#bum aoi
radwonderlandchaos · 1 year
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pseudowho · 9 months
Defending Your Honour
A series in which the JJK guys stick-it to the creeps and perverts bothering the reader.
A multi-fic in a series ❤️🫖☕
Part 1 (Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, and Todo Aoi) link here!
Part 3 (Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara, Inumaki Toge and Fushiguro Toji) link here!
More JJK men and women to come
Trigger Warning: spreading false sexual rumours, stalking, being followed home
Higuruma Hiromi
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You had to leave. You had to get another job. There was no way to come back from this; office-culture spread rumours like the plague, and whether they were founded or not, you still felt the pierce of dozens of judging eyes on you.
Your clothes felt too tight, too revealing, your skin prickled and your nose stung with tears as you gulped, chin held high but so exposed and vulnerable. A filthy rage roiled in your gut at the injustice of it all. The irony did not escape you, as you hot-footed away from the whispers of the legal office.
As you gathered files, clunky and unwieldy in your arms, you felt a hand pretending to be affectionate on the small of your back that made your skin crawl, covered in worms and mud.
"When you're ready," a low voice sing-songed to your right, smirking, gleeful, "just hop along to my office, and we can work something out, yeah?" You jolted with shame as the hand clapped your bum. The eyes flicked back onto you. The whispers spread, infectious. You were a leper, now.
Hiccuping as you ducked your head, you felt hot rancid tears stream down your cheeks, darting down a corridor and reaching for a door any door to take you away from all of these eyes and whispers and accusations and this one was usually empty so you snuck in and slammed the door shut behind you and--
"Oh! Hello," a low, warm voice offered, surprised. You gasped, clapping a hand over your mouth, unable to hide the tears and anguish. The man was tall, slender, his unruly black hair escaping in flicks over his temples, but he looked so genuinely concerned as he rose from his desk, that you sobbed, apologising and sinking to the floor with your face in your knees.
You felt the man crouch beside you, his hands on his thighs, his presence sincere and welcoming. He sat for a moment, apparently awkward and unsure how he could help you.
"It's okay," he reassured, "it's a fucking ugly office, I hate it too, it makes me cry--" You huffed out a wet, genuine laugh and heard him smile, amused puffs of breath from his nose.
"Really, though," he continued, "I'm happy to help...if I can. Not sure if you need a lawyer, or-- or for me to catch a spider for you, I mean I hate them too but I can certainly--" he stopped himself from rattling away. You sniffled, looking up at him with a cute watery smile that made his heart thump.
"You could get me a new job, maybe? Or just a new boss?" You wiped your eyes now, embarrassed by interrupting this lovely man. The lovely man raised his eyebrows, now sitting in front of you, cross-legged.
"And what has your boss done to make you cry?" He inquired, black eyes like beetles, reading you.
You fumbled, uncertain of yourself when explaining the crimes of a man to another man, "I think he didn't, uhm...didn't take being rejected very well and uh--" tears poured, unbidden, as your face crumpled again, "--he's started a rumour than uhm-- that I sleep with him and uhm-- I don't but everyone believes it, and he wants me to come to his office now, after he's just touched me, and I don't know-- I don't know what to do--"
You broke down again, weeping into your knees, as the lovely man before you simmered, his lid rattling with unbridled rage at the unfairness of it all.
He smiled at you, though, gentle and open, "Your boss...the sweaty one? Big guy, thinks he's all that?" You laughed wetly again.
"Oh, you know him?" You grinned together, and you blushed, painfully grateful for being treated with basic respect. Hiromi nodded-- he didn't know your boss. But, he knew men like him and they filled him with bitter disdain, a core loathing and disgust that informed his choices every day.
"Well then...you can share my office today," he insisted as he stood, rubbing his hooked nose between two long fingers, "I've got...something to do." You blinked owlishly up at him. He helped you up, pulling a chair to his desk for you. You perched, confused, but not arguing.
Some time later, your boss headed back to his office from the vending machines, impatient for you to come to his office, feeling sickly gleeful for having punished you for humiliating him, and his heart leapt hopefully, because maybe he could offer to deny all those rumours, and then you would be so grateful that maybe you'd give him a--
He opened his office door, having just enough time to click it closed behind him before hearing a quiet, angry voice from somewhere above the doorframe.
"Domain Expansion: Deadly Sentencing."
Plunged into a different room, ostensibly not his office, your boss shrieked in terror as two terrifying black figures loomed over him, only one of them human.
"What the fuck are you-- where the fuck am I-- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
Higuruma looked up at the Judgeman with a humourless smile, and back down at your boss, who scurried backwards until his shoulders hit the domain's edge, blind with panic.
"You've been a very naughty boy," Hiromi sang, "shall we see how naughty?"
You jumped as the office door swung open, and Higuruma (you had worked out, from the lanyard he left on his desk) re-entered with two hot drinks. He smiled a wonky, loping smile.
"Coffee machine's finest," he offered, placing one in your hands. He stood for a moment, bouncing on his heels, chin and nose dipped in consideration.
"I should think... your days of problems with your boss may be over," he said, blasé and cryptic. He did not elaborate, but reached into his pocket, before slipping his card across the desk to you.
"My office is, uhm...hiring a new legal assistant, though. I can put in a good word for you." Hiromi looked into the distance across the room, one hand in his pocket as he continued to rock on his heels. He glanced down at you, eyes glimmering at each other as they met.
Ino Takuma
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I loved meeting you last week. I thought we made a really special connection. I'd love to meet again. Call me.
You smelled so good today. I love how you're being such a tease. Can't wait for you to call.
I can't stand seeing you talking to other guys! Still haven't seen this so-called 'boyfriend' of yours though. He can't be that into you if he's letting other men near you. Call me.
You didn't answer when I knocked for you, but I know you're home. Bet you were upstairs being naughty, hope you were thinking of me, hahaha, jk. HMU, seriously. I miss you.
I know you're such a little slut behind that 'good girl' act ;) Quit playing hard to get. I finish at 5, I'll meet you from work and we can finally go on that date you owe me.
I've never been this in love before. So disappointed you ditched our first date. I'll catch you another time. I love you so much.
Hope you got the flowers I left on your porch. I love you so much.
I love you.
Good morning baby. I love you.
