#bungou stray dogs x reader sfw
lvndrdaaze · 5 months
Hello!! Can I request Atsushi with the sfw alphabet letters A, C & W?
AAAAAA I love atsushi, ofc you can request for him! I loved writing these, sorry they took a few days ;-;
(gn!reader, SFW)
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Atsushi is a very affectionate person, both before and after you become an official couple, but he doesn't always know how best to express that affection.
Before dating, he'll bring you coffees and help with your paperwork, but then he'll start to feel insecure, as though you might find him weird for doing these things for you. So, he finds himself doing them for the rest of the office too. Soon, he's been roped into completing all of Dazai's reports (again), and he has no time left to chat with you during the day.
After you start dating, he's a little more free with his affection, bringing you small gifts and spending most of his time at work by your side, but he still gets nervous about physical affection. He so desperately wants to be able to reach for your hand or kiss your cheek the way he sees other couples do, but a tiny part of his brain insists that you'll react negatively.
It's best to go slow with him. Graze your pinkie against his as you're walking side by side and let him take the initiative from there. He'll slowly get more comfortable with taking the initiative himself over time, as long as you're patient with him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Atsushi can be a little tentative with his cuddles. He only feels comfortable getting close to you like that in private, and he doesn't know how to start cuddling you. He'll move in slowly until your shoulders are pressed together, but it takes a long time from there for him to even wrap his arm around your shoulder. But, if you cuddle into him, with your head on his shoulder and arms wrapped tight around his torso, he'll lean into it happily with a hot pink blush all over his face.
His favourite way to cuddle would actually be him cuddling into you. He loves the feeling of your arms holding him so gently, your fingers stroking through his hair as he lays on your lap. He's never been loved in the way that you make him feel he is with your tender touches, and he can't get enough of the feeling. Any time you spend in private together, he has to be touching you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Since meeting you, Atsushi feels like his world has burst into vibrant colour. He no longer sees fears and anxiety in everything he does, and instead begins to see the love all around him. This doesn't only apply to you and your treatment of him, either. Thanks to you, he notices the care that all of his coworkers hold for him, and he finds it easier to allow them to care for him. For that, he is beyond grateful for you. He has no idea what he would have been without your constant support, your gentle reminders that he is deserving of all of the nice things the world has to offer. Without you, he fears that his world would fade back into dull greys and intense anxiety.
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Feel free to request more NSFW/SFW alphabet headcanons! More info in my pinned post ^-^
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kirawaswrong · 2 years
somewhere in the haze
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summary: You made a mistake that nearly cost you your life. Now your boyfriend is pissed at you, and you're not completely sure why. Is there hope for reconciliation?
pairing: chuuya nakahara x female! reader
genre: slight angst, smut
word count: 4k+
warnings: MDNI!! starts angsty but then...., fingering, oral (fem receiving), soft dom chuu [kinda], bratty reader [a bit], aka I finally am dipping my toes into smut, also depictions of stabbing
note: I wrote smut, ya’ll!!! But being me, there is a story too. Dealing with big emotions and all that jazz. I hope you enjoy!
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Getting ready for work wasn’t usually an arduous affair. You had it down to a routine, and even made an event of it. While cooking breakfast, you were a celebrity chef. When taking a shower, you’d give the concert of a lifetime. But today, nothing was making it easier. It was your first day back in over a month. It should have been a cause for celebration. But you were in a fight with your boyfriend. 
The previous night's events played on repeat in your head while you put your clothes on.  You brushed your teeth, and all you could think of was Chuuya's furrowed brow.  The fight made you see the past month in a new light. You felt stupid for not realizing his feelings sooner.
You were working on a solo assignment. It was pretty standard, and in fact, one you’d done several times before. It was security for a jewelry store. The store turned a blind eye to the Port Mafia's illegal jewelry ring. In return, sometimes they'd request a member come by and watch over the place.  
It was late at night. It seemed like a rare uneventful day was about to pass by. But then a tall, slender man tried to enter the store after hours. You knew you could take him, so you chased him to the roof. Before he could turn, you socked him in the back of the head. He fell immediately, out cold. 
You were sure you’d incapacitated him enough to call for someone to assist you in disposing of him. As soon as your back was to him, an arm wrapped around your throat. Pain shocked your lower abdomen; he'd stabbed you. He called you a dumb bitch before removing the knife and throwing you to the ground. 
With a shaky hand, you reached for your phone. The warm ooze of your blood made it too difficult to maneuver it to call for help. Your wound went from feverish to frigid, and the edges of the world got a lot fuzzier. As you faded, you thought of the hardships you’d faced and how you finally felt like you belonged somewhere. And now you were gonna die on top of a shitty building. 
Your last thoughts were of Chuuya, and how you hoped he wouldn’t have to see your corpse.  Then, everything went black. 
But the Port Mafia had your back. You awoke with a sharp ache in your stomach and a heaviness in your head. Before even blinking your eyes open, you knew you were in the organization’s medical wing. 
“You’re awake.”
The voice that spoke was one you knew well but never failed to slice a shiver down your spine.
You forced your eyes open. Mori Ougai stood like a shadow by your bed. His hands clasped behind his back. He held an almost bored expression as if your stabbing was a mild inconvenience to him. 
“Hi boss,” you said. You tried to sit up to formally address him but hissed in pain. 
“Refrain from unnecessary movements for the time being,” He said. “The blade nicked your appendix, so I took the liberty of removing it for you.”
Wow, a surprise appendectomy. How thoughtful. 
“We’d received no communication from you in some time,” Mori said. “So it was clear you were in danger. If you’d lost one more liter of blood, you would be dead. That’s why I started a transfusion.”
You looked down to see an IV in your inner right arm. Blood came from a bag, and you knew better than to question its origins. 
This wasn’t the first time you’d woken up in the medical wing, nor would it be the last. But usually, someone else was at your bedside.
“So,” you said, “Where is-?”
“Chuuya will be here shortly,” Mori interrupted. “He wasn’t notified until it was certain whether you would live or die.”
You weren’t surprised. If Chuuya knew the extent of your injuries, he’d tear the world apart to be there. From Mori’s perspective,  wherever Chuuya was had more importance than being with you. 
“For now, continue to rest,” Mori smiled in a way that was supposed to offer comfort. “If there are no complications, you can go home tomorrow.”
“What about work?” You blurted out.
“We’ll discuss the matter later.”
Mori administered more pain medication and left the room. Before you could think about much else, the drugs knocked you into a hazy sleep. At some point, you swore you heard muffled voices outside the room. Your eyes were too heavy to open, but you felt a warm gloved hand holding your own. You slept deeper after that.
The next day, you went home. Naturally, Chuuya took you to his place. Resting was imperative to your recovery, and you had trouble with that sometimes. 
Once at the penthouse, Chuuya set you up in the guestroom. When you weren’t recovering from a knife wound and impromptu surgery, you were used to sleeping with him in his bed. You thought that he was afraid of impeding the healing process. 
Once you were comfortable in the bed, he told you to stay put. 
“If you don’t,” he said, “I’ll use my ability on you.”
His crooked smile and delivery of the threat told you it was a joke. But there wasn’t much joy behind his eyes. You made a noise somewhere between a laugh and a cough. 
That set the tone for your stay. You weren’t completely oblivious. Something was wrong with Chuuya. He went through the motions of aiding in your recovery. He helped you bathe, changed your dressings, and made sure you took your medicine. But the other times Chuuya rehabilitated you, he’d be smirking and telling jokes. When you worried, he'd give you soft kisses. This time, he was more…sterile. 
You told yourself that it was because of how close to death you were this time. And in a way, you were right. 
A week later, you had a partial return to work. Though your wound had superficially healed, internal damage was still possible. So you were stuck doing nothing but paperwork. You fucking hated it. Everyone at the Port Mafia had to deal with papers, but not hour after hour, day after day. You felt like a glorified secretary. You were eager to go on missions again. 
When you shared those thoughts with Chuuya, you received a slight nod and silence. It was odd, as your perseverance and enthusiasm were what had attracted him to you in the first place. 
A few weeks later, Mori told you that you would be able to return to full-time duties the following day. Though it was exciting, you felt deflated. Chuuya had been so distant, you didn’t want to tell him. He was an executive, so the odds were he already knew. 
That night after dinner, he confirmed your suspicions.  At the table, you nonchalantly said you were nervous and excited to leave paperwork duty. Chuuya’s expression darkened, and he sighed. You decided it was time to rip off the bandaid. 
“That was a pretty heavy sigh.” 
He said nothing.
“What’s up?”
“I don’t think you should go back yet,” he said. 
It was your turn to sigh. “Look, babe. I know it was a pretty serious injury, but I’ll be fine.”
“It’s not about that. I think we should go over training again.”
“Chuuya, I’ve been in the mafia for almost a year now,” you said. “Training ended a long time ago.”
“Well, maybe you need a refresher course,” he said in a venom-soaked tone.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Everyone knew Chuuya was an explosively angry man. His yelling was nothing to scoff at, but it wasn’t out of the ordinary. What most people didn’t know was how terrifying it was when he was quiet. 
“I never thought you would be so reckless. Turning your back on an opponent while on a solo mission. Didn’t even call for backup or anything.”
You felt like a stone sank into your stomach. The other shoe dropped. He was…angry at you. 
“I tried,” you sputtered. “But the blood was coming out, and I-”
“You should have called for someone as soon as you saw the guy.”
“He was a beanpole,” you said. “I thought I could take him!”
“He might not have been alone. What would you have done then?” 
You were at a loss for words. “I just…I-”
“You got cocky,” Chuuya finished. “Which is exactly what I’ve warned you against since day one, haven’t I? Don’t get a big head, and never turn your back on anyone. Especially if you’re alone!”
“So, what, am I the only person who’s ever made a mistake?” You spat back.
“You can’t afford to make mistakes like that,” his voice rose. “You make those mistakes, you die!”
“You think I don’t know that?” You exclaimed. “That’s all I could think about on the roof!”
“Good,” Chuuya said. “Hold onto that feeling. Next time you’re on a mission, you can think of it. Then you'll remember to cover your ass and you won't pull something like that again.”
A tense silence hung over the room. You were both heated and so angry. You knew better than to say anything. Having the last word would be a petty thing to worry about. 
But anger made you a petty person.
“Fine,” you said. “I will remember that feeling. When I go out on the field tomorrow.”
Chuuya scoffed. “I don’t want you to go back out yet!”
“So sorry, Mr. Nakahara,” your voice dripped with sardonic respect. “I know I made you and the rest of the higher-ups look bad, but I have to get back to doing my job.”
You got up from the table and began to storm from the kitchen. Two steps later, Chuuya’s hand wrapped around your forearm. 
“We’re not done talking.”
“I am,” you said.
He turned you around to face him. Anger still filled his eyes, but his jaw wasn’t quite as clenched. 
“You can’t just run away from this,” he said. His voice softened to the slightest degree. “I’m not saying this as your superior. As someone who cares about you, I don’t know if you’re ready to go back out there yet. Is that so hard to understand?”
You wanted to agree with him. Fall into his arms, and put the whole mess of a fight behind you. But pride was something you shared with Chuuya. 
“I’m going in tomorrow,” you said. “And you won’t stop me.”
After a moment, he let your arm go. 
You packed your things and came into the living room with a suitcase. Without a word, Chuuya helped you put everything in his car. Neither of you spoke on the drive. The silence was relentless in the parking lot. When you left the car, he finally spoke.
“Be careful.”
You gave a nod and headed into your building. 
Which led to your first day back. A day that should have been celebratory, but was now marred with grey. 
Besides a few passing remarks from colleagues, no one made a big deal about your recovery or return. It was the mafia. People pulled through from worse injuries all the time. 
You had no solo assignments that day, which you were thankful for. Not because of fear, but because it was easier to shut your mind off and focus.  You did keep your word and were very careful. 
During downtime, the argument swirled around in your head. Chuuya trusted you. He knew that you were well-trained. Why would he say you weren’t ready to go out on your own anymore? 
The end of the day came. When you got to your car, he leaned against it with his arms crossed.
You weren’t sure if you felt relieved or annoyed. 
“Can we talk?”
You sighed. “Yeah.”
He slid into the passenger’s seat with you in the driver’s. 
For a moment, he said nothing. Both of you stared forward.  You were starting to wonder why the two of you had so many tense silences in cars.
“So,” you said. “You wanted to talk.”
“You didn’t get hurt today,” he said. 
“No, I didn’t.” 
Another silence. 
“Look, Chuuya-”
“I didn’t mean what I said.”
You turned to him. “Okay?”
“You’re good at your job,” he said, turning to you. “I’d be an idiot not to know that.”
“Then why did you make me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing?” You asked. 
He sighed, leaning his head back on the seat. “Babe…You almost died.”
“Yeah, I know that, but–”
“No, you almost died. It scared the hell out of me.”
You didn’t know what to say. 
“I know anyone could fuck up and wind up dead,” he continued. “But you’re not just anyone.”
His eyes were on you. He reached over the console to hold one of your hands in both of his. 
“I don’t wanna lose you.”
Your resolve melted like a puddle. “Why didn’t you just say this like a month ago?”
He chuckled without humor. “I was afraid I’d blow up at ya.”
“Thank god that didn’t happen,” you deadpanned.
“I am sorry,” he said. “Look, either of us could die any day.”
“Is this supposed to make me feel better?”
“It’s the truth,” he said, squeezing your hand. “But I need you to do everything you can to keep yourself alive.”
His eyes shone with sincerity, and your lingering anger evaporated.
“Only if you promise to do the same,” you said. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
He pulled you across the console and held you against his chest. You embraced each other for what seemed like an eternity before he broke the silence.
“Wanna come to my place tonight?”
With the fight resolved and put behind you, it was easy to return to the domesticity you’d both grown accustomed to. Chuuya ordered takeout from one of your favorite restaurants. Throughout the meal, his eyes couldn't stay off of you. 
After dinner, you sat on the couch together, barely watching an old sitcom rerun. Your back was against his torso, and his arms wrapped around your waist. You chattered on about your first day back. 
“...And then Higuchi kept trying to get Akutagawa’s attention even though I’ve told her a thousand times that he–Chuuya!”
He’d leaned forward to kiss the side of your neck. 
“Go ahead,” He murmured against your delicate skin. “I’m listening.”
You made an earnest attempt of continuing your story. Chuuya thwarted it by nibbling and sucking below your ear.
“Y-you’re distracting me,” you fought the urge to moan.
