#bump stewart
reghollis · 2 months
13.152 Things That Go Bump in the Night
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chadara · 2 months
british podcasters at the dnc makes me laugh. i think they have more fun at the rnc making fun of trump supporters though
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.
It is vintage times. The powers that be have decided to again remake the classic vampire novel Dracula for the screen. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, Hollywood’s most elite hotties are up for the starring roles. the producers know whoever they cast will greatly impact the genre, quality, and tone of the finished film, so they are turning to their wisest voices for guidance.
you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.
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Previously cast:
Jonathan Harker—Jimmy Stewart
The Old Woman—Martita Hunt
Count Dracula—Gloria Holden
Mina Murray—Setsuko Hara
Lucy Westenra—Judy Garland
The Three Voluptuous Women—Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe, and Lauren Bacall
The Agonized Mother—Mary Philbin (rip)
Dr. Jack Seward—Vincent Price
Quincey P. Morris—Toshiro Mifune
Arthur Holmwood—Sidney Poitier
R.M. Renfield—Conrad Veidt
The Captain of the Demeter—Omar Sharif (rip)
The First Mate of the Demeter—Leonard Nimoy (rip)
Mr. Swales—Ed Wynn (rip)
The Correspondent for The Daily Graph—Ethel Waters
Dracula in dog form—Frank Oz with a puppet
Sister Agatha—Angela Lansbury
Mrs. Westenra—Gladys Cooper
Dracula's solicitors—Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee
Van Helsing is described at length in the novel. He is Dr. Seward's old mentor, possessing "an iron nerve, a temper of the ice-brook, an indomitable resolution, self-command, [....] and the kindliest and truest heart that beats." According to Mina, he is "a man of medium height, strongly built, with his shoulders set back over a broad, deep chest and a neck well balanced on the trunk as the head is on the neck. The poise of the head strikes me at once as indicative of thought and power. The head is noble, well-sized, broad, and large behind the ears. The face, clean-shaven, shows a hard, square chin, a large resolute, mobile mouth, a good-sized nose, rather straight, but with quick, sensitive nostrils, that seem to broaden as the big bushy brows come down and the mouth tightens. The forehead is broad and fine, rising at first almost straight and then sloping back above two bumps or ridges wide apart, such a forehead that the reddish hair cannot possibly tumble over it, but falls naturally back and to the sides. Big, dark blue eyes are set widely apart and are quick and tender or stern with the man's moods." Van Helsing tends to talk through funny stories and bizarre metaphors, is one of the first to consider the supernatural in Lucy's illness, and comes from Amsterdam.
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comparativetarot · 2 years
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Fist of Bumps. Art by Roy Huteson-Stewart, from the Wrestling Tarot Deck.
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gothamite-rambler · 2 months
I am African American so I love that Duke Thomas is apart of the Batfamily, I think there's another guy, but I can't remember. I can't find the post on here, but someone brought up that at a certain point he got comfortable enough to go "It's because I'm black isn't it?" And I love that concept, but let's go one step further and I love to imagine Vixen or John Stewart sticking up for him from like Oliver Queen (Arrow) I just think he'd be a bit of a prick... Plus I don't like that kicked out Roy when the boy got addicted to drugs, my opinion lol.
Oliver: Hello, my... Main man brother, what's good in the h- Gotham?
Duke Thomas (confused): What?
Oliver: Just want to give you a greeting and some of that dap.
Duke: Dap? Um, okay then.
Duke bumps his fist against the man's fist. Batman sits away from the two watching and hiding his smile.
Oliver: I, for one welcome you to the league, we need more people like you. You're just what we need.
Duke: I-
Vixen appears behind Oliver and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around and jolts.
Vixen: What does that mean?
Oliver: I'm just saying that it's good to see more people like him here. You know your people are unrepresented.
Duke: My people?
Vixen: I don't like how you said that.
Oliver: I simply mean that we do not have enough of your... You are not... You know there aren't enough-
Duke: My dude, you gotta word this better.
Oliver: I'm only saying there's not enough of your people here.
John, knocking Flash to the ground by shoving him away: You keep saying that, who is the 'your people' you're referring to?
Vixen, hands on her hips: Yeah and why do you keep looking at me or John when you say that?
Oliver: Um... Batman, help?
Batman: I got coffee. My hands are full. Sorry.
Batman drinks his coffee.
Superman: I forgot how to speak English.
Wonder woman: Don't even look this way.
Oliver: You know Martin Luther King once said-
Hal Jordon: You're digging a hole to China. Stop.
Vixen: We're all adults, what do you mean and why did you talk to the young man like that? Enlighten us?
Duke: Yeah you held up your hand for dap... Why?
Oliver: I- you see... Gotta go!
Oliver runs out of the room.
Duke: He's kind of just like that?
Vixen: Oh yeah. Welcome to the Justice League by the way.
John: Yeah, cool costume.
Duke: Oh thank you! It helps with my powers.
Vixen: It does? Batman I'm hanging out with the kid.
Batman gives a thumbs up.
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kinglivv · 3 months
Kate Lethbridge-Stewart x g!n Reader
Summary: The minute you meet Kate Stewart, you christen her “Katie” with a smirk and a shake of her hand. She thinks she hates you for it, until she doesn’t.
Warnings: Implied sex, implied risk of violence
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You call her Katie. No one is allowed to call her Katie.
At first, it pisses her off. Every once in a while, you flounce off the TARDIS, trailing after the Doctor, and smile at her a “hi Katie!” because you know it winds her up. You cause whatever necessary destruction to the UNIT office, narrowly avoid an alien invasion and disappear with a “bye Katie!”, leaving her with a migraine and stacks of incident reports.
Her staff think it’s funny, in a sort of distant way because anyone seen mimicking that behaviour would get their head bitten off. Mel finds it bemusing. Kate didn’t even know where you’d gotten it from. The Doctor had introduced you two with a grandiose “this is Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Commander of UNIT and daughter of one of the greatest men I ever knew.” Instead of looking in-awed, you’d smirked, shook her hand and winked “nice to meet you, Katie.”
She tries to ignore it. She won’t be swayed by the Doctor’s companion mocking her, someone half her age and probably half her experience and intellect. She gets on with the job, runs the most clandestine government office excellently and puts up with your visits every once in a while.
It doesn’t strike her just how interesting you might be until she bumps into you at Donna’s birthday doo.
It really wasn’t her scene, parties and late nights. She’d prefer a glass of wine, a book and a bubblebath. But she finds herself at Donna’s house one Saturday evening, celebrating the former companion’s 40th and sat on the sofa chatting with the great and good of the Doctor’s friends. You muscle in through the crowd of bodies, gift bag in hand.
“Hi love!” You cry over the the music and chatter to Mel who’s curled up on the other end of the sofa from Kate, “Where’s the main woman?”
“Oh, out in the garden I think,” Mel waves vaguely, bringing you in for a hug, “chatting with Rose.”
“Ah,” you hold up the bag, “present from the Doctor.”
“The Doctor does presents now?” Kate raises an eyebrow.
“When I remind him to, Katie,” you smile, “you know what he’s like.”
“That’s very caring of you,” her tone is guarded. She doesn’t exactly like you, and she’s prodding.
“He leaves people behind,” you shrug, “they deserve to know they’re remembered.”
Kate watches in confusion as you melt away back into the party.
It doesn’t strike her as flirting until… well.
UNIT picks you up in the middle of the night, sometime late in the autumn. There was an alien incursion imminent and Kate was panicking. They couldn’t find the Doctor anywhere and whilst she resented running to him for help, the dozens of red dots on the radar were blinking closer and closer to Earth. Colonel Ibrahim suggests the next best thing - you of all people would know where the Doctor was.
They track your location, Kate sends out a team and not fifteen minutes later, you stumble into the control room.
When she says stumble, she means it. You’re in a little dress, heels and… tipsy.
“Seriously,” she says to Ibrahim, “Kraxon invasion on the horizon and this is the solution you’ve brought me?”
He merely shrugs. “You asked for them,”
“Katie!” You swagger over to her where she’s sat at her desk with a pout. “You interrupted my night out.”
“Yes, well, sorry about that,”
You lean on her desk grinning down at her. She notices that your eyes are a much lighter E/C than she thought.
“You asked for me?” you stage-whisper. You cross your legs, skirt riding up to show more thigh.
“There’s a bit of a situation-“
“You know if you wanted to see me you could just call,”
“Do you need a coffee or something to sober you up, because -“
“Did you say Kraxon?” You interrupt. She sees something click in you and you look up at the screen looming over the room.
“Yes,” she stands up, suddenly feeling a little too hot and a desperate need to put some space between you two. “They’re coming from the east - we think Mars. We’ve been tracking them for days and so far all defences have failed. We’re reaching the eleventh hour with this and we were hoping you might know where to find the Doctor.”
You don’t look like you’re listening. You’re staring at the screen intently.
“Y/N, we really don’t have -“
“Radiation,” you say.
“Radiation?” She repeats.
“They’re extremely susceptible to it. Can you defences field them towards… say Chernobyl? That will finish them right off.” You swing your legs a little.
Kate looks at you. At the screen. At Colonel Ibrahim. She swears under her breath - of course.
“Get to it,” she nods to him, and the command deck springs into action. In the middle of it all, you sit smiling at her. The colour of the dress really does brings out your eyes. She wants to hate you, tottering into her office, wearing something incredibly distracting and solving the headache that’s been keeping her awake for days.
“Thank you,” she offers, squeezing your arm.
You smirk at her, and she’s fairly certain you’re too intoxicated to fully comprehend what you’ve just done.
“Anything for you Katie,”
After that, you play on her mind constantly.
