#bumblebee and his stupid dad that loves him so much
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scourgeofmyownbrain · 4 months ago
More "Bumblebee and Optimus meeting as ✨Adults✨ but still being Father and Son" stuff I came up with, plus extra because I can't get these chuckle-fucks out of my head.
Link to my prev. post for context. incase yall missed it bc I'm not explaining myself, we're just diving right into the deep end
Edit: i entirely forgot but i have a third one.
Bee knows Optimus isn't one for physical affection, and he fully understands and accepts that. He doesn't want to make Optimus uncomfortable by disrespecting one of his boundaries, that's just a shit thing to do. And Bumblebee is not a shit person. But... he's also desperate. Look, being deprived of physical parental affection your whole life fucks you up something good, let Bumblebee tell you, it makes you do some odd shit just to get a taste of what you've been missing out on. And! And most of the stuff Bumblebee has done are perfectly normal things to do! Plenty of casual stuff, leaning against his chair to look at what Optimus is working on, high fives and fist bumps (Optimus rarely, if ever, does these but for Bee he'll do anything just to make him smile, see Optimus acting totally normal about his feelings what are you talking about), leaning against him for a second when he's tired, totally normal! There are, less normal things, like when one of Bee's legs nearly got torn off on a mission and Optimus had to carry him back to base and Bee curled up close in Optimus's arms the whole time- because of the pain, totally 100% definitely only the pain that was Not mostly taken care of by some field anesthetics. It felt nice to be carried like a kid, sue him.
Getting injured is a special case with giving and taking affection. For example, when Bumblebee had to drag Optimus to a med bay after he passed out from a mission. They were walking into the common room together; Optimus was telling Bee he was fine when he CLEARLY wasn't because he didn't want to wake the medics for something as Trivial as THEIR LEADER and FREIND'S HEALTH (Bee is this close to strangling him) when Optimus just pitched over onto the floor.
Optimus, clearly tried and hurt: I will be fine, there is no need to wake the medics, I just need some energ... *faceplants*
Bumblebee: What did I say? What did fragging I say?! *Hefts Optimus's limp body onto his shoulders* fragging, stupid, slagging, moron, 'I don't need a medic, I'll be fine' he says, if I had been the one doing this, you would have torn the base apart getting the medics up, fragging idiot. *drags Optimus's body out of the room*
Optimus: *Mumbles something about not wanting to bother anyone*
Bumblebee: Too fragging bad, big man, you are going to take care of yourself and you're going to like it!
So now Bee has to drag a bot much bigger than him back down the hall and into the Medbay, just because Optimus was being fucking stupid. Yes it looks as funny as you're thinking. Optimus is semi-conscious but delirious as they make their way down the halls of the base and says "I don't want to take anything that would be better served helping any of you, I care about all of you so much I don't want to see you hurt. I love you." and Bumblebee's like Optimus, I feel so loved and so angry right now, but fuck what you want you're getting taken care of. No, you did not just make my fucking day, I lOve yoU tOo dAd-. He gets Optimus into the medbay on a berth then goes to forcibly wake the medics up to calm himself down because he is seconds from crying.
Optimus eventually gets better with affection, and now Bee gets a hug whenever he asks. He has yet to come down from this high.
Bumblebee calls Megatron his "Shit Ex-Stepfather". The entirety of team prime thinks this is hilarious. Even Optimus can't help but smile, though he tries to hide it. Someone, probably Jazz, changed Megatron's file name to "Worlds Worst Stepfather". After the war, if Megatron is still alive, he will mysteriously acquire some kind of award saying "Cybertron's #1 Worst Stepfather". He is very confused.
If you could get Optimus drunk, he would become such a sap. Like, insufferably soft and emotional. And he would be talking about Bee damn near the whole time. He would be so annoying.
Optimus: *Drunk* Did I ever tell you about Bumbl-bee? He's, he's my boy, my bumble boy, my gold'n boy, my buzzy boy, my sweet cheese. An, he's really yellow, you'll know it's him, he looks like- he's really yellow, it's hard not to see him, but he's really really good at sneaking. Even though he's so yellow. He can sneak around so good, no one sees him. I can see him, 'cause he's my boy. He can sneak around and nooo one finds him, 'cept me, 'cause he's my boy. He can hide so good, he hid under sshockwave's chest once. Riiiight under his eye, his big purple eye. Bee's so funny, he tells such funny stories. He tells his stories better then me, they're a lot funnier. I'm not good at funny stories. He's really good at it. He's really good at lots of things. Bee's so cool. I'm so happy he's here, he's so cool and funny and nice and cool. And he fights real good too, he's so cool. he once- Bee once punched my ex once, right in the face. Riiight in the kisser, just, boosh. My ex sucks, Bee's so cool. I like him, he's my boy. An-and he taught himself how to do aaaaall the cool things he does. He didn't have anyone to teach him, he did it all by himself. All alone... I wish I met him sooner, when he was small. He says he was really cute when he was small and I want to see him small. I like him big though, he's really fun when he's big. He's- *Sobs* He's my booooy, and I love him so muuuuch.
This continues for hours. Luckily he never drinks so no has to suffer through this.
If you thought Optimus was the Serial Adopter, you'd be wrong. It's Bumblebee. No bot is safe from his clutches. He scoops up family members like a pelican scoops fish. Optimus is barely aware of how many family members he technically has, he stopped keeping track a long time ago.
Bumblebee: *Bursting into the room dragging some bot he was on an extended mission with* OPTIMUS, I GOT ATTACHED AGAIN YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER FAMILY MEMBER
Optimus: *Not looking up from his data pad* That's great, son, go put it with the rest.
Optimus would be such a good grandparent. In the future, after the war ends, Bumblebee comes into possession of a kid; whether he finds someone and takes them under his wing or he just fucking makes one, I don't know nor care, but he gets a kid. And when he introduces them to Optimus, Optimus just fucking melts. He was already a huge softie before but he's so much worse now. He goes full grandma mode. He has snacks in his pockets (or whatever bots have) that he sneaks to the kid every time he sees them. He gives them money at random. You best believe he would destroy anything that even looked at his grandbaby wrong (Bee: Optimus, stop attacking the door. Optimus, the door just bumped them, they're fine. Dad stop, omp(rimus))
The "Bee finds a kid and both of them get attached and now are a family" is the funnier option. Because the kid knows who these guys are, they saved Cybertron. The kid's still getting used to having Bee as their guardian, so when they meet the 13th Prime: Holder of the Matrix of Leadership, Savior of Cybertron, they don't expect Dotting Grandparent Extraordinaire.
Bumblebee: and this is Optimus Prime. He's your Grandpa.
The kid : *nervous* He's my what?
Optimus: *on the verge of tears* mY grAnDbABy-
The "Bee made a kid" version is still pretty funny.
Bumblebee: *Exasperated* Optimus, give me my child back.
Optimus: *violently crying* nO, It'S mY bAbY nOW.
Imagine, if you will, Optimus and Bumblebee sitting on a roof together, not talking, not touching, just watching the sun set. Just enjoying the silence together, maybe with some energon to go with it. Because they get it, oh they get it. Sometimes you just need to be alone with someone. That good mutual respect and love from a found family that understands you. this is why I need bee to be an adult, I need both of them to be hurting and find some comfort in each other, to find solace in each other, to be a family and to be equals, is that too much to ask?
A list of things Bumblebee is allowed to get away with:
Interrupting Meetings to Tell Optimus Something, important or not (hi dad)
Casually touching the Usually Touch Adverse Optimus (Physical affection ftw)
Calling Optimus out on his self-sacrificial bullshit (you're going to see the medics and you're going to like it, old man)
Using the three points above to drag Optimus into the Medbay by force (Ratchet is so smug about this)
Getting Optimus to do something fun and relaxing (father son bonding time, as Bee says.)
Swearing aggressively (for everyone else it's unprofessional, for Bee its therapeutic. He stretches this excuse as far as it goes)
Making Insulting comments about others to their face (look they deserve it if the Perpetually Friendly Bumblebee is saying it)
Talking about Megatron (Usually team prime avoids talking about Megsy outside of war related convos out of respect for Optimus's history with him. Bumblebee does not give a shit, Megatron is a bitch and he's going to make his opinions known (Everyone thinks it's funny dw))
Illegal activities (this fucker street races in every universe, you think he isn't doing shit like this on the daily?)
Stealing/Sneaking snacks (he shares with Optimus)
Making jokes about Optimus being his dad (he thinks it's funny bc they're not related and they met like 6 years ago. Optimus explodes with emotion every time bc you consider me good enough to be your dad?)
Bee is a fucking menace, Optimus loves him so much.
Misc. funny word vomit I came up with that have no context, reason, or sense
Optimus is working at a desk focusing on some data pads. A tiny energon cube flies into frame, bouncing off Optimus's forehead and landing on the desk. Optimus grabs the cube and eats it without looking up from the datapad. A few minutes pass, another energon cube flies and bounces off Optimus's head. He eats it without looking. Bumblebee is sitting off to the side in the room with Optimus with a bag of energon snacks, periodically throwing one at the distracted Prime. This is Bee's and Ratchet's newest scheme to get Optimus to actually eat, and it's working splendidly. (Actually, Bumblebee originally was throwing the energon onto the desk, but over time he got bored and started just throwing the cubes directly at Optimus. He hasn't noticed any of the cubes hitting him at all, so Bee's started trying to do trick shots.)
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Bumblebee?"
"Absolutely, now throw me."
"Alright... Three, two, one- Ngha!"
*distant loud metal slam*
*distantly* "I'm good! We're in business!"
*quietly* "oh thank primus..."
*distantly* "Okay, I'm done. I'm coming back down."
*distantly* "Hup!"
*loud crashing metal noises*
It's early morning, everyone got back to base late the night before. Everyone is tired. Optimus is sitting at the table in the common room, slowly drinking a cube of energon. His eyes are half open and bleary. Bumblebee is beside him, head in his hand, dozing. Bee's head falls from his hand and slams onto the table. Optimus doesn't even blink at the noise, just takes a sip of energon.
Bumblebee takes a lot of pictures. Mostly of his team. He's pretty sneaky about it too, usually just taking a capture from his visual feed and saving it to his personal datapad. And at a glance none of the pictures are all that special, captures of a group of bots hanging out between missions, selfies of Bee and company on missions, drunken mishaps, quiet moments, he's got this really funny one of Cliffjumper stuck in a storage closet, but Bee keeps all these photos out of sight. The others are aware of his habit but they never see most of the photos, they never ask. Bee only opens his photos folder when ever he has a quiet moment alone and just scrolls through, reminiscing. His favorites are the ones where he caught someone's genuine smile. Sometimes they're in the background of a larger group shot, or it's just them smiling at Bee in conversation. He's got a lot of Optimus's smile. Optimus doesn't smile a lot, but he always seems to smile when Bee's around. Bee's proud that he can do that for him.
this could literally be anyone on team prime: *teasing* You playing favorites, Prime? Giving Bumblebee all this special treatment is making the rest of us feeling left out.
Optimus: You all treat him the exact same way I do.
again, literally anyone on team prime: ... Touché, Boss bot, touché...
After spending an extended period of time in close proximity to Megatron (for what ever reason), Bumblebee and Optimus talk.
