#buggy blabbers
fanaticsnail · 9 months
Headcanon: Interrogation at cross-guild doesn’t go the way they thought.
Warning: descriptions of violence.
My muse: @since-im-already-here. Thank you for allowing me to exploit your weakness.
Masterlist here.
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Prompt background: You are a hardened and seasoned individual. A tank, a solid unit that can handle literally any physical damage and recover. You have but one weakness, unknown to all close to you.
Crocodile: beats, kicks, hooks the skin from atop your shoulder blades and flays you against the ceiling by chains. He suffocates you with sand, taunts you by blowing cigar smoke against your face – you do not break
Mihawk: penetrates your skin with his cross blade all while degrading you, attempting to gather information to physically pry them out of you piece by piece. He wields Yoru, flourishing it and slicing you with the wind beneath his mighty blade pushing you from your feet – but, you still do not break.
Buggy: takes his middle finger between his teeth, removes his white glove and immediately places his pinky finger between his painted lips, removes the digit from his lips with a 'pop' and playfully begins wiggling it at you. Removing the finger from his hand with a small 'click', the littlest finger begins inching its way slowly against the polished floorboards; a slimy line of red-stained drool following behind it in a trail. As the digit climbs over your body and makes its way up to sit at your collarbone, it taunts you by waving the top phalanges at you in a pathetic wiggle - you break.
You: immediately wince, wiggle, scream, cry, blabber, “please no, please no, please no. I’ll tell you anything. If I don’t know the information, I will go out of my way to learn it for you. I will do anything you ask of me. I’m begging you. Please don’t put that in my ear.”
Stunned silence. This is what broke you. A wet willy from the clown.
Tag list @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
268 notes · View notes
writingmeraki · 7 months
i. bravery or stupidity ?
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a roronoa zoro series !
chapter summary : you thought surely you were going to die a coward that day but little did you know, you'd be braver than you ever thought you were.
chapter warnings : canon violence and mentions of weapons, cuss words, descriptions of injuries and bruises ( lmk if i missed anything )
TAGLIST ( open ! ) :
@smolracoon25 ; @dimplewonie ; @hearts4zoro ; @katiemrty ; @emelia07 ; @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad ; @tfamidoingwithmylife ; @chims-kookies ; @stevenknightmarc ; @yoong1c0re ; @sseleniaa ; @lovefooi ; @alotofrandomfangirling ; @multifandomedsimp ; @taiwan0618 ; @nadlx33333 ; @ye0nvibezzn ; @candyquokka ; @blossomedfloweroflove ; @qalable <3
word count : 8.08k ( whew so much for an intro wtf )
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The repetitive circus music began, flashing lights and the clapping, oh the clapping echoed in your mind, your head hung low, not wanting to look up even though you heard harsh whispers through the music to follow as the signs say. 
How could you when your hands were constrained behind you with a rope? 
Well, a rope you were almost through with cutting off with a very small blade you always hid under your tongue that wasn’t taken away with your knives and weapons. 
But this time, you decided to look up, something in your gut told you that this was worth seeing, worth paying attention to as you saw three figures in the middle, the lights shining on them but from where you were, further at the back, you could not make out their faces. 
Raising an eyebrow in curiosity, you peeked ahead trying to see if you knew them, though you were pretty sure they were new, perhaps not even from your town because surely you knew almost everyone.
You could see a guy with a straw hat, hair seemingly curly or just simply messy in a white t-shirt, you saw a redhead to his left who was looking around and from her body language, you figured she was just as confused as most of you. 
When your gaze landed on the last figure, immediately you thought before you could even properly figure him out,
That is such an ugly hair color, looks like mold green good gosh!
You wondered as you continued to squint at him, somehow even from afar, you could tell he was the most nonchalant regarding, whatever the fuck was going on. He seemed taller compared to the others and stronger as you scanned his muscles. 
One of the flashing lights caught onto something shiny on his left ear,
Ah earrings, maybe mold green does know about fashion huh?
Suddenly the music stopped as you heard the voice of the psychopath you hated more than you hated losing your knives. 
“-top stop! No stop!” You tore your gaze away from ‘mold green’ as you nicknamed and looked at the clown.
He was once again, blabbering about how everyone had messed up his entrance and you couldn’t help but clench your jaw in anger as you saw him spit in the face of a guy dressed up as a lion.
It’s all wrong, it’s…wrong.
“Hey! I know you,” Everyone’s attention including yours shifted to the voice,
“I saw your wanted poster in Shells town. You’re the clown guy.” Now you were more than curious as to who exactly this character was, briefly pausing your excruciating task of slowly cutting the very firm and strong rope with all but a tiny blade. 
“Um uh, Binky right?” Lightly snorting at the mispronunciation,      
“Buggy” “Buggy the clown.” You scoffed at his words, already more than fed up with this nonsense, more specifically of your entire situation.
He continued introducing himself, but you tuned him out as you focused on the three before you. You had an instinct that they weren’t any ordinary townspeople or some sort of tourists.
You flinched when you saw Buggy leap forward as the audience gasped, you felt a sort of anger when he grabbed the Straw Hat’s face. 
Cringing at the way he slapped straw hat’s hand when he was about to touch his nose, rolling your eyes at his pathetic attempt to assert his power.
“Hey! I am not a nobody, I am Monkey D. Luffy.”
“And I will be king of the pirates.”
Now, you were caught off guard, you didn’t think out of everything, Luffy was a freaking pirate. And what did you think of pirates? You hated them. 
Your hatred sprouted from the scar that ran through your right eyebrow to your right cheekbone, it healed over time but it was always a reminder of what was once a past incident you’d never wish on anyone. 
Buggy seemed to take that as a joke, countering with his own supposed accomplishments as a pirate which were making you more annoyed than you already were as the rope tying your hands seemed to make no difference in losing up even though it’d been a while since you started trying to cut them.
Though you must admit, all this blabbering Buggy did about the map to the treasure that will make one the king of the pirated had you more curious than ever. You knew about it, heard it through stories told in what was left of your town. 
The One Piece. 
And if it did exist, you’d rather it be in any other person’s hands but the boon of an existence clown and well…ex-pirate you suppose.
Even if it had to be in the hands of Luffy.
Somehow, your gut was able to tell, that he was…different. A different pirate from the known rogues that you knew and had encountered in your life. You preferred to trust your gut after one too many instances where you did the opposite and ended up regretting it.
“-said don’t make me laugh!” You snapped out of your thoughts, once again blocking out what was happening in front of you. You were never one who lost focus, you knew better as a fighter how important it was to pay attention to every detail but also who could blame you for not being fully conscious when you’d not even had food or simply water for the past two days? 
Besides, your hands were your priority right now, freeing them would ultimately lead you even closer to freedom. Fortunately for you, you felt one part of it loosen up, allowing your left hand to wiggle.
“All right, listen up.” Suddenly it was silent, which for once stunned you as the spotlight shifted to one of the three “pirates”.
It was mold-green-headed guy, and of course, he had to be even better looking than you’d even guessed. 
“I’m Roronoa Zoro.” He moved forward as he spoke, towards Buggy. And you had to admit though, it was the first time since a long time, you’d seen someone so-
“Drop your weapons and I may let you live.” 
Now there goes the image you’d made of him. You felt he’d be rational, maybe try to negotiate something with the crazed clown but here he was, threatening a bunch of armed minions while he stood defenseless, his only weapon being well…his threat. 
Though you must admit, it’s brave of him, as your father once taught you, there’s a thin line between courage and stupidity, you ought to know where you fall into, and taking in the situation, Zoro over here definitely was not passing into the brave territory much. 
As you expected, Buggy didn’t take it lightly, he taunted Zoro and his minions were now preparing to attack.
“Wait, wait what if I have something else to offer you?” The redhead spoke up, your eyes darting back to her as they’d been previously been unknowingly staring, not that you wanted to but it was like you couldn’t help it. 
“Something more valuable than the map, what if I give you a new freak for your crew?”
“A rare talent. The most spectacular act in all of the East Blue.”
“Besides you, of course.” 
She began to move beside Luffy, and abruptly she pulled off his straw hat and threw it in the air.
What the actual fuck?
You thought as Luffy screamed and now it was your turn to become more surprised when all of a sudden his arm…elongated and stretched up up in the air to grab the hat.
You blinked once, twice to make sure you were not hallucinating due to malnourishment but then it struck you. 
He consumed the Devil Fruit. 
Your gaze shifted back to the redhead and you promptly got another realization that it was a distraction to allow her to escape.
But, aren’t they in the same crew? 
She…betrayed them?
You didn’t know what to think, and how could you possibly conclude if they even cared for each other because you didn’t even know them, barely their names and well…superpowers now. 
Her attempt was a failure as she was dragged back in.
“What did you do?! What did you do to their town?! You destroyed everything!” She yelled as she stood in front of the clown again. 
This hit you in a way it hadn’t in a while, you knew your town was ruined, destroyed but it also reminded you of how you weren’t able to do much to save it before you were held captive.
You’d fought and you’d fought hard, alas your defeat wasn’t truly because of not being able to take them down, instead, you were threatened. 
A life for a life.
Buggy promised if you’d take down any more of his lunatics, he’d end up killing the children he’d held captive. 
Giving up wasn’t a choice, you had to surrender before he could get through with his sickening words. 
You gulped as you felt the familiar taunting in your head, chanting the repetitive words of how you failed to be a ‘hero’. How you failed to protect those who you loved, those who were innocent.  
And that voice only felt louder as you saw two of the three being taken to the forbidden green room named by Buggy. 
No, you couldn’t let more people suffer, you had to find a way to end this. You had to save your people. 
Taking a deep breath, you concentrated on the blade cutting each fiber of thread as swiftly as it was possible. 
Your left hand being more free was a huge benefit, letting you cut it more quickly. 
And finally.
Finally, you felt the rope tug off completely. 
You were in disbelief that your plan worked, the tiny blade you hid under your tongue being able to cut through the rope. 
Moving your hands in front of you, you closed and opened them, trying to bring back life into them. Your shoulders ached, and you rolled them trying to ease the cramps.
Now all you needed was a plan.
But what plan? 
You stood up firstly, quietly as you could without drawing anyone's attention and you looked sideways to see if anyone was observing you. 
No one seemed to have noticed you, likely far too scared probably from not following what was on the signs, and that fueled your anger more. 
In front, Luffy was being chained up, a sick feeling once again rising in you as you stood there helpless on how you could help him. 
You weighed your options.
It would be quite frankly risky to just oppose Buggy from where you were, weaponless too, and not that you didn't trust your own fighting abilities, you did know it was a risk to count on stamina that was running on adrenaline purely out of survival at the moment. 
You figured the first step was to find your weapons. Certainly, you'd be able to gain an upper hand, even if a small one that is.
And so you thought about where could they have possibly hidden your knives.
Then it hit you,
The green room.
You knew what it was, having been held there when you were first held captive. 
"Now, now, you don't need to become so violent sweetheart, you just need to compel and everything will go smoothly."
Buggy taunted you as you glared at him with the intensity, if it could, bury him under the dirt. 
He held your knives in front of you as you yanked your arms to try and get them back, impossible because the chains were glued to the chair. 
"I'll store these for you safely, maybe one day you'll get it in your head that it's better to be on the right side with me." 
You watched as he removed a box, shaped like a treasure chest, opened it, and threw them inside.
Shutting it harshly, he kept the box in a black cupboard which was near the corner.
"Now you'll know, you shouldn't pick a fight you'll lose."
Groaning when you registered that now you had to figure out how to get to the green room. 
Another realization came to you when you remembered Zoro and the redhead were getting dragged there. 
That's it! I just have to follow where those fuckheads drag them,
You felt a small wick of hope light up as you now had a sort of solid plan. 
Once you'd be able to get your weapons, you'd also be able to free the other two and….
All you could hope was that they were willing to help you out, at least if it involved being able to save their other friend too. 
