#buggy being bullied in cross guild
moongothic · 10 months
I keep on seeing people mention how they want to see another Davy Back Fight during the Final Saga, and while I'm 10000% sure we won't see another Davy Back Fight
I think a Davy Back Fight between the Strawhats and Cross Guild could be fucking hysterical
Especially because like. Buggy could totally challenge Luffy intentionally, desperately hoping that either Luffy will save HIM from Crocodile and Mihawk, OR that Luffy ends up taking Croc and Hawk into his crew if he wins
(Sidenote, DBF is normally only about exchanging crewmates and stealing pirate flags, but could you imagine if Buggy could demand to have Luffy's copies of the Road Poneglyphs if he won? Hell, I imagine Buggy could probably get away with innitiating the challenge regardless because once it's on, it's on, and surely his men would be so riled up Croc and Hawk would know there'd be no way to stop it anymore even though Buggy's not the true boss. But just to keep Croc and Hawk from trying to murder him on the spot Buggy could maybe suggest taking the Poneglyph copies as if it were a part of his plan from the begining)
And you know if Buggy challenged Luffy into a DBF Luffy might just accept??? Because it could be fun (in Luffy's mind)??? And it could be kind of on-brand for him to jump in on a challenge like that???
And yes
The idea of Luffy winning against Cross Guild in a DBF, resulting in fucking Mihawk and Sir Crocodile joining the Strawhats would be fucking hysterical man, and that alone makes me kinda want it
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Aight here me out
Buggy has a child but instead their like moody, grumpy and stuff (like Octavia and loona from helluva boss) but they love buggy and would do ANYTHING for him
Happy go lucky dad 🤝 looks like it would kill you would kill you child
Substitute Assistant ( Cross guild x f!child!reader)
A/N not gonna lie I totally forgot who loons was, it’s been a hot minute since I watched helluva, since we are talking about helluva boss here, specifically loona, do expect a few swear words here and there. This one is kinda a flop but hopefully it lives to your standards Cosmo, I am surprised it wasn’t a Whitebeard request 😂,
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Here you go, asshole,” Dokucha growled, throwing a stack of paper on Crocodile’s desk, a task that they had called her father to do
Crocodile lifts his gaze from his work to the child, taking another look at the stack that now lay on their desk
“Where is the clown?”
“Why the hell do you care?! You have your stupid reports, now leave my dad alone asshole!”
“Should a child your age be using such words?” The voice of the swordsman drawls from the sofa next to them
“Shouldn’t grown men be over bullying others like little children?” She snapped back
At that Crocodile let out a low chuckle that slowly grew into a full-out laugh
“Well, Well seems the brat has more guts than that useless clown,” he grinned
“Don’t call him that!”
“Would you prefer us we call him a coward instead?” Mihawk questioned, taking a sip from the wine in his hand as he continued observing the child’s rage bubble more and more
“Shut up! You assholes know nothing of Dad! He has done many things and gathered people of all kinds with his charisma alone; unlike you, he doesn’t have to pay off or bully people into being his followers!”
Crocodile lets out a dangerous smile at her words
“Funny seeing how it was your father who borrowed money from me, money that he lost and got him where he is now, so by all means, go ahead and tell me more about paying people off.”
“Just leave him alone; you got the business you wanted. Now leave him the hell alone.”
“No can do, little jester, see those people that your father won with his ‘charisma’ have named him the president of the guild; he’s not going anywhere,” Mihawk spoke
“Whether you like it or not, it was Buggy’s decisions that brought him here; he has no one to blame but himself,” he finished, swirling his cup around and downing the liquid inside
She growled, turning around and leaving the room only to be stopped by Crocodile’s voice
“Be a good child and bring me a light, will you?”
“Why the fuck would I do anything for the likes of you.”
“Because if you don’t, then I have no trouble calling your father in instead. While we’re at it, I might have a friendly chat with him about his brat’s behavior.”
She grits her teeth at his response, glaring at him as he chuckles in response
“When you return, I have a few other jobs for you to do, so don’t be long now.”
“Fine,” she snarls, stomping her way out of the office
“Dokucha, where did you run off to? I missed you, my little star!” Buggy cheered as the small girl entered the room
“I was busy,” she mumbled
“How was your day today, Dad?” She questioned
“It’s so much better now that my favorite act is here!” Launching himself toward her, babbling about the different things they could do on their next performance
She chuckled as he draped himself over her, hugging him and nuzzling into him
“Hey, Dad?”
“And then Richie would app-hah? Yeah? “He asked, pausing his rambling
“I love you.”
He looks at her for a few seconds before he begins coming apart in surprise, fumbling to put his body together
“Little Star! You are just the cutest,” he cried, hugging her tight
“Okay, don’t go too far, old man,” she grumbled, trying to get away from the suffocating embrace
“Of course, anything for my little star!”