Kate tries not to think about it, but you’re everywhere. In her dreams, her case reports. She can’t stop thinking about you in that dress, that cheeky smile. “Katie,” echoes in her head and suddenly she doesn’t hate it as much as she once thought she did. It’s a teenage infatuation - she’s never felt it before. Not for her son’s father, not for her ex-wife. It’s borderline embarrassing, and she does her best to ignore it, giving you cold stares when you flirt and deflecting Mel’s pointed questions. She was the Commander in Chief of the Unified Intelligence Task Force. She was not lusting after one of the Doctor’s companions just because they had some brains and showed a bit of skin.
It doesn’t strike her as anything serious until the Toymaker incident.
It was only meant to be a demonstration so you and the Doctor could fully comprehend the severity of the situation. However, she hadn’t quite considered in that moment what she might say once under the influence of the Toymaker’s waveform.
She takes off the Zeedex.
“Hi,” says the Doctor.
“Hi…” she frowns.
“How was your day?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“Just curious,” you pipe up.
“You’re nosy,” she snaps. “All you do is talk.”
“What if I like talking to you, Katie?”
“Don’t call me that!” Kate snaps. She begins to move towards you and thats when the guards grab her and snap it back on.
She comes back to herself. She looks at you and sees the tears in your eyes, and you see the moment she registers how she’s made you feel. She opens her mouth to say something, but someone else gets there first and she’s left listening to them like white noise, still staring at you.
Once it’s all over, she catches you in the corridor between the control room and the her office. She can’t bear the thought of you upset, and she grabs your arm before you can disappear and before she can think to hard.
“Sorry,” she stammers, “about earlier.”
“It’s okay,” you reply.
“No,” she shakes her head, “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s alright,”
“I could see you were upset.”
“You didn’t mean it.”
“I’m not sure you know that,” her hand is still on your arm, rubbing circles.
You look away, up the corridor, shifting slightly beneath her grip.
“Do you really hate the nickname Katie?” You whisper.
She frowns. “That’s it? That’s what’s bothering you?”
“It’s nothing,” your guard slams shut and you move to pull away, but her hand tightens.
“I don’t mind it,” she confesses. “I mean, I hated it. Initially. But now… now not so much,”
She’s close. She’s close and she shouldn’t be, because she’s meant to be the serious, in-control boss. She has a reputation, priorities…
You lean up and kiss her. It’s light and cautious, a mere few seconds as your hand cradles her face and all thoughts leave her brain. When you pull back, she doesn’t move, breath ghosting your lips.
And then she surges back in and effectively pins you to the wall. She kisses you like she’s dreamed about, like she’s wanted to for months, even if she hadn’t admitted it to herself. Your arms wrap around her and you kiss her like she’s oxygen, like you’d die in this moment without her to anchor you. You probably really would have died that day if it weren’t for her and you whimper against her lips, feeling her warm and alive beneath your hands. You want her clothes gone, you want to drag her into her office, you want -
There’s a cough. You break apart and the Doctor smirks from the end of the corridor. “You wanting dropped home or what?”
After that, the nickname “Katie” strikes her as a prayer.
It’s a whisper in the dark, it’s a moan against her neck as she does whatever sinful things she wants to you. It’s a murmur in crisp sheets, it’s a laugh at the dinner table. It’s her name in your phone and it’s written at the top of Christmas cards. Katie is synonymous with you. She can go out there, be Commander Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, and come home to you and be your Katie. Without you, Katie doesn’t exist and she isn’t anyone.
You spend a lot of time around her lately. The Doctor’s moving on - some girl called Ruby, Kate thinks - but you don’t seem to mind or notice. You’ve got a job at UNIT now, and Kate’s rather glad you’re posted a few floors below her because she’s not sure she could manage with the distraction at work as well as at home. You wake her up with cups of tea and kisses in the morning, and greet her in evenings with dinner and - if she’s lucky - matching underwear beneath your clothes. Her obsession with you shifts from lust to something more serious without Kate quite realising. More and more of your stuff has gravitated into her flat. Her grown-up kids have started asking questions.
She comes home one evening and finds you stood at the stove, stirring a pan and humming along to something on the radio. She dumps her handbag on the table, wraps an arm around your waist and presses her chin into the crook of your neck.
“Hello darling,”
“How was work?” You twist your head and press a kiss into blonde hair.
“The usual. What’s cooking?”
“Spaghetti bolognese,”
You snort. “It’s the third time I’ve made it this week, babe,”
“I’ve not had time to food shop,” she groans, “a task for Saturday.”
“We’ve gone all domestic,” you tease. It was true. What had started as a rather physical infatuation with Kate Stewart had at some point melted into easy co-habitation. She was a different women these days to the one you’d met on that control deck. Warmer. Free.
“Yeah well,” Kate’s thumb rubs circles in it’s all too familiar habit, “for that to be true you’d have to move in with me.”
“What do you think?” She squeezes your side.
“A million times yes, Katie.”
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pascalcampion · 11 months
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Under the Boardwalk.
I was at Lightbox a few weeks ago and I bumped into a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. ( hey Francis! We need to do lunch) He was laughing because he said that he had just seen a trailer for this thing I did some work on years ago. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about Under the Boardwalk. Movies do take a while to get done.
Anytime I see a movie in a theater that doesn’t come from Pixar, Disney, Illumination or Dreamworks, I clap my hands in my mind. It is SO hard to get to the finish line. Each movie that you see is the result of a series of small miracles.
I did a couple months of work on it. I was think it was in preproduction at the time. It was called Jersey Crabs at the time and there were only three people on it. At least, I only met three.
There was Chris Zibach, Ericka Stewart and David Soren.
I had just come off of two rather long and hard productions and I was a bit burned out about Art direction, production design or just… design in general.
When I first got an email about this, I wasn’t sure. But I went over to Paramount to meet with all three of them.
And you know what? They were fantastic.
Ericka was the producer and she had this no nonsense approach. Tell me your price, I’ll tell you if we can do it, if not we’ll figure something out. Boom. Done. She cut to the chase and any time I had a question she would reply within the hour. Her feedback was always short and precise, and she was always encouraging. After I was gone, she emailed me a couple of times to follow up on this or that. She didn’t leave any loose ends AND, something that is absolutely remarkable in this industry, she would reply to emails. She didn’t simply reply when she needed something, but when I would ask her if I could send recommendations, or if there were any other projects going on, she would send me an email back. I think the longest it took her to reply was TWO days, which is incredible.
Chris Zibach. It wasn’t immediately clear what Chris’s role on this was. I knew he was an artist. I had met him a few years prior while visiting a friend at Dreamworks TV I think. He was quieter than Ericka. Not sure if he was shy or I was simply too aloof for him to talk to me. For whatever reason, when I saw him, I thought of Tim Burton. Maybe the genius in him? Not sure. Later, I learned he was the production designer. I was surprised because that is something I typically learn on the first meeting. I was also unsure of his role because I hadn’t seen any of his work before and he didn’t act like any of the production designers I had met before. He wasn’t bombastic or sure of himself. He wasn’t trying to win me over with his talent or past battlefield experiences. He was humble. Yes, I think that’s probably the right word. Humble. But at the time, I couldn’t figure out if it was humility or something else.
It became clear after the first few designs of his I’d seen and especially after I had done a sketch for a moment that I couldn’t quite picture. I wasn’t understanding what they were looking for and Chris did this thirty second sketch that was SO clear, SO readable and SO easy to work with, and I was. OH! Ok.. he’s the real deal.
I love Artists like him. I wish I had worked with him more actually.
And, David Soren, the director
That was such an interesting meeting.
You know how sometimes you are hesitating on a project and you meet the team and all of a sudden it all flips? That’s how it was for this. I didn’t know what this story was based on, I didn’t find crabs particularly interesting, and the story, as it was pitched, wasn’t what I gravitate toward.
But David, wow. He had this energy in the meeting, this confidence. He was good at talking but he could listen AND hear you. He could also answer questions. Any type of question regarding the art, the story, the schedule, the planning. I didn’t know much about him but I came away very impressed.
I gave it a shot and now, I feel I was lucky to have been asked because, even if I was only on this for a very short while, it was one of those candy like work experiences. All good, nothing bad. Short and sweet and really fun.
There was a moment when I was drawing this big long scene that was supposed to be in the middle of a battle and I stopped, look at it and laughed on the inside because I had just realized I was being paid to do this and THIS was SO much fun.
I don’t know what my job was, what I was supposed to bring to the project. I didn’t understand why they had me do these designs when Chris’s work was so different and so unique already, but all three did a good job at quieting those thoughts.
I was working from home and they were on the lot. If I remember correctly, they would send me emails to broadly tell me “ There is a flood there, there is a battle there, there is club, a hotel, etc etc” and I would just do some images on what I thought it could be.
They already had some character designs, and Chris had done a few images, so I wasn’t totally going from nothing.
Each time I would send a set of images, I would get an email back the same day or the next day from either Ericka or David telling me something nice. Never from Chris though. I always wondered why but now I am realizing it was because he was too busy getting the whole thing off the ground.
I would get notes sometimes but not very often. Chris would do little drawers or notes on my images and, again, they were always minimal except for that one set piece and always clear.
I don’t know what the movie is like. I was still working on this when I started with the Peanuts Special which would occupy my life for the next three and a half years.
But I do know that I remember this as a very fun, loving and carefree work experience, which have not come around very often in my career.
Thank you Ericka, Chris and David.
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obriengf · 1 year
17 and Stewart!! I can picture that one with him perfectly!
get cute with meet-ugly blurbs - requests closed! 17: “we make contact before trying to steal the last seat on the subway/bus/train and I end up in your lap and fuck you, I’m going to stay here because I’ve had a really long day and this seat was mine” Note: I am very well aware that this isn't the best thing...