“Am I?” He chuckled. 
You gasped as his hands crept down to your thighs, gently pulling them further apart. His dick began to harden against your back.
“I’ve just been thinking, baby,” he murmured. “Between your injury and our fight, there’s a lot of things we haven’t been able to do in a while. Wanna start doing them again tonight?”
You answered with a breathless whimper and he kneaded his fingers on your thighs. His touches crept closer to the heat pooling between your legs.
But then, he stopped his movements and rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Only if you want to,” he said. “No pressure, okay?”
You turned your head to smooch his cheek.
“I do want to,” you breathed.  “I really want to.”
In previous instances of lovemaking, Chuuya could be a bit rough. This benefitted both of you. It helped him work out some of his aggression. And for you? Well, you found it hot.
But tonight, he placed you gently in the middle of the bed. His eyes remained locked with yours as he removed his waistcoat and pants. He joined you on the soft sheets, framing one of your thighs with both of his. He tangled a gloved hand in your hair and then leaned down to kiss you. His lips pressed onto your lips, your heart thunked against your ribs. Warmth bloomed from your chest and spread throughout your entire body. You wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer. Chuuya rubbed his knee against the heat between your legs, causing you to moan into his mouth. 
He broke the kiss, a smirk across his lips. 
“You okay?” He asked, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“Yeah,” you gasped. His knee still rested squarely against your crotch. “I’m very much okay.”
He chuckled. “Tell me if that changes, got it?”
You nodded. Before you could verbally respond, he moved his thumb from your cheek to your lips.
“Would you take this off for me, sweetheart?”
You opened your mouth and gingerly bit the tip of the glove. He pulled his hand back, releasing it from the leather. 
He took the glove from you, planting a quick kiss on your lips. 
“Thank you.”
“No problem,” you responded, trying to pretend your face wasn’t burning hot. 
His next target was your collarbone. You’d have hickeys by morning with the way he sucked and scraped his teeth against the soft expanse of skin. He untucked your shirt, slipping his hand underneath and up your torso. Your nipples responded to his touch from beneath the fabric of your bra.  
“We gotta level the playing field, babe,” he playfully admonished against your neck.
“I’m practically naked,” he said. “And here you are, still fully clothed. Doesn’t seem fair.”
You snorted. Chuuya wore so many layers of clothing that being in a dress shirt and boxers really was close to nudity for him. 
“I see your point,” you said. 
You pushed him off, sitting up and pulling your shirt over your head. A smug grin played on your lips when you saw the way he looked at you. Even in your everyday bra, he still made it seem like you wore the most mouthwatering lingerie he’d seen in his life.
“Better?” You asked.
He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close and kissing you again.
“Almost,” he murmured against your lips. 
And with one hand, he unclasped your bra. 
“Chuuya!” You laughed out a reprimand. The impressiveness of the act outweighed any embarrassment. Still, you held the garment against your chest. 
“I’d hardly call this an even playing field,” you said. 
“Semantics,” he scoffed, waving a hand. “Now, get your fuckin’ arms outta the way, would ya?”
You playfully rolled your eyes but did as he said, and removed the bra completely. 
He laid you back on the bed, hovering over you. Mindfully keeping his weight off of you, he grasped your breasts. His mouth found your right nipple, sucking on it hard while his gloved hand played with the left.
With a moan, your head rolled back onto the pillow. When he switched to the left nipple, you raised up to look at him. He'd closed his eyes, and he seemed to be at peace with everything in the world. 
“Enjoying yourself, Chuu?” You teased. 
His eyes shot open, and his face rivaled his hair in redness. 
“Yeah,” he said after dislodging from your breast. “And I bet I’m not the only one.”
His bare hand traced down your torso and into your pants. He traced a finger against your panties, feeling the soaked-through fabric.
“You’re pretty wet,” he said. “Want me to do something about it?”
“Uh-huh,” you gasped.
“Aw, where’d that smart mouth of yours go, babe?” 
You narrowed your eyes, saying nothing.
He chuckled but relented by pushing your panties aside. He slid his finger down your slit before plunging two fingers inside. The fingers crooked inside you in the most delicious way. 
“Now, tell me,” he said, continuing to work you from the inside. “Is there anything else you want me to do to you?”
“Y-yes,” you stammered. 
“And, uh,” he stroked your shoulder with a gloved finger. “What exactly would that be?”
You fought to form a sentence. “I think you already know.”
He smirked, looking at you from beneath his lashes. “Yeah, I have a pretty good idea. But I wanna hear you say it.”
“Chuuya,” you whined. “Please.”
“C’mon, pretty girl. Use your words. I’ll take good care of ya if you do.”
The way he was using his damn words–and his fingers–was driving you crazy.
You drew in a shaky breath and looked straight into his eyes.
“I want you to make me cum on your tongue.”
His smirk intensified and placed a kiss on your cheek. 
“Good girl. Now, was that so hard?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said. “Quit teasing and put your mouth to better use.”
“Hey now,” his tone playfully darkened. He withdrew his fingers from your core and lewdly sucked them dry. “Don’t forget who’s in charge here.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sorry, Chu.”
He muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “brat” and sat back on his heels. He removed his other glove, tossing it aside. He peeled off your pants and discarded your underwear. 
Your eyes lingered on the ceiling while his gaze raked over your nude body. The intensity of his eyes tracing over every inch of you was something you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to. His thumb smoothed over the raised skin of the new scar that brandished the skin above your right hip. 
“Look at me,” he said.
He rewarded you with a lovestruck smile when you did what he said. 
“You’re fuckin’ beautiful, y’know?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend’s mentioned it from time to time,” you giggled. 
“I’ll tell ya every day if I have to.”
He put a pillow beneath your hips to elevate you and then began to settle himself between your legs. He tossed his hair over his shoulder to get it out of his way. His arms wrapped around your legs, and his hands pressed into the soft flesh. He pressed kisses to your inner thigh, inching closer to where you desperately wanted him. 
His face was mere centimeters from your center. His blue eyes locked onto your face. He ran his tongue over his top lip.
And then he kissed the other thigh.
“Chuu, come on!” You whined. “You’ve kept me waiting long enough.”
He tsked under his breath. “Be patient.”
“I have been,” you argued.
“You’re gonna get what you want,” he reasoned. “I promised you that, didn’t I?”
You sighed, leaning your head back against the pillow. 
“Yeah, you did,” You grumbled. “But I thought, you know, it’d be some time tonight and wouldn’t take forever-oh!”
In your exasperation, you failed to notice the devilish look on Chuuya’s face as he dove in to lick your slit firmly. He ended it with a flick to your clit with the tip of his tongue. 
When you returned your gaze to him, the sight was almost too much to bare. His eyes danced with gloating. Your thighs framed his handsome face.
The admiration turned into more ecstasy as he continued. 
He gave you another unyielding lick and then began to suck on your clit. You moaned shamelessly, burying your hands in his hair. When you tugged at his roots, his groan reverberated into you in the most wonderful way. Spurred on, he shoved two fingers back inside of you.
It was clear you wouldn’t last long. His tongue curled around your clit now, with the tips of his fingers crooking against you from the inside. Your eyes slammed shut and your mouth gaped open. Sparks flew in the darkness of your vision. And before long, you came while crying his name.
His mouth continued to work you through it. On the onset of overstimulation, you whined and pulled his hair harder. 
Chuuya pulled away with a lopsided grin. “Tapping out already?”
Too dazed to shoot a quip at him, you nodded with a grin of your own.
He released your legs, paused to gently kiss your scar, and made his way up your body. His lips met yours again, and you could taste yourself on his tongue. 
“I’ve missed you,” he said, resting his forehead against yours. “Missed this too.”
“Same here,” you murmured. 
Though the moment was tender, your heart was still racing. Reuniting with Chuuya made you feel so relieved. And he made you feel safe, loved, and taken care of. 
But you couldn’t help but notice how hard his dick was against your thigh.
Your hand reached down and palmed the outside of his boxers, earning a stuttering gasp from him.
“Now we gotta take care of you.”
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ilovechuuy4 · 17 days
I had this scenario in my head where we take care of [insert character] after a long hard and stressful day at work and then we take care of them. Like here are a few examples; Taking a nice hot bath together, extra cuddling with them while watching a movie or anything else you can think of! I was wondering if you can write that about Akutagawa? Just a thought I had in mind!! Also if you can, can you make it male reader?
Take your time!
—🧛 anon
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ Recurring Visions of Such Sweet Days♡
Akutagawa x m!reader
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A/n; SO SO SORRY I HADN'T GOTTEN TO THIS REQUEST SOONER!! HRU ANON? I wasn't sure if you wanted aku and reader to be in a relationship so I just presumed it to be a relationship! Hope you enjoy>w<
Pampering baths
As of for a while, your boyfriend had been walking through the door of your shared apartment late. Recently, he's been sent off on tiring missions that's always led to him coming straight home and passing out on the couch. You stood, leaned against the bar in the kitchen, eyes fixated on the door that was sure to open soon. A smile spread across your lips as you listened to the soft jiggling of the door knob before watching it slowly open. Your e/c eyes rests on the tired, slumped figure in the door way hand over his mouth, thick painful coughs coming from within his throat as he walked over to the kitchen, taking his shoes off while walking.
As he entered the kitchen, his head came down, resting against your shoulder as his sleeved arms wrapped tightly around your waist. "Mhmp." He groaned quietly, his hand slipping down to rub your hip bone slowly between his fingers. "Do you want to go take a quick bath? You don't smell the prettiest." You teased lightly causing the black haired man to groan once more. "I'll go set the water." You said as you turned around pressing a soft kiss directly under the others closed eyes.
A frown formed on your lovers face as he watched you walk away but he almost immediately followed behind like a lost puppy. He never enjoyed being disrobed of his clothing, it made him felt vulnerable, he didn't have his ability if he took off his coat. But with you, there was a sense of safety, he trusted you. You bend down, turning on the faucet as you watched the depth of the bathtub fill with steamy water. Shivers run up your spine as you felt Akutagawa's slim fingers slip under your shirt, rubbing your spine.
"The water looks really hot." He murmurs, slipping his coat off his shoulders before setting it on the bathroom counter. You skitter over to him, fingers reaching for the buttons of his white shirt before unbuttoning them, working your way down. A smile spread across his pale face as he looked down at his boyfriend that he loved dearly. "Okay, there you go." You hummed, pulling away before disrobing yourself from your clothing. You couldn't help but grin as you saw the rose tint that painted the others face.
"Cmon, let's get it." You hummed, taking Akutagawa's hand pulling him near the bathtub. The two of you slowly step in, your legs straddling his lap, bodies flush together. Your hand going up the cup his pale face, thumb rubbing his jaw line soothingly. "You're so pale." You cooed, grabbing the shampoo and lathering it between your hands. Your soapy fingers thread through Akutagawa's hair, cleaning it from all the sweat and any stink that lingered. You nails scrubbing in the shampoo thoroughly.
"Mhm, that feels nice." He said with a satisfied hum, allowing you to wash his hair, he hated how you pampered him and he never had the time to pamper you, but as long as he could love you that's all he cared for. His hands gently rest under the water, on your hips as you wash out the shampoo from his short, black and dirty white hair, sure not to get any in his dark eyes that looked into your own so lovingly. He smiled down at you, slowly pressing a kiss to your jaw line as he follows your hands as you grab the conditioner. "Last thing before we get out, mkay?" You said softly squirting a small around into the palm of your hand.
You quickly condition, making sure to let it set so it could soak into your boyfriend's hair. Meanwhile, while it was soaking you had your head rested on Akutagawa's chest, humming softly. His hand on your back as he looks at the one he knows he didn't deserve, but he loved you as much as he could, as your boyfriend. "Okay I think it set enough, Hun." Akutagawa whispered in your ear making you sit up with a nod, taking a cup of water and slowly washing away the conditioner. "All done! Cmon let's get all cozy and warm now." You say, a playful tone underlying your words.
Yall slowly shift around, the water sloshing around before standing up, stepping on the bath mat before helping your boyfriend out. His slender body trembling from the cool air that drifter throughout the apartment. "It's cold." The black haired man murmured, covering his mouth to let out a cough before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's bare waist. You hum contently, slowly wrapping a towel around the both of you.
"All better, yea?" You said, your fingers running through Akutagawa's hair as he pulls you closer, pressing his lips to yours, fingers rubbing your ribs before pulling away. "Yea, it's better. I love you," he murmurs with a soft sigh, his words continuing. "You do so much for me, I really appreciate it, my sweet."
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sleep-0-deprived · 2 months
Male yosano comfort male reader after being rejected from his family after coming out
Male Yosano x male S/O reader coming out to family ~
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Imagine having a religious/homiphobic family, them not knowing you’re dating a man not knowing anything about you and Yosano they think of you as “roommates” or “bestfriends” never actually knowing you two to be lovers until one day when visiting you manage to muster up enough courage to tell them your sexuality and about you and Yosano. You were tired of hiding the relationship and you no longer lived with them you thought this the best time to tell them!
Imagine coming out to you parents, telling them your sexuality, telling them you’re dating a man (Yosano) in which anger engulfs them and hurtful words pre said, bringing in their religion calling you “sinful” in your thoughts not bothering to hear you out just telling you to leave.
Imagine going back to yours and Yosano’s shared apartment in tears bordering a breakdown on the verge of hysterics when you open the front door, him running to you hugging you asking what’s wrong as he rubs your back closing the front door pulling you to the couch to find out what happen while he stares in full blown worry.
Imagine Yosano holding you murmuring sweet words in your ears inside he’s plotting the death of your family for hurting you, but his plots will have to wait since you’re currently his top priority, cooking your favorite comfort food holding you in bed keeping you close being the one to push away all of your self hatred and hurt in the moment by kissing you on the male of your neck murmuring “it’s not your fault sweetheart” as he cradles you in bed.
Imagine having to convince Yosano not to hurt your family, him being absolute feral after you calm down and explain everything to him, pleading with him to “let it go” but he feels all enraged about their reaction despite knowing it would happen he hates when they hurt you.
Imagine Yosano texting you all worried while he’s at the ADA since you insisted you’d be “ok” after the night was over, every hour or so you getting check ins and little emojis to help cheer you up and try and make you feel better.