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Again this was kinda weak but I hope you like it, obviously Dokucha is more mellowed out compared to Loona, and she doesn’t have that tsundere side with Buggy , hope you find the dynamic interesting
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Shuggy teen boys moment where Buggy has a teen girl crush on other pirates, like he sees their posters and swoons a little. And Shanks remembers all of those swoon moments, because it was a stab in his soul every time Buggy commented on how hot or fun or cool a certain pirate was in the poster. Anyway those pirates are Crocodile and Mihawk, because Buggy knew to appreciate a good strong aesthetic commitment, and when Shanks gets the Cross Guild poster he is thrust back to his teen boy self, where he would spiral every time a new bounty for either of them would come out and Buggy would fixate over it and he loses his mind. On the one hand leave it to Buggy to manage to achieve his teen boy fantasies in such a roundabout way, on the other hand WHY THEM, SHANKS WAS RIGHT THERE AND COOLER THAN BOTH! (with that fashion sense? sure buddy) anyway I think Cross guild would be extra hilarious if Buggy was aware of them in such ways and then it turns out they are awful and embarrassed to associate with him (and then they fall for his loser boy charms anyway,because Buggy attracts men like moths to a clown shaped flame)
This is so real. And hilarious. My favorite thing about Cross Guild and Shuggy is actually Shanks being extremely jealous because Buggy prefers the other two better. And Shanks keeps crying and telling Benn all of this and Benn could not give less of a fuck about this, really.
I also can't stop thinking about Shanks paying a visit to them and talking in private to Buggy, mentioning the fact that he used to have a crush on Mihawk and Crocodile. And of course, the other two overhear the conversation, and oh... They're making Buggy's life impossible after knowing this little silly fact about him. They're gonna remind him forever. He wants to die. But also, Mihawk and Crocodile are down bad so the thought of Buggy liking them back is extremely exciting, they want to flirt with him so bad, but they're weirdos so their love language is bullying Buggy but praising him somehow at the same time.
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tiajk · 9 months
Amazon reader (cross guild version)
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images from @charliethechandelure
warnings: Buggy being bullied, strong amazon reader, fem! reader
A/n: this made me jump up in joy
tagged: @0alk0msan
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– They’re all down bad for you as much as they are for each other
– Mihawk thinks your skills with swordsmanship him and zoro are exactly the same
– Buggy wants you to be in one of his acts but you kindly let him know that your not really interested in the circus
– Your the sweetest to buggy sure crocodile and mihawk are nice to him in there own way but he needs actual plain and have someone to be able to confide in
– so with that buddy gets daily hugs from you and when you compliment him and he thinks your lying you use your lasso of truth to assure him that you would never lie to him
– Crocodile has to warm up to you at first he’s a bit hesitant about a strong person like you because he js has trust issues
– They all love that they have you as a friends bc they’ve seen you in battle and your pertrafrying to them when you upset or angry
— if you somehow have interactions with the straw hats with them (you do) they aren’t surprised but there surprised that you keep in contact with them still
— crocodile definitely calls you princess all the time because of who you are and your position
— Buggy does appreciate your honesty with everything he’s happy that your not mean to him and saves him whenever crocodile and mihawk bully him like a child
— Crocodile does doesn’t like when you always have water on you so that you can hug him
— Mihawk does challenge you sometimes only for training purposes when you beat him he’s astonished but also turned on slightly
— When they all learn your not just a normal amazon but the princess of thyemiscira they kinda freak out
— Crocodile will go calling you princess no matter what
— Mihawk doesn’t really have an reaction to you being princess but he does respect you more from it
— Buggy oml he’s fascinated mostly because of the treasure. ur when you tell him that he won’t be able to find your home because it’s hidden he gets sad but gets over it because he has you
— I cannon that you would be a warlord but if your not then thats cool too
— they definitely use you as scary dog privilege and when i mean they i mean buggy he can fight but he likes having someone else do it for him
— But in the end they love you and you love them
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impel-clown · 1 year
I have this HC where Crocodile and Mihawk realize that Buggy's wormed his way into both of their hearts when he actually makes them both laugh and they start looking forward to setting eyes on him all the time. What clinches it is when Shanks stops by and Crocodile and Mihawk both get protective and jealous because of the history Shanks shared with Buggy. Buggy just thinks his two "partners" are plotting to murder him.
Mihawk realized it first, that the clown had gone from an annoying, albeit useful, asset to someone he actually wants to spend time with. Crocodile of course, mocks him for this. Here he had thought the greatest swordsman had some taste, he is with Crocodile after all, but liking the clown? Really?? The guy making dicks out of balloons, that's a person Mihawk wants to be with? What a waste of time. But hey, it's the swordsman's life he can do what he wants with it.
