#bubble power she-ra
birindale · 7 months
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As the third and final wave of toys launches, we must once again reckon with a 'new' She-Ra. The people of Etheria throw the 'Parade of Happiness' and march across the land, until Catra attacks with her sinister Shower Squirter, getting all the princesses soaking wet. Bubble Power She-Ra and Noble Swift Wind save the day with infinite bubbles, face-kissing, and rainbows. 
You can't make this stuff up, folks. 
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “Don't Rain on My Parade!”.
Cover: Bubble Power She-Ra holds the Sword of Protection aloft, posing heroically in the Whispering Woods. Shower Power Catra lurks behind her in the trees with a sinister smile. At the top of the page is the "Princess of Power" logo, and at the bottom in tangerine is the title of the issue, "Don't Rain on My Parade!". Below that is the copyright information: "Illustrations (copyright symbol) Mattel, Inc. 1986. Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A. PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved (registered trademark symbol) and (trademark symbol) designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc." 
Page 1: Adora stands atop a small rock, waving at a crowd of revelers in golds and oranges. Her own cape is a high-collared golden affair, matching her boots and bracers. Both she and the crowd are dwarfed by the enormous blue trees of the Filmation-styled Whispering Woods. 
A pale blue caption box reads, "Princess Adora stood at the crest of Whispering Woods. Never had Etheria looked more beautiful and never had she felt so excited! The sweet sound of music filled the air and hundreds of people lined the path below her. "There are Frosta and Perfuma!" Adora cried, waving. "And Bow and Peekablue! Oh, I can hardly wait for the Parade of Happiness to begin!""
End Page 1. 
Page 2: A pale blue caption box reads, "Bustling about, Glimmer and Flutterina groomed Enchanta for the day's festivities. The winged creature had never looked more beautiful! She was decorated with elegant ribbons and flowers. And the horses? Why… Spirit, Moonbeam and Sun Dancer had never looked more dashing!" Glimmer ties a bow in Enchanta's mane, while SweetBee does the same for Crystal Sun Dancer. In the foreground, we can see that Spirit is no longer crystal, instead a pink-tinged white with a hot pink mane. Enchanta, a maned swan vehicle from all the way back in wave 1, is a little off-model; she has her saddle and bridle, but her beak isn't pink and frankly doesn't look much like a beak. 
"Adora will certainly be proud to lead this year's parade!" says Glimmer. Her hair has shifted a few shades lighter between panels. 
"...if only Catra doesn't spoil it!" says Adora, with a fierce scowl. 
End Page 2.
Page 3: A pale blue caption box reads, "Joining her friends, Adora leaped to Spirit's back. "Let the parade begin!" she cried. In an instant, she was off. A cavalcade of horses, floats and merrymakers fell in behind her." 
Adora, cape how red, hops onto Spirit's back, waving at the crowd. Behind her, SweetBee, Glimmer, Bow, and Frosta look on with beaming smiles, and a few civilians with page cuts smile at her and play buisines. Several hanging banners bear an orange flower, outlined in yellow, against a pink background. Glimmer has a green basket full of flowers tied around her waist, and she appears to be grabbing handfuls and tossing them like a flower girl at a wedding.
End Page 3.
Page 4: A pale blue caption box reads, "Together, they marched happily for many miles. "Thank goodness! For once, Catra has left well alone," Adora smiled. But, as Spirit rounded a turn in the road, the fair Princess heard a terrible commotion behind her. She looked over her shoulder and was dismayed by what she saw." 
Adora rides astride Spirit, leading a procession of flower-draped Etherians. Peekablue, her tail feathers reduced to a fan-shaped hair ornament, is riding Enchanta. Glimmer rides Crystal Sun Dancer, and Bow rides Crystal Moonbeam—although they were sold in gift sets with SweetBee and Peekablue respectively so that would be a strange choice even if Arrow didn't exist, but it's fine. It's whatever. 
There's someone with a portable lap harp, just walking around like that's a thing people play in parades usually. Another fellow with a buisine, hanging off of a float.
"By Etheria… noooo!!!" says Adora, as she and Spirit look behind them. 
End Page 4. 
Page 5: A pale blue caption box reads, "Everywhere, people were running in every direction. Frightened horses threw their riders from their backs. And the reason for their fear was just indeed, for there stood Catra, scowling. "Rebels!" she cried. "You dare defy The Evil Horde with all your fun and merriment? Well, I shall put an end to that!" "
Shower Power Catra looms over Bow and SweetBee, arms raised but claws sheathed. Glimmer and Crystal Sun Dancer startle slightly in the background, but Glimmer remains un-bucked. Bow is pushing himself up on his elbows, glaring up at Catra. SweetBee appears to be swooning. There's a man with a stringed wishbone which may have been intended to represent a harp running away in long sleeves and no pants. Your typical parade, really.
"Now you wait just a minute…" says Glimmer, glowering at Catra. Crystal Sun Dancer scowls disapprovingly. 
End Page 5.
Page 6: "Glimmer! No!" says Bow, horrified beyond reason. 
A pale blue caption box reads, "But Bow's warning came too late. Catra paid no heed as Glimmer tried to reason with her. "Foolish child," she hissed. "A little Shower Power will put a damper on your rebel spirit!"" 
Catra sprays Glimmer and Crystal Sun Dancer, both of whom barely flinch, with the Shower Squirter—basically the fantasy equivalent of a Super Soaker. 
End Page 6.
Page 7: A pale blue caption box reads, "In an instant, Catra had drenched everyone and everything in the parade with a blast of her Shower Power. Poor Perfuma's lovely locks crinkled! Enchanta's pretty bows wrinkled! And Moonbeam and Sun Dancer's shiny crystal coats beaded!" 
Catra is laughing maniacally and everybody is soaking wet. Sad wet Bow. Sad wet crystal horses, who aren't beading because why the hell would they, sad wet bannerman in the background with a sad wet banner which is indistinguishable from a happy dry banner. 
End Page 7.
Page 8: Oh it's a two-page spread. Yes, more sad wet parade-goers. Perfuma's got a bit of a coloring error on her skirt but perhaps the paint got sad and wet too. Sad wet Enchanta, sad wet SweetBee. Glimmer looks moments from tears. Loo-Kee is here and guess what? He's sad. And wet. There's a soggy float and a few more wet people in the background.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: A pale blue caption box reads, ""Come on Spirit," Princess Adora cried. "You know what we have to do! " [sic] Quickly, the noble steed made its way into a grove of fruit trees. There, where no one could see them, Adora summoned all the powers of Etheria. She and her horse were swiftly transformed. "For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra! Come on Swift Wind! There's not a moment to lose!"" So I guess she gets her powers from Etheria now? And not the sword? You'd think it would be because she's Bubble Power She-Ra now and has a different weapon but no, still lifting the sword. 
Swifty is now Royal Swift Wind, with hot pink secondary coverts and a golden harness with some drapey bits that I'm not sure how to describe. Sorry. I took Ornithology but must have missed Horse Fashion 101. Bubble Power She-Ra is holding the Bubble Blower in her left hand. 
End Page 9.
Page 10: A pale blue caption box reads, "Full speed, She-Ra and Swift Wind flew to the aid of their friends. The Princess of Power raised her Bubble Blower and let loose hundreds of perfect bubbles."
They do that. 
Catra looks kind of indignant but not surprised or particularly angry to see them, and Bow is still dripping wet in the foreground. 
"You can try to burst my bubbles, Catra," says She-Ra, "But don't rain on my parade!" Booooo. One at a time, girl, you gotta let them breathe! 
End Page 10. 
Page 11: A pale blue caption box reads, "Catra aimed a steady stream of Shower Power at She-Ra's lovely bubbles. Pop! Pop! Pop! The fearsome feline's aim was perfect. Several bubbles burst at once but, try as she might, Catra could not break them all." 
Catra sprays She-Ra and her bubbles, clearly unhappy, while She-Ra continues to use the Bubble Blower against her. A few of the bubbles pop. 
End Page 11. 
Page 12: A pale blue caption box reads, "She-Ra's Bubble Blower worked its special magic. A crystal clear shield formed around her frightened friends. Even Catra's strongest blast of Shower Power could not penetrate it. Kissing their sad faces gently, the bubbles made Glimmer and the others smile." 
