#burial hex
farewell-persephone · 2 months
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autumnonapoea · 1 year
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Electronic noise, violent drones, beautiful doom. Burial Hex fucking rules.
RIYL: Coil, Swans, Muslimgauze, religious trauma, despair
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occultamusica · 2 years
Burial Hex - Temple Of The Flood (in Book Of Delusions, 2012)
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"Greathood increases intelligence and faith" then why in god's name does the reduvia wielder who drops lord of blood's exultation wear it
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whoopsyeahokay · 4 months
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October Sun
summary: Wally had needed a moment alone since you two had parted ways earlier that morning. it had given him a chance to lay out the facts and finally see what trainwrecks of ghosts he and the others had been.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
Wally skulked into the teacher's lounge, bypassing the gathering in the main space where Mr. Hartman held court. The words 'footprints' and 'service road' filtered above a firing squad of sharp questions as Wally made his way to the back, into the kitchenette, where he grabbed an empty mug off the rack.
Obviously, the police had been in touch. He wondered vaguely if Maddie had heard the news. He hoped so. It would be tremendously weird if he knew something about what had happened to her before she did, the feeling like sludge in his throat.
Wandering back out, he kept an ear open to Mr. Hartman's speech and set himself up at the coffee machine. Filled the mug almost to the brim, added two sachets of brown sugar, and stirred. Placed the dirty spoon in an abandoned, half-empty glass of water and then tucked himself quietly away back in the kitchenette.
Mr. Anderson wasn't amongst the faces Wally recognized as the teachers who held senior classes. A good thing since Wally was still pissed. Never mind that the guy might be solely responsible for Maddie's ghost; how he'd behaved toward you last night left a nasty taste in Wally's mouth. Made his knuckles itch to punch until Mr. Anderson swallowed his own teeth. Until his eyes pulped and his nose caved in. Until Mr. Anderson was one of them.
Although, Wally thought with bemusement, he didn't want to be stuck with Mr. Anderson. If what you'd said was true—that Wally and the others were trapped—Jesus, imagine having to exist for the rest of eternity in proximity to a monster capable of abusing women.
And that was the crux of his somber mood right there, wasn't it?
They were trapped.
He was trapped.
Wally sagged in his chair, staring at nothing. Steam wafted over his chin and cheeks as he took an absentminded sip of his coffee, the heat and bitterness burning when he swallowed. He set the mug down, held it, and continued to stare blankly ahead.
In the absence of your closeness, a chimera of pain-hurt-betrayal sunk its teeth into his heart and spread under his skin like poison, coming to erupt out of him in an uncharacteristically violent display.
The mug crashed against the wall. Ceramic tinkled to the floor. Wally dropped his head into his hands and heaved a dry, noiseless sob that ended as soon as it began.
He was supposed to have had the chance to say goodbye. To his friends, his girlfriend, his parents—fuck. Even though they wouldn't have been able to hear him, those moments were meant to be HIS.
His choice, his freedom, his right.
But, he'd been denied. Locked in with no escape because he'd had the bad luck to die in a place infected by, what, malevolent devil-cult energy? A witch's final hex on the land? Disrespected ancient fucking burial grounds?
According to the notes you'd written him, even crossed-over, Wally would've been able to reach out and reassure his mamma that he was fine. That he missed her and loved her and everything was going to be alright—
The dull sound of ceramic being set down in front of him interrupted the barrage of hate, rage, grief storming through Wally. Head shooting up, he saw Ajay stepping around the small table to take the seat beside him, sad smile and sad eyes mirroring the pain Wally felt.
When he glanced across the table at the wall, the broken mug and splattered coffee were gone. Reset and then remade and delivered to Wally in an unspoken offering of support.
Eventually, "Are you okay?" Ajay asked in even syllables.
Wally didn't look at him, couldn't find it within himself to fake a smile and pretend. Ajay was a divine kind of perceptive and would see through it in an instant, anyway.
So, Wally opted to avoid giving Ajay an answer by asking a question of his own, "Have you ever thought about why we're having such a hard time crossing over?"
The weight of Ajay's gaze spoke for itself. He didn't say anything for several moments, watching Wally watch the wall—acute, analytical. What Ajay said, when he finally responded, made Wally jump to attention.
"You're talking to her, aren't you?" A statement disguised as a question. Ajay's features conveyed mild amusement.
Wally hesitated and then squeaked out, "Who?" though he could tell that Ajay knew. Had clearly known about you for a while. But, just to be safe, "Maddie? Dawn? Dude, we know a few chicks, you'll have to be more specific."
"Bro," Ajay deadpanned.
Ajay leveled Wally with a flat look, mouth a slash of disappointment, "Bro..."
Wally's knee began to bounce under the table, sweat beading at his hairline. "Bro?"
Ajay folded his hands on the table and leaned in, as if about to divulge classified information—heavily redacted and for Wally's eyes only, the introduction to which was a kick to the gut.
"My parents," Ajay began, "Were deported the day before my funeral."
Wally released a puff of air from his cheeks, gaze dropping to his lap. His problems suddenly felt minuscule in comparison. "I'm sorry, man, I had no idea."
While it had seemed completely off-topic, Wally considered Ajay a close friend and was familiar with how he operated. Every word he shared had meaning, and, sure enough:
"Neither did I." Ajay said, matter-of-fact. "Her sister was the one who told me almost a decade after they were forced to leave."
Stunned, "Her sister went here?"
"Graduated the year before Katelynn died."
Wally did the math, "Damn, that's an age gap." That put her in her early thirties. Your mama had either been very young when she'd had your sister, or you'd been an unexpected surprise...Or both. "She can see ghosts, too?"
"Naw, but she can feel us."
"The hell is that supposed to mean?"
"She's an empath." Ajay explained, "She used her senses to feel me out. Apparently, when I'm happy, I smell like my mother's biriyani." He chuckled lightly, gaze distant, fond, tinged in the creases by the hurt of missing someone important.
Wally sipped his coffee and gave Ajay a minute to reminisce. Once Ajay's eyes were focused again, Wally asked, "Was it different for her? Because she couldn't see you, I mean. 'Cause the way my girl put it, she'd get into some serious shit if she spoke to me."
Ajay snorted, shook his head, and waved a hand, "Absolutely not. Ora had to follow the same rule. 'Don't interfere' or whatever." He slouched sideways over the table, head in one hand, fingers of the other tracing nonsense patterns into the vinyl surface.
"But she did it anyway?"
"She didn't see how the rule applied to her. How could she interfere when she couldn't even tell if anything was going on." Ajay rolled his eyes the way people did when they talked about their siblings' antics. "I cared more about it than she did. That's why I never told you." His voice sobered, "I never told anyone."