And then it's two weeks later and Crocodile is storming into Mihawk's greenhouse, practically his own sandstorm because now he too has feelings for the clown! Oh sure if it was just sex he wanted, that would be one thing! Crocodile wouldn't even flinch if his feelings were just contained to wanting to fuck the "emperor" til he was begging, crying mess. But no! Here he is, a former warlord, wanting to get Buggy things so he can see the other man wear them, wants to hear the clown's stories and jokes because fuck if it doesn't spark something in him. Here he had thought his own tastes were above this! Being with the greatest swordsman in the world? Great! But add an honest to God Clown to that? No, just no! Meanwhile, Mihawk continues to water his tomatoes throughout the rant, only occasionally interrupting to remind Crocodile that if he harms his orchids, he'll have far bigger problems than a crush on a clown, Mihawk will make sure of it.
And for a while, that's that. They don't immediately make a move on Buggy, not ones to make some big grand gesture of feelings. Instead, they'll ease into. After all, they have time. So slowly, their bullying moves onto teasing (and still some bullying, but it's with care). Mihawk sometimes gifts him with fresh produce from his garden. Crocodile offers to train together. Hell, they even go and watch one of the shows he puts on with his crew! They couldn't be any more obvious about their affections.
(Buggy has no idea his feelings are reciprocated and just assumes these are all attempts on his life.)
And then Shanks comes strolling up to the island and Buggy makes the offhand comment that hey, he may loathe the red haired bastard, but at least he appreciates Buggy's company! It takes about thirty seconds of Crocodile and Mihawk sitting in silence after Buggy leaves to realize, that in fact, no they do not have all the time in the world, and that yes, they could have been more obvious with their affections.
The following few days are spent as Buggy's shadow, glaring daggers at Shanks and reminding him that Buggy is a Key component of the Cross Guild, and he can't just come waltzing in here demanding Buggy's attention, thank you very much.
Shanks, having immediately clocked this whole situation, just laughs.
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crystallizedtwilight · 5 months
What’s your opinion on cross guild and mishanks?
I'm very intrigued by cross guild! Can't decide if I like the idea of Crocodile and Mihawk bullying the hell out of Buggy or the three of them just sitting around playing uno. Amazing potential either way.
Mishanks is like...the MOST requested thing in my inbox? Across all social media? I understand the appeal! (I'm just personally insane about Shanks being pathetic over wanting his clown wife back)
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acescorazon · 11 months
Buggy x Mihawk x Crocodile prompt: Mihawk and Crocodile's bullying and beatings start taking a toll on Buggy, especially since he's somehow fallen irrevocably in love with both his "business partners". After a incident where Crocodile goes too far and Mihawk actually intervenes to stop him, Buggy falls fully into despair and decides to fully fall into the ocean to certain death. He waits until late at night and sneaks off to the docks. He falls in and expects the end but just as everything goes dark he sees a pair of golden eyes and hands reaching for him. When Buggy opens his eyes again he's very much alive, with Mihawk and Crocodile keeping vigil over him. Mihawk is mighty pissed and Crocodile is uncomfortable in his guilt. They figure things out eventually, messily and all.
Bestie if you didn't read this post, this is for you (as well as some of my other anons/ ppl who sent in requests ) LOL (it explains my shenanigans.)
ANYWAYS!!! Bby your idea...she's giving slow burn...she's giving...make it hurt...She's giving multi-chapter series realness. She deserves so much more than a one shot. She's a star who deserves to shine brightly...and i'm giving her what she deserves LOL. i don't have a title, so fuck it we ball, but consider this a prologue since it just really goes over Cross Guild's past briefly. So for anyone about to read,i'm not telling you how to live your life, but i'm juuuust saying you might want to have read up to like Ch 1082?
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The sounds of canons being fired and screaming can be heard all over the island, and Buggy swears that he’s moments away from having a full blown panic attack. Why now? Why did they suddenly decide to abolish the warlord system? Buggy was just starting to enjoy his newfound power and, more importantly, protection. His men keep screaming at him, begging for him to do something because Buggy’s so strong and powerful, and mighty after all. He sailed the sea with Gol. D Rogers, Dark King Rayleigh, and a young Red Haired Shanks after all. He ‘led’ a prison escape after all. He ‘fought’ in the war after all… He’s the one who’s a former warlord of the sea after all…  Buggy must be a formidable foe, right? Buggy must be able to bring him and his men to victory, right? Buggy can take on some marines…right…?
Buggy watches in horror as a fleet of marines attack his battle ships, sinking them, as they gradually begin to encircle the entire island. Oh, they’re doomed. His men are still yelling at him, asking him questions that he can barely process at the moment because he can’t breathe let alone talk.
“Chairman Buggy, what are your orders, sir?!”
”Chairman Buggy, the marines just sank another one of our ships.”