You're a nasty little bitch and you're gonna die alone and you deserve it. If this is how you treat a nice guy like me, how do you treat all the others? You should be grateful.
I'm sorry. I've just had a really bad day baby. You're my whole world. I love you.
Your hands shook as you scrolled through unanswered text after unanswered text. How had being friendly at a work conference gotten so out of hand? Your head spun as you recounted the memories; were you too flirty? Did you give hints of wanting to be more than just acquaintances? Did you dress too provocatively? Did you touch him?
In a desperate hunt for answers you blamed yourself. I should just be a standoffish bitch in the future, you thought, trying to hold back tears.
Leaning over your desk to pack your bag, you began to feel the walls close in around you, terrifying and claustrophobic, a rat in a maze, and you saw tears splash down onto the leather of your work diary. Would he be waiting outside work again today? Or would he be just outside your office door? Would he be waiting in your home?
You felt a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around your waist from behind, "Hey gorgeous! Guess who got off work ear--"
In a shrieking panic, you lashed out, spinning with your hands raised in attack and defence. Your wonderful, kind boyfriend, Takuma, threw himself backwards, alarmed and apologetic, raising his own hands in placation.
"Whoa, whoa, hey! Oh babe, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you--...what is it? Why are you crying? What's happened?"
Weeks and weeks of trying to ignore your stalker, hoping he would go away and forget about you, tumbled out of you at once. In a wild babble of explanation, he keeps texting me, and I'm not interested, and he won't leave me alone, and he leaves things on the doorstep, and I'm so, so sorry.
You had thrust your phone into Takuma's hands, and he held you close to him with one arm as you sobbed into his shoulder. The other hand scrolled through messages from your unwanted admirer; Takuma's face grew quiet with rage, his lips curled in disgust, a flush of anger smattered hot and pink across his cheeks.
"Babe," he started, "why didn't you..." Swallowing, Takuma stopped himself, "This is not your fault. This guy, there's...there's something wrong with him. Have you kept everything? All the stuff he's left you? All the messages?" You nodded as Takuma gripped you by the sides of the shoulders, your face crumpling as his hand raised to cup your cheek, staring deeply into you, leaning forward to press a desperate kiss to your forehead.
"Okay, listen, I'm gonna fix this," Takuma nodded hard, staring into you again as you started to shake your head, "no, no no, trust me. I promise I'm gonna fix this. Listen, you're...you're gonna go to Nanami's place. I'll call him. He'll understand. There's this lawyer at the school now, we'll gather everything and get it to him. I've...I've got to go out. I'll fix this, I mean it. I wouldn't let you down."
Takuma's heart wrenched as you continued to sob, apologising to him as if it was your fault. Within minutes, Takuma had called Nanami, and put you in a taxi. Sticking to the alleyways as he headed out into the streets, Takuma pulled his balaclava down, his eyes ferocious and vengeful as he took to the hunt.
Your stalker was grossly familiar with your routine now. What you ate for breakfast (he had gone through your bin bags). What colour underwear you preferred (he had seen you through the gaps in your curtains). Which work events you were going to attend (he had scoured every inch of every company calender).
Thanks to some sloppy administrators, he even knew where you lived. Grinning to himself, he felt such a satisfying possession over you, knowing you inside-out. Hiding behind your neighbours' fence panels, he peeked, waiting for you to get home.
One hand leaned past his face, resting on the fence panel beside him, and his stomach froze into knots when he felt himself doused in the icy presence of some dark, unknown force. He opened his mouth to scream, and a second hand pressed over his mouth with horrifying strength.
"Hey, big guy! Wow, you really must be a hit with the ladies," air hissed through Ino's teeth and he sighed in feigned disappointment, "Not with my girl, though." Your stalker squeaked as blackness closed in around him. Ino let out a noise of disgusted amusement as the man's trousers darkened down one leg.
Ino continued, letting the man cry and shake under his hand; "Here's how this is gonna work..."
Several days had passed since Ino had arrived at Nanami's to collect you, with a deeply satisfied smirk on his face. You had received no more messages. No more flowers. No more thinly-veiled threats. A dark cloud lifted off your mind, and you breathed easy.
Curled up on the sofa that night, you stroked Takuma's chest, listening to the clockwork thump of his heartbeat under your ear. Your curiosity got the better of you.
"Takuma...what did you do?"
Takuma grimaced, "Just showed him the error of his ways, babe. He won't be bothering you again."
While grateful, your belly swirled with fear, and guilt that even if your stalker left you alone, he'd just find someone else, another woman, and harass her just as he had harassed you-- or worse. Takuma read you like a book.
"Look, I-- I didn't want to force anything on you the other day. But I promise you, this guy knows that if you go to the cops about him, and he doesn't 'fess up, it'll be more than just me after him."
Ino smugly pictured Higuruma and Nanami, ready, Misters. Law and Order, prepared to flex their quite complementary powers of threat and legal representation.
You smiled, surrounded by an impenetrable wall of support. Leaning up, you tangled your fingers into Takuma's hair, and he let out a sweet hum of happiness as you kissed him deeply. Nose to nose, you took delight in showing your appreciation.
The next day, wearing a mantle of quiet bravery, you walked into the Police Station.
"I'd like to report a crime."
Itadori Yuuji
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You had chosen absolutely the wrong shoes to go out in.
You shivered in the chilly night air; your skirt hadn't been this short all night, had it? The cold had a way of exposing things the mirror didn't. Still, you smiled to yourself as you leant against a lamp-post, removing your heels with a sigh of relief, certain you'd be comfier taking the last few streets before home barefoot than in these beautiful monstrosities.
You could not bring yourself to regret such a fun night. Waving your friends goodbye, you had foregone taking a taxi home. Tokyo was a safe city, anyway. It was only a short walk home. You could do with sobering up a bit.
Feet padding gingerly on the cold concrete, you tapped away on your phone as you began to walk home. Within a few minutes, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, cold prickles running down your spine.
Running a hand through your hair, you shielded your glance backwards; a man. Some distance away. By the lamppost you had removed your shoes at. You gulped-- it's nothing, you lied to yourself, just on his way home like me. But, just in case, you started walking faster, the soles of your feet stinging as they clapped against the floor.
