#bury a friend // shauna shipman
lottieshauna · 11 months
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noretreatnancy · 1 year
Shauna completely scrapping her life plan to fit herself into the life Jackie would have had/the life Jackie assigned her / Natalie leaving every single part of her life untouched, her room, her best friend, everything, and taking herself out of the picture… likeeeee they literally could not fit themselves back into the lives they had before like they were so fundamentally changed by what happened to them and what they did
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themacabrebarbie · 2 months
tag drop !
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Yellowjackets is making me feel very I can excuse cannibalism but I draw the line at keeping your best friend’s corpse in your meat storage!!!!!
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shaunamilfman · 5 months
you must like me for me [1]
summary: You weren't sure what you did to piss off Shauna Shipman, but you've been on the receiving end of her death glares for just as long as you can remember. If looks could kill you'd certainly be six feet under, but hey–it's kind of hot, right? For better or worse, everything changes after a run-in at a party. A/N: NSFW. the "shauna hooks up with you instead of jeff" au that you know and love. Part 2 | Part 3
Click. Click. “Fucking work,” Nat muttered. Click. Click. Click. “Piece of shit.” She hits it against her palm a few times before trying again. Click. 
Stay calm. Deep breaths. 
You bury your face into your hands with a heavy sigh as Nat keeps flicking uselessly at her lighter. “Are you done yet?” You ask wryly, voice muffled by your palm. 
“Nope,” Nat comments, purposefully flicking it louder. The grating sound of her empty lighter catching was starting to drive you insane, and you both knew it would only get worse. You groan as you pull back to glare up at her, dutifully rummaging through your jacket pocket for your own lighter. 
There's the beginnings of a smirk clearly visible on her face, and you realize with a sudden clarity that annoying you had been her goal the entire time. You almost want to keep it from her on sheer principle, but she'd just find another way to irritate you if you did. Pissing you off seemed to be one of her few passions in life. Do what you love and you never work a day or some shit. If only she took algebra this seriously. 
Your hand wraps around the cold metal, your thumb rubbing soothingly over the familiar gouges on the surface. You dreaded having to hand it over, already quietly mourning its comforting weight as you held it loosely up in front of you. It was just a lighter, sure, but it was your favorite lighter. You were aware that it probably wasn’t all that healthy to use a lighter as an emotional crux, but you figured that was a problem for a later you.
Nat shoves her bic back in her pocket with a crooked grin, reaching for yours and snickering as you jerk it away from her. “Don't be a dick,” She says. 
“I want it back, Nat,” You warn. Nat rolls her eyes as she nods, leaning over you to snatch it out of your hand. You let her take it easily, relaxing back against the wall as she finally lights up. Nat exhales slowly, relief evident in her voice as the familiar smell washes over you. You weren’t particularly fond of the smell, but you doubt many people were. You’d smoked here and there when Nat was feeling particularly generous, but it wasn’t a habit you planned on picking up.
You were much more content to watch, basking silently in the smoke of whichever of your friends you’d followed outside. That’s how you preferred to experience most of the world, watching quietly until something caught your attention. Nat called it ‘brooding’, but you preferred to think of yourself just as the silent type. Nat laughed her ass off the one time you mentioned it to her, calming herself down only to randomly burst into laughter for the next week whenever she thought of it. 
Since then you’ve decided to keep that to yourself as well, aghast at the idea of giving Nat more ammo to use against you. Nat was your best friend, sure, that was undeniable. Still, she could be a real bitch when she wanted to– it’s part of why you got along so well in the first place.
“Jesus,” She laughs out suddenly, cigarette held loosely between two fingers as she gestures across the room. “If looks could kill.” Your eyes follow the gesture absentmindedly, grinning as you catch sight of a murderous-looking Shauna staring down Jackie and Jeff across the room. Your eyes widen at the sheer rage she's giving off– you're not sure you've ever felt that strongly about anything in your life. 
There was something about the intensity of her face that made it difficult to tear your eyes away from her. She looked fucking psychotic, like the kind of expression you'd catch on the eleven o'clock news as someone insists that ‘he just seemed so normal’. Honestly, you wouldn't be all that surprised to find out Shauna Shipman already had a trail of bodies behind her. You eye her arms interestedly– she'd certainly be strong enough to carry the body off. 
Still, if Shauna's looks could kill you would've been dead a long time ago. You've been on the receiving end of that particular look so many times that it lost its intended impact a long time ago. You weren't quite sure what you'd done to piss her off, but you quietly thanked yourself for it. You knew she meant it to be intimidating, but the way you shivered under her gaze was never quite as fearful as she probably hoped.
That flaming anger in her eyes that you worried might burn you from the inside out if you weren’t careful only made you want to press more. You wanted so badly to see what would happen when she finally lost it on you. Shauna was dangerous, as you more than well knew. You’ve seen evidence of that more than just about anyone else: always carefully lingering by the edge of the crowd as Shauna started swinging. 
There was something about her then, something utterly enticing in her fury. She seemed larger than life in those moments, all civility leaving her body as she became something to truly be reckoned with. The dead look in her eyes and the harsh look of fury as she lost control of whoever was stupid enough to start shit with her. It was almost intimate.
As many times as she’d glared you down she had never actually tried to swing on you, as much as you sometimes wish she would. You had a pretty similar reputation, and you were more than a little curious about which one of you would come out victorious if ever came down to it. You don’t think you’d mind the result either way in all honesty. You would count yourself lucky to lose a fight if it was to her. Not, of course, that you’d let her win. That would take all the fun out of it, all of the struggle.