Chances were low, remembering how redhead almost ditched the two, but you had a hitch that Zoro might be more willing.
With a deep breath, you focused on what direction they were getting dragged to, noticing it was to the left while you were on the opposite end. 
You'd have to slowly creep your way down to the left of where you now saw them disappear. 
Your heart did feel like it was in your throat as you took cautionary steps, hitching your breath if you made an unintentionally loud noise when the circus got quiet from the forced claps and unenthusiastic laughter. 
Lucky for you, you didn't have anyone look at you and if they did, they'd chosen to ignore you. 
It was taking longer than you hoped, seeing as you'd been all the way up the top row, and you had to keep ducking to avoid the flashing lights suddenly shining on you but you made it.
As you reached a few feet away from what seemed to be a made-up door, leading down a…hallway? You froze up and ducked as you saw a guy, from his ugly haircut you figured it was Cabaji, cycling on a unicycle down the path. 
You thought you'd been hallucinating possibly, thinking your mind was playing jokes on you because this seemed ridiculous, a supposed dangerous guy, on a fucking unicycle. 
You snapped out of your thoughts and followed your way, making sure there was no one else and fortunately, they all seemed busy doing what Buggy told you as you saw Luffy being strapped down to a table. 
You were in contemplation, whether you should just say fuck it and free Luffy but the rational, or what was left of it, part of your brain knew it'd get worse for the both of you. 
The hallway was quite narrow, and it reeked out ashes. It reeked of burnt-out items. 
It was dimly lit and you walked on your tiptoes as quietly as you could. 
You saw him enter a room to your right. 
You knew this was the green room. 
Slyly moving forward, you paused before you could enter the room. Now it was where the real part of the plan began. Having to take down one minion pirate, possibly by yourself.
And oh, of course, only using your combat skills.
You heard two people talking, it was subtle since they were likely murmuring, but you could make out one voice and that was Cadaji's.
The other was a bit deeper, with a lower timbre to it, so obviously it wasn't redhead's.
Then you heard the sound of something slicing through the air and hitting a hard surface, piercing into it. 
Your eyes widened, praying that the insane pirate hadn't actually stabbed any of the two and that you didn't really want to witness a murder right now. 
You moved forward, now standing in front of the open door leading into the room. 
Firstly, you made eye contact with the redhead who was trapped in a cage and facing the door. 
Her eyes held surprise when you made an appearance, obviously not expecting anyone else other than the idiots she spotted on the stage. Your face was definitely not in that crowd. 
You put your finger to your lips, a desperate look on your face, enough to have Nami somewhat not show more reaction which would make Cabaji suspicious. 
Luckily, Cabaji's back faced you as you took a minute to scan your surroundings. Gulping when you recalled the last time you’d been in here was also in a worse if not similar situation.
The next thing catching your attention was the tied-up man to a sort of spin wheel.
You also noticed the knife right next to his face and realized that was the stabbing sound.
His face though, seemed as nonchalant as it had been since you first saw him. Now that just made you wonder if he even felt any emotion. 
You didn't have time to wonder though as you scanned your surroundings for something that could knock out the pirate before he knew of your presence. 
Spotting a baseball bat near your side, you lunged towards it, now Zoro’s attention turning to the new presence in the room as he said nothing but just raised an eyebrow in question.
Before Cabaji could look towards where he had a sudden stepping sound and where Zoro’s gaze was now, you concentrated all your force in one place and swung forward. 
Splinters of sharp wood and splatters of blood flew through the space as the man groaned in pain, caught off guard and falling on his knees to the ground. 
It was enough of a hit to have him collapse in heaves, the knives in his hands falling as well, blood gushing from the back of his head, down his neck. 
You threw the baseball bat to the side, lunging forward and wrapping your right arm around his neck. You tightened your upper arm around the area and he began to scratch it, trying to free your hold. 
You were breathing heavily, having to use more strength than what you had at the moment and you knew if you didn’t push yourself and end this, you’d end up going back to square one. 
He was choking on his breath, you could sense he was losing consciousness, and you knew within a few seconds he’d be out. 
And out he was, as you let go of him once his whole body weight leaned into you. He dropped face down, quite an anti-climatic ending to his life considering what they’d been putting your town through. 
It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders, being able to take the sort of revenge you’d been wanting since you’d been held captive. Exhaling in relief with deep breaths, also took a lot of your energy which was draining, very quickly now.
“...What the fuck ?”
“What just happ-”
Your gaze snapped towards the others in the room and your eyes widened in shock when you remembered it wasn’t just you in the green room. 
The redhead seemed more shocked than Zoro did, you think you’d even seen a bit of fear in her eyes, but it may have been just her being surprised. 
Zoro on the other hand, you think this was the first time you saw any emotion, well not that there were many other times considering this was your first time being this close, but he seemed surprised as one would be in that situation you suppose.
You opened your mouth, wanting to say something, and then shut it when you tried to figure out what you should say first.
“Y/N.” You turned towards redhead and then Zoro,
“Uh, my name’s Y/N.” You gulped as you now felt conscious, considering they were scrutinizing you as if you were some sort of experiment gone wrong. 
You suppose there was no point in feeling nervous, also remembering they just saw you kill someone. 
“I’m not a part of you know, Buggy or whatever’s crew, if that wasn’t obvious enough.” Turning your gaze for a second towards the dead body in front of you. 
“I live here, this- this is my town, hometown to be more specific.”
“I came here to find my own weapons and maybe you could help me out too?” 
Figuring there was no point in beating around the bush, also knowing you may just get caught if someone had heard the commotion. But also the lives of many were once again, in your hands. This time though, you would do anything to free them.
“How, how do we know you’re trustable?” The redhead asked to which you wanted to scoff, wasn’t the dead pirate enough to prove you weren’t definitely with Buggy? Perhaps she thought you had other motives.
“Look. I don’t care if you trust me or not, what matters right now is if you’re willing to help me so that we can all get what we want yeah?” Stating firmly, you spoke sharply, secretly hoping they would help you.
As if on queue, you heard the screaming of what sounded like Luffy. Talk about perfect timing.
“Fine.” This time, it was Zoro who spoke, in a gruff tone as if he’d rather be anywhere but having this discussion. 
“We’ll help you and if you do anything suspicious,” Rolling your eyes at his empty threats, you reminded him of his position.
“You’re the one in captivity right now, aren't you? Consider it a favor that I’m also freeing you.”
 You looked around, and you spotted the knife beside the deceased pirate. Picking it up, you held it tightly and moved in front of the moss head. 
“I could just leave you both here, but I won’t.”
 Now you were only a few inches away from him as you narrowed your eyes at him, his eyes going back to being stoic yet you saw a flare of irritance as if he hated how inferior he felt due to his current position. 
“Hold still.”
Without waiting for another second, you moved your hand with the knife to his right one held up. And in one swift movement, you sliced off the rope wrapped around his hand. 
It was quick since the knife was pretty sharp and then before you sliced the other one, you warned him.
For the other one, you had to hold his arm in place as you moved, repeating the same movements. It wasn't like you paid attention to how your hand could barely even wrap around the size of it-
“There.” You stepped back, gulping slightly from the proximity, as he threw away the cut ropes.  Rubbing his wrists as he stepped forward, not really paying any attention to you now, he just nodded as if to say thanks. 
You did take note however how much taller he was compared to you. Possibly, half a head or say six to seven inches. His larger frame did not help in making him seem less intimidating and maybe you really shouldn’t have almost threatened him.
Jeez, it wouldn’t hurt to say it verbally. 
Ugh, whatever, why do I care anyway? 
“Zoro.” He said which made you turn towards him in confusion, “My name,” He said nothing else to which you wanted to let him know you already knew after his marvelous introduction earlier but you just nodded. 
“Mine is Nami.” A voice spoke up, and you remembered what you were going to do next. Ah, the redhead.
“Oh, right.” You smiled sheepishly as you felt a tinge of guilt for almost forgetting she was still trapped in the cage. It wasn’t like you were only freeing them for your advantage, you also didn’t want more to be held captive too. 
She seemed like she was going to chuckle, but she just shook her head, not wanting to further emphasize anything she’d observed the past few minutes. 
“Well, it looks like it’s pretty loose, did- did you, wait were you picking it with a lock picker or some sort of sharp object?” You’d moved towards the cage, holding the lock and shaking it around to which it did feel a lot lighter than it should, only a few more picks and it would be open.
“Then I don’t need to do much,” You stepped back and decided a small kick would probably break it. 
“Just hold on to something.” She nodded as you took a deep breath, raising your right leg and swinging it with as much force, as you did a low roundhouse kick. 
The sound of metal falling was heard, as you grinned lightly seeing the lock on the ground. 
“I hope that didn’t shake you up too much?” You didn’t know why you’d felt the instinct to be more polite towards her as you rushed forward to open the cage door, considering she was probably the reason they got held into captivity in the first place.
The impact of your kick did shake the cage but since you didn’t put much force into it, Nami’s body weight was able to hold it still in one place. 
She stepped out and you saw the relief on her face, she stretched out and groaned in satisfaction due to finally feeling…free.
“Here,” Zoro said as he tossed a sort of stick to Nami. You turned towards him and saw him holding three swords. 
Ah, their weapons. I forgot they are pirates. 
You saw him put the swords in their sheaths and it made you wonder,
One for each hand, but where does the third one go? 
Then you also remembered something,
I came here for my knives-
“So what-”
“Wait!” You interrupted Zoro who was looking at Nami, now they both looked at you, one almost slightly irritant while the other curious. 
“I uh- I need my own…knives. They took them from me when they caught me. It’s here somewhere, they hid them here.” You paid no mind to them as you looked around for the stupid box that had them.
It was in a black cupboard, that’s where I saw him keep it, now where else would it be? 
Your frustration was slowly turning into panic as you saw no black cupboard. It was as if fate had chosen to make a fool out of you with passing time.
“Do you remember where they were? We-” Zoro was about to protest before Nami looked at him pointedly, “We’ll help you find them.”
“I do remember! I-I do! It was in a box, and a- black cupboard!” Looking around, Nami went ahead passing through the few cupboards, breaking them open to find them empty or with useless items, sitting the urge to grab what mght eventually help in the future. Zoro sighed, deciding he’d get done with this so they can get out quicker. He wasn’t particularly fond of the idea of wasting time but with the small decency he had, he figured he’d help you out since technically you did free them. ( even though he was positive he’d have freed himself soon enough). 
You on the other hand, were frantic. It was horrible when they were taken away, but the thought of them being actually thrown away or perhaps even sold to someone else was terrifying. They were the last symbol of what your father was, what your father left left for you.
The thought was about to make you cry until you reached one specific cupboard that didn’t seem to budge open. It was locked. 
“Here! I think. I think they are in here.” All movement paused as the other two stopped looking and turned towards you, “But it won’t budge, it’s locked.” 
Contemplating how to break it, you didn’t notice Zoro was beside you until his voice startled you out of your daze. “Move.” 
He gruffly ordered which made you wonder if he’d ever been thought on how to be polite, but nonetheless you followed as he said and moved behind. 
Pausing for a moment, you wwondered if it was now he realised it was nearly impossible to open the firm doors without a key, but before you could voice out your thoughts, you saw him put his hands(making sure not too stare much at the veins that were very much visible and definitely not noting how large they seemed-)  on the handles and in one swift motion pull it open with ease. 
You just stared in disbelief as they came off their hinges and he tossed them aside as though they weighed nothing, they probably didn’t actually.
 “Yeah he can do that, don’t worry, it’s not a big deal for him, atleast.” Nami said as she looked at you, amused a little at your comical shock expression.You just blinked and nodded slowly,
“This ‘is it?”  Zoro asked as you looked into the cupboard.
 Right, knives. Your knives. 
Fate seemed to pity you as you realised lo and behold, there laid your knives, out in the open and in fact not in a box. Quickly going infront, pushing Zoro a little as he mumbled ‘ungrateful brat’ which you chose to ignore as your hands brushed over your set. 
