#ocean eyes | alana bloom
themacabrebarbie · 2 months
tag drop !
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a-is-love · 2 years
grateful eight
grateful for walter,  pointing out  the chrysanthemums in full bloom grateful for hilda,  sharing her gift through her students grateful for thu,  a fairfield coincidence grateful for judy,  a guide through this ocean grateful for michael,  he set up the tent grateful for jeremiah,  i had tears in my eyes grateful for jacquie,  she turned them into laughter grateful for david,  l’artiste      le bateau grateful for dathun,  my heart was so tender grateful for ken,   i heard yes from all seven grateful for the wish tree,    in the dark        in the light grateful for bakes,   a diamond in time grateful for white dove,    ornament of generosity grateful for new year,   liza minnelli grateful for takeoff,  a sign, a rainbow grateful for hung,    his love of photography grateful for thuy,   a tea ceremony grateful for dan & huyen,  an implicit support grateful for huy,    in a trip, i could heal grateful for diaz & maria  they lit her a candle grateful for evan   a friendship, so touching grateful for you alana   just you being you         is always more than enough i’m eternally grateful  a silence in bloom,       a dreamer under moonlight                  a song from the heart          
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ah-is-love · 2 years
grateful eight
grateful for walter,  pointing out the chrysanthemums  in full bloom grateful for hilda,  sharing her gift through her students grateful for thu,  a fairfield coincidence grateful for judy,  a guide through the ocean grateful for michael,  he set up the shelter grateful for jeremiah,  i had tears in my eyes grateful for jacquie,  turned them into laughter grateful for david,  l’artiste    le bateau grateful for dathun,  my heart was so tender grateful for ken,   i heard yes from all seven grateful for a wish tree,   in the dark      in the light grateful for bakes,  a diamond in time grateful for white dove,   ornament of generosity grateful for new year,   liza minnelli grateful for takeoff,  a sign, a rainbow grateful for hung,   his love of photography grateful for thuy,  a tea ceremony grateful for dan & lilly,  an implicit support grateful for huy,   in a trip, i could heal grateful for diaz & maria   they lit her a candle grateful for evan   a friendship, so touching grateful for you alana  just you being you   is always more than enough i’m eternally grateful a silence in bloom,    a dreamer under moonlight         a song from the heart           
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godblooded · 2 years
about drop!!!!
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meteora-writes · 4 years
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Fandom: Hannibal Pairing: Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter (Hannigram) Warnings: Alternate Ending to s02e13, Betrayal, Forgiveness, Getting Together, Everybody Lives, Men Holding Hands ;P Description: Hannibal doesn’t act on his instinct. Authors Notes: The final of season 2 gutted me! (ha ha ha) and I had to write this. New to the fandom. Probably been written a million times already. I don’t care. The muses screamed at me until I wrote this. Read on AO3
Will feels like his whole world has spun on its axis. All sense of up and down gone by the wayside as he looks Abigail Hobbs in the eyes. Sees that she’s alive. Breathing. Is really standing here in Hannibal’s kitchen in this very moment and is not just a figment of his overactive mind. “Abigail…?”
She has the shimmer of tears in her wide blue eyes, tracks of them running down her cheeks. “I didn’t know what to do… So I did what he told me.” Her body shakes with the effort not to break down into sobs. More tears welling up in her eyes.
“Where is he?” Will asks, mind trying to wrap around the fact that Hannibal lied about Abigail. That Abigail is alive and he brought her back here on the night they were supposed to…
“Hello, Will.”
Hannibal’s voice is like a splash of ice water hitting Will from behind, shocking him back to himself. “You were supposed to run.” He turns, finds the older man looming over him, bloodied, and battered from his fight with Jack. There’s something in the way Hannibal looks at him that Will can’t place. It makes him want to squirm under its intensity.
“We couldn’t leave without you.” There’s a softness in his tone. An openness that Will has only seen a handful of times from Hannibal and it pulls at something deep inside him. Draws him in closer. 
Will feels like his heart is in his throat all of a sudden, a mix of emotions rising up to slam into him all at once like a tidal wave. Hannibal places a hand on his cheek, moves it to cup his neck. Something inside him breaks and before Will knows what he’s doing he’s throwing himself into the other man and wrapping his arms around him tightly. Clinging to him for dear life and burying his face into his neck as tears well up in his eyes at the notion that Hannibal chose to stay, for him, when he could have fled and saved himself.
There’s a clatter of metal on wood. Will’s gun and the small knife Hannibal had been concealing falling at their feet in unison. Hesitantly, Hannibal’s arms wrap around Will to hold onto him just as tightly as slightly bloody fingers carding through sodden brown curls.
“Time has reversed. The teacup I’ve shattered has come together…” Hannibal utters in Will’s ear. Just loud enough for him and Lydia to hear.
“We need to leave, right now,” Will manages to stay after several hard swallows in an attempt to get his emotions under control. “The police are on their way. The FBI…”
“Sssh sssh,” Hannibal gently shushes him, fingers continuing to card through Will’s hair gently as he holds him close. “It’s alright. Don’t worry, Will. We have enough time.”
Will blinks back more tears as Hannibal pulls away, hand sliding back to his cheek where a thumb brushes away one as it escapes.
Looking past him, Hannibal shifts his gaze to Abigail. “Gather your things,” he tells her calmly with a small nod in the direction of the stairs. She’s clearly shaken, but she does as he asks and goes to grab the bag she had with her when Hannibal picked her up earlier that evening.
Will shifts his stance to give Hannibal room to step around him, his foot hitting something that makes him look down in the process. He sees a small curved knife at his feet and blinks up at Hannibal in shocked confusion. He knows instantly why the other man had it. But the look Hannibal gives him when he meets Will’s gaze is of deep regret. A look he’s only seen when Hannibal apologized for taking Abigail away from him…
“I forgive you, Will.” The words sound brutally sincere as they leave his lips. So honest and raw that Hannibal seems almost pained to say them.
Swallowing hard, Will whispers back, “I forgive you, too.” He wishes he could say it louder, but his throat feels choked off once again. He takes a breath that comes closer to a gasp as he tries to calm himself. His mind still reeling. 
Abigail is alive. Hannibal knows what Will has done, and was ready to kill him for it… but he didn’t. Hannibal knows what he’s done and forgives him. 
It’s all too much. 
Holding out his hand in offer, Hannibal waits for Will to reach out his own shaking one and take it before leading him out to the foyer where Abigail is putting on a heavy coat to guard against the still falling rain. 
They leave then, Will only sparing Alana a brief glance to make sure she’s still breathing as they move past her. He silently apologizes; wishing she had heeded his warnings and stayed away when she had the chance. Hoping she survives because she didn’t deserve this fate.
Hannibal squeezes his hand, drawing Will from his regrets and back to the present. They move quickly, take a car to what apparently is the empty home of Hannibal’s former psychiatrist. Will stops them before they can get out of the vehicle. Tells them that she’s back from hiding and was an informant giving information to the FBI on Hannibal. That she could come home at any time and they can’t risk her seeing them.
So they move on. Find someplace else to get cleaned up and into fresh clothes before heading out. Hannibal had wanted to take a plane to Europe, but Will suggests they take the boat he recently acquired off the books for cash. It’s slower but less likely to get them noticed. And it honestly makes him feel much safer than going through airport security after what happened tonight.
With a look to Abigail, who simply nods, Hannibal agrees with a small smile.
By morning they’re miles away on the open ocean. Will telling Abigail about lures and fishing as Hannibal watches with a quiet appreciation for what he had gained and what he could have lost had he gone with his first instinct upon seeing Will that evening. It strikes him then that in changing Will, Will has changed him as well. And watching the smiles bloom on both Will and Abigail’s faces as they talk, he finds that he’s alright with that.
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artgirl130 · 4 years
Breaking Free
Pairing: Will Graham x Hannibal Lecter
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Requested by my brother @cheese-toastie-skam​. I hope you enjoy this you crackhead.
Summary: Will knew that abandoning Hannibal was wrong but he couldn’t lose his place on the team.
Notes: If you haven’t guessed from the title, this is a Hannigram High School Musical au. Hope you enjoy. Asks are still open.