Feeling tingles at the base of your skull a minute later, you felt the man closing in on you and bile climbed in your throat, feeling the alcohol threaten to come up into your mouth, options running through your head at breakneck speed, to scream or call the police or stop and fight or try to run faster or--
It was no use. He was almost on top of you now; you rounded the corner to a tree-lined street. You could smell the sweat on him, and you spun to face him, losing your footing and falling backwards onto the floor--
All at once, you screamed, a dark mass plummeted from the tree above you, and there was a sickening crunch as it flattened your pursuer to the floor.
The black mass, burly and pink-haired, stood up and turned to face you, opening his mouth--
You screamed again, still panicking, throwing a shoe at him, "What the hell are you? What are you doing?" The young man crouched, eyes wide, both hands in front of him, bleeding from the lip from your shoe.
"I'm a Yuuji, I'm a Yuuji--"
"--a Yuuji?!" You raised your hand again and he flinched. Your pursuer groaned underneath his feet.
"--I don't know if you know, but this guy was following you-- oh shit, you're not friends are you-- please don't throw another shoe at me--" Yuuji squeezed his eyes closed, hands still raised above his head in arrest. You surveyed him from the ground, your panic slowly abating.
He's cute, you thought as your head spun violently, and you rocked to the side, vomiting all over the pavement. Yuuji crept over to you, hands uncertain at first, but eventually settling on holding your hair back as the alcohol evacuated your stomach.
Patting your shoulder with upbeat reassurance, Yuuji turned to look at the man on the floor with a scowl.
"Creep," he grumbled, crushing the man's hand under his shoe. As the man squirmed and complained, Yuuji gave him an effortlessly hard punch to the side of the head, knocking him out cold in an instant. Rummaging in the man's pockets, Yuuji pulled out a drivers' licence.
"Oh hey, he lives nearby. Want to drop him home with me?" Yuuji asked you with a shit-eating grin.
"Think that'll do it?" Yuuji dusted off his hands, surveying his handiwork with satisfaction. Tied up in the offerings of the man's shed (some old garden hose, with a wooden freshly painted sign hung around his neck), the man was dropped unceremoniously onto the doorstep. You snapped a quick photo on your phone, hand over your mouth as you laughed to yourself.
Yuuji pressed the doorbell, and grabbed your other hand, pulling you behind a hedge as you giggled like children together.
"I FOLLOW GIRLS HOME" read the man's sign, as his mother opened the door.
"--so anyway, I should probably get back to work, I guess...after you get home."
You rested your chin on Yuuji's shoulder as he piggy-backed you home, your shoes slung in one hand as he ambled, slowly zigzagging along the tree-lined street. Your eyes drooped, breathing in your new friend's soft, cosy smell, still occasionally giggling to yourself.
Arriving at your doorstep, Yuuji lowered you to the ground, and brought one hand up to awkwardly scratch the back of his head. His face blushed crimson when you leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. He grinned, shuffling sweetly, bidding you goodnight, but hesitating. You bit your lip, head tipped, waiting. Yuuji didn't get the hint, turning to walk away.
"Hey, my hero. All that, and I don't get your number?"
Yuuji's smile could have split rainclouds.
Higuruma waiting on the ceiling above the office door like
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Coming next: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Toge Inumaki, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.
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we were denied of a kny beach episode 😔😞 /hj
I would've wanted to see the kamaboko squad having a contest on who can build the best sand castle (rip everyone but kanao and genya made the best ones) inosuke's is just literally a huge pile of sand and some sticks he found but he's so proud of it that they awarded him first place bc it's the right thing to do. Mui is the judge, let him be a silly child who sasses everyone's works but tanjirou's
mitsuri, obanai, rengoku and tengen having a beach soccer tournament; shinobu, aoi and the butterfly mansion girlies are the ones who keeps track of the scores (and is there mainly to make sure nobody dies of stupidity)
gyomei literally has hoards of cats under his clothes but nobody says a thing because he's having fun and that's what matters
giyuu chilling on a corner until sanemi pulls on his hand while saying, "stop bumming everyone out and have fun with us" so they join the soccer tournament for fun and it gets intense that they all break the poor ball
then everyone jumps in to swim
suddenly, tengen's three wives, makio, suma and hinatsuru arrive to serve more food to everyone
gotou and murata are there too, focused on grilling fish and meat while both take interest on the sweets
okay you know what, let's include the moons but at night time
akaza will bury douma on the sand, with only his head visible and douma is happy to finally get noticed by akaza, not knowing akaza intended for him to be there until morning because of the absurd amounts of stones keeping him there. hantengu even asks him if he's fine there and douma is just chilling and happy. It took all of akaza's resistance to not kick douma's head off multiple times
gyokko gathering seashells and making an insane "art" that's too terrible that daki would've insulted it if gyutaro didn't stop her from letting her destructive intrusive thoughts win over the hierarchy
nakime is chilling far away from them and is wishing to not be associated with any of them. like at all.
kaigaku is underwater probably cursing zenitsu or sth
kokushibou is ignored by everyone and sees everything unfold, mumbling, "I see..." And then proceeds to bury himself in the sand with only his six eyes visible on the ground.
muzan curses in a different language when he realized he almost stepped on kokushibou's three pairs of eyes
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More of me rambling about Star Rail time.
I love Arlan and Yanqing as characters a lot. (Characters wanting to prove themself is a great way to endear them to me.) However, because of them being considered low tier characters in the game (Which I personally disagree with somewhat. I don’t have Arlan but Yanqing has been a consistent damage dealer for me since I got him from the starter banner.), people spend pretty much all their time talking about how they’re useless and how they hate Yanqing ruining their 50/50s and how they’d rather get 20 of the special currency than get Arlan and it just bums me out. Hardly anyone talks about their actual characters, and the few that do don’t actually discuss anything interesting. They just meme about how in the story Yanqing got matched up against the strongest people on the Luofu. Or they argue about Arlan’s age. (I also saw a disgusting meme about him, so I won’t get into that here.)
I had assumed that being free of the Danganronpa fandom and getting into more niche stuff would have kept me away from awful fandoms, and it fortunately has, (Except for how some people in the D4 fandom reacted to the Aoi Haruna event, but since a lot of that was due to bad writing on the game’s part, I’ll let it slide.) but the one time I like something popular, it turns out to have an awful one. I know I shouldn’t have expected less from a gacha game, but I try to hope for the best.