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alwaysthefool · 4 months
Minds (fake dating Chuuya)
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Warnings: Toxic ex mention, abusive family situation, reader is rich-ish (ik ik, just pretend), mafia activities mention, public humiliation but in a traumatising way okay not a spicy way, based on true events so reactions are anxious and personal-ish, weird grammar, cringed when writing this I’m ngl lol
Tags: Long, Fluff, dramatic, kinda angst to fluff, comfort, slow burn
The club you were in was mostly used by the Port Mafia for entertaining rich people’s voyeurism, certain business dealings, and getting high off drugs or abilities most would never even hear of. One could only enter with an invitation but your reputation preceded you, and even the bouncers knew to let you through, even past the VIP section as they whispered something into their mics.
The environment was stifling and disgusting, with people having public threesomes on sofas despite there being several rooms, the lights flashing too fast, and music that gave you a headache. How people could tolerate being there was beyond you, but the freedom they enjoyed was something you craved. You took a deep breath and tried to look for the executive, cringing when you’d spot someone’s ‘regions’ on accident, hoping his bright ginger hair would make the ordeal faster, sticking out like an angel. Finally, after some traumatising sights, you saw him in a booth drinking alone, talking to somebody in his earpiece. As you approached him, the music faded and you could hear what he was saying “…didn’t know about that.”
He met your eyes when you stood right in front of him, arms crossed with an unimpressed expression. “Right. Found them.” He took off his earpiece, and smiled at you.
“This is a rare sight.” He smiled as you sat down across him. Surprisingly, he had a good taste in whiskey, and judging from the bottle, he was completely sober too, which was a relief considering your plan.
“I have a proposition.” You placed the contract on the table, his gloved hands giving it a look, laughing almost immediately.
“Someone put you up to this as a prank?”
You sighed. You were prepared for this as someone from a rich family asking to get in a fake dating situation with a criminal. You spent weeks researching who to choose, terms and boundaries, and how it could be turned into a fair deal for you both. You met his eyes that bore into yours as he took the first sip of his whiskey. “You need my reputation, and I need your protection.” You spoke, both of you not breaking eye contact.
“Hm.” He finally looked away as he put down the glass, looking back at you almost immediately. “Is reputation all I’ll get out of this?”
You or your family didn’t have nearly as much money as he did, but were well known and respected in both the underworld and overworld as a dying but established elite business that sold handmade cigars. Unfortunately for you, the falling stocks meant you had to get married to your now ex, a horrible human with whom you’d spent every waking moment wishing to die. Any refusal would mean getting kidnapped and forced through their contacts at the port, as your grandfather was good friends with the previous boss. But what better way to avoid that possibility than by dating the very executive of that mafia?
“You get access to all my connections.” You tried not letting your desperation show, looking away from his eyes. “And um, if you’d like, you can get my shares at the company.”
Chuuya laughed at that. “Well, it’s a fine deal.” He added after some thought. “And I do need a date to the investor’s event.”
Investor’s event… the one he will be at.
You didn’t know when Chuuya gestured to the waiter, but a glass was put in front of you, Chuuya pouring in that expensive whiskey. You weren’t in the mood to drink, but he toasted to the agreement, signing the papers you handed to him. “Uh, sure.” You shut your eyes tight and took a sip, wincing at how strong it was. Chuuya let out a chuckle. You smiled back. Maybe this agreement wouldn’t be as intolerable as you thought it would be.
The next day, you met him at a high end restaurant filled with both mafia and your family’s business associates, trying to ‘officially’ announce your relationship. Eyes fell on you, fingers typing away on keyboards, as you hugged Chuuya, taking a seat next to him. You knew there’d be more perceptive eyes so Chuuya’s hand played with yours while talking, smile and eye contact unwavering.
“Well, ‘babe’, what should we order?” He spoke a little louder to make sure people heard. You drowned out their whispers with your own voice “Whatever you decide.”
Your acting was abhorrent compared to his, which could’ve won him an academy award in his debut film. You gulped, a little stressed people would figure out, glancing away, until he held your hand tight, making you look back at him. “Relax.” He whispered. “Don’t look at them, look at me.”
You nodded, as the waiter, most likely another informant came to take your order. “Your best wine, and… is the steak good with you, love?”
“I’ll just have the Greek salad.” Both your bank account and your nerves wouldn’t allow you to have a steak, as the stress reflected in your body.
“Doll, a salad?” Chuuya frowned. He seemed genuinely concerned, probably seeing the pallor in your face.
“I’m not well.” You faked a weak voice. “Probably because of last night…”
Chuuya seemed to have choked on air, coughing. The waiter too, cleared his throat, excusing himself and hurrying back a little too fast.
“You think they’re gossiping about that in the kitchen?” You joked, taking a sip of water. You knew Chuuya definitely didn’t expect that, as he laughed into his fist. “You’re really something, huh?”
After a while, however, Chuuya’s concern returned. “Why didn’t you order something nice? You know it’s on me, right?”
“I’ll return you the money when I get home.”
The waiter returned with the wine, pouring it as Chuuya kept his eyes on you, his chin resting on his hand supported by his leaning elbow. You both thanked the waiter and it did not go unnoticed by him how Chuuya simply couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He’s one hell of an actor, you thought as his eyes finally darted when the waiter left.
“When we get home.” He corrected you. “And don’t you undermine my chivalry with that. All meals and drinks are on me. Always.”
‘Always’ You hoped Chuuya couldn’t see the red creeping up on your face as you tried covering up by downing the wine glass whole, resisting the urge to throw up there and then.
Before Chuuya could say anything, you started to ‘panic-change the topic’ again. “Chivalry? Could you get any more cheesier?” You didn’t look at him as you realised your attempt at humour came out as a bit rude, refilling the wine glass again. But being as cool as he was, he joked it off “Absolutely, sugar. You just haven’t given me the chance yet.”
You shut your eyes downing the glass again, trying to ignore your tugging heart and worsening nerves. No, you told yourself you could not flirt with the guy you were fake dating. This was a strictly professional relationship.
Chuuya laughed again, seeming to enjoy the sight of you drinking one of the most expensive wines in the city like it was water. You hoped he didn’t realise how nervous he made you, but seeing how he toned down the flirting, he probably did. Having feelings, how embarrassing…
The rest of the day went perfect, as he drove you to your hotel, staying till you walked in, texting if you were alright from all the drinking and you realised he hadn’t taken a sip of the wine he ordered. You decided against your better judgment, strings on your heart pulling your fingers to text him.
‘Just realised you didn’t drink’
His text back came almost immediately.
‘Wanted to drive responsibly lol’
You smiled, laying down on your stomach, feet kicking in the air, as you propped yourself up on your elbows, already engrossed in the conversation.
‘Is texting and driving responsible?’
This time, his reply took a little longer.
‘Alright, you got me. I just wanted to drive you.’
Your face was red, from texts alone. Why was he like that? You knew better than to trust sweet words, and yet you couldn’t help enjoying that taste.
‘If you keep talking this way, I’ll think you’re really falling for me.’
You knew you were going too far, but you couldn’t help it. Your hands held more confidence than your lips ever did. Chuuya left your message on read and you couldn’t blame him. How was one supposed to reply to that anyway?
The next time you’d meet would be at the investor’s meet the day after, and Chuuya told you you two didn’t have to go since your ex would be there, but you knew him being there meant you had to go. You’d show them you were with Chuuya, and everyone would leave you alone. The more you thought about it, the more you realised Chuuya did not have as much to gain from it as you did, so you vowed to yourself to reimburse him somehow, someday, but for now you had to shamelessly take his help.
Besides, the arrangement would be over after that anyway, and you wouldn’t speak to one another, a fact that made your heart sink but you’d move on as usual, just another relation to lose.
You put on your most expensive clothes, your best perfume, and as you put on your stainless shoes, you heard a knock on your hotel door. “Come in!”
Chuuya walked in with a bouquet, dressed in an Italian leather coat, and a custom tailored suit from some French brand you couldn’t even pronounce the name of. He set the bouquet down, and kneeled in front of you, helping you put on your shoes. “You look gorgeous, doll face.”
“You look like my 8th grade mafia fantasies.”
Chuuya chuckled, still on his knees in front of you. “You’re getting better at fake dating talk.”
“Learned from the best.” You smiled, getting up and offering Chuuya a hand, which he took graciously, but his hand creeped up to take off your jacket. You looked at him confused and red from the feeling of his gentle arms pulling at you. “Oh you know, so I can give you my jacket later on.”
You nodded with an ‘oh’, he was truly very good at things like that. “Do you watch a lot of rom coms?” You asked, as you two walked to his car.
“Nah, just have a lot of experience.”
“With real dating, or fake dating?”
“With watching people get fooled.”
That was something you had experience with too, the world of business and crime being full of tricks and deceit. “Same. I’ve never seen real love. Everything’s just so transactional.”
Chuuya opened the door for you, closing it for you too after you sat, your eyes unable to leave him as he walked over to the driver seat.
“This may be ironic, but,” He looked over at you. “You’re the most sincere person I’ve met lately.”
You smiled back at him, “Yeah, you too.”
The rest of the ride was silent but tense, worries about your family and ex overcoming you. Chuuya, the master of making your heart want to explode, made things even worse by placing his hand on your thigh as an effort to calm you down. You felt like you were holding your breath, relief held back until his hand slithered back to the steering wheel, when you finally reached the hall, the whole building lit up, carpet on the path inside, security guards and valets busy in their work. The sort of environment you hated and associated with forced silence and stifled words that brought shame to your family.
Chuuya had already opened your door, teasing you with his sweet words as you zoned out. “You not only look like a dream, but act like you’re in one too.”
You apologised, grabbing his hand a little tighter than you should have and walking out as he handed over his keys to the valet. Chuuya didn’t seem to mind your tight grip, stroking your hand with his thumb, whispering his usual sweet words, that of course made your nerves worse. Him holding you closer and tighter as you walked in the hall of polished faces, fancy scents, and minds so different from yours.
Everything felt wrong. Everything was wrong, the feeling something bad was about to happen creeping all over you. Once you two were sure your ex hadn’t arrived, Chuuya left you in a relatively quiet corner to get you a drink to calm your nerves.
And as if waiting for it, akin to snakes, they chose to attack when you had no one beside you.
“There you are!” Your ex smiled at you, immediately grabbing your arm. Of course this was happening.
“Go away. I’m with Chuuya now.”
“Of course you’re not.” He replied back. “Why would someone like him date someone like you?”
But he continued. “I mean, have you looked at your face?” You did not want to cry but tears fell out of your eyes almost immediately, begging him to stop. “I mean, you’re not even enough for me, let alone-“
“They are mountains above you.” That hand was pushed off your arm, Chuuya’s hand holding your again, fingers intertwined. The drinks he brought for you and him were spilled on the floor, and soon, so was your ex, bleeding from his head.
The good side of you wanted to call the ambulance as guests scrambled away, someone even screaming, making you laugh a little. “Thanks, man.” You smiled through the stream of tears that stopped as abruptly as it started.
Chuuya wiped the remnants of them off your cheek with his gloved hand. “You wanna get out of this mess?”
“It’s fine.” You smiled, taking in a deep breath. It hurt, and your ex was right, you weren’t enough for anyone, let alone someone like Chuuya, but you were worthy of friendship and the kindness Chuuya showed you. “I’ll find my way out.”
Chuuya looked at you, his head tilted slightly to get a better look at you. “And can’t that way be with me?”
You frowned, wishing he wouldn’t speak those sweet words. “We don’t have to pretend anym-“
“But I stopped pretending a long time ago.” Chuuya took off his hat, setting it near his chest, bringing your hand that he had interlocked with his own close to his lips. Looking back at his actions, when he texted you sweetly, comforted you, bought you a bouquet, he really meant it.
“But you gain nothing from it…” You muttered, realising the hall was almost clear. Chuuya took you away from the stench of blood mixed with wine, and to the sofa in the center of the room.
“Does every relation need to be about gain or lose? I just like you.”
“I like you too.” You replied almost too quick, before your thoughts could stop you. You didn’t care at that moment if it was part of some plot, and you’d be betrayed somehow, but focused on everything he did for you. Whatever the case, Chuuya defended your self respect, saved you from pain and humiliation, and that was all that mattered. Both Chuuya and you loved like stray dogs, loyal to whoever showed you any kindness and love, persistent yet proud and unwilling to sacrifice your pride.
“Then how about we go to my place?” Chuuya offered.
“Yeah. I’d like that very much”
Finished at 2am T-T
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exquisitesimp · 1 year
Comforting Akutagawa during a mental breakdown
A/N: Hello to everyone reading this! I’m back at it again with Bungo Stray Dogs, more particularly the Port Mafia. In this story, the reader (F) is giving comfort and affection to her emotionally damaged boyfriend Akutagawa, after an unfortunate encounter with his old mentor figure (aku was my first love in bsd). Thank you so much for reading and interacting with my posts, it means so much to me! Stay healthy, eat well and drink plenty of water! - Sam
Tags: Bungo Stray Dogs, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, angst, reverse comfort, SFW
Warnings: mental breakdown, emotional and physical abuse, NSSI
Word Count: approx. 4.8k
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It was one of these nights again; these difficult, heart-wrenching nights that constantly made you question the meaning of such a life, a life filled with pain and suffering. You’ve become a little too familiar with this feeling since you’ve experienced, well… a little too many nights like these. 
“Remember what you’re doing all this for!” you exclaimed. 
Except there was nobody there to listen, save for the librarian that was sick of having you be the last one to leave the library in the dark hours of the early morning for the fifth time this week. Talking to the void, maybe all that studying did drive you insane after all. 
“You scared the life out of me, for the love of god!”, the lady gasped, jumping awake from the information desk. Poor her, she probably hated these nights even more than you did.
“I’m terribly sorry”, you said, chuckling in awful embarrassment.
She gave you a cold stare, which truthfully saddened you deep down, because you were under the false impression that you had bonded with the woman by now.
“Don’t look at me like that ma’am”, you said, “You know med school isn’t a piece of cake…”
“I know dear”, she responded with a certain sweetness in her voice and a tired sigh, “but isn’t it time to go home soon?”
You looked at the clock above the information desk. It read 2:45. A look of desperation channeled itself on your face as you were thinking about just how much more work you had ahead of you before you could allow yourself to go home and finally get some shuteye. 
“Just one more unit, I promise!” you lied, knowing damn well that it was much, much more than that.
“Pfftt….Like we haven’t heard that before…” the librarian mumbled as she began moving around all sorts of books and paper sheets around the information desk.