Will took a deep breath as he stood by the auditorium door, watching Hannibal stood on the stage, the florescent lights bouncing off of his sharp cheek bones. He watched as the blond searched the wings for him, sick to his stomach. Will knew that ditching the other man was wrong. He knew that what he was doing would hurt Hannibal, but he couldn’t lose his place on the team. He needed that scholarship.
Locking eyes with Will, Hannibal clenched his jaw, angry and hurt at the man stood by the door. Tightening his grip around the microphone, Hannibal turned to Margot and nodded. The pianist shot him a sympathetic glance before pressing her fingers to the smooth, ivory keys, the first couple of notes ringing out over the audience. Averting his eyes, Will felt his stomach tug in shame as he heard Hannibal’s rich, smooth voice began the duet by himself.
We’re soarin’, flying There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach
He felt like utter shit as he watched the man on the stage, knowing how much he was hurting him. A sharp slap on the back pulled him out of his musings. Beverly Catz and Alana Bloom stood next to him, both women with deep scowls etched onto their faces.
If we’re tryin’, so we’re breaking free
Trying to ignore pain in his chest, Hannibal continued, desperate to ignore the burning betrayal he felt in his heart. He should have known that Will wouldn’t go through with it. Coward. Both men knew it, though neither would have admitted it before.
You know the world can see us In a way that’s different than who we are Creating space between us, ‘til we’re separate hearts But your faith, it gives me strength Strength to believe
Looking between Alana’s furrowed brow and Hannibal illuminated by light, Will dropped his coat into Beverly’s arms, making his way towards the stage. Mutters erupted from the audience as Will climbed onto the stage, grabbing the spare microphone from next to Margot, ignoring her whispered insult. Hand reaching out for Hannibal, Will raised the microphone, voice ringing out.
We're breakin' free We're soarin', flyin' There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach If we're tryin', yeah, we're breakin' free Oh, we're breakin' free!
Hannibal looked over at Will, a half confused smile working its way onto his face. He raised his eyebrows at the brunet as they kept singing.
Can you feel it building? Like a wave the ocean just can't control Connected by a feelin', ooh, in our very souls (very souls) Rising 'til it lifts us up, so everyone can see We're breakin' free We're soarin', flyin' There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach If we're tryin', yeah, we're breakin' free Oh, we're breakin' free! Runnin', climbin' To get to the place to be all that we can be Now's the time So we're breakin' free We're breakin' free (oh yeah) More than hope, more than faith This is truth, this is fate And together we see it coming More than you, more than me Not a want, but a need Both of us, breaking free! Soarin', flyin' There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach If we're tryin', yeah, we're breakin' free (breaking free) We're runnin', oh climbin' To get to the place to be all that we can be Now's the time (now's the time) So we're breakin' free (oh we're breakin' free) You know the world can see us In a way that different than who we are
As the song faded out, they looked at each other, ignoring the cheers from the crowd. They stared at each other; Hannibal’s eyes boring into Will’s. He raised smiled softly, deciding to forgive the other man. “What took you so long?” Will opened his mouth to respond the shut it almost immediately. Fuck it. He decided, darting forward, connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Returning the kiss, Hannibal pulled Will closer.
They pulled away when Alana let out a loud whoop. Laughing, Will pressed his face into Hannibal’s shoulder, all thoughts of the team gone from his mind.
“I’m sorry I took so long.” “Don’t worry about it.”
- Also available on AO3 (under the same username) -
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gothbfignis · 5 years
Hannigram Post-Canon Fic Recs
i put this together for @amessinadress, with whom i've enjoyed reliving and reigniting my love for this show. i hope you enjoy!!
of course, anyone looking to get their hannigram fix please feel free to take a look as well! 
fics under the cut
Not the Same Ocean (1309 words) by shiphitsthefan
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter
Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Post-Season/Series 03, Asexual Will, Asexual Hannibal, Queerplatonic Relationships, Disfigurement, Dark Will, First Kiss, Gazing into the Abyss
They sit on the deck, facing each other, drinking burnt coffee instead of wine. Nothing differs from life on land in these moments. Each conversation is one that could have easily been had before the cliff and the kitchen. Will thinks that’s why it’s so taxing and exhilarating, comfortably infuriating.
“I told you once,” Will begins this night, ignoring the reflection in his mug, “that, should I kill you, I would do so with my hands.”
“Yes,” says Hannibal. “I recall. A static moment full of promise--I would be hard-pressed to forget.”
“How would you kill me?”
The Stony Element (2067 words) by wouldirunoff
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Additional Tags: Porn with Feelings, UST, That becomes RST, Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Biting, mild bloodplay, Dialogue Heavy, eventually, Will thinks too much, dark Will but he's calm about it, Anxiety, Geology
Will would like to be himself. He's just not entirely certain who that is anymore.
A Capacity for Surprise (1902 words) by AVegetarianCannibal
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Mrs. Komeda (Hannibal), Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Mentions of past spousal abuse, alcoholism mentions
An acquaintance from the past gets to know Hannibal Lecter a little better as they tend to a gravely injured Will Graham.
Deliverance (9843 words) by savethealiens
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Additional Tags: Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Murder Husbands, references to cannibalism, Bottom Will, hannibal cries a lot, will loves him anyway
Hannibal and Will take their first tentative steps through the door to exploring the physical side of their relationship.
Well, Hannibal does. Will practically kicks the door down.
Collateral Damage (3064 words) by quenchycactus
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom/Margot Verger
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom
Additional Tags: Post-Finale, Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb, Murder Husbands, Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, Canon-Typical Violence, Forced Separation
They are kept on complete opposite sides of the BSHCI, under Alana’s watchful eye.
The Shattered, Reassembled (1581 words) by GoldenUsagi
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Molly Graham & Will Graham, Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Will Graham, Molly Graham
Additional Tags: past Will/Molly, Murder Husbands, Dark Will Graham, Post-Episode: s03e13 The Wrath of the Lamb
Months after Will and Hannibal disappear, Molly receives a final, though not entirely unwelcome, visit from a very different Will.
i saved my favorite for last. bring tissues.
The Joy of Creation (54226 words) by FKAHerSweetness
Chapters: 30/30
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Freddie Lounds
Additional Tags: Post S3 Finale, fictional S4, Surrealist, multi-chaptered, Will's rebirth, slow-build, slow-burn, Murder Husbands, tag-team killing, adoring Hannibal, self-confident Will, Narcissism, Cannibalism, Horny Will, Sexual exploration, Mute Will, Sex
The Atlantic has dissolved the old Will Graham. Hannibal begins construction on the new one.
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innermuse24 · 5 years
Hannibal TV series/ Laputa: Castle in the Sky AU
A/B/O Universe
Using Laputian language terms
 Hannibal Lecter:
- is the last of the Dvaras Royal Line. People who sent their Kingdom up into the sky and it became a floating island.
- Hancita Toelle Ur Dvaras “Ur" means ruler. "Toelle" means True.
- Is also a Royal Prime Omega
-  27 years old
- Comes from a place called Lukiric which is in the far north.
 Will Graham:
 - Is not of Noble blood and is an Alpha
- Lives on his own above the mining town of Wolftrap
- Works in the Mines around the small town.
- Cares for seven pigeons - Winston, Buster, Mugluf, Avito, Dru, Stala and Pesoc
- Only child after his Father went looking for the floating Kingdom Island of Dvaras
-  34 years old
 The Bella Gang (consisting off ):
  Phyllis or Bella Crawford "Beta" -  Female Pirate Captain of the "Lavender Dragonfly", a gentle kind warming soul that cares deeply for her family.
 Jack Crawford "Beta" - Husband of Bella Crawford, works in the Engine room of the "Lavender Dragonfly" and can sometimes pretend to be deaf if their adopted sons annoy him when he is working, cares very deeply for his wife and their family and the ship they built together
 Matthew Brown "Omega" - one of Bella's adopted son with roguish attitude and acts sometimes cocky then also flirts when he gets the chance.
 Abel Gideon "Alpha" - A brutish looking of man, but is actually a big softie within and is affectionally called all manner of nicknames by his other siblings.
