firewireblog-blog · 2 months
Disney Entertainment And Warner Bros. Discovery Announce Disney+, Hulu, Max Bundle
Today, Disney Entertainment and Warner Bros. Discovery announced a new streaming bundle that includes Disney+, Hulu and Max. Beginning this Summer in the U.S, the streaming services will be offered together, providing subscribers with the best value in entertainment and an unprecedented selection of content from the biggest and most beloved brands in entertainment including ABC, CNN, DC,…
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bauerntanz · 6 months
27. Januar - Zum Gedenken an die Befreiung des KZ Auschwitz
27. Januar - Nationaler Gedenktag an die Befreiung des KZ #Auschwitz vor 79 Jahren - Veranstaltungen im #Emsland und umzu
Am 27. Januar 2024 jährt sich die Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Auschwitz durch die Rote Armee zum 79. Mal. Seit 1996 ist der 27. Januar Gedenktag für alle Opfer des Nationalsozialismus, seit 2005 auch internationaler Gedenktag der Vereinten Nationen. Viele Gruppen, Kommunen, Kirchengemeinden, Bildungseinrichtungen etc. halten mit ihren Veranstaltungen die Erinnerung an die Gräueltaten der…
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tamamita · 3 months
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Founding father of the settler colonial state seemed like a nice guy
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
"Nazi Town, USA" is a 2024 feature in PBS's American Experience series. It looks into the surprising degree of influence which Nazis had in the United States in the 1930s. There were even Nazi summer camps for kids.
It can be viewed (probably for a limited amount of time) at the series link above. Here's a preview...
To explore the topic more deeply, check out Rachel Maddow's excellent 8-episode podcast Ultra.
Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra | an MSNBC original podcast
Ultra has somewhat more emphasis on Nazi attempts to penetrate government.
Those espousing Nazi-friendly views in the 1930s did not disappear when the US entered World War II and fascism became very unfashionable. Those half-hidden feelings hibernated and occasionally emerged from time to time to poison discourse and endanger democracy. There are obvious echos of that movement today.
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lalalaugenbrot · 11 days
dfl!adam, hdw!adam, hds!adam and post-hds!adam are 4 entirely distinct men to me i KNOW in my brain that they are the same person, but it's very hard for me to FEEL that they are really actually the same human being
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a-very-tired-jew · 2 months
Remember when I said age is a factor regarding how informed a person is? About how life experience, world experience, education, and biology all play a role in how you process information and come to conclusions? https://www.tumblr.com/a-very-tired-jew/746376840485257216/youre-not-as-informed-as-you-think-and-age-does?source=share Well I have seen some token "Good Jews" exhibiting this exact thing as of today (04/20/2024).
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Fig. 1. User (Early 20s) claims Zionism is antisemitic, repeats Bund talking points, and repeats the genocide claim.
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Fig. 2. Same user says they needed to deprogram from indoctrination.
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Fig. 3. Same user as above claims elder Jews (read: Jews that are older than them) are indoctrinated. These are the most egregious examples that this Good Jew has with another Good Jew in this particular discord (you know which one). What we see in Figure 1 is the same Bundian philosophy that got Jews betrayed and killed in the USSR. It's the same philosophy that we have tried over and over again with the same results: Jews tortured, killed, and exiled by the larger goy communities we thought we were accepted in. I would hazard a guess that this young person is not aware of the Dreyfus Affair or other issues in "Liberal" societies that led to Zionism.