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Your vision line was impaired for a brief moment, but you could still feel his eyes on you; the way you were watched closely, your every move waited upon and calculated as if you were a puzzle that he was trying to solve. Your observations were just as canny, if not more, as you took a moment to take in your surroundings within an enclosed cabin of the subway to San Fransisco. The afternoon commute was busier than usual - passengers taking up every minuscule inch of occupancy, bodies feeding into the claustrophobia of limited seating. It was amazing how a sea of people from every platform could filter into such a small space so easily. Fresh air was non-existent and it caused your heart to thump and brows to furrow in distress. The knuckles of your right hand were screaming in pain from clutching the hanging strap too tight, and every bump the cabin passed caused your stature to falter and your footing to become unbalanced. Your time at work was bad enough as it was, but standing and waiting for a seat overtook every stressful event of your day with ease. Your eyes fluttered around for a vacant spot, but were met again with the large brown gaze that hid behind glass frames - the first time you saw them, your cheeks grew flushed, until you realised their motive. The owner, a man with matching annoyance clutching at every facial feature, was making sure that you didn't get the first seat before him. Smug bastard.
It was as if he could read your mind; his body stiffening, ready to pounce despite how his shoulder ached with a heavy bag that slung deeply. His day, too, was challenging - trying to meet quotas on a mind-blank of ideas wasn't something he often faced, yet it had been his daily norm for nearly a week. He desired to sit, to rest his legs and to take that relieving deep breath that was much warranted when the evening came. Nobody else in your peripherals was awake enough for a battle of comfort, which made this fight fit best for the quickest and most cunning.
The next stop was approaching and people began to stand as they awaited their further commute home. Your surroundings shifted, bodies repositioning as they slid around you like Tetris - confined tensions forcing your eyes closed as you drew a deep breath. You loved your job, truly, but the hour commute to and from was less than ideal. You were forced in between strangers and moments away from your throat closing with nervous energy before the train finally began slowing its pace, and you released relieving exhale of panicked breath in time with the opening of your carriage doors.
Congestion was imminent, however, your brief layover finally allowed carriage breathing room - and the possibility of the much-awaited available spot. As people began to vacate, you spotted a free seat and it was as if your heart sang in solace with laser-eyed focus and feet ready to lunge. You held on to your bag tightly as you pressed forward, small pleasantries slipping past your lips as you dodged other passengers.
You could feel the soft seating before you even sat down, you were dreaming of it for the past thirty minutes - but the plushness of the seat wasn't what you expected when you realised that the man with the glasses and observant eyes was where you managed to place yourself. Your own eyes widened in shock, voice unable to emit after you glanced down to his cocky smirk.
With a small growl, your brows furrowed at him, "No, no! This is my seat, go somewhere else."
"Sorry sweetheart, I was here first." His voice was mocking, a daring tone that effortlessly portrayed just how much he didn't care. To further affirm his unwillingness to move, the stranger's body sunk snugly against the padded bench with a loud and restful sigh. His competitiveness continued to shine through with a cocky quirk of his lips, "I'm not giving this up."
Fire burned in your eyes, an anger brewing that started much earlier in your day. You were exhausted and irritated, and games were far from what you were prepared to face at this moment. A pout prompted your lips to purse and brows to drop, and for a second you felt like a four-year-old standing their ground during a tantrum.
"Well, I'm not, either."
The man just nodded, quick to ignore your presence as he pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and began immersing himself in the small screen. You couldn't decide what was more awkward - the fact that he wasn't acknowledging your place on his lap or the way that you were sitting to the curve of his knees in absolute unsteadiness. One rickety bump and you'd find yourself on the floor.
Fate wasn't on your side; a running gag that life decided to throw at you once again today, in the form of the old train rocking and your legs sliding away from the glasses-wearing stranger. You expected the embarrassment of numerous eyes watching you collide with the cabin floor, but it never came as arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you backwards.
It took a second for you to realise that the outside of your thigh was snug against the stranger's stomach, his hands now flat over your side and against the bottom curve of your ribs as he held you close to him. He was your human seatbelt, holding you back and keeping you safe. It provoked warmth to shoot through your veins, to awaken the butterflies in your stomach and to colour the rosiness in your cheeks. It felt nice, despite the fact that he was a stranger with a stupid smug smile and filled with utter cockiness.
"Woah, nearly lost you there." He mumbled, a softness peeking through. It was easy to follow the caramel swirl of his eyes as they gazed over your face for any sort of discomfort, but you both seemed in the clear, and his shoulders dropped in relief. They looked down for a brief second before he smiled again, "Us googlers gotta stick together, you know."
Your head tilted to the side, every ounce of your focus now directed only toward him, "What?"
"Your lanyard." Hesitantly, he pulled a hand away from your side and tugged at the multicoloured fabric dangling from your neck, a plastic key card with a four-month-old photo of you sitting to the side. When he saw you following his touch, he hastily found his own within his zipped-up jumper and dangled it between you both. "Got a matching one. We're practically family."
Black letters caught your eyes first, the name of the man filling in another puzzle piece as you said it aloud, "Stuart Twombly, software development."
"That's me." He replied, a wink dropping behind his glasses and hold absentmindedly tightening as another small bump disrupted the cabin. Everything was coming together for you; no wonder he seemed full of himself, a handful of people you know from that department certainly have a big head and a matching ego. Your mind awoke from your thoughts when you felt your lanyard tugging again. Stuart hummed, "Y/N L/N, accounting. Interesting."
"How so?" You said quickly, offence already settling in your voice.
"You just got to be really smart to be an accountant for one of the biggest companies in the world."
Your head shook as your body readjusted yourself on his lap, "I'm not an accountant... yet. It's just a paid internship. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about any of that - "
"An internship?" Stuart's eyes lit up, his smile genuine as the corners of his lips lifted, "I know a thing or two about internships, try me."
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Untitled Buck/Tommy angst
For @kinardevan 'cause they sent out a general request for angst and I like hurting people with my words...er...I mean, writing angst is fun!
Pairing: Buck/Tommy
CW: could be read as MCD, though the ending is ambiguous and we all know the 118 pulls off miracles all the time. Soooo, interpret as you choose.
t wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
The thought echoed uselessly in his head, circling and circling. Like if he just thought it hard enough, God or the universe or something would hear him, and agree. And this would not be happening. Not like this. Not like this.
He checked his phone for the hundredth, the thousandth, the millionth time, still cursing to himself when a signal had not magically appeared. Closing his eyes, he hit the call button on his radio, opening the channel.
“Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Firefighter Kinard, 217. I am trapped on the south side of the Stewart Street building collapse, at least at the sub-basement level. Firefighter Buckley, 118, is with me with severe injuries. Need immediate medevac. Does anyone copy? Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Firefighter Kinard, 217, does anyone copy?”
Nothing but static.
“They're not–gonna hear you. Gotta be…forty…feet of debris…signal won't get through.”
Carefully, so, so carefully, Tommy shuffled closer to the figure sprawled inelegantly in a half-sitting position against a slab of what used to be part of a subterranean parking garage ceiling. Evan's head came to rest on his shoulder, and he pressed his lips against his boyfriend's bloodied forehead. His skin was icy cold, pale as a ghost in the dim glow of their emergency lights.
As far as he could tell, Evan had escaped any spinal injuries or broken bones. But none of that mattered. Not when there was six inches of twisted, jagged steel protruding from his boyfriend’s abdomen.
He couldn’t even tell what it had been originally–a support beam, or part of the internal structure of the wall…it didn’t matter. Evan had landed on it or been impaled in the fall, despite Tommy’s best efforts, and even if help arrived soon...
He shut that thought off before it could come to its conclusion.
He’d stabilized the piece of steel as best he could, ripping his undershirt into shreds to pack the wound in a desperate effort to keep Evan from bleeding out before they were found. People were coming for them. Even if everyone else gave up on them as a lost cause, Tommy knew the 118 wouldn’t abandon Evan. Wouldn’t abandon him, either. They were coming, he just had to keep Evan alive until then. He just had to keep Evan alive.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
“How you holding up?” he asked, ignoring Evan's–very, very correct–assessment of the likelihood his radio signal was going through. He pressed two fingers beneath Evan's chin, finding his pulse and counting the fast, thready beats silently.
“Been…better,” Evan mumbled. “Finally get to work…together on the ground…and it ends like…this.”
“Probably should’ve expected something to go wrong,” Tommy said, aiming for humor and missing by about three nautical miles. “But hey, now you and Chim can have matching rebar scars.”
“Matching…parking garage stories…w’th Hen too,” Evan replied, his head growing heavier against Tommy's shoulder, his eyes fluttering alarmingly.
“No,” Tommy said firmly, shifting his hand to cup his boyfriend's cheek. “No, none of that. You know the drill, babe. Stay awake.”
“Trying,” Evan whispered, pushing into Tommy's touch like he always did. “What…’bout you? How bad…are you hurt?”
Evan had already asked him that. A couple times, now. Swallowing down the panic that was trying to claw its way through the iron control he'd developed long before he was a soldier or a first responder, he answered anyway.
“I'm fine. Bumps and bruises. I’ll be fine, I'm just worried about you.”
“Liar,” Evan sighed, reaching up weakly to tangle their fingers together.
Tommy was not lying, was the thing. Not technically. He had felt something shatter inside when the floor he and Evan had been trying to clear collapsed beneath them, plunging them two or three sublevels into the basement parking amid a hale of debris. Several somethings, actually. He’d had no time to try and categorize his injuries, too busy frantically wrapping himself around Evan, trying to cushion his fall, trying to protect him, to take as much of the damage as he could.
Evan was strong. Evan was tough. But Evan was so painfully, perfectly human. He couldn’t take the damage Tommy could.