Of all the times during the day she could get that taken care of, she had to do it right now? The noise she made was getting on your nerves and messed with your focus. However, you knew she was going to kick you out for sure if you dared complain about it. So you just decided to let it go, for your own good perhaps…
Resting your head which had grown quite heavy and dizzy on top of the open books, you sighed in exhaustion, waiting for the woman to stop messing with the papers and your concentration along with them. Wondering how the hell you were supposed to pass all these exams the following week, you were just sitting there, beating yourself up for always leaving things for the last possible moment. But not even a minute later, your phone, which was laying on the table, suddenly buzzed and stopped your overthinking. 
It was a voice message from your boyfriend, a little smile subtly forming on your face upon seeing the notification. You’ve been together for almost a year, but the habit of smiling at his texts hasn't faded away whatsoever.
“Ma’am, can I pleeaase use my phone?”, you joked, since there was obviously nobody there to be disturbed by mobile phone usage… except for the poor lady of course. “It’s my sweetheart!”
A few moments of deadly silence followed. From the look on her face, you’d think she was finally done with your smart-ass idiocy. 
“Eh, to hell with it…” she responded, having accepted — to your grand surprise — that she’d have you here for quite a while once again.
“God bless your patience! I shall treat you to a huge meal once these detestable exams are over!”, you proclaimed in comedic exaggeration, yet genuinely wanting to express your gratitude to her in some sort of way. With your late-night hypertension and your endearingly annoying sense of humor, you could imagine that having you study here all these days must have been quite a handful. 
“Who said I wanted to have a meal with you?”, she shrugged and rolled her eyes. 
Purposefully ignoring her rhetorical question with a smile on your face, you opened the message and placed your phone next to your head with the speaker facing your ear, the woman sighing at your shenanigan in the background. 
“Hey, Y/N…” 
You didn’t expect to hear Gin’s voice. 
“Listen… I found my brother’s phone in a dark alley on the ground, and it’s all cracked up now, and I’m not quite sure what happened... He was still supposed to be here, but I assume there was some big trouble and he had to flee. Problem is— TACHIHARA CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE F— sorry about that… problem is I contacted our headquarters and he’s not there” 
Your eyes opened wide as the message kept on playing. Two opposing forces fighting in your brain; one worrying that something terrible has happened to him, the other trying to remain cool-headed since you didn’t know any crucial details about the situation.
“My guess would be that he’s at your place. I know you have a lot of work to do in the library, but please check if everything’s okay with him. Gotta go, the Armed Detective Agency is just around the corner”
You heard the words “Armed Detective Agency” and you instantly knew what this was about. 
“Oh fuck” you said out loud and stood up from your desk as if struck by some invisible thunder.
“What is it this time?”, the librarian desperately asked.
“It’s your lucky day”, you replied, packing up your bag in quick, messy movements, “I’ve got to go right now”
“Good grace”, she mumbled as she started switching off the lights to finally close the place down for the night.
“Thanks for everything!”, you shouted hurriedly, storming out of the university library and rushing to the parking lot.
You jumped in your car and immediately started the engine. You already knew by now that no encounter with the Agency could possibly be any good for Akutagawa. And this time, you had a strong feeling that something was very, very wrong.
In less than half the time it would usually take, you sloppily drove back to your apartment, very lucky that you hadn’t crushed the car onto anything on the way there. Running with light steps and pushing through your own fatigue, you finally reached the door and knocked on it.
“Sweetie?”, you called out softly. 
There was complete silence on the other side, a type of silence that grew an unshakeable fear within you. After taking a deep breath, you reached for the keys in the pocket of your jacket and slowly opened the door.
You took a good look at the living room before entering, and everything was exactly the way you left it, including the little lamp you always kept switched on even when nobody was home. From where you were standing, nothing seemed wrong with the kitchen either. At first glance it all looked perfectly normal, but there was something very intuitively suspicious about this quietness that consumed the entire place. 
Due to your intensive studying at the library the past few days, you ended up coming home at times like these almost every day, and you found the emptiness to be serene, and even comforting in its own way. But now it was frantically maddening, as if you’d be crazy to assume someone else was here, but equally as insane to think that you were totally alone.
You gulped as you took a few steps in and closed the door behind you, cold shivers running down your body. Only while taking off your own shoes did you look down to check if his were there, and much to your relief, they were just beside the door. You immediately felt a weight fall off your shoulders, knowing now that nobody had broken in or that you weren’t… imagining things.
You quietly made your way right in front of the shut door of your bedroom, and since you already passed by the empty bathroom, you knew that was the only place where he could possibly be. Just by standing there you felt a dark chilly aura strike you down to the bone. 
Knowing about his occupation and even his abusive past, you were already aware that Akutagawa was very much capable of becoming violent. But this wasn’t the first time he went through a crisis like this with you, so you had faith that if you stood there for him once again, it would all work out, just like the previous times.
You plucked up all the courage you had inside you and knocked on the door. 
“Sweetie?”, you repeated. “Are you alright?”  
Once again, no answer. At this point you started getting worried. That was the only place he could be, right? Then why was he not responding?
Making the tiniest amount of sound possible, you pushed the door open ever so slightly to peek through the crack, and that’s when you saw something you’ve never witnessed before.
Although the light switch was on, the room was pitch black with only a few strands of light somehow making their way through. Sinister branches of darkness were spread all over, some intertwined with one another in an infernal veil, and others ruthlessly piercing the entirety of the space like enormous, sharp blades. 
You were completely astounded. You had no idea that Rashoumon could take on such a petrifying form.
Before you could even begin to grasp the density and the complexity of what your eyes just viewed, the door was somehow explosively shut inches away from your face, causing you to gasp at the thunderous noise.
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“HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE DOOR?”, Akutagawa yelled, his strung out voice echoing within his ability’s construction. 
“I’m sorry sweetie”, you responded peacefully, “I just wanted to check if you’re okay…”
“What does this look like to you?” he asked sarcastically, while Rashoumon locked the door from the inside, eliminating any possibility that he’d just let you in that easily.
“What I meant is, are you physically okay? Did you get hurt?”, you asked, trying to maintain your calm composure.
“I’m intact”, he answered as if even such a small question was so immensely bothersome to him at that moment, “now LEAVE. ME. ALONE!”
“How am I supposed to leave you alone in a state like this?”
He didn’t respond, but it’s not like you expected him to. Hurt and afraid, he always hid inside his hard shell at times like this, and it took a lot of strength and effort to get him to open up to you. You took a big breath, because the difficult part was just starting. 
“Your sister found your phone somewhere in the city and contacted me…”, you began.
“I don’t wanna talk about this…” he growled as rage kept building up within him.
“I know it’s difficult to talk right no—“
“THEN CUT IT OUT”, he screamed with a trembling voice and paused for a second, “before I break the door…”
“You don’t have to talk about it right now, but please just listen”.
You paused for a while to see what his reaction would be. Although he was once again mute, you were quite happy that you didn’t get smashed by the door; it meant he was waiting for you to speak.
“I know you’re not feeling well right now, and I just want to let you know that it’s totally okay to feel this way, even though I don’t know what exactly happened… I just wanted to tell you…”.
Another silence-filled pause ensured you that he was still listening.
“You did the right thing to come here, sweetie… The fact that you’re here right now means that even if you want me to leave you alone this instant, some part of you wants to find comfort here… And that’s exactly what I want to do for you right now. I just want to make it better, I promise. Please, Aku…Let me help you…” 
No response.
“I’ll be waiting right behind the door for as long as you need. Please don’t break me along with it, or better yet, let me in whenever you feel like…”
It wasn’t much later that you heard the door finally unlock behind you, so you stood up, carefully opened it, and saw that your previously unimaginably ominous room was now just the way you remembered it.
Akutagawa was sitting on the floor in the corner across the room, curled up so he could take up as little space as possible. He had wrapped his arms around his knees and held them closely against his chest. His cloak was thrown over his shoulders, covering most of his upper body and his head was buried on his forearms.
You quietly approached him and sat next to him to keep him at ease. All these months in a relationship with him taught you that at times like these, he felt threatened by people sitting right opposite him, and didn't respond to them so well. He also deeply despised being looked at when he’s in such a vulnerable state, so you respected his wishes and looked at the floor, avoiding his eyes at all costs.
“Take your time, sweetie. I’m here to listen”, you said after a minute or two. 
He took a big breath before lifting his head up, while you made sure to make him feel as comfortable as you could, based on his own individual terms.
“The Command Unit was sent to the center of Yokohama to investigate some strange movements in the black market… and there, I ran into that stupid weretiger...”
“Mhm hm”, you nodded as you kept listening carefully.
“We started a fight and I had cornered him in this alley… that was all until he showed up…”
“Dazai?”, you asked, just to make sure your assumptions were correct.
“Yes…” , he answered as his voice got weaker. “He nullified my ability and told the weretiger to leave, so it was just the two of us…”
You noticed it was getting harder and harder for him to speak as the conversation shifted towards Dazai. It was no surprise since he’d talked to you about him before but it was, nonetheless, upsetting to hear.
“No…”, you said, “and what did he do?”
“Well, he…”, Akutagawa said and then paused as if to collect himself, “he kicked me right below the chest and I was on the ground coughing…”
He took a breath, before proceeding to give you the rest of the story.
“And he said some things… something about the weretiger being better than me… but I’ve heard that before…”
“Aw sweetie—“
“He knows…”, he said, burying his head on his knees once again. “He found out about my disease somehow…”
When you heard him quietly weep, you moved a little closer to him, just enough so that he didn’t feel alone in this difficult, doleful moment. Before you could even begin to ask how Dazai managed to find that out, Akutagawa jumped into your arms and buried his head on your shoulder, letting his black cloak fall off his frail body.
As he did that, you didn’t fail to notice that his white shirt had bloody stains on each sleeve, a little bit above the length of the elbow. Both sides had five holes each, one for each of his own fingers that had been digging into his skin, scratching and ripping it apart.
You were so upset, but you realized that it would be no good to address it right now. So instead, you wrapped him up in the warm embrace that he desperately needed at the time.
“That lung disease you have is going to kill you soon… Maybe then, I’ll consider coming back to the Port Mafia… Such a shame that… even when you leave your last pathetic breath… there won’t have been a single moment… when you were better than my new apprentice…” 
“That’s what he said to me…”, he uttered, sobbing in between these nasty, horrible phrases. 
Your eyes started watering as you squeezed him tighter against you. It was beyond you how anybody could be so viciously cruel to someone so loyal and devoted, even if fate brought it so that they parted ways.
“That’s so hurtful…”, you whispered as tears were running down your cheeks. “It’s okay… Let it all out, I’m right here…”
“Why? Just why?!”, he cried in anguish, “How much more must I do? When will all this be over? When will I ever be enough?!”
You didn’t know how to respond to such questions at times like these, so you just let him lash out until he hopefully calmed down eventually. 
“What am I saying? That’s never gonna happen…”, he lamented as his body started shivering, “I’m so sorry, Y/N… I’m a worthless and pathetic fool…”
“That’s not true…please stop saying things like that…”, you pleaded.
“I’m just gonna die so pointlessly… And it won’t even matter to him…”
“Well it’s gonna matter to me!”, you raised the tone of your voice, verklempt and teary-eyed.
His chest kept pumping against yours as he was struggling for breath. 
“I’m so sorry my love…”, you apologized, fearing that all you just did was worsen his situation by letting your own emotions take over. He tried to say something, but in this state, coherent words couldn’t come out of his mouth.
You had to stay strong and help him during this difficult time. Right now, the situation wasn't about you.
“Listen to me, let’s take some deep breaths okay? Breathe in till four, hold till four, and breathe out till six. Can you do that for me?”
You felt him nodding yes, lifting his head up and letting his chin rest on your shoulder. 
“Perfect, I’ll count: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…”
Akutagawa tried to follow your count as much as he could. You had to do this exercise about fifteen times before his breathing took its normal pace back. Your hand was always gently caressing the back of his head, and with every round you completed, you made sure that he knew he was doing a good job. 
“I’m so proud of you”, you murmured and kissed his temple, “are you feeling any better now?”.
He nodded yes and sniffed his nose.
“Can I look at you?”, you asked.
He sighed, then nodded yes once again. Once he let go, you gently cupped his face and lifted his head up so you could look at him. His poor, restless eyes were ever so red and puffy from all the tears he’d been shedding.
“My sweet Aku…”, you whispered, “if only there was something I could do to take your suffering away… I can only imagine how terrible it feels to be treated so horribly by someone you look up to so much, to always feel like you’re the second option…”
You paused to take a big breath and collect yourself. 
“And I know it’s not the same to hear it from me… but you’re always going to be my first choice… always…” 
A sad, bitter smile morphed into your boyfriend’s face upon hearing these words, as if they were half-empty, not coming from a certain someone he’d want to hear them from instead.
“I’ll always be here for you… You’re my everything, my love… I love you more than anyone and anything in this world… And seeing you suffer like this… it crushes me…”
Akutagawa sat there in silence, guiltful and grey, shifting his gaze to the cold, hard floor. 
“Especially this…” you said with a cracking voice, and looked at the red stains on his sleeves, “this just… it breaks my heart…”
His withering eyes were filling up with tears again. 
“Promise me you won’t do it again…please…”, you begged.
“I promise…I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry sweetie, none of this makes you weak in my eyes…. You’re so strong… so much more than you think…”
You looked at him sweetly before pulling him closer to give him a soft kiss on the mouth, his lips passive, almost motionless against yours.
“Now go have a warm shower, you need to relax”, you said, getting up from the floor and offering him a helping hand to stand up as well. “Make sure that a lot of water runs over your wounds. I’ll take care of them once you’re done, okay?”
“Okay”, he answered, giving you his hand, letting you pull him up and still hold him all the way to the bathroom. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N… really…” 
“Don’t mention it”, you responded lovingly.
As he shut the door behind him, you immediately got this morbid feeling, this insurmountable urge to break down and cry. 
You loved him with all your heart, but in comparison to even the tiniest praise from Dazai, your love for Akutagawa didn’t matter nearly as much to him. And that thought pained you so much, it cut deeper than a knife… In a way, you could even say you understood him, knowing that your one and only was gonna leave you soon, and that you’ll always come second, till the last moment… till his last moment, his very last breath…
It was all so devastating… But as you pushed the tears back, you remembered the promise that you made to yourself when you first got into a relationship with him; no matter how hard things got, you were gonna love this person as much as you could, for as long as you could… Until the very end, you had to be his pillar of strength and continue cherishing him no matter how much it hurt you in the process. 
