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occasionaltouhou · 1 year ago
Oh, tengu imitating humans can be endearing. I mean, imagine being swept off of your feat by some buisinesswoman-esque breadwinner type, then she soars through the sky with you, detailing all of her nefarious (and oft flawed) plots~
Pretending to be in awe at their prowess - even if I'm more capable, it's so cute watching one believe to be so confident.
Then, helping her decompress at home and doing cute little things together...
Oh, and I have a thing for wings. They're just so... Is that too vain? Hmm, whatever.
you conjure a beautiful vision. is this how you live or merely a dream? if the latter, i hope you can attain it some day.
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linksystemfailure · 9 months ago
Subnautica survivors
name/s: Lilo, Phoebe, Stella, Virgo
pronoun ideas: she/her, they/them, star/stars/starself, calm/calms/calmself,
gender ideas: female, non-binary, agender, librafeminine, kindgender, stargender,
orientation ideas: bisexual, aroallo,
age: 33-40
species: human
role/s: admin, advisor, therapist
source/s: Subnautica
personality traits: observant, responsible, compassionate, open-minded,
likes: wearing light colours, green tea, minimalism, motivational quotes, transparency, smoothies, trying new trends
dislikes: messes, people being ignored or spoken over, coffee, dairy, nutrient block,
hobby ideas: journalling, reading (especially non-fiction), collecting quotes/images for scrapbooking, meditation, sports (tennis, netball, frisbee golf), nature walking,
other notes:
was the head of human resources before the Aurora crashed (managed to escape lifepod 6 alive and meet with the others)
probably likes too many ai images on facebook
would have a temu office
will advocate for gender neutral bathrooms for you
tries to stop Carter from cooking
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name/s: Piper, Archer, Chester, Briar, Emery
pronoun ideas: they/them, it/its, xe/xem, moss/mosses, leaf/leafs, button/buttons,
gender ideas: non-binary, mossgender, cottagecoric, fairycoric, darknaturalismcoric
orientation ideas: aroace, aceflux, enboric
age: 20
species: human
role/s: caretaker, destressor, crafter
source/s: Subnautica
personality traits: curious, adventurous, fussy, creative, forgetful, shy
likes: lantern fruit, marblemelon, fruits, frozen fruits, hoverfish, mushroom caves, blood kelp zone, aesthetics especially cottagecore and fairycore, collecting strange items, making things, exploring the biomes
dislikes: seaweed, most vegetables, the hot sun, short sleeve shirts, sand in boots
hobby ideas: collecting trinkets, scrapbooking, crochet, knitting, sewing, clothing alteration, fashion
other notes:
child of a wealthy buisinesswoman, escaped lifepod 6 with Lilo
"I was in my sad beige phase"
Does not eat Carter's cooking
Voted beige for Carter's new arm
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(pretend shadows work like that)
name/s: Carter, Garry, Cord, Roper,
pronoun ideas: he/him, they/them, it/its, gear/gears, auto/autos, battery/batterys, energy/energys
gender ideas: trans masc, demiboy, vitagender,
orientation ideas: pansexual, panromantic
age: 25+
species: human
role/s: worker, academic, technician
source/s: Subnautica
personality traits: quick thinker, adaptable, spontaneous, friendly
likes: maths, engineering, cats, nutrient block, chinese potato, puzzle cubes and other physical puzzles, model kits, nanoblocks, lego, board games, card games, staying on land,
dislikes: no solutions, garryfish, deep areas, rough textured fabrics, spicy food,
hobby ideas: board games, puzzles, cooking, lego/nanoblocks, model kits
other notes:
a stalker took one arm, they made a poll to vote on which colour his new arm will be and red won
tries to cook food for the team, doesn't always turn out nicely
used to collect lego before being stranded
survived lifepod 3 with Bree and met with Lilo and Piper
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name/s: Bree, Adele, Millicent, Ramona,
pronoun ideas: she/her, rose/roses,
gender ideas: female, demigirl, rosegender
orientation ideas: lesbian, aceflux
age: 25+
species: human
role/s: anger holder, (anything) holder, protector
source/s: Subnautica
personality traits: stern but can be gentle, stubborn, hands on,
likes: red meats, fish, chinese potatoes, sweets, beach volleyball, sunbathing in the sand, my melody and kuromi, soft toys, collecting figurines,
dislikes: weather that's too cold (rose is usually too cold in any place), waiting, waste,
hobby ideas: collecting, exploring, volleyball, video games
other notes:
even when surviving will still try and do makeup and wear earrings
dyes her hair when stressed (has probably had the rainbow a few times at this point)
always burns when sunbathing
thinks Carter's cooking is good
Survived lifepod 3 and met with Lilo and Piper
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Subnautica more survivors au people? Four more survivors of alterra's crash onto plant 4546B. They've managed to make a living together there while trying to help Ryley find the cure.
