#buffet sneeze guards
buffetsneezeguards · 2 years
Buffet Sneeze Guards | Safe to Your Foods | ADM
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You must provide a safe, healthy environment for both customers and employees if you must operate a business similar to eateries. This is crucial for all businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic or other times of a health emergency. It is the owner's duty to ensure the security of all patrons and staff. To ensure that everyone is protected, you can utilize buffet sneeze guards on your food counter.
Protect Your Food on Table with a Buffet Sneeze Guards
You wish to shield your meal from the sneezing and coughing customers that are gathered in front of the food counter. Buffet Sneeze Guards work to keep customers away from your food counter and prevent the transmission of bacteria and viruses. The majority of sneeze guards are used at eateries, hotels, colleges, and other workplaces. The ubiquitous sneeze guard has helped spread coronaviruses.
Social Distancing
Similar to physical barriers that are used to physically protect people, social distance also exists. In this pandemic era, it is crucial. It is a strategy for preventing illness by maintaining social distance between individuals.
 You should get in touch with ADM Sneezeguards if you wish to install this barrier. The best sneeze guard manufacturers are ADM Sneezeguards, who also produce custom sneeze guards, glass guards, acrylic shields, portable barriers, and other sneeze guard varieties.
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admsneezeguards · 2 years
Buffet Sneeze Guards | Best way to Protect Your Food | ADM
You want to protect your food from the people who are sneezing and coughing in front of the food counter and they are standing together. Buffet Sneeze Guards help to protect your food counter from people and stop the spreading of germs and viruses. Sneeze guards are most used in restaurants, hotels, colleges, businesses, etc. The sneeze guard has been popular in the spread of coronaviruses. If you want to install this barrier then contact ADM Sneezeguards. ADM Sneezeguards is the best manufacturer of food sneeze guards, custom sneeze guards, glass guards, acrylic shields, portable barriers, and other types of sneeze guards.  
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sappho114 · 2 years
someone just put the babadook on a list of solid horror movies and I forever am thankful I wasn't born with bad taste
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Sicktember #30
Prompt: Patient 0
Fandom/OCs: The Office (Sick Andy)
Words: 1550
Sicknario inspo: Character faking sick and character actually sick quarantined together from this post.
Author’s comments/background: A fandom I only write by request generally, but one that is always fun to revisit and good in a pinch for a writing challenge, since there’s so many characters. I have a love/hate relationship with Andy, and I’m not sure how great his characterization and dialogue is, but I suppose you all can be the judge of that. 
It was the semi-annual HR training day, and the employees of Dunder Mifflin, Scranton branch all shuffled in looking as if it was their execution day. They showed up, though, every single one. Truancy on training day had been a huge issue for a long time, so the corporate HR bigwigs had implemented this policy years ago: Mandatory attendance on training day, no doctor's notes accepted. A no-show meant automatic enrollment in twenty-four hours (the equivalent of three working days) of makeup online training. It was a brutal policy, but an effective one. No one missed training day anymore. 
All was normal until Andy Bernard showed up with a head cold from hell. Dressed to the nines as always, his clothes seemed to be the only thing holding him together. He was a sneezing, coughing, achy, miserable mess. The only thing that kept the rest of them from sending him home was the fact that he didn't have a fever. He would have insisted on staying, though, even if he was feverish. He had gone through all the trouble of getting here and he wasn't about to go home and do online training now. 
The rest of the employees vehemently opposed him joining them in the training room, though, visibly shedding contagion as he was. They came to a compromise after much discussion: Andy would be quarantined in the break room with a laptop for the training and still get credit for attending without infecting everyone else, an arrangement everyone felt was satisfactory, even though Kelly, Angela, and Oscar kept giving Andy dirty looks and muttering about having to decontaminate the break room that evening.
Michael was fashionably late that day and missed all the hullabaloo. He arrived just as Andy was getting settled in the break room and, after much pestering, the boss learned what was going on. Everyone saw the gears turning in Michael’s mind as they prepared to go into training, and they wondered what new foolishness was in store. 
Sure enough, about five minutes before the start time, Michael announced that he had an announcement, visibly shaking around a handful of tissues, which he'd been using to scrub at his nose for several minutes beforehand, making it a passable red. 