You’ve spent more time than you’d care to admit thinking about how her knuckles would feel tearing into your flesh, your face rocked from side to side with the force of every blow as she used the full strength of her body to really lay into you. You liked to imagine the way her fists would look stained with your blood, her heavy breathing above you as she tired herself out beating her fury into your body. 
So, yeah. You were perfectly normal about Shauna Shipman.
“Hey,” You hear a soft voice say, glancing away from Shauna at the sound of fingers snapping right in front of your face. You turn to glare at whatever asshole is in your face, trying to hide your surprise at finding Jackie in front of you. Jackie takes a half step back at the look, hesitation melting into determination as she does her best to stare you down in return. 
You can’t help the way a smile tugs at the corner of your lips: Jackie’s attempt at a glare is more funny than scary. Her eyebrows narrow in determination, but she seems more confused than intimidating. Had she walked up to you on the street you probably would have tried to give her directions. Her lips twisted into a scowl, but you could tell her heart wasn’t in it. It was as if she was imitating a storybook villain more than anything else. She probably should have practiced it in a mirror a few more times before debuting it.
You appreciated the valiant effort but decided she ought to leave the intimidation to Shauna. She seems to come to a similar conclusion, looking down at her feet to hide a slight flush on her face as she awkwardly rocks back on her heels. 
“Did you seriously snap in my face?” You ask, amused.
“You were like totally zoned out,” Jackie defends, rolling her eyes when Nat snickers.
“So you snap in my face?”
“Come on,” Jackie draws out, pouting up at you. “It worked, didn’t it? Besides, that was like five minutes ago now.” You scoff, but decide it was probably best just to let it go at this point. 
“Did you want something?” You prompt.
“Oh! Yeah,” Jackie laughs, waving a joint she seems to pull out of nowhere in your face. “You have a light, right?” You glance at her curiously, before shrugging. You look over your shoulder at Nat who thumbs your lighter open, quickly lighting it up before stuffing it back in her pocket.
Jackie grins as she takes a hit, purposely blowing the smoke in your face as you narrow your eyes at her. Normally you’d excuse it as typical Jackie Taylor brand irritation, but you have an odd feeling that she knows exactly what she’s doing. Her eyes betray just a hint of a smile as if she’s in on a joke you weren’t meant to understand.
You open your mouth to say something in return, probably antagonistic, but Jackie holds the joint out towards you in a peace offering. You consider it for a moment before taking it, deciding there were definitely worse ways to spend a Saturday night. Besides, free weed was free weed. Even if it was somehow already stained with Jackie’s lipstick.
You inhale slowly, purposely blowing out into Jackie’s face. She scowls at you, but quickly gets over it as she snatches it back. You talk to a loose and happy Jackie Taylor for a while, too engrossed in the conversation to realize Shauna's death glare had long since shifted targets.
“No,” You say firmly. Nat gives you a sad look as she glances up at you. 
“No,” You repeat again, hesitating this time. Nat, sensing weakness, immediately holds her hands together in a pleading gesture, making you roll your eyes. “Fine,” You start to walk off in search of the kitchen. “But I'm going to get you the warmest can I can find.”
You can faintly hear Nat shouting “Booooo!” As you turn the corner but decide to ignore it. You bypass the ice chest as you see a can sitting off to the side, clearly set down and forgotten. Still, it was definitely unopened. Perfect. 
You're about to walk back into the living room when you catch sight of a flashing light through a window. Your eyes widen as the siren sounds, the flashing blue and red lights bright in the darkness. 
Shit. Nat was on her own. 
The music comes to a dramatic stop as everyone else seems to come to the same conclusion, but you've already slipped out the backdoor before the shouting starts. You run blindly through the forest, waiting until the lights aren't quite as visible in the distance before coming to a stop. You lean against a tree as you catch your breath, silently laughing at the dismayed shouts as people on the edge of the woods are caught.
You duck behind a fallen tree at the sound of a stick breaking, wondering how they'd even get out to you so quickly. The sound of snapping branches only gets louder, quickly approaching your location as you start to hear the sound of heavy breathing. You watch in disbelief as Shauna runs right past you, rolling your eyes as she doesn't even seem to notice you. 
“Shauna,” You whisper harshly. She whirls around in confusion, a slight fear on her face till she seems to just barely make out your face in the dark. 
“Y/N,” She mutters irritatedly. You give her an unimpressed look despite knowing she wouldn't be able to make it out from that far away. 
“Don't sound so excited to see me,” You mutter. Let her get caught if she wants to. She obviously doesn't seem to have much experience running away from the cops. 
“Trust me, you're the last person I'd want to run away from in the woods,” Shauna seethes, but stomps over to lean against a tree near you. 
You start to respond before you hear harsh panting, glancing back over the tree to see Jeff running through the woods right toward the cops. You think about calling out to him, but you think it's funnier to imagine his face when he realizes what he's done. You're not that surprised he's mixed up his directions. You glance over at Shauna's look of disgust as she watches. 
“You could go with him instead,” You offer quietly, grinning smugly as she shoots you a look of disdain. 
She decides to ignore you for a while, bouncing her leg up and down to work off her nervous energy. You both wince at the sound of every broken twig, almost certain this is going to be the one that gets you caught. You finally glare over at her as the rustling starts to get on your nerves. 
“You know, you're pretty bad at this,” You murmur, peering over the tree one last time before settling on the ground with your back against it. You start fumbling through your pockets for your lighter, but quickly realize Nat must've taken it with her. 
Now you have to deal with Shauna sober. Soberish, you think, searching through your jacket pockets till you find it. You pop the tab open with a grin that quickly slides into a wince as the taste hits your tongue. You'd been tasked with getting the beer can by Nat, a task which you reluctantly agreed to but now felt oddly thankful for. Her loss was your gain, and besides– it's not like it was your fault the party was busted before you could get her lukewarm can of beer back to her. 