He’d broken and splintered and shattered on the way down, had slammed his head hard enough upon the final impact that even with his helmet, even with all the strength his nature afforded, he’d lost consciousness. He had no idea how long he was down, but it couldn’t have been very long–he’d had bones still knitting back together when he woke up, cuts and lacerations on his exposed skin that hadn’t quite closed.
He’d have taken worse–a hundred, a thousand, a million times worse–as long as Evan was all right.
He’d done his best. He’d done his fucking best.
“How’s the pain?” he asked, resisting the urge to check his phone for a non-existent signal again. Evan swallowed roughly, his fingers twitching in Tommy’s grasp. “Evan?”
“Kinda…fading,” Evan admitted after a long moment, his voice so quiet that even with his enhanced senses, Tommy could barely hear him.
Tommy’s stomach dropped, though he didn’t let any of his fear show on his face. He didn’t need to–he and Evan both knew what it meant when a wound this bad stopped hurting. “Okay. Okay, sweetheart, you just hang on. Hang on for me, okay?”
Evan tried to smile at him, a small dribble of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. It was all Tommy could do not to start howling, his other self clawing, lunging, demanding to be let out, to so something.
To do the only thing that might keep Evan here, keep Evan with him…keep Evan alive.
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
His mother had always warned him to be honest with his partners. The instant he started thinking he could see a future with them, it was best to be honest. To reveal himself for what he was and let them decide if it was too much.
He’d known he wanted to share his other self with Evan only a few months in. Wanted to share everything with Evan, for as long as Evan would let him. He’d been startled by the intensity of his wanting, the strength of it. He’d had partners he considered telling his secret to, before. Had actually gone through with it, once.
Only once. The relationship hadn’t survived the reveal.
Maybe that was why he’d been holding back, even as Evan became more and more entrenched in his life, in his heart. He’d never wanted anyone the way he wanted Evan. Never loved anyone the way he loved Evan. He didn’t think he could bear it if he revealed his other self, and those beautiful, beautiful blue eyes filled with fear. If the same words that had poured out of Maddox’s mouth left Evan’s lips.
And yet, he’d known he would have to do it. They were moving in together next month, as soon as Evan’s lease ended. Evan had given him everything, offered up every part of himself with no shame, no inhibition, no regrets. He wanted forever with this man. He wanted it so badly it was like a permanent ache in his heart. But how could he ask for forever when he hadn’t given Evan everything, every part of himself in return?
He’d resolved to tell Evan everything. He’d just been waiting for the right time, waiting for their schedules to line up for some time off so Evan would have time to process, waiting, waiting, waiting.
He’d waited too long.
He hit his radio call switch again, gently wrapping his arm around Evan’s shoulders. “Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is Firefighter Kinard, 217, does anyone copy? I am in need of immediate medevac for an impalement injury on the south side of the Stewart Street building collapse. Does anyone fucking copy?”
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
“Gonna be…hours, babe,” Evan said, his voice breathy and hoarse now, another dribble of blood leaking from his lips. “Even if they’re…already digging.”
He was right.
The truth Tommy had been refusing to acknowledge smacked him full in the face, damn near stealing his breath, ice blooming up and down his spine. Even if, even if rescue operations were already in full swing, even if the 118 had any idea they were still alive, even if they’d pinpointed their location and were going full tilt trying to dig them out…it would be hours before help got here.
Evan didn’t have hours.
“Love you,” his boyfriend–his partner, his lover, his fucking everything--murmured, his grip on Tommy’s hand growing weaker. “Never…thought I’d…get this.”
“Shut up,” Tommy said, a growl slipping into his voice as his other self railed against the weakness in Evan’s voice. “Don’t you fucking dare start saying goodbye to me.”
Infuriatingly, Evan just tipped his head forward, resting in the crook of Tommy’s neck with a barely-there smile. “Tommy. I’ve got…like a foot of steel…through my guts and it doesn’t hurt. Just…keep holding…me.”
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
Tommy was supposed to ease his boyfriend into it…into the idea that there were other people than humans in the world, that there was a whole world out there that Evan had never seen or interacted with. It was supposed to be slow and gentle, giving Evan plenty of time to process, to consider. And then…and then later…later, when they were sure they both wanted the same things, wanted the future that Tommy craved so badly…when Evan had had time to really think about it. To get to know Tommy’s other self, to become comfortable with it. To decide for himself if he wanted to step into this other world with Tommy. Become a part of it. Become like Tommy.
In his deepest, most private dreams and fantasies, he imagined them going away together somewhere–the mountains maybe, or the beach–where they could have privacy for a few days. He imagined candlelight and roses and music, every romantic cliche he could fathom. Imagined making love slow and sweet, worshiping Evan’s body before tenderly taking his wrist in hand. He’d change just a bit, let his other self out enough for his eyes to glow a rich gold and his teeth to lengthen to fangs. In his dreams, Evan’s breath always caught, his scent growing richer with lust and desire, loving every part of Tommy just the way Tommy loved every part of him. He’d stare into the eyes of the man he loved as he bit down, kiss the bloodied bite apologetically as Evan gasped and shuddered, hold him tightly as the change worked through his body, as Evan’s other self was born out of their love.
It was not supposed to happen like this.
“Evan…do you trust me?” he asked, a leaden sort of dread settling in his gut. This–this was unfair. It was so unfair. Evan was in no condition to make such a life-altering decision for himself. Christ, he didn’t even know what Tommy was. Had no idea that things like werewolves weren’t just stories and legends. And it was dangerous to try and change someone who was this severely injured. The bite was only ever given to people who were mentally prepared for the change, who were healthy and strong and ready.
But God help him, he couldn’t lose Evan. Not here. Not now. Not like this.
“...’course,” Evan sighed, and Tommy almost wanted to cry at the simple conviction in Evan’s voice.
Please, he prayed, not even sure who he was praying to. Please let it be enough.
Evan was strong. He was so strong, one of the strongest people Tommy had ever met, in every way possible. He had to be strong enough to survive what Tommy was about to do.
Because he would surely die if Tommy did nothing.
“I’m going to get you out of this, baby,” he said, carding his fingers through Evan’s hair, clumped with sweat, grime, and blood. He kissed his boyfriend’s forehead, his cheek, his bloodied lips. “You’re not dying here. I love you.”
Then he shifted, let his other self come to the surface enough for his teeth to lengthen, for his eyes to shine with unnatural light in a twisted mirror image of his treasured dreams.
It couldn’t be Evan’s wrist–too small a wound, too far from the heart. With the blood Evan had already lost, with shock setting in hard, the bite would have to take fast to have a chance. The throat. It had to be the throat.
“Trust me,” he said again, asking, pleading, begging as he tilted Evan’s head back, the weight of it already so loose and limp. Evan was slipping away from him.
“Huh…wha’?” Evan gasped, blood bubbling from his lips, frothy, scarlet bubbles, his breath rattling in his chest.
Tommy bit down.
Squeezed his eyes shut as the man he loved more than anything in the world screamed in pain, the sound of it weak and ragged, dying, Evan was dying and he bit down harder, pierced skin and muscle and felt more blood spill into his mouth.
Please let it be enough
He held Evan still when he convulsed in Tommy’s arms, desperately trying to keep him from dislodging any part of the steel bar through his abdomen. Not yet, not yet–Tommy would have to get it out of him when he started changing, but he couldn’t risk pulling it yet, Evan would bleed out in seconds.
He pulled his teeth from Evan’s neck with a ragged cry, pressed his forehead to Evan’s as his boyfriend shook and shuddered. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he gasped. “It’s all right, it’ll be all right. I’ve got you, I love you, I’ve got you. Just hold on, baby, it’ll be fast.”
Evan’s mouth fell open, his breath coming in short, rattling pants. His fist closed weakly on Tommy’s shoulder, spasming as his whole body seized. Tommy searched Evan’s face frantically, looking for the first signs of the change taking place, waiting for the familiar gold light to start to eclipse the blue of his eyes, waiting for his breathing to become steadier, his pulse to become stronger. The full change would take hours, but the first effects should be enough, should start to heal Evan’s wounds. He just had to be ready to pull out the steel at just the right moment.
“I’m here, I’ve got you,” he promised over and over. “Don’t be scared, please don’t be scared…it’s the only way. I love you, I love you so much–I couldn’t let you die.” The words escaped him in a torrent, a flood, and all the while he scanned Evan’s face for the first signs of the change.
They didn’t come.
Two minutes.
Five minutes.
Evan’s shudders grew weaker and slower, until he slumped against Tommy, his chest barely rising and falling, his pulse a weak, fluttering thing against Tommy’s fingers when he pressed them against Evan’s neck, slick with blood from the ragged bite. Before Tommy’s horrified eyes, the skin around the bite grew inflamed, streaks of scarlet spreading out from it, crawling up and down Evan’s neck to disappear under his turnouts.
“No…no, no, no, no, baby, don’t do this. Hold on, please hold on!”
It didn’t always work right away, Tommy told himself, clutching Evan to him, barely resisting the urge to shake him back to wakefulness. There was still time. Evan was so hurt, it was just taking longer. That had to be it. Had to be it. Sure, his mother had told him that sometimes the bite didn’t take, that a person just couldn’t handle it, that sometimes a bite could turn bad…but that couldn’t be happening. God, please that couldn’t be happening. Evan was strong enough. He had to be.
“Please, Evan. Please don’t do this. Come on, baby, come on! Stay with me–just a little longer, just hang on a little longer. Stay. Stay! Stay, damn it!”
He clawed at his radio again. “Mayday, mayday, FUCKING MAYDAY! Anyone! Anyone copy?!”
It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.
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bree-cheesy · 2 years
Sticky Club
Older Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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A/N: Look at me pumping out two fics within like a day and a half. Be proud of me. I decided to try out the Older Eddie hype since I've seen these fics everywhere lately. I hope I did the whole trend justice. It's a little short, but I didn't want to write a huge fic and just wanted to get straight into the shit y'all wanna read anyway.