"I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm sick too," he said, with a fake, congested tone. "I didn't want to worry you all. But if you all are really so worried about getting sick, I'd better go in with Bernard too, just to be safe."
The staff exchanged looks, wondering if they'd heard correctly. This seemed too good to be true. 
"Well if you're sick, Michael, then you should definitely go in with Andy. We don't want to be breathing in your germs all day," Phyllis said. 
"I'm definitely sick. I tried to hide it when I first got here, but I guess the cat's out of the bag. I'm really not feeling so good. Guess I'll have to go relax in the break room for a few hours," Michael said, trying to sound convincingly pathetic. "I'm not sure how much of the training I'll hear. I might have to take a nap at some point."
"Whatever you need to do. As long as you feel better and stay away from us," Pam agreed. 
"Okay, then I guess I'll head on in there… you guys will bring us lunch at noon, right? Since I'm sure you don't want us going through the buffet line, being so sick and all." He rubbed at his nose with a loud sniffle for emphasis. 
"Oh we'll make sure you're taken care of," Stanley said. 
"I'll be standing guard by the door, Michael," Dwight said. "We can't have you escaping to shed your germs to the rest of us. The office would be in chaos."
One glance at Dwight showed that he believed Michael was truly sick, and Jim and Pam shared a secret smile at this realization. But he was playing right into what the rest of them wanted. 
"Dwight is right, Michael. You'll have to stay in there all day. Can't be too careful," Jim said. 
This made Michael pause, but they all knew he was in too deep now to backtrack. "...Okay," Michael said at last. "For the good of the team. I'll sacrifice my freedom for your health. I hope you're all thankful." He scrubbed at his nose again to make sure it stayed pink and itchy, giving them all a martyred look. 
"You better get in there. You're breathing your germs all over us every second," Kelly said.
"Okay, okay, I'm going. I'll see you all on the other side," Michael said, with an attitude of going off to war. 
Once the door was closed behind him, the staff shared a triumphant smile. A whole day free of Michael, and no chance of him making the training any worse than it had to be. It felt like Christmas had come early, at least as far as work could go.
Michael steeled himself as the door shut behind him to turn and face the visibly sick Andy. A whole day alone with Bernard would have been bad enough, but a sick Bernard would be a special sort of torture. Michael had a fleeting thought that getting out of training might not have been worth it for this, but there was no turning back now. 
Andy was clearly surprised to have company, but Michael erupted into a fake coughing fit before he could speak, then carried forward into a loud, fake sneezing fit. When he emerged from his handful of tissues (with plenty of scrubbing at his nose for good measure), Andy's gaze was sympathetic. 
"So you've got the crud too, huh? That's tough luck." Andy sniffled now, and it was far too wet-sounding to be fake, not to mention his glistening upper lip. "I wonder which one of us was patient 0."
"Huh?" Michael made his way to the sink, feeling the need to wash his hands already.
"You know, which of us got the other sick. Patient 0. The source of an infection."
"Oh! Oh it was definitely me. Yeah, I've been feeling sick since last Thursday or Friday."
"Wow, that's a long time. Yeah, then I guess it was you. I knew I shouldn't have let you sit at my desk for so long the other day." He clearly wasn't upset though and reclined in his chair, coughing and blowing his nose intermittently, never once washing his hands and leaving his tissues heaped up beside him. 
 Fifteen minutes passed, then thirty, and still the laptop screen remained blank, saying they were waiting for the presenter in the lobby. It seemed they were having technical difficulties down the hall. Clearly bored, Andy stood and began to dig through the drawers idly. 
"Hey, a deck of cards! We should play something," he said, sitting back down at the table and pushing the laptop aside, beginning to shuffle. 
"I don't know… are you sure that's a full deck?" Michael asked, unable to pull his eyes from Andy's germy hands touching every card. 
"Eh, who cares. We'll figure it out," Andy said. "C'mon, what are you, chicken? You think you can beat me even though I'm sick? No one ever beats Andy Bernard at cards. Just name the game."
Michael started to smile. "You know what, you're on, Bernard. Prepare to eat your words."
Andy's cold had a fast incubation period apparently, because the next morning it was Michael who arrived a sick, contagious mess. (Andy himself called in now that the threat of HR training had passed; apparently it was a long lasting cold too.) Michael announced his entrance with a violent sneeze that made everyone turn to look, wondering if he was continuing the charade. No such luck, though. There was no fake scrubbing needed to make his nose red and drippy, and there was no faking the wet, chesty coughing. There was also no mistaking the mischievous look in Michael's eyes as everyone was forced to witness the inevitability of this cold. 