And you loved him so much, you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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“Hey Gin”, you spoke to your phone as you recorded a voice message for her, “I found him, he was at my place. He’s okay, he has a few surface wounds on his arms, most probably nothing to worry about. You can let your boss and the others know that he’s safe and that he’ll stay here for the next couple of hours… And, by the way, thank you for contacting me as soon as you found his phone….Things might’ve been worse, had it not been for you… Call me if you need anything”
As you hit “send”, Akutagawa walked out of the bathroom, wearing an oversized white t-shirt and plaid black and white pajama bottoms, with the towel he used to dry his hair thrown around his neck.
“Feeling more comfortable now?” you asked. 
“Yeah”, he responded.
“Good. Now come here, let me see your arms…”
He made his way next to you, letting you investigate his wounds.
“Hmm…”, you said, lost in thought, “they’re not as deep, so you’re not gonna need any stitches… but they do look a bit inflamed… we definitely need to disinfect these”
You took him by the hand back in the bathroom again, where you kept your medical kit. You grabbed the disinfectant bottle and lathered some liquid over a big piece of sterile cotton. 
“I gotta warn you sweetie, this might burn a little…”
“Yeah, like I haven’t had worse– OWW!!”, he exclaimed as you pressed it against his wounds.
“I’m sorry, perhaps I wouldn’t have to do this if you hadn’t used your own hands. You were out fighting, who knows how many germs they had…”
“It burns…”, he hissed, clenching his jaw.
“Warned you…”, you responded. “You’ve never used disinfectant before?”
“Do you really think people in the mafia care to use this sh– AUGHH!”, he snarled once again as you repeated the same treatment to his other arm. 
“We’re almost done now…” you reassured him as he gave you the most displeased, irritated stare.
“Hmm let’s see…” you mumbled to yourself while searching the contents of your kit, “I don’t have big enough band-aids for this… guess we’ll have to cover them with something else…”
You opened up two bandages, and with a little hesitation, Akutagawa let you wrap them around his arms tightly.
“All patched up!” you said, giving his boney shoulders a light squeeze, “Is there anything I can make for you? Anything to eat? Some tea maybe?”
“No, I think I’m gonna throw up if I do…”
“Yeah, we wouldn’t want that… Okay then, I think we should go to bed and get some rest, no?”
After you changed into your pajamas and brushed your teeth, you made your way into the fluffy futon and scooched over for Akutagawa to join you shortly after. While he is generally the quiet type, this time you could tell that he was way too tired even for the short-lived, yet endearing small talk before bed. 
“My eyes hurt…” Akutagawa murmured as he slid next to you.
“I know, sweetie…Come here…”, you said, lifting up the cover and inviting him close to you.
Your boyfriend found his way into your arms again, his tired head buried in your chest and his thinned body clinging onto yours, the entirety of his being searching for warmth within your embrace. The comforting motions of your hands caressing his back and the sound of your heartbeat was everything he could ask for at the time.
“Feels like you’ve lost more weight…”, you pointed out as you grazed your fingers over the prominent parts of his skeleton, “Have you been eating well lately?”
“Mm-mm”, he shook his head no after a short pause, as if to adjust his thinking to your own standards of self-preservation. To him, if he made it out alive at the end, what was there to care for?
“Well that’s no good…I’m making you fluffy pancakes and your favorite tea in the morning”, you said knowing that, being starved of affection almost his entire life, he found these simple acts of kindness to be a huge deal. His contentment was clear as day, flowing through you as he pulled himself closer, practically sealing shut whatever space there was between the two of you.
“Thank you…”, he purred against your chest, the mere sweetness of his adorable reaction leading you to plant gentle kisses on the top of his head.
“Anything for you sweetie… I just want you to take care of yourself. Undereating can’t do any good to your condition… And I want to keep you around as much as possible, make as many happy memories together as we can…Like that time when you took me to dinner with the mafia for the first time and Higuchi kept warning me not to hurt your feelings or ‘I’ll be dead’...”
“Tsk, that piss-off…” he mumbled in a mix of displeasure and nostalgia, getting annoyed just by remembering the event, but being strangely happy that he got to experience it with you. 
“It made me very happy that you apologized to her…”
“After you told me I was acting just like him, I had no choice…”
“And I’m so proud of you for that, sweetie…” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair
“I still remember when we had Gin and Chuuya over for my birthday and we played that drinking game he had suggested. I’m pretty sure at some point he stopped caring about the rules and started losing on purpose…Ah, what an iconic day…Oh, and that day when I first told you that I loved you…Hahah, you were so awkward whenever I told you that on the phone. It took you a couple of weeks before you were brave enough to say it back to me... But it’s okay, I’m not blaming you, it’s most wise to wait for the time when you are a hundred percent sure that you feel the same way for me… Hey, what about the day of our first date–”
You’d been talking for quite a while now, vocally walking down memory lane, too absent-minded to notice that Akutagawa was fast asleep by then. Your melancholic monologue got softly interrupted by his faint, quiet snores. 
“Aww of course. I almost forgot how easily you fall asleep whenever I start rambling like this…”
You slid your hands under his shirt and felt the soft skin on his back. His hold on you was more relaxed, but far from apathetic, as if what remained of his slowly melting tension was love, and only love. 
You smiled, feeling infinitely blessed that your boyfriend was there with you, that you were listening to his slow breathing as he was drifting somewhere far away. Your eyelids had been feeling heavy for a while, but before you joined him, you wanted to get some things off your chest; somethings you truly wanted Akutagawa to know, even though you knew that he wouldn’t hear much of it in his sleep.
“Aku, my sweetheart… You are worth so much more than you think. You are enough— no, you’re even more than that… And I wish I had the means to show you just how much you mean to me… Oh, if only I could make you feel even half of my love…”
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A/N: Akutagawa cried again in the middle of the night, but didn’t want to bother Y/N with his feelings any further. He removed the bandages because anything that reminded him of Dazai, he couldn’t have on his body. After Y/N found out, she apologised for her ignorance and made him the most delicious fluffy pancakes.
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4channerguy · 9 months
tug of war / ranpo edogawa
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hello...guys.... oh my god i acutally didn't expect my last fic to gain traction? thank you? anyways this is a repost from my ao3 fic that i am very proud of. its very cute i like it a lot tumblr is fun :^) xoxo (。・∀・)ノ
warnings ✎ : none. just ranpo stealing your blankets i guess. gn reader, pronouns aren't mentioned. ➜ ┊ pairings: ranpo x reader
wc: 592 (short, i know)
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it was cold again.
you groggily woke up to nothing on your body, shivering with prickled skin. you look at the alarm clock. it was only 4:06 am. you turn to your side, and much to your avail, ranpo, again, had hogged all of the blankets. wrapped around him, with only the exception of a tuft of hair peeking out. he reminded you of a hamster that had burrowed inside of it’s own bedding. though cute, you were rightfully pissed off. sighing loudly, you nudge ranpo.
“hey…hey!” you shout-whispered. he grunted in response.
“you took all the blankets again,” you whisper. “it’s cold, you need to share.” he grunted again and proceeded to unroll himself half-assedly before going back to sleep.
only a quarter of the blanket was given to you. you accepted the gesture anyway, trying to make do with it, before falling back asleep.
you woke up an hour later.
your body was now dangerously closer to the edge of the bed with nothing on you. again. you seriously had enough of this. determined to get your blanket back, you firmly but gently tugged the blanket that was still cocooned around ranpo. he grumbled in his half-asleep state and resisted. you only kept trying, and finally, out of pure hard work, you were able to gain a better halve of the blanket. feeling weirdly triumphant about your achievement (while ranpo was blissfully unaware) you put it over you carefully and buried yourself in it in delight. you look over at ranpo who had his cheek squished against the pillow, creating a pool of drool on it. you brush his bangs up and kiss him on his forehead. he smiled in his sleep and you suppressed the urge to start aggressively kissing him all over his face. you sighed as your head hit the pillow.
morning hit and you and ranpo collectively trudged towards the kitchen where you made coffee and he made toaster waffles.
“we should get two blankets.” you randomly mention. he raises an eyebrow while rubbing an eye. “what for?” he replies while flicking an eye booger out of his eye. you stare at him.
“you seriously don’t remember last night.”
you turn around as your coffee’s done. “we played a game of tug of war last night.”
“oh really?” he says absentmindedly while trying to pull two of the waffles from the toaster with his bare hands. “shit, ouch.”
you reach towards his hurt hand and kiss it while he pouts. “yeah we did. and it wasn’t fun.” you retort back, sulking. he kisses your hand back and smirks showing his canines. “apologies that i’m such a blanket thief. it’s a…what’s the word…involuntary. yeah, involuntary reflex i can’t control.”
you roll your eyes. “well, your reflex makes me not sleep well. i’d rather not walk into work brain-dead because i fought so many battles with you when i’m trying to sleep. thanks.”
he munches on his now rescued waffle while handing your share to you. you accept.
he nudges you. “i can be your blanket you know? we can, like, share body heat and-”
“please, in your dreams. you know that’ll just cocoon yourself anyways. we tried that before.”
he shrugs. “just giving suggestions. don’t worry about your cute butt anyway, we’ll go to a convenience store and get a blanket. if you promise to get me shrimp chips on the way.”
you sip your coffee and smile. “i promise.”
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⋆。𖦹 °✩ 11.24.23, do not repost or translate my content :^)
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artofkhaos404 · 10 months
"Dating Edgar Allen Poe"
Bungo Stray Dogs
Drop any headcannon requests in my ask box or the comments, I'd love to do them! My fandom masterlist can be found at the bottom of my top pinned post.
× Poe is a certified workaholic; total perfectionist. When it comes to his writing, whether it's a novel or some obscure poetry, you can get his attention on nothing else until it's exactly as he first envisioned it.
× Thus, there would be days he's working on a project and can't seem to reach those impossibly high standards. On these difficult days, when he's moping around being hard on himself and declaring he will abandon his career, it's up to you to comfort him. Remind him that his work is amazing, and so is he.
× Because that's his love language: words of affirmation. This man EATS IT UP when you give him reassurance, compliments, anything. He's having a low self esteem day? Just read over his shoulder, praise the intricacy of the written words and flirt. He'll be beaming.
× Poe is just as sweet and considerate when you have low self esteem days, maybe even more so! He's not the most socially aware, since he daydreams so much, so you'll have to let him know if you're down. When you do his response is always "I cannot imagine what for! You are as the moon in the night sky, the flowers of the valley." Corny? ABSOLUTELY. He talks to you like an 18th century poet. You thought it was weird at first, but now it's totally endearing.
× His love style is flamboyant; a traditionally romantic lover. Late night strolls and candlelight dinners- but he always does it his way. His favorite walks with you are in the rain, when you both dress in heavy jackets, you curled against his arm, under the umbrella. The candlelight dinners are always lit by black candles.
× Obviously, he's goth. If you aren't, he doesn't mind... but if you are, he'll love you even more for it.
× Though romantic, he's shy about it. Not the dashing gentleman, sweep you off your feet type. He's more the type that, when you come home from work, he'll have a surprise candle light dinner laid out with some soft goth rock playing in the background, dressed in his very best. He won't address it as anything unusual, but hopes you will praise him. And when you do, he blushes and stammers like nuts.
× I'm sure this goes without saying, but he also writes you romantic poetry. That stuff is like reading "Song of Solomon." Once again, never addresses it, but he'll leave any poetry he wrote for you under your pillow or beside your toothbrush in the morning, get up and get to work before you awaken and find it.
× He's fairly quiet and shy most of the time, content to listen to and watch you rather than interacting. But if you want to hear him talk, ask about his newest novel. He'll go on for HOURS.
× One stress between the two of you is that he struggles to take care of himself. Mind almost always on his work, he lives perpetually in his own fantasy world; the world he's building on paper. That often causes him forget to shower, eat, etc. If you've been out of the house, it's almost certain you'll return to a hungry, frail grease ball of a boyfriend leaned intently over his manuscript.
× Since he's LOADED, he spends ridiculous amounts of money on you like it's nothing. All his gifts are atrociously expensive, often times for no reason. It's rather concerning.
× And lastly, since he's more traditionally minded, he wants to wait to ~do the deed~ until marriage. However, he'll kiss and cuddle you every day, and he is SUCH a good kisser.
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manglednatalia · 7 months
Akutagawa's love language is the Autistic Stare™. Like if you do something nice for him, he'd unintentionally look like this
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kolyamanic · 10 months
Dove and a Cage
nikolai gogol x gn! reader
Synopsis: Basically SFW headcannons and other shit about Nikolai as a boyfriend !
A.N: I love Nikolai Gogol ! Also NOT proofread, poorly written (IMO) and I don’t have autocorrect SO-
Buddy’s an eccentric guy. Terrorist. Mass murderer. All good qualities. Obviously, your relationship is something (cough insane cough). With this in mind, see to the following as a sort of guide when adopting your very own Ukrainian magician as a lover.
Baths. Nikolai adores bath - the cool water, fruity scented shampoo that he washes his braid with. But they're better with his darling dove! Sure, he could wash the blood of his victims off his body by himself, but that's boring. Better to have your hands trace over every single inch of him as you're stuck in his lap in a overly filled bubble bath. it's a miracle if you don't inhale one or two bubbles. you're also lucky if the whole apartment doesn't flood with how much water Nikolai splashes around. It's free will, y'know.
flooding y'alls apartment because he left the sink on while washing off his clown makeup
Ooooh, speaking of makeup! Have you seen the man? Nikolai’s a clown, and he’s got nearly everything someone could want. Especially eyeliner and red-colored products. Eyeshadow. Lipstick. Blush. Have fun being held down at the vanity chair as he dolls you up to look ‘just like him!’. Sure, the desk is covered in red particles and a few black smudges, but now his dove is a duplicate of him. You two are that one couple during Halloween that goes ALL out on the makeup. Honestly, Nikolai recreates facial gore pretty well (praise his terrorist tendencies please and thanks!) so if you’re trying to cosplay Cosmo from Chainsaw Man with the eyeball hanging out, he’s gotchu!
And when you do his makeup he melts because it’s so cute how your fingers are fumbling around with the brush as he hums some Ukrainian song and complains that you’re taking so long yet also praises you for doing such a good job? Two sides of the same coin for sure. Expect to have lipstick stains on your skin after you apply his lipstick.
