#building society
sonofthepear · 10 months
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Another day another rebrand. This time it comes from building society, Nationwide. Taking a step into the modern digital world, Nationwide has revamped its look and feel. Simplifying their logo and iconography from a dated look and feel, they have replaced the serif font with a cleaner sans serif to compliment the lowercase wordmark. Whereas the serif is still being used outside the main wordmark. The circle and house icon have been changed into simple block shapes and negative space being used to create a 3D feel for the house.
One of the biggest talking points has been the colour scheme change. The red, blue and white have been kept the same but darker more toned-down shades of each. Just like the majority, it looks very much like NatWest. My initial thought was to have the two merged but they haven't. For me, the navy colour looks too similar to competitors and more corporate. I do like the rebrand however I would've preferred to see a blue more reflective of their original colour scheme.
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pandadrake · 6 months
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Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Post-Credits Scene (Colorized)
Been wanting to draw a thing including that cursed MCU Peter photo for a while.
Tumblr ate the image in my last post so here it is again.
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lesbiankendall · 4 months
anyway you definitely should not be giving spotify any money bc their ceo is a zionist who has invested in a military ai technology company
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talaricula · 14 days
we went to a flea market in our neighbourhood today and at some point we come across a little stand that has a bunch of stuff we rly like (not even baby stuff, but clothes and accessories for us). the girl selling looks to be about twenty and next to her is sitting an older butch woman, perhaps pushing fifty. after a few minutes, a second older butch comes to stand in the doorway of their house, chatting with us as well. my gay senses are tingling, of course, and so are baby smurf's apparently, since he choses that stand to wake up from his nap. so Lilou and I are talking to him as I'm trying on a sweater, and after obtaining Lilou's stamp of approval for the sweater, I strategically tell the women, "my wife approves, so I'll take it!"
the 20yo immediately turns to the older women and goes "oh! did you hear! two mums!!"
and so the ladies (her two mums, as is blatantly obvious by now) start talking to us about their two children (the 20yo girl and a teenage boy), say they're donor kids, ask how it went for us, how baby smurf is, tell us their first was also an angel but their second gave them a run for their money, generally chat with us for a while
it was so fun and touching bc everyone was so enthusiastic and happy - we were, the older mums were, the daughter was, everyone was all "yes! two mums!"
and then later that afternoon we walked past their stand again, and they'd been joined by a late teenage boy standing in the doorway. we wished them a good rest of the afternoon and good luck with the sales, and when they heard our voices they went "look! this our second one!" while aggressively pointing at the boy
it was generally a super fun and touching experience but I was particularly so touched by the fact that it was the adult daughter (we were closer in age to her than to her mums) who'd been so enthusiastic about seeing another kid with two mums that she couldn't hold back from yelling at her own mums about it
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boarwinds · 2 months
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art vs artist
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thesilicontribesman · 9 months
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Chesters Roman Fort Headquarters Courtyard and Roman Phallus Relief, Chesters Roman Fort, Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland
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thebutchtheory · 2 months
the more i read about transandrophobia as a concept from 'transandrophobia truthers', the more i just end up feeling like these specific experiences are better explained under things like 'gender essentialism' or 'oppositional sexism', or that at the very least these terms need to be brought into discussion of transandrophobia more, but they aren't.
a lot of transandrobros end up coming off like MRAs because they're trying to describe experiences that they don't have proper wording for, and then go on to speak in ways that clearly shows they haven't unlearned [internalized] misogyny/toxic masculinity, gender essentialism and oppositional sexism themselves. often because they haven't read any theory on the subject, and because a lot of them outright refuse to read up on transfeminist theory or understand transmisogyny as a systemic force outside of 'misogyny that trans women experience' or 'transphobia that trans women experience'. then they go on to try and talk over trans women about transmisogyny, or speak about trans women discussing transmisogyny in some extremely bigoted ways because of it.
like, the amount of trans women discussing transmisogyny who have read or even written entire books about transmisogyny, transfeminism and feminism in general seems to be astronomical compared to the amount of trans men discussing transandrophobia that i KEEP seeing. i've seen trans men who have read theory, but they seem to be the bigger popular bloggers that others base their opinions off of, if that makes sense. as if other people in the community are trying to theorize on what people who have actually read theory are saying, without reading any theory themselves.
so much of what transmascs experience is related to misogyny, but it's also related to gender essentialism, oppositional sexism, and toxic masculinity--all things which the trans community has taken from cisgender heterosexual society and applied it to themselves in a way that is Queer Inclusive This Time, yet they never question it.
i'm BEGGING transandrophobia truthers to read books about trans oppression, and to bring this language into your vocabulary when discussing your experiences. when i started doing that with my experiences as a butch on T, it gave me a new perspective on all of it, and the queer community itself.