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lapdogchase · 2 years ago
nik nik nik i need ur advice im sketching lineart for a gee way tshirt im gonna paint. wgich outfit do i do.
im thinking either the like the businesswoman ir cheerleader but im giving u the final decision it can be any of them
omg ummm im going buisinesswoman shes a star shes the boss shes at her 9-5 and i miss her dearly❤️
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nerd-who-likes-cats · 5 months ago
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If Kat is hit with drowsiness, Thera is happy to get his glasses out of the way and play the role of pillow. It gives him an excuse to take a nap himself.
I decided since Kat and Thera both being cuddly emotional people makes their interactions seem romantic at times, I'd lean in and let it be a joke that people may assume Thera is dating his friends, but once you see him with his actual girlfriend, it becomes clear how he can see naptime cuddles with the homies as platonic. Thera and Shadow (his gf) are that couple. There is not a moment they aren't touching in some way, and the way they speak to each other often results in "get a goddamn room" comments. For each time Kat rests like this, there is an instance of Shadow straight up straddling the dude and burying her face in his chest (or vice versa) as though they aren't in public. Even in this drawing, he wears a gift from Shadow, a choker necklace with a charm of the lovers tarot card, which Shadow views as a collar put on her kitty to remind people he belongs to her. I should draw Shadow some time, she's a shady buisinesswoman who's collared a lion, and her theme song is livin' la Vida loca. She needs a badass design.
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3rdviewphotography · 2 years ago
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Same Eyes | #professionalheadshots #bewerbungsbilder #studiofotografie #studiophotography #lookamazingfeelamazing #lookamazing #3rdviewphotographyberlin #stephanelebretonphotography #slbphotography #artisticportrait #buisinesswoman #businessphotography #buisinessphotographer (hier: Potsdam, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkgvgMXq_HG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ts-inspire · 6 years ago
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wolfboyvirus · 2 years ago
Hey about the new minecraft default skins; can someone tell me what sort of role they think efe might play? Shes giving the vibe of sophisticated buisinesswoman to me but that doesnt really fit the world of minecraft at all, so im wondering what yall think
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marinetteplztakeabreak · 5 years ago
Chat Noir: I don’t understand why Marinette can’t come back
Chat Noir: did you see how amazing Multimouse was?
Ladybug: WHy can’t you accept that Marinette’s not cut out to be a superhero?
Chat Noir: she literally used both of our Miraculouses at once while also using her own power but go off I guess
Ladybug: that was a one-time thing, she did her job well, and I’m glad, but that doesn’t mean she’ll be useful in every possible situation
Chat Noir: *deep breath*
Chat Noir: she’s an actual fashion genius, she has connections to like, every celebrity, she’s rediculously caring and can get people to be her friend in like 2 minutes, she’s probably the smartest girl in her class, she’s a brilliant artist and a buisinesswoman at age 14,
Chat Noir: she’s an incredible baker, she looks absolutely stunning with her hair down which maybe isn’t relevent but like she could probably deevilize some akumas just by looking at them, she has this sparkle that she gets in her eyes once she has a plan and it’s like you know you can trust her with your entire being, she never backs down from a challenge, she glows so bright she could make others seem dull if she wanted but instead she just spreads light everywhere she goes so when you’re near her you feel lightheaded but in a good way, She-
Ladybug, amused that Chat Noir seems to have fallen for her as a superhero again: Wow, chaton, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush on Multimouse
Chat Noir, panicking because he doesn’t want Ladybug to think he’s unfaithful: what? no no no no no that’s crazy talk I don’t have a crush on Marinette. I just have... a friend who’s super in love with her and he always rambles about how crazily awesome she is which is why I accidentally started talking about her using the same phrases he does
Chat Noir: yeah that’s my explanation
Ladybug: *eyeroll* That’s totally beleivable
Chat Noir: stop teasing me, I’m telling the truth!