“Captain Buggy, why are you just standing there?!”
“Chairman Buggy, do something!!”
Buggy’s…Buggy’s got to go, like, right now. He can’t handle this. He doesn’t know what to do, this attack happened so fast… He swears the world government abolished the warlord system just this morning, and they already have marines on their ass. He needs off this island before it burns down and he turns to ash with it. He hopes and prays that he still has at least one good ship that he can escape on, and as for his men…
God, Buggy can’t do this. He can’t do this. The amount of men he controls has grown considerably after the war, and he can’t’ confidently say he can evacuate everyone on the island, not that he thinks anyone wants to leave in the first place. His kids are all dedicated and always willing to fight…(Buggy wishes he can say the same.)
Screw it, he’s calling for that evacuation order.
“Chairman Buggy, someone’s attacking the marines!” Someone’s attacking the marines…? Did Buggy have men out at sea that are now returning home and diligently attacking the marines now that they see the island is under attack? Does he have any allies who were conveniently on their way to visit, when they noticed the marines were attacking them? Is this just another group of pirates who noticed the marines and wanted to make a name for themselves, so they decided to attack them while they just so happened to be attacking Emptee Bluffs Island? Who are the heroes saving Buggy and his children?!
“Hey! It’s Crocodile!”
“Chairman Buggy, Crocodile is here to save us!!”
As soon as Buggy hears that name, his stomach drops. No, why? Why now? Why is this all happening to him now? There’s only one reason why Crocodile would be coming to Emptee Bluffs island, and Buggy…Buggy needs to leave. Forget his men, they’ll be fine, Buggy’s the one whose life is in grave danger. In all honesty, he’d rather be facing the Marines than have to deal with Crocodile’s wrath.
Buggy leaves the tent where he makes all his official announcements to his men, and his men watch him, confused, as he tries to make his escape. Some of them even mindlessly try to follow him, and Buggy doesn’t have the heart to tell the men following him to leave him alone because they’ll just bring unneeded attention to Buggy while he tries to flee. He makes it two, no, three steps out of the tent before he sees him, heading his way. “AHHH!”  Buggy screams at the top of his lungs, instantly, spinning back around on his heels and trying to push through a crowd of men, “Let me through! Let me through!!!” He orders them, trying to get back inside his tent and hide.
“Chairman…What’s wrong…it’s just Crocodile?”  
It is not just Crocodile. Do his men not realize how scary this man is? Do they not realize that their beloved Chairman and Captain is moments away from getting his ass beaten? Buggy forces himself through all the bodies in front of him and rushes back into the tent, but it’s too late.
“Running away, Buggy?” He hears a deep, intimidating voice call out from behind him. Ah, so it looks like this is the end of the road for Buggy, huh…? What does he do now, he doesn’t think he can out run Crocodile…
Beg for mercy?
Buggy slowly turns around, waving nervously at Crocodile, “Uh, hey!” He greets him, voice already shaking as he speaks. He’s going to scream, cry, and vomit, and all in that order. “I wasn’t running away… I was just, uh…” he trails off, unsure of what excuse he could possibly use in this situation because Crocodile saw him make a run for it with his own eyes. He notices belatedly that Crocodile has that other tall, slightly less intimidating but still extremely scary, fellow with him…Daz…? They all escaped prison together, didn’t they? And…There’s also…Mihawk? Why is Mihawk with him?
Crocodile’s cold voice brings Buggy crashing back down to reality, “Whatever. Where’s my money, clown?” Where’s his money…right…Right…the money that Buggy borrowed after the war, and most definitely has right now… That money…
(He’s lucky if he even has money for lunch.)  
Buggy forces a bright smile onto his face, “Y-your money?!” he repeats, trying to buy himself some more time while he figures out an excuse that’ll save his ass. “Well.. You see.. about that…” he’s just about to start babbling bullshit when Crocodile narrows his eyes at him, giving him the nastiest look. Oh! Okay! “Crocodile, please.” Buggy whines, “Look around, I have so many kids to feed…and… and It’s not exactly like business has been booming…and, and…I just lost my biggest money makers…and…”
Buggy’s never been one to admit his failures,  but this is a matter of life or death, and truth be told, Buggy’s delivery service hasn’t been doing too hot lately, but he just needs a little bit more time! He… He can fix everything, and get Crocodile his money back. “Please, just...Give me a month…” He begs, and Crocodile gives him that look again. Oh, okay! That’s obviously way too much time! “Three weeks, give me three weeks and I’ll have all your money… plus interest…”
Truth be told there’s no way in hell he’d ever be able to repay Crocodile the amount of money he owes him in that amount of time, and he sure wouldn’t be able to pay him interest on top of everything, but he… he just needs an excuse. If Crocodile believes him, then… Then as soon as he gets the chance, he’ll pack up and leave. He’ll dye his hair and change his name, and…
Crocodile scowls at him, “You’re saying you don’t have my money?” Well, no…but, yes… but, no he’s definitely not saying anything like that…what… what he is saying is that he’s broke right now, and just needs a little bit more time… “That’s fine.” Crocodile tells him, despite still having a terrifying look on his face, and there’s a moment where Buggy’s filled with hope.  Is...is his life saved? “I can just sell you.” Crocodile says the words, ‘I can just sell you.’ nonchalantly, and like Buggy isn't human, like…like he’s nothing more but an object, and like his life has no meaning to it. God, what did Buggy get himself into?
