#grandline fuckery
blacklegsanjiii · 8 months
Clown!Sanji, Mihawk!Sanji, and Croc!Sanji defy dimensions to meet and form the Sanji Cross Guild purely to fuck with their parental figures. They dont know whether to be proud or have a breakdown
I've been sitting on this ask for like a week now and I don't know how that would actually go. I keep writing and erasing because nothing quite fits right ya know?
Mostly because Clown!Sanji is so well adjusted it's fucking weird and Golden!Sanji is just fucked up. Croc!Sanji is just vibing and laughs and points at his dad serving The Clown. Clown!Sanji probably crashes a show or two, Croc!Sanji interrupts meetings to point out better deals. Golden!Sanji is watching the other two just like Mihawk watches Croc bully Buggy.
Imagine the Cross Guild also listen to their sons-from-another-timeline talk offhandedly about their traumatic childhoods.
"Oh you both were on a rock too? Same."
"Metal mask and in a dungeon for two years? YEP!"
"At least those cuffs were duds, right?"
May I also present Shanks dealing with the same thing where he has Redhair!Sanji on his boat calling him and Yasopp shit and Benn doesn't know what to do because this Sanji called him "dad" so Shanks is calls the guild up and they're just all so fucking concerned about this one particular being.
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
Choose two or more of your Sanjis to somehow cross universes to meet. what kind of chaos would ensue?
angst is optional but would be interesting to explore
It's gotta be Croc!Sanji and Donquixote!Sanji. Just for the fact that one Sanji is trying to convince the other Sanji to let his dad smash his dad and the other is groaning as he balances books and inventory. Also could you imagine there just being three Sanji's if we send to the canonverse and everyone, including Canon!Sanji is realizing what the fuck is going on and who raised these other hims.
Also just Croc!Sanji watching Donquixote!Sanji talk about all the dumb shit he's done and how he doesn't plan to make it to thirty because whoo, that's too much his cocaine and trauma addled brain to handle.
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