Catra claws ineffectively at a series of bubbles around SweetBee, Crystal Sun Dancer, uh. Perfuma? With red hair? Maybe? Like they didn't line her well so they just colored everything red? But also there are lines on her shoulders as one might see in a jacket. Also Glimmer is there. Only SweetBee is smiling, and it looks kind of scared tbh. 
"Why, Glimmer—would you take a look around us?" asks a startled Bow. 
"Ooh, that tickles!" says Glimmer, smiling brightly. Bubbles are touching both of their faces. 
End Page 12.
Page 13: A pale blue caption box reads, "No one had ever seen the likes of it! The light of their smiles had turned Catra's drenching drizzle into rainbows—hundreds of them! Etheria's good citizens were merrier than ever. The evil she-cat's dark plans had failed." 
This might be the gayest minicomic. It's hard to move past 'Catra gets a bunch of women wet' but they're literally just holding a parade under a giant rainbow and blowing kisses, I mean bubbles which kiss you. Ahem.  
Not some of Skip's stronger work though, he stuck too closely to the color palette he'd set with the 'yellow sky' thing and just added some alternating stripes of blue. But with all the characters on this page I imagine he had his work cut out for him… probably wanted to keep it from getting TOO chaotic. 
Everybody's smiling at each other, including the bubbles, which is… I mean I guess they're reflecting the revelers' smiles? I don't THINK they're sentient. Bow, Peekablue, that guy with the wishbone instrument and the pageboy haircut, Royal Swift Wind, Bubble Power She-Ra, Frosta, SweetBee, Crystal Sun Dancer and a couple of incidentals are all officially cheered up. 
"Bubbles! Bubbles! For all my trouble… I am undone!" says a scowling Catra. A bunch of smiling bubbles float past her face. Probably going in for a kiss, huh. 
End Page 13. 
Page 14: A pale blue caption box reads, "So it was that She-Ra led the grand parade. And though their spirits had been dampened for a time, no one was the worse for wear. "Long live the Rebellion!" Bow shouted, and the crowd joined in his cheer."
Honestly if there were any place for a two-page spread I'd say it was here, but whatever, not my circus not my monkeys. SweetBee is flying overhead, Peekablue is climbing the float in a new, orange top, Swift Wind is blond, Enchanta, Bow, She-Ra and Glimmer are all beaming. Frosta is there, except she's even blonder than She-Ra. I think the yellow wash may have gotten away from Skip here. The float is back, and the flowers appear to have dried off too. Crystal Moonbeam isn't smiling, but he looks fancy again so I'm sure he's fine. 
Some guy is playing the flute in the foreground. He's wearing the same style hat as the wishbone guy, and his sleeves are… hm. You know, he kind of looks like Willawind. I don't think it IS him, but there's a resemblance.
"Loo-Kee here. Did you spot me on page 8?" asks Loo-Kee. Yes, you patronizing little beast, we did. "Now for the moral of this tale: A smile's a frown turned upside down. Wear one each day—you'll chase your troubles away." 
End Page 14.
End ID]
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
It will never not piss me off that 80s She-Ra toys were action figures but when they went to make toys for 2018 She-Ra, they would only give us fashion dolls.
How did they learn nothing from the popularity of their own toyline?
Literally, three decades passed and somehow sexism in toys got WORSE.
#spop#shera#she ra#I want my SPOP action figures damn it#they could be completely lazy and just make the same toys again but make them look like the new show and I would take it#scratch action Catra but OUR Catra?#give it to me#i will even take bubble power she-ra idgaf#god I wish mattel wanted my money#*resists the urge to rant about the toy industry and all the ways they did this merch line dirty*#I'm not tagging mattel because then I will get the dudebros who think they know more about the toy industry than me when they SUPER don't#beyond the whole Target limited run / DC dolls thing shooting the SPOP toy line in the foot#the spop merch was very clearly made quickly as a reaction to the shows popularity#instead of ready at launch like a show that depends on toy sales#and if you are too clueless to understand the most basic way the industry works#you are not worth fighting with#'no one wanted the toys' ok jan#go on ebay and look at how much the spop toys sell for and try to say that again with a straight face#toylines that are legit bombs don't have a resale value like these do that's toys 101 babies#resale like that means supply issue#i'll stop now#this is my longest tag rant yet sorry everyone#and for that one specific dudebro let me clarify that obviously it would be great if all toys were made for everyone#but this toyline was specifically made and marketed for girls#and it's impossible not to factor marketing and intended demographic in when talking about this#see I said I would stop and it was a lie#now I'll stop for real
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stimmymagic · 1 year
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Queen Angella (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) sensory board. Here’s to hoping she’s okay somewhere out there :{
Gif sources: (💖 / 🫧 / 💖)   (🫧 / 💖)   (🫧 / 💖 / 🫧)
Center image: Queen Angella, as seen in the Netflix reboot of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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pigtailpoll · 1 year
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 7 months
H̵̩͋o̸̹͒l̶̢̑ď̸͕ ̵͔͛T̴̲̄h̶͙͋e̶̤͘m̵͍̋ ̷͓̈D̵̯͛o̶̡̅w̵̖̃n̵͝ͅ
Get in the Water AU: Original Post Ruthlessness
Ghosts were physiologically different from humans.
It was something Tucker and Sam didn't understand. They saw Phantom as "Danny with superpowers," not as a fundamentally different being.
Sometimes, Danny didn't understand either.
But his parents did. Utter disregard for the scientific method aside, the Fentons were the ones who learned how inhuman ghosts were: "Just emotions and electricity imprinted on ectoplasm, Danno, nothing to be scared of!" Snapshots of people at the moments of their deaths. The past and the present, incapable of contemplating the future.
And with his duality, Danny struggled to understand either of his halves.
As a human, Danny could move past his nightmare of a childhood, compartmentalize and think to the future, when he was fully healed and his past couldn't hurt him anymore. So when Dora, first elected Queen of the Infinite Realms - long may she reign - asked him to collect all the resurrected humans for a health check and assessment... when he'd noticed Damian Al Ghul-Wanye on the list... He'd thought up a little prank to pull on his long-lost brother. A cruel one, perhaps, but nothing harmful.
As a ghost, Danny couldn't move on. He could never forget that Sam led him to his death, that his parents negligence allowed for the stage to be set, that the lab they loved so much held both his home and his grave. Just as Danny would always be that fourteen year old, caught in that moments, he was still the 7-year-old Danyal Al Ghul who trusted his brother not to hurt him... and ended up poisoned.
Phantom wanted his murderer to suffer.
And Danny, much to his shame, had allowed it.
For a few weeks, Danny managed to ignore it. He'd gone after Damian first, so there were tons of resurrected on his list. He started with the more extreme cases first, like Constantine, but soon enough the next on his list was Ra's Al Ghul.
He'd asked Queen Dora to send someone else, anyone else. That he wouldn't be able to control himself if he saw his grandfather again. Instead of relieving him, she'd given him a knowing look and told him to follow his core's desire.
She never mentions it, but Queen Dora had been a murder victim too.
There was no showmanship, no dramatic reveal. Just Danyal, his grandfather, and the Pit.
Despite all Ra's Al Ghul's power, he was no match for a spirit hellbent on drowning him.
That's what Danny did to his grandfather. He'd thrown up afterwards, once he was human before. But the ghost in him relished the act; he could still feel Grandfather's throat under his hands, pulse fluttering against his palm as Danyal held him down. He struggled and shook as the Lazarus waters filled his lungs, burning away healthy tissue. Fingernails morphed into claws that sliced through the tender skin, blood leaking into the water, and water leaking into the blood.
It took a long time for Grandfather to die. Deep within Danny, next to his core, he knew it was what was deserved. That the murdered finally had justice. He was content with never speaking of it again, a secret between him and the waters.
And now it was going to happen again as Phantom's impulsive mind overtook Fenton's tactical one.
He'd known Damian was looking into him. Knew another confrontation was inevitable, what with two more of his siblings needing their health checks. But as Danny was stalking their mother, searching for the best way to abduct her (she was still his mother after all, he didn't want her dead... yet), Damian and his family confronted her.
Relief washed over him as only a normal amount of rage bubbled up at the sight of Damian, instead of the overwhelming, all-consuming fury he'd felt. Danny laughed at their arguments, at Constantine thinking he could put a living ghost to rest, at his siblings-unmet and his father-unknown, until...