Bee: You had terrible taste in partners.
Optimus: *sighs*
Bee: Physically, I can see the appeal, but everything else is a wild thing to say yes to.
Optimus: ...
Bee: His personality, his interests- just why none of that clocked you onto how fragged up he would be is beyond me.
Optimus: ........
Bee: You're not stupid, I hope that your next partner will be leagues better than him. Ratchet maybe, oh or Elita, they would make great partners (and even better step-parents), or maybe-
Optimus: CanwePleasestoptalkingaboutmylovelife??
Bumblebee: If you get back together with Megatron I'm disowning you.
BB: This is... so dumb.
OP: The higher I am the better I can see.
BB: You can- You can fly.
OP: Hush now Bumblebee! I am searching...
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk man, brain rot hits something different when I think about it for long periods of time
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thegrinningghost · 8 days ago
My Oh My Mentality : Transformers Comfort Headcanons
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Prompt: headcanons for how different Cybertronians would help someone with a different mental illness/in an emotional state
Characters: Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Evac (Transformers Ride), Brainstorm, Starscream, Soundwave (+Shockwave Cameo)
Selective Mutism : an anxiety disorder in which a person who is otherwise capable of speech becomes unable to speak when exposed to specific situations, specific places, or to specific people, one or multiple of which serve as triggers. This is caused by the freeze response
Having lost his voice before, let’s just say the Bee knows how it feels to want to talk but being unable to
He’s just glad that you can talk most of the time
Whenever you get stressed out, he picks you up and walks out with you on his shoulder
Usually you guys head out of the city, whether he’s driving you out of there or walking out
Music is his go-to to calm himself down, but he won’t blast it around you
His playlist has become yours with some edits
Once you guys are out of most bots’ reaches, he sets you down lets you be
You’ll talk when you’re ready
And when you do, he’ll make sure to enthusiastically listen and congratulate you
That takes some serious strength!
Of course, until then, you can do whatever you want
Want more music? On it.
Want to adventure somewhere or simply move around? Cool!
Want to just have someone to hug or something to touch? He’s ready for you.
Bee just really wants to care for you and make sure that no matter what, you know he’ll be there to listen
In the few times where Decepticons have found you two, he immediately fights them off
With you far away somewhere safe, of course
If an Autobot finds you guys, he usually lets them be, but if they try to talk to you, he’ll beep them off
Out of all the bots, he really adores humans, and will do anything to care for you all
And if this is one of those ways to show his support?
Well, he’ll give all the love he can
Learning Disability : a disability that affects the acquisition of knowledge or skills, in particular any of various neurodevelopmental conditions affecting the learning and use of specific academic skills such as reading, writing, or mathematics
He’s heard that noise before
That frustrated, about to breakdown or destroy something sort-of-noise
But unlike Ratchet, there’s not much you can exactly destroy in a place built for giant, alien robots
But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a breakdown
Obviously he’ll ask what’s wrong, but when you tell him, he’s going to be awfully confused
What do you mean you don’t understand?
Out of all the humans he’s interacted with, they’ve all been able to understand in at least some way shape or form, even if it wasn’t easy or not something they enjoy
But you’re different
And curse this curious, bastardly robot, but he’ll drop any important thing he’s doing to learn more
Trying to save another bot’s life? Not as important as learning about humans
Whether you have Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or Dyscalculia, he’s going to try to help you
After listening, of course
He’ll probably just end up doing whatever you’re trying to do for you, but that’s only so you can get to sleep
Staying up all night, he’s making gadgets for you to try in the morning
Very much proud father whenever you make some step towards progress (dad two reference???)
Albeit, he is a bit disappointed when nothing he makes helps, and while he knows he can’t do much to help, he still really tries to
When you start beating yourself up for being different and “stupid” or “illiterate,” he’ll shut you down
Wheeljack has lived long enough to see how that can affect a bot’s processing of themself and others
For humans, he doesn’t want to know how worse it might be
When you try to dismiss him, his anger immediately flares
He hides whatever you’re working on somewhere you won’t be able to reach it (probably somewhere high)
Then he tells the bots to take you somewhere
Bee will take you to the beach
Optimus will take you for a drive
Ratchet will let you continue working, but monitor you to stop those thoughts or help you relax when you start stressing out (don’t tell Wheeljack)
If no one is able to take you somewhere, he’ll take you out for a drive to wherever you feel like
And he’ll just let you rant
He figures you need it, and if you let him, he’ll give his input, too
While he doesn’t exactly get your struggles, he’s incredibly willing to learn
And hey, curiosity hasn’t killed this cat! (yet)
Social Anxiety : an intense, persistent fear of being watched and judged by others
Being tasked with evacuating the All Spark isn’t an easy job
And while Evac has gotten used to feeling the constant judgment of everyone around him, it still bothers him
When he found out you experienced something similar, it was a joyous surprise
Even better when he finds out it has a name
You two are incredibly socially anxious, and while you have your suspisions on which bots also were, it’s clear that years of war have made it the least possible threatening thing to them
Evac, however, has not faced centuries of war
Neither have you
So you’re in it together
After every mission Evac goes on, he always comes to find you
The Autobots stress him out, so before they can find him to congratulate him, he comes to you to practice talking and manage his breathing
When you get stressed out, you find him
Like I said, you’re in it together
You two memorize what causes the other anxiety attacks so you can better help and comfort them when they’re going through it
You guys even prepare things to help!
Blankets, hugs, fidget toys, etc.[
You each have your favorite haptics
The dynamic you two share is best described as a symbiotic relationship
You help each other in the best ways you can, and honestly
I don’t imagine either of you would have it any other way
Nervous / Mental Breakdown : a state of severe emotional and mental distress that significantly impairs a person's daily functioning
As a constant overthinker, he gets it
Sometimes you just can’t stop thinking
And while the reaction for him is his systems overheating, your reaction is much more different
Truly, seeing a tiny creature usually full of energy, spunk, and many ideas suddenly get so overwhelmed is weird
You start shaking, maybe crying or holding your head
Throwaway comments are made about wishing to be back in the era where you would’ve been given a autopsy
Brainstorm doesn’t know what that is, but he really doesn’t like the sound of it
When you try to stand to go for somewhere to lay down or curl up and cry, he picks you up
Leaving is not an option
He’ll carry you to the lab (or a desk if you’re already there)
You’ll get all set up with blankets, stuffed animals and ways to communicate with him that don’t force you into being verbal
If you need something else, he’ll get you it, but otherwise he’ll just let you talk or sit in silence while he works
Sometimes other bots walk in
Perceptor usually offers a sort of gentle pat to you
Starscream and his trine immediately leave
Sometimes they come back with random items – like cats coming back with dead crickets, mice or gophers, though that isn’t usually what they bring
Megatron rarely walks in, but on the rare occasion he does, Brainstorm throws something at him
Not really with bad intentions, but more so just to make you laugh
He figures a distraction will help, and bonus points if it’s funny
Though being hit by some random, possibly toxic or mutilated object has made Megatron steer clear
Overall, Brainstorm will always try to help a fellow overthinker
It’s the least he can do while you spend your time on a ship full of giant killer robots
PTSD : a mental health condition that's caused by an extremely stressful or terrifying event; post traumatic stress disorder
Let’s be honest here, he’s not fond of you
In fact, he may never be!
… but this may very well have pushed him closer to empathy towards you than he wanted or suspected
Starscream knows PTSD like the back of his hand
So when you start getting flashbacks, he starts shoving people out of the room
Doesn’t matter if it’s Megatron’s throne room, the lab, or the hallway, it won’t be anymore
Once everyone is out and away, and he’s sure none of them are listening in or spying on him, he’s right down next to you
He won’t be too confident at first, as he’s never done this before, but soon enough, he’ll get that fixed
Afterall, how can you believe a king someone when they aren’t confident in what they’re saying?
After reminding you that it’s all just a flashback, he moves to try to ground you
Well, he doesn’t move at all, but he does quietly guide you towards something you can hold, touch, or hug
Which, sometimes, ends up being him
He seems to hate it, but he gets over it eventually
Star will make sure to audibly vent in the hopes that you’ll follow with your own breathing, no matter how shaky
It isn’t all the time, but after so many times of it happening, he’ll warm up to you enough to crack jokes
They’re really bad, but if it gets a sob-mixed laugh from you, that’s something!
You two will be sitting for a while, and it’ll be pretty nice
Though, he does scold you when you’re feeling better
It’s mostly to retain his status as a fearsome Decepticon, though he also really means it
You scared him when you started going through that
Like I said, when he starts getting more comfortable around you, he’ll open up about his PTSD, too
This causes you guys to plan flights and other activities
Sometimes you convince him to invite the other members of the High Guard so you all can talk, but most of the time you guys go by yourselves
Really, it doesn’t matter what happens afterwards
What matters, is that you have managed to get the scheming, power-hungry Starscream to begin to open up and be kind again
Sensory Overload / Overstimulation : a state where the brain is overwhelmed by excessive sensory input from one or more of the five senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell
You wouldn’t expect he’d be the best at this sort of thing, considering he processes lots of information on a constant basis
But he does understand
Sort of
Downloading so much data can drain him far too much
Once he passed out while Starscream and his trine were reporting to Megatron
It was a whole deal he doesn’t want to recount
But the point is that he gets how you feel
Nobody on the ship is exactly observant, him and Shockwave especially
They aren’t oblivious though, and no matter who realizes first, they’ll take immediate action
Most of the time it’s Soundwave who leads you out of the room
Taking you to one of their berth rooms, he’ll lower the lights upon entering
He’ll usually launch Ravage and Laserbeak to stay with you as they can have some pretty funky textures
You’ll be left alone until him or Shockwave is done with work, but until then, they’ll send anyone who comes to bother them to you
Mostly just to check in on you and bring you something
Just because they are violent, doesn’t mean they aren’t understanding
In fact, the Decepticons are a large community of very understanding and empathetic individuals, it’s just that years of war has made that side darker and torn
Light hasn’t reached that flower in far too long
Eventually, whoever is done with work first will come sit in the same room with you, and the other will join later
If you need to cry or hug them, they’ll allow it
Sometimes they walk in to find Laserbeak and Ravage cuddled close to you and you fast asleep
No matter the cause or the outcome, you can put faith in them for giving you a place to get away from the world when it becomes too much
Your care will never be too much for them
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missymarceline · 2 years ago
Jitterbug | Bayverse!Optimus Prime x fem!human!reader
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Pairing : Bayverse!Optimus Prime x fem!human!reader ( she is Sam's younger sister )
Summary : At first she was the exact same as her brother Sam , but after some tragic events she became a little bit distant . But when he came - she was confused . She did not know how to react when she realized that she loved him . When him and the Autobots landed on the Planet Earth , he expected humans like Sam to be intrigued by them , what he did not expect was to fall in love for a certain girl with bright blue eyes.
Tw : mental health issues , diagnosis of illness , angsty feelings , a very concerned Ratchet , confused Optimus , parents stupidity , but fluff at the end.
English is not my first language so if you spot any mistakes please just bare with me .
Ps : I got away with this one because OPTIMUS DESERVES SOME LOVE , but I really enjoyed it so I hope you do too .