He got up and fetched himself a drink. Took a glass from the cupboard and moved to the sink to fill it from the tap. One sip. Two. Three.
Back still turned to Wally, Ajay further professed, "I knew she was Ora's sister as soon as I saw her. They could be twins," He shuffled back to the table, sat down, "The resemblance is uncanny, I'm telling you. She looks so much like how I remember Ora." A tender smile, "As soon as I confirmed it, I kept an eye on her. Doing what I can to keep the others from discovering her abilities."
"But not me?"
"Oh, believe me, I tried. But it was like herding fucking cats, man. Something greater than all this," Ajay motioned to encompass beyond the room they were in, "Kept working against me. You two found each other no matter what I did." Aggrieved, "Her sophomore year was a bitch."
A laugh burst out of Wally unbidden as memories of that fateful year rolled across his mind like old film, only now the scenes played from Ajay's perspective.
Yeah. It'd probably been a bitch.
As confident as he was that Ajay wouldn't betray him—or you—Wally needed to be doubly sure: "I guess I don't have to ask you to keep our secret then, huh?"
Ajay mimed locking his lips and throwing away the key, punctuating the promise with a friendly wink. "I'll never utter a word."
Wally breathed a sigh of relief, wrapping both hands around his coffee and relaxing into his seat.
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes as Wally collected his thoughts. He returned to the conversation he'd had with you that morning, and then to how Ajay had responded to the question of crossing over. As if he'd been guided to the same truth you'd revealed to Wally. Had your sister—Ora?—figured it out when she'd been a student?
"Why us?" Wally voiced the thought aloud. "Why the school?" He glanced at Ajay who was studying him closely, like a professor watching their pupil solve an unsolvable riddle. "Why can't we cross over?"
"And why did Janet get to?" Ajay granted with a sour line under her name.
On paper, Janet had been as polite as had been expected for a young woman raised in post-war America. All quaint mannerisms and Christian smiles. Voice always set to a reasonable decibel. However, there'd always been a current of disdain underscoring every interaction Janet had had with Mr. Martin.
Of their ragtag ensemble, Janet had been the most hostile toward Mr. Martin's brand of gentle parenting. Unlike Rhonda, who was openly resistant, Janet had playacted through the Group sessions she'd deigned to attend and had giddily punched holes in Mr. Martin's logic whenever she'd had the chance.
It didn't make sense, then, that she had been the first one of them to move on.
"Did you know we're supposed to be able to leave?" Wally said apropos of nothing. "We should be going to movies and bars and, fuck man, I should be able to go to the mall and get a pair of goddamn jeans."
Ajay laughed, adding, "And I could get some real food," with a demonstrative look of yearning.
"Whatever's trapping us here, in the school...what if that's why it's taken so long for one of us to cross over?"
"It makes sense." Ajay shrugged. "Ora never said that it was weird that we couldn't leave the school, but she said enough that I figured it out, and—" He stopped himself abruptly, mouth snapping shut with a clack that made Wally flinch.
Ajay seemed reluctant to continue, eyes zipping left and right as he weighed the pros and cons in his head.
Just when Wally thought that was it, Ajay cleared his throat and scuffed his chair as close to Wally as he could get it without sliding into Wally's lap.
"There's something I think you need to see." He whispered, eyes on the doorway, as if afraid of being overheard.
"Yeah, alright." Wally dragged his chair back and was on his feet in a flash.
Pressing his lips in a regretful line, Ajay nodded toward the clock in the main space of the teacher's lounge. It was empty now, save for a few teachers whose classes didn't start until later.
"Mr. Martin wanted to get started soon." He pointed out, "But after that, I'll show you."
"Does anyone else know?"
"No. It's just me and you, buddy." Ajay rose and clapped Wally on the back before leading them out of the teacher's lounge and into the hallway. After about a minute, Ajay broke their amiable silence and said, "So, you and the baby Paranormal Activist, huh?"
"I'm telling her you called her that." Wally groused without bite. "And I don't kiss and tell."
"Oh, you don't need to." Ajay assured, "I heard enough about that already."
Wally choked on a swallow. Eyes watering and tongue stuck in his throat, he coughed, "How!?"
"Mina saw you two last night," Ajay revealed, deceptively nonchalant. Before Wally could protest, Ajay signaled that there was nothing to worry about. "She won't say anything. My baby's a vault."
Wally choked again on the endearment, missing a step and staggering forward for two. "Your what!?"
Passive, teasing, "Bro, it's like you don't know anything about me at all," Ajay heaved an enormous, theatrical sigh.
"How does it even work!?" Wally demanded once he recovered. "How long have you two been together??"
With a sly, cheeky look, Ajay simply responded, "Come on, buddy, I'm a gentleman, I don't kiss and tell."
Wally halted on the spot. Sputtered indignantly for a few seconds before he put his hands on his hips and glared at Ajay's retreating back, "Oh, you are such a dick."
also available on AO3!
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
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Rosmarinus officinalis
Known as: compass weed, dew of the sea, elf leaf, guardrobe, incsensier, labonotis, Mary's cloak, polar plant, sea dew, stella maria & star of the sea.
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae that includea basil, mint, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender & perilla. As well as other herbs such as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga, and oriental motherwort. 
Parts used: Leaves, roots, sprigs & essential oils from the flowers.
Habitat and cultivation: This evergreen  shrub is native to the Mediterranean Portugal, and northwestern Spain.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Zone 6 with occasional winter protection & zones 7-10
Harvest: Anytime but avoid taking more than 1/3 of the plant when you do.
Planting tips: Rosemary has a low germination rate and slow to sprout, try using cuttings or buy from a nursery if you have problems. Keep in full sun with a well drainer container & let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Medicinal information: Over the years rosemary was used to relieve muscle pain, repelling insects, improve memory, boost the immune system & promote hair growth.
Cautions: While safe, ingesting excessive amounts of rosemary can be dangerous and lead to vomiting, coma & pulmonary edema.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Deities: Faeries, Elves, sea spirits & Virgin Mary
Magickal uses:
•Place in dream pillows to prevent nightmares
• Burn as an incense to purify & remove negativity
• Hang above your doorways to drive away unwanted visitors
• Add to a ritual bath for cleansing & removing hexes
• Use as a substitute for frankincense
• Plant in your garden to attract fae
• Carry a sprig to protect against the evil eye
• Keep under your bed to ensure fidelity & a happy relationship
• Wash your hands with a rosmary infusion before healing magick to increase potency
• Wear in a satchet or amulet to improve memory recall & improved health
• In Italian folk magic, it is cooked with to alleviate sadness  grief
• Rosemary may be used as incense at rituals of death and dying. It may be cast upon the coffin when it is slowly lowered into the burial place. With this we will all remember with love and fondness the one who is passing into another life, and thus we will also remember that we inhabit mortal bodies as we walk through the earth
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coffincestuous · 7 months
the progress report!! #3
happy march 1st!! kit9’s third progress report dropped today with a special bonus from nemlei!!
