#bujo 2022
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jacksbujo · 2 months ago
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one of my favorite spreads ever <3
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meltotheany · 1 year ago
Favorite Non-Book Things | 2023
oh hello, friends! i almost forgot to do this post! so this is officially my last 2023 post here on my blog! here are ten things that i found and loved in 2023 that have nothing to do with reading (well, maybe number ten is a little bookish but we will pretend to not see the dot) !! also, i will have all products (that can be linked) linked in their titles if you are curious to know more! 🤍 ☆…
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bujobby · 7 months ago
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started tracking the colors I use in monthly bujo spreads with my second journal, and decided to keep it up in my new one as well.
Color palettes from August to August, 2022-2024
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namelessdeceased · 6 months ago
.🧸 D-7 ✧ mon ✧ 16.9.24 ✧ sawc day 47
oh man my posting is getting super inconsistent! im so sorry, ive been super super tired the past few days. posting tonight pretty late, ive been lying around and chugging energy drinks and stuff to even stay awake honestly. theyve started selling halloween candy at the supermarket and im super excited honestly for halloween, i dont celebrate but the season and feeling (even when we dont have seasons round here) is so exciting.
im realising i havent talked about my campaign very much! im so excited for it. noir-ism and horror ideals and im having a lot of fun planning.
.🕰 academic
history padlet qn
science practice paper 2022
part of chinese practice paper
partial MM2 corrections
any additional revision
.🗝 personal
plan today + tmr
this week's layout
september bujo layout maybe
anything else
.☕ sawc
sleep: 3h?
routine: night
deep focus: 2h? 1.5?
body: shower
read: fanfic
.📜 goal productivity: 4h?
.🌙 02 00
.☀ 05 00
.♬ ~ great fairy fountain 〢 less gravity
.🤎 positivityposting
it will get better. sometimes things are better to be done alone, and that hurts, but it will get better.
good evening!
╰ theo 🪐
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rising-above-stars · 2 months ago
okay, last bujo post for now but just comparing my first bujo to last years one and how we have drastically increased with the bulky-ness
here's a quick glance through my journals over the years
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dreamyberry · 1 year ago
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Bujo Monthly trackers 2021 (+ 2022)
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anon-horsey · 1 year ago
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bringing the bullet journal back
The first time I started bullet journaling was in 2020. I was severely depressed and suicidal and started bullet journaling at the suggestion of my therapist. I had friends who were going through similar stuff at the time so it was an activity we did together (over Zoom, usually, because pandemic). I kept doing it through the lockdown and kind of stopped around the end of 2021/beginning of 2022. I don't know exactly why I stopped but I definitely have a few theories. One, being that ironically, I had too much stuff to do to spend time bullet journaling. Which makes sense- all I was doing during the pandemic was online school, some internships, and being depressed. Once it was "over" (no, its not really over; covid is still very much a thing), I started going back to hobbies, social stuff, etc. But its still kind of ironic that getting more thing to do made me not have time to do the thing that would help me plan said things to do. I think there's an explanation though. I was doing too much. I was so far down the aesthetic bujo side of social media that I was doing way more than I needed to. I didn't need 3 pages of fancy artsy spreads just for the aesthetic. Don't get me wrong, if that's your thing and it brings you joy, more power to you. Personally, I was so stressed about making the perfect spread, I would rather have not had a spread than have an imperfect spread. So, what's new? Well, first off, I tried using Notion. Hell, I still use Notion. And I freaking love it. But there was still a gap. Notion is great for planning, organizing all of that. I use it for all of that, too. But I realized, there was some bit of that artsy bullet journal spread that I was still missing out on. And so, I'm bringing the bullet journal back. With a LOT of changes. First off, screw all the pretty pages from Pinterest, Instagram, etc. No fancy notebook either- just an unruled composition book. I want to keep this as simple (or complicated) as I want. I'm getting rid of all the trackers that I never used. It's just going to be a giant, messy, chaotic to-do list, with some aspects of the bullet journal still in it. I'm keeping my monthly spread and possibly adding a finance tracker because I'm way more in charge of my own finances now. The rest of it, however, is going to be raw, unstructured chaos. I want to be able to scribble down ideas that came to me at 3AM without having to find 30 brush pens and a pack of supertips, y'know. Raw, unstructured chaos. And hell, if I want to be artistic at some point, no one is stopping me from doing that either.
Let's hope it goes better this time (and that I rip out less pages from that notebook).
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genmakesmedia · 2 years ago
keeping organised and on task at uni: bullet journaling and reducing phone usage (plus module thoughts)
While it’s fairly clear that this blog exists to reflect on projects I’ve completed, I realised there’s not much information on here about the course itself. Let’s change that!
Digital Media Foundations (or DMF, for short) is a largely practical module on the Media and Communications course at Kingston University. It has a focus on doing creative work and teaching students how to use industry-standard tools like the Adobe Suite.
