#bug antho
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smugpugchimera · 25 days ago
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A poppy witch
~My Patreon~
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wondrous-art · 1 year ago
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Pulling out the embarrassing Cullen baby photos! 😊
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raziiyah · 1 year ago
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last ace lacewing bug detective bio thing, this time for zito, probably my favorite of the three that i've drawn! i love that each bio has more drawings than the last
oh and in regard to the zito and ace drawing i know they don't look like pupae but that's what the book says and i wasn't sure how to draw them as pupae and interacting while in that stage. book 3 shows some kids at the l'il larva orphanage as just minature versions of their respective insects in their adult stage so in hindsight maybe pupae could refer them being teenagers? though i'm pretty sure biedrzycki just said that to refer to them having known each other since a very young age so i'll stick with what i've drawn for now, age is weird in this universe lol
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junkkey · 2 years ago
I wanted to do a meme with some of my friends.
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Every group have a :
Truck freak (@kalima33 )
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Crazy ass (me)
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Something (@inkyboi101 )
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The figther (@yayalooove )
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All of them at once (@lautrell )
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They are not very well done, it was more for fun.
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murderandcoffee · 1 year ago
congratulations, you have been assigned…
enjoy your new allegiance!
(send me a 👁--or 👁👁 if you want two!--and I’ll roll a d20 on my randomized chart and assign you a fear entity!)
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discardead · 18 days ago
Could u please make a bugs themed NPUT ....
I <3 bugs so much im literally a silly bug
Thank u :]
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Bug themed NPUT
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss @scythidol
I hope you like them!
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Bug. Bugs. Buggie. Bugsby. Bugette. Bugbette. Bugbeth. Bugicide. Bugbina. Buggie. Beelett. Beelina. Beelith. Beelisth. Beesina. Beesine. Honey. Honeybee. Honeylee. Honeylou. Beetlene. Beetline. Beetlain. Insectie. Insectia. Insectine. Insectina. Insecthus. Crickette. Crickesth. Criksect. Cicade. Cicadeia. Cicadette. Cicaire. Mantisse. Mantielle. Manthius. Mantisa. Mantice. Manticade. Mantira. Mantodea. Mantodeia. Hemiptera. Insecta. Roach. Roachelle. Roachesse. Roachius. Roachias. Antenne. Antenia. Papillora. Papillie. Papilocera. Lepidora. Lepidaire. Lepicera. Lepidae. Lepithera. Lepithea. Metamorphia. Metamorphisse. Monarch. Mariposa. Danaus. Dana. Nymphalie. Nymphalid. Nymphora. Nympidae. Morphina. Morphinesse. Morfisse. Elythera. Chrysalis. Chrysalie. Chrysea. Fluttersea. Fluttersy. Flutterbie. Flutterie. Centi. Centiede. Centylle. Centhise. Milli. Millie. Millenti. Millede.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ bu/bug. bug/bugs. bzzt/bzzts. inse/insect. insect/insects. squi/squish. squish/squishs. fly/flys. fly/flies. bu/buzz. buzz/buzzs. ze/zir. win/wing. wing/wings. centi/centipede. ce/centi/centipede. milli/millipede. mi/milli/millipede. bee/bees. pray/prays. manti/mantis. antho/anthopila. bee/beetle. beetle/beetles. horn/hornet. crick/cricket. cica/cicada. wa/wasp. wasp/wasps. roa/roach. ant/ants. bug/bugbite. lady/ladybug. cater/pillar. cater/caterpillar. butter/butterfly. pu/pa. pu/pupa. co/cocoon. flu/flutter. flut/ter. mo/mor. mor/morph. le/lep. le/ler. lepi/lepis. wi/wing. cry/crys. chry/chrys.