In Figure 3 this same person states that older Jews are indoctrinated and in Figure 2 states that they needed to "deprogram" from their "indoctrination". They posit that the reason young Jews are anti-Zionist is because they haven't been indoctrinated yet and/or have deprogrammed themselves from their childhood. However...this is typical teen/young adult behavior where they're "Fighting the narrative" and lashing out at the perceived "status quo of indoctrination". I've heard these words for years, hell I said them myself. But because this person is under 25, around 22/23 from my understanding, they simply don't have the experience or education to really understand what they're talking about. Yes they are Jewish. But the points I made about age in my other post still stand. The likelihood that they have the world and life experience is very slim. Add in that they use inflammatory language that is often associated with the current batch of young antisemitic activists and...well...you get the picture. But let's talk about the greater implication here. This is one glaring example in a discord. There are more throughout our own community. There are young Jews who are screaming at their elders and repeating talking points that they heard on tiktok, social media, and at protests*. The very same protests where they will hear chants of "Gas the Jews", "Hitler was right!", and so on. At what point do they realize that even if they care for innocent lives (which I have yet to see anyone besides outright racists and bigots call for actual genocide) that allying themselves with antisemites who would kill them in an instant is a bad idea? In part, I think it has to do with Westerners distrusting their Democratic governments as we have seen them repeatedly drop the ball on issues. They yearn for a revolution against the status quo because the future is bleak (and trust me, as an ecologist I understand climate anxiety and as a millennial I understand that and so much of the other shit too). But this yearning to have meaningful change in their own country has been coopted by terrorist organizations bent on killing Jews. That energy around positive activism and meaningful change has been manipulated by an organization that has been caught on tape saying they would manipulate these very people to bring about their violent intent. And here's the thing...many of us elders have gone through that very same phase of rhetoric. I remember being an edgy anti-Zionist myself when I was a teen and young adult (I was of the Bundian philosophy as well, and yes I had grown up Reconstructionist, there's a lot to unpack there for a later time). I remember thinking my elders were brainwashed and just scoffing at their retorts. I remember thinking that they had just fallen for the propaganda and needed to open their eyes. As I got older and became more educated, as well as had more world experiences and reached certain biological milestones, my views changed. Not because I became more conservative, but because I was no longer an emotional, hormonally driven young adult who thought they knew more than others. There's a saying in academia that goes something like "In undergrad you think you know everything, in masters you realize you were woefully uninformed, and in your doctorate you realize you don't know shit about anything." But if you tell them that, they just say it's Hasbara (propaganda) because those same orgs have told them it is. Only hindsight and time will let them go beyond their surface level reactionary reasoning and see the bigger picture. They think they've been deprogrammed, but in reality they've fallen for a different manipulation that will use their good intentions to do harm.
*This is reminiscent of young LGBTQ+ behavior where the young queer kids are yelling at their elders, telling them they don't understand, and the elders are warning them about something dangerous. The youngins then come back and cry "why didn't you warn us?" to which they respond "you didn't listen".
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victorviper99 · 2 months
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Anime werewolf gif
Anime:Dance in the Vampire Bund
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From the moment Theodore Herzl strode upon the world stage, many of us have insisted that leaving the diaspora for a Jewish nation-state is the wrong way to achieve safety, fight antisemitism, actualize Jewish identity, and work for justice in the world. Many have claimed that our peoples’ relationship to the land of Israel is far more complicated than a narrow nationalist vision can allow, or that we are religiously forbidden, at this time, from setting up a Jewish state in the holy land. And many have protested Israel’s dispossession of the Palestinians indigenous to the land of Israel. Though these arguments, and many others, animated Jewish life and discourse for generations, they are too often forgotten in today’s mainstream discourse, buried under the mistaken assumption that all Jews have always supported Zionism. But today, as more Jews are awakening to the depth of Israel’s unjust oppression of Palestinians, there is a real thirst for new Jewish identities, to guide us through these troubled times. In order to dream the Jewish future beyond Zionism, we need to trace the Jewish past beyond Zionism.
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theelkmaiden · 1 year
So I've been thinking.
If Captain Marvel is the Champion of Magic, does that mean he has to play by the rules of all magic? Demon, fea, pixie etc.? Because if you owe something to one of those, things tend to go wrong. Fae can take your children, pixies can make your life hell, demons can literally take your souls.
So what if Billy Batson, being the sweet boy he is, keeps doing people favours? Now, he'd never take a child or cause someone chaos, as that means actually interfering, but souls? That boy could definitely be having people sign their souls away to him and he has no idea.
The first time he did someone a favour after the wizard granted him his powers, Billy was overtaken by a surge of tingles that tasted vaguely of rotten eggs. The feeling only lasted a second, but he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day. All he did was help Old Linda from the block over carry a bag of food to her place of residence. That was it. But after the tingling, Billy felt like he was connected to her in some way, on a deep and intimate level that didn't make sense.
