? Smart but casual may be better for an interview of this sort. 
Ultimately, you have three styles to decide between:
Business formal
Business casual
Smart casual 
The tips below should help you make the right call! 
What to Wear to an Interview: 5 Quick Tips to Help You Decide
Do Your Research First 
As the popular lore tells, you should always dress for your job interview as if you already have the job. Thus, it can be helpful to do a bit of research before your interview on the company dress code. 
First of all, the type of organization that you are applying to will already tell you a lot about the likely dress code. For instance, you’d be better off wearing corporate classic attire (formal suite, neutral shirt, tie) if you are applying to a law firm. Or if you are interviewing at a creative advertising agency, wearing business casual or a fully casual creative outfit will be more appropriate. 
To get a better sense of what may work, browse staff pictures on social media or corporate website. These days many workplaces have relaxed dress codes where everyone is seen wearing shorts and t-shirts to work. This can often make an interviewee feel uncomfortable when they wear a smart suit for an interview, but find that the employer is dressed far more casually. You want to create a good first impression, but you also want to project the image that you would fit in well with the workplace culture and be seen as ‘one of the guys’.
Alternatively, can go past the employer building at the beginning or end of the day as the workers arrive or leave. This will give you an idea about what is acceptable and then aiming a little bit higher for your interview outfit.
Assess the Role You are After
The higher you aim – the more “dressed” you should be. Most senior-level positions will assume a higher degree of formality. On the other hand, coming overdressed for a lower-level position can also create the wrong impression. 
As one HRs recounts, a man applying for a position as a meat slicer at a deli came to the interview wearing a three-piece suit, a new tie, and a snazzy pair of shoes. The deli owner immediately contacted the recruiter saying that “he did not think this person was willing to get his hands dirty in the job.”
When In Doubt, Go With a Suite 
A suit is the most universal business professional attire that’s almost always appropriate. In fact, a recent survey by Randstad US states that even though most workplaces now have casual dress codes, 65% of employees still think it’s important to suit up for the job interview. HRs agree too with 33% saying that candidates should always wear a business formal suit to a job interview. 
But 37% also strengthened that the interview outfit choice should correlate with the position/department the person is applying to, plus the industry they work in. For instance, formal suits are preferred by 44% of HRs in finance, insurance, and real estate industries. However, only 23% of managers expect retail candidates to show up in one. All of this brings us to point one – always do your research!
Work from Backwards: What Not to Wear to an Interview
While most offices today are pretty lax and informal, allowing the folks to dress the way they like, there are still some big universal no-nos when it comes to your interview attire. The same Randstad survey indicates:
76% of respondents name ripped jeans inappropriate as workwear.
56% think the same about leggings.
55% name high heels (over three inches high) as unprofessional.
40% have the same feeling about open-toed shoes of any type. 
In addition to that, you should avoid:
Flashy jewelry and designer logos unless you want the interviewer to involuntary to obsess over these. 
Loud, busy prints. Just as logos, big patterns can steal the spotlight from you. 
Non-seasonal clothing – a fluffy sweater in mid-summer makes the other person question your choices. 
Poorly fitted clothes that are either too tight or too loose since these make you look sloppier and unprofessional.
Anything wrinkled for the same reason as above. 
Anything revealing as this will likely make the opposite party feel uncomfortable, plus send the wrong message about you. 
Ask About The Dress Code In Advance 
Lastly, if you cannot find enough information to guide you then it wouldn’t seem impolite to ask. You will need to confirm your invitation for the interview anyway, so add a quick note about the attire. Your question can go like this: 
Hello [Name],
Just wanted to confirm the interview on Thursday, February 9th at 1:00 pm. I’d be promptly on time, waiting for you in the lobby as you’ve previously noted. 
Could you also please advise me on the appropriate dress code at your company? 
Thank you very much in advance.
What to Wear to an Interview: Men Edition 
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Once you’ve decided whether you want to go business formal, business casual, or smart casual, your further choice boils down to the details. 