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firat things first, we have The Entity in the thumbnail!! are they a little bigger to anyone else..? just me? anyways, the lights are a fun addition to the demon/dream world. i’m sure this has no importance whatsoever (lying)
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next, we have… this. our dear protagonists caught in a compromising position, oh no!! seriously, though. what are they doing here? were they going to fuck in the car? good for them!! they don’t look very pleased to be disturbed by whoever this is, or disturbed at all. hopefully this isn’t anyone they used to know.
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here, we have… the chapter two decay route vision area. you know, the one where andrew is chasing down ashley to murder her or get murdered.
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yeah, that one.
it’s very interesting that we come back here. i wonder if this is still the decay route? also, why are we only seeing andrew’s little pixel sprite here? is she on one of the other sections? is this her vision or andrew’s? it seems to me that it’s ashley’s, considering we’ve been here before, but who knows!! there’s an axe and a signpost missing, and the tone of this preview reads a whole lot differently than the vision did at the end of chapter two.
i wonder what has prompted ashley to ask andrew what he wants? i wonder if he’ll be honest? i wonder if this is an important moment, or if it’s just them fucking around? god, i’m SO excited
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little andy spotted!! and mrs graves. she is clearly unhappy about something, and i’m thinking it has to do with leyley. doesn’t it always, when it comes to mrs. graves? my guess is that she’s asking him to keep her out of trouble, but it’s just a guess. we’ve seen before that he only curls up in a ball like this when he’s really upset (and still does it as an adult). poor thing.
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here, we see andrew with the entity in the thumbnail area, with the lights and everything. shout out to the little darkened souls in the far corners of the picture. our dear andrew is trying to negotiate with the demon.
i think that this is a huge moment in the game and the plot going forward!! assuming this is the burial route, ashley’s been asked to bring him along, AND he has that hex mark on his hand!! this demon is going to steal his soul!! ashley’s gonna be mad.
this could potentially happen in the decay route, too. if we assume the earlier dream/vision sequence is decay, this could be decay. maybe he’s going to meet the entity on his own regardless of what happens with ashley. again, who knows!!
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[id: a screenshot of steam. the text reads “Next Episode. From the work completed so far, this episode will be the longest yet. Even in its unfinished state, it is roughly the length of both previous episodes combined. / Once finished, this episode will be released as a major content update, and work on the final episode will begin. / It is still too soon to give any release dates.” end id.]
before, nemlei had said episode three will be split into two separate chapters (one for each route), but maybe this has changed!! the length is… beyond my expectations, truthfully!! it’s longer than both episode one and two combined. holy shit??? that’s So Much Content. i think i will officially be losing my mind upon its release, and even more so when the game is finished. omg!!!!!!
finally, we have THIS!!!!
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thank you nemlei. she knows what her fans want to see :33
(i think i need to set this as my phone background or something. it’s SO CUTE!!! i don’t even know where to start expressing my absolute JOY with this image!!!)
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tarnishedinquirer · 4 months
Beneath Stormveil
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Here the damage seemed the worst. In places, the walls were red and raw, almost as if they were bleeding. I continued down and reached a room with a very interesting painting.
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It was Stormhill, before Stormveil Castle was ever built. The world looked so much wilder and more vibrant back then. The colors were deep blacks and rich greens, not the washed-out greys and pale greens of current Limgrave. The place that would once become the Chapel of Anticipation was part of the mainland, separated by a waterfall rather than a chasm. There's no trace of the black stone pillars that underlay the entire land. The Stormfoot Catacombs are open, with no door. And, while something was gleaming gold, it sure didn't look like the Erdtree.
Yet the Divine Tower and bridge were already there, and already so ancient the bridge had started to crumble. Curious.
After examining the painting as much as I could, I unlocked the door back to the Site of Grace and continued downward.
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This was by far the oldest and most neglected portion of the castle. It's unlikely it would get any light except at high noon. The only creatures down here were vermin. Giant bats and rats, the scavengers and dwellers in the dark.
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Now that I was down here, it became clear that this was a dumping ground for the castle above. Specifically, it seemed that all the statues removed in the various ideological purges were just shoved into the abyss.
There's the expected statues of women holding ewers or missing their hands, but there's a few statues that stand out to me. They're almost completely buried, so possibly the oldest statues ever dumped down here, and depict hooded figures either holding a book or holding a dagger. Unfortunately, I don't have any context to interpret them. Maybe I'll find some more later.
A scarab almost misses my notice, were it not for the sound they make. I track it down and it's carrying an unusual Sorcery called Rancorcall.
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I say it's unusual because using it would require almost as much faith as intellect. That unnerved me a little. Sorcery is supposed to be the result of consistent, observable phenomenon. Concrete things that may be more difficult to observe and comprehend, but are ultimately just as real as a sword. To apply your intellect to the task of how best to surrender it to a higher power seemed perverse to me.
The voice said:
Sorcery of the servants of Death. Summons vengeful spirits that chase down foes. Once though lost, this ancient death hex was rediscovered by the necromancer Garris.
Going on my theory that scarabs only appear where abilities like ashes of war, sorceries, or incantations are used, and somehow they gather up some invisible residue to make their spheres, I would suspect that Garris must've been here at some point. Perhaps this is where he even developed his techniques? I doubt he's still here.
To draw a connection, I found the Rancor Pot recipe in the Tombsward Catacombs. It has a similar effect of summoning vengeful spirits, though different methods. Am I to assume Garris might also have been there? That might explain how Deathroot got inside...
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Now I came to a cliff overlooking a root-choked and damp chamber below. Bones littered the floor. Some were stacked up in drifts, but there were also complete skeletons resting in what looked like old, rotted canoes. Perhaps a vestige of some water burial in the past? At one time, they might have sent the dead over the waterfall that once ran through here. Once that dried up, they instead just buried the dead in their canoes.
But what interested me most was the grand baldachin, now rotted and torn, draped across the chamber beyond. Something important must be there.
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Before I could approach, a terrible creature burst out of the ground. I'd seen its ilk once before, in the Fringefolk Hero's Grave. An Ulcerated Tree Spirit, a great writhing snake-root, like a serpentine mandrake. Even as I knew its movements, it was still so erratic that it was hard to predict at times. As it slammed me against the walls, I knew now where the drifts of bones had come from.
Once I had slain the beast. I was free to recover its treasures, both here and in the chamber beyond. Much like the last, it dropped a Golden Seed.