You take another sip, almost surprised as it somehow tasted worse than the last one, but Shauna snatches it from your hand and tosses it behind her before you can take another one. You stare at your empty hand in disbelief, hand still clenched around where the stolen can once sat before you slowly look up at her. She's got that famous grin on her face, head tilted in a way that you know means she's about to start shit. 
Still, even you're surprised when she throws the now empty can aimlessly behind her and stumbles forward to straddle your legs. Your eyes are wide when you somehow end up with a lap full of Shipman, hands resting instinctively on her thighs as she scoots up to press her hips flush against yours. 
“Jesus, Shipman,” You mutter. “Warn a girl.”
“You know, I've heard a few rumors about you,” She murmurs, a hungry glint in her eyes. You resist the urge to tremble under her gaze, feeling oddly like a prey animal as she stares intently down at you. You almost want to get up and run, but you shudder at the thought of dumping her off your lap to do it. 
“If you seriously ask me if I've done anal with Kevin we're going to find out which one of us would win in a fight, Shipman. I swear to God.” You say, stealing yourself for a fight as Shauna just smirks down at you with that strange look on her face. 
“Heard you had a thing for girls. Heard you were good at it.”
“I don't kiss and tell,” You say firmly, pointedly digging your thumb into her thighs as they start to bracket you tighter. Shauna hisses in pain, hand clutching your shoulder tightly as you only press them in harder. Shauna relaxed her grip with a whimper, a fucking whimper, as she unconsciously pressed herself further into your thumb. She looks at you with an almost unreadable expression as she thinks for a moment, before shifting and tentatively rocking her hips against yours. 
“Too bad that senior you hooked up with last year doesn't feel the same way about it,” Shauna snarks, rutting down in earnest as your hands come up to encourage her hips as she rides your thigh. 
“What?” You ask distractedly, a breathy sound as you manage to tear your eyes from the way her dress rides up with every roll of her hips. 
“Fuck,” She draws out shakily, eyes slipping shut as she rests her head on your shoulder. A pleasured sigh escaped her as she found a good angle, hips stuttering against you until your guiding hands took over for her. 
“Had to double back last year for something that Jackie forgot,” A strange hint of venom enters her voice at the name. “And Kelly couldn't stop singing your praises to last year's varsity team. Best fuck she's ever had, did you know that? Of course, she's only ever slept with her loser boyfriend so it probably isn't that much of an achievement.”
Your initial wave of disgust at the admission is overshadowed by a feeling of pride. Best fuck she's ever had? No. You're upset that she's talking about you behind your back. Definitely. Your righteous indignation is quickly tamped down as Shauna whines out her protest as she bites pointedly at your neck. 
Right, you think, quickly resuming the endless back-and-forth motions of Shauna's hips as she lets out these perfect little noises into your ear. 
“Think it's a little obvious that I have a thing for girls at this point,” You comment wryly, sneaking a peek down the neckline of her dress as she shudders against you. 
“Oh, fuck. Right there. Right there,” She pleads, the wet glide of her against your thigh rubbing just right. 
“Yeah? Does that feel good, Shipman?” You tease, pulling her down harder against you. She opens her eyes just to glare at you, the heat in her stare almost enough to make you back down as she seems almost resentful of the pleasure you're giving her. 
She scoffs. “Even Randy could…” She trails off into a loud moan, muttering a few quiet curses under her breath before continuing, “...stay still while I get myself off.”
“Is that right?”
“Sure is.”
“Maybe you should go find him, then,” You say, slowly drawing your hands away from her hips. 
“Don't be an asshole,” Shauna snaps, clawing at your back in warning. “Make me come or I’ll–”
“What? You’ll do what?” You pause for a moment, giving her a chance to respond. 
“Maybe you should shut up and take it before I decide to walk off, yeah? Maybe you can be just a little nicer for once so you won’t have to walk back to your car still dripping in your panties.” Her jaw is clenched tightly, an absolute look of murder in her eyes but she doesn’t offer up another threat.
“Can you do that for me?” You taunt, pressing on the sore spot as soon as you realize its existence. Shauna huffs angrily, her nails digging into your shoulders hard enough to draw blood. Strangely the anger seems to make it better for her, her thrusts slowly speeding up the longer you continue to irritate her until she's riding your thigh with a vengeance. 
She whispers breathy threats of violence into your ear in between ragged moans, but it's hard to take her at face value as she rubs herself all over the rough denim of your jeans. You wince at the thought of the stain she's going to leave, quickly pushing it out of your mind as Shauna bites at your shoulder through your shirt to muffle her moan as she comes. Even as muffled as it is she’s so loud that you can still clearly hear her as she continues to grind weakly against you as she rides out her orgasm.
“Did you just...” You ask in astonishment. 
“No,” Shauna lies, voice just a little too high pitched and embarrassed for it to be the truth. She seems to gather as much from the shit-eating grin on your face, slapping weakly at your shoulder with a hint of playfulness you've never seen directed at anyone but Jackie before. She glares at you again a moment later, as if she was trying to take it back. Leave it to Shauna Shipman to regret smiling. 
“Shut up,” She groans, face flushing with embarrassment. “Whatever. Just make me come again. You can do that, can't you?”
With a roll of your eyes, you grab for her discarded flannel and roll it up to lay under her head as you sit up and lay her back on the forest floor. Shauna's smile is almost shy as you look down at her from your position between her spread legs. You trail your hand up her thigh for a moment before thinking better of it. 
“Up,” You direct, tapping at her leg as you shrug your jacket off. She complies with a curious look on her face, a soft smile taking its place as you slip your jacket under her hips on the ground. You take the opportunity that's presented to you and hook your fingers in the waistband of her underwear as you pull it down your legs. 