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Usernames ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ insscticide. insectycide. bugicide. bzztbug. bzzbugs. bugzzt. criksects. wingsects. bugsyboy. bugsygirl. bugsything. bugsects. prayermantis. prayourmantis. orchantis. hissroaching. hissroachs. roachesse. bugbityr. mybugbites. bugbiite. bugologist. bugologistic. insscthunter. insecthwnts. cicadeas. cicadead. roacherie. crrckets. creakets. creackets. bambibee. orchiantis, mantorchid. mantorchis. mantisse. ladyettbug. ladybwgs. ladysbug. bqueen. leafibug. sticksnbug. stick-nbugs. butterflea. flutterbee. flutterbug. mynests. beebtle. centillipede.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧The (Silly) Bug. Prn* with many eyes / legs. Prn* with [bug] wings. Prn* with antennas. The buggy one. Prn* art of [bug] family. Prn* who is a bug. The one with incomplete metamorphosis. The (small) multi-legged animal. Prn* who's bugging out. Prn* who Buzzes around. Prn* who Crawls around. Prn* buggy eyes. The Bug-eyed [noun]. Prn* that Buzz in the Sky. The Lady of Bugs. The Bug's Swarm. The Swarm of [bug / noun]. Prn* by the Hive. The Queen / King Bee. The Bee's Queen. Prn* hidden in the Leaves. Prn* who has Butterfly Wings. The Butterfly-winged [noun]. Prn* as Free as a Butterfly. Prn* who Flutters. Prn* in a Metamorphosis. The [noun] freed from prn* Pupa. Prn* in a Pupa. Prn* who's fluttering away. Prn* delicate Wings. The [noun] with Fragile Wings. The [noun] with many Legs. The [noun] with Compound eye. Prn* who's from a family of [bug]. The [bug / noun] and prn* Swarm.
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m0e-ru · 7 months ago
hi ive been binging your blog a lot recently. i rlly adore the sheer effort you've given to these dumbass fucking characters that otherwise get such little people even attempting to appreciate or engage with them beyond very shallow depths. as someone who only really got into the p4 games relatively recently (2022. my only remembered experience with the series beforehand was like a couple episodes of the the p4anim years ago and playing p5 in 2016/2017) and kind of being shell-shocked by how characters like marie and teddie and namatame were perceived by the overall fanbase once i started engaging with it more i really appreciate all the writing and analysis and art and other shit you do for them. even the gas station attendant, a character i overlooked initially, i've come to love because of all the time and energy you put into picking them apart like a dead frog in a science class
uh yea idfk i feel generally vindicated by seeing the way you characterize these bitches. especially marie as someone who felt like a lot of her interesting aspects were evaporated by the fandom (somewhat because of p4ga i feel but but still) and wanted to see more silly fanart of her (and shumarie/soumarie/whatecvrer the fuck that wasn't just kind of surface level romance becuz i rlly do love their dynamic w how i see bancho in my head. idiots who dont know how to properly express themselves w one repressing themselves to adopt a likable persona and the other unable to shut the fuck up much to their own detriment. im not gonna get over that fucking "marie makes everyday sunny for him" post ever i think) so uh keep on keeping on and ill continue to like your posts and something
anyway dumb stupid cringe fucking rant over. i apologize if i come off like a loser i dont use this website and idk the general tumblr etiquette. im pretty sure shit like this shouldnt even go here but . dont need to respond to this i just wanted to yell into the void cuz i appreciate this account. rest of this will just be panels of marie and teddie and bancho from some of the p4g anthologies i own that i wanted to share in the off chance that you also dont already own said anthologies n have seen them befor. these r only from the last ID antho and the dengeki one because those r the only 2 i have proper pictures of
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hai i read this ages ago and i wanna get back to it by saying youre so awesome possum forever and ever dont worry about your ettiquette because getting 3 essay worthy paragraphs of you talking is basically everyone ive met in the tumblr nation
another thing i remember is that a bestie also loved your offerings esp the last one because those two look so lalala AUAHUAHA okay i should answer this ask properly now that i have the time 🏃🏃🏃🏃
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can we give it up for the bingers and blog skimmers !?!?!?! you guys are such an interesting breed i remember trying to do that in 2018 i can already recall the thrill going through my blood im so honored to see people doing that and moreso coming to me to tell me about it WAHAUHAHA 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
this gas station (blog) really is catered to the niche market of all time also because the way my brain is wired to just go in the dustiest nooks and corners of a community and thrive and live there. i AM the bug you see when you lift up the rock . hai . i'll do anything for these poor poor characters being tossed around like hot potato with people who dont bother understanding thing or even try to pick them up at all. also im getting such a kick every time someone tells me i got them into appreciating the attendant or even iznmi more OR in a different way. thats why im here bros . me when i do my JOB !!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
the way fandom handles shipping has always irked me because theres just SO much you can do with two characters than just make them hold hands. what if there was blood invovled, you know . /starts pacing around the room / you know im glad you know the know it's so cool you know /shaking you/ im glad i have a post that's affected you so much like i thought it was just a silly caption at the time and seeing it after 2 or 3 years is like "YEAHH i cooked this " and im glad you brought it to me hehehe
i hope this gas station brings you joy and you keep coming back for more etc etc and please know i really am happy to see you around in whatever branch you show up at 🫡🫡🫡 /explordes
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aspenmissing · 2 years ago
𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚜 (𝙿𝚝 𝟸)
Sam, Dean, and Y/N pull up outside the local university and get out of the car. Y/N takes the box of bones out of the backseat and heads towards the building.
"So, a bunch of skeletons in an unmarked grave," Y/N says.
"Yeah. Maybe this is haunting. Pissed off spirits? Some unfinished business?" Sam suggests.
"Yeah, maybe. The question is, why bugs? And why now?"
"That's two questions." Sam ignores him. "Yeah, so with that kid back there, why'd you tell him to just ditch his family like that?"
"Dean..." Y/N says, looking at him, but he ignores her.
"Just, uh...I know what the kid's goin' through."
"How 'bout tellin' him to respect his old man? How's that for advice?"
"Dean, come on," Y/N says, stopping him. "This isn't about his old man. You think I didn't respect Dad? That's what this is about."
"Just forget it, all right? Sorry, I brought it up."
"I respected him. But no matter what I did, it was never good enough."
"So, what are you sayin'? That dad was disappointed in you."
"Was? Is. Always has been."
"Why would you think that?" Y/N asks, looking at Sam with soft eyes.
"Because I didn't wanna bow hunt or hustle pool—because I wanted to go to school and live my life, which, to your wacked-out family, made me the freak."
"Yeah, you were kind of like the blonde chick in The Monsters," Dean says, earning a smack on the arm from Y/N.
"Dean, you know what most dads are when their kids score a full ride? Proud. Most dads don't toss their kids out of the house."
"I remember that fight. In fact, I seem to recall a few choice phrases comin' out of your mouth," Dean adds.
"Sam, Dad was never disappointed in you. Never. He was scared," Dean says.
"What are you talkin' about?" Sam asks.
"He was afraid of what could've happened to you if he wasn't around. But even when you two weren't talkin'... he used to swing by Stanford whenever he could. Keep an eye on you. Make sure you were safe," Y/N says.
"Why didn't you tell me any of that?"
"Well, it's a two-way street, dude. You could've picked up the phone." Sam looks at the two sadly. "Come on, we're gonna be late for our appointment," Dean says, walking away with Y/N and Sam following close behind.
Sam, Dean, and Y/N are talking with the professor.
"So, you three are students?"
"Yeah. Yeah, uh, we're in your class, Antho 101." Sam says.
"Oh, yeah."
"So, what about the bones, Professor?"
"This is quite an interesting find you've made. I'd say they're 170 years old, give or take. The timeframe and the geography heavily suggest Native American."
"Were there any tribes or reservations on that land?" Y/N asks.
"Not according to the historical record. But the, uh, relocation of native peoples was quite common at that time."
"Right. Well, are there any local legends? Oral histories about the area?"
"Well, you know, there's a Euchee tribe in Sapulpa. It's about sixty miles from here. Someone out there might know the truth."
"All right."
Dean, Sam, and Y/N are driving through Sapulpa. They stop, and Dean asks a Native American man for directions. Once he directs them where to go, they thank him and drive away. A while later, they enter a diner and find another Native American man playing cards at a table.
"Joe White Tree?" Sam asks as they walk over to the man. "We'd like to ask you a few questions, if that's all right."
"We're students from the university," Dean says.
"No, you're not. You're lying," Dean seems taken aback.
"Well, the truth is—"
"You know who starts sentences with 'truth is'? Liars," Dean exchanges a look with Y/N.
"Have you heard of Oasis Plains? It's a housing development near the Atoka Valley," Y/N asks.
"I like her. She's not a liar," the man says to Dean, who looks angry. "I know the area."
"What can you tell us about the history there?" Y/N asks.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Something... something bad is happening in Oasis Plains. We think it might have something to do with some old bones we found down there—Native American bones," Sam says.
"I'll tell you what my grandfather told me, what his grandfather told him. Two hundred years ago, a band of my ancestors lived in that valley. One day, the American cavalry came to relocate them. They were resistant; the cavalry was impatient. As my grandfather put it, on the night the moon and the sun shared the sky as equals, the cavalry first raided our village. They murdered and raped. The next day, the cavalry came again, and the next, and the next. And on the sixth night, the cavalry came one last time. And by the time the sun rose, every man, woman, and child still in the village was dead. They say that on the sixth night, as the chief of the village lay dying, he whispered to the heavens that no white man would ever tarnish this land again. Nature would rise up and protect the valley. And it would bring as many days of misery and death to the white man as the cavalry had brought upon his people."
"Insects. It sounds like nature to me. Six days," Y/N says.
"And on the night of the sixth day, none would survive," Dean, Sam, and Y/N exchange a look.
==Time Skip==
Dean, Sam, and Y/N are walking back to the car.
"When did the gas company man die?" Sam asks.
"Uh, let's see, we got here Tuesday, so Friday is the twentieth."
"March twentieth?" Y/N nods. "That's the spring equinox."
"The sun and the moon share the sky as equals."
"So, every year about this time, anybody in Oasis Plains is in danger. Larry built this neighbourhood on cursed land."
"And on the sixth night, that's tonight," Dean says.
"If we don't do something, Larry's family will be dead by sunrise. So how do we break the curse?" Sam asks.
"You don't break a curse. You get out of its way. We've gotta get those people out now," Y/N replies as they get in the car and drive away.
Dean is driving while talking on the phone with Larry.
"Yes, Mr. Pike, there's a mainline gas leak in your neighbourhood."
"God, really? And how big?"
"Well, it's fairly extensive. I don't want to alarm you, but we need your family out of the vicinity for at least twelve hours or so, just to be safe."
"And who is this, again?"
"Uh..." Panicked, Dean hands up.
"Give me the phone." Sam takes the phone from Dean and dials a number. They pick up.
"Matt, it's Sam."
"Sam, my backyard is crawling with cockroaches."
"Matt, just listen. You have to get your family out of that house right now, okay?"
"What, why?"
"Because something's coming."
"More bugs?"
"Yeah, a lot more."
"My dad doesn't listen in the best of circumstances, what am I supposed to tell him?"
"You've gotta make him listen, okay?"
"Give me the phone, give me the phone." Y/N grabs the phone from Sam. "Matt, under no circumstances are you to tell the truth, they'll just think you're nuts."
"But he's my..."
"Tell him you have a sharp pain in your right side and you've gotta go to the hospital, okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah, okay," he hangs up, and so does Y/N.
"Make him listen? What are you thinking'?" Dean says.
"Don't blame Sam, Dean. He was just saying what he thought was right."
A while later, they pull up outside Larry's house. Larry looks out the window and, seeing their car, goes outside.
"Damn it, they're still here. Come on," they say, getting out of the car.
"Get off my property before I call the cops," Larry says. Matt comes out of the house.
"Mr. Pike, listen."
"Dad, they're just tryin' to help."
"Get in the house," Matt says, looking at Sam, Dean, and Y/N.
"I'm sorry. I told him the truth."
"We had a plan, Matt; what happened to the plan?" Y/N says.
"Look, it's 12:00 AM. They are coming any minute now. You need to get your family and go before it's too late," Sam says.
"Yeah, you mean before the biblical swarm?"
"Larry, what do you think really happened to that realtor, huh? And the gas company guy? You don't think somethin' weird’s goin' on here?" Dean asks.
"Look, I don't know who you are, but you're crazy. You come near my boy or my family again, and we're going to have a problem."
"Well, I hate to be a downer, but we've got a problem right now," Y/N says.
"Dad, they're right, okay? We're in danger."
"Matt, get inside! Now!"
"No! Why won't you listen to me?!"
"Because this is crazy! It doesn't make any sense!"
"Look, this land is cursed! People have died here. Now, are you going to really take that risk with your family?"
"Wait," they all say, going silent. "You hear it?" From somewhere nearby, a very loud buzzing noise can be heard. It continues to get louder.
"What the hell?" The light on the porch begins to shine overhead, killing several bugs at a time.
"All right, it's time to go. Larry, get your wife," Y/N says.
"Guys," all of them look up at the sky. Millions of bugs begin flying towards the house, blanketing the sky.
"Oh my God."
"We'll never make it."
"Everybody in the house. Everybody in the house, go!" They rush inside the house and lock the door.
"Okay, is there anybody else in the neighborhood?" Sam asks.
"No, it's just us," Joanie says.
"Honey, what's happening? What's that noise?" She asks.
"Call 911," Larry asks, but she doesn't move. "Joanie!"
"Okay," she says, picking up the phone and dialling.
"I need towels," Y/N asks.
"Uh, in the closet."
"Okay, we've gotta lock this place up. Come on—doors, windows, fireplace, everything, okay?" Sam says this to Matt, and they go upstairs.
"Phones are dead."
"They must have chewed through the phone lines." Y/N begins putting towels at the base of the front door when the power goes out. "And the power lines."
"I need my cell," Larry says, picking up his cell phone. "No signal."
"You won't get one. They're blanketing the house," Dean says. Millions of bugs began collecting on the doors and windows, covering the entire building. The six of them watch, waiting.
"So, what do we do now?" Larry asks.
"We try to outlast it. Hopefully, the cure will end at sunrise."
"Hopefully?" In the kitchen, Dean searches the cabinets. He finds a can of bug spray and returns to the living room.
"Bug spray?"
"Trust me," he says. He turns to Y/N and grins. They realise what he's doing and smirk. They then hear a creaking noise coming from somewhere around the fireplace.
"What is that?" Matt asks.
"The flue."
"All right, I think everybody needs to get upstairs." Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of bugs come into the living room, swarming all around them. They scream and try to protect themselves. Dean uses a lighter with the can of bug spray to make it flare up. The flame wards some of the bugs away. "All right, everybody upstairs! Now! Go, go, go!" Larry stops in the hallway, pulling down the ladder to the attic. They climb up. Dean is last, and Y/N closes the door. After a moment of being in the attic, sawdust begins to fall from the ceiling. The buzz of the bees gets louder.
"Oh, God, what's that?"
"Something's eating through the wood."
"All right, everybody gets back. Get back, get back, get back!" Y/N shouts. 
The three Pikes move as far into the corner of the attic as they can. A second later, the bugs chew a hole through the ceiling and swarm around the room. Sam, Dean, and Y/N frantically try to patch up the hole in the ceiling, but this only works for a minute. Soon, two more holes are chewed, and while Dean tries to ward them off with bug spray, nothing seems to work. The six of them stand in the corner, trying desperately to swat the bugs away for a few minutes. Then, suddenly, the sun rises. Miraculously, the bugs start to leave through the hole in the ceiling. Confused, Sam, Dean, and Y/N go to see what happened. Through the hole, they can see the bugs in the sky, near the sun, in one enormous colony. The six of them continued watching, relieved.
Sam, Dean, and Y/N approach Larry, who is placing boxes into a moving van.
"What, no goodbye?"
"Good timing. Another hour and we'd have been gone," Larry shakes their hands.
"For good?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah. The development's been put on hold while the government investigates those bones you found. But I'm gonna make damn sure no one lives here again."
"You don't seem too upset about it."
"Well, this has been the biggest financial disaster of my career, but..." He looks over at Matt, who is carrying a box to the garbage. "Somehow, I really don't care," they say, sharing a smile. Sam walks over to Matt, who is throwing away all his insect paraphernalia.
"What's this?"
"I don't know. They kind of weird me out now," they both laugh.
"Yeah, I should hope so." A few minutes later, Sam joins Y/N and Dean by the car. They watch Larry and Matt, who are now getting along very well.
"I wanna find Dad," Sam says.
"Yeah, us too," Dean replies.
"Yeah, but I just...I want to apologise to him."
"For what?" Y/N asks.
"All the things I said to him. He was just doin' the best he could."
"Well, don't worry, we'll find him. And then you'll apologize. And then within five minutes, you guys will be at each other's throats," Sam laughs.
"Yeah, probably," they say, sitting in silence for a few seconds. "Let's hit the road." They get in the car, giving one last wave to Larry and Matt, and drive away.
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solarolai · 2 years ago
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what if ribombee was just a little guy
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the-toybox-general · 4 years ago
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BRO who let all these bugs in here???? Here’s a dump of bug related art from two different stories, just to throw some actual content on my tumblr again =v=) !
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wonderweird · 7 years ago
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Today was a lazy cute doodle sort of a day so have some baby Florence! And also papa Reno.
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years ago
do you write smut with your mlp muses?
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~I had a feeling this was coming.
So... if my muse is of age, I'm willing to write smut with them, though how long before my motivation plummets is always in the air. My mlp muses are a special case though, I will write smut with them but if I am it's probably going to be with them as anthos or humans.
The other way doesn't personally bug me, less it's going for super anatomical correctness which I don't vibe with, that said most of my muses are here for doing random bullshit not really to write smut. It's why my sinblog is really just a spam blog for me and my horny ass mutuals, I see you motherfuckers and love you.
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professionallydeadinside · 3 years ago
I think Antho and Sugako would be good friends
Sugako would psychoanalyze him and Antho would look at all the bugs her dad has <3
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kronecker-delta · 2 years ago
SBOW Mindworms (Upcoming Ideas)
Some ideas for upcoming Resident Evil fanfics with the SBOW (Sentient Bio Organic Weapon) setting. (So more of the ‘characters turned into antho-monster versions’ of things... and probably more monster girl antics too).
SBOW Shorts:
Graham, the Movie: A short snippet about that SBOW actress doing monster films getting her first big role in a bio-pick about President Graham as playing Ashley (post-infection) later on in the film. Sort of slice of life kind of deal.
Might also lead into/or be part of a more fun snippet about her having a kid later on, second generation ‘effects’, and cute bug mom/bug baby stuff.
Major Story Ideas:
More Ashley, Spy Thriller/Espionage Fic: Ashley goes to England for conference on bio-terror and new ways of approaching the infected. Only to uncover a plot to use a new variant of the Plagas to control politicians and plutocrats that seems to have gone unnoticed so far. Her ‘unique’ perspective might make her integral to finding out the source.
Or a target for those involved.
And how it connects her past experiences to those of a certain BSAA agent as well...
Rebecca Chambers (the one about Hunters): Rebecca’s investigation (and at times self-treatment) for surge of after effects from a series of Bio-terror attacks that hit the midwest. Only for it to flair up badly, leading to sudden and seemingly inexplicable mutations. Is there a pattern, why does it seem to focus on BOWs from the original Raccoon City outbreak... and is there a way to save them, or at least keep it from devolving into another tragic series of deaths, and why does it seem like someone might be targeting her personally.
Jessica ‘Darkside Story’: Jessica ends up on a job for her new bosses, finding the last few holdouts of Tricell’s research. Only to stumble onto a literal doomsday cult using a viral strain close (literally now) to her heart. Can she stop a tide of death from sweeping across the world’s oceans?
And how deep will she have to go to do so... (and what will she look like when she comes back up).
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naevys-sims · 6 years ago
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Could you make me a cute gothic girl who wants to learn herbalism and archeology? She's likely to have pinned bugs and plants in her room and have a cat, also be a bit of a bookworm °^°/                  
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princecharmingtobe · 5 years ago
Rai tries to explain the furry fandom for non-furries for the 24963569356586th time because I have no life~
I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir posting this here, I just still often see people in the general internet being confused about or flat out wrong about what furries are and why we like the things we like. So here I go again, taking my frustrations out by making a long-winded tumblr post about it. But hey, if you’re confused by furries or know someone who is, maybe this will help idfk
Just be warned I am an ADHD motherfucker and there will be about 10x more words than necessary.
To start, What Are Furries?
Furries are simply self-identified fans of anthropomorphic animal characters.That is, a character that is an animal, but with many human characteristics. This can include speaking human language, human-like facial expressions, walking upright in a human-like way, wearing clothes, etc. Examples of anthropomorphic (or anthro for short) characters include Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Sonic the Hedgehog, Disney’s animated Robin Hood, Zootopia, and Beastars. All things in which the “animal” characters behave and express themselves like humans. Even movies like The Lion King and Balto have what would be considered “antho” characters, due to their capacity for human thought, speech, and facial expressions, though they would be in a subcategory often referred to as “feral” or sometimes “non-morphic” in which the character still moves and behaves largely like an animal.
So to reiterate, a furry is simply a self-proclaimed fan of anthro animal characters. 
Why Anthro Animals?
I mean the obvious answer is, because it’s fun. It can be really fun and get one’s creative juices flowing trying to figure out how to blend human and animal characteristics. It’s an animal that moves and acts like a human. In what ways is it like a person, and what ways is it still an animal? Popular media like Zootopia and Beastars address that question as major plot points and worldbuilding elements. But it can also be fun to think about just when creating your own characters. And aside from just figuring out how to blend characteristics, the animal aspects of a character can offer more options of expression. Ears can perk up, droop, or fold back, tails can wag, lash, or tuck between legs, growling, hissing, etc. People often use expressions comparing human behavior and emotions to animals. You ever find yourself so happy or exited you think “If I was a dog my tail would be wagging!”
And aside from being an interesting concept to think about, sometimes it’s just aesthetically pleasing.
What is a “fursona”?
Fursona is short for “furry persona”. A BIG BIG part of the fandom is original characters. If you look at a furry art website you might see some art of Judy Hops, Legoshi, Sonic, etc. But mostly you’ll see original characters. They tend to be the main focus of the fandom. Because all the things mentioned above are fun to play with, and the fandom is big on creativity and self-expression. And what good is self-expression if you don’t use it to express... yourself?  A fursona is an anthro animal representation of oneself. Basically “Me, but an [animal].” These can be an accurate representation of oneself (example: someone who is short and meek and skittish might make a mouse fursona) or a more idealized version of who you want to be (example: same short meek skittish person might instead make a lion fursona because they wish they could be more confident, strong, and outgoing). Some people even make multiple fursonas to represent different aspects of themselves (Think Thomas Sanders’ “Sanders Sides” but with fur). In the fandom, your fursona is also often how you represent yourself to others. In real life there are aspects of your appearance you can’t control, or that can be very hard to control. Your height, weight, bone structure, etc. But online as a furry, you can look like anything you want. This is also a very attractive concept to trans folk and queer people in general, which may explain why there’s such a high percentage of queer furries compared to the general population.
What is a Fursuit and Why do People Wear Them?
A fursuit is simply a costume made to look like a furry character. it is pretty much no different from cosplaying comic, anime, or video game characters, except that most of the time fursuits are of original characters instead of pre-existing ones. People wear them for fun and self-expression, just like any other costume. They differ from mascot suits in that they tend to be of higher quality, and more form-fitting and expressive. Fake furries are usually pretty easy to spot on TV because they usually end up in cheap Easter bunny costumes. 
While “fursuiters” are often the “face” of the fandom to outsiders, most furries don’t actually own a fursuit. They are expensive, cumbersome, take work to maintain, and don’t always play nice with certain health conditions and phobias. I personally am apprehensive about getting one because I worry I’ll have difficulty breathing, and I easily overheat. Others simply don’t see the appeal of dressing up. 
Do Furries Think They Are Animals?
Generally speaking: No. People often mix up furries with a subset of otherkin known as Therians. Otherkin are people who believe themselves to be in some way non-human, usually spiritually or mentally a non-human creature. Therians in particular believe themselves to be in some way a non-human animal.  Furries are on the other hand, as I said, just fans of anthro characters. While there are likely furries who are also therians, most are not. 
People who approach furry conventions to yell “You know you’re not really an animal!” at the fursuiters is about the equivalent of going to an anime convention and shouting “You know you’re not really Naruto!” at the cosplayers. 
Is Being a Furry a Big Part of a Person’s Life?
It varies, just like any other fandom. Take anime for example. Some people just watch it and maybe talk to their friends about it and that’s it. Others might go online to view fanart and read fanfic, even go to conventions. And some people fill every aspect of their life that they can with it, filling their home with merch, getting tattoos, even building careers like being a youtuber around it. The same goes for furries. For some people it never goes beyond consuming media and art, while for others it plays a big part in their day to day life.
I won’t beat around the bush here. There IS a sexual side to the fandom, just like any other fandom. Any anime, comic, video game, TV show, book, there is a sexual side to its fandom. Furries are no different. Just like it’s easy to find anime porn, it’s easy to find furry porn. People be making porn, idk what to tell you.
“Isn’t that zoophilia?”
Some people seem to feel that way about it, but no, not really. The thing that differentiates furry porn from watching two dogs hump at the park is that the characters are anthro. They think and express themselves like people, and fans relate to them as they would with human characters.
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is in no way the same as this
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“Do people have sex in fursuits?”
Generally, no, for various reasons. 1. They are expensive and take work to maintain and keep clean, and you don’t want to get various fluids on them. 2. They can be cumbersome and get really hot and stuffy, not ideal. 3. They just aren’t made for it. They don’t usually offer access to ones’ genitals, and thus having sex in them would be rather difficult.
There ARE some people who will get suits specially made for having sex in, with holes in all the necessary places, but you’re not likely to see those out in public. Generally if you see someone walking around in public in a fursuit, you can rest assured it’s probably not been used for sex. 
“Ugh but that’s weird!”
I mean, people dress up and roleplay characters during sex all the time. Is dressing up as Krystal the Fox all that different from dressing up as Harley Quinn? And anyway, what does it matter to you what consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their own bedroom? Maybe don’t think too hard about other peoples’ sex lives.
And despite the availability of furry porn, it is not all there is to the fandom, and not everyone participates in that part of it. Heck, there are a lot of minors in the fandom, I was a tween when I was introduced to it, and the only times I was exposed to porn was when haters would “raid” our forums and spam it at us while calling US perverts, all the while being told “Hey, there are kids here!” But no we’re totally the sex-crazed perverts here right?
“I’ve Heard About Furries Who Are Bad People”
Yeah, you probably have. It’s a big fandom and inevitably some of the people in it will do bad things. Again, it’s the same for every fandom. You take any percentage of the human population, you’re going to get a few bad ones. Actual zoophiles, pedophiles, rapists, abusers. If they exist in the general population they’re going to exist in the fandom. But generally when their actions are brought to light they are driven out of our spaces, as with most fandom spaces. No group is perfect and without its bad eggs, but most of us work to keep our spaces safe.
In the end, people looking at a group from the outside tend to only see the loudest, weirdest, most outrageous members, and assume that’s what the whole group is.
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