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As for the chamber... I can scarcely describe it. I'll try to sketch it but I don't think I can do justice to the sheer presence of this thing. Despite looking like a stone carving, I knew on an instinctual level that it was alive.
It was a face, or approximation thereof. Yet it could not have been more inhuman. It at once looked floral, fungal, and animal. The lower half of the face was like an oyster mushroom, and from there emerged thick tendrils like thorny vines. The upper half had a disturbingly human nose but two oddly angled eyes, or at least eye sockets. The lids themselves were empty.
The whole thing burst through the stone wall on a thick body like a salamander, though if it had arms, they had not emerged from the wall. And its was very clearly a violent entry, with rubble piled up around it. Nearby, there was a bloodstain, and a corpse holding an item in its hands.
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Oh hell. The bloodstain was Rogier. If he can't see Grace anymore, then can he even come back? Is he just dead for real now? I couldn't even see what got him but it looked bad. It lifted him up and seemed to impale him from multiple angles. I hope he's okay. I actually kinda like the guy. It was rare to talk to someone both intellectual and down to earth like that.
The corpse had a... Prince of Death's Pustule?!
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A fetid pustule taken from facial flesh. It is said that this pustule came from the visage of the Prince of Death, he who used to be called Godwyn. As First Dead of the demigods, it's said he's buried deep under the capital, at the Erdtree's roots.
It is said, it is said, it is said. I hate it when the Voice uses weasel words. Who says?
If Godwyn was the first to die, then it is his death that created the Deathroot. Deathroot sprouts similar faces to the one on this pustule. The same milky white eyes, the same thorny tendrils... There was a couple things that puzzled me. I noted fish fins on the Deathroot growing in various catacombs and Summonwater Village. Despite its aquatic appearance, this face held no trace of such details, resembling an amphibian more than a fish. Second, while the Deathroot and Pustule share the milky white eyes, this visage does not. Instead, its sockets are empty.
Third, if we take the voice at face value and say that Godwyn actually is buried under the capital... why did this face burst out of the southeast wall? The capital is to the northeast. I can buy the Greattree roots spreading throughout the Lands Between, but I'd still expect such a creature to burrow through from the correct direction. The only things off that direction are the Stormfoot Catacombs and the Fringefolk Hero's Grave. And since the painting confirms that at least one of those was here before the castle, I find myself doubting if this is even Godwyn at all, or some other, forgotten Prince of Death.
I'll review my notes about those places and see if I can gain any insight, but arbitrary skepticism doesn't do any good. I have to assume that this is Godwyn, or at least an aspect of him, until strong evidence presents itself otherwise.
Still, to quote the only cleric I ever got on with, "Doubting is what I do."
With my investigation concluded, the only way to go was up. Thankfully there was a conveniently placed, if alarmingly tall, rope ladder. I began what was sure to be a very long ascent.
I had at last gotten answers on the rot infecting Stormveil, but they only left me with more questions.
Who are the dagger and book statues? Why were they purged?
If Godfrey built the earliest Stormveil, who built the tower and bridge?
Is that face Godwyn? If not, who could it possibly be?
If it is Godwyn, why would it come from the wrong direction?
Why does this face look so different from the other faces? Why is it missing its eyes?
Who is Garris? What was he doing beneath Stormveil?
What happened to Rogier?
Why was he looking for this?
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the-insomniac-emporium · 10 months
Broken Things (Resident Lover)
Pairing: Very much platonic Mia and Miranda (I am rotating them and their dynamic in my head) Rating: G for General Audiences Warning: HEAVY SPOILERS for Miranda's route, mostly implied but this won't make much sense if you haven't finished it. I recommend also getting the cult ending for maximum clarity. Summary: For two people that hate each other, Mia and Miranda have more in common than either of them want to admit. The night before an important (but heartbreaking) ritual, they share a few moments together. Alternatively: do you think they ever talk about being the only two to really know the MC? I think it hangs over them, equal parts comforting blanket and burial shroud. Exploring their dynamic a lil bit. Also, this is probably the longest thing I've written in one sitting in ages, so... cool. Noice. Just over 1.2k words.
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If she had bothered to knock, there would have been no answer at best, and a flurry of feathered rage at worst. No point in entertaining that formality; not tonight, the eve of another undoing. Few things had any point tonight. But Mia had never been one to overthink things, never one to bother drawing up reasons for her behavior. That was what made her so charmingly irritating. Or just plain irritating, if you asked the headmistress whose office is now being invaded.
“I’m not in the mood for company,” Miranda warns from where she sits at her desk, the barest hints of exhaustion bleeding into her normally veiled expression. Even Goddesses get tired, it seems. Cruelties stir in the back of her throat, vile words and heavy hexes, but she doesn’t waste any energy on letting them spill out. Simply swallows, hard, and crosses one leg over the other. A stiffness occupies her bones this evening.
“I know,” Mia answers, without any snark, carefully setting down a couple glasses where there’s room. The bottle in her other hand has already been opened, the contents mixed with other things, and hastily sealed again. For once, Mia bothers to wipe the condensation off the bottom before setting it down. “Neither am I.”
This time, her lips curl up at the edges, but the downturn of her eyebrows betrays the bitterness she feels. Another thought dances on her mind, and her mouth makes it halfway open before she discards it, playing the movement off as an exaggerated sigh. Pushing Miranda’s buttons is easy… achieving anything else is Herculean. Part of Mia wonders how far she’s already pushing things, not because she cares about the consequences, simply because she can’t tell.
Leaning her weight against the desk (avoiding the side table like a single touch would kill her), Mia grabs the bottle again, popping the cap off with a flick of her thumb. Almost immediately the smell of strong whiskey drifts around the room. Miranda’s nostrils flare, briefly, the purse of her lips growing tighter. But she says nothing as Mia pours drinks for the both of them, eying them closely to make sure they’re filled evenly. A moment passes, then two, before Mia nudges one of the glasses closer to Miranda.
“I don’t know why I keep you around,” the headmistress says, bringing a little bite to her words to show dominance, her posturing a sad show of deflecting vulnerability. They both know exactly why Mia is still alive, why she’s here, in this town, in this day, in this life. Why she doesn’t slip out the door without a word and disappear forever. All the same reasons keep Miranda here, urging her hands to continue pulling strings, weaving and undoing and weaving and weaving and unmaking with the same heart that compelled Penelope to do the same.
Mia chooses not to point it out. Bites her tongue, nurses the mixed whiskey like it was her last. Lets the burn linger on her tastebuds. Breathes in deep, turning her gaze to the dark sky beyond the office window. A few tiny figures move across the campus grounds, returning from parties or maybe more clandestine affairs, utterly unaware that everything was going to be reset tonight. None of them have even an ounce of worth in her eyes, nor in Miranda’s.