You hold up your surprising find on one finger, her lacy black panties almost blowing in the gentle breeze. She squeaks in embarrassment, her reflexes fast as she tries to grab for them but not quite as fast as yours as you jerk them away to shove in your pocket. “Didn't strike me as quite your style, Shipman,” You murmur, “Thought you'd be more of a boxers type.”
“Yeah?” Shauna asks. “You spend a lot of time thinking about what's beneath my clothes?”
You flush in embarrassment as you try to sputter out a response, before finally settling on a simple “Fuck you.”
“Gonna have to wear something under my uniform from now on. Had no idea someone was trying to look up my shorts,” Shauna says with feigned disgust, shaking her head as if she truly couldn't believe it. 
“Eat a dick,” You mutter, rocking back on your knees as you move to stand up. 
“Don't be such a baby,” Shauna chides, hooking her leg around your knee to keep you down. She grabs at the collar of your shirt as she drags you into a messy kiss that serves only to emphasize her lack of experience in the area. Still, no one will say that Shauna Shipman isn't a quick study as she thoroughly distracts you from her teasing. 
“Jackie picked them out,” She murmurs lowly as you separate for air.
“What?” You ask. 
“My... My panties,” Shauna admits with a quiet voice.
You grin and she rolls her eyes. “Don't say anything,” She warns. 
“No, hey. I'm sure everyone lets their best friend pick out their panties. Nothing weird there,” You choke the laughter down to give her the most understanding look you can muster on a moment's notice. Shauna glares and you hold your hands up innocently. “Nat picked mine out too.” 
“... Really?” She asks, eyes slowly tracing down to stare at your jeans. 
“Fuck no,” You laugh out, burying your face into her neck as you shake with the force of it. She sighs irritatedly, pinching at your sides until you finally stop. 
“Eat me out before I find someone else to do it,” She threatens, but you can still find the traces of levity on her face she hasn't managed to erase. 
“Yes, Ma'am,” You say sarcastically, shifting to lean on your elbows as you spread her thighs around your shoulders. 
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owuwi · 1 month
summary: early mornings with her are unusual so she wanted to surprise you, though it didn't end in the way she expected.
1.1k words:3
warnings: suggestive
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Shauna was tired of her boring life. She was tired of waking up next to her husband who she didn't love, tired of arguing with her daughter who she didn't even like — though she did care about her —. That's why, as bad as it sounded, she decided to find someone new, she decided to find someone who she actually enjoyed being with. She knew she wasn't in her prime but there should definitely be someone who was into her, right? Well of course, she was attractive and she knew it, but dating apps weren't really her thing since they were filled with creepy old guys. Patience wasn't really her thing either and she almost gave up after not finding anyone who got her attention, almost.
She suddenly met you, one of Callie's friends, and she instantly felt a connection that she hadn't felt for quite some time. She knew it was wrong since you were literally the same age as her daughter, but she couldn't deny that it was only making her more attracted towards you. The fact that she could pull someone as young as you... it ignited a fire deep within her — another thing that she hadn't felt for a long time —. It started as just hooking up but the tension between you two was too thick to ignore, and it was painfully obvious how in love you were with each other. You two talked about your feelings and decided to simply start dating — completely ignoring the fact that she had a husband and a daughter —.
Sneaking out wasn't easy for either of you; Shauna needed to find excuses for her family and you needed to find excuses for your parents. Thankfully, Jeff had a business trip to attend and Callie was spending the night over at her boyfriend's, so Shauna didn't hesitate to invite you over the moment she realized the opportunity to be together you two had. Even after spending the whole night exploring your body, tracing every inch of your skin with her hands and lips — almost as if she was trying to memorize the feeling of your flesh —, she still wanted to do something nice for you. That's the reason why she woke up early and decided to cook breakfast.
It's been years since Shauna last cooked for someone else and it felt... oddly comforting. She cared enough for you to do something you could do by yourself, and she had to admit that she missed that feeling. Shauna wasn't the greatest cook but she did know how to do something easy like pancakes with bacon, which she was silently begging you'd like. She was way too focused on not burning anything that she didn't even heard when you stepped out of her room, so she couldn't help but to jolt the moment she feels a pair of arms wrapping around her waist.
"J-Jesus, you scared me!" She quickly exclaims before letting out a shaky little laugh and then turning her head around, looking behind her shoulder and over at you. "What are you doing up? This was supposed to be a surprise, you know?" She then asks, acting as if you just ruined everything.
"Oh, trust me, this is still quite surprising." You say in reply to the older woman's question as you bury your neck into the crook of her neck, your hands gently resting on her belly. It then hit you; the reason why she seemed disappointed at the fact that you were awake. "Were you-... were you planning on waking me up with breakfast in bed?" You couldn't help but to question the older woman, your voice dripping with affection and a faint hint of teasing, before you nuzzle your face against her neck.
Shauna on the other side was quite embarrassed. She couldn't understand why she felt that way since she's never exactly been subtle with how much she loves likes you, but still, she felt as if she got caught doing something bad. "Maybe.." She simply mumbles before she quickly continues with cooking the pancakes, her body shivering as she feels the way your hands slowly caress her tummy.
"Don't get me wrong, i think it's cute, i just didn't expect you to do that." You quickly reassure the brown-eyed woman before planting a sweet kiss to the skin of her neck, not wanting her to feel bad for doing such a lovely thing, while you continue to slowly move your hands over the area of her stomach. Shauna looks over to you once again, a small little smirk forming on her lips the moment she realizes what you're wearing.