Ladybug: and who is this mystery friend?
Chat Noir: I can’t tell you because... secret identity reasons
Ladybug: wow what a convient excuse
Chat Noir, struggling to think of someone who wouldn’t contradict his claims that Chat Noir is friends with them and also who obviously has a crush on Marinette: um
Chat Noir: it’s Adrien Agreste
Chat Noir: he’s had this enourmous crush on her forever and he refuses to stop gushing about her
Chat Noir: he’s always just like “oh my God, Marinette looked at me today, I can’t believe how lucky I am,” or like “hey look at this amazing lucky charm Marinette made for me” or like “wow I didn’t even realize Marinette’s in the background of my Instagram photo, I can’t believe I was that close to her, this is proof we were meant to be married”
Chat Noir: it’s kind of annoying actually
Chat Noir: but like, in a cute way
Chat Noir: *hahaha I’m a genius*
Chat Noir:...
Chat Noir: Oh shoot Ladybug are you ok? What did I do? Why are you crying?
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turtlegirlave · 4 years ago
So this has a ton of opinions which I usually stray away from but i really let all my opinions out here. Also there is definitely fact mistakes, probably name mistakes and some incorrect singing terms in here, I wrote this at 2 A.M. with a limited knowledge of theater I’m just trying to get a point across.
Why s2 of hsm the series should have been newsies instead of beauty and the beast:
They say straight up in the show “we need a real Alan Menkhen musical” and they pick beauty and the beast instead of newsies, a literal Broadway stage production???
At first I assumed it was because the cast was primarily male, but that isn’t even a reasonable argument. 1)as shown by s1 when a boy played sharpay, gender doesn’t matter when being considered for a role. 2), a cast with multiple male leads would give the gay men in the show a chance to shine, instead of shoving them to background roles like Chip. Not to mention Carlos is a dancer, and newsies is a musical driven by choreography. 3), since nini moved there are only like 2 lead females anyway, which works for the 2 female roles in newsies.
Casting Wise, the play works SO MUCH better!
Ricky: jack kelley is a much better role for him than the beast for many reasons. First, their personalities are very similar with the mischievous main teen vibe, so the role would be like Troy where Ricky can slip into it easier. Second, it fits him better vocally. It is very clear from listening to Joshua basset sing that he has a relatively high vocal range, and singing low notes or in a deep voice doesn’t come as naturally to him. Jeremy Jordan has a similar vocal range, where he stays in higher octaves and more rarely uses a deep, monotone voice (at least never to the beast’s extent). Ricky would sound perfect singing in Jack’s vocal range. The beast, however, sings almost exclusively in an extremely deep, monotone voice that Joshua cannot easily perform.
Ashlyn: not only does she look quite similar to Katherine, but they have similar personalities as well. Also, katherine’s high and bubbly singing voice would sound lovely with Ash’s, which is also high and bubbly but often softer. This would allow her to push herself to sing louder and more confidently. And she still gets to play a smart bookworm lead female role.
Kourtney: she was born to play miss medda larken. Mrs. Potts’ debut song “beauty and the beast” is a soft romance ballad, which does not match kourt’s stadium reach, strong, powerful voice. “That’s rich” not only shows off her vocals better, but matches her personality and voice much better with the grit and power behind it. Also, Mrs Potts as a character is the soft, motherly type. Miss medda is a rambunctious, empowered, “I got men if I want em but I don’t need em” kinda woman. Which role better fits the girl power, loud, activist, personal cheer squad type person that Kourtney is?
Carlos and Sebastian: not only would this stop shoving the gays and only interesting men other than Ricky to background roles (sorry big red), but it would show off their talents. Seb would make a wonderful crutchy, with his innocent nature and likeness to the character. It would also give him a chance to flex his vocals and sing a duet with Ricky in Santa Fe, further developing the friendships in the show. Carlos could play really any of the main boys, I mostly think he would kill in this due to his dance and choreography skills, which newsies really emphasizes.