And then it kept happening.
Helping to paint his neighbours room. Helping a girls cat from a tree. Letting a lost child sleep in his abandoned apartment overnight.
And later, bringing Batman a coffee after a long mission. Teaching Green Arrow the basics of pickpocketing. Spotting Flash on his running form.
Anytime someone said "can I ask you a (quick) favour" the tingling and eggs would come and Captain Marvel had no idea what it was or why it happened.
That is.
Until Old Linda died.
It had been a long patrol for Captain Marvel. There was a crime wave almost every year around July, like clockwork. Mainly teenagers getting in with gangs and trying to prive their worth now that school was out (or, at least, that was Cap's theory).
He was just touching down near his building to transform when he felt an entirely unique sensation. The tingling he was so familiar with came crashing over him in a wave so intense the demigod found himself wobbling where he stood, garnering a few concerned stares by citizens. The part of him that had been connected to Linda had snapped into place and, without even having to doue check, Billy knew for a fact that Old Linda was dead.
He also knew where to find her.
Drawing on his magic, Captain Marvel opened a portal to a corner of the Rock of Eternity ans stepped through.
There, on the otherside, stood the kind old woman who would often give him food if she had any left over.
"Excuse me, sir?" She asked, looking rather fearful, "would you mind telling me where I am?"
With eyes already misting, Marvel closed the portal and stepped towards her with his arms out in a calming manner.
"Linda. I'm so sorry. You're in the Rock of Eternity. You shouldn't be here but I think it's my fault you are," he was swallowed thickly, putting every ounce of self control he had to the test to bit show how distraught he was with this development.
Clearly seeing his distress, Linda calmed and gripped the Captains arm in a consoling manner. "I'm sure it's quiet alright, dear. Why don't you tell me what happened and then you can return me home. And then you can explain to me all about this place, hmm?"
Her small smile fell when the captain did not immediately react to her request.
"Miss Linda," Billy tried, not feeling very much like a superhero at that moment I time, "I'm so so sorry! I shouldn't have helped you with the food. But I just wanted to do something good. And now you're stuck here forever and I don't know how to free you and there's so many people that are going to come here and I didn't mean to!"
The hulking form of Captain Marvel was now a kneeling, sobbing mess as the twelve year old realised what he had done. The feeling of rightness that sang in his magic at Linda standing within the Rock of Eternity. The pull of what he now knew to be souls pulling him in different directions. The fact that he had only been trying to help.
"Now dear," Linda kneeled next to him, patting his shoulder in confused concern, "I assure you I have no idea what you're going on about. I've seen you flying overhead and fighting monsters, but we've never met officially past today. But if I'm stuck here forever, then at least I'll have company. Now, come, dry your eyes and get up. You need to explain to me what's going on." The mum of four in her seemed to have taken over as she dragged the massive man up to his feet and the stood on her toes to wipe his cheeks with the sleeve of her cardigan.
Taking a deep breath, Captain Marvel nodded. "Miss Linda. You are dead. I'm sorry. I accidently own your soul and I don't know how to release you to go somewhere better. And you're only the first person that's going to arrive here. This is completely new for me and I'm not sure what to do. This place is my home so you are welcome to explore and make yourself comfortable. But it's not much."
The silence that followed was deafening as Linda contemplated her situation. It stretched on until a look of resolve made its way onto the old souls face.
"Okay? Is that it?"
"Well you are obviously very distressed so it was definitely an accident. But I am not staying somewhere that looks so dull for the rest of Eternity. You and I are going to be doing some redecorating. How big is this place?"
"Then this shan't be an issue. We can build a lovely garden where we can all stay until you get this figured out. Besides, it'll give me something to do."
So, he did. Captain Marvel (who Linda learned to be Billy Batson) got to work and transformed a large section of the Cave into a garden, with strict directions from Linda.
Over time, more people joined and Linda took it upon herself to greet the newcomers and explain what had gone on. Many people were unhappy, but soon settled into their afterlife and making friends.
