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tbshorts · 3 months ago
Burmy is just a really well-constructed take on its real-world inspiration
Wait, hang on, the Combee line is AMAZING!
Pachirisu is where Pikaclones begin to have their own ideas
Video scripts below the cut
Burmy is an interesting one. It's based on bagworms, which make their sheltering cocoons out of materials they find in their environments as camoflage, hence the different forms it can take on. The body itself is neutral black with bright yellow eyes in large part to create a neutral canvas on which its various cloaks can provide a high contrast, which is quite effective design.
Wor-madam does much the same thing but More, and dials up the femininity of the presentation by adding "pigtails" out of its materials and taking on a top heavy "fancy lady with a fur coat" sort of profile, again reflecting the way female bagworms remain in their larval stage their whole lives. It's solid stuff.
Mothim, then, gets the traditional bug pokémon final stage, subtyping into flying and growing wings. The black body remains and is used the same way, as a means to create contrast, but it adopts a bright yellow orange and white scheme, with especially those antennae giving its face a sharp, slightly dangerous-feeling character. It's a honey thief, according to the pokédex, which is perhaps why it has those "fingers" on its wings?
This whole line is just solid design craft, I have no complaints.
Grade: B
I've never really given Combee a second thought, but upon re-examining it for this review I realized, hang on, these are freaken brilliant. It's a bee made of hexagons that are fused together into one body, quite literally embodying the way that a bee hive is a kind of gestalt entity, a unity composed of thousands of individuals joined together into one organism. The bees ARE the hive, in this case quite literally.
Vespiqueen takes the metaphor one step further, being a queen bee who is quite literally her own hive. I do feel like she ought to be designed to be way bigger, but the idea here is killer, and if you made it even slightly less kid-friendly, it would make for a killer horror monster.
But this is Pokémon and it's not going to go that far. Still, the top half of the body literally carrying a bee hive around beneath it, shaped in a way to evoke a big regal gown, that's clever, and the blood red eyes and sharp mandibles make a sharp contrast in deadliness with the cheerful adorableness of Combee, visually communicating the scale of difference in power between the two, but also that Vespiqueen isn't ruling by consensus, it's pheromone mind control and she is a tyrant. It rules.
Grade: S
Oooh, they keep trying to make Pikachu 2 happen, and Pikachu 2 just isn't gonna happen.
That's not Pachirisu's fault, of course, and does a much better job of distinguishing itself from Pikachu than Plusle and Minun did last generation. It's a squirrel rather than a mouse, and gets its electric theming from that bright blue streak on its body, as well as from sharp spikes in the blue fur that contrast with the soft, round adorableness of the rest of the design. I kinda feel like it woulda been better if it hadn't gone for the bright yellow cheek pads, because, again, that just reminds of Pikachu's iconic red cheek pads and invites comparison, but also, it confuses the color scheme a bit. Am I meant to understand the blue color and spikes as representing its electric power, or is it the yellow? Even the Pokédex gets a bit confused whether it stores its electricity in the cheeks or in the big fluffy tail. Electric cheeks is Pikachu's thing, so focusing on the tail and designing that out would have given it much more of its own identity.
For all the comparisons I'm making though, it's not fair to call it just a Pika-clone, it does have its own ideas, and frankly I would have loved to see an evolution for it that really leans into the static electric fluffy fur concept.
Grade: B
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chalkmon · 2 years ago
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#413 Wormadam
Wormadam © Nintendo / Game Freak
Picture © Elik-Chan
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koffing-time · 9 months ago
🤔 Burmy
Burmy is an all female species! Their evolution is called Burmadame, and afaik there is no Bursir, only Pinsir. Maybe these professors should look into a connection there instead of trying to solve infinity energy.
link to the ask game
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mrsjadecurtiss · 3 years ago
cant find a single source online about where you can get burmy in the underground... even though every other honey tree pokemon is there... and i could swear up and down i saw a burmy down there once and just didnt catch it cause i didnt need it yet at that point... now i gotta smear honey on trees and wait 6 hours like a tool
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elle-eedee · 6 years ago
spare kinnie ma'am ⭐
oh i was so hoping youd ask!!!!!! youre ‘80s webby vanderquack
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sludgecoffee · 6 years ago
🍔- do you have sensory problems with food? what food do you like to eat?