“Nobody else has a clue, do they?” Mia muses, somewhere between a sneer and a giggle. Both halves sound forced. For a moment, she basks in the silence, only to remember she wasn’t one to find comfort in such things after all. A glance towards her companion reveals a raised eyebrow, Miranda not yet parsing her words. The details of the reset were a closely guarded secret, to prevent dissent, but most of her flock understood that something important lay past the dusk. What they didn’t understand is all the more fundamental, built into the very cause they pursued. “They all think they know what we’re missing.” More bitterness in her voice this time, acidity on a slow-drip to her veins, a scoff kicking out some of the weight from her chest.
Something clicks, then, an idea alongside Miranda’s tongue. Dimitrescu imagines her daughters. Beneviento’s grief haunts everything she makes, but the feelings fold into different shapes. Followers flood their senses with Mother’s goals, with her purpose, but they are driven by their devotion to her. Not to her. All the lives in the world, vast and uniquely faceted, and only the two in this room have a clue.
“You don’t love her the way I do,” Miranda whispers, nail guards finding places to pinch her own flesh. Slowly, she uncrosses her legs, and finally reaches for her glass. If there’s any fragility to the way she holds herself now, Mia is kind enough to ignore it, and uncaring enough to leave the pain without relief.
“Mmm, and you don’t love her the way I do,” she breathes. Neither of them are lying. Oddly enough, nor are they challenging each other. Just declaring their surviving differences in this moment of alikeness. “Salut,” Mia adds, ignoring the huff (of irritation or amusement, she cares not to differentiate) from Miranda, but cracks a smile when their glasses raise in sync. A toast to the heart of their shared world, to the central victim of the reset.
There’s no hiding the way Miranda recoils at the concoction, almost a snarl with glinting teeth, the strength of the cheap whiskey hardly diluted by whatever was added to it. Hardly her drink of choice. Yet she runs her finger around the rim of the glass, mirroring the way her tongue flickers across her teeth, savoring the misery of it all. Hauntingly familiar, the closest Mia had ever come to recreating a cursed relic from their past. At least it will get us drunk fast, she had once said, with this same grimace, the icon of their love cheering on the words. Teasing gently about her obsessions with efficiency.
By the time the memory moves beyond her eyelids, the glass in her hands is almost empty. Mia hums a halfhearted tune, pouring another round for Miranda, before pushing herself up from her perch. A few wrinkled papers get left behind, without anyone batting an eye. Everything was pointless tonight, remember? Beautiful nothingness, even stale blood gushing like ichor, almost all things rendered equal.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some poor decisions to make,” Mia suddenly chimes, face twisting up into a visage of mischief, brushing the last of the dust off of her mask. One hand snatches up the bottle, the other smoothes over her leather jacket, subtly ensuring she could still feel the presence of her switchblade in one of the pockets. WIth unabashed glee, she waltzes through the doorway, off to draw blood and make merry with the worst of what the university has to offer.
She only hesitates for a microsecond, as she goes to close the door behind her. Glances back to meet Miranda’s gaze, all-knowing and piercing as ever, the two of them exchanging silent assurances. Their beloved would be remade, eventually, no matter how long it takes. No matter how many times they have to start over. A determination only matched in each other, as universally true as it is unspoken.
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Baron Samedi (English: Baron Saturday), also written Baron Samdi, Bawon Samedi or Bawon Sanmdi, is one of the lwa of Haitian Vodou. He is a lwa of the dead, along with Baron's numerous other incarnations Baron Cimetière, Baron La Croix and Baron Criminel.
He is the head of the Gede family of lwa; his brothers are Azagon Lacroix and Baron Piquant and he is the husband of Maman Brigitte. Together, they are the guardians of the past, of history, and of heritage
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Baron Samedi is usually depicted with a top hat, black tail coat, dark glasses, and cotton plugs in the nostrils, as if to resemble a corpse dressed and prepared for burial in the Haitian style. He is frequently depicted as a skeleton (but sometimes as a black man that merely has his face painted as a skull), and speaks in a nasal voice. The former President-for-Life of Haiti, François Duvalier, known as Papa Doc, modeled his cult of personality on Baron Samedi; he was often seen speaking in a deep nasal tone and wearing dark glasses.
He is noted for disruption, obscenity, debauchery, and having a particular fondness for tobacco and rum. Additionally, he is the lwa of resurrection, and in the latter capacity he is often called upon for healing by those near or approaching death, as it is only the Baron that can accept an individual into the realm of the dead.
Due to affiliation with François Duvalier, Baron Samedi is linked to secret societies in the Haitian government and includes them in his domain.
Baron Samedi spends most of his time in the invisible realm of vodou spirits. He is notorious for his outrageous behavior, swearing continuously and making filthy jokes to the other spirits. He is married to another powerful spirit known as Maman Brigitte, but often chases after mortal women. He loves smoking and drinking and is rarely seen without a cigar in his mouth or a glass of rum in his bony fingers. Baron Samedi can usually be found at the crossroads between the worlds of death and the living. When someone dies, he digs their grave and greets their soul after they have been buried, leading them to the underworld.
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Baron Samedi is the leader of the Gede, lwa with particular links to magic, ancestor worship and death. These lesser spirits are dressed like The Baron and are as rude and crude but not nearly as charming as their master. They help carry the dead to the underworld
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As well as being the master of the dead, Baron Samedi is also a giver of life. He can cure mortals of any disease or wound, so long as he thinks it is worthwhile. His powers are especially great when it comes to Vodou curses and black magic. Even if somebody has been afflicted by a hex that brings them to the verge of death, they will not die if The Baron refuses to dig their grave. So long as The Baron keeps them out of the ground, they are safe.
In many Haitian cemeteries, the longest standing grave of male is designated as the grave of Baron Samedi. A cross (the kwa Bawon, meaning "Baron's cross") is placed at a crossroads in the cemetery to represent the point where the mortal and spiritual world cross. Often, a black top hat is placed on top of this cross.