Edit : I think it is so bad for some reason . Some people will say that the song does not fit with the imagine , but I think it is better this way .
11k words
Let's just say that your first encounter with the Autobots was not like you've imagined it to be .
Not that you've ever imagined about meeting extremely tall and big aliens that can turn into cars .
You've never imagined that you'll fall in love for the leader of the Autobots when you first saw him either .
It was a cold night in the early days of October when you and your older brother Sam got into a really big fight .
Things got even worse when your parents came upstairs to calm you both , but instead of doing that they intervened and the situation escalated .
From arguing with your brother about something that you both forgot after a while , to both be arguing with your parents about literally anything .
Their criticism about Sam's progress in school that was not so good , how you were being a not so helpful person because of your mental health issues .
" How much more oblivious can you both be ? Sam do you even realise how much money we are going to spend for your college if you do not graduate form High School with at least decent grades ? "
Your father had told your brother , but he did not answered .
He believes that in situations likes this one - silence is the best option.
But when your mother turned to you . . . Sam saw red .
" And you Y/N haven't we spent enough money for your therapy ? Buying pills every God damn month ? It happened long ago , you should have been able to forget it by now . I mean , it is like you are doing it on purpose ."
He immediately grabbed your right wrist and dragged you out of your house .
Your parents yelling at you to come back at the house immediately or else -
That is how you found yourselves in the middle of nowhere eating McDonald's and drinking coffee inside his car .
Dad bought him a yellow Camaro with black details a couple of days ago , but he was experiencing some weird problems with it .
The most common one - the radio turned all the time on its own .
You loved it .
And so did Sam that night .
The radio was playing some funny jokes to help you both forget the ugly situation back at the house .
Uncontrollably laughing you did not hear a big track changing its form to a 22ft alien robot .
Optimus Prime thought that Bumblebee was still into his alt - form just because he enjoyed it .
The thing is that Bee was so happy that you both were laughing at the jokes , that he did not even noticed his leader looking down at him .
" Mother of Primus . Are you even listening to to me ? " Optimus Prime asked a little louder this time and Bee frozed in his spot .
When Optimus realized that Bee had passengers inside the car he left a breath he did not know he was holding .
Bee opened his doors slowly telling you to get out before he could change into his original form .
Both you and Sam were shocked beyond repair .
Bee was looking down embarrassed when Optimus kneeled on the ground to take a better look at you - both .
Coming close to your faces he asked :
" Are you Samuel Witwicky descedant of Archibald Witwicky?"
" Yeah . " Sam had answered holding at you like a teddy bear .
" My name is Optimus Prime . We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron . "
" But you can call us Autobots for short . " Another one said .
Where did he come from ?
" What's cracking little biches ? This looks like a cool place to kick it . " Another one asked .
You heard yourself silently laughing .
" My first lieutenant the designating Jazz . " You heard Optimus deep voice saying .
" How you learnde to talk like that ? " Sam asked smiling .
" We learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web . " Optimus answered while looking at you .
Shocked by his piercing blue eyes , you did not realised that another bot had said that your levels were unstable and your body was asking for some rest .
Sam looked worryingly at you .
" And you are ? " Optimus asked you .
" Huh ? " You asked him lost in his eyes .
" She is my younger sister Y/N . " Sam had answered for you .
Suddenly you heard George Michael's voice in Bee's speakers .
" You put the boom - boom into my heart
" You send my soul hig - sky
" When your lovin' starts "
Ratchet the medical's officer had stoped Bee with what it seems to be a laser .
Optimus tried to save you both from embarrassed when he properly introduced to Sam that Bee was his guardian .
And while Ironhide and Jazz were both not interested in the conversation , Ratchet decided to tell his leader that you needed a guardian too .
He offered to become yours so he can have you close by his side since of your unstable health levels but Optimus decided otherwise .
Ratchet was never more anxious and afraid in his whole entire robotic life .
After their first encounter with you and your brother , he soon realized that Sam was the type of guy that tried to fing good in every bad situation . He was alaways happy and funny . Laughing at everything him and Bee did .
You on the other side were more close , introvert , sometimes you spent to many hours of the day alone , you had sleepless nights , you found peace in listening to 80's and 90's music in your earphones .
And of course he had realized that you and Optimus - your guardian had a think for each other .
Everyone seemed to know except you two .
Although after the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons you reached your breaking point .
Anxiety and panic attacks , insomnia , sleepless nights , nightmares , constant fight with your parents , Sam's abstinence , Ratchet's healt questions , Bee's teasing about you and Optimus - Optimus .
You can not lie .
You two were closer that anyone else .
Ironhide believed that your bond was even stronger that the one of Sam and Bee's .
You loved him - more that n just love actually .
You could not imagine your life without the big bot .
And when one day were you were at your worst , Optimus did not returned home that night chasing after some Decepticons , you thought that he was dead .
Only Sam knew why .
You left the compound that night crying and when Optimus returned and did not found you , he knew that he was in deep trouble .
Sam told everyone the truth .
One year ago you had lost forever your bestfriend right in front of your eyes .
The memory was just too much for you and you slowly started getting depressed .
When the therapist diagnosed you with it it was too late you were already deep within it .
Sam told Optimus that you liked him .
And after that Optimus knew what he had to do .
You heard the big truck coming to a stop and after a couple of seconds the sounds of Optimus changing from his alt - form .
" Are you alright Jitterbug ? " Optimus Prime asked you coming closer to you .
Jitterbug . . .
The nickname Optimus had given you after he found out that the song Bee used was your favorite .
Wake my up before you go by Wham!
Your silence made him even more worried .
"Sam told us what is going on and I wanted to say that . . .
I'm sorry Y/N .
If I realized sooner maybe I could have find a way to help you . " He said .
" It's not your fault Optimus . " You finally said to him , voice hoarse from crying .
When you looked up at him - even in the dark night sky he could see your red eyes .
Oh Sweetspark . . . he thought .
He placed his left servo on the ground near you .
After a couple of seconds you hopen up while he was briging you closer to his face .
" Y/N I would like to confess something to you that I hope it will not jeopardize the relationship with have build up . Sam told me - " Before he could complete whatbhe wanted to say you interrupted him .
" Did Sam told you that I like you ? " You asked , tears already building in your eyes .
" Is it not true ? " Optimus asked you .
" No it's not like that . Look you are Optimus Prime . You are a Prime . The leader of the Autobots . And I'm me . Just me . " You said . Taking it of your chest .
" That doesn't meen anything Y/N you humans have helped us with so much that we can call your planet Earth home . And in my home your in too . I am willing to help you get through your pain my Sweetspark . " He confessed to you .
" I thought I was your Jitterbug . " You said to him while placing your hands to his face plate pressing your lips in his dermas .
He stared in your blue eyes , the ones he grew to love so much .
" What do you think about going back to the compound ? It's about to rain and it's a long drive . " He said and slowly he transformed back to his al - form placing you inside his cabin .
" Can you please put our song ? " Your sweet voice asked him and he for sure did it with happiness .
Wake me up before you go by Wham! was playing .
Your song .
" Y/N your back . Is everything okay ? " Your older brother Sam asked you once he saw you .
" I am going to kill you . " You said to him while running to catch him .
Sam started to scream for help while Bee and Jazz seem to enjoy the moment .
" Primus . What is going on ? " Ironhide asked Optimus but before he could answer Ratchet showed up .
" Well at least her levels indicate that she is doing better . Someone save Sam , his stress levels are duplicated .
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ao3wasntenough · 10 months ago
Crack one shot. All females cybertron/ Autobots when first time meet with mini sparkling not Sam. Since sparkling is precious thing and rare so let's just say females Autobots definitely have more strong and big reaction.
*when Sam was human he definitely want that many womens to Sircling him and give him love but when he meant at love not like this!. Now all females Autobots crowds him and cooing him like some kind baby, which he is in cybertron standard*
Chromia: oh, Arcee, windbalde, strongarm. You are so lucky meet sparkling.
Storingarm : I know right? I so happy came to earth.
Sam : would you stop! , you all know I was human and I am not baby.
Moonracer: but you are a baby in cybertron standard.
Sam : why you like this? I am understand new femme but I didn't except you three like this again!
Arcee : sorry Sam, we can help it . It's like in our system programs
Windbalde: yeah even ratchet must making our system programs be more low.
*elita lifted Sam *
Elita : oh, aren't you so precious? *say it with baby voice. Sam look about to cry by embarrassment, also he helpless got holding by elita because well elita is Optimus lover and he don't want make Optimus mad at him because he hurt his lover*
Sam : bee , help!
*before even bumblebee can take Sam from elita hands , chromia cannon active and pointed at him*
Chromia : don't even thinking about it. *bumblebee immediately hide behind Ironhide*
*from corner all male Autobots have different reaction some amused, some laughs of Laud and some look fond that females have other chances to hold a baby again*
Sam : what guys doing just standing there? Help me!
Jazz : sorry Sam but I not want get shoot by chromia.
Hot rod : yeah, only stupid ones that take baby from women *other agree*
Sam : stop laughing you both! * say to sunstriker and sidewipe* and why you look at like that?!
Ironhide: well Sam I just happy seeing chromia smile
Optimus : it's been centuries that sparkling born. And seeing elita happy hold you make me happy.
Ratchet: it's been centuries a sparkling born and seeing you giving them hope... I thinking I need make lower their system programs if it's getting to much but look likely you can handle it
*yeah, makes Autobots wouldn't help him. And Sam really about to crying and it only make females crowing him more*
Sam : how it's my life?
(Since Optimus kidn Sam other dad that's meant elita is kid his other mom)
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He hates it but begrudgingly understands what it must be like to see something so young after so long of nothing but war (also helps him not be as homesick for his own prone to threats mother)
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red-n-ded · 8 months ago
Charbee Prompts Part 8
The Boy in Yellow (Humanformers Au)
Charlie narrates how she knew a boy in high school who was a big fan of her in the school’s high diving team. His name was Benjamin O’Brien. They weren’t friends nor did they talk so often but shared almost every class. He was nice and talkative but around her, he stuttered and rambled out of nervousness. Charlie figured he had a crush on her but didn’t want to embarrass him since he was nice and was probably the loudest at her competitions (second to her dad).
When her father died, she was a junior and he was senior going to graduate in a month. He was there when her father’s heart gave out and drove both of them to the hospital. She fell asleep waiting for the news and when she woke up, the boy was gone except a yellow jean jacket with a bee patch on it. She never wore it again but she kept it. When she came back to school as a complete shell of herself, he was the only one to stick by her side. They never talked but he treated her normally and sat at a comfortable distance. She appreciated his company and knows she won’t see him again but wishes him the best since he’s going to the military after graduating.
But by some luck, she sees him again.
She just graduated and turned 18 and when she buys her first car, the boy was in the trunk, injured and unconscious. Charlie fixed him up and healed him. She didn’t know it was him at the time. The boy used to be short, skinny and pale with brown hair but now Charlie's head could barely reach his collarbone, had broad shoulder and defining muscles, tanned to a honey brown color that emphasizes his freckles and has golden blonde highlights in his hair with scars all over his body.