Side Note: I deleted this cause I wasn't super proud of it at first, but I'm reposting this because I feel like it definitely could've done better than it did. Not to be cocky or anything.
Credit to @patrick-stewart for the gif!
Warnings: SMUT 18+!! MINORS FUCK OFF! Porn with a little bit of plot. Not much plot in this. (kissing, dirty talk, sort of rough eddie, fingering, nipple play, public sex (club bathroom), dirty club dancing, unprotected p in v sex, doggy style rough fucking, loud reader, giving of hickeys.) Older Eddie Munson (early 30's), Younger reader (mid 20's), language. No use of Y/N. Strange guy tried to grind up against reader on the dance floor. I think that's it. As always, let me me know and I'll fix it!
Word Count: 1873
You were kind of a hermit. You didn’t like to go out much and parties just weren’t your scene. You obviously went out occasionally, but it was probably once a month if that. It’s not that you hated people, you were just focused on your college work and trying to keep up good grades. Your best friends Robin, Nancy, and Steve were avid party goers. They always tried to get you to go out with them, but being the youngest of the group and the only one still in school, there just wasn’t much free time to go out with them. Tonight was different though. It was the end of the semester and all grades were final so you could finally let loose a little. Your friends were taking you out to a concert. It was for a band you hadn’t heard of before, but they said it was an old friend they all had from high school.
“Girl, you look great, don’t even.” Nancy looked at you and smiled. You were wearing an outfit you usually didn’t. Most of your outfits consisted of jeans and sweatshirts, not short tight skirts and tank tops like this. You frowned and looked at yourself in the mirror again.
“You sure?” You pulled the skirt down a little. “Seems a little… skimpy.”
“Trust me, you will be getting laid tonight wearing that. Trust me.” Robin announced, barging in the room uninvited. She looked you up and down and gave you a thumbs up. “You ready? Steve and I are ready to leave.” Nancy nodded and pulled her shoes on before walking out. You sighed and followed the two girls out.
You got to the club the band was performing at and noticed it was packed. There were huge groups of people everywhere. Girls wearing tight band tees and skirts that pretty much showed their whole ass. It smelled like sweat and vodka. Kinda made you gag a little, but you toughed through it. Nancy led you over to the bar to order drinks for everyone while Steve and Robin claimed a booth. You two walked back with the drinks and you slid in the booth next to Robin. You were all talking when a tall man with long brown curly hair, a guitar strapped across her shoulder, and had a t-shirt of the band on it.
“Eddie!” Nancy stood up and hugged him tight. Steve fist bumped him and Robin gave him a high five. Steve introduced you to Eddie and you noticed he stared a little longer than normal. You blushed softly and nervously sipped your fruity drink when he complimented you. “We’re super excited you’re finally performing here! We missed being able to see you.” Nancy scooted over so Eddie could slide in next to her.
“Yeah, missed seeing you guys! This will be good, I promise.” Eddie chuckled and stole a sip from Steve’s drink. Steve scowled and snatched the drink back.
Eddie soon left and the rest of you got up to get close to the performance. You were so nervous. The spark you felt with Eddie was such a huge shock, now you were scared to be so up close to him. The performance started and you didn’t notice how hard you were biting your lip while staring at Eddie until you tasted blood. He glanced at you and smirked while playing the guitar when he saw the blood on your bottom lip. You blushed and looked down. When he started singing you were dancing with Robin while Steve was dancing with Nancy. Eddie’s eyes were on you like a hawk. God, he couldn’t look away. That tight skirt you were wearing was riding up while you swayed your hips. He could almost see the bottom of your black lacy panties.
At the end of the performance, you were still dancing with Robin. You felt someone come up behind you and the strange hands held you tight against the body behind you. You turned your head and saw a weird man practically drooling at you and grinding up against your ass. You pushed him off and Robin stepped between the two of you. He put up a fight with Steve until suddenly he was thrown on the ground. Eddie pushed him to the ground and got security to kick him out.
“You okay?” Steve looked at you and put his hands on your shoulders. You nodded and smiled.
“Yeah. He didn’t do anything serious.” He nodded and let go of you.
The group, with Eddie, sat back down at your booth and Eddie slid in next to you, pushing up close to you so Robin could fit in next to you two. Your breath caught in your throat. He smelled like sweat and faded cologne. It was a scent you could get addicted to. It was dangerous. You learned Eddie was 32. He was a little older than the rest of the group, but that just made him all that much hotter.
“How’d you meet these idiots?” Eddie asked, looking at you with a smile and a tenderness in his eyes.
“Oh, I met Robin when she was graduating and the rest of them kind of just took me in.” You looked down at your drink and sipped it. Eddie put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him, squeezing you slightly.
“Well, any friend of these people is my friend.” You chuckled nervously and glanced up at him.
Steve was talking about something that happened at his job when you felt Eddie’s hand on your thigh. You gulped nervously and felt him run his fingers in soft circles on your inner thigh. You bit the inside of your lip when he leaned a little closer into you. He squeezed your thigh and raised his hand higher. You put your hand on his, stopping him from going further. He cleared his throat and kept his hand on your knee.
The group had all gotten up to dance and Eddie took your hand, pulling you with him. You gasped softly when he pulled your back into his chest and held onto your hips, swaying the both of you to the music. You bit your lip and shut your eyes, leaning your head back on his shoulder. He ran his hand up your thigh and over your belly, lightly rubbing your breasts over your shirt.
“Eddie…” You moaned softly and he leaned his head down, kissing the side of your neck. You reached a hand back and tangled it in his hair. He tucked his fingers into the top of your skirt and squeezed your ass with the other one. He kissed up your neck and pressed his lips against your ear.
“Feel good, sweetheart? Everyone’s looking at us. Some of the girls look like they wanna kill you.” He flipped you around and you gasped, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grinned and grabbed your ass with both hands, pressing your hips more up against him. “Such a pretty girl…”
You moaned softly and he pressed his forehead against yours, grinding harder against you to the music. “Eddie… please…” 
He grinned and grabbed your hand, pulling you to the bathroom. He locked the door and pressed you up against the sink. His lips crashed down on yours and you groaned into his mouth, kissing him back almost immediately. You hitched your leg up around his waist and he lifted you up onto the counter. Your hands went to the buttons on his black dress shirt and started undoing them, running your fingers over every expanse of skin you exposed. He kissed down your neck and sucked a few marks into it. You smiled and moaned, pushing the shirt off his shoulders. He pulled your tank top off and dropped it on the floor. He kissed you again and squeezed your breasts over your lacy bra.
“Eddie, fuck… that feels so good…!” You moaned into his mouth and he grinned, reaching back to take the bra off, throwing it off somewhere in the sticky club bathroom.
“Yeah? Feel s’good when I touch you, baby? Wanna feel my mouth?” He pulled back and wrapped your legs around his waist. You nodded and moaned, digging the heels of your heels into the back of his thighs. He grinned and his lips instantly attached to your nipple, sucking and biting it. You cried out and threw your head back, tangling your fingers in his hair.
His hands went down and hiked your skirt up so he could slip his hand in your panties. “Fuck… So goddamn wet already…!” He groaned and swirled the tip of his tongue against your nipple. He rubbed your clit in time with his tongue and you panted heavily, grinding up against his hand. “Such a good fucking girl…” He grabbed your thighs and pulled your panties down your legs, shoving them in his back pocket. He slipped two fingers inside you in time with his thumb rubbing your clit. You instantly clenched down around his fingers and moaned, grabbing onto his shoulders.
“E-Eddie, your fingers a-are so big…!” You whined and bucked up harder against his hand. “I need… I need more… Please, Eddie…”
“Please what, honey? Use your words.” He mockingly pouted and fingered you faster.
“F-Fuck me! Please fuck me!” You cried out and sobbed in pleasure, pulling at your nipples.
He pulled you off the counter and bent you over it. He pulled his aching cock out and spit on his hand, stroking it a little before slowly pushing in. You groaned in unison, creating a song of pleasure between the two of you. He didn’t hold back at all. He growled like an animal and fucked you hard, the slapping of skin loud and could be heard over the muffled music behind the bathroom door. You sobbed, your eyes filling with tears of pure pleasure, moaning and gripping the counter hard.
“Goddamn, baby… So fucking tight around me… Gonna fucking milk me dry, huh? Want my cum deep inside you, honey?” You nodded and moaned louder.
“Y-Yes…! Please cum so deep inside me! I want it so bad…!” Your mouth hung open and he went faster.
“Cum for me first, baby. I’ll give you anything you want if you cum all over my cock.” He groaned and rubbed your clit in time with thrusts.
You cried out, finally given permission and came harder around his cock, squeezing hard around him and moaning loudly. Eddie grunted and groaned, grabbing your chin and pulling you up to kiss you hard, still pounding into you from behind. You begged and pleaded with him to cum and he finally granted you your wish, cumming deep inside you and moaning into your ear. You both caught your breath and your eyes shut as you slumped against the counter. You heard him grab some paper towels and get them wet, wiping your sensitive cunt clean before helping you fix your clothes. You both walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later and your group all gave you knowing looks. Eddie grinned and kissed your cheek while you blushed and buried your face deep in his chest in embarrassment.
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coimbrabertone · 3 months
NASCAR is Kinda Maybe Vaguely Doing Something and People Are Mad About It
In a race weekend of rain, delays, and Stewart Haas cars hitting the barriers every five minutes, the biggest story coming out of the NASCAR Chicago Street Race seems to be this crossover EV prototype...and people are mad at it.