Seven. All seven were there. 
You took one scanning it thoroughly until your eyes fell upon the initials. Your initials to which, for the first time in a while, you felt the corner of your lip rise into a tiny grin. With another quick scan, you put them in their respective sheaths. 
Foolishly enough, the knuckleheaded pirates didn’t think to remove your sheath belt or other sheaths, deeming it unnecessary as they were empty so they wouldn’t be of any use.
Holding one dagger in one hand, you were fairly ready…for whatever would occur. 
Zoro was silent, as if it was anything new, but for a brief moment he wondered just how much they meant to you. 
Perhaps as much as his katanas did to him?
He didn’t give it much thought, instead turning to Nami. “What’s the plan now? You did come up with a plan right? That’s your thing, plans.”
You figured she was likely a navigator, given from your knowledge of pirates, they’d be the ones who could come up with plans for routes and all other…pirate related stuff.
Nami eyed you for a second, to which you nodded at his words, realising you did not object, but then again what were the options. Her gaze turned towards Zoro and she spoke, a light smirk forming on her face,
“I say, we beat the hell out of every clown we see.” 
Since the time you’d spotted Zoro, you think, this was the first time you’d seen a grin on his face, a chuckle being another first. 
And you had another realisation, that, it suited him more. 
Wiping the sweat of your face as you kicked the limp arm of one of Buggy’s idiot that hit your leg as he fell from your punch. Turns out, you still had it in you to punch and boy did you use all your strength. 
Nami was ahead, while Zoro was…behind her as well considering you couldn’t see him anymore. 
Pausing for a much needed breath of air, you rubbed your aching hands together. Suddenly you began to feel the adrenaline slowly draining, your head feeling light. 
No,I can’t pass out. Not now. Please,
You leaned against a wall, deciding you just needed to sit. For a few seconds at least. You figured everything might be handled by the other two considering you could hear a lot of muffled shouting and talking. 
Sighing forcefully, you rubbed your eyes, wishing how life would stop treating you like a scapegoat for all bad omens. You missed your old life, your youth, your joyful town, its people and most of all…you missed your father. 
You wondered if he were here, would he have let the people reach to this point? 
With that thought you stood up, more determined than ever as you knew what the answer was. He wouldn’t have, he would have fought till his last breath to protect his people. And…and he did. 
One thing you knew, you couldn’t let more people suffer. And with the newfound will and strength you stepped slowly into the opening.
The benefit of the dark circus with only flashy lights was that there was a lot of shadows and dark spaces. You, discovered how beneficial it was since you first escaped to the green room and even now as you hid behind what seemed like a chest. 
Fuck, fuck I forgot he also has eaten the Devil Fruit. 
Helplessly staring as you saw a hand, presumably Bughead’s, strangling Luffy. 
Hearing a groan from your hiding place, your eyes widened when you realised Nami had fallen in front of you. 
Your eyes moved to Zoro, finding the swordsman in a similar position. 
You gulped as you called out to Nami in a low voice, “Hey!” Whispering in a panic, “I forgot to tell you he’s eaten the chop chop fruit, any sort of weapon would be pretty useless!”
Nami looked around in confusion wondering who was speaking, when she saw you she realised it was you and she rolled her eyes, “Well yeah, clearly.” “Now isn’t really the time for sarcasm don’t you think?” 
Think quick.
Clenching your hands as you saw the hand strangling Luffy, your eyes darted around clenching your dagger harder. 
An idea struck you when you spotted empty craters. 
“I think I have an idea-” You whisper-yelled out to her, wanting her to hear before she chose to do anything, “His parts, trap them- trap them into those empty crates!” 
As she stood up, her gaze fell upon them and darted back to the body parts around. She realised it was worth taking the chance. 
“Luffy! The crates!” She yelled out to him, to which the straw hut guy understood, very quickly you thought. 
He rose up still trying to free himself from the hand strangling him, and with one harsh pull he yanked it away from his neck and tossed it in the air like a ball and as though her stick was a bat, Nami flung it across in the crate, trapping it. 
Zoro seemed to get the hint, as he moved to the place and you were glad it seemed like the idea worked. 
The next moments felt like blur as at one point when Nami tossed a part of the clown in a crate, you remembered rushing to shut it close and putting your weight on it. 
It ended. It actually did. 
Nami turned towards you as she closed the barrel, a grin on her face as she knew everything was over…for now. 
But all you could see was a slow darkness, darker than what was in the circus, legs weighing like anchors as you sank down and finally, you dove head first, into uncocnciousness. Lucky for you, the redhead had faster instincts and before you bust your head open, she caught you.
The last thing you heard was a yell of your name and then it was as though you were in deep waters, mind blank. 
The weight of the world got heavier, quite literally as you realised how abundant your limbs felt. 
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It wasn’t until your eyes began to open when you got the clue that you were indeed alive. 
The familiar smell of sandalwood with hints of cinnamon was what hit you first as you inhaled. 
“Am I dead?” The brief murmuring was what you registered as your ears felt unclogged, pausing as your croaked voice rasped. Your tongue felt like stone, mouth sandpaper like. 
“Wa-water.” You could briefly see a familiar room. Everything seemed familiar, you knew you knew where exactly you were but it was taking some time for your memories to catch up with you. 
Get up, get up.
“Now, now what’s the rush child?” A warm voice spoke up to which you turned your head to the man. As you took in his features, you recalled who he was.
“Da-dada?” The old man smiled, his wrinkles deepening as they always did. You noticed his hand holding a glass of water and before you knew it, you took it and gulped it down before you could even say anything.
“Aish- always impatient.” He scolded wanting, ready to yell to slow down so you don’t choke but he knew you’d pay no mind. 
Dada was your guardian. He took you in as his own when your father was no more and considered you his own grandchild,because seeing he’d never had any kids to experience grandchildren, he felt the universe was giving him a chance that one night when a ten year old you, came to his door drenched in the rains, shivering as you asked if you could have something to eat. 
“Am I dreaming dada? Am I dead?” You said as you scanned your surroundings, noting it was the living room of his hut, feeling as though what happened in the past few hours or even days was all dreams. Surely, it wasn’t that a damn crew of pirates had trapped your entire town and another bunch of pirates, different ones, apparently the good kind ended up saving you as you helped them too. 
It seemed like one bizarre fever dream. 
“Kid, why do you always insist on me dying! I am old but not too old-” Comically he coughed after his nagging to which you held back your laughter, knowing you’d only get scolded more.
With a half hearted glare, he shook his head, “You weren’t dreaming, at least not until you fainted in that rotten circus-”
“It was real?!” You looked at your hands and noticed faded blue-purple bruises around your wrists, the physical proof needed that yes indeed, everything was and is real. “Is everyone safe? I- are the people okay?” You were in a panic realising your memory that was slowly coming cut off the moment you last heard a yell of your name from Nami, not knowing what happened afterwards. 
“Supposing I am here, you’re here in this room, yes i’d say everything is going back to…normal.” He knew it wouldn’t be right to say it was normal, it would take a while to get back to what the town once was but for now they got their freedom back, so with time, he knew it’d all be back. 
“So- the- the ‘good’ pirates are also real?” You paused as you tried to frame the proper words and Dada just nodded in amusement, finding your brief amnesia moment hilarious.
“In fact, they are waiting for you.” 
“Me- but why?” You wondered why they’d still be here, figuring they’d leave once they got what they required, a little sad knowing you couldn’t thank them but the sadness turned to curiosity and confusion once you processed his words. 
“Come on in,” In stepped in the straw hut guy —Luffy— you recalled, a wide grin on his face, as he tipped his hat in greeting. 
“Hello! I see you’re awake.” Raising your hand to wave back, your eyebrows furrowed on what exactly he wanted. Nami next stepped in and your gaze turned towards her as she smiled at you.
A light grin on your face forming on your face as she waved a little. “I hope you’re feeling better?”
“I think yeah?” You felt out of it still, but now you were beginning to feel a little grounded to reality.
You noticed a figure stood in the doorway leaning against it, arms crossed as he looked at you. 
Zoro. You recalled and rather than any words he just nodded to you to which you just gave a tight lipped awkward smile and turned back to Luffy. 
Yeah he’s still attractive in the daylight.
Back there you figured maybe cause you were loopy and distorted you were finding him more attractive than he actually just because he was the only decent male you’d seen in a few months but now you realised you were wrong.
He was definitely more than decent. And yeah more attrac- no stop.
“I-” “So-”
Speaking up at the same time as Luffy, you shut up and gestured for him to continue. 
“So you see when we were leaving, sailing away to continue on our mission, I realised something.” You tilted your head at him in confusion as raised an eyebrow. Sitting up on the small bed was the good thing you’d done because at least you got a clear view of everyone. 
You turned to Nami, eyebrow still up as you gestured ‘What?’ to which she rolled her eyes and pointed towards Luffy. You knew Zoro wouldn’t help as to what Luffy was saying so you didn’t even look towards him. 
“I felt we were missing some thing and really I thought hard as to what we were possibly leaving behind and then it struck me.” You were beginning to hate his dramatic pauses because you did not know what to expect.The unexpected was something you hated. 
“It was not some thing we were missing, it was rather someone and that someone is…you.” As he finished his sentence, he looked at you with still the same grin, merely observing your reaction.
“What?” Being taken aback was probably the only way you’d describe what you felt. It confused you, to the point you wondered if he was just fooling with you. 
“Haha- um you got me there, nice joke?” You awkwardly chuckled suddenly feeling the stares of everyone in the room piercing through your soul as though they could see right through you. 
“What no- pfft! It’s not a joke! I’m serious, join us, join my crew,this time it always seemed there was someone missing and I think finding you in this island was not just a coincidence but it was meant to be.”
You gulped as he looked at you in anticipation, finally turning your attention towards Dada as you observed him, his reaction. It was calm, a calm as if he knew this. You clenched your hands nervously, the bandages bunching up in the palm as you looked back at Luffy and then Nami as she looked at you nonchalantly. 
“Luffy.” A deep voice resonated through the brief silence and your eyes darted towards Zoro who looked at Luffy. “Come on, come out, I think you should let them think of their answer”
Before Luffy could protest, he shot him a look that showed he wasn’t going to argue and to follow what he said. His eyes met yours for a moment, nodding in gratefulness as he spoke no further as he shut the door behind.
As they left, you looked back at your hands that laid in your lap. Wrapped in bandages and hints of dried blood. Your mind in a flurry of questions.
“Kiddo?” You were startled out of your thoughts as a hand laid on your shoulder, “Tell me, tell me what’s going on in that little head of yours.”
“I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t think I can do something. I- they are pirates! I can’t join them and- and leave this town, who would- who would take care of the people, who would take care of you? I just- I don’t think I can-” You spoke up what was in your mind, your heart tugging as you thought of how you could become a protector if you left?
“You know what I think? I think this is your chance. Darling, people like you are destined to do great and so far you have been doing that but this, this is a chance to accomplish your dream…your father’s dream. Do you trust me?” You nodded at him as he finished.
Each of his words sunk deeper into your heart as he spoke and you knew what he spoke was in full honesty. Dada would never lie to you as he’d always look for the best for you, so each word in what he spoke held full weight to it. 
“You’ll be doing even greater things, and who cares if they are pirates! They saved us didn’t they? Perhaps just like how there’s two sides of a coin, there’s always more than just horrible pirates. Go for it child, this is your bigger fate that you deserve. Besides, the kid seems too adorable to be menacing”
You couldn’t stop the laughter that arose from his last remark. Though as you realised the choice you were knowing your laughter got less and your smile slowly faded.
“And who will take care of you old man? Will you be able to stay without me?” Your eyes held a mischief yet knowing you since you were a pestering child, he could see the underlying sadness of being separated. 