 Freddie Lounds "Beta" - Female and the only one of Bella's Gang who is cared for very much by the other male siblings who consider her very much like them.
 Tobias Budge "Beta" - another one of Bella's adopted son's and is more of the musician when there is time to relax, second in command and helps control the helm of the ship.
 Eldon Stamments "Alpha" - Is the Medical man for the "Lavender Dragonfly" and makes sure that known of the crew ever get sick from disease or acquire painful injuries, lost one eye in knife-fight and has scar running down his left eye.
 Chiyoh Maito "Beta" - the last of Bella Crew and is the Map-reader and Navigator who speaks sometimes English but prefers speaking her Native Language which thankfully Bella, Jack and Hannibal understand.
  The rest of the Characters
 Mason Verger "Prime Alpha" or also known as Maveris Palis Ur Dvaras - is also of the Royal Line of Dvaras, cares for nothing but his goal of finding Dvaras to use its power to destroy Earth and recolonize it by becoming the new King of Dvaras, plans to Bond with Hannibal to continue the Royal Line.
 Colonel Cordell Doemlling "Beta" - a Colonel who fallen for Mason's trip into searching for Dvaras to find its treasure and is easily swayed by the man's words.
 Garret Jacob Hobbs “Alpha” - A corrupt man, who Mason has hired to help him with his dirty work and used to have a daughter but she disappeared and has not been seen since, has no qualms in killing or getting rid of someone for Mason.
  The Children left on Dvaras:
 Margo Verger "Omega" - was left on Dvaras and choose due to the Giant Crystal's power still remains a Pup at the age of seven.
 Alana Bloom "Alpha" - is the oldest of the three and is about 12 years old with fiery temper that came from her family who were Gardeners for the Royal Dvaras Family
 Abigail Hobbs "Omega" - is the Daughter of Hobbs who somehow in some way ended up on Dvaras and it is uncertain how, she is the youngest being only 3 months hold only.
 Georgia Machen "Beta" - Is also the same age and keeps close to Abigail has both them connected when they first met each-other, is about 5 months old.
Beverly Katz “Alpha” – A hybrid Fox-squirrel who plays with the children.
  The other Mysterious Characters:
The Great Sequoia - This protects the *crystal with its large roots which extend beneath the Palace from the very centre where the large Rainforest Garden grows.
 *The Dvaras Crystal - this is the main source of power for the Dvaras Palace and is considered to be highly dangerous in the hands of the wrong person who has with them the Royal Dvaras Seal Necklace - which is shaped like a teardrop and has the symbol on it of the Dvaras Royal Line. Only those of the Royal Line can communicate with it and use its main source of power.
 The Royal Dvaras Robot Guards - Creatures of Artificial Intelligence that were either used for War or guarding the Royal Family from harm. Some were allocated to different roles - Gardener, Servant or Protector.
 The Nightshade Plague - this is the dark secret of Dvaras which hides deep within the interior of the Palace where the stonework changes in geometric shapes and causes a person to distengrate from the within.
 The Nightshade Plague Beasts - Another thing that happens if a person touches the Spore's Flower and will become a rampaging Beast that cannot be stopped by anything and will kill without mercy.
Lady Murasaki – The Spirit of the Giant Sequoia, while is said in Ancient texts to be a Queen.
Seven hundred years ago there was once a great Kingdom ruled by the Royal Dvaras Family and spread from the far corner of the world to the oceans.
Their power was vast and they wanted everything so they decided they wanted to rule the skies above. Using a crystal they had mined from the many Mines in their land and created floating Kingdoms high into the sky.
Disaster struck though when a fierce storm arose and destroyed all of the Kingdoms.
Except for one.
It is uncertain what happened to Royal Dvaras Palace, which was last seen heading into the Dragon’s Lair – a giant cloud with ever swirling winds dragging the white clouds around and around in an ever continuous circle.
The survivors that had survived on the land below, separated into two separate families – The Lecter’s and the Verger’s.
The silvery moon hangs above inky black clouds illuminating some of them with white line. Above a ship, lights dimmed figures run down to the bridge connecting the Helm to the rest of the ship and a large black woman wearing aviation gear and kit grins at the sight of what is flying down below.
A large Army ship shaped like giant orca gliding through the ocean silently heading to a destination is making its way through the clouds and turning to look at three men – Matthew Brown, Abel Gideon and Tobias Budge – orders them to prepare for the Mission.
“Alright get the Copters ready!!! Let’s go!!!”
“Yes, Mama!!!”
Frenzied activity begins on the hovering ship above the giant, while down below within its interior the occupants are oblivious to what is about to happen in mere short time.
  Hannibal Lecter – 27 years old and an Omega, even though he didn’t feel like one  – sits on the window-seat in the sleeping cabin of the ship he been brought onto by the strange man called Mason Verger who had taken from his homeland of Lukiric. A place far to the North, where mountains towered above valleys filled with old Farmer’s cottages and lakes that shimmered and gleamed in the sunlight.
Here in this cold hunk of non-living metal, there was nothing to make him feel comforted and ignores the plate of food which one of Mason’s men tries to hand to him then hears Mason saying “Leave him, Garret. If he doesn’t won’t to eat then he doesn’t have to.
The plate of food is taken away and Hannibal continues to stare out of the circular window looking at the silvery moon that is illuminating then hears strange buzzing noise – like that of insect – then they soon appear coming out of the clouds, strange flying Copters shaped in certain way with what look Dragonfly wings – whirring fast in the night air.
He gets off the window-seat, when it comes closer to reveal a large black woman holding large cannon in one hand and grins at the sight of him or is she.
No, the necklace…. She’s looking at the necklace.
His hand goes it to it and he hears one of Mason’s other man saying, “It’s the Bella Gang, Boss.” and hears the Copter fly off to the front of the ship then explosion rocks the whole ship slightly. Mason snarls at this, heading to the door and stepping out into the corridor looking back Hannibal who is still standing there at the window.
The moonlight illuminating him spreads his shadow outwards in certain way and for minute he sees Mason frown at him only to compose himself when a muffled explosion happens followed by wood splintering close by.
“Keep them occupied. They must not get through at all.” Mason hisses, closing the door of the Sleeping Cabin and heads over to briefcase where he opens it to reveal a Morse code setup machine which he quietly sets up as Hannibal stays still then notices a bottle lying on the carpet.
Mason is too distracted in his work, when Hannibal brings the bottle crashing down on his head to effectively knock him out and looking around quickly opens the window feeling a strong wind whip his hair about then clambers out holding onto the sides as he begins to edge his way along the thin narrow ledge on the hull of the ship.
 It is a mad dash by The Bella Gang as Matthew, Abel and Freddie after jumping of their Copters soon rush towards the hatch which opens conveniently just some sailors of the flying ship try to come out of it with sub-machine gun as Abel – brute strength of the Gang – lunges at the two sailors effectively knocking them back down into the hatch as Matthew and Freddie follow up close behind him.
They jump down, causing Abel to give a groan of protest as he is used as landing for them and goes to get up when Bella finally lands within then it becomes a rush down a flight of stairs into the ballroom area where she runs on ahead to where the Sleeping Cabins are holding her cannon in front of her.
Screams of shock and surprise come behind her at the sight of her, while she finally reaches the white door on the other side of the ballroom and busting open would nearly gotten her life severed if hadn’t been for Freddie saying “Mum, look out!!!” and pulls back just in the knick of time as a Mason’s men begin to fire their guns in the now blocked hallway leading to the room where she had seen Hannibal being kepted.
Peeking out, after placing the tear gas grenade in the cannon Bella soon fires it towards Mason two worthless cronies to blind them and seeing it has worked indicates for Freddie and Matthew to move ahead then comes to stop at the closed white door.
Hannibal, gripping the thin ledge for support outside hears the voices shouting followed by the Sleeping Cabin door being smashed to smithereens then voices talking within “Wait. Who is this? Mason!!!?” and another voice saying “Where is he? He should be here?” then orders to check everywhere and it is when one of them looks out the window that Hannibal finds himself trying to move to the next window quickly as they reach out for him nearly falling in the process.
“Dammit, Abel? Get to the other room and get Hannibal there.” He hears the strange black woman saying followed by watching him as she holds the young man who is insisting on being pulled back inside quickly.