He also ensures that all corpses rot in the ground to stop any soul from being brought back as a zombie. What he demands in return depends on his mood. Sometimes he is content with his followers wearing black, white or purple clothes or using sacred objects; he may simply ask for a small gift of cigars, rum, black coffee, grilled peanuts, or bread. But sometimes The Baron requires a Vodou ceremony to help him cross over into this world
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 2 years
Round One: Sanxiasaurus vs Changmiania
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Sanxiasaurus modaoxiensis
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @i-draws-dinosaurs
Meaning: Sanxia lizard (after the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River) from Modaoxi (first tributary of the Yangtze)
Time: 170 million years (possibly Aalenian stage of the Middle Jurassic)
Location: Xintiangou Formation, Chongqing, China
Sanxiasaurus is a little ornithischian dinosaur named in 2019. Specifically, it’s a basal neornithischian, a group whose name has been known to induce spontaneous headaches among palaeontologists. Neornithischia is the group that includes ceratopsians, hadrosaurs, and many earlier forms, but the base of the group contains a whole truckload of little scampery bipedal critters who have proven very difficult to organise into a stable family tree. Sanxiasaurus seems to be one of the most basal of the group, and is actually the oldest ornithischian currently known from Asia! Living in the Xintiangou Formation, Sanxiasaurus shared its environment with lungfish, ray finned fish, sharks, temnospondyls, saruopterygians, crocodyliformes, turtles, and the theropod Yunyangosaurus, which was probably its main predator.
Changmiania liaoningensis
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Artwork by @i-draws-dinosaurs, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Eternal Sleeper from Liaoning
Time: 125.755 million years ago (Barremian stage of the Early Cretaceous) 
Location: Lujiatun Beds, Yixian Formation, Liaoning, China 
Changmiania is a gorgeously preserved ornithopod known from the earliest time of the famed Yixian Formation, adding it to the ranks of amazing fossils known from this unique preservational environment. The multiple specimens of this species are found in sleeping poses, curled up on the ground with their legs and arms tucked up against them. This indicates they had been buried alive, possibly inside their own burrows. Given the depositional environment of Yixian is a sort of prehistoric Pompeii, with many dinosaurs covered very quickly in ash and dust from an exploding volcano, this makes a certain degree of sense - perhaps the two little dinosaurs had scurried into their burrow to escape the oncoming tragedy (sorry if I just made you sad), or had been asleep and unaware of the oncoming danger. At only one meter long and less than half a meter tall, Changmiania would have been easily missed in its environment, hiding among the dense vegetation from potential predators. With robust leg bones, it would have been a fast runner, able to move efficiently through the crowded undergrowth. It had a weirdly short neck for ornithischians, and that combined with its short forearms and hands indicates it was fossorial - ie, a digging animal, hence its burrow home and final resting place. Given they were found together, they were probably social creatures as well, living in small family groups. The Yixian was a dense temperate forest, filled with freshwater lakes and a great diversity of plantlife. Conifers, ferns, cycads, horsetails, and early flowering plants filled the environment and indicated a humid, possibly rainforest environment. Periodic wildfires, noxious lake gasses, and volcanic eruptions all lead to regular moments of rapid burial and amazing preservation in this environment - essentially giving us snapshots of how it changed over the course of many millions of years. In the Lujiatun bed specifically, Changmiania was neighbors with Euhelopus, Jeholosaurus, Liaoceratops, Psittacosaurus, Liaoningornis, Daliansaurus, Graciliraptor, Mei, Sinovenator, Sinusonasus, Dilong, Hexing, Incisivosaurus, Shenzhousaurus, and outside of dinosaurs mammals such as Acristatherium, Gobiconodon, Juchilestes, Maotherium, Meemannodon, and Repenomamus (yes, THAT Repenomamus), and the toad Liaobatrachus. 
DMM Round One Masterpost
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farewell-persephone · 7 months
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evelyn-the-fae · 26 days
Adribat October Prompt List - Typed Out
@maribat-menagerie is hosting a Adrien Agreste x Batman / DC prompt challenge for the month of October! Please go check out their blog to see more details. I am just trying to type out the prompts for ease of reading! MONTHLY LIST- There are themes for each day: Bloody Sunday - Mystery Monday - Tricky Tuesday - Sleepover Wednesday - Thriller Thursday - Freaky Friday - Treat Saturday Tuesday October 1st - mirrors Wednesday the 2nd - Hex Girling Thursday the 3rd - "Lifes no fun without a good scare" Friday the 4th - Miraculous Swap Saturday the 5th - Jack o' lantern's Sunday the 6th - Kill all your friends Monday the 7th - "Our lives are one masked ball" Tuesday the 8th - Rabbit Wednesday the 9th - Sigil writing Thursday the 10th - "Take a breath, look around, a lot of folks deserve to die" Friday the 11th - Origin Swap Saturday the 12th - Autumn Leaves Sunday the 13th - Radioactive Monday the 14th - "to me, they have always been matters of riddle and admiration" Tuesday the 15th - Playing cards Wednesday the 16th - cipher hunting Thursday the 17th - "Don't wish, don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart." Friday the 18th- Body Swap Saturday the 19th - Flannels and Sweaters Sunday the 20th - For whom the bell tolls Monday the 21st - "Good and evil are so close, as to be chained together in the sand" Tuesday the 22nd - Fox Wednesday the 23rd - Going Nowhere Thursday the 24th- "it's a full moon tonight, that's why all the weirdos are out" Friday the 25th - Partner Swap Saturday the 26th - Hot beverage Sunday the 27th - Children of the Grave Monday the 28th - "Death is a mystery and burial is a secret" Tuesday the 29th - Crowbar Wednesday the 30th - Grim Adventuring Thursday the 31st - "Please. They're dead." Extras from the 3x3 Bingo Card - 1. Ghosts of the Past 2. Restoring the Balance 3. No longer you Please feel free to join the Mari Bat Menagerie Discord server if you see this! https://discord.gg/5xnQwsDG4u
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maribat-menagerie · 12 days
Adribat October '24 Light Mode ver.
Welcome everyone once again to the first year of Adribat October!
As stated in the previous and original post, Adribat is a subsection of the larger Maribat fandom that focuses on Adrien x DC rather than Marinette x DC.
While this calendar was posted before, down below is a newer version with slightly more bolded lettering upon the original black background. Featured below it will be a light mode version for those who would like to print it out!
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(Clicking on the images will give a clearer view of the prompts)
These prompts are set up as themed days for those who would like the extra challenge. However, you do not have to make them with the theme. (Aka day 7 does not have to be a Mystery)
The theme days are: Bloody Sunday - Angst/MCD Mystery Monday - Mysteries & Conspiracies Trick Tuesday - Tricks, Plot Twists, Messing with the Audience Sleepover Wednesday - Crossovers or Location change Thriller Thursday - Thrillers & Suspense Freaky Friday - Swap AUs Treat Saturday - Fluff/Slice of Life
The prompts themselves for each day of the week have themes of their prompts. Wednesday and Friday are explained above, but the rest are a fun bonus challenge to decipher in the comments/reblogs.
These prompts are also rearranged into two bingo boards to give a more self-paced option. Feel free to use whichever form of prompts you like and remember to tag us here with @maribat-menagerie.