“Hey…Hey…Croccy, baby…Hey!” Buggy raises his hands up. Is it hot in here? Is Buggy the only one sweating right now? “We’re friends…remember? We escaped Impel down together remember?!” he stammers, trying to remind Crocodile of all the good times they shared together like….when they… well, uh, there was that one time where they… and then there was that other time when they… Oof.
Buggy is the one using his powers to make himself look ten times bigger than he should actually be right now, but for some reason, he still feels so small especially as he picks up the not so subtle shifts in Crocodile’s expression. He goes from slightly irked, to fully annoyed, to looking like he’s moments away from ripping Buggy to shreds.  “Oh, I remember, but I need my money now. I’m starting a new company and I need that money, clown.” Crocodile announces, and Buggy’s not sure how much longer he has before Crocodile snaps and beats him within an inch of his life. “If you can’t pay me back now, you need to make up for the money you’ve borrowed in other ways. Understand?”
Buggy swallows hard. God, what now? What does he say now? He considers making a run for it again, when all of a sudden an idea forms in his gigantic brain, “Oh!” He exclaims, “I know! I know! I can be your errand boy, or something,” he suggests, “I can work off my debt to you!” Crocodile’s cold, harden expression remains on his face, until Buggy casually stammers out:
“I…I have men who can give your new company the flashiest debut possible! My men can do it all: printing, design, advertisement, you name it…Just please don’t kill me!”
Somehow Buggy survives his encounter with both The Marines and Crocodile…Don’t ask him how, he’s always had the stupidest of luck. It doesn’t matter though, as soon as Buggy gets the okay from Crocodile, he’s looking for the best choice among all his men to design a flyer for their, well, Crocodile and Mihawk’s new company; Cross guild, hm, it’s got sort of a ring to it.
Buggy finds a few of his men and orders them to design and distribute a flyer for Cross Guild, and tells them to make it look flashy…because if it’s not, Buggy can kiss his life and or freedom goodbye.
Okay, that should keep Crocodile off his ass for a couple of days, right…? It’ll take his men a few days to design a breath taking flyer and then distribute it, and then Crocodile will see that Buggy’s actually a really useful guy after all!
That’s how Buggy thought things would go at least.
Buggy’s most devoted followers make a flyer for Cross Guild in a day and a half, taking pride in the fact that they didn’t stop for a break even once during the process, and the results are: Terrifying. As soon as he sees the poster, Buggy knows that he’s doomed and that what little chance he had at surviving and living a somewhat decent life was gone. It’s not like the flyer is poorly designed…it’s just… Buggy’s face is sort of… for lack of better terms... his men made it so that Buggy was in the center of attention while the other two look like an after thought, and that’s…that’s not what he wanted.
Buggy’s just an errand boy!
As soon as he sees Cross Guild’s debut flyer, Buggy feels violently ill again, like he’s going to throw up his breakfast, and he quickly orders his men to redesign the flyer so that Buggy doesn’t get killed, but they...
“Oh, we already distributed it.”
Okay, don’t panic. Don’t panic, maybe there’s time to fix this..or at least run away before Crocodile and Mihawk see the flyer. Buggy exhales a shaky breath, trying to figure out what he’s going to do about this whole flyer situation. Is...is there any way to just…just, make all the flyers go away? No? It doesn’t work like that?
[Next Part]
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At some point reader gets fed up with Crocodile's attitude and puts on one of those "Don't bully me, I'll c*m" shirt, I am so fucking sure
It'a Cross Guild reader and they get one of said shirts for Buggy as well, who wholly embraces it, making exaggerated moaning noises or going "ooo harder daddy" every time Croc insults or threatens him. Which actually does have the desired effect of Crocodile not being as much of an ass to the clown and choosing instead to mostly ignore him.
But totally opposite effect where reader is concerned. If anything, it's worse than it was before. But maybe that was the entire point.
Either way, Mihawk is off to the side rubbing his temples like an exhausted middle-aged mother of three dumbass teenagers and wondering why he puts up with any of you morons.
Gotta get poor Hawkie a shirt that says "I joined a polyamorous relationship and all I got was a migraine and this lousy t-shirt."