“Don’t worry about me yeah? And who are you calling old man?! I can take care of myself just fine alright, I’ll show you!” He moved to ruffle your hair to which you whined at him, knowing how you hated it when someone touched your hair but this time you let it slide, feeling perhaps it would be the last.
“What will I take though- will they give me time to pack-” Pausing briefly as you threw your legs off the bed ready to get up and scanned around. Dada pushed your legs away and dragged a bag from below.
“Already done.” “You-! you were just waiting for the moment to get rid of me-!” You accused him as you looked at him in mock betrayal, the small grin on your face not wavering the slightest.
“I’ll miss you. Don’t die old man, stay alive until I’m back as what I want to be.” He was grinning up until you mentioned his dying once again and the change to a glare made you giggle slightly. 
“You should let them know now, green head doesn’t seem like a patient one. Just like you.” You nodded at him as you slowly got up, the feeling in your legs coming back as you stumbled a little, glaring at him at the remark he made about you being impatient. 
“He’s a swordsman Dada, I doubt he lacks patience.” 
“And aren’t you the same?” 
“I use dagge-”
You shut up when you stepped out, choosing to not let the outside audience know you’d been arguing about them only. More specifically, Zoro.
When you stepped out, you didn’t expect Luffy to be right out the door, raising his hand to knock,so you were startled when he was almost right in your face as you looked up. He took a step back, startled himself as a blush rose to his cheeks from the sudden proximity. 
Coughing awkwardly, he looked at you in anticipation yet a small part of him was preparing for the rejection because as Zoro had kindly ( as kind as he can) explained, he shouldn’t expect a stranger, nonetheless one who sort of saved them, to be ready to up and about from their life with them but him being the optimist he was, he hoped that his anticipation was right. 
You wore a blank expression as you looked at the three.
Dada was right, they are for sure not the regular pirates.
You took a deep breath as you shut your eyes, preparing for an answer,
“Sure. I’ll join you on your…mission.” Out of pure excitement, Luffy seemed to be a touchy type as he leaped into you and wrapped his arms around you as he screamed out while you squealed in surprise. 
“Yes! YES! Thank you!” You awkwardly chuckled as you didn’t know what to do with your arms seeing they are trapped. Your eyes darted to Nami as she shook her head and grinned, her blue eyes gleaming with excitement, “Glad you made a choice, probably the right one.” 
Zoro’s reaction was pretty questionable because it was a mixture of disbelief— how could you agree— and another you couldn’t quite put a name to it. You weren’t sure if you were still in a daze but you swore you could see a light smirk. 
And as you looked back at the straw hut boy, you couldn’t help but fill a newfound sense of hope— the thought of looking forward to something new—  filling your heart and leaving you with a wide toothy grin and a glint in your eyes. 
Off you began with a leap in your life, only time your teller of what would enfold but honestly, you were more than ready for what would come because afterall only the bravehearted would dare to be stupid by risking it all. 
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author's note : omg it's out, after five-ish whole months, i'm beginning this series. i was very excited for this when i first thought of it but due to reasons i wasn't able to get into it and stopped midway in the intro chapter/first chapter, nonetheless today i finished the first chapter and officially this series begins! i thought if i'm coming back after so long why not with something nice :) i may or may not have another thing coming in a few days (don't count me on that but i feel motivated to write so who knows!) let me know your thoughts on this !!
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri.do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest. I don't own any of the characters from the movie, rightfully belonging to One Piece creators and the Netflix franchise and also this is a fictional work, not relating to any of the cast in real life.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2023-24
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bloodykora · 1 year
If you’re still doing Buggy headcanons: Sooo I always actually thought big noses on people are INCREDIBLY attractive. Give me men with noses that look just a bit too beaten up, women with noses that are big and wide, give me Roman noses and hawk noses and any unconventionally attractive nose and I am SWOONING.
… I feel the prompt almost writes itself at this point, what would Buggy think of someone who sees his funny looking nose not as a flaw but a mayor charm point and just constantly gives it kisses, traces it affectionately, boops it or comments (in all honesty and absolutely genuinely) how handsome and distinguished it makes him look, how it really suits him etc?
Wanna read about that man bluescreening because he hasn’t even treathened them yet to not make fun of his nose and they are already at the „flattering him to save themself“ stage? What do you MEAN you’re not saying that to safe yourself?!
This fucking anon/ask made me giggle so much, I literally showed it to my friends. I hope I did you and the prompt justice!
Enter the moment in Annie where Ms. Hannigan sees Warbucks’ diamond and goes “Oh my god, is that thing real?!” in shock but also delight. Me at that dude’s honker. (I want to be put on his nose like he has gangrene and I’m a leech who sucks on it to get the blood flow going) Also enter the Doja Cat quote of liking big noses.
- At first, dude is fucking weirded out. People have made comments and jokes about this stupid little red thing on his face and you… you think it’s attractive??? Huh.
- Definitely thinks you’re lying at first (and for the next few months), you’re literally the only person who is able to shut him up.
- Curtain drops, spot light is on, the blue haired clown walks in. Blabbering on about how his entrance should be more enthusiastic, but you got your eyes on your own prize, bright big red nostrils. If he wants an entrance, you’ll give him one by starting to clap loudly, getting so giddy that you start slightly hopping.
- “Oh my goodness, that is just.” Loss for words. “Are you making fun of me?” He approaches you, you hear him but his words don’t really seep into your brain at the moment. “It’s gorgeous, literally the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Your eyes are locked with his eyes and before he can even reply you reach up to brush your fingertip against his nose.
- Wants you dead first, no one has gotten close to touching it in years. And you, a low life nobody insults him like that. You get strung up immediately, your arm stretched so your fingers are out.
- “For that little ploy, I’ll take your fingers first and then your life.” Yes you’re scared but really could you regret it? This was the pirate’s life. “Oh, darn. Well, I’ll at least die happily. My eyes set on the most lovely nose I’ve seen in my years of life.”
- Thinks you’re still making fun of him until a few compliments later it clicks in his head that you mean it, with no hint of sarcasm or mockery. He lets you down, immediately ordering his crew to take care of the others you came with while he returns (runs) to his quarters. He’s a little intrigued by you, willing to die for a graze of his face. He keeps you as well, not that you’re upset by it.
- Crew thinks you’re hilarious, stopping a task to gaze longingly at the captain until either he realizes in which he shoos you back to work or he walks away. You boost his ego a ton though.
- From a distance he can ignore the thoughts he knows you’re thinking but up close, when they’re said in front of the crew, other pirates, hostages. He’s been known to cover your mouth with something so he doesn’t freeze up. When yall get together though, its game over.
- The first time you licked it, he almost saw some form of god. The angel's chorus was in his ears and he couldn’t help but say a little prayer in his head about you.
- Kissing it at least 3 times a day for good luck, rubbing up and down the bridge to soothe him to sleep, nipping at it when you feel playful. Not to mention he now has your voice in his head if he ever insults it going: “That’s not true! It is like one of the top 3 of the things I love about you and if you are mean to it again then I’m gonna cut it off and keep it all day!”
- Laying in his bed just watching him go about the day when you drop a “If my memory was wiped tomorrow I hope I’d get to keep at least the picture of your nose in my head.” before just turning over and going to rest. You hear him physically stop in his tracks and then a thud, he had let go of a boot.
- He doesn’t ever want to ask for praise about his nose on the days where he feels more insecure but you can tell by the way he rubs it on your collarbone and shoulder. You immediately pull out the good old “Have I told you how dashing attractive your nose is today? I seriously would just hop on and ri-” he doesn’t let you finish the sentence, cutting you off with a kiss knowing where it’s going.
- If anyone comments on his nose, you are the first to bite back. Threatening to cut out their tongue and string it up for future people to understand their place. Then squish Buggy while speaking highly of his stunning feature and how lucky they are to see it in the first place.
- You’re kinda crazy but hey, so is Buggy and he loves that you’re insane about him and his nose.
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wordy-little-witch · 5 months
Hiiii stay hydrated:D also i just wanna ask if u can share some shuggy and crossguild headcanons?👉👈
Yeah of course! Thank you for the ask, lovely ♡ isk if you mean generic ones or romantic specific so I'll have both ♡♡♡
• Shanks was taken in on the Oro as a baby. Buggy was taken in a few years later, are 5-7 ish depending on adaptation ((my fanfic is around 7~ but that's Lore Based so whatever)). Regardless, Shanks was the first person Buggy actively showed signs of Trusting, despite his flailing and screaming. Shanks was attached from the get-go, and they very quickly became attached at the hip.
• fun fact: pirate captains had jurisdiction to officiate weddings for the crew. Shanks and Buggy got 'married' when they were about 9, thereabouts. Roger officiated it. It was really cute and simple and the boys both still have their rings from that day safely tucked away.
• Buggy is gender non-conforming, and the Roger Pirates were all really chill about it after the first few teasing events got shot down either by Roger himself or Shanks going nuclear on them. When Red first saw Buggy presenting more femme, he absolutely started blabbering, blushing as bright as his hair, and then proceeded to trip on his own feet, flail, and smashed his face into a wall. Buggy had to take him to Crocus for the nosebleed. He broke his nose. To this day, Buggy still won't let him live it down.
• the breakup in Loguetown goes a little differently because I simply Do Not Subscribe To That. They still had the moment in the rain. They still argued. Buggy still ran off. But Shanks when after him. It was them against the world, a notion hammered home with their sudden forced independence as the remaining adults on the crew left them behind in a town now dyed in their grief and agony.
Buggy could have hidden his presence away so thoroughly that he was but an invisible wisp in the world, but he doesn't. Shanks finds him. Drops to his knees at his back. Wraps him into a hug, face buried in dripping blue locks. There is silence between them.
"Why," Buggy chokes out, a million questions in one.
Shanks clings, breathes deeply, and sobs. "I'm scared." It's an answer to all of them. It's an excuse. It's a cry for help. It's a confession.
Buggy takes his hand, tilts his head back, rain running rivers down his face. He tells himself that's the only thing dripping on his cheeks, denies the burning in his eyes. "I am too."
They sit there together in the rain for what could be minutes, hours, days. They find comfort in each other, their edges raw and jagged but still theirs. The places they used to fit don't mesh as seamlessly anymore, but they're still there, still each other's. New, but not lost. Changed, but not finished.
• Shanks and Buggy still get on like cats and dogs, but they keep in touch. They aren't necessarily co-captains like they'd daydreamed in their youth, not enemies as they'd feared in their adolescence. They are allies, their crews parallel and cooperative. The Redhair Pirates are the Brawn. The Buggy Pirates are the Brains. They have their own specializations, their own strengths and weaknesses, but it is never hidden that they are more than allies, sister crews in all but name. The Red Force welcomes Buggy with open arms, and his word is as powerful as Shanks' on the deck and in the winds. Likewise, Shanks has equal authority with Buggy's crew and ship as well. It's a carefully kept secret.
• Marineford occurred and was the first meeting between them for a few years. Buggy, nerves shot, exhausted, half starved, and still impacted from his time as a prisoner in Impel Down, latches to Shanks, so Safety, to Home like a starfish. Of course, most perceive his version of latching as antagonism, but everyone who Knows just knows.
• they curl up together in the captain's cabin, and Shanks has Buggy strip bare so he can look over all the wounds and press kisses and care into pale, freckled flesh. Eventually he wraps Buggy into one of his robes, angles his body to hold the other in his lap, and sits on the bed as a silent sentry. Buggy, finally safe, finally warm, finally able to rest, simply shatters, sobs wracking his body as he clings and wails and panics, finally falling from survival mode and baring the weight of the entirety of his ordeal. Shanks holds him through it all.
• once things die back down, once both are little more functional, a little less clinging in codependency, they have a discussion. The Navy knows. The world is changing. They have options to choose from and choices then to make. They opt to stop hiding their alliance, raising the curtains for the final act as it were. Only nobody makes an explicit announcement, neither are flying each other's flags, and the behaviors remain mostly the same. They "stop hiding" and yet still incredibly few motice any difference - and fewer still put together the pieces. The Marines don't see the forest for the trees.