Big red: PLEASE this boy would be perfect as Ben Cook’s role (can’t remember the newsie’s name). They’re both the kinda dumb but endearing friend type, and he leads “king of New York”, a song with a killer tap dancing break, which is the whole reason big red wanted to try out! His chemistry with Ricky as crutchy would make that a fine role for him too, but since Sebastian has stronger vocals I think it’s better for him to take a more prominent role while big red relies on his dancing skills over singing.
Gina: though there’s no more lead girl roles, I think she would kill it as mr. Pulitzer. They could add some spice to the character through her insane dance skills, and she would play a great “cunning yet intelligent buisinesswoman” type. This dude also gets 2 or 3 songs, and honestly I don’t remember who she plays in Beauty and the beast so idk.
EJ: I admit Gaston is a perfect role for him and I can’t fit him into newsies well. He would play a good spot conlin, though it is a significantly smaller role. No one really cares about ej though so small loss.
Plot valuability:
doing newsies makes literally way more sense. Firstly, they are kinda planning entering this show last-minute compared to the competition, so to pick a show already written and choreographed for stage production would really save time. (Even though it would still need work to be condensed for a high school production). Second, miss Jen is so determined to stand out from the crowd and win the contest so she picks... beauty and the beast? One of the most popular Disney movies (and honestly with one of Alan’s weaker soundtracks compared to tangled, Aladdin, and the little mermaid imo). Having them do newsies, especially when switching up gender roles like casting Gina as Pulitzer, would actually make them stand apart from the dozens of schools performing Disney movies. It would also give a significantly more impressive vocal and dance performance, since the songs were written for Broadway singers rather than actors. The set is also more cheap and condensed, while still looking professional, which would help with their “we’re too poor and late to afford a straight-up aquarium so let’s do the most with what we’ve got.” Putting the characters in these roles would also not alter their development or main story plots much, besides strengthening certain friendships and pushing aside less popular characters (ej). It would also give more rep for the gays as well as switching up gender roles. Imagine, the gay guys get actual things to do in the show and aren’t defined by the sole plot of “my boyfriend rich” relationship drama! (I love these two but I am a tired ace). Also jerjor performs in both this and tangled the series, so it’s a double whammy for Alan menkhen representation.
Marketability: I know the musical has to be widely known and appealing to viewers. People watched s1 because they love hsm. People also love beauty and the beast, so viewership may raise with fans of the movie. Newsies doesn’t die here, though. It is a very widely popular play among theatre people, and existed first as a movie musical so it isn’t exclusive to theater kids. Also, fans of Newsies are generally between their tweens and early twenties, the exact age demographic for the show. Beauty and the beast is a classic and more widely known, but also doesn’t draw in large numbers of the exact age group you want. Also, the fact that newsies is a little less mainstream only helps the plot point of them choosing it to still have something well known while also standing out from the competition. Doing beauty and the beast is not only an awful choice for casting that limits the actors vocals or is completely out of their range, but it also makes them blend in with the crowd.
Final notes: beauty and the beast was IMO the worst choice for the play this season. Movies like Aladdin and tangled both have very energetic and loud soundtracks that allow these characters to belt their hearts out. Beauty and the beast has a very folksy, quiet, ballad type of track that limits the actors. The only actor that I think sings ballads better than big booming tracks is Nini, who isn’t even in the play this year. Ricky also sings great ballads, which is why ballads that are still slow but also emotional and powerful like “Santa fe” or “something to believe in” (which would sound AMAZING in his and Ashlyn’s voices) fit much better than the deep voice of the beast that he can not comfortably sing in. Also, the beast has very few songs whereas newsies would allow him to belt his heart out in nearly every song with that lovely voice he has. The age range of the newsies cast (that characters are supposed to be 17) fits better with these very teen actors than a movie about old fashioned French young adults. Really newsies was the best musical choice for this season, but I also believe beauty and the beast was the last one they should have chosen.