"Michael, why are you here when you're still clearly sick?" Dwight asked in alarm.
"Oh it's not that bad. I can still work. Besides, if I had to get sick from Bernard after being trapped with him for eight hours, then the rest of you should be sick too. I am patient 0!"
"No, you're not…." Jim said in irritation. "Andy still is. You just said you caught this from him. That makes him patient 0." 
Michael glared at Jim and was trying to think of a good response when Dwight stepped between them. 
"Oh no. I will not allow this, Michael." Pulling out gloves from somewhere on his person, Dwight began to shove Michael toward his office, with Michael protesting the whole way. Once Michael was inside, pounding against the door, Dwight posted himself as a guard outside just as he had the previous day. 
A sullen-looking Michael shuffled to the window of his office to gaze forlornly out at them, wiping the back of his hand under his nose. The staff turned away one by one to return to their work, leaving their sick boss to stew in the consequences of his choices.
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shodansbabygirl · 5 months
Sorry to repost an ad Tumblr served me but
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Something about their vacant yet consuming expressions speaks to me. Literally a snapshot of two women at a buffet taken from the pov of a specific sneeze guard pane.
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aesthetically0b5essed · 5 months
All you can eat is one thing but a buffet is completely different. All you can eat comes from the kitchen and you don't have to walk up to something that has a sneeze guard to get your food.
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toastwhisperers · 7 months
The greatest food, the tastiest delicacies, are always under the acrylic Sneeze Guard. Australia loved you Sizzler and now the Toasties are firing up the Camry and heading back through time to snag your iconic Cheese Toast and to pile our plates high! #toastwhisperers #sizzler #toast #cheesetoast #derossiandfong #perth #alwaysanchovies #westernaustralia #sneezeguards #buffet #australia #1980s #1980sfood #timetravel #camry #2026
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jorge-086 · 9 months
What You Need to Know Before Buying New Food Service Equipment 
Before you embark on purchasing new food service equipment, it's essential to  understand the nuances that can make a difference. In this blog, we will unravel a few  basic considerations and insights about selecting commercial buffet ware. So, the  next time you go shopping for serving stations, serving trays, chafers, beverage dispensers, coffee pots or sneeze guards, you’ll be better prepared to make the right  choices. 
The Art of Serving Stations 
If you have worked in the food service industry, you know that the right serving  stations can make or break your business. A strategic selection of the most  appropriate and attractive serving stations isn't merely a matter of looks, but a  delicate balance between functionality, quality, looks, and customer satisfaction. 
Aesthetic Appeal Meets Efficiency 
Serving stations are not just about functionality and efficiency; they are also a visual  representation of your establishment's ethos. Consider the ambience and overall  theme of your food service business when selecting these stations. A casual café  might benefit from rustic, wooden serving stations, while an upscale restaurant may  opt for sleek, stainless steel designs. The choice should align with the customer  experience you aim to provide. 
Sizing It Right 
Serving stations come in various sizes, and your selection should depend on the size  of your establishment (or kitchen space) and the volume of customers you serve. It's  all about balancing demand and supply. A compact station might work for a cozy  coffee shop, but a bustling cafeteria will need larger serving stations to  accommodate the crowds. 
Ergonomics Matter 
When selecting serving stations, remember that design and ergonomics are pivotal.  They should facilitate smooth customer flow, easy access to utensils and condiments,  and provide a comfortable serving height for your staff.
Reputed Brands 
When you go for the best brands in the business, you get what you pay for. Choosing  premium quality serving stations is sometimes worth the extra buck. They’re more  durable, efficient, attractive, and cost-effective, standing the test of time. They make  your customers, employees and you happy in the long run, giving you returns on your  investment, year after year. 
Elevating Aesthetics with Attractive Serving Stations 
Design as an Experience 
Attractive serving stations not only enhance your food display but also contribute to  a memorable dining experience. Their design should be harmonious with your brand  identity. Opt for modern, classic, or themed designs that resonate with your target  audience. 