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Tags: #AdribatOctober #Adribat #Maribat #MaribatHalloween
Finally, feel free to reblog and share this out as well as the original dark mode boards (found here)! The more eyes that see this, the more we may get to participate, which means more to create!
Happy Creating Everyone!
P.S. Prompt List can be found under the line!
Adribat October Prompt List Written Out
1st: Mirror(s) 2nd: Hex Girling 3rd: "Life's no fun without a good scare." 4th: Miraculous Swap 5th: Jack O' Lanterns
6th: Kill All Your Friends 7th: "Our lives are one masked ball." 8th: Rabbit 9th: Sigil Writing 10th: "Take a breath and look around, a lot of folks deserve to die." 11th: Origin Swap 12th: Autumn Leaves
13th: Radioactive 14th: "To me they have always been matters of riddle and admiration." 15th: Playing Cards 16th: Cipher Hunting 17th: "Don't Wish. Don't Start. Wishing only wounds the heart." 18th: Body Swap 19th: Flannels & Sweaters
20th: For Whom the Bell Tolls 21st: "Good and evil are so close as to be chained together in the soul." 22nd: Fox 23rd: Going Nowhere 24th: "It's a full moon tonight. That's why all the weirdos are out." 25th: Partner Swap 26th: Hot Beverage
27th: Children of the Grave 28th: "Death is a mystery, and burial is a secret." 29th: Crowbar 30th: Grim Adverturing 31st: "Please, they're dead."
Bingo Board Bonus 1: Ghosts of the Past Bingo Board Bonus 2: Restoring the Balance Bingo Board Bonus 3: No Longer You
Color Chart: Bloody Sunday Mystery Monday Trick Tuesday Sleepover Wednesday Thriller Thursday Freaky Friday Treat Saturday
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surgicalpen1sklinik · 4 months
// nudity
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"the burial hex known as 'body grafting' manipulates the body's innate will to live regardless of the will and consciousness of the operator of that body. with mastery, ones own body or the bodies of others can become canvases to portray a more conscious and attuned version of one's own physical self. in other words, you have full self determinism of your physical appearance."
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igazikutya · 9 months
Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense”
Minden vallásban nagy szerepe van a várakozásnak, és ti, mint gyakorló traxeletoristák minden évben 12 hónapon át követhetitek, halljátok-látjátok, ahogyan gyarapszik a szelekt, hogy aztán év végén, a traxelektori szentháromság szuperszelekcióján áthaladva meghallgathassátok a mind/move/sense kompilációkat. Áldott legyen a teljesség! Xelektbe! Randomba! Krosszfédbe!
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Az elektronikus zene egyik abszurduma, hogy a chill out kifejezést a legpunkabb bandának, a The KLF-nek köszönhetjük. Nem állítom, hogy chill-out válogatás a „Sense”, de ez a figyelős, hátradőlős zenehallgatás forrása. Másik érdekesség, hogy a történelmien fontos, első ambient album, a nagy Brian Eno – Music for Airports-sza ma nem férne be a legjobb 100 ambient album közé. Azért ez vicces. Harmadik évösszegző válogatásunk downtempoban mozog tehát, műfajilag ambient, drone, kortárs, experimental, dub, trip hop, field recordings, minimal, krautrock, etno elemekből építkezik. A terjedelme 140 felvétel, cirka 12 óra, és az online verzió is 11 óra felett van a maga 123 track-jével.
Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense” – Spotify Playlist Link
[123/140, 11h 15m / 12h 10m, 87,8%]
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Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense” – Full Playlist
3.14 - Taltos Remembers Newmix [VA - Life Death Resurrection Revenge, Limbic Resonance]Actress - Oway ( f 7 )[LXXXVIII, Ninja Tune] African Head Charge - Push Me Pull You [A Trip To Bolgatanga, On-U Sound] Alva Noto - HYbr-ID Ectopia Removing Infinities [Hybr:ID II, Noton] Alva Noto - HYbr-ID Ectopia Singularity [Hybr:ID II, Noton] Ana Quiroga - We, The Witches [Azabache, Houndstooth] Ancient Plastix - Museum Of Barbed Wire [II, Maple Death] Andrea - Chessbio [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Andrea - Jaim [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Anthony Linell - Advanced Spiritual Evolution [Advanced Transcendent Evolution, Northern Electronics] Atom™ - Midnight Shopping [Soft Opening, NN Audio] Ayaz - Reprise [Unpinned, phase group] Beau Wanzer - STEAR [Dead Person's Monologue, iDEAL] Beau Wanzer - WARM WATERBOARDING [Dead Person's Monologue, iDEAL] Biosphere - Delta Function [Inland Delta, Biophon] Biosphere - Random Walk [Inland Delta, Biophon] Biosphere - The String Thing [Inland Delta, Biophon] Black To Comm - On the Grass Her Shoes of Deer-Skin [At Zeenath Parallel Heavens, Thrill Jockey] Blevin Blectum - Soft Death (Afresymegol)[Omnii, Deathbomb Arc] Burial Hex - A Kiss To Birth The Rotted Sun [In Hiding, Cold Spring] Burial Hex - Of Roses, Astronomers & The Falsely Accused [In Hiding, Cold Spring] Carmen Villain - Violet [Music From The Living Monument, Smalltown Supersound] Carrier - Ten by Ten [Lazy Mechanics, The Trilogy Tapes] cEvin Key - Sonic Interlude [bRap and fOrth, vol. 9, Artoffact] Chantal Michelle - Borghese Gardens September [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Civilistjävel! - Kolugn [Fyra Platser, FELT] Civilistjävel! feat. Cucina Povera – Louhivesi [Fyra Platser, FELT] Coco Bryce - Make U Mine [Point Of No Return, Fresh 86] CoH - Habitable [Radiant Faults, Dais] CoH - Nereides [Radiant Faults, Dais] Cosmo Vitelli - 7 Foot Clown in My Bed (Krikor Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Just Like His Dad (Froid Dub Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Dasha Rush - Hans Rivers [Contemplating, Raster] David Toop & Lawrence English - Whistling In The Dark [The Shell That Speaks The Sea, Room40] Dino Sabatini - Reversus Sum [Opera Quattro, Outis Music] Donato Dozzy & Sabla - Flusso II [Crono, Gang of Ducks] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Bond [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Deep Water Branches [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Skyward [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile]