Managing to reach the other window, Hannibal strains to hold on feeling though his fingers starting to slip just as the door slams open to reveal the big brute who he had seen next to the black women.
They rush forwards with a cry of “Come here!!” causing Hannibal to let go slipping off to fall straight down into free space.
Falling and falling ever downwards.
 The Mining Town of Wolf-trap is lit by night-lights as Will Graham – Alpha and 37 years old - heads into the Eatery to gets some hot Meatballs for his Boss then places the food can on the front desk.
“I need some meatballs for the Boss.” He asks, making the Eatery owner take the can with one hand and reach for the ladle among the meatballs with the other then begin to serve them into it while saying to him “You’re working late again, Will. Anything new?”
“Not much. Just getting used to long hours.” Will replies, trying to make sure he doesn’t sound like he is really wanting to be somewhere else than stuck in the Mines of Wolftrap.
  Walking up the steep hill path that lead to the working Mines of Wolftrap town, Will holding the can filled with hot meatballs with one hand begins wonders softly if he ever get the chance to do something different.
He finally reaches the crest of the hill to see in the far distance a strange bluish glow heading slowly downwards to the opening Mine pit making him run closer to soon see to his surprise and shock it is young male floating slowly downwards.
Running across the metal bridge the Mine Lift wheel is attached to he nearly falls off the edge of the small dock and manages to right himself quickly placing the can of meatballs down then holding out his hands watches as the young male floats just above his hands.
The source of the bluish light comes from a necklace around their neck, which soon fades away and their body weight nearly causes him to drop them then managing to carry them over to the balcony area with the railing lays them down.
He hears his Boss shouting from below making him quickly get up and looks down into the open pit, seeing the large man is stoking the fires of the large Boiler then scrambling gets the food can filled with meatballs then after placing his waist-coat over the young male Omega – who looked to be in his 20s – scrambles down the ladder to the bottom of the pit.
“Sorry, Boss. Won’t happen again.” He says, going to hand the food can over when the Mine Lift bell rings making his Boss take it off him and heading over to the controls sits down in the wooden chair.
Taking hold of both of them, he calmly pays attention to the Mine lift rising up and it is only when he takes a quick gaze to see if the young Omegan male on the platform that it is quick second reflexes that manage to make him stop the Mine lift just in time then relaxing in the chair, wipes the sweat that had formed on his brow.
That had been close.
His Boss then chooses at the right moment to give light whack on his head for distraction.
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hannibalcreative · 7 years
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Welcome to the Fic Roundup of Hannibal Cre-Ate-Ive’s #ThePumpkinIsPeople 2017!
Thank you so much to @hanni-bunny-lecter​ for the gorgeously creepy banner!
An Unspoken Pact by 11Mydesign11, destinyawakened and Identically_Different
Summary:Will Graham doesn't just have an overactive imagination and empathy, he can also see and communicate with the dead.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Alana Bloom, Beverly Katz, Brian Zeller, Garrett Jacob Hobbs, Jack Crawford, Jimmy Price
Will’s Halloween by fhimechan
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Molly Foster
Born to die by by 11Mydesign11, destinyawakened and Identically_Different
Summary: Lee Fallon falls for a man amidst his last few months of life. Unfortunately, the other man can't live without him.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Vampire AU
Lee Fallon, Nigel
BearDogs (Nigel/Lee)
The Wood by HollyMartins
Summary: Rumors abound of a witch in the wood, of a stag that haunts the village, of darkness creeping ever closer. Yet because of a certain man, young Abigail Hobbs is unafraid.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Witch AU
Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs
A Good Haul by vix_spes
Summary: Will Graham takes his daughter Abigail out trick or treating and ends up with something more than candy.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Mischa Lecter
All work and no play by 11MyDesign11 and You are as alone as I am
Summary: The Madancy Shining AU we just had to write for Halloween.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Ghost AU
Hugh Dancy, Mads Mikkelsen
Oceans of Time by Identically_Different, Destinyawakened, and  11MyDesign11 
Summary: Will and Matt are about to be married, but a strange count from a foreign land interfers and their happily ever after is not so much as it seems to be.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Vampire AU
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Matthew Brown
Hannigram, Brownham (Will/Matthew Brown)
Trick or Treat by DrJLecter
Summary: Will misses his appointment, so naturally Hannibal has to find out why. He stumbles into a surreal story of horror and blood.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
untitled by cinnamaldeide
Summary: Scooby-Doo AU
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Gen ( no pairings)
Undone by shiphitsthefan
Summary: No matter how hard they fight it, there's no stopping or slowing down the evolution of their bodies. All Hannibal and Will can do now is cope as best they can, a joint exercise in radical acceptance of their newfound sexual hunger. After an unexpected separation, however, Will wonders if it will ultimately prove impossible for him to survive his first Shifting and mating cycle alone.
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Monster AU, A/B/O
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Wendigo
Treat and Trick by pancakeispeople
Summary: Murder Husbands on the run, and oh, it's Halloween. Halloween fluff and crack for #ThePumpkinIsPeople
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
A Child of the Inferno by FunkyRacoon
Summary: What happens if you take the Devil and Death, and then put them in a house together to take care of a human baby? Mayhem, murder, magic? Domestic lifestyles and backyard summoning circles? Neighborhood barbecues with Death, and a bakery owned by the Devil. A chaotic story about family and mayhem is what you get.
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Devil!Hannibal, Death!Will,
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
The Grim Collector by Llewcie
Summary: Will Graham's pack is a little different, but he loves them very much.
Major Character Death
Ghost AU
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
The Feast is Life by RubyBakeneko
Summary: Following an impulsive purchase, Will begins to dream of a man who makes him feel less alone. In time, he realizes that these aren’t just dreams—they’re interactions with someone (or something) real. Hannibal offers Will the possibility of a life together, but it will come at a price.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs, Alana Bloom
till I'm Yours by Cinnamaldeide
Summary: Sinking his sharp canines in its smooth skin, Will savoured its sweet, ripe flesh, slowly crewing on its meaty consistence while Hannibal graciously entertained their blessedly educated, trusted local grocer with his curously accented Arabic.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Halloween Bonding by ashes_of_roses
Summary: After Abigail decides to be Joan of Arc for Halloween, and somehow convinces Will to be a priest, the two develop an unorthodox bond while costume shopping.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Will Graham, Abigail Hobbs
Will's Halloween - Part 1/2 by fhimechan
Summary: This ficlet is my contribution to #ThePumpkinIsPeople event by @hannibalcreative :D
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Will Graham, Molly Graham
Adagio by shiphitsthefan
Summary: A stand-alone Hannigram fic set in my Bedannigram danceverse, written for #Hannictober and #ThePumpkinIsPeople.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
A Dance With Death in the Pale Moonlight by ElectraRhodes and JonathansNightFlight
Summary: Will rolls his eyes, he has frequently had the awful feeling that everyone gets the Death they deserve, no, no, not the means by which they pass from this life, but who does the ushering. So to speak. And his particular Death is a sarky git, who probably, yeah, almost certainly met Beverly Katz at some point in the past and who is channeling her sassy wit during every one of their encounters.
No Archive Warnings Apply
Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
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katherinekrawl · 7 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Hannibal (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham & Hannibal Lecter Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Molly Graham, Alana Bloom, Jack Crawford Additional Tags: Possessive Hannibal, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Hannibal Lecter, Omega Verse, Omega Will Graham, True Mates, Hannibal is in prison, Starts during S03E08 - The Great Red Dragon, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Knotting, sex while asleep, Hannibal Loves Will, Hannibal is Hannibal, Will is a Mess, Will doesn't understand what is going on, Topping from the Bottom, Hormones, Wild Omega Will, Wild Alpha Hannibal, Loss of Control
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“Fuck. No. We can't keep doing this,”  Will cursed, shoving himself up on his arms and off the hairy chest to look Hannibal in the eyes, by which he only pressed himself further down on the Alpha's cock.