Cross Guild
• Crocodile decided on that stolen Marine shop, escaping prison, that the Clown was Hiding Something. He was intriguing. So when an opportunity presented for that loan, he accepted.
• Mihawk knew tangentially that there was a "history" between Shanks and the Clown, though he will admit he tuned most of the details out after the fifth drunken ramble about how soft that blue hair was. He could tell the other's Haki was unusual, and the dichotomy of his pedigree to his presentation was Odd to say the least. He was a puzzle, and Mihawk did enjoy a good puzzle in his spare time...
• falling in love with the clown was not on either of their itineraries, and yet between the bleeding of days, their touches flowed from harsh and bruising to softer, encouraging, searching, studying. It is only looking back that they can see how rapid a shift it was between the initial animosity to something cordial and hopeful, a span of less than a month. And Buggy was sharp eyed and sharp tongue through it all.
• apologies were given and forgiveness was earned through effort and dedication. They went from antagonistic opportunists to peaceful cohabitation with surprising ease once the first hurdles were conquered.
• with Buggy's trust came his Trust and friendship, a new experience for both dark haired men. Appreciation bled into affection, into attraction, and they were flustered by it, though neither would admit that.
• it is, ironically, when Shanks comes by Karai Bari that things begin shifting. For one, the argument that ensues is full of affection and comfortable proximity. Buggy's trusted commanders welcome the Redhairs like old friends, like fellows under their flag. Alvida and Beckman specifically gravitate to each other, the older man wordlessly offering her a cigarette while she passes over a bottle without even looking up. Shanks and Buggy meanwhile are smiling as they trade barbs, touches casual and accepted easily.
It culminates into Buggy telling Shanks to shut up, to which the taller gives a demand with a beaming grin. "Make me!"
Buggy huffed at him, rolling his eyes, but yanks the other down to press a charged kiss to his lips, leaving him flushed, a dopey smile enriched by the transferred pigment.
• Mihawk and Crocodile have a brief moment of disappointment at the signals received until Shanks perks up on seeing them. "Oh, Bugs! Are these the guys you told me about? Heya, Hawkeye! Long time no see, still as handsome as ever! And wow. Crocodile, huh? Bug was right, you are hot as fuck."
Buggy proceeds to die on the spot, flailing and screeching, but that has simply opened a floodgate.
The visit is brief, but it leads to further conversation topics, spread carefully across the following days.
Yes, Buggy and Shanks are together. They have been since they were kids.
No, they aren't exclusive. Open relationship.
Yes, they are technically allied. No, not under one or the other flag. Equal allied.
Oh. Um. Yeah, they can... have more than one relationship. Why do you ask...?
• Buggy calls Shanks that night. "Why do I always attract the big burly doms???"
"You're just so submissive and breedable, Bugs. Also hey, I'm a switch :/"
"I know but you get my poi- wait I'm WHAT-??"
• Cross Guild courting is hilarious and also really cute. Mihawk runs on acts of service, Crocodile on gift giving, Buggy is a melting pot of love languages. They mix well enough, but the three of them temper each other as well. It's balanced out perfectly with them as such.
• Mihawk and Shanks as a result also end up falling in together tangentially. Buggy becomes Their balancing agent as well - he can redirect Shanks' endless energy, can curb and correct Mihawk's faux pas. He is bouncy enough to meet Shanks bit for bit, but also calm enough to pull him back some to meet Mihawk's lower energy levels and offer balance between them. It's organic and refreshing.
• Crocodile only has eyes for Mihawk and Buggy, but he is friendly enough with Shanks. Even if the redhead calls him his boyfriend-in-law. It's mildly annoying, but to be fair, Crocodile has since accepted that he apparently LIKES annoyances. Whether that is natural inclination or a result of his life experiences is to be determined. /hj
• Buggy gets treated like a princess, and when either of his boyfriends call him that or give him the royal treatment, he absolutely melts into a clown puddle.
• on that note, down the line, it is brought up to the Guild throuple that Shanks would be fine if they also got married. He gets it, after all. It's a special promise, and he knows Buggy is a catch. They discuss it sometimes, and eventually decide that... yeah. They would like that.
• there's some debate over who would officiate it, and Shanks ultimately decides for them by volunteering as an ally, captain and fellow polycule member. The logistics of marriage is wacky and the group winds up Dividing to conquer.
• Buggy, who makes most of his clothes or sources them to the crew seamstresses and tailors, goes out looking for fabric that will work for what he has in mind.
Who does he run into on that island but that rubber dumbass in a hat who is also apparently God too, how quaint. Luffy is bright and bold and asking a million questions. Buggy answers as best he can, already feigning annoyance and anger but still patient. The boy reminds him so much of Shanks when he was young it's bittersweet.
Eventually Luffy asks what Buggy is doing on this island. And Buggy answers. "I'm shopping for some fabric." Luffy gets excited, asks to help. He's supposed to be on his best behavior, he rambles, Nami said so, but he got distracted and is bored now. Can he help??
Buggy agrees. Luffy wans to know what the fabric is for. So the clown pirate pulls out his sketch, holds it up. "I need something for the bodice and some lace. Maybe some tulle if I can find it for the ruffles."
Luffy studies it closely. "That's a wedding outfit."
"Is it yours?"
"I thought you were married to Shanks?"
"I am. I'm gonna marry my other boyfriends, too. Red's gonna officiate."
"Oh! Congratulations! I think I saw a fabric store over that way!"
The day is actually pretty sweet and fun. Buggy's got a good grasp on working with Luffy's attention span - it isn't all that different from Shanks'. By the end of it, he even treats the kid to some ice cream.
"I wish I could be there," Luffy admits with strawberry syrup on his cheek.
Buggy wipes it away absently with his thumb. "Why?"
"You're my friend! And you're Shanks's wife, he told me so when I was really little. And I like you, Buggy. You're weird but cool and you have a good heart and your sound is nice, too."
Buggy tenses. "My sound...?"
"Mhmm," Luffy continues like he hadn't just shocked the absolute hell out of the clown beside him. "It's like windchimes and this whirring sound but it's also kinda like clouds, too? It's hard to explain. Shanks' sound is weird too, like-"
"-bottles clacking together, lots of voices, and fire."
"Yeah!! How did you know?"
Buggy puts his ice cream down, rubbing his forehead. How does one explain early onset oversensitive observation haki to a teenager?
"Mystery power," he decides on.
Luffy nods. "Ah. Got it."
They go back to their ice cream. After a few moments, Buggy sighs. "You.... ugh. You could, you know?"
"Come to the wedding."
Luffy beams for all of a moment, eyes tinting red over his irises before he sags with a frown. "But.. Shanks will be there."
"I can't, then."
"What? Why not? Thought you loved that ginger dumbass."
"I do! But we promised.. " his hand drifted to The Hat, a woven straw tapestry of trauma and comfort for Buggy. He frowned.
"What was the promise anyway?"
"I'd give the hat back when I was a great pirate."
".... Luffy. Look at me." Blue eyes met blackened maroon unflinchingly. "I'm a trickster, right?" Luffy nodded. "That means I'm good at understanding words and finding loop holes - meaning I can find exceptions to rules that don't even break them." Luffy nodded again, more slowly. "It's not cheating. It's working the system."
"Like Nami."
"Like Nami, yes. You promised to give the hat back when you're a great pirate. I'd say you're already a phenomenal pirate now, but that's just me. Understand?"
"Okay, cool. So you give the hat back when you're great. Where does it say that you can't SEE him until then?"
"... but-"
"Nope! Taking it literally here, kiddo, work with me. You promised to give the hat back. He never said, and You Never Agreed, to not see him until then. Just to meet him there to give the hat back. You can totally see the idiot, and it isn't even breaking the promise."
"So I can come to your wedding?"
"Sure, kiddo. And wanna hear a secret?"
"I think Shanks would love to see you."
".... really?" His voice was softer, quieter, more juvenile than Buggy had ever heard it.
The blue haired man offered a smile, reaching out to ruffle raven locks. "I promise, I think he'd love to see you."
The rest of the day goes by easily, and Buggy writes down the island the wedding is planned for, his denden number, the date, time, and theme.
"Give it to your navigator," he tells the young man with a smile, "you and your crew is welcome. Just try not to cause too much mayhem, okay?"
"Alright! Thanks, mama Bug! I'll see you later!"
Luffy is vanishing into the streets before Buggy can respond, blinking as the other disappears. He sighs, a smile quirking his lips. "Mama, huh...?" He tilts his head up, looks at the sky. He thinks of another dark haired man in a strawhat, one who called him his pirate princess and supported Buggy through all of his experimental years. He huffed a laugh. "Ay, Captain, I hope you can see this shit show. Tides are changing..." He turned his gaze towards the docks, towards a brightly colored and bold, unapologetic, Free ship at the furthest end. ".... and time waits for no man. Or clown, I guess."
Chuckling, Buggy gathers his wares, turns on his heel, and makes his way back.
He'll have to rework the food budget to account for another D., after all.
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sprinklenoodles · 30 days
Guess who read all of the Pokemon fic~? And, I got some art! A LOT of art For one... IT'S THE QUEEN LOAF!! Stare into her eyes. So majestic u_u
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Then, I decided to draw Byakuya and all his Pokemon so far. Took me a bit to figure out a good outfit for the heir as it mentions he's in a suit, but I didn't wanna just put him in his standard suit. Also spruced up his hair. His Karen cut has evolved. Also, they're small but the B's are on the Pokeballs!! Ensured I kept the hights good btw since Larvesta is (pardon my American ways) 3ft, Eeevee is like a ft, and Byakuya is 6'1.
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Then, I decided do draw them some more. Also, in regards to Byakuya and his girls, I tried making Eevee a bit more distinct than the standard Eevee. Might play around a bit more and might tweak her once she evolves so the shape language alludes to her future. Also, I wanted Byakuya to look like he's so not secretly gushing about his girls so I hope I did that well.
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Finally, before I comment on the fic, I drew this silly drawing as well. Tried some shading too and gosh do I love how Larvesta turned out. She is indeed the fat loaf.
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As for comments on the fic, very cute so far. Loving the petty energy with Byakuya and his rival. Also love all the gang slowly getting 2nd Pokémon together. Byakuya's got two fluffy girls on his hands now which I just love the pattern that he's so far got only female Pokémon. I dunno why but it makes my brain so happy. Just Byakuya and his smart though sometimes dumb girls. I mean, Eevee was literally bonking her head on the glass when they were at the aquarium like a freaking goober. Also, as for some other words which are mostly Byakuya based cus my gosh and I gushing about him and his team, like, Eevee is a cute addition. I like him carrying her and also liked when he told Eeeve the drama about him and his rival. Which, I just love that he just has full blown conversations with his Pokemon and he gossips with them. Shows he treats them both well and that he really is considerate of their feelings. Like when he noticed Eevee wanted to see the aquarium and let her do her own thing and explore. Another thing I wanna mention is Kijo's Alteria. She is gorgeous and I like that, like father like song, both have elegant clingy queens for Pokémon with fluffy white fur. It was so adorable when Alteria just pounced on the heir. Very precious detail too that Byakuya was comfy and could have just conked out on the spot. Maybe he needs an Alteria of his own. Maybe he'd sleep better. Which, another note, I love Larvesta being a canonical bed hog. I can just tell he gave up long ago on getting her off the damn bed. I know these are very disjointed thoughts but gooooosh! I could blabber on for several more asks. Genuinely. My brain is enthralled with almost ever fic I read from you. I swear! And I actually am so freaking attached to Larvesta. As I said prior, a part of me wants her to stay a loaf forever like how some Pokemon in the anime never evolved like Ash's Toadadile or, more obviously, his Pikachu. She's too precious as hell and I don't want her to change T-T I totally get if you let her evolve though!! Don't let my goober ways change your plans heheh!! But yeah! I made this jam packed with stuff this time around heehhe!! Am shocked tbh cus I legit did not expect my art block to just be cured cus of a buggy fire loaf. I am so drawing more of these guys too! Gonna draw Byakuya's human gang as well!! If you have any comments on the designs btw, do tell!! I love reading!!!!