Suit: For the guys, it is more traditional to go for dark and sober shades such as black, navy blue, or dark grey. While suits never really go out of fashion, it would help to choose a smart suit in a muted shade. Rock stars and celebrities may be able to get away with wearing shiny suits made from a material that could coat a frying pan, but you certainly should never wear one for a job interview!
Cotton material is preferable as linen tends to crease too easily leading you to look overly crumpled for your interview. During colder weather, opt for a wool/tweed suit and wear a formal coat over it or a warmer neutral colored sweater beneath. 
Shirt and tie: Again, opt for neutral colors – white, blue, beige, brown – that complement your complexion well. If your sense of fashion is limited, choose a plain shirt or one with small, non-busy patterns. 
The same goes for the tie. Your tie should complement your whole outfit, not stand out from it. So try to avoid distracting the interviewer by wearing a garish, bright tie. Also, if you are going with business casual, it’s OK to drop a tie unless you are aiming at the highest degree of formality. 
Shoes: Yours should be dark, plain, and polished. Nothing creates a bad impression like a scuffed and tatty looking pair of shoes – no matter how smart your suit is!
Belt and socks: Match it to the color of your shoes. Same for socks – avoid flashy colorful patterns unless they are an integral part of your creative smart casual outfit. But remember: not everyone can successfully pull off a Justin Trudeau!
What to Wear to an Interview: Women Edition 
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Gals have more options! First, of all, you have a choice of wearing a skirt or trousers for a job formal interview. As a general rule, the skirt hemline shouldn’t be too short. Most skirt suits you can buy off the peg tend to have the skirt cut to about 2 inches above the knee, but you can buy suits with longer skirt lengths too.
Trousers should be well-fitted, but not too tight. Also, choose your pantyhose and lingerie carefully to avoid any awkward lines. 
Suit or Jacket. If you want to get dressed in business formal style, opt for a conservative suit/jacket in dark colors – black, grey, navy, or dark brown. Depending on the season, it is perfectly acceptable to wear a lighter shade of suit, especially during the spring or summer. 
Avoid cheap synthetic materials as these typically don’t fit well, plus have an awkward shine. Cotton, wool, and tweed mixes typically work best.
For formal interviews, it is wise to keep suits plain, but you can add a dash of interest with a patterned scarf or elegant jewelry piece. 
If you opt for a business casual or smart casual look, you can replace the jacket with a cardigan, paired with a skirt, pants, or a business dress. Again, opt for something neutrally colored without many adornments. Also avoid wearing those huge, wooly, and fluffy cardigans even if the weather’s chilly. 
Shirt or top. For formal interviews, choose a neutral colored button-up that doesn’t reveal any cleavage. Silk blouses will certainly look more elegant, but they wrinkle a lot, so make sure yours is freshly pressed. Otherwise, opt for a standard cotton shirt or top. 
Turtlenecks and pullover sweaters in neutral colors are a good alternative for colder weather. Again, make sure that you choose a well-fitted garment without any bright patterns or “pills”.
Shoes should also be kept at a sensible heel height and be quite regular in design. Avoid stacked heels and bejeweled toes – leave those for a night out with the girls. Flats are alight for a business casual/smart casual outfit. 
Accessories. Opt for dainty jewelry, instead of bling pieces. Consider removing ring/bracelet stacks unless they are part of your ‘signature’ creative style that works well with the rest of your outfit.
Bring a professional leather purse or briefcase to stack all the tidbits you need to bring for the job interview. Ideally, it’s best to avoid anything with flash logos unless you are certain that your statement bag will convey an extra ‘power’ message to the recruiter. 
To Conclude 
Plan your interview outfit the day ahead and make sure that all your items are clean, well-ironed, and looking good together. 
If you are still in doubt after giving your interview outfit that final check, take it one step further on the formal side. It’s always best to appear one notch above the people you are interviewing with than a tad underdressed for the occasion!
