#burger bastion
vampirenoise · 1 year
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*drops these here and vanishes again*
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gamebyle · 1 year
A few random Pizza Tower AU sprite edits
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The Noir by: @sawmoose (took a few liberties with the color of the crusher)
Windzanno and Bar by: @e-for-affort
LoveSick! Peppino by: @lovesickpizzatower
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sillylittlegaymer · 1 year
Burger Bastion doodles!!!
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Windzanno…the silly…
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e-for-affort · 1 year
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The main characters of my Pizza Tower fangame/au Burger Bastion, Windzanno & Bar!
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selacisky · 1 year
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Pizza Tower: Into the Peppinoverse 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕
ft. Pizzano from au Sugary Spire, french peppino from @Shadokwastaken from twitter, blonde Peppino (forgot his name) from Burger Bastion, mexican and argentinian peppino (inspired by @r4nt_ ‘s design) by moi 💕
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ask-overwatch-heroes · 7 months
Question for the omnic characters!
If you somehow gained the ability to eat, what would you be curious to try first?
Orisa: I have often seen Efi consuming ice cream, which makes me curious to try it.
Bastion: Noo foo, buu ruu! (It is not food, but I want to chew on a pencil rubber).
Ramattra: Hmm... I haven't given it thought. Oil and electricity have been enough sustenance for me. So, I suppose I might try something with plenty of oil.
Echo: In my early life, when I knew nothing but my creator, Liao, I could often smell the cheap noodles she would eat while working on me. I always wanted to know what that tasted like.
Zenyatta: A burger. It seems odd. However, I have always been curious about this food that has captured the attention of many around the world.
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sansxfuckyou · 10 hours
wild to me that there are electronic music fans who are anti-furry like my guy that's like going to a burger joint and saying "man i hate americans sure am glad americans aren't making these burgers i love" or some shit like that, like do you realize that furries are the last bastions carrying this genre
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naradreamscape · 19 days
The colony is trying to claim the latest 6 dead hostages were actually killed by Hamas. I hate to be one of those "I'll believe it when I see it" guys, but I really hope nobody seriously believes anything the colony's state government says anymore
We already have tons of testimonials from ex-hostages and IOF officers alike saying that the IOF will stupidly pump artillery into any situation and wantonly kill anything that moves. We saw the IOF kill those guys with a white flag. We also have the mother of a soldier who knew the IOF killed her son's platoon with toxic gas pumped into a tunnel they were investigating for Hamas members, before later claiming Hamas actually did it. I can't seem to find any word on how these latest 6 died, but I assume we're one day going to get an autopsy claiming Hamas killed them by shooting Raytheon-produced tank projectiles through the exterior wall of the building
The settlers seem to be going "WAH WAH WHY HAVEN'T WE ERADICATED PALESTINE YET" throughout all this while they continue to steal houses in the West Bank (which is internationally recognized as sovereign Palestinian land!), let polio spread in Gaza because they keep blocking the aid gates with bouncy castles and cookouts, and play on the beach in Tel Aviv and eat fresh Burger King. I don't know why it's taking them so long to realize they live in a fascist Americanized colony masquerading as my peoples' last bastion of safety anywhere in the world ("NO WE HAVE TO LIVE HERE!! NOWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD!! RIGHT IN THIS CENTURIES-OLD HOUSE WE TOOK AT GUNPOINT! OH MY GOD WHY DO THE LOCALS HATE US SO"), but I've never seen an Israeli settler brighter than a 1.5 watt bulb, so it's probably going to take a very long time to catch up
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chaletnz · 2 months
My Birthday in Cartagena
I started my birthday off with a relaxing sleep in and then I headed off for a walk around the old city again. It was hot but not as bad as the last two days so I was able to walk all the way to the castle walls and bastion before I was overheating. My birthday brunch and coffee today was at Época which was a super nice place filled with mostly Americans talking loudly. I went for a flat white and açai bowl which was the perfect combination of hot drink and cool food. Next I went to visit Centenario Park at the recommendation of some Youtube videos I had watched before I left for my trip. Lucky I did, as the park was full of animals and I followed a crowd of people staring up to find a sloth! It was actually moving too, which is so rare because they’re usually asleep. I bought myself a corozo juice from a nearby stand (apparently