"Is that my flannel?" She points out before turning around to face you and place her hands on your hips, completely forgetting the fact that the stove was still on. Shauna would be lying if she said she didn't love seeing you wear her clothes — which sadly didn't happen as much as she'd like —, especially in moments like this where you were wearing nothing else underneath it. You were about to say something until she cut you off with a kiss, your arms quickly wrapping around the woman's neck to pull her closer to you. It was the loud sizzling sound and the smell of... well, something burning that pulled the two of you back into reality.
"Dammit!" She quickly exclaims before turning around again to turn off the heat, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at your laugh and arousal as a consequence from the kiss. The pancakes were still eatable but she doubted they'd taste good.
"Breakfast can wait, right?" You murmur against her ear before placing slow, open-mouthed kisses to her neck, pressing your chest further against her back, knowing that there was no way Shauna could leave you with that ache between your legs. She eventually turns around again and pulls you into a bruising kiss, deciding to stop sulking about breakfast and instead pay attention to you. Without separating her lips from yours, she starts leading you towards her room, and let's just way that neither of you ate actual food for breakfast.
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strangesmallbard · 1 year
i know we say misty is the most unhinged and i’m NOT denying this obviously. however, on a fundamental level misty just wants one (1) best friend who actually likes her and shauna shipman, on a fundamental level, just wanted to eat her best friend’s corpse so she never had to bury her. and she did! so there’s that
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livil589 · 1 year
[1996; Shauna Shipman]
Warnings: none
I'm sat on the bleachers, watching as the Yellowjackets stretched and prepared for practice. My best friend, Shauna begged me to sit in on one of her practices and who was I to say no?
I watch Shauna as she stretches, her muscles flexing with each movement. My mind wanders, thinking about what it would feel like to be at her mercy, just a piece of putty in her hands...a voice snaps me out of my mind, interupting my fantasies.
"Hey! Y/n, right? You're Shauna's friend," I turn my head towards the energetic voice. Misty Quigley is standing in front of me, waiting for my reply.
"Yeah, that's me," I smile as I tell her as she reaches her hand out.
"Well, I'm Misty...Misty Quigley, equipment manager for the yellowjackets"
A small giggle escapes my lips as I shake her hand, "I...yeah, I know, you're in my fifth period Algebra class," I watch as Misty's cheeks go red and an embarrassed look crosses her face.
The rest of the practice is spent talking and laughing. After what seems like forever our conversation is interupted by some clearing their throat.
"Hey, y/n, can we talk?" I look up at Shauna as she puts her hand on my shoulder, making me flush.
I look over at Misty who's smile dropped a bit before giving her a small smile.
"Sorry, Misty, I gotta go...but we’ll catch up later?"
My apology is rushed as I'm dragged away by Shauna, her brown eyes burning into me.
"Shauna?" I question her as I'm brought to the currently unoccupied locker room.
"Whats wrong? Shauna, talk to me," she remains quiet as I plead.
"Seriously Shauns...did I do something? Why won't you talk to me?" I continue to question, taking on an exasperated tone as she pulls me to the very back of the room.
Finally she speaks, her eyes locking onto me and I squirm under the intensity of her gaze.
"What was that? Are you seriously buddy-buddy with Misty fucking Quigley?"
She practically spits Misty's name as she speaks. Her tone accusing and slightly...jealous? Was she jealous?
I must be daydreaming because the way she's looking at me like she wants me is dizzying, but her hand on my arm forces me to realize I'm not dreaming and she's right in front of me.
"Jealous, Shipman?"
It's so faint I almost miss it. She's actually jealous! And I can hear my heart hammering in my chest, a dead giveaway of the effect she has on me.
My lips curl into a teasing smirk as I lean in to whisper.
"So do something about it"
It takes her a second to register my words but the second she does her hands grip my waist, pressing me into the wall.
Her lips capture mine in a hungry kiss. The kiss is messy, all teeth and tongue, a culmination of our buried feelings bubbling to the surface. Kissing her is like nothing else and it's my new favorite thing I've decided.
My senses are overwhelmed with her, thoughts of everything else slip away as she presses her body into me, fitting together like a puzzle piece.
She, reaches for my face, her thumb moves across my cheek, an intimate gesture that makes me melt. As she attaches her lips to my jaw small moans slip out, echoing around the space.
"Shit, Shauna," I tilt my head, giving her access and I can feel her smirk against my skin before softly biting at the spot.
"I fucking knew it!" Our bubble of intimacy bursts as a voice calls out.
We turn to the source of the voice and see Van grinning. Shauna's eyes widen almost comically as she looks between the redhead and me.
"Damn, Tai owes me ten bucks"
Me and Shauna yell, causing Van to hold her hands up in mock surrender.
"Alright, I'll leave you two," she tells us as she heads to the door.
"Have fun," the ginger teases as she walks out the door.
"So...not jealous, huh?" I say, watching her roll her eyes.
"Shut up"
"Awe, you know you like me"
I smile and plant a kiss on her cheek, a surprised noise slipping past my lips as she pulls me in for a soft, lingering kiss.
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feminaferitas · 8 months
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@darkconsumed {shauna} has come home from the wilderness to find the ghost of Jackie Taylor in her home
The wild was reluctant to let the girls escape its claws. And whether or not the rescue constituted true salvation would remain to be seen. Their numbers had dwindled, and not everyone came back. Jackie's bones were buried at the crash site and when the wreckage was cleared, what would be left of her?
Jackie Taylor had died and was eaten, that much was true. But she wouldn't die as long as Shauna Shipman carried the immaterial bones of her absence along with her. And so they were back in Wiskayok, together once more.
"Welcome home, Shauna."