Well, people are also mad that Bubba Wallace steered race winner Alex Bowman into the wall after the race, but one: a NASCAR driver getting mad and bumping into someone else after the race is a non-story, two: the same people that are mad at Bubba are probably the same people that are mad about the EV prototype.
So, at the Chicago Street Race, NASCAR finally unveiled the EV prototype that everyone already knew about - they were going to unveil it at the LA Coliseum preseason race but then they didn't because that race also saw rain and they ended up truncating the weekend - so how did they do this?
Did they announce it was going to replace one of the three national touring series? Maybe trucks since, you know, trucks and crossovers are both big.
Or maybe the Xfinity cars, since those are still a generation behind and Ford and Chevy just run the same models there as in Cup, so maybe a crossover for that series would make sense.
Or maybe start out with a new, more standalone series on street courses or something, sorta like a stock car version of Formula E.
Well, no, they did none of that.
Quite literally all they did was having the car speed off from a standing start and talk about some of the specs.
It's a 1300 hp car designed in collaboration with Ford, Chevy, and Toyota, David Ragan has been the test driver, and it was to promote a new collaboration agreement between NASCAR and ABB - who is also the title sponsor of ABB. That's all it was.
And yet, NASCAR fans are acting like these things are gonna replace Cup for next year. It's a dramatic overreaction.
I'm not even particularly a fan of EVs. I enjoy the noise and power coming from a car and I think that EVs - particularly Teslas and wannabe Teslas like the Ford Mustang Mach E - are deliberately garish, bulbously proportioned, and expensive props that the driver uses to convey how much more environmentally conscious and morally superior they are to the average driver.
So yeah, to a degree I understand why the "core" NASCAR fan or whatever may not agree with that message.
But...they're not even doing anything with it. It's a promotional piece for NASCAR to take to corporate events and all that.
The closest NASCAR is to an EV series is that there was also talk about them partnering with Dana White to invest in Nitrocross, an EV rallycross series that Conor Daly raced in once.
Even if NASCAR did launch an EV national series, you could just, you know, not watch it. I don't pay attention to Formula E or MotoE despite having long been an F1 fan and currently being a MotoGP fan.
It's just weird to see this very weak, very minor gesture from NASCAR and there being this vicious backlash towards it. I'm the kind of person that gets vaguely disappointed every time I find out a new performance car has some sort of hybrid element to it, so do you have any idea how off-base you need to be for me to disagree with your anger on this?
It's just such a nothing storyline, calm down.
Elsewhere in the Chicago Street Race weekend, the Xfinity race was pretty great actually, another SVG win and some cool battles between him, Gibbs, and Larson throughout, so that was nice. The Cup race was pretty good when it was running but that long rain delay did kinda suck a lot of the energy out of it. Plus, SVG getting speared by an out-of-control Briscoe was pretty lame.
Especially since Chase Briscoe and Josh Berry in their SHR cars would basically spend the whole second half of the race hitting the barriers and/or going off every five or so laps.
Oh, and postrace, Bubba Wallace banged doors with Alex Bowman while Chase Elliott banged doors with Daniel Suarez because, once again, this is NASCAR and that's just the kind of stuff that happens in NASCAR. People are only mad when Bubba does it though. Odd. I wonder if there's a certain thing about Bubba that leads to him being on the receiving take of all this bad faith criticism...
Other than that, Indycar had its hybrid era start at Mid-Ohio in a race that started off boring but ended in Pato O'Ward holding off Alex Palou to take the win for Arrow McLaren.
Something much appreciated since, earlier in the day, McLaren was running 1-2 in the British Grand Prix until they kept Oscar out on slicks on a wet track to lose second, and then switched Norris onto the wrong tyres once things dried up.
And then there was MotoGP. Pecco Bagnaia was chasing down Jorge Martin in the closing stages, Martin first in the championship, Pecco second after dominating the last two race weekends to chip away at Martin's lead. Martin is feeling the pressure, feels he needs to win to stop the bleeding, but just pushes too hard into turn one, the bike slides out from under him, and Pecco goes through to win.
Marc Marquez, the man who beat Jorge Martin to be Bagnaia's 2025 Ducati teammate, came through in second, his brother Alex Marquez in third, and Enea Bastianini - Bagnaia's current teammate - came through in fourth. After the Spanish GP sprint, Jorge Martin was forty-two points ahead of Bagnaia, as recently as after the Catalan GP, that gap was thirty-nine points, now? Bagnaia leads by ten.
Pecco won the Catalan GP main race, swept both races at Mugello, both races at Assen, finished third behind Martin and Miguel Oliveira at the German GP sprint, but then won the German GP main race as Martin crashed out to take the championship lead. Truly a tremendous four race run from Bagnaia.
Keep in mind, nobody won back-to-back main races at all in 2023! Pecco just won four in a row.
This is why I love MotoGP so much, it still has that drama, that magic, that I find so many series lack these days.
Unfortunately, it's schedule is also crap, so MotoGP is off until August 4th. Fuck.
NASCAR at Pocono and Indycar's double race weekend at Iowa will hopefully provide some entertainment next weekend. Now I just need to hope I don't die of MotoGP withdrawal in the meantime...wish me luck.
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poll-position · 15 days
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harrisonarchive · 5 months
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At the Romanian Angel Appeal luncheon, 1990.
Duane Eddy’s “The Trembler” appears on the Romanian Angel Appeal charity album, Nobody’s Child. You can read more about that song in the recent in memoriam post for Duane Eddy, here. First, a look at the backstory of “Nobody’s Child” and how the album came about — “I went into some orphanages [in Romania]. George was in the studio with the Wilburys, and he phoned me, and I said, ‘I’m in Bucharest.’ ‘What are you doing there?’ Somehow I bumped into Dave Stewart on the way down there — I mean not on the road but somewhere in the days before — and he said, ‘Oh I’m going to give you two songs, I’m going to give you a song so that, you know, you could put it out as a single to raise money.’ And I told George that, I said, ‘I have this song from Dave Stewart so if you have any time and you think of it, maybe you guys could do a song.’ You know, I went to sleep and I woke up in the morning, and they had stopped what they were doing and they recorded that song. […] He knew, you know, George knew I wouldn’t ask, and he knew tones of my voice and obviously knew it was serious and how I was feeling there. Because it was pretty horrific. And in fact the Romanian Angel Appeal’s still going. It had been adopted as a program by the government there, so they’re still helping children.” - Olivia Harrison, Dark Horse Radio, 2018 “The Duane Eddy track was something that Jeff Lynne and myself had done with Duane on an album which came out in 1988 but to this day I don’t think I’ve seen a copy of it. The thing for me that was interesting was that the song originated from a tune that Ravi Shankar made up. I really liked that idea, Duane Eddy plays Ravi Shankar! […] My role in this is much different to the concert for Bangla Desh because with that I organized the live show *and* the film *and* the record and there was all the horror of getting the problems sorted out afterwards. This was more rallying around the troops and getting out the best record as possible that will get the appeal as much money as possible. It’s nothing compared to what Olivia and all the carpenters and electricians who are giving their time for free are doing. This is just my small contribution.” - George Harrison, Q, 1990 (x)
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theprismyyy · 5 months
Yellowjackets + Twilight
Resume: I don't know...I like Twilight and I like Yellowjackets....do I need to explain anything else???
Tw: Brief descriptions of violence (nothing too deep), hybrids, mentions of bullying and not belonging or fitting into a social group; I think that's all, It hasn't been reviewed either and probably won't be, I'm too lazy
(English is not my first language)
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Shuana Shipman---- Ok, let's start with our dear Shauna, I think it's public knowledge that this girl would DEFINITELY be a wolf, like... are there any doubts about that? Just look at this girl, she exudes puppy energy, that being said...wolf (or werewolf, whatever) Shauna!!! I can imagine her starting to show signs of transformation really early, as if she was a little precocious with it, maybe between 10/11 years old, but as she was really very young the transformation never happened, but like I said , signs, lots of signs, like she became excessively more temperamental, getting irritated by the smallest thing and she even punched another child at school because he tried to steal one of her crayons (this girl's parents went through difficult times at that time), also her body temperature was crazy, she was so, so hot that sometimes her mother told her to stay at home, since if any teacher felt this they would probably call the doctors for this girl, she was like a pot of tea steamy, also hair, this girl started having a body hair outbreak and that's okay, body hair is completely normal, but in her case? I'm really talking about an outbreak of body hair, as if it grew so quickly and so suddenly in the most random places, as if this poor baby had to constantly shave a single, isolated, very dense tuft of hair that had grown on his elbow during the night, it was literally from one day to the next 😭😭 I think she probably had this headache for a long time until the symptoms finally calmed her down and then suddenly disappeared, it worried her parents because it happened for a solid year and then all of a sudden it just stopped. , until she was 14 years old, when suddenly, without any previous symptoms, She was at home when she felt a mind-boggling pain in her spine that soon spread to every bone in her body and poor thing, she destroyed her own room, as if she was struggling and bumping into things, knocking everything over while literally screaming in pain and no one warned her that the first time could be so painful (in fact it varies completely from person to person 😀). Anyway, when she finally manages to transform, I personally see her being big, like...really really big, I know that in Twilight the wolves are already huge, but as we saw in the case of Seth Clearwater, character played by Booboo Stewart, young wolves tend to be smaller than adults (obviously), so here's the thing, I can see her being a lot bigger than most other young wolves, but still smaller than an adult, I also think she would be the most feisty among the young people and also the one with the most brute strength and may or may not end up accidentally hurting others sometimes... poor thing, she's just a very big dog who sometimes has no idea of her own strength and size😫 She is also a beautiful and proud wolf with brown fur, as if she has a dark brown fur with a beautiful transition to a lighter brown, almost camel in the belly area, she also has a lighter pattern in the fur in the center of her face. and near the muzzle.