This article has been originally published on September 28, 2016 and has been extensively revised and updated on January 7, 2021.
The post What to Wear to an Interview: Quick Dressing Guide for Men and Women appeared first on Freesumes.com.
What to Wear to an Interview: Quick Dressing Guide for Men and Women published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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Walk Me Home - Ch 4
Summary: Twenty-four years ago, Kimberly Harper met a boy who changed the course of her entire life before up and leaving one night. She spent years moving past the memories, building a stable, satisfying career as professor of folklore and mythology at the local university. Then the accidents start, and she’s forced to seek help among her hunter contacts. All it takes is a knock on her office door to send Kimber’s carefully built emotional walls crumbling to the ground.
Featuring: Teen Winchesters, high school romance, reunions, misunderstandings, high intensity emotional turmoil, Dean’s love of pie, Dean being adorable, Sam being adorable and maybe a bit nosy eventually, much group adorkable-ness, show-style investigation, mention of our favorite werewolf, gratuitous and obvious love of fall, DID I MENTION ROMANCE, fluff, smut, tension. 
Warnings: Show level violence, show level parental neglect (let’s not John bash, I’m just saying), show-style witchcraft, show-level mental manipulation, stalking, bit of angst, sexual content (higher than show level),swearing, general yearning
Word Count: 2702
Author’s Note: Mega thanks to @mskathywriteswords​ , @fangirlxwritesx67​, and @cracksinthewalls​ for editing, revision, flailing, and generally knocking sense into me when I’m being stubborn. You all made this story way better than it started it, and I love you. Thanks to everyone who read/reblogged/liked the first chapter. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do. 
@thoughtslikeaminefield​ , I hope you still love this as much as the first time you read it. I know I do.
Keep in Mind: There are a lot of flashbacks. I tried to write current events in present tense and flashbacks in past tense. Here’s hoping I got everything right!
Please read/heed the warnings. 18+ ONLY. 
In Case You Missed It: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 ItMightHaveBeenIntentional’s Masterlist
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Chapter 4
Kimber knows she’s staring, but she can’t stop herself. His fingers, rough and strong from years of the hardest work, brush circles over her wrists that send her pulse fluttering through her veins. So many emotions flicker behind his eyes, some of them mirroring her own, some of them alien and unreadable. So many years have passed, so much water under the bridge, as the saying goes. 
The thing is, he was completely right earlier. She could have called him, once she learned who he and his family were, once she found a way.
But he had left town with her phone number memorized. He was in a much more logical position to get in touch, and right away, at that. And he never did. She knows he had a good reason, a completely reasonable one that would make sense if she just asked him.
But she’s scared and drained and confused and more than a little ashamed, and she’s tired of making a fool of herself.
She drops her eyes before the tears fully form and murmurs a quiet thanks as she loosens her hands from his grip. Though walking away is not what she wants to do, she forces her legs straight to the bathroom, closing the door behind her with a firm click. 
She’ll feel better after a hot shower. That’s all she needs, a hot shower and a few hours of sleep. They’ll figure this out tomorrow, and then Dean and his brother will ride off into the sunset, and everything will go back to normal. She’ll go back to her classes as usual, helping out the occasional hunter or scholar with some lore, and she’ll bury all these feelings behind her heart again, drown them so deep they’ll never dream of resurfacing.
At least, that’s the fairy tale she tells herself as the scalding stream washes the saltwater from her cheeks. 
She actually does feel moderately restored by the time she steps out of the bathroom. She feels a little ridiculous in Dean’s clothing. The sleeves of the t-shirt hang past her elbows, and the pants legs are rolled up several times to keep her from tripping. 
At least the waist has a drawstring, she thinks as she rounds the corner back into the room. She pulls the towel from her hair, shaking it out a little just as Dean looks up from his laptop at the small table. His mouth opens, eyes widening. She’s not sure because of the poor lighting of the room, but his face seems to color a little as his eyebrows lift.