THIS IS SOOOO AWESOME!!! Thank you!!!!! Wish I could say more but going somewhere rn and in a car lol
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bougiebutchbitch · 10 months
YES!!!!!! Cross guild as crocodiles cozy safe space for gender/sex expression. Buggy is accidentally AMAZING at stroking gender euphoria. He’s so small and weak and needy despite being SUCH a showboat domming him and having buggy pathetically blabber about how manly and strong you are is such a rush. Buggy can fearfully (while crying) describe a vagina like it’s the pinnacle of masculinity
Honestly kind of fallen in love with the idea of trans fem buggy (transitions while in cross guild)…..especially being a little nervous and unsure only for crocodile to be her biggest gender cheerleader. Trying to intentionally “return the favor” buggy never realized she performed. She’s still a pathetic sopping wet clown but she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen she’s their silly girl
OHH GOSHH STOP this is perfect. I'm gonna cry. They are t4t and in love and messy and fucked up and beautiful.
....Although to keep the trend going, does this mean we get nonbinary Mihawk????
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lurasposts · 1 year
will never shut up about how much I love the development where Mihawk and Crocodile joining hands together. it's like one of those things in fiction where you wished two unrelated characters who don't know each other personally to somehow be best friends but you know that wouldn't happen so you brushed that wish off, then it actually happened and you never expected that?? getting really excited to see more of their dynamics in the future episodes.
(I just blabber below this point btw.)
I like how both Mihawk and Crocodile don't seem to be the type to be greedy about authority or the type to be egoistical. they literally co-founded Cross Guild together and none of them is the supreme boss cause both of them are the masterminds. I also think one the reasons why Crocodile asked Mihawk especially for this project is because he knew Mihawk doesn't really aim for anything but just wanted to retain his peaceful life, and because he knew Mihawk is more powerful than him and he needs the forces.
I'm sure Mihawk himself aware of this but he's not acting like he's "higher" than Crocodile, and as much as we know, Crocodile isn't pulling any funny business with Mihawk either. they're respecting each other's opinions and that's quite a rare sight for two big timers who are used to work on their own rules.
in conclusion, I love them both as a team.
(also yes with Buggy too lmfao he's an additional spice)
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merbear25 · 3 months
Hii again, I back to share more of my ideas since you liked it so much💕💞.
Let's pick up from last time~
Anyways ,Mihawk being zoro ,Guardian fits so well ,Mihawk always being worried for zoro because he always get in to trouble which ends him up in detention and he gets called in to talk about zoro bevhior. Aww just imagine, and luffy being close to dragon is so cuttttee!!!!🥹🥹🥹 God!!!!! Imagine luffy being a bit cling to dragon💜😭 ,Luffy also having second father that spolis him crazy and give him whatever he wants ,tho luffy didn't turn spolied tho, Shanks calling luffy his boy ,his baby ,lots physical affection ,too ,Like kisses hugs ,etc..
Tho I don't there will be much to dig on with ,Mihawk since he super privat, He wants to protect from all the stress of being the son of a famous swordman,He doesn't talk much about his famliy on interviews ,To shield zoro as much as possible. And whenever he goes out with zoro ,He ignores the paparrazi ,He only wants to focus on zoro ,His child💚💜💕😭 ,Same goes for shanks, Tho for him it's worse cause his fanbase is bigger, And lots of creep fangirls that would stop stalking him. Once he went with a 5 year old luffy for ice cream and the paparrazi come runing to him ,Trying to take pics with him and luffy,Asking who this child is,Blah blah ,Shanks tried to tell he didn't wanna talk right now he was busy ,But they didn't listen ,Luffy being a small child didn't understand what was going on ,and why so people had surround them ,So out of nervousness ,He started to cry,Which made shanks really angry at the paparrazi for crossing his boundary and making a small child cry ,He started to curse them out which scread them away. Any thoughts or something you like to add?👀
Hello again, my lovely 🐚☆anon! Hope your weekend is treating you well 💜💜
Reading the first part made me feel all warm and fuzzy! Making me a sappy mess and all, oh my gosh! I love how protective they would all be over these little boys 💜🥺💜 Zoro would definitely be a little menace at school, but he's in good hands with Mihawk! (even though he gives the poor man a headache).
Are you thinking of having the Straw hats become friends as kids or when they become teenagers?? Either could be good options, but if they met as children, the types of shenanigans they'd get into would be so freaking cute. My mind immediately goes to them conning someone out of icecream cones 😂
Mihawk would give the paparazzi nothing, Shanks would scare them off...I feel like their easiest target would be Buggy because he's such a people pleaser and blabber mouth 💀If the Cross Guild still exists in this au, he'd need to watch his back even more, so that he doesn't pull the other two into any unnecessary mess...though that would be really fun to watch...
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0licat · 3 years
im an idiot-
why did I decide watching salad fingers was a good idea-
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buggaberry · 1 year
I cannot sleeP bAH (⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
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yusukeiii · 2 years
The Wrath's Embrace
ೃ₊ ❝You know, its sure sound easy. But its hard. Strawhat Kid.❞
─ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- one piece ft. y/n
You work as caretaker of a certain Pet Food Shop. With the owner passing away, its just you and the dog whose named is Shushu.
"Ney, Shushu."
You spoke to the dog while you were sweeping, It didn't budge but keep standing into the entrance. You sighed, he's been like this for a long time.
As you countinue to sweep the dust infront of the door, you saw 2 people appraoching the store, the other one is..caged?
You looked at them with suspicious glare. Ready to pull your glock at any moment if they do something vile.
"This is it, I..I can't walk any longer-" The green haired guy that looked like a swordsman drops in front of the shop with a loud thud.
"Are you alright?"
The said man looked at you, you saw blood staining in his tank top. Sign that he was in a heavy fight and get injured in not so fashionable way.
"What yer staring at?" Rude, ignoring the attitude he given to you, you looked at the kid inside the cage.
You paused.
'Strawhat..'  you thought. Its like deja vu all the sudden. Its like you already met him. You already bonded with him, but you can't pinpoint where.
"Oh! Is it a dog?"
The strawhat kid poked Shushu, but the dog didnt even reacted. "Hey Zoro, Is this a dog?" The kid asked with a grin in his face. Its oddly familiar.
"I don't know , what you've been doin is plannin' to get out of that cage." Zoro said, while leaning his back in the post of the store.
Strawhat poked the dog, and looked at you. "I wonder if he is dead, do you know?" You mentally facepalmed at the amount of idiotic fluid is in this kid's head.
"Its breathing, child." You spoke, as you sweeped again trying to remove the conversation between you two. You countinued to do what you were doing until you heard a blood curdling scream.
You looked where the voice came from as you saw the kid got his finger bitten off by Shushu. You stiffled your laugh as you saw the since unfold before you.
"STUPID DOG!!!" He yelled, as he lay down to the cage while his injured finger is swollen. "Damnit , I dont have enough blood." Zoro complained.
As they both complained, a girl with an orange hair appeared while staring at the two pair with a disapproving look. Maybe its their another friend.
"What on earth are you guys doing." She started. " If your plan is just lying around in these streets, Buggy will definetly gonna catch the both of you."
You looked at her as she mentioned the Clown Pirate's name. "Buggy? As in Buggy the Clown?" You asked. She nodded. "We managed to escape them. But definetly they are gonna go after them." She pointed on those two.
Zoro looked at her.
"Oh, our nagivator."
"SAYS WHO?!" She raged.
"I just came to repay my debt to you guys, you save my life back there." She finished.
Repay? You wonder, as she finishef her sentence, she tossed a key maybe so that the cage can be unlocked.
"The key!" The strawhat cheered. As he was about the reach the key to be free in his limited space, Shushu grab the key and ate it.
"Shushu!?!" You yelled, the broom in your hand dropped in the ground as your jaw hit the ground. You were about to get the key but he already swallowed it.
"Well shit." You banged your head into the soil. He will take a ling time getting out of that cage.
As you layed down, The Strawhat kid started choking Shushu. "HEY! GIVE THE KEY BACK YOU STUPID DOG!!" As he kept his blabber. You heared a familiar voice.
"You people!! Don't do anything to Shushu!!"
"Who're ya mister?" Zoro asked as he looked at the chief.
"I'm the village's leader, In short the Chief!!" He yelled.
The Chief noticed you on the soil, as your face and whole body planted at the fall.
"Y/N get up, you looked like a damsel in distress." He said.
"Yeah yeah.." You muttered and slowly get up.
Everyone!! Welcome to my One Piece Reader Insert!! Here are some details about the upcoming chapters. Please traveling with me throught the GRANDLINE!
▪︎ Y/N is [REDACTED], making a confusion among the strawhats.
▪︎ I will never make Y/'N here as a vunerable character. Im sick of typical girlish persona for Y/N so lets expect that she will take no shit.
▪︎ Is somewhat related to other characters, especially when Alabasta, Enies Lobby, Dressaros arrives in this book.
▪︎ Has three weapons!! (Im letting you guys pick the second one so please comment it down!!
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▪︎ This is Y/N's early design, but I think shes too feminine so I scraped out the idea.
I hope you guys  stick with me until we reach Raftel!!
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britishassistant · 3 years
What happens if Yuu goes on vacation or needs to leave the city for business?
Would they just leave and not tell the villains? Leaving them to wonder where they went and potentially tear the city apart?
Would they tell them and risk the full time villains showing up? Or Vil/Kalim/Jamil/Riddle to show up for business purposes?
Who hopes to catch them in a bathing suit?
@mister-jedblack said: I wonder what if Yuu and Yuuken took a vacation to Yuu’s parents house and they didn’t told the NRC villains that they’ll be gone for two weeks. What’s their reaction about it.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon and mister-jedblack!
Yuu and Yuuken decide to use their saved up holiday to go back to Yuu’s parents’ place for the week of Yuu’s birthday so they can actually celebrate with some peace and quiet and puppies rather than Yuu just being getting kidnapped and being unable to celebrate altogether.
Only Uncle Divvy knows what they’re doing, and was the one who came up with the whole idea in the first place.
Amazingly, nothing happens on the journey out of the city, and they enjoy a quiet drive to the country with very little traffic, debating playfully about what music they should be listening to.
Waterboy breaks into Yuu’s apartment on the evening before their birthday to see that it’s empty. Yuu isn’t at any of the other locations Snake Charmer told him to check if Yuu wasn’t at the apartment either. Even Grim can’t tell Kalim where Yuu is, depite promising the monster cat the best tuna money can buy.
Kalim panics.
He calls Tsunotaro and begs him to give Yuu back if he’s taken them, because he and Jamil have a really cool scheme that they wanna show Yuu, but he can’t find them anywhere! Please, please Tsunotaro, give Yuu back? They’ll only keep them for like, an hour tops, he promises!
Malleus, who does not have Yuu, is very confused. And once he figures out what Waterboy is yammering about, very, very panicked.
Malleus orders Sebek to call those two Card Soldier minions Yuu is hanging around all the time and see if Royal Flush doesn’t have Yuu in his grip.
Ace and Deuce are very confused when Sebek texts each of them and orders them to call and put Yuu on the phone. Ace and Deuce both that Yuu isn’t there, shouldn’t Sebek just call their apartment if he wants to talk to them?
Sebek is not good at hiding the fact that Yuu may be missing.
Ace goes to scope out Yuu’s apartment while Deuce messages Jack and Epel, asking if Yuu is in the King or Poison Queen’s lair. When Royal Flush, Trey and Cater assemble for dinner and ask Deuce where Ace has gone, he’s not able to lie very well to his boss and seniors.