Will stifled a whimper inside his throat as Hannibal openly showed his appreciation by holding the Omega's hips down tightly with both hands. Their eyes met, tiger gold and ocean depths. Hannibal blinked, a small smile on his lips as he wiped a curl out of Will's eyes and stared back up at him. “You're in heat, Will. What do you presume is going to happen?” he asked, sincere, endeared by Will's naivety.
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theharellan · 7 years
The first time he had met Alana in the Fade it had been an accident. They scarcely knew what they were doing, and had reached him in the aftermath of Haven, not even aware they were at rest. Now, their call is focused, beckoning him from his own meditations. His last thought bends, then breaks, scattering across the Fade, gaze drawn away from where he sits. He rises, disturbing the wisps that had settled around him, pulled like moths to the flame. They follow in his footsteps, hovering just behind his heels as he is drawn from one dreamscape to another.
It is a curious summons, but one he heeds nonetheless.
From the familiar halls and towers of Skyhold he walks, noting as grass and shrubs sprout from the stone until he finds himself striding across new grounds. The dream accepts him gladly, though the wisps that accompany him stop at an invisible line. They press upon it, chiming their good-bye in unison, shrinking as they slink away. He grants them a smile, watching as they glow in response, before he continues on his way.
The Inquisitor’s dreams are as clear as ever, more focused than most mages he had crossed paths with. Whether it is the Anchor’s influence, or something else, he does not care to reflect on-- not now. Instead, he is content to marvel how unclouded the land he walks upon. The grass grows up to his hips, yet seems strangely taller than it looks to his eyes, and yellow blossoms bloom upon their tips. To the north he sees hills, and to the south the sea, and above the ocean of grass the red sails of Dalish aravel mark the horizon.
And among the grass, Alana, as he knows them.
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He draws alongside them, hands pulled behind his back. There is much he can assume from the dream they have woven, some pulled from the emotions that cling to the memory, but they will not answer the question that brims his tongue.
“Why did you bring me here?”
✧ @ofrevas​ |  inspired by this meme
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My Reaction to “Wonder Woman”
My skin is clear.  My crops are growing.  Everything is well and good.
Reaction and screams found below.
Holy smokes the new DC logo
It’s straight out of Justice League Unlimited and I LOVE IT!
That’s the Louvre.
Check out that Wayne Enterprises logo!
The photo!
Themyscira looks so cool!  I’m getting a Gondor from LOTR vibe from it but it’s all girls and no Denethor stand-in.
Little Diana is so flippin’ cute!
THAT WAS AN ARMADILLO!  There’s armadillos on this island!
Man, Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright) grew up and kicked ass.
Ares looks like the bastard child of that one horned helmet dude from Skyrim and Sauron from LOTR
This backstory about the gods is great
The music so far is fantastic as well.
“You’re stronger than you believe!”  And braver than you seem.  And smarter than you think.
Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright are amazing as Hippolyta and Antiope so far
Gal Gadot!
That one Amazon flinching in the background though is totally me
The braid Diana has in her hair is really pretty.
Aw, they cut out that shot of her diving into the ocean.
Oh snap.
OK, this is straight out of “The Little Mermaid”
Steve’s literal first word to Diana upon seeing her is “Ah.”
I’m in love
“They [the Amazons] got guns, right?”  Ah, no, no they don’t.
Aah no!
Uh... Steve...
The Lasso!
“I’m a spYYYYY!!”
Doctor Poison’s face prosthetic is a really nice touch
Way to go, Captain Kirk
That’s Danny Huston as the main German dude, isn’t it?
Go help, Diana...
“But you’re [Diana] an Amazon like the rest of us.”  Excuse me, what?
“I am... above average.”  That’s amazing.
Steve, put some pants on for Pete’s sake.
I legit thought Diana was not talking about the watch if you know what I mean.
I am getting so many feels from this movie it’s insane.
Hey, bull.  No seriously, there’s an actual bull.
What’s the inscription on the sword say?
I like how the Wonder Woman armor is conveniently blue and red.
Aw schnap the cavalry
The headband was Antiope’s!
The feeeellllssss....
Wait, so is Diana the Godkiller weapon then?  She’s gotta be.
“I’m the man who can!”  Oh my gosh.
This dialogue is so great and this little back-and-forth innuendo between Diana and Steve is so cute and glorious and I am enjoying every minute of it.
“Well that’s neat.”  I freaking love this movie.
“When it comes to procreation, men are essential, but for pleasure, not necessary.”  HOT DANG MOVIE!
Danny Huston in this scene looks like a bulldog.
[Huston rubs the back of his hand down Dr. Poison’s cheek] Noooope...
This is straight out of “Pocahontas II”
“Eyes to yourself, that’s enough.”  Steve Trevor, defending women since 1918.
Diana cooing over a baby!  Protect this woman at all costs!
OK, I am definitely buying this movie when it comes out on DVD.
Fashion!  Show!
Outfit number 226?!?
Etta is so freaking pure in this scene.
“Ah, it’s the bad guy convention.”  I freaking love this man.
Etta wielding the sword!
Steve:  Stay here.
Diana:  OK (sneaks in anyway)
Well, hello David Thewlis...
Diana’s “bitch be serious?” face toward the British intelligence officer is great...
I feel like I can charge into a battle after finishing this movie.  Anybody wanna join me?  The more, the merrier.
So, I already had it spoiled for me that David Thewlis is Ares and seeing him sit nice and proper and talking about a proposed armistice is low key brilliant.
Whoa wait what Diana knows freaking Spanish?
Charlie’s accent is nothing short of amazing.
“I am both frightened and aroused.”  Guys, have I mentioned that I love this movie?
Obligatory nuns.
Der little tugboat though.
That one Nazi general’s mustache is something straight out of a Snidely Whiplash cartoon.
Danny Huston, your accent’s slippin’
They [Dr. Poison and Luddendorf] even share an evil giggle together!
Is that a purple hat on Chief or is that the lighting?
No, not the baby!
This movie actually offers a really refreshing take on war overall and everyone’s opinions on it and it’s both heartbreaking and great.
What’s sad is that I can understand the Spanish that lady in the trench is saying.
The dramatic slow-mo of her taking her hair down... Elsa, eat your heart out.
That’s it.  That’s it.  I’m downloading the OST.
*externally screaming*
Steve, don’t.
Aah Sameer!
Steve literally pulled the “Sorry, I can’t hear you” excuse on freaking Ares on a freaking landline telephone.
You two love each other, dang it.
The chemistry between Gal Gadot and Chris Pine is freaking spectacular.
Urge... to download... OST... so... strong...
*screaming internally*
*screaming externally*
Wait... are they gonna... do the do that we want them to do?
YEESSS!!  And it was nothing explicit either and really subtle and I appreciate that.
The ragamuffin troupe (Sameer, Charlie, and Chief) call Steve “Steven”
Steve:  Don’t do anything
Diana:  OK (sneaks in anyway)
This is straight out of “Indiana Jones” and it’s amazing.
Why does Dr. Maru remind me of Alana Bloom from “Hannibal” but a lot more demure?
“Extra-ordinary.”  Ah... Steve... your fake accent’s slippin’...
How is she keeping her sword tucked in her dress?  Does she have her armor on underneath it?  OK, she does, nevermind.
Do I hear a certain leitmotif coming up?
Is her theme in Minor?!?  Cause that’s awesome.
What the heck is that stuff that Luddendorf is breathing in?  Is it like a really early prototype of Venom?
Well dang.
Diana, that ain’t Ares.
Steve’s speech to Diana about how not everyone is good is perfect.  Just perfect.
Oh.  Snap.  Son.
(Steve and the Ragamuffin Troupe wear gas masks to sneak in)  Are you my mummy?
Get.  The.  Crap.  Out.
Ares just pulled a Stealth Hi-Bye.  Twice in a row.
Diana’s the Godkiller.  Called it.
I can’t get over the fact that Remus Lupin is the villain of this movie.  Just have him ditch the woolly caterpillar mustache.
Wait so does Ares know that WWII still happens?  And that every other major war after that happens?
Aand another Steve sacrifices himself via an airplane and saves the world.  *slams head on desk*
Ares freaking created his armor out of the wreckage around him.  If that’s not a great visual representation of war, then I don’t know what is.
“Is that all you have to offer?”  Nope.