She is suddenly, acutely aware that she did not put her bra back on when getting dressed in his white t-shirt that is probably not nearly as thin as it feels.
Dean clears his throat, turning back to his computer, swallowing whatever comments have entered his mind. Kimber can’t decide whether to laugh or blush even harder and settles for the third option of hanging her office clothes up so they can air out a little before tomorrow. 
With nothing else to do, she drops onto the edge of the bed gracelessly, feeling every minute of the last few weeks catching up with her. Uncertainty and fear claw at her, ripping away what little defenses she has left. The image of the mutilated doll flashes before her eyes, red paint splashed luridly on her favorite comforter. Her lungs clench, and she sags on the mattress. 
She presses her fingers hard against her face. Acid burns at the back of her throat, bitter and biting. Her fingernails are just beginning to dig into her scalp when she registers the click of the laptop closing. Half a moment passes, then the bed dips beside her. 
She doesn’t consciously decide to move; her body simply molds itself to his side as Dean slides his arm around her back. He turns into the embrace, his other arm gathering her tightly against him. His cheek comes to rest on top of her head. The silence between them is the comfort she needs, his warmth and solidity the anchor that keeps her from drifting too far into panic.
When he finally speaks, his words rumble through her nerves, settling heavy and soothing in her chest.
“We’re gonna get this son of a bitch, Kimber. I’m sorry they got into your house, but I’m glad I was with you. I…” She rises gently with his deep inhalation, pressed as she is against his chest. “I’m sorry.”
She hears what he isn’t saying, and her hands drop from her face, her arms slipping around his middle as her eyes close.
“Me, too, Dean.”
“That pumpkin pie was somethin’ else,” Dean murmured. His arms were folded behind his head as he stretched out on top of Kimber’s bedspread. He crossed his ankles, settling in like he belonged there. His thin t-shirt stretched across his wiry frame, jeans lying enticingly low on his hips, and she could just see a glimpse of pink toe through a hole in one of his socks.
A pleasant, off-balancing thrill skipped down Kimber’s spine, twirling through her stomach and making her head spin a little. Dean’s jacket was hung carefully on her desk chair, his boots lined up on the floor underneath, and his button-up overshirt folded neatly on the desk.
Her parents had gone to bed long ago, and she had snuck Dean in the back door. After their exhilarating but chilled stroll that afternoon, she’d decided against the treehouse. Dean had been amused but willing, although he’d had one stipulation that had nearly made her laugh aloud.
“We get caught and your folks kick me out, you’re bringing me your mom’s leftovers to school every day for breakfast. I’m not missin’ out on home cooking just because you can’t stand to be away from me.”
Now, seeing him so comfortable on her bed, like he just belonged...Kimber knew the smile on her face was on the goofier end of sappy, but she couldn’t help it. He was just so damned…
“Cute,” he said, smirking up at her. “I know what you’re thinking. And I’m not cute. I’m adorable.”
She sighed dramatically, feigning exasperation. “Fine, you’re gorgeous, adorable, vital, the absolute most. Now close your eyes so I can change.” Smirk still firmly in place, Dean dutifully closed his eyes. She knew, despite the short time she’d known him, that she could trust Dean to keep his eyes shut.
She spent a few seconds regretting the lack of any silky, dramatic nightgowns or cute, sexy little matching pajama sets. Oh, well; couldn’t have everything. She stripped quickly, tossing her school clothes into the hamper and slipping on her “Aaahh!!! Real Monsters” t-shirt. Thick socks and plaid pajama pants completed her night ensemble. 
That she had just been naked (however unseen said nakedness had been) in front of Dean Winchester had not escaped her. She licked her lips, cheeks warm, and turned slowly back to the bed. He lay still, chest rising and falling steadily, and she marveled, not for the first time, that he was here, in her room. Just for her.
Her pulse jumped, her lungs tightened, and for just a second, Kimber panicked.