When he woke up, he had no voice or memory, unlike the witty, talkative voice Charlie listened to all those years ago. Charlie nicknamed him Bumblebee after the buzzing noises his throat makes when he tries to speak and at that, she gave her the yellow jacket he gifted her many years ago saying, "It matches your outfit." Looking back, Charlie wants to facepalm at how obvious it was especially when she thought to herself on how it was a perfect fit.
A recording in the car revealed where he has been all these years. Bee was a military spy for a new initiative called the Autobot Initiative, where soldiers were chosen to use weaponized cars linked to their conscience to fight and spy on enemies such as the Decepticon terrorist group. He was a deadly soldier but to Charlie, Ben hasn't changed one bit and was only hit with the realization that she loved him when she fixed the handheld radio he carried with him and he comforted her about her father. It was a terrifying realization at the time but she never really planned on saying anything or acting on it, until her neighbor Memo came in to ask her out.
Charlie makes Memo promise to not tell anyone about the car and briefly explaining that Bee is a spy. (Charlie notes that she’s still friends with Memo to this day and that he’s now dating a boy he met at a cafe.) They all go for a drive to test out the abilities of the car until they reach the cliffside. She refuses to dive after so much trauma and gets made fun by Tina. Bee comes to her defense which leads to Tina making fun of him for being mute and scarred. Charlie goes to his defense but in the heat of the moment, when Tina says, "What's up with you? Are you his girlfriend or somethin'?" and Charlie一poor, sweet, stupid eighteen-year-old Charlie一said...
"So what if I am!? Shut the fuck up!"
Charlie and Bee don’t talk about it until they get home and Memo leaves. Charlie apologized but it turns out that Bee always liked her, ever since the two met. They don’t know what the two are but Bee wanted to stay with her forever. Charlie liked that and parted with Charlie kissing his cheek.
Present Charlie remembers how happy she was that night as if they were stuck in their little bubble. She dreamt of all the adventures the two will take together, the places they'll go, the things they'll do一innocently ignorant to the war outside.
Present Charlie also remembers when that bubble popped, how she watched Bee die in front of her.
The Decepticons wanted to kill Bee for info on where his leader is. After accidentally spilling with the recording, Bee was electrocuted to death. Charlie remembered how her father died but this time, she didn’t freeze. She went straight to CPR (noting how she wished their first kiss had a better setting) and after using a defibrillator, Bee came back and with his memories.
The shock that both young adults, recognizing each other from a different time, was almost embarrassing. Charlie covered her red face realizing she gave the jacket to the same guy to gave it to her and Ben looked like he wanted to curl up in a ball, remembering his crush from high school and his actions for the past few days. Charlie remembers sharing a proper kiss with him before being rudely interrupted by the military, calling Bee a traitor and a coward.
The rest of the night was a blur, a trauma Charlie can't seem to fully recollect with the bits and pieces of the fight being too fuzzy. She remembers a pain in her head as she was thrown against concrete and the ringing raging explosions surrounding her. She remembers a green glow, a dropping feeling from a fear of heights and her body learning to dive again as she held the blurry face of a smiling blonde underwater.
The last thing Charlie recalls of the boy was their goodbyes, standing at a cliff where they overlook the Golden Gate Bridge. They hug and kiss one last time and exchange a thanks, knowing that the other touched their hearts in some way. Charlie waved goodbye never knowing if he will return but she wished him luck and a promise to never forget him. (Heartbreak following a bittersweet exasperation when Bee reveals that his car could shapeshift. "YOUR CAR CAN BE A CAMERO THIS WHOLE TIME??")
Present Charlie recites this story to an interviewer in a quiet room, not realizing there was a tear going down her cheek until a drop landed on the metal table.
"So you want to see him again? Is that what you're saying?"
Charlie shakes her head. "No. I wanna help him. I accepted the fact that I'll never see him so I want to help his cause as much as possible, because he believed in it, just like how he believed in me."
The interviewer smiled with pride and extends a hand that Charlie takes in a shake, "Then it's done. Welcome to the GI Joes, Agent Watson."
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year ago
how would the cons, bots, and elite bots react to the fact bee's parents are basically their gods
how would sari react too????
I love this au so much <3333 (it's funny af and has great potential for chaos)
Well, the others wouldn't really know they are gods since Primus and Unicron are not allowed to reveal themselves- hence the disguises and alias'. Bee knows they're gods but he's not allowed to speak about it either, he only refers to them as Sire and Papa anyway.
While Prisma and Unis know they are the gods, they speak about their god-names as if they were separate beings(mostly when they're arguing) to keep their covers- religion is a minority on Cybertron since the war began so it's rare to see someone speak about the gods so much. They are seen as religious to say the least.
When Unis shows up in earth he's wrecking shit up for fun and the autobots come to stop him- he does his gig with "you have no chance against me! I will destroy you!" before he notices the tiny yellow bot standing in the group and changes his attitude to happy-go-lucky, The others are very confused and alarmed when Bee runs towards te colossus, even more so but add shocked when he picks Bee up and starts baby-talking to him and Bee yells; "Meet my Creator!"
They are sceptical and wary of Unis cuz this mech just threatened to kill them and now he's acting all friendly and good. He straight up says he was gonna destroy the planet for fun but he can't do that since his beloved sparkling (and his friends) live here.
And so Unis is a "guest" in the plant for few weeks. He's like gremlin-mode Bumblebee but worse- he dubbed Sari an abomination when Bee introduced her to him, Unis was quick to clarify he likes her very much and insults are his way of showing affection(in a way). She was hurt at first but quickly got used ot this weird affection Bee's dad gave her. She likes to go messing around with them in the middle of nowhere sometimes.
He doesn'd do shit when there's something bad happening and the team has to go take care of it. In fact, half of the calls happen cuz he's causing trouble. He's also encouraging Bee causing mischieft and doing pranks and saying he's "going in his Creator's pedesteps".
Unis had bragged about being the strongest warrior in the entire reality known, he's detroyed planets single-handedly and wrecked thousands of soldiers that happened to get in his way. Team Prime has a reason to be wary of him, not just because he's a giant.
The Decepticons straight up skidaddle on the sight of him- he's triple the size of Blitzwing AND wielding a giant double-sided axe. One time Megatron got his servos on Bee and threatened the other Autobots that he'll hurt him, Unis seemed to just materialize out of thin air behind him and politely got his attention before he suplexed him with one servo. The 'cons are straight up avoiding the yellow mini now in both fear of what other fucked up abilities he has and because they don't wanna be pavement on the courtesy of his apparently Creator.
Sentinel is giving Bee all the respect and praise he "held back on" the moment Unis approaches him from behind while Sentinel is trash-talking Bee and excuses them both so they can go on the promised treasure hunt.
While Unis does seem like the strongest in the universe, he's not on either side of the war. He calls it stupid and says that he "spreads the chaos equally".
Then Prisma shows up. He drops from the sky and seizes Unis by his horn. He says few things to his "little sunray" and promises to visit soon before leaving thru a "space bridge" with his husband.
Bee then tells them that was his Sire.
If Ratchet was questioning how this colossus Unis managed to take care of such tiny Sparkling like Bee then now he's questioning how the frag Bee is so small if he got 2 literal giants for Creators- and he doesn't look like he was adopted by them.
And yeah, Prisma does show up unexpectedly like a week later- they find him sitting in the main room with Bee, he was recovering from an injury so they left him in base for the call and when they come back- oop, there's a fucking huge airplane just sitting in the plant. How did he fit in the room? None of them know!
Surprisingly, Prisma is very likeable and they actually get to be kinda friends with him instead of being afraid- well, they're still scared cuz he does clarify he'll send Unis to wreck chaos if something happened to Bee but he's not as aggressive as Unis. He's not even violent- physically at least. He's also on neither side of the war- he says it's a pointless tragedy and he's giving help to anyone in need.
Prisma is similar to Prowl actually, he's calm, respectful and the responsible parent- he doesn't let Bee cause any trouble (most of the time). He actually made Bee apologize when he called Prowl's documentaries boring; "Just because his interests don't align with yours, it doesn't mean they are any less than what you enjoy." He has said.
Now, the 'cons and Elite Guard are still scared shitless from Unis' visit so they also avoid him. Bee and Sari have the fun flying together in his cockpit and seeing stars and galaxies from the "projector"- it's like they were actually in space!
Prisma leaves and things have quieted down. But all of the eath transformers were traumatized enough to treat Bee with respect. His team still bosses him around a bit cuz he is a teammate but they certainly are worried of what might happen if they so much as insulted him. But the tension shrinks the further Bee's parents' visits were in the calendar.
Now i have few funny ideas with BlitzBee and "meeting the in-laws" that i vaguely mentioned in this post. But i also think ProwlBee would fit. Feel free to send questions about whichever you want.
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blueberrywhale123 · 5 months ago
Guess what I watched?!
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This was sooooooooo amazing! A beautiful story and a wonderful cinematic experience honestly! Not to sound like a movie reviewer 😅 I just want to gush.
I was totally not interested the first few times the trailer popped up on my ad feed on youtube but the first time I sat down to actually look at the trailer I was hit with the colors and the designs and suddenly I was six-years-old sitting with my dad while he showed me and my four-year-old brother our first piece of transformers media. It was an old cartoon with the bots on cybertron and I never really got something like that again with the other movies or shows that came out aside from the ones one find after digging.
So I instantly decided that even just for nostalgia's sake I would go see it and I was dragging my siblings with me. Even if the movie was a horrible cash grab that turned the characters into unrecognizable slapstick jokesters I would watch it because I wanted to be six-years-old again.
LO AND BEHOLD this was incredible! Right from the start when they showed and talked about Primus being the planet I felt hope rising in my chest (MY EXPECTATIONS WERE ON THE FLOOR OKAY) And it just KEPT GETTING BETTER!
Ik from the trailers it seems so silly and stupid but it's NOT! This movie (imo) knows exactly when to be funny and when to be serious. It is for kids - don't expect anything super grown-up - but don't expect something that's aimed for a three-year-old.
Orion Pax (Optimus) and D-16 (Megatron) were the beating heart of this film in my opinion. I was gut wretched watching their friendship deteriorate and seeing Megatron slowly be born. I told my brother as we sat in that theater (which was 98% empty btw😭) that I really thought that the creative team really seemed to love Megatron because there was so much care put into his character and his change wasn't mocked or incomprehensible - I understood him the whole time even as I hated watching the downfall.
And ORION! He was amazing! I loved watching him go from a cocky selfish little guy to this inspiring leader. Even before the main conflict pushes him into the forefront as a leader you can see these hints of that quick-thinking and desire to protect those around him. The aspects of a leader are there - they just needed the right circumstances to pull them out.
There were so many of my babies in it too! It was nice to hear Bumblebee talk!!!! And he was precious! Elita was nice even tho I will admit that I'm not super deep into Transformers so I wasn't truly familiar with her. But I just about jumped out of my seat seeing Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave on screen talking and just being soooooo cool! They could just stand there and I would have been in heaven (not really that would have been a disservice to them but besides the point!)
ARCEE WAS THERE!!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!! Me and my brothers were scouring for Ironhide and Rachet and we were grinning like idiots when we saw Jazz oh my gosh! I'm pretty sure that we saw Cliffjumper too!
And Ariachnid was sooooooo scary my gosh I was so happy!