Damian confessed.
His murderer confessed, yet as he continued to speak, to explain, the fury rose in him again. Because it wasn't a betrayal. He'd always thought Damian betrayed him, but no.
Through his own ruthlessness, Damian gave him the only mercy he could manage. And there was only one thing Danyal wanted now.
""̸̲̈́T̶͘͜ä̵̢li̸a̶̬̓ ̴̬̐A̵̛̪l̸̲̚ G̸̛̫h̶̺̏u̸̢̚l!̴̳̈́ D̷̩̕o̸͛ͅ ̶̝̍y̴͙͘o̵̙͐u̵̬̓ ̴̤͂k̸̡̑n̵͓̈́o̷͈͝w̷͖͂ ̷͓͑w̴̧̄h̵̲͌o̴̮̔ ̵̼́Ị̷̂ ̷̣̽a̵̳̓m̷̩̓?̷̝͒"̷̧͠"
It was her fault. She was the reason why he was dead, nothing more than a coward who couldn't go against her father for the sake of her children. She abused them, she struck his brother, it was her fault-
"Danyal," she answered. And Danyal grinned, fanged and sharp.
He approached, the waters of his birthplace lovingly brushing against his legs, consoling him the only way they knew how. They whispered revenge into his ears, madness into his heart, just as they had when he'd confronted Damian, when he murdered Grandfather. "You have much to answer for, daughter of the Demon Head," he said, voice echoing around the room.
Unrestrained greed filled her gaze. "You've returned to me, my son."
Danyal laughed, brutal and rough. "I've returned for you, Mother," he corrected. "Don't think this reunion will end well for you."
"You mean to hurt me, Danyal?" she crooned, all false hurt and fake love.
"I mean to kill you."
Genuine anger flashed across her face. "My son would never-"
"Y̵̺̆o̴̩͂u̸͉̕r̷̰͝ ̴͔͝s̵̡̉o̶̡̎ň̵̞ ̶̗̈i̴̘̍s ̸̦̐d̴̯̚ê̶͚á̶̩d̷̻̈́," he snarled, and Damian flinched. He was too close to Talia. "You wanted me dead... for being weak. For having mercy." He stared up at his mother's shocked form. "I killed Grandfather. Tell me, is that ruthless enough for you, Umi?" Talia flinched with just her eyes. He hadn't been allowed to call her Umi since he was three.
Their father stepped forward, the naked distress on his face contrasting with his battle armor. "Danyal," he plead. "You don't have to do this-"
"Stay out of this, Baba." The man's breathing hitched. "This doesn't involve you."
Constantine tried to talk him down next. "It does, kid. A Siren on your level can't stay around for long. It's time for you to rest."
Danyal threw back his head and laughed. "As if you could stop me, exorcist." No more delays. It's time for action. "I will drown you all before you can."
Danyal lunged. And despite his mother's decades as an assassin, she couldn't kill what was already dead.
He held her down by the throat, the attacks from Damian's family bouncing off him. "This is mercy," he cooed as she desperately clawed at his hands. "For me. For Damian. For everyone you will try to hurt in the future. Ruthlessness is the only mercy I can give you now." Her face turned red as she gaped for air and Danyal-
Was thrown back into the water.
Reorienting himself, he found John Constantine standing over his mother, protecting her from him. "̷̪͂E̷̺͐x̷̝̑ŏ̶̺ȑ̴͉c̷̟͘i̸͔̋s̶̮̀t̶̯͝."
And the Pit's water began to rise.
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The Heir
Imagine dis…
You know what, it’s been a while since I added the infamous Al Ghuls to my stories.
The Lazarus Pit, a sacred lake in the League of Assassins' fortress, was said to provide immortality and bring back life. However, its underlying nature was considerably more sinister than its therapeutic properties indicated. Ra's al Ghul, the centuries-old leader, stood before the pit, his ancient and knowledgeable gaze fixed on the pool's depths. He sought the ideal successor to take his mantle and lead the League into a new age of domination. 
Ra's al Ghul had governed the League for generations, utilizing its vicious assassins to further his goals. As his death approached, he realized he needed to safeguard the League's future for it to survive. As the Lazarus Pit continued to bubble and churn, Ra's al Ghul considered the gravity of his decision. The selected heir would need strength, talent, wit, and ruthlessness to traverse the League's treacherous internal politics.
Ra's al Ghul's ravenous thirst for power ruined his yearning for the ideal heir, Talia's son Damian. Despite knowing Damian had the detective’s DNA, Ra was concerned that his influence would corrupt his heart and undermine his ruthlessness as leader of the League of Assassins, just as Damian's compassion and sense of justice would jeopardize his legacy.
Ra's al Ghul stood in front of the Lazarus Pit, its menacing glow casting eerie shadows throughout the enormous chamber. Though he was not religious, he couldn't help but feel fascinated by the magical power hidden within. He had achieved immortality here, at the very founding of the League of Assassins, and he was now looking for something even more valuable: a worthy heir to carry on his legacy.
Ra's offered a secret prayer to the Lazarus Pit, pleading for an heir who would transcend all others. And, as if in answer to his intense desire, the pit erupted in a dazzling burst of light, temporarily stunning Ra's and his collected assassins.
When the light faded, they saw a sight that struck them with awe and wonder: a newborn floating serenely amid the Lazarus Pit's shimmering waters, its eyes gleaming with an otherworldly green light. Ra's felt a rush of elation and insane glee pouring through his veins. He saw in this infant the embodiment of his deepest desires, the ideal vessel to carry on his legacy of conquest and immortality.
Ra's al Ghul approached the newborn with almost fanatical reverence, reaching out to hold it in his arms. He felt a force emanating from the child, a potential so huge and untapped that it sent chills down his spine. Here was his heir, the one who would take the League of Assassins to even higher levels of power and dominion.
As his supporters watched in wonder, Ra's al Ghul pronounced the newborn to be his chosen heir, the League's future leader. And in that moment, basking in the light of the Lazarus Pit, he realized that his legacy would last for centuries.
Talia stood in the shadows of the League's fortress, her heart full of mixed emotions. She had previously thought her son, Damian, would inherit her father's legacy, but the appearance of Daniel Daan Al Ghul dashed those expectations. The resentment of being passed over for a new male heir wounded her, reflecting the patriarchal norms that had formed her existence.
Nonetheless, as she watched Daniel develop under her care, she couldn't deny the wisdom and power emanating from him. His eerie green eyes appeared to look right through her, penetrating her soul with their ferocity. Despite her initial disdain, she found herself captivated by the youngster, seeing in his brilliance that much above her desires.
When Daniel was just five years old, he shocked her by entrusting her and Slade Wilson with separate sections of the League to lead. It was a gesture of trust and empowerment that left her dumbfounded, as she realized Daniel saw potential in her beyond her role as caretaker or assassin and guardian.
In epochs gone by, when the female hand grasped the scepter of might, she ascended to the echelons of immortality. Why am I precluded from such transcendence with you? I perceive the dormant titan within you, hence I proffer my dominion, both to you and to its awakening, for in you resides the essence of dominion.
He told her when she asked why. At that moment, she realized the extent of Daniel's strength and compassion, and she promised to serve him faithfully.
Talia's allegiance switched dramatically when Daniel personally intervened to save Jason Todd, her beloved’s son, from the lunacy of the Lazarus Pit.
Intervening just as her father, Ra Al Ghul, was about to order Jason Todd's execution because he was no use to him or the league, Daniel silently appeared beside her father and slowly walked down from the throne to the floor where Jason Todd was kneeling, still brain dead, as it was still a mystery to all how he was revived as he dug himself out of his grave.
Guard the tender soul, mend his wounds, for he is but a fledgling, entrusted to my care for solace and salvation.
He proclaimed to her father, who stared at Daniel, perplexed as to why Daniel wanted to keep this teenager, but agreed to utilize the pits for his purposes. When Jaosn emerged, he was already deep in the pit madness; when he raced towards Daniel, all assassins had created a wall around the heir, but Daniel told them to step aside; with a single touch, the madness left Todd and he went out.
Talia took on her job as Daniel's right hand from that day forward, leading him with her knowledge and cunning. Though her heart grieved for Damian, she knew Daniel was the rightful heir, destined to lead the League to greatness. And when she stared into his hypnotic green eyes, she saw not just a leader, but a judge and a god on the rise.