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blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
Clown!Sanji, Mihawk!Sanji, and Croc!Sanji defy dimensions to meet and form the Sanji Cross Guild purely to fuck with their parental figures. They dont know whether to be proud or have a breakdown
I've been sitting on this ask for like a week now and I don't know how that would actually go. I keep writing and erasing because nothing quite fits right ya know?
Mostly because Clown!Sanji is so well adjusted it's fucking weird and Golden!Sanji is just fucked up. Croc!Sanji is just vibing and laughs and points at his dad serving The Clown. Clown!Sanji probably crashes a show or two, Croc!Sanji interrupts meetings to point out better deals. Golden!Sanji is watching the other two just like Mihawk watches Croc bully Buggy.
Imagine the Cross Guild also listen to their sons-from-another-timeline talk offhandedly about their traumatic childhoods.
"Oh you both were on a rock too? Same."
"Metal mask and in a dungeon for two years? YEP!"
"At least those cuffs were duds, right?"
May I also present Shanks dealing with the same thing where he has Redhair!Sanji on his boat calling him and Yasopp shit and Benn doesn't know what to do because this Sanji called him "dad" so Shanks is calls the guild up and they're just all so fucking concerned about this one particular being.
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ideas-4-stories · 5 months
Story idea for Cross Guild Romance, Saucy At The End
Buggy's love language is ALL of them, but especially words of affirmation.
Mihawk's love language is acts of service.
Crocodile's love language is bullying /j (it's gift giving).
They usually work out well despite their differences, if only because they all have a way of tempering each other's sharper bits and encouraging the strengths in one another.
Buggy is happy, but he's also a little... off kilter. Aside from the incredulous feelings about being with THE Hawkeyes Mihawk and THE Sir Crocodile, he's always felt so.... weird about vulnerability and love in any capacity. He's happy! Really, he really really is!!
Nothing feels real, though.
It's like he's constantly waiting on the other shoe to drop, like he's constantly searching for the hidden message between the lines. He's seeing a therapist, he KNOWS it's the trauma. But still. Cringe.
It comes to a head when a group offers a deal with the Guild and the leader of this prospect has eyes for Buggy. He's flirty, suave, handsome, and he has seemingly made a game of how many times he can earn a startled blush. Crocodile and Mihawk are not pleased, but seeing their clown repeatedly turn this man down is almost entertaining. It never goes beyond flirtation, thank the Seas, but it does spark a conversation later on.
"Expressive though you may be," Mihawk remarks that evening, sitting on their bed in his sleepwear, "you so rarely blush that much in public from mere praise."
Buggy glances over, midway through his skincare routine. "Hmm?"
"That guy was drooling all over you," Crocodile huffed, robe slipping from his shoulder. "And you were bright as a wildflower for it. Why?"
Buggy shrugs, turning back to the vanity. "I dunno," he admits, "like... it's always nice to get praised, but it usually only really gets me all red and weird from you guys." He pauses. "Mm, might have been the nicknames? Only ones who ever called me things like that are dead or as good as dead nowadays."
He doesn't know it, but he has started a ball rolling with his boyfriends. They begin slowly, gradually, casual drops of darling or sweetheart. It increases in frequency and personality as it goes.
It eventually gets incorporated into more adult activities as well.
18+ below:
They find Buggy responds beautifully when they call him princess. Taking him apart and putting him together is one of their favored pass times, and finding new ways of getting him to quiver, to shudder, to whine and whimper - ohh, they do so love it.
He's simply so responsive.
It inevitably causes a pavlovian response, the nickname princess. A hook to the waist, a hand adds his wrist, a casual mention of it and Buggy is folding like a house of cards.
Buggy having all of them with Words of Affirmation being the most makes sense. Mihawk with Acts of Services and Crocodile with Gift Giving is so correct for them. The trio working out well despite their differences because they can encourage and balance each other out.
Poor Buggy, thinking that nothing feels real. Good thing he’s seeing a therapist.
Ooo, I can see ideas on what that meeting for the deal looked like. Mihawk and Crocodile brooding behind while Buggy keeps rejecting the man making Crocodile and Mihawk very happy. Everyone can see that they are really smug about it.
Buggy telling them that he likes nicknames, so they slowly start adding more nicknames to make Buggy blush. It’s so sweet and great, love it! I feel like Mihawk and Crocodile would have different games like How many nicknames before the clown blushes or how fast they could make the clown flush with nicknames, among other games.
The 18+ - Oh my goodness, Crocodile and Mihawk are using this to their advantages.
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shanksxbuggy · 1 year
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Buggy on his knees with his hands folded so politely 🥰 My favorite
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🫣😍 The closest thing to Cross Guild we will ever get. This should become more of a thing, Buggy being bullied by people bigger and stronger than him.