This just felt like a film that truly cared and loved and RESPECTED the source material!
Anyways I'm writing this because I think people need to watch it. It's good even if you don't know a thing about transformers too! My little sister came with and loved the movie even though she's probably seen 1/4 of a transformers movie. I know I'm no bigshot poster so it's not gonna reach a lot of people but if any little bit counts then ...
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wildshadowtamer · 30 days ago
Lex And The City Comic Reaction
title says it all.
Purely based on the cover, artstyle looks good, lex's pose is silly and i like it. Lets hope the writing holds.
oh, its several comics in one! i forgot they still did those
Oh Lex, you vaguely slimy bastard. You are out of touch, my man.
"A pair of uptown gay comedy writers" bbygirl ur gonna need to specify this is dc we have a lot of those
"to show my jawline is 100% real" ok the writing is a bit tiktok-y but thats definitely something he'd say.
I do wanna say i haven't read modern superman comics that weren't JL or Batman crossovers, so idk if Trish Q is a new or old character, but shes cute
"or maybe i was just bored because superman was off-world" ohhh, ur missing ur boyfriend arent u lexie
Lex im begging you never use the word lubrication ever again
ok the dialouge is stilted as hell but very funny idea that lex hires people to crash his parties. very in character. he WOULD do that.
"your kink shaming" lex where are you learning these words. connor come get ur weird sort-of-dad, hes found tiktok
damn, lex, only $500 for flowers? ur a billionaire, man, that feels oddly cheap of you
i see these will be short lil stories, which im fine with it. Lex's story....eh, 6/10, nothing to do with valentines but fun ideas for Lex
Harley & Ivy's story
wooo lesbians!! also original costume harley!!! wooo!!!
yeah she would break into a bank just for a valentines day gift
aaaand it just took a harsh dive into tiktok words. "her love was no basic bitch" harley stop that
i like the detail of harley's hair slowly coming out of her lil hat/cowl. And that she actually realised getting a fur coat for her aggressively nature loving girlfriend would, in fact, be a god awful idea
"was ivy gonna dump harley just like joker did? probably" is that unresolved relationship issues i see? i like that their keeping that in. like, yeah, you probably would have a hard time trusting a relationship when ur last one was almost entirely comprised of being manipulated
lmao bruce just being like "hm. good for them." they truly are honorary batfam members
overall, 8/10, the tiktok speech was a bit much in the middle but it was cute! very nice
Mr Freeze's story
neat artstyle, always happy to see mr freeze content.
Gotham's Got Talent canonically exists. i wonder how many times bruce has been a judge on it
ah, Batman being a good person, at least they've gotten him down right
very short, but not bad. 7/10, no tiktok speak this time
roy!!! my boy!!! also im mildly faceblind so gimme a few panels to figure out who the other three are
ohhh, wally, garth, and dick. right, obviously.
ohhh!!!! baby roy, wally, garth, and dick!!!
bumblebee!!! my darling!!! i can't believe they remembered you exist!!
roy pretending to be dying of starvation is so accurate. teens really are just like that
huh garth/donna, idk if thats been in previous comics but interesting
Dick, i see that superman cup!! fun to see thats canon
im probably missing Comic Lore but i did not know Garth had scars over one eye. neat. adding that to my note list immediately.
"Linda's my lightning rod" AWWWW
is donna's teen titan outfit always red or am i imagining things, i swear she used to be in black
Bumble calling Dick 'rob', awww, im counting this as canon
idk why Dick did the 'im batman' thing, but i love that hes still doing that
LOVE their outfits. i know it isnt specific for this comic, or at least im p sure, but god i love their adult hero costumes. i'll always prefer wally's stupid yellow costume but his flash one is really good
9/10, love it, amazing
Tim!! my boy!! my canon bi boy!!!
oh hey bernard i forgot u exist
oh my god damian ur so big!!! oh my god!
"stephanie is too female" damian????
brotherly bonding!! i feel like tim & damian is such an uncommon dynamic
oh shit hey flatline i forgot u exist
"lazarus pit? more of a lunch spot" damian i love u
NOT JASON IN THE WAITER OUTFIT- ok i love that, brotherly bonding!!
oh my god steph too!! hey girl!! you look amazing in that outfit
hell yeah, cass, steph, and jason in the club!!!
10/10, no complaints, love it
ooo, villains!! hey boys!!
sad pathetic meow meow riddler how i love you. deadass just did the "you guys are getting paid??" meme
really funny that The Joker of all people has just. been dating around this whole time.
i was about to ask Why Is Joker In a Tutu, but yeah. he would
the joker wingmanning for Riddler is the funniest concept
hi magpie. gonna be honest girl idk who you are but cool design
poor eddie. even the guards are like 'damn hes pathetic'
eddie. eddie i know what your trying to say. ur married to work and all. but that shot of you looking over the city with batman's bat signal is really giving me riddlebats vibes and im loving it
8/10, fun, Joker's always a blast, eddie is as sad meow meow as ever
ok idk pretty much anything about garfield and raven but hiii. dont have much of anything to say except someone get raven an actually decent father figure. also gar/raven is very cute.
skipping hawkman's bc i know nothing of him and i just. dont like his current iteration, carter hall will always be my hawkman. sorry current man but i care not.
so, overall, 8/10, good comics. funny, cute, good art, some good ideas i'll definitely be implementing. i like it.
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fictional-love-is-my-life · 2 years ago
Can I get some headcanons for how bayverse Optimus would react to being a step-dad to his s/o's teenage child. You know that cliché trope of it being really awkward between the step parent and the kid? How would he react to the kid being a little bit less than pleased with him being thrust into their life?
I'm going to write this as his S/O and the teenager are humans.
-He felt he had enough experience with 'teens' from Bumblebee. So he felt somewhat prepared.
-He was wrong. He was not prepared. On the outside he is still the calm collected Optimus, but on the inside he is very panicky and unsure what to do.
-It's super awkward and he has no idea what to do. Maybe it would have been easier if the kid was a bot. But being a human teen, they have nothing in common.
-He tries so hard though, because he love's his S/O. He tries to tell this teen about Cybertron. The kid is interested at first, and it's a stepping stone. But once Optimus has said all he could they go back to awkward silence.
-Optimus goes to Bumblebee to try and get information on current human interests and pop culture references. Bee's information helps a little bit, so Optimus doesn't feel so lost when the teen talks.
-Optimus asks the teen if they want a ride to school. The kid says no, they don't want to get bullied for riding a truck. One day his S/O asks Optimus to pick the teen up from school. Reluctantly Optimus goes. He causes traffic at the pick up line, because he doesn't know where to go and he's too big for the normal car spaces. Some of the kids are in awe and try to take pictures with him. The teen comes out and is mortified. The kid tries to walk past and ignore Optimus, but Optimus uses his really loud truck horn. At first it startles everyone, then a lot of people cheer. The kid stalks over to Optimus and gets in, slamming Optimus' door embarrassed.
-"Why are you here?" "Your parent asked me to pick you up." "God, you are so embarrassing." "Do you want to use the horn?" PAUSE. "Yes." Teen then uses the horn and scares some people, making them laugh.
-Optimus drives safely whenever the kid is with him. Bee told him human kids like ice cream. So Optimus stops at an ice cream shop and asks if the teen wants to get some. "No that's for babies." The teen complains. So Optimus drives away. Then remembers his S/O told him the teen says some things they don't mean. He stops at another ice cream store and offers again. This time the teen agrees. They get ice cream and eat it while Optimus drives home.
-They don't have a lot to talk about so there are so many times they will literally just sit in silence until the parent comes back. He sometimes feels like he would rather be fighting Megatron than sitting in silence with this teenager. But Optimus will lay down his life to protect the kid.
-There comes a time where the kid spent time at their other bio parents house, then they come home really angry at Optimus. Optimus tries to be calm but the kid yells at him. "You're not my real dad, you're just a stupid tin can, I hate you!" Kid proceeds to slam the door to their room and hide away. S/O goes to talk to the kid but to no avail.
-*Sad Optimus noises* He tries so hard, and feels disappointed when his efforts are futile.
-Optimus goes for a late night drive to get some space and let the kid cool down. On his way back home he sees the kid walking on the side of the road (running away). He stops and offers the kid a ride. The teen ignores him. "I'll take you to your other bio parent." Optimus offers. It is a long walk so the kid agrees. They drive in silence for a while then Optimus speaks in his Optimus way.
"I am not your parent. That is a role I was never trying to claim. Your real parents will always be there. I am here for your mother/father because I love them, and they love you so I want to be civil and be there for you as best I can. It is a struggle as I am not a human. There is much I do not understand about human culture, but your mother/father is helping me. And I would definitely appreciate it if you helped me with human customs as well. I never wish to impose, and if you so desire I will stay away from you. But I will stay by your parents side, and as long as you shall live I will protect you with my life because you are their child."
-It's silence for a couple minutes, then the child just starts crying. Optimus lets them cry and figure out what they want to say. "Can you take me back home?" Optimus turns around and drives back to his S/O's place. He also goes a little over the speed limit, to try and cheer the kid up.
-It takes a lot of effort on both parts. But with time they come to like each other and are able to hang out together and have fun.
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artsy-hobbitses · 2 years ago
I love your human Optimus sm, he is so father figure coded its delightful. That being said, how wholesome can he get?
(I love ur art, you're amazing <33333)
- Came across Bumblebee dancing ballet by himself on accident one night in a little music room at the base (which is Alpha Trion’s estate) with bay windows all around! Noticed that Bee’s immediate reaction was to try fleeing the scene, but knowing from Bee’s scars that Bee had a BAD childhood, instinctively understood what might have happened for an 18 year old to have that response, and excitedly compliments Bee on Bee’s grace and form (to say this poor lad was taken aback by this absolute whiplash of what USUALLY happens when his bio dad would catch him dancing would be an understatement). Offers to play the piano for Bee (there is one unused there and he hasn’t practiced in years, but he may have just found a reason to start again!) so Bee has music to dance to, and it’s an offer Bee gladly takes up. They make it their thing at least once a week!
- He and Bumblebee play football together!
- Bumblebee runs. A lot. Bee has a STRONG fight or flight instinct and after Bad Nights, Bee tends to run as far as his legs can take him (because bio dad’s promised to hurt you, but first, he must catch you) and often overestimates how much energy he has left to return to base in a timely manner. So OP sometimes trails along and nestles down next to Bee when Bee is half-dead from exhaustion on the grass somewhere and just. Lays there. Talking to Bee. Bee doesn’t have to respond, he just wants to let Bee know he’s always here if Bee ever wants to talk. At some point he offers to piggyback Bee to base when Bee’s cursing his legs stumbling out from under him, and it’s both amusing and very, very bittersweet to feel how firmly Bee is holding on to his shoulders—like this is something Bee has never done before—and the slight dampness in his shoulder Bee has his face buried in.
- OP gifted Bumblebee his pet rabbit, BigWig! Which came with a little rabbit-sized hoodie just like Bee’s which OP commissioned Mirage to make.