You did not just disrespect Steve in front of Diana.
“I can save today.  You can save the world.”  Gaahh!!
“I wish we had more time.  I love you.”  Gone.  I’m done.  My heart has exited my chest cavity and has sailed out the window.
Y’know, I could say that Gary Oldman could also make a great Ares but he’s known for playing bad guys and with David Thewlis, you never expect him being the bad guy.
This lighting is amazing.
Well, that final battle was... short.
Aaw Etta!
She thanked Bruce for giving her the photo and Steve’s watch!!
Four for you, Allan Heinberg!  You go, Allan Heinberg!
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Ever Oasis part 5
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I didn’t get much done today since I was busy, so I only played for a little bit.  I visited only 2 new areas. My Oasis level didn’t change but the population is now 15. And I am still at the same level. Aw. But I did level up some of my Bloom Booths. Yay!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 
I went to sleep and started a new day. I had 3 Travelers, Ida (I didn’t know she left), Alana the Drauk, and Edina, and 3 Noots.
I restocked the Bloom Booths with Jamileh. It’s so much easier with her around.
Roto’s Bloom Booth had a ( ! ) so I spoke to him and he said that he wanted me to bring him Clamoring Pumpkins. A merchant sells the seeds in the Spiral Pit and he wants some. *Quest Accepted*
Sasha’s Bloom Booth also had a ( ! ) and speaking to her revealed that she had another request for me. She wanted some Spiderthread so she can sell a new item. *Quest Accepted*
I already had some Spiderthread, so I gave it to her. She then gave me 500 Dewadems as thanks. *Quest Complete!*
Sasha’s Bloom Booth Ranked Up to Level 2!
Her Bloom Booth now sells Spiderweb Blanket
Sasha’s stats went up and she has a new skill called Heal.
I went out to Qaar Dunes to Spiral Pit with Pami and Lili.
I found the Merchant just inside by the entrance to the right and he just gave me the Clamoring Pumpkin Seeds.
I then headed back to the Oasis and gave Roto the Clamoring Pumpkin Seeds. He gave me a Moonstone as thanks *Quest Complete!*
His Bloom Booth Ranked Up to Level 2!
He now sells Crisp Veggies.
Roto also had his stats increase and he has a new skill, Beetle Defense+
Alana had a ( ! ) and she said she had a request for a Jade Beetle. They live in the “cave on the way to the Ocean Necropolis.”
 I Started a new day. I got no new Travelers and 13 Noots.
I used the Synth Tree and made an Azure Sapsword, Magic Spinner, and a Seedy Spinner.
I switched my party members to Levi and Miura.
I then used the warp to go to the Serkah Settlement in Bahar Hill. Then headed out halfway across the hill to the Prover’s Cave that is on the far east side.
Room 1: Right when I walk in, I had to fight some Sandvipers in order to get rid of the Chaos Barrier that was blocking the path. I had to be careful of the Explosive Cacti that were there that would explode in my face.
To the east, there was a set of steps that led up to nothing. There were levers on either side of the steps on the wall. Thankfully, I had Miura with me, so I pulled down the lever on the right summoned more Sandvipers.
Pulling down the lever on the left made the stairs go down and letting go made it go back up. So I had Miura hang on the lever and switched to Levi and right where the steps had been was an eye switch. Hitting it made a Blue Chest appear above on the cliff. Letting the lever go, I went up the steps to the Blue Chest and got Copper Wrath Slab. Not sure what they do, but yay!
Going down the rest of the path I found 3 mining spots and mined them with Miura.
I then went through the door to the east.
Room 2: This room was completely dark. I could barely see anything and there was nothing to light it up.
Further in, I found a Seedling named Sakina who was cowering in fear saying something about how “they” move when the light goes on. That doesn’t bode well.
I did manage to uncover a crystal that was covered in sand that Esna said she could sense mystical energy coming from it. But I needed someone with a wand to light it. I don’t have someone with that. Sorry, Sakina. You’ll have to wait.
I went back to the previous room and broke the boulder that was in the way and it revealed a switch eye that I had to hit and it lowered the gate that was in the way to the north.
I went through the new opening and found a warp point beneath a boulder that I cleared with Levi. Then I activated the warp point Prover’s Cave.
Then I went through the exit.
I ended up on the other side of Bahar Hill in an enclosed area. I went all the way straight down and found a cave Glow-Fossil Cavern.
Room 1: Directly to the right, I found a Serkah Worker blocking a door with a boulder. He scoulded Levi saying that outsiders weren’t allowed in Ocean Necropolis and we weren’t going in there. Fine. I don’t want to go in there anyway.
I continued on and had to fight a Spikydillo that was on a boulder. I had to break it to bring it down to hit.
I also found 4 mining spots that I mined with Miura.
I found a door to the northeast and went through it.
Room 2: This door led to a dead end. I was up on a cliff side and it was blocked by a fence. I couldn’t go further to explore the room.
There was a single sand pile that I used Green Gale on and I found a Jade Beetle that Alana told me about.
With nothing else to do here, I headed back the long way to the Oasis.
I went and found Alana and gave her the Jade Beetle. She gave me a Fur Coat as thanks. Ooh. Fancy! *Quest Complete!*
Alana then decided to stay at my Oasis.
New Resident!
Population: 15
Alana had a ( … ) and she told me of a Seedling selling drums on Bahar Hill. He had been running toward Prover’s Cave.
I then collected the profits from Bloom Booths and restocked them.
I then saved and that was it. Not much, but it was something. I will have more for next time, I hope.
Until next time. Happy Gaming!
0 notes
morganbritton132 · 8 years
Alana tried to reach out to Freddie while Frederick was in the hospital. All efforts at goodwill were shot down.
The slap had hurt.
There was never a time in whichAlana would accuse Freddie Lounds of being her friend but there had always beena very solid mutual respect between them. There were times when their scheduleshad overlapped and they’d get coffee at the same shop. She had sent her flowersin the hospital with an amusing but crass card about Icarus and falling. Alanahad genuinely been upset when she thought that Will had killed her.
So the slap had hurt, and it wasdeafening, but Alana understood. Freddie was angry, and hurt, and scared; shewas looking for someone to blame for all of that. Alana was just the closest.
It had been nothing.
Not in the end when the red wentaway and the stinging stopped. Not when Will was just – just gone and Hannibalwith him. Not with the FBI dredging up ocean floor with nothing and the airsuddenly had a permanent sense of dread to it. It felt like a horriblenightmare.
When the FBI called them all in,her and Margot, Freddie and her kids, Brian and Jimmy, Jack. When they werestaring down cold eyes and stiff faces telling them of the dangers they allknew –  revenge, retribution, it was HannibalLecter, he hid in plain sight – told that they’d get bodyguards and FBI lookouts,agents in cars outside of their windows.
That was when all the puzzlepieces came together and the reason no one was looking her in the eye had hitFreddie like a fucking brick. They’d been in on it. They all knew what wouldhappen. Jack, Will, her.
She had laughed. She cried. Shescreamed and asked why. She broke and it hurt to watch. It hurt to feel theguilt cracking slicing through your heart. Freddie left.
Brian had said once, offhanded andsad, Freddie wasn’t leaving the house. Only to see Frederick. He wasn’t evenChilton anymore. He was worried about her, about them.
The first time Alana knocked on thedoor, no one answered.
The second time, the cookies shehad brought were thrown back in her face.
The third time, Freddie called thepolice.
The fourth, Alana opened with anapology, with a plea, “We need to be strong, together. For our children.”
Freddie swung with a closed fist.Alana left with a long list of burning swears still ringing in her ears.
The fifth time was met with ascathing article titled “Alana Bloom is a Murderous Bitch.”
The sixth and final time came toalmost blows, of the gun kind.
It was later in the day, the sunalmost setting, and all Alana wanted to do was offer her service to theirchildren. Freddie had started inviting Brian and Jimmy over, apparently thechildren were a mess. She just wanted to help.
Freddie answered the door with apistol and an unwavering stare. She only said, “Leave.”