Now Royal Flush is calling Ace every 3.25 minutes and demanding status updates on the search for Yuu. Meanwhile, Jack and Epel have questioned their respective seniors and employers to ascertain that Yuu definitely isn’t in their lairs. Leona and Vil aren’t stupid though, and this line of questioning inspires both of them to send their lieutenants out to investigate.
Vil calls Tsunotaro just to make sure Yuu isn’t just out on another odd gargoyle sightseeing walk somewhere abandoned. Meanwhile, Leona calls Leviathan to see if the creepy octo bastard has tied up the reporter in his basement to feed to his eels or something, fully willing to lay siege if this is the case.
While all this is spiraling out of control, since Malleus doesn’t have Yuu, Kalim has called Jamil in a tizzy, clutching Grim who’s similarly freaked out, blabbering about how Yuu’s gone, no one knows where they are, what if they’ve been kidnapped, what if they’re gone forever, what do they do?!?
Jamil spends thirty minutes trying to calm Kalim and Grim and himself down, before making the executive decision to get into contact with the one supervillain who could possibly find the missing reporter in the shortest amount of time.
Snake Charmer calls Charon and asks him for the current location of Yuu’s cell phone.
Idia is immediately sus of the request, not quite buying the fact that Yuu is with Snake Charmer and worried that they’ve lost it. His hackles are only raised when he does use the tracking app he covertly installed and sees Yuu’s cell phone is somehow miles out into the country. He answers Snake Charmer’s question more out of confusion than anything else, only to be met with a dial tone as Jamil suddenly hangs up on him.
The final nail in the coffin is when Leviathan then calls him, worry in his voice barely covered by the smarm turned all the way up to demand the same thing Snake Charmer just asked him. He tells Ortho to fly out to these coordinates with his tablet to see wtf is going on.
Meanwhile, Jamil, Kalim and Grim have stolen one of the Asim company cars and are speeding out of the city. They end up driving by where Ace, Ruggie and Rook are caught in a standoff, with Rook recognizing the occupants of the car thanks to his keen eyesight. Rook immediately calls Vil and tells him he’s in pursuit of a car with this licence plate.
Ace and Ruggie refuse to let him leave peacefully and not lose the car unless they get to go with him, so the three of them end up piled on the back of a moped to give chase.
Vil cuts off Malleus’ rambling to order Epel to get in the Queen Machine and get going. Malleus, suspicions roused, commands Lilia, Sebek and Silver to follow the Pomefiore villains in the Dragon Mark ‘59 Copter that Lilia bought on a whim because he said it “looked perfectly evil!”
This vehicle is much more like a dune buggy with a propeller on top than an actual helicopter, so Malleus and Sebek are forced to crouch on either side of the “cockpit” while Silver drives and Lilia gleefully hangs upside down from the undercarriage and freaks out passersby below.
Ortho is understandably shocked when he sees them flying alongside him, Sebek screaming above the wind to ask if they’re going the right way.
Riddle receives Ace’s text that he’s en route out of the city following a car that might have Yuu inside, and rallies Trey, Cater and Deuce onto the first train out the city in that direction available. It’s awkwardly packed with tired workers at this time of night who do not appreciate Cater’s attempts to document the journey through selfies.
Meanwhile Leona and Jack are having a standoff with Azul and the Leech twins over the bus that Jack and Leona are trying to steal to follow Ruggie’s directions. Jade suggested that if they couldn’t get an answer out of Idia, that they hitch a ride with one of the seven other supervillains who are all rapidly leaving the city, and Leona and Jack were the poor saps generous allies they found!
The poor bus driver who is caught in the middle of this conflict is almost glad when Azul tosses him a wad of cash and Floyd throws him out the doors, Jade taking his place behind the wheel. According to Jack, they’re very behind everyone else on the trail of the wayward reporter, so Jade obligingly steps on it.
The bus smashes through a closed mall and several speed limits on it’s journey out of the city. On the plus side, they catch up to the Queen Machine, Jamil’s stolen car, and the overloaded moped in practically no time at all!
All of these methods arrive at roughly the same moment, though the Heartslaybul villains are forced to frantically push their way off the train and run the mile from the station to get there on time. Poor Trey is very winded.
Whatever nefarious place they expected Yuu to be held, this certainly wasn’t it. A modest, two-story house in the middle of a street full of other houses just like it (and very confused neighbors taking pictures of the menagerie of vehicles from their windows). Still, whatever upstart thought that he could kidnap their reporter out from underneath the noses of the seven most feared supervillains in the city has got another thing coming to him.
The mass of villains and henchmen march up the drive and knock on the door—
Only to be met with Divus Crewel answering it in decidely more casual clothes than he would ever be caught dead in at work, glaring down at them all with a very full glass of red wine in his hand, as more Dalmatians than it seems reasonable to own try to jump up and get out the door to greet the new people behind him.
“Uncle Divvy, who is it?” Yuu calls from inside.
“No one, Yuu.” Divus calls back, one arm pointing imperiously and eyes screaming ‘Go right now and don’t come back, or I swear to the Seven you’ll all be waking up with baboon livers’. “Just someone trying to sell something.”
He waits until all the supervillains have sheepishly shuffled down out of the driveway to firmly shut and lock the door in their faces. They’re not dumb enough to try and infiltrate another way, not if Crewel’s in that house and probably has it filled to hidden traps and defenses up to the gills.
Well, everyone but Grim isn’t dumb enough. He’s currently making his way into the utility room, where he will soon be surrounded by a dozen dogs that want to play with and chase this new cat-like thing! It’s only Yuuken’s intervention later that evening that prevents anyone from getting hurt.
The others are all trying to work out how they’re going to get back to the city. Idia is rapidly firing off questions to Malleus through his tablet about the manufacture of the vintage copter they arrived in. The moped’s out of gas, and the train station is closed, so Azul volunteers the bus for the Heartslaybul villains too. Leona and Jack put their foot down on Jade being behind the driver’s wheel on the way back though. Rook is delighted to be able to go back in the comfort of the Queen Machine!
“Hey Ja—Snake Charmer?” Kalim asks suddenly. “Was it just me or did you see birthday decorations for Yuu in there?”
Yuu sneezes inside the house, wondering what the sudden cold feeling down their spine is.
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the-frizzle-fry · 3 years
What fruit were the Gorosei blabbering on about?
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1.) The story leads us to believe the DF conversation involves Zunisha. It probably doesn’t. The marine on the ship wasn’t talking to the 5 Elders. And if they knew Zuni had it they’d be on that giant elephant. Also, according to sbs’ she is definitely an elephant and not a human who ate a giant island elephant fruit.
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2.) The Gomu-Gomu no Mi is another one that was recently discussed as being important. In the conversation with Boss and Whoswho. But the world government knows Luffy has it and they haven’t sent anyone to specifically kill him n take his fruit. So this fruit seems unlikely too.
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3.) It’s stated the fruit they’re discussing hasn’t been “awakened” for a long ass time. Wether that means it hasn’t been eaten or AWAKENED is up in the air too.
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4.) Toki-Toki no Mi. Now this one has the meat on it. It CONTROLS TIME granted in a specific way. I don’t think Toki awakened it, who’s to say it’s awakening can’t make you go backwards? It hasn’t been seen for like 800 years cuz she jumped all the way to Oden. I never heard Toki say her abilities as in like Toki-Toki time warp or something like that. It’s said that the real name and abilities have been covered up. So this is the one I’m leaning on.
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5.) It could literally be a DF that we haven’t even seen yet. It could be one we’ve seen briefly. It could be the Chop-Chop fruit cuz Buggy is lazy🤣
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Laff-a-Lympics Participation Rankings
Rankings of how often each team member participated in events in Laff-a-Lympics, organized by team and from most to least often.
There were 103 events in total. Only players who were directly involved in the event were counted as participating, including players who were not necessarily direct participants but were still necessary for the event to happen. All players automatically received four points towards the count due to the four team events where everyone was a participant.
Full rankings under the cut, but the summary of the major results are as follows:
For the Yogi Yahooeys, the player who participated the most often was Grape Ape with 24 events, and the player who participated the least often was Blabber with 7 events.
For the Scooby Doobies, the player who participated the most often was Captain Caveman with 23 events, and the player who participated the least often was Hong Kong Phooey with 8 events.
For the Really Rottens, the player who participated the most often was Daisy Mayhem with 24 events, and the player who participated the least often was Junior Creeply with 9 events.
Yogi Yahooeys
1st - Grape Ape (24 events)
2nd - Yogi Bear (23 events)
3rd - Doggie Daddy (19 events)
4th - Quickdraw McGraw (17 events)
5th (Tied) - Huckleberry Hound and Wally Gator (16 events)
6th - Hokey Wolf (14 events)
7th (Tied) - Boo-Boo, Cindy Bear, Yakky Doodle, and Augie Doggie (11 events)
8th - Pixie (9 events)
9th (Tied) - Dixie, Mr. Jinx, and Snooper (8 events)
10th - Blabber (7 events)
Scooby Doobies
1st - Captain Caveman (23 events)
2nd - Dynomutt (20 events)
3rd (Tied) - Scooby Doo, Shaggy, and Blue Falcon (19 events)
4th (Tied) - Tinker and Babu (18 events)
5th (Tied) - Scooby Dum and Taffy (17 events)
6th - Speed Buggy (15 events)
7th - Dee Dee (13 events)
8th - Brenda (12 events)
9th - Hong Kong Phooey (8 events)
Really Rottens
1st - Daisy Mayhem (24 events)
2nd - Dinky Dalton (23 events)
3rd - The Great Fondoo (22 events)
4th - Mumbly (21 events)
5th (Tied) - Dred Baron and Orful Octopus (20 events)
6th - Dirty Dalton (18 events)
7th - Magic Rabbit (16 events)
8th - Mr. Creeply (13 events)
9th - Sooey (12 events)
10th - Dastardly Dalton (11 events)
11th - Mrs. Creeply (10 events)
12th - Junior Creeply (9 events)
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hellebore-chigurh · 3 years
Whaddup y'all, I'm Hellebore. I'm here to blabber about the fictional characters I'm in love with. I started over from Mrs-3 for several reasons. I kind of want to make this blog more intimate and personal. But anyway, the important shit is that I'm an Adult™️, I'm a she/her or they/them, I'm a self-shipper/fictosexual/fictoromantic and pretty much pan towards fictional characters and ace towards irl people. I'm autistic. This is gonna be multi-fandom because I fall in love with characters from almost everything I watch. I will do my best to tag most things I think could be potentially triggering but if I miss something, I apologize. I’m human and subject to errors.
DNI: ANTI'S! Death threats over fictional shit isn't okay. Get better.
Here’s my f/o list in case anyone wants to ask about any of them or wants to make sure we don’t share one or anything like that. If I have tags for them I’ll put them. This might be kind of ongoing under construction:
Beshimi - Rurouni Kenshin (I don’t consume this piece of media anymore because the author did some really horrible shit to irl people but I stole Besh and I’m keeping him bc he deserves better)
Usopp - One Piece (post time-skip)
Buggy the Clown - One Piece
Vladislav the Poker - What We Do In The Shadows (movie)
Frieza - Dragon Ball Z/Super/etc.
Hades - Disney’s Hercules
Galdino alias Mr. 3 - One Piece   tag #make you melt
Zorak - Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Naboo - The Mighty Boosh
Scratchmen Apoo - One Piece #remix my heart
Bartolomeo the Cannibal - One Piece
Borsolino a.k.a. Kizaru - One Piece
Charlotte Perospero - One Piece (my version of Peros is a trans woman and a lesbian so I use she/her pronouns for her)
Hizashi Yamada a.k.a. Present Mic - My Hero Academia
Death - Horrible Histories (Stupid Deaths segment)
Musa - Winx Club (end of season four onward)
Yajirobe - Dragon Ball
Rick Sanchez - Rick and Morty
Anton Chigurh - No Country for Old Men   tag #my wrecking angel
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
Little Things — Mark Lee
Mark loves so many things about you, but he’ll never let the words slip out of his mouth.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
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“Mark Lee!” The voice was clear, and echoed repeatedly throughout his newly purchased apartment. It was also expected, as he knew your creative nature couldn’t withstand the way he decorated his new home.