Slade Wilson, often known as Deathstroke, had always been a formidable force in the League of Assassins. His skills were unparalleled, and his reputation was legendary. However, as the years went by, a seed of ambition germinated within him, fuelled by a desire to seize League leadership for himself.
The discovery of Daniel Daan Al Ghul's emergence as a new heir fueled Slade's internal strife. On the one hand, he wished to stage a coup, seize authority, and establish himself as the legitimate leader. On the other side, he was captivated to the mysterious power emanating from Daniel, the heir born of the Lazarus Pits.
As Slade trained Daniel and Damian, he couldn't help but be amazed by Daniel's extraordinary abilities. The youngster was a genius in every way, with an intellect and prowess unparalleled by anybody else. And when Daniel, with his penetrating green eyes that appeared to capture the essence of the Lazarus Pits, recognized Slade's worth and appointed him to a position of responsibility within the League, Slade felt a weird mix of awe and reverence.
Untouched by the forge of opportunity, you, a blade honed in both physique and intellect, lay dormant amidst neglect, gathering the patina of obscurity. Yet, now, I bestow upon you the helm of leadership, for only you possess the whetstone to sharpen others to their zenith
Daniel informed him after he sought for an audience.
In that instant, Slade realized his fate was connected with Daniel's. He pledged his unwavering service, promising to serve his new lord until his soul was shattered. Slade saw Daniel as more than just a leader but as a being with incredible power and potential. And as he peered into Daniel's fascinating green eyes, he knew he'd follow him into the depths of hell, for even death couldn't break the link between master and servant.
Damian Wayne, raised under the League of Assassins, had always felt he was meant to carry on his grandfather's heritage. But when Daniel emerged from the Lazarus Pits, enveloped in their miraculous waters, Damian's fate changed.
As they grew, Damian was awarded the duty of Daniel's guardian, a position of great distinction in the League. He fully committed to this role, practicing tirelessly to prove himself worthy of defending the League's successor.
Damian was upset when Daniel unexpectedly dismissed him from the League at the age of 10. He couldn't understand why his lord would dismiss him so abruptly. Damian confronted Daniel, desperate for answers about his dismissal.
Youthful spirit, the horizon stretches before you, beckoning freedom's call. Yet, wanderer, when the winds of destiny bring you home, return to me. I relinquish the chains of selfish desire, for I discern your potential for greatness. Embrace the world, then return to my side, where together, we shall forge greatness anew.
Daniel then disclosed his genuine goals, which were to drive Damian to greatness and help him reach his full potential outside of the League. Though initially astonished and offended, Damian realized the underlying message in Daniel's actions and decided to earn his master's trust.
Going to his father's side, Damian sought out Robin's mantle, battling Tim Drake for the title. In doing so, he aimed not only to recover his place by Daniel's side but also to establish himself as a suitable successor to his grandfather's legacy, ready to embark on the path of greatness that Daniel had envisioned for him.
Daniel, a young heir to Ra's al Ghul, led the League of Assassins with unrivaled potential and strength. His wisdom and charisma won the respect and allegiance of powerful individuals such as Lady Shiva, Cheshire, and David Cain. Ra's al Ghul trusted Daniel to protect his legacy, knowing that the League would continue to develop and prosper under his leadership, assuring its domination for future generations.
Daniel meanwhile at the back of his mind kept screaming as he never thought that it would get him far. 
He was just walking around Amity when his ghost senses pinged something he could not see, one moment he was in his teen self and then he was a baby surrounded by ectoplasm and being carried by someone with major fruitloop vibes. He tried he tried, he tried to become a cryptid like Clockwork since it always makes him grit his teeth at the vague sentences that came out of him, heck even Pandora and Frostbite look at Clockwork and thought of strangling the ghost for his cryptic answers, he is pretty sure he does that for shit and giggles, but it made him look like mature and wise, someone who has infinite wisdom.
Danny thought of laying down low when it came to training but with the combined efforts in training with his mom and the various ghost mentors and fighters in the Infinite realms, he became a formidable fighter before he even reached his double digits. As years passed by each time he tried to deflect or even pass on his so-called political power to others was returned with undying loyalty that he didn't need. 
He just hopes that the Bat Furry brigade can help him out.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
PPS: As you can see, I posted a bit early, I am busy during May so this is another early post. bye-bye!
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stem-sister-scuffle · 5 months
Jade Harley (Homestuck) vs Entrapta Princess of Dryl (Netflix She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Jade Harley is a Nuclear Physicist, Roboticist, Ectobiologist, and Cosmic Manipulator (warping space and planets)!
Entrapta Princess of Dryl is a Roboticist, Programmer and First Ones' Tech Historian/Archaeologist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Jade Harley:
"She's soo fun and silly and her symbol is literally an atom. she regularly irradiates steak to feed her weird dog"
"She and her nuclear powered dog creating a new universe. she's cool"
"Built a modded bass guitar that's only playable when she's in her robot form and has extra arms. Became a doggirl. She also plays the flute :)"
"i think you have enough ramblings about her already but i couldnt NOT submit her, she is so dear to me <3"
"bbg has THREE scientific specialties!! she genetically modifies plants and makes them grow beautifully high just because she can and loves science. in her alpha timeline she’s a tech mogul and creates technology that challenges the evil empress that brought earth to ruin. AND she’s a furry"
"She plays a silly flute refrain. She's a furry. Literally, she's a doggirl. She's also a god and created the universe. JADE BEST GIRLIE!!!!"
Entrapta Princess of Dryl:
"She builds robots!!! She's curious and inquisitive!! She loves her robots!! She has the coolest hair and also I want to be her bestie. She's an absolute love"
"autism :)"
"Builds robots and computers for fun and companionship. Can take apart and understand almost any tech she is presented with. Autism lever set to max and I love her. Mandatory boob window in all her outfits and I've never related harder to a character."
"autistic icon, amazing inventor and app round excellent character"
"she has prehensile hair it’s literally the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life, it’s never once acknowledged by any of the characters as abnormal or explained in any way i’m literally obsessed with it. also autism queen"
"PIGTAILS!!!! autism"
"Entrapta is very bubbly and positive. She never lets anything like losing her friends or going to the bad side or getting put on a death-sentence island stop her from scientific pursuits! She actually drives a lot of the conflict in the story, as she explains the technological backstory of the world, and helps both sides be better at fighting. She loves data, doing experiments, and the scientific method. She's also in love with space. She is an autistic queen <3"
"phenomenal canon autism representation without being weird & shitty. also she’s so strange & wonderful & relatable in so so many ways. my computer is named Darla bc that’s what she named the AI for the spaceship in s5"
"She is THE science queen because she loves science so much and her love of it is INFECTIOUS. I don’t know anything about science but Entrapta makes it seem like the coolest thing in the universe. I love her"
"She ourple. I luv her"
"She's so passionate about her work. Takes through notes! Figured out how to hack her home planet!!! She's autistic as hell and I like her overalls."
"You won’t get autism like this anywhere else bestie"
"amoral mad scientist who flips between the good guys and bad guys, loves building so many inventions, ends up converting the head bad guy (for most of the series) to good through the power of love"
"She has outfitted her entire castle to be a maze, and installed electronic locks on some. Her staff seems to be mostly robots she has built herself. In good part reverse engineering or adapting ancient tech found on the planet. She's incredible at what she does and personally fixes, invents and builds a wide range of stuff from space ships to portals to a prosthetic exoskeleton to trackers to war machines. She can do it all. Autism win! Girlie has been criticised for being treated childlike or being unable to understand those around her to a ridiculous degree, but I'm honestly just glad she's not a Sheldon Cooper. Her favorite bots have personalities and therefore implied AI (but not the shitty kind), which means she's pretty fucking good at software too. She likes tiny foods."