Durability and Quality of Materials 
Your new food service equipment is not just going to be a tool but also an investment.  So, the materials used in the serving stations you choose are crucial. Sturdy and  long-lasting materials are a must, as they ensure that your investment stands the test  of time. Stainless steel, for instance, is not only durable but also easy to clean and  maintain. 
Cereal and Snack Dispensers: The Pros 
For businesses serving breakfast or offering cereals as part of their menu, cereal and  snack dispensers can be game-changers. These devices maintain the freshness of the  cereals while making it easy for customers to dispense the precise amount they  desire. Choose designs that keep the cereals protected from moisture and air to  preserve their quality.  
Cereal dispensers provide a precise portion control mechanism, reducing food  wastage and ensuring consistent servings. This is not only cost-effective but also  promotes eco-friendliness. 
Barrier Shields and Sneeze Guards: A Hygienic Necessity
In today's health-conscious world, the importance of sneeze guards cannot be  overstated. These transparent barriers protect the food on display from contamination.  They create a safer environment for customers and contribute to their peace of mind. 
Understanding local health and safety regulations is crucial when installing sneeze  guards. Compliance ensures that you meet the required standards and maintain a safe  and hygienic foodservice environment. 
How to go about choosing the right food service equipment? 
The ideal food service equipment setup is one that integrates all elements seamlessly,  from serving stations that complement your décor to cereal dispensers that optimize  portion control and sneeze guards that ensure the highest level of food safety. 
Consider the following tips as you navigate the world of food service equipment: 
• Seek Professional Guidance: Consult with experts in the field who can  provide personalized advice based on the unique needs of your business. 
• Quality Over Price: It's tempting to cut costs, but remember that quality  equipment pays for itself in the long run through durability and customer  satisfaction. 
• Maintenance Matters: Factor in the maintenance requirements of the  equipment you choose. Regular upkeep is essential for longevity and  performance. 
• Future-Proofing: Consider how your equipment choices will scale with your  business. Can they accommodate growth and changing needs? 
• Training: Ensure that your staff is adequately trained to use the equipment,  which enhances safety and efficiency. 
Do Your Research 
You’ve heard the expression “buyer beware” and it holds true with commercial  kitchen equipment as well. So, invest wisely and do your research. Here’s how: 
• Research what equipment your business needs: Find out what other similar  restaurants, bakeries, or caterers are using for their kitchen equipment.  Consider the size of your business and equipment. 
• Research the equipment on ease of use: Does the equipment require special  training or certification for employees like an induction chafer, gas range or  deep fryer? 
• Research and compare prices for similar equipment: Prices vary a lot with  the brand and model but checking them might give you an idea and tell you if  it’s a good deal or worth it. 
• Research the warranty for your equipment: Make sure you read the  warranties carefully, and they cover all facets of a purchase so you don’t get  any surprises down the road when something breaks down. 
• Research the after-sales service of the brand: After purchasing a piece of  equipment after purchase, you want the best service. No one wants unexpected  expenses! 
Putting It All Together 
The art of selecting food service equipment is an intricate balance of functionality,  aesthetics, and compliance. For instance, the serving stations you select will set the  stage for your offerings, attractive serving stations will elevate the dining  experience, while cereal dispensers optimize convenience and portion control, and  sneeze guards will ensure your guests have the highest hygiene and safety. 
While each element is distinct, they come together as parts of a whole, shaping the  customer experience and the success of your food service establishment. So, before  you embark on your next kitchen equipment purchase, remember that a well informed decision is the key to a thriving business in the world of food service.  
Looking for the best quality food service equipment online? If you want durable, elegant, cost-effective, and efficient, check out our wide range of  food service equipment including high-quality serving stations from premium brands  at the EKE website.
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smartbuffetware · 10 months
What You Need to Know Before Buying New Food Service Equipment
Before you embark on purchasing new food service equipment, it’s essential to understand the nuances that can make a difference. In this blog, we will unravel a few basic considerations and insights about selecting commercial buffet ware. So, the next time you go shopping for serving stations, serving trays, chafers, beverage dispensers, coffee pots or sneeze guards, you’ll be better prepared to make the right choices.  
The Art of Serving Stations  
If you have worked in the food service industry, you know that the right serving stations can make or break your business. A strategic selection of the most appropriate and attractive serving stations isn’t merely a matter of looks, but a delicate balance between functionality, quality, looks, and customer satisfaction.  