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giurochedadomani · 10 months
In a cross guild setting:
Something, something, Mihawk probably relates love and trust, and has Trouble openly trusting people; something, something Buggy needs some leverage against all the cross guild bullying:
The fact that Buggy easily knows A Lot Of Very Reliable, Secretive Info about Shanks from back when they were with Roger makes me think that he could easily fuck with Mihawk soooo much.
Because Shanks is a touchy subject for Buggy and a private one for Mihawk, so the general understanding is not to mention him in a meeting, but I'm picturing Buggy getting pissed at Mihawk and deciding to get petty and his head just flying a bit closer to Mihawk like:
'has he already given it to you?'
'given me what'
'how many years have you been together? It's been so long and he still hasn't given it to you?'
'clown. What are talking about'
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Or psycoanalizing him like when buggy starts commenting on Zoro's jealousy of Sanji
'what's with the long face today? Trouble in paradise?'
And being a general nuisance in a way that 1) gets under Mihawk's skin 2) makes him have to discreetly call shanks and feel very stupid doing so because he DOES NOT WANT to debase himself to be clingy
And anyway, something, something Mihawk having exactly the same opinion of Buggy as Zoro
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Cross Guild and Buggy training montage, which is mostly just Buggy crying and screaming and trying to avoid them. Dude would probably develop observation haki just to be able to get away from Mihawk and Crocodile's training attempts, which just means they get more insistent in training him up into shape. Just a Rocky style scene cut of Buggy getting forced to train and the other two slowly growing more tolerant of him (and fond and in love)
Honestly? I think they'd do that once they see he has potential. I mean, it's fun to bully him but it would also be great to see him being useful and actually doing something. And they know he can. He just has no motivation. They're insufferable to him but at least they help him train. Somehow. They're fond of Buggy too, I swear. And also it'd be the funniest thing--
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nocontextonepiece · 2 years
cross guild in the warrior cats au is just “kittypet who lies about being tougher than he is” buggy, “exiled for an attempted coup and is bullying the kittypets” sandscar, and “got swept downstream, buggys owners put him in a cone, and hes rapidly withering inside” hawkeyes
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Adding on to generalized chronic pain issues, specifically Devil fruit users-
The human body is about 60% water.
There's water in bone too, sorry Brook, no saving yourself there.
DF users have to keep up on hydration, but what if their inability to tolerate water includes ANY kind of water.
Luffy v Crocodile last fight in Alabasta, fighting with his blood - it affected him.
Tears? Big impacts.
Humidity? Rain? Storms? The affects are relatively minor but they are Still There. Most DF users, after an overexposure to water/rain/heavy humidity, will at best have a slight headache. At worst? Those old wives tales of staying out in the rain leading to sickness are REAL.
With my Buggy obsession, I am leaning heavily into impacts to him and those around him. So Buggy's immune system is WACKED out, both bc hus nervous system never quite got with the program of his powers and genetic predisposition. It's one of the reasons he got sick just before Laugh Tale. Fevers weren't uncommon for him AT ALL which is why none of the other Rogers were very concerned.
Shanks, though? He knew. He and Buggy had a whole ass SYSTEM for dealing with it. ((A system he drunkenly regaled Mihawk with often enough for the swordsman to have it committed to memory.))
Buggy studies medicine a bit, and so any Devil fruit users on Karai Bari have a specialty medicine made specifically with their abilities, biology, etc, in mind - including Crocodile. He doesn't let them suffer alone, bc he knows how it is and he refuses to let any of HIS be subjected to that.
Buggy just also doesn't reach out himself when he isn't doing well - enter Mihawk being like "Hello, I - stop screaming - I brought you your tea. Shanks waxed poetic about your teas for hours. Yes, I am aware of the time. No, I do not care that you are under dressed. Lay back down. I brought medicine for your headache."
Cue goth swordsman awkwardly going through the motions of caring for a sick, needy but very hesitant clown. And eventually he even finds the other... rather cute, all sleepy and smiling and soft spoken.
Crocodile eventually catches on and swings by, intending to bully Buggy a bit, but then he ALSO get charmed and reminded of the balms for his scars, the specialty drinks Buggy had made for him, and he just... can't.
It becomes p normal when Karai Bari has a higher humidity level or rain incoming for even the regular, standard officers to remind the DF users among them to take it easy, not push it, and it's silly and over the top bc they can't he expected to do anything less.
((Bonus silly idea, Buggy is out helping with muscle work before a big storm hits, even the typical human mercs can feel the moisture in the air, and one dude just. Scoops Buggy up, all sunshine smiles like "let us handle this, Chairman Buggy! Someone as incredibly kind and courageous as yourself can rest easy with us here!"