it’s good for cholesterol) and sat to watch the sloth slowly working its way through the trees. My afternoon was dedicated to exploring the Getsemaní area which was full of street art and colourful buildings although it was so hot it was hard to enjoy it. I had to move from shop to shop with AC so I didn’t melt into a puddle on the footpath! Walking in the boot was also taking a toll so it was time for an iced coffee of an afternoon which was had at Juan Valdez, and was good for the national coffee chain. With about two hours until the sunset cruise, I headed back to the hostel to get ready and meet up with Mili and Ana and they decided it was faster to walk to the port than get a taxi so off we went. Almost everyone was wearing white in some form and the boat wasn’t too crowded. We arrived a little early so we found ourselves a seat and redeemed our drink tickets for lemonades, starting to feel the heat of being still but it wasn’t long before the captain took us out on the water and the breeze came through. We fought for a space to get some nice photos of each other with the upper class area of Bocagrande in the background across the water and then I bought the 3 of us a round of cocktails (less than $20), then they bought the next round for us. The music gradually got louder as the sunset approached and we were getting a bit tipsy so it was all great fun! We sat back to watch the sunset and take photos, and then once it was dark some older ladies were having a great drunken dance on the deck on the way back to port. We were all starving once we got off the boat so Mili and Ana led us to Macarena for dinner, which was conveniently right by the hostel. We ordered quickly so our food and drinks would arrive before the big group of 8 American ladies had a chance to order. I went for a burger with approximately 6 potato wedges served with ketchup and cheese for dipping, paired with a maracuya mocktail. The girls surprised me with a dessert plate that the waiter brought to me, with the whole restaurant singing happy birthday. It was a small chocolate cake slice and “Feliz cumpleaños Yesid” written in chocolate sauce. It’s the thought that counts! I really appreciated them spending my birthday with me so I picked up the tab for our dinner and drinks which surprisingly only came to about $45 in total. After dinner the girls invited me out with them to Alquimeco bar which is the 9th best bar in the world, or in Latin America or something like that. They were going to ring in Ana’s birthday by going there after midnight and it looked really fun but I was completely exhausted, my ankle was sore after doing more than 16k steps today and I didn’t think I could stay awake for two more hours until they were ready to go so I wished them a good time and never even heard them come back to the room in the wee hours!
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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The bastion of sanctuary and stalwart defender, the Rook from Chess, battles... uh... teddy? from bob burger
Rook Propaganda:
"goes zoomie castling"
"Rook go brrr"
Teddy Propaganda:
"i love goofy characters in media SO MUCH"
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vampirenoise · 2 years
the pinned post hi
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Hi! Welcome to Zee's Pizza Tower sideblog! It's where i'll post basically any pizza tower related thing i make on here from time to time whether that be art i make or stupid sprite edits or videos i guess?? I'll also reblog others Pizza Tower art onto here from time to time!! ^_^
!!anon asks are currently disabled!!
please note that while i enjoy pizza tower, i do not support the dev's old actions and i am trying my best to enjoy the game but through a critical lens!
Number 1 Vampire Noise and Grunktar enjoyer
My AU'S: Burger Bastion @burgerbastion - Citrus Mall - Clone Conundrum (the one i'm working on the most so far for some reason)
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gabriella-trn1042 · 1 year
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Playing around in this particular pool with a few folks so here's the rundown on Spider Person Gabriella:
Gabi developed her abilities from an accident at the Alchemax labs while there with her father. Her version of Miguel was killed in the accident. Gabi survived, but contact with the various tech in the lab during the accident caused her transformation.
Her preferred moniker is Spider Girl. This is partly because she was a relatively young teen when she gained her abilities.
Gabi is a Spiderman 2099 style spider person meaning she shares a lot with Miguel: fangs, talons, organic webs, red eyes, and sensitivity to light. She is also a tall girl at about 6’1” and muscular. The spider stuff likely contributed, but given Miguel was also tall, some of it could just be her normal genetics (speaking as a tall girl of almost the same height myself)
Her power set is also very similar to all Spider People, though she can only climb on walls with hands and feet (as opposed to the others who usually just sort of stick anyway they'd like) and hiding her physical differences is harder. She does heal faster than a human and can withstand more, but her healing isn't instantaneous.