One of the things I really enjoyed about DMF was the lectures in Term Block 1. In these lectures, we would learn a bit about the history of the practical things we were going to do in the workshop, and their importance, and even science - for example, learning that the reason animation works the way it does is because our eyesight lags ever so slightly when looking at images, which makes a quick series of images look like one continuous picture (Richardson, 2023). I love to learn and so being given access to a wealth of information in such an accessible and interesting way was very enjoyable for me.
Another thing which was very cool were the workshops. In these we were given instructions to work through to experiment with various softwares or techniques. In all honesty, while it was nice to have the freedom to work at our own pace, I do tend to struggle with self-guided work as I can easily get off-task and distracted, so the workshops could sometimes be quite hit-and-miss for me in terms of how much work I’d get done or how happy I’d be with the work I was doing. I’ve been working to find solutions to this, including using the app Forest to block my use of my phone whilst working, as this is my most common distraction.
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Isn’t it literally the cutest thing?
Another struggle I’ve consistently had during this module - and you will see it in many of my posts about bigger projects - is planning and time management. With creative work, I think a lot of the time I can have almost too many ideas and get overwhelmed by them, unable to decide which ones will work best. And historically my time management issues have always been because I struggle to organise the information in my head. Although the planning thing is annoying, I’ve sort of accepted it as part of my process at this point and started working on projects earlier to give myself time to try out as many of my ideas as I can.
The main difference that I’ve made to my work routine is more about organisation and prioritisation: I started a bullet journal. Bullet journaling was invented by Ryder Carroll in 2013 as a way of keeping focused and productive in spite of his learning disabilities.
I’ve had several bullet journals in the past, but because I tried to make them elaborate and aesthetically pleasing like the examples I saw online (especially from ‘studytubers’ like Amandarachlee) they didn’t stick as I just didn’t have the time to keep up with them. This time, though, I did a lot of research into effective and minimalistic journal spreads and pages which I could use, mostly through Pinterest (I'll link my pinterest board here) and YouTube. I’ll pop a few videos that really helped me in a list:
Super-Useful YouTube Videos That Helped Me Figure Out A "BuJo" System That Works For Me:
claudia spaurel (2022) '10 Minimalist Bullet Journal Spread Ideas For Beginners | Helpful Tips For Starting Out' [YouTube] 31 December. Available at: https://youtu.be/Tfjhws8gKS8 (Accessed: 15 March 2023).
Journaling with Nadia (2021) '8 Minimalist Bullet Journal Weekly Spreads for Productivity' [YouTube] 14 October. Available at: https://youtu.be/XP_ETHIj_dg (Accessed: 3 March 2023).
Rylee Autumn (2022) '10 WEEKLY SPREADS FOR YOUR BULLET JOURNAL | Weekly Bullet Journal Weekly Setup Ideas' [YouTube] 9 August. Available at: https://youtu.be/eU1VOpGDs64 (Accessed: 26 February 2023).
Using these tools, I was able to set up my journal. I’ve been using it consistently for almost two months now and am hoping I’ll be able to keep going with it as it’s been immense to my productivity. Having all of my information, schedules and time planning has been incredibly useful. Here are a few sample pages from my personal planner!
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Bullet Journal (2023) Who, what and why. Available at: https://bulletjournal.com/pages/about (Accessed: 17 April 2023).
Kingston University London (2023) Media and Communication BA (Hons). Available at: https://www.kingston.ac.uk/undergraduate/courses/media-communication/ (Accessed: 17 April 2023).
Richardson, P. (2022) 'Animation'. MD4004: Digital Media Foundations. Kingston University London. Unpublished.
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signourneybooks · 2 years ago
Five Favorite Bujo Spreads I Have Done | #TopTenTuesday 382
Happy Tuesday everyone. Today we have a non-book freebie for Top Ten Tuesday. For our readers to get to know us more as Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl said. I think you know me reasonably so I decided to use this topic to look back at some of the bujo theme’s I’ve done over the years that I really liked. And some are bookish because I like to ignore the rules. Discworld | March 2022 | View…
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nerdmedstudent · 2 years ago
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My 2022 bujo cover pages
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byler-alarmist · 2 years ago
@bujomoss @gmaybe666 !!!
Like bujo's animations of Mike
And this, never ever makes me not laugh:
And Georgia's style that rewired my brain:
I have noticed something, and it is not bad, but that the byler fanart is often very realistic and photo-like, it just got me thinking that I wanna see the very stylized very cartoonist very anime very original and personal art styles more, so if u draw byler and ur not doing realistic art style or arent very known in the fandom, please show it to me, I'll reblog it
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thestarsshine4you · 3 years ago
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It’s been a long time since I’ve posted any bujo content, but here’s my setup for 2022!
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bujobby · 2 years ago
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August through the ages 🌻🩵 cover pages 2019-2022
...yes, I did do the same theme two years in a row, after I started a new bujo in 2021 and switched to 2-page covers :')
Stay tuned to see 2023!
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savvyjournaling · 3 years ago
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rauhnachte · 3 years ago
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august, 22
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hexa-trance · 3 years ago
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2022 reading trackers 📖
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