Jekie Taylor----Ok...agora Jackie foi quem realmente me deixou pensando, pois eu estava muito em conflito entre a humana Jackie que já era a melhor amiga de Shuana e descobriu seu segredo e isso a levou a cair de cabeça nesse mundo maluco de lobisomens e vampiros, basicamente o que aconteceu com Belle e Edward... mas neste caso seria mais Belle e Jacob... ou melhor, Jackie e Shauna. Mas também gosto muito da ideia da Vampire Jackie e que o que levou a sua transformação foi o mesmo motivo que levou a sua morte na série, mas neste caso todo o cenário do acidente não existe, mas ainda existe todo o problema com Shauna, talvez Toda essa briga tenha acontecido durante uma festa do pijama na casa de Shauna e ela saiu com muita raiva durante o inverno gelado lá fora, e ela sabia que não deveria fazer isso, mas ela estava com muita raiva, e Shauna sabia que não deveria deixe ela. para fazer isso, mas ela também estava com muita raiva e os dois estavam sendo tão mesquinhos com isso, eu só sei que estava frio e ficando tarde e muito escuro, ela estava desesperada, tão exausta e sentiu seus pés queimando em toda aquela neve porque depois Depois de caminhar tanto tempo foi como se aquelas botas grossas de frio não estivessem mais adiantando, ela desmaiou de tanto frio em algum momento e felizmente (ou não, dependendo do seu ponto de vista), foi encontrada por um vampiro, não outra pessoa. cruel como Victoria, mas alguém bom e gentil como Carlisle Cullen, que a salva levando-a para casa e embrulhando-a da melhor maneira que pode e tentando fazer com que sua temperatura corporal volte ao normal, mas ela já está muito fraca e parece irreparável, então ele sabe que se não fizer alguma coisa essa menina vai morrer e então ela toma essa decisão, a decisão de salvá-la, ele a transforma. Sobre Jackie como uma vampira e recém-criada, acho que todo mundo que assistiu Crepúsculo sabe que os recém-criados podem ser muito perigosos e instáveis, então assim que Jackie acorda o vampiro que a transformou assume um ótimo trabalho de reeducá-la. , para que ela aprenda a se controlar, além de ensiná-la a caçar se alimentando apenas de sangue de animais, o que sinceramente acho que seria super difícil, como se ela fosse mesmo teimosa e instável, ela não quer faz isso, se alimenta de humanos, mas o lado vampiro e faminto dela quer, quer muito 😈😈😈; No meio de tudo isso temos não só Shauna, mas também toda a polícia da cidade procurando pela jovem desaparecida Jeckie Taylor, pois ela não voltou para casa após a briga com Shuana, falando em Shuana, a pobre menina se sente tão culpada e ela está TÃO DESESPERADA, porque em circunstâncias normais ela simplesmente sentiria o cheiro de Jackie, mas agora ela simplesmente não consegue sentir o cheiro dele em lugar nenhum, para ela é como se Jackie tivesse simplesmente desaparecido do mapa, porque mesmo que fosse apenas o cadáver dela ela Eu ainda seria capaz de sentir aquele odor estranho e desagradável, mas agora que Jackie é uma vampira, seu cheiro mudou completamente,não de um jeito ruim, mas não é mais a mesma coisa e nossa pobre Shuana não tem ideia porque ela NÃO SABE que Jackie agora é uma vampira. Em relação à aparência de Jackie, ela permanece basicamente a mesma, os olhos do vampiro são algo que só aparecem realmente durante a alimentação, então não há preocupações em tentar escondê-los, quanto aos olhos dela...inicialmente, durante sua menstruação como recém-nascida, eles foram criados. eram de um vermelho carmesim profundo, mas depois de um tempo, quando ela começou a se alimentar de sangue de animais e aprendeu a se controlar, seus olhos adquiriram um tom âmbar vibrante, mas ela ainda precisa usar lentes de contato, quanto à pele. ela. trabalho em peles pretas e 2. o próprio filme nos mostrou que isso não é realmente uma regra, pois vimos vampiros indígenas não-brancos, cuja pele permaneceu em seu tom original;
Lottie Matthews---- I'll be brief about Lottie actually, I don't know if I have much to say... Her whole family is made up of vampires, but as the Twilight movie itself shows us, vampire children are a danger, uncontrollable and hated by other vampires, so I imagine Lottie's family being like Edward's family, for example, except the "step-siblings" part staying with each other, but more like a small group of vampires who were coming together and forming a family in their own way, This leads me to conclude that in this case Lottie would be adopted, probably on one of the luxurious trips...maybe to a big city like Vegas or something...Lottie was young, hungry and desperate, so she tried to steal a purse to get some money, turns out fate made her decide steal the purse of the beautiful woman who happened to be a vampire and they were even tempted to suck her blood as a tasty drink...but for some reason, something clicked inside them and what was supposed to become a tasty snack became a daughter (??). Lottie was a very well looked after and educated child, she also received all the necessary psychological support, but when she reached a certain age her parents decided to turn her into a vampire, hoping that somehow this could help her with schizophrenia, as many other people were cured of other things by being turned, unfortunately for them psychological conditions. are not included in this, but the transformation made her much more stable than she would be as a human, in fact the medicines no longer work ☹️, she has some delusions from time to time, but nothing that makes her dangerous to anyone or herself; Speaking of which, I see her ability being something like mind control, which would be a great irony of fate due to the fact that she often has no control over her own mind but is capable of controlling those of others, so she can create illusions in her mind. people's minds and make them susceptible to her wishes, as if she told someone to jump off a cliff and the person actually jumped. 😁 I also think that she has already fed on human blood, because her parents feed on human blood, but at some point she simply realized that she actually likes animal blood more, in fact, the main reason her parents are never at home is because , as I said, they feed on human blood, but the treaty with wolves prohibits vampires in the city from killing and feeding on humans, as well as transforming them, so her parents combine the need for food and the taste they have for expensive trips, also all the staff in Lottie's house are human and she likes them all very much and treats them like family too since they are the ones who spend most of their time with her ☺️ (Wow... this should be brief, but anyway lol)
Laura Lee---- Sorry to my Laura Lee lovers but our beautiful girl is not even a Werewolf and certainly not a Vampire, she is a beautiful human, in fact I think her family would abhor vampires, as demonic dark beings created by Satan to bring destruction to the world...that being said, I see Laura Lee's family as fervent believers and also one of the oldest and most respected families in the small town, also one of the few groups of humans who know about the existence of vampires, who just don't try to expose them because of an agreement that was sealed a long time ago by Laura's ancestors, this agreement prohibits Laura Lee's family from trying to expose them and guarantees them a certain protection, yet her family hates them and their parents They had always taught her never to trust a vampire. This Poor Baby Was So Terrified During Her Childhood That She's Scared To Death Of "Big, Bad" Vampires 😱😱, but that of course changes when she meets a beautiful vampire, Lottie Matthews...cough-cough gays...Anyway, I honestly see her pulling out a wooden cross and pointing it in Lottie's direction and when she prays in the name of God... and poor Lottie looks like: 🤨🤨❓️
Lottie: “I don’t want to drink your blood, I don’t eat trash😒🙄”
Laura Lee: "Phew... she doesn't eat garbage😊😊.... She doesn't eat garbage?🤨🧐😥"
In the end our beautiful girls become super friends, Lottie would love to throw Laura Lee over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and take her for walks, as if Lottie would just take her to the most unusual places and once took Laura Lee to a dog house that is literally TWO towns away just because she could 🫠🤗 (also a possible relationship because it would be super cute)
Natalie Scatorccio---- NOW WE HAVE ARRIVED AT THE PART I WAS MOST ANXIOUS FOR!!!! I have a crush on her🫠🫠🫠. I was super excited to get to Natalie, because in my eyes she wouldn't be a werewolf or a vampire, just, she would be BOTH, I see her as being a hybrid of both species; now, listen, LISTEN because to me this makes perfect sense and not because of favoritism or anything like that, BUT I see how her mother being a werewolf and her father a vampire, their relationship has always been toxic since adolescence and completely repudiated by their respective families, until Natalie's mother got pregnant, her father hated the news and disowned her the moment he found out about it, he wanted Natalie's mother to find a way to take away this child, but she couldn't courage...and as I said, they were both extremely toxic for each other and even though he hated this baby, he also never left, as if the two were constantly coming and going, they weren't good for each other but They didn't end things either, and with the birth of baby Natalie and both having been disowned by their families, they ended up settling into this horrible, dysfunctional and totally toxic "family". That said, Natalie is a hybrid, just like Bella when she was pregnant with Renesmee, I think Natalie's mother suffered a lot during her pregnancy, she was afraid that her daughter would be an aberration, like a vampire child or something, but when Natalie was born she seemed...normal(??) she didn't present anything of either species, which was a shock since inside her belly she was literally sucking the life out of her mother little by little (her mother was only able to survive because she was a werewolf, since if she had been an ordinary human she would certainly have died), anyway, Natalie was a very healthy and normal little baby, unlike Renesmee, Natalie didn't have accelerated growth or anything like that, she grew up like an ordinary child and her vampire side only came to manifest itself together with her werewolf side during her 14 years of age; she never even showed antecedent symptoms or that showed that at some point she could transform, in fact her first transformation into a werewolf happened while she was high and the few and only symptoms she felt before that, she thought were because of drugs😭😭 poor baby really thought that the unbearable pain in each of his bones was because of the drugs lol, anyway she transformed while smoking in the forest, it was crazy, she knew about her own parents, but as far as she knew she was normal, so she was so scared when it happened, coupled with the fact that she was high it was even more intense, I think she walked a bit like a wolf and then slept near a tree😫, After that day her vampire side also blossomed, she didn't feel the desire for human blood as a newly created vampire, but she felt a LOT of animal blood desire, as if her two origins collided and generated this, as for her eyes, luckily the werewolf genes they were stronger in this case, causing no change in their color, another thing is that she can easily feed on both human food and hunting, she can hunt both as a wolf and as a vampire, but regardless of which form she takes. do that her snack is the same, some poor animal... in fact she doesn't have a vampire ability, since her wolf transformation is already equivalent to that☺️ In wolf form, she would have a beautiful and soft light coat, which mixes shades of white and cream, she also has blue eyes and she is so majestic, also thanks to her vampire genes she is much faster and more agile than a common werewolf would be.