She is not a vampire, but we should make all those jokes. She is venomous and capable of paralyzing someone with a bite. The venom is non-toxic beyond being a paralytic.
While all versions of Spiderman have long been a bastion of body horror and puberty metaphors, Gabi's particular brand of Spider Personhood certainly comes with those kinds of challenges including the fact that fangs and claws and venom can sure get in the way of living your best teenage life. Plus don't underestimate those predatory instincts to hunt and handle your emotions with violence.
I'm very mindful that categorizing a person of color as especially animalistic can be problematic. I am working hard to tow that line, but do know that like canon Miguel, her genetic code has been rewritten into what is essentially a predator. Baby girl may have some anger issues and instinctive drives that put her on the edge of going rogue without the right guidance. She's going to try really hard not to rip anyone's throat out, but there's a tiny part of her that wants to rip your throat out. If someone's throat needs ripping out, you should totally point in her direction.
She's definitely a hardcore carnivore (because 50% spider DNA) so if she's a little too hangry and irritable (and there are no throats to be ripped out) just toss her one of those Miguel-themed burgers from Spider HQ's cafeteria and she'll chill out.
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sillylittlegaymer · 1 year
More silly Burger Bastion doodles
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e-for-affort · 1 year
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Woe, Windzanno and Bar sprite edits be upon you
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FFXIV Write: Day 28, Vainglory
conversation between two people I rotate in my head constantly :3
post-EW setting, I guess after the Erenville Tales of the Dawn. Just G'raha and Erenville talking about weird fish.
They sat side by side on a harbour arm, legs dangling over the water. A cardboard box of the Last Stand’s finest chips between them, and a healthy dollop of sauce to dunk them in.
Conversation had been plentiful between G’raha and Erenville but a comment from the curious Gleaner about just how much wildlife he saw still bore traces of Allagan meddling had set G’raha talking excitedly about things he had learned in his studies, things the Scions had uncovered, and stuff that Frog had told him from her own expeditions to fish in the weird pools of Azys Lla to satisfy her own curiosity about Allagan horrors. Apparently she had a whole journal full of sketches that would turn most people’s stomach after some time spent up there surveying what had managed to scrape out a living in the aethereochemical pools the Allagans had left behind.
It certainly seemed that if Erenville was to spend more time with these strange people, he would seem to stumble by fate or just their sheer determination onto many weird creatures far beyond his suddenly meagre experience. And, he was learning, their lust for adventure was matched only by Allag’s ability to create abominations for them to stumble over.
“What inspired such an empire to create these things?” he asked, gazing out to sea and thinking of the creatures that might lurk within, monsters unaccounted in its depths.
G’raha stared thoughtfully at his burger, having just taken a huge bite. It took him a moment to chew and swallow, before he answered, “Hubris.”
Erenville raised an eyebrow at him, and took another chip, with a healthy scoop of sauce.
“Frog told me she saw a glimpse of Amon’s laboratory through his own eyes, and they were simply making things because they could. Because they were bored. They had a great purpose sometimes, reasons for some things, the animals we still might eat, but so much of it is simply waste for the sake of doing it.”
“How existentially grim.”
Their conversation dipped, until Erenville looked up and around at the city behind them. “How do we know we’re not –”
“It’s best not to think about that, and simply to do the work to ensure we’re not.”
“You’ve thought about this.”
“How could we not? We had been so excited to bring Frog here, and we saw our city through her eyes – saw her realise how we who had chosen to leave had done so for our reasons and our memories of Sharlayan were of happy childhoods before we understood more of the world. But after it all, I do believe our people redeemed ourselves to her. You helped the most.”
Erenville inclined his head in a modest nod, but he had a bright smile. He picked out another chip, and laughed quietly to himself. “Just as the Last Stand is the last bastion of food culture here, so the Scions were for Sharlayan as a whole.”
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