Aesthetic Appeal Meets Efficiency  
Serving stations are not just about functionality and efficiency; they are also a visual representation of your establishment’s ethos. Consider the ambience and overall theme of your food service business when selecting these stations. A casual café might benefit from rustic, wooden serving stations, while an upscale restaurant may opt for sleek, stainless steel designs. The choice should align with the customer experience you aim to provide.  
Sizing It Right  
Serving stations come in various sizes, and your selection should depend on the size of your establishment (or kitchen space) and the volume of customers you serve. It’s all about balancing demand and supply. A compact station might work for a cozy coffee shop, but a bustling cafeteria will need larger serving stations to accommodate the crowds.  
Ergonomics Matter  
When selecting serving stations, remember that design and ergonomics are pivotal. They should facilitate smooth customer flow, easy access to utensils and condiments, and provide a comfortable serving height for your staff. 
Reputed Brands  
When you go for the best brands in the business, you get what you pay for. Choosing premium-quality serving stations is sometimes worth the extra buck. They’re more durable, efficient, attractive, and cost-effective, standing the test of time. They make your customers, employees and you happy in the long run, giving you returns on your investment, year after year.  
Elevating Aesthetics with Attractive Serving Stations  
Design as an Experience  
Attractive serving stations not only enhance your food display but also contribute to a memorable dining experience. Their design should be harmonious with your brand identity. Opt for modern, classic, or themed designs that resonate with your target audience.  
Durability and Quality of Materials  
Your new food service equipment is not just going to be a tool but also an investment. So, the materials used in the serving stations you choose are crucial. Sturdy and long-lasting materials are a must, as they ensure that your investment stands the test of time. Stainless steel, for instance, is not only durable but also easy to clean and maintain.  
Cereal and Snack Dispensers: The Pros  
For businesses serving breakfast or offering cereals as part of their menu, cereal and snack dispensers can be game changers. These devices maintain the freshness of the cereals while making it easy for customers to dispense the precise amount they desire. Choose designs that keep the cereals protected from moisture and air to preserve their quality.   
Cereal dispensers provide a precise portion control mechanism, reducing food wastage and ensuring consistent servings. This is not only cost-effective but also promotes eco-friendliness.  
Barrier Shields and Sneeze Guards: A Hygienic Necessity 
In today’s health-conscious world, the importance of sneeze guards cannot be overstated. These transparent barriers protect the food on display from contamination.  They create a safer environment for customers and contribute to their peace of mind.  
Understanding local health and safety regulations is crucial when installing sneeze guards. Compliance ensures that you meet the required standards and maintain a safe and hygienic food service environment.  
How to go about choosing the right food service equipment?  
The ideal food service equipment setup is one that integrates all elements seamlessly, from serving stations that complement your décor to cereal dispensers that optimize portion control and sneeze guards that ensure the highest level of food safety.  
Consider the following tips as you navigate the world of food service equipment:  
Seek Professional Guidance: Consult with experts in the field who can provide personalized advice based on the unique needs of your business.  
Quality Over Price: It’s tempting to cut costs, but remember that quality equipment pays for itself in the long run through durability and customer satisfaction.  
Maintenance Matters: Factor in the maintenance requirements of the equipment you choose. Regular upkeep is essential for longevity and performance.  
Future-Proofing: Consider how your equipment choices will scale with your business. Can they accommodate growth and changing needs?  
Training: Ensure that your staff is adequately trained to use the equipment, which enhances safety and efficiency.   
Do Your Research  
You’ve heard the expression “buyer beware” and it holds true with commercial kitchen equipment as well. So, invest wisely and do your research. Here’s how:  
Research what equipment your business needs: Find out what other similar restaurants, bakeries, or caterers are using for their kitchen equipment.  Consider the size of your business and equipment.  
Research the equipment on ease of use: Does the equipment require special training or certification for employees like an induction chafer, gas range or deep fryer?  
Research and compare prices for similar equipment: Prices vary a lot with the brand and model but checking them might give you an idea and tell you if it’s a good deal or worth it.  
Research the warranty for your equipment: Make sure you read the warranties carefully, and they cover all facets of purchase, so you don’t get any surprises down the road when something breaks down.  
Research the after-sales service of the brand: After purchasing a piece of equipment after purchase, you want the best service. No one wants unexpected expenses!   