I really hate bananas the texture and smell just makes me gag (I fucking shuddered when I tried eating a banana and can’t even stand to have it right across from me) most meats made my stomach hurt real bad (turns out I’m sensitive to red meats. Chicken, Turkey, and fish are fine tho) and I fucking love me some vegetables and pasta (specially if it’s chewy pasta)
🎧- what symptom(s) of yours is the hardest for you to deal with?
Most definitely my sensitivity to light and sound (its worse cause I suffer a lot from migraines, they’re mostly from me getting over-emotional, but they just get worse with too much sensory overall) One of my relatives once said they would have to expose me to more light and sound for me to get better...that’s not gonna work, that’s gonna make me feel worse.
That and just not knowing how to outwardly react to situations? I have a blank face when being told some pretty heavy topics and am unsure what expression to use or what to even say (my bro and I both have this problem, not sure if he might be autistic as well) and it kinda makes me feel bad for not knowing how to react. (Is that  a symptom? I think it is)
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thalassomania · 6 years ago
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a birthday gift for flore @burmadame !! sorry it’s on the late side, i meant to work with this sooner ~ happy birthday my friend <3
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ledybas-the-ledybest · 3 years ago
Why I Should Not Give Pokémon Nicknames
AKA I went through my Pokémon X save file (which I started in 2013, so when I was 11 years old and had no filter) and found most of the Pokémon in my boxes to whom I gave nicknames. Some of them are good, some have sentimental value, but most of them are silly XD
(content warning for Bug-type Pokémon, Homestuck references, mentions of food, an Undertale reference, repetition, a reference to taking drugs, a reference to Christianity, and a Disney reference)
Shauna the Crobat
Tangerine♀★ the shiny Ledian
Aerin the Roserade
Kurloz the Malamar 
Finni the Chesnaught
Jor⊚jumo the white-flower Florges
Claus the Gyarados
Misty the Karrablast
ZZnZZoZZ the Venomoth
Lasagnia the Victreebel
Precious the Ponyta
Lolwut the Seaking
PeanutButter the Tentacruel
Ebeneezer the Lickitung
Fonmineo the Mienfoo
Amazon the Simipour
Athena the Butterfree
Algarithm the Houndoom
Romani the Drifloon
Decepticon the Golurk
Burmadam the grass-cloak Wormadam
Bullwinkle the Tauros
Sabrina the Meowstic
Behavyer the Mightyena
Serpentina the Luvdisc
Cyoo-Tsee! the Marowak
Lizzy the Espeon
Free Wilma the Lapras
Primadonna the Nidoqueen
Adim the Dunsparce
TheJWittz the Jumpluff
Tinkerton the Shuckle
ob△m△ jr. the Charizard
Never Gonna the Dustox
Tasha the Maractus (I think she was named after Tasha from The Backyardigans)
Hades the Umbreon
TeribleDactl the Aerodactyl
Calem the Swadloon
Puck the Audino
rock3t the Linoone
Lucifer the Flareon (as a Twitch Plays Pokémon reference)
Susie the Druddigon
Sassy the Zangoose
Ashley the Kingler
H3L9 M3 the Spoink
Celestia the Lunatone
Bonjour the Fearow
Leia the Lotad
Honey the Raichu
EGGS-Ecution the Exeggcute
Dora the Smoochum
Abomysnee!!! the Abomasnow
b3ll3 the Munna
Double-D the Heliolisk
hummingbird the Altaria
Aphiroth the Zoroark
Widdle the Dwebble
Shadowskin the Beautifly
ArmoongusIII the Amoongus
Wally the Ninjask
Gutsy the Swellow
Bulldoze the Shieldon