- OP helped HotRod with his dyslexia! OP was the one who noticed HotRod had learning difficulties that were never addressed, and it’s not your fault the system failed you—you’re not stupid, you’re not lazy, you think on your feet and have insight beyond your years! He buys graphic novels and comics for HotRod (who did not have access to any of this before and didn’t see any point to it because he’s been labeled a dumbass who can’t write words) and they two often have little reading sessions together!
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noritaro · 2 years ago
character ask game: bee 1, 22 and starscream 21 (bc he gets too much angst i feel like. what if he was happy huh what then) + 15 for both
also just wanna say nori fumkin love yous dude 🥺
AHHHH thank you Soupy 🥺🥺
1. My first impression of them
I was a stupid 6 year old watching a Bayverse film and IMMEDIATELY got attached to him on the account that he was the colour yellow (I loved the colour yellow) So clearly my first impression on him was a very good one!!
21. When do you think they were at their lowest?
It does depend on the continuity so the answer is different almost everytime, but I know he BAWLS everytime his dad Optimus Prime dies
22. When do you think they were at their happiest?
but also I would like to quuuuickly mention how cute be looked in the Holiday Special here-
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I was absolutely not normal about this you don't understand- I need him to be happy more often
15. Worst storyline they had
okay so talking exclusively with StarBee stuff
I,,, didn't really like the Dark Cybertron story event between RID+MTMTE cause I thought it was a boring slog to read although RID was pretty boring pre Dark Cybertron to begin with anyways because of all the political stuff (not a bad thing but it just read as boring y'know)
I actually really like consuming terrible storylines so it doesn't take much for me to like stuff, but I hate checking out boring stuff so thats what I consider to be the worse usually
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devcted · 2 years ago
she feels bad but selfishly she's more excited than anything, knowing he'd get to stay with her and meet her family knowing her mother would love him and he's probably get along well with her dad and cedric too. she's already fantasizing about it, laying in bed all morning having sex to eventually join her family and have them get to see what she's seen since she was fifteen years old. how beautiful and amazing her prince charming was and how he was made for her and she was made for him.
she looks up at him and the way he smiles when she confesses that mildly embarrassing fact about herself and how she ruined her first relationship over a boy she couldn't live without. "I apparently had a bad habit of talking about you around him...people don't seem to really like it when the person they're dating is in love with someone else." she laughs softly. "and you're no hermione granger, pretty sure you make even ehe look stupid sometimes...but if anyone should be shocked by the other liking them It should be me." she drops her head for a moment to watch the foot steps she takes. "I only dated dean thomas because I never thought I'd even have a chance with you. you're so beautiful and smart and elegant.... though I never really took you for one of those blood purest I kind of figured you'd want someone who was more in your league and there's nothing more the opposite from you than a hufflepuff who lives in the same village as the weasleys." she laughs a bit at herself for thinking this way when she knew the boy better than that, he was too lovely to look down upon her. "I feel in love with you in that train cabin you know? in your cute little scarf and you were so charming...you spent hours just letting me talk about beasts and then you told me your love for dragons and I knew you were special. not everyone really always cared about what I had to say but you did." but then he started dating daphne greengrass...someone who was so different from bee.
she squeezes his hand gently because she loves the way hers fits in his, it's warm and she feels safe having him close like she can trust him with her deepest secrets and he would still call her bumblebee. however she can't help but laugh at his comment, shaking her head a little. "no? I mean I know people like my brother but...I mean there's so many girls at this school who are so pretty." she laughs shyly, using her free hand to twist the lollipop on her mouth to ignore the way her heart flutters. "and it doesn't bother you that they all see you with me and bro daphne?" she hums genuinely curious because he seemed so happy despite the situation being kind of messy for him especially. "or maybe we could buy a brother who is less annoying than percy." she hates percy probably more than all the others.
bee leans over the counter, letting her tonuge play with the candy in her mouth as the lady at the desk doesn't even give it a second thought she's about to give these two students keys to a room for obvious reasons. it wasn't that much of a secret a lot of students used the inn if they wanted more intimate privacy rather than having to have sex on the school grounds where some nosey professor or lonely ghost caught them, it was a nice inn and it was a good place to be alone and that's what she needs with regulus, for now at least because she's pretty sure she isn't above getting more risky once she's had him a few hours in this room.
the lady's voice snaps her out of thought, telling them what room to go to with a kind smile and a bit of a knowing look at bee as if she's telling her to be safe with her eyes. bee smiles sweetly back knowing she's definitely not planning to do that as regulus gently takes her hand and whisks her away towards the room they'd be occupying as she giggles a little. "for whoever comes after us sake....I sure hope so. they don't deserve to see how pretty of a mess you make." she teases kissing his cheek as he starts to open the door.
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she waits for the door to close behind them before tugging his hand towards the bed. "are you going to give me what I want now?" she teases, using her free hand to play with the stick of the candy, pressing it flat against her tongue before wrapping her lips around it and sucking down as if to give him a preview before pulling it out and letting her lips brush against his. "I want you reggie...." she whispers, pressing the lollipop against his lips instead of kissing him yet, letting the sticky sucker coat his pink lips. "can I have it? please? you can suck on this while I suck on you..."
"i'll go home with you," he agrees, soft eyes fixed on her face as she sucks at the lollipop. her lips are plump and he's already remembering the way they taste, wishing he could kiss them more. "if everything goes the way i think it will, i won't be able to go back home during the summer anyway..." his parents will see him as dead to them, and unless he can find his way to sirius without getting him in trouble with the ministry, he won't have anywhere to go. he hates the idea of putting a target on bee's back, not sure if this is a good idea, but he figures they'll revisit the topic as needed after he's finished replacing the horcrux.
"i didn't know that's why you broke up," he smiles a little. he knew that dean and bee had split but astoria hadn't explained the details of it much, aside from the fact bee didn't seem as into him as he was her. "i mean, i didn't know you liked me at all... wasn't sure your type was the slytherin version of hermione granger." he's just kidding, knowing he's not much like the gryffindor girl in reality, at least besides the straight As part. "now that you're my girl, i can help you get a perfect grade in potions." the faint smile lingers on his lips as he teases her, knowing that potions is one of her least favorite subjects, mostly because of snape.
he lets her take his hand, fingers intertwining with hers as they go into the inn. he watches her with softened green eyes, finding it interesting that she thinks all of the students are looking because of him. "are you aware that you have a reputation as being the hottest girl in the school? but yes, they're invested in my dating life too." it's not like he's blind or stupid; he knows that he's perceived as attractive. he even had to turn down one of daphne's friends once when she noticed he didn't seem happy in their relationship. "maybe we should start charging... require tickets for them to stare. we could probably buy the weasleys a mansion with the money.”
"one room, please," he asks the woman, who then tells him the cost. pulling out his wallet, he removes fifteen galleons, handing them over. he expects her to care more that two students are renting a room for obvious reasons, but she doesn't seem to blink an eye, putting the money in the register and rummaging around. when she pops back up, she hands regulus a key, placing it in the flat of his palm. "it'll be room six, dear."
"thanks," he says, smirking a little as he reaches over to take bee's hand again. something about it is a little funny to him; the fact that hogwarts students clearly do this so frequently.
he leads the auburnette to the stairs, tugging gently as they walk up them and into the crowded hallway lined with the different doors. "i hope they wash the sheets every visit," he murmurs, stopping at room six to push the key into the lock and start to open the door.
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libby250 · 3 years ago
Transformers Rewatch:
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(Long rant incoming)
It’s been a while but rewatching these movies (at least the first three) has reminded me how of much I HATE Sam Witwicky.
He was a whiny little bitch and arrogant and he SCREAMED SO MUCH. Yes, I know, you’ve been in the middle of robot battles while on the highway, but once the Deceptions are gone you can STOP SCREAMING!
He also treated Bumblebee like shit and took him for granted. In the beginning of the second film, he wanted Bee’s help to destroy the kitchen Deceptions he accidentally created, and after Bumblebee did, Sam started yelling at him and blaming him! (CHARLIE WOULD NEVER!!)
And when Optimus Prime came to ask for Sam’s help, he was all “No, I just want to be normal. Fuck you and your MUCH BIGGER problems. I’m not going to talk to the leaders of my species so you can stay on earth, the ONLY HOME YOU CURRENTLY HAVE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!”
Mikaela was a more interesting character and should have been the main character. Megan Fox was a great actress in these movies and she didn’t deserve all the shit she was put through. (Also she didn’t scream nearly as much as Sam did even though they had almost the same amount of screen time in the first two movies and when she did it didn’t irritate me or make me want to punch her in the face.)
Her character had so much wasted potential. She loved cars and worked in a male dominated industry. This could have been the perfect movie of a woman saving the world and becoming the hero despite constantly being undermined by everyone around her and used for her looks. This would have a great message for little girls. The storyline would have also worked perfectly with her backstory.
Her dad stole cars and sometimes had to take her along (this is way more interesting than a boy getting his first car). One day they steal a yellow camaro (bumblebee) from someplace (a junkyard or car lot) and Bumblebee lets them because Mikaela’s grandpa found Megatron in the ice (same story with Sam’s grandpa, but different family name and it’s Mikaela’s grandpa instead of Sam’s. Sam isn’t even in this version of the movie). The film continues like normal with her meeting the Autobots and trying to find her grandpa’s glasses at her house and being taken by Sector 7 blah blah blah.
Or make Sam a woman. We need more female led/dominated movies! I saw a fanfic where Sam was a woman (who still has a crush on Mikaela, which Yay! We need more gay action movies too). But this idea probably wouldn’t work knowing how Michael Bay writes and treats his female characters and actresses. >:(
Long rant short, Sam was a horrible character, Bumblebee deserved better, Mikaela deserved better and the main role.
Also, Charlie in the bumblebee movie was 18 in the 80’s. A fun plot point could be that Charlie is Mikaela’s mom. If Mikaela was 18-19 in 2007, that means that she was born 1988-89, making Charlie somewhere in her early twenties when Mikaela was born and around her mid forties in the first Transformers movie. I don’t think this would work though with how the Bumblebee movie ended.
That stupid fucking agent that was all condescending to Optimus Prime EVEN AFTER HE WAS DEAD in Revenge Of The Fallen infuriates me!!!
Yes, I know he was supposed to be that way to make us hate him and give a way for Megatron to come back blah blah blah.
But seriously!! You’re a national security agent with a high enough position to even be in the same room as the Autobots and you’re talking about things that are dangerous.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in a top secret base that probably has top notch internet security because you don’t know what the Decepticons are capable of. He already mentioned that the Autobots have greater advancement in weaponry but he doesn’t know what the Decepticons have a greater advancement of. Which means you don’t go into unnecessary detail about things of great national security because you don’t know if the enemy has greater advancement of things you don’t even know about. Which means you should always think that the enemy is listening in. He’s a national agent so he should already know this.
He’s the reason that Megatron came back and that Optimus died and that reason the sun was almost stolen.
That was the point but I feel like they could have figured out a better way of doing it. It just seems like lazy writing.
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dameronology · 4 years ago
love in a time of p.t.a. meetings {marcus moreno} - 5/5
v summary: you hadn’t expected to find anything at a stupid p.t.a. meeting - but somehow, you found everything {series masterlist} 
warnings: swearing, one very mild innuendo 
there’s a long message at the end but...this is the last official part and i’m very sad about it. with that said, i hope you enjoy❤️
- j
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Being a parent was tiring.