“You can, uh...you can open your eyes. I’m gonna go brush my teeth; I’ll be right back.”
She fled silently down the hallway, brushed her teeth in record time, and then stared in the mirror. Her hair was just her hair, nothing amazing or horrifying; no point trying to fix that before bed. Maybe…make-up?
“Kimber. What the hell?” she muttered. “You’re not seducing him, just be cool. Jeez. You can’t wear make-up to bed.”
She splashed cold water on her face, scrubbing her skin dry with a hand towel more forcefully than necessary. She gave her reflection another once-over and took a deep breath.
“You’re his choice, too,” she reminded herself. “Just chill.”
She found him exactly as she’d left him, completely relaxed on the bed, eyes still closed. She thought for a moment that he might have fallen asleep. Kimber wasn’t sure if she felt more disappointment or relief.
“You left in a little bit of a hurry,” he murmured, eyes still closed, and she started. “Everything okay?” She almost put him off, could feel the brush-off on her lips, but his eyes slid open, pinning her on the spot. She got the eerie sense that he would know, that he already knew she was trying to put on a front, and she deflated a little.
“I’m nervous,” she finally admitted. The heat in her cheeks turned up a few degrees, spreading down her neck, and she crossed her arms over her chest defensively. “I’ve never...snuck a guy to my room before. I just...this is mostly new to me, but with you, I want...I don’t know.”
Without a word, Dean slid from the bed and crossed the room, his mesmerizing eyes never leaving hers. He stopped a few feet away and waited, his arms open. With the bed suddenly out of the equation, Kimber felt a hidden knot of anxiety untie in her chest. 
She let out a breath and stepped into his embrace, her arms circling his waist in a way that felt easy and right. Dean’s lips pressed a warming kiss to the crown of her head. 
“Sweetheart,” he whispered. “This is your room, your space, but even if it wasn’t-” He paused, leaning back and brushing his thumb over her cheek. “Kimber, look at me.”
She did, and his earnest expression left no room to doubt his next words. It barely left room for breathing.
“ ‘M not here to make you feel uncomfortable or scared. I’m here because you want me to be. The second that stops, the second I make you feel something you don’t want, that’s it. Period. Does that work for you?”
His eyes, so plaintive and weathered in that moment, cut right to her heart. Never in her life had Kimber felt so safe, so protected, and so very sad. She couldn’t think of any words that lived up to the magnitude of what Dean had just said, so she simply squeezed him tighter, pressing her face against the side of his neck. 
“Can you stay?” she asked. She knew he had obligations, probably needed to get back to his brother or at least check in with his dad. She felt terribly selfish in her warm, safe house with her parents right down the hall. Still, she asked. 
“Yeah, I can stay for a while.” His smile, soft and open, laid her doubts to rest. They settled onto the bed, fumbling a little awkwardly to find a position they both liked. There was some bumping, mumbled apologies, until they finally sorted out a comfortable twist of limbs that didn’t set her heart beating out of her ribs or threaten to cut off blood flow to anything important. 
She relaxed by increments, her cheek resting on his collarbone. He hugged her close with his left arm, his right hand combing slowly through her hair over and over. The silence settled around them like a second blanket, soothing and heavy.
“What do you want to do when you finish school, Kimber? College?”
“Probably,” she murmured. “I don’t know specifically, but I like research.”
He snorted, and she poked him in the side.
“Shut up, you jerk, I do. And I like sharing the information. I like helping people. I don’t really want to be a teacher, but maybe I can find something where I can do all of that.”
Dean resumed combing her hair, having paused when she poked him, and they settled a little more closely together.
She blinked slowly, sleep pulling at her eyelids. Her thoughts spun out languidly, losing their urgency as his warmth seeped through the thin fabric of her pajamas. 
“How about you?”
His answer came quickly, rehearsed and without thought. “Join the family business. Dad’s been training me for years. Don’t have a lotta choice, but I know I’ll be good at it. Was raised for it.”