I tried to look for a more curated space but 2/3 of my friends who are into it are very into the shipping aspect (which is a whole other thing I’ll get into sometime) and also the whole building characters perfectly for the meta thing (which I’ll maybe also get into my feelings on that), so they didn’t have any spaces to recommend me. My third friend got into the game because of me and tends to like to just talk about games to me, which I like, but I also like talking to more than just one person. Hopefully I can find somewhere that makes me feel comfortable.
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
Defending Terukane Like It’s My Job
Don’t yell at me for this but I feel like MOST of the hate I’ve seen towards Terukane is just because they’re both men. I’ve definitely seen people dislike it normally and those people mostly keep to themselves but the people who adamantly hate it with a passion are so weird. It’s a completely normal ship, yes it’s toxic but not enough to warrant the amount of hate some people give it. Every canon TBHK ship has had scenes of physical violence against one another, and the way Teru treats Akane is used as a gag so it’s not meant to be the main takeaway from their dynamic
Their rivalry motivates both characters and is overall shown to be something positive for them. If Akane hated Teru as much as he claims to, they wouldn’t have scenes of lightheartedly teasing each other like friends do. Like it or not their characters are good for each other, if not romantically then as rivals and/or friends
Back to my main point though, it’s perfectly fine to dislike Terukane but the way some fans talk about it sounds so targeted. Someone on Reddit called it the second worst ship next to Tsu//mane like really??? Out of every ship in the series you think it’s that low??? Worse than the other incest ships??? Worse than the minor x adult ships??? Terukane is objectively the worst??? Sure Dave
I think it’s the way the passionate haters always dumb down their dynamic and bring up how people shouldn’t prefer it over the holy straight canon ship. I like Aoi//Aoi nearly as much as Terukane but c’mon guys, one straight ship out of a million isn’t anything groundbreaking. They talk abt it the same way dudebros talk abt Sato//Sugu and idk, I didn’t think the tbhk fandom was like that😔
I see a bit of this aimed at the other gay ships too (even Mitsukou) but for some reason Terukane antis are especially angry. I get it, it’s repetitive seeing ships between two conventionally attractive men become super popular in every fandom. I myself get a little bummed out when my low quality Terukane fics get 3x as many kudos as Aoi//Nene fics I spent months working on. But that’s an issue with fandoms, not gay men, and even so people can read and ship whatever they want. If you want to see more straight fan art and fanfics then make it yourself
I also saw this one person on Pinterest insist that Teru is aroace coded and that Terukane is problematic because of that…babe please read the manga. Teru’s mystery crush has been a consistent thing since the first chapter and AidaIro confirmed he does actually like someone. I’m all for more aroace representation and if you relate to his character, feel free to headcanon him as whatever you want. But don’t push your headcanons onto others, especially not when you have to alter canon to justify them. Teru could absolutely still be aspec in some way but him having a crush on Aoi (or Akane) is a semi-important part of his character
So yeah hate Terukane all you want, headcanon them however you want, but maybe consider where that hate is coming from before you post an angry rant about it online. And maybe read a character analysis or two before giving the worst take I have ever heard in my life. Just a suggestion
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apparently-artless · 27 days
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I am so hooked on this anime!! Ugh. I swear she's giving the aroace vibes! With the previous episodes, it feels like she's trying to convince herself that she loves her senpai. But I think she's just in love with the concept of falling in love because she thinks that's what's normal. I'd be bummed out if that wouldn't be the case because tbh this is a good representation of being an aroace. Like I can totally relate to Aoi. I've been through this phase before. And even now I am also considering living with someone who's also aroace (if the chance presents itself, of course living alone would be fine too).
I do hope the series will have a proper ending. Taiga is already aware that he's gay but we can't say the same for Makoto. I think we are yet to figure out whether Makoto will actually fall in love with Taiga or not. He crossdresses and he likes girly stuff but that doesn't mean he's gay based on that. I just hope they get to fix their relationship. Whether Makoto would remain friends or pursue a relationship with either of the two. If Makoto prolongs his relationship with Taiga without developing feelings for him, that would be really unfair for Taiga. I feel bad for Taiga accepting to go out with Makoto simply because Makoto doesn't want his friendship with Taiga to turn bad. That would just be too unfair. :(
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nijigasakilove · 29 days
Man between this and Megami cafe they’re trying to kill me with these parent child relationships today. Hard to be excited about Ryuji and Makoto being together when you see Aoi suffering and no one really noticing in the background. Everyone’s so absorbed in their own world, I’m concerned for her.
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I figured the burglar scare would end up being her dad, but still gave us a chance to get some nice Ryuji and Aoi moments. She and Ryuji were so close so now that he’s been spending time with Makoto so much it’s gotta feel real empty and lonely for Aoi, she doesn’t seem to have many other friends.. hopefully it never comes down to it in terms of them being old and lonely, but if so, she and Ryuji would definitely be great housemates.
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It really hurt seeing her so down and out about her dad though. I understand being passionate about your work, but there’s no work that’s more important than your family. That’s your number one job as a man. Couldn’t even be bothered to come home on time after Aoi made dinner for him, didn’t ask about school, her friends, didn’t notice her injury. Just kind of a bum if I’m being honest. In some ways you’d almost rather an absentee father than one that comes around physically but isn’t there emotionally or spiritually.
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On the bright side, we did get a ton of cute Ryuji and Makoto moments today, they’re so awkward and cute now I love it! I didn’t expect Makoto to straight up ask if Ryuji wanted to kiss though 😭 we’re progressing so fast.. too fast tbh, this’ll probably come crashing down, but I will enjoy it while it’s here and look forward to the Christmas date ❤️
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shiningwonderland · 10 months
S Class Prologue (Repeat)
Translators: Momo (Twitter: peachandrabbit)
Proofreaders: Lala (Twitter: i_am_gamer)
Editors: Aoi (Twitter: AoiTsukihime), Terry (Twitter: turtlemudge)
Aria of the Beginning
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“Idols.” Those whom we long for but can never be with.
“Idols.” Those who give dreams and energy to others.
“Idols.” To me, they are…
I am Haruka Nanami, age 15. Starting this spring, I’m aiming to become a composer who writes songs for these “idols”!