In case it wasn’t ducking obvious enough, this man LOVES physical affections and contact. Drop him in the middle of the Sahara Desert with no food, water or shelter and he’d perk up after one kiss from you. Cuddling is a big deal of your relationship. As energetic and manic as he seems, Nikolai’s a human too who craves attention and affection from his s/o! He’s always big spoon and makes sure his hands are on your chest at all times. Or thighs. It’s either that or the boobs. He likes to bury his head in your chest too and claims it’s more soft than your pillows.
Kisses are to be given at random intervals by Nikolai. You’re cleaning his bloodied clothing? Cool, you’re making out with him in the laundry room now. Especially when he’s jealous. Nikolai is possessive as fuck. You’re his dove for a reason - kept in a cage for him to coo and fuss over. It’s hypocritical of him - always crying about freedom and ‘free will’ - but he doesn’t care. You’re innocent, in his eyes. The world’s dirty and he’s gotta purge it for you through destruction and kisses! So. Many. Kisses. Tongue, too. And lotsa times spent together!
Dates…are something. Nikolai’s a globally recognized terrorist, and so he can’t just waltz outta the house with you. No, sir! Either it’s something illegal (usually stupid little things that turn out to be a major violation of the law but he claims he ‘didn’t know’) or it’s staying at home brushing and styling his hair or letting Nikolai attempt to teach you the hopak dance. He’ll tease you, but he’ll love you. Bonus points if you make piroshki afterwards too. Bonus BONUS points if you make a second batch after he eats the first one !
there’s only so many things to do with your ukrainian boyfriend, but Nikolai has the brilliant ability to somehow find the dumbest shit possible to do. Safe to say, your dates are NEVER boring. Either it ends in bed cuddling, or running away from the police as he uses his cape to smuggle you two back to your temporary apartment.
Nikolai is a great boyfriend overall - affectionate, humorous (in a dark AND normal way) and never boring. The cops may be on you two’s asses all the time for various crimes, but hey - it’s not a crime to love Nikolai Gogol!
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bsd-doodles · 9 months
(SFW) Chuuya Nakahara x Reader: My Love (Kind of Angst--)
(Very light SA mentioned, of course not committed by our darling Chuuya, just a warning) xx
It had been too long. The redhead glanced up at the sky, his eyes narrowed in a scowling expression, his gaze scathing the night sky as all the sparkling stars shyed away, fading into the darkness once more. At this point, it had gotten late, maybe 20 past the hour: Chuuya had no way of knowing, as he hadn't once thought of getting a watch. "Wouldn't go with his gloves", was his usual excuse.
Where had his darling gone? Yes, they'd had a fight, but she never ran off like this, not even when Akutagawa would rip into her for her sleep schedule. His love had been gone for no more than half an hour before Chuuya ran out of the Port Mafia building to start his search. It was rare to see the fiery man in such a distressed state, to the point of tears and yelling, as his love hadn't returned home. She'd stormed out, and asked not to be followed... But Chuuya knew better. Thinking back on it, he could have had a better choice of words.. He had to do something he'd never once done for anybody else: ... Apologise.
He grit his teeth at the thought. But for his love, he'd do anything; this couldn't have been harder than the time he had to use Corruption to save Dazai... could it? With his darling, Chuuya always found it a struggle, but he always loved her enough to try. "ダーリン!! Baby!" he called out, frantically looking for her. If Dazai were here, he'd likely mock him, but he was in too panicked a state to care, "Please, come back.. I didn't mean it!"
Little did he know, you were around the corner, by Lupin's alley, rubbing your eyes. You'd been crying from the argument, and specifically the part where Chuuya had punched the wall. In your mind, it had repainted a picture from your earlier life, one you longed to forget. It was a past so horrible, that you'd never have wished it on anyone. The way you could feel touches on your body, even with nobody around still haunted you, so naturally, as he'd unintentionally given you a painful reminder, you ran away.
Of course, Chuuya was relentless, and eventually found you, his darling. Wrapping his arms around you, you felt your body giving in, pressing your soft features into the safety of his jacket; Chuuya kept you there, not wanting to let you go, or out of his sight for a second.
He loved you. And he wanted you to know that, and that he always would love you. Chuuya let you cry one more, as he whispered in your ear a thousand apologises, each followed by tender kisses wherever he could place them, and ran his hand through your hair. "Shh... I'm sorry, my love.. I didn't mean to get so angry with you.. please, just come home."
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yuujis-sunshine · 2 years
Hey! I would like to request a SFW alphabet with Kenji Miyazawa from BSD. Thanks so much for your time and I adore your writing! 💕
𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐋𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐓. kenji miyazawa
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓(𝒔): Kenji Miyazawa
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈(𝒔): -
𝑨/𝑵: He's an adult, so don't come at me!! And thank you for your kindness!!
𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔: Look at the title.
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𝐀 = 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
100% affectionate towards his s/o, and he proves it through his actions.
𝐁 = 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Kenji would be a loving and caring best friend, especially during battle. It all started when they both met in kindergarten, and [Name] was alone by herself so Kenji insisted her to play with him and his friends.
𝐂 = 𝐂𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐒 (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves to cuddle 24/7, and when it comes to cuddling, he loves to be the little spoon.
𝐃 = 𝐃𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂 (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He's the type to clean, since he wants for his s/o to cook. (S/O loves to cook for him).
𝐄 = 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Leave a note to explain that they should break up.
𝐅 = 𝐅𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I think that he would want to get married after everything is done, so he will marry her when the time comes.
𝐆 = 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄 (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He is so gentle towards his S/O and her friends, but when it comes to someone bringing harm or something worse to her, he won't take it lightly.
𝐇 = 𝐇𝐔𝐆𝐒 (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Y'all already know that Kenji will need his hugs, so no questions asked.
𝐈 = 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would take him a while to say it, since her wants to know more about her and also find out her ideal type.
𝐉 = 𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘 (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
SOOO jealous, and he would tell them to back off of her before hugging her with a pout on his lips.
𝐊 = 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒 (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
SOFT. He loves kisses on his forehead and cheeks, while he kisses your lips since he loves the feeling of it.
𝐋 = 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒 (How are they around children?)
All the kids will love Kenji, especially cause of his attitude and playfulness. Everytime he would see kids, he would play with them or the kids will ask for him to play along.
𝐌 = 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 (How are mornings spent with them?)
Breakfast together, then they would brush their teeth, Kenji would head of to his job, and tells her goodbye.
𝐍 = 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 (How are nights spent with them?)
Waits for Kenji to come back home, sit on the couch, order some food, and kick back while watching a movie in the living room.
𝐎 = 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Even though Kenji is a cheerful and bubbly guy, he has some secrets under his sleeves. S/O obviously notices this and tries talking to him, but it was no use, so she gave him some space and waited for him to finally tell her what was on his mind.
𝐏 = 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 (How easily angered are they?)
He doesn't get angry at all when it comes to his S/O cause he loves her sm.
𝐐 = 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐙𝐙𝐄𝐒 (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He doesn't remember most things that she talks about or anything about her.
𝐑 = 𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment in the relationship is when Kenji had first saved her from an organization that had kidnapped s/o. That's when the two had layed eyes on one another.
𝐒 = 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
More like you protecting him since when you turn around for a second, he runs off and then it ends up to be a game of tag... Which annoys you, but deep down you loved doing this.
𝐓 = 𝐓𝐑𝐘 (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in SOME effort when it comes to important dates, but he would always ask the Detective Agency to help.
𝐔 = 𝐔𝐆𝐋𝐘 (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit is when he falls asleep after eating.
𝐕 = 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is VERY concerned about his looks.
𝐖 = 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄 (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Kenji would feel totally feel incomplete since he loves to hear your angelic voice ring through his ears.
𝐗 = 𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀 (A random headcanon for them.)
If he had a favorite sport, it would be gymnastics. Why? Cause he has a stretchable body and would do excellent.
𝐘 = 𝐘𝐔𝐂𝐊 (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
When it comes to finding the right person, he doesn't want to have a spouse/ideal person who is always angry or mean.
𝐙 = 𝐙𝐳𝐳 (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
A sleeping habit is when he sleeps on his S/O's back when they go back home from a date.
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sirhyst · 1 year
Edgar Allan Poe SFW alphabet…kind of? (gn!reader)
ALL CREDITS GO TO @the-coldest-goodbye FOR PROMPT LIST !!!!!
Note: I didn’t know the fluff alphabet and the SFW alphabet were two different things, but because I’ve already done one I won’t be doing all of the SFW alphabet prompts (unless I run out of ideas for Poe 💀) I’m also going to have 1 or 2 for each post. I’m writing more for one prompt since I’m not doing the whole alphabet 👍
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Poe loves to be cuddled, especially when he’s feeling overwhelmed. He loves laying in bed or on the couch while watching something you while you run your finger through his hair. If you’re both laying down he still wants to sleep on top of you so you can rub circles on his back. Poe just likes when you touch him tbh. That being said if you ever want to be cuddled, he will drop what he’s doing as soon as he senses that you’re upset.
When you cuddle Poe:
You heard your lover throw a pile of papers in frustration. You ran to his office to find papers everywhere, and Poe was sitting in his chair bawling his eyes out.
“Wrong! Nothing is coming together,” Poe cried out while nearly pulling on his hair. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when you made your way from the door to his desk, but his body relaxed when you placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Can I hug you?” You asked quietly, you always asked when he was like this before hugging him in case he wanted space, but again he slowly nodded. You quietly snaked your arms around his hunched figure, and he immediately melted into your touch.
He continued to sob, which was not unexpected considering his sudden outburst, so you though of the next best thing.
“Edgar, dearest,” you said while stroking his hair. He looked up at you, and you brushed his bangs out his eyes.
“Why don’t we cuddle for a bit,” a small smile made its way to your face. He nodded again, he was going to rub his eyes with his sweater, but stopped when you passed him a little napkin.
“Here, your sweater will burn your skin if you rub to much,”
You led him to your shared bedroom and as soon as you got comfortable, Poe flew on top of you. He placed his head on your stomach and grunted, letting you know he wanted a head rub. You rolled your eyes at his little noise, but laughed anyway.
When you need to be cuddled:
Edgar was just returning to the mansion with Karl after going for a walk with the furry companion. As he was making his way to his office, he found you standing at the door quietly, leaning against the doorframe.
“Angel?” He said, approaching you ever so slowly. He reached out and placed his slender fingers on your shoulder.
“Are you alright my beloved?” As soon as the question left his lips, the tears started falling.
“Oh my Angel, do you need a hug,” he said already with his arms stretched out. You nodded before taking slow steps towards Poe while trying to stop the tears from falling. You stayed like that for a few minutes, Poe letting you air your grievances in between sniffles and sobs.
“I’m sorry you’re day didn’t go well, my love,” Edgar said before he perked up a bit.
“I think you need some food and cuddles, what do you think?” He said. Since he hadn’t mastered the art of being in two places at once, he opted to order your favourite dish and take the time to cuddle you. I’m another scenario, Poe would of curled up against you and let you pamper him, but this time he knew you just wanted to be cuddled. He’s glad that you opted for cuddles since the both of you usually need space after a hard day at work though.
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sleep-0-deprived · 4 months
Sorry I can’t remember if I’ve asked before but can you please do genderbent Yosano x male reader
Genderbent Yosano x male reader head cannons
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Mdni female aligned dni this is an 18+ blog with sfw content below
A/n I’m sorry I hope you don’t mind that I did this in head cannon forms and I didn’t add any nsfw since I didn’t know if you wanted it, my inbox is a bit out of wack it’s full but I see your request and I’m happy to finally get to it :D
Genderbent Yosano who is bold with his actions, coming into you flirting hard as soon as you two meet, gets jealous easily and often enjoys alone time or just soft moments and being able to cuddle, he’s definitely a switch between little spoon and big spoon depending on his day
Genderbent Yosano who gives scary dog vibes in public, he’s your number one defender, you do no wrong to him and he is a total sweetheart for you when the two of you are alone
Genderbent Yosano who doesn’t want you involved with the ada or any organizations out of fear of you getting hurt, getting too attached to you and being clingy at moments then becoming distant at others with him still struggling with his past but luckily your there for comfort during those times
Genderbent Yosano who secretly loves the domestic life wanting nothing more than just you and him together living somewhere peaceful not wanting you anywhere near violence in Yokohama, also in love with waking up next to each other cuddling in the early morning before he has to go to work
Genderbent Yosano who is confident and proud of his boyfriend, loving touching you at all times or just being around you and being able to flaunt you off to others since he’s thrilled and fully head over heels for you
Genderbent Yosano who is great at comforting and knows the healthy methods for coping despite he himself never using them, he can always see right away when your having a off day or in need of comfort, but on the days he knows necessary to give you some space he does, the slightest hint you need him and boom he’s there for you right away
Genderbent Yosano who doesn’t like ever using his ability on you and will down right refuse it until it’s unpreventable. He hates seeing you in any sort of pain and will go out of his way to heal you without his ability if he can just so he doesn’t have to put you through the pain of it, internally fearing you might suffer mentally like the soldiers did when he used his ability in the past, not wanting that for you.
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xoxostarzzz · 11 months
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Chuuya x Reader
- sfw
- angst/fluff
The way things go.
Hours, days, weeks. You couldn’t remember the last time you and him, Chuuya, spoke. Even though before all this, you two were inseparable, no one would be able to match up to his and your dynamic. It was as if you two were made for each other, this was something he also had realized.
This was found out by him when you two were spending your usual late nights, early morning, on the roof. A flat rooftop of Yokohama at around midnight. You were laying, he was sitting up, legs hanging off the rooftop. Lit, partially used cigarette in hand, repeated movement back and forth to his lips, the order of his cigarette filling the air as he let the smoke out from his mouth.
As stated, you were laying on the same flat rooftop, diagonal from him and behind. Wireless earbuds in your ears, the playlist you sent him at this same spot years ago playing from them. Hums can be heard from you, eyes closed as you relax to music filling up, clouding every possible thought in your mind.
You were extremely relaxed, no words, no conversation between you and Chuuya, yet it wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest.
This had also gone on for hours, after a while, the man in front of you, your best friend, had finally attempted to speak up. Turning his head slightly so he can side glance at you.
Whatever he just said, or asked, you didn’t hear at all, so the ginger spoke again to you.
Yet, still no response from you. Too focused on the damned music playing in your stupid ears. He sighed, and went back to facing the night sky, taking more puffs of his smoke. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Repeated routine, he looked up at the sky, two stars right next to each other, and your hums heard throughout the silent night in the city.
The orange haired man had leaned back, hands resting on the rooftop as his arms supported his body to make him still partially sitting up, legs still hanging off the rooftop. Listening carefully to your hums and looking at the stars, he couldn’t help but think about the two of you.