“Now,” She stated. “I could – Fred’sbrother is a lawyer, I’m distressed, and I have-“ She threw down an envelope ofletters, Brian had mentioned the fan letters, the disturbing, violently disgustingletters “- there’s a lot of people that’d like to wear my skin, I’m a goodactress and a better liar, I – I will shoot you in the face. You deserve it.”
“Freddie, your kids are-“
“DON’T, don’t even talk about mykids,” She snapped. The gun was shaking, Alana took a step back. “If you caredso much about them then you wouldn’t have tried to kill their father. Get backon your high horse, the tabloid trash doesn’t need you.”
“Go,” She stated, the gundisappearing as quickly as it reappeared. “I’ll – If I see you again I’ll get arestraining order against you.”  
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delxsive · 3 years
'wake up' [ i'm so sorry i literally couldn't resist, i tried really hard ]
@vulnerastti // via meme
nightmares are the catalyst to ivy grimes' occasional unhinging — the soft spot of very carefully constructed armor. though usually in the confinement of her own apartment, the specifics never change. she hadn’t meant to drift off, 3am in the otherwise empty archives. the few papers skewered across her lap from her position on the sofa fade to BLACK. those movements are TEXTBOOK distress for a night terror. the tossing and turning of a ship on rough oceans that threatens to CAPSIZE despite the limited mobility.
the scholar hears a voice somewhere, lost deep in the depths of her left hemisphere ; it continues, rings high pitched. it’s enough to draw her back to what could be reality ; the brunette wakes with a grasp towards her throat — realization that nimble wrists are PINNED sparks adrenaline, coursing like liquid fire through jaded veins. white canines instantly bare in a threatening wolf-like grimace, ivy thrashes forward before any recognition can be sought.
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        ❝ get the FUCK off of me— ❞
there’s a struggle, thrashing like a CAGED animal as she forces back towards her perpetrator. the other’s grip is skilled, holds effortlessly despite being so . . . GENTLE ? cue realization as dark hues meet with azure blue, the room coming back into focus. the pain with a mind like hers is how it BEGUILES, forces her back into the depths of panic, forces her to think that she should RIP this person to SHREDS. yet recognition settles across a vacant expression, confusion leaking into porcelain features. there’s a moment— or three, where the full picture is painted across the canvas of fluttering eyelids. the scholar’s attention locks, almost AUTOMATICALLY, on the scratch just below the doctor’s left eye.
        ❝ OH . . . i’m so sorry . . . did i ? ❞ the shaking of fatigued limbs combined with the wavering voice BETRAYS her desire to LASH OUT. nevertheless, her aching frame is indication she’s been doing just that. JESUS CHRIST, did she really just HIT ALANA BLOOM ?
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meteora-writes · 4 years
We Could Be Perfect One Last Night ch.4
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Fandom: Hannibal Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham Warnings: Pain, Talk of Feelings, Angst, Talk of Murder, Talk of Cannibalism Chapter: 4. Please Understand Description: Jack is still being an irritable asshole. Will and Hannibal make a few things clear to one another. Authors Notes: I struggled with the dialogue in this one, so please forgive me if it sounds a little OOC. Read on AO3
~~~~~ Read Ch.1 ~ Ch.2 ~ Ch.3~~~~~
“Dash-cam from the stolen cruiser confirmed that Dolarhyde was the last one moving about the property after Graham and Lecter entered the home. No sign of anyone coming or going from around the house or the surrounding treeline after that. If they didn’t fall into the ocean, they sure as hell didn’t climb back up any part of the bluff around the house and leave on foot,” Zeller informs Jack as he walks into his office. “Which isn’t surprising, given there was no evidence of anyone having done that.” The annoyance in his voice is loud and clear. He’s been over all the evidence they got before the storm hit. There’s no way Will and Hannibal got back up that cliff and left the way they came. They fell into the ocean below the bluff without question. No way around it.
“Then find me where they got out of the water and where they went from there. I refuse to believe they drown after everything we saw.” Jack feels ready to start shouting. The urge to bubbling up inside his chest. He’s spent the morning pouring over evidence. Making phone calls. He even tried to contact Alana Bloom and Dr. Du Maurier to get their insight as well as get them both into protective custody. Neither will return his calls and he’s waiting for the agents he sent to their homes to report in.
“Jack, you need to accept the possibility that they didn’t make it out of the water. It’s the middle of February. It was thirty degrees out at the estimated time they killed Dolarhyde. Even with the average temperature of the ocean being higher than the air temperature this time of year, the amount of time it would take them to swim ashore along with the amount of blood they both clearly lost makes their survival rate slim at best. And that’s assuming they made it to one of the nearby summer homes. None of which show any signs of forced entry,” Zeller argues further. He doesn’t like the idea any more than Jack does. But he doesn’t think he can ever look Will in the eye again if he did survive. Not after seeing how brutally he and Hannibal took down Dolarhyde.
“I am well aware of the lack of evidence, Z, and I do not need a science lesson right now. I am aware of what the temperatures were last night and of their odds of survival. Now kindly return to your lab before I get any angrier,” Jack grits out before grabbing a stack of reports from the corner of his desk to start rifling through.
Zeller looks ready to argue, but closes his mouth and walks out without another word. He does however slam the door behind him.
Jack watches him go before heaving an irritated sigh and rubbing at his forehead. He feels a headache coming on. Likely due to too much caffeine. He’s on his fourth cup of coffee as he tries to pour through everything they have on both Lecter and Graham as well as the field reports as they come. He knows Hannibal well enough to know he’s always got a backup plan of some sort. The trick is connecting the puzzle pieces to find out what it is.
It makes him wish Will was there. Which only serves to anger him further. He should have known better. He let Will’s reluctance and the fact that he had a wife and son now convince him that Will wouldn’t go off with Hannibal. That he had changed and he wouldn’t be drawn to him like he was before.
“Because I wanted to run away with him.”
“Part of me will always want to.”
Jack curses under his breath as he remembers Will’s words from years ago.
A buzzer cuts through his train of thought, drawing his attention to the phone on his desk. With a growl of annoyance, he pressed the button for the intercom. “What is it?”
“Sir, Molly Graham is on the line. She wants to speak to you and she doesn’t sound happy,” the agent on the other line informs him.
“Thank you.” Jack briefly looks up to the ceiling and prays that she has some useful bit of information to help them find Will. He picks up the receiver then and clicks over to line two, which is lit up with a waiting call. “Mrs. Graham.”
“What the hell did you do, Jack! Where is my husband!” Her angry voice cuts through the speaker, making Jack wince. He was hoping whoever broke the news to her would do so in a way that explained everything. Apparently they did not.
With a tired sigh, he rubs at his forehead with his free hand once more and begins to explain what’s happened.
It’s sometime in the early afternoon when Will finally wakes again. Not that he really wants to.
His body still aches. Head throbbing sharply with the beat of his heart. He feels like he’s been cracked open and parts of him are spilling out with every beat. The only thing that helps him through the initial shock of pain is the feeling of what is definitely a warm, solid body pressed against part of his back. His sleep-addled mind connects the dots slowly. He knows where he is. Who he’s with. And he’s just too tired and miserable to be bothered or feel much of anything about that fact aside from relief that he isn’t alone.
Hannibal is asleep behind him. Breathing soft and even. Barely audible thanks to the crackle of the fire and the howl of the wind outside. There’s a distinct patter of freezing rain hitting ice somewhere above. The storm they had outrun having arrived a few hours ago blanketed the area in a layer of fresh snow before it changed to freezing rain.
Lifting his head with a wince and gasp at the way the change in position makes it throb and his vision go black a moment, Will steadies himself and looks out the closest window. It’s a dreary shade of gray out as sleet comes down at a harsh angle thanks to the winds that accompany it.
“You really should lay back down, Will. Overexertion will only make the pain worse,” Hannibal mutters sleepily as he shifts on the mattress behind Will. It’s more obvious now that he’s simply resting on his back behind the younger man, his arm pulled over his own chest in a way that allows Will’s back to press against his side. Giving them both a bit of extra warmth and comfort without making either man feel trapped or particularly awkward.
“I don’t think there is anything I could do right now that wouldn’t make the pain worse,” Will replies softly as he lets his head lower slowly back to his pillow. Even that is painful. So much so that he momentarily wishes he hadn’t woken up so soon.