"So very autistic about technology. Initially believes robots are way better than people, eventually makes human friends but also very much still has robot friends (I love Emily so much). Gets so excited about finding new First One's tech. Also her happy spinning around in a space suit in that one season 5 episode heals my heart every time I watch it"
"She's the planet's leading expert on ancient tech (sci-fi/fantasy universe) and develops most of the tech in the show and is very autistic about it. i love her"
"She is fun and funky. Chaotic neutral. Definitely some autism coding going on, which is very charming. She has a pet robot? It is cute"
"Bc she is ENTRAPTA!! No srsly she is such a well-written character. At times kinda morally grey but always lovable and great and she is truly amazing at what she does!! I'm pretty sure she's already been submitted but I wanted to make sure :)"
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kraviolis · 1 year
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i told y’all. i told y’all i was gonna go crazy over this post made by @gummy-goat-galaxy​
full disclosure i drew literally all of this before looking into the details of the AU so this is 70% my interpretation of his original post but i need to explain my thought process so. here’s the post explaining the details of the actual AU!!! and below is what my brain made up on the spot
ok so belos finds tiny child luz and is like “fuck everyone. this is mine now” and treats her like a goddamn princess. to him, she is a Gift From God to remind him to stay on his Righteous Path. an innocent little girl who is just so bubbly and always tries to see the good in everything, including him. she is a reminder of how Pure and Good humanity is, and seeing as though she’s the literal only human he’s had any contact with besides caleb in 400 fucking years, he is never letting the demon realm corrupt her like it did to him.
she’s basically his Lamb and he the Shepherd, and because he’s so desperate to keep her “““pure”““ he strictly keeps her within the castle and even then not all of the castle is available to her. he keeps her contact with witches to an absolute bare minimum.
he entrusts her protection specifically to hunter, despite the fact he’s only 2 years older. his reasoning is “caleb did a pretty good job raising me so this’ll be fine probably.” when belos himself cannot keep an eye on her, it’s hunter’s job. luz and hunter end up being raised in a sorta similar situation to catra & adora from she-ra but they are actually siblings and not just best friends.
(if u havent seen she-ra, basically its their abusive caretaker creating a golden child + scapegoat dynamic, where one kid can do absolutely no wrong (which doesnt mean they cant still be abused/manipulated!!) while the other kid is blamed for literally everything that goes wrong. the caretaker also regularly pits them against each other to encourage competition & keep the all power in the caretaker’s hands.)
similar to catra & adora, the whole competition thing doesnt really work. luz is just too damn kind and too damn good for hunter to ever resent her, and she’s all he really has. because hunter is the scapegoat, he grows wise to belos’s manipulations WAY sooner. it’s easier to figure out when you’re being mistreated when you literally watch ur guardian treating ur sibling so much better than how they treat u.
unfortunately, because luz cannot help but see the good in absolutely everyone and can be empathetic to a fault, she doesnt realize belos’s game until she ends up sneaking out of the castle. she actually really loves belos and is thankful for him taking her in for a long time. she calls him uncle like hunter, despite belos nudging her towards seeing him as a father bcus he sees her as a pseudo-daughter. (but luz remembers her dad, and has no desire to replace him with someone else no matter how much she cares for belos)
belos does love & adore luz, he would do almost anything to keep her happy and “innocent” and “pure”, but not to the extent that he could still end up redeemed. he still manipulates & subtly emotionally abuses her to keep her in line, but it’s only when she sneaks out and meets eda the owl lady does she start getting clued into this. and once luz learns what belos has done to hunter it’s all fucking over.
hunter loves luz. she is his sister and always will be. but while he’s stuck to belos because of his duties as golden guard, she sees how green the grass is on the other side and doesn’t even hesitate to hop over there. watching her slowly grow more and more distant while she keeps sneaking out to visit with her new friends (eda, king, willow, gus, amity, etc.) is one of the most painful things hunter has had to deal with.
he feels betrayed at first, as if luz is replacing him with other people who arent broken like he is, and when luz actually leaves for good- belos lies to the public and says she was kidnapped- hunter is the one who leads the hunt to find her and bring her back home safely. when they confront each other, luz tries to do her whole dramatic speech about how wrong belos is and how he’s been lying their whole lives, but hunter already knows. the only reason he stayed was for luz, but she couldnt even stay from him? it fuckin hurts man.
they end up on opposite sides for a minute. hunter gains no satisfaction from trying to ruin this new life she’s found for herself but goddamnit, he has a job to do. he cant just defect. and then he defects after watching belos try to kill luz because she’s let herself become corrupted by the witches.
thats about all my brain got for this so far. TL;DR basically just listen to the “first time in forever” and “mother knows best reprise” and “broken crown” by mumford & sons and thats pretty much the gist of it.
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suppose-i-was-worm · 1 year
Itty Bitty Living Space
**same continuity as For Lack of a Burger!**
Danny could curse Clockwork. Really, truly, and horribly.
Well, not now, of course. Now Danny had to acclimate to a baby’s body. He had to stuff all his bits and bobs and corners and knobs into a squishy human form again.
A rich squishy human form, at least. He blinked his eyes up at the luxurious green drapes that covered his crib.
“-looking at, Mother?”
“You have a new baby brother, habibi.”
“A brother? Was grandfather not satisfied with me?”
Danny strained to look over at the voices, but he couldn’t move his head much.
“No, Damian, you are to be the heir to the Demon, and your brother is to be heir to the Bat.”
��I see.”
A woman leaned over Danny- very pretty, with long brown hair and piercing eyes. She was holding a boy in her arms, who looked down at Danny with a serious look.
“He is very small, Mother.”
“You were small too.”
Danny felt sleep creep up on his new mortal form, and he yawned, allowing himself to drift off.
By the time his mortal body was one, Danny had a lay of the land. Rich family? Check. Luxurious surroundings? Check. Absolute fruitloop of a grandfather? Check check.
Ra’s al Ghul was so… Wacko. Absolutely off his rocker. Also somehow undead, which would mean he was one of Danny’s in the long run.
Danny’s problems to solve, that is. Stupid Clockwork, he knew exactly what he was doing when he sent Danny here. He wanted this crazy bastard done away with, and Danny wanting a burger had been a perfect excuse to send him out on an errand.
He’d learned pretty fast that expressing himself was frowned upon. He personally hadn’t been beaten, but he had seen his flesh-brother take punishments on his behalf.
His four-year-old brother.
A child.
It made rage boil up in Danny’s bones, rage that often sent his fragile body into a feverish state.
His grandfather hated that he was “weak”. Both Talia and Damian defended him.
Danny started to stomp down the bubbling pop pop pop of lava-like rage no matter what. He didn’t care much for Talia- she was just as bad as Ra’s if she let the abuse continue- but Damian had never done anything to deserve their ire.
He had to be better. He had to work harder to assimilate into this form and be the best at everything put before him so that Damian would not be hurt on his behalf again.
By age six, Danny had figured out how to disconnect, in a way, from flesh-Danny. He could put his body on autopilot and work on poking and prodding himself into any nook or cranny that he could fit.
Somehow he knew that he would be cut off from his complete range of powers until soul and body merged. He couldn’t take Damian away from this place until he was back to full strength.
With a sigh, soul-Danny sat back and surveyed the work he’d gotten done. Half of his being was still spilling stubbornly out of the space left in flesh-Danny. He’d figured out the trick to it, though, so it would probably take him less time on the rest than it had on the first half.
Danny snapped back into place, looking slowly at his flesh-brother as he came into the training room.
“You are still training? It is late.”
Glancing at the window, Danny noticed that yes, it was dark outside.
“I see. Thank you, Akhi. An appropriate amount of rest will make sure my physical form is at optimal performance.”
Damian smirked proudly at him, placing a warm hand on his shoulder and leading Danny to his chambers.
Danny stayed connected when Damian was around. His flesh-brother deserved nothing less.
His fever lasted two weeks after Damian was sent to Gotham. Tapping into his powers prematurely to ensure that his brother made it out safe was too much for his physical form to handle yet.
It gave him an idea, though. The Lazarus pits were ectoplasm. Nasty, rotting ectoplasm, but ecto was ecto. A slow siphoning and filtering of the pits would assist in getting him completely snapped together.
His time line had moved up. Once Damian had left, there was no-one around to stand in the way of Ra’s and Danny as far as punishments. Talia would barely even look at him anymore- she had thought he had taken over his flesh-brother’s place in the League somewhere around year four.
Sometimes Danny felt like Clockwork was somewhere laughing at him.
Danny would be laughing at himself if he wasn’t the sucker in this situation.
And he still didn’t have a burger.
The night before his tenth year, Danny felt a snap as the final pieces of his enormous interdimensional soul fit into the body he’d been placed in. With a crow of delight, he let his other form wash over him.