Eivind Aarset & Jan Bang - Seraphine [Last Two Inches Of Sky, Punkt Editions] Elin Piel - Skog [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Erwan Sene - Zones [JUnQ, PAN] Erwan Sene - Block That Kill [JUnQ, PAN] Evitceles - Reveal [Velvet Room, Opal Tapes] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Sinnervisions [Fire, Salgari] Flesh & The Dream - Book Of Daniel Part 3 (The Image of Gold and The Blazing)[Choose Mortality, Everything Forever] Freak Heat Waves - Altered States [Mondo Tempo, Mood Hut] Froid Dub - Isla Morada [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Froid Dub - Original Stalker [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Future Sound of London, The - A Desolate Stretch Of Night Road [Environment 7.003, fsoldigital.com] Future Sound of London, The - Clear Mass 4 [FSOLdigital Presents 2023 Calendar, FSOLdigital] Future Sound of London, The - Vertical Reflections [FSOLdigital Presents 2023 Calendar, FSOLdigital] Gazelle Twin - Author of You [Black Dog, Invada] Geins't Naït & Scanner & Laurent Petitgand - MT-26 [OLA, Ici d'ailleurs] German Army - Last Habitat [Caras Rotas, Faith Disciplines] German Army - Ponapea Hentyi [Boising, IDS] German Army - Santalum Macgregorii [Boising, IDS] Greg Foat & Gigi Masin - Viento Calido [Dolphin, Strut] Harmonious Thelonious - Back from the Primitive Galaxy [Cheapo Sounds, Bureau B] Holy Tongue - Am Here In A Place Beyond Desire And Fear [Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare, Amidah] Holy Tongue - Where the Wood is The Water is Not [Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare, Amidah] Hortobágyi László - Fugamelānrāga (Banjar vādak)[6th. All India Music Conference 1990-2023 -Re-Mix Mastered Version Series Vol. 1, aMarxe] How To Dress Well - My Body (Carmen Villain's „My Body Rework”)[What Remains (Remixes), Domino] Ilija Rudman - Pulsar Diaries [Pulsar Diaries, International Feel] Jay Glass Dubs feat. Marcella - Waltz [You Would Love Me Now, Extended Techniques] Jay Glass Dubs feat. Spivak - Narcissus [You Would Love Me Now, Extended Techniques]
Khidja - Roata [Transmissions Part 1, Malka Tuti] Khidja - Under Stressure [Transmissions Part 2, Malka Tuti] Kim Oxlund - How Long Does It Last [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kim Oxlund - Older Than the Sea [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kurvenschreiber - Doppelwortbefehl [Licht Ausgang, Udacha] Labelle - Apporter l'amour [Noir Anima, InFiné Éditions & Eumolpe] Laibach - Lepo - krasno [Sketches Of The Red Districts, Mute] Lia Kohl - Sit on the Floor and Wait for Storms [The Ceiling Reposes, American Dreams] Loraine James - I'm Trying To Love Myself [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] Loraine James - Tired of Me [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] L'vovna - 07182018-02.03.05 [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Maara - Yearning [The Ancient Truth, Step Ball Chain] Maps and Diagrams - Brume [A Study Of Ends Or Purpose, Handstitched] Maps and Diagrams - Slopewater [A Study Of Ends Or Purpose, Handstitched] Marmo - Fenomenologia Del Giudizio [Epistolae, Utter] Marmo - Semiotica [Epistolae, Utter] Material + Object - x6x [Telepath, Editions Mego] Mouse on Mars - Bilk A3 [Bilk, Sonig] Nihiloxica - Postloya [Source Of Denial, Crammed Discs] Nihiloxica - Trip Chug [Source Of Denial, Crammed Discs] nueen - III [Link, 3XL] nueen - IV [Link, 3XL] NVST - Fourissfourisnoanswer (The VERSION)[Filled with Oil, Les Disques Magnétiques] O Yuki Conjugate - Deep Head Scene [A Tension of Opposites Vols. 3 & 4, OYC Limited] Om Unit & Dego Rankin - Bristol Theme (V.I.V.E.K Remix)[Acid Dub Versions II, Self-Released] Oval - Wildwasser [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey] Oval - Zauberwort [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey]Palestre - Coexistència[Sciogli Assurdi, The Trilogy Tapes] Paul St. Hilaire - Little Way [Tikiman Vol.1, Kynant]Polypores - Our Tiny Orbits [Praedormitium, Castles in Space] Powell & London Contemporary Orchestra - 23 [26 Lives, Diagonal]Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Darkening Rain (Killer Whale Atmospheres) For Phillipe [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Grown In The Shade Of The Glacier [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rhys Fulber - Night Render (Evitceles Remix)[Brutal Nature Redux, FR]
Saint Abdullah - Visit to the Optometrist [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Saint Abdullah & Jason Nazary & Peter Eldh - Divine Timing Is Intuitive [Evicted In The Morning, Disciples] Sam Goku - Zoom Out [The Things We See When We Look Closer, Permanent Vacation] Saphileaum - Dear [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes] Saphileaum - Interlingua [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Saphileaum - Useful Wisdom [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes]Scaafandre - A Ticket To Unknow [Outer Edges , Believe Digital] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Shattered [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet] Shackleton - The Dying Regime [The Scandal Of Time, Woe To The Septic Heart!] Shackleton & Waclaw Zimpel feat. Siddhartha Belmannu - Your Love Pours Like Water [In The Cell Of Dreams, 7k!] She Spread Sorrow - Queen of Guilt [Orchid Seeds, Helen Scarsdale Agency] Spivak - Mid Week Ritual [You Win Again, Ecstatic] Stefan Dubs - Saudrune Dub [VA - Tones & Echoes, Egregore Collective] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Coral Reef [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Golden Apples Of The Sun [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Oceanium [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Terrain - Blind Spot [Corners, Varmal] The Black Dog - Beton-Brut [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Future Townscapes [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Black Dog - SHF Is Dead [Music For Dead Airports, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Unité d’Habitation [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Mole - #ew Horseplay [The River Widens, Circus Company] The Mole - Weak Stranger [The River Widens, Circus Company] The Orb & David Gilmour - Flat Side Seamlessly Martian Spheres of Reflection Mix Movement 3 [Metallic Spheres In Colour, Sony] Totek - Touchh [ttk. 1, Darker Than Wax] Ultramarine - Dawn [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Ultramarine - Decima [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Ultramarine - Xylonite [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Vague Imaginaires - Onde cosmique [L'Île Volante, Versatile] Vanishing Twin - Lazy Garden [Afternoon X, Fire] Vanishing Twin - The Down Below [Afternoon X, Fire] VC-118A - Replace Image [Waves Of Change, Delsin] VC-118A - Ufonic [Waves Of Change, Delsin] VHS Head - Devour the Heart [Phocus, Skam] Vince Clarke - Red Planet [Songs Of Silence, Mute] Void - Circadian Rhythm [REM, Agos] Void - Midnight [REM, Agos] Wata Igarashi - Floating Against Time [Agartha, Kompakt] Yushh - OXI Ambigan [Siro Silo EP, Well Street]
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