Her fingers crept up, her eyes staying closed for longer and longer periods between blinks. She slid her thumb over his chin, just brushing the line of his bottom lip before sliding slowly up his jaw. 
His words weren’t emotionless, but they were automatic. There was so much he never said, and she hated to push him, afraid he would just leave or shut down, but…
“But what do you want?” She persisted, drowsiness interfering with her usual restraint. “Who do you want to be?”
He was silent for so long, she nearly gave in to fatigue. She drifted on the edge of unconsciousness, fingers stroking through the silky strands of hair behind his ears. She felt his face turn, his lips press against her wrist.
“I want...this,” he said. Even half-asleep, she couldn’t mistake the raw longing behind his words. “I want...I want to work a boring, regular job and come home to someone who missed me all day as much as I missed her. I want my kids to cannonball into my legs so hard they knock me over. I want…”
His words choked off, and she stilled her fingers against his cheek, waiting for him to continue.
“I want a house. No...I...when I was little, Dad would come home, and he would just...sweep Mom up sometimes, swing her around, when they weren’t fighting. Even when they were, he’d do it sometimes anyway just to get her to laugh.”
She felt his face shift beneath her hand, but his smile didn’t feel quite right, and she moved closer. His arm tightened around her back, and he smoothed the palm of his free hand down to cup her jaw.
“I want a home. I want to be a dad, a husband. I want a family.”
She felt childish, shallow next to the depth of his simple declaration. Dean wanted what she had, what she took for granted every day of her life. This was the first time he’d spoken of his mother, and though curiosity burned hot inside her, she didn’t dare ask further questions, afraid she’d break the spell of the moment.
Dean’s voice dropped until she could feel it more than hear it, his lips pressing softly against her forehead.
“I want to come home and hold someone until I fall asleep every night. I want to wake up to her and know that my whole day, every day, is gonna be just that, all over again.”
She lifted her face to his then, and in the darkness of her bedroom she could only just make out the barest lines of his features. Their noses brushed, his hand gently pulling at the back of her head, and their lips met. His cheek was damp under her fingertips, and her heart clenched. 
She pulled his head down, brushing her lips over the tears trickling down his cheekbones more by feel than by sight. Both his arms came around her then, pulling her against his chest as he buried his face in his hair. They breathed together, memorizing each others’ scents, heartbeats, rhythms as the night crept by. 
The moment didn’t pass so much as gradually relax until Kimber felt him shift beneath her, smoothly sliding her off his chest and down to the pillows. He kissed her temple, and her face automatically turned to his, chasing his lips. She felt him chuckle against her mouth.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I gotta go. Need to check on Sammy, make sure he got dinner, did his homework, all that mess. I’ll see you tomorrow. Walk you to school?”
She nodded, humming her agreement even as she blindly reached for him. Something soft brushed against her fingers, and she automatically pulled it down, cuddling against the fabric. 
“Hold onto that for me. I’ll get it back from you sometime.” She felt a kiss press to her forehead, and then the click of her door closing. She breathed in, Dean’s scent surrounding her as she slipped under again, his button-up shirt pillowed under her cheek and tangled in her fingers. 
To Be Continued...
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
What to Wear to an Interview: Quick Dressing Guide for Men and Women
Knowing exactly what to wear for an interview can be a real conundrum, especially when the company you are applying to has a mix of formal and informal dress codes. A front-of-house role may require wearing a more formal suit to work each day, so an interviewer may expect to see this reflected in your choice of an interview outfit.
But what if the position you are applying for will see you buried deep in the back office of the IT department? Smart but casual may be better for an interview of this sort. 
Ultimately, you have three styles to decide between:
Business formal
Business casual
Smart casual 
The tips below should help you make the right call! 
What to Wear to an Interview: 5 Quick Tips to Help You Decide
Do Your Research First 
As the popular lore tells, you should always dress for your job interview as if you already have the job. Thus, it can be helpful to do a bit of research before your interview on the company dress code. 