True, Jackie hadn't appeared to her in some time. Shauna's mental state had been pretty fragile after that first cold snap. Eating her best friend's flesh seemed to sate the hunger in her mind, the starving need for the other to be there with her. But with the beast in their bellies quieted, Jackie's spirit could not be conjured from the clutches of the wilds. She served her purpose in the great food chain. And the team survived the winter because of her.
But now that the survivors were home, moments of Jackie were frozen in time across the town of Wiskayok, bitterly cold. The story told everyone was she died in the initial crash -- it was a mercy. For the girls, for her parents. But she could tell the unsettled Shauna hungered again for her best friend's touch. They had sat together in this bedroom many times before -- maybe if someone squinted, they would see the weight of Jackie's life in the pillows, the wrinkles in the quilt, the creases in the closet full of sweaters, secrets, and a life interrupted.
"What, no hug? You made it, Shipman. That's worth celebrating."
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itsnunoclock · 7 months
I and My Annabel Lee | Rated G | Nat / Shauna | Part 3 of Odds and Ends series | Word count: 2,458 Tags: One Shot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Natalie Scatorccio, Pre-Plane Crash (Yellowjackets), Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends --- “My mommy and daddy told me girls can be firefighters or pirates or anything they wanna be when they grow up!” “Anything?” “Mhm! So you gotta pick the coolest pirate name ever, just like mine!”
Ahoy! Captain Natalie's sixth birthday brings an unexpected treasure - her first crew member with a pirate-perfect name, Shauna Shipman. ---
It was many and many a year ago,
   In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
   By the name of Annabel Lee;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
   Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
   In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
   I and my Annabel Lee—
With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven
   Coveted her and me.
Annabel Lee
The sunshine, like a playful puppy, bounced through the curtains, waking Natalie much earlier than usual. Six! Today was her sixth birthday, and the excitement wiggled through her faster than a puppy’s tail.
Out of bed she sprung, unable to hold back a giant grin. Today was for adventures, birthday cake, and maybe even a bit of pirate treasure! As soon as Daddy left for work, Mom helped Natalie into her favorite dress. It was pink, fluffy, and proclaimed to be the official “birthday dress” despite getting a little snug around the middle. Birthday magic, after all, could make anything fit just right.
With Mom braiding her hair into two neat pigtails, Natalie hatched a secret plan. Under her bed, hidden like buried pirate gold, lay a special marker. Just in case any scallywags or grumpy sea monsters crossed her path, she’d be ready. With Mom’s back turned, Natalie slipped it into her trusty boots. (Thankfully, Mom let her wear these instead of the fancy shoes Nonna gave her last year, which surely wouldn’t fit anymore by now anyway.)
Out the door they went, Natalie bouncing with questions about their surprise destination. But Mom kept her lips sealed, just a smile and secret in her eyes. Soon, a giant yellow bus lumbered up, its brakes squeaking like a friendly monster. Holding Mom’s hand tight, Natalie climbed aboard and raced for the best window seat.  She watched with wonder as the trees, then the houses rolled on by, trying to guess where they could be headed.
Then, a splash of red appeared in the distance - “Friendly,” it announced in big, curvy letters. Natalie knew instantly this was it! The perfect place, with the perfect name, to make new friends on her special day. As the bus stopped, she pressed her nose against the window, taking it all in with big round eyes. The building was so bright and welcoming, with sundaes and popsicles on display in the windows. Grabbing Mom’s hand, Natalie tugged with all her might. “Come on, come on!” she squealed, barely able to contain her excitement.
Mom led Natalie to a cozy corner booth by the window. The birthday girl bounced on the plush red seat, her bright eyes flitting around like butterflies, taking in everything at once. Then, a flash of pink in a tall, frosty glass caught her attention - it matched her dress perfectly!
“Oh please, Mom, please!” Natalie pleaded. With one word of permission, she practically vibrated with joy. The nice lady in a red uniform called it a strawberry free ball with a wink, and Natalie giggled at the silly name.
When the cold, sweet drink arrived, Natalie initially wrinkled her nose after the first sip. But soon, a wide grin spread across her face as the delicious taste took over. A basket of fries appeared too, but since Mom hadn’t eaten breakfast, she knew those were off-limits.
As Natalie happily slurped on her shake, a friendly-looking man stopped by their table. He laughed, saying, “My, how you’ve grown, Natalie!” His crinkly eyes reminded her of her Nonno, but soon, the grown-up conversation started to sound like a mumble jumble in her ears.
Letting her gaze wander across the busy diner, Natalie spied a group of girls who looked to be her age, playing with dolls and tiny figures. All except one. A girl with brown hair sat slightly apart, gently rolling a bright red toy truck back and forth on the table, seemingly lost in her own world.
Before Natalie could look away, the truck girl suddenly glanced up and caught her peeking! Their eyes locked, but instead of hiding, the girl gave a big, toothy grin and yelled out a playful “Vroom vroom!” in a funny voice. Delighted, Natalie couldn’t help but grin back just as wide. Her heart thumped excitedly, and a fun idea popped into her head.
With a gentle but insistent tug on her mother’s sleeve, Natalie interrupted the boring grown-up talk. “Can I pleeease go play with the girls, Mom?” she begged, hopeful as can be. Mom, slightly distracted, gave a quick, absentminded nod without fully looking at Natalie. That was all the permission she needed!
She scooted out of the booth like a rocket and skipped towards the other table, light as a fairy. Butterflies fluttered in her tummy at the thought of making new friends. But before she reached them, Natalie remembered something special hidden in her boot - her trusty marker!
Sneaking out of sight, she discreetly pulled the marker out and carefully drew a twirly mustache above her lip. Then with her tongue peeking out in concentration, she added a connecting line between her eyebrows for good measure.