After awhile, Billy took Linda aside and granted her a Boon. One of her choosing. She chose "to be the peacekeeper of this little afterlife. I want to help comfort those here who miss their old lives. I try, I do, but a little magical help wouldn't go amiss." And so she became the Peacekeeper.
In the outside realm, when Captain Marvel explained to Batman, Green Arrow, and The Flash that he accidently owned their souls, well, let's just say that shitshow lasted a while.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months
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On February 20, 1939, the German-American Bund, aka the American Nazi Party, held a huge rally at Madison Square Garden. It was a raucous scene inside and out, as protesters scuffled with police, who numbered 1,500.
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Top photo: Associated Press Bottom photo: Harry Harris for the AP
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jknerd · 5 months
NIMH AU: Just Say Yes!
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For my "Mrs. Brisby and the Bund of NIMH" AU, I used The Secret of NIMH's BLUTHLESS Sequel villain song "Just Say Yes" and made a lot of changes to connect with Jenner's character. I was listening to the song, and then "In the Dark of the Night" from the animated film Anastasia. Some bits based on Hellfire from Disney's "Hunchback of Notre Dame", and "Be Prepared" from "The Lion King".
Think of this song taking place Jenner seduces Elizabeth Brisby to be his. Imagine PAUL SHENAR'S rich and sonorous voice sing this XD
Let me know what you think, on the comments! Is there favorite parts of lyrics? What part stands out for Jenner's character? Any improvements needed? What scenario you have thought for this musical note?
Life was far too short,
From the very start.
Since the tortures from those imps,
I began to grow
Little did they know
I had my own plans from them
They thought I was tamed,
Fools, fallen in my little game!
Until this all became mine,
They all do as I say!
No one stands in my way,
In my way, all here will be happy
OR I have them slaughtered
I can do as I please,
I can change everything with ease
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
I control the wind and weather!
We can rule all together
If you come with me,
You will be happy,
WE will be happy
When you come with me
Be my wife
Change my life
With all we can see
Just say yes, Elizabeth!
Truth be told,
I too grieved,
Her and me
Me and her
Her death broken us up
O, please don’t shed a tear
We have another chance, my dear
Time flies and memory falters,
We look to the sky say our prayers,
Elizabeth my dear, don’t leave me
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
Take what you can when you can!
Join me in my grand plan
Bestow them an agony,
Farewell, Jonathan Brisby!
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
With all became mine,
Everything will be fine
Crossing the oceans of time,
Achieved ambitions are no crime!
I’ll reduce your pain to bits,
As long as you just say yes!
You will be happy,
WE will be happy
If you just say YES
(For so fair~ for so fair~ Fitting for power~)
O, poor widow (For so fair~)
Your eyes a soul’s broken window,
Just a tragic mess (yet so fair~)
I welcome you to the greatest next life 
To the brand new, hopeful life (Fitting for power~)
Let us be happy,
For eternity!
Perfect immortal bliss
Beyond measure 
Purest pleasure!
If you just say yes~!
(For so fair,
Fit for power~)
It’s our chance to rule (For so fair, fitting for power~)
Don’t let it slip away,
Don’t be so scared,
I promise it won’t hurt,
You will not regret 
(For so fair, for so fair, for so far~ Fit for power~!)
If you just say yes~
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romanceyourdemons · 3 months
the thing about me is when i’m overcome with a desire to watch a particular movie it feels like i’ve been given a coupon to fun ice cream place. a guaranteed beautiful treat for the near future. but when i’m overcome with a desire to watch a particular show or read a particular book i feel like i’ve been given a quest by gandalf
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kropotkindersurprise · 3 months
Oy, Ir Narishe Tsionistn / Oh, You Foolish Little Zionists performed by Oy Division, Daniel Kahn & Psoy Korolenko
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keebwee · 9 months
sometimes u have to just throw ur oc into a rottmnt vine. fuck you. they're family actually. these turtles love their 6-year-old adopted brother
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daloy-politsey · 8 months
“One hundred and fifteen years ago, the Zionists held their first congress in a casino in Basel. The Bundists on the other hand, had their first meeting in the attic of a farm near Vilnius a month before. The Zionists were bourgeois from the start!”
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galtzagorri-marrazki · 3 months
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