First of all, the type of organization that you are applying to will already tell you a lot about the likely dress code. For instance, you’d be better off wearing corporate classic attire (formal suite, neutral shirt, tie) if you are applying to a law firm. Or if you are interviewing at a creative advertising agency, wearing business casual or a fully casual creative outfit will be more appropriate. 
To get a better sense of what may work, browse staff pictures on social media or corporate website. These days many workplaces have relaxed dress codes where everyone is seen wearing shorts and t-shirts to work. This can often make an interviewee feel uncomfortable when they wear a smart suit for an interview, but find that the employer is dressed far more casually. You want to create a good first impression, but you also want to project the image that you would fit in well with the workplace culture and be seen as ‘one of the guys’.
Alternatively, can go past the employer building at the beginning or end of the day as the workers arrive or leave. This will give you an idea about what is acceptable and then aiming a little bit higher for your interview outfit.
Assess the Role You are After
The higher you aim – the more “dressed” you should be. Most senior-level positions will assume a higher degree of formality. On the other hand, coming overdressed for a lower-level position can also create the wrong impression. 
As one HRs recounts, a man applying for a position as a meat slicer at a deli came to the interview wearing a three-piece suit, a new tie, and a snazzy pair of shoes. The deli owner immediately contacted the recruiter saying that “he did not think this person was willing to get his hands dirty in the job.”
When In Doubt, Go With a Suite 
A suit is the most universal business professional attire that’s almost always appropriate. In fact, a recent survey by Randstad US states that even though most workplaces now have casual dress codes, 65% of employees still think it’s important to suit up for the job interview. HRs agree too with 33% saying that candidates should always wear a business formal suit to a job interview. 
But 37% also strengthened that the interview outfit choice should correlate with the position/department the person is applying to, plus the industry they work in. For instance, formal suits are preferred by 44% of HRs in finance, insurance, and real estate industries. However, only 23% of managers expect retail candidates to show up in one. All of this brings us to point one – always do your research!
Work from Backwards: What Not to Wear to an Interview
While most offices today are pretty lax and informal, allowing the folks to dress the way they like, there are still some big universal no-nos when it comes to your interview attire. The same Randstad survey indicates:
76% of respondents name ripped jeans inappropriate as workwear.
56% think the same about leggings.
55% name high heels (over three inches high) as unprofessional.
40% have the same feeling about open-toed shoes of any type. 
In addition to that, you should avoid:
Flashy jewelry and designer logos unless you want the interviewer to involuntary to obsess over these. 
Loud, busy prints. Just as logos, big patterns can steal the spotlight from you. 
Non-seasonal clothing – a fluffy sweater in mid-summer makes the other person question your choices. 
Poorly fitted clothes that are either too tight or too loose since these make you look sloppier and unprofessional.
Anything wrinkled for the same reason as above. 
Anything revealing as this will likely make the opposite party feel uncomfortable, plus send the wrong message about you. 
Ask About The Dress Code In Advance 
Lastly, if you cannot find enough information to guide you then it wouldn’t seem impolite to ask. You will need to confirm your invitation for the interview anyway, so add a quick note about the attire. Your question can go like this: 
Hello [Name],
Just wanted to confirm the interview on Thursday, February 9th at 1:00 pm. I’d be promptly on time, waiting for you in the lobby as you’ve previously noted. 
Could you also please advise me on the appropriate dress code at your company? 
Thank you very much in advance.
What to Wear to an Interview: Men Edition 
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Once you’ve decided whether you want to go business formal, business casual, or smart casual, your further choice boils down to the details. 
Suit: For the guys, it is more traditional to go for dark and sober shades such as black, navy blue, or dark grey. While suits never really go out of fashion, it would help to choose a smart suit in a muted shade. Rock stars and celebrities may be able to get away with wearing shiny suits made from a material that could coat a frying pan, but you certainly should never wear one for a job interview!