If I were to look back to my middle school years, I didn’t have anything.
I was extremely shy and I couldn’t make many friends, I was howled at by the neighborhood dogs, and scratched by stray cats…
I wanted to be useful to other people, but every time I tried to do something, it never worked out.
Through all those days when I felt bummed out, the idols on TV always cheered me up.
I want to compose songs for idols myself one day! To make that dream come true, I wrote a song.
I put all my feelings into this song and sent it with my application to Saotome Academy, a professional performing arts school where only one out of 200 applicants get in.
A few weeks later, I received a letter from Saotome Academy.
Select the Phrase!
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わ。。。わたしがSクラス!? I… I got into S Class!?
It’s the first time one of my wishes has ever been granted, the first time one of my dreams has come true. This is the first step towards changing myself.
From today onward, my story begins!
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Haruka Nanami: ... I didn't sleep at all. And today's the entrance ceremony…
I haven’t been able to sleep well since learning I passed the exam.
That I passed was amazing enough, but I even got into S Class... Will I be able to do this...?
With that in mind, I'd set to studying as much as possible and bought every book I could think of to read, but... I was still worried.
Since then, I’ve hardly slept.
Haruka Nanami: ... So sleepy... But I've got to do my best.
HAYATO: Ohayahooo~! How're all HAYATO's 10 million fans nationwide doing today?
HAYATO: Sending good vibes to everyone today from Studio 2~!
HAYATO: Today's theme iiiiis 'plants'! But I don't mean the corporate-bought kind! I'm talking about the cherry blossom flowers themselves!
Haruka Nanami: Ahh, HAYATO-sama, you're as lovely today as always.
My beloved HAYATO-sama is a new idol who debuted just last year.
No matter how difficult the trial, he always overcomes it with a smile. He's bright and energetic, just like the first star in the night sky.
HAYATO-sama is the reporter for this program, Ohayaho News, and no matter how busy or sleepy I am, I make sure to watch it.
I always kneel before the TV at this time!
That's my daily routine.
HAYATO: ... And that concludes the report from HAYATO! Everybody, bye-bye nya~!
Haruka Nanami: He's as amazing as always today... Thank you for the good vibes. Now I can give it my all today!
I initially left the house with plenty of time to spare. It should have taken me 30 minutes to reach the school... except I realize when I get to the train station that I left my wallet at home.
Haruka Nanami: I should still be able to make it in time...
Thinking this, I head back home to get my wallet.
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Haruka Nanami: Only ten minutes to spare! If I run I'll just barely make it.
Lack of sleep makes me unsteady, but I still run full speed from my house back to the station. However, just before reaching the station—
Cat: Meoooow!
Haruka Nanami: ... A cat?
I hear a cat's plaintive meow from somewhere nearby.
Cat: Meow, mroooow!
Haruka Nanami: Where's the meowing coming from?
Upon looking around, I can't see the cat.
Cat: Meooow! Meooow!
Haruka Nanami: Aha!
The cat is up on a telephone pole.
Haruka Nanami: I see, you climbed up there and can't get down now. Don't worry, I'll catch you. C'mere...
I look up at the cat with my arms held out. After a moment's hesitation, the cat jumps down.
Haruka Nanami: Thank goodness, you don't seem to be hurt.
Cat: Mew!
The cat responds happily in my arms.
Haruka Nanami: No more climbing up high places, you hear?
After saying this, I put the cat down and start running again for the station.
... Except before reaching the station, it comes time for the train to leave.
Haruka Nanami: ... I'll run the rest of the way!
The school is two stops from here. If I run the whole way I might be able to make it, so I start running once again.
I run through the quiet residential streets, not bothering to look both ways before racing through the crosswalks along the way.
Haruka Nanami: Ah! Kyaaaaa!!
I’m going to be hit!
I shut my eyes tight. However...
Haruka Nanami: It... stopped?
A fancy-looking black car has come to a halt right in front of me.
If the driver had hit the brakes a moment later, I'd have been run over.
Realizing this, my knees give out, and I collapse onto the street right there.
??? A: Girl... do you have a death wish?
Haruka Nanami: Eh... oh... I... um...
A man in a butler suit with a dark complexion exits the car's driver side and approaches me.
??? A: You have guts to pick a fight with a car belonging to Jinguji Group. Now, what will you do...
??? B: Enough, George! You're scaring her.
The rear door opens, and a long leg slides into view, followed by slim fingers gripping the door frame.
Out steps the beautiful man who'd said those kind words.
He's slim but well-built, with a figure and face like that of a sculpture of a god from Greek mythology. He has the aura of a mature adult, befitting his beauty.
His style of clothing, while informal, looks posh and has the sex appeal of an adult man.
From head to toe, he is perfect. I'm enraptured.
I had no idea a person this beautiful could exist...
George: Hmph, if that is your wish, young master Ren.
Ren Jinguji: This young lady here is just a lost lamb.
Haruka Nanami: ... What?
A... lamb?
If anything, I'd describe myself just now as a small-town girl who failed to watch where she was going as she ran full tilt across a street to avoid being late.
Oh, just now my knees gave out on me and I could be compared to a newborn lamb's trembling legs as it takes its first steps, but…
As I sit there dumbfounded, the man reaches out and takes my hand to pull me up and against his chest.
Ren Jinguji: What a beautiful little lamb.
He sweeps back his long hair as he speaks. Every little action he makes is so perfect I can't look away.
Our eyes meet. He winks at me and his face draws near...
Ren Jinguji: Your legs are shaking. Were you scared?
He scoops me into his arms with ease.
T-this is... is this what they call being carried princess style?!
Ren Jinguji: I wouldn't mind carrying you all the way to school, Lady.
Haruka Nanami: Eh—a-absolutely not! That would be too embarrassing!! Um, I can walk, so, um…!?!
Ren Jinguji: Oh? That's a shame.
He acknowledges my response and sets me down within moments.
Ren Jinguji: Judging by your blush, that was a little too thrilling for you.
Ren Jinguji: I'm Ren Jinguji. What's your name, little lamb?
Haruka Nanami: U-um, I'm...
Just as I'm about to answer him, the alarm on my phone goes off and brings me back to my senses.
Haruka Nanami: Ah! I-I'm so sorry, I need to be going!!