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communistkenobi · 11 months
It’s so funny when liberals lecture communists about not knowing how anything works, that we need to grow up and face the real world etc, while publicly demonstrating that their political imagination is so deeply impoverished that they genuinely believe the only thing the leader of the most powerful country on the planet in all of human history can do is block a slightly more fascist guy from taking his place every four years
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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The way most people talk about climate change we are led to believe we all have an equal part in creating the capitalist nightmare we live in, but that’s a lie. The unsustainable and extractive nature of capitalism grew directly from the ideological and material foundations of European colonization. We cannot hold the entire human species responsible for that. It’s victim blaming.
The vast majority of waste is produced by the same people and institutions who hold power. Fighting for our planet, the health of our land, our food, our homes, our communities, is where the fight against capitalism and white supremacy collide. Any fight for environmental justice must also be a fight for racial justice because BI&POC are the ones who disproportionately bear the weight of climate change.
White Settler Colonialism Is Destroying the Planet, Not Poor BI&POC
Don’t believe the Malthusian and eco-fascist myth that there are too many people on the planet to care for. This is a lie peddled by capitalists, eugenicists, and people who advocate for genocide. We know that every landbase has its limit for how much life it can support (indigenous peoples have been saying this for hundreds of years), but “overpopulation” rhetoric is overwhelmingly used as a means to enforce colonial hierarchies where wealthy white people can maintain lives of access and privilege while poor BI&POC barely survive.
Instead of telling poor BI&POC to have less children or to stop wanting better lives, we should build a movement to fight climate change which centers racial justice, abolishes capitalism, and forces wealthy, predominately white populations to stop hoarding resources.
Here are some Earth Day facts for tomorrow so you don’t fall for the lies:
Just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions. (Source: the Guardian)
Black communities are exposed to 56% more pollution than is caused by their consumption. For Latinx communities, it is 63%. (Source: American Journal of Public Health)
97% of waste produced in the United States is corporate waste. 80% of businesses are owned & operated by white people. (Source: “The Story of Stuff” & US News)
Indigenous peoples make up less than 5% of the planet’s human population, yet they are protecting 80% of its biodiversity. (Source: National Geographic)
The world’s richest 10% produce half of carbon emissions while the poorest half contribute only 10%. (Source: Oxfam)
The world’s wealthiest 16% use 80% of the planet’s natural resources. (Source: CNN)
We are not all equally “responsible.” White settler colonialism and capitalism are destroying the planet, not poor BI&POC.
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nobeerreviews · 3 months
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Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place; they are the reflection of society.
-- I. M. Pei
(Warszawa, Poland)
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canisalbus · 10 months
Feel free to ignore this if it doesn't spark your interest but worth a shot. Can I ask what breed of dog Jesus was in your dog world?
I think dog Jesus predates most of today's dog breeds. Realistically he'd probably be some kind of mutt, probably with vaguely Canaan dog looks. But European depictions of Jesus have always been very localized, and I tend to think that in Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque art he'd usually appear as a Spaniel of sorts, although it varies from piece to piece. Gun dogs more often than not.
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denkisauce · 2 months
(bnha manga ending spoilers)
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what was the point
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what was the point
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what was the point
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what was the pointtttt
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voninsterburg · 5 months
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machinegrl · 6 months
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so i totally forgot that this build exists
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allmightyscroll-swag · 6 months
Oop, I realized I never actually posted about this, but!
Anyone remember my separated Donnie au? Code name: Violet skies? Well I'm remaking it! Rewriting it, even !!
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Here's Foot Recruit/aka Donnie!
Draxum, quite begrudgingly, ends up raising the four turtles with Splinter: whom saved him when a part of the lab's roof collapsed, while he was holding onto two of the turtles. Splinter brought the both of them to the sewers, and it all happened from there.
The turtles grew up not too different, safe for extra actual training and knowledge of both the hidden city and things mystic; until Leo and Donnie turned 14. Donnie went out one day with Raph, and didn't come back.
Two years after his disappearance, when the series events begin, they find him in the Foot Clan. Now called just Foot Recruit, with no memory of them — and a good 6 years worth of memories of living with the foot clan.
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thesilicontribesman · 2 months
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Model of the Hypocaust and Mosaic Pavement at Winterton Roman Villa, North Lincolnshire Museum, Scunthorpe
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