Buggy is both flattered, offended and flustered in one go. Flattered bc "oh they DO care...", offended bc this guy did NOT just baby him did he???, and flustered bc aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBeingHeldHELP?????
Croc would either choke on his cigar or just scoop buggy up from the other guy like "i got this, carry on"
Mihawk thought would probably shatter his wine glass, expressionless, and grab n go.
No they are NOT jealous, no they did NOT think the blush was cute on their clown- THE CLOWN, no, everyone shut up, the rain is getting to their heads, fuck off.))
This is awesome. The whole concept about DF users being affected by regular water too is great because it just adds more angst to the whole thing and it becomes more of a risk to eat the fruits. Gonna skip directly to the Cross Guild thing and say that I am SO soft and weak for Croc and Mihawk to end up smitten by Buggy somehow when they weren't planning on it. And they're so protective and take care of him and,,,, That's their boyfriend idc idc idc.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
Bughawk is soooo underrated and it makes me so sad. Please tell me you see how grand this vision is
I am personally more of a Shuggy/Crocobug shipper but that's mainly because Mihawk isn't doing it for me much?? I love him and his gold autistic eyes staring into my soul and his classy attitude and vampiric looking aesthetic, but I wish he had more screentime to figure out his personality better and enjoy him more. But I do like him! I swear! And tbh one of my favorite ships is Cross Guild, like, the three of them together, even if I have a bit of a preference inside of the trio. I do love them and tbh I think Mihawk and Buggy's relationship would be really funny to explore. Especially within the fanon portrayals of the characters because god forbid Oda gives the cool edgy swordsman more than three minutes of screentime and more than five words per episode.
Okay, so doing a mix between fanon and canon and "whatever the fuck I want to see these characters as because I am the princess of this blog and I can do whatever I want": I think their relationship is fucking hilarious.
Unlike with Crocodile, Buggy doesn't really know what to do with Mihawk. Crocodile at least is easy to read and he's usually the one to make the first move, but what the fuck is Buggy supposed to do with the swordsman sitting in front of him, legs crossed and staring into his soul like he's about to bite his neck and suck him dry. Scary. And also very hot. But mostly scary. But turns out Mihawk is like, way more peaceful than what he thought. He likes reading. And classical music. And swords in a very weird obsessive way that the clown should not speak about. And not much, honestly. Cooking, too, apparently. Buggy keeps learning new things about him every day and the guy opens up little by little, because even if he's quiet, the very few words he says speak a lot for himself. He's also a fucking sadist and loves teasing Buggy all the time to the point of making him cry of frustration, but, well, when he's good he's really nice to be around <3
They both have history with Shanks. You know the movie "The other woman"? The one about this girl who discovers her boyfriend is married and then becomes besties with the wife and start hating him together? That's the energy I'm getting from this triangle. Stop making Mihawk cry over Shanks not loving him and a past love!! Make him go "Oh. Yes. Red Hair and I had something. Pretty sure he still felt something for you, clown, so I am not happy about that" / "What?! Why would you be angry at me for Shanks' shitty feelings that have absolutely nothing to do with me, by the way, our thing ended years ago when his stupid-" / "No, no. I am referring to him. Moron. I like you" / "You do???'' / "Sometimes. Sort of. Maybe. Your existence confuses me". And then they start dating because nobody can tell me Cross Guild isn't just a poly relationship doing business together.
I think Mihawk likes Buggy because it gives excitement to his boring life and also he's fun to bully. Besides, he's more than what he looks like and he actually has a dream and pirate spirit, so maybe he's not as useless as he used to think. He's still annoying, yes, but oddly comforting. Mihawk can't quite figure out what he wants with this clown, so he just sticks around with him. Buggy is like a chihuahua. A very loud chihuahua. Mihawk is definitely a black cat. They don't match. At all. Not in the slightest. And yet, Mihawk likes his company. And Buggy actually loves seeing all the soft and interesting sides of Mihawk and realize that he's not as scary as he looks like. I mean, he could slice him in half if he wanted to and he's still scary and hot but, y'know, he has a very domestic side that Buggy likes.
Thinking about them being established is pretty sweet because I think Mihawk would like reading out loud to him and Buggy would make the funniest comments about the story. And they would cuddle. And it would be so uncharacteristically soft of them and it's something they only do in private. Crocodile stares at them from the corner of the room and,,, He likes having them there. He's not alone and it's kind of sweet.
Also overprotective Mihawk with Buggy my beloved. In the sense of: He cooks for him because his eating habits suck. He makes him go on walks and do a bit of exercise. He makes him read, too. Listen to music that it's not only commercial pop or circus music or musical/Broadway tunes. He takes care of the clown when he's not bullying him. I think Mihawk treats Buggy like Sharpay Evans treats her dog.
And following the Shanks thing to end this post: Bughawk is really cool because I think it would break Shanks' heart and I love angst.
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