Danny shot through the ceilings up up up to the clear sky above the base, laughing soundlessly as he got closer and closer to the stars above. He was free. He could go see Damian, and then he could go home!
His flight stuttered to a stop.
He didn’t really want to go back to the Infinite Realms, did he?
Crossing his legs under him, Danny thought very hard about what “home” meant to him.
Jazz’s face flashed across his mind, and then Sam’s and Tucker’s.
With a mounting sadness, he drifted back down to his bed in Nanda Parbat. There was no going home, not anymore. His family and friends as Danny Fenton had long since passed, even beyond his reach as Ghost King.
But Damian- Damian could be home. He could go to Damian, and maybe then he’d finally get what he really wanted.
“And sho-‘ Danny licked ketchup off his finger. “Dat’s how I came’ere.”
Damian was watching him devour burger number three with a horrified curiosity, as were his other (new!) siblings.
“You- you did not ask any questions of your mentor?”
Danny swallowed his bite of burger and then took a swig of BatCola.
“Nah, why would I?”
“Why wouldn’t you?” Tim Drake’s voice was faint and a little shocked.
Taking another bite of his burger, Danny shrugged.
“I jus’ really wanned a burger.”
Damian blinked at him a few times before burying his face in his hands.
“I cannot believe Grandfather thought you the superior heir.”
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1980sactionfigures · 9 months
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Bubble Power She-Ra - Princess of Power (Mattel)
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electriopenguin-21 · 2 months
Concept for a nicktoons unite promotional reboot game
What I mean by promotional reboot is that the game is still a sequel to the previous nicktoons unite games but it is a reboot in the way that it reintroduces players to the series.
An evil wendigo like being known as Nyx threatens the worlds of our heros by creating minions of fire, ice and electricity, including making copies of some of the various villains from across those universes. Jimmy Neutron, in order to stop this threat calls upon the help of heros from other worlds, both old and new.
For the gameplay, the game will play like volcano island, attack of the toybots and globs of doom, being a 3D platformer with combat elements, however, I will be taking a couple things from nicktoons unite. The 2 things I would take from nicktoons unite will be 1, give each playable character different play styles and 2, allow you to upgrade the character abilities as you progress throughout the game. The game will also allow you to take whoever your want in each level like in attack of the toybots instead of forcing you with a set of characters like volcano Island and globs of doom. I would also include unlockable secret levels to test each characters abilities.
Playable characters:
SpongeBob ( SpongeBob attack using bubbles and KA-RA-TE. He can also absorb water and use it to solve puzzles)
Danny Phantom ( Danny will use multiple ghost powers, including possessing enemies to temporarily take control of them, shoot ectoplasmic blasts, and phase through certain walls.)
Timmy Turner ( Timmy, with the help of Cosmo and Wanda will be able to hit enemies with powerful magic blasts or use Cosmo as a slow but powerful hammer. Timmy can even power himself up, becoming cleft, the boy chin wonder.)
Jimmy Neutron ( Jimmy has a variety of gadgets that can help him in many situations, such as a shrink ray to shrink objects in his way or shrink himself down in order to find hidden goodies, a jetpack to fly to hard to reach areas, or even summon out Goddard to sniff out hidden collectables.)
Aang ( The Avatar will use the powers of the elements to help him in combat, whether it be fire to do damage over time, Earth for powerful hits, water for comboing, or air to get enemies off of him.)
Jenny Wakeman ( This teenage robot is able to use her immense strength to fight off enemies with cannons, fists, and drills. She is also able to extend here limbs out to reach places other characters can't.)
Miko Kubota ( Miko can trap enemies in cat bubbles, use a hammer for attacks and even summon her glitch pet Ally to deal with foes for her.)
Lincoln Loud ( Lincoln is able to throw cards as projectiles, and use other toys to fight with such as a yoyo and spin tops to keep enemies at bay)
Zim ( Zim would use gadgets such as the plunger of doom and gnomes to overwhelm the enemies and can even steal their attacks by replacing there body parts with stuff.)
Tak ( Tak uses various Juju powers such as turning enemies into harmless sheep or give himself temporary buffs)
Level 1: Bikini Bottom
Level 2: Dimmsdale
Level 3: Pupanunu
Level 4: Temorton
Level 5: Royal Woods
Level 6: Retroville
Level 7: Bailey
Level 8: Zim's Town
Level 9: Amity Park
Level 10: Fire Nation
Level 11: The Void
Giant Frosty Jellyfish
Flamming Vicky
Electric Traloc
Tri elemental Cluster
Burning Morag
Elemental Computer Virus
Sparking Chomp Kitty
All Mighty Coldest
Ember and Technus fusion copy
Frigid Hama
Nyx ( Final Boss)
So that is my idea from a promotional reboot for the Nicktoons Unit series, what do you guys think? What do you think I can do to improve this concept?
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birindale · 8 months
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This time: Catra goes fishing, She-Ra has most of Aquaman's powers, and the scripts get even more unbearable to type. We all learn a lesson about capitalism, but perhaps not the one intended.
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “A Fishy Business”.
Cover: Mermista (in her mermaid form) and Starburst She-Ra swim around underwater, smiling at a school of seven bright yellow fish. The Princess of Power logo is up top as always, and at the bottom of the page in blue, outlined in a desaturated red, is the issue title, "A Fishy Business". Below that, the copyright info reads, "Illustrations: (copyright symbol) Mattel, Inc. 1986. Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A. PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved. (registered trademark symbol) and TM designate U.S. trademarks of Mattel, Inc."
Page 1: A desaturated pink caption box reads, "In the forest near a stream that began at Crystal Falls, Catra was busy making mischief. She stood back to admire her handiwork, a big waterwheel over the stream. Along the wheel were small fishnets, and on the bank was a giant goldfish bowl filled with water." We do in fact see Catra standing before a giant wheel, though it can't really be described as a waterwheel because there's no way for the water to turn it; its only adornments are the 'nets', which look more like baskets but you saw the caption! Who am I to disagree? A slanted, equal-angle channel runs from the wheel closer to the bank, a sort of reverse salmon cannon into the fish bowl. Catra isn't wearing her mask, her clawed gloves are only silver bracers here, and her outfit still strays closer to red than pink. She has a crosscut or rip-cut saw in her right hand (can't say for certain without a closer look at the teeth), and a claw (heh heh) hammer in her left. Her gloves are only silver bracers here, so she doesn't have any claws, and her outfit is straying closer to red than pink. 
"'There. As long as I don't get wet, this water-stuff is a snap to handle," says Catra, with an evil little grin. 
End Page 1. 
Page 2: ""Now to see if it works." She said. Catra pulled a lever that released the wheel, and the wheel turned in the water. As the wheel went around, the fishnets bought up fish from the stream. The fish were then dumped into a trough that emptied into the goldfish bowl." [sic] on that whole paragraph. It's like they took a concept script for a picture book and just turned it into a comic with absolutely zero editing or forethought. 
Speaking of no forethought, Catra sure has made this contraption within sight of the Crystal Falls, notorious hangout of Mermista and Friends. She's gripping a lever with both hands (now gloved) and looking back over her shoulder instead of facing the wheel directly. Skip Simpson, bless his heart, seems to have colored her skirt black on autopilot despite Todd Kurosawa's careful delineation. In his defense, Skip was colorist for the whole first wave as well, so he's still getting used to Scratchin' Sound Catra's adjusted color palette. Four concerned-looking fish are scooped up and deposited in the goldfish bowl. 
Catra seemingly lies down in the sand to prop her chin dramatically on one hand and smirk at the captive fish. ""You don't know it yet, Fish-face, but you and I are going into business together."" Seriously though, who put all of these quotation marks in the dialogue bubbles? Why didn't Lee Nordling stop them? What kind of editor are you, Lee? Whatever. Three of the fish gape at Catra in shock. 
""I can see it now. I'll open the first marine world in Etheria," says Catra. This seems to be an attempt at genericizing Marine World (now called Six Flags Discovery Kingdom), which at the time of publication (1986) had just moved to Vallejo, California and was moderately big news, featuring such wild headlines 'professional basketball player called in to pull bolt out of dolphin throat', 'tiger bites the shit out of football player at pep rally' before Vallejo moved them over from Redwood City. The year after the move they dropped an orca on William Statner (who was, tragically, completely fine). Basically, I think Catra is envisioning an animal theme park with a heavy aquatic slant, rather than a flooded planet situation. But it's the kind of theme park which puts chimps on motorcycles and an elephant on water skis. So look out. 