So much so that you hadn’t even made it to bed last night.
In fact, none of you had. The entire household was slumped together on the sofa; Marcus was in the middle, with one arm wrapped around Missy on his left side and the other stretched across you and Jack on his right. You’d completely flopped into his chest, with your kid passed out on you in a similar manner. The dogs (plural - but more on that later) were both stretched across the four of you on your laps, snoozing quietly. It had been a long week, clearly; between the school year coming to an end and the hot weather, you were all worn out. It had been a rush of finishing up projects at school, evenings in the pool and ordering take out. Marcus had been working late and your cooking skills were...well, calling them skills was an overstatement in itself. 
You grumbled slightly as you woke - why the fuck did your neck ache so bad? Right, because you’d fallen asleep tilted sideways. You probably would have stayed passed out for hours more if it hadn’t been for the sunlight streaming through the blinds. The TV ahead of you had stopped now, displaying an are you still watching Friends? message. You’d started watching it at what...six o clock the night before? 
Rubbing your bleary eyes, you sat up. Instead of waking up, Jack simply flopped into your lap, clearly not phased by the sudden movement other than letting out a tiny oof! as he fell. The kid had fallen asleep on the log flumes at Coney Island, so really, it wasn’t a surprise. Plus, him waking up would mean having to get up and make breakfast, which you really weren’t ready for just yet. 
‘D’you know what day it is today?’ Marcus quietly muttered. 
‘One year.’ You peered up at him, a sleepy smile spreading across your face.
‘So where the hell do you think you’re going?’ He pulled you back towards him, broad arm wrapping around your shoulders to trap you against his chest. ‘Happy one year, baby.’
‘Happy one year.’ You leant up to a soft kiss to his lips. 
You stayed like that for a minute, head resting against Marcus as you gently ran a hand through Jack’s hair. It was sort of a moment of...reflection. A lot had changed in the last year and yet somehow, it felt like your life had always been like this. The four of you have had gelled together into a slightly chaotic but ever-loving entity and you loved it. With the combined antics of your energetic children, everything was in disarray practically all the time but you wouldn’t have changed it for the world. It had been the thing you’d had all along and the very thing that Marcus had been looking for; you had been the one to bring it into his life and he had been the one to teach you to appreciate it. 
The two dogs had brought a lot of chaos into your lives as well. After weeks of Missy and Jack insisting that the garden was too big for just Optimus Prime, you’d ended up traipsing to the dog shelter late on a Saturday afternoon. Bumblebee had become a valued member of the Moreno family within a matter of hours. 
‘I love you.’ You murmured. You could feel yourself getting sleepy again. 
‘I love you more.’
‘No, you don’t.’ You pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
‘At least that’s the only fight we’ve had over the last year.’ He reasoned. ‘What time d’we have to be at cook out?’
‘Twelve.’ You replied. Glancing at the screen of your dying Apple watch, you squinted at the screen. ‘It’s just gone eight.’
Every year, the PTA threw a cook out on the school field to celebrate the end of the semester. In previous years, you’d avoided it like the plague but this year you were actually excited. The last one had been in the very early stages of your relationship, and you and Marcus weren’t publicly showing affection when you’d been. There had been a lot of lingering glances across the field and knowing looks at one another but this time, you were solid. Everyone knew they were together and like hell where they gonna say things about you when you were with Marcus Moreno. Whether it’s because they’d suddenly got a newfound respect for you or because they were scared into silence by his reputation, you didn’t know, but you weren’t going to complain.
‘Do you want breakfast, hermosa?’ He asked.
‘Yeah, I’ll help-’
Having heard the b-word, Jack suddenly shot up. He was six now (too old, in your book) and just as much of a tiny, evil genius as ever. He’d upgraded from a Chewbacca onesie to an Ewok onesie, so that was something too, and you were proud of him. 
‘- what’s for breakfast?!’ He demanded. ‘I want waffles.’
‘Then waffles we shall have.’ You stood up, sticking your hand out to him. ‘What about you two?’
‘I want waffles.’ Missy sleepily murmured.
Jack followed you through to the kitchen, swiping his iPad off the side as he did. Despite the fact you’d put it in a nuclear bomb proof case, he’d still managed to crack the screen. There had also been at least five occasions where he’d tried to take it in the pool. And this was the same kid who’d insisted he was responsible enough for his own hamster. 
Marcus breezed into the kitchen a few moments later, pressing a kiss to your cheek and ruffling Jack’s hair as he went by. You heard him rustling around behind you for a few minutes whilst you prepared the food; he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He placed a terribly wrapped gift on the counter in front of you, head coming to rest on your shoulder. 
‘Happy anniversary, baby.’ He murmured.
‘Hey.’ You dropped the knife you were holding, turning around to face him. ‘You didn’t have to get me anything.’
‘I know we said we wouldn’t do presents but since you got me a present last night and-’
‘- Marcus!’ You clamped a hand over his mouth. ‘There is a child in the room.’
‘He has his headphones in!’ He protested. ‘Just open it, please?’
‘Of course.’ You smiled. 
‘Jack even helped me wrap it.’ He said. ‘And decorate it.’ 
‘That would explain a lot.’ You replied.
Pulling the paper off it, you felt your heart drop in your chest when you saw what it was. 
It was a bright red photo with random doodles in puffy paint; the photo itself was one of you and Jack from when you’d all gone to New York for the weekend a few months previous. You were stood on top of the Rockerfeller Centre, the Empire State in the distance behind you and Jack on your shoulders. You were both grinning despite how windy it was, and his hat had blown off seconds after the photo was taken.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t - ah, dammit.
‘I love it.’ You tried to keep your voice steady, but it wobbled despite your efforts. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too.’ He flashed you a lopsided grin, pressing another kiss to your forehead. ‘I figured we could hang it up in place of the one he managed to smash last week with the broom stick.’
(He’d recently watched Harry Potter. Don’t ask.) 
‘Of course.’ You gave him one last kiss, before heading over to the empty space on the wall. It fit perfectly in the space, right between the photo of Marcus and Missy, and the sign that said 0 days since Jack’s last incident.
Four hours later, and after consuming enough waffles to feed a small army, the four of you finally reached the school. Both of the kids seemed excited to see their friends, but you were a little nervous.  What if people asked questions about you and Marcus? About your divorce? Or Jack’s behaviour, or whether or not-
‘You okay, baby?’ Marcus had suddenly appeared beside you, an arm coming around your waist. You’d been stood on the sidelines of the football field for way longer than you realised. ‘You’ve got eyes like dinner plates.’
‘I don’t know how to interact with these people.’ You murmured back. ‘They’re all...you know.’
‘They’re all what?’
‘Perfect. And shiny.’ You huffed. ‘Look at their cars! There’s not a dent in sight. And their kids aren’t wearing an Ewok onesie to a cook-out in July.’
‘I think Jack is admirable for embracing his unique sense of fashion.’ You could practically hear the smirk in his voice. ‘C’mon! They’re gonna run out of food if you keep longingly staring at their minivans.’
‘You’re right.’ You stumbled slightly as he dragged your hand, pulling you towards the crowd in the middle of the field.
‘I mean if you want a minivan, we can get one.’
‘Moving to the suburbs was already a big deal for me.’ You grumbled. 
Marcus continued to laugh, pulling you closer into his side as you reached the other parents. 
Naturally, he immediately jumped into conversation about one of the other dads with...actually, you weren’t really paying attention. You switched off as soon as you heard the word football. One thing you did notice, however, was his ability to be completely and entirely charming with anyone. You lacked that, normally shying away from talking to strangers. Especially strangers who had previously cast you out for being a single parent and constantly given you the side-eye. The only reason they’d stopped was because you and Marcus were together now.
You tried to remind yourself that it didn’t matter, that their thoughts and feelings weren’t relevant. They shouldn’t have been. You had the best guy in the world by your side and two amazing kids. The people most important to you were the ones whose opinions mattered - and they all thought the world of you. Marcus loved and supported you unconditionally, and Missy thought you were a bad-ass. Jack, though probably a little bias, thought you were the best parent in the world. That was what counted. 
But still, you couldn’t help but feel a little angry. You’d worked your ass off to get where you were, to raise your kid and make him a semi functional human being. You’d single-handedly kept a roof over both of your heads and provided for your family, even when you’d been married to a dead beat husband. 
Things were different now; brighter, happier, filled with more dogs and more love than you could ever have imagined. You didn’t want to linger in the past, not when everything else was moving forward. If anything, being here had just solidified your faith in your relationship. If all you wanted to do was go home and be alone with your partner, then that was a sure sign. 
‘Mum!’ You heard Jack from across the field. ‘Can you get my football out the car?’
‘Duty calls.’ You finally spoke. Marcus had noted how quiet you were, having made a mental note to bring it up later. ‘I’ll be back in a second.’
‘Okay, baby.’ He pressed a kiss to your check. 
The sun beat down on your back as you trudged across the field, Doc Martens kicking up grass around you. Your outfit was cute at least; a pair of denim shorts and an old tank top with one of your boyfriend’s plaid shirts thrown over the top. You hadn’t even realised it was his until the lingering smell of aftershave hit your nostrils when you got in the car. After that, there was no way in hell you were taking it off.
The car park was around the corner from the field -- it was nice to get away for a minute. Even though you’d simply stood beside Marcus like an older man’s sidepiece at a business meeting, just being in the presence of the people and listening to them talk about their kids was exhausting. At least he had been good at pretending to be interested in their sugar free diets and screen time limitations and how their French lessons were going. You, meanwhile, hadn’t even tried to look like it piqued your fancy. You’d been half-tempted to put your sunglasses on so they couldn’t see you roll your eyes. 
Pulling Marcus’ car-keys out your pocket, you opened the boot and began to rifle around. His car was a thousand times more put together than yours, but it still accumulated a bunch of crap. 
You jumped backwards when you heard the gravel crunch behind you. 
Glancing over your shoulder, your eyes fell on Carol. It had been a while since you’d last seen her, but she looked a little worst for wear. What’s more was that she had a cigarette between her lips, despite being the one to run the entire school’s anti-smoking campaign.
‘I didn’t know you smoked.’ You commented, catching her attention as you slammed the boot shut. 
‘Oh!’ She jumped, quickly throwing it onto the floor.
‘Hey, I’m not bothered.’ You leant against the back of the car. ‘A lot of people do it.’
‘I don’t normally.’ She stamped on the remains to put it out, dusting off her bright pink work-out jacket. ‘I’ve just been stressed lately.’
‘Are you okay?’ You raised an eyebrow at her.
‘I’m fine.’ 
You tossed the football between your hands, giving her a nod. ‘If you’re sure.’
With that, you locked the car and began to make your way back towards the cook-out. If you could wear Jack out by playing with him all afternoon, then you might be able to catch some peace and quiet that evening. Then, you and Marcus could celebrate your first anniversary by ordering take out and watching Friends.
(Which is ironically, what you’d done for the last four nights).
‘Y’know, I’ve always been jealous of you.’ You froze when Carol called after you.
‘What?!’ You turned around to face her, confusion etched on your features. ‘Are you talking to someone else, or?..’
‘No, I’m talking to you.’ She muttered. 