Korrino the Lucario
Sonyendo the Dodrio
Elesa the Dedenne
Antable the Durant
ch3shir3 the Gengar
Egglocke Plz the Spinda
Edgar the Sneasel
Rojo the Talonflame
Henrieta the Camerupt
3xc△libur the Servine
Fing-Fang the Aurorus
Lefreg the Phanpy
Raelyn the Minun
Actty the Wailmer
PokéKellz the Sandile
Briana the Chingling
Esren the Seel
Honii the sand-cloak Wormadam
Versio Masco the Palpitoad
FallenLeaves the Mewtwo
Tricky the Carnivine
Cookie Dough the Vanillite
Reaper the Absol
Elizabeth the Loudred
Ariana Vark the Heatmor
Mastichol the Hippopotas
Renae the Carracosta (most likely named after RenaeCollects)
Isabelle the Avalugg
Shark Boy the Clawitzer
RAWR the Granbull
Veevi the Venusaur
Andream the Flaafy
MANRAY the Mantine
Baaiit the Corphish
Bivasure the Clamperl
Xelda the Xerneas
Grace the Rhyhorn
Sampler the Nidorino
Bobanna the Tropius
Peeko the Wingull
Alexa the Buneary
Franklin the shiny Poliwhirl
Never Gonna the Corsola (I can’t believe I had two Pokémon with that nickname)
Muffet the Galvantula
EWWWWWWWW!!! the Muk
Honeycomb the Vespiquen
Calm the Ditto
Modest the Ditto
Jolly the Ditto
Timid the Ditto
Relaxed the Abra
Mary the Slugma
Wyvern the Noibat
Wyvern the Noibat
Wyvern the Noibat
Wyvern the Noibat
Wyvern the Noibat
Wyvern the Noibat
Wyvern the Noibat
Blaze It the Whirlipede
PokéJesus the Zygarde
Hadon the Tangela
Jaké the Vileplume
Frigate the Pidgeot
Teddy the Vaporeon
Gardenia the trash-cloak Wormadam
Izzy the Sandslash
Winny the Beedrill
Nutty the Pachirisu
Bronedge the Doublade
Pierre the Skitty
Mic the Chatot
Nala the Luxray
Detonator the Shelgon
Regina the Quagsire
Monami the Chansey
C-3PO the Magnemite
Kankri the Inkay
Nepeta the Inkay
Aranea the Inkay
dcfdtldude the white-flower Flabébé (that was my DeviantArt username)
Rose the white-flower Flabébé
Wilma the Roselia
Gogoselia the Roselia
Juliet the Roselia
Rick the Roselia
Crowsraid the Roselia
Doughselia the Roselia
Foesraid the Roselia
Horuss the Inkay
Mituna the Inkay
Aradia the Inkay
Damara the Inkay
Equius the Inkay
Meulin the Inkay
Karkat the Inkay
Bunicula the Noibat
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animated-axolotl · 6 years ago
hell yea
Rules: Put your whole music library on shuffle and share the first 10 songs that come up. Then tag 10 people (or as many as you want).
tagged by @clowngoths fuck yea bless i haven’t done one o these in awhile
1. Wish I Knew You // The Revivalists
2. Rank and Fire // Moses Sumney
3. Los Ageless // St. Vincent
4. Severed // The Decemberists
5. My Type // Saint Motel
6. Samba Temperado / C-Dag // Yuji Ohno
7. Ode to the Bouncer // Studio Killers
8. Chick Habit // April March
9. Feel the Love Go // Franz Ferdinand
10. Would You Be Impressed // Streetlight Manifesto
i bolded my favourites Just Because
and i’ll tag @silenthillcoffeebeans @v-diggety @cuntwasps @spacepunksupreme @babblingfishes @burmadame @faiirydust and @driftinbuddy y’all don’t have to do this but you can if you wanna kill 10 or so minutes!
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airyhfjones · 6 years ago
Experience @Burmadame
uh , u hm.i dont get this message ....
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elle-eedee · 6 years ago
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habpy (late) borth day florence @burmadame !!!!! i lov u and, more importantly, ur mans lovs u!!!!! congrats on turning Old 🧡💗
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