End Page 2. 
Page 3: A pink caption box reads, "Catra saw herself as master of the show. The fish would do wonderful stunts! Catra herself would be the star. And how the crowd would cheer! Handsome men—maybe even Bow—would be madly in love with her." Oh so I didn't need to explain Marine World. Okay. Well I'm leaving that in anyway. This one's for you, Norcal.
Catra imagines herself in a series of fanciful situations, whipping the fish into a cheerleader-style pyramid (her gloves are bracers again, but the rest of her costume is Scratchin' Sound Catra-accurate, including ripped silver tights and a silver skirt); staring dreamily at Bow, who's offering her a bottle of milk; and waterskiing behind four moderately sized fish, which feels optimistic even for this fantasy. 
""So do some aerobics while I sew up your little swimsuits," says Catra, actually looking pretty reasonable despite the fish's shock. Can a fish do aerobics? I guess it doesn't specify that you get your oxygen through air instead of water, but I feel like it's implied.
End Page 3. 
Page 4: A pale pink caption box reads, "A few days later, Peekablue was riding in the Sea Harp near the beautiful Crystal Falls while Mermista swam alongside. Adora and Spirit stood on the shore. "Peekablue! Mermista!" Adora called. "Let's pick some berries for lunch." But just then a young seal swam up to Mermista with a message. 
We see the Crystal Falls in the background, and Mermista with her seal friend in the foreground, but the midground is the Sea Harp sitting on dry land next to Adora and Spirit. Is it not a boat…?
""Oh no! He says his friends, the sunfish and the tuna twins, are missing. And no one has seen the bluegills since yesterday,"" says Mermista, translating for a distressed seal with emanata that seem to indicate seal-speech. 
""Hmmmm, this could be trouble. I'll go look for help!" says Adora.
End Page 4.
Page 5: A pink caption box reads, "Hidden in a spot behind some trees, Adora raised high the Sword of Protection and said "For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra!" And in a magical flash, she became the Princess of Power. Then, she changed Spirit into Swift Wind." Because god forbid we draw an action pose, I guess. 
Starburst She-Ra raises both arms to show off her cape, and Crystal Swift Wind raises both wings. They're so sparkly that light refracts all around them, twinkling and vibrant.
End Page 5. 
Page 6: A pink caption box reads, "Peekablue and Mermista were glad She-Ra had come to help. She-Ra suggested they split up. Peekablue said, "I don't want to get my lovely feathers wet, so I'll follow the stream leading into the forest. With my many eyes I'll be able to see any fish who went that way. Then I'll meet you later."" She-Ra stands beside Peekablue in front of the Crystal Falls, and Mermista watches them from the water.
A pink caption box reads, "Then She-Ra and Mermista dove into the Crystal Falls pool." 
She-Ra dives, Mermista just looks like she's floating downwards. It must be hard to slow down enough for a human (super-powered or not) to keep up. 
End Page 6. 
Page 7: A pink caption box reads, "Deep in the blue-green world, the two friends passed great sweeping fronds of sea moss, sparkling stones, many-colored shells, and the broken columns of old ruins. But, oddly enough, no fish. And no one seemed to know where they were!" She-Ra and Mermista swim past a coral reef, some decaying, vaguely Grecian ruins in the background. There's not a fish in sight. 
""Have you seen our friends, the fish?"" She-Ra asks an octopus, who shrugs and says, ""Nope."" Apparently She-Ra can breathe underwater in this one. 
""Fish should stay in one place, like I do," says a bivalve, "Then they wouldn't get lost!"" 
End Page 7. 
Page 8: ""Then I hope Peekablue has already found them,"" says She-Ra, looking concerned. 
A pink caption box reads, "But Peekablue found something else. As she followed the stream through the woods, her eyes searched the water. "I can see all the way to the bottom!" She exclaimed. But then her special eyes noticed something further upstream." Oh shit. Her brand. 
Peekablue is shown wandering alongside the stream, Catra's contraption bleary in the distance.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: ""Why, it's a wheel! I wonder what…?"" says a pink caption box, which was probably supposed to be a thought bubble. 
Another pink caption box reads, "Suddenly Catra rushed out of the forest. "What do you want, Feather-head?" "Catra! What are you doing here?" Peekablue asked. "I was taking a catnap. Now go away!" "Hummph!" Peekablue said as she walked away. But she thought, "I'm going to tell She-Ra about this.""
I really think they're doing this dialogue-within-captions schtick to torture me, specifically. 
Peekablue is shown looking startled, the Crystal Falls once more in the background, as Catra leaps out of the bushes in front of her. 
End Page 9.
Page 10: A pink caption box reads, "A little later the three friends met at Crystal Falls. Peekablue told what she had seen. She-Ra said, "I suspect Catra knows where the fish are. Let's find out." "Wait," Mermista said. "I want to go along." She dove, then flipped out of the water, her silvery tail dancing on its surface for a moment." We see Mermista, surrounded by a few perfect tendrils of water, suspended above the surface as Peekablue and She-Ra watch. 
A pink caption box reads, "Then with a spin she landed delicately on the shore on two legs!" and we see a four-stage, Animorphs-style transition between her two forms. 
""There. I'm ready!"" says Mermista, to a smiling She-Ra. Her hair is a little more purple than usual, but it plays off the yellow in the background well. 
End Page 10. 
Page 11: A pink caption box reads, "The friends soon found Catra's waterwheel and watched as more fish were caught in the nets. She-Ra said, "I thought so!" On the ground nearby were blueprints for Catra's plans, and She-Ra looked them over. "An amusement park! Leave it to Catra!" She-Ra stopped the wheel, but Catra, who heard their voices, came running. "
She-Ra stares at the plans in apparent wonder as Peekablue and Mermista look over her shoulder. Fifteen of the yellow fish are trapped in the fishbowl. Mermista's pants are orange. Peekablue is smiling for some reason. 
""Just what do you think you're doing here?"" asks Catra, who looks mildly affronted with her hands on her hips and a single eyebrow raised. She's missing her gloves again. 
End Page 11.
Page 12: ""Saving my fish friends from your clutches!"" says Mermista, with no expression whatsoever. Her necklace, which is a shell on the toy and a simple pendant in the Filmation show, is a tiny yellow fish. Presumably it spits water the same way. 
""They're mine now, Miss Scaley-tail! Now go away before I…"" says Catra, with a mild frown. 
A pink caption box reads, "But Catra had no chance to finish her threat because Mermista quickly drenched Catra with her water spray. "Yeee-ow!" Catra screeched, as she jumped back. "I think you're the one who should leave, Catra," said She-Ra "while we try to undo your mischief.""
Catra is soaking wet now. Would have been nice to show that action, instead of just telling us about it! Would have been a nice break from shot-reverse-shot close-ups! She-Ra, Mermista, and Peekablue all smile at her. Her gloves are still missing. 
End Page 12. 
Page 13: A pink caption box reads, "As Catra ran off, She-Ra lifted the giant fishbowl overhead and dumped it into the stream. "I think it's time you fellas went back home to Crystal Falls," she said. And the fish were very happy to do so." The illustration shows She-Ra doing that. You know, redundantly. 
""I don't think we should leave this here either, She-Ra. Catra may use it again," says Peekablue, pointing at the wheel contraption. 
""You're right, Peekablue. And I think I have a good idea," says She-Ra. 
End Page 13.
Page 14: A pink caption box reads, "Later, under the water at Crystal Falls, She-Ra and Mermista turned Catra's wheel into a ferris wheel. The nets were replaced by little seats. Their friends rode happily 'round and 'round! Mermista said, "I wish Catra could see her waterwheel now!"" The fish have set up a tiny admissions booth and everything. Various sea creatures gambol about. 
In an oranger-than-usual 'moral' font color, She-Ra says, ""Yes, and I wish Catra would learn that it's not right to use others to get ahead."" Girl, what? You mean the fish? You guys just assaulted her, stole her waterwheel, and undid days of work because she didn't immediately agree to your demands. Now is the time for a moral about how removing species can negatively impact a biome, or against cruelty to animals (not that 1986 was necessarily ready for that). Is this a good time to mention Mattel owned The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for a couple years?