Giggling naughtily to herself, Natalie tucked the marker back into her boot for safekeeping. Then, with her secret identity in place, she skipped the rest of the way over to the table.
“Hello!” said little Natalie.
“Hello,” the doll girls greeted back, eyeing her up and down. “What’s that on your face?” asked the tall girl, stifling a giggle behind her hand.
“It’s my secret pirate disguise for my birthday,” Natalie declared, puffing out her chest a little.
“Pirates are for boys,” sneered another girl, her doll’s fancy gown flowing to the table. The other girls tittered and Natalie felt a heat rise to her cheeks.
Just then, the truck girl caught her eye, flashing Natalie a warm smile. Oblivious to the teasing, she happily scooted her toy truck closer to Natalie in a friendly invitation.
Natalie felt suddenly self-conscious under the mix of stares all around. “Um . . . wanna play over there?” she asked the friendly girl softly. The girl nodded eagerly, eyes big and brown as she took Natalie’s hand. Laughing, the two girls hurried off together to a vacant table just emptied out for them.
“I’m Natalie!” she introduced herself, settling down opposite the friendly girl in the comfy booth.
“I’m Shauna Shipman! See? My first and last name both start with S!” Shauna exclaimed, bouncing excitedly in her seat.
Natalie’s eyes lit up at this interesting fact. “Oh wow, that sounds like a pirate’s name!” She pictured Shauna with a majestic pirate hat and an eyepatch, captain of the biggest ship she’d ever seen.
Shauna giggled, her nose crinkling. “Silly! Do you have a pirate name, Captain Natalie?” she asked, rolling the red fire truck towards Natalie across the table.
Natalie, heart swelling at the unexpected title, felt a blush creep up her cheeks, spreading a warmth across her face that mirrored the joy in her eyes. But the smile faltered the moment she glanced back at the girls with dolls, their giggles suddenly sounding harsh. “I, um, well . . . ” she mumbled, fiddling with her dress strap, “they said girls can’t be pirates.”
But her new friend Shauna made a loud, dismissive ‘pfft’ sound, waving her small hand through the air. She leaned forward with an eager twinkle in her eye. “My mommy and daddy told me girls can be firefighters or pirates or anything they wanna be when they grow up!”
Natalie’s eyes had gone big at this wonderful news and she bounced a little in her seat. “Anything?” Maybe she could be a pirate after all!
Shauna bounced too and nodded firmly, beaming with joy. “Mhm! So you gotta pick the coolest pirate name ever, just like mine!”
A big smile lit up Natalie’s face. She tapped her chin like the pirates do in thought. “Okay!” she said, her voice extra loud and important. “My pirate name is . . . Captain Blackboots! Because, well, look!” she exclaimed, lifting one leg high to show off her black boot.
Shauna giggled, her cheeks turning pink.  “I like your name better! Can I call you Captain Nat-Nat?”
Natalie laughed at the silly nickname. It wasn’t quite as cool as Captain Blackboots, but it did sound friendly. “Okay,” she agreed, nodding with a grin.
“Nice to meet you, Captain Nat-Nat!” Shauna said with a smile, holding out her hand. “I’m Fire Chief Shauna!”
“Fire Chief Shauna?” Natalie repeated, her eyes wide. “That’s awesome!” She shook Shauna’s outstretched hand and the grin on their faces grew even wider. “Hey, do you wanna be on my pirate ship?”
“Hmm, can I drive the ship?”
“Sure, you can be captain too! We can take turns! Yo ho ho!” Natalie laughed, trying to sound like a pirate, just like her Nonno used to. “Do you know how to talk like a pirate, Fire Chief Shauna?”
Shauna shook her head.
“I’ll teach you! When the captain says something, you say ‘Aye, aye, Captain!’”
“Aye aye, Captain!” Shauna exclaimed, mimicking Natalie with a wide grin.
Suddenly, Natalie stood up on the booth, her arms stretched out for balance. “Look, Chief Shauna, I’m walking the plank!” she yelled, pretending to stumble across the wobbly seat. “Watch out for the scary sharks!”
Seeing Natalie pretend to fall into the water, Shauna burst into giggles. Soon, both girls were laughing so hard their bellies hurt and Natalie’s cheeks felt like they might burst from smiling so much. Who cared what those silly girls thought anyway? Today was her birthday, and on her birthday, she could be anything her heart desired, anything at all!
The more they played, the more Natalie realized Shauna wasn’t like other kids. Normally, kids poked fun at her mismatched clothes or teased her cardboard-sword battles against sea monsters. But Shauna, even when faced with the silly, mustached Natalie, greeted her with a warm smile.
Shauna was funny, too, in her own special way. Instead of telling mean jokes like other kids do, Shauna brought her toys to life with silly voices and crazy stories. The leftover fries on their table weren’t just fries anymore - they were a bunch of scared sailors clinging to a tiny raft. Suddenly, Shauna’s red fire truck would come zooming in, siren wailing with her best fire truck noises, to save the day. “Rescue mission!” she’d shout, scooping up the survivor fries into the truck bed with a grin.
But the fun didn’t stop there. Shauna would grab a straw and turn it into a helicopter, making a funny whirring sound with her mouth. The straw-copter would swoop down to whisk the remaining fries away to safety, and Natalie would laugh and laugh. Shauna’s imagination turned ordinary things into amazing adventures, and Natalie loved every minute of it.
Sharing also came easy to Shauna. The minute Natalie looked at the fire truck, Shauna pushed it over to her quickly, like she’d been waiting for her all along. Natalie grabbed it, giggling, and zoomed it around the table.
“Okay, Fire Chief Shauna,” she said in her big captain voice, “are you ready to save the fries people?” 
“Aye aye, Captain Nat-Nat!”