A soft hum of understanding comes from Hannibal, who isn’t making any move to get up yet now that he’s awake. “Perhaps something to eat would do you good? I could prepare some soup if you like?”
Will can’t help but snort a laugh at that. The thought of Hannibal cooking anything that comes from a can feels like a joke. “I don’t need you to make me soup, Hannibal.”
The bed dips slightly as Hannibal sits up, and it makes Will shift and roll onto his back to look up at the older man. “I know you don’t. I simply offered because I intend to make myself something to eat as well. It’s really no trouble.”
Studying him a moment, Will sighs and lets his eyes slip closed. “Please?” he finds himself asking a bit reluctantly. He would do it himself, but the thought of getting up, along with the pain it will cause his head, is unappealing, to say the least. He hates feeling like this. Useless and weak. It makes him miss his dogs. They always distract and comfort him when he feels this miserable.
Hannibal smiles down at Will, watching him a moment before finally climbing out of bed. The cabin is quite warm now. Thanks in part to his keeping the fire going. He had added another split piece of wood before laying down early that morning and added yet another when he woke to relieve himself a few hours later. It’s been maybe two hours since then and the fire is smaller now, but still burning nicely.
There’s a collection of cast iron cookware hanging on the wall over the small wood-burning stove that sits in the corner. Beside that is an old sink with a well-pump for a faucet, and a set of cupboards that contain a few pots and dishes. More than enough to work with for what they need.
“The last time I prepared a meal from a can like this I was a young man just entering university, if memory serves,” Hannibal muses as he sets a pot on the stove. There’s no sign of a can opener, but he finds an old churchkey in the silverware drawer and grabs that to use.
“Somehow I find it hard to imagine you ever eating anything out of a can that wasn’t in some way extravagant or more expensive than my first car,” Will jokes as he opens his eyes and blinks up at the rafters above him. There’s various kind of gear stored up in them. Old looking wooden snowshoes, and what might be fishing equipment. He’s not entirely sure since he can’t get his eyes to focus well enough to get a good look through the shadows.
With a chuckle, Hannibal glances over to Will before grabbing two cans of chicken soup from the small counter by the stove. He had placed most of their food in there before stuffing the small fridge tucked below full of snow and placing their drinks inside to stay cold. “There are still many things you do not yet know about me, Will.”
“Of that, I am well aware,” Will says with a sigh. He lets his eyes slip closed again as he listens to Hannibal putter around across the room. “So what do you plan to do after this?”
The question makes Hannibal pause in the middle of opening a can. He has to ponder it a moment because while he knows what he would like to do, he also wants to know what it is that Will wants. And how that could possibly work into his own desires. “This being?”
“Recovering, here, with me,” Will clarifies tiredly. “I assume once you’re well enough to travel there are people you intend to pay a visit to before relocating to someplace more comfortable.”
“There are a few people I would like to visit, yes… Would you perhaps have an interest in joining me?” Hannibal asks carefully. He knows it would be a stretch to think Will might help him kill Alana Bloom. Killing her can wait for now. But the others? He isn’t going to leave the country without giving them a final farewell dinner.
“That would depend entirely on whom we would be visiting,” Will counters just as Hannibal had expected. He still has his eyes closed. Body language not changing as he lays with the blanket pushed down a bit so his upper chest and shoulders are visible along with his face. He appears relaxed despite the pain he’s in.
“Bedelia Du Maurier and Jack Crawford,” he supplies as he goes back to his work preparing their meal. He knows Bedelia being someone he intends to kill isn’t a surprise to Will. Jack really shouldn’t be either. But then again he’s left him alive in the past so that does give reason to consider he might leave the man alone.
“Jack?” Will asks, finally opening his eyes to look over at Hannibal. “I thought he wasn’t worth the effort?”
“He wasn’t. Even after the trouble he caused me in Italy, I never considered him much of a threat. And I had no intention of causing him harm unless he got in my way again. But it’s become clear that he will never stop pursuing either of us. And to be totally honest, I find many of his actions, as well as his overall treatment of you, to be quite rude.” He can remember every conversation they had regarding Will over the years. Every time Jack referred to Will as a dog or some tool for furthering his own agenda.
Hannibal takes some credit for guiding Will to who he is today. He’s proud of what the other man has become with his guidance. Of the evolution of his design. He probably wouldn’t bother with Jack if he was on his own now, but it seems Will might be here to stay and the man did spend the better part of three years silently gloating that Will had chosen to forsake the life they could have had together. And Hannibal isn’t going to let that stand.
“Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude,” Will quotes Hannibal with a chuckle. He remembers the night that Hannibal spoke those words to him. The look of amusement on his face as he said them despite being frustrated that Will hadn’t killed Mason Verger and instead flipped the script to set the sick bastard up to try and kill Hannibal instead.
“A sentiment I still hold to this day,” Hannibal agrees with a fond shake of his head.
“I think…” Will begins before carefully pushing himself up to sit. It hurts his head, makes the room spin, and his body sway a bit. But he holds himself steady and breathes through it before he opens his eyes and looks over to a worried Hannibal once he’s fully upright. “I think I would like to see that.”
“I have to ask. When Jack Crawford is dead and this is all over, will you try to go back to your family?” Hannibal keeps his eyes locked with Will’s. Reading his reaction to the question. He had briefly considered finding a more delicate way to ask. But he knows Will prefers him to be honest in his questions. So, he’s being honest.
Will’s face twitches like he doesn’t know if he wants to smile or frown. “They’re not really my family anymore, now are they,” he says in a tone that betrays his mixed emotions on the subject of his wife and step-son. Tears well up in his eyes and he has to break eye contact with Hannibal as he blinks them away. It’s too much right now.
“I‘m sorry, Will…” He knows what it means to Will. Having a family. Especially after the loss of his unborn child and then losing Abigail for a second time right before his eyes. It seems if he’s to be involved with Hannibal in any way, it means losing those he holds dear no matter the circumstances.
“I’m only going to ask you this once. Don’t mention them again,” Will says as calmly as he can with a glance to Hannibal before letting his gaze drift down to his hands. He has them folded in his lap. Eye’s roaming over the scrapes and bruises that start on his knuckles and move up his arms. His mind is spinning. Trying to accept the fact that who he is, who he really truly is, isn’t someone that could ever be with them again. It’s what’s best for them all. He’s suppressed his nature for years. He can’t go back to that after last night.
“Of course. I am sorry, Will. It wasn’t my intention to upset you.” He really hadn’t. He cares a great deal for Will. And seeing him hurting so deeply does affect him. Despite his best attempts not to let it. It makes him long to go back to a time when he could have chosen a different path. Saved Abigail and forgiven Will. Left for a life with them. The longing is fleeting. He knows there’s no going back and there is likely nothing he could do to make the loss of his children up to Will.
“I’m not… I’m not going to leave you, Hannibal. Not unless your feelings towards me have changed,” Will says after a few minutes of silence pass between them. It was hard to find the words. Get them out of his mind and past his tongue.
“My feelings for you are exactly the same as they were the last time I saw you like this,” he settles on the answer as he studies Will. Remembering the night Will woke up tucked carefully into his own bed after Mason Verger tried to have his face removed so he could claim it as his own. “I think the real question you should be asking is have your feelings towards me changed since then?”
Will forces himself to look up and face Hannibal then, fighting back the urge to look away and retreat into himself at the intensity of his gaze. Wade into the stream and catch a few fish rather than confront and admit how he feels. “They have,” he finally says, knowing full well that Hannibal can see what he means from the look in his eyes. He doesn’t need to say anything more. And the smile that spreads across Hannibal’s face has an oddly calming effect on Will. It lets him take a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding back.
“Then there are some things we need to discuss once you are feeling up to it.” The smile doesn’t leave his face, even as he turns back to the simmering pot on the stove.
Will watches Hannibal serve up their meal, wondering what will happen from here. His mind sifting through all his knowledge and past experiences with the other man. Trying to find any tells or signs that his feelings aren’t genuine. He finds none. And it leaves an oddly warm feeling in his chest knowing that Hannibal appears to feel the same way.
Read Chapter 5
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