I dip my head in a quick bow of apology and race off towards the academy once more.
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Haruka Nanami: If don't run faster, I'm going to be late!
After 15 minutes of running, at last, the school comes into view.
Haruka Nanami: Haaa... haaa... I'm so hot... Where did I put my handkerchief...?
I reach into my pocket for my handkerchief, intending to wipe off the sweat dripping down my face, but...
Haruka Nanami: It's not here!
Where could I have dropped it? I was really fond of that one... But right now, I have to keep running.
Haruka Nanami: I think... I made it in time...!
Now to head for the auditorium... hm? What's that person doing over there? Did they drop something?
A male student is on his hands and knees below a tree by the front gate, apparently searching for something.
A person should do one good deed a day. I'd better help him out...
Haruka Nanami: Are you looking for something...?
Tokiya Ichinose: Yes... I dropped my dorm room key around here.
Haruka Nanami: ...!!!
When he turns around, I'm so shocked I forget to breathe.
Haruka Nanami: Ha- HAY- Haya- HAYATO-SAMA?!!
Tokiya Ichinose: Hm...?
Haruka Nanami: Um, uh, ummm...!
Tokiya Ichinose: Will you please lend me a hand?
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes!!
He looks exactly like HAYATO-sama…
Those cool eyes. That intense, direct gaze. That silky hair.
His hard expression feels a little different from the cheerful and energetic HAYATO-sama's usual aura, but…
His eyes and lashes, his straight nose and the shape of his ears are so alike that I can’t completely believe that he's a different person.
Ack! Now's not the time to be staring! We've got to find that key...
Oh—I saw something sparkle at the base of the tree. Maybe there...?
Haruka Nanami: I knew it...!
I picked up the key and held it out to its owner.
Tokiya Ichinose: Thank you very much.
Even his voice... sounds just like HAYATO-sama's. The tone is a lot calmer than HAYATO-sama's, but it's still a very beautiful, charismatic voice.
Tokiya Ichinose: Hm? Is something the matter?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, um... would you happen to be... HAYATO-sama...?
Tokiya Ichinose: Oh, him... HAYATO is my elder twin brother.
Haruka Nanami: Your... older brother?
I didn't know HAYATO-sama had a younger brother...
Tokiya Ichinose: Being mistaken for him is a regular problem. My name is Tokiya Ichinose. You are?
Haruka Nanami: Huh? Um... are you really someone else?
Tokiya Ichinose: Haaa... You don't believe me? This is a school for aspiring idols, remember?
Haruka Nanami: ... Right.
Tokiya Ichinose: Why would HAYATO, who is currently working as an idol, attend a school like this?
Tokiya Ichinose: Is there any reason for an idol who has already debuted in the entertainment industry to aim for a debut?
Haruka Nanami: ... Um... but... um...
I wind up in a panic.
Even after Ichinose-san's explanation that he is not HAYATO-sama...
...the words ”May I please have your autograph?!” ...
...keep ringing in my head.
Tokiya Ichinose: Let's get going before we're late.
Haruka Nanami: Um... o-okay...
Unable to throw away the thought that he really is HAYATO-sama, I follow after Ichinose-san.
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Syo Kurusu: Hup! ... Damn it...! ... Why—can't—I—reach—?!
In front of the auditorium where the entrance ceremony is being held, a boy is jumping beneath a blooming cherry tree.
What a cute little boy. Judging by the fact that his height is about the same as mine, maybe he's a middle schooler?
Wow, such a stylish hairstyle—and those bobby pins are adorable! Middle schoolers these days are quite fashionable, huh?
Even those round, intense eyes are adorable, and I find myself wanting to help him out.
What should I do? Should I call out to him?
Haruka Nanami: Oh...!
I see, his hat is stuck in a tree branch and he can’t reach…
As I approach the boy, a breeze picks up and blows the hat out of the tree, right to me.
I catch the hat and plop it back onto the boy's head. There we go.
Haruka Nanami: Be careful not to lose this again, little boy.
As soon as I say that, a vein pops in the boy’s forehead. I wonder why?
Syo Kurusu: Who're you callin' a little boy?! Listen up, I'm the great Syo Kurusu!
Syo Kurusu: I'm the man who's gonna stand at the peak of Japan's entertainment industry as the number one genius idol! SYO KU-RU-SU-SAMA!
Tokiya Ichinose: ...
Haruka Nanami: Ohhh, really? That's amazing!
Saotome Academy is a one-year school, and applicants must be at least 15 years old.
I wonder if he's the younger brother of a new student?
Maybe he got lost, in which case his older brother or sister will certainly be worried.
I should help him find them.
Syo Kurusu: ... You're making fun of me, aren't you?
Haruka Nanami: I am not. I really think it's an amazing goal when you're still so small, Syo-kun!
Syo Kurusu: Don't call me small! ... I'm 15, seriously...
Haruka Nanami: ... You're what?
Syo Kurusu: I am 15 years old and a student in S Claaaaaaass!!
... Whaaaaat?! I thought for sure he was in middle school, or maybe even elementary school...!
Ren Jinguji: Aha, there you are, Lady. That was awful of you, disappearing on me like that.
All of a sudden I hear Jinguji-san's voice from behind me.
Ren Jinguji: So you're a student here after all. It was pretty easy to tell by your uniform, Haruka Nanami-chan.
Jinguji-san grins at me as he says that.
Haruka Nanami: How... how did you know my name?
Ren Jinguji: How indeed, I wonder?
In a smooth motion, he wraps his arm around my shoulders and his face draws near mine.
Haruka Nanami: U-um, I, uh...!
Ren Jinguji: You dropped your handkerchief, didn't you? These days not many people have their names printed on their handkerchiefs.
Subsequently, he withdraws a handkerchief from his blazer pocket and holds it out to me.
Ren Jinguji: Your shampoo smells lovely. The pure, cute fragrance suits you.
Eek!! He blew on my ear!
It's ticklish and makes me blush and I'm unsure of how to react.
Haruka Nanami: ...!!!
Tokiya Ichinose: Ren, you shouldn't pick on someone whom you've just met so much.
Syo Kurusu: T-that's right! Don't get so full of yourself just 'cause you're a little tall!
Haruka Nanami: Um... are you all acquainted?