Natalie zoomed the fire truck all over the table. “Wee-ooh, wee-ooh!” she yelled, just like Shauna showed her. She pretended the fries were people stuck on a tiny island, and the truck was their brave rescuer. With a big scoop, she grabbed them all up, earning a clap and a cheer from her favorite shipmate.
And that’s when she realized – the thing Natalie loved most about Shauna: her laugh! It burst out often, bubbly and bright like a happy pirate song. It made her whole face scrunch up in the silliest way that had Natalie joining in too.
Other kids’ laughs sometimes felt mean, even when she didn’t understand the joke. Their giggles often made her feel small, weird or left out for liking different things. But never Shauna’s. It made Natalie feel all warm and happy inside, like she belonged right where she was.
Shauna was unlike any other kid Natalie had met and she hoped with all her heart they’d be best friends forever.
“Natalie, time to go sweetie! We gotta get home before Daddy gets back.”
That was Mom ending their playtime, scolding Natalie after for the silly drawings on her face. She even gave a frowny look to Shauna that made Natalie feel a little nervous. With her shoulders drooping, Natalie said goodbye to her friend before letting her mom pull her away towards the door.
Just then, Natalie heard, “Wait!” She turned around to see her new friend racing over with her special fire truck toy. Shauna pressed it into Natalie’s hands with a big smile, making Natalie smile back just a little bit. She clutched the little truck like a pirate holding her treasure.
The bus ride home felt different, all quiet and strange. Mom whispered that their “little secret adventure” should stay between just the two of them. Natalie didn’t really understand, but she nodded anyway - she didn’t want to make Mom more upset.
Back home, Daddy was already in his big, comfy chair drinking his yucky grown-up juice like always. Seeing his curious eyes gave Natalie a worried feeling so she looked at Mom, hoping for help, but got a warning look instead, reminding her to go clean up.
Natalie, perched on the big bathroom chair like a wobbly pirate captain, giggled at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was a funny mess of black lines and green smudges, reminding her of her best friend and how much fun they had saving a whole bunch of lost fries. But then loud, grumpy voices made her smile disappear faster than a scoop of melting ice cream.
For days and days, Natalie begged to go back to the fun milkshake place. But Mom would either act like she couldn’t hear, or say “No!” in a voice that boomed like thunder. Sometimes, she’d even get a shushing sound and a frowny face. And even though Natalie asked and asked, they never went back to the place where she made her very first - and for a long time, her only - real friend.
Weeks turned into months, then months into years. Captain Nat-Nat, as she liked to be called then, slowly became just plain Nat. The memories of her firefighter friend faded little by little, like the echo of a song. But sometimes, when she’d see the little red fire truck on her shelf, her heart would do a happy little jump, just like on her favorite birthday.
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ahaura · 1 year
yellowjackets s2e2 lb
"what'd you do with my ear, shipman?" says the ghost/hallucination of shauna's best friend <3
i KNOW that they're doing the cannibal gaze w shauna but also it's gay. so.
taissa keeping the others from eating shauna's share <3 <3
"you only had sex with him imagine being me" dont you mean kissing jeff was ALMOST like kissing jackie because jackie was the last one to kiss jeff....
"it's not what you're hungry for" CANNIBAL TIME LETS GOOOOOOOOOO
i really do like that lottie copes with the past by putting on layers of bullshit but underneath all those layers is the girl in the antler mask/headdress i want to SEE the silhouette is so. SO much
also i really really REALLY hope that creepy dude that taissa sees makes a return i want to see her struggle with her place within the fairytale and within the confines of fairytale logic its so insane on the plane that she's operating on
"my mom wants to know if you want chocolate chip pancakes" "no we dont because im breaking up with you" yellowjackets is a comedy <3
ok but was the reaper leading taissa off the cliff? is her suppressing her true self/the self that belongs within the fairytale urging her to "wake up?" is the forest/fairy tale setting punishing her for not getting in? i need to knowwwwwwww
taissa SHUTTING down even remotely discussing whats happening to her w lottie her Opponent in the forest the one who has embraced her role within fairytale logic vs. taissa who refuses and clings to "logic" and "what's real" instead of letting go and entering into the Self or the Space that Wants her to
taissa after almost walking off a cliff while asleep: "yeah im going to continue repressing these things and not talking about them this is obviously going well for me already"
ALSO IS THAT MASSIVE ATTACK because a movie i watched the other night LITERALLY had the same song im DYINGGGGGG
natalie in the same camp as taissa "seeing's believing" wherein travis is open to embracing the fairytale aspect and natalie is firmly rooted within the confines she's used to and cannot stand another way because letting go means accepting that you do not know and being vulnerable and it's scary and there's no control there etc etc
misty posting on forums is so funny
i love both taissa and lottie in this bec both are like "we care about shauna" but are so deeply rooted in different places that they come at it like enemies its so fun
"so you lied to be feminist" SAY IT WITH ME! GASLIGHT GIRLBOSS GATEKEEP!
surely this wont have consequences at a later date :) surely not?
FINALLLY some travis progress
oh my god thats so fucking up...
im with nat on this. whats the underneath. spill!!!!!!
OH MY FUCKING GOD????????????
um. ok. uh. -
stooooooooooop callie STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
gay eulogy time!
loving putting sick in forensics guy hes wonderful finally misty gets her own weirdo bestie
is travis hallucinating lottie... while he and nat are... wow ok
DID THE WOODS STOP JACKIE'S BODY FROM BURNING THATS SO FUNNY. the woods are like "alright she's been barbecued enough you WILL be turned into cannibals"
w h o o p s
something something remember when persophne ate the seeds and she couldnt go back or something idk but they have Crossed A Line and im READY for it
coach is SO next on the menu
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