‘Why me? I thought you hated me?’
‘Because I was jealous of you.’ She said it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. 
‘Carol, you’re the perfect one here. You’re married to your high school sweetheart, you’ve got a big-ass house - with a gate! - and your kids are perfectly well behaved. And you drive a fucking minivan!’
‘Oh, please.’ She groaned, falling back against the nearest car. ‘My husband is married to his job and my kids are more interested in their iPads than me!’ 
‘So’s mine-’
‘- you’ve always provided for yourself.’ She continued, cutting you off. ‘Always put your kid first and just did what was best for you without worrying what anyone else thought. That’s..admirable.’
‘Thanks?’ You furrowed your brow. ‘I never really gave it that much thought.’
‘I never thought I’d wish for your life.’ She muttered. 
You gently approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. With caution, obviously. You know that she had a tendency to be vicious and bite. Like a chihuahua. 
‘My life isn’t perfect.’ You said softly. ‘There’s a difference between happiness and perfect. And if you keep trying for perfect, you’ll never be happy.’
‘That’s deep.’
‘Actually, it’s a quote that you shared on Facebook.’ You snorted. ‘You just gotta appreciate what’s around you. Your house, your kids, your husband.’
‘Maybe you’re right.’ Carol nodded. ‘You’re a good parent. A good person. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel less than that.’
‘I mean...you were an asshole, I won’t lie. You’re nosey as fuck and you got involved with my kid, but I’d probably be doing the same if I wasn’t satisfied with my life.’ 
Okay, so you didn’t mean for that to sound so rude, but who could blame you? The woman had given you nothing but crap. You’d already felt bad for her, but now you felt worst.
‘C’mon.’ You stuck your hand out to her. ‘You have two lovely daughters and a husband waiting for you back on the field....you family waiting for you back on the field.’
Dragging Carol off of the car, you dusted off her arms and forced a smile. It didn’t make you happy that she was miserable, but at least offered an explanation for her behaviour. The fact she’d envied you this entire time didn’t make up for what she’d done - the rumours the spread, the things she said - but it at least helped soothe you a little bit. 
‘Can we be friends?’ She asked quietly, traipsing beside you. 
‘...maybe in a few years.’ 
As it turned out, Jack did not pass out early. Instead, the four of you ended up having another night on the sofa -- this time with an extra large pizza, just to celebrate the special night. 
Your head had been spinning since your conversation with Carol. You were glad you finally had closure on the whole thing, but it had completely fried your circuits. She was the queen of the hive, the perfect mum, the perfect wife. Her kids wore matching outfits to school and they never had a hair out of place. Her Facebook was filled with family photos of their international vacations and outings to all their activities. Was she not the blue print?
It made you take a step back and look at your own life, which was something you hadn’t done in a while. In fact, last time you’d done it, you realised you’d weren’t happy with your ex-husband. 
Now, it was the opposite. You were in love with somebody who was better than you could have ever imagined; he wasn’t perfect - he snored and he never did the dishes and he always forgot to put the bins out - but he was everything to you. You had a kid who, although was undeniably a tiny meddler, you loved with your whole heart. You had Missy, who had welcomed you into her life with open arms and embraced the chaos you brought. You had dogs, and a house with a fucking garden. 
You didn’t blame Carol for being jealous because, even though it was from perfect, you didn’t need it to be. You had everything you ever wanted and heck, you would have been jealous of it too if it wasn’t completely and entirely yours. 
For the first time all day, you finally had a moment to yourself. You were stretched out across the couch, feet propped up on a pile of cushions; Marcus’ shirt was still on, only now you had changed out your shorts for leggings and your boots for socks fluffy enough to be dangerous on the wooden floors. 
‘Hey, baby.’ Marcus quietly greeted you, shutting the living room door behind him. ‘Kids are asleep.’
You gave him a doubtful look. ‘Even Jack?’
‘Okay - Missy is asleep and Jack is on his iPad.’
You opened your arms to him, grinning. ‘I’ll take it.’
Marcus dropped onto the sofa, an equally big smile falling onto his face as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss you. He wound both of his around your waist, lifting you off of the couch and into his lap. It always reminded you of when you’d kissed on your first date -- it seemed like worlds away now. 
‘Has it really been a year?’ You murmured softly, resting your forehead against his.
‘Yeah.’ He shyly smiled at you. ‘I don’t know how I got so lucky.’
‘We both got lucky.’ You reminded him. ‘I got lucky that Carol guilt-tripped me into that fucking meeting.’
‘And I got lucky that you were the person I chose to victimise with my small talk.’ He chuckled. ‘You know you’re my whole fucking heart, right?’
‘Yeah.’ You slowly nodded. ‘And you’re mine.’
You’d completely changed each other’s lives - blown them apart, and used the tiny pieces to rebuild everything back into one. Neither of you had even been looking and you’d still managed to find one another. You’d been hurt before and he’d been patient. He’d lost a lot before and you helped him find it again. What he lacked, you had. What you lacked, he had. 
Above all, Marcus had embraced what everybody seemed to encourage; he saw value in the things you’d been insecure about and when he fell in love with him, so did you. In return, you brought an energy and light to his life that he didn’t even know he needed.  In one another, you found unconditional love and support, and a feeling of security that you’d both lacked for so long.
This was it. And it was everything . 
OKAY i’m actually so sad this story is over -- i’ve written over the course of maybe 2 weeks but when i TELL YOU i have become so attached? u better believe it. if you check out the series masterlist, you’ll see that there’s a few little fics i’m gonna write to fill in the gaps that were in the time skips between chapters, so that’s still something to look forward to!
thank so so so much for all your support on this series; it’s been so much fun to write & your comments are what encouraged me to finish it so quickly. 
- jamie xx 
taglist: taglist: @naivara-duneimith @1-2-3-4-5metalfingers @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @phoenixhalliwell @crazycookiecrumbles @bitchin-beskar @comphersjost @absurdthirst @mjby @parkjammys @kteague @katdante @vonschweetz @cyarikashakira​ @mrsparknuts​ @starryeyedstories​ 
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cozzzynook · 3 years ago
Cw // love child au, halloween
Okay, to be fair, Touya thought taking the kids trick or treating would suck. His youngest twin Hinata-kun was such a sweet heart an exact replica of his dad in looks completely. Minus the pale skin, that was all Touya.
His oldest twin Asahi-kun, was also an exact replica of his dad, including the tan.
Its just, well.
His son Hinata-kun got into things… exactly like Touya.
If it was something he wanted?
He plotted and planned how to get it and more or less, got it.
He just gave his papa and mama a minor heart attack each time. He wants food? Deal. He’s going to use those wings and get it himself. He wants a toy on a high shelf and his wings are tired? Poof. Done. His older brother is on the job, looking out for him and Keigo.
Now Asahi-kun wasn’t bad. He was just being a good big brother. He was like Keigo, a natural born hero. And like Keigo and any natural born hero, he wanted to look out for others and help and protect where he could.
Which is why Touya was dreading going trick or treating. He didn’t want to have to chase the twins because Hinata-kun ran off into trouble and Asahi-kun followed to keep an eye on him.
He hasn’t been feeling that great lately and he really just wanted to stay home in bed and watch halloween movies with his family.
But then those adorable wings and chubby baby faces with the little fangs beginning to peak through looked at him with shinning gold eyes and he just couldn’t say no. Those adorable nubby little talons are what really won him over. Poking the skin on his neck from hugging him, bright smiles making their cheeks flush. Little wings fluffing in happiness. They had so much fun putting on their little costumes. Courtesy of his sister and her girlfriend Rumi going to get them for him.
Asahi-Kun dressed up as a bumblebee and little Hinata-kun dressed as Winnie the Pooh. They looked so adorable. His heart melted at the sight of them. Hawks had elbowed him and winked joking they should have another to dress up in a pot of honey.
He got a shoe to the face at that remark.
Touya still has the stretch marks from their set of twins. No way is he getting more any time soon.
Halloween night came and the four of them set out on their path. Walking from house to house in Fukuoka. Hawks dressed as a pirate and Touya a ghoul.
He saw the anime Tokyo Ghoul recently and he fell in love with Uta. He just couldn’t resist dressing up as him. His heart set on it. Hawks had no complaints at his choice in attire. The coughing blush and shifting of his pants said it all.
‘Stupid horny bird.’
The first hour was perfect. The twins were behaving, he didn’t feel too tired, Keigo was keeping his hands to himself mostly.
It was a good start.
Then he realized he spoke too soon. He must have jinxed himself really.
He and Keigo turned their heads for one second. One second! And the twins were gone.
Panicking but trying to remain calm, using their hero training. They searched for them. Keigo taking the skies calling to them with chirps and trills. Touya running around and calling their nicknames and actual names. Begging for them to say something, anything. Only to be met with nothing.
Until he saw them.
Hinata-kun climbing into a large bowl of candy bigger than his body to get to a large snickers bar while Asahi-kun had his feather’s sharpened. Watching his brother back.
Honestly if they hadn’t caused them so much panic he and Keigo would be so proud. But now is not the time for pride. Its the time for a mental breakdown cry of relief and reprimanding.
Looking down Keigo dived behind Touya running with him to the twins. Touya grabbed Hinata-kun by the waist pulling him out of the bowl and into his arms in an inescapable hug. Keigo doing the same to Asahi-kun.
“Are you two okay?”
The two nod. Hinata-kun smiling innocently as he holds up two large snickers bars. One for him and one for Asahi-kun.
“Good,” sighing in relief. Touya frowns.
“What were you two thinking?!” “Don’t just leave like that. Something could have happened to you. A bad man or woman could have grabbed you or your brother. We don’t want either of you to get hurt. We want you safe. Thats why we told you to stay close to us. We would be very very sad if anything happened to you.” “Do you understand where we are coming from?”
The twins nod, lips wobbling.
Keigo and Touya look at each other then sigh. The twins have had enough scolding. They know what they did was bad.
“We’re sorry.” They say together. Expressions almost the same.
Asahi-kun is so much like Keigo its scary. His eyes say they’re sorry but his face is blank. Hinata-kun is so much like Keigo but also like Touya. His face and eyes say they’re sorry, little tears peaking at the corners, trying not to fall.
A kiss is pressed on both the twins heads and Keigo calls it a night. They go home, bags half full of candy, something he and Keigo are grateful for. Nothing like a toddle hopped up on candy. Suppressing a shiver they head home. Giving the twins a bath and taking one themselves as the twins watch a halloween cartoon marathon.
“When can we get our candy?!”
“Tomorrow little bird, after me and mama check it.” Smiling down at his youngest Keigo picks him up playing airplane with him as Asahi climbs into his mothers lap. Smiling and giggling bouncing up and down. Touya with his hands on his little.l birdies sides bouncing a little with him.
The four of them eventually sit together in front of the tv. An old halloween kids movie on. Blanket wrapped around the four as the kids begin to doze off. Touya following suit with Keigo using a feather to grab his phone and record the sweet family moment. Picture taken as well.
Smiling he places a kiss on his husbands head. Large red wings cocooning them. Thumb rubbing the soft chubby cheeks of his two children as he turns the volume down with a feather. Closing his eyes, resting his head on his mate and husbands shoulder before falling asleep.
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