Tokiya Ichinose: Yes, somewhat. We met at the school briefing.
Ren Jinguji: Yep, we're all in S Class. That makes us the cream of the crop.
If they're all in S Class then... we're all in the same class...!
Ichinose-san, who looks identical to HAYATO-sama. Jinguji-san, who is as attractive as a model. Syo-kun, who is small and cute.
Each one of them fits right into S Class.
Incredible... I get to spend a whole year with these people!
Aaaall right! I'm going to work harder than anyone else!
Prologue End - Choose your partner!
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turbo-systems · 3 days
this is all so real and true personally i think heart of sword has a boring office job and he writes poetry and daydreams when he's not busy and then thunderbird is probably severely unmedicated and i wanna say that white breath knows how to do a lot of magic tricks burnin xmas tmr having a kill count is so funny tho😭 ikr his reaction when he sees the girl's dad aiming at him was so unserious he's about to get nuked and he's just standing there going "oh no!" 😭😭😭
Hmm, we’ve done Monoplize, Venus, Heart of Sword, Level 4, White Breath, Aoi Hekireki, Hot Limit, Thunderbird and Burnin Xmas
High pressure is def a really silly dude who doesn’t really care about anything, he gives off unemployment vibes but he’s happily employed.
Wild Rush is similar but more seriously than high pressure though. High pressure is laid back while he’s more proactive.
Heat Capacity def has the worst anger issues. He would be all serious but if someone pisses him off he starts tweaking 😭😭.
Magic Bullet is just trying his best to fit in. He’s a robot that’s trying to fall in love with a lady but her bum ass dad tried killing him. I really like the scene where the dad tries to blow him up because you can see him drop his entire cover like 😭😭 he was FLABBERGASTED when he sees him pull up with a whole arm missle 😭😭
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nerdpiggy · 1 year
honestly i am sooo bummed that Chilchuck's voice actor is not Ichikawa Aoi. when I read the manga I always imagined chil with his voice (Seiya from Tsurune, Igaguri from Blue Lock, Fuchi from Hell's Paradise). hold on lemme link a vid
this ^ is chilchuck's voice to me
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Hey, I've been loving these shorter posts lately and I have a lot of thoughts for them so I hope you don't mind me sharing one! I had the thought of a modern Shinobu playing horror games both for the horror and just to scare her S/O and I wanted to ask what you thought the others would like as well? I'm thinking farm games like Stardew are things that Kanae would like but I think it's also funny to imagine the poor girl has hardly touched a controller in her life and is constantly mixing up controls or having to look down at her controller. As usual I hope you have a nice day, you deserve it!
My mental catalogue of video games is pretty poor, but I’ll do my best to match them up with a couple, or a genre at least.
100% yes to Shinobu and horror games. She is canonically into ghost stories, so it just makes sense. Some good ones that I think she would enjoy are The Mortuary Assistant, Outlast and the Resident Evil series. If she’s playing with friends, Phasmophobia is a fun choice.
Kanae and Mitsuri:
Putting them together because I feel like they could be on the same wavelength with this. I agree with Stardew Valley as something they could both get behind. Kanae focuses on completing the community center while Mitsuri is more concerned over who she will choose to romance and making sure her cat has water each morning. Thousands of hours played between the two of them. They would probably enjoy Animal Crossing too. I could also see them enjoying cooking games like Plate Up/ Overcooked.
If the art of a game looks deceptively cute, they may get more than they bargained for. I could see Shinobu/ Kanao playing Hollow Knight or Little Nightmares and they decide to watch only to get bummed or freaked out. Kanae would probably handle it better than Mitsuri.
I had a really good one, but I immediately forgot it and it’s not coming back! AHHH! But she probably prefers single player in whatever she’s doing. I think she’d be good at Elden Ring/ Dark Souls kind of games. She would probably be good at fps games too, but since they are usually multiplayer and she doesn’t want to voice chat with strangers, she doesn’t play.
(Edit: I remembered! It was Stray! She’d like Stray, I think!)
She really doesn’t strike me as a video game person. If she’s invited to play something, she’ll do it, but she often finishes last. Probably the most relevant games in her life are mobile games like Candy Crush or one of those cat collecting games. Mitsuri would probably like that one too and they would talk about which cats they have.
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hopeful-sluts · 1 year
How many DR girls you think bump bums as a way of greeting others?
All of them do in some ways (Says my Horny Brain)! But the ones I see it doing the most are… Aoi, Sayaka, Hiyoko (With Mahiru only), Sonia, Kaede, and Tsumugi!
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Good luck with that. How would an AU of Makoto just being paired with Seiko and Ruruka happen? If it can happen.
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It's not impossible. (❋•‿•❋) ... Although things would have to go down pretty differently from, say, canon. 1. Ruruka isn't a coldhearted, selfish bitch that ignores the fact Seiko could die if she eats candy/sugar. 2. Ideally, the fiasco where they get expelled doesn't happen, thus driving a bigger wedge between Ruruka and Seiko.
So, the tricky thing about this "only Ruruka and Seiko" AU is that while he's not outlandishly younger than these girls, he is a couple years younger. ... And that can be tricky to navigate because in terms of high school, these girls have been around the block already and are on the cusp of adventuring into the grownup world. While Makoto is just beginning high school, and already has a classroom of girls that might (or might not) like to get to know him. You don't need to go the childhood friend route to resolve this - though it is an easy bandaid solution, but it is cliché, somewhat.