Cotton material is preferable as linen tends to crease too easily leading you to look overly crumpled for your interview. During colder weather, opt for a wool/tweed suit and wear a formal coat over it or a warmer neutral colored sweater beneath. 
Shirt and tie: Again, opt for neutral colors – white, blue, beige, brown – that complement your complexion well. If your sense of fashion is limited, choose a plain shirt or one with small, non-busy patterns. 
The same goes for the tie. Your tie should complement your whole outfit, not stand out from it. So try to avoid distracting the interviewer by wearing a garish, bright tie. Also, if you are going with business casual, it’s OK to drop a tie unless you are aiming at the highest degree of formality. 
Shoes: Yours should be dark, plain, and polished. Nothing creates a bad impression like a scuffed and tatty looking pair of shoes – no matter how smart your suit is!
Belt and socks: Match it to the color of your shoes. Same for socks – avoid flashy colorful patterns unless they are an integral part of your creative smart casual outfit. But remember: not everyone can successfully pull off a Justin Trudeau!
What to Wear to an Interview: Women Edition 
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Gals have more options! First, of all, you have a choice of wearing a skirt or trousers for a job formal interview. As a general rule, the skirt hemline shouldn’t be too short. Most skirt suits you can buy off the peg tend to have the skirt cut to about 2 inches above the knee, but you can buy suits with longer skirt lengths too.
Trousers should be well-fitted, but not too tight. Also, choose your pantyhose and lingerie carefully to avoid any awkward lines. 
Suit or Jacket. If you want to get dressed in business formal style, opt for a conservative suit/jacket in dark colors – black, grey, navy, or dark brown. Depending on the season, it is perfectly acceptable to wear a lighter shade of suit, especially during the spring or summer. 
Avoid cheap synthetic materials as these typically don’t fit well, plus have an awkward shine. Cotton, wool, and tweed mixes typically work best.
For formal interviews, it is wise to keep suits plain, but you can add a dash of interest with a patterned scarf or elegant jewelry piece. 
If you opt for a business casual or smart casual look, you can replace the jacket with a cardigan, paired with a skirt, pants, or a business dress. Again, opt for something neutrally colored without many adornments. Also avoid wearing those huge, wooly, and fluffy cardigans even if the weather’s chilly. 
Shirt or top. For formal interviews, choose a neutral colored button-up that doesn’t reveal any cleavage. Silk blouses will certainly look more elegant, but they wrinkle a lot, so make sure yours is freshly pressed. Otherwise, opt for a standard cotton shirt or top. 
Turtlenecks and pullover sweaters in neutral colors are a good alternative for colder weather. Again, make sure that you choose a well-fitted garment without any bright patterns or “pills”.
Shoes should also be kept at a sensible heel height and be quite regular in design. Avoid stacked heels and bejeweled toes – leave those for a night out with the girls. Flats are alight for a business casual/smart casual outfit. 
Accessories. Opt for dainty jewelry, instead of bling pieces. Consider removing ring/bracelet stacks unless they are part of your ‘signature’ creative style that works well with the rest of your outfit.
Bring a professional leather purse or briefcase to stack all the tidbits you need to bring for the job interview. Ideally, it’s best to avoid anything with flash logos unless you are certain that your statement bag will convey an extra ‘power’ message to the recruiter. 
To Conclude 
Plan your interview outfit the day ahead and make sure that all your items are clean, well-ironed, and looking good together. 
If you are still in doubt after giving your interview outfit that final check, take it one step further on the formal side. It’s always best to appear one notch above the people you are interviewing with than a tad underdressed for the occasion!
This article has been originally published on September 28, 2016 and has been extensively revised and updated on January 7, 2021.
The post What to Wear to an Interview: Quick Dressing Guide for Men and Women appeared first on Freesumes.com.
What to Wear to an Interview: Quick Dressing Guide for Men and Women published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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