You’ve known each other for seventeen years, yet have never discussed your feelings for eachother. Not only that, but neither of you ever had thought about how you feel romantically to the other. Yet, you both still had dated people, and shared everything about it without any boundaries.
Many people that you two had dated stopped, all because of how you act with eachother. You both act like a couple, but never put the label on it, you’ve even been “married” since the two of you were five (with multiple “divorces” over the year, which costed multiple ring pops).
He had tried to ignore all the thoughts that popped up in his mind, he tried to just focus on the stars and his cigarette instead. He repeated this for a while, as he finally gets to the couple-like dynamic you too have. Which, makes it worse. He starts to wonder what dating you would be like, and if you’d actually put a label on it. Why does he like acting like a couple with you?
Every thought, every question, anything that involved you was ignored by him. He didn’t want to be apart of it, he just wanted to go back to a couple minutes ago, when he was able to sit on this rooftop with you without thinking about you, like he always used to.
But, brains like to wander. And the more he thought about you, and your relationship with him, he had realized he really did like you. Which, he didn’t want to ruin anything, upset you, and most importantly: be weak. He ultimately refuses to get any closer to you than he is now.
He was about to tell you he was gonna go, not that he would say why. He just needs to stay away from you for now, maybe even longer. When he turned to see you, he was now slightly closer than before.
You still had no idea what was going on, relaxed for about fifteen minutes, close to falling asleep. Curled up slightly, facing the left, as you were holding your arms like how you would hold Chuuya. Since you were closer to him now, he was able to see your face easier. He pushed your hair out of your face gently, confirming that you’re asleep. His eyes trailed down to your lips. He wished he could kiss you right then, no. What’s he thinking? Why does he want to get close to you?
“..God dammit.”
He left, climbing down the rooftop with ease, he just couldn’t bare seeing you, and knowing that you won’t feel the same. That even if you do, he knows it wouldn’t last. Thoughts like this filled his head, he finally jumped down onto the sidewalk, landing on his feet, like a cat. Like your pet cat. He passed by a gas station, the one you two went to when you were kids.
He kept wondering what was wrong with him. Every single thought, he was somehow able to bring you into everything. He hated it. He didn’t want to think this, he was seriously telling himself that he’d do anything just to stop having thse thoughts, these feelings, about you.
More and more thoughts of you, it never ended. But he then finally got to his mansion-like home.
2:00 AM.
You woke up, kinda uncomfortable as you had fallen asleep on a rooftop. After waking up completely, you turned around like a pet looking for it’s owner. Where’s Chuuya? You looked everywhere, yet he wasn’t there. It was completely abnormal. You two would always wait for the other to wake up, stay with them, or just wake them up yourselves. He never did this, does this, he never would.
You went into your memory, trying to find out what you could’ve done to make him leave. Was it cause you pushed him a bit more than normal yesterday? No, he pushed you back, and harder than you did to him. Was it because of his ex again? No, you can’t remember anything, nothing makes sense. You kept wondering as you too, went home. Same path Chuuya took, but you went to the right instead of the left, and went to your apartment.
Continued inner-conflict. Chuuya may not just leave you here like this all the time, but this is something he’d do. He’s like a puzzle, and you’re so blind to whatever he does, whatever he tries to make you understand. You just never are able to find the right pieces to finish that stupid puzzle.
Finish that stupid puzzle.
He was currently in his room, laying on the bed, Chuuya didn’t change yet. He was staring at the ceiling. Chuuya would do anything to stop any kind of romantic feelings..
Even if it meant cutting ties with you.
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exquisitesimp · 1 year
Celebrating PM's victory with Mori Ogai
A/N: Hello to everyone reading this! This is my first NSFW story here and it's going to be about the reader (F) and Port Mafia's leader Mori Ogai, filled with velvet sensuality. Now BEFORE YOU COME AT ME, I know there is a lot of controversy surrounding this character (he is canonically twisted), but S4 altered my brain chemistry…I’m a simp after all, I kinda had to… And yes I will be discussing this with my therapist…Thank you so much for reading, it means so much to me! Stay healthy, eat well and drink plenty of water (and also go to therapy now that you’re here)! - Sam
Tags: Bungo Stray Dogs, Mori Ogai, smut, NSFW, 👀
Warnings: Mori (obviously), alcohol consumption, manipulation(?), fingering, vaginal sex
Word Count: 5.5k approx.
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Ability: Granting indestructibility for 7 minutes, either to self or another individual. Could be applied to many individuals at a time, but the more individuals involved, the more energy is required from the user.
Condition: The user must have access to a DNA sample of the individual they use it on.
Ever since you discovered your ability, you’ve been doing everything within your power to keep it a secret. You were an orphan jumping from foster family to foster family, so it’s not like you had anyone to share it with. After reaching adulthood, you were completely abandoned, and you resorted to all sorts of misdemeanors in order to survive. Unfortunately, the nature of your ability was not particularly helpful in that regard.
A couple months ago, you happened to stumble upon “Mori’s corporation”, where you were invited for an interview. It was later on that you found out that this seemingly ordinary corporation was a front cover for the Port Mafia, an underground criminal organization run by ability users just like you. It was then obvious that you weren’t just randomly invited; they had been tracking you down for a while, after figuring out you were an ability user they could use to their advantage.
Your first reaction was to decline. These guys were too dangerous to even be around, and entering such an organization with zero battle experience was just like having a death wish. However, they kept reaching out, pressuring you – on the verge of threatening, actually – more and more with each time. And they were offering you a good amount of money too.
Eventually you realized that you didn’t have much of a choice, so you agreed, making the following deal; you would work for them, but you would not join the members in battles. Instead, you would stay at the headquarters during attacks and you would activate your ability upon request to any members that needed it, after taking a DNA sample from all of them.
Once you started working for the Port Mafia, your life instantly took a turn upwards. You were no longer this hungry, homeless kid struggling to survive. You had, instead, transformed into a healthy, dignified woman, who was valuable and could now take care of herself. And you were no longer alone, since you were surrounded by all sorts of people you had a lot of things in common with. In some sense, it felt like everything had fallen into place.
Each of your coworkers was interesting in their own ways, but Mori Ogai, the head of the Port Mafia, was especially hard to go unnoticed. He openly displayed particular feelings of favour towards you, always congratulating you and offering you gifts to reward you for following his orders. You’ve been asking him to stop, since you’re only doing your job, but he never seems to listen. That, as well as the way he treats Elise, you found quite… weird, to say the least. But he’s your superior after all, and it was in your best interest to maintain his preference for you.
Today the Port Mafia was facing a very challenging battle, and you were called to intervene with your ability quite a number of times. Once everybody made it back to the headquarters safe and Mori congratulated you with great zeal, you were dismissed and you made your way up to your room.
Upon closing the door behind you, you jumped at your bed and took a moment to rest from all the ability using and the stress of being alert all day. It was after a couple of minutes that you took notice of a moderately sized black box, waiting on your nightstand. Without thinking too much, you were quite sure what this was about.
You reached for it and removed its lid. It contained what looked like a dress, which you laid out on your bed, so you can have a better look. It was a long, satin, maroon dress, and it seemed to be pretty expensive.
You were quite impressed. Mori was generally extravagant with his gestures towards you, but this exceeded anything he has done in the past. Coming from a pretty poor background, such a luxurious gift felt a little out of place, but it was still a very welcome surprise.
“Wait, am I smiling? Because of that dress?”, you wondered. “No, I can’t be, it’s weird…”, you reassured yourself, trying to brush it off.
On the bottom of the box, there was a note in a little envelope. The note inside it read:
“Congratulations, Y/N.
Once again, the Port Mafia couldn’t have made it without you. This is your reward for doing such a wonderful job. I had it tailored to your measurements.
Please join me for some wine in my room after the sun sets. I’d also like you to wear your gift.
I’ll be waiting for you,
At this point you were at a loss for words, feeling very confused. You knew for a fact that he favored you, but for things to go that far…that you weren’t expecting it that soon. It’s not like his behavior didn’t give it away; quite the contrary, it was obvious that there was some sort of… sentiment on his part. You just didn’t think he’d make such a request yet.
Of course, you didn’t fail to notice your train of thought trying to go around certain words; “attraction”, “date”… And that worried you even more, because what could all this avoidance possibly mean…? You’d be lying if you said that Mori wasn’t a physically attractive man. And lying was exactly what you did.
“Nope, nope. He’s my superior”,you denied. “Not gonna happen. I’m not gonna go.”
You turned to look at the beautiful dress, which was still laid out in your bed. You took a breath, trying to reset your mind and stop it from rushing.
“What is wrong with me? How old is this man? And why is he treating Elise so weird…? It’s disgusting. HE’s disgusting for thinking I’d go. God, I know exactly what he’s expecting to do if I go… I’m not going. End of story.”
You looked at the dress again.
“Is this it? Is an extravagant gift all it takes for someone to get me to think about them? I don’t recognize myself… Oh what am I saying? Of course this is not just about the gift…”
You started pacing around your room, trying to sort out the thoughts that were bombarding your head.
“But he’s my superior! And he’s so much older! This is so wrong… But if it’s so wrong, why am I feeling… whatever this is?”
You spent a good amount of time going back and forth, all these “what-if”s coming one after the other, making you even more confused about the situation. You continued your inner conflict as you were showering, being moral and righteous one moment, then playing devil’s advocate the next.
You stepped out of the bathroom and tried on the dress he got you. And oh boy did it look stunning on you! The fabric was beautifully draped over your body, totally complimenting your figure and bringing out your best features. Its back was open, and there was a slit on the side. While it did remind you of what his intentions behind the gift were, every thought was suddenly overshadowed by a huge wave of self-confidence.
“You know what? I’m tired of this! I’m gonna shut my brain off and go. And if I change my mind, I’ll just get up and leave. What is he gonna do about it? He needs me. The Port Mafia needs me. I got this!”
The sun was already starting to set, so you went straight for your makeup, which was just mascara and a red lip, matching the shade of the dress. You sprayed some perfume on and made your way to the staircase that led up to his room. With every step you took, you consciously silenced every negative thought telling you to stay in your room, while also making sure that nobody else from the Port Mafia saw you on your way there - you didn’t want them to get the wrong idea…
When you arrived, you took a deep breath and reminded yourself, once again, that you could leave any time if you saw that things were going in a direction you didn’t want them to.
You knocked and waited for what felt like forever before you heard his smooth voice from behind the dark wooden door say “Come in, please”.
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You slowly opened the door and quickly inspected his room, which was much more spacious than that of a regular Port Mafia member. It had a king-sized sky bed, and the walls were decorated with a petrol, patterned tapestry. A heavy, large, antique clock with roman numerals was hanging on one of the walls. In front of a huge window that took up the majority of the wall it was adjacent to, there was a small table and two armchairs, identical to the scarlet, velvet one in his office. They were facing each other, and Mori was already seated on one of them.
He turned his head to look at you walking towards the empty chair, a smirk gradually forming on his lips.
“My, my… look who’s here. Please have a seat”
“You literally invited me here…”, you responded.
“I doubted you’d show up”, he said, his eyes following you as you took a seat and crossed your legs.
“Well, here I am, I guess…”, you responded, briefly questioning whether it’s right for you to be there.
“You look mesmerizing in that dress”, he commented as he removed his gloves and placed them on the table between the two of you.
You just noticed that this was the first time you’ve seen his hands without gloves. You spaced out while looking at his fingers getting slowly revealed, but quickly snapped back to reality and regained focus.
“Well, you got it for me, what else would you say…” you replied sarcastically, causing Mori to slightly giggle, just like he does every time you talk to him that way.
“The tailor did a great job, it fits you perfectly”
“What can I say, it’s a lovely dress indeed”, you sighed, thinking that taking a compliment wouldn’t be that bad after all.
“It’s only fabric without the beautiful woman wearing it”, he said, and you hated yourself for getting nervous after hearing that. You had to collect yourself.
“So poetic…”, you responded, looking away and towards the window.
“Where there’s no wine, there is no poetry”, Mori said, getting up from his chair and his fingers holding on to the arms of the armchair for support, “I’ll get the best red for us” and he exited the room.
During the few minutes he was gone, you took turns glancing at his gloves, and then at his bed. Deep down you knew how this was gonna play out should he have his way, but you still didn’t know whether that was something you’d want. Something like that… it would definitely complicate things.
You heard his footsteps and turned your head to face the door. He walked in with a bottle of wine in one hand, and two wine glasses on the other. This time he returned without his coat, wearing only a white button-up on the top, with his plum tie loosely tied around his collar. Seeing him like this really had you questioning whether it would be prudent to have even a single drop of alcohol in your system.
“So, where were we?” he asked as he sat back down and placed the glasses on the table and started pouring wine on yours first.
“I wasn’t really planning on drinking tonight, actually…”, you commented slightly too late.
“Oh come on, Ms. Y/N, just a glass to rejoice the Port Mafia’s victory, our victory”, he whined. “Just one, for me”
You sighed. You didn’t want to drink and increase your chances of acting recklessly, but the man got you such an expensive gift - apart from the special treatment - it would be a shame to not even have a glass of wine with him. Besides, it wasn’t him you felt threatened by. What was truly scaring you was your blindness to your own feelings towards him.
“I guess one glass can do no harm…”, you said, reaching for yours.
“That’s it”, he said, raising his, “To our victory, and to you”
You raised your glass, clinged his and took a good sip while trying to hide the smile that almost took control of your face.
Time flew by, and the colors of the sky faded to a subdued crimson before you even realized. The conversation was flowing pretty naturally, with him showing a great interest in your past and asking you questions he hadn’t asked during your undercover interview for the mafia. You tried to reciprocate, but the topic very masterfully turned back to you almost every time as he masterfully avoided most of your questions.
The wine was incredible, better than any wine you’ve ever tasted before. The bottle was soon empty, since every time he made you nervous, you took a sip. Mori had just as much as you, but neither of you were fazed at all.
As much as you hated it, there were moments when your hard, cold exterior broke, and you were warming up to him. But it was getting late, and you thought it’d be wise to call it a night.
“Well I think it’s time for me to go now”, you said, getting up from your chair. “Thanks for the wine, I had a great time”
“Oh no, Y/N”, Mori said, getting up from his seat as well, “Why don’t you stay a little longer?”