In fact, Natalie's case is very complicated, the constant feeling of not fully belonging to either world made her prefer human company much more, it's also not like she could actively interact with other wolves or vampires, since she would be considered a mistake, an outcast, an abomination and several other horrible things, so she is basically a lonelier person in that sense, she also had to learn everything about being a vampire and a wolf on her own, as she never had her parents to teach her.
Misty Quigley---- Ahhhh our beautiful unbalanced baby Misty, she is definitely a werewolf, look at her...she is literally a puppy...that being said a wolf, from a large family of proud wolves, she would also have a beautiful cream coat, it would be so soft and I think it's even a little curly in some places, like near the paws, length of the tail and on the chest; Werewolf Misty would also be a great silly cub, she tries to fit in with the other young wolves, but she is so clumsy, like she has two left paws and every time the other youngsters let her participate in races or games she always finished her off. tripping over your own paws or a branch, falling and knocking someone down in the process😭😭😭 One time the poor thing was having so much fun and thinking she was doing really well and she really was, for the first time she was fitting in and everything with the others, until she tripped over a tree root during the run, she was a little further behind the others but the fall was so bad that she skidded and "ran over" two other young wolves with her own body, this was generally a "mass pile-up" since those she knocked over bumped into others, so they all ended up knocking them down each other, this ended with some sore limbs and filthy dirt and mud☹️ After that, no one allowed the baby to participate anymore and she became more excluded.
Taissa Turner and De Palmer---- Both would be wolves, a proud and powerful couple I would say, they also both had a imprinting and since then they have been inseparable, their families don't exactly support it, but they also can't do anything about it since imprinting is something almost sacred among wolves, even this kind of thing between wolves of the same sex is not something very common, not because It doesn't happen often, but because it's usually not very exposed (sorry, but I imagine the wolves being a bit sexist and homophobic). Speaking of their coat, I see Van as having a dark gray coat with a mixture of light gray and Taissa with a completely black coat, black as night, Tai would also be much larger than Van, this makes her physically more strong, but Van's size makes her more agile, they would also play a lot of fights while transformed, but they are not really aggressive, although I think that sometimes they can accidentally take the game a little seriously, that ends with Taissa whimpering like a puppy in the corner while Van lies down next to her, licking the back of her ears as an apology for biting Tai's tail.☹️☹️ (my poor babies)
© 2024 theprismyyy — please do not copy, translate or repost any of my works without my permission.
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everydaywomble · 6 months
I finally finished the Goolding inquiry! Here are my thoughts on everyone's testimonies!
Stewart Pearson: 3/10. This man has never said anything clearly in his entire life and is not about to start.
Fergus Williams: 3/10. Skin flakes???? Who elected this man????
Phil Smith: 2/10. He's being himself. Sadly. Why the fuck would you say that about Mr Tickel.
Emma Messinger: 3/10. Not dreadful conducting herself but again, what the fuck.
Adam Kenyon: 2/10. Same as above but I feel bad for Emma and him having to deal with Phil.
Terri Coverly: 2/10. No.
Nicola Murray: 6/10. She didn't do anything terrible. 50/50 on whether or not I like her hair.
Robyn Murdoch: 10/10. Absolute queen. She speaks nothing but truth.
Ollie Reeder: 3/10. He squirmed! He was like one of those hydraulic press videos! Just fucking crumpled.
Glenn Cullen: 7/10. Hilarious stuff. I'm always one for mocking Ollie a bit and blatantly lying is always funny.
Malcolm Tucker: Initially, 10/10. Funny and I find it very compelling. Goes downhill after his second appearance so it drops to a 5/10. His final appearance was a sight to behold. Did it succeed? Nah, not really. But it was enjoyable enough to bump him up to a 7/10. RIP king 😔
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hsslilly-blog · 3 months
been thinking about my bratz doll post. im going to start sharing my doll customising journey here so i get motivated enough to get back into it lol. the last time i posted about it was back in february i think? anyway
my plan is to make three custom dolls. claire (hwu mc), blair (hss mc) and addison (hwu). i also hope to make a bianca custom doll as i’ve found the perfect base doll for her, but she wasn’t in my original plans.
here’s my progress so far. all the pictures are going to be terrible btw:
blair stewart
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outfit: their outfit is pretty much complete. the only thing missing is their sweater and their hairband. and i really really want to find/make a tie for them. i dislike the fact the skirt is a VERY grayish dark blue (in the picture it looks straight up gray) and i’ve thought about dyeing it blue but i’m afraid to ruin it and end up with nothing. so i’m keeping it as is for the time being. the boots are a perfect match. i plan on painting the gray details on the purse and making it completely white. but it’s very cute, it looks a lot like the one from this post.
the doll: this is a 2015 fashionista barbie doll that was WAY overpriced when i got her. i really like her hair colour though… it’s not exactly copper, it’s a very nice shade of pinkish orange. the picture does it no justice, but it looks a lot like the shade of orange i used to use for blair’s hair in my early 2021 drawings of them. the only issue with this doll: she has flat feet. which sucks. but she’s plastic so we just need to throw her in boiling water and mold it to my liking. medieval torture style.
my plan: i plan on repainting her face. i like this screening, but it looks… weird. im going to give her blair’s heterochromia + their scar and i plan on giving her less eyebrows. blair doesn’t have much of those. as for the hair, it still has some remains of box glue so i need to get rid of that before anything else. i plan on cutting it shoulder length and flipping the ends. i don’t know how i’m doing blair’s hairstyle though (the hair part/bangs) because this doll’s rooting is really weird. but we’ll see.
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what do we think. hairstyle ofc not 100% blair compliant but gives me a general idea of what to do. there’s a really cool way of doing the bump/beehive-like/teased crown i sometimes draw them in, so i might try it if the doll has enough hair. also i realized just now how the eyes in this sculpt are very far apart. lol. i think it fits blair.
addison sinclair
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outfit: and nothing for her!! i have her jacket and her boots (which have not been painted yet) and that’s it. addison has been the reason of my restless nights. i just can’t find a cropped top that looks like hers!!!! i didn’t think it would be so hard to find a blue/grayish/jeans-like cropped top but my god!! and the worst part of it all: i found a dress online that is a perfect match to hers but it’s been OUT OF STOCK since february!! here it is:
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it’s not a Perfect Match, but i can work around it. it’s more than close enough to me. i’ve been checking the website every week but they haven’t restocked it yet and i fear they aren’t going to do so anytime soon. atp i think i’ll just sew it myself. i just need to find a similiar fabric to her dress. as for the socks… i have some white doll socks and i’m going to dye them purple. no bracelets yet.
the doll: i cannot for the life of me tell you which doll this is. she looks like a ~2012 barbie doll but i can’t figure out which one. and i don’t think these are the original clothes. the ad said she’s a fashionista but i don’t believe this. she does have articulated legs, but she doesn’t Look Like a fashionista. i think she’s from the early i can be line before they started using rubber legs. anyway. i fell in love with her hair. it’s perfect for addi.
my plan: i plan on repainting her eyes. here’s the thing guys. i’m a brown eyed addison truther. sorry that’s just who i am. i also want to close her mouth LOL. give her addison’s red lipstick and thin the eyebrows. as for the hair i think it’s perfect as is. i’m probably just going to style it better.
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i plan on closing her mouth w/ apoxie paste or like. makeup clay (is that what it’s called?). her lips are going to be smaller too but i got lazy with the drawing.
claire swanson
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outfit: isn’t she pretty!!!! i’m still having issues with her casual outfit but her formal outfit/the red dress i always draw her in is done. besides the shoes. i don’t like these open toed heels with this dress. for her Signature Look i have this cute red top which is a great match but i can’t find any shorts that match hers/the top. so far i have a miniskirt and these.. jean shorts. not my favourite. i have to paint the heels white but i found these gold hoops!!! w for me. no bracelets yet.
the doll: this is a 2011 glitz barbie doll and she’s been my holy grail for years now. the blue variant is so so so pretty. i never thought i’d find her since 1. it’s an old barbie doll and 2. i live in brazil. and then…. i found a listing online IN BOX!!! i got the purple variant but the screening is basically the same. i think her makeup is stronger though? but maybe it’s just a stock image thing. anyway i’m obsessed with the hair colour. this was such a great period for barbie if you were into almost-white-platinum-blonde hair. barbie bleach era.
my plan: i didn’t want to touch this doll but she is missing… claire-ness. i plan on repainting the eyes, giving her claire’s beauty mark and her red lipstick. the hair is perfect and honestly. such great box hair. like 13 year old box hair.
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it’s not visible on the first picture and i edited out here, but she two black spots in her nose. otherwise she’s fine.
alright. my main issue at the moment is that i can’t seem to find any 100% acetone nail polish remover so i can get started on the repaints. they don’t sell these here anymore. so i’ve been looking for SOMETHING that can clean off the screening of the dolls. so far, no luck. which is why i got demotivated back in february. also something i probably should have mentioned: i have terrible motor skills so repainting these dolls is going to be so much fun!
setting some goals for the time being: 1. paint the accessories that need to be painted and 2. style blair’s hair. okay! that’s it!
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