For the sake of challenging myself, I won't even age Makoto up to Class 76 as opposed to Class 78. Again, while that is an option, it's also a tad defeatist to admit that Makoto has to be their age for this to work..... And he doesn't. :P A little difference in age isn't so bad. It's just that circumstances have to align to allow them to bond. Well, for them to bond, while everyone else is, well... kept out. :P
In this world, there's nothing to say Makoto can't be friends with the other girls in his class. Maybe even for a while, it looked like he might hook up with Sayaka, or Aoi.... But Sayaka's dream gets in the way (no dating), and Aoi... I dunno. Maybe Makoto's lower energy levels doesn't appeal to her as much, in this timeline. I'm leaning away from breakups, because fuck that. I'm not that kind of writer. :P
Maybe Makoto helps around like usual, but Makoto's insecurities get the best of him, and he's very mindful of being too intrusive with his schoolmates, and consequentially his "caution" has his female schoolmates not as interested in him. There's honestly two ways Makoto can encounter Ruruka and Seiko; either he's looking for some candy to send back home for Komaru on a holiday or something, and he encounters Ruruka; or he falls sick, and has to get medicine that the infirmary has run out of. Either way, he meets one of them. It's not a love-at-first-sight kind of deal, neither of those girls are... like that. :P If he meets Ruruka first, she eventually notices he might be a good friend for Seiko, and they hit it off from there. And if Makoto meets Seiko first, he notices she's pretty overworked, and helps around her lab sometimes, and Ruruka walks in on them one day and gets to know Makoto, too. Slow burn, but they build up to a relationship eventually. I would say before those two graduate, because maybe they're struck by the fact they won't see Makoto around as often, and that bums them out. Makoto wishes them the best regardless, but they don't wanna let him go.
Honestly, that's all I can think of for the setup of this AU. XD
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ecargmura · 5 months
Astro Note Episode 5 Review - Time To Squidaddle
As someone who loves wordplay and terrible puns, all the squid puns got to me. The subtitles did a sublime job with making their own squid puns that it made me wonder if they’re an enthusiast like me. I especially love the “Time to squidaddle” part. That got me.
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This episode is mainly Takumi who’s troubled because of Mira’s mysteriousness. He has feelings for her, but he’s concerned that she might actually be a widow and engaged to Shoin to the point that they go into love hotels together. It’s bothering to the point that it’s affecting his cooking. It would be frustrating if there’s barely anything you know about someone you like, so I understand Takumi’s sentiments? Fortunately, when he realizes that Mira and Shoin weren’t going to a love hotel and the fancy place is actually his house, he musters up courage to ask her questions towards the end. It seems that her being an alien will finally be revealed in the next episode. Good. I was wondering when the cat was going to be out of the bag.
There’s another plot line with Ren. There were hints that Ren might have a crush on the girl with the frilly outfit in his class, but it turns out that he’s admiring her skirt. It seems that he’s curious about skirts and such. To the people that said that they stopped watching the anime because of Ren and his skirt fascination, y’all are WEAK. Some of the detractors were saying stuff like “anime is too woke these days”. To that, I say: anime was always woke; you just chose to point it out only when it involves something you don’t like. So, is Ren trans? I don’t know. For now, all I know is that he’s just a curious boy. Maybe it could be a phase? At least, it gives a good message to not tie boys or girls down by societal bias and prejudices. Boys can wear skirts if they want! Girls can cut their hair as short as they want!
It’s nice that they’re adding more characterization to the people who live in Astro Lodge and not just focus on Mira and Takumi most of the time. I’d like to learn about Shokichi as he seems to be the one who lived in the lodge the longest and is also a novelist, but his name cannot be found in search engines. I like that everyone in the lodge is accepting of Ren’s wants and that no one is ridiculing him. Well, his father Tomihiro looked as if he was against wearing a skirt, but he was mainly worried about societal judgement and that he didn’t want to see Ren hurt. Despite that, he was accepting when Mira allowed Ren to wear skirts only in Astro Lodge. He may be a bum, but at least he’s a good dad?
In terms of romance, it seems that there’s progression with Takumi. However, it’s not with Mira, but with Aoi. After learning that Takumi likes girls with short hair, Aoi makes the brave decision to cut her Sadako hair and go for a cute short cut! I think that looks fantastic on her! They also hold hands because Takumi spotted the nosy neighbor lady which caused him to ‘squidaddle’. Mira and Shoin saw this. Mira does get a bit concerned with what she saw. Wait, there’s romantic progression between these two after five episodes?
Lastly, I did say that Tasuke is a Wid last episode, but that statement could be retracted. Instead of being a Wid, his knowledge of Mira’s crest could be from the picture he took with Mira’s mother Adara who makes her appearance at the very last cut of the episode. Maybe he’s human and had a bit of a romance with her before parting ways? Maybe he is an alien? The back and forth is annoying, so I hope that everything is explained next episode.
I do wonder what the story will be like now that Takumi is going to learn about Mira’s secret. Will they go to Wid? What are your thoughts on this episode?
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iluvsexyvoltageguys · 4 years
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Happy birthday to my favorite butler, Aoi 🥰
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truelovevoltage · 4 years
Updates July 31, 2020
BUM Headcanon: Falling In Love With You - Aoi Shirafuji
BUM Headcanon: Lawyer - Aoi Shirafuji
SCM Headcanon: Being Framed - Scorpio
KBTBB Fan Fiction: Taking Care Of You When You’re Sick - Soryu Oh
SITS Headcanon: Famous Singer On Break - Nagito, Ryo, Iori
MLFK Fan Fiction: He Compares You To His Ex - Ayato Hidaka 
SCM Headcanon: Bad Parents - Leon and Scorpio
KBTBB Headcanon: When You Don’t Want Kids
SCM Headcanon: Bad Parents (Part 2) - Dui, Huedhaut, and Leon
SCM Headcanon: Being Framed (Part 2) - Dui, Huedhaut, and Leon 
KBTBB Fan Fiction: Argument And Amends - Eisuke Ichinomiya
MLFK Headcanon: Too Late - Ayato, Ichiya, and Makoto
MLFK Text: I wasn’t that drunk - Riku Morimachi
BUM Headcanon: Not Good Enough - Kyo, Yuma, and Tomoki
KBTBB Fan Fiction: Jealous - Luke Foster
BUM Headcanon: Hypnosis
SCM Headcanon: Comforting You
KBTBB Fan Fiction: Poisoned - Soryu Oh (Point Of View)
SCM Headcanon: Someone Attempting To Flirt With You - Krioff, Partheno and Teorus 
SCM Fan Fiction: Sad Past - Partheno
IM Fan Fiction: Pregnancy - Yukihisa Maki
MWA7R Fan Fiction: Becoming Mute - Kai Fujisawa
KBTBB Fan Fiction: Car Accident - Eisuke Ichinomiya
Haikyuu Fan Fiction: Lies - Tetsuro Kuro
DMAR: His Confession - Takane Momochi
Leaving - Soryu Oh x MC x Makoto Morimachi
BUM Headcanon: Drowning - Itsuki and Aoi
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