He probably should have been focused on how he could please your complaints, or more so take in your deep lecture about how his plain white walls had to be the justification on why he couldn’t sleep at night, or how his simple bed set up was definitely the reason that he couldn’t stop catching midnight leg cramps, but he was in a daze.
His eyes started on the small of your back. Even though you currently wore what you taught him to be “high waisted jeans”, the bright orange crop top you spotted still exposed your gentle skin, and Mark wanted touch it. He just knew it was softer than any pillow you would buy him today. It would relax him more than the most expensive bed sheets.
“Are you even listening to me?”
Your voice broke through like waves, but he felt the farthest from sea sick. He actually had never felt better, a feeling that he believed would always be foreign to him. Mark hadn’t had much experience with humans in general, other than his members, but he would always think about it. He would wonder just how nervous he would get when he finally fell in love for the first time. Would he be able to create puddles of sweat with his shaky nature? Would he feel his heart practically beating out of his chest when his love made eye contact with him? How deep would he love? Would it be the kind of passion where they did no wrong in his eyes, and he was constantly looking like a immature child whenever someone tried to call him out on his blindness?
The truth of his feelings for you, was that he didn’t get nervous. He was never scared to slip in light touches to your safe places, and when you looked into his eyes, he gained confidence. All of a sudden, the Mark Lee that everyone else thought they knew would dissolve, and he would feel like a man. A man who wanted to give you the whole world. He wanted to be the one putting a smile on your face.
His friends were constantly betting their bottom dollars on when he was going to finally break down, falling to his knees and confessing his undying love for you. 
The answer to that question was never.
Maybe it was because he was enjoying himself too much right now. The privilege of being your friend came with so many benefits; solid, irreplaceable benefits, that he had no problems staying in the friend zone. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to slip in the fact that the reason his bed was so lonely and uncomfortable was because you weren’t ever going to be in it. That his walls were purposely plain and dry, as he needed an excuse for you to come and drag him out.
But couldn’t he just keep it too himself? They were just little things.
He observed you deeply as he watched you stroll around his room, blabbering about different color schemes the two of you could scrounge up. You emphasize the word “pop” with a smack of your soft lips, and your hand began to gently graze his colorless wall as you finally turned around to face him.
“I’m sorry—what did you say?” He immediately questioned, scratching the back of his head which was in dear need of a haircut, all so he wouldn’t have to look you in your eyes just yet.
“I said did you have any colors in mind? And why are you looking at the floor, hm? Do I make you nervous?” You taunted, and without even looking at you he knew you wore your familiar face. The one where you bit your lip playfully, and your cheeks widened just enough to get him weak.
“No.” He responded quickly, staring right into your orbs. “You’re just scary.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Oh, but I do.” Now it was him stepping closer to you, and as he realized much earlier, he wasn’t nervous. His chest tingled, and his stomach was tossing and quenching, but that was simply because you were too beautiful. The fact that you were standing here so casually, as if you weren’t the most perfect human being inside and out was mind boggling to him, and it would make any human being nervous. “You make me feel so stupid.” He joked, but he saw the way your eyes quickly softened from their playfully flirtatious state, and now your hand was holding his own.
“No—I don’t want you to feel like that? What did I say? I’m so sor—
“Y/N, I’m kidding.” He chuckled lightly, almost in synch with the ticking of his newly installed air conditioner. “You know you’re too good for this world.”
Mark could sense you still didn’t believe his honest words, so he did the only thing he could do, which was to rub the back of your hand in a caring manner. Even still, it wasn’t enough.
“I don’t want you to think I’m trying to take over your life. White is just too plain, and I wanted to spend time with you today.”
Your words were short and sweet, but he couldn’t help himself. He brought your hand right to his lips, kissing it just as quick before placing it back where it was usually stationed and letting go.
“You ready?” He questioned, wanting you to ignore his mistake. He was so helpless when it came to you. Why the hell did he just do that? Maybe he had watched too many movies.
“Okay.” Was all you whispered in a quiet tone.
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You always enjoyed large stores like this. “Superstores” to be exact. And Mark always loved adventuring in then with you, because of the image he always got to see. It was always the exact same.
You’d be pushing your buggy, or what you called a “basket”. This was a frequent argument between you two, but that doesn’t matter for now. Your eyes were always up high before the looked down to the lower aisles, as “the good things are always on top.”
Right now, you two were in the paint aisle, and he knew any minute now you would notice that he wasn’t paying attention to any of the so-called dazzling colors; holding the key to his house becoming a home.
“Mark, you keep doing that.”
“I keep doing what?”
“Ignoring me. If you want to take a drive or something take my keys.”
He could sense your frustration with him growing, and he felt so guilty. He didn’t know what was wrong with him today. Usually, the two of you would talk for hours without end, and truthfully he would be able to push his feelings aside, or at the least—focus on his favorite thing in the whole wide world. He was so focused on details today. He didn’t know what was happening.
“No no. Starting now, attention on.” He snapped three times against his forehead, before coming up behind you with a hand on your lower back. Your response was nothing as you continued to stroll against the newly polished floors, looking from row to row.
“Blue, Mark. Are you feeling blue?” You looked up at him now, and he looked right back at you.
“Are you painting my room, or your room?”
You crossed your arms infront of your chest, although you were laughing too. “First of all, my room is black.”
“Which I think you regret.”
“No. Your room color should match your soul. You know this.”
“Well in that case, I think you should take my room.”
And now your eyes were slowly disappearing, because that’s exactly what they did when you were just too amused. When you were around someone; or something that made you incredibly happy. While he didn’t take his eyes off you, he subtly snuck the blue paint into the cart.
“Are you saying I’m an angel, Mark Lee?”
“Sha-la-la-la.” He sung, referencing his own song. So corny, but you loved him anyway. That’s what you always said to him when he made horrible jokes like this.
“Cute.” You mumbled, and he couldn’t help but silently peep the smirk that rested on your features as you saw the paint for yourself. “My favorite shade.”
“Well, I figured you might as well like the color too considering you’re going to turn my room into yours.”
“I am not.” You scoffed, even though the evil simper on your features told a completely different story.
“Yeah?” As you continued to walk, Mark skipped some so was just ahead of the cart “Then explain why half of your wardrobe was in my dorm room. Hm?”
Your silence informed him that you knew this a battle you couldn’t win. He also couldn’t help but notice the way your eyes couldn’t match with his for long, quickly drooping back onto the bucket. Your left hand also moved to the back of your waist, resting on the curve. “I’m hungry.” You whispered.
Deflective. That’s what Johnny taught him. When he would spend his nights cooeing about you, and force his estranged members to analyze your every reaction and touch, this is what Johnny said was your coping mechanism for your feelings for him.
“How come you can never look at me for long?”
“What are you talking about, Mark.”
“I’m talking about the fact that I want to see your pretty face. It’s been a long week.” His hand reached for your chin, forcing you to stare him down.
“I’m not pretty.” You shooed his hand away.
This was the one thing he couldn’t stand to see, but quite often had to handle. Your hatred for yourself. He always wondered how it would feel to love someone so much, even though they hated themselves. Hate was also such a strong word, but it was the word you used.
“And I’m not fishing for compliments.” You interrupted before he could even speak. “I just don’t see it.”
“Well, you know how I feel.”
It was a simple combination of words, but it was also an obvious trigger to memories from two weekends ago. Your drunken confession that he had to pretend he didn’t hear over the loud music that raved throughout the abandoned building. Oddly enough, he could still smell the dusty couch you two sat on, trying to escape from the noise.
You had obviously drunk too much, as you begged for him to find a secluded area for the two of you. For what felt like hours did you two just sit in silence, you continuously nuzzling into his chest.
His focus was on the moonlight that he could see out the high-placed window.
“I love you, Mark.”
Nothing unusual. Although, the words did make him freeze for a mere second, only to unfreeze before you could notice.
“I love you too.”
“I don’t think you get me.”
“Sleep.” He chuckled lightly, truthfully thinking you were just babbling as you always did. You needed to relax, and not upset your stomach even more from constantly using your diaphragm to yell over the tunes.
“No.” You whined, a familiar noise that indicated something was truly bothering you. Something that hadn’t even been uttered to him. Your head made a sad attempt to lift from his now built chest, thanks to the age of twenty. “I love you.”
“And I love you too.”
“No, Mark. Damnit.” You sighed, slapping your cheek. It truly wasn’t a pleasant sight to see you so irate, and he hated to admit that he truly didn’t understand what you were trying to convey. Maybe because he didn’t believe it to be true. That was only a mere fantasy. Or maybe he just didn’t want it; his friend zone preaching getting the best of him.
“I want you, Mark.” You began to press drunk, sloppy kisses on his thick neck.
For the first time, he couldn’t breathe. His heart had stopped beating completely, and all he could do was relish in the feelings of your lips finally on his body. He always craved this. He always wanted this.
But no. Not like this. “Y/N, stop.” He grabbed both of your arms in a stern voice. You might have thought he had a disorder from the way he quickly switched zones, but it was simply because he had come back to reality. It was you, and you weren’t you right now. You were intoxicated, and he could never let anything happen between you two because it’s wrong.
“Take me home, please.” Your eyes were filled to the brim with liquid tears, and as much as Mark wanted to fight this, how could he? It’s what you needed anyway.
And then the next day came. And you were hungover, but in your right state of mind. So badly did he want to address the previous night, but he couldn’t find the words as you walked out of the bathroom from a clearly refreshing shower, avoiding his eyes now. Something that he, at the time, was unfamiliar with.
“You okay?” Was all he could fathom, falling in love with you all over again as you lotioned yourself down with the scent he gifted you just a few months back.
A slapping sound filled the room. “Mhm.”
You were far from okay, and your purposeful negligence of your previous action let Mark know that it wasn’t a joke, or just your drunk concience talking. It was real.
“No.” You whispered.
“I was just gonna—
Your phone blasting through your speakers, which you seemed to forget were connected based on the way you jumped in utter fear interrupted such a picture perfect scene.
And neither of you had mentioned it since.
Your face practically went pale, if your skin color could even allow it. It was more like a sick feeling he could obviously see hitting your features, and he felt horrible.
“Let’s check out.”
“Y/N.” He sighed, reaching out for you. His heart basically shattered when you moved to jump away, now upset. And it was all his fault.
The ride home was silent. And not in a good way like it usually was. It was mind-eating, and so badly did he want to say it. That he loves you too. And that he wants to give you the world, and then some. And most importantly, that you were the most important, and beautiful, and priceless being on the earth, and he was sure, although he had never traveled else where, the whole galaxy. You were his world, as awful as he showed it.
You pulled up to his house, but he noticed you didn’t move a muscle to get out of the car.
“Don’t make me paint by myself, Y/N. That’s too cruel.”
Even though he saw your hand moving to wipe what seemed to be a tear from your eyes, he was still able to make your smile break through. His superpower; you called it.
“The answer is nothing right?” You questioned barely audible.
“What do you mean?”
“When you told me that I know how you feel, it’s nothing, right?”
The way the golden hour was hitting all of your perfections right now caused him to freeze. Even your tears were glowing, and his lips couldn’t move. He thought he couldn’t get nervous around you. He thought he was done with that. Why couldn’t he open his damn mouth.
“I thought so.” You chuckled. “I thought so.”
And so you stopped the car, taking the paint out of your trunk, explaining this method as you didn’t want it to burst open and ruin your seat. “Let’s go paint.” You mumbled, sniffling once again before moving past him and walking up the stairs to his apartment.
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