""Now—how about a ride?"" She-Ra suggests to Mermista, beckoning her on. They won't even fit in the tiny little seats. Stop benefiting from using others, She-Ra. It's immoral. 
End Page 14. 
End ID.]
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queer-codedhero · 10 months
little space TV shows >w<
these are all on netflix btw!!
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Sailor Moon Crystal :\\ middle schooler, Usagi Tsukino and her friends learned they have powers of transform in the sailor guardians I must protect the world from darkness!
age recommendation: 7+
language: japanese, english,
tw: fantasy violence
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my little pony: friendship is magic \\: I don’t think I need to explain this one we all love my little pony!!
age recommendation: 0-7
languages: English Hindi, Korean, Mandarin and thai subtitles are offered!
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Glitter Force Doki Doki :\\ four girls, summon their inner superheroes to defend the Earth and the magical kingdom of Splendorius from King Mercenare and his minions!
age recommendation: 7+
languages: English French, German, Italian, Spanish
tw: fantasy violence
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She-ra and The Princess of Power :\\ “ for the honor of Grayskull!” on a war, torn planet of Etheria, a hero rises to fight against the evil horde in this reboot of a popular 80s series
age recommendation: 7+
languages: cantonese, English French Mandarin, Spanish
tw: fantasy, violence, fear, and bad language
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Ever After High :\\ the kids, a fairytale characters, attend school with two clichés, those who accept fairytale Destinys, and those who want to write their own.
age recommendation: 4-7
languages: English, French, German, Mandarin Spanish,
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Little Witch Academia:\\ Akko enrolls in Luna nova witchcraft academy she’s not the best student, but her bright attitude is a key to her and her friends success
Age recommendation: 5+
languages: English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish
tw: fear
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Bee and Puppycat :// this slightly psychedelic series about an intergalactic temp worker and her furry little pal is that in a charming, pastel colored magical land
langauges: English French Japanese, Mandarin Spanish
age recommendation: 3+
tw: violence and fear
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Molang:// in this cute, animated series, resourceful, rabbit, Molang and shy chick Piu-Pius adventures take them all over the world
age recommendation: 0-5
languages: no speaking
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The Powerpuff Girls:\\ we all know the Powerpuff Girls the delightful sisters, blossom, bubbles and buttercup help save the world from crime and evil!!
age recommendation: 2-6
languages: English
tw: fantasy violence
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Lalaloopsy:// the Lalaloopsy gang and they’re adorable pets know every day is perfect to celebrate magic of friendship, creativity, and collaboration
age recommendation: 0-5
languages: English French German, Mandarin Spanish
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Catch! Teenieping:\\ set free on earth fairies with magical powers begin to influence peoples emotions now it’s up to princess from a really far away kingdom to stop them!
age recommendation: 4+
languages: English Korean
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Puffin Rock:// life is sweet and beautiful Puffin Rock will puffing Oona and her baby brother Baba and her pals learn about nature, friendship and family
age recommendation: 0-5
languages: English French German, Mandarin Spanish
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comfort-clubhouse · 1 year
My Kin List
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob) - Really kind to everyone, autistic
Luigi (Mario) - Really kind to his friends
Snork (Moomin) - Autism
ENA (ENA) - Sometimes gets emotional
Snorkmaiden (Moomin) - Has creativity
Sketchbook (DHMIS) - Creativity
Soft Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin - Soft) - Sensitive to loud sounds
Soft Mouse (Friday Night Funkin - Soft) - Really quiet
Wall-E (Wall-E) - Likes discovering new things
Numbuh 3 (Kids Next Door) - Fantasizes plushies, gentle, kind
Skid (Spooky Month) - Loves Halloween
Pump (Spooky Month) - Loves Halloween
Ms Chalice (Cuphead Show) - Loves music, musician
Curse (VS Sonic.EXE) - Friendly
Charlie Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel) - Cares about her friends, looks up to her family, bilingual
Slushi (Chikn Nuggit) - Loves anime & Japanese culture
Tails (Sonic) - Likes hanging out with his friends
Tiana (Princess and The Frog) - Likes catering
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) - Is autistic
Pomni (The Amazing Digital Circus) - introverted, anxiety
Matt (Eddsworld) - has autism
Lucifer Morningstar (Hazbin Hotel) - Special interests
Ellie Rose (Henry Stickmin) - Friendly to ones she cares about
Ruby (Battle For Dream Island) - Has a Pokémon phase, loves going shopping for clothes, can be sensitive
Bubble (Battle For Dream Island) - Likes baking, over apologizes
X (Battle For BFB) - They get nervous under pressure
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel) - Enthusiastic about being in activities
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) - Bilingual, skilled in cooking
Moxxie (Helluva Boss) - Likes cooking, bisexual
Tari (SMG4) - likes cats, video games and anime
Melony (SMG4) - likes sleeping, likes anime
Fluttershy (My Little Pony) - Attracted to villains, forgives people too easily
Luz Noceda (Owl House) - Loves cute things, in multiple fandoms, crushes on fictional characters
Rarity (My Little Pony) - Artistic
Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls) - Scared of being alone, funny, deep down very clever
Gus Porter (Owl House) - Enthusiastic about special interests
Vee (Owl House) - Innocent, anxious, comfortable around certain people
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) - Curious, anxiety, loves puzzles
Nifty (Hazbin Hotel) - Bilingual, likes fanfiction, likes cooking
Gangle (The Amazing Digital Circus) - Loves drawing, hates loud noises
Hooty (Owl House) - Dislikes being left out, likes Lilith
Lilith Clawthorne (Owl House) - Aroace
N (Murder Drones) - Kind, socially awkward, loves dogs
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony) - Extreme mood swings, sweet tooth
Raine Whispers (Owl House) - Creative, hates when people I care about in danger, easily flustered
Sprig Plantar (Amphibia) - Loves his family
Tom Lucitor (Star Vs The Forces of Evil) - Kind to others, funny, needs something to calm down
Pearl (Steven Universe) - Can be easily flustered
Marceline (Adventure Time) - Emotional, keeps a teddy, bisexual
Entrapta (She-Ra - Princess of Power) - Autistic, sensitive, would never directly harm anyone
Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club) - Loves hugs, patient, loves cute things, gets distracted eaaily
Cinnamoroll (Sanrio) - Likes baking, shy, likes eating, sleepy, likes to take naps, loves making new friends
Mugman (Cuphead Show) - cautious against the dangers during trips
Octavia (Helluva Boss) - Scared of someone leaving her, has separated parents
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Let Her Rest
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adora/Catra (She-Ra) Characters: Adora (She-Ra), Catra (She-Ra), Glimmer (She-Ra), Bow (She-Ra), Perfuma (She-Ra), Scorpia (She-Ra), Frosta (She-Ra) Additional Tags: Canon, Post-Canon, Post-She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) Season 5, Post-Episode: s05e13 Heart Part 2, Post-Season/Series Finale, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Catra Needs a Hug (She-Ra), Catra Needs Therapy (She-Ra), Protective Catra (She-Ra), Tired Adora (She-Ra), Injury Recovery, Angry Catra (She-Ra) Series: Part 25 of Adapted Prompts, Part 76 of Catradora: After The End Summary: After saving the universe, Adora tries to relax with Catra while the other members of the rebellion celebrate their victory. But when her friends try to get Adora to join in the party, some of Catra’s bottled-up feelings bubble to the surface. (Catradora, Canon, Hurt/Comfort/Fluff)
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I was tagged by @bubble-bobble thank you ☺️
Last Song: Stay close- Fire Flight , Hellbent -Mystery Skulls
Last movie/TV show: Mashle and She-ra and the Princess of Power
Sweet/spicy/savory: sweet and Savoy I guess 🤷‍♂️
Favorite Color: Red /Black and Lavender
Relationship status: won't say 🤷‍♂️
Last thing that I googled: a Croissant 😂 and random pose references
Last book: n/a
Current obsession: Dragon ball in general and Sky children of the Light. Sometimes megaman
Shin , my ocs and Frieza low-key sometimes (:
Looking forward to: just chilling around and trying improving myself 🙂
I am tagging @spookigoobi , @enimintisay or @anyone your welcome to try it or not 🙂
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