“I’d really love that”, you said as you slowly started walking towards the door, “but it’s getting late, and we both had our fair share of wine”
You reached for the door handle, but before you could open the door, you felt Mori’s warm hand completely wrapping your wrist. Before you could turn around to look at him, his voice from behind you made your body freeze and your mind go blank.
“Please stay…”
He gently moved his hand up your arm, all the way to your shoulder. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, as your fingers relaxed and eventually let go off the handle a few seconds later.
Mori took a step closer to you, his chest was almost touching your back. He touched both your shoulders with his hands, and slowly brought them down to your wrists again.
“Why are you scared?”
“I’m not scared…”
“Every time you give me a sarcastic comment and play it cool, I know it’s because you’re scared”
You really wanted to prove him wrong, but it didn’t take much thought to realize that what he said was true. That was quite uncalled for, you couldn’t think of anything to say to him to deny it.
“Is it me, or is it your own feelings?”
“I don’t know…”
“It’s so scary how you’re interested in me”, he said, bringing his hands on your waist and moving them up and down your sides, “you never thought you’d find yourself attracted to someone like me, did you? You almost feel ashamed”
Your heart was beating faster and faster.
“Truth is”, he whispered, letting his hands glide along the fabric of your dress, down to your hips, “there is nothing to be ashamed of. There is no shame in being attracted to someone and enjoying their attention. Everybody wants to feel special, wanted, desired…”
He paused for a little.
“At the end of the day, the door is in front of you, and the choice is yours” he said, taking a step back and making the distance between you bigger. “You’re free to go if you wish to”
He placed his fingertips on your nape and softly traced a line down the entire length of your bare back.
“But…if you choose to stay, I’ll take it as a ‘yes’ to proceed”, he warned, fiddling the zipper of your dress in his fingertips.
You felt your throat tighten, as if some invisible rope was wrapped around it. It was obvious to you what his intentions were for the night, and you couldn’t pretend not to understand anymore. His words were true, you really wanted him, even though you’d rather die than ever openly admit it to him — or anybody really.
As you felt time slow down in the room that was only minimally lit by then, you thought that maybe, it was time to let go of the shame. Maybe shame was the only thing holding you back from taking pleasure in something ridiculously simple; the fact that you were just two people that were attracted to each other. And maybe, everything else was nothing more than just complications you came up with to indulge in your self-disgust.
This was all becoming too much to process. It was about time you made things a little easier for yourself just once, it was about time you shushed your brain and let things take their natural course.
You stood there, but the tension you previously felt left your body like dirt getting washed away by the water, and you bet that Mori noticed that subtle change within you.
“That door you were about to walk out of”, he said, and you could hear his grin through his voice, “how about you lock it instead?”
You did as he asked and slowly turned the key that was already in the keyhole, while he was still playing with the zipper of the dress.
You wanted to turn around, but before you could even finish that thought, Mori had already taken care of that for you, and as he held your hips, your body mindlessly followed his hands’ commands.
Just as swiftly, he pulled you closer and buried his lips in yours with such desperation and hunger, as if he could only sustain himself and wait for you to fall into his arms for so long.
Your eyelids grew heavier as you gave in to the kiss, and once you were completely sunk in it, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
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A few moments later, you found yourself pushed against the wall, where Mori’s knee was between your legs and a strap of your dress was patiently hanging off your shoulder. His hungry mouth was all over yours, and his teeth were pulling and biting on your needful lower lip.
His hands were wandering all over your curves in self-pleasure, until his fingers slithered through the slit of your dress and started brushing the hem of your underwear. He slowly pulled it down and moved his knee, so it could fall on the floor and get out of his way.
Your stomach tensed up as he grazed two fingers over your outer lips. It was as if everything suddenly went silent, and the only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat. What was going on? Were the two of you really about to take things to the next level? Was this really the right thing you were doing? God knows how much you’re gonna hate yourself afterwards.
He started rubbing your sensitive clit in circles, but he didn’t fail to notice that there was something bothering you, something that held your true reaction back. His hand stopped, and he brought his head next to your ear.
“Just let it go… there’s no need to be afraid anymore…”, he whispered and then resumed the movement of his fingers, while he reached down to kiss your delicate neck.
Waves of delight grew within you as he nibbled on your skin and as he gradually increased the speed and the pressure in his fingers. Mori was very amused by the sinful sounds that escaped your mouth as his fingers moved from your clit to your entrance and made their way inside you.
You felt a bit of pain at first, a pain which then marvelously melted into an immense feeling of pleasure, leaving you moaning and wanting more every time he pushed his fingers in.
“I don’t think you feel so guilty anymore…”, he smirked, keeping his hand moving at the same, unhurried pace, “mhm?”
“No”, you uttered in between strained breaths “no…”
“Beautiful… because we have all the time in the world”
Deeper and deeper moans emerged from your throat, causing Mori to slow down and eventually withdraw his fingers, because of course he wouldn’t want you to finish so fast. As you started catching your breath, you looked at him with a silent plea in your eyes, as if voicelessly asking him why he had to stop there.
His intense gaze was cast upon you, in a manner that reassured you that you were about to feel very good in just a little while. He took your hand and led you away from the door and towards the edge of the bed, where he embraced you in a passionate kiss once again. Undoubtedly, things were just about to get very interesting.
You reached for his belt and rapidly unbuckled it, moving on to the lower buttons of his shirt.
“You’re in… such a rush”, he chuckled in the middle of the kiss, as he loosened his tie with his index finger and took it off.
Normally you’d come up with some smart-ass response for this, but now you were clearly occupied with the noble job of taking off his shirt. Mori was fascinated by your impatience, so he let you have your way and assisted in your undressing too. That zipper that had been pleading to be undone since before this entire embroilment even began, he finally pulled it down, letting your dress graciously fall off your body.
As your lips got separated, he placed a hand on your shoulder and gently pressed it down, so that you lay on the mattress with your entire figure exposed before him for the first time. His eyes lingered over you as he spoke under his breath.
Mori keenly climbed on top of you, and his eyes lit up with a sparkle you’d never seen in them before. He brushed your hair away with the knuckles of his fingers, so that he could easily kiss on your jawline. In the meantime, you made sure that his pants found themselves on the pile with all of your clothes on the floor, and shortly after, you let the entirety of his hair free to decorate the sides of his face.
After adjusting himself a little bit better on top of you, he brought both of his legs between yours and eventually positioned himself nicely above you. You could feel his erection rub against your sensitive area, and a certain type of agitation grew within you.
As he slowly started penetrating you, you experienced a thawed pain, a pain which you haven’t felt in quite a while. Ever since you joined the Port Mafia, you hadn’t gotten together with anybody, and sleeping around was definitely not part of your plans.
You swallowed the saliva down your throat and clenched your jaw while taking it in and getting used to the feeling. His breathing next to your ear grew heavier every time he went deeper, until it resolved into a seraphic, resonant groan once his full length made its way inside you.
He reached for your leg and brought it bent beside his hip, where he caressed your thigh and your calf. His other arm was wrapped around you, holding on to the back of your head. Soon enough, his lips found yours again in the fire of another long lustful kiss, as he started moving his pelvis again.
Your arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and your fingertips were digging into his pale skin. The pain you felt had already transformed into a rich delight as his painstakingly slow pace started growing moderate, but still remained as profuse. The heat of his body fully embracing yours turned your mind hazy, and both your moans fused beautifully in each other’s mouth.
After a while, you brought your other leg up as well and then wrapped them both around his waist, pushing him down deeper inside you. Sensing your neediness, Mori’s lips caressed yours with even greater zest, while his other hand slid underneath your waist and pulled it closer to him. As the intoxicating sensation overpowered you, you brought one hand on his head and entangled your fingers in the roots of his hair, clenching your fist with every ripple of electrifying bliss.
Slowing down and eventually pulling out, he broke the kiss and with his purple orbs staring into your soul, he whispered:
“Turn around for me”
You complied with his request and lied on your stomach, turning your head so that your cheek touched one of the silky pillows and letting your hands rest beside each of your shoulders. He brushed your hair to the side, and with a mischievous smile, he uttered:
“Good girl…”
His smooth, honeyed voice saying these words made your heart skip a beat. You felt his ardent breath just below your head as he planted kisses on your nape, while his hands softly moved up and down your sides. His mouth kept traveling downwards, leaving a trail of moisture all the way down to your spine.
Soon after, he wrapped one arm around your waist and lifted your hips slightly higher, while his other arm held on to the black, metal bedpost for support. As he pushed himself inside you once again, a pulsating, drawn-out grunt escaped his mouth.
“Ugh, fuck…”
You couldn’t help but moan in ecstasy when he resumed the movement of his hips. Watching you quiver underneath him and mercilessly grab the soft fabric of the bed covers, he enjoyed the moment just as much as you did. He loved seeing you in a state of complete frenzy, knowing that he was the one who got you into it.
For a brief moment as he was looking at you from above, you slightly turned your head further to the side so that your eyes met his. The expression in your face was making it clear to him that you felt great, but that you also needed a little more: just a little bit more before he could have you climax.
Without exiting you, Mori lowered his body closer to you, his chest pressing against your back and the heat of his burning skin completely engulfing your upper body. He pushed your legs a little further open with his knees and took his arm from your waist, slowly pushing your hips with his all the way down so that they touch the mattress.
He brought his elbows outside yours and let his palms glide over your forearms and your wrists. Once they completely covered yours, he intertwined his slender fingers between yours and gave your hands a long, firm squeeze. His head was leaning next to yours, and he was licking and biting on your ear, from your earlobe all the way to your helix.
Everything about the situation was so overwhelmingly hedonic. His weight above you, his breathing against your ear, the sweet amber scent of his cologne filling up your nostrils in the most delightful way… it was all so much to take in. His thrusts were getting harder and deeper, and you succumbed all the more to this excessive, unyielding sensation and getting closer and closer.
Your mewls had become ever so profound and intense by the time you reached your limit. Mori followed a few seconds after he slowed down his pace, pulling out and releasing his thick, hot liquid all over your lower back. Even many seconds after it was all over, it felt as if his final silvery sounds of overindulgence were still echoing inside that bedroom.
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After you both took a moment to catch your breaths, he rolled over to his nightstand and got a tissue to wipe his residue off your body. It was just about then that you were just starting to come back to your senses, and you silently wondered:
What the hell just happened?
As you were lying naked on your boss’s bed, all these thoughts were hovering in your head again, and it suddenly hit you: things can’t go back to how they were. Such confusion…on one hand, you couldn’t even in the slightest predict how it would all be from now on. You felt as though all control had been lost now that this happened, and guilt was creeping up inside you once again.
But on the other hand, you kept getting distracted by the fact that it was nothing like the way you thought it would be. You expected the calm, cold head of the Port Mafia to be rough and vicious in a setting like this. Especially the way he was trying to lure you in this entire time, the way he convinced you to stay… You couldn’t possibly imagine that there would be such a sensual and erotic side to him…
You quickly put a stop to these thoughts, knowing that nothing good could ever come out of you viewing your boss that way. Besides, you were absolutely sure that this was just a one-time thing, and that it would never happen again. And as your sense of time was slowly kicking in again, you took a look at the clock on the wall.
It read 12:20.
Time had flown by so fast, you couldn’t believe it. All of a sudden a sense of panic grew within you. What if someone was looking for you late at night, but found your room empty? What if they’ve noticed that Mori is not in his office either? What would they assume then? You had to get out of there as soon as possible.
You pushed yourself up from the mattress and rolled towards the side of the bed to make your way out, but you felt an arm wrapping your waist from underneath.
“Tsk tsk tsk, where do you think you’re going?”, Mori asked mischievously as he pulled you closer to himself.
“The Mighty Leader of the Port Mafia wants to spoon”, you chuckled, “now if that’s not a surprise…”
“You’re so cruel…”, he whined as he caressed your cheek from behind and lathered soft kisses all over the crook of your neck. Your body momentarily relaxed as he wrapped his other arm around your waist as well, feeling a mellow warmth that you haven’t experienced in so, so long.
“I have to go”, you sighed, “it’s past midnight…”
“So what?”, he asked and kissed your shoulder. “Spend the night here”
“So…” you said, your voice going slightly higher as you were thinking of what to say next, “someone might need me…”
Mori quietly laughed, and you felt his bare chest gently pump against your back a couple of times. “At midnight!”
“Uhh, yeah…?” you responded as if it was so obvious, but deep down you knew your excuse was pretty weak to begin with.
“Do you get bothered a lot at midnight?” he mocked.
“Ugh please, just-“ you said, rolling your eyes and lifting up his arm to get up. Mori’s eyes widened in surprise at what you just did, but they quickly relaxed as a sly grin morphed into his face.
“That’s no way of treating your superior, you know…”, he remarked as he was closely watching you put your clothes back on.
“Back to being my superior, huh?”, you mumbled, cocking an eyebrow, but without looking at him.
“Nothing changes that, my dear…” he answered in a gentle tone.
“You see, here’s the thing…”, you said as you put the straps of your dress and adjusted them on your shoulders, still avoiding eye contact, “Just because this happened once, doesn’t mean I’m ‘your dear’ or anything…”
“Of course…”, he responded with a chuckle, “Don’t be surprised that I’m still your superior then…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”, you asked, snapping your head towards him.
“Oh, nothing…” he said and paused for a while, slightly getting on your nerves, “Congratulations once again for today, you did a very good job”
“It’s literally all I do every single time”, you replied nonchalantly as you zipped yourself up and reached for your shoes.
“That doesn’t make you any less valuable ”, he said.
You didn’t really know how to respond to that, so you just remained silent. Whenever he talked about value, he was always referring to your work, but not you as a person… Could that mean something changed, or were you just overthinking it?
“Anyway…”, you muttered awkwardly after a short pause, “I’ll excuse myself…”
“As you wish”, he answered, watching you walk all the way to the door and unlock it. “Perhaps we’ll have wine again soon…” he added in a slightly louder voice, making sure you heard him from across the room.
“Perhaps…” you responded as you opened the door, “Goodnight, boss”
“Goodnight Y/N”, you heard his soft voice moments before you shut the door behind you.
You took a deep breath before you started walking quietly like a cat, all the way back to your room. Once you made it inside and locked the door, you threw yourself on your bed and stared at your empty ceiling. With all these thoughts in your head and everything that just happened, this was about to be a very long, sleepless night…
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A/N: If you made it here, thank you so much for reading once again! I tried to make it as realistic as I could considering the whole… situation. Please don’t unfollow me, I promise I’m normal and I’ll be posting normal content again very soon! But yeah, if Mori p3rv3rt, why sexy…?
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