(After reading comments I rescind my statement that beauty and the beast was the worst choice, but it’s still second to newsies imo)
Feel free to debate me in the comments or point out my mistakes, I’m very open to other points of view
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ela*ne of corb*nic? sorry I only know one mother of galahad and her name’s Mrs. Galahad who is a very successful agricultural buisinesswoman and single mother who raised a lovely man
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glammerstudioco · 7 years ago
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Being a strong woman is what the world needs more of, strong woman are the voice of change and reason. Women can make this world a better place if we all work together to support each other in everything that we do. Strong women are amazing people they are the single mothers raising their children, the working Entrepreneurs building our communities and the voice behind us making our country a better place to live. Being strong is a fabulous thing. . . . . . #glammerstudio #buildyourempire #workityourway #workitwinit #workitgirl #thisismytime #yourtime #buisinesswoman #goalsset #goals💯 #goaldiggermovement #goaldiggersociety #youdeservethebest #youdeservethis #youramazing #gogetitgirl #gogettersnetwork #gogetterslovelife #gogettergirl #justbeyourself #entrepreneurempire #entrepreneurmagazine #entrepreneurgoals #believeinyourselfalways #bepassionate #determinedmama #fempreneurs #mompreneuer #shesbuildingherempire #ipreview (at New York)
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flickiesisland · 8 years ago
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it’s not mandatory for you to change your clothes for this section of the game but lyse and yugiri did so i’m giving you 90′s buisinesswoman dressed to let people know she’s important but also practically for walking around dirt road villages
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glammerstudioco · 7 years ago
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Being a strong woman is what the world needs more of, strong woman are the voice of change and reason. Women can make this world a better place if we all work together to support each other in everything that we do. Strong women are amazing people they are the single mothers raising their children, the working Entrepreneurs building our communities and the voice behind us making our country a better place to live. Being strong is a fabulous thing. . . . . . #glammerstudio #buildyourempire #workityourway #workitwinit #workitgirl #thisismytime #yourtime #buisinesswoman #goalsset #goals💯 #goaldiggermovement #goaldiggersociety #youdeservethebest #youdeservethis #youramazing #gogetitgirl #gogettersnetwork #gogetterslovelife #gogettergirl #justbeyourself #entrepreneurempire #entrepreneurmagazine #entrepreneurgoals #believeinyourselfalways #bepassionate #determinedmama #fempreneurs #mompreneuer #shesbuildingherempire #ipreview https://ift.tt/2NXIQQZ
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glammerstudioco · 6 years ago
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GO ALL IN.. WITH EVERYTHING YOU DO, HUSTLE HARD AND WORK EVEN HARDER.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sent via @planoly #planoly #glammerstudio #buildyourempire #workityourway #workitwinit #workitgirl #thisismytime #yourtime #buisinesswoman #goalsset #goals💯 #goaldiggermovement #goaldiggersociety #youdeservethebest #youdeservethis #youramazing #gogetitgirl #gogettersnetwork #gogetterslovelife #gogettergirl #justbeyourself #entrepreneurempire #entrepreneurmagazine #entrepreneurgoals #believeinyourselfalways #bepassionate #determinedmama #fempreneurs #mompreneuer #shesbuildingherempire — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Sds8Px
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glammerstudioco · 7 years ago
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If your not where you want to be in your life, why you chilling so much??⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Get up and do what needs to be done for you and your future.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ .⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Sent via @planoly #planoly #glammerstudio #buildyourempire #workityourway #workitwinit #workitgirl #thisismytime #yourtime #buisinesswoman #goalsset #goals💯 #goaldiggermovement #goaldiggersociety #youdeservethebest #youdeservethis #youramazing #gogetitgirl #gogettersnetwork #gogetterslovelife #gogettergirl #justbeyourself #entrepreneurempire #entrepreneurmagazine #entrepreneurgoals #believeinyourselfalways #bepassionate #determinedmama #fempreneurs #mompreneuer #shesbuildingherempire https://ift.tt/2L6h7vC
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glammerstudioco · 7 years ago
The only person that is going to do the work is yourself, because it won't happen on its own. Just work it baby and it'd all to the top from here. 💕 .#glammerstudio #buildyourempire #workityourway #workitwinit #workitgirl #thisismytime #yourtime #buisinesswoman pic.twitter.com/mdl51zLrVt
— Glammpreneur Blog | Makeup by Kristina (@glammerstudio) May 8, 2018
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