Putting It All Together  
The art of selecting food service equipment is an intricate balance of functionality, aesthetics, and compliance. For instance, the serving stations you select will set the stage for your offerings, attractive serving stations will elevate the dining experience, while cereal dispensers optimize convenience and portion control, and sneeze guards will ensure your guests have the highest hygiene and safety.  
While each element is distinct, they come together as parts of a whole, shaping the customer experience and the success of your food service establishment. So, before you embark on your next kitchen equipment purchase, remember that a well-informed decision is the key to a thriving business in the world of food service.   
Looking for the best quality food service equipment online?  
If you want durable, elegant, cost-effective, and efficient, check out our wide range of food service equipment including high-quality serving stations from premium brands at the EKE website. 
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myka5 · 1 year
What is a suggested restaurant interior for buffet restaurants?
Title: Designing a Feast for the Senses: Restaurant Interior Ideas for Buffet Restaurants
When it comes to dining out, few experiences rival the indulgence of a buffet restaurant. The sight of a lavish spread of delectable dishes, the enticing aroma of various cuisines, and the prospect of unlimited servings make buffet restaurants a favorite choice for food enthusiasts. However, to create a truly memorable dining experience, it's essential to pay attention not only to the food but also to the restaurant's interior design. In this blog, we will explore the art of designing an inviting and functional interior for buffet restaurants that enhances the overall dining experience.
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Layout and Flow
The layout of a buffet restaurant is crucial to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable dining experience. Consider these key factors:
a. Food Stations: Organize food stations logically, grouping similar cuisines together. For instance, have a separate section for salads, another for hot dishes, and a dessert station. Clear signage can help guests navigate easily.
b. Traffic Flow: Create a one-way traffic flow to prevent congestion and ensure a systematic approach to the buffet. Use barriers or decorative screens to guide diners along the path.
c. Seating Arrangements: Position tables and chairs strategically to maximize space and create a comfortable dining atmosphere. Adequate spacing between tables is essential for privacy and ease of movement.
The ambiance of your buffet restaurant should reflect the style and cuisine you offer. Here are some ideas to consider:
a. Lighting: Use a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Dimmer switches can help adjust the lighting as per the time of day.
b. Color Scheme: Choose a color palette that complements your restaurant's theme and cuisine. Earthy tones like warm browns and greens can evoke a sense of freshness, while rich, deep colors like burgundy and gold can add a touch of luxury.
c. Decor: Incorporate decor elements that resonate with your buffet's theme. For instance, a tropical-themed buffet might feature palm trees and bamboo accents, while a modern, upscale buffet could include sleek furniture and contemporary art.
Display and Presentation
The way you present your dishes plays a significant role in the overall experience. Pay attention to these details:
a. Buffet Tables: Invest in high-quality buffet tables that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Consider using granite or marble countertops for an elegant touch.
b. Serveware: Select attractive serving platters, chafing dishes, and utensils that complement your restaurant's style. Ensure they are regularly polished and maintained for a polished look.
c. Centerpieces: Decorate buffet tables with tasteful centerpieces that don't obstruct the view of the dishes. Fresh flowers, seasonal fruits, or themed decorations can all add a touch of sophistication.
Comfort and Convenience
Guest comfort should be a top priority in buffet restaurant interior design:
a. Seating: Choose comfortable and ergonomic chairs that encourage guests to linger and savor their meals. Cushioned seats can enhance comfort.
b. Accessibility: Ensure that your buffet is accessible to all, including those with mobility issues. Consider the height of buffet tables and provide options for guests who may need assistance.
c. Hygiene: Maintain a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene. Use sneeze guards and provide hand sanitizing stations to ensure the safety of your diners.
A buffet restaurant's interior design is a critical component of the overall dining experience. When executed thoughtfully, it enhances the pleasure of indulging in a wide array of culinary delights. By carefully considering layout, ambiance, presentation, and guest comfort, buffet restaurant owners can create a feast for the senses that keeps patrons coming back for more. So, whether you're revamping an existing buffet or starting a new one, remember that the interior design is the secret sauce that makes the dining experience truly exceptional. One can achieve this by getting in touch with renowned design and build firms such as Flipspaces, which can help you with the same.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Feed Me!
The thought of dining at an animated restaurant is not exactly a new one. The idea has had a big revival in recent years, as labor costs and unreliability have soared. I have written about this phenomenon more than once in the last two or three years, and it often elicits howls of disapproval from my students. The thought of machine-crafted food just doesn’t sound all that appetizing.
But when you consider that many restaurants are already using machines to some degree to aid in the production of meals, it really shouldn’t raise eyebrows.

It all harks back to the Automat and its variants dating to the beginning of the 20th century. I’m talking about vending machines that sometimes presented an amazing array of prepared foods that could be ordered simply by dropping some coins into what amounted to a massive vending machine. These were not at all uncommon in bus stations, hospital cafeterias, and similar places where often transient groups of people needed to be fed. The only humans needed were those to replenish the food in the machines.
Yeah. I know what you’re thinking. Food sitting in a vending machine? What could possibly go wrong? Cue the rodents and bugs and all things nasty.
We don’t order much food out of vending machines today except for snacks and sodas, probably because the notion of a meal served as such really did turn our stomachs.
Skip forward to the present, and we have far more sophisticated efforts being tested, from Chippy the Robot at Chipotle, Carl’s Jr’s plans for an automated restaurant, and Mezli, a fully-autonomous food trailer in California. There are many more; these are just the ones I have written about.
And then there’s the new Sweetgreen automated restaurant, known as the Infinite Kitchen, now in concept and soon to be duplicated in large numbers. Basically, it is a salad-and-bowl-themed restaurant. There is still a human presence, lest customers be completely turned off, and to at least have some semblance of fresh and all that. Still, from the appearance of the interior, this looks like a very high-tech production line in which humans may be more optional than they let on.
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It all starts with the tablets on the counter, essentially ordering stations. If that doesn’t suit you, then use the app on your phone. Otherwise, if you can’t handle this level of technology, you best be heading to Denny’s or Waffle House, where a waitress can call you “Sweetheart” or “Hon.”
I get that a lot these days. I guess I remind the young servers of their Grandpa. A very youngish and fit version of their Grandpa. Alas, I have veered off into the weeds.
Meanwhile back at Sweetgreen, the bank of vertical clear tubes with all the ingredients, from which customer salads and bowls are expertly constructed, will amaze you. If you’re going to use robotics to make meals, I suppose it pays to at least make the processes somewhat visible and accessible to patrons, who may be wondering what is going on inside the Black Box of this establishment. And it is impressive, to say the least.
While there is a skeleton crew of humans, the food prep area is completely hands-off, unless something runs out and has to be added in after-the-fact. Otherwise, the machinery is so impressive that it can rotate the bowl while ingredients are being added, so that everything is spread about evenly.
Better yet, Sweetgreen has figured out how to be a salad bar without being a salad bar, a problem during Covid that crushed Sweet Tomatoes. Eeewwwww! Grubby germ-oozing hands all over those serving spoons, sneeze guards ripe with the effluent of hordes of sick people. Nope, nope, nope. Salad bars and buffets are now off-limits, thank you much. I mean, unless it is eat there or starve. PB&J from the back of my van is more inviting.
I like what Sweetgreen is doing. It addresses all the labor problems we have discussed before, as well as food safety issues that previous formats could never resolve without a pandemic putting them out of business. I would try this in a heartbeat.
That said, I’m glad we have evolved from the vending machine era of food service. I want nothing to do with a sandwich, or even a microwaveable entree, that came out of a machine. I know. Both the old and new methods are rather soulless, but restaurants have to do something to overcome modern problems, and Sweetgreen is on to something.
Which is another way of saying I bet we see a lot more of this in the future. Take my money, please. I’d like some Cuban black beans and rice, and make it snappy.
Dr “But Do I Need To Tip The Machine?” Gerlich
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admsneezeguards · 2 years
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cesium-sheep · 2 years
dream that a pet frog was released in a grocery store and arin and I were there to get groceries. kelcey carried me on their shoulders for a while but accidentally left me on the sneeze guard of a packaged candy buffet. a clerk saw and offered to make one of our items free of charge to improve our experience. the old guys from around the corner were there causing mischief (affectionate), one of them walked around with us for a bit even though he was on a date with his boyfriend.
it was busy and warm. I got my peanut butter oreos.
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Sneeze Guards: What Are They, And Where Should You Install One?
As a business manager or owner, you must offer all your employees a safe working environment. With everything going on in the world, products like a glass sneeze guard can help make a massive difference in your workplace and save you a lot of money by ensuring all your employees are healthy. 
What Are Glass Sneeze Guards?
Commercial sneeze guards are plexiglass or acrylic glass partition walls used to prevent the spreading of bacteria and viruses. Installing a protective barrier can stop the spray of a sneeze or cough from reaching someone’s mouth or nose and spreading in common areas. 
Where Are Glass Sneeze Guards Helpful?
A commercial sneeze guard can help you create a protective barrier around all your employees, promoting a healthier working environment and reducing the spread of viruses from customers. These barricades can be used in several settings, including:
Reception Areas: Be it a hotel or a hair salon, installing sneeze guards can help you make customer interactions safe and secure. 
Registers: Cash registers are an ideal location to install sneeze guards. Several chains like Walmart have recently started installing their cash registers with glass barricades to mitigate the spread of germs and bacteria.
Food Establishments: As per the FDA, any food placed in an open space must have a sneeze protection guard. They can be beneficial when installed in a buffet line where food items are more vulnerable to exposure. 
Schools and Gyms: Both schools and gyms have a lot of exposure to unhygienic practices. Installing a safety shield around the teacher’s desk or reception areas can be highly beneficial and help reduce the spread of germs and other contaminants. 
Glass sneeze guards are very effective and can work similarly to face masks when installed correctly. If you wish to prevent the spread of any germs or viruses on your commercial property, we suggest you consider installing sneeze guards today!
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adm-online-usa · 4 years
Is achieving social distancing really a complicated task to handle?
Within a span of a few months, we have been continuously going through the havoc of corona which seems to be a little bit difficult. COVID-19 has impacted a lot throughout the world. No corner of society has been left untouched by its effects. People have no more options to avoid this pandemic rather than to shield themselves and sanitize their surrounding areas. 
Are you too in search of creating a healthy environment in the office but unable to achieve? Worry not, just go in search of custom sneeze guards and barriers that will totally solve your problem of maintaining social distancing and physical separation. Many manufacturing companies have come forward in bringing PPE kits, masks, sanitizers, barriers and shields. From the start of the pandemic to this time, these manufacturing companies are continuously filling orders from hospitals, nursing homes, grocery stores,  hotels, restaurants, banks, corporate offices, government sectors, public places, police departments and other high exposure facilities. Also, these companies are working tirelessly to produce anti-corona products for safety and protection. Everyone is helping to protect him/her and others from the transmission of germs and viruses. 
Assist your Business to Reopen Safely
Rushing towards pandemic solutions had created a shortage of various products a few months ago in the market. Suppliers have hardly kept up the demands of the customers. Soon after, the companies stayed on the scheduled time and managed to stick to a tight timeline. The public health situation changes every day, in order to fight with such a situation, it will be a good step to install fast, effective and flexible solutions that can protect you, employees and surroundings now and forever. Actually, sneeze guards and shields/barriers do not fully diminish the need for other preventative measures but still are recommended by the experts due to their effectiveness of stopping droplets from traveling and enforcing social distance. With effective and durable products, make a successful return to work and stay safe and healthy always. 
Selecting a sneeze guard frame for your business
There are several things to consider while going for a sneeze guard for your space. Make a decision whether your barrier needs a cutout section for interaction or passing objects. Material thickness is also a necessary thing to consider. Besides it, choose the color, size and purpose of the product at your place. In short, find the right sneeze guard or room divider that fully ensures safety without sacrificing visibility.  
Overcoming Challenges of the Pandemic
Whether it’s about public or commercial places, people are coming forward to get their property installed with free-standing sneeze guard solutions. Simply find social distancing solutions and promote hygiene in the workplace.
ADM Sneezeguards is one of the top glass Manufacturing companies in Antioch, California which has taken many successful steps to manufacture glass shields and barriers keeping public health in mind. Having years of experience, the Company is a one-stop-shop for all varieties of glass and sneeze guards and barriers. Beat this pandemic with an effective and durable sneeze guard and find a path forward. Stay safe and thanks for reading.  
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The Wildest Thing about Buffet Sneeze Guards| ADM Sneezeguards
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Sneeze guards are necessary to prevent airborne germs from contaminating the food in buffet sneeze